The Signal, 1908-3-5, Page 4tt 4 Tivawiv, Mirth 1,‘, IJOtl THE SIGNAL: GO1)EItICIIe ON'I'Alt10 11ON.A G macKAY'S ADDRESS1y for re*4 ,) tol c..lttlidliuhh ofthr stopf'�ws to btiug duwu a weuie. • • 1 gunnel farm the fwn`t thavtt tido re.lolu� • Provincial Opposition Leader Defines the Liberal At- titude on the Questions of the Day "The (treat est (food to the Greatest Number." The pnc•ediugs of the Legislature were marked Lest week by an import ant speech front the leader of the Lib agwl Oppoeitiun, Hou. A. G. MacKay It wee pnu•ticaly Mr. iia Wkay'e ores declination on !lie Ihktr of the Itotrse of the attitude of the l)ppoeition lar 1 wards the ieeueu i* the I'rovincite arena. and his address wee digui!le and impressive, lspeciall' interesting were !hoer sentences in which Mr. MacKay de Anel wheat lie• runside•Ied to 1e the duties of a public wain. Particularly 1,e wldteeeed biulw•If to the position which he and his eialesgucs in f 1pproi. tion occupied. The ateu..atiou had beim Made by. supporters .t the Gov• emitted that Ippkrril' speakers had failed to find anything to criticize in the aeh't(ni.tration of the \\'hituey regime. Mr. MacKay puitde.l unit that the wxkiug of suggestions, the (Wowing of wlurh led to the confer- ring of benefit 01)011 the rou11'tnuitp, was of fee greater importance than mere criticism of aecoutplisb(.l eels. Throughoatt his midi eti the saute high level was maint+tinel by the leader til the Liberal tarty. Forward His Motto, r been ').doted by at hast one-half. - The supplementary revenue eel. de- tignet to iuyoerre a ,lust burden of tax - intim on wealthy corporations which • could not he reached by the municipal t a'sse'aratr, had been estimated to bring i11 *fibl,utI. and he thought the actual receipts would be found to reefed that r , That loth haul been opposed by the prt•ernt Government. "lf it is true,' said Mr. McKay. "that $775,I11*) hae been collected under that Act. the credit is due G. the Liberal party and not to the present occupants of the Treasury henehes. "The greenest good for the greatest number" WAS the policy to which he declared hie followers to be pledged Without dealing with the repent of scandals which have formed the greater part of the awmuuitiou of Government speakers. he -contrasted the constructive policy of Liberal Gov- ernments with the inertia of the pres- ent holdere of office. He showed how the prevent prosperous condition of the finances of the j'reivince was not due to any construe acct initiated by the Conservative party. The cone placent congratulations extended to- wards the Provincial Teeesurer hy the mover and seconder of the address on the fact that he anticipated it surplus of hall a million were shown to be valueless. The channels through which the increased Provincial rev- enue had flowed were dug by Liberals. The estimates plated before the Howe fast year held promise of • sur- plus of over a "lion, The Govern• went had undertaken no new work. and vet there haul been an unexplained drain upon the public purse. Oo their chosen ground. the agreements entered into with the Montreal River Company. Mr. blec ey proved the policy of the late Government to have been more advantaaeoue to New On- tario than that of the prerent Admin- istration. The old policy had been framed to help colonization and de- velopment, while the new merely had for its object the swelling of revenue. He wrung trona the Government en atdmieeion that they iuul nti intention of bringing down this stesslon any measure of law reform. - Ile pointed out how A substantial and progre.eive measure might Ie placed on the statute took,' withoitt going through • the protracted formalities of appeal to the Dominion and Imperial Houses. The vacillating educational policy of the Government received cen.ure, while an interrogation as to the re- sult.* accruing from the power policy was almolutely unanswered by the Premier. Mr. 3lackay said that during the debate the observer mast have been ,,truck, as Icing roost peculiar, by the references made by speakers from the Government side of the House 'to ad- dressors deliver.wl by rueruhers of the Opposition. llemhcrs of the Oppos- ition had distinctly stated that they did not desire to snake n political speech. but preferred to make suggestion,. That was following the policy which had been adopted during the Inst two or three years, of taking live sub- jects and making suggestions which the Howaw would do well to con- sider. It wits a known fact that the Hon. Richard Harcourt had spoken in many ditTerent renters on the gnat queelion of technical education, urging the importance of those