HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-3-12, Page 3TITI': SI(,NAI CODERICItr- ONTARIO Mews of the Sistriet. Harry Huet, of Uliutuu. fill on the sidewalk last week and fractured his leg. Mrs. Ther. Guveul.a'k, us, 4)t Seed forth suffered u rtruku of petwl4vrie lust week. On Tuesday, the :hd inst.. George Rork, sr., dui 'old and respected reel - dein of the lith concession of Howick, Menesetnng Mineral Water /THIS GODERICH MINERAL WA. TElt CO.. manufacturers of "Meow. uta." tut Inr• Brod W deliver to any pert of Neo -town Helfast Ginpt(er Ale l4) pint. mud ,dd.*r., oleo Mineral Water h throe .lee. +phte. pints and quart.), NNltaer water end I Wuble Mulct. 'Ilium, rood. are Made from natural mineral weter, and are (herefon' free from all lwpurltie.. 1'. 1.. WALTON Siam also 'eburs 011. *case M - USIC CLASSe.S.-' AM 1'ItK- • , t .; 4 . • c pu Ms for terse' . In dams and theory, 'd+4) 'he Manua op inusleal kindergarten eel hal or Yumle children. 'Pn erm, and other 4)l foe Mat . lousy he hwkl at "Monroe'. nius10 stunt. (Joe tech. EMM; A. ' A NDItK%VM. A HOY ADAMS, t Tametan 4)r Plano $Undlo in Bank of Mu.,trat Murk. Medical 1'R-vl. EMMKRIEON a TURNBULL A. T. bMMatw,s. M. It. W tl. Tt•MNrt ids M. H. ueters Hamilton Street, Thous I0.. Dr. Kw apposite ht.' Georg. -..dim. enre. Norm �,l'p.hone part Lr. I'm tibull's reeidea•r. Mout reel .,reel. southwest of Public 1Abrarv. 'Thune 1'4). I',1. W. F. GALL*) M. 1f. moi. , . 4 oll.nn,e .a .S twa. next dour to aye air 11auk. 'I'delegatu. - 41111/Ce.pit : 1100.4•, 14 *, I.1 K- Fr. J. it. Ft/RATER - EYE. -EAR Note real Throat .ady, Stretford. Out. House .urgron New Turk Uphtkaludc and Aural 1, .l it uta Man, 1'linked r..4tua Err. Now tow! Throat Hospital. UuMen ll uarc, and Royal Lando.. 1)phlbaln1k' 1 MoorclieId Eye* HTpltel. I•rnalm4 yn4C 1)Mtx rtreet. . tralfonl. arppurn. Windsor hotel. Hour: !11 4.111. I P.M. i a 1.111. Telephotos '!K. Legal IIAMBRON A KILIA)KAN. ItAH- % ' RII4TEIte_. rlh'1Wr..,,otgrte.. our•. Melee,. a Hrino, nM.. tai/dame from M.tuare.Urderieh. / l' J. 1. KiL lett. M. U. CAMK1t )N, K. IAHAN. ROUDFOOT, HAYS A: ISLAMP I.trr/.Mr+..olietWn.. mol.rler ',utak pr• • 'ors in the M.nnme /'nut 1 etc. 4Mee. r'...1 out. hutuate, next door l..4.. \:4)1 u'. grocery. .1'rt ale fund. to lend at kw, -t raler of totem+r. W. PKOUDVUUT. K. C. 11. 4. HAYS. 0. E SLAM. TIl'KINMON ,k tit AKROW BAH- . Le ItISTK11-H. attorney. solicit ILor.. etc, 4odrrirh. Money to lead at lowest r.'rn E: V DIC'KINSON_4'HIARI.)$ LAKItoW. 1.1H (►. Ji,IINSTON. BARKIS l'E1t, 1ti r, Il.milhin r. mk eet, (dt•rich• notary iul.�Mh. lnsuranee. Losing; etc. VotYNli & KOBKKT'SON. RKAL Estate rind Insaranrn Agents. treat t•.• tale for .ale or W ki 11 nN'rt ir. handlbl I.. .pry part of the town sad .'...mt). Fin, and In.uraucc, 4)100414 to hake elm`._ -- O11N W. CRAlli1K, LIFK, 1:1 It eland accident insurance. Alteul for Lading mut nal awl stock onm{,.ule+. Insurance Ill all Ion•s effected Olt best piano and at lowest rate.. 1 all at office, corner Nest Stmt and Square or whirrs. J. W. l'llAIUIE. Uodench. Out - 1 elc .hour Li 11 cKS uLIt AA 1anIdKIIoaItNed. sown property teaorel. V*Inn ..f ropeeIJ Inr •used up toJen. 1! r1+er FLnrtIiIs.cera and directors :-J. 8. lIeLoan, pee,: T. E'r' ver vice pee : Jew. Connolly. (:. hale, Mr. ('hes- my. J. Well, Jae. Keane. J.I4.Urleye, J. Menne• wc4: dlreelot.: T. K. Heya neeforth..eerel%ry- teasurerInst Inspectors. ,e rr++I director le 4".., J. W. Ten HoI,,,,-v,l1e. .aixott for Nest llteren. Peary hoiden. r n pay a.s.•.1.meol4 and xrl their reels reroiJAlsl lot Tool- & nnuwn'•. Clinton. or at IC. 11. Cults grocer). Kingston sl fret, 4 iodcneh. SHAVING P&1LOR L� IIAVIN(i AND 11Al11-DRESSING 17 PAitIA)Itet. -. The Inst {leer, in town. Prompt. servlet : evrrythinr chow and .14ni• lery. Ho' and cold hdh.. WM. DAVIS. Ilrlt4h Exchange Hotel Mock Imam -nor to Jas. Frailty). llarnage Licenses WALTKit E. KELLY. UUDKKICH. UHT. Watolimakey, Jeweller and OpltcI*ss, truer e*R M.rrlage IAnens• LANE, ISSUER OF MAKRI Tr AOIC licensee Godet•Icb. Out. - - auctleneerifR -- THOMAS (GUNDKY, LIVE STOCK and general anti ioneer. (Mess on South Street, where hn will be found et all times when not erytng older. Tempt reasonable and e*ory effort tined to Niro you satisfaction ' Phone.