HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-3-12, Page 22 TiltINWAY, Match 1 2, MIS "firrOt 14411/14741,M4ft,!irgitib.41!1141‘3437044PPALPItr1f : THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO oNTAH10. JPIIBLISHRD EVERY THURSDAY sr IYANAYTICII • ItsfillOrretee :ITelspeone uall No. 3& terms of Subscription: goo per annum in MI) -.JI.. Sic months. 800; 'hive month., *Jar. • To l'nited Stater .ubamibers. VA, /1111, (strict)y In ads awe,. $ubncribos bu fall to rcoeh e sinsst. yegehudy by moll willuneeter o fa) or by se: aluilliting w. of the tool at so eerie et dale an possible. When change or addrew. i. &aired, both the Old and the new tiddlers should bo gas et.. Advitelesing Relies : sunt nOwr rainier % 111 1 witicnt.t. Inc per line for Mai insertion and le per line for each subsequent insertion. Me...tired by s iroppmeil scale, tardy. line. 40 1444 hien. Humane. eardn of .it lines and under, 11-. per year. -4 Ads ertiretneut. of Loa. Vaasa. st aired. Sit- uation« Vacant. Set elation., Wanted. House...for Sale or to Rent, barmen for Sale or to Rent. itr{elev. for Sale. etc., not e•veirliner eight en. Aar eneh ; for 111,t 1114111th. sits tee each aubrasitient month. laugei .d.crlinc. d ents he 1110114.11 100. Announcement.. en ordinary modelle/It& ten Omuta Mt 11110. So not lee 1S4, than Any .ireetal inn ice. the object of a Welk i. I Ito .oeeuniary beiterli of any 1111111 bloat ur bombed- eitilon. to be considered an .0i -chastised ard lobe charged accordingly. Rates fur display and neentrort alleertirz• ant. win es 0, els 014s potion em. Andr,a. all coinmunlestiote to YANA creft • el eiSjrfreeN. Tua siost•o. I ws.etich. (hat. 1110▪ 1.1k11 TfiettellaY. stain It 12. IbUle A DISCREDITED OPPOSITION. The Ottawa Opposition 111114 not got name' '•glory" out ite recent schieverneut of holdiug ap thc busi- neve of Parliament for threeconsecu- tive days. Some of the strongest men of their own party criticize the setincless obstruction of which the COIlSeeVattVe pie,nlwrr. have becu guilty. The Montreal titer (Conserve - Live says editorially : So far as we .an gather from the sleepy reports which the papers have been able to give tut of the "terrible struggle" which went on at Ottawa duringthe last three days -of last i week, t With it tight tor wore readi- ness to bring down information. Now an Opposition is certainly justi- fied in detuandiug the fulled. informa- tion. But Lhe Minister who was be- hind with his "information" explained that his Depertutent was getting • it ready as rapidly as it could, and that he would soon lay it on the table. He did not refuse to give the information: be promised to give it. The result was that the Opposition kept Parlia- ment sitting, at greet cost to the country, through three weary and empty days while they protested against A Minister *het could not turn out information faster than could work. Obstruction is the heavi- est piece of siege artillery available to an Oppostition. It is. moreover, a glut which can very easily blow itself to pieces. At Westminster it has blown itself to pieces, end that in a free Par- liament. At Washington the very pieces have been buried out. of sight, and the winotity lies helpless at the feet of the majority. The Opposition should think of thin before it runs out its hundred -ton Cannon to brush away a fly. If the Minister positively re- fused information, then the situation would be changed. If the infortna- tints. when it comes down, reveals mandalous wastefulness or worse. then we shall expect the Opposition to make the :poet of it. But it will only weaken 11 44 power to attract public at- tention to great wrongs if it insists upon flagging the fast express of Par- liament every time it wants to ask a trued why a letter ham been de- layed. And the independent Montreal Wit - new puts; it in this nay : The Opposition cheered when mid- night struck on Saturday night. They had Retitled es victory, or at least seemed t,o thank they had. few they cheered. What they diet, more then to stop the business of the country, waste the time of member/I. and cost the country wane hundred 'Ad thousand dollars we 1111 not !MOW. ACCOrdiog to the present law is of Parhament it, is always possible for any Oppreition, however email, bowever wrong•headed. t o sI.. 0.11 U1.