The Signal, 1908-3-5, Page 7'I'IIE S1GNAI4 : lt;u1)ER1CH. ON'1'AitlO Tuuasuar, 2413reli :i, •111011 The News of the District.' 44A+444444'.,, 45,4*4444s44446k'4+4545*-4454+«6444V SALTFORD. l U ti.OA I , Mardi 8rd. larroe0 1teauv To NTART. - J. T. lluldthot•Iru's rewinill in thin village will Isom lie in active operation again. Already a large number of Jogs ate on the ptewnees and when he is through with the still on the Canada Itewerve where he lea been at work all winter \lr. Goldthorpe will remove the machinery and plant to the old stamd near me wan's salt block. A lot of custom logs are prowibed and there will be lively tinier when the spring opens and tiro robin returue. SHEPPARDTON. WCUNesi' Match lth. Miss L. McLean event the week -std with relatives in Goderich. Alf. Bennett, of Chieego, ie visiting relativesJdure and at fort Albert. Nelsou Graham attended Russell Iteid'e sale un 1! edueedey last at Pine River. On Thursday afternoon bust. a roust enjoyable tiute was spent at Mrs. John H. Grahams quilt ing boo. Home time.tfter tea was *pent iu vocal and instrumental music, after which all the gide wore treated to a jolly sleigh -ride. PORT ALBERT. 'l Uniiu.tl', Murch 2nd. Alfred Bennett, of Chicago, is t isit• ing under the parental roof at present. Janice Hayden weals a bread etude these days, on the arcual of a boun- cing boy. Mrs. Oliver and woo. Franc. are pending few days with ielativ.•s to Stade and Stratford. !Miss Pearl McNally, of Dungannon, e pent Sunday with her grandparent*, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott. A few of the young Indies from this locality enjoyea pleasant time at a quilting last Thursday et the hoose of Mr.. J. 11. Graham. Robert Scott tocol in the hall at Kinkell last \Vedne•,wlty evening. 1fe was. accompanied by lime L. L. M4. - Lean. teacher.At 11 , r11U11. 1/•eel, p pba Lerman, gravel, $3.0U ; A. McDonald, auditors supplies, $1.70 ; I H. McLean, ravel. $2. Al ; John Long, auditing, 111; A. It. l iulaysou, auditing R10; Ed. McLean. gravel. 11130.lt8; John Shields, repairing culvert. concession 2, and at *1 ; M. J. MacKay, Ital- auce of sale•}•. 0-13. Next meeting will be held March ai 111 a. in. Tilos. (. ALLEN. Clerk. gravel, e0. ' ; J. McIntyre, spikes and KINTAIL. '1'1 1 .11 \ v. alai.:4. I. Miss Priscilla Dalton heves this morning for Tornio to learn millin- ery. .11ex. Young has suited his en ,ply of ice for next season free Fort Albert. Mas. Ferguson. of Aisiberley. spent .i week with her daughter, Mrs. Dick McI)o1).wl Dau 31cLesu hares toutorruw on Iter return to Alberta. ilia puny friends here wish him surcees. holt. hoar. of Cleveland, his re- turned to his home after a two week, Sett with the Mclkmald. tut Kintail. 'Mrs. M. Dalton arrived home Satur- d.ty evening after spending two week. in Goderich with her nester. Mrs. Me• 'Dratwn, who is ill. We are atm? Up rrp.,e t the ser illness at the true of w ri t a ng of three o1 the pioneers wt...., recut cry- is doubtful: Mts. Donald McIver. Mr*. Dan Knecbtel and Mrs. Michael O'Reilly. Thee friends of Alex. !Itch ay are pleased to see hits home again after his recent illness at the home of his aunt.. Mn. Dingwall, at Blyth. Mica Lily. his enleicnt nurse, returned with bine. ban Mel/ambit' returned to Sault Ste Marie, Mich., last week, after a Iwo months visit at the old 1 feeling much improved in health. He was,glad ti, be with hit mother. the late Mrs. l)onalel McDonald, in her illness. DEATutes. Mus. Ikpaapt af•,t1os.%tap. • On Thursday, February 9►th, the angel of deaths d 1.. her re- ward nu esteemed pioneer of AehHeld, in the person of Mei. Dowell Mellon - :Ltd, at the age of eight? -one years. The denea.ed sae, at native of Ross - shire, Seotland. and Nettled sixty-one tears age with her late husband on the farm on which she died. Mr. Mc- Donald predeceased bee four years. 