HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-27, Page 8'f,,1 "11 B Tiiv uDAT, February 27, 1908 NO GOOD ROADS BYLAW. I CHURCH NOTES. County Council Failed to Agree at Special Meeting. The :county council held a special meeting at 8eeforth on Tuesday and \Vedueaday of Oita week to cuusider the bylaw under which it was in- tended the ceu•ty of Hwvn should participate in the Provincial toad im- provement feud. The mutter has been 41iscusad off and on in the coun it for two or three years, and itt the Januetry session the movement was, it was thought, advanced perceptibly ; but the result of this week's meeting set'ms to leave the council as far away Jul ever from ,In agreement under which effective action can be taken. The comical met in the Seaforth town hull on'1'ieselay afternoon, and after sumo discussion it was decided that the url'an and the rural tepee- txentativus should meet ,n separate committee % to consider their respec- tive interests in the project and to draw up it plan of the roads to be in- cludes! ill the scheme of improvement. A difficulty presented' itself in the fact that in melee parts of the county the leading roads 1(11' in much better con- dition than in other portions, and some of the representatives were afraid that their townships would be placed at a disadvantage in the work- ing out lit the scheme. However, u Iplan wdrawn up which seemed to " ars fairly tatisfnetory all round. Yesterday morning the council met again. and considerable progress was made .luring the day. The prupusi• hon that a system of county Wads should be established was carried 1' the narrow maturity of 2, but on the second reading of rho bylaw the fatal obstacle cattle up on the question as to how long the county. after assum- ing the roads to be improved, would be obliged to keep them up. On learning that the county would have to maintain the road!, tor three years after the completion of the scheme of impnn•emeul, and thereafter until re- leased from the obligation by the con- sent of a majority of the 'moor multi- , ipalitiea, some of the tnenilx'rs lib jccted, and on the taking of a vote the bylaw teal defeated by a majority of 3. This ended the matter. The bylaw under consideration was not the one that was diaeusaetl itt the January session. It had been ascer- taiuetf len the interim that the On- tario Government would not give its assent to the latter, :and the Middle- sex bylaw, which had received the approval of the Government, wan then adopted as the plan under which Huron county should proceed. County Council Reunion. Action was taken at this session re- garding a reunion of former member's of the council which is to Ile held at the time of the June newton in (lode - rich this year. \Vatden Jfcl.esn, !terve Leckie, of Brussels and, Reeve Milne of Blyth were appointed a out'. !flitter to make all necessary arrange- ments for this affair, which should stake a wont interesting uscasion. All former members of the county council still surviving are to be in- vited. The usual grant of *11(1 to the :1314 Regiment, in conneetiou with the an- nual camp. was voted. All the members of the council were present except Iteevc 1'arks, of Fast Wawanoah, who was reported ill. Banquet by Seaforth Citizens. On Tuesday night the members of the county council were sumptuously entertained at a public yanquet given by the citizens of Seaforth. The feast was spread at the Queens hotel, and over one hundred were present. The menu was An elaborate one. ;and noth- ing was spared to stake the banquet a most enjoyable affair, which indeed it was. The toast diet was a long one, and it wan tawny after midnight before the program of speech and tong was concluded. Thinning F. Hay., Mayor of Seaforth, was chairman, and James Watson, Reeve, wan vire-chairman. In