The Signal, 1908-3-5, Page 1r Get into the Game with an advertisement la The Signal. Bright, at- tractive advertising is the best investment the mer chant can nuke. The Signal has the urculatiou that counts. SIXTY FIRST Yb:Att-Na phi.. GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : MARCH .►, 1908 iota. r Don't Run Away with the idea that you can 11 get any bett(r printing any where than you can get right herr at Tho Signal Leave your next order at this oho r 11 -I VANATTZIt t ROBLII.T14ON. 1 t:m.45 s,s Financial A SAFE 4 PER CENT. INVESTMENT r BY OPENING AN ACCOUNT WITH THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY you will experience thaty happy fueling which tonnes to those who know that their possessions are safe, las a savings account with this company is just lar secure las au invertunetit in (1overn- moot Honda and yields a higher rate of income. FOUR per cent. intefept paid on deposits said money can be withdrawn at any time. Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square. W. L. l HORTON, MANAGER. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise - manta must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Card of Thanks A j iARD OF THANKS. -MK. 'TOB. 1'ou+iue and family dodo• to uaprr.+ their d,s p' appreciation of the many expn„m,fons of kindlw... and 47lulath)' they base received durum the Meow of Mr.. Cuomo- and in their . al.Natuc0t terms cnlent. jeer Sale LIUR SALT -- AN UPRIGHT i' Ileintxman {demo.. In excellent ronditloe. 'Oriel be wild by the rah in.l. 3ltt 011 cheap. For rartieular* inquire st The Monet uffla• of at. CAPTAIN TRAu NC H'S. Ssut.h.treM- 1)L'Ll, '1) ..FOKborahoen HALIs -A F INK Pl It N: 1) 111(1Iru•1, rlghu.•n twmth. '.4..lark red color, from fled clow ergo/eyed -to. k. Term. to cult pur:ha.rr. 101.1HIIIIT M ALLISTI:IL 1.t. Augustine. eter t UI5)1) CHANCEL - MH.1. PH11)• .1 HAM hose vmcuted her noon- ..e, Dm. lop. drug 1.wo. '1 hie a 1b.- chancy of life lime to .(•euro for two of congenial r !alum. •hip ulm, aanfortahle o uarter with a •ear)` mug envie/try to .14r1 housekcepout. Eurn- .-klr.ma. will Weald tit ab.Mw)tala to char out at oto. Apply to F. .1. I'RIIJHAM. I l MBRR FOR MALE. -HEMLOCK. Li elm and maple b,mher for ...Winne Meek. o .inn he cut to reeler. For further particulars ,appl)to ROBERT KLLIOTI'. Uutler(ch. tf Notice to Creditors VOTICE TO CRED1 OI* . 41 IN THE ?LATTER OF 1'ATIOI('K J, FARIL INSOLVENT Not It i 1- hereby g1'0l. timet ,he a loot,. rained iowlvenl of Ihr toy. ii of U'detwh, 1• the (utility of Hoorn. who carried on Lwlnem 4.1\I7ro-er al said town. ha.. made Nn a.wagn• meet of IIL..elate to nit for the genteel bene' et of 1,.. rredltnro under the .e. teed .tatetea , tit Ontario 110.7,, chap. 117. Ike creditor. are ...treed to Inset at the place of b1.-luesa of the said Patrick J. Farr, at 1h.•.ald town of tioderich. on Saturday. the Itth dry of Mardi. A. D.. 1110. at 2 orlock in the afternoon. for the morose 01 neelvinff statement of time in-olvenl - affair-. fur tile aptolntment d In.pett.w. and the giving of dirtatiOae with reference to the diapered of the • -tate. All perouu.claiming to be entitlad'to rank "0 the mune moot Ole their althorn with we on or before the .mid date.. after wbioh 1 will Mooed to btMbnu ...set. haring iegerd to that claim. onlyuiwbwhich I obeli Own have received notice. i'ROt 1 Pt,OT, HAYS it R1.1111. N.l rItor. for Thorne. Orodt y. Assignee. Dated at I4oderlell thi..itd flay of March. A. D., hot General Meeting. OTI/'E IS HEREIIY UIVEN TIIAT Ai aemend ,,[colingof the .har.hotdery 1.t tee (Mb., lo \Vint Shore Electric Railway tan, pang will le held a1 the oMcr of Meter.. Cato. roue & KMorose. lrrri*ten.. ale., Ooderlch, (111811,, on 1 h 1.404 nay of Match, 11sw, at the lour of t wets e noun, f,r the pm -pow of electing director. oft he company and for the purpose .•f giving atithori'.' to the diroctore of the •, 4811711. ,'.,e Meals, debenture'. or other -.1,111tte. to 11,, Oxtail of 1113.,..1 per toile of yngl•• track of the rade ay and 01101010,, and imbue. and to 001114 Ihr .airs by martg..ge .I ,, 1'tunotie,1 1,) t lit, -141.11e Il. tlnat Ie1011, arid r theurlose of trauwote such other h1. -rook. w,'nay_{ Ioterty he I1wmw•ted at. the Wahl meeting.Thr odd meeting 10 a0 far a* 11 h to deal with the I.-ue of Imelda, dw•n rltlln,.1 urwenrf1lea of this company to tea .(leti.11 meetingp, of tyle eontenny. Tested this 1)1111 day of February, *104. v 1.1. Ilyenter of the PltOVIBDONAL DIRECTOtt". taco \ O'rICE TO I N%' EST°RS. T111: - executore of the c"late of tlao tele George Achc-tie have derided to offer the e bele rotate for .ale. TheSop . rt 1' 'animists of real eealatr•, debcntere., Ne,d. mud .lack.. t't,tic. whiling to ant eat In any of lite elms c l•mperl ie. ran get full particular.. un applira 1100 10 the Cie ,111084. Moa. EMM.%S. AtIlltaAn(v, Excdiltrlx. J. 1'. Hlu/ww 1111;60*".WILIJAw £CIlx:( aO Uoderich, lyes. Mb, 1807. T Ii E STERLING BANK. OF CANADA Mau Orrice Toawn'o A I'T11ORIZg0 CAPITA t, • $1,(uu.aa INCORPORATEDINCORPORATED1)Y SPECIAL ACT OF MIMINIoN PARLIAMENT TO RECEIVE DEPOSITS To accommodate the Farmers 51 'O hove opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit. the Patronage of the FsnweH. BALK tongs DIB(:OUNTRD, HAVINGH BANK ACCOUNT npentrl by deposit of $I.lr) Interest at :I% compoimd- a.l quarterly. 3 11)l!rt1CH BRANCH A. O. GAMBLE, Manager. Situations vacant WANTED.