The Signal, 1908-3-5, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO Tuuu)u.tr, 11:tr, h :, 190i Xews of the i8trict. Blyth spring show will be held on 'jite*dsy, March Slat. 'The new Carnegie library building at Kincardine hes been uoutpleted and i4 a flue structure. •Thr marriage of Miler Margaret A. McGlynn, daughter of John McGlynn. of Turulrert'y, and %Vin. J. King. of Cul1auw. was solemnized iu the Roman Menesetunit Mineral Water quip: UUDKRICH MINEKA1. WA - 1 TRI, CO.. manufaetuten of "Metawe. I una,' ore profnred to deliver to ray part of the town llelfoet (lnier Ale In pinta and qu,kri,4, Klee Minimal Water le three einem 1.111.. piulo an.1 quartet, Seltzer Water and Double :+ilia. These guide ere mode from natural tumoral water. and ■n' herefuro fee. trona all Intpurltles. 1'. L %%'ALTON Mae. user 'Phone:NI MUSIC Music CLASSES.- ow lie AM tesson. ILril piano Kid theory. oleo t Kurrowws musical piano own method for young children. Termend other InformaU on may be had at T1 -.o'+ 141040+tore, Uoderich. ) MMA A. ANDREWS. u. A.1 ROY ADAMS TEACaaa or PUN() Studio W Wok of Montieal Block. Medical I)Rb. EMME1t.5ON d' TURNBULL. A. T. Entailment. M. D. W 11. Tt•II Neet.t. kt. /l Oaken Ilamllton RIreet. Phone ltd. Dr. I:ulmer+wu" residence. North street. Opposite ea- Ue.nrr4ohurch.'phew lel Dr. Tnrnhull'w maidenue, Montreal street. Southwest of Public Wbrer,. Phone *111. 1)It. W. F. UALLOR•, M. H. 1Ia11r, Colborne street. next door to timor- ous' frank. Telephoner - rMl•x, 1.1: house. ICJ. 1AR. F. J. It. FOKSFKIt- EYE. }:AK ! Nn•e and Throat only. Stretford. Ont. 'tome .uri,'oum Nrw York Ophthalmic and Nese eral nd Throatt ute. lHo•'1 ital.lGold'en Square. and Royal London Ophthalmic,,1ltari street. ?% e Ho -total, London, Eng. Ht rat fool. opi.. 11e Windsor hotel. Hour.: f►IY wow.. J•1 V.nt.. 1 4 p.w. Telephone 'Jail. Legal tAMEItON k KILIA)ILAN, BAR - It rf1.a., uutatir+ ate. uMoe IHTRItl'I. self Hawiltuu Mt.. third 1100f from -k{uate, ll.drrb•it, int. M. 0. t'AMIi:HON, K. C. J. 1. KIL Lt1KAN. l)R(►U UFOOT. HAYS k BLAIii li lunrrl+ten. solicitors newel*. Vublic yn • 'ors In the Maritime Court. etc. OMeo. rod side Square. nest door 1,. A. Nairn'• gro try. IM rate fund+ to 1011.1 a1 kwsat rate. diuterwt. W. PKollWOOT. K. C. It. C. HAYS. U. E ILAllt. DICKINSON k (:ARROW, BAR - % MISTERS. attorney+. +elicitor.. ate. 1:0tlrrien. Monett to lend_ el lowest rota.. F 1. DICKINSON. i'llARL.4IGA'CKOw'. I.LIt I. O. Jones 'OX. HAKKISI'EK. -14i, i1 or, c))uImi-. i•,n •r. 11 ): yr public. OAlee., Ha.niltun rel rea•t•. Ouderlrh. Out. Insurance. Loans. etc. Yut•NU k ROBERTSON. REAi. Ketate and Insurante .\gent+. Real rre- bote fur ft•tle or to let Properties handled In any tort of the town and txounty. Vire and fe insurance. money to loan err. J OIiN W. ('RAIUIK, LIFE. FIRE t and accident In "mance. Aeendfor leading n.utuel and stock companies. insurwn•m in a11 lines rtforlod an beat pleat, and et looms' rates. 4'411 at oaloe, corner Neel Street and Square or address. J. W. CKAIGIK, liodsrloh, Ont. fele-hone •Y1 • McKILLOP MUTUAL Elite: IN- H U K A N ( K (' O.- Ferni and l.'nlated town property Insured. Value of property *11 . used up to Jan. Ian, over Etenti A. (1 cer. and dtrc.•ton:-J. It. Mcl.ewn,'rrre.; T. Fra+er vice pre.. ; Ja". Connolly. U. Dale, Mr. l'ho.- ney. J. Watt. 4....viese r. (t, Grieve. J. IWnne- wet". director* ; T. K. Hay+. deaforth.eo•tetary- frawurer; Inep ecWn, nearest dlrecuor to Ira J. W. 1'oo. -•lloime"vtlle. agent for Weer Huron. Pollt•y-holdetr- coneyas ae.emenre ca and got their merle roostat Trier- & r•lintoo. or at K. Cult " grocery'. S imone. street. OOAerw h. SHAVING PARLOR e�1HAVINU AND HAIR -DRESSING I) rAKLOK1. -- The best Macro In town. Prompt service ; everything clean and want tar)'. Hn• and real bath. WM. DAVIS. Krit.ish M:xrhange Hotel (mock lanoce,.str to Jas. Fritzley I. Marriage licenses WAITER E. KELLY. WALTER ONT. Watchmaker, Jew eller and O Icbur. rlchmak. lamer of Marrlafo Licensee. • WLANE, ISSUER OF MARKI • AO k Ikeeneee, Ooderlcb, Out. Auctioneenng THOMAS (SUNDRY. LiVE STOCK 11 and general suet loner. 