• laisinese of the rountry in this way. ea that there is in the achieve- ment ao evidence either of party strength ot• of virtue or wisdom. Nor lute it, an an object lento"), eon'. Weed the ...dnintry of anything whatever. If the Government had trellised l'ar- liansent any information to which it had a right the Opposition would at least by this somewhat expensive means have advertised this breach of the people's rights. But nothing that. was asked for was refused. Returns would be brought down as soon as they could be prepared. There were presumably plenty of non -content' iters to be going on with if the Op- patition had been willing that. the business of the country should go on. 14. would seem, however, that, led by Mr, Foster rather than by Mr. Bor- de's, they have deliberately reeclved to balk progress all they can. and to take preposterous advantage of rules developed for the purporns. of loyal debate to prevent Parliament acting as Parliainent *4. 1111. EDITORIAL NOTES. This 1 lohnesville bridge question Beene to lie a burning ismer, - - Is 4 Ili, I Pally is fee Weather inan just teasing 4. ioltiwin Smith writer, : "Our 41,14' 01 Immigia 11,111 is etrange. e are ad. netting as horde of dabbing Italians while we ...chub. poweable Jai.% rend Chinamen." - - The Weekly Bun very propei•ly takes except' to the toting of a Parliamentary rottenly tr. ie railway line to connect OVIete Sound foul %t.',,. ford. 11. is surely not a case calling for Govern ment assistance, l'he statement that immigration to Cill'UU1/1 thie year will probeldy be greater Ginn eVel. is 114.1 pa,. tieeelatiely good IleW.v. The e. emit 1) enema to ha Ve 111144411 .IS Mare) grants already as It can amimilnte. A WInni, .g jilige. rommenting %won the erimes eitnimitteti by for- eigners in Canada, tomb. some timely remarks. Hie drew attention to the esnintlit inns under whit li many of t hese foreigners had hero Is...twill up. 114 gees and "among the Wits... Rua ewilte.- (In err iiiiii g to this country they eowetiwee unwind their new- found liberty. To teach them the le -t ter wey kindness should be exer- cised along with justice. "Hy all maws punish Hem," *aid the judge. "but polite!' them justly sod kindly." lea spite of eke fact that we have Welt told over and over regain that the civilization of China wee centuries old at the. cowing of Christ. still 14. 114 hard for us to realize that the Chitteee have nut yet everything good to learn. lu her book "The Yangose Valley and Beyond," Mr.. 1E111 iiin11011 gh 114 farts about the Chinese of the inland provinces which ate not generally known. One province there has been tor centuries splendidly watered by irrigation near Hangchow is a canal with a lock r dining her S0j011111 iu eine WWII two filatures, tiwued and managed by Chinese, were opeued, the machinery in one of them being of Chinese suanufacture, while- the fac- tory was erected without foreign aid. Benevolence is placed by the Chinese fore •t on the list of the Five Coto slaw Virtuee. China has asyltpus and almshouses fur the blind and/or aged Persons. will t sous 1 thousands of refugees flying from fawine in Sze Chuan were kept Wive chiefly by the charitable of Sha-Shih, and thosewho Ellett were betted by societies which in every Chinese city undertake thie sacred duty for the bodies of strangers and for those of the very poor. We hoist of Br i t is It manufactures. Twenty million pouuds of etrotig. dor- Able, white cotton cloth, fifteen and twelve inches wide, are exported en- nually from China. "Samples of this make." satyr. Mts. Bishop. "and of Eng- lish cottons were fre%itieutly shown me by the women in Ste -Chuan vil- lage, with a scornful laugh at the latter." If China can do and be so much while she is asleep, the nations of the Western world may well won- der what place she will take when she awakes. which the present stirrings indicate she is about to do. • 'The Wearin' 0 the