who were to engage in skilled labor to mulct -eland intelligently the scientific priticiplee which underlay their work. finch stigma,' torre he contended. of ft t greater tnluetlran their criticism. A Discordant Note. He lois. glad tb,rl on the whole the level of the debate haul leen pretty high and pretty lain. ••I►Inly one dis- ronlant note," said 31i.. MacKay. "has been roundel by the mimeee. for Centre Bruce, who said ltbt't in occupying the position 1 find myself occupying 1 have not A united party behind we. I beg to take distinct ex- ception to that." r('laeers,l Proceeding. Mr. MeeKey said that. while some members of the Opposition had expressed their intention of not again offering themselves for election to the T.egiclatire. they had arrived at their decisions lungwfore 11th wee elected to the tenden.Wig, and he war sure that "none will leave en:worm' of the present lentjership.•' +Cheers. Passing on to financial question,. the leader of the Opposition com- mented on the fact that tent the moyer and' ,wnnnder .d the outdrew. had congt•atulatel the I'rovitwieI Treasurer •on the fart (lint there would probably he snt•plits. "It would 1N' A strange thing," he said, •if we did not have a eurplu.." Mr. Whitney Ilene : hens Mr. MacKay When we Look et the estimate* brought .111.1e11 Intl t„nr, the !statement marls I.y 1hr 1'io,vitwiel Treasurer. and c, nupnr.' 1I.'lu with the c Ise eat. .t:111'01101l that x sur- plus of et I.•:, -t $ i5P,Ita' is expeetel. 1 .lo tl(nt. See any great 'edam for run - gratulation. I find dint the estimated excess of rert•ipl. , over expenditure was $l,(NK$,1 . t When wt. consider (he channel• thriesKh whielt the revenue flows, when we remember that some of thud' were Opposed by gentlemen now sitting on t1lit Treasury benches. ? ear nut sun• that the Govenun.tt are to Ips WO/left. of voters -at Oat lam. Where it Comes From. Proceeding. the sltmkr•r Islet led 10 the MtCesttlott dote. act, the supple- mentary revenue act,elht litre ern and distiller act, all ..f which heti met with opposition. when brought in by the oldGoveernnment, At the hands of the Conservative party. belt Mhlrh itad mlt�poonnee iw,,rfii io tpi,telrt,lai) to the Provincial t.re:ssury. et had been wipe and that the ere. oamhrn duel^• .".nal bring in 117rnistsi, and an far ...t are .•Hold ase rtain from unofficial repot t. i he teeeipt.a were shoirt lean l,ta*1. Thee was an act whleh heal been npiexsetl by certain tn.ne.wit of the prttsent Hnvernrtrattt, awl heel their wishra prevailed the revenue from that conte.' woukl have New Sources of Revenue. The hr•wen and distillere art had also been estimated to bring its the h:ukleoue suet of $75,111111. a euu - utarizc the: position, from five Acts, the work ..1 the late 4iovernment, the treasury had been enriched since the act. had Ite•eu ill operali lu by tle,lttl,- 3111. Thi. wt. without tee kouiug the ',mails Iils which hail accrued front the development of the north country as a remit til the Nodding of the'1ewie kxwtug \ Northern. 4l it:trio Itailway. In lar': the receipts from trine. antmwted to 1127,tsst. Theo came the die,very of Cobalt, and lest year the receipts from mining lands and royal- ties on minerals awuuntiild 1u $1.000, - (HI Amelia rail year the Province led for the !lest time received the in• creamed subsidy of $000.1001 trout the Dominion Government, so that through two sources of revenue from which the late Government had no benefit 'upwxi.ls of Itl2,1t01,0t) flowed into the treasury. "Having regent for the past," said Mr. MacKay, "that the receipts were wp Is larger 'and knowing where the money conies from, let ns follow it out and vee exactly where this large el has eNlne to. The Right Conceptroa. Passing from finance. the Oppitsi- tion lender proceeded to contrast the nteth(xis of the two Governments with regaa.d to the problem of New Ontario. He did not say that all the old Government did was right, but he mule the broad statement that when. in the coupe of tine, the work of Governments was got into peeper per- spective it would Ise declared that the Lilies sl Adntinistrati had the proper conception of what should Ire done fur the development and benefit til the Province. To prove his argument he would take the rase which Coneervetive 'speaker had chosen: the hergxine made by the two Governments with lh•• 1lontrewl River l'nntpany with regard to its pulp concrw Phe old Goyern- ment its Bet made a Iargein with the Montreal River C patty under i which the co erns a e h n i n ns were re - coined to build re mill north of Pem- broke enlace itt g5I111,ItIJ, of a rapacity of 150 tons and employing 2.111 hands. Tbie present Minister of banes and Forests. 