HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-27, Page 68 Titular/Alf, February '21. IN 8
• "1 know not.' the nation: ata'luter-
« : At the word the soldier who had at ed • }le canto Acre last algin But It Is
tended to Maitre \tcnanl cause over to
me :old taught Ise• how it recta to be an he says—bo 1s not the Comte de
hanged. 1 said to myself that If I had Mar
'asked liter a dastard I was not one.. 'Take rare, mine host," the °MMMCP!'
nod etre) Ijnu• he Ire nu• speak p „owned, "you're lying" „
gasped. 'i don't know."'1,ye omit w'to 1 Could not wonder a1 hint; If 1 had
Week Io 111' ;UPI Ir‘. am era r,d fn ley tit been In a posits a to know other -
ears. MIN. I noude:e.i wheft s I had at
1 had thought �lvsclf the waiter
done eel! to tell the 111.. rill' Pad 1 1111141xalylug.
that illy; 111.1rr •ons 1" 'h - 11nt •t SI' "If •oii had -spoken at first 1 night
'.l e•rtin, s•Ill those fenny., wiped hay- 11 (' believed you," the captain said,
(nand ft un roar Joh to r:'kr ilei. VI"I:rNNlwlug x kirk on him. "Get telt of
A STORY OF LOVE AND ADVENTURE night be ready to d.•• i 1 \IIIc. de here, nIA ass, before 1 Cram your Ile
Nm]tler, but he womld ,!ef^'.! lion.. down vii r throat. And clear roar
Copyright by The Contrary Oo ' slack t h t
e Helmet
of Navarre
0111'+ heir to the Inst t;ise: 1 "t I Prep a away' roto this door. 1'11 not
11,1 n 1,t I,- tole eltnt the rte ,' walk through a mob. Send e„,: ;n• n
ase Ilett„• liana r•I loci y. ilhrroo•1, .. ac; a to'It is bile ora', or it w111 be
sed I hero ' , Int 11••. the worse for him. And every woman
Theta I brthnu •Lt u” whi! . ' •1111 too."
the ".M. le ('apltatne,'• Maitre Menard
room reeled about te and my head quavered. rising unsteadily to his feet.
seemed bust, ••you make a mistake. On my sacred
perchance word. you mistake; this Is not"---
Ir they shoulllkedto keep toe hthatere a captor "Get out " cried the captain, help-
f„r M. le l'ontte'e arrival be might ing hint along with his boot. Maitre
really follow to see what had become \t,'natl fell rather than walked out M
of me 1 turned sick with the fear of ter, door.
It and resoled ou the truth. Hut Gas- ; A gray tete came over Lucas's fare.
paths last gullet -gripe had robbed me Ills first fright had elven way to fury
of the power to speak. i could only At perceiving himself the victim of a
pant and choke. As I struggled pain- ,mistake, hut now alarm wax born in
fully for wind the door was flung open Ills eyes again. Was It, after all, a tills
hefore a tall young man in ulack, take' This ohstinnte disbelief in Isis
through the haze that hung before my aasertian, this ordering away of ail
vision I aaw the soldier seize him as WIlo Could swear to his Identity—was
he crossed the threshold. Through the Ir not rather a plot for hia ruin' Ile
noise of watere 1 beard the captain's swallowed hard once or twice, fear
cry of triumph. gripping his throat harder than ever
"Oh, NI. Etlenue!" 1 gasped, In hila dragoon's Angers had gripped
eennv that my pain had been f6r 111111e. Certainly he was not the Comte
nothing. Now all was lost. Then the ,Ie Mar; but then he was the man who
hh,r lifted, and my amazed eyes be- had killed I'ontou.
held not my master, but—Lucas! If the: is n plot Rga111At rile, say a0
"How now eluate." he cried to the tie cried. "If you have orders to arrest
dragoon. "Hands off me, knaves:" For Ilse, do so. But arrest me by the name
the second soldier had seized his other
of Paul de Lorraine, not Eticune de
"I regret to inconvenience mon- tMar."