0111ne.. en Hoath Street, where he will be found at all (Imes wheu not 'eying Wee. Terms res"onnble and every effort used to give you natlef■olbn fhonovr GEORGE BECKETT General Auctioneer. New System of Tickets and Catalogue. OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. P. O. Box 183. STOVES You will tries *0111C Mal bar- gains if you fail to see what i can do for you iu enc of those Good Cheer ranges Good Cheer art heaters Penn Esther ranges Nothing just as gold for the money; every one guaranteed. 5 per cent. off for spot Cash Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Repairs airs Electric Wiring and Fixtures. GIVE US A CALL W. R. PiNDER 'Phone 155. Ceth1lio church, Wlugbwu, on Wed- 'lesday, the :ebb uIL, Rev. Father ldluIeodeau officiating. H. Hain. (i. T. R. agent at Luck - now, formerly uf lieu/Nets, has been promoted to Fergus, Ont. The Farmers' Bank of Canada bas opened a branch office at Brucefleld with H. R. Laird ar manager. A bylaw to grant it free rite to the Gibb. Evaporator Cu. will again be subiuitted to the citi.eus of Exeter. The death of Mew. Angus Kennedy, who was formerly Mire O'Keefe, uf Seafurtb, occurred at her house in Portage lit Prairies recently. Andrew Johnrtou, who is moving `to %Velum, haa sold his lll•:u re farm iu McKillop to %Vw. Davidson, of Ui•ey township. for the sum of $21400. Leonard Howson, eon of Mrs. John Taylor, of Clinton, was recently elected preeident of the Farmers' and Merchants' Beek at Rolla, N. 1). John Blatchford. • prominent citi- zen of flenrall, died on Thursday uIoruing Iasi. lir is survived by Itis wife and several bri)thers and rioters. Owing to the opposition of the Ger- man member', o1 rue Lutheran chureb at Zurich, the pastor, Rev. J. C. C. Meas, will dircootinue the English ser- vices. After a lingering *1100 t of consump- tion. Misr Mary MacDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDonald, of D.uhwolxl, passed away on Monday. the lith ult. ebb. J. U. Mower, of Blyth, met with an accident lest week. She was on a resit -ladder, which %tipp•et. throw - Ing her to the floor. with the moult Bost her arm was broken and her face eul. George Campbell, a proep♦rous young sgricuhutist of near Blake, and Misr Florence Turner, of the Seuble line, plighted their troth in SL Mary'. church. Berlin, eta Wednesday, the :eith ult. Charges of graft feeing been made by ex -Councillor J. W. Drake agein.t Reeve Hunter and ex-Council(ur Inglis, all of Kine*roline, the council loss named a committee to investigate the clatter. Holbert !%lattice, it former well- known resident of Brussels, died very suddenly at him home' in Saginaw, Mich., on \%'tadnreday, the i9th ult. 1)eceered's widow is a daughter of S. C ,awford, of Brussels. 00 Wednesday, the 38th ult., Rev. A. H. Going. of Exeter, tied the uu,nlel lout between Misr Maty Khza- o• th Nrwcmur, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Nrwconie, of Exeter, aud }:d - weed Helvetii, of Zurich. One of the pioneers of Marcie town• ship pasta *way on Thursday lost in the person of Robert 11. Latdlew, who was in his eightieth year. He settled on his farm on the 8th concession of Morris over fifty years ago. The Beeth of Mrd. Thom+. Whaley. a furinor well'known resident of Chu - ten. occurred at the h of her daughter in Billing*. Montana. on 'Jundity, the ltltb ult. The remains were brought to Clinton for inter- ment. The horde of Mrs. Jowl Sellers, of the 2od concession of Morris, We.ltayy with festivity on Wedne.lday, the 1t1th ult., the occasion bring the marriage of her daughter, Minnie, to Vi'ul. %Vo it -ow, of !lenge, Sask. The ceretuony was performed by Rev. U. Baker, of Blue - vale. At the McKillop manse on \Wedlnes- dey, the Ithh ult., Rev. 0. Carswell pronounced the words which made Robert A. Robinson and Mies Ethel Dennison, of (hat township, husband and wife. Shortly after the erre- lawny Mr. And Mrs. Robinson left for their future home in Regina, Sank. A quirt welding waw celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mn. Henry Ben- der, of Dashwood, on Wedneadey, the 28th ult.,wbru their youngest daughter, Annie, WAS matrimonially united to John tichlundt, of the same piece. The happy couple will reside in Sarnia. A ripple of excitement was caused in