1 ever found a company which haul already tweeted a trill at Ot- tawa and entered into 1e com'e't with it. That trill With tat three times the capacity of the line which hat been required to lw erected at Pembroke. and under the 1u•rangenn •Jet >61 U,u 11 wino cauls into the treasury. A Contrast of Policies. • 'The meutlsrr fr North York 1Mr. T. ll. Lennox).” mid Mr. Mac- Kay, "whom 1 ant bound to wtv in my humble judgment made the moat incisive., logical and by long otitis the hest speech art those lural,' en the Gov- ernment nide of the Hous., linked the pertinent question, •what is the dif- ference where the trill is w) long ar the rnourT comes into the tremarry %' For'upset( 1 say that the old contract expressed this colonizing idea of the .1t1 6,o—eminent. When n pulp tniil was established four Utiles frotu Wehbwood, on the Spanish River, there happened what will show us the difference between these two cou- tracts. When the trill was rotate Reboil at Espanol* the settler 'ed hick, and tis he cut his limber there he found at market at his then'. U'heens.l What will the pool set tler do under the ne'w agreement % The old agreement. 1 believe, (-untainted the potpie. rnlonizing idea, so that aft the gree( :11111 valuable clothing of forest timber was s.'ttletveel the settler toured n market at hie door and was so far. ae,iet.•l in the development of the ro t y " tattler the new ,t)(1 1 1, proceeded MI•. elm -Ray, the ruuntry- was de- nuded of tindwis before the. sender arrived. The settler found it "be- deviled" 1 did not have the advent - :igen of the profit fr the timber which he gained ler the old con- tact. ••I du not Iwlirve," continued Lite speaker, "that the pally sum of $3911,11011, or .. three times ¢3411./,I100, would stake tip for the difference be- tween the t wo policies." •Uheers.1 Manufacture in Canada. Pr c...dime Mr. MacKay said'that under the gild Government the Isolicy of developing New Ontario had seen ptaetleel forward. The Liberal party had declared it the duly to send men into the north county to find out its piewihilitiee tt•ith'egad to the arable lairdk end tvaIerpowere, and in spirit nod intettion that pxtlicy, as PI - preened by the dilTrren•'e between the two agreements, wits few in advance of the new. The late lianernmeut had herr a emietructit, Jew'. Nut wily hied it /milt- the 'f k N. ti , tort it had aanisted in 10111101 y el Use "troll' which wsa n;ti,N1,1. in lit .bemire'. 11 had prevented the gl.;t imbue 1)• id sl eel rolling living seen Ply 'eontridlel lay the Toilet `haler, II hat nuthltnine.l an hrdu"try whi.-h had produced since that itorenleee had been given tras,- Irltl,Ital of steel rails, and paid iia esu• ploys,'•. Itlt,taal,lil,, . ••\\'s• have now the 4.nutd Trunk Perini., whirls is to be lntih on entirely (•awaken- Ilew much Ruttier ilwould be if we 'nerd think drat them were ,uMcieut utiles in I; amide tit turn /Nat rill, it,, that the toad could nut toile lie Ilhilt on l':inadieu moil, but of Ca'tndian steel nrannfeetur•e.l by lianaetlant,'. it CNet. r Law Reform. Dealing with the,ptPstiun of law re- form. the leader of the Oppksit' amid that he dirt not Jet Ihr m eat In- tend to 1)• a'ritil•tt lith t•rg.erl 10 the tetottition which had been M.nlght forward by the Att.arney-(ieneral. He expteswe.l tegret, however, flint no eith htntlal mensote 'd Lew reform wan to be brought down !hit swab -ea and eontrestel the propk,eate tenta- tively made with what hail been aetttally acromplish.sl by the bete Government. It vent unfortunate that the Government heal mot availed themselves of the imp's tamer y offered tion referred to applying to for Do- ruioiou and Imperial Parliaments for legislation which Wight be tontidrrtel necessary. '•1 leer." be said. "that if we are to have no measure id law re - fonts until theu we shall have to wait a leng t' 1." Make a Straight Bargain. Mr. MacKay said th et it question which could be dealt with mai, the cutting off of the practice under which comity and district judges were one Jay moulting for wilier). and the 'text paid by fees, 11, abolition would r..