Meta," the captain answered, "but he "The name of Etienne de Mar will
is wanted at the Bastille." do." the raptaln returned; "we have
Wanted! }"' Lucas cried, fear Iso fancy for aliases at the Bastille."
"It is n plot,' Lucas cried.
flashing Into his avec.
"It In a warrant; that is all I know
He felt an Instant's terror, I deem,
bout 1L"
lest Mayenne had betrayed him. Quick
as he was, he did not see that be had But i stn not Comte de Mar," Lucas
til \t'TE1( AN 11I
Hut Vigo proved better than hia
word If he would give us no comntem
once he gale freely good broad gid
pieces. tie, himself suggested \I.
Etiernne's nerd of the sinews of war,
not In the leapt embarrassed or offend-
ed because he knew M le Comte ,n
be angry with him. lie was no feather
rustled. serene 1n the r'onsrlonsuess
that he was abnolu tidy In the right
Hoa position nab impregnable; neither
1/ersuanion, ridicule nor abuse moved
him one whit. Ne had but a single
purpose In life: be was born to for-
ward the interests of the Duke of Nt.
Quentlu. He would forward then]. ;f
need were, over our bleeding corpses.
Ott top of all ,his disobedience and
disrespect he was moot amiable to
M. Etienne, treating him with a calm
assumption of tnt•ndlinean that would
hare maddened a lialnt. Yet It was not
hypocrisy, he liked his young lord.
as we all did. lie woeld not let hint
imperil monsieur. IAA aside from that
he wished him every good fortune in
the world.
M. Etienne argued 110 more. 11e was:
wroth and sore over' \'tgo's attitude,
but he said little. Ile accepted the ad-
vance of money—"Of Course monsieur
would say. What coin Ik hie is yours."
Vigo explained—and despatched me to
nettle his peon at the Three lanterns
1 set nut on Inv errant rather down
In the mouth. We had irccomplish.'t
nothing by our return tp the totel.
Nay, rather had we loaf, for we were
both of us, 1 thought, disheartened by
the cold water flung on our ambitions.
1 took the liberty of doubting whether
perfect loyalty to monsieur', included
thwarting and disobeying Ms heir.
11 was all very' well for mo occur to
spoil Vigo and let him speak Is mind
as became not his Station fir Vigo
never disobeyed hint, but atCi ll by
him In all things. Hut 1 imaeined that,
were M }:trent mebter. Vigo; for
all his years of service, would M -
ed off the premise. in short order,
I walked along :It a brown-„ta,ly.
wondering how M. Etienne did purpose
to rescue mademoiselle His aeheree,
An far as vouchsafed to nue. waa pomp-
eyitat in the air ► could only hope he
had no more in his mind than hA
had let nue know It neemrd M 11)' a',
pity not to be fining something ill the
rnatter. and though I had ne partiete
ler liking for Hotel de 1,, rratne hos.
putwl,ty, 1 had very willingly - 'seen
found thither at data rmnment In try
to get a letter to mademedeelle. Rut
he wnubl net send ml'
"No,” he had said, "it won't d0.
Think of something better. Felix."
Hut 1 could not, and so was taking
my ,1111 svii 1., ti,• mil If the Trois
The est" wore a sleep, afternoon
look. It was very hot and few eared to
he stirring. 1 s,le nothing worth my
notice until, only a auto's throw from
the Three Lanterns, I risme upon a
lig blank rnaeh standing at the door
of a rival auteerge, 1:Oie d'Or it
aroused my Interest at ()nee. for a
traveling coach was a rare sight In
the beleaguered city .\s my plaster
had said. this was not a time of pleas-
ure trips to Paris. 1 readily imagined
that the owner of this chariot came
nn weighty business Indeed Ile might
he an ambassador from Spain a le-
gate from Rrom
1 paused by the group of sire, t ur-
ehlnt, who were stroking the horses
and clambering on the hark of the
coach, to wonder whether It would be
worth while to wait and see the dig-
nitery come out I was just going to
ask the enaehm:nn a queatton or two
concerning his Journey, when he be
gun to snap bis whip about the bare
legs of the little whelps. The street
was so narrow that he r•nnl,1 hardly
chaatleo them without danger tb me,
so It permed hest to saunter off. The
erreaming urchins stopped Jtist our
of the reach of his lent and set to
pelting mutt at him with a richt good
will, bort I WAS Loo old for that game.