Green, 11,1 homer of St. Patrick:- I la , March I;.) It was in the early even.ng. 4144. air 0 a- warm and .4111. • The boll. were riogitik.c-per. st t lie •lapel on 14,0 (1411; My noel: was over fur the day, the Pile witto my hand. And there I ult. (ret- of tate a- an) in the lend, . When swinging dun 444,.. .treet :here .trollts1 .1 Merry )oung spalpeen. And the llI,ic 1114 4,04444. ar "The 44e14tin re' the Green.' tely thonerhte went travelling back arra-. I he bygone year- .4 ...Motow moved from my eye. 1,n thinking It W11. tear'', For once again the ‘pringtime bloomed in dear old 400111)' 1 litre. The peach leaned pink Agaitert the well, the -now laid on the pear, And .he that Caine 1.1 meet with rue. the hedgerciain bet 11 ern. %Var. .itering-I eon hear, her new !- -"Tim 41'enrin o the theca.- Ifer footeep. fell st fairy -fight It nearce ben* down the grass : The Ivry birder perched nu the bough., be- witched le watch her 44.ho bahered that ber petticoat 1%10. ragged, wben WAS tied About the nweeteet..auggo.t watt in all the And faith, .be II not a sixpence, but the (le- of her would ahem' Like (Woo bright jewels when they . naked up lu flg into mine. A blocking on the hi.tling lad, fur bringing to my mind 71, 11111.e. and dream.. the IIisig months had - long -ince left behind ! For 4144 a Mint of sitisibine breeks upon a cloudy day, .4 fano •Iippett into my heart that. nsitybe. far away %there Irkli 410c., -Olt ',oft owed bloc. ‘,stile iloo 1.11 Isl. Kathleen • Win -awing for the aid times' sake "The 1Vearlii o' the Green. ' M. K. (V. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Easy to Prophesy. Sinecoe It is prephesied that the whole of toe Northwest Provinces, including Manitoba, will he tinder prohibit' before ten years. Shoe on the Other Feat. tendon Advertiser. The Provincial 1•xpenditure hes climbed at, a more rapid rate than the Federal ; but, we don't hear our Cote eervittive friends charging the ‘Vhit- "ley (love' nt with extravagance. Looking for Trouble. Willi:1min A d mice. ‘Vitat's the matter ! TI gli this is leap year, there does not seem to be any fevered' activity in the matri- monial 'market. Now. piling ladies, two month', of precious importunity have flown. tenet prEicrantinete. Relief from the Snow Blockade. Li dowel thinner. Here eve ere again. %now -bound. without mails, without transportation either for natnengers or freight.. If this thing happen. again we have de- rided to 111111e1. an airship and be in- dependent of then, earth-erawling , trains that are stopped by e few ' hours' dorm. De Our Hockey Girls Talk Like This? l'Illicle. kthel otescribing hockey match I "Well, Orme, we t'f• 111411 11 topping game. 'fa. raiser side were tally rotten at the start, but they bucked 114) 110 Mal, And we had a bit of * hub to lay 'sin out." Di- "Oh. 1 don't know. I thought they were the newt pilling crew of loosens I'd ever struck. We were simply all over 'efie, and had 'ion in the cart in no time ." The Ottawa Muck -Raking. Nroilt real T11.• 111111.1el /lint with the most. patient and be most assiduous probing of the 11 0' 1140444 we Very little leAm been finotel eininewrert Ily where 1111111.eciSlef4l ell ...Mil. II* el` awn spent. The I 'tinsel :I/ 14 0, eager 1.1e Ills i0*1 1 y r niters's+ i 4 welt. to all the tat isfaction he ern get. out of the activities of the peinetaking Inventi• gators at Ottawa, but he cannot help feeling, if Inc had been t 1111 (11.14.' to remote, of affairs for the psi( ten years. that the Government h.,. good the teat of invretigetion 41 gree. deel ot ter than many a first-class business Meese would have stood it. Nor will there he any grnernl regret. thief. the 11 ventigetorm have wholly failed It. show that there e as 1111). systematic T slaw el the apcialitig vowel. for cot • rupt put poses./ Failure of the Bonus System. Itrursels Post A bill is before the Legislature to aholiall' amusing. %%leers, good has tale% accomplished by the Lemur bye - In 11114411Ce 11110, been written on ninety-ninv. R • e slim of taxes or a (Ma 111' 110111. might be worthy of cousideration, but any Man- ufactory