• Iter,. the judges of the charge of pro- tracting proceedings in order to in• crease the Autuuot of their lives. Ile also expressed hiutself A. being strong. ly in favor of permitting heti els to crake a alright Iwrgain nith their clients with regard to rt'tnuucreation. instead ui being plaid till taxed bills ut Lusts, 'That would remove the in. ducenu-art onetime for dieho11etI lawyers and tau per cent. of the profes- sion we're h). honest. said the speaker, I laughter to prolong litigation. "'lite putblic,' he deela.'d, '•trust, a weaeure of Law- 'stoma 111111Cr whirl thso /'east of Ittgal will IN. cheapened anti judgements eamehbd," Problems of Education. Mr. MacKay shored Ibe Govern- ment severely with respect to their edticatiou policy. Ile es•iticieed the ursine under which le -,tellers in pub. lie w'hewls ice rural districts were to be paid amending to the +earsstuent of the township, printing out that when the proposal war utaule the Minister of l'41,icetiun heel not 'tithe env eideuli- tiu11 nr to but). it would murk,' The 'kuru Wit. then given Au eight- day hoist acid emended. Ile agreed in the desirability art obtatuing tier• wanceuty in the leeching FFpr)fee- lou. and at the time had urgeal that the hest. way to Baan it Wal ill the melting, of larger grants to those stbekds which ewpluyet 'senior and experienced teachers than Wench as engaged jn n ioe' send inexlwt stewed rust totem s. lar alaicunttwetted ori the et made in the comae of We eddr.•s4 that the preeseot Government haul given cheaper whoop hooks to the Protein tee. it was true that after having decided to bring in uew• ltiitdens the l:ove•rn• meet had extended the contract for the old books for eighteen menthe. Neutrally the• printers desired to get rid of their etac:k, •'lt is Iatt•gely a large in -minter eats.," declined Mr, MaeKAy. "lout what about the coxa of the new renters % With reg Ltd to that I prefer to lake the opinion of Mee of the c .tsi•aoner.. The h•tti- nee s man on the r wiseiuu, Mr. John A. 4'artp)ers hes stated : 'This reduction rice utey et one and a half years. NeLet will happen then is only a Jet tiler of rug estion. The probability ii that if the new set of Readers is prepoetl. rand the paper and binding brought up to 'tete, the prices will go hark to the old figure if not higher. " 'Punning to another phase of the question. Ire rutdentneJ the propuaal tient off a nondwr of the model whores. The result would 1e that ntantrine sons fa rs' a and K 1 , 1 h tat leer would tae robbed of opportuniur, to get further elucatiou. Many id the people. would not be nide to send (hear children into the aline in order to At- tend the norw.el w•h'e,ls,. in 1 they would be deprived of the ebanea to qualify for the teaching profession, which would react up,tn the I'rovin'.e as a whole. I'rptally sarong wee Ile in his ronde.uuat of the tegnhuiour with regard to rutantee examinations. The regulations permitted d the pr ioripel of a N'nrx,l to pelts candidates wit hoot, examin etion in trawling. writing. e Ilia par arithmetic,geography g,g graphy mud grammar, all the elementary eiabj,eets, while they roust be a feet in chemistry, phy)eic:4, geometry and algeht.t, with Latin as a Imus, ref aiti in the judgment of the business omen of the country," seed the 'wreaker. '•when I say than whet we need ie not Drone subject., but re atten- tion to elementary eibjeet.; re thoroughness and accuracy." IChe.eres The neglect of the elementary Nub jerte would have a serious e!Teet on the country, for if their teachers were not inatrocted then the effect would filter Zack iso the hetrth•tnnee of tits Province. "There ere two dini•,nities in connection with the ednca tional system," weld the Liberal leader. 'The first with regard to the claim of the fart,ier' s son and daughter to get ns hill an educate as they like Without moving into the town." tIr. Whitneey• -Mar, beer! "1 have not ?ween any prairie el 'ileus in that tinction, and they aiet nut contained in the regulation. 1 have resin. Thome t.eulalien• will never bring ntw tit 11,4' pellpor training in elementary wutk in eity, town IN' country. Mr. Jlac K ay also .11\'elt on the nup ortartce of technical education to enable the mechanics of the Prov- ince to have an intelligent enmpre- hensiou of the principles mtdcrlying their trade. The Three-fifths Clause. I'n)cesdiug, dl r. MacKay satld "Thele is another point. Iltt wltlt•tt I desire to say is few words, and that It with regard to the three-fifths chime. We on this sale of the Meese two yea!'* ago and IN•t year divided the House tin this question, The 'yens' and 'naps' were taken, and 1 sl Id have that reasmieble indication an to where we were 1111 this questiwt. We bold the view that the majority and not the minority should rule. (Cheri -n.4 1 and nut g ' g to trouble the Howse with than a poling reference to the argument that 1pi- law is such x !weather one that it ne'rts a strong publit•sentimrn4 sixty int cent., hc•hial it. \Well„ if after the carrying of the acct an effort was'made to repent it a!r per cent of the vote might ie in favor of repeal And II per cent. awaited it, end yet the law, with piddle sentiment Mrongly against wngild still be an fon-*, 'chi. "bolos the f)Ilery of it tempting to endo''.' Audi a hew on any other print. par than that o1 the majority." Mr. Milli .tv added "Public opin- ion will nettle down a way or the other. 