HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-27, Page 7esn ,t'I;?f:iy rdttelffi "di d+Ntt a''t4'.$ ttYn es,:r tertkr7 113PIRMrYikM747
The News of the District.
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10:11/A l', Feb. :utb.
DATE UU.ateuxu:- - The date of Win.
Chisholm'r rale, which war announced
IAA week for March 10th. has been
changed to March Uth. just a week
earlier. Remember the date, March
FAtUlglls' ULUR.-•Thu harmers'
Club will sweet Waduesdaty earning,
March lib, in the Teta ranee Ball.
It is expected that R. N. Young and
Turau.ty. Feb. 2iLh.
Intro at 1111.tNION. The reads
on:timed at Hrandon reentry of.
lonxld, o•, a •lurule • 1xWt
Moana', February 24th. I TvzsDAY. Feb.7Gith.
Bailie Stollens war home over Sun. Thur. Burns made a bushman trip to
day, lorouto last week.
Meryl Juhnstuu returned last week \Ce are 'furry to learn that Gordon
fruru Stratford. Young is again quite ill. He is at the
Earl Rivers, of Lucknow public house of hie son-in-law, Chas. Jlcl'bee.
school, spent Sunday at his douse here.\\ m are glad t, learn that Mee.
Mrs. Isaac Andrews and John Junes is much Unproved mud expects
Andrews visited relatives here on w IM able tp leave the hurpital in a
few drys.
\Vol. Bailie, iweeident and secretary Mier Minnie Edwards returned on
leslectively o the N% est Huron l'aru.-
Ws Institute. wig le prevent and
will give addressee: P. erybody' it
on -Welly invited to attend.
WEneitan %y, Feb. l.LII.
Mrs. James Gordon was called to
Clinton on Friday by the death of her
father, Mr. Cuuk. au uld• ild reepectaxl
resident of that plats.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buchanan left
ou Saturday for their house at Buch-
anan, Sark., after spending several
tuuntits with friends iu this viduity.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Robinson and
children left on Monday for their
I • at Treherne, Marltoba. \%e
wish thew a sate and pleasant journey.
Mrs, U, Thurlow, of G.alerivb. is
spending a few days with her father,
Mr. Dougherty, whom health hi out
Milwreiug lab bit frimudr would wish.
\Vv-UNKeu,tI. Feb. 19th.
Mit* Lizzie Brown returued house
front Detroit dart week.
Mi. and Mss 11. Pentland, of Nile,
called uu friend'. here last Tuesday.
'Thos. Baird. of Brutefleld, is visiting
with his father -in -lawn -Mr. Uaobae. at
Mrs. W. M. Carey w somewhat ludis-
pored, but we hope to bear of her
speedy recovery.
TVLaDAY, Feb. ,5th.
'teeth of Chas, 1)altoo on Friday, the
11th islet., removed ■ well-known resi-
dent. The deceased hal been in fail-
ing health for &taut w year. Ile was
sixty-one years of age and was the son
of the late Johu Dalton, one of the
early pioneers of this district. The
fonertl took !dace ou Monday. 17th
inet., requiems high wean heing ear
ducted in SL Joseph's church h Rev.
Father Mrl•urwiek. Mr. Dalton is
survived by his wife, five sons and five
daughters. and though the children
were ecatteretl in many quarters they
all carne 1 to pay the last tribute
to their pareut. The tons are Jere-
miah. of Winnipeg : Louie, of Detroit:
John. Joseph and Gregory, of Kintail.
Two of the daoghtere live in Detroit
and one at Parkhill. The sympathy
of the whole community is extended
to the family in their bereavement.
Terse' Y. Feb.. Lb.
t'Iatcpee :Shackleton was a Crewe
isitur un Monday.
Mt. and Mrs. J. B. McKay', of (hale -
i .b, were Crewe %iaitor On Sunday.
Mre. George Nixon. of Belfast. it
a'siting her uncle, Jas. Pierce, who it
.Ins. fierce, who has been rick for
some tsuw, has taken a turn for the
Next Sabbath Rev. A. E. Junes, of
Auburn, is to pn•seh at Crewe and
Ilea. Mr. Burgers. of Berrie, who
was expected to preach here last Meir
Lath, was detained on account of the
Lail toads. '
•A number of our your folks took
in K. Dell's woad her, in Vest Wiwi•
nodi last Friday. The boys and girls
Kot house from the dance in time for
late Irtvakfast next morning.