- COMPETENT GIRL fora bouaewurk. Apply to MBS. e VAR. u�fltH'�iv. Meal Lstate tor Baia FOR BALK. -- COMFORTABLE dwelling situated on eters reset : two late. os. 1711) mud I. 1. Good .table ; wane geed Milt treat. Foy further particidare apply to MRS. UFA./ THl-ftL&pW, Konya stmt. al? FARM FOR SALE. --LOT ll. CON- t'liesetON 12. Colborne township, compel. ing lgs4 acres : most of 11m, land a steal "ley loam. There (e S61111111 house end a hero 1.1,01 feet with cement remodelling. Fano has a run Wolf goring and ha. been 1.1 gran. for seven .0r eight yeast. Six melee fro,u Uoderich ; st'houl within a mile and a quarter. 1• or terms and latticulrre ripply to J. Y. ANDItEII1, (lode tach. nett. DROPKRTY FOR SALE.-HOt-H1:, ▪ barn and throe 101., Nast 1"J(''', IIgi, Icel. Ala, household furniture for Brie. To be sold presmtely. or by auction early in April. Prop- erly et the foot of Melt.told .tient, east nide exhibition ground.. For further partleular. apply on the promi.mo. DESIRABLE FARM FOR HALE. 11. -\list half lot 7, 5th (0000..ion. A.h- (1ek1. known as the McEenr(e fares, two mile. (runt Drngannon, 0u.• halt mile from ...noel, It u well situated end ha. a plea.anr slew. -11.1 al's'+ good laud fur general farming, MI 0law ed, no wrote land. all sailed down. le In a good state of rnluswtim.. I. fno from bed weed.. There aro 1 w0 orchard, ; one of these ha. about 1.40 treaty lust beginning to hear. They are principally all winter apple. (rood lank tarn inset. with good etablu,g mod tailor ent Door., dais Mg sherd Jaa 12. with large tun nips., which will &sore about fifteen tone of hay ; henhouse I :CI. Good frame house. 'talo, with large •un,mrr kitchen and wool saint atl4rh0.1, +torso cellar, full sire of hon..-, V6 it It omen! fluor. Howse la being remodelled with nMulllc will.,., and sally other ite- erevru»tils which add greatly to 118 warmth, elnweraUce and ronvrulrnoc. Arteelen well and windmill, which .uppllw water to house end tarn. There to 8 galvanised tank and water tivluth at l.lrn.11wldrh will hold enough water to water it large -tock for it number of la).. There 1. ala{ a nevcrfalling well un the l.w.•k end of the farm. tot. is a trued home for .oweunc. For further [articular. apply to WM. ANDERSON. Dangannoo. 64.31. DWELLING P011 BALI:.-4J0M- f Mettle home for rale, (oneeekot to Square. Bathe/Mil, etc. For particulars apply to0VORIJE BF:AN, Ileum .treat. LW It BALE AT ONUE.-THY. GEN r Y,RA . store and postotflro Moine.. at 1 .rklw. 1L, ova frame store and rwldenre of Motet roosm. Tear t'. P. It. elation and con. venient to douche.. mod retool. Apply to Mlul.-OXEit. Carlow P.O. ;latf ('OOD HOUSE FOR SALE OH 1'O 1t. --a' von umfonwblehome torent. Sitdfnm elrc. 1 convenient to time . H%throom, .(e. Would sell to rospoceible {any who could make moderate rah payment with halutee in menthlj in.talruento. For particulate aptly at THIS OF}1CG . L'ARM EY)R SALE. -BEING !A)T9. 11'' rononwlon IS, W. It. 1oihnrne, comprlaing In) arse., all cleared. Thera 1.. good, comfort - aide frame dwelling home with cellar under- neath. a gond frame barn, ilea repaired nod en. Melted. w 4111 a nee,ent foundation, floors rind all stable.! orf. Noel. a large young on•hwr4 of choice bearing trait to,'.. 11 cit entered by it sppring creek and Iwo wells. Fence+ and r.,•r)'- thing In good repnlr. For terns and tparii•n lar- ripply to MIDI. 1:1,1 F: N ro' J A.. M 1'31 HI N- N EY o, by mall to Nile Post Of11er, 762,,, FARM FOR SALE.-I'ART OF block 1(, lake tool east. 1 olbornr town ship. two mile. from Ooderlch, 1:° %crew, gond clay loam. brick house. barn 36 x 117, with cement etahling. antwlen well. water In build Ings aril coning creek. r RCM. .tandln timber and militia orchard. Apply to 1'. r. Mo NEIL, Dunlop 1'. O. Ibtf YOUNG & HOIIERTSON, REAL Estate Agent., Ooderieh. Ont. -Farm and Lowe proper0to bought sold mid exchanged. 11011 HALE. -A LARGE, COM- Fort"r.aHL1: brick home overlooking the ha. lea , ell modern ton v enlene.m, Includi,qq bol eater heat ing. Apply toVOrNO L- HOlt ER7'SVN, Uoderlch. OK HALTS. -4U ACRES EXCEL. - 1 I.F:NT land for market garden. with good buildings and fence..: two anile,. from Orale- rlch: fits acne.. In orchard of 'spiting. pears, plums. ch iea, (eache., gr*pee and mm terrine. F. nom and term. favorable. Apply to YOCNIi & ROBERTSON, Golulich. poft MALE. - I4 STORY HOUSE • mi Angle.ea street, 1} .tory hotter' nn Napier 'erect. 14 story home on Elgin ❑se- n,,r, 1 story hon.,. on Victoria etmet , Two-story brick hou.e on Eo,w'i street near tl.e lake; nine roost., all modern convenience.. Ht. Ile rid'. etroct : nine lean''., all modern con renleneca. Fero. for wilt. ie any {`art of Huron county. YOUNG & ROBERTSON, Ooderlch,Ont. A N EXCELLENT FA11:1 FOR L2a. E.-1. acres in Weal Wawanh. two nine.e fr7ar l Auburn : moll a relay loam, about 140 arrow under eultls talon and et to 40 acre umber. A well and two ..ring. of water. a new triune dwelling w tarn, Sable end drivin`6.bed. Apply a OUNU & HOBEIIT- SON, Oodetieb. LWR SALE OR TO RENT. - A .1 Mot -ohms 7101E 18.181 1n Weal, Wawa north. em oselon b, 1. with 17.5 scree In a good date of cultleatlol. well fenced, well winteredg11n•i orchard, largo lank lane, gond home. F'oetoMi,'. blee snilth "hop and ,.tore at corner of tern. Convenient In echoed and church. 