that has to lie perpetually mimed to keep the whistle blowing had better be emulated to die young. The. bourns record in towns iu 11110011 A1111 Perth counties would till a big book and the story would not be m cheering one 011ie". Canada's Future. Loudon cutter • Hr. Thosupeon, M. P. for the Yukon. declare. that Canada mutat rise to a plane it( equality with other orations end that indepeodence 14011144 form mint come. Dr. Thomp- son is half right. Canada, must and will be some dray on equal footing with sovereign etates. including the mother country. end 'Me is feat rising to that position without thought of severiug British ennuociiun, and with no draining uf the imperial tie. It is the genius i.( the British Empire us permit such 1411 evolutiou. A Story and a Moral. Toronto Slue • Once trii•re was a Jolley olio e11111- plaiued to his friend of tlw extrava e wincof his wife. "Why." he said. "I tievalt done MN- nobody like • dat w iiiii for wantite money. ' It's re dellah today. and fifty tents uext day, and a quereali the day *flab. and den at dollish. and den fifty cente. and den a quartet', and *0 011 r01111' and route." "What," 4ske.t the friesitl, ".I ees she do with SO wuch money ?" "I du . You See, I ain't gin her any yet." There ie in this story 4 likeness* to Adam' Beck and the cause Niagew* power. Ontario want11 a lot of Niagara power. but the Whitney Seaver iiiii too "ain't get her any yet.'' An Illustration. Mom real St ar. During the recent financial thirty& German fer.mer went to the bank for some money. He was told thaethe bank was not pitying out money, but was using cashier's cheeks. He could not. understand Gila, and insisted un money. The officers took hint in hand, one at as time, with little effeeL At last the president tried his hand, and after a lung and minute explena- lion some intelligence of the situatioe emitted to be dawning On the farmers fiend. Finally (Inc president said : -You understand now billy how it is, Hans, don't you ?" "Yee." said Hans. -I think I do. It's like dia. *inert it ? Von baby vakes up at night and vents some milk. I gif hien a milk ticket." Open the Window. TOrolitu Nest-. 31 11C11 WH$ *1 nue thin-. heard of the ' open dour " est an approved0 w d r - ;id policy in the Far leavt. If Earl (tre)' a e to btrusted, the -open win- dow'is equally important from a semi - Guy standpoint. The fresh air is at unse the most effective preventive end the most powerful cure for Pawl.- culotte '. The open window should be * feature of every bedroom in the country, and. altogether aside from tuberculosis, the sleeping -room into which iiiii mer end winter pours a continuous supply of fresh ,iiir is a great benefactor of !Helaine!. They who sleep in such apartments Are um- etc(putinted with tad worsting etterva- lion to whirl' the victim 01 the shut window is subject. They awake re- cuperated, and flesh A1111 s igOry11111 for (Inc day's labor. Our Duty to Posterity. - Motareal Mr. Hryce's allusion in his speech at the Canadian Club banquet to tree planting 'malls a beautiful Yid Tal- mudic story, which bee an application to this country at the present time. A king travelling in the country saw -an aged man engaged iti plenting 41 fruit tree. Accosting him, the king asked why he planted it tree. *seeingeeing that be would not live to enjoy its shade or pa('utke of its fruit. The 4)1(1 matt replied "I have enjoyed the shade ea and rtaken of the fruit of trees which were panted before I was burn by men who have puttied. away. tio I. in my (ley, plata lives fe in eder thet thaw who may come after Inc will Wive shade to resit under and fruit to eat and rejoice in the goodness of God and the wind of those whu have gone before." P4141. 