11 will dreide whether the haw has wnrkiel well or not. 1 say 1113l 'the goe•1 • i4 one which 1:455 IN+ fairly decided by the usejtt•ity id the pit 1•'.,, Mfr. Ahrukav dealt with the Nnom t Power ,lluestiou, end in conclusion timatekt'.I that surprise had been ex- pn"'.et tent. rnelnp,-r,, of the !►pp)eti- liun had nod eaten•! -into lengthy criticism art the (internment. "let me ensure the Home that ire do not confide,• if ricee poh!ie dilly to criti- eize everything. Thr duo v of at elide lie men in to (mimeo whet le not gond, end in working for the people of the Prnainee we believe in the old lit ili- terien ae reg,, 'The greatest good for the greatest nntnher. '" People seldtun improve when Ihey have no other model Int fh.mse•1' to opy, "cI•t•i• j tat teem baring n toed' with the drhtipL" •'Alt : \1'hn mane off hest ?" "1St, er it tt,t. a draw ' PRINTED BY REQUEST. Recipe is Easily Prepared at ' Small Cost, and Many Swear By it. Alia the following hy shaking well in a Ie,ule, a11d take in tawptatnitI doek? after oust► and at Ie itlwr. Fluid I'xIettet hwudrliuta, u11e•hiti1 outer ; C peened .lKarguu, our ounce . l' t e 1 Syrup t+nrsa1tttr- tlb., 111e.4• uuncrsA local druggist is the authority that these simple, httrutlteseingttsiientsslut Iw 1,44.1'11'6.j at tt ,tl • ilea (Tutu nor hover drug- gists, The tuixture i, maid to clratve and streugthtnt the clogged :utd inaction kidneys, rove g backache, blad- der weaklier.. and urinary timid* of all kiwis. it oaken lichee the Amite of Bright', Ilu.iwM•. ''hats• who have ti kit this say it pewit ively eistints* twin art the hawk, clears the art ice of welmirnt and teem. hates urination, esPecially al night, curing even the wtiret forts of blad- der weak tt, WV,. I:vury luau tie wuoulall herr who feel, that the kidneys are out strung UI' •acting '(A healthy atlantae•1• eit.tuld mix 011ie prescription :at hourr surd give it :e tial, as it- is said Ice do w Il'l's for tawny perwens. 'lens St i talon (1'a,) 'flute-. wee that to print this remarkable prescription, in ('•tiler of Itali, sines when tell the leading nrw.papers of New Voter, llo,tu'. Philadelphia. Pittsburg and other lilies hart' mains 'uta)' am - no uoreamed* of It to their leaders. • ARTILLERY •.CURIOSITIES. Old T,m• Cannon That Wert. Mad* of Leather, Wood and Rock. Among the curiosities of artillery odd inventions have a great place. Cannon have been made of the most unlikely materials. Leather was used as early as Henry V1l1.'a day at the •lege M Boulogne. The very articles were stored In the tower once, and Evelyn saw them there, inscribed "Non Marti opus est cul non deficit 'Mercurius." Are they still lying 1,n some corner of a forgotten lumbar room? The Scotch employed leather guns In 1860 to batter Turd Conway's fortifications at Newbourne, and they did the work well Describing the fe- verish alarm in Pirie in 1702, Carlyle says: "One citizen has wrought oat the scheme of a wooden cannon. which France shall exclusively profit by In the first Instance. It L to be mads or staves by the coopers, of almost bound- less caliber, but uncertain as to strength." Two small pieces brought to France by the Siamese ambassador's as pres- ents from their king to Louts XIS'. were the only artillery procurable fur the ateck on the Bastllltwf eccentric model 0o doubt, adorned with dragons and golden lnsrriptlons, but efficient workmanship. We read of gold cauoou In, India. Thera were two so de- scribed at Baroda in Burton's Uwe, "to • which regular adoration was of- fered." In fact, the tubes were of steel bar h t the Massive gold cash[ cost ,Iloo. For the defense of Malta in the old days the knight. "invented a kind of ordnance of their own, unknown to n11 the world beside," says Brydoue, an eyewitness. They followed out the nat- ural rock here and there In sncb fash Ion that the cavity was like a.inortar put a barrel of gunpowder into the hole, plugged It with a wooelen disk exactly fitting and heaped miscellane- ous projectiles thereupon. About fifty of these singular cannon defended creeks and landing places. Some of thein were six feet in diameter and ,threw 10,000 pounds welgbt of Iron or stone into the nor. Doubtless if all went well they would P u l do tremendous execution upon nu enemy trying to disembark. But there are eccentricities still more curious ou record. In a tomb on the Island of Chinni, near Usumacinta, Mexico, was found a cannon four feet eleven inches long of terra cotta, with terra cotta bullets. It is suggested that when Cortex retired after his great flight at Ceuta, Tabasco, the na- tires copied the Spanish guns in clay, hoping to produce the same resnits.