1 reflected that I was charged with
business for my master. and that it
was nothin4 to me what envoys might
home to \tayenoe. 1 went. on into the
Three LAntrrns.
The cabaret was absolute! desert-
ed; one might have walked all about
and carried off what he pleased, as
from the sleeping palace In the tale.
"Thls is a pretty w'ay to keep an inn,"
T thought."Where have all the lazy rap•
eats got to'" Then 1 heard n confused
murmur of voices and Ah,ffle of fret
from the back, and 1 went through into
the passage where the btafrcase was.
Here were gathered, 1n a huddle,
like seared sheep, some -dozen of the
serving -folk, ]nen and maids, the la,s.
ea most of them In tears, tb„ man
looking searee less l(rrlfl.1. •Their
gaze was Axed nu the closed drior of
Maitre Menard's little rnnntingroonl,
whence issued the shrill cry:
'Spare me, noble gentlemen' Spare
a poor innkeeper! 1 swear T know
nothing of his whereabouts "
An my footsteps sounded on tit^
Ihreahold one and all span around to
look at mil 1n fresh dread.
"Mon dire. 11 1: Ion hickey "' A
chambermaid rricd. In the next second
a ilttle wiry dame, her ryes blazIo,
Irite•rly, but ht: , r+ iimee,il,n and
bulging, rolled toward 10'
"What now the captain cried.
springing to 1,1. feet. "\l'hn are yam",
!le sole under his breartlthite what
1 tank to be the uniform of the city
guards. I had seen the like tit the otry•
rpt of the gate the ,night 1 e titered
Paris. Ile was a )(mag man of a ,!,•.
Oiled!) bo lrgeois appeear,nc'•. on if he
were not Howl, nu' ide of his uniform
"\I', name i. cols Brous," 1 said. '1
came to pay a hitt' --
"His seri ant, Maitre llenard con-
tined 10 murmur, the dragoon allow -
Ing hint a breath.
"Oh, y on are the Comte de Mar's
servant. are you" \L'here hate you left
)rnr master?"
\Clot do you want of him?" 1 ::d,-
.1 in torn.
"Never )ou neiud. 1 w:Ir.t him."
"Rut Ma)enne raid he should not be
tnurhe•I," I cried. "'rhe Duke of \las-
,•811„ said himself he should Hot he
"I know nnthlig about that" he re.
tented, a trifle more elvill) than he
had spoked. "I have naught to do with
Ih,• Disk, of Mayei,1 If he is friend.;
whit your master ll. dr Mer may Hoa
.1e, behind bas's tery long. Hut 1 have
'he guy,•rnm's warrent for his acres!,,,
"Un what eharge'."'
",L trifle. Me'reiy murder."
a rill.
"Murder"" been taken for another man.
"Yes; til" murder re a lackey, oar "You, monsieur. You are wanted for
Pnnron." the murder of your man Pontou."
"But that Is ridirul()ns!" 1 erled, He grew white, looking instinctively
"\f. I,• Conde did riot"---- at me, remembering where I had been
I came to a halt, not knowing what at 1 o'clock this morning.
In say. "Luras—Paul de Lorraine kill -"It Is a 11e' He left my sender a
month bark and I have never seen hint
since." f
"Tell that to the judges," the cap-
tain said, as he had Bald to me. "I an1
not trying you. The handcuffp, men "
One of them produced a pair. Luras
-trnggled frantically In his captors'
grasp. 1{o dragged them from one end
cif the room to the other, calling doyen
all the eI rses of heaven upon them:
het they snapped the handcuffs on
hint for all that.
not know the hour of the murder. "M. "!f this to Mayenne's work"— he
le Comte ;5 re 1 t grand "ntle•mnn, muted. - .-
I•* —_ _
ed him." was on the tip of my tongue,
bot I choked It down. To fling wild ae.
cusationa against a great man's man
were no %indium Ily arc legit i had
given the (Meer the impression that
we were friends of Mayenne. i should
do 111 to imperil the delueiun "\i. 1e
Comte"—T began again, and again
'topped. 1 meant to say that nionaleur
had never loft the Inn last night: be
eonld hat-] 110d no hand 111 tin ,•rim^.
