HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-3-12, Page 1r Get into the Game with an advertisement to The Signal. Bright. at- tractive advertising Is the best investment the mer chant can make. The Signal has the circulation that cou nts. IX'Tt FIleiT TAAlb-Ne. MIM 4 1011 GODERICH, ON"!'ARIO, CANADA : MARCH 1.', 1908 • II Dont Run Away with the Ida that yeu tau get any better printing any Ii where than you can get rtght here at rhe :>Igual Leave your next order at this office. vANATTIiIt A RUIIEILTSON, 1'vauaugar Financial A SAFE 4 PER ('ENT. INVESTMENT IIY OI'ENINO AN ACItIUNT WITH THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY you will experience thaliy happy feeling which conies to thus. who know that their Ixlrreeeiuua are safe, as a baviuge account with tine cumpany is just ;is arctic lar an inveatntent it Govern- ment Bond* and yield r a higher rate of income. MOUE Isar toot. iuteresL paid on depurits and money van be withdrawn at any tune. Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square. W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this oaks by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Public Notice M1)RTGAGE SALE. ode tore, of sale contained in a rc lam lfaptist Pastor Leaving. Rev. H. W. Wright, pastor td the Baptist church, ie leaving early next month for Toronto. to take charge of the work of Royce avenue Baptist church. His congregation and the tuwnspeut,le generally regret his removal. and the feelings of the former err shown iu the addtera given him on 1•riday lard as regulated in another column. ,newtf,•y which will be produced .rt Ile finer f sale, there will la, add by petal': wbctho at Situations Vacant.. he l wlb,nn, Hotel, It. the wait of Uuderkh• en • Tuesday. the :list day of March. ItNIit, n. l7 oclo.k noon, the erui hrrlY leo acre. uH rh.. westerly half of 14,1 numb•r eight. In the 'hoe 1• •.Mico, \''.tern div iwfun of Ilse 'foe t..hip of l ulb.rue. In the I wort )'..! Horeb. • with all I lac .ppunmrwnavt 7)..41 apphwner, Iwretu helo'uer,g. The. property 1. • itree •la.. bru•l))and ter. a tIb .omfore.1.1 brick dwellh.g. weal -tabling and thorowfilly- rqullrywd in es cry way for 1h.• rts*.utaa•t um of brick. All in god condition and offering u,u'u,u .1.1* autagr, 10 .. par ahaerr. faww•. Trn Ire t cal, et percher* money at nn,r of vie nod 1.Jnore within :to day •. Further particular. wool t uodiUnu• ref ale iran M. 0. JuHN S1''N, Venda,' Solo -lure Uuderw'h • *r::u leer Sale r11ILE MOI'Llne Mlllt SALE. ---COM- 1 PLY.TE..t from It loch to CI inch. All in cool eundlton. Will he .old tewantabI, and au err term.. Fee furter, particular. apply ,',tMl'KL F:1'HW V, Fiat 4turd. l;.drnch. VWit SALE. -A THREE -BURNER 1' gating .love, with 0%011, in oar Wile� lour mouth.. Apply toll. A. ItOBEIt11)N 1N, Water N .nett. 141 Olt SALE. N 1' P K I ti 11 T j/,' Hcintxman photo. In excellent condition.M...t lw add by tura inti Imt. Will sell cheap. For y ularw loonier at The Signal enter or s! t*APTAIN. T1tAI'NI 111S. Sled It -caret. t 1:1 11)1) CHANE. 111R.S, I'KI . U- I1AM Ila. reamed) lel annus us el Incl lap . drug afore. TM. , • the cloture ul a 111,- liter 11Iron• to wwure fur 1 wo of rougeuial (antiank, . -hip nee. comfortable fortable ,11uarter. with etery- thirlg meeeettle to Kart hrm•cko.ping• Farr, iabbgr. w III 1K• .old et n bargain to clear out al owe. Apply to F. J. PlttllH,',M. UMBER Fetit SAIAF:. - IIEMI4)('K, 1 4elm and Maple lumber for .ate front week. or can be cut In order. For further Particular* apply to ItUHKitT F:1,1.1(YTr. Oodench. 1f General Meeting. yoTll'F: IM HEREBY (1JVEN THAT • it general meeting of 1lo .harclwlder. of 1 he Ontario West Shore Elector Hallway l • Pally will be held at the office of Mo..r l'aul ••ro* & Klllonte. Iarriter., etc.. (,oderleh. 'Acerin, uu the .Butt nay of March. law, at the Lour of I eel* e noon. for the pit rpt -e 111 elect i ug director- of the ronq,w.y and fa ten purpae• 01 riving ant hority to 1 b director. of the romlany to iwne bed-, oleirentrirrr or other •'.urit le, lu the extent of e1.,.lre1 per rude of •utglb track of the nllway awl coercion •.a1 I ianche.. Awl to ...cure the .elite by mortgage deed, putrtuant to the .tat tote in that behalf. sal forhepnrpow of t, anwretl•la anal 0(111•, bu,inew a. may properly In Into -acted at the ..Jd.ineellug The raid me•.'t bag In w far a it 1- todeel with the I.nuc of bead.. debenture. or A:entite, of thi- .ompany to be a special meet tag Of the company. • Hotted til. 1et1, day of February, 140. 51 -td, Ay order of the PROVISIONAL DIRh:ITURS. Notice. VOTICE TO 1NVESTOR•Y.--THE a. exeeutorrt of the a+face of the 1.tr G.olge Achemr, haw. decided to otter the whole estate for makilioproperty sal -i•1- of owl rwiste, debenture-. heed. and uwok- rattle. witching to Inc e.l In any of the ninny ingaey'tic. call get full particulars on apple.. tion to the exr.,utone. MM KMMA M. 4101:405. Kawut ri x. Ww,LIAM ttoWN a Mc.Os 1 1:xlCrllYl+. (i(elerfch. l)ec. Mh. HOT, ay..Jl-.n JI..nJI.-n_Jk.-mow MTAIt7' ANY TIMI•:. (let your training 1n thy lwheel 1 hal is ir q asllfiod to Kite you the beat. too awl 7 , In; hal. ii. The lirili.h Au icon Ihut iar, 1 olY. M. C. A. uildin 'Toronto. elf* R• iltcfurcu1)N catalogue. u . THE S'I'ERLING BANK OF CANADA Haan Oman, Toaos•m O770atzeD Oarlrat. • 11IJ106,40) IN(-oRpottATlla BY SPECIAL ACr OF ie)MiMION PARLIAMENT TO It1CCEiVE DEPOSITS 1'o accommodate the FIlle tpti. we have opened Branches in the c[Magee of I)UNGANNON, AUBURN, VAIRNA and BAYFIELI). \Ve solicit the Patronage of the FARYRR. BALK NiITRs DIMOUNTRU, SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT opened hy deposit of $1,(16 interest at 3% compound- ed quarterly. M ihatICH BItANCH A. O. GAMBLE. Stemmer. BA A E ANTD. - A (JIMPI TENT (HIMMate general huu.ework. Apply to MateIMateS.OtltV C 1 N'. Zeal Zonate for bale. jelOK SALE ()It LEASE.