31 collo, from l'. P. R. atetlon at Auburn. Tcrrn. awry, W. A. HARRISON, Lneknow, (mt. OUSE FOR SA43E. - A NINE monad frame dwelling. hallow a good wHuMlon mo Kee et rect.. Stone foundation I 1e wad .nobly. Fokitr ben, aced .181.1.1,rl lcI1 r'l 8 pl mold rnseonwhl For hnr a particwlwlw apply to MRS. WM. Mt,CAUGHAN, 41 Davie.. eve.. Toronto. L1ARM FOIL HALE. - A CIHOiC1 1' term for sale, adapted for mixed termite or p1. nlre. NI entre deer d. 10 woes revel 0reh std. 13 servo good timber. tin,! w goat black clay loom, (loon (none home. hems barn and .tablew goal driving eMm1. Lots 11 and :N, s•once.'d Rn 1. Ood,rlrh town.hip. Apply to PitOU JI'OO ' HAPS i HLAIR or to CHAS, J. WAS Clinton. 21.11 START ANT TiME. Det your training In the echoed that is eminent to give you the best that eon he hod. The Hrlti-L American Itedne.m College. l' 111 C. A. Bnlldtor. Toronto. Write for ratelogu.. OODERICH MARKETS. YTuc,auar, Feb. 27,h. Vali wheal, per hush, new. 'It 1N to t 31 mentor wheat, per bush. new .. ,1 te4 to 0 to 1(70 I,er bush 0 r) to 0 46 Huck wheat, Per bush . n 01 W 0 III into, per bu.h., new ..... _ 0 40 to 0 IJ 1'eu, per bush 0 75 to 0 711 Barley, per bush U 11) to 1 el Sereoolugw per ton 18 00 1u 1N 00 Flour, family, per owe 2 ai to 2 Il.) Flour, patent, per owe 3 2i to :1 J6 I4rsn, per ton 21 131 to 11 n) Shorts, per ton ..... 9N 00 to 1M 00 Hay, new, per ton 16 09 to 17 6.6 Wood. ler cord e'4) to N m Butler, per Ib 0 Yi to o 2i ('hear, per Ib 0 15 to a 1.5 fresh, per dos 0 YJ to It :'1 1'u toes, new 0 .4) to to *1 l 'stile, recite. y to good, per owi, 3 011 to 4 lel ('stele export, per cwt 4 54) to 1 76 HIDlu ile weight, per cwtS , to 00 Iamb.' S) to 6 no Sheep, per cwt 3 .0/ lit 4 )11 ftam, per lb a 111 to u IS Baron, per Ib to 16 to 0 PI per Ib 12 to 16 Tallow, per Ib 04 to 0 (U Hides, per cwt 3 00 to 3 311 Sheep Skins 66 to tel ('hiekets ' 1n to 11) Turkeys ...., , . 12 to 11 1(lelailje mirketr w saes 5,1 Lost or Pound ijjOUND.-A FOX TERRIER DOG. JL- Owner may have amine be mooing prop- erty paying ripen.. \amu of finder �OMY.e given on opplloatlo l at. 7 he SIGNAL Boarding - I(tOlt LADIES. OK LAD AND gest _Wean. l.0s .lc., warm boat t m. with 'tattoo Amer at or TB681UNA1.� tui - let Auction Sala (ILEARINU AUCTION SALE T IV1LKES BRED R4)TTINU HORSES. I(KAVY•DKAi'OHT ('L Y I) E 11) A L F: 110171KS AND' COLTS. ANI) ELEVEN HEAD OF C',ATTLK. Mit. A. M. IOILLF,i' will sell by public aur tion at (ti* farw. two miles from Oudench, on • TI.FJSDAY, MAItcH 17T11. conn. ensu{t{{ at 1 o'clock moist.: 1 bottle P., J.11.by Htazlli,tll,2.1G,• by Brown IV like.. by pion 33 like.. In flat to Tom Read txt15' - by )ted Witte.. by Otto. 3'llke.: dam, decree. by )loawte+. by Gar Wilkes. 2. (lay filly. elynthla Eddy 3'Itkea. furled IMtolwr 24th. eon dam. Lott to 1'., 2111, by ItrarUlan, 110, by Brow., I% eke.. be George Orifices :.i.e. Tow Items - 1.1&14' . a Hay etaIlion. The Kid. dam• (ally Mc- Curdy..!.Jr. by Judge Mrsrunty. by McCurdy). Hambletonian. by Hawbletuni*n 10. k'eled September. lute ; .in., Tom (teed. 1. 'lay filly. Kitty Louise ; darn. Dottie McCurdy, :'.'L'1, a full dieter tone Kid. foaled July fell. ear. S Ray molding. .anl8md. fueled Aayry d. 19[(1, by Tuns Herd, dam.. The Buffalo Mare. ,by Stephen A. Donee... 418111 of Amertraa Harry ,p.ir rt.._104. and of Harry itrottur•. Xa, : t.ia fellow will make • trotter aunt if de- me . !My mare. timer Wilke,. foaled July, two by Tom Heed -13S.1:. dam. Dottie Me - Curly. 'L:9: thla u.wreu. mixed gaited and If Allowed to pare IgA every tight to go fast there 1s no bete„, bred ewe in the country, 7. Brown gelding. 'due year old. can trot in 136..lred by Wild Hr(n.% 1.19, the etre of more h.wee' in the ..11 claw than any .tellion 11. ('ands. Cl.a pr.IIALi. I11.A%r-pHA(';1.T Holier.. Ave Cot.n. Thee boat y draugl.t metra. In fowl 10 Ludl e n foal {II ar : I general parppoosnoo mare. 1 to L chinear : 1 pair welding.. rt.ing :1 yint1 old• brok.0 to harness, sired by Lnchlnrnr. Should grow to weigh 1.10)1 each . 2 shim', rleing . Tears old. gored by l,ochinver ; . tithe-. Honig 1 year old, oleo.' by Logan. ar : 1 geldlug. I year old, sired by Lochlovar . I emir gement/ purpose horn'., a and 9 year. old : 1 taw* lit calf : 7 heifer. riming 2 year.. old ; 2 erect raise.. ri.u.g I year ohl ; 2 heifer., rising 1 rr:rr nhl. 1'rr0n,s c0rw•eg by train will be driven 0111 firm Gundry Hsi.' livery free of charge. Ifhe wear her In stormy the wile Will be hell tinder ens er. Timms: lilt month.' credit will be given on h.reiehing approved 20110 nolo.. A diecuunt er rhe ('1118 eta Per mint. allowed (Mesh. A. M. I'VLLE1'. T. OCNDHY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE l� or FARM 14TCX K. IMPLEMENTS .IND 1'1 i11, Dltkb REGISTERED SHORTHORN CATTLE. Wm. .I. 1 hlnholw will sell M• ppuWle auction at lot In, i,00.' ..ion 0. 3'. 1b (Abate* (11 flak cwt of Lecher'''. on • MONIIA 1'. MAIe:l4 'JT/I. commencing at I 0 Block : One heavy draft Clyde snare. in foal. 1 heavy Men 1111y. tieing one year old ; 1 WWI 'navy du Ivor. els year. old: 1 heavy-dramfblr gelding,ri.in g three par.. uld; 1 cow. Ste lo 1,11V0\ny I-tl., Iivc .cava old : I row, due to calve l,.t of April. rive Yvan. oil ; 1 farrow row. five genre old : 1 farrow cum, 1-0801) years old : 1 etcero, Hong Iwo Sema old ; 1 heifer. tieing three year. old ; I 'Trine calf, rearm one year old: 1 pig, four month. old ::1. goal Lel ,ent .0 ewe•: good young Oxfonl ewe.; 1 hay -loader, gond 4e new : 1 .Ido -delivery rake. gond a. new ; 1 44.1. barrow ; 1 lumber wagon I lop buggy. lford 4s new: 1 good Open buggy t 1'nri NMI ratter: 1 act light hob -Ielgh.; I -iv-blot Leering bander and ahoafcnnier ; 1 Host & 3'oo.l mower: 1 hey rake : 1 Fleury {,low; 1 gr(ndetoae; 1 't platform wales; 1 new hay rack : 1 wheelbarrow : 1 gravel leu : t pig rack ; 1 art double hmrnc.s and roller*: 1 we single hams.'