Angus Mel -
dent of this tuwushi Somee, S,e dey'a be-
fore hie death the deceased surtatrted
agree:aim' ut the hip, and he suc-
ctuut.eJ to the shock. Mr. Mel/inlaid
war iu his eighty -this d year. He Wilt
a native of It, shire, Scotland, and
enure 10 Calaula iu 1818. Ile went to
Reuben 'Tiffin left yesterday for hie i Brandon In Rita Ile leaver a fatuity
Feld ay to 'loronLo to attend Lhu mil• home in Alberta after a visit with bit of live daughters and threw WHIM,
Arch. McPhee, who had been stay-
The League topic on Sunday night
wee taken by Itiebaul Johnrt►n, the
subject being "\lirdonr."
The Bible study contest in the
League will be concluded this week
and all interested are dolug their Trost.
Misses Ruby and Edna Peutlaud
and George Pentland, of Dungannon,
were guests at the home of Mrs. W.
Henry on S,mday.
\Vot•thy Kilpatrick, of Godcriclt,
spent Sunday at his home beer.
\Vortb r has taken it potation in M. W.
Howells hxrdwvue stole in (:oderich.
llf. NOW.- Athoweeverydry'e:ceptThutw-
day- New rewoay fur extracting teeth .uniure
foruti. bel ter than `ear. t'rox n and bridge work
ou ,xu 1 wayw wt a unr aur snuck
better don,, in the dental omoe-euro owe,
better facilitlw fur doing the work, wore goat
hatable for the netleut.
lu Dungannon fur The Miguel teat the Porte
°Mee nook and Stationery Store where
ordenwill be reoelrod fur e,buriptlon,, ad•
vert.lta sal Job work. and receipts will be
rtes fur awounla paid fur the emu,:.
TUESDAY, Feb. 2:eh.
A Bic: NIGHT von IIvHoN Lol►(aa.--
Dietrict Deputy 11. J. Morris, of
Loyal. %•lilted Huron Lodge. No. 353,
A. 0. U. W., Dungannon, un Friday
night. Februates 2Ist. This waa the
orcasiou of the installation of the
officer for IBIS and there were alert
two initiatkme. After the initations
and the installation, the district dep-
uty was called upon for an address,
and gave an excellent report of the
working of the order. especially in
the Huron districL Speeches. were
given by the elected officer., after
which a vote of thanks was tendered
to Mr. Morris for the excellent way in
which he had initiated the cmndidater
and inatalled the officers, and the next
under of business was au excellent
oyster supper prepared h the mem-
bers. Everyone did ample justice to
tbe Tupper and all tet'wood home well
pleased with tbe pleasant °amnia'
spent at the lodge.
\\'EDNEPDA Y. F'elrcuwry-:'JOth.
Wnl. Mole• wife and child visited at
Auburn in Sunday last.
Mew Lily McLean returned home on
Monday after spending a month in
Miss Minnie Durnin, of Lothian.
spent Saturday and Sunday under the
pareutal roof.
Iteevi s 5tot hers and Bailie left yes-
terday for Seaford' on business in con-
nection with the county council.
Howard and Bensuu (:ase, John
Roberts and Miss Daisy It •an, of the
G.C.I. , spent IRsti.rday autd Senility at
their homes here.
J. Medd made a shipment of horses
to Toronto last Saturday. J. O'Con-
nor also shipped part of a carload of
cattle on the Same day.
We are sorry to state that Mtn.
McMath, who has been seriously ill for
some time, is not recurering as rapidly
as Iter matey friends would wish.
Rev. A. pr. .tones. .1 Auburn. will
preach educ-ationel ser umus here and
at Crewe on Sunday next. Rev. W.
A. Smith will take the work on
Auburn circuit.
ale. Alunnnuw p ate„ lnumbieakablei.
1L Y al 1 k t
brother, John 'riffle, and other tela
lives here.
ing for home months with hit comfit'. \,uau.%v, Feb. _'lib.
Char. McPhee, has returned LO bis NV u ate Soley to htvtl' that Robert
horse at Ottawa. Haim. 1., arty low at present.
Misr Julia ,luhustuu is improving Misr Mary Furan is visiting in
after a severe illness. Mre. Alex. (eels-ticli for a few days at present.