-- ACRES of choice fruit. garden or firm land Adjoin - 1115 11.. town. being part Irl lbe old "Inter- national International fens. 'firm. reamo ably and will be made to .oft ppun:ha.er. Apply to H. Dl' N WI•, West .trod. llo4erkh. LN►K SALE.- -THE [.AMOK FRAME VOR on Quebec effect. formerly reit of the e.wente . estate, with barn and quarter ec•re of ground. Price •l.* '. tun ea.h and balance to suit purrhmer. Apply nl 11, Iwemist-. J. F. LAWIt. Pei:t LWK BALE -NEV- FRAMEHOi78E MI Wolfe .In<t. Parlor. dining road. kit• chin, pantry, waab roan AMI hoot hell down. .Wra. three bedroom.. two elo.et. and ball upstairs. The bou-o lo All new -papered. Stare foundation sad Val r' Isar. JAI, to ALLAN MALIWNA1.1). engineer liodcrick !laming M II I- t'ornpa„y. 10(1 LIOK SALE. COMFORTABLE dwelling .ituatr,l ou Keay. erect: two lot.. Nva.. 128 and leis. Vood .table: mom,. good fruit trace. For further particular. apply 10 MRS. OFee TRI'ICLflW. Losya.erest. eel f . L(SAKM FOK SALE.--L/1T 11. CON - 1" chasms lS. (*Whitely toe n.Mpc,oaru apr!.- lut l ' acre.: m�rp1 o.t of the land a I clay loam. There 1-n .mall lignite nod a win erten fort with cement foudnu,n.. Fare, I..,, a run sing .lwtrlg and la• WWI/ w gra,* fur s.n 01 elgbl yawn,. Six mile. from Ood.n.h . weenie wjt11�,1(tt1 A mile 504 •t aer. For tenni Ant twttaoYlat. tggdt to J. F. ANOR I W °, I;orle- I tele• 0'.1 1. DROPERTY FOIL KALE.--HOI'SE, J- tarn aid three lot.. No. ler. 19It1. leg 1. alar hon./thole furniture fur wile, To be wild private) or by auctionveil in Aorlt Prop. arty at the foot of Mohamed .treet, ea4 .Me• exhibition ground.. For further particulars aptly on the p1emiaa'. • WELLING P011 SAGE. -COM - 11 f retable bouts for sale. oonvenient to Square. lfsthruoul, err. For particular. apply toot:URUE BEAN, Bruce erect. VOR SALE AT ONCE. --THE GEN Jl' F:1tAL Amu and pndofllre b0.ine.. et 1 arlow, Large frame store and reorient., of eight looms. Near ( . 1'. IL dation end .on venieot to churcho- and school. Aepply to MIS. JONES, Carlow P. O. ,e-tf 1IOOD HOUSE 1.'01{.SALE Olt TO 11 rent e'omfonahlr•hounr to rent. MI diem ▪ Ore. r-ouvenlent to Square. Hathroon,. etc. Would aril to rc.ponelblo {arty who could make mal,rete eaah payment with Want a in mmnhly Instalments. For perlkul*re apply at THIS OFFICE. • 141ARM FOR SAi.E. - HEING IAJT 9. I: con•ewion IY. W. O. 1 olborne, oo,npnoing I'n* acre., all cleared. There is a goat (omfort- AMeframe dwelling house with cellar under- neath. nderneath, is good frame barn. jn.1 repaired and en 1a.rg al. with n cement. (omelet ion, 11001, anti all ,tabled WT. Them i. a Lrito young orchard of choice baring fruit Inver. M. ell watered by a .prin.( reask And two well.. Fenton and every thing In good myDielr. For term. and Learn,' Ian apply to MRS. ELLEN or JAS. )1(`v HIN • NIA or by mail to Nile Po.t Odle,. 7K2ir1 L\ARM FOR SALE.- -PART OF I' block fr. lake Iual mot, ('olborne town. •hip, two anile. from Ooderlrh. 16,1 scree, goad cloy tonna, brick howee, tarn :41 x 67. with letnrnl ,/tabling. artesian well. water in build Ing. and .pang creek. •J aerie .tending limber end young orchard. Apply to C. 1'. McNKH.. Dunlop 1 . O. atlf VOUNG & ROBERTSON, REAL Estate Agents, Uoderich, Onl.- Farm and town propertIea bought. NOW and exchanged, UltIt SALE. ---AA i. iW E COM- FORTABLE OM- A ' FO T ALF, brick home overlooking the iurludln arbor ; all modem convenience.,R f- hb water heating. Apply to YU(: (i R It1I11- KItT8UN, Oodorloh. %Ont MALE. -d, AIRES EXC1:1.- lL' LENT land for market minden. with Rood 111111OOliO1 and fence.; two 1.110n from 1iodr rich: live amen 1u orchard of apple•, pear., ``tum•, rhernon. reecho., grope. and ramp been... Pries and term. favorable. Apply to ) UUNU & HOlIEHTSI *N, Urierlch. I410 It SALE. - i; STOR\' HOUSE 1' nn Angleace street, 14 story house on Napier street, It story house on Elgin ave. TwI story house Victoria 'erect, Two-story brick house on Kanex .l, eOt neer the lake ; nine room.. all modern (wnrenlences, 81. i)avid'..deet ; nine rooms. all modern con• venlenew, Farm. for Salo In any part of Huron (went y. YOUNG & ROBERTSON, Uoderich, Ont. AN EXCELLENT F A it M 1:0 It SAIF-essmere, In We.t Wewennsh.lwo Toilet from Auhnrn ; +nil a clay loofa, about. 1441 ale, under ...titivation and :31 10 10 acnes Umb•r. A well and 1.wo ..rings of water. n new frame dwelling, a gond barn, ..table mei driving b�ed. Apply to YOUNG h RUAEitT• BON. Godertob. FOR MALI OR TO RENT. - A Ildt claw 2newere fatal In We'd Wawa - web, enur:...don i lot 27, with 17•; scree In a gaol state of cultivation, well fenced. well welerrd hood orchard. large hank barn, goal helms. l oetoMee, blaeknmi*h shop and stare at corner of farm. Convenient to ached and . herrh. .y teem from l•, P. R. nevem et Auburn. Tense eep. W. A. HARRISON. 1 eteknow, Int. H 01'SE FOlt SAi,E. - A NiNE roomed frame dwelling. haying s R0o•l .ituatlon, nn Keay% street. Slone foIndatior, and mummer kitchen, gond .table. Will he mold ruwonahly. For further Iarnculern ripply (o MRS. WM. MrO'At'UR A N. 11 Davie. owe Toronto. LSARM F(1 It MALE. - - A ('HOiCE fern for mate, adapted Inc felted farming n, pretture, sal erren clears t. In serest 01.1 nteh Art, 13 amen god timber. Snit a Rawl black cloy loam. flood frame hmir, frame barn end .tehle*. gond driving abed. hole x1 and M. ennM*nlon I, Grderlrh the noble. Appl to Pito I1py11IT 1 A VS & 111.4111 ur to 1 TAM, J, w•ALI.91 rllnlnn. 4bte LOCAL TOPICS. ••The Magic Well." The dale of tbia piodtictiou is announced a* Monday, March :10th. Miss Lilian Fowler, of London, has Leen uogagnd for this concert and the Men letssob,i quat•tett• will he heard in three numbers. Mee bills for pattieularw. Postofftce to Ile Open Until 9 p, m. 011 representations uratic to the Dae yet by Mr. Robert Hotelier, in- structions have Igen given that the lobby of the l:odrt•tch puetofllaa shall reutaiu unlocked until 9 p. u1)., in or- der that people may get their mail from the lock -boxes. House of Refuge. The house of refuge committee of the county council met ate Clinton din Tuesday. The accounts were audited and eighty-three inmates were found iu the house. The tender of W. !Clowns, of Cliutun, for bread, at *2.814 per cwt„ was accepted. It was decided to have some painting done and other wino'. improvements wade. An Imported Horse. Fred. Davie received this week an imported Clydesdale stallion which he intends travelling in this afe•tiou of the country. Ile arrived on Wednes- day. He is four years old and is a Magnificent berm. and we are sure 000ERICH MARKETS. Tnuaao*i. March 120e Fall wheat. per bulk, new p1 P. to • n in Rpt ler wheat. per busk. new. ,.1 0. to n sal Rye per bush m 43 to to 11 Buckwheat. per busk 5 in to to al (lair, per brush„ now 114510 11111 Pear, per boob a 73 to a 74 Harley per bush n nl to I en ro Meeoinge, per ton 15 en to 111 on Flour, family, per owt 2 4 i to 2 M3 Flour, patent, per cwt , qo00 Baa.rtent ( 2 00 shores per ton ' b 00 to es on Hay, new. per too - 111 10 to 17 :all Wad. per cord 3 is, to a tel Rutter, per Ib 11 31 to 0 2;, ('Mem. per lb A 1.1) to a 13 Nara. (resh, per dos 11 ?' to . 0 11 1'otatow, new . n :O to m Si l stile, ordin'y in good. per cwt'3 I11 le 4 105 r'att le. export, meow, 0 ,sl to 1 73 Hog.. live weight. pr cwt51110 1., 3 rel IAWN. :A to a lei Sheep, per cal it 241 to 4 In Haul, I'rr 1h , a Is to 018 Heroin, per Ib . It 1.5 to to 411 Lard. per Ib ,. 13 to 1.; Tallow, per ib ....M to u Ur Hide.. 1peorrrwt ... ., , 3 rel 10 Sm elheeYYakbw .. .... a to In ChickerwIn to in Turkeys .. - 12 to It it ul.lde market.. on Page d,, Auction Sales AUCTION SALE FARM nil/:K ANL lMI'LEME\T8. Mr. JEMBK MNTDER will sell by public 1It x ,e tion at Id. 1. eDnee.,lDlh 1 Colborne Ione half mile ewe of Henwilbrl. tt Wk'L)NFe DAY. Al ARCH 23TH. at 1 o'clock tine peaty br,sal nawa.. ra.iug 14 year. old, o+ foal to Two-,,, one ; 1 (heavy Yana. rhdne 3 year, old ; 1 bas y gelding. Tieing .i year. old 1 hr:o ydrift filly. ri.ing : yawl. old. „trod hy Trio In•one : 1 remitter Idly, ri.ing 2 year. old ; 1 newly -calved row year. old ; 1 mood young row.. due to mho early : I heifer, rlsmg J year- old, to calf : 1 aged witch row : 2 heifer.. ri.ing:1 year. old, nearly fat ::1 heifer., ri.hng 1 year. oke. nearly fat : 2 *leer., ri.ing '2 year. old : 1 .teen and 1 heifer. n*iug 1 year old ; 1 brood .ow, in pig : - shoat-. 4 n.ou11.. old : 1 rat•+, in Ia1ub : (t hog. ; 1 l r.,I & Wood Model. nod truck.: 1 linueford Bbl 8 wcr : 1 wide ote.1 rake, newly nen' : 1 hay ladder, ucarly new : 1 Ma-.ey-Harri. wed drill : 1 lard roller; I est three-hour dose harrow.: 1 +pra,:tooth cultivator: 1 Kangaroo plow :1 -Owl.. `low- ; 1 willed coulter.: 1 potato digger ; 1 r.oi teenier and allaehrlemn : 1 rad pulper. : 1 gravel box • 1 ta•k neck: hay and .tock rack : 1 lumber wagon ; 1 farm truck ; 1 top buggy : 1 (w .anesledl dewocral : 2 caller. ; - .111. of bot.deigh. ; 1 long .leigh 1 .tone bort : I Kemp manure .preader: 1 po.t•hule digger ; I «tock rola else fanning mill : 1 draw -cutter. large : 1 eight hole -hewer, with jack ; 1 aprocy pump griud-tone, : 1 emery wheel ; 1 Mateo,. nen, .e razor and a number of milk can.,' a pa a tut of blarknmith auA carpenter I1501a, iu- .ldang 1 iron drill. 1 iron Nae. anvil. .et tap Mohd die,/ complete : 1 .et of heavy team hie toe.. ; 2 -et. of {low harne..: 1 met of single barna•..: furl., 'odder., shovel.. cow chain.. log chain.. crowbar.. barrel.. sap b,u ket.irend umuerou. Other article.. Alae s quantity of ha • and feed. Tr nen. All .uTos of tin and under, rash .• es er t Mt amount, eight 1.100111.' credit will be risen on furnishing approved joint note.. A dlacotmt al the rate of K per cent. p•r annum allowed forcash on credit amount.. Teda le i genuine clearing mile. The farm his been Wold to W'to. lit 11 nod the proprietor 1. retiring. JESS F: es I)EII »'HUS. GUNUlt1'. Proprietor. Aoalo,eer. ILF:ARiNG AUCTION SALE oe 1)c TROTTING F1010410404 1 TRI1TT II.Kk.9 Bltk ' 1: HEAVY-DRAUGHTU1,] 11 ES ) A1, HORSES ANL) COLTM, AND ELEVEN HEAD OF CATTLE. 2,111. A. M. 1'II1.LE\' will Sell by 1,olitie auc- tion at Ida farm, two mile. from Ouderlch. un Tl'KSDAY. MA 11.(11 17TH. commencing at 1 o'clock aharp : 1. Lot tic Fe, Y,111 by Brazilian. tlegbyBrown ta'llkea, by tie°.'i%lIke*. in foal e3 Tom Roel 1:411; by Red Wilkes. by ago, 5t'11ken; dam, Seem. Ili Socrates, by Oen. Wilkes. 2. Hay nay. Spates Eddy Wilkie, foaled October 24th. 1141*; dant, Lottie 1'„ 2111, by Hraxllinn. 2.16 by frown Wane. by George Wilkes ; Biro, Tom Heed I:IRa) -. :t. Ray .fallen. The Kid. dein, i)olly Mc- Curdy, 2.2('nrr 0. by Judge Mc('urdy, by Mcl'' Hembletonien. by Han.bletenlan Iq, Foand September, lee; inc Tont Real, 1. Bay filly, Kitty I.ual.e ; dna Lalli( McCurdy, ?.•41. a full sinter to The Kid, foe hd July Atte, 1110e. :.. liay gelding. Maitland, ?mint Anguse, 110(1, by Tom !teed. dam, The Sulfate Mare. *by Stephen A, Ih.ugtaal, dun of Amrrirnu Hurry 1 acerl, 2.201, and of Harry inset, r, 2.:n 1h1n frllnw will make a trotter .mer I( de *rlotata. 0, Hey mann Gra.o Wilke., footled ,lol>. IMt1 by lent Heed - -1:4011 . dam, 11nllic Mr Curdy. 2.211: this masts mixed gaited and If allowed to pae•e hen every right to en fn., : there I. no letter bred one In the country. 7. Brown geldingtt nine year- old. inn 1011 in 2•3.i..irol by ((lid Rrino. 2.1!1 the -ire of more heron in the :a claw then any ctellion in Canada- Cl.rnr,nAlJt Hs.Av'y-t,aAUont 8(111.4,4 AND ( 01.11. Three heavy draught mere.. in feel to Loch Inver : 1 general pit mere, In foal to d Loehinver : 1 rain gel. riming 1 yew* OM. broken to barna., •Isrd by lochlnver, -houM Itrow In weigh Lon each : 2 Mille., teeny veer. old. *artab I ochlnver , 2 filllr,, krona I year old, aired IArrhlnr'r ; 1 reldine.1 year etre ofred by (Achiever : 1 nal* general pnnwre hare., A and A yaw, old : l .ow. In iglu : :* heifers, Tieing 2 y1)*r1. obi 1 Moor rats r* rl.g 1 year oM : ! heifer., rising t year old. Per.ona coming h7 train will Ir, driven m,1 from Onndry Rro.. livery fife of rhwr7e. I If the wear her 1. ,torn.y the +Ale *111 btu• held under envoi% Trwua : Six month*credit will he gir•en no furnl*hung approrel .lolul note*. A di.,onnt Ie, t hi s>•1). of R ter mill. allowed (tor rash A. M ter1.1,E4', 7.61 NOICV. Proprlut0r. Am( arour. that he will 1e appreciated by the farmers fit this neighle,rhlod. We Relieve that in "l'oeksdlu" ,old "Andreas" Mr, It►vi* hetes two of the heat heavy -draught horses in Abe Prr,tuee. Special Excursion to Aubu{n. Aruungeluents are being made for the running of a rpeciial train by 1', P. It. to Auburn for the public library concert to be held there text Wednes- day evening. The train will leave Goderich/OSA) p. m, and returning will leave Auburn at 11::s1, The fare for the tound trip will be all cents. Perron* who wish to tale the trip are requert1l Lu leave their nettled either at the C. P. IL. ticket °ince, 1'lium- sou's music store, the Mjguul or the Star ytlla'a•. Women's Institute. The meeting of the 4..Kii•ricle branch of the %Vomel's Institute held *1n 1'hetuday afternoon of last week at the house of Mrs. I Iwa rti wan well attended. Mts. Bee's, after telling yhe mem11r1•14 of several 11 ifTeicittt ways of cooking H*h, :olawered ala 1y ques- tion%un that subject. Exeelleut read- ings were given by Mrs. (• try, Mrs. Murrey Maud Mrs. .1. ,1, h:dw:u'd. The branch has been working fur a tantalite hall but derided to routiwu, holding the meetings in the memle•r. h s for another year. , Mos. Mehinuun kindly olTet•ad her 1 • for the April meeting. • Death of S. B. Williams. It i.4 with deep regret we hate lit chronicle tine wee• the death of fine old friend Scarlet 11, %Villiers', of Ihinlnp, which ,sCurted on Thurally of laa*1 week. Mr. Williams lied been ill for staetal week, and Last week was brought to the 11u.01:d in Guth._ rich, where hu palmed away on Thurs. day morning in 19- fifty-fifth year. The deeraeed was nue of the heel kuuw ll residents of 1.'olls1t•11N trltt',Ie ship, and a. it cut•Iea cation et The•. Signal fora 'weirs! of about liar: y years he had won for himself a tinct place in the e 1y lvhlch can hardly again he filled. A further refetence to hi. life and death will be maubl iu these col - next week. Face and Arms Burned. A Iain RccidenL Declined on Saturday morning at the residence of William Burrows, Bruce street. His now - year -old *on, Harry. was lighting the firc,euld was making 11,(• id the real MI Call. There t have been some lire still in the stove and the oil he poured on the kindling ignited and the blaze spread to the can. 1'*1ung Ilam' h.ul him fiver and arms bully bunted hut his body teas protected by a wotlllen sweater he was wearing. % near-bv window was blown out, the oil caul was destroyed, leaving only a piece of twi,Uwl metal. Ilad it, not been for the presence of Mr. !furrows, tela, threw n coat about hint and smutheted the Haemes, the lee, alight have fared a great deal worse., and the house would no doubt have liven Imine( The boy's injuries were• very painful. but he is now reported to 1r• doing very well. Death of Mrs. Reid. FOP over sixty yea t,. a resident of Loden ich, Mrs, John Reid passed away on Sunday morning last after being ill fat• •a few days.'The funeral took place un Turtdayr afternoon to Maitland cemetery, the'servict'u- being conducted by ltet'. G. N. Hazen, past - tor of North strut Mrthuglitt rhur•ch. The pall -hearers were Ed. Reid, %Vaal - ter Sharman. F. 11. Martin and Chas, Heid. The deceased wan turn in comity Down, Ireland, and came to this country when as young girl. Fur about two years after arriving • in this country she stayed in Piew'', and it wan there the was married to the late John Reid. Since leaving Peen!) they had been residents of li.eleti.'II, Mr. Reid predeeaasing his wife by nine years. Mrs. Iteid's maiden mune was Jane Andrews. Her only bur- v,,•ingl, descendant ie her sou, S •I, of Toronto She was eighty•liv • years of age. The Late Francis Smeeth. A brief leferenee was merle in Tile Signal last week to Mr death of Francis Smeeth at Guelph tel Wed- n'.*dav, Ith inst. The betty nab brought to(ibite'rtch for itLel'lllell1, the funeral taking piece 011 Friday aft•*• nigra laws to Maitland eenlet/•1-y. The services were Conducted hy Rey. G. N. Hazen, chin of North id 1.1•('1, Methodist clmt.1.. of which 1he (le- eeasad was a tlemlikr, and the pall- bearers were W. It. Robertson, Thus. ituckatep, J. 1'. !frown, .iaceh 5ta51.e54, Win. ' Campbell and i•:, Downing. The late 1•'ranvis Ashton tinte•th was born in Stratton, Cornwall, in 1x211. r o Canada ** •.4 He Mine t tela hem h» w.7). twenty-ye/11's of age, and Ii' ua d inKinKEKingston, whorehe W/111 uarriod le Elizabeth tisanes. He wowed Lo Uo(let•ich Ilfty-twit years age, ,and had since been a resident of this town. Hie wife diel twenty-thtte yearn alfa, leaving one daughter, :Ales. F..1. I'nd- ham, who with histltecu(d wife. form- erly Mrs. Cattle, sut•viver hitt. \Ir. Smeeth wee an architect and builder by profession and Neale of the finest buildings in town are his work Ile. Whitely's residence wise Riming these and half of the Norton block u1) the Square also was his work. 3I•. yrue•thb (mediae figure will be touch missed I ruin *1ur e1 Peels. Presentation to Rev. H. W. Wright. A number of the memhere of the dongRt•egetion of the Ilaptist rhm•r•h gathered at Mel • of Her. H. %V. Wright un Friday evening of last w,•rk, and after quietly taking pu,w•.- siren /Alred Mr. and JI r*. Wright be- fore then) to hear the following at- tires!' : To Iter. Mr. Anil 31•. Wright. DEAR F'141gxire, it in with deep re- girt e• g rt. that we hear you have derided tit leave un : adtl eh we had heel, ex- pecting a 4e)w*rel.ion In the neer future, yet the blew was • the lee. severe when it fell. We feel than we wanted. allow van to go wit hunt weer expression /if our feelings 1u(verd yeu. As our pastor aand friend dal ins( t he hest three yearn you have helped not r.tly with work connected with the ehureh, Mt in our home-, end we ,Anmt let you !neve 114 aril holt' writhe es pM•-io11 1 o our gratitude toward t-' !tent pastor, you hat •• help'`d •tient Inure than you erre ewet•e ' 1 will ever knew here. hat 1,n• fume'- will reveal 11,' truth. We rout,' key ,ouch more, Init 1n w het leu pow '»'his ix not n11 ilIn,ltntr.I aur• ,, u,.,. , a •w heartfelt It groin dll•bh,yCita I 1l from your grateful congreg,atitw,. We tang y*1ut• uceeptulCe of a desk the cut of w•hi.h We ' hand The leek will be furawudel lit yqu at Sour new home when you are ready for it. assuring you it tallies w•1111 11 the heartfelt wishes of us all for yule iuture'welfare. 'Ve just underatod that Mfrs, Wright was leaving ou Monday night, curring 110 to Meet. ill an informal 111 •1, as we could not let her depart will t an exple' of our feelings. ,V&' rejoice ,at your sll(:Cetre aril shill watch -1y . • future career with deep interest. Signed on behalf' of the church. iz D. Canettoe. A. 11. C1.l 1roe. February Test, - Fullowitgls the 'veldt of the Febru- ary exluuiun eons 111 the elitlatlet' clan.. sit the (rented nehool. oral Mark. 705l : Era St •rville,l;inP1: �'Lu• ease lit•,ketl, 3,7)1 : Clara Young, 7)111 Eddie Dietrich, 1lv71 ; M.tl•!'1i • A jtk.•n, Pei: Mary Tuul, IMt; %I:uy ('Lurk, 1715: Wilhite' Lloyd. Itt'; Warfel Kyo,aft, 1111 : 14.1117 ('ulhurue. 161 : Sadie Wil - )1011. 417: lk•it Shaw, Ili ; %I' • Johnelmu, 11ti; Ida smith. 17)1: Walter !turban:in, 139: Blanche de Penile y, 1:1 ; Hau•ry Telford. 13s: .1.0 - lie Ramo. y. 1111 ; his '%'a'ttoek, 1115 : Fled Itnln•rtsun, 1*4' •1.1u1a 4'lau•k, 1111 : 11,•Ien i'ridb:uu, 1111: tirore•IntIT, ; Ma Fiore Moore. :t>•.,; 1 ;trice (. l•1' :,I 1':11 Hawkins. kl: i t K :Ca • %V nein race aruli4a;)1, Velure 111 al!) : •Realrtee N ill. :411 : Iopw•Iown Mitchell, :r lr : 1'heaer Thome, iti, 121 : •1'har4dle ('elf.: 11:1: • \laals•1 11nwaurl; :012: ••FaI,l,V Coe, '_")1 r"10•1,t 1fiva• more, 2..4n : • 11o). 1h:it-man. 27 '. ' .%11 sent (roue one 1'x: thin. ••,abh'ut front I Wo exaouinations, The billowing is she class .cardial; 1..l' FeIl'ua.1•v al 51. l'1•lel's ,lhool S,•ti*1r i V, clan. - 11S.11.,Dann, 1*11: hall.• D.wlge, ��1 : Mau v Hurley. eel : ylao'- juric Kelly,'n3I : \apolr"•tltilri5'rll.,»I1: Gerald Kidd, 1441 : !Atli* Given...+,lu: Veronica flood, KCI. Junior 1\'. 1•I84, -- ('hat lie Kidd, 77)74: Id:1 them. 721': 1w•otau11 LIve111• 71:.: Nrlhe 1'lel,iii iIR,: .1n,eph (irittln. 67K: 4;m.rgi11'• ,Caring, alt): \1Plville ,Ie1T''t•y, asi. Plass III. Nola hurley. 154: 1 11.' w•11, 1. tr,4I,'. 1143: I'rauleie Be'klrt. Inti . lultn Slattery. 1ti:,: 'Pum Hurley. 4ii:.; Nel Plunkett. I3aaril Kelly, 61•': Irene Ma stip, 1'Att: Cecelia* Weld). COO : I gene• F'AI'T. 110: F'r,ulk F' , :.7':: ,hu•y Jardine, 57.2: Helen Kelly. ase: I4•elnted Hendee - welt. 141, 1'Ines I I. Edwird 1441ey, 11411 ; Itula•1'1. 14',k).. • 7)'.1: lac:atl'ive• Plumkctt, :._•!: Margaret Farr. :tern: Bernard Leleuu, :jiJ: Joseph. Kelly, ::1s: Maury Heckler. :SIM: Joseph Hur- ley, •a.Rl; Hazel Phelan. 'e41 : Mary llendet'sen. 1s2 : Francis 1Iau•git1. 1:0: Venishia Doyle. 111'. Intercollegiate Debate on Friday. The l•ollcgiute Literary $e.•ie•ly hku wnuethine ,pecial in pr7nar1(iun for.the meeting tuynurrow aPm-iday) night 1111.1 the small rdusiksion fee in Vie will Lc .barged. • The subject, •'14r ,'1ved, that Canada da is justified in excluding Orientate," is to lie del liked 1'y representatives from the; Clinton and Goderich Collegiate I,i.titutiee. Thu 4.rderieh speakers have the nega- tive hide of Lhe questi and two ex• eellent speakers heave IKY•ra picked out itt the petsu lS *1f Will Finglamd anti Gurdon \V ightrimn. In aadditiun to the debate, another attrai•live le -atter nil the program will Is• a drill by 41 number of G. C. 1. girls, under the dirtetion of 111iso Doherty. A. Rey Adams and IV 14•ulnl•' 'Iill'.1r1 tti11 contribute 11 pilins duet, Miss Il are will give a recitation and Scott 11 iv. a solo. The Sam Slick *1rche.ta, which scored such ra decrees at the meeting of - the' Society as week alga, will appear again and a first-class evenings entertainment i.. assured. A return debate will be held in (Tarot) at s • date in the neat' future to he agreed 111x05 Tater. letst Friday night s meeting was a Fury interesting one. In addition to the :appearance of the Sam 5!iek orchestra, in 'andante., pad with violin, autoharp and muutli-nyMus. there was a very interesting and alnnlwilg dialogue by 19s1. McLennan It. Ruth- erford, MIs' Lillian 1'leek. Mis-'1:u•ion Fraser and Miss Atlgmet:i Ielees1. There was a quau•tette by ,lames Thom eon, 11. ('Lark. A. 11'1."au and nod. Mclennan kind an cxeeI i aurally good number of Th.. .loui ,,.d. in which as recent trip to 1►ung:unlun .d young pet.ple attending the school was humorously ton,heI (A by Gor- don \Vightmau in a po,'ti'' effusion, The art of public speaking ie being en('untagel in a very Itna110111 way at the school by the offer of Dr. Strang of ,t I$2.711 fountain len for the best apigaker front the )(clued. Judges will be appointed and a contest hell prole ably at the closing meeting of the Society, and in the ineentinu• al null• e:it•• aspirants 1,1 u- tter of true It a 7)e It t 1 the 1 1 P hone r- r •.o honor are "'trying their muscle," . " Y K lit tweak, aunt otrFrida • night declam- ations were given by l I t, VId tie: , Rod. '1'1.eutuan and NVill Hopi and. Annual Meeting of Board of Trade on the 18th. :1 meeting i,f id 1 lir 14,1.1111 of Trade tans held en 1I iitl:ly 1e council chamber, everting in 1)h m.il .barn r, when it wars decided to hotel the annual meeting of the hoard on the evening of 2,1 lay. Merl h lilt It A g the (ot•rerl)Ondt•ncl• laid before the coml. vie wart a letter from pnt tier at Owen 5 I, who 111;01i0s4. to start a wool special(v faclansy, li0(ieyich being now of the linealliun, in view. Another letter was from Ilruwklyn paring,, r•aiving a primmest 10 locate a steel plant tot lit K1014141. 1411til these lett*'i•4 had been itllawerel by tiee secretary giving infornlr.l.e on asked for. "Thu' rammed deride) to cerr•slmnd with the Minister of 1'ublir 1% orka press- ing for the undertaking of the enlargement of the p u*.tof Ice decided upon s • Months 'age. It was Mao decided 1,1 eurrespwnd with the Government. pressing for the undertaking of a further flection of the eut.ide ,Keakwater. 1orrc*Isin- (Irner will elm) le• continued with the 1'. 1'. It. with reference to the pro- p/teal for the handling of emote of the %I instal Traulwit ('o.'. tenni,. 1 hy'o,igh 1he4 l0.rl, A letter from the 4'. 1'. 14., dated tot Toronto. and addreetel to the 1, her Co., stated that with ref erence h1 the 1' patny'request for r lll1)eetien with Ihe(', I'. 1L., if inter- -witching arrangKellll•nt 1. were trade with the (trend Trunk, wue1, atrenge• teeter would 11.• nettle to revel- the (Anther 1' pan ye rear:. The lofted, however, .lid not ere in what wey it omld help in the matter itt. the pree• eel time. A' letter (rout the 011ie llM epic lit tt'1 It w':4- ,l,eidavl lit Whip 1)l .:uuplu of the clay to be found at Goderich revival that, Mattel'. anti it ...ming nut that, ,althougl► relvural liar el. of clay haul been gut ready and delivered at t111' etaO.n, they had never gut any farther, owing to bottle Illi. heel -angling 7)1,4 141 will' wits to play the freight ur suutethitlg of the srt. 14 • menelr're of the hoard at. encu ugreetl to have the sample bunt elf. A bet *1f tit her matters of Ionone importance, aha, 1111111 under 11iacGariuu. W. C. T. U. Notes.. The regular meeting of the V. l', 1'. 1,•. wablield on Monday, March 0th. Owing to the illness of the president the trice: itesident, Mrs, 'trawl], pt•e- hidel The devotional half -Item' wan taken by 2,1,.. Hrowu, who gave very illst-lo, ( n'» lesson front ''Ili'uiel,-' 1t was decided that letters of con- dolence be welt to Mr.. Mamie' and MI's. Sutw•th, after wind, 11,e super- inle•udeut of I het Mali'. .111d hlilor s work gave :a list of what would lin required fur the c fort bugs, which :(111 to Ir• s1•nt bhurtly to beth. Any - tine who feels like donating good literature, (especially books and Ri1deel, thread, pine, needles, hand. ages. either *1h1 111• Hew, court plaster. re fact anything which will add tit the fart .d a editor *1r a lumberman, mat• It' '. - *411140 al '1'e•uiperiancu Hltll and it. will 17)• gratefully l-e•clvel, - nea, Water and Light. At the meeting of the water andlight c *Kion on Monday of haft week it fres ()Acrel that .1. kraut MacGregor, C. E., pep.u' pI:r;s 1 s4K•ciIl'11tiuns and ferule of tender for the eelinteti.1' b:asin'at. the w•alcr- wnrk'.. It was mitered that :ale 1111 :1 .loo/•n pules 11e pureleto•d from Alh+l•t Goldthorpe tat et: '1 loot fat' gond straight !Kites, 0 itches at the top. It w:s decided to jnu'ch,io 1511 Tight LI•aanvfor11INrl, The engineer was 111- stDietel to report the l•*1ht of fertile!). Mg light to Dr. 1lolua•• and the Me - Ewan Ett,t1. :% charge of 8211 was fixed fur the Crater uw'dI by the 1i'h,el Rigs Co. for building purpose. and the ammo '•Vargo was lbw 1 for the Kenstmgtun fnrnittye Netory. 'flit. pur•h:ase of a hydrant flout the 'I'ahatl Mfg. Cu. was ordered. The following accounts were I lnterttl paid Gealetieh Planing Si ills, 112.1.16: lbe). Porter, 7:te : 4 ). 1'. W I,itA•ly', 112.:l1 : Doty Engine Works Co„ 1111504:s School Team Trims the Iroquois. tin Thursday 4.1'1.11111g of lad week - the .1umtur Ir.Kiuoi* h. s•key 1.111,, Wellt down to defeat before the school team by a score of 7 to i. The play in all stages of the gamy was1xee.dingly fast, although rough play was twinged in to some ex- tent., 111 the first half 1'lat1 and Dean for the school, •listingnishe•d them- selves. Dub !lean in goal laid Glazier at covey point Ktarr(wl fur the Iroquois. 'I'ht• score at ha If -t• • stood 1i 10 in 'AVM. of he school team, The Kee I half started with the comlivation rush(•* of the 1rtstuuitt, hilt they were unable i.1 pail' the *t•n11g school defence. !hit nequ•the end uif the game the sch,K,l ebur slnwei the t•liects of their hard practice in the afternoon and the Iresptois sur- eeetled in netting threw aerate to the .eI,00i t141t11A *1111', 1,1 this half Nich- 4.1w.,i and Colborne pInyel well for the school ,and %%'eldt and Thompson for the I•oquois. The line -top : %loll 101:411 tIM Master +th - pg50ouda InIM01U1r. tcTd ul ,t WebbIprer Fnde•, • Iiaal centre1'nrran rhuaul•,un right wino 1 ,llnnne S wail:• left wing Nkhol.o,, Melville Mynas refereed to the sat- Isfartkill of *171, Tuesday 'nest 1 t 1)y evening Net the miner' team again defeated the Junior Iro- quois by the +core• of 7) to 'S. The first half waif charut'terizel by the rushes fit the I rowel's ler the guid- ance tic Laval, a Stratford mut. 'They played the school team off their feet in the first ten minutes of plate, *coring twice• in quick succession. the nehrul Imams then +(wakened and at half time Lite score sbtel two all. In the second half the settled forwards kept the strong dcfcnce of the Iroquois busy. It this half %Vaatt•t•. Platt and Chis- holm succeeded to netting one apiece making the scup! 7);t Itt full tiee. Laval preyed a very 5110118 addition to the Iroquois and le several at- tempts to enure but was ehclkcd heavily by the s*,haul defitm•e, The Junior Ir►quois are certainly Last skaters but they luck the weight. Thr line-up was ae follows 1)'clnit llnAil nl•_ ar'nrtll. 1r 14l, Luan Ko,( Prldhan, 1. EAI- 55011,1 \t'AIWr Lit AI .:over point. O. IMan t(eA.1 rover Nlrhobou 11mno,.on coven! Fndcr 1,. Lr.,r wing l hl1' KIII -m i1WAI , 1 centre f I Pon N. Mynas 1 ov et 1 t el an iI I I uperlln I lucre. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. In the .temp I lir Young furan', tunes light!). Nemo to thought. o1 , Send her a Pholu- greph if you ,realty want to plra-c her. S*dlow'. 1 hr I'hul(larapher a 111 Mt 0 yon M. b•*t a--I.I +a1Wr'. Tib weather ewe,. .•p -r-1 erg. 1 all and lease yeti,- oder ea your ntiYlng m eroiat with l't1A- ham, the Teller. New anti-tyli,h cloth. to „lmociskhut, 1m,,, and bee workmemahlp uu.w4 in the (iNu 1roubpc Irak 1 ng your home fresh And at l earl 1*r•It*.king Afh'r a vNlt No wilml•r suds h' I..nl ,filet Heal :1 •cl,* elm, fjmu 1n•-plrndid .1,.•k of Imn.e hu•ui.lul age I all :mpl •ee what he rut du for you air hon I alum yhel4 your pow, Thn barge Aleenitrfn 1• tieing re- paired for the 144.;1(4011'S work. p .1 t is !date., that. 1)h(• 1', 1 . It. will very shortly replace the Grain% which were careened ,1 short t' •'iIKu, fudge Halt held court for Judge Marren in Stratford on %Vodnestley of tact week and in }(t. Marys on Thurs. day. • A *mini and nyeter seep'''. is being given hy the members anti friends of the Marine ('lib Tuesday evening of next week, \la i/wu r 1. .4, Holman of 'Adie Opera House left town Monday even• ing, having made nrrangRmenta With Rohl. McI.c1tn for releasing 1 ' from his lease. At. the meeting rif the Y ,M,(1.A. un Monday evening an 'exceedingly inter. testing address on the relation of insects tIlli. th?.e apt-eanklial(1 of disease was given by n, Mrs. Carleton has received wont of the death of het sister, Mrs. Fleming,in the city of Glasgow, atter an illness of four yeene. At the end she passe) very )hmcefully Masa 1y. On 'Thursday Ifwt (). '1', It. Engiuucr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mar. 12th 110.1.4, tor PaR. dale- . 1 duellist) Male- Jr..... riuytier.. Spring 'Fern, -Elliott Restate.. 1'allege, Ter- mite storing Tricot --i oun'al Iluau,n, l:elhgs. St nit ford• ..... , •. 2 l'or Sale m 1a44• -11, tu_bb1�yy I \\ c- Ilacr Us: 1'errcei Ih n,--q'sNN (', I'ridlr.uu y Special Note 1`yav anti 1:1,*elu4054--Ooo Porte' K 14..1 Value, to Tow*. F. 14. 3lartiu...., •' Film,Film,for' Mile - Allan Mclhmakl.... 1 Alae Now Spring Outd., J. H. Colborne1 Superior liana,.. H. E. Knox e Fruit met lenetmcntal Treat --Jolt, 8tewatt t:.tte. Ikuwillcr 11 (4rwllrie Stove for sial. U. A. Robert -on. .. Nuj' (laud, Arris illg Atu,wt Iholly -Redeem rill.' Mound. for Sale-,awucl Kebliu,. . ..., The Freer to 1411)- Wor.ell Hardwaty ... 7 Mortgage Sak -M u. Julm.to, ,I, I)Line had all accident at the n dhouse•, slipping and falling into the pit of the turntable Multi sustain- ing injut'iiw about the heel. He was taker, to Stratford, whore Iii injariee Well! attended to. Alleti011et'r timidly conducted e splendid stale last Friday for the Mc• 1erw1 Iiroia . Ilurnn ru:ul. The sale aggregated $1,:1ss and the cows sold at from $1:, to q415. The Chisholm hale, on lilt. 11t1, 1.11111e41 about *1,$UO. a11(1 eat. .Wi.idered good. Wet. l':unplt 11 was knocked down un . Monday evening *1n a crweiug by a horse and cutter. He noticed the animal just in time W put up his hands and cheek it and iterrowly es- caped seekers injury. As it is he has nothing worse than at *Ulf kn(•r. The weather wlau and the manager of the %Vest el. skating rick do hot w ent quite agreed as to whether or nyt the,e will 1K• .another carnival. 511 far the wealhcr Iran has scored twice. hal Mr, ('tai ie a11ulouuceel that the carnival will tatke plate the fitrot night there is skating. The funniest burlesque hockey mhaleh ever player en tee rim mu - mists! in the (fills g 11j)i4e match between the Marine Social •('Illi and the Menesctuug ('au11e Club .iu Monday evening, anti Lime who, witnessed the game lady the goods were delivered all fight. The axone wee 7 to 6 in favor "of the Marines. The street parade at noun attracted a L•irge en,wd. PERSONAL MENTION. Itis- tenni. Wells is ti,ithlg In M. Augw11110 and 1 •ungennun, Irbina Sulaerintuudenl Wilmot' of the C. P. Il. w,r. m town last Friday, 711.-. %Intecl leer. of Clinton, i. denting I11s0 Emilia Voting, Park .1 reel, for a few day.. Athol elnie tan le. .4 'etre Signal e1at. 1, 11. 1111: a weer al 111- home in ('nuo ubrk. tel. Madonald. rrli,',tot for the (Inds . k Uoderieh Railway, w.e ei town on tietutdsy. A. S. llledhill, of Kincardine, haw been In town iiia week. *kiting hi.. father, 'rhombi G led►1 Hang K. Wiggin. Ian al W'rdnewday wore - nig for trip to Arni.rbr, Ottawa, Noche(' and Motel reel. Ma, anal 31 n, Vli*er Mona-, of Ikatltfoal, Wer' gur.l, M the formerma her, Mra. Wel. Rio tea., over Sunday. eh. and Jit.. S. .1head and .h,Wreu, of Tor onto. ere in town, being ental hero by 11. death of .4r. Reid n mother. Ed. Tampion nrrl4at home from Alonlreet lied week un A *7.11. Gail Campion ale,, is home from the Wr,l for a time. 714.s Way? of Moment,' View, Prince Edward county• le r welter her eounin,, Min. J. 11. Mad lough 'eel Mir. W. %Vette. of town. Merle Malloltgh i. .pending sonic time wit friend- at Ihimoo urn, Marching and Luckuow, pre*lou. 1e, hi. 0m hareal. 11. E. lll,Jt leftrettoe ToWemtline ow Monday cven- iug as representative of Goderich Circle to the annual gathering of the StiIreme Circle of the 00er of 1'anedlen Hunte Circle. laking Meets 111 that city *hi, week. He: return. hone rhi. eveuiug AIL I.yen,ett. of l 1u4.14go. 10 .pru11e0g the week vi.lting at his old Lorre near Pori Albert. He has leen In the Windy City for .1v year., and Iotk,. A. if It agreed with him. Alf. 1. forage Signal boy .and ease to. A plummet, call yesterday. The engagement is announced of Miss Ohre May Hu'.beneu, 11. A., ydmge.d da ter of Jame- lturhanen, of Oaderieh, to Charles Henry Armstrong. It. A., of Toronto. Aon of the late W. W. and Mr.. Armstrong. of C.FuIp- hellford.• Thr welding. which has peen ar- lunged to lake place In Oodcrirh In the early part of April, will be very' tinier Will E. Trainor. of Chicago, to In town for n few lay. Raking up old /tchole. tame.. Mr. Trainor 4- a member of is well known family formerly looldent. here end buv being heartily greeted 1.y odd-Umo friends, 11r 1.110a in the lumber business in ('Mees, and, like .O litany ('au, ntlal,a in the Slate+. Iota ran, medial In finding the loth to prat:err y, AUCTION SALES. Tcetstt*1Starch 17th. -Auction rale of .+. heavy -draft and rlaadoton boraom and colt. And 17) heard of cattle. property of A. M. Tolley, tat lila farm, 2 mile. from Ualcrkh. Tnrnt, l 1 MRCllene'1' W t.:nee/nsv, March 1611,. Aachen miled farm .trek sod Im' pleinen, the proper(v of N', J. 7I Hrlee, 150-e line, Mullett, al I .;clack. Tilos. 1r115, tinnier. r. Ith. A tcUoualu ann cenof f ak and •in len 1 I,' a ILw, protan of John t' ,Mei Inn. Int. '1*, .ouccsstlon u. Willett (Rivet Idle,. Sale without re crrc,:aa proprietor 1- giving top, (baring. , Titre, au*nuy, auctioneer. SA7 it %V. Mu,•h 11.1.- Auction rale of new brick re -Wetter: on Brute atrelat, (.udericfa cons menring at 2 o'rba•k. H. W', Tnn+rw.e, pro prmtor. Timm t, (il:Ypt*t, auctioneer. 'AL o,,.,1, 31ar•I, ::Jud. -Awe fop wale of hou-e• hold footnote end furofahing., cotwi.1Ing of "see. dining -turn, lee.rann And kitchen fur attire, :1 "cal otos e,, 1 cold range. err„ prop erty of Mee Tea .h, Muth s1) met, (falerlcu. Everything intim be .old, an 1MIas Traanch i. len. Mg Uatere+. Taos, lit slaw, auctioneer, T1I.:411AV.311trch Leh. -Auction ,/•le of the Beget. mareulactnrine plant, to he held si the Motel leelfmnl, at 12 oclock nh•rp. Thome( 01 xray,'met ioneer. T1e.n se. Man+ 11111, Auction .alt• of fern' .lack Aid impement., proper t( of (Marge Sns, er)y, come. -ton 3• ruderimh tnwnohlp Inear Union ehinehl There will be no re,erve, as propanol 4 renting hl - farm. Ttlus, U4 51111 1, Awn tome,. Man',, lurid,, ,111,1 im' wlr of fano -tuck and Im den,,nl.,•'1 raped y .d Jeer, ',nyder. half mile from Ikmnnller. fiber• "111 lie Meg rcwerved, toe Garel h5,. been wed. T. Ul'Snit*', 4net ia,rer, Tin 11-1,1)%. Morel' Alit,. Clearing a ucti0n ,le of fern' .trek and lugdemen', prol.erty of lett Mnrphy. M IW 1P, ernicosslon 10, Uodorirh lown.hip. Sale ay I °cloth ,barp. TnoMA4 Ill ,oar, +tort la'IMr, F RIU 11. Aprlt 1141. Amliun ver of farm owe ma Implements at ht a, lake navel K.. Colborne 11' toile, north of I Metope nommen'. lief AI 1 eider+. We. J. ('.ark, proprietor. 11'51.14*: allctlonw•r. BORN. 'FIELD. in 19,4,ul,. nu Sntnnta,', Fcbivary A4h, to Mr. and Mr. J. M. Field, a eon. DIED, 11}:11). In O'd.•rich, on !Monday morning, 7ls,.h Oh. Jane Reid, widow of the Int( John Reit,. nerd 7)i sour.. W'ILMAMN. In Ooterleit nn ThOr.dny. tlarrh 's h. starlet II. wlll'lam, +c,mld son of the tat' lGhy w'llllaal aged .4 year. not it month.. - Mt.11,\MA111.-In Way-Wawsno-h on Friday. Arch nth. I)nyld alcliwein, Aged no Tent.. A month.. nod 42 A.y*. rl111 IIF;r%tat In (lodcrirb, on 1hnr•da . Man h 1111k. h0.11 t}'bolsi ser aged lei leer. nmr 7 nnndee