'J'he de-ceneed was beloved by it large circle .1 friends anti was widely known for her charitable disposition and kindly acts. She reaves to mourn her loss a fatuity of six *erns And three daughters. She hal been iu her usual health until ten days before her death, when uhc fell soil injured her hip, which confined he r,itn Ixr1. Bron- chitis net in and all that loving hands could do was of tie avail. The funeral en Saturday was largely attended. Services were u•ondnctrl by Rev. A. Miller, who was her very intimate friend and pastor. Six of her old neighbors bum her (burly to the gtutve: David Stewart, Dtttrcan McKeuaie, John McDonald, .lames Griffin, Rohe Ross and Duncan McKay. The com- ity extend to the bereaved family their sympathy. AMBERLEY. MuNOAT, March 'Ind. Wedding belle -are ringing. Sibiu Howe lost "it valuable lease last week. Mrs. Jae. Steele is recovering from an attack of the grip. Jas. Steele speut haat week with friends In Luckuuw. Robert Steele thinks the roads on the tenth are not very goon. Hugh Bell's bah boy. Harold, ie re- vering, we are p�esged to report. Peter McCarron. of Calumet, Mich., visited Frank McKenslblast weds. Servicer will be held in the Metho- dist church next Sunday afternoou at :3 o'clock. Jack Caw bell has finished his con- tract with Mclean Bros. and left for house tart week. Frank Mei-Kenzie is looking for an A,. tataut in his 'u lice on Young street, Kiutafl. tum account of overwork. Russell Reid hada tory successful sale ofn are•b s i 1 shorthorn e p 1 stock r u \1'ednceday, February 21ith. 11 u ,eccour LL ul the deep sooty on the sideroal liec. Maclean is making `sour headway with his contract near Kerte!. Mies Tetra Maud Itubin om, of Luck• now. has been viq tin the Misses MaeIntyr• and MacKenzie the past few weeks. A number of the young people of the lake shore spout a very enjoyable evening as .huhu Campbell's nn Fri- day, lith alt. Miss Edith Feencey', after spurting a few weeks here with her mother. left for her home in Brandon. Mao., Lisa 1Vedneeday. Our storekeeper, Mr. 1Vildfang. finds a great demand for Ayer's Hair Vigor as a remelt of the boys trying to grow moustaches. .1 number of the toy* freer here at- tended the leap year ball in Kintail on Wednewlay evening haat and all re- port an excellent time. Wanted, by our sWtekeeper, Mr. Wildfaug, a good strong man to handle the sugar barrels. He finds that be is not equal to the task. Archie Steele. of California. after an Menace of twenty years. returned to the village last week to spend a few days with his brother, .pas. Steele. 1)am McLean look a grist to Port Albert last Saturday. Judging by the time he was away we think Port Albert must have moved to Kings- bridge. footter Hunter and his bride, after spending a few weeks at Jas. McPhee. wee,. left for Brandon, Man.. last Monday. The lest wishes of a host of friends follow them. The ladies of Atnlserley and Laurier held a very successful leap year party in the Laurier hall ou Monday even - Ing, February lith. All who were prevent report a very enjoyable time. A FeenrAnv WuonINu.-A quiet wedding took trlace at the home of John Kohn on Tuesday evening, Feb- ruary firth• wheo his daughter. Edith. was united in marriage to John Henry, of the village. )rev. T. K. Fydell performed the ceremony. We wish the youug couple a happy And prosperous voyage through life. cu ASHFIELD. Feb. .., SATURDAY, TowNsune Corin ut. - The ad- journed sleeting of council was held today : all the members present. 3linutes of February 13tH approved. It was um,verl and carried that, in view of the report of the local load of health on the McDairmid smallpox quarantine, the colncil do pay one. h•llf the expenses of said quarantine, ur the num of 11I.50. Bylaws Non. 1 and " of 1184 of the Aunty council were fully considered add it was final- ly decided to leave the whole matter with the Reeves for decision as they lace proper at the special meeting of the county council at Seaforth. Moved by Councillors Stiles and Mhoenhala that the auditory report, showing receipts of 121,174.141, ex- penditures of $'22,540.21, tweets of $l,t/0.51 And liabilities of $111.81. with an approximate balance Decem- Ie-r 31s1, 11817, of at ,571.73, beaccepted. Carried. fly Stile•, and Hunter, that the collector's roll for mil., with All faxen collected, Ise accepted. Carried. Hy Shoenhals and K ickley. that the res- ignation of W. J. 'Treleaven es treas- urer he aecepted, to take effect as soon as bis successor can be appointed and qualifled. ('Arrite 1. Rylnw No. !4. Appointing petthntaaters, p 0 u n 11 - keepers and fenceviewers for 1t84, was fleetly ppnewul. The ipoundkeepere and fencevieweru of 1017 were all re- appointed. The following at•eounte were ordered lucid : 1'. G. Allen, services ,am nectrtnry of the hoard of health for 11817, 15 : J. Tiggert, re ir- Ing bridge S. R. 3, 1. P:.. *3 : S. Min- ter, exervieeti to hoard of health, fake T. (i. Allen, registering births, deaths end marriages for 11107, 121 ; (lode - rich Star, advertising. 12.10 ; I)re. Simpson k Browning for mortices ie CREWE. MuNn.ty, March :dud. Jae. Pierce is improving a little in health. Mrs. Plunkett is also getting letter. Fred Culbert. is house frotu the lum- ber woods at Peterlari looking hale and hearty. Mr. and Mr.. Wut. Jame, of Kin- loss. is spending a few days with rela- tives at Crewe. Frank McConnell and Itobett Arne st rng are going to have an auction sale on the Kb of March. Mrs. A1. W. Howell, of Goderich, is a visitor at the home of iter parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Crozier. The barber and blacksmith shops are still freely discussed, although some of the young gents have taken the hint. FARM SO)LII.-waw. Anderson, of Dungannon, has sold his farcy, which formerly belonged to Robert McKee. zie, to (Marge Hotht, the Dungannon teamster. We heartily welcome Mr. Horn to our unidal., as a will slake a good neighbor. AN(rrHRR Cttto :. - Robert Arai• strong, of title burg, is leaving Crewe to take George Ilen•n's piece as the Una martnsfreight-carrier. We wish Robert every success in his new enter- prise, although we are sorry to part with an old and obliging neighbor. llnrrNo Ion .t i)AILY residents of (Tawe are looking anxiously for the advent of a daily mail in the near fntmte. it is meth needed . About a dozen persons here are taking daily newspapers and can- not get them daily with the portent mall service. We hope for something better shortly. Senoxpt. ItXIStRT.--Itepx)rt of S. S. No. 0, AehHeld, for the month of Feb- ruary, bused on weekly examina• Dons: V. class --Minnie Shackleton, :1:t7:Jenny Clud, :3C. Senior iV,- Lawtence Gray, :ick: •Donald McKen- zie,215; *May Shackleton, 1143. Jun- ior IV. -Bettie Maize, :1$. Senior III.- Bertha l'etrie. '538: Willie Maize. 211 ; •Nellie Hefforl, 173. Jun- ior iI1.- 'Finley Cook, VD . '(:race McKenzie, dill. Senior 11. Harvey Maize. 215 *Harry Shackleton, 'J'I8[. Junior iL Willard (ire y, 211): Chester i)urniu, 21); Nellie Petrie, •yrs; • Melville Culbert, het Senior pert 1. Hoy Petrie. Junior part 1. -- Weida. !McKenzie, George Mc Glynn. •Those who wer•e'atipent. one or mord exanuinat.ions. Nest hILP.\T HOact. Teacher. LOTHIAN. UUNUANNUN. '1'I ssuAY. Mat.:4rtl. ( 1 A. NBWTON, t1ENT1S1', LUCK - Mien Yadie McLean is the guest, of W. NOW. -At hamlet eryder rsr•eet Thur. Miss Mary Mclean. - day... New runway fur est ri Uugtoot{htauwnn- forwl.l)stter thea ear. crow.. amt brume work Mr. and Mrs. McNay had is very en- eta; Aleut plats.. nieeeba',kablea. •joyable thee fur their eleventh anni- versary. The roads are in very bad wuditiut vet, but the mail survice haw leen att- istactury, Patrick Hogan. or., is very seriously i11. His many friend. hope to heal' of his speedy recovery. Mies Mervin was at her hove in l)mnganuuu user Sunday a week ago. and she spent Sunday of this week in Luckuuw with friends. LAURIER. M0Nnnv, Match 2ud. Her. !McLean drove to Goderich I' riday. Keoueth McGregor left on Friday for a trip to Chicago. Sandy /:rant is the guest of D. N. MacGregor at present. Jack Kuntz spepnt a few days in our neighlelrhood last week. D. N. MacGregor ttended the Presbytery at Winghatu on Tuesday. Miss Maud Rubinson, of Lucknow, is a visitor in our neighborhood at present. Jack McLennan. and 11. Brent, of Lucknow, speut the tore -part of this week at the forwer's home here. BELFAST. Mo;ro*Y, March 2ud. Mise Bennett, of Sheppardton, w with her sister. Mrs. J. Campbell. Ise !Rutherford, . f Lizzie of Carlow spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. 1Ve are very glad to learn that J. S. Spears. who has been very ill, is im- proving quite rapidly. Roger Worsley has left for the West. We are *eery to lose Roger but wish hips every sweetie. Miss Lovie McCrostie is spendiug n fortnight with friends at Nile and Auburn. Will McCrowtie, who also spent a few days with friends, hag re- turned home. St•ceitsrtt. li,txtl: ENTRRT.IIN- M1:ST.-The members of the L. O. L. herr enterutiued their friends at an "at home" on Friday evening. when a very enjoyable evening was spent. A splendid program was given, in- cluding speeches by Rev. Messrs. Smith and Hicks, of Dungannon. sod Saunders. of Lucknow ; solos by Roger Worley. Gen. Lane and John M. Mlenuy, (Mins Bertha Sherwood. ;recommitted': recitations by Miro Mae Reed. of Lanes, Miss Laura Irwin, of Dungannon, and Miss Lou Cunningham, and music by the or- chestra. The numbers were all well tendered. John Joyul, of Lucknow-, very ably presided. The energetic committee are certainly to be con- gratulated ou the success of the enter- tainment. LUCKNOW. MUNnAa. Match 2ud. Miss Mena Gotdun has gone on It vieit tb her friend Miss May Krug, of Tavistock. Miss Mary Audenou hat been eta pointed organist of the Lucknow Methodist church. 41. Ileo, local (1. T. It. agent. J,pas received notice of his promotion to the Fergus station. The death of Peter Watson, sr.. occurred tar Thursday morning. -De- ceased hail been ill for some time. Rev. John MacKay, of Montreal. is mentioned for the principalship of the new Presbyterian college to be cute. - fished at Vancouver, B. C. Mr. Mac- Kayis another Bruce man who is staing a stark. Ne was born near Lucknow. A Fottgett HCttuNITt.--Atuounce- memt is made of the death at Souris, Man., of Mus. Eliza Briggs, relict of the lateJohn Hetherington, of Lucknow, at the good old age of eighty-two years. TIMI deceased was of Irish birth, but c to l'anadit when quite young, living uear Smith's Falls, in the cast- ers part of Ontario. Their elle met And wedded her husband and they afterwards moved to Huron county. where they resided until the time of his death. Mrs. Hetherington went west in Vise with several of her chil- dren and resided for it time at Por- tage la Prairie. In 5142, with some members of her family. she went to the Souris district, where she made her home and had mince resided. Deceased had a large family. HOLMESVILLE. MIINmAV, March and. F a .-r e m v T)ttvmew:Seen. - The transfer of the putter and cheese fac- urey to the local pnmhtteers took place on Tnswlity last. Itis expected that it will he run as A (-hemp factory this yesr. The price paid for it a ss 11,000, being nix)nt, ons -quarter it. origin(' McDeirmid quarantine, 1'x3 ; A. tic- cost. There should toe tnnney in it. N. It. - .you can alway. Guar sour wok utta'h bettor done to the dental utll.'u -store dun.. hot ter facilities fur doing the work, knob; COW iodatede fur the uettcnt. N°TICK -THE I.ol'Al. AGENCY In Irn,ugrttuunon fur The signal i. itt the Ib -t. Ware H.,k turd Stationery Slum wiwru onlene wilt he ec -elved;tor .ub.a•rlptiou•. ad• yerllnug and job work.. and receipts will but given tor awuusb timid Sur the •atom . 1VeoNttsiraY. Alarch Itlt. .1. Walkout was iu tiolorich un Thursday un business. U. E. Augustine mule a stip to Goderich last Seituaday. Miss Pearl !''ether. of lleuwiller, is at present. vitiating her seater Mot 11. 1t. Long. Hisses Daisy Ryan tial Birdie Dentin, of the 0. C. L. spent Sunday at thele house. herr. blies Augustine, teacher of S. S. No. 1, Colborne, spent Sunday last with her sister, Mrs. Alex. Pentland. S. J. Young is having the drygools department of his stt.rttpered and otherwise, r•enovat•el. '1144 will add greatly to its appearance. Mier Celia, Pentland is this Neek ateuding the tuilliuer•y upeuiuga to Toronto. She will conduct. Chas. Elliott's millinery depat tweet this season.,/ CHURCH NryrE.,. Rev. A. E. Junta,, of Auburn, preached educat' I see - 11100r till thla circuit on Sunday Met. As a trault of the•iuclement weather the congregations were not largo• .The postponed cidurtt-de cervi,•,• will be conducted iu the Mctiuodi,t church on Sunday next art In:k) is. un. BtSINY.s4 CIIANu:1:. t (Seurge Horn ay I,usineee bar disposed of hie which he has conduetnl • t. many years, to Mr. Armen-ring,dffrear. He has ttadetl hitt 1 e an lot for Roht. Anderson', farm. f -mealy owned by Relit. McKutn,ic. Mr. Horn has sold his farm herr, con t- ing of thirty arms. to J. Medd. 1 will move 10 his farm on the and ogn- cession of Ashfield in rt few days. , r -- owin • . x R t'ronT. >:'oll a an the Ik1(, L g ti 1 standing of the pupils of Luognn11on public school for the month of Frhru- ary, flames io order of merit : Senioe V. -Ethel Case, Chat.. Fowler, .la Stothets. Junior V. Edith Tre- leaven. Vera Durnin, Hoy Medd, Pearl McKenzie, Ilene l►livid. 5leggie Dieher. Hart Wiggins, Pearl McNally. Leslie Pentland,Alan Ivers. 1V. - Geo. lase.McWilI Glens'. Lorne Young, Cora Allen, Clarence Smiley. Fred Pentland, Mustyu S,ands, Martha Begley, Verna McNally, Lawrence Smiley. 111. -Feed Savage, Mar • McCourt. Myrtle Allen. Miley Bradford, Laura Smith, Gerrie Beg- ley, Stephen Medd. Lotus Gibson. Number on roll, 31. Average attend - awe. 21. H. R. Luta, Principal. Junior Room : Senior 1I. - Arthur Roach, Edith Stotler. Ralph Dialler, Marvin Durnin, Howard Antietam', Rae eitothere. Linlield Andersen. Clayton Sands, Lorne McKenzie. Fred Errington. Hazel Carr, Pearl leers, Howard Iver,, .farvia Ander sm. Junior 11. - Ethel Itaowu, Scutt McNally.C. H. Robinson, Myrtle Oliver, ictor Errington. Ales. And- erson. Olive Glenn, Harold Sproul. Senior part IL )hazel Augustine, Fred Fowler, ' Harold Biters. Iva Carr, Edith Sends. Ruth Fowler. Edith Anderson. Junior part ll. Alpert Brawn, Georgie Caldwell, Margaret Medd, JuilseW Bell, Frank- lin Thompson, Lew Elliult, Edgar Carr, Frank Glenn. Senior 1. Har- old Manning. Irene Carr. Hedvers Augustine. Junior I. --Sadie 11 taiu. Freida Sande. Florence Dentin, Harry Stuart, Georgie Glenn. Gordon (ileus. Number on roll, 141. Aver- age attendance. :et. (1i.nt 14. that. t!iTs, 'Teacher. NILE. MosoAV, Match 2nd. Sr HIOI. KReoKT.-Tho following is the report of Nile public school fur the month of February: V. - Leonard McElwain. IV. Wilbur Dunbar, fill : Reginald Glen, 11011; Mabel AViltai,, M0: Viola Young 'kis ; Gertrude Kil- patrick. 1i1. --`Worthy Ryan, 117u; Harold Mcllwain, 'full; May McDer- maid, 310: Victor Young. 9.40; Lizzie McDernaid lila; Olive McNee. Sen - for 1i-Ltie Pentland. iJt ,Ernrst Olen. 372; Viola Mc5Vhinney, 319: Gerald Dunbar, 250: i looyd Young, 2t t : Vera Tiffin. Junior 1 1. Marion Ryan. Lucy Currey, Marguerite Glen. Part 11.--D. A. Mcbermaid, Howard McNee, Lorne Pentland, Isaac Currey, Ilarry Dodd. F.AXt. T S. UHAl., Teacher. TcksnAt, March 3rd. Mrs, 101111 Linfield is visiting her (tinter, Miss Susie Allen. The monthly meeting of the W. M. R. was held At the hone of Mts. It. Ryan. Miss Carrie Potter, who lies sec,• seriously ill for motne time is reenver- ing. we are pleased to say. A number from here took advan- tage of the good weather and sleigh- ing to visit the county town last Sat- urday. Mrs. 11r. McKay, a formerly !lime Eleanor AVAtatmt, of North Dakota. hes 1ueen renewing old acquaintances it titin vicinity Eyeteeth dengue will meet as usual next Tmeealay evening. 'The topic, "Leeson* from Tome," will be taken by Miss Kline Girvin. The 1)ist•ir•tEpworth league nfil- erre from hem Attended a meeting in Goderich to Arrange for the anneal strummer school which is to be held in Goderich from .holy 27th to Angnst tend The Totnhutnns 5"What kind merriment mnnment do yon 'Neigh put over your husband 7" Mr.. AA pule "Veil can carve any Agar', 1 suppose ," The Tomhstone Man "Oh S yeti. ma'am." Mem. 1Veedti- "Then make the statute of limitatiome. I've often heard sty husband menton that.' WESTFIELD. 'l't•eep.%v, Fel. 25th. Mrs. Joint Sowler paid a short visit to her mother, Mrs. ltowdu,. of Guide. rich, -this week. Miss Christina M.eCIintue is visiting her aunt, Mrs. _ Henry Morrish, of Goderich, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lennox, of To- ronto, have spent the moot week visit- ing et the honey of .1. 11. Mel'lint,it. Mrs. Robert Henry awl Mrs. Robert McDowell have been spending the peat few days s i.itibgf rivet& in 1 rich. 1Veare glad to k :Lames IIick- inRbottom is able to be out again after being confined to the house fur sure time. We are sorry to hear that Mre. T. H. 1'aypar, sr., is very poorly at pres- ent. We hole she mac Spon 1,0 ;able to be around again. Have One Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his o pi n i o n of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as he says. W. pu*lu t our recce AV:Na1•o\•l i/er's treWs 8r$. 780 1.0 w• rr • you to am• �t year doctor Arrays keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and then, will ward off many an attack of biliousness, indigestion, sick headache. Hov many years has your doctor known these pills? Ask him all about them. - Reds b tie a. C. Arse as., Lewc'', PROSPERITY. :MON utt, Match:Sud. - '1'he fe.11tiwiugp( is Ilse staudiug of the pupils of S. S. No. 2. \fest 1Vawauush, for the month of February. V. class -Li:illrert 11'iltiiiu. I. V. .1 laS- Lizzie Flukey. Clara 1'w:unley, 'George Ii.. ler. (11. class --George 1'wautley. Charlie 1 w•awlry, Muriel 11-s.hiugtuu, •h arlie Senior 11.- 1.awH5•.r1rw.4mie4nr Baxter. •%Vatter Washington. Jtinier II. lavi11h Hutchins, •til, Part IL -Ilam aMilker. 1 Meals. Owing to illness and biot•un. many of the pupils have liven usable to attend 1 those marked* were it 'sea for Hoc or d/.ene dxluni lnitiel1.. M.tttt.l A. b.%tl.tt:. teacher. ST. t1ELENS. Tr'Esti.'v. Mauch St•d. Alex. Mclennan, of Gnu ier. called on W. 1.'. McGregor uu Monday. Mrs. S. Culbert is poorly at I n•s- eut. 1Ve hope to hear of her.pee•ely recovery.. . Tho,. Philip. is busy geftiu,; iu lir airplay of wood for next season at the brie -yard. airs. 1. E. 1)um-liin and Lorna and \ire. A. Bordon visited friends in 11-ingltan Saturday and Sunday. Harry !In •y leis been engaged with 11'nt. Mclluil 11 and John McGuire has taken 1Lu•rt' place at 'odd b. WO wonder wh will be the ack- nowledged eel'tevet Champion." If "Charlie" haps a IitU, wear practice he might have A show. Franc 'Todd sought in about :Art bushels of oats this week. Ates• are peo- ple re fertuuate euua,(l, 1 hare some to sell. but not very a tluv: Thus. 'Todd has leen confinees to the � house for s timet pant with , tt grippe, but we are pleased to know he is very •1, iulprovet and expects to be art . 1 e, usual in a few days - lir-. Titus. Todd left on Saturtl iy last last to attend the fettered of her brother -iii -law Oil. late Mr. !L•rre- heai. who diel at his holo,' at Milton on Friday. Her sou William .tubs accurupe►uiad her. A. 4.. Stewart. as student of Knox College, occupied the inulpit here last Seawall. ane those who 1.i teed the stormy morning listened to a eery in- teresting and instructive sermon. Nle. Gordon. also a,taulemt of Knus Col- lege will preach here next Sabbath. A nu,nlut•r tuI ppeerpl - lore lhiet locality have been very •h incest venieuc,d of late by the• c:ancelliug of the 12 and the 11 o'clock trains Wand from liudut•ieb, owing to the storms. Rev. A, E. Junes. gave A miusiunary discourse on Sabbath, caking Japan as his subject and showing t he progress that has been shade in that country along religious ious linos since the white man made his entransuce there. Rev. 1V. A. Smith, of thing, lllll will preach educational wernron8 im the Methodist churches cm this circuit next Sabbath. '!'hese teerviccs were to be held weeks a two weekgo. but owing to the bad:toatds had fat be pomtp inked. t WEST WAWANOSH. S.*TCnUA T, I'eh. 22nd. Corsa tt. MggTteria-Council met to. day. Member: all present. Reeve Bailie in the chair. Minutes of last meeting confirmed un motion of Coun- cillors Thompson and Ander...pi. The treasurer's land 'Witt pr•seuted ly 11'm. Tho+np*nu atnd accepted en motion of Councillors Thompson and Auder.un. The auditor: report wens presented by 1. A. Mallough sud ,accepted on 011,tiot) of Councillors An- derson and 31edd. The council desig- nested the roads which they desired to be placed tinder the county road - system in event of the colnity's adopt- ing such system. The following accounts were paid : .Auditors. $7 each : 31unicipal \1'url,l, snhs' a ipt • , *11.7:1, and assessment roll. etc.. $7.11" : telephone and Pxpress, $1.1n. Coun- cil adjourned to meet un !Larch title at 111 o'clock. W. S. M!('s:e.-Tll•I, Clerk. MuSn.'.t, 31,trcl:rltl. Flatut•.vn R,:hnl,r. The follow- ing is the Iamtit for the -month of February tu 1'. S. S. No. 17. West 4.Vawansli: the names ,use in order of tnet•it : V. class Stella Kirke, Flossie Elliott, •li,u•Ie \1'ilsno. iV. elites Nutlnan Kirke. Ella SU)thcrs. Carrie Dunkeld, ('alvitt Bailie. '('hm'lie Nit ins. I11. clams - Olivet Kirke, George Nixon. 11. claves - Ernest Mclirauen.' '1Villic lecithin. Pelt 11.class •;ll.trie Sproul, '.lolan Sproul. Those who.0 names are marked thee • uIi-.,*cul all the exautin- KELPION STAINLESS IODINE OINTMENT poen not for et learn. cvrr. Rheum,.... 4IK•ern•, lienee. and law (lanais. appli,J 1), tubbingAi all Drug Slott% 21e. Most people know that if they have been sick they need Scott',) Emul- .slon to bring back health and strength. But the strongest point about Scott's Emulsion is that you don't have to be sick to get results from it. It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre- vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated form for sick and well, young and old, rich and poor. And it contains no drugs and no alcohol. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00. 0404.00.0.00 The windy month Of March is here Some warm things left • That arc not dear. While Winter lingers in the lap of Spring, we are still selling 11►1' heavier goods. The low prices on many lint's give you the kp , l4))urtuuit • of practical inllstlncl�l. l I S 1 New Goods for the New Season are cooling in fast. We do not think nicer cloths for 111011 s suits and Medium -weight overcoats were ever produced than those imported by us for the coming sea'son's wearing. We take these tine fabrics, selected- in British Mills, imported- in exclusive patterns, and impart to each: garment that quiet and artistic simplicity which meet good taste.. t)iir garments appeal to gentlemen.We; reg exclusive tailors and lueu's furnishers, deVbti' • our whole time to the study of what is newest an'.'