., ruhlwr nlonnted ; I ladder, twenty'even feet long' I .hon 1, lder: n/ hese; 2 turkey hen.: ) I hat+y churn ; 1 wool °oolong atom : 1 wad twitting 'novo• teed very little ; 1 kitchen table ; 1 new extena(m, table; 1 buffalo role ; forks, .hovel., whire0- trees, neekyoke* and other article.. tuo numer- ous to montloe. Also at the ratite melte and place will be *old the following putc'bred etock, owned by lamer( hioholm: 1M.1101, n dark roan hull. eels ol Oeto)wr I.th, Caw, sire, Fancy -n 1'A%oritr, :17113 ;111,1111, Ii•abunl Lady. One hull calf. eight monthe old, dreld by Fancy* Favorite : dam. RI.I, Victoria, 72116, by Royal Mariner. 'Lir, Loahuru Ilar,dc 72.513, roan row, mired \fay 11)th. IIOW, mired L)� I.on1 of the Orange -- Vaal : dant, Mole. 14,1774. . Due to calve M"plember dol. Elsie I'irton( 72.416 , rod. mired September Nth. net, oleo, Itoynl Mariner 255101 dent, Nl.in - (437N Due to valve Marsh llut Et t k of lhmlop 72.v111, roan hcl fir, relvel Feh• nutty lad 1014i, aired by heron Move .Aunt. stars. Elsie Victoria 72510 by • lima) Mariner 25,11n . Due to calve Fabrunry 250.. Alberta of !Nelms 72510. ..Ire, lo.p. Favor iee .10rti5 1111400; dam, Elle 1437m Due to calve March lith. Th)o tos god thick roan heifer. 0wlve04 February ivied, 1085, I'1ctertfa. Favorite -9110 a dark men heifer. calved April '6th, IOfet, sire, Fancy's Favorite ; darn. }:lei. I'Iclorie. AN the thoroughbred hel6,m and rows have leen prise.winnor. et the (aim, are In grind breveting condition, a114 inn ron•.hler them Nw well Aral a Int n. "nn be forted In the ...wintry. The ternfor the above will be the *rum aa+ term* for m. A. ('hl,lmlm'+ .nlr. TRRM..- 1 *urn. of Gln and ander, mob : 1111(4.thet an mt. eight menthe' envie. win 1R Even on turntable(/' approved Joint note... A laonnt at the Vote 0f r per 4.1.1. 8llow'ed for emelt On 01rdlt "mounts. There will he no testes. n• Mr. (•hl.holnt hes MIA the fern'. In e.»' of mngh wenlher the wale will 1e• held undercover. Plenty of gond aexwltmorba Ibm provided fon bootee. I3'M. A. CHISHOI.M, T. ot'NDRI'. ['tupelo/Ow. AncUon.er. LOCAL. TOPICS. Death of Mrs. Lotto. The death occurred in Detroit last week of Mrs. Anita hays Leets, widow of the tale Walter LeeW, aid daughter of Kuhort. (lays, Lae of the oldest conimiseion nlelrhatite of that city. Mr's. Leets w'111 be remeuihcitd *a Axial director of the bummer hotel last Reason' and the prime *newer in the launday eveuing hervie'8 held in the huu'I. M, Y. McLean, M. P., III. It was r1. rted from Ottawa, last week that M.Y. 31cLean, the nlenlber for South Huron, War ..unlined to the horst• with an attack of grip, and:a later report is the( un tnflemunation of the inner ear is the trouble. He wear removed to the hospital, where it war found necessary to perform ,1t (merat- Aon to remove the tremble. 041,1 11 b.. expected that he will be all right in few day.., Death of J. W. Fortune's Sister. The Detroit pagers u)tuthe detach at Grace lluspittlsmcr but Wednes- day noon of Ma ' Agp(nrm,• vuln)gnst daughter of William W., 41111 Ow IoW Maty limy Fortune. mud tail.• of She Rev. David Cam`{)oe11, 1're.ltyterean Miuirler of Gould city, Mich. she was interred in Avondale .•ruletery Stratford, btatSatunlay afternoon Thr deceased last visited Iter brother, J. 1sV. Forton(•, here Inst ,lune. Another Promotion. Chester Farrow,Un'ulrrly ticket ngeut and operator at the (, '1'. 11. eta • herr, who WAS promoted two we'e'ks ego, to a similar pusetion et Guelph, has re- ceived another pnlnlnt' and is now at the Union Station iu Toronto. ile is in charge of the ticket exrhauge of- Hcee, ieing in the joint employ of the (F. T. It. and the C. P. 1(. Now that Chester is right under the eye* of the big railway official. at Toronto, wd predict it will not he lung before he climbs another ruhg in the ladder. . Death of Francis bmeeth, The death ofFrancis til e'- T6 }• tierth ( ' eurrrd yesterday afternoon at Guelph, where lie had leen in the hospital tut a little over a week. , Mr. Snlreth haul leen in failing health for a lung period. 1'he remains are being brought home today and the funeral will take place to Maitland cemetery on Friday et.:1 o'clock. The deceased WAS for many years one of (ioderich'a pr, ' tent manufactureen. rundurtiug a large planing -shill and coutractiul; business. He retiree) souse years ago owing to poor health. He had reached the age of til yearn. A Huron Old Boy. Brigadier -General Otter has re- ceived from the Imperial War Office Ow offer of a brigade rumnuuid at Aldershot, the great English military headquarter... It is unde.rate.d that General litter will decline the offer and will remain with the ('nuadi,u( militia. 