Walton last week by the alliance of representatives of two of the most popular remitter' of he cLy. iu the persons of Will C'bristophert and Miss Lucy Sholdice. The matrimonial ceremony wee performed at the home of the bride by Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford, of Brussels. Business Change at Kincardine. Juhn Hiles has sold'his business at Kiocsrdiue, being compelled to retire on account of III -health. The new proprietors are Fred.. Teinplin and George McDonald, Moth of whom hal been connected with the business for some time. Mr. McDonald is well known in the Ammb'rley district, having lived there before going to Kincardine Clinton Woman rolmd Dead. Mrs. W. J. Biggins, a widow, who lived alone .m Joseph street. Clinton. was found dead in her house at noon on Saturday last. Milton Cook, a neighbor boy, who carried water for her. went as usual that morning. but could not get in, and at noon, think- ing something plight be wrong, he end bis father forced an entrance to the home and found her dead on the floor. Sue was eighty-three years of age, and the doctor attributes her death to heart failure.- Her son, Wil- liam, liver on the London road, near Clinton, Kincardine's Municipal Officers. The town council of Kincardine has appointed officer'. as follows for 10115 : Clerk, salary Vett .1. H. Srongall ; treasurer, salary $1011 and $2'i for use of este. E. Fox ; ssseseor, sidsry 81(0), J. H. Fleming ; collector, salary Slant (no appointment) ; caretaker of town hail, Victoria Park, weighmester, salary 8375, with free house, light and fuel 'pas $127 rent for town scales). M. T. Huffman ; street inspector, eatery $NK), 1), Darling : flack knot and noxious weed inspector. Itohert Fraser ; cemetery sexton, salary $UMO, Mat. McCreath ; town snlicitor, fees, W. C. Loscombee, K. C ; harbor master, fees on export, H. r. Hurdon ; fenceviewers, M. T. Huffman, D. i►arling and .1. J. AVadker ; sanitary inspector. eatery $ W, John %'inti medical beellh officer, S. Steering, A1.I). Death of Wingbam Business Man. t of William h The news of the death Armour, one of Winghami s moat re- spected business men, came as a shock to the resident. of that community on Wednesday of lest week. He had been in delicate health for some time, but had looked after his heftiness in- terests until Monday efening, when he eras seised with a severe attack of heart trouble. Ders.sed, who was horn in Fast Wswanosh fifty-two yeses ago, bad been a resident of Wingh•m for neer half a century. Though quiet and unostentatious, hie sterling' integrity and kindly dieposi- , ! tion •won for him the esteem of all with whom he had to do, Re leaves to mouro his demi.* hie egged father. hie widow, four sons, William, Her- vey, Elam and Charley. all At horn**. and one daughter, Mt'., Fi-iuk Mitchell, of Wingbaw. Two brothers, Jsistt a And John Armour, 4440 reside in Wiogham. , A Young Life Cut Off The heartfelt sympathy of the reel - dents of Tucaerrwith goer out to Mr. and Bike. W. C. Landelorough, uf the :1rd caneession of that township), who are mourning the lows ut their only daughter, Jessie. Three weeks ago deceased contracted a severe cold, which resulted in congestion of the lung., followed by brain fever. tau - suffered intense pato during her 111 neer but on 8.tutday, the 22nd ult.. she fell peetwfully aelawp at he early Age of fourteen years. A child gifted with raw mental abilities and of s peculiarly winseine diepoeition. she anddearly Iteloded by the rtl outs teachers of Cliutou Collegite in- ititute, which she Attended, as well as by the members of Brlcelleld Presby- terian church, of which irhe was the youngest member. Her comrades in to whore lives she brought so much mirth and sunshine ray of her, "It w•aul easy to be good when rhe was with us." GREAT INDEED WILltBE THE ADVANTAGE DERIVED FROM AN OLD REMEDY IN NEW FORM. Mr. H. C. Dunlop. Our Local Druggist. Interested -The Public Marvel, and Doctors Everywhere Pleased. Probably no branch of science has made such wonderful strides as have been made in the practice of medicine. Diseases that a number of yotars AK" were considered fetal are now known to be curably. Even consuuipt. is no longer