— I.ondon Standard. LIKE THE INFERNO. Graphic Description of a Climb Over a Volcanic Island. A climb over n voleani.- island In 1Peting sea Is thus described in Outing Magazine by Itobert Dunn: "(SIR sank away into chaos. 1 p- light fans of tura, crevices like salt ernatod wounds, chasms with leprous edges—breather) all like mad. 1.4 -se steam, but more crinkly and venmmons gases. Parchesd white and red Anil ocher to their depths, they seemed n1 - moat to whistle—yet they did not whtst)ea furtive, ambient, high pressure 'Zjssshoe000'. Was it sound' Then I would pause and catch only the horrid, overburdened ,,hence. "The 'thing' eeeme.l mom friendly. The sulphur no longe ...baked. You eould hare passed a burning bnneh Jet miners' matches tender my nose and 1 would have gulped the fumes like fresh air. But the trnisible venom still belched out everywhere, secret and furtive; now from haws 504 Rashes four feet tel mote aeras, no longer re yet w, bet with fangs ' crusted r brilliant green and bristling with rapier -like stalagmites. Heat tremors pulsed, as the whole were n vast roof trio cirrse under the eye of the min. And below on the blasted acre under the beak the pant - Ing steam Mashed out the supreme des- olation—crumbling, clinkely and over - Perched; traded sway its emcee of the dull rainbow hoes of sulphur from grotesque modeles. It was it pudding of slag fresh from that great furnace. of the unknown teeing point, and hoer ellen to the Bold neves and wtndp'of the enbat+cther Brain Growth, Th• bfatn usually- crops growing al &boat fifty, and from sixty tot.renty It is Mots likely to decrease. it has been related by /'anon Mar-fbtl that Mr. Gtadstone•a head was eminently outgrowing hie hats. 1f late n■ the Midlothian eampafgn, when he was nearly seventy, he mesa nb11C..rf to hare hes head remoistened for thin reason. canon MaeCnara enneinalrm But thla continual growth of brain ronterbuted to Mt. Gladstone's perennial yontthful- nem appears not unwfarmeed, —Lou- don Spectator, • rot toot. may ;HOW. oat the Walt', m1 it ie , nt•vgy Motes which ae•1 a..a. t suCC,'tp A DliseIpl6 ef'Emwenen. . rte stood In the driving. sloshing rain oar a corner contemplating the curb. "Don't you know enough to go in when it rains?" asked an acquaint- auce hurrying by to shelter. "I am a disciple of Emerson," he re- plied. - Ills acquaintance slopped in aston- lsbweut while his umbrella turned in- side out. What the"— he began. "You see that curbstone." the first luau conUnued, "where it has been worn smooth by the throngs? Yon never saw It when It was washed shiny clean before. Isn't It the most beautiful gray -green apd polished like a slab? Emerson said you could Med bratty in the rainwater channels In a pile of rushes 1f you looked for it I'fn finding tt lu the sidewalk." 'Die other man's comment wag *Mothered In a fresh gust of wind and the wreck- of his umbrella. Insurance and Assurance. They were talking, the little group of agents, about the words fuiinranee and assurance, some claiming that the first and some that the second was the (setter word to use. !tut with a scornful laugh a Boston nein lu gold rimmed spectacles said: -You aro all t•er)• ,ignorant. lusur- anee Is aro !tetter nerd 110 worse than aawratt(e Each has a special elguln- ea nee and dell I ?s awl nod In Its Ma y C place. 'The phos for assurance Is where preraatlon Is taken against a certainty—agslnnt,lthat Is, death. Life n•surance. tae shoukl say If we spoke with perfecticorree.'tness. The place for Insurance Is, whore precaution In taken a,alnat an uneertntoty- such as fire, shipwreck. burglary. Fare tesursnre, marine loserance, we .bould Exchange. BRIGHTS DISEASE is the deadliest and most painful malady to which mankind is subiea. Dodd** Kidney PiUt will cure any case of Rrighttt Disease, They have mem- failed in one single case. They are the only remedy that ever has cured it, and they ere the only remedy that can. There are imitations of Dodd's Kidney PSAs—pill box and name—het imita- tions are dangerous. The original and onlygenuine eureeureka-Bright's is DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Oodles Kidwy Frit s ars RRy sesta ., beta at ail druggists. _ 7 Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam Cures Coughs Stop. titer., t gla oft. The hot teaspnonfcl does