'rhe offer jr a great conlprh- ment to the distinguished Canadian and alar to the militia forces of l'.an- ada: it is the fist tins, ,any fnloniel officer has been invited to midi a eon- ,iiand. As an old Huronite (leered litter's career reflects erdit upon this banner country. Good Position for John J. Austin, John .1. Austin, of Hamilton, has iea1apW/tuted assistant1 HNU 1 ce inspector for the London -district, suc- ceeding D. Maloney. superannuated. The position is worth >i1,1(s) II year and is one of the. best in the service. Mr. Austin is a former reident. of Ashfleld, and is a brother of Patrick. k, Philip lied :Morgan Austin, of Kings- bridge. lie has been in the tailway mail Rervicr, for several years' and i" well and favorably known. Hie old friends in this county will b,, glad to learn of his advancement. Steam Shovel to StaH Work Again. The large steam shovel which ham leen lying beside the C. 1'. R. track on theiwrth side of the river since it was used Inst Veer was rsiihoa•.el oil Tuesday farther up. near the Dunlop bridge. soots to ::void the chances of being carried away over the embank- ment, should there 1s' another laud - slide ouch as occurred two years wgo when the shovel was carried into the river. The batik just below the At• trill orchard will requite to be graded to avoid landslides, and the shot el will be used again. for there are many cubic yards of earth to toe 1 O d, Big Convention Coming. 't .1. W. Fortune arrived in tura)) un Monday (evening and left lot 1 'I'ue'aday evening. Ile wee busily en gaged seeing whet could be done with rho hotels for am expected cont'enti'on of :MM) people hens, Ohio the beet, week in June, only half of wl can 1N• taken care of in the summer hotel. Mr. Fortune expects to sign a eontdiet for the whole 3111 who will arrite uh one of the MscKllllt boats from Cleve- land. So far I;oxlerich is ahead in the running and it is expected the clatter will be closed this month, when de- tails will Iw announced in our col- umns. Mr. Fortune says if we do the business up in grovel shape there will be other like convention excursions to follow. Preparations tor Building the break- water. They ere having• lively tinlcr S) the stone quarry up the river, When` cum siderable blasting in being done to get out the thousand cords of stone Gott Col. Young 11131. contractee) to supply to the contractors for the breakwater at the harbor. et twenty men are now working there and tett to lifted) teams are doilyt1taking two °r three loads earl( to the Itarbor. Already one forth the contract has betel re- moved ,end t•verythingg hs carried on in a hurried in: •r during the time that there is n gold road over the ire, which saves w great eel -view in team- ing. Timbers for the breakwater en• also beginning to be hoeigh1 in from the rrnmtry. Shredded Wheat ban suet. 1'herr wow a Inrge Withering at the 1lddfellnwe' 111111 111111 evening. lane oectuoion being the banquet git'.'n by the Shredded \Vhent (71.. nn(L•r 'the auspice*. of the Rapti 01. rhnreh Indies' Aid. A very nttree! ive menu we. provided, inrlmlin5 hned- dal wheat in 0 variety of form*, end the ndaptabilily of Ih,• 1,1,x1 to many different low* in the making of w hill-of-fon•. Wag demonstrated in a most prneti.til manner. AM'rt• the temper. which was served in a vur• neat and dainty style. a musical %lit literary pr.gnou waw given, iurludi�F selectionii lits the IE'.ek.toue utchrs era, recitations by 31iss. Fathering lulu, !Muhl,. w•!r(•Uon* by ;a mail. quartette, et unlo.ed or Melon.. tVightnnan, look, Shaw 1 Puwrie. solo by Miss JlcVittio nod all in.l►•u mental duel by Misr Nairn mud ,1. E. Joldall. • Burlesque Hockey Match. Thu funniest burlesque wabotierl4dt Nutley match ever played un ice 1, pt ' eel for next Monday night. March Uth, at the West street rink. The lino -up is as follows : , MARIN/A H Graham Uu(te p-mgall -- •J. Craig I'041 ling III •) (.011,1 •.. A. Ffrher 14Nrurcle ewer puldt E.It.dduwn Hui erant. ilk "01.tro M. Melemd \nalt,ogo.plke tike rues A. Sle Autry l a '.tach' Pelu left wile: \I•. McLean Jlbtop.ad Ike right wiug I.u1 tNa r. L. 1'411ur1 Menc«•lent.. 1704) . Musty M dodo venue I. 31. 31Nbs• NI Hula cotrpoult HNrry 11.1µ• IL,in in th., Fe,e 'entre • 0.-1. 1'•°...e.- Item 1. K1. 0o•.d,. ruove F'. I4.,pp ey 11,►e s Poke. L;f. wing 3'..Uartl,s'. iee (Aught In Ih. Fog nolo wiry. Referee 1'utuooelur•. trust flan 1'. 31,4 ardor gad umpire Hiltu,, Iluhu°, Il. 1 aap1811 ' •ke'sA•r - 13. E. Kelly .ho i,u. r of netrri17e leen., 1 I fo calm boy 3. W. Sault, Bedford stool?) J. 1.. Medan ores of the Marine club. 'file Marius 14141.11 ('het, wish 34, trader their thank.. to E N. Lewis, M. I'., for presenting ah.•u.rwith u►ap. tot M.u.katchowan, A llw,'te. .Mauit. the ,and the lh,(uiniuu of Canada. 1'he club had their plea° taken in thrix flub room on Saturday r\'enine list I.y Fred Btophcy. G. A. ltolwrteuu addressed a large andienee in the chili r0ou1 nn Sunda) afile rnom m, the subject being ....Ilse Lift. of Christ,"- Ht•et, the birth of Christ ; .M,°tnd, Cht•i*t as to Hely ; third. Christ Entering the :Ministry. 3Ir•. Robert. 14(411 will Continue Ilia readings eve)y Silltday afterur,on t :(.F) to 1:3• p. in. ,and all young men at1• invited to attend. i The flub' gut's 11 smoker to the fatbot'.and friends Of the menden, on 11!.; evening. March :Irl. There will be ,a m)atopteradO hockey n.at•h between the Marine 501,441 Club and the Meucewtuthg Canoe Club next week. The Bayfoeld Bridge. At the special meeting of the couuta roamed ,i( Seitfurlh best iaeek the tett bridge at Hayfield WAN rho• suhjeet 1.1 alms ,1is1'110%iou. 'l'hc new str•ucLi,rt i. to have it. width of only fourteen fret. whir' is plainly too niirrow• tot' a bridge so h used, Messrs. Snaith and 31cDermaid eel in the conned that under the ,iteumetances a side- walk five feet w ids IN, attached tti the bridge fur the reeuvetlil'I1r'r of font paseenget'a. This wa♦ reported against by the foul nerd bridge .