looked upon with the dread that it turmerly inspired. It is right on this line of wasting disasters that we now have' news of a wonderful discovery - one that, is hound to revotntionize the science of medicine sod atartle the woe Id. Everyone is familiar with methods that have been employed by physi• clans for years, in cases that they were afraid would develop into a de. cline. In all troubles of the throat. lungs, bronchial tube* And other si.n• ilar Ailments that were kn,wn to end disastrously, about the first thing the doctor would do would be to recon,' mend cod liver nal, for cod liver 14.1 how been recognized for a great many years as possersitig peculiar medicinal properties pmrticularly adapted for the cure of such troubles Everyone knows the objection. however, to the use of this nau.etting remedy. So extremely disegrreehle it the taste and smell of coal liver oil that some people have been actually unable to take a single duets of it. Many others have made heroic efforts to take the medicine, but have been obliged to with the horrible still? on it fora few ter struggling The coneequence is that thousand. have drifted into incurable diseases who might have heen saved, had it been possible to administer this patent ,medicine. Enough people hove been Able to isaimilate end liver oil to prove to the ,n.-dicai profession end tbe world at large its intrinsic value. Such patients as were blessed with unusually strong stomachs de• rived benefit from col liver oil. Why. then, could not a forte of it he de- vised to 1x adminieteted to piatieota whose digestive organs had been weakened by disease? This is exactly what scientists and cbeinists have been Aiming at for years, and this is exactly whet has been dune by two prominent French chemists. Their secret has been hrought to America and our own Ale. Dunlop has succeeded in connecting Misspelt with the prominent firm or Boston chemists who are placing this new preparation no the market. Thr preparation in question, now that it ; has been discovered, like ell other great inventions. is simple. By a peculiar proceed the liver of the cod is treated in such is manner that there is obtained an olio Art which contains all, and only a11, of the curative prop- erties that have uixde cod liver oil famous. The horrible -smelling, name eatiof(-tasting fat that has always been a part of this remedy has been entirely discarded. . basis a th This curaua extract i of Vinod, which Mr. Dunlop is pre - welting to the public. It ie combined with organic iron and beef peptone, dissolved in it specially made medi- cinal wine, and the result is it prep- aration that is delicious to the tante and extremely comforting to the stomach. Mr. Dunlop has indeed been for- tunate in making arrangements to handle this new remedy, which goes under the name of Vinol. It is worth anyone's while to talk to him about it and learn directly from him the good that is being done by finding a way to adminirtet• what has always been a horrible and much -dreaded medicine, in a form that is actually delicious, to say nothing of being • hundred times more efficient. In a Good Cause. Helen. who is but three years old, is devoted to her building blocks. Her mother has told( her that they are not to be used on the Sabbath. One Sun- day, recently, Helen was discovered enjoying herself with the attractive pia LIIines. "Why, baby, don't you know you should not pixy with your blocks on the Sabbath?" said her mother. "But, mamrna," came the quick re- ply, "this is AH rights -1 amt badldin,( a Sunday school for my dolls." ---Lip. pineott's. Found • Stranger. Pastors and church members are often advised *0 show more effusive- ness in welcoming strangers to public services. A North London minister recollected thle the other Sunday. Conning down from the pulpit after the evening sermon lie found a stranger in the penile] of a fair-haired Scotch girl, end, greeting her with a cordial handclasp. said ---"I am very glad to see you. 1 went you to feel at hone here. 1'd like to become Ac - r 1 ',ted with oil. if you'll give p fat t �� y your 'Admit I'll dell and y see you." Tfiank you; she replier], "but 1 have a lad already." Those Most Pained. Mia UMldie -She sive she's saddest when she sings, and-• Miss Knox -That can't he. She may he "sadder" when she sings, but Wm her andienee that's saddest. "Whit wid y' dee, Millie, if y' had • thoosau' po1sn'P" • "Whit wM i dae if 1 had a thoann' proem' ? 