. nes ►uptilar in art -tailored clothing. yet. moder- ately price We shaX be pleased to have you call. thing for Men and Boys. McLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Clothier THE PALACE C and Men's Outfitters. THiNG STORE. i steno.. The best sixellet, for thef month were : Stella Kirke : Calvin Hadi., Ella Stothdrs levers : Oliver Kirke ; Ernest Med;rattcn. M. E. Bt It Teacher. BENMILLER. '1't mews v. tler.:3,4. Dies M. Snyder spent Sunday at Nile. bliss Pearl Fichte returned hems Last week after All extended visit to her sister, Mrs. M. Uhler. A farmers' club has been urgani..ed here, with the fallowing officers.: President, J. N. Kernlghan : vice- utrtident, A. Ginn: secretary. Hugh Hill' A meeting is to be held on Wednesday et Ode week. with ad- dresses by members on suitable topics ltev.1 C. K. Durrant and Mrs. Dur- rant entertained the choir of Henmil- er vhuucb en Monday eveniog. c evening Was spent very pleas- ant • in games and nattsic. after whic much was seated ley the lio.tes• :and w . much eujuycekhy all. Evet•y eh. - ouwas lighted with 1• eve'ning's enllertaitU nt. - Epworth la lie wags well :attended last 1'hui•sday ening and a splendid fl apart tits giver 4ext Thnrealxy evening, March 5(3 will le monthly comarratiut nueotin A number of the young people toil re When into the -league at this u ting. The meudeer, cordially invite a I wire are interested in the young paulih'a work to at tend 1l heir week -night seta -ice: . Diplomatic Move. "Now. t.Lr that," said,. the bright boy's moth , "Fin going to spank you." "Say, ova." h pleated, "let's come promise this the . Call it quits aqd I'll use my infiueu • with pa to buy yon that fur coatxt wanted." :Some of the grelateat classical composers (lid not make any money said the meat at the musicale. "Vest," answered Mr. Contrite. That 11 ght is about the only thing that gives me any comfort when 1 listen to the things they made up." -Washing- ton Star. INSURE YOUR HEALTH AND COMFORT on stormy days by wearing a WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING SEEDS FREE To innr.intt- our N. t'. Swctk Tu,uip. the "Csnalian Gent," ver will gee to every iL(luirrr for our New 150* Catalogs. a package of these net,I' absolutely free. The great turnip growing district near Guelph shipped deo earn ,•1thosentrnitstothe United States last season. "Cana- dian Gem " never grnws.long or narrow; ia, free from side .•lipids, and is of unsurpassed quanta. If you prefer, ee will send a paClkage of our "Santa Ro•.a " poppy or " Canada', Pride " tomato instead of the !lump •red. Write to -date and nam.' yonr claire. dimbefikealf w sweet. Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont. Tussis FM* 0=14)====1 ==== 0 =I 0 Z:91 0 EQUATE VERTISING .1s a store grotty- in importance, Its advertising must grow. 13ut the ;uh'drtising must grow ----in' volume, in liberality, in quality ---faster than the store itself grows. This is true because the store must keep pace with the advertising- -or within hailing distance of it.. It server does quite "catch up," any more th-tn the cars of a train overtake the engine. And exactly as the engine "pulls the train ;along," Sit. the advertising "pulls the store along," i To pursue the compari'on : It requires .a bigger engine. to pull a thirtyi.car train than it does to pull ;► ten -car train. And it takes more advertising to "pull " ;t " hundred -clerk store " than it does to pull a ten -clerk one. The train will not make much progress on the days that the engine is not running ; but it will make just as good progress on those day's as will a store on the days when the ad- vertising is not running. Your advertising is "adequate" when it is strong enough to pull the store along after it; and tlheil it • running evcrv""weals-•that o e you desire to seek business and to increase t rade. Advertise in "The Signal" o to .a o= =0=10� r:l