Young al►o has been ona sick list, A Lubin was u in this vicinity
but is able to be around att-'
sin. yesterday. This fa entity early for
\Vnp. Cunningham purchased a robins to Millie back.
black drivingg span at (iundr�'e side on Milton N ty'lur had the misfortune
Saturday. things
1'hr • wake a true dram, i 11r 'Aid tip n tatty days hast week
and we shall expect (ti see \\'illiutu with a Lick 1 • a hurbe.
awake things fly now.
Item. Mr. Campbell, of \\ allacetuwlt, HJLMEaVILLE.
occupied the pulpit of the Presbv-
tet•ian church dart Sabbath and will Tet: -fit%', Fedi.
ptearh here again next Sabbath, The (►u Tutwday ewt'uiug of Last week
following two Sabbaths the pulpit will the wolula't•t of the l'l eort. 1.1 iemds'
be occupied by Rev. Mt. Kenley, from wet xt the home of �IrL',el Taus. awe
Toronto. ' 1 teuderud theme :u1 Oyster supper o4.
Uutxu WY•RT.-Phis. Treble and the ere of their departure for God.• -
Thos. Titbit expect to leave with their :eh. Mier Mcleod is t ulmulwr of
homilies about March 15th to locate in the Court bete. It war an evening
the West. \Ve all wish thew every veryyleasantly spent.
success, although we are sorry to lose I PRESE,NTATICIN. One evening re -
them. aa they are lath flue fellows cantly fifty or re it... where of the
and good neighbors. l conglegetunr rlbrtdist church 1
AIME TO Ba ARoUT Au,UN,-We bete assembled at 1 to parsonage and
are pleased to see that Thomas Carroll preseutod Rev. T1. Snowden with it
is able to be around agaiu, after being beautiful cutter Aube and a pair of
bid up almost all winter. Mr. Carroll driving gauntlet. to maters. Along
made a trip to lioderich on Monday with these there was All overflowing
and we hope soou to see Ilia fully re- load of nate. The recipient was t'aten
stored to his wonted health. 1 e pletely by 'surprise. the more eo,
Its BRE. -Our genial hotel -keeper as he remarked, because of the short
bad his ice bee on Monday and had dupe be has lean on this circuit. The
about a dozen teams drawing the preseutauon shows the egged that
material from Auburn, with Saw the congregation enterrwins fur Mr.
Potter and John Levy as his foremen.
Snowden. Further evidence of this
they are experienced hands and w iii ietn when the oRicial loam
under their direction the gang laid in extended bins a cordial levitation to
a large supply of ice. remain as pastor for another year.
LEFT ON SATURDAY. -Mr. and Mita.
Robert Buchanan left on Saturday fur MAYFIELD. '
their home in Saskatchewan. after
spending two months with their
relatives in this part of the country.
They spent the last, few days before
their departure with Mr. ,,,,Bguchauan's
father, John Buchanan of Loch Melon
A FORMER PASTOR, --Tbe people of
Carlow are iutereetid iu the news
5 t I1 p )
Tuuaswr, February 27, 19118 7
Dangerous coughs. Extremely
perilous coughs. Coughs that
rasp and tear the throat and
lungs. Coughs that shake the
whole body. You need a regu-
lar medicine, a doctor's medi-
c[ t, for such a cough. Ask
fur doctor shout Ayer'
Cherry Pectoral.
A • • punish our formulae
iwe ivoae aleoh.:
hes our mNt.l •
gees tvonull yeu,o
s� wnro„r
Any good doctor will tell you that a med.-
eine lite Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot
do iti best work if the bowels are con-
stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows
anything better than Ayer's Pills for cor-
recting this sluggishness of the liver.
,--altede by tie J. C. ser Co.. Lamm. dies. -ss
-t - ---
mid red cavemen's, everything tilt,
gum. ti make it suwpLIOeus feats wits
sprwul burin• a eougaouy of lit incited
guests. The health o1 11ie bride was
n•,tpawad by .1oln Sati.•tt, of 31.Kil•
isip, uncle of the la•i,ir, while the
wowon's health was proposed by IL
Graham, of Clinton. The bride teao
the recipient if many useful and c.tatly
Ritts, the grout's gift to the hri,l
bei,, a lovely pearl crew: al( 1,1,: .