1 old dee nraet biog. • SPARED THE ENEMY. A Spanish Governor's O osity' In the War of 1148. In the year 1710, when Englund ons engaged in war with Seale. Captain Edwards of the Elizabeth of Loudoi comlug through the gulf front Janie. o richly ladeu, met with a t ieleut some Tits ship epraug a leak that (Milt:et] It to run into the pert of Platelet. The captain weut uu shore and \4 ailed on the goreruor mud told 141114 111 the e• ca sloe of his putting iu, adding that 1,,• surrendered the ship as a prize nes wee as himielf and crew prisoners of wnr. only requeatlug good quartets. . "No, sir," replied the guveruer. "If we had taken yvu th fair sea or ap- proaching our ow'u coast 111111 !motile intention., your ship wunhl then Le a lawful prise and ) our people prisoners, but when, distressed 1.)' the baud of Providence, you come to our port fur safety of your Ilves we. being men, though enemies, are bound by the last s of hpmauity to afford relief to the ills - tressed who asst It of us. We (limed, even agalnst our foes, take udtanta,e of tbe act of God. You have le e therefore to unload your slap. if that he uecessaro to stop the Teak lou may fit her here and Irattlr so for, 1s• - bides, as shalt lie 104..1fu1 In pay 114. charges. \%'bell rep:di-1st yen may de- part. i will give you n pas.; to he ie force (111 beyond Iteruuda. If aft• r that you aro taken then you will 1•• .: lawful prize, whereas unto. as )oil are only a stranger. you ha ‘t• a stranger', right to safety amt prett-el44w." here was fairness. The shill depart- ed and arrived without any further ac- cident in the port of London. AN ANCIENT BANQUET. Menu of a Christmas Dinner Served In Feudal Tinton. ".A Chrlstnlns rli:lu^r iu feud,i1 line' said an antiquary. •'44a, .Drool ❑I 11 o'clock in the worulu_. It 1,gao 14;14 plum pudding, or phut g.orridte• as they culled It lu their ol'I L,s11ione4 way; a suet pudding'.tufre.l redo 1,l stns, currants, prunes, Mace, .Io.e+ and ginger. "Next came a bear's head 011 a sir. er platter decorated w "hi, wits heralded with a fl'nri- h et 11,1,i pets and the lighting of the area, log. '%'lit heal had :t lemon :u i!, Mouth. A but mustard sou.'.• v t with It. / "The third course w:;, a p•e.e. k i:4 full plmuage. its Irak Was and it was -stuffed milli spices and sweet herbs. "Geese aud.eapous toilette,' drench- ed with amber grcnse, and then came frutnenty, for which 1'11 Bite you the recipe." The old mac read here front lois note- book: "'Froment)'. -Take '•le:1u It heat and brey it In a mortar till the hulls be ell gone oft aud seethe it 1i11 it burst. and take It up and let it ('441'1, and Lake clean fresh broth and sweet Mil:: of almonds or sweet mlik of Lino anti temper it all, nod take Ile• yolks of eggs. Boli it a little and wet it down and mesa It forth with fat teoilton.' "There were other fixiugs." the Itn- tiquar• ender. '•snrh ns Nolen aan- sage, brawn pudding and souse, cheese, apples and 111,1,4. The drinks Avera beer, malvolsle and sberris Sack.' Canaries Steamship Pets. Few 111111 fir between are the stead.• ahlps eutcriug the port of Boston that cannot boast of a canary. No matter how battered and rusty the craft may be, one is pretty pure to find the canary eoneve here in the rooms of the "metes or crew. Its cage, as a rule, Is a won- derful creation of brass wire and lace, and the canary himself usually Is n Singer whose trill and whistle one of the best. The little songsters nppear to cuJoy life on the ocean. Seldom nre' ' they lnconlvenienced by the motion of 111P vessel, • and the more 1110 'ng., swings from its hook the more they warble. Sailors will tell you n rano.)' Is a tnnst•ot, Be that As It Ina)', the canaries are great peel. frequently one may see n sailor on the water front iuggiug his bind and cage t0 some new ixerth. A Nset Bit of Selfishness. 