addition to the usual patriotic Wards, that of "Our County- hal it prominent place in the list, and the agricultural, educational, professional and commerri:d inte,esrs oleo were duly recognized, and some interesting speeches were given by rnemlxrs of the county council and others. WHITNEY IN DEFIANT MOOD. Tells Temperance n'eputatton that He Stands by Three-fifths Claus. Toronto, Feb. :IL- Replying to the member. of the Ontario branch of the Dominion Allinnce'who, to the num- ber of over a thoutiand, wailed on the Government this morning to press their views regarding the tiure•tlfths clause in the local option legislation. Premier Whitney in a lengthy speech expressed the sympathy of the Gov - eminent in the 1eutperauee move- ment, but declared that it would stand by the three-llfths clause. Neither threats nor ,anything else• would divert theta, Mr. '.Vhitnev an- nounced, and if the three-fifths clause • wet -e to 1s roads' a party issue the Re Government threw down the gage of cur battle. The Methodists of Bayfield circuit have invited their pastor, ftev, T. A. Steadman. to retrain fur the fourth year. On Sunday next at Victoria street Methodist church the services will he sib (allows : In a. tu., fellowship meet- ing in Ixtaetueul. 1'r•eru'hing by the pastor ut. 11 a, tu., subject, "Ahern. lee's lows," i p. m. subject, "The (creat Friend." A unanimous invitation was ex- tended to the pastor of the Methodist church, Kincardine, Rev. 11. W. Locke, to remain a fourth year, hut he declined and has acceptetl au invita- tion to the pastorate of Hope Metho- dist church, East Toronto. Tao maguiflceut memorial panels have this week been placed in the large window In the north transept at St. George's church in tuemoey of nus Alta ill and her la oober Edward. The scene depicted is the resurrection and it is dune ill English glass, the panels coming from McKay, of Toronto. N1'. 1. McLean, M..1 , Inas received a unanimous and enthusiastic cull from the Presbyterian church at Lucan. 'Phis stakes the fourth charge from which Mr. McLean has had definite offers of settlement within the last few months. We understand that 1111. McLean will decline this call also. A lengthy report of a lecture on Ire - hard given at Walkerton by Rev. Ur. Dougall, who hat been invited to the pastorate of North street Methodist church for the next conference year, ib given in The Bruce Herald. '19ie rr• port concludes with the following ref- erence to the Doctor : "He excels in descriptive power and at times be- came really eloquent." The sacrament of the lord', Supper will be dispensed at the morning ser- vice in Knox church next Sabath The individual communion service will be used for the first live. The pre- paratory service wi,l 1'e held on Fri- day evening at .s o'clock, when Rev. .lames Hamilton, H. A., will preach, new members will 1'e received and cards distributexl to intending coot nminicants. Collection on behalf of the poor. Mr. ('ogawell, who presided at the organ of St. George's church a few Sundays ago, has ta•eu appointed to the position of organist and choir- master until Easter. Since the death of the late organist, the duties of the position have leen very efficientlyischarged by 1k• Demme Milly'ar'l, W110 for one so young has shown a remarkable familiarity with the in- strument and a good knowledge of the ftindatneulals of organ playing. The new -Anglican hymn look, the product of arduous labors during the past three years on the part of a cotn- ntittee of twenty-one, abort half being laymen, is expected to be in the hands of the congregations by Christmas. There will ie about seven hundred and fifty hymns. '1 e y have been raretully selected from more than nisi y five different' hymnals. The new hymn hook will appear s' Itan- eously in about it hundred