A very enjoyable evening was spent
singing, recitations and uueeie, tt hilt
tbe young people enjoyed theluselves
in danciug until n late hour. Their
many friends join in wishing'Lhe
!WWI)" married i.supbe •h 1, gsint•ss
through the journey of life -
Six Weeks
\t'(►ulti 14; a lung tints
to have such weather
as prevailed last week
so thought -The weather
Wall, ului ho has or-
dered it 1(1010 moderate
variety for this week
at leant, and
We hope it will
tine anti springlike
from now 1111.
W e are ready
with Semi -Ready
and u coulple+tc stock of
New Cloths
es tar; Busni.p.. The
following c ' •anion will be iu-
'reveling tO many readers of The Sig-
nal :
The building of a new bridge
across the Maitland river at Iliehnes•
rifle has rausesl considerable discus-
sion gni ngst the ratepayers in the
two townships as to where it should
be erected. At the December meet-
ing of the county council the lollow•-
ing were appnig,wl to invest igatetlie
Meller. as lbw priaient old Midge was
considered dangerous : U. Patterson,
county enginetr : James Ttyli.r,
iteese of l',.holur : John Middleton,
WEDNESDAY. eel.. Nlth. Reeve of G,elerirh : John ('us, ex -
\lira (ince was h1 Sexforib lief Warden. and Thy,s. Churchill, also of
wowk, wood eour tow nehip. There was sl aur t•oui-
Wrn. Mostar) hes delivered twenty plaint
the (alhn tit' teople'th:a!
curds of wood the loblie, school.
Alex. McLeod. principal of Zurich
public school, wits home ou Saturday.
Our council at their special meeting
published in last week's Signal of the were not iu favor of . the gtiotb roads
call of Rev. Alex. McMillan, formerly ,utrvetuent.
pastor here. to the pastorate of the The deuce given last Friday night
Mimico I t•esbytet ion church. We was tea a great mimeos. Shout fifteen
shall expect to have Mr. McMillan at coupl.leing present.
Smith's Hill for a Sunday or two in
the summer time. \\'w. Jowett is busy fixing up the
A brews', MATCH PRUNIaEU.--
Sume fun is in prospect for the people
of No. 1 shoed section and the lite
seetion. The teachers of these two
schools had arranged to have it spell -
tog match, but owing to tbe bmi made
it was postponed. Another date will
he fixed in the near luture. The ttlatrh
will be held in Nu. 1 school house.
and afterwar'dr a progrsui will be
given by the Nile s:hol. This is a
capital move, and will tend to re-
awaken interest iu te11001 mattel/I
among the grown-up people. beside,.
providing an excellent titiundie for
the pupils. Of course we shall he
disappointed if No. I does not come
out ahead.
\VRD•iEaDAY, Felt 21(11..
%t (, bete it few of this season', robe, and
blankets left and will Rive a dl,,rount of I•; per
Miss Ryan received last week it large \Witt oho reintrineteacnwd Inire .nrr Deentpoeor cbeaketls..-
.onsignment of wall paper in readiness .-mart. H. g. Emirs. Auburn.
fur the spring trade. Many reit,' I Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Wallaeetuwn,
Mo'n.wv. Feb. 1ail.
'%Ir,. Joh' E. McDonagh. of Zion, is
at present the guest of Mn. C. E. Mc -
1 kwngh.
Mrs. W. 1'. Reed has returned after
a week's visit at the home of her
sister, Mrs, White. of Stratford.
lIt-tries McDonagh, our genial
merchant, spent a day in Tiverton last
week in the intt•te+ts.of the Orange
society. •
Joseph Mtleltrer and Thomas Fergu-
son attended the Presbytery at Wing -
ham last Tuesday as delegates of the
Lanes Presbyterian church.
We are sorry to hear that Joseph
Speirs is not improving as fast as his
many friends would wish to see, but
we how for signs id rxovery in the
mar future.
Wilson Irwin purchased at new gas-
oline engine, which was deliyered to
hien on Thursday last. They are be-
miring a very nea•ee$a t•y article iu
farm es,uipuaent.
The toads in these parte have again
become quite paaaahle atter being in
it poor condition for the past two
weeks. For further particutst•s inter-
view T. Berne, the Lanes and Crewe
ltev.vit. W. ('law-, pester of Lanes
• rreshyterian chant, delivered him
farewell rernton here on Sabbath last.