'then 1 bethought Mr than 1 had better
- eeuld only pant and choke!
he would notmurder a lackey'," I got The officer caught nothing but the
out at last. name \Tayenne.
"You con tell that to the judge-," ' The boy said you were a friend to
the eapt;,ln rejoined 1 I Grace, monsleur, but orders are
\t this 1 felt leo 'lIIinz down my orders. i bare the warrant for your
spine. Tn be arrested an 0 witness nae arrest fom M. de Helin."
the last thing 1 rlrsirnd. "At whose Instigation'"
"1 knot' nnthlne ahatnynr about It," "flow should I know' I anti A soldier
1 erled. "He seemed to me a very fine of the guard. 1 have naught to do with
gentleman. i)'it yon Can't always 5-11 it hilt to .arrest you."
ab0ti: those noble The Comte de "Let mo nee the warrant."
Mar, Pen only known him twenty lour "1 am not obliged to. But 1 will,
hoot's. Porti he en ; iOn i me as lack' ;, though. It may quint your bluster."
yesterday afternoon. 1 had never laid Ile took out the warrant And held It
ryes on hire. 1 know not what he has at a safe dletance before Lewas's eyes
been about. Ile etigng'•d mil )„att.rtlly A greet light broke in on that person -
to carry a message for 111111 to the tin- ago
rel Sr, Qne111lit. 1 Arno, into Parts Iter "Mille tonnerres' I am not the
night before last and put un at the Comte de Mar!"
loner de Dieu In the line (oupci:'r' "Oh, you say that now, do you' Pity
art.. Yesterday he employed me 10 you had not thought of it stoner."
run hie errands, and last night brought "But i ant not the Comte de \far! 1
ml'" here xith 1)1111. 11,1 1 had toyer am Paul de Lorraine, nephew to my
00011 111111 rill this time yesterday. 1 Loral Mayenne."
know hint
with fury, darted out of the 'retire and 'Ce111edr5Jnvery'ingAfree'1landed ilea',' Islas- you're the Due de Gulae'"
° that lie "'Why don't )01 say straight out that
seized me by the arm with A grip of ter, -
her ruffle that made me think a"1 am not the Due de Guise," Locos
they had got me. pa:e' To a tare ear 1 might have tensed returned with dignity, He timet. hese
a little ton voluble, but .the raptaln leen cursing himself that he had not
"So, here you are," she screamed. T only laughed at my patent frigflt.
declare I thought she was going to "Oh, yoi nerd not look to als- gram his name sooner. ''Rut i am its
bite me. "Oh -h -h, you and !emir fine .fared: i have nn warrant brother.""
raster. tbst come hero and devour tier rest. 1 dare say )mu are is come al' "You take me for afoul."
subatanet' and never pay toe Sou, hurt rongn nit ten, but the order
dfesaa' a "vyn, who shall hang for chi-+
bring ruin to the house! Now, go you nothing shout you. Don't sn'oon away;rolls'"
straight in there and int them squeeze you are In no peril.""You moat think me a fool," Thr cnp-
)our throat awhile, endyou 1 aAa sting to be tl]ntlghr sari 5 citron brother I. but set'rntern'--
A ace howttale repeated. "The nuke of Onlse's
like 1t yourself"raven,but ooketed the Insult end "i did not say 1 less legitimate."
She swept Inc across the paseege merely answer
like a whlrlwInd, opened the door, ' 1 assure you, monsieur, 1 know notOknow11then did1lthatn1 rmA11r1 well did off
before i could colleen my senses.