• h ill(0'., add it was 1.41.•u derieled, toll the titin of Mesar.., 31, 31ill:un fold La 3: to greet the sunt of 511111 to- wards the melding of at sidewalk, allowing the village of Hayfield to Hear the additional co-st. Eidlowing this it w'an moved by SIew.t'e. Mel•:wan and !lithe. and carried, that the county engineer le• instructed to ex- amine the Maitland in_idge near Gude- rich and ascertain if the 'ridge is sufficiently strong, or if it eau b• made ,,1r, at a reasonable cost. Monter that a sidewalk may to -built thereto o l thatthe en intern rt to the and R 1 council next June. The Late Mrs. Cousins. lite funeral of the late Mr,. TI au Cousins, the announcement of whosf• death on 1'ut•sde>' of bast week wogs made in nor hoot issue, took place nn Friday afternoon to l'ollorne 0e1111.. eery, the home of the lewdly having been iu Colborne tow•nehi r until some sixteen years ago. The deeehsrd was u member of North street 3lelheoliet church and the funeral ?scrvieee weir conducted by the pastor, Ilea. 11. N. Hazen. The pull-heuul're were ton I(nn.•in,late and four nephews. 3(,n. Miwdel, J. B. Orf. .1(d01 31cl'liee, Thu+. 314. Phew. top. Fetg.ul soil James :VaLslrn. Moe 1'uu.sins amide,' mune was 3h►ry Brook. She wan burn in the cnuoty Fermented,. It'e•luxl, her parents ents and family 1' .Ing (11 C,umdn when she wee bot nine years of age. They settled at London Sud it was there, in the year IwL1, that. She was married to Ino HMV bereft part- ner After their mhalrleg,• they tented to Convene. towtohip, and ' onlinu(rl to make this their hon), until it g 111 Sarnia elated) years ago. Alter spending Live veal's in Merolla the f: 'ly returned to Moron county and have mince resided in (inderirb, Mrs, Cousins, is survived by n sister, Mtn. Wm. Erwin, in Mar. tette. Mich.. add a hruthcr, Wm. Brock, in Flint. Mich„ and by it family of tin : Wi11innr, in \iarlett, : Charles Benson, in Denver : George, in town : 311t)rr, iioderich town- ship ; Mrs. Maelf I, Salt ford ::and the 3fiases E:piz;t, Mattie, licca, Ruth and Myrtle. at home. Public School board. The regular monthly meeting of the `,uhlle.4:hold burl wins held on Mon• day night. The secretary's repos',. showed luayna.111.1 for KAwiti►ry amounting to 5:161.1.47, total for the year -to date $I,(lill.'Li. The principal's report gave Iwpils enrolled An 2311 boys and 231 girls and average attendance 11113 toys ,end 191 girls. 31 r. Tigett 11.1, reported that 31 Ism Farrow mubetbtnterl . four daya during the *faience through siekneee of Mr. , Lclwenn end.thwt Jean Tom had substituted three days for Mime 1,eTonzcl. Andrew Porter wrote resigning his position len a rep•' tv,entetiv0 1.t the public 'school boast on the Collegiate Institute loud roll his resignation was Accepted. Thi principal was granted an inettas of 514l in salary, on motion of Messrs. Saunders and Carey. A letter from Mr.. .1. Adelaide !heelless naked the privilege (of meeting the fermi to dim. cuss the question of dolllettie science instruction in the echoed with' the object of enabling trmeteo' to under- stand what such instruction means, its place in the curriculum, it* relation to other who'll work. most of nlainten- nnre, etc. T. T. Leckie was .p• pointed in Mr. Porter's place on the Collegiate titian]. The platter of a new arhrol in Ht. I/avid'. ward WAR referred 10- the ech.H,l management committee 1 m n'• port at nevi. sleeting. The following er counts were ordered paid : (Fowlrricln Planing Mills, $1.50; W. R. Pinder. llt.,4li ; The Signet, 1111. 7.1 ; C. U, Llr•, • 0e: Sturdy & Co.. 54111)4; Bell Tele-' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS --March 5th 111otnl Co., 111123o: Geotgu Nett l',i 4:1.111). iingston - Paterson, 1'110 &nitbd.; of Dr. Donald S. Ring. ton of Montreal, son of the Int* Sir t1'41101u) 11ingstui, anti .Nis* Lillian Neter. ,i, daughter of Mr. P. A. Peter - Pru, chief engineer of the Guelph & iutterieh Railway, and 31re. Peterson. ,vete quietly celebrated at St. Petcr'a •hurch u0 Tuesday murmiug. Che church, however, wits crowded viLta hu'ge gathering tit spectators. which showod the general interest hat was taken iu the event. The Itlut was prettily deyeorated with .towers, Rev, Father Meltac (Mei- tool. The bride were :t blue tailur- •n:ule suit and slink furs, lied gees,) int with nuoke-eulored feathers, and '41110(1 a I•uuquet of vit�q't1 and lilies 1 the valley. Her si"ler, Miss Mut- rice l'clet•nun, who egos bridesmaid, yore a grey voile dress with grey hat mrd (enrich plumes. The groomsman .vas Mr. L. de K. Stephens. Lady ilingstun wall in Mourning. end Mrs. 1'etersuu WAS in Mock, velvet with k furs. Owing to the fact that • be families of loth bride and groom ire ' ' 5. the event was a quiet 110, and besides those alr•auly men- tioned the only wields were Mr's. cane bell 31aelhaigall, Mies Beatrice afflict/outran and Mies Boller, of Mon• trod. and Basil and Harold Mew on, brothers of the g)1)0(11. Mee. Mee - Meagan, wail+ in grey silk voile with hlu•k jet hat nod grey feathers. and Nies MacDougall wore a gown of :Uice!hlue with tulle hut. \tis. Bid- er was in blue crepv'du-chine. Dr. tad Mrs. Hingston left 131 thu after- mem fter•me m for their huneyn1.ou trip,, which mill intrude. it three w11.