1 "For setenl years," said it married wan. "I did not hove a taste of tender- loin at home, As I sat at the bend of the table and was compelled 10 give that Part of the steak to my wife. A year .ago 1 Invited her to sit :tt the head of the table And do the earv'lug, since which time I have always had the tenderloin, for she politely give's toe, the best cut, which I accept Indif ferently, as though 1 du not knew whet 1t Is. 1 rrmpertfully lay the snggestinn before the Society of Check Eating LEARN DRESS -MAKING Husbands." Ire Ds Millar C EW LACE CURTAINS EW MADRAS MUSLINS EW FRILLED MUSLINS EW SWISS MUSLINS EW ART MUSLINS 'Phone O■ 56 .lu.t pared i111,. k ,our seeittt;•:ulpnr:;tttil, • el 1\';114:,,0 141(0 (':Aldine; Vel lel y.:.i' l l Glues have lit 4el• before been '••Iunl14'4i New Laces, New Prints, New Muslins, New Delainettes, New Embroideries, New Gingham%. New Dress Linens, New Meetings. )In4111•. NEW WAISTS' NEW WAISTS late \\.4i,:. to (1,1141 ilii• w'.ek, i.(intim; II $I. ' 1., .unl ret one the tory bast 4(115,' for tit • prim asked. MILLAR'S SCOTCH 'Pre STORE 'Phone 56 LIKE FEAST OF THE WOLF. Quebec Celebration Causes Friction In Eastern Province, There i+ 44.111 a good deal of friction silo Quebt.' over the' participation of eat -at -tern in the cnnung cclebratinn. It i. 01113- just to say, however, that the following artielo from Ln Velil,• reflect.: the '(pinion of a very :mall portion of the population of the an- ei,'lit capital. 1.a Verito Aditus that it still net 1,r a Catholic celebiationill August next. as the good people of Quebec expect- ed, lett the celebration of C/1 1111.1,1 114 n tthd ,. it 1. 11nt the fnuebilietl of Quebec hy' ill, French, no; they want t., vela,' ate the capture of the city by theE•n Doli. !t 1: riot so t Fit tip- pear-,, the three hundredth anniverrnr". ,f the planting of the eros" and the fine of our uneestor, nn tape 1hil- 111011d, but iu.teadirthe 149th ouniver- shry of the defeat of our heroes be tin' English troops. "We wished to celebrate the rnm- n,olaeelnent of our hi -tory, but they will in?tead celebrate the begiunitic of British domination in tifi country. The symbol which they propose 1.' acclaim is the angel of peace. but to what peace do they refer 1f it is the peace that the generosity of our peo- ple eaus.•d t.. leigu :nunnrl Quebec, •o mnch the better, hut it is the more extended peace which they are goinc to commemorate. It i= the peace fol- lowing the abolition of the French leneuage in several of the proyinres. It i; the peace following the deetrur- tino of Catholic schoul. in New Bruns- wick, in \fanitobo, in Alberta and • Saskatchewan. "In a word it is the peace which reigns after the wolf has eaten the Iamb and sleeps utter his bloody re - 1)11.1. P ing Niagara Falls. Persistent effnrta are to be made in ('ingress nt \Vashingtou to prevent the, re•euactment of what is known as the Hurtbu law, passed in 1906, gov- erning the disposition of the w•ater7 of the Niagaea Falls. The object of the enactment'was=n conserl•., the waters of the fall.: against the encroachment of commercial enterprises. It was des. tireel, a A. a purely temporary measure, to be supplanted by n general conven- tion er treaty 011 this eubjert bet11'.cn floe United Stat es cud Oneida which 1-i intended to colo also the dispo-i• tion of other waters forming a bound- ary line between the two eountric+. Thr Burton law expires in less than a year and A half. Those opposing iia re-enactment for tett year.+, a3 is ;im- posed in some quarters, declare this ). a di.+tinct advantage to fho Caa- dian,', who bccaa40 Kush n large- peanr tin t u• tette are o the ' n of t a r n C euadinn side of the river, are content to lot e;:isting conditions remain, in prefcr- cnce to agreeing to a treaty 7hich will restrict the privileges they now enjoy. The International \Vnterways ('nm. mission, which is made up of mom. hers front the United States and Can - gids, has turned in a mtis of biter -ma - tem nn the whole question, which lois been inid before rho two (.nvernmenis for their consideration. The United *+fates Govenuncnt i; anxious flint *note dispnsition shall le patched in BY MAIL in Your Spare Tee Rough. Time at Horn.' A traveler to the dining car of a rail- I t\ •• j road had ordered fried eggs for break. e, fast. u• ,1 .vl..r S „I d .:,. "Can't give yo' fried Rigs, hose,' the 4,+h.,.