His many friends wiaih hint a happy
and pto.pp'rous continuance In hie
Gal -given work. Rev. C. Rutherford,
of Dungannon, will occupy the pulpit
here on stablath next. Rev. Mr.IRutb-
erfnrd was appointed moderator and
preaclfed the pulpit recency.
Moen.%v, Feb.'21th.
Mt. end Mrs. William J. Treleaven,
of M'inghanl, were the guuste of Mr.
and Mrs. James Lane on Saturday
and Sunday last.
Mee. Joseph 8nlcltzer left on Satur-
day for Bellmore to visit her mother,
Mr. Fits, who received a revere hurt
unused by a fall.
designs are Irving shown an. any omciated in the Prtsbytet ion church
last Sabbath.
wants in this line can not be better
'supplied than by calling at the post -
1't yen %v, Feb. 251.1l.
dame* Moreland returned hone last
week after a month's visit in Chicago.
Mies 1•:. l.infleld is at present in
Clinton visiting her newt., Mrs. Geo.
ltev. J. l'. Reid, B. A.. If. 1).• gave
au address on "Home Mieeiona" last
Sunday- evening to a large and ap-
preciative audience. Next Sunday he
will speak on "Foreign Missions."
We hope to„ser a large turnout, as
Mr. Iteid's sermons on missionary
work are always both interesting and
No Game.
Ile wan n solicitor of more or dem
repute, and his Mattirdey Afternoon's
pursuit wax golf and whiskey and
soda. On this particular Matnrdiy.
however, he had been detained in
tenon. On reaching home he waa met
by him wife and little daughter. "No
Kerne today, my dear." he said to his
Wife AX he picked up his little girl and
kiaaatl her. Then hia daughter sniffed
the air. and said "Well, daddy, you
do smell awfully of wilt !'•- F:xc•hauge
til'80 IY SC11001. l'uN'ENT1oN. - -
The fifth annuA! Sunday school con-
vention was held on Friday last.
There were three sessions and Ml
Gentleman (indignantly) --"When 1
bought thin dog yon •ilii he was
splendid for the rats. Why. he won't
touch them.' Dog Dealer -"Well,
isn't that splendid bar the rate ?"
George Marsh, of the lase line, took
the train to (ioderich. It is the first
time he has been ou the cars 'Mee he
carne here twenty-five years ago.
:firs. \Villiam Anderson, atcow-
Dallied by ber two children and her
sister, Miss Rena Patterson, left here
Ian( Monday morning for the North-
The new retool to the station has ad-
vanced another stage. lteeve Mc-
Millan, of nutlet'', was herr and
everything has leen satisfactorily
A few of our villagers and adjacent
farmers were busy the earlier part of
this week finishing the ice harvest.
It was h letter than when they
were at it a short time ago.
On Tuesday the effects of the late
John Sprung were offered for ante.
Nearly everything was sold but the
farm. it did not reach the reserve
were well Attended. The evening Mire and remains un the executor'
meeting especially was highly inter- bands at present.
eating. Four excellentaddreases were Our new railway ie sgaitr experien•
elven by the neighloring ministys, ciug a taste of our Canadian inter--
intersersed with singing by the Nile
pblocked again and re-o•ned, triton
chchoir. The question drawer was Lole-opened,exi and delayed. We expect
dealt with by Rev. G. N, Hazen• of lcefure bong everything will 11e in
(ialcrich. The convention in every good running order.
respect was a happy success And the
committee of management deeervc
the thanks of the circuit. The officers
for the ensuing year are : President,
Wm. Watson : first vice, N. Graham.
and secretary, Misr. 0. Pentland.
TUESDAY, Feb. 25th,
nual report of Calvin Preebyterian
church, St. Helens, fur 1907 be in the
BENMILLER. hands of the c9tgtegatlnn and shows
the finances to be very satisfactory.
SATURDAY, Feb. 22nd.
The envelope end plate collections
THAT BEAR. -About a month ago
weir $781.92: Sunday bchonl, $28.93:
there was some talk of a hear track \\'. F. M. M., >(+tt3.:t4: Y. P. Bible Hasa,
being seen between Bethel and Ben- $:xi: Harris Mission Band, $:38.57
miller. On the evening of the IStli
in M 1 as i o n e r v Association, $2287.90 :
hist, the bear made his appearance int,a.meeting. $44; which, together
the Temperancewhile Hall (the door being with a balance of $78,98 from last
left ajar)
whits the Division was in year, brought the receipts up to *1.31K3,-
mention. You should have seen the (S. The disbursement.« amounted to
ladies brace themselves behind chairs $1,21ct Ili leaving it itnlance of $100.58
and stands. However, the young in the treasury. During the year
men soon hal him subdued. There is five were added by certificate, while
there were two rentovils by certificate
and two by death. - e present mem-
bership of the congnseation being 173.