styles, in- cluding cheap editions, editions for choirs, editions for week -night ser- vices, and all the various kinds and qualities. The Ladies' Aid of Knox church gave a s,ri.l in the liteetnent of the church on Friday evening last, and provided a pleasant tittle for those who attended. The pastor, Rev, Jas. A Anderseti, presided, and the program, included instrumental solos by Miss Delphine Nairn, Max Jae. A. Mar tin and Miss Skinnit:g+, instrumental dolts by Minses (:race \1'aruock tend Beatrice Pridhant and Misers Retie Clerk nod (:race %Vat -nock, songs h} little Grettw Martin. and a humorous reading by Mrs. S.Clark. Several lithe, numbers were on the program as pre pared. but owing tort variety of cireuu• stances were not given. At, the cu chision of the program refreshment were served. Rev. 1)r. Henderson of the Dornininn Methealist ehureh, Ottawa.. in a recpt. sermon reverted to the gaest' of dancing, theatre -going and kindred arnitteltten(n. He said that he had no patience with minister+ who fulmin- ated ftroll 11111pitt itgainat these things an being inherently Bevil, whereas in themselves they might be quite lotto - rent. Ile strongly urged, however. that the objections of the church should 1a• Maude on the higher grounds of their tendency to divert too touch from the really important concerns of life and immortal destiny-. Speaking of the waste of time and the vanities of devotees at society's shrine. he de- clared that the pagan Indian who clung to his old crude heathen cull - torn, was on a par with the ultra society net, which lel a butterfly ex- istt'nee and ignored the reap duties of lift•. Much interest is lacing taken in the revival services in the Methodist church at Listowel, conducted by v. ,i. H. McCombe, according to a respondent. Notwithstanding the recent severe weather there w•aa a good attendance each night, and the congregations have been growing larger each succeeding night. Mr. Mi(bmla' in a vt'ry earnest Christian worker and an intere+ting expounder of the gospel. Much grxxl is being dine, many people. especially yoking people. having derided to begin the Christian life. There be a short ser- vice of song each night before the reg- ular service, and this part of the wink in both interesting and helpful. As soon as the roads were passable the farmers hitched op their teams and brought, and ire still bringing in, sleighloade of people, and the good work is going on with pronperts of reaping a nmitt. beneficial harvest. Mi. Mr('oinlo commences special ser- vices in North arrest Methielistehurrh, Godericb, next Sun(1av, Rev. R. W. Craw's Induction at Fergus. PERSONAL MENTION. 51.m. 1.ampbelt i• un Torouln !hit noel. Ur. Macklin was In Guelph during the week. H. B. lieckett made a trip' to Toronto til. w»k. G. L. Dyke h .pending • few days in Toronto fila week Yr.. John Dunlop and children are %kiting In Stretford Mr.. G. M. Elliott i. among the visitor. to Toronto this -week. Andrew Porter lett o❑ elaliil'day to attend the forced of ....lei Mrs. Andrew Porter nod daughter. ie., ere in Clinton t hit work. 11, 1-, Had, of London. representing Rt.,d et rent •. one in Inwu )r',enlay. 1L.. Damien n t. to 1tungn mma„ mi Montilty t ladling Ira tint let . n Ito i, Iles,, 1: 1y. J. 1)nrie nit. In tolronrg doting the week al .ending I1ir tuner.] of hi- 6d herin i+w. Chas. Washington hat renamed from tu. Western trip end will rennin In town until the epilog. Niro. Jam.. 1 lark nut ornerl lest week from a four month. t bit to relath es and Mend. at terioum point. In the %fest. lteelortb Nen.. lona. Rolle &ale ham ,e reptad a� p (-Mon for next. , t-ert a. millinerwith Hodg-en. Gros., tbelerirh. Judge Holt nn. in 'ant onto 1111+ wr 4 .ins hl+ +nn. who w ,. morn. wA ate pleased to know that the 1.0 ter hew ilitorn, ed. Itrt. (i. N. 