- I,ic negro welter informed him, 'lessen ""I' 'I" "''k"' ,yo' want to wait till we stops." j "Why, how Is that?" � e "Well, de' cook he • 1 1rt 'maga de road's tor► � f.., . 1 • ,' .io ,'! rough dat ebery time he tries to fry "'I "" Alga dey scrambles." s:wer tee whole matter, tied that at an eerie dote. 1t manta to treat)• prepared and ratified at this Session of Congress, if pn■: il,le. f'rs imi,t .lour. "I fon is it, Smith. 1h rt y,,ii beat sn (tale and happy and well i" Optiwi.; Smith - •'1•;ve14 tinge I •4l down to 43444 .4 I tall :asleep.. 'moues ',r .\ru,nn P'.e reef of Reef 1.1, 1..11:• in loot 1'- lurk•;,. I. pr. ., it. 44 0 mca4 from hemming' dr. Ir preserves eserves. the natural ,t nitre.. -find Is an enticing slat or That moth , ng else car. It (;ire. the true I•nef ".ttor to roast and I;,Led hent, and fowl. enable..4',,, • col to creat, many ea sty dist. -.nil is 4r elrnu.t hourly .;art Ice in the kitchen. -end for our new amksl„,1,k. "My 1'. overdo Iterip•a'-(oe on receipt of ore mete' tui' from. Jar of Ar 4r oar • Extract of Reef. Armour, Limited. Toroe.o.. SOLID EXTRACT Of 8(11 t Namous's XilACT-ao 414400. tt1 The Famous Pedestrian lu nt�. man: "1 *4'113 a warlyr to catarrh of the hent, throat :Ind stonier,. I *tai en had t he d'u•t•.!'1 ferne,l .nnlunu,tion. 1 Iru•,1 tn•4149 pl. .iei:ery amt !indictee, % hetet 5ngte:sle'1 Poychine. I tried it :net it wan 4 L old, thing e.er aid m'• any gond. I atm nett' perfectly well. 13 1*, gi'.'a11•1.: rrui•,Iv the world !,a+ 1•4 et ko,n:n. I de not need it 1'rr w'. health inn' Lot I es.- it NM a alreig(h'nec` for my walking matinee. I rNe mud.114 my ph.sirnl enduraAec to Psychtue." ,I %yl les Iti:Y\lll,lte+, Port 11.4,1444.(lair. Psyehlue i. the greatest i11.4,1444.n:e for rntarrh of the head, throat or .sto m:telt in tt.• id.. It i• :, *seam''rfnl tone and strrngt,e tier 01 esu:. down :<4ntenr, actin; .iirrrlly oil all the vital organ, 1, gi4(1ig 'onthful 4414.1 and strength to lb" svrteili. .Al all drugt:isl::tile. 111.1 81, Of 1Ir. T. A. Nloelim, Limited, Toronto. r 11" I , 1• l L,ne res; Sound to Get TMD. . • er r r .r, Tt, "I don't know whether to make a 1 • • , , i, e I ,ti, doctor or a lawyer of John." said the4 4 old mall. "I'vegot a lawsuit to be wet- ' i Irrl ' t;•, jP 1 h, I. fleet an' a leg to be cot oft. w I .'Dare. r,ii...•t - . . r ,r:rnh.r , t ,• i can't miss tt far either way." Point of View. Sole -Wouldn't you ilke to' be as happy as a lark? Johnnie -Naw! Tbink of lb* .thee they twee to gut up. -Truth.' Catarrh Cannot Be Cured Withtore, eo • .o, . Id Ih 11 1 esteem! ,:".les I . ' n+ Ilam• been I Mesial of the Menet'. 4' r h 1.A r at i,, • I ■ Ir u constitutional dl.aw•, and m '.,lora to anal• It yell must, take barrel 1(11 r8ll• .. 11 *11 Catarrh cone 1. taken internally. amt 311' td)nM• etl1 on 1blind end resume.. enrL.o'••. (Halls Catarrh ('4,r, 1+ not a r, net s medicine. t was pneerlled by one of the best t hv'Irfnnv In this reentry for years and F .. n•RKlnr pre serlptlor. It 1+ composed of tl.e beet len:,, known• combined with the M•+1 Afoot emitter. arsine Merrily on the noncom •urfeee. The perfect romhlnntlon of the two ngrtdernta f4 whet problem" +neh wonderful n wilt. In . n1• leg rat.rrh. Hrud for test 'monis 1. free. F J 4•H 1:NRl'k O., ?medal). Mold Ivy druttgiet• : price 7.i... Take newer Aiello' 1111. ler tno•Upntlon. Everyh',tly expects evmh7nly else to set good esemple*. Oh, Say ! Did you see the dandy CUTTERS at Bob Wilson's warerooms on Hamilton street. Ile tool. the Ia•sl collection of 4'litho, Ihat ever earn'. to loan. No Ino ler w'bat .1 vlc yen want "r IV 11.1 (41.144. they are thole. Ile h:,, t heir fret,, $5.00 up to $50.00 Cal! and Have a Look :'ny'w:I\. Ilio is always glad to sen you. 11 von dont wa1,1 :11:y - thing in 111.4 Zine. maybe yon 'have Ifiend- 111111 He is sole ,Kent fur McCORMICK MACHINES, ' GRAY CUTTERS._HVGGIES, FLEURY and PERRI?' PLOWS ROBERT WILSON tW r. A•fi4. SANDERS' DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL GODERiCH, ONT. A Newspaper Bargain THE SIGNAL \\1 The Family Herald and Weekly Star nl' yin\'1'lll:.\l, Th' Signal will furnish ynrt with evetvahing of interest in this Irv(! teeth tory. Every 1 • in this dist ea should receive the twat 151(1,1•1. The Family Herald curl \\''•ekfv Star of Montreal is t he ;iekllolw ledged best family and farm paper to ( eti:Ida. its magnitieent new'( Service i'it.s nnnsl•nwa ep.reia1 depnrtm1nt•.; l's interesting! 11)0Knritle fenterve; its great serial, ,•,pnd popular short shiti'•s, snake it. the t;re;tesf. dollar's worth to be had. The eonitatia oil of The Stigma :nod The }',4nsily Herald rind \Veekly Star provides the (41 's $ i''? aMonnl of t .'.les,une civility reading and reliable Hasa tom all ports of the wet Id. Send your euhsrriptiun to• THE SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont. $1.5Q PAI • • (t rr•e.. ' 4N4E mAN & Bir. Mee2SMs.*kg MUDS LINIMENT -'LIMITED -- ' 454(,.011. sicaseaSill MOUTH, 1..S. THE ORI6INAL AND ONLY 6ENUINR:' REMADE Of IMITATIONS SOLD ON . TIE ineprrS OF MINARD'S LINIMENT 1 1 1 SEE THE New Cutters at Kncox's %lade b) 1 relcbr:ttr'lI McLaughlin Company "Only One Grade. and That The Best.' Sal I hate jest receitrd ;a Attie 'trent of these tine totters and invite anyone interested to call and see then(. PRICES RIGHT 1 WM. 1 1 KNOX l'id. Newgate :end 11: '(lou Areas GODERICH L�.._. wills a>ilbl�l�..l H. B. BECKEtT EMBALMER ANO !FUNERAL DIRECTOR: t mint Uri, 1411,1 Undertaking wareree4110, West aide Stare. I'IIUX)„: mime to. Guderich House. Ind \ fight 04114..41 I.•,i I.41er, tor. Cambria rout ul Nel.0u Street. rommeminsmismming J. BROPHEY & SON -TMB LBADINO- • Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden awfully attend to at all leen. Might er day 'PHONE 15 CR 24 `/Warehouse 4 r. West %1'11011 )'on omit\ and Yards 1 1'stcr. al'd 1 T111: HEN( at Dock/ \Square/ COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND green Cod welshed on the market scales, where you get 2,4)54 Ib.. for a ton. WM. LEE. nolo,, left at l . e. 1,1•;1•,1, Rani ware *10ru ewer Ado Sentry. prunmtly *needed to. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. \n. ,• v, 'w.l.rnxl ..•Ileo of Dominion L:, nal m N:eatnhe, Sa+kntrh,wan aid ,Uherta, etrni,l tmt K:magi, not re•.•rled. may I,0 homr- •tt•arof ,y any 1ea'nn u'1i, Is 1 he Kole hoed of a family. or any melt,, er IS )ear. of age. (0 the extent of ono-gmertcr Witt1011 of 1111 111104. more or le•". Appllrnl ion for rut.ry must be made In person by the npplleont of it Dominion iAml+ *000'- 'r Pub ngeiry for the distri,t in which 1heland 1+ .1nm!1, Entry Icy proxy nit)', however, b., 11.11.' a1 nn AK"u.•y on certnl11 rendition" by the titer. mother. .nu. d.e,ghter, brother or .4-1, r of :v, In1,rn•hig 1 '.tauter. The hotnndca Io required to l•crfo*Ai Mo houo,+u•:ul dull under ono of the following plana: III Al least six months residence epee and cultivation of the land is each year for three )'ears. .A A hotne.tredcr rimy. If he .n 11001r0,, bor. forte the recti n'.l rerldrnrr it tit le+ by 11tIng m1 f.itte leg bon.) owned .olrly by hln,, 1,01 1,144y tern m•n•• u, extent, in the vicinity of his .1oin1 nwner.hlp id land a111 not nn•. 1 Ihi. oreuin'menl. lob 1f Ila• father tor ',tether. If floc father bode r.•n41311 of a 1 ••(cadet 1111. Ie•rmnnent res+1 .1.•111'1. 1111 fnrnrlin land 014111.11 *Moly by hint nn1 Ie+, than right* r ian nen•. 1 , +tient. In the r 1 it 't 1 {I 11 ,f 1 1. •I e+NI Of em 11 l m.1 r,aol , n1•1,41 Go Iry m m hilite 4 i.inil p, -Hell Maur• -tender m,n 0'11141 n. 114+ own r•..id,•nrr 11111;04 by Itving will, the father for mol.hert. 4h The train "410 11*t) in the two, pteoedin paragraphs 14 defined no meaning not raw than Moe miles In ndlrect line, rxelnalveof the uldth of road allowanaw emoted In the m,' vol r.•ment. 1.11 A hnmretender Intending to prefixes hi r►4dene a duties In ar0Manee with the alter %hee ItrIng with ;wren*. or on fanning Inn owned hp himself mast notify the semi for eh dist rlrl of a.rh intention. Het month.' notice In writing must to given to the Con)mloeifner rd Dominion 1Aarl4 at tetams of Inteetio4• to apply for Intent. W. W. ('ORT. Deputy of the Minister of the %•Mater. N.II I'nnou„Meed puhlicnllur. 0('tlls *a Tett eeneet will net M paid ter.