Under the astorship of Hev. R. W.
River Hotel, which he bas per hamd.
Ile intends waking :a rysidr•uce of it.
\ large gang ie 'at murk uu the
bridge and will ..stn bate the tamer-
41'11ct1r• un, The pile -drivers are
still at wink and will finish iu ideate
111-. nod Mil, .I. I1. Petty, of Hen-
-:ill visited Hr. and' Mr,. T. I1.
11riisetti,-• un Saturday inld 5 lay.
'When Mr. Brownie.. taught in Hay
be Iwoaorlell with them fur six and 11
nothing like on introduction to the
hilly -gust to subdue a hear. (Signed)
1'EsuO!AL.-Jesse Gledhill, who has
their township was not. wore largely
represented. bol. the reptew•nt:ttires
were chosen by, the comity oanneil,
and it is worth noting that the cum•
mit tee's report 'was unaniwuus.
Judging by the iem irks of the Col-
borne depotat' who waited on the
.e t y ruuucil /it the .I:unwary session.
the Whist ne people are not satisfied
to have the 'ridge built on the two
lased new rite recommended by this
einl mitten', their principal 'hieetlutts
'ring that the two townships,
hail built permanent rladwttys ou
,each side of the present bridgt•
which had rust a lit of looney, and
that it would not be justice for the
comity council to throw away the
•y :cid Labor expended ; also that
the county council, who tweoly-three
years ago everted the bridge, at
that Bine itiveetigalcd the proposed
new sate :mid chose the present
in••, li,elct'iclt township at That
C thittgli .,somewhat iplltM'd tU
the site chosen. went to work at
what hits since liven called the
township sink -bole, cutting it. road-
way np :t ithlt•t,ot hill alta piepnring
a gaol road for their u.- gbloar ut
Colborne.- But the ,guest' which we
ate asking now it. will it be a besielit
to our township if the new 'ridge is
built int the prosiait site} We will
have to judge on this point front what
tie have reaped arum the dyad %thigh
we were brought into totaty-three
years ago, when we assumed the cost
of keeping up :t road leading from
Colborne. Tu pee grief tic bet'e ou
record the output of uutrtev and Labor
spent on that hill and the slats lending
to the bridge, and every year there is
an appeal that "we will hare to do
iontething with the Holne•,ville bill."
The only way this hill can be heed
permanently is to build a cement wall
from top to batt to keep the cut
from rowing detest un the road.
lea there ars several springs rnut-
ing not on the road which give
trouble. 'rhis would .::ort Iwtwecti
.tl,leel and 1$1,3'0', Now is the time
we will have to Shape u0r affair*
to get value for every dollar we intend
from tld, time on. If the .Uolietrne
council are No ; main'. to keep the old
site they 'eight alter to • assist.
liiJerich couneil in paying at
proportion of Nue cost, of putting the
hill ' iu permanent repair litfuuc
the county council take action re-
garding the new bridg.•. If not, then
it i, lime our township gets in shape
to deal with the ..aunty cuuntil, am it
will be cheaper for the county to erect
the bridge nn the new site, their toe
gineet• giving the sawing at $7,0110 over
the coat of tle old site. The county
Ts'iaoA%, Fels. 'Sitb.
Cul Silt. \I i- TINi.s. • Council suet
February :(rd, pursuant to adjourn-
ment. Menders absent through roads
being hoopeos.able- Reeve Salkeld end
Councillor McClure,•. Minutes of err•
viuus taro ing read and petered.
Moved by \Vn,. 11. Iwohb, seconded by
.1. W. V,•u, that John Mailmen net :ts
el • •scan. Moved by J. W. V.V. sec•
umdud by \Citi. 11. Inbb, that the
auditors report as read In. adopted.
The following accounts wets' paid : J.