Shoved me In and hanged 11 after me night of the matter." Yesterday i the ages of every T.orrclne of thein antrld have blurted out to him Ih^ all. No, M. de Mar, i am net en simple
The room was man; It was very whole truth; decidedly my experiences ns you think. Yeti will eomo along
wet filled up by a bureau, a strong were tearhhie me Something.
box, a table, two chairs, three soldiers, "Conte, now, T can't fool about herr with mil to the T have
one Innkeeper Md myself. all ala;'.' ten 5314 Ins ,Ail,• IIs, "Rlorkheatl' CII have you broken oil Arcdent," Luras shouted. ' p of Ile
The hnreen stood ley the window, where tins' prrc"na master of elnnra Ant nn moreheel l'( Hunt ntlttersihan Tam with Ills hampered left ions to pal'
with \Toltec Menard's acronnt bookie is now .\114 be g'llrkrr about It than Ring of Spcln. Speak tip,the folds Apart to show It. nut he
it faltre Nf wad the table. with A tin: •i l 11d b " you old turn- could not, and fell silent, ewideeYed.
replete of dragoon. on it Gr his two \latter Menard, then, had fold them silt." he ,homted to Maitre Menard. like enc who sees the net of fate drew
men. ,.111 took the middle of the nothing -atnrh old loyalist. Ile knew Am 1 hr'." p p Ing la sign tete^. The captain west
room amusing himself with the perfeetle that M. 1e ''nmte hat Prov \ThOn isrr Menard had dropped ad °n ' reading from his litho paper:
iir4n,t^`' . of Maitre M.nar1, IDA home. and thee had throttler) hfingand nirknto know rwhetbwas tgo amo ant "F'Alr pr, gray eyes. Agnnlne
epic nye pnat.d At the door. T yet he had not told. \\tell, he ahotilei only ptared helplesely, going on. 11c monosat eI suppose Thaty you will 51111 1ni ?"
leas shot el' of lime. Menard'a grasp not lose by I. mnnelenr, that you err not the man'"
thin Ms, sod 1 found hia the gentler of "�inndaur Is pious the Streets come. I "Speak, rascal," Lucy cried. "Am 1 "i am not. he. The Comte de Mar
Ile two. where. On mv life, 1 know Comte do Mar!"' and i are nothing alike. We are both
'1 sap 1 know not nice.nor whern. "No "g the maitre answered In low, )tomo tall, yea; het that Ie all. He Is
Went." nut 1 know be w111 ten ]Ark hero to faltering tons. He wap at the last alashdll all lip the fore -Arm; m♦ nesse
Watts Mallard kiln was reaping. , he?dark 1Supper.
"Oh, snit don't knowoilpoint. of Palo and fear. "No, monsieur iS but 'wretched with a knife-edge+. He
foes from the '!rrr;nnn'S eaten
He 414 not tell -f have no no- Then pe•rhaps fla'pard cagNcken (0nl,r' 11 to as hr, uya. He is cot the has yellow hair, mine IS brown. Him
"tri- _Tae breath failed -him Your memory," de Mar " f eyes"—
"Who L he tlatle2'•._._ _ _ -_ . . "It Is plain to, Inc. luonaieer."
His uneasy conscience had numbed
his wits. Ia his dread of a plot he had
done little to dissipate an error. Rut
now he pulled hl:nself together, error
or Intention, he would act as 1f he
knew it must he error.
"My captain, you have made a role•
take likely to cost you your shoulder
straps. 1 tell you I am nuaaMar; the
landlord, who knows him well, tell.;
you r ant not Ma:'. ask thosa w ha
know M. de Isar; ask these inn pled
plc. They will one and all tell yeti 1
am not he. :\s11 that boy there: even
he dares not say to my fare that
Ms ryes met mitre. and 1 "wild see
that, even In :he moment of challen-
ging me. he repeuted. He believed that
I would give the lie. Hut the dragoon
who w'as binding over him, relieving
hint of his sword -belt, spared me the
"Captain, tai need give yourself 11
uneasiness; this Is the Comte right
enough. I live In the Quartier Marais,
and 1 have seen this gentleman a arnre
of fibres riding with M. de St. Quen-
Lucas, at this unexpected testimony,
looked an Laken aback that the cap-
tain burst out laughing.