419,10111 Mors, coming from 41 land whew. tree:, are not so pfat lentiul . in Canada, 111)41 where thew is it proverb which ',ay".ays that he who 11021 Mit a tree, (log a well. and rained* nen 111-111 not done his work in the world, ('011(8411,,('011(8411,,in germ the volumes which could he written on the subject .1 Mr. Bryee's 'oddment Caniula omen to posterity as duty co minute with the heritage she hies received form her ancestry. We die not all, foe emir deed. rescan crown with honor or near with Amin Through .. ouidlc- iiineor nev 'Torre to emu, Onr liven remit -Kok when uvir 111* are 1111,1,1,, DOMINION PARLIAMENT. (Ottawa, March ft. Thea financial datetuent of the Intercolonial way for the lag fiscal iwritml is a high') eatisfactory showing a sulphite for nine months of 1V18,1311, and for the Leveler the ending June :It hod of wirocii. Hon. (bd. P. Graham. liclieter of Railways 11.1111 Croton.. ridded to his speerli 1111 Inter. colonial affairs the suggestion Gott the Welland Camel should be deepened to twenty-two feta. In the iliscumition which followed Him. John Ilairgart startled his colleagues and &sunned the tilieral members by strongly sepiidi. /ding the public 11%11er:41141 'whey laid down by Mr. Itorden in the Halifax plattorth. Quebec's Tercentenary. The bovei"lit (ro(14e oss to giant r5)7) appropt lid ion of •:11111.IPit file the purpose of *rewiring and preserving the hintorie battlefields at 1,neeiree and making them 11 Canadian tuitional park. This yeer is the re teenteneery of 1 he city . Thais. bundreel yea" s hat e itellial ley noire U11111110 eta I be gistimil on which the 1-11)ity .41 Qitelee. now stands. and it is intended •rt 11101 k Ile' oceselon IT a eelehreelon at the ancient .'It during next Mune mor, end by the dedieation of the hattleflekle upon which Preen+ and Britieh mingled their blood in the leme.drawn fight for 1110 „r i',111.4.13. Ft ma •liel 'it 111)11 Eng - lisle. 1414404k mg tr 'a retainers nee moiling in the eekthratIon, and additional eclat will he lent to the neceaion by the preeenee of His Royal Ilighneen the Vritice of Wrelem. The eeleforation prisminn to he n mord Intervening and wispi.•ions ('4 'nt, Riede° Immigratioe. Mi En . L. ila,kenzit King. Deputy 1,4411.1 of I ,*10. i. 0,11 MI Wily to gland to confer with 1 he I mperiel • HE QUEBEC BATTLEFIELDS1 AN APPEAL TO HISTORY. The fullowiug appeal is issued front tbe hearlquartere of (Inc Quebec Battle- fields Abbot:bet • . object is to exploiu, *s shortly and 1611111/1y IAA tensible. the 1•011A1/11 why everyone, speaking eithet French or English, should take 414 pride in leelpiug tra 1 114 Battlefield Park. A Battlefield Park commission composed of men who will c lllll meal the confidence of the whole country, will take Outage of Itie work, and all efforts will be co.unlinated louder their direction. The cause is one far above all questions of party, race, lovably, or (elite set ti ftlivisien : and it has already enlisted the ardent sympathy of both leaders isi (Inc IS sir ‘Vilfrid Laurier and Mr. R. L. Borden, of the prime er lu the whole tiudertakiug, His Excellency Lord Grey. of the Ftetich A wbaseiradere in London, and of the Hoyal Fatuity, headed by Hib Illajeety the king. The Ilifferent breaches of the Quebec BettUefielde Areoci• atiou will attend to the work of local collection ; and every cent of every private subscription will go straight into the pentium's!. work of Battlefield Park. 1- Stidecriptions not paid to lard Overtimes linty be sent direct to Colonel J. F. Turnbull, Hun, General Truresmer. Quebec ; or Coutroller of His Excellency the tioveruor-tieneral's Household, tioverunieut Roues*, Ottawa - 11* 4.1114:14e,gliabiins"oitnidAlrillsuliiiii.srlt.0 jolt natio fields, .0 the place where au empire was log and .0(11) 11) the find cheek of mite, the balance of victory was re- dressed in the raceme!, and the 1 • of each army Waa heightened in both, ot they are, however. tut Pleietm al'i1111t the only battlefield nt Quebec, 111 'm even the only one that is a source of pride to the Freon+ anti English-speaking peoples. 