Galt. 1', 0. bo)„ el,lht: J. la•wlie, re.
pairing grander, $1.2i: audiuu•s, WO. ill;
auditor*' stationery, 'Lir. ..lin Feb.
limey 17th a special Meet insf wan held
it oiler of the Reeve. The following
*notion wan pained : " Regarding the
wader of Ionaitlrration of the proposed
gond road'. improvement system Ail
outlined by draft bylaws Nos, 1 and 2,
1(108. of Lite Huron roma). cunnal.
that the Saute Toe left in the h:ands of
the Reeve." The Reeve arid clerk were
appointed to redraft the township hy-
laws and rt+port at next meeting.
Adjourned to meet on the first Monday
in April at 1 o'clock. Ns,ts STt'unY.
Clef k.
A Mtn-WI,TI-II'.WEDDINti.-.Ono of
tt'loge pretty and intere.tiog events
which always cause a ripple of excite-
ment took place lit the home of
Charles Lovett, (ioderic i township.
on the evening of February 12t1). when
his eldest daughter became the bride
of Gordon .folmeton. a prpaperons
young farrier of East \Vawxntnih.
The ceremony eats performed by Rev.
C. R. Gunue, of Clinton. \\'hide cnn-
gratulalions wet bo-ing given Miss
Beatrice Johnston sang aw'eet�l� )•, '•ince
me and the world is mine." The bride
looked lovely in a costume of creme
*oile, trimmed with satin ribbon and
chiffon, with yoke of pninl.e d esprit.
She carried a bouquet of white car-
nations and maidenhair fern. The
resets epee dewnrated wit it Peetgrerna
and other flower/. while the tables
were ornnmentel with vases of white
been laid up with grippe the as Craw each department of the church
couple of weeks, 1., we are glad to say. I work hen shown progress during the
getting Netter Mrs. I. W. filed-,yrar.
hill visited her brother,nd()wen Moore,'
neay deet week. Miss Gertrude I Col. Peters Remains In Command.
Gledhill in visiting her cousin, Mrs. London, Feb. lL-Col. Peter has
Con. timers, this week Mr. end teem notified that his tenure of the
Mrs, (don, Biwavisited the village nn
Sunday J J. Maand M• son, appointment
a px ,intrnent in command of Na 1
militarydlatrict hew been extended
Lorne, made a trip toMoore
Nile on R(ttur five reas. His term expired in April,
day Mr. Wm. Berk well, of i1416, but it haw now been extended
Yellnwgraas, visited Mrs. P. \Vatter* until INTI.
one day last week----_.
"Ira an (twin' thingtae he in wane
Buffalo & Lake Huron Dividend. ti eider." "It'a a few utak awf.i'
London. Feb, 1R. -- (Oahbel. - The thing tae he in want ors.nae."
i1n14ln and Lake Huron Railway re• Tito great aelventage of familylife
port a batty-4iaftermeeting Interest is that It maitre the home hee( the
on mortgage bonds of L11,5'f.). and a place of greatest interest sod happi-
1 divideud of 3e 3d per abate. I uess.
.for the coming Spring
The Best of Everything for Men and Bays.
Art Tailors, Ciolhiers and Men's Outfitters..
emitted with this saviug should be
:tile to repay us for our loss through
Ow mistake of the county council who
built the old bridge, forcing un us the
re,ponribility of aysiiuilug sae curtly a
luadwuy, laying nothing of keeping
uIla•e mule+ of 'fond to Cliuwu ower'
wphich el much tiuthi 1 aunt wtxal bas
b: t•u hauled. The road leading to the
peopo,rd site ig nearly level or a Mrad-
nal 'AMC, and of :t gra% ells soil, at high
would he rosily kept in trlwir. As a
eititeu of Galeri.it township I du not
bold spire or Et nde our 1rdlxn•ne
ueighlwn•r for lei wring to pay the t?h 11
gruel, but we give• theta creditnow
for hay tug hero far se,•i i.g, and we
only w ish the Other Ixxlien Lal
ubjrrtawl were *1110110y betula' the
work was d ,Sud $1,_4;1 would Kaye
Iret•n nos via fur better purposes.
At Mossarol.
\b's.agirl was IIs' vel to of a rind..
of strand;.• and striking amoeba' N.
Wag. nil Lir .hereto, 011.1
Ito dairymaid otsteta•d the eta,
►:,urns fell deeply i' lo%e t'.ith her, .11d
wilt n hr waa tise,lit:uiug going 1u ahs
\V,,tt Indies wrote for her that sweet
mmeat,u, "%Vill ye go to the Indies, ?1y 1
Mary: She diel at 1.nrn,tck. iuld'
inepitrd three meter -tae -'•t• -forgot ten
line, eulitk.,l "Tu Highland Mary'
and •'T, -Mary iu Ileatvu."
0,w-* not ,odor or horn, sure. Rhrun•ati.m,
Roams and large. gland., applied by rubbing. at al:
Drag Sheet 26c.
A Boston schoolboy was tall,
weak and sickly.
His arms were soft and flabby.
He didn't have a strong muscle in his
entire body.
The physician who had attended
the family for thirty years prescribed
Scott's Emulsion.
To feel that boy's arm you
would think he was apprenticed to a
ALL DR000TBTS: 50c. AND 81.00.
"But, captain, the most happy tmar-
riages ore often wade between people
who err quite oppositea." "That i.
the reason wby I nu) looking for a
rich wife' "
Friend "1 minnow the baby is
fond of you Papa -"fond of old?
Why, he sleeps all da • when Fin nut
at home and stays up ablliiight ,lust to
t'111Uy 111y e.Clet y."
Vu,ck ease too the worst tough -quick
leliel to the heaviest .old -end SAFE
to take. even fora child.
That is ,hiloh's Cure Curls
Sold under a guarantee Coughs
to cure told.. and cough, Q,Colds
quicker than any other
medicine -or your money ba, k 14 yea a
of success commend Shiloh's l urs. 2:.c ,
Ark' , $1 JI
A min looks supreme!) ridieuluu.s
when he dancer. alis tic gel, up tin-
der his ear, and his culler gets Soup,
1.1,' shut begin. to bulge, and Ii is coal
tail., jump op and down in a highly in-
decorous planner. lie is quite at hi.,
won't, nnd the funny Lhiug is that he
doesn't know it,- Cairo Sphinx.
Accenting to The. Revue de, Meru
Monde,, of Park. if the 1 -nisi States
were ns thickly populated a-. Prange it
wold0 u,'tltaitt 7i1.111e1,IMNI people,
And if Canada were as densely settled
as ik'ig' the population would ex -
reed that of the whole 'world today.
Then• seems to be ti • rout left uu
the old planet still
/be fosse
This trade mart
and the word
TOWER on the
buttons dist,
(posh this high
rack slicker baa
/ the lent as pond -
Meets of (hoe tumuli/al " `ants Rees" Peery
r. r /liven ab,oluarh ler.
Seeds Free
A larwo grout politer. Says: " Y,sv
'sante Ross' is en exceptionally hne mis-
timeoti-t..-Isy' Pollier*, by ler the hest we
ht:re r•r;,." 5, will give ah,toldtrty free i
tacku;ti ..f Ih••.e ,seeds h. every ,,r*on who
w i9 ,nd for our urw haw ironiery lower.d
1)01 Catalogue. If s ., prefer, you may
h., cr a package of our Canadian t.cn. Taruip
..t Canada'* Pride Tomato seed in ptaoe,,f
the topples.
Write tu.lay and name your choice.
parch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd.
London, Ont.
TIir. WISTERY Nt)Ml 51. a\(tII.V Kai lest 1Nn'.vrelae+d
ai els gre.r:.l .f,r oe.•I I.,mr mexetle,o. r•a1,1 ,hr'I .n (,tads, *Al a reed by
m. M.1100 1100 bent„ r.r'. r„s.h
11 ..,Maim a wraid, ,d 1c.mmq 1.1i. 1 •lens. el. I.s ern and r.rnrn. able
:rini•. no Led,ng "tiro• l„ wbtlr e, et ,L,,rn.,, MOM drpwnornt'..1.1.,
s. d .a,elard heirloom.• et e'.,' ,,ng .tel h.Ittl.,l t.1I,i mrmtn,..n e.r.y
ronin .
if. le.
I Io.!' n,, to "•,t •, .,,•., every troll, . Ii.uu,t,l 1,011 .16i,.d.m
• Ism.. rank. • sy town red Conan '.rnr. made 1, -rt Phe•.. Iadit, by ..,t
own 410,4 rMnerarhera r, the permute .11 Manaobe 5okec►ewon ,\Arno
.r l P.sa.h C.•Ionlne.
der $.4.u,k' e, efd n tin Mee tsu Oats tiIL(Ii11 e►11a PIIIM.•
60 Page aad up. 60.