"Yes, my dear monsieur, it 1s a ilttle
bard for M. de May'enne'a nephew—
you are a nephew, are you ant^—til
explain how he monies to ride with the
0111' de 5t. QU.ntltl "
It was awkward to explain Lucas,
knowing aril that tllrre lea. nn f
inn for him w•hn betrayed the Geeer-
ellasimo'e Feerots, (meed out angrily'
"He lies! i neyrr rode red with M.
le 5t. Qilentin."
"Oh, comm now-. Really cret waste a
creat deal of breath," the captain Aald.
"i regret the cruel neeeesity of ar-
'rcting yon \1. de Mar; but there Is
nothing gained by blustering about 1t.
f usually know what 1 and aboet."
•.you do not know ' Nom ale dirty.
you do tint know. Felix Bronx, speak
ip there. if yon hate told him behind
MY bark that 1 am Etienne sin \lar 1
iefe you to say it to my fare"
know nothing about it, mes-
drilrs." 1 repeated my little refrain.
'Monsieur captain, remember, 11 Inn
lmasc, 1 ]over saw him till yrat,rday;
hr may he Peel e;e Lorraine for all 1
know 11,11 he did not call himself that
"You hell-imend:" Lucas cried.
"i:o sell Loris to Imre 1111 10 the ea•
ha et floor, Gaspard," bade the rap.
ta111 ./
Locos Razed at la1. 1 as if re fe:1r nn'
of him the truth of the matter. I think
he was still a prey to suspleion of n
pint In this, and it paralyzed his ton -
gine. He so reeked with intrigue that
he smelled one wherever hr• went. He
way m.11011 too clever to believe that
this arresting ofllcer was simply 1111 1:
1 stied
"I pay no more," he ericd. "You may
spare yourself your lies, the whole
,'new of yon. I go as your prisoner, but
I go as Paul of Lorraine, son of llenn,
Duke of (losses"
lir s0id It with a rrrialit sneer},
nest,: but the young rapt ai n. bourgeois
of the hourgeola, did not mean to let
himself ho put down by any pprtg of
the noblesse.
"Certainly; If it is any comfort to
you." he retorted. "Rut you are Ter%
,In11, monsieur, not to he aware that
sone Identity Is known perfectly to
nthr'rs braldes your lackey here and
MI. man. I did not come to arrest yon
w•Ithhut a minute description of yon
from At, de Helin himself."
-Ventre bleu „' }soca; ehotted. "1
wrote the description. 1 myself lodg. d
Information against Mar. 1 came here
to make Bare you took him. (tarry me
before llrlln; he will know me."
i trembled lest the .moon rnnld not
but ser that the pian11,01,, tenth. H11t
i had no need In fear: there Is a cony
intuition of stupidity and vanity whirl)
nothing 0811 move.
"1 hese un order.a to take you to \f.
de Bello," he returned calmly. "So
yeti wrote the deseiption, AId y'oa'
Perhaps you w111 deny that It fits yon?"
}le read from the• 1,aprr:
"'C"harlee-:\ndre-Fareuur %tarle :1
St. Quentin, Comte rte Mar. Age three
and -twenty; figure tall and t,lrnde: .
was dreseed yesterday in black Alto
a plain falling -hand; carries his right
arm In a sling"—
"le any arm las a sling?" lura,
"No. 1n a handcuff," the sprain
laughed, h,1 the same moment that his
dragoon excalmed, "Itis right wrist
is l,alldaer'd, llinttgh."
"That In nothing! It le a nitre.
scratch. i did it m)ll"If last night by
officer Interrupted, "that the deserts
tion fits pun in every particular." And
so It did.