111 less than a century Aisierivans, British. French and FrencleCatnadiaus took part in four sieges end th battles. There were decisive actions ; but the losing side was 111.1441.1. disgraved, 14114 the winning side was always c • posed of allied tin ces .01111 shared the t ri to triple lllll on g theist A satirical Rangers ace patted Willfe, and Erench-Cenadians helped Carleton to save the future Dot . while French and French-Canadians to- gether Woll thealay under Froutenrw. melee Monttalm et Mont •ncy, and tinder Levis at eite. 1:11V. here is no record kuown nut eve any legend in tradition of eo man) such moineutuas feats of *nu* per formed, on land and water, bv flee end ar of so many Elifferen peoples, with SI/ *Il tory am4 such honor ind:tfieima . .at, ami an; within a single scene. And so it is ea exteggeration of this centinemitrativ hour, but the lasting, weltatithentica ted truth to say that, take them fo all in all, the fields of battle at Quebec are quite unique in universal h114101')' , And 411 115)1 today also uttique as an opportunity to take (evasion by the hand, to eet this prieeleem ground apart from the catalogue of things. and preserve- it a% 101 .tnglo• French heirloom for all time to 1. An appeal to history would he most appropriate to any year n ithin the final decade of the Hundred Years Peace betvveen the .e.conteteling powers of lenetwe, (Inc British empire. Anil the United States, fliit 1(404 15 by far the best year a 44 1111' fen : for it inarks the :Dalt birthday of the Canada, Whiell bait become the senior of all the overrea eelf-governing lllll initiate of the king and tinder what king could we 11/0re fitly cele- brate this ttuperialetble entente cur - (hale (1.1 lllllll env 11, The eucret instruelions scut ,'ill from Preece in 17.50 were (Inc deetli- warrent of Montwahn : 1.* niter's est lc tombola"' des Motitcalin. ".. It is indiepetterable to keep a foot- hold The King remote upon your Leta, eourage and tenacity." Monte:arm replied • " 1 shall everythinteto save this unhappy eoloily, or die." And he kept ble word. He hail already done splendid service in A losing ramie; etemmitig Lhe Ltently.* advance by throe des- perete rear -guard vietories in three suecesei4'e y(.ars. Nuw sic stood At bay for the lest • The country wee starving. eorrupt Intendant and his myrmidons were still preying 'Ill 4111 that wee left of ite resources. The army luul numbers enough. and n Ftenelt and Canadian gallantry to • mare. But (Inc t;overnor added spite- . tel interference to the other distrac- ts tions 441 a divided eouiniand. Th. t Mail that brought the &eel order, was the first foe eight months. And old France and new were cutupletely 1 septisted by a thotimend leagu.s of e hostile sea, in whose inviei e, con - strictur; grasp Quebec had I erg been ✓ IwId. In June, Admiral Saunders led up the St. Lawrence the greatest fleet then *limit in the world. Saunders was a star of the service even among the galaxy then renowned nt AM. ‘Vith him were the future Lord St. Vincent, the future Captain Cook. Who tniede the first British chart of the river, and revered re who rose to high dietinction. His fleet com- prised a quarter of ;the whole Royal Navy and, with its convoy, num- bered 277 sail of every kind. Splen- didly navigated by twice as many sea - mem as Wolfe's %PIO soldiers it hell .4 '• m1'1141104 ,wcting the itinnigra- ,,cernment rem tion of HindooN and other British East Itolians to Canada. Ile will lay liefort. the Imperial autliorities the Via•WS of the Canadian Government regrading the advisability 01 adopting stet* to restrict. AN far as 110,aible. 1.1111grnt ion tit ll'atiatlian Irmo' Lbe British Asiatic possennions. The Rio - (loos an. British subjects. and Any reg. ulatione adopted with a view to keep- ing them out of Canada would neces- sarily have to be consideted by the British Government. French Treaty Confirmed. Notwithstanding all that las been said In criticism of the treaty with France, only live members voted egainst it on the third reading. One of the Hve wae:Dr. Chieholon, member for East 11 Mien. The vote Wan 1144 to ,1. .Mr. Ayleswortlee bill to aniend (Inc Dominion electionm act wars int rodeced this lifternomi. It has several im- pel -era provisione, including one that all contributions to campaign fund' shall be nuede through the stateam y agent, who in turn will lie required or tuake webby to the returning (Meer the lllll t tool source of eoutviltu- ti°1111.141441ier-lteneral litter has d .