% -- . -- OEOROE BECKETT General Auctioneer. New System of Tickets and Catalogue. OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. P. 0. Box ts3• i% STOVES Youivill miss . e marl lar - gains if you Gail to sue what i can do for you in our of t.hu.e (iood Cheer ranges (food Cheer art heaters Penn Esther ranges Nothing jurat As good /op the money; every Dile guaranteed. 5 per cent. off for spot Cash Plumbing, Tinsmith in I+ r and Repairs Electric Wiring and Fixtures. GIVE US A CALL W. R. PiNDER 'Phone 155. pealed W his loug home liter a few deye inners eubeequeut to a paralytic stroke, John Foster, of (Mutant, who hat suffered from gout for ye*t's, had one of hie feet amputated lest week. Mies Etta Bayes. former) of Ex- eter. war re eerttly married i4) tit. Marys W .tubo Reedy, of Sarti1*, %Vitt J. Corium, formerly of \Vint/ - haul, (vas married in Torouto on fuer- (ley. the 25th ult., to Mies Gertrude Phillipe, of Stratford. \Vhile chopping wood pest week Ted Chuter, of Varna, wise struck Int the (wee by a log and eerioutily injured. Ile is recovering slowly. T'be Swaforth (public school board has decided to institute fire drill in the school, and the secretary tuts been 'In- structed 1.o purchaw a ►unable gong. 'The link -acre farm of the late John Sprung, of the (sere line of Hullett, hies leeeti purchased by Harold Sprung, of tliat township, for $1,100. Hugh McIntosh has told hie Lee ACM farm 4)1 the Ktb conceesion of McKillop, W nitrates Price, of that township. The conaideratlun was 87,- IrM*. S. T. Supjgitt, of Winghaui, left brat week for \ ancouver, Bt C.. where be has secured a good position. Mrs. Suggitt aud two daughters will follow in A few weeks. The death of George Ilaue, an old and well-known resident of Howick, occurred at his term in Gerrie o4) Sunday, the let inst. Deceased was in his reventletb year. J. W. Irwin ham sold hie grocery husiuew in Ctinwn W W. Linder, travelling representative of the Mc- Laren Chre.e Co., of Toronto. Mr. Irwh► will live retired in future. Dr. John and Mrs. Sloan, who have been visiting at the farmer's old home in Blyth. left Inst week for (lalitornie, where they will attend a few months before proceeding to their lime at Nome, Alerts*. The death of Mn,. Francis Sellery', of Kincardine, occurred on Monday at llensall, where rhe was visiting her only son. Dr. Sellery. The decear.ed was fifty-three yeas of age. Her husband eurviver her. Owing'to ill -health W..1. Fawcett, manager of the Brussels branch of the Metropolitan Houck, has been granted a five months holiday. The iu►nk will be placed in charge of F'. H. ,Gilroy. * former member of the leaf(. 'Ile death (1f James Melady. a for - mei resident of the vicinity of Sea - forth, occurred et his house in Fern- dale. l'al., urgently. !hovered was a brother of Petrick Meladv, of See- furth, and TI As Melody, of Ilib- After t lingering illness of tuber- culosis. James, Maligan, an esteemed resideut of Wingham, departed this life on Wednesday. the Ith inst. De - roused, who was 111 hie forty-seventh year, is survived by his widow, three sons and three daughter.. A quirt wedding was solemnized at 'It. Pauls rectory. ('linlou. on Tuer• day, the :14-x1 duet,. when ltev. C. K. (mune tied the nuptial knot between John W. Watkin,, of that town, and Moe. Martha. Atuelie Jenkins. da.ugh- ter of W. Jenkins, of Hallett. On Wednesday. the 20th ult.. Rev. T. 1l. Farr, of Corrie, united io mar- riage two popular %Vroxeter young people, in the persons of J. 1t. Wendt, jeweller, and Mise Mary Kathleen Robinson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Robinson, of that pace. 4. pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -John McMillan, of Roxboro', on Tuesday, the :fid insL. when their eldest daughter. Helen, Wile united in the bonds of matrimony to Thomas P'. i'Iuent e4.