good. In a few hours you notice that " tight feeling " disappear --the coughing spell. w (ether and farther 'earl -the throat is ea•.ier—end the soreness gone. Cure yourself at Lome- -for air—*nth Ihrles'a Preparation of Friar Cough Balsam. Solt lir all druggi.t- a• NATIONAL DRUG a CNtM.C*L CO , LAtileo - LONDON. Oe, Children Enjoy It "1 has* used Colt,.foote Expoctorutt with the greatest satisfaction with my children. It is a wonderful Pur. for colds aad sere throat. I beliese it sav- ed the life of my little son, who wen very- sick from • protracted cold on his lungs." MSS. ANNIE BRAMBLES. Orangeville, Marsh 15, 1907. • • 1 am greatly ?bawd with the good results we gut from Coltwfeets Eepee- toraat. I get great comfort witb it for my children." MRS WAITER HAMMOND. 171 Argyle 4e, Tomato. Coltafoote Expectorant i• the great• est home prrxriptiun Inc all throat and chest nimbi, ."in the wrote. No home bntdd be ,.n,• boor without i s thm t a t. You ran have freen le by wasting m1 p Jed ag tram•. to Ur. T. A. Slocum, 1441.. Toruto. All good druggists keep it. Prier, 'see. fiend for Free dame!. To -day. McLean's Meat Market_ sea 'r. 1 have °pencil kt nest \lent Mar I ht. spend nn EAST STREET teal `h.urwo,. Shoe Store d a,,..r'Y urtowtlta the Town The store iN fitted up i modern a yeti• for the handling of to • 1.4) in tot nt,st eppNovtd way, and I nteud t., serve my enstomers with to best. l.. he had In my litre. BUSINESS RICTLY CASH PRi e - RIGiiT W. 100 Cords of Wood Wanted IN EXCHANGE For the best Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves and Heaters Worse is CHEAP HARDWARE and STOVE STORE GO DE RICH CANDIES 11 ' a wade 1 is, e,Lte., - 1,,A 11. hulas-uurdc Nut 'Pentre., nixed, J/ Inc, per I1,. Oysters Fines; Sele le in or served It any It afters 1 PIES Mrs. a elle ) Array 1'1'NI'h is I11tp.. I 15 CENTS [Ant'', EAC.'' Meals, Lrache,, Hot Drinks, Ice Creams, eto , at all hours. Olympia Cafe McLEAN Phone lav Your Printing SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! POOR Office Stationery indicates sloven linens. Tasty, well printed Stationery bespeaks system and carefulness The Signal Job Printing Department .1-'4=-71)71 "Black Knight" shines quickly—shines bright— shines by day and shines hy night. No dust—no dirt — no hard rubbing — always ready for instant use. And it won't urn off, no matter flow hot the fire. .To keep Stoves, Grates and Iron work always dam and bright, with: the least possible trouble, use 'Black Knight Stove Polish 4 Supplies only Ihr better kind won't pay 117 to turn nut any other. Skilled workmen only are employed because they should do and do buttes work than inexperienced help. We will convince you of this if you will trust us with your next order. i SPRING IMPORTATIONS COME AND SEE SOME OF THE NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS 7 huty-two webs here already, in navy. brown, green, garnet and black, 50c, 75c, it.00 and it.s5. Serges, Broadcloths. Panantas, Voiles, Batistes and Lu.tres Prints Light end dark, coloring, loc 1c,aid 1_'} ,cents. Leel trot,''). The 13!, eon linen are the ratan. es Lal year, I),tlt in weight and 1luenee.. Blues Jere all ludigu dytie and altwJutely first, eui.tlI -!,art, polka ilia and small .prig !Nanette. nette. The ttiCeet ak$ot•trltellt we ever offered and extra value ioi Ilii. ),•,u. D elaines 7.,P1,41,7"; ilk•, check sad *'nett fancy apt prtwrus Light soil Jauk culuriupgr and won't lrn wash or by exprwurelar IMt ighl, and lhu piliee is ualy tae. Ginghams end Chambrays Our now stuck in there goods is all here - Y - barge and stall check* and plalu chambray*, Laces We want you to know that we expel le Leos*. They pule direct (colo the makers to us• whist enables its t. be et bedrock for pekoe- Huudrede of piec)r to *elect (coin. LEFT -OVERS, -All our left -over laces are ow a table in the front of the store, marked duwu to .411,t10 urtt-halt regular nice., Lawns 5letoria Lawns, Linen Lamas and Permian lawns, from I(ke to 10e. eita`''r'tr"• ':•e``at"•' Hosie• I pairs of plain Cashmere Hose for $1 or ane x single lair. Another line. :i pairs fun ry el. or:;:e• a pair. These stocking• are special t, the•,;tt..t in. STANDARD PATTERNS, roc and tyt A hill Seeing Stock here now. DESIGNER, toe. 'Phone 1ti. J. FL Colborne THE tIQUAItf UODERICII. A DliseIpl6 ef'Emwenen. . rte stood In the driving. sloshing rain oar a corner contemplating the curb. "Don't you know enough to go in when it rains?" asked an acquaint- auce hurrying by to shelter. "I am a disciple of Emerson," he re- plied. - Ills acquaintance slopped in aston- lsbweut while his umbrella turned in- side out. What the"— he began. "You see that curbstone." the first luau conUnued, "where it has been worn smooth by the throngs? Yon never saw It when It was washed shiny clean before. Isn't It the most beautiful gray -green apd polished like a slab? Emerson said you could Med bratty in the rainwater channels In a pile of rushes 1f you looked for it I'fn finding tt lu the sidewalk." 