- clined the offer of the Iinperial 4V ir Office to Lake command of a brigade at Aldershot and will indeed ceote to Iteruliput eters st elf at Ot taw.' . ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Tmeritto, Iarch 11. ,Scconling to the public Accounts, which were 141111 upon the table of the Legislature last week by the Hon. W. J. Hamm, Pro. vincial Secretary, the surplus of the Provincial revenues over the expendi- ture at, the close of the lent financial year was IPII0I.173.5x. The Intel re- eeipts ^mounted to esi,:ger,Iltr.111, an increase of 1,150,7441,414)$when 110111. pared with the rt.ceiptm for the pre- vious year, and an advance of 112,3111,- 213 when compared with the receipt. of Itinit. The balance brought forward from lien lllll minted to eta I07,23)02, making a total of $1 I.S17.115/4.81 which passed through the hands of the Gov- ernntent. The expenditure for the year shown an adVan1.0 of 111$1114,0116.3-1. l'he chief items which acemint for the added revenue are the Provin- vial mubmitliev, which attanitited tinder the new areiangeinent to $1,731,029.0f1. as compared with 01.:CP,287.b4, an in- crease id v111.712.111. The income from the lands, forest', and mints of the Province ham leaped from 1112.213.- 144(1.02 411 4100,1. $3,11104,191.4111 lest year, an advance 4,1 $$1i,((. 17 The eetienatesi for the (aimed yen'. tall fur nppropriationm 1117,;101,81.i. It wiH be neen that the Provincial ex- iwriditiort• in increasing rapidly. The main increases ritt. this year ate melee the I,,',,iI I,1 ediwat • and 1'111 (kin roads. To Regulate Auton:obiles. Because of the exceptional number of bills intealticed ,it the Legislature this yearrespecting the dwell and the itner,(Con of Josh meddles, Premier Whitney -detest that a menial . miller would be appointed to conmider legislation tending 111 alleviate, this trouble about w Melt the rural con - et .5 1)111(11* especially e plaiiiing, So far the atteuipts at legislation along this line have been of many varlet 411114 Pomo of them (111' pre,n. iee elinriel prized 14 "ilhentiaithired 1111/1 veritable." 11" rnjettil tell flint I'iL present he I l i lll self had no noted ion to offer, but. he thought time and ex- perienee wield *how just what (eight to he done. In any event, all hills re- lating to the rates at whir+ nutomo- biles shall travel And the regulation,' governing their operation will be re- ferred to this apeeiAl committee. The Assessment Act. The nessesseneut net is /1 11411 1114 1.11 it.•1 against wfilch many shafts All' Atone I un ;..iege 5.1 1 and a large number of bills have been I introduced by private members pro posing various amendments. Refer- ring to this matter the Prentier pointed out that a great deal of time had 11 been expended on the 11(.1, in arriving at bases of asseintnient far different descriptious of property. The principle* of the act were AO inter- dependent that, to amend one would interfere 'vitt' the whole. He sug- gested that the varione bills might he introduced, and then dropped on the understanding that the Government would refer the whole smatter to a speciel cote initUat next session. To Discuss the Power Qweetion A long series of queations placed 011 the order paper by eh% MacKay pro- mises to precipitate tut important dim - mission et an early date on the -It- -talked-of question of Niegnra power POLITICAL NOTES. 'Ilse Liberals of Centre Bruee, will meet at Obisiais Theireday, March 111, to select i candidate for the Ileitis - Intim in ,.11110.41111)11 to Colonel Hugh Clark, M. P. P. A return of Ityc.eleclions for the U111 llllll held during 11017 ehoweahat during the semi. fourteen bye-eleet 10111 were held. Of these five were by acclani- ntion, the members elected being all Liberals, wrmly, Host. Wm. Puguley, Hem Gum H. Graham. Hon, Jacque -or Bureau, Pius /dictated (Victoria, N. 11.) and C. 11. Major 1 lethellel. In the eine contested constituencies Liberals Were elected in six and Conservatives in three. The aggregate [Abend maj- (with.