•, of Wolrev, Sark. Rev. F. H. Larkiu, of Se*lortl►, officiated. Jusepli and Mrs. Stalker. of Blyth, have IW1n appointed leader and organ- ist respMectiVdy of the choir of the Presbyterian church in that place. to succeed Misr Elbe Anderson, who 11a4 resigned. Mies Anderson leaves shortly for Winnipeg. where she will be united to her fiance, [)r. George Stewart, of Cupar, Alan. Mr. and Mn.. E. Lear. of F[ullett, celebrated their silver wedding on Friday, the :04th ult., by the marriage of their eldest daughter. Minnie E., to John W. Lyon. a prosperous young agriculturist of Brandon. Man. The cerewouy, which With performed by Rev. S. Anderson. of Rlyth, was fol• lowed by pleasant festivities. On Saturday, the '_9th ult., death came as a happy release to Robert Haney. of the London road, near Clinton, who had been a victim of heart disease for several years. Though quiet and unobtrusive, de- ceased was a man "f sterling, charac- ter, esteemed by all who knew him, 11. is survived by his widow. who is a daughter of A. 1). \Viltse, of the Lon- don road. ,lamer Brown. who for the past forty-five years had been an eeteemetl resident of Fordwich, paid nature's debt on Thursday. the '27th ult. De- ceased, who was in his sixty-second year, is survived by hie widow, three sons and two daughters. George Brown, of Brussels, and Thome'. of Howick, are brothers of the deceased and Mrs. Reading, of \Vinghau*, is a sister. An esteemed resident of Clinton, in the person of Thos. .I. Blacker, passed to the Great Beyond on Saturday, the :'Lith tilt. i'4eceased, who WM born i4) England sixty-nine years ago, had lived in the town of his adoption for /Untold half a century. His widow and f • children, Erne and fir. Win. Maguire. of Clinton ; Bert, of Saskatchewan, and Charles, of Da- kota, are left to mourn his demise. in the death of Charles Howe, which occurred on Mondry, the 2nd inst.. Exeter lost one of its oldest and most respected citizens. Deceased, who was in his eighty-eighth year, had, un- til incapacitated by the inflrtnitiee of old age, conducted a tailoring business in the village. Besides his aged part- ner three daughters, Mrs. John Kers- lake, of the London road. Mrs. Chas. Rowe, of Michigan, and Mrs. John 11rnnn, of Exeter, mourn his demise. settled on the term Uu which she 14)4(1 since resided. A wolwan or rxewplei '- character character• and kindly disp9ritiou, de- 1 ceased etldeatrd herself 1 , all her acquaintance.. 1k,.iden he) husband she leaver Moe daughter, to nu)uru her removal from the scene of lire. Prominent Seaforth Man Dead. On Satwday, .tit suet., one or the oldest and nluet respected residents of tirafurth purred away in the pert on 4)f Robert !Almaden. Mr. i.ulus.ten was born in Alreieteep, ecotlattd, iu the year 1$2U. and carte to ('.*nada while quite a young wan. After remaining i4) Hamilton fora number of years he came to t!leaturt11 in 1102. and for mealy yeere carried un a ruecereful drug oust- nrrr iti partnership with Alexander %Vilsou. Booze ten year' ago he re- tired trout business, and enjoyed 11' well-earned test. During his forty-ftve years' rujourei iu Seaforth, Mr. Eustis - den had been connected with the Filet Presbyterian church, of which lie was one of the most conrirtent and devout members. Almost from the time the congregation bad been formed Mr. Lmnwlen had been treasurer, an office which he reeigued about one month ago. Stock Sale at Pine River. H. If. ((eel, Line River, held a sale of purebred shorthorn cattle 04) Wed- nesday, February U']tb. There was a large attendance of local buyer's, but the had roads and uncertain weather kept the foreign buyers away. As a result the prices were not as good as otherwisethey would have been. The Aninuiis sold and the purchasers were aas follows : Bulls -Mr. Crozier, 1Iunganhon, ((olden Opportunity: S. H. Ferrell, (Imp.) Royal Apple Pie ; Matthew Moore, Golden Crest ; Sam- uel Brown, Red Cates; Thos. Culbert, Moan Ruler : Robt. Pollock. Dr. White; David Henderson, Golden Chief ; Jas. Taylor. Golden Sheaf : W. H. Maize. Kingsbridge, Genie Golden Crow; John Hendereou. Something Choice; Dan McKay, Jack of Dia- monds. Heifers -- D a u McKay. Heather Blossom 1V. ; P. Courtney, Silver Cross; Thor. Garvey, Kings- bridge, Golden Inose ; H,obt. Geddes. Lady White. It was admitted by all that the prices did not range es high as they should for much excellent stock, hut Mr. Lurid kept faith with the public and everything put up went. S. H. Farrell paid 11113 for the bull he purchased end it was a choice *signal. " The residence of Alexander \ir- Beath, of Stanley, wee the scene of an interesting hymeneal event on \Ved• nesday, the 210th ult.. when hie daugh- ter, Katherine. gave her heart and hand to John McMurtrie, son of Alex. McMurtrie, of Ha . Tho ceremony wits pet ^riented by lies. E. 11. Mowers, of llrue feld, sssieteeel by Rev. 1t. W. N. l'rinhart, of Kippen. The happy ronple will take up their reeidene* on the 3rd eoneession of Stanley. Death of Mrs. Wm. Kyle, Roxboro' The most iinwel en m e visitor knocked at the door of William Kyle, o1 Roxboro', on Tomalley, the 3rd Ins.. and Mare thence the spirit of his be- loved partner la lifelh.eeweedd. who was horn in f tegow sixty-nine years ago, •-sm. t Caned* with her hem iband * pettier o1 a century ago and TO CATARRH SUFFERERS. Good Advice and Liberal Offer From a Well-known GoderichDrlrgp est. Jas. Wilson bar been advising all who rufTt'r from any of the nyutpUnus of catat•rh, such as offensive breath, dryneee of the nue*', pain acinar the eyes, stoppage of the nose. diecharges and drSppings in the throat, coughin,, spasms and general weaitucrs and de- bility, to use Ilyoniei. He goes 4.0 tar Its to offer to refund the money, to any user of Ilyowei who is not perfectly satisfied with the results. Quick relief follows the use of the H yomei treatment : the stoppage of the; noes isi removed, the dropping ceases, the breath becomes pure and sweet, and the catarrhal genus ar11 destroyed and their growth pre- vented. Hvowei is the Allred, simplest, quickest, easiest and cheapest way ter cure Catarrh. It doer not drug and derange the stomach : it goes right te the sect of the trouble, destroying the catarrhal germs and healing and vital- izing the '.issues. Go to Jas. Wilson today and buy a cowpleto Hyoinei outfit for ;IMO with the understandiug that if it dors not give satisfaction your money will -11e refunded. Doomed to Live Alone. -According to this paper." observed Mr. Goodwin, "an Ohio man bas livid a year on beer *lone." • "%Veil, that's as it should Ire," re- joined Mew. Goodwin, ••Any man who lives on beer ought to lig compelled to live alone." ASKS US TO PRiNT IT.' Tells How To Prepare a Simple Mixture To Overcome Dread Disease. To relieve the worst forms of r ru- matirm, take a teaspoonful of th fol- lowing mixture after each meal id at bedtime Fluid Extract Dandelion, ne-half ounce; Compound Keegan, o eounce: 'om tin, Syrup Sarna r' I� three: 1, i'o PI► t a. ouocee. These harmless ingrediolita can he obtained from our homed uggists. and are easily,nixed by shaking then, well in a bottle. Relief is generally felt from the Hirst few doses. This prescription, states a well- known authority in a(Cleveland morn- ing paper, forces the clogged -up in- active kidneys to filter and swain from the blood the poisonous waste matter and uric acid, which causes rheuruat ism As rhe barn is not only -the most painful and torturous disease, but date gerous to life, this simple recipe will no doubt be greatly valued by many sufferers heist at home. who should At once prepare the mixture to get this relief. is Itsaid that n person who would take this prescription regularly, a4 dose or two daily, or even a few times a week. would never have serious kid- ney or urinary disorders or rheuma- tism. Cut this nut and preserve it. Gond rheum/Wein prescriptions whish really relieve are scarce, indeed, and when you ue.d it, you want it badly. Our druggists here say they will either supply these ingredients or make the tnikture ready to take it any of our readers no prefer. A (;ommon Type. An' day after day Hill Jones waked away FMill a .Lore box for all be War worth An' his wife took In mewl,.' T" keep thing,. t•gnln' while I*111 superintended th' earth. Hight Back at Her. ""You don't, seem t.' know how to manage a husband," said the widow who was Wearing weeds for the fifth time in twelve. years. -No, 1 suppose not," replied Mrs. Onrewel. "About all 1 know is how t) keep one alive." How One Helps the Other. Hort Her "The one ambition of the aver- age man is to make money." Him "And the Due atnthition of the average woman is to spend it." KING'S NEW YACHT. -• Description of Nis Majesty's Turbine Boat. A further demonstration --if any be needed -of King Edward's love of the sea it furnished by the new turbine yacht, appropriatey named Alexan- dra, which is being built for His Ma- jesty. and which will be launched rom the yard of 'Messrs. A. and .1. Inglis & Co. at Glasgow on April 30 Tho new royal yacht is a most ele- gantly appointed vessel. her fittings and handsome decoration's making her. in thia respect, quite the first craft afloat. The Alexandra is in- tended to replace the Osborne, whieh is no longer considered to he fit f,r use. She is a vessel of 2145 feet lung by 40 feet broad and is 2,000 tons p) rooks. Three Parsons turbines will he the propelling power, each of these tur- bines driving separate shafts. The yacht's speed capacity will be 17 knots. Shorter by 137 feet than the Vic- toria and Albert, and of leas than half the tonnage of the fnrmer,'the new vessel is intended only for the private use of the Royal Family and their immediate: attendants. She i- meant primarily for short cruises and' for visitng harbors where the draught of water is limited, such as F9ushine. Nice, and other Continental ports whieh his Majesty when on holiday irequente. The order for the construelinn lot the new yacht WAS received by the Glasgow shipbuilding firm in compe- tition with a number of other firm who submitted designs. and it was given to them by an Admiralty Com- mittee, including Mr. Philip Watt:. Director of Naval Construction, who approved the designs. The Queen's drawing -r nm and the smoke -room are on the upper deck aft.. The decorated work. furniture, etc., will, es far as possible, be made in Scotland. \Ir. Fisher l'nwin published re- t•ently a finely illustrated edition of ltomols, He has since received a lets ter aeldresseel: "George Eliot, Req., care of Messer. Fisher l'nwin. 1 Adel - phi Terreee, \V. ('." On opening the envelope it was found to contain w rir- culor. from a 1.ondo4 press -cutting ageney inviting George Eliot to he. (some a nutinerila•r. -Frost the London Keening Slam/Awl. 'Insult to King William. More than two hundred years ago Antonio Vermin, a painter, trek revenge on William 111. of England by paint- ing a clever eancaturc of hien riding Oft a black donkey. • The caricature was trot discovered by- the King, for it was concealed in the famous paint- ing 4)t "The King's Stairca.c, m Hampton Court, is London. The insult was discovered recently M ( 'Stades .%1lom. artist -decorator for the King of England ars( the Prince of Wales. Full extent of the insult has not 'teen matte clear, for there has else been found a sinister triple -fared 1)ia- na, probably modelled 'after the lea- Inres 1.1 some court lad), possibly Mary. \%'illiam', Queen. to whom a t'up«I, wearieg the features+ of the panne. mounted on a blisek donkey, is paying adoration. He is upon a black donkey and gazes upward at thane in an nth - tilde of .upphrntien and adoration. At a distance the Cupid appears of the usual type. but whets Mr. 111nm had examined 14 .'torch from a reaf- fnld he found the face was a per- fect caricature of William of Orange, whose bald head with his wig remov- ed, showing a iringc of strafe gray hair at the nape of the neck, is to be seen quite clearly at short range. This clearly intended insult is ac- centuated when the head of Diana is seen. She is crated •n' a crescent and appears ea a beautiful woman. But looked at intently it is discovered that she wears three faces. ore ,n trout and the ethers on either aide of her heed. with the ears terming the noses. There features have sinis- ter expressions. Ladies Wanted to Bet. The clause in the New Victorinn (Australia) (laming Suppression Art, which prohibits the making lot wag- 4TR 00 a racecourse between book- makers and women, was responsible for .ome comical incidents* at.'Flem- ington Racecourse recently, when the law had to he observed for the first time on a registered coarse. Many women, who are in the habit of fre- quenting the bettine.ring. and know more as a rule about the proper price of a horse than of the doings of the Government. attempteel'40 make' Wag- ers as usual. and were indignant when the bookmakers declined to dn busi- ness. One -feminine backer, who had evidently made up her mind that she had A certainty in her possession. in- sisted upon being kid odds, and threw the money into the bookmaker'*' hag, et the same time demanding a ticket; while another, who had been told that the law did not permit betting with women on rareconraes, sent her son to put the money on. but was again disappointed. as the son wait obviously under the age of twenty- one, and, according is the law, could not make a bet. Queen Aids Destitute Dancer. A delightful story of Queen Alex- andra's self-sacrifice in the ranee of kindness and mercy is told in , con- nection with her Majesty's recent stay in Perin. it seems that a letter WAR sent to her Majesty, calling attention to the cave lot foie Fuller, the famous dan- cer, who had fallen on evil times ow- ing to illness. The dancer was to make a reappearance at the Hippodrome. and it was suggested that the royal patronage would help her ereally. Every moment of thp Queen's time was already filled by rearranged en - pavements. hut. her Majesty cancellai several engagements and went to the Hippodrome. Married Upen Return. An amusing story of how young Trash, farmers obtain Ameriesn wives wee related at the last sitting of the Royal Commission an Congestion in i reland. Mr. John Fitzgibbon, a National int leader, of Ca.Uerea. said that as an experiment he bought a grazing tract of nearly 300 scree and settled nine young farmers upon it. "These men are all unmarried, ex- cept one," continued Mr. Fitzgibbon, "but they will probably get wive( with from L150 to 1C20l. girls who have gone to America and retained to Ireland with a little money. "The marrying season IA from Janu- ary anyary 1st, until Lent," he added. How's This? 11" unr hood w fate nn' We Offer ml depilate reward rase of start h t hal cannot be cured by Halts 1'atnrrh I ere. I .1. 4'HKN ET k ('1)., :pdevh, 41 w,' Ihe• nutlet +Igo..) here known' E'. J. ('henry for the hast 15 year., eml le,heve him perfectly honorable In all hn.tnes+ t.ransnrt inns rind flow mint Iv able to cearry.mIl any e.hllga- Ilons made by hi. !Mtn' \t' at utve:. I: rvv a4- k M an%l*. tt"hol49wah Ilenggistw. Toledo. O. Hell'. Catarrh ►'me I, taken InternnllY. act Mg directly upon the blow) and m*,.tn+ rue facer M the .v.tem. Tertimonlale rent free. erste '.(ren?. pIse•rbottle. Sold by *ll drnsed,M. Tnll7'tlaf ! Family I'ID. foe r'.mst 1p111rtn. ' V h y clot'. the prnfeamor have ell of Genie letters talk,'.) en hie totter:•' "That shows that. he got there by degreete," -Nashville American. 'Pk D. Millar Co. P561 t EW LACE CURTAINS EW MADRAS MUSLINS EW FRILLED MUSLINS EW SWISS MUSLINS EW ART MUSLINS .1114t pissed into id °A our Span.; 11114)) (411414)in. of \Vhelots Mush it Lace l'uretins. Variety, ,old Viluer 11114-4. 4' ger 114.1ur.• 110.11 alunlled. New Laces, New Embroideries, New Prints, New Gingham~, New Muslins, New Dress Linens, New Delainettes, New Vestings. NEW WAISTS NEW WAISTS Jlup c Waists to (laud Illi week, ranging from St1.141 t4) MI.,,*4, and crept' 411w the very (rest value for 111e pti4e Mike& q vlsrMEIMI•1 11 THUIMu.1y, Moil, I'2, 19US 3 i 1 MILLAR'S SCOTCH !! 'Phone 36 `�. STORE 'Phone 56 PAPER WATERMARKS. Method by Which the Devices Are Imprinted on the Sheets. The discovery of the watermark was the result of an ncddent-probably a thuulaand years ago. Parchment was thou made of vegetable pulp, which was poured lu a liquid stale into a sieve; the water dripped out from be- low, and the thin layer of pulp thnt remained ens pressed and dried. When dry it was found to bear meet It the Warks of the filter that composed the bottom of the sieve. These fibers seem 10 have beet twisted reels, and the mark they tefl- on the pnevhwcnt took the form of wide lines reaming neriete and across diagonally. In those day1 the Water- mark wax regarded es a blemish since the ft er.6as thick :mil coarse nod the deep impression )rade on the paper proved a drawback 1n w citing. The quill of the scribe found 111any 11 yawn - Ing gap to cross nn the surface of the manuscript -"Switchback scripture" it has I*een termed. But when wire was eulrtitnted for fiber 111 the sieve the lines of the waterwark grew thinner and tee. conspicuous. The possibilities of tho usefulness of th., watermark became apparent br degrees. It was first found to Ile of service In prevcuting the forgery of books and manuscripts. Many a bogus copy of a rare work has been detected because the couuterfeiter failed to lake into account the watermarks of the original. T1*e watermark or many a preclnun manuscript i4) the w'orld's museums 1s alike Rs glory and Its gaff, guard. And to the sphere of bank notes tied paper money everywhere tho watermark is most useful In pro- tecting the notes from imitation. The term "wateru*ark" is l4) reality re misnomer since the mark is actually produce.