•111i visit to Ber- muda, before returning to Montreal to 11•Nld.•. During her c p:u'atively oriel residence in toren Miss PI'uerbou .vur the hearty esteem of the towns- euple. and her departure is deeply re. (vetted in the i•ircle iu which ahs ,coved. - - - - LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Mu -t ht ople bn.r., hubby. Our. 1• to mak.' tenulfful PP Li. std (u give wtti.•n4cllun. trr.u,ge fur a'(thug 81 "allow., Stamped wood fur pv n,gru d,). ehfun tar Painting. (.oautltul {{pictures for don,rting. 14111'7 work and supplies. picture fru tiling ,1.d upholaleHng• Call et 3\ Hiner Smith's furni- ture earl nit .lure. East street. It you cant to sec e. •et..t umr. go to the hockey 'intuit on Monday. but if )on want to -cc the cloth.'.• welldrrs.id mon wear watch he wran•.. of Pr,dhau,, In .kr. ,,.,d get your .prlug atilt Alai 0t envoi fr011. 1 Arguuwrut im the County Court case •)f' Reese vs. Pigott WAS adjourned un- til next Munday. Jedge Holt will hold 1)icirion ('curl at. Gorrie March 1006. Bru.'els March I 1 t h and %Vinghamm 3larclr 12th. .1n order has been greeted att. the in- st1nee of the Sovereign Bank for the winding up of the Clinton 'thresher Co. The mntiuu in the "quo warrant.," pr.,eeeilings to unseat Mayor Thong.. .on will rout? up on Friday at I I :a, m. berm c His Honor Judge Doyle. The (lodes e' Hm'tieulturat Society will mart in W. Line's office at the court house on Saturday evenigg at S o'clock. All the Ineutbenl are re• (Melded to attend. The (.. l'. I. girls played another hockey match last Saturday, this time at the open-,lirink. The .core was 1 to 3, but the lit Ts claim that the last goal wasn score to on oft -side; - sidc.'- r lr The • ' Vee 1. bra n of the Sterling rl ng Bank has issued a very neat nod con- t-0116•nl ill ill directory of the 1.11ltso:rils re's to the lot it telephone exchange, and a copy has leen prementAd to each luhacribet. It is r,'purted from Ke 'a that the Malde Leat Flour 31411. Co. Iwit.h whirl) 0111' former townsman 3V. J. SIeN,'rin is e(meectodl will rebuild iia Wilk At that prlace, which ween• re- cently burned dews. Announcement in tnedc of the KO - ',ointment of Itev. ti .11. Turk. formerly of towlericll, ars superintendent of algen- ,l'ieo for the Home life Association of l'ateul.a, with headquurtery 11t the Iloule Lift. Building, Torouto. A ,,hurt address by Dr. Emniets,rn was given al Monday night's meeting of the Y. 3I. t'. A., and deelametitn, were given by two of the member's. Dr. I•:nunl•lwun's remarks were much aIiprecieteel ,4IId a hearty vote of thanks was giten I ' It is proposed to form n choral 4.11)1. in connection with the association. .1 That our former townsman C. 31. Beazer in still actively interested In the temperance movement is evident from the following announcement in The EIwiin Advertiser : "Toiler the /Lueppke% of the Eleventh League, Mr. ('. 3lortlrner Hezzn, of (irderieh, will liddtene a public mer't• ing iu the Mi•tho dist church next Monday evening, March 2nd, on the subject of temperance. 311•. 1lezzo "(1)11es Ihetr through the Merlin Tem- perance. League. He is a fluent and eloquent, speaker mot avill greatly in - himterw.t and instruct those who hear " CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Stephen 1'1 p en 1.d has declined an invitation to remain another year no meter of Atwood Methodist elterch, having r to the. et neluainn (hist lie will retire at the end of the present ...conference veer Lifter fifty-two years of active work. At the preparatory service in Knox tbulr.h bast Friday evening, twenty- flew wentyfor new tnrnlleon were admitted into full mina with the church, fif- teen on profession of their faith, and by c.'rLiflcat' from 'other churches. One of tit, uwmdw'r t1'• ceiverl the rite of iaptism. Ata recent meeting of I.he Presby- tery of Stratton! it was reported that arrangements heel Morn merle for the celebration of the ,jnhilee of Rev. Int'. Hamilton•s ordination and entrance to the ministry. The rel.Lrnliox) .qm to lake place at Avon)Nlnk in .1 tine beet. 1►r, Hamilton Is the father of Bete. Jame* Ilamilton, of Go derirh, 13 m)'(tiog of the (iroderieh 1)4.tri.•3 ):pw,ntli League "executive were held in North .,tre't. Methodist church, (loderich, on Saturday last. It was derided at Ole meeting, to hold the ll.wlerich diistict 8umnnel. seTnn`iil in Ifarlen. Park, O,wlerich, from July 27L)p' to Augural 2nd, inclusive, and int/ esti of hiving the meetings in the tent. as on former (evasions, to hold them in the pavilion. Committees keg Found -Tire Kemal. py1 Vint - , J Prim L1 -t -Huron county Penes Nark Shaw ...... m Niew-LsoeCurteiu.--Ir, Millar ('). J Dwelling fur title- )frs. Oto, Timeline 1 New Good, tieing t maned -John Breadt Fanll for wee J. 1'. Aidn:0... .. „ I New Spin rg GonW d.-ad 111A l'. I'1,6un1d 3'11111. Whiter Linger-Newtimid,Etc.-- 1) Mclsern tiro. ... ... ..• 7 Cod Liver Oil Ihrtanllon._.v, E. Hick 2 Notice to Croditorw-1'roudfool. lisys & elide 1 Piano for Salt -('apt. 7 munch 1 When'keen Town -F. J. Rutland..........,Y TeIwnnphy Gudurirh !lushes • Ce111111•.,«• Y '1'110 Hat Store-Iteg. Meek 8 ('trot of Thanks -Thos, ('oueits ' 1 sample Sw„e ( attains- Ilud)7rn..1*,.. ' e Congiotent Oir1 It'anted -Mer, Cy '. arrow. ., 1 Fcheing-M. W. Howell .............. 5 were appointed to arrange for the whole week's program, for the concert prograul, to do anythiug necessary in getting the pavilion iu readiness for the meetings, and to arrange for music during every )meeting. An entertainment committee was alar appointed and Rev. J. C. Reid, of Nile, and 1G'v. A. E. ,Junes, of Auburn, ,were appointed to arrange for the visitation of the Leagues of the dis- trict. - - HOCKEY NOTES. London hockey enthusiasts have had a doss of the O. H. A.'s methods in connection with the Collins tea. which - has evidently soured them on that (organization, and 110W The F'r'ee Press is tenting an agitation for the with drawal of the teams of Western On- tario Low the 0. II. A. and forming an essoeiution to 'sowprise the trams West. say. from Hampton. Without saying anything as to the merits of the, case mentioned, the suggestion seems u .tdendid one, and it is one with which (xoderich hockey players and support- er( are in beauty accord. Ciodorich has no reason to bit specially in love with the 0. H. A. and in having an associa- tion'tor the 33 eatern portion of the province and leaving the 0. H. A. to run the earl there would bo avoided the possibility of a team lit the west having to journey far east for a final game, ars once happened, when (iode- ✓ ich and Peterborough were the teams in the iutermediate finale, Hays The Free Press, "1t is the 0. I1. A. that must stand its trial wt the bands of the be:key Mame in Western Ontario The organization is plainly weakening 1 t is not developing good hockey play- ers. The west has the hockey prayers. It has a gh teams to play out a season. Let the smaller places he taken in. What do the Ober places from Hanlilteu west think of such a plan i There '1r• better -bred sports in this part of the country." The hollowing brilliant paragraph is trout the sporting columns of the Toronto Globe : W9L13Out wishing to suggest that there 'is goy connection between the two matters, it is, nevertheless, a historical fact that within' n very short pet Mei rafter his issuing a letter chiding the Ot.txrio llockey Associa- tion, Dr. Macklin was removeed from his office as Mayor of (;oderich, and is now seeking to be reinstated. Ref- eree Waghorne of this citrenuld have giveu 1 ' curl wanting trait o h f the ' Y IU• K consequences that inevitably I to ly w:ttue to those who fail tui hold the OA/. A. in due respect.° 'l'be reader is lett W runniest whether thin is intended as a joke or es a more serious effort. Posiibly it 1s just to he token as a fresh example of the fact that It is quite natural for moue people to lae'fooll,h, London Free Preto.: We -are lit re- ceipt of sundt'y post earls from a town called Uoderich. No, they were not. mailed for then. o'cific purpose of applying soothiug balm to local wounded feelings. Not yet., Init- ANNOUNCEMENTS. A carload of 111701, shorts and flour for sale. Lots of level euro on hand. Give the lrishtnan it call. Al.tsx. A. Mtrehler, piano tuner for Heintz - Mall and others, hes arrived 411 town. Orders left with F. J. Rutland, drug- gist, Jordan's block, will receive prompt attention. Telephone 19. HrRON HTE.131 LAUNDRY..- Chas. (Folding, of Seaforth, has bought the Huron Steam Lminldry t!0 IVest street. end it will be open for. buNint'se un Monday next, March bib. Mr. Uold• ing is it fleet•class laundry man, having had fifteen yr.)) 0 experience, and guarantees all work satisfactory. Give him a trial with your family washing and white goods. 'Phone 24)11. AUCTION SALES. Frutiv. Marsh re h. -Clearing auction wake of firebelass farm "tock, implements, etc., do - p0117 of M.l.•al Itnw., Hunan neut. Uederich town.h(p.0110 Mill' fn/nl Holiness Illy "union. The tarn 11ea,,,gf•0 mid and esery(blue will be mold. Tilos. UC vasa, Nnctlumwr. Tr►:sps', Mandl Int 0.--Alir? ion sal0 of funs jtock awl Implement., property of Jamar Mwlaffy. cmu•tw.frni 1, Stanley. Everything to he disposed of. .e farm hew been MOM. Tnoto.Are (3,11011. nuct loiterer. 1'Rmiv, Mareh 12th.- clearing mucuob ode f from stock nod implements, belonging to James Itelthby, tot 2. onneroelml 1, 1Veet l'w *sayuel.. TIIo.1A11 01 0 nHr . auctioneer. Movaiv. Mooch 9th. Atretlan .plc of Ilr-t cl..a, faun doe•k and implement., incladl rig nue of the lad fia•k. of dwelt 1n the Could 4, the property of 34.11hruo 1 1161101m, (Mere .Ion 11, 1',Aherne. The tarn f. odd and there will be no 'verse. Teem it Il. Nuns, auctioneer, Tr rent Y. March 17th. --Auction wile of :a1 heavy -draft mid sad"tier hones wed colt* 81111 1N baud of rant tic. p•'onerly of A. M. Tolley, at hi. 'farm, 2 intim front (i,derkh. Taos. (1181,. a, 5(101 iuuc(:r. Wei,srrm.ir, Mar•h lath. Auction sale Of farm dock and implements. the property or W. 1. Me Hnen, Noe line, llnllett, 1.l I o clock, TWO, (41 .),Irv, .t 11ele0teer. tI'►:um E+,u.i V. March .31h, Section wale of Gan "tock and Implement*.roper.y of J0111.11Sn•rder hwlfmlle (roll) i6•nn,Illrr. Them will le. mnking town td, as fano h... bun subl. T. (1c,. intia net 1010nt,•r. BORN. 1101113 /N. - In 1u*lernr•, tot Frbrlaryl loth, to Mr, and Mn.. Horner Horton, a «m. (1)1,77 In Oalerirl. tnw•nmhip. on lerhley„Feb. Mary 71h. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole, a daughter. MARRIED. FINLAY 1olt1). -AI the Met0ati., law, rr- a1\'Ingmhmeon t he 17th J by the v, 11. w'. FHoweeet. Hoe rod Finley Of rnhorre, to Mime Feebly, Font. of Ito.' Wee 'a no.h. DIED. ('IN)K.- In Willett. h eosin+hip, on Friday. Fehr ery Ilot, ll m look. mei 117 yon. • 03:7-11. -4 %ldnrINv, Marel, 1(h, Flan oh A.+bion "micctb, in Ina 52 year•