'Die other man's comment wag *Mothered In a fresh gust of wind and the wreck- of his umbrella. Insurance and Assurance. They were talking, the little group of agents, about the words fuiinranee and assurance, some claiming that the first and some that the second was the (setter word to use. !tut with a scornful laugh a Boston nein lu gold rimmed spectacles said: -You aro all t•er)• ,ignorant. lusur- anee Is aro !tetter nerd 110 worse than aawratt(e Each has a special elguln- ea nee and dell I ?s awl nod In Its Ma y C place. 'The phos for assurance Is where preraatlon Is taken against a certainty—agslnnt,lthat Is, death. Life n•surance. tae shoukl say If we spoke with perfecticorree.'tness. The place for Insurance Is, whore precaution In taken a,alnat an uneertntoty- such as fire, shipwreck. burglary. Fare tesursnre, marine loserance, we .bould Exchange. BRIGHTS DISEASE is the deadliest and most painful malady to which mankind is subiea. Dodd** Kidney PiUt will cure any case of Rrighttt Disease, They have mem- failed in one single case. They are the only remedy that ever has cured it, and they ere the only remedy that can. There are imitations of Dodd's Kidney PSAs—pill box and name—het imita- tions are dangerous. The original and onlygenuine eureeureka-Bright's is DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Oodles Kidwy Frit s ars RRy sesta ., beta at ail druggists. _ 7 Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam Cures Coughs Stop. titer., t gla oft. The hot teaspnonfcl does good. In a few hours you notice that " tight feeling " disappear --the coughing spell. w (ether and farther 'earl -the throat is ea•.ier—end the soreness gone. Cure yourself at Lome- -for air—*nth Ihrles'a Preparation of Friar Cough Balsam. Solt lir all druggi.t- a• NATIONAL DRUG a CNtM.C*L CO , LAtileo - LONDON. Oe, Children Enjoy It "1 has* used Colt,.foote Expoctorutt with the greatest satisfaction with my children. It is a wonderful Pur. for colds aad sere throat. I beliese it sav- ed the life of my little son, who wen very- sick from • protracted cold on his lungs." MSS. ANNIE BRAMBLES. Orangeville, Marsh 15, 1907. • • 1 am greatly ?bawd with the good results we gut from Coltwfeets Eepee- toraat. I get great comfort witb it for my children." MRS WAITER HAMMOND. 171 Argyle 4e, Tomato. Coltafoote Expectorant i• the great• est home prrxriptiun Inc all throat and chest nimbi, ."in the wrote. No home bntdd be ,.n,• boor without i s thm t a t. You ran have freen le by wasting m1 p Jed ag tram•. to Ur. T. A. Slocum, 1441.. Toruto. All good druggists keep it. Prier, 'see. fiend for Free dame!. To -day. McLean's Meat Market_ sea 'r. 1 have °pencil kt nest \lent Mar I ht. spend nn EAST STREET teal `h.urwo,. Shoe Store d a,,..r'Y urtowtlta the Town The store iN fitted up i modern a yeti• for the handling of to • 1.4) in tot nt,st eppNovtd way, and I nteud t., serve my enstomers with to best. l.. he had In my litre. BUSINESS RICTLY CASH PRi e - RIGiiT W. 100 Cords of Wood Wanted IN EXCHANGE For the best Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves and Heaters Worse is CHEAP HARDWARE and STOVE STORE GO DE RICH CANDIES 11 ' a wade 1 is, e,Lte., - 1,,A 11. hulas-uurdc Nut 'Pentre., nixed, J/ Inc, per I1,. Oysters Fines; Sele le in or served It any It afters 1 PIES Mrs. a elle ) Array 1'1'NI'h is I11tp.. I 15 CENTS [Ant'', EAC.'' Meals, Lrache,, Hot Drinks, Ice Creams, eto , at all hours. Olympia Cafe McLEAN Phone lav Your Printing SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! POOR Office Stationery indicates sloven linens. Tasty, well printed Stationery bespeaks system and carefulness The Signal Job Printing Department .1-'4=-71)71 "Black Knight" shines quickly—shines bright— shines by day and shines hy night. No dust—no dirt — no hard rubbing — always ready for instant use. And it won't urn off, no matter flow hot the fire. .To keep Stoves, Grates and Iron work always dam and bright, with: the least possible trouble, use 'Black Knight Stove Polish 4 Supplies only Ihr better kind won't pay 117 to turn nut any other. Skilled workmen only are employed because they should do and do buttes work than inexperienced help. We will convince you of this if you will trust us with your next order. i