( by wire. Wire Is fashioned into the deslrell patten,, Hgtere or let- tering. This is inscrtc.l beneath the sheet lu the last stages of its manu- facture and while the paper is still capable of receiving the impression and the wire device stamps itself into the sheet. Ordinary note paper held up to the light reveals hundreds of parallel lines running up and down. betraying the fact that tho paper was mado o4) a wire foundation. To this the paper owes its smoothness and its even texture. In the manufacture of postage stamps the 'watermark 1s of immense advantage ns a safeguard. The wires that produce the marks are kept strict- ly under lock and key. They are brought out only wbcn wanted. and au luspcdor keeps an eye on then) till thclr task to done, when they are at onto locked up agate. - London An- awers, Might t!e Fired All Right. Policemen See here. my in a is. you're pretty Madly loaded, aien'. you: - Murphy Not se bail 'hie) Ind, what the boss 1(1411(1 di's1•lun•*r me :Ill right. LEARN DRESS -MAKING BY MAIL 14)>A= riDR 0 We Want it „4)r., 1,1 b' 1n)•' -. 1 rhnar,., WIN re Haar, a,, 4ad, v hay' .I.. fded 1u4..�f4-'reo to the dos.awkug.brlit mpr v l o:hn)l•n. r 4.4�l .' fnd•,r Sy • ,cm fur *'i ,),'ale 044, r. a51r) .1s ,h -,t nn a tars. numb,. of prop's. toll•: dT•..n,nkt'r: 'Ay y,.,, canp•d 1,31, 1. , :..1 We dl end .++tem and tint k...4.. .. t. ,.•4*, hos. 1, make a I+tBzt 44544 r•,u.o•n'•1 b' any Iddrer. fn 11.,. i.,,..,. \'.. at, ,.a1.4k.1 .an barn. ••,'1• , •1 oat 4,0.ard non o nr I. ,t lea st nal,. son .. i.h r, 11.11,1 1 , , We are .- rapt• 441 .Ar . nn harm that ., •.1{^' .., t:ivr .:x111 I.. an. 'ele' N. t:11ft,, 11e,1• k',.ar. Ira• h IN,, t., '111. lit toorthee. any grinnent from the ,,hemi• ,st ttltit to 1110 IP'.•1 lal.'.rt,• deo.+. Th. 0,, only mnuru• in tranvia that the acle k• la'' .•art )earn ba one number tnktnn a lot•. hack been in Im411e v. r..r ten -,r+. 1131, tangle ger 71.x4 Dewar.. •4 int-to+fon.. set 4.. fun have Iran 1.n..tn 1" r..py our ad'-' and even e131n1e•1 414.1.- 111rc wen; n^t kn'.wti to be the mvrns.r 4.4 ,h1. ',Mr. No adv. iv genuine v:f'M'r,) "or y.A1* dx, i4narnnth'. t1,ite('•t mufti' .lar A4-lr •.-SAIIDUIS'D*lU.COTT111D SCHOOL Jl Ere S•rtel.,)a:a:'.rd. Vutare (:auada. Not Like Other Women. 3111-. Smith "Sire. Meeker is rather a .1 rmg-11linde,1 l* an, isn't rhe Sirs. .lanes ••I should sty r4). Why, I shower( her the pietu'1: of my tethy the other d.ty a11,1 she urver raid Iso't he cute:'' " Changed His Mind. Mee there was a luu,helor n1'I11 who said that talk was *'b,o1., btu nue Ilea be out m uvied, and th.•ni he le,uued at heap. Fur when his .osified tartlet• hall' doth .peak n) gowns and ruck, lie Buds her talk is diiTerant--it suits hien mighty •l*. nt-tss Snfhcient. • el hi you think ll.o, i., iuhabitiel'c" asked the Arieulilir pie ens ••1 really can't .,.y I hat 1 care much Who( her it is Inr „"1 n+%velyd Mil,. ('mycnne. "'then,• nt••oheady 4.uough neighlare l4) silk Mout." \\'n.hiug- ton Shia'. Comparatively Speaking. "I heat' you( fl,oighler is sisal,.. suit] (hr edema...diet. to the keeper of he Village ' Jlusical ? Voa lief Ale 15." sti.1 the` pr 1 lailisis ••T'Intt. girl singe like . a piton.. t i.ii." Narleville .‘1114.11. Like to Try Psychine • • Please rend un• a Inn I b• of Mellitus. 1 have a child afflicted with (uberruloais, and have been advised to try your medicine by oar family Ioetor, as he preys he d•annot do any- thing nything more for my MRS. 11. 1i. STEPHENS.1 Arthur. Ont., .Tuly I1, 1907. Psychine cores when dnetors fail. Mese are seerry they• did not try Psychine first. 'Trod, lung and stomach troubles yield to its curative power. At all druggists...We appti $1.00,, or Dr. '1'. A. blorum, Limited, Toronto. rte` 1, ,a7. .517 ^r-...-.s..,:..� S -44. t OTT I F7ON1ilLY MAGAZINE A FA5411Y LIBRARY Tho Dest :., Cui:;it Literature :2 Ca -note -re Meets YEARLY MANY SHC'1'% ^TORIES AND PAPERS ON "1:.1ELY TOPICS 52.60 ?[n 4-e*-•; 25 etc. A COPT NO CONTINUED STORIES . r /tee ;4UM0[n CO4AF1.E'i C IH ITSELF Oh, Say ! Did you see the dandy CUTTERS at Bob Wilson's. warerooms on Hamilton street. 11e has the best collection ,4* •sitters that ever came to town. No mooter whet style you want oe what price, they all. there. Ile has then* from $5.00 up to $50.00 Call and Have a Look Anyway. Holt is rdWOTs+ glad to •4.•e you. Ii you don't want oh) - thing in his line. maybe you have friends who do. 11e is sole agent for McCORMICK MACHINES, GRAY CUTTERS, BUGG)1 :;, FLEURY and 1'ERRIN PLOW:, ROBERT WILSON (tODI-:RI( 4), ON r A Newspaper Bargain pa Lit i r 1 t r'4AN & B $T. mce 25 cts. krua IAURD'S UNIHENTCO 'iw,oll0MlT41 4.4*ll0S(U LYI�RM9UTH, N•S- r New Cutters I`at Knax's I Tiff 4, ORIfiINAL AM) ONLY GENUINE IENAKE 4)r IMITATIONS SOLD ON TIE M E:'h'T's OF MINARD'S LINIMENT UMW SEE THE IN Made by the celebrated McLaughlin Company "Only One Glade. and That The Best." swears 1 THE SIGNAL The Family HeranFldMUaNnTdItWeeklyekly Star 1.50 the Signal will furnish you with everything of harried in thee local terri- tory. Every home in this district shnull r, -.rive the lx el paper. The Enmity Herald and \Vee'kly Inter of Montreal in the wan( *bilged last tensity and farm paper in l'an,uht. Its magnificent stews service ; its numar sit rpeelnl departments ; its interesting magazine feature. ; tie great aerials atter popular short storie•a, snake it the paresttst dollar's worth o Ise had. The eombin11tion of The Rignsl and The Fitfully Herald anal Weekly Star provides the greatest, amount. of wholearme family reading and reliable news n' ons all parts of the world. Serol peer Anbscriptinn to THE SIGNAL, Godcrich, Ont. 1 have just 1.mei% tel da ship- ment of three, fine Cutlers and invite anyone iuteretot l4) call end sett Iheui. PRICES RIGHT WM. KN OX rn t. unl IGunilton .ta'i'ls GODERICH ( ,m . \ewpfatte OMB H. B. BECKETT EMBALMER AND (FUNERAL DIRECTOR 4' 414-11,4.14'1, and Cudcrta.ing 4vau'na ill , West ride Square, 'PHONES: M""*L Uadcrich Mose. 173 Night ealt,:.t4 Ie:ielcue•r. "or. ('rnlbri.a 1'PI AInI 'I111.4n1 Street. J. BROPIEY & SON Ire Leem1N0 - • Funeral Directors and Embalmers orders aarlully upend., to at All hours, f,lghl or day 'PHONE 15 OR 24 wlDchawl.e 1 cr. t\ est When t1 Walt ( and Yards) ( street and) THE Itle..S)011lot Dock Square COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND t-I►:111 Coal Weighed ote the mark•a .astral, where you get: Volt I44-, for a loo. WM. LEE. I n.1•, .left til o, 1'. 1,E:4.;'4, Ifudware Store f a idea 344ua4-e, promptly attended to. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. .toy Caen nuttiben'I sect fent of 11ominlon Land. in M,udtoha, hi14skalrhowen and Alberta, ,•ver .that h and 'AL not rnw,r,ed• may be horse f ea4.•a 1.y enY IN'ran. who Is the sole head of n family, or any male over U years of age, 10 1 he e.vteel of one -gantlet sort ion of PPP *Neem, morn or le+s. A upheld ion for entry 011,4 Tar nlnrle in nevem by the appllrantit a I)onrinfon rends Agency or fhb -agency for tho district In which the hind Is 4111.14(1. Entry by Rtp'y y, however, be mauls al, au Agency 1111Wrtnt1 landlll0.. by the Lather, nwelh.•i, sem, .brighter, brother or :4.ter of all 111410img buana•.teador. The Mwnrslee Is required to 'perform the honresteed dot' under one of the following phut.: III Al leant tdx months' re'ide►tte upon Std cultivation of the land is each year for Mew years. IA A homesteader may, if he re desires, per• forth the required r•.Idenee duties hr Ilvtrg ac tanning land owned solely by hien, notlen* then righty lea acre, to extent. In the vicinity of his homestead. Joint nwucr•hlp in land will not meet this requlreme•ul. CO If the father for another, If the father 4,4,, 41430011 of a homesteader her mrmanront re -1 dame 011 farming panel mined rob ly by him net le -"than righty me nem. In extent, in the a trinity of the honiedavid r n 1 1 1 .O upon aelorcome• r1 tatM fur b •hila fu the vlrir aneh y Mindy, dralen •,eallrr may �.•rforn, hnr own residence dollen by Ming W Olt the father for mrd h.'ra. 111 The tern) "vielnity" In the tun lreeeddl,. {ernag1ephr Is 15411049.41 es itwaning no* toot t hen :elm, miles in di rw,'t hue, excl 4).f a e of the width of rad allowances crossed in the mee.nrrm^.nt. 1:1 A homesteader Intending to perform hit residence d�ugde. In accordance Wit.l, the %hos.• •xwhll. )Ir1rI�Rh patents or on farming land awned by himself must notify the agent for thn district of such Intention. Slit months' make in witting nowt he`ti el 10 the t'omml.rleeer of IMminfon Iwrwl. at (Mamie( Intention to apply for patent. W. W. d 0144' Deputy of the Minf.0rr of the Interim. N.H.--tfn.nlhorlra.t width soou of tl is ad I ottisssesat will not to paid for.