* totalled 5.31a, and the ammeter-, ate Conservative- majorities 1,500, to which Major Beattie.' majoriti In London against tLac he bor an idate contributed l,'1,',. The best Wily Step 11 wagging tongue is to stop your ears. Dejected Traveller -"I say, Pat, did you ever make an idiot. of yourself about a woman ?" Pat- "An idjut, is t11.? MUTP, I've made meal( an intim Asylum." -Punch. Telegraphy... Highest pold oinetalit were unee toper *tura, livinend exceed. eviiieply. Six thouratml needed dining next few yenta. Operators have Meellre4 intimated Paler, ie., 41111 eight .hour day, %Vet orewire you In 'thriller, time *11.1 place yen Immediately upon grndunt lost. competent. hiniructer, emoletticts, side cola...ratite. I 'of lllll reibevet.4 free. , Enter 1101N. No 1 ore! MAIL COURSES, GODERICII BUSINESS COLLEGE 44(',f), .1.)110TTioN, 11rtnelest r NOW OPEN ENTER ANY DAY veinier Term in all deportment, of the Central nnstne.s. Conroe. Totem to. offer, rolendid ahoneen for mend Ing a h., month.: ideootntly and prnfltnbly. Twenty dye trochee, at Mamie fress Write for it, W. et SHAW, Principal, E. R. SHAW, Secretary, 16.4,imer, li.ftlt Anti Sts.. Toronto. OMB de 1 1 • New Goods Being Opened • • • 1 he new goods rtutt are Wittig opened up already give the store an atmosphere of spring New Waists and Skirts Ihtt 311' new 1 ight, out of the drowsier'. hands. It it It 1 I 1 1111 (II 441)1111(4 Ilea eel se 111411 be put int., them. Man) iiit al. Is (h,, ate ex( elleut luta at 1 he (11 9,1144 marked. New Spring Coats and Raincoats 011(141111) VP, Our New Spring Stock of Whitewear cannot be excelled for daintlineessur good value. , , Want a Belt ? ° 01' AO many pretty *tyke' he Nal kid, 'silk and loathe' JOHN STEAD Goderich Ladies' Wear West Street • •111811/11111 • We have the Correct Things in SUITS FOR BOYS this Season' Each eeason's experience gives us more Llitoe ledge for the next. Lest year we thought we had the tine.t showing of Suita it was possible to get- rind we had : 1,41( that wan last year. • Nuw we ask you :to come lend sele:t the 1...h.'s suit from whet we think to be the hest elirlee1 lint ever shown here 1.11441 it 1.1 tiler year. Prices range from $3.5o to $8.00. KING HATS New Spring styles me now in. If %l,Il Wald (44' h*t tIt hate captured the best hat trade 111 th.• cities and large t ii• BUY THE KING HAT L OF STYLE EXCELLENT IN QUALITY WA ER C. PRIMA The Right Place for Men's Clothing and Furnishings. =11 :•••••••••••••••........4(• ..... • Spring Term Opens April ist The Yantry, CENTRAL e Kitchen • - SPRING TERM from April at. with „ Knter now and log. mad) to 010 • 11,5141 1113.itton 111 the rummer or fall, ' Attend ELLIOTT Good Things STRATFORD. ONT. ThorouJhekesr is the lee) nese of thi, Inrlitutivren. Our reboot -total- ha ‘•hat 4. 111.411..1 mid iloni la • 1011.1114,4 e511('14( ion. 14 0 hal, three 'leyort enrol. ( cniiiiivichil. S1.11.1 11411d and Trlegr.iphic. Illir 11 *41 S wi)e. al 4 ryo nue orcd . If inter...qt.] i Jet our five cataloger 11 The iningroom are requisites 111 every well -ordered household ; nevertheless , ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, They would be useless adjuncts to the 110111(4 - - without being Supplied TORONTO. ONT. iN %DA 111.;11 CLAW. 148 wool TM. tioneae bee 10:4111.11 course., maim taarbets, egrritit equipment. I, facilities for altering ntudents In. pociOota. that. the aim -etre bushreni college Open entire year. • II graduate. germ...Riots.. Hnird.onie Fat. Plelroll free. W. J. el..Lio'rT. Corner Toney MINI Alexander tenets. that are fresh 11,11(1 pure, bow STURDY & CO., THE GROCERS. Prompt Delivery. Phone 9i, r 1 When down Town 1 11101111 call in at Butland's Drug Store and have your (irippc checked. Our tablets do the work quickly and effec- tually no had after-effects. Put up in 25c. boxes at BUTLAND'S DRUG STORE The Store that Pleases. L 1 1 GODERICH g illO • Is Farming Your Business ? If se, THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper, will each week bo of Special laterest to yoe. Der Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN 10 bit Jan., 14)09, 1A 1:0iUMMAT1A101 WITS THE SIGNAL Only $1.70. Address : VANATTER & ROBERTSON, THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT.