HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-27, Page 5k I � +�4t'� ip,,;•iepep t,r:�:wggppG '� .. 'r s' �6�,•3 Tfi1: SIGNAL : ONTAItI( WHERE IT IS SUMMER A feet deep oil the level. but we expert - speed nu delay." and, the eumwit missed. snow tool los die- ---- r altogether and for the last FORMER TOWNSMAN AT THE 1 miles before reaching Vancouver the fields were es green es in summer PACIFIC COAST, time, but very wee looking. The aoenery along the Fraser. during this portion of the trip, war very beauti- ful; the tine broad i bra From Prince Albert; Sask., to Victor* B . U. W. C. Goode s Trip Across Half a 0ontinent Interesting Notes of Places by the Way -Flowers B looming at Victoria in Midwinter. l 1'ur. FWt and Uuuidan . Vlcturb, R, 1'., Jan. 31ah, hose. Te the editor et The tltgaal. 81n, --When leaving your beautiful town 1 resolved to ser the Pacific Guam if possible before settliug duwu again, and shortly before Christmas the opportunity arrived and 1 ac- cepted it. On December 2ltl>. therefore, 1 left Itosthern for Prince Albert, where 1 sprat Chrietwas Day most enjoyably with J. M. Turnbull and other frirnde The city bar improved greatly during the year and was looking bright and busy. Lumbering, however. Is com- paratively dull and only git10 'lecke" have been sent into the woods in place .1 the 2,1110 rent last year. The real estate offices, too, are greatly les- sened, for here, w elsewhere, specula- tion is at a standstill fur the titer. However, many fine new reeidencee end businees bluetit, give ample evi- dence of the solid prosperity of the bplace and of the conftdeuce which ice usiness people have in the future. I )n t he 'J' ith a ,merry little party of us left fur the south- i)r. Turnbull; who down as far as Mask o eau dt a*t n , Mies llry.tnt. Iwhu fury IN)ssibly visit (lode - richt. and a Mr. Henderson. bound for l lntariu. and Mr. \Volker, a druggist ..n a holiday to Winnipeg. I parted 1' thew with genuine retort, for they are filmed friends : then this beautiful, romantic prairie Province bed begun to feel like home to we, and tb.are is rat, knowing when I way greet it and them .fall,. Regina and Mooeejaw. The carr were poorly heated and ellen Regina waw reached 1 eagerly .ought a hotel and booked tdr the night. 1 felt rather dieappwinted in Regina. It dues not appear to me to prrreut the activity and progres- ,., . features of Saskatoon and Prinre !chert. ilowevet•, it boa made great ,nide. in recent years and has teauli- fol churches. and a city ball which weld do credit to a much l*rger place. It is said that a tweedier error eros made in this beautiful building - nothing lows than the mineable of chimneys"; end when it was almost completed someone thought of it, and then it war. found that the only omvenient place wail in front. The result is a very ugly chimney dis- . hanging volume's of smoke near Lhet main t.wer-- which goes to slow; by the way. that Galerich has no mow - "poly ,f municipal evenly. Leaving Regina about S p. w., i had the company ma far as Swift Cur- rent of per old friend Dan. Melvor, who ie looking as well as ever. The Brat important town were of Regina t* her gnat rival Mluoeeiaw, claiming tht• largest population of all the r itis. in S.swk*tchewrn. A pretty s cr feature of this town 1s its park Alongside the railway-. with a titer running through it. Upon e small island the bandstand ,s situated and the people may enjoy the ruurfe it. their Istats or while .trolling on caber bank. This city' is a railway .entre and appear, t, be prosperous. Dan. McGillicuddy s Town. .1 winter trip across the prettier. eau o arr,•Iy be recommended an a pleas- ure, for the fleeting prairie scenery is r,,wewhat nwnotonons, although half • hoilr strips Itt,11,1, divisional (settees. win, It :rte .ilseit 1..1 miles .apart., off q,l w opportunity for glance .t the !pealing towns. Calgary was ••n.''•1 there, but our atop was early in 11 • morning and the tonally busy streets were deeerted, for whicb n•a.on our old fellow•tuwusru:ut, Den. ?Iclidlicuddy mimed hie dress« of resets ng .1 cell from yours truly. Among the Mountains. West of 1'eigary the prairie seemed . to iw ,rectically free from snow, and Loge herd- of eel tie and hones could he seen pasturing ,n, the ranges. 1,N, signs of the approarhiug nloun- t.uns ,take their apfwarance. First, r.s•ky cliffs and hills, interspersed with stretches of level prairie, but .•,' r increasing in height, and with 'soy stn'ams rushing through deep- .ut canyons, show that we have arrived in the foot -hills. Then fax in the distance majestic mountain peakt appear, lifting their glistening sun- lit heeds *love the el 1'. and as we proceed a perfect riot's( natur'e's heete tip. appear *round us in all throe fan- Inetic urtns and varieties of shade and ruler which mountain scenery alone ran present. Banff ie the first place of imp,rtance in the mountain die, trio. This is one of our national parks, and a herd of deer and buffalo appeared close to the tracks, watching the train with evident interest. It is certainty n he*utiful spat, ideal for the tourist in starch of health or pleasure, and the magnificent hotel. with its forest surroundings and back- ground of mountains. makes a lovely picture. Front this out, the mountain ascent begins in earnest and the traveller is eutmunded with an ever - varying p*nor*rn* of glorious 'scenery. Hut why attempt to describe the in- drscril*ble ! What word -picture could convey an adequate idea of these scenes ! Dark forests of spruce, ceder and pine flake tangled thickets in the gorges and climb mountain -tides to the snow line. Peak, pl*team and cliff, canyon, lake and torrent ;fame before one in endless variety of form and combination, until the eye wearies of gazing and the tongue runs abort of adjectives to describe. One thing which attructe and holds one's attention is the intense listening whiteness of the peaks rising above fleecy clouds wbich hover around them and Lathed in sunlight long after twilight hms settled upon the valleys. Sometimes, however, hazy (•Iouis of azure blue conte*! the sum- mits, or the setting sun lights them up with etimeon hues. There in, of cnunw, no settlement In the mountains, beyond the require- ments of the r*ilw*vs and a few 1 - lering and mining points, but the ^Ult.iona, hotels, • etc., are neat and lpretty buildings, some ot them resemb- ing Swims chalets, some of 10 etc. An interesting spat is Glacier, British t'olembia, Heck of the pretty st*Unn a road running through a broad valley with lofty mountains on either side leads to a hotel when tourists may he provided with Swiss guides for a trip to the glacier, which may be clearly seen from the station thoagt some miles distant. Prem Wieder to Sumer. In h!y Selkirk& the snow Was ex- ceetlmg ' hrevy, In places folly fonr r ever rl3 AO occasional steamer, with islands, settlements, mulls, etc., and a back- ground of mounatains, waking most pleasing pictures. Twelve toilet before reaching Van- couver we pass Port Moody, where • city died unborn. During construc- tion chi. was the tet'wlnus of the C. 1'. H. and many inverted there think- ing it would be * permanency, but Vancouver was founded instead. Both are eitgaLed on a tine arm of the sea, about al toile wide, known as Moody Inlet, which could accommo- date any amount of shipping. At Vancouver. We reached Vancouver about noon on Sunday, December SIth. The kind of weather which had prevailed here was quite evident in the green (awns and muddy streets. My Impressions of the city, which now claims about 75,0W population, were very favor- able, but the titmouse Princess Vic- toria was et her wharf and I was soon aboard for the last stags. of my journey. On to Victoria. From Vancouver to Victoria is a trip of eighty miler which takes the Pourers about fire hours, though In rummer she is said to do it in four. It is a pleasant journey. After the frost and snow of the prairie it was simply a reveiatiuu to see the Mrlande broking fresh and green, with abet- lutely no sign of winter except on those distant perks. Toe air was mill balesY,summer-like. the ser in smiling mooed, the scenery of rocky islands, passing ships. distant shore and. mountains superb, while great Il a ke of sea-binle wheeled constantly around the ship and alighted fear - lowly un ,the upper deck or un the boats. We ,arrived at Victoria at II:31). Here I wits received into the hos- pitable home of Dr. P. A. Holmes. formerly of Prince Albert, and quite forgot that 1 was to a strange City. A Wonderful Climate. I mart leave tuy impressions of Vic- toria for it future letter, but i cannot close without referring briefly to the wonderful climate of this place. There is 'rally no winter worthy of the name. The lawns are beautifully green. 1 have seer) several varieties of shrubs in blossom in January. One variety has liven 'simply lorded with buds and flowers ever since my 1r - rival: lately several other vir'irtiee lave opwntd and the gardens have never been without flowers. I have seen rose bushes hailed with buds and blooms, carnations, daisies. pansies, marigolds and many other varieties in biotite in the open. Lately *now - drops. jouquils and other spring (low- ers have appeared, On January let Dr. Hoboes pulled radishes in his garden from seed sown rix weeks 1te• lure ; in fact gardening is to surae ex- tent carried on all winter. Now -tae Hot week in Felruery-people are preparing � gardens ; they sxy the "winter' 11 over. Stich "winter" is certainly nothing hal a 'spurious im- itation" of the real and only original. 1 have met ' (io tlrr'icb Ulan herr in Mr. Davidson 1b utht•r of Hugh D.'. formerly of Oo.Ierich township. He hes purchased land for a fruit farm. near Tolmie 9lountain, quite close to the city, With beet wishes. Yours -truly, \Vturt:it C. Omens. COUNTY ORANGE LODGES. Annual Meeting for North and South Huron --Officers Elected. AL the annual meeting of the South Hunan County Orange Lodge. held at Exeter, the following officers were elected : W. M., Frank Davis, Cen• tralie : 1). M., 1Vnaiter Coursey, Loran ; chaplain, Robert Hutchins, Hutchins F. O.: F. S„ W. J. Davis, Saintahury ; R. S., Peter Caotelon, L'lintnn ; treasurer, Adatu Cantelon. Hulm4wville : 1). of (.. D. C. Ge1- brrith. Hayfield: lecturer, E. J. El- liott, Galeria) : second lecturer, Rob- ert McMurray. Bayfield. A resolution moved by 1Valter Courw'y, of lateen, and Thomas Pal- mer. of Hensall, made (ioderich the union uu)u. choice for the next cele- 1Mtion, which it was decided to hold on Monday. July 130. Among the old-time delegates greatly missed was the late James Wells, and a letter of condolence was ordered robe forwarded to his widow and family ; also a letter of sympathy to Wm. Anderson, of Stephen, who through a serious accident has been ronflnrd in the hospital at London. The question of organizing new lodges an increasing the streuggth of the old ones wen fully discnseed, end it is understood that the work will he proceeded with et once. Past County Master Todd, of Oode• rich, gave a brief report of the Grand Lodge sleeting at Vancouver. The next annual county meeting will be held at. Exeter. North Huron. The minuet meeting of North Huron County Lodge was held at Wingharn on February 13th, with the county master. Henry Horsey. in the chaie and a good representation of the lodges present. itobert Birmingham, organizer for the Ont trio Went Grand Lodge, ad- dressed the meeting, urging greater efforts to lucre/sae the membership. Ripley. Brussels and Listowel ex- tended invitations for the Twelfth of July celebration, but it was decided to have no county celebration, allowing each district to choose its own place of celebration. Officers were elected as follows : Countymaster, HenryHorsey, Gale - rich ; eputy master, M. Dane, Corrie; chaplain, Rev. T. 8. Hole, Wingbam ; recording secretary, T. O. Shepperd, Nile; Ananelal secretary, 8. A. Ma attire, \Vingham : treasurer, Jas. Gob ley, 1Virlghem : D. of C., Alex. Leieh- man, Mat nock ; lecturers, R. McCrea, Helgrsve, and Wm. Hays, Borrie. A Little Joke Between Them. An American on a 'hilt to bond,, took a'bus to the City every morning. where he had Moines* with an Anglo Americen firm. He always sat h• hind the driver. On the first journey he noticed that on arriving at a per tain corner the driver took out his big ,liter watch, dangled it to and fro a few timed, and winked jovially at an indivld'ual who stood at the door of a shop. "Why do you do that?" the Ameri- can &eked. "Well," said the delver, taking hie jIpe from bill mouth. "teat'* a little oke we 'as between us, beio' as we are old friends. You see, his father was 'spied." -Philadelphia Recurs). The Disappointed Boy. 1 wish 1 hadbeenburn a Irl, • WI h Asir that 4 could sister In curl, With bels that 1 could dailyMss. ('or (Item, when fellers come s tea I'd simply have te sigh Jes''so And wish to go 1a dome swell ball - Then sure a 'A enough I go. If 1 was born attractive like My enter 4. sn' had her way-. I would not have my to to strike For money toga to the plays. Coe when a feller called on m e 1'd *imply Oak about the show. An mention one 1'd like to see Then sure enough I'deo. If 1 (weld wear a trailing dress, Like ulster doer. an peek a•buu-• For candy 1 d not beg. 1 guess. Id always gut tile kind 1 choose. 14 wake a date with some oho wan. Like aist'r dose wltb lots of rocks : Then meet hint at the front dour. an' Murat enough I'd gut a boa. 1 wish I meant burn a boy. Cor, boys for everything tarsal pay : Th.iec nobody that counts It Joy To take a ltd to some cafe. It ,rakes no difference how 1 nigh, An' wish that 1 could ere a show : Though twenty men were needing by Nobody says. "Let I g0," There's no one wants to gay my fare. An nu one cotter to roll o, tae Or asks to take Inc anywhere, Au' them c sat much 1'd like to sec.. 1 wish 1 www -t bon. a buy. For boys don't ever stand a show : Th.uu 1. so much I tout ..jo), If only I was aakod to go. • K. Guest. York Loan Affairs, Four classes ot claimants againn' the tweets of the York County f.oaq et Savings Company were disposed of last week in , judgment given by George Kappele, the official referee. These claims total about,0.34,1t%).82. and leave only four other special claims to be adjudged. The liquidator has discovered in the yrocese of going over the claims that they have shrunk about $5011,1100 throdgh the removal of many duplications. thus leaving 1,3,5(e),00J to be settled out of the; York Loan's assets instead of S4,0U1,- 000, as estimated. The effect of Mr. Keppele's judgment is to enhance the value of the claims made by the general body of shareholders by refus- ing to consider epecikl claimant& as having any prior CLAIM upon the con- cern'. assets. New Star Line Steamer. A new 230 -foot passenger and freight boat, specially designed for the Detroit river service. will be built by the 1Vhite Star Line. General manager 13. W. 1'rrker, of the steam ship company, is himself preparing the design, and the vessel (vill be unique in several features. the pur- pose tieing to combine the quick -load- ing freight facilities of a ferryboat with those of it passenger steamer. Mr. Parker estimates that it will take a year to complete the plans and that she wilrle completed in 11010, ready to enter un the rum from Detroit to Port Huron. •a -- - - Dropped Dead at Fordwich. FordwiclS; Feb. 21. --While standing in a bakery conversing with E. Gib- son this morning, John Wilson fell over dead, heart t:lilure being the cause. Mr. 11'ilson was one of the pioneers ot Howick, retiring from lbs faros to Fordwich a few years ago. He was a Presbyterian in religion and a Liberal in politica. l'or the past year he held the iewition of Canadian eniploynuent agent from the Doulinion Government. Ile leaver a widow and grown-up family to mourn his demise. The funeral will probably be held on Wednesday afternoon to Fordwich. cameleer. - - cloying Horses for the West. Fordwich, Feb. 21. McMichael Bra., of Qu'Appelle, flask., are in this locality purchasing horses for the 11'ratern mtrket. 1' hep report equines harsh to purchase there are plenty of them, but farmers are ask- ing A higher price than the •\\-astern market will warrant them in paying. A. n t ole horses are not in Ar good condition as former years. no douht owing to the scarcity of tate. Tan Months' Msysnue. The tnancial'stntemrnt of the Dom- inion for the month of January end fur the first ten months of the current fiscal year shows an increase of 3384,- 337 in the total revenue for the last month, as compared with January, 1907, and an increase of 39.374.542 for the ten months. The total expendi- ture on consolidated fund recount for the ten months was $56.332,534, an in- crease of 310,860,229. Of this increase 32,033.944 is chargeable to the January figures for payment of subsidy in- creases to the provinces. amounting to 31,500,000. and of interest charges on the public debt, totalling 32.623,- 459. 2.623;459. both falling due last month. For the ten months the surplus of revenue over expenditure on consolidated fund account amounted to 324,691,734. The total expenditure on capital account. as entered on the books of the Fin- ance Department up to Jan. 31, was 322,246.499. of Which 817.446.975 was chargeable to Public Works, Railways and Canals. The National Transcon- tinental Railway is, of course, respons- ible for much of this amount. Normal Schools Soon te Open. 'The normal schools which are being built at North Bay, Hamilton, Peter- boro and Strafford will shortly be opened. The contractors have practi- cally completed their work. For en- trance into these institutions. the obligatory subjects at the July exam- inations have been reduced from ten to seven. A hither standard, however, will be exerted. The Minister of Education lays great stress on the personalty of the teacher, and he hopes that the suc- revs of the scheme which he has in- augurated, will justify him in extend- ing` it still further in both high and public schools. Toronto University hag also adopted new regulations along these lines. Ys Malden Mariner. She'* much afraid of waves. slack: Yet though the night be dark above, She's always ready in a smack To launch upon the sea of love. Camp For Wolf Hunters. The wolf hunters who recently re- turned to Montreal from the wilds about Kippawa, Que., caught two poisoned wolves and one Canadian lynx,says a Montreal despatch to The New York Bun. The hunters say that weather oonditifms were against them. the anew not being sufficiently deep or the weather cold enough However. sthe members had a goal outing. A reallt of the excursion will he the establishment of a permanent ramp in Algonquin pstk for the spe- Mal purpose of wolf hunting during the ewld period. This camp. L. 0. Armstrong says, will be established neat autumn and operated through- out the winter. tt M item The susese bemaee at Sap we have lint that Uwe et sows it at- _ 1�1ie11 as► THE MARKETS. Liverpool and ,Chicsge Wheat Futures Close Higher -Live Stock - Latest Quotations. Mondeo tdvenng, Feb 24 Liverpool what 1(ltures ringed 3541 0, Mod higher than Friday, and corn tutors, tau higher. At Chicago May wheat closed late high- er than Friday; May ern, yc higher, and Mry Data %c lower. Winnipeg Options. Yellowing are the losing gnolatlone en Winnipeg grain futures to -deo: Wheat -Feb. SUN bid, Airy 61.104. bid. (rats --Fab. 50!‘c bid, May :r15sc bid. Toronto Grain Market. Graln- Wbeat, owing. hushp !i t0 6..., Wheat. f.11, buds M 0 is Wheat. goose. bush 013 .... w heat, ,W, bush 0110" I:ye, bush 014 .... Peen, bush 0 N •,,,;} huekwbeat, bush 0 70 ,... Harley, bush 070 Oats, bush 0 r4 0 67 Toronto Dairy Market. 11,. 11er, dairy, b. roll, a 35 0 30 Holt..-. tuba u u a :{ l4uttei rtea,nery. Ib. rolls030 0 31 )':0g■, new -laid. down 010 rage. cold-■toreg., do, • 21 0511 Che..., large, Ib t cheep, tela, Ib n 14 /Inns', extracted. 1h .. n It 012'4 !ll Ion.'., came. dozen , 3 711 a 5* New York Dalry Market. N1:w TORT. 1•'.•b 74 -lion,,, ,1.sdy: 1.wlpte. 411: ereamrrv, q.rclals, 3214e•: extra. Sic. third to /Ira1, "L• to 31e: bold. . - notion to .pedal, :7a• to its• .tate dairy• rouunnri to lair, '•:a• In 24.• prureea, Pe - toed to epeeist!. 2i. In -}!7,', N'rat. ll, far. lore. ,ret, 'M,- to 24r•. d., , held. .&- to _4 , Initanoti creamery, (brat, 34n 10 C6r. l'hee'., mon. l .11.1,. '•.iii. full cream. elate. 141.e. Plate, full ,-ream. small end peed. aaA white and Isrg. nnlnred, Ili4r; large while fans,•, l%*4.': gn,.j to pi hue, li14i, 14. 13'. late 1 stoner and early November mad.. 13•tr In 1114.'. win- ter made. 13e to 13c: common to fair, Inn to Int±••: .kilo.. 11.• ,0 12e. R v Ergs. Ms, I•ere Irl a. 6*^9' Man•. .Prnn- svlvanla and nParbv. fattest refected white, Sir to 3 ,. WAR] 111 ,honer, 25.' to Me. Iwnw•, and nixed. (anry Me to 27.' first. 3414.- In :Vie. western and .i,utheta Orate, 3Rir, seconds. 74• CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Unchanged -Cattle 10c Up, Hogs 5c Lower at Buffalo. LONPON, 1''). L1. Lund In sables are . toady ret 10.ke to 12'v• Nor Ib , dresa.4 weight: refrigerator beef la quoted at 044e Der 11. Termite Junction Live Stock. TIIHIINTII JI'NI'TI11N. Fri. 24. - Receipts of live stock at (be Union Stock Yards were 85 carloads. cont. posed rel 1027 rattle. 221 hnge. 247 sheep, :1.3 calve. Nies 7.1 horses. Exporters. Prteop ranged from x402 1e $5 15, with at 1t3 7 one {•rimto s I31nadi0 atpt 15 :a 14tpnrt bulls 50)1 Butchers. There was a flirt. c••nd trade 1'-- bra Ault -tors ,wale at about th.• Pam. gun ration■ as 1I,141 1:,., rhureday Prlrue pinked ,.r. MC to 3'. io.rde of goal. Kai to 34 M medemi. t4 44 • n $4 an. rn,nn,nn, $4 In 34.3:. c w a. j.7 -:. In N per r „t Milkers and Springers. Ahout 30 milker,. 1101 n11 -1 A11-1-/ w RUe on Mgr There wan a .Irnng 1,101k•1 00 a. - count of two Montreal dealer. being n, hand to set aappllrs 1'i I• e, ranged frons 6M In Sen Pitch Veal Calves, Th. IumttM ennph ,.r ,e.: .ulcer. men an 01114 a'w1 mark.-•. with prier... rang. Ina fin,.. 31 to 1:-:.1 per wt , and an ex- tra quem,• of nee: fedvete] ,elven would Ming 01 fon cwt to /art unr d.al- er reported pro ,ng ;La? gni,. 1n-rf.c Sheep and Lambs. 11.11,,t1.• of ahoom and Itml.. err. 247 In number. for whtvh there Ma. a brim, n ._rket at Mahn quotation', Export . w re *old f rnm 420i.$ 3:1 Per cwt ; 14 to 37 per cwt. Hoge. 'rM deal.ra In Intra ae.'m 1a M• all ..I en. mind u.. regard. the price o1 hug. .;onn'.. Limited. .nil It 1' 124tnnal.•.. Agent. Mr. Tax tor. boll r.pnrt.d 'bel. fwd and w•ateorr•d. '41 g, 13, and 34_50, f et 1, . ears,. .t eountr>' • pointe. Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL. Fob :1.-tsp.elal 1 .at the Montreal Kln.•k Tarda ''eat 1.:114 ?larks'. th. rerelpte of the sent k for rho woeo •.ding ret, :•• ware 343* '-.1,1. 35' ,h.,ir and land.e, .2141 hog., and 751 relv.s. while the to.pph- for I.,cal rnnenp,ptinn Ilii. morning et -melded of 1150 rattle. 30 et..ep anti Iambi. 1s -s, hog. and pus calve.. Th.,,• err► no new development. In the log .41 rater ctUI■1 gun, rar.pt that the Imd.•lon•• to the m.rk•t eine firmer on arenunt of the fnst that Pimpliest were fully 6011 head .ntnller than a week ago, hot prtr.* show - nn actual change. The 111141111 of the .,tock coming forward ie mate h tetter than 11 hap noon of tato. bot realty- .hofs0 h..,'., are Nanewhat s,.re. fel Th,-, •• was a large gathering nf bnvrr,, and. n - ther all wanted 'tome beef, the demand was gond and a fairly nelly. orad. o .. 400.. 1'1,nlrr atoric .nit at 5•.,' to nor• fowl at 44v.- to :e. fair at 7tsr to 1•S,•. e , mon at a•4.• 10 Stye, and Inferior a. 74q, 1� 1,. 3c per 11,. ,'able ethics, from Liverpool Ito Mau,rda> .toiled that trade in • altl» wrap brink. and that 1he market w..* afro,&. *tth Amerlran at.ets Oar lw'r II. higher than a week, ago. at 12. to 14.4,•, ■ n.I 1'511411151, steer. •4c up. at 11%, t'• 1214e. with bg11. m•Iltng at ltayr per Ib. Oaring to the continued moan .uppli's nf .hoop and lamb. corning furw'..,4 11,e tone of the market 1a strong. and prier, have advanced fully lir per Ib. VIA .10 - Main] front 1.1,:.1 huy'rrc to good. awl pale. of mixed Int. of .peep and lamb, wr:e mad. ■l ole• p.r I0., but strnlght Into of chole. lambs, would bring ,;y,• 4,, ,t►s, good, Ce to (Par.:rod common. :r14,• 1,, Plc'. while •114,1e. ,har), were quoted at 454c to 4t.r: Rotel at Seer to 4e, and Pulls at 344c to 71r.c• per lb In spite of 1111• ,,.•ak cable advb•eo from ell the leading market. nn Canadian ba- ron last week. whleh noted a decline 1n prices. of from 1. In So per ret , as rten- par.d with yahoo. quoted 111,• Previous week, a slrong.r feeling developed In the lural hog situation thio mornlo,g, and prlre. sdvanr4l 15o to I:3,• per 101, I1'0. w•hlrh war .1n. to the smaller run and the g ond demand for the same from packer, e nd dealer.. ea they were eom.w•hat short M atipplleta An active trade wan done. and Pollee of aelerted lots ware made at 1611 t.. };.011 per ion Ib.., weighed off care. East Buffalo Cattle Market. 1:AAT Rl'1'F'A Lt , Feb. 74- wattle-110- etpls. IMO hard fairly ;u -live: strong In 10r higher: prinv sterra, 15.a0 In MAC: PI Ipping. 16 1n T.'0. butrheap. $4.50 to 35.33. Leifer., 13.70 10 35.2.7.; row'.. 33 to 3.1.7:. bull.. 32.1'. M 114.75: stockers and feeder:a tri to Kik *nee heifer., U_*, Is. $2 Inge Iter elpta, 20.1101 bond: .falrty cr• 11,-0 boa, y. :.• lower. alto,. Ler•. In 1. lower; h0�ai1rv. 34re to 34.23 mixed, 31..5', to 34 NI: ynfkrr,, Ol.an to 34.141. pian, K.5: rough., 13.7:. to 34; saga 83 In 13. T.: dairisa, 3450 to $4.00. Sh..p .n,.l lamb.-Raeelpt., :IAA, head: erne.; .4.."'., steady; Lambe;,10• lower; Iambs. tK to 37.40: yearlings. 123 to PIM, wethers. 36.54 4o 5.K; nus• r 35.33 in t.%n; Sheep, nth art 3: in Now York Live Stock. NEW TORIC. I'.h. 74.-A"•.., 33.25 In 13.47: stress. 511.54' In a .,bade higher; hullo. firm; thin e•otra, 1d- htehet: other., ntr.. n1..ri. 6n to *'.IO oxen and .tae,. Nen to 34.5*. bull., $3.5* •o M 70, cows, 1` to 14: top., 34.15. Y,xprrlp In -morrow, *Oil caltte. Rh.•.p and lambs-RPeel pt.. 10,200. Rhw►p, a m to V.; few ehnt., wethere, 0a: culls, 12.M; Ian,M. PM to $7.15; one ear, 37.7*, rune. les to M.P. yearlings. lie to eta, }log.- Receipt, 33,110k market weak N. 75 to M. Cure for Weak Lungs "i have used your Psycktae for about .,x menthe. and have found i, *n rT rellent remedy for pneumonia and weak longs." Ronald Joheenn, Farewell, Ont.. April 1.5, 11117. PIyckhul itt nee of Me best mnit 911155 nn Ib. market. sad for all throat and lest freebies is n.rorelled. • A word tram a man whet has tested it. Pnnimnwia, lrn*ehifi*, 1nnghs, Colds . ads e11 threat, lung and etmnarh Irnubles yield to PsycNin At all Qrug- gieU. Are sed !LW. or Dv. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Teresa*. Titetiluer, Fell t1 /ro. 47, 1)O 6 { CURED HIS GRAVEL. Dedd's Kidney Pills a Suva Remedy tot This Terrible Disease, IGlsedene, Ont., February X1(11. 1S1wcirl. t--1:11111,•1 .1 • crow, one of (11,• i est•k llott'II musicians 111 1 hi. I'.rut ,1 l'niieda. 1141,. leen cured of gravel by Ihald's Kidney I'll l.. Sta•ukiug of his cure 911•. ('tow says • "I buttered with kduey disa•xw• fur yuare, which finally developed into gravel, when I ui' totally 'lilt fur anything 1 flied 116UIy meth. ins. without result and was in nnRl ousel)', whe11 1 decided to ti y Uodd. Kidney fills, "1'11 1113 burprise and delight, I ilu mediately ' la•> cul to 11 cot er. F'itr hose* rured nue .m1iilett•ly. ' These terrible op*•ratioue tar gravel should now be t thing of the past. D,N1d's Kidney I'i11s always cure it. It's it kidney di-,, i.e. But It's Satisfactory. -- .less 1>i,l he t,•11 you that he local you Toss No, but lit hugged 11111. .lees 'Play. ,a rouudabuut way of letting you know 11-.Rustuu Iter,rd. Ananias' Calling. The Dentist Now upon your 1u„utli wide iuld I w'on't hurl you it bit. - The Patie,ti natter the 131rautIon- 11,.c01, I kuuo' wltal 1u,udas did lot. a hying now. 1looie llt•rlhl, t'hitago. Cruel, "41l,.L do you third. of 111)' ,'\1.1.11 - lion 1111 1 h,• piano "No butter plitee for your evreutbet lullld la• ch, .ii, 1 have always been in favor' of mini.him; ,1iu,iiteih un the scree is c 1 of the La lour.- 'hic•1 •o l h New.. Safe to ``Go Up. 'Si-,• here," (rl•lly ruluplaiurd the victim atter the lu'r„I1.111. "I thought you raid it was 1).1 fe.-tly safe 10 go up 111 that old rt(%ator :-" "\Voll,' Ir• plied the (de. mor 111111. "NO it WAS .air to go up : inn .w•. the tittngerttit, part of it wa. suluiu' (1mv11.'- Reduced Colonist Rates. (' owing Folrealy "nth nod c,utinning daily Instil April _+nth in - elusive, one way colonist 1ikel. will 1a• mi sale to the following point.: \',uo'uuyer. B. 1'.: 4 1 1,,iia, 11. 1'. ; Seattle. \\.nal,.. I'ottLu.d, nru, : 'I'.t• rouht, \\':tsh. ; 1pa,katie, \Nash.: haul 1e,. Angeles. (,d. , Scut Diego, ('al., Mut 91.4xir, (*it.y: l'n11 ,u 1'. 1'. I. (tt1eucr, town agent. Outletich_ Full Odor motion may he obtained nom any Grand Tiunk tiek,•t ,lg,nl 111 write to ,I, 1), 4!. - 1h,ti.i1,1, 11, 1'. t._'I',runl._ 'There .11'' (a, .ori. 01 11 WWI lhu.r yon aced, :old 111,:,1' wit , I1erd y,u, PILES 8 Years Torture Ended by Zam-Buk Mr. George Lee. 35 Steiner St., Toronto, says : " For 8 years 1 suffered torture from blind, itching piles. During that time 1 believe almnat everything in the line nf ni.o menu and •al, ,.•*5, •.:t.' 4 hug in rain. The very 1111' ate•hcalinn rel /am-Buk ga.c me relief from , that terrible Itching, an.1 a little per.ever Alice with tli. halm Nought :Await a cnm- pete cute. I have not been t roub 1 c•1 main and it is now mcg eunuchs ,ince lam BM( wa, „ed. If this ,late11rid c.,n I c uvJ for the hence of other in9rt en 6,an .1., trou'ele, yn',I are a' Iuber:>- to (ublish i' Zam-Buk 1• ei;ecially tecnmmendcd 1,., all rel skin di Prunus, had leg., pat, ulcers, boils, chapped hands, barbers' rash, festering sores, rola• wnmds, t . h, alae', burn, i.plams etc. Mall drug7:t. and sloe.,, 'oc. Ins or from the /an, 11111. (b. Toronto. pr.; !raid. 31*,,,•, St 24. FREE ' I,s1' $1 0114 ZAM=BUK •�l�..a.-mak.-_.. ,..ore "TiIiti 1'•`1'1 - St. George's Baking Powder -the baking lo.w,lrr 111.0 makes the hest itread--the whitest Ri.rtnts -the lightest lake and fasts, Tod ever say..'. "Order a ran NI11C. sn rru ‘,.1 he sure to hate NT. t:EORfa•. fur yew nest baking." 11 .rbj+rf,,. ',lit,.f e.- ,. r t ere,./trot Nathneal erne .x t'h-r1. ti' ..1 C.nal. I,.,o..•! -1111. AreYou Making Money w, „di K.,. a •,on. Purl \ o,lu,ld. Pares Int each Subscription secured. Noor cl the prism are tonna-Myr Yrat . an find out how you ran do 1111i 1. wramg toll,. MCTROPOLITAN MAGASINC for particulars c 5.s rest SIinrnpitnn (aijggs sod the rodents which am hei*p n4f,wcd fir Representative. Equally interesting to old sod young. Mehra. The MYTROPOLITAI4 MAfi.t'iINI; 3 Weal T-P*Ovetwah 1s,.e1 SI .w ,web (1s, IND IlIMIMMENINIONIII s PLUMBING, ' HEATING an:i METAL WORKING OF THE HOWELL HARDWARE CO. i i departlneut i. 01014.1' the fable management of r. .1, Firth, who hue ,ui enviable term tat ion about tufo 11 ter good work. Ile understands his business t hIt•ougldy. .111 we ask „t those arsluiring work done is to we .owe of the jobb c pdetcd by him in the past. '. I.r•1 u. know early what you reyui►r, 11. hi. w•rvicrr 11'1• ls,ok,d ahead.. Special bargains in STOCK FOOD, HORSE BLANKETS and BELLS. a 1'1.r•tty neat all .11111141 out. sot WORTH OF STOCK FOOD FOR sec. Howell Hardware Co. Successor to E. P. Paulin. GNI -i�s� 1 1 { ---------as�gg� IWhen You Get a Good Thing, g Keep It I OOUR SYRUP OLINSEED, LICORICE AND F' CHLORODYNE is a good thing On fact the best thing for coughs and colds. Everybody should keep a bottle of it In the house, because coughs and colds are easily caught and just as easily cured, tf you take this, the best cough cure. It costs only a9c at BUTLAND'S DRUG S The Store that Pleases. 1 TORE GODERICH ammemeir White Pine and Tar JWITH WILD CHERRY The best Cough Remedy 2C a Bottle Sold by BEDFORD BLOCK GODERICH, ONTARIO " Reduced Prices D i i;r.c STOCKTAKING we HAVE d,um� that to �om,� lines our stock is tai 1.101'\G SI'U('KTAKING WI'; ll.\VE totim1 that in SIMI(' lines Blur stock is tog! heavy, and in oilier to reduce these lilies we are offering you 8011113 snap!. See the goods and priers in our large show window. Below are a few of the lines that we are offering. GRANITE WARE, I ti,•etaat, and 4,1411 Irl GALVANIZED PAILS, TIN DAIRY PAILS, COW PAILS, HORSE HALTERS, SLEIGH BELLS. Fencing Fencing Fencing Spring 11. Is the a -1111- tho uuuket with three \Vitt, the conning ,1' �il'I this t1 iI ' put tan. guest ,u, \\ a ate makes ,l toyed fetus. The Ideal Fence, bade 1.r all N,. n Acel The American Fence, 11iadr 1.9 :111 No, 9 steel wire. The Cyclone Fence, .1411 tli,• to,;. yti„• ..f NO. ;bluster sure than No. 9.. Toe other atir•0ail. all 5.,,. 11114111 stel•I coiled wire, Thi- i. 11 fence that has become yrs)• pupullu• owing to its germ .trrngth and dnrahility. STOP TIGHTENING YOUR BARB WIRE EVERY SPRING n„t ,e0 and g,•t -"1ne o1 the ELASTIC BARB WIRE 11 will sol -arm, 1, ,old '.144 lik•• cou.nunl Itub Afire. If has liern test,.d for three ).:3rs in the State. and gives perfect satisfaction. I'1.1 \1BIN(i, 111•:A'I'IN(;, ELF:11'llIl' \VII4IN1r 4(11,1 'I'IN- `31ITIIINIi given pt•, iul rat en( ir,n, ma ;ll w•r,rk fully guaran- Store 'Phone 22 Howie'Phouc 12 CHAS. C. LEE ■ Is Farming Your Business ? If so, THE WEEKLY SUNi, the Farmer's Busiaellls Paper, will each week be of Spacial Interest to yea. Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN to fist Jan., 1909, 114 COMBINATION WIT* THE SIGNAL Only $1.70. Address: VANATTER & ROBERTSON, THE SI(i$AL, GODERICH, ONT.