1, wbo had heard M. Etienne describ-
ed twenty times, had yesterday mis-
taken Lucas for hint; the same 11 Nils
served for both. It was the more re
markahie because they et•WAllr luo6-.
ed no more alike than chalk and
cheese. i.ucae had act down his cats
Logue without a Thought that he leas
drawing his nen pietine. Hever hunt-
er was caught in his own gin l.ue,ls
,"You Ile" he cried furiously. "Yn11
know 1 am tint afar. You lie, the whole
pack of yon!"
"Oat him, Ravelle," the raptaln
commanded with an angry flush.
"i demand to be taken before M. de
stella!" !mean shouted.
'The next moment the soldier had
twisted a handkerchief about his
"Ready'" the captain asked of Gas
pard. who had come baek"Just In time
to aid In the throttling. "Move on,
lie led the way out, the two dr.t
Fenn following with their prisoner.
Lod Chia 111110 LuraS'a fertile w'ils
failed hien. Ile did not slip from
capt•trs' Lingers between the room and
the street. }{e WAS depoe lted 111 111,'
big black emote thnt lad aroused my
w,mder. Louie cracked his chip and
off they rumbled.
i laughed all the way back to the
Hotel St. Quentlu.
cru al' rnATINI
An Obliging- Monarch.
1 trendy 1Villja,t 11., of Germany,
eele•Irated his forty•uinlh hirlhda%
nearly half A. cent ties. of strenuous life
baying pa...wed over his head.
The Gcrntuu Emperor has always
'lade a point of carrying out the
obligations of hi' position. On one
,erasion !revolts' he Wan very unwell.
lie court physicians advised their
'ngu.t patient to remain in bed for a
lay of two.
\l'hite the consultation w•AN actually
eking place, the Impel int bodyguard
h'ew 1111 outside the palace. Loud
leers were he:uat, ane1 the Emperor
tutuediately went to the window.
One of the doctors ventured to
,ant est.
"It is uescacary," 'said the Kaiser.
vial :a beth.., "for me to show myself
et this winduay. for all the''guide taroks
.ay that 1 may he seen from the
heel. every day alma this tinge."
Preacher's Opinions
Tint 1'. k \(attar. Fort, Rodderk,
C. R.: '•I always (Aunt 11 a pleasure to
recommend the Dr. Slocum k,m.dies
to me parfShlnoers. I believe there
is nothing better for throat and lung
trouble. ,'r woakeess nr run -dawn ars
tem. Por speaker's pax. throat 1 have
found Psychine very benefisal."
Rry. \t'. II Sh.r'ns, raid-., ()et.: !
"Puyebine ..'mn,l TUN til• atlmnlant ml'
syst.m needed. I shall add my testlmney
as tr, its efficacy at every nppnrI lnity.''
fire. R. M. Rrnwne, Amherst Head.
N 5 , " I hie. often recommended
Psychics since taking it myself, for It
is a rare for the trnubl.s yet specify."
Rev. 1 ha' 'rlrling.,Rath. N.R.: "I
bare used Psyehitse in mv family; the
results were mar,elnns. i have visited
people who state that they n•vrr used
Its equal. 1 strongly rrenmm•nd it.
Rey. 1 c 1 Wilson. Markdalc, Ont
"1 have taken two bottle. of Psychlne
and awl pleased to say that I am greatly
improved in health. 1 was troubled
with my throat, but now 1 find it about
restored In its normal condition. 1
And my work very much les. 13310.
believe Psyehlne us all claimed for it."
Thee. are earnest preachers of the
gospel of Ptyalin*. They know where
of they speak Psychics cures all
throat, lung and stnmaeh troubles. It
15 at great vole.. atrengtken.r, acting
directly en the •neat• respiratory and
digestive organ.. thus •peeially adapte.l
to public epeak•rs. At all dru:misty, •
ToFOemasdatoA0$1, or Dr. T. A. aloenm, Ltd..
:ommencing February Beeth and con -
!tieing daily until April 211th, to the fol-
lowing points:
$47.151 SEATTLE, WASH.
$47.151 LOS
Fne termOs CAL.
Tickets also sold to other certain points
in proportion.