11azen was a' M,. Thntng, 1 ht - week eta rnrmher of a ron,ndlltr to mernnge for a normal school to M held at Alma I nlicgc In the mining rammer Jae. Mallon•, after trending th' red Ibsen month., lu ( nihotn,. with lu-rent. and friends, left, on M. return In h,- home in AI Aetta on n ''Int-,tJ, r,e u,( aero it r'Union N.w Era The tri -ter t'rterd of Galt ham airs n I t., appreciation of Ihr •tri tore of a n wenellent teacher, by incceseaing the .slaw of ''hr. T.hbnt t. sun of l reit Tetthut t. Girder itt toweahlp. /corn pan to tr4r. Try,,. t. : .lib .tantlal urr./ee In • Ira of the fat t that he has only been there ate a'onrb'. a. P. Paulin. 11 Park. J.11. Million and Jot.. tobsrteon MH o t Tugela, morning for Toron- to ea delefttert ti the All lane. onovenl.lon. tea a own Yt ,t•,.td'.IMtteMfnnn Na.orth .ree, eroekn.tewet Meth'wlld church. lirnd Yrre a• the repreteotntive of the G1M.Attii 1ntptt ernne Laaati, They were aeeewpeq{M by Mrs. ('tulln and Mr.. Park. It is Indeed a Iny.terlona order of breirevered : rl h decreedthat. gray hair Te Fergus, Fel.. 21. There was a largo eongrcgatinn in Melville Presbyterian church, Fergus, yesterday to attend the induction service of the new pas- tor of the chureh, Rev. 1t. V. ('raw. Mr (Taw's but charge was at 4t. Helens, and he is regareled in the church na a strong nolo. Rev. 1t. \V. s Ros, moderat tr of the Presbyteryy, ppresided over the induction, Req. 11. Pritchard, of Galt, delivering the sermon, in a very eco cent and furre- ful manner. Ifer. lt. ,1. M. Waunford addressed the mihi.ter, and Rev. Mr. Nfnlleu, lorinerly of Fergus, now of Elven; ,uldrestsd the ,{people. At 9o'clock heti was eet•rrtl, 111)11 ill theevening a rongrrgaliemtl welcomesteeling wait held. There was a latae altt•ndaure, end Mr. ('raw wan en- Ablpl to make the aetpraintan-e of many of the mem here of his new eow- gregetion. Addresses of welcome were delivered, sortie of the speaker* (wing Rev. Mr. \1'iltsnn, of Guelph. Rev. Mr. Pritchard, Ind Rev. Mr. Moyer. and (whines," only t ridiculed. And t. Moat Executive Ability. teas!) to face. Thero I. word for neSU. few are right keen loan to It, how. who art freer. when hyring (ha fall r' often got other, to dull-. THE SIGNAL: GODFRIUH' ONTARIO NEWS OF DISTRICT. ST. HELENS. "1'"' 11'NnNICal.1 v, February 2611t The hors haveagtxxl time since "1 factory closed down.'. • he Will Todd has rel toiled from Cargill and reports that they ran heat UP uP then' for snow, etc. The pulpit of ('aloin church was preached recant dart Selibeth by Ite'v, Chas. Rutherford, of 1Mug, tttton. J. 1(. 1Velster and Jonathan rami have completed a telephone line 1 tween their resect,ve places. The Is nothing like tiring up to date. 'We extend sympathy to Mrs. (carper and !Mrs. Hruutptau un t dearth of their mother. Mee. Dona Graham, which occurred at her home at Kanlusa on Fruity last. The N-outen't Institute wish to an- nounce (hat their firer meeting will 1 held on Marsh :nth, 111 Mtw. 1t. K. Miller's. All the Indies ams- invited attend, as interesting topics are to Is• discussed. !sari -rt. -re Uiu'rtnt.. A sucressft Fanners' Institute meeting was het here on 11'cdnetdsy last. The afte noon meeting for the men was ad- dressed by Mr. Barbour, a fair attend ante turning out in spite of the blustery weather. \lies Rife addresser - the ladies on institute work and sur- eeedexl in again organizing a Vt t men's institute. Miss Minnie Ramage was elected president and Mi -e. It. K. 51iller secretary -treasurer. 1'Ite Ict'ndess ies aThire determined to make it al sus time for ,t certainty. The evening meeting was well attended and inter rating addressee worst given I.v Miss Rife and Mr. Barbour, which, along n itI to nuuMIel' of rungs by "'rhe lioyn" and musical selections on the violin and banjo by Meals ts. Stuart and McGregor, made up a protltaile even lug's entertainment. er P A. he Id to it d r' LIQUOR IN WINNIPEG. Early Closing Deputation Waits Upon the Government. 1 Iarc deputatom of very intluei, tial men recently waited on the Got ernnent to support the petition signed by 4,000 electors. which woe presented A few days ago• praying that the hotels be subjected to the early elo.- fng bylaw. and then compelled tep re+„ at 6 o'clock. in common iith nth, r merrent.ile 'nem lawns. Mayne .\shdown. Second Vice -Pres, - dent. Whyte of the C. P. 13., Rey. Dr. Gorden and Dr Rose and others spoke very strongly in support of the Pet, - lien. Hon. Mr Rogers. in reply, regretted the ah,enee. of the Premier, alto we+ hearing another large deputation. Thu Government, he .aid, realize to the fullest extent the growing eentimel,t of the people in favor of increased restriction of the liquor traffic. He rpntnted out that a condition of affairs exists in Winnipeg such as ,Inen not prevail in any other Province. With. net reetctior nn any ether town or Province in the Dominion. he lelteved the liquor law was better administer- ed her than anywhere else. A Brea' deal of ha.rrn and injury iron, liquor in Winnipeg rine= net emanate frnn, the hotels. Some 16:' people had been fined last year tar selling liquor with- out license. and 2e whn held licenses A great deaf of trouble ons due to the existence ''1 "blind pigs,- and th,- sale by women of ill repute. Sinoc• the breaking tip of the enlonv Ili npertain pertain part of the Gown, Inn to 1211 o1 these women had leen lined. and they numbered p .+.lily 21 or 30o Greet injury hurl resulted from their selling w-inen and other liquor+ On- tario has a population nt 2.167.000. 290 wholesale licenses. 2.2..37 lintel li- censes. one wholesale license to I,47', people, one retail ltren.r to 972 people In MAautnba the voptilat.inn it n6500n there are 35 wholesale and 233 hotel lirensr, one 'vholesnle seems for In, - 45n. and one retail for I,570 purple. Saskatchewan has a population of 257.1100. 37 wholesale been.es. Fine for 7.01; day hotel license., one for every i,094. Alawrt+i's population i+ 1x1.10, it has 34 wholesale licenses, 297 retail licenses, one wholesale for 'yen 5,412. one retail for every San. Villa Manitoba stands at the head of the lint.. Everything along the line of ,e- .trirtion had been Anne. The verity- , 1. A new one, though not tor a rad,oal change, perhaps. yet a Aerinus change The Government had to consider whether it would effect whit team de - street He thought he would have been letter is-fied if the petitioner. had naked tar. Ihet closing of the bars altogether. \ The Plight df Mouchot Twenty years ago a famous work on "Solar heat" was producer( by Pro fesstr Bernard Mouchnt. This elc,-er old gentleman has just been tliscovr:red starring In Paris, eighty-two years of nge, find on the point of being burned out of A poverty stricken home for nonpayment of rent. At the age of seventy-flt-o he married n young Wom- an. who eubeequenlly passed off relative as the professor In order that after hes death the younger 'nen could continue to draw Ms pension. Unhap- pily tin Impostor went Snit, and ns Hemard ktonehot wee supposed 1n have died the pension ceased. The prnfeasor could not claim the pension wlthoot exposing the freed of hie wife; hence lila present plight. Dislikingthe Blg Lfriera. When the t'unanl line steamship i.usltsnla finished her maiden voyage to thin ennntry the services of 1wenty- one tugs were required to warp her into her dock. Recently when iia Mauretania arrived here nn her third IMaeagr ;our tug+ had nn easy time In piishinj her tntn pnsltlnn to steam •longeide the pier. "The tide cartes the alfTerence," said a rivermsn. ''t have seen the Deutsch- land Ahselatnly Immna*bee w1th neatly thirty tall* puffing end pushing simply because the tido had hupg her np. Then egeln T hare seen the Reimer Wilhelm IT. go in under two rage." -- New York Pont. The rig Zulu Chief. T'Inlxelu, the 7.'t1n chief who LA le. Ileeed tn Mt et the hotfom of the trou- ble In Znlultnrl en4 hes surrendered hlmsetlf to the nritlsh government, le • hopeless 4ntnkarek Like his father. CobleeayA ha la se unwieldy in his pea - son that 1t will not be ■ vary easy mat- ter ter him to run away. The present Zola tremble is largely due M mlagnfd- ed hnmenitartanism, whleh hrnnght hinlenla hark teem hes exile In St. Helena. T,radltlew ft1.e blot reit Mover snow bis-tanesswt A Veteran Schoolmaster. Kincardine, Feb. 23, K. D. Hull, who for upwards of thirty years pro- dded over one of the depxu•t'neuta of the Cent!' tl s•hnol of tine towu, died !net night ill hie sixty-fifth year. He hal Ix'eu ill poor health for the past two years, and sonic utunlhoago had a paralytic stroke, followed by it sec 1 nue it few days since- Mr. Hall wee a member of the Masonic (order, and as a Chaplet 51a1+011 at - tallied to the powition of distiict buper- inteudt'ut of North llurwi district. For thirty -there year, cuutiuuously , he was secretary of the Masonic Lodge, and our urea -aide of 'bitty years acted in like tyapan•ity for the (144(ellottt.' 1 edge and the public I lib,atty. Of English descent, he came to Kine. -dine fins the neighlorhotxt lit Restroom Idle in the late sixties and had resided here .irt.•e.. He oras all at• tcnd•ott of the 5lethtdist chute'', and 1 upright, turned, thougitrid roan, of cheer to! dispositiuu. The an- nouncement of his dealt will be heard oith regret by hundreds semiit•retl over the country alto as futpils passed through his hands. Ile leaves ,t widow and nue sun. The f Tal ser- vices will tale place on Thursday ,afternoon. Blank Books and Diaries Everything volt te- quire (runt aIx• Men• mandato li'n'k to a hest -page Business Ledger. Pock e t Diaries, clearing at nue-half regular retail price. office 1)caries, clearing at one- third off regular retail price. Fountain Pens \1'atenio.,t's Weal I'nuntein fens, from '!_'..dt up le Jlir,u,. II a it e y Fountain Pen, hest c It t':a p fountain pen trade, special $1.2.5. Geo. Porter Phone too The Square �tatraa� a tltaltttttM i Superior Harness A!ADE from the most sub- stantial quality of oak - tanned leather and extra heavy mountings. Good harness is stmply putting thought end skill into every part not some parts. Moreover, it talks to the owner's pocket -book in a way no other harness does. An early inspec- tion is Invited Hatch your dollars to a bigger load than they ever pulled before. H. E. Knox AUBURN The Pantry, The Kitchen and The Diningroom are requisites in every well -ordered household : revert heless They would be useless . . . adjuncts to the home without being supplied with Good Things that are fresh and pure, from STURDY & CO.. THE GROCERS. Phone 91. Prompt Delivery. CANADIAN PACIFIC SECOND CLASS ONE•WAY rr $47.15 �. Br. Columbia Vancouver Seattle ' K. Portland ETC. Daily February 29 to April 29 Ticket. and rrll lmrr,rwaltnn front Jo.. Kron. Tiraat A•en1., nrMrrwit. n• writ.. C. m. ',osier.. 1. 1' t,.t. P.R.. Thrown t IMows 001ce unuu 1 , m. W tial toe. Pick Them Out our Spring Suilings ;lie here and if you want a new Spring Suit uow it the tion• to pick out the cloth and have your choice. Only a Few Weeks .tad Spring is all lx• hero un all its warmth and brightness. Then is the time when you want to Zook fresh and triol ill your new Spring Regalia. e Everything New in .rf this Line English 1)01hy and Auter- ican styles the very latest in this season's slat wear. Our soft hat line was never more select or stylish. Men's Smart Wear and F ire Tailoring Reg. Black ---ALA- A Ys u\ TUE hell'ARtt Winter Footwear at Bargain Prices 11'e are prepared to give you the great- est bargains ever offered ill liuderich of Ulcus, Winuen'a and ('Itildren's Felt and Felt -lined Boots Shoes and Slippers Cuute and let us show you Foot weal ,t prices that talk plainer than arguments. Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square Uodericll >9 Tell This to Your Wife. last year, hal. With feather. en it. Will make a epleudtd kle.ier bonnet -1 woman holier her children will look like her -and she hopes her pho- tographs won't. There would be a lot more silence iu this world if we talked only about the things we know. '•.Vhy is it, i wonder, that \Vile'', Iota stopped bregging *hoot his an- cestors? " •'1 suppose he'll have found out who they were." " The lady whose name you gate ae a reference, my girl," .a.id a lady to all applicant for a situation, ••tell• me you were nut always truthhtl and obedient." •'No, ma'am," was the reply, "I couldn't 10'. with her tellin' me all the time to say she wasn't 51 homer • I'lu•tsun - -Noll look out of sur L•, old mall. What is the trouble 51'1rntosh- ".fust lust my uew sill umbrella." 51 crheison -How did u hapjtt tt r" 51' I mush-- " fellow that owned it happened to rums into tb,' office and re, ogniu+d it." FINE TAILORED Suits and Overcoats FOR SPRING New line; patterns in clothes, tient o1 trimmings I'd perfect fitting .sty!-, comfort and durability are featut'rt at Ith tis. Iata%e rout "tder catty. DUNLOP THE TAILOR \fest Street, 1 ,,, el I, 1, COURT HOUSE SQUARE annual Sale ofSample e White Underwear ............... Hundreds of Garments to sell at Maker's Price and Less ONCE AGAIN we have been fortunate enough to secure from one of Canada's foremost makers of white wear his complete range of sample garments. These samples are charged to us at one-quarter to one-third less than the prices of the goods they represent have been sold at from one end of Canada to the other. All are in first-class con- dition, save that some may be slightly soiled from handling. Before being shipped all were sent to the pressing room of the factory to be refolded, and to all intents and purposes are as fresh as if taken from the boxes. In the lot are dozens of high-grade garments better than we usually carry in stock. Saturday, February 29th the whole lot goes on sale for the first time. Hundreds and hundreds of garments, all perfect and all marked at prices that are decidedly money- saving. We bought them one-quarter to one-third less than regular, and are going to sell the same way. SKIRTS GOWNS DRAWERS WAISTS CORSET COVERS CHILDREN'S DRESSES WRAPPERS DRESSING SACQUES Beyond a doubt the Underwear chance of the season. One that cannot pos- sibly be duplicated. Don't miss it. Saturday, February 29th, is first (lay. pos- sibly Salo will continue until all are sold. LESS THAN A DOZEN LADIES' COAers ° TO SELL Not s dozen lathes' ja-lestis in atosk. Every one thin sensor style. Not one of them here when the middle comes, for we won't carr This is why you ran hnv any t hove )1,4.30 to 113.110 $3 33 cnatt for tn,ty s moat Ip' of March one over. of . Ladies' Home Can We interest You in a Fur -lined or Fur Coat? \1'e hair c or i i.ndie• For -lined foal• mid i or s Foo - 1'4x01 on our rack.. loamy. Now these lock n ' 1'11111' n tidytid morn of numey. \1'e could use it, very ,,iewly this spring and e •r. '1'o get this ineney tntl. of then' we Are reedy to make prices very interesting In anyone thinking of buying either n fur lira fur -lined coat. Even it you Ind thought of putting off buying until nest nt•nenn, we feel tattafled we could mese it pay you to do it. new. (tome and see just. what we are ready to do. The coati. Ate nil good and Wr will ntnkc' the priers right. -J Journal Patterns are the best. March Patterns now in stock. hl