Fall infornuition may ie oleatnrd teem
Tnwn Agent
Office hours- 1 a.m. to ‘30p.111
)repot. 'Ticket Agent.
J. U. McDonald, Dietrich I:a,s, Agent
Union Station, Toronto.
$2 . 1 O
And return
Single (Ar, hunt all (In14tIrl .IalJrm+.
Tfekehhl trend ening Feb. .11, d. ; retnrnine
not it and on Feb. 2n.
Children under twelt-p half fare.
i'Tieket. anti
1511 Information roof
Jos. gran, 71.11.1 Agent. BOMencw,
n- terms a:. e. ru,Taa. t• a.. l' r.a.. Toronto
I'pllow,' (lose, open a n rn 1n '.T p.m
Second Class
and B.0 POINTS
One Way Only
Daily Feb. sq to April ss'
1 all u,fot mullion front
f:11.1t. 1'icict Agent. mice, I,
or wt lu l . II. F0,.l l:u, I). 1'..L.. ( .1'.IL, Torunte
\\ I N'1'I'It '1'1111: 'l'.\ 111.L
1'01(1 i'1, ) ear ,41..) 1 :"v yin
WANil (Met• 1111 nw u.ut put
PARRY :vit. Nit tan .
No. 2 No.4
u n ,nn
Nal NU
\\- .(N11.\i:n 1.!:! net 11 4.1 ani
TUItoNTo . list um 1111 nut
Observation.Uinine Parlor Cars bt.
tween Toronto and Parry* bound
serving meals a la Carte.
1 1MI1> .501.11!
Offices: All Stations, also Cor. Kang and
Toronto Sts and Union Sutler', Toronto.
Phone,Ma:n cep?.
The Signal's
lubbing List
for 1908.
'l'he Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe $i 30
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe . . . 4 50
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and
Weekly Star i s0
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) I 70
The Signal 11111 Toronto Daily Star 2 30
The Signal and Toronto Daily World . 2 75
The Signal and Toronto Daily News . • 2 35
The Signal and Toronto Weeky Mail and
Emre , , 170
t'•emimm Octct Ute, "Golan) be. 'total yearly ,m lr.yrdrcrIn 55 rrl.ly M..:I and 1:11,,,1'
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate • . • 2 3:
The Signal and Farming World . . , 1 30
The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press i bo
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser . . 2 3:
The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser . I Go
"I'hc Signal and London Daily Free Press
N1ornin;; Edition . . , 3 50
1':%ening Edition . . , 2 90
The Signal and London Weekly Free Press i 85
The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness . . 3 50
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness 185
The Signal and World Wide 2 �5
The Signal and Western Home Monthly
nnipclr I 30
The(WiSignal and) Presbyterian 2 �5
The Signal and Westminster 2 25
The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3 25
1'hc Signal and Saturday Night ('1',1" ''•! ') 2 35
The Signal and McClure's Magazine . , , 2 40
tiueludina I) -1 aa,• nn Mr1'liur ,tot aundian nddn .-1.
The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine . . 3 50
linclnding p't'•t..gr on Lippincott . I n r •aieali:ut iwldree t.
'I'hc Signal and Horne Journal (Toronto) . , r 3o
These prices are for addres:;est in Can;td.i.or Great
"I'hc above publications may he obtained by Sig-
nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any
publication icing the flgllre given above less $1.00 rep-
resenting the price of The Signal. For in,t;ince :
The Signal and The Weekly Glebe . . . . , $t 3o
The Farmer's Advocate ($2.35less ;t.001 • r 35
is 15
--making the price for the three papers R�,65,
The Signal and The Weekly Sun
The Toronto Daily Star 1$a.3o less it.00) . , 130
The Weekly Globe 1$1.30 less $1.00) . , , • 30
$3 30
$1 70
—the four papers for $3.3o.
1f the publication you Want is not in above list,
let us know. We cul supply almost any Well-known
Canadian publication.
Send subscriptions through local agent or .by
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Vanatter & Robertson,
The Signal, Goderich, Ont.