HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-27, Page 4II YU AR1 "ALWAYS TARING COLD" „ the threat is sensitise •nd hiouchlal tubes Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam , It bails iconic... arid ihiLinirsatioh-larchigihris. 1111 twriebrans of infant mot lumen -Hid not iihtly ni Permanent Results 4;\ 4 Multiuse, Februery 27, 19(8 THE SIGNAL CODERICH. ONTARIO THE TOWN COUNCIL CIAL SANITARIUM. Orangemen Ask for Grant Towards Twelfth of July Demonstration - Tenders for Debentures to he Re- ceived w March 10th Many Re - parts and Applications Disposed All the members of the town cou cil were present at the regular inee committee' report/. were advise! : The market committee fret•ou mended that if our market bylaw d d provide for the weighing of ha strew aud all other produce sold or qiiirinie to weighed ell the corium'. tion weigh scales at the Market. it l a•netuleel to do so. given $111 towards the support of Wit t'ounell, indigent. metaled the payment of the Ileato Agency account for eall, the iinyttlei of rxit., Drs. Emitters/ea Tenant f Jr medicine supplied to the late M .Terdine during the letter part of h illness, and the lot veleta of a tititulie of ace te The public workm committee re ommended the granting of the reques • Tho.. Fitroi tttt John Murray an Adam Foster to remove eta lain aree toe work to be done under the supei vision of the cheirinen of the pails and public work,. co tt tt titters and th o▪ f the water and light re the use of the tlre hydrants be confirmed with an amendment al lowing their use by the street Unitive tor. when required : that the reiillei• John Johnston fg tr work he gcluited when there is anything fo him to ; tied the petition id S. E Hick and toilets for a cement sidewalk outside the tiers on the north side 0 Elgin avenue between Kingston melee and Montreal street, and the petite,' of Frank H. Johneton and others the it be inside the trees if at all, be left over for future consideration. The hoard of health recommended That the town pl biter bylaw is • good one but could be amended by adding : "Approved atitomatic vents rimy lie substituted when necessary or advisable onespecial kertpit from the medical health ofileer : that the conn• ell linve the pl bine bylaw strictly enforced and have all plumbers and others interested notified, and that the council put in all connectiona from the sewer to the line fence and charge the same to applicant for service : that the following accounts be pnid : Drs. Emtnerson it Turnbull. $121.42, less /101.B0 for attendance and inedicine for the late Mr.. Hays ; 1)1.. Hunter. for vaccination. ESS.73 : Alex. Johnston. fumgating, Str2.: J. 1'. Elliott, fum- igating. Sal ; Fred Davis. for dam- age to I carpet while lucubrating. $12. The board also asked the council if/ comply wit h the pro- visions of the Vaccination Act, an to appointment of public veccinator, The clerk reported receiving on num- ber of inquiries from financial firms asking tip tn what date the town would rece•ive tenders for the de- benture. edvertised, and All nigition it was decided to name March 10th AS the dete. any *ale made of the Wheel Big. debentures to lie moditional on the Company's fulfilling the require- ments of the bylaw. It was decided to include also the 111 1,010 of de- benturen voted on by the electors in January for expenditures already made on capital account. Na era Campbell wrote calling the attention of the council to A new source of revenue which the tewn re- ceived for the filet time Lint yemr. This was the intiniciptility'a share of the Provincial tax ori ritilwayP, which last year amounted to $1110.61. A certain amount ie ileduated for non- peying patient. lit Provincial kinetic asylume, of whirl) there were two charges against the town. Mr. Camp- bell thought there Plumb' have been only one and this matter was referred to the flnepee co ttttt note, to li.ok iron. A. Snazel asked for exclusive Imeith privileges at the harbor perk for the sumnier. return fey which he said lie would give the mivilion bbI,A 00All of paint. This was I...frit...1 to the parks con tttt ittee. An application fron. the fishermen for 1 he time 01 the umiteirs loons nt the town hall for seaming their nets was The Kensingten Furniture Cow- an.), wrote e.miplaining of overcharge for taxes and of being hilled with the extre live per eent.. while the town need the Compeny et rtain That was referred to the timinee com T• he cenamittee of the Orange Order having chat•ge the IllAking id :Ir. angements fife the heldina ed fie. est, July 13th ricked for a truant of laat towaids expenses, which they atinnated nt a5011. The letter netted ;.1t,1001 viaitots to Ooderich on the 3th. This wan referred tor the finance A request front- the puldie Heard rm. en appropriation gif $81e he yeor wan sent to the finance D• eputy tierce 1:11i.•1 t moved to re. peal lile bylaw' granting exemption f taxation te the Sallee:II Cloak Co. nd to the Riegel* Meted:wearing Co., nd the motion cart iegl. 0. 1- oes r. is • • • et Seebblidell IbV Councillor II bet. he :t1.0 lllll ved hnt the town solicitor be instructed to be preper.s1 1.• "Need. the Ontario %Vest Shore Electric Ivey Outman y'n bill en to extennigm time fin: completing the road. County Clerk ham. addressed the fo• r the estaldishinent of two satii• terbium, one in the east and .die in the Government, and nuggeated • rue inn by the 'animal to neenre The loca- tion of the tvestern one in flisierich Or near it. A enoverdien of delegatea from mitnicilielitiee is Awing held in tion from this convention will wait on the Government with reference to the establishment of sueli inntitotione. Dr. Bellow was Appointed to:diem! the convention to keep in touch with tine - propose'. Kome of the emoted were in favor of /gentling n larger glide gatiott te preen for the Incatiee fa imp of the anniterium. bete bet it wan Meet thet the such :le- ▪ yes,- leosii the present. 'Ile matter of the good rondo lllll ve. Woe taboo by the council in desiguat- lag oily street. to come tinder the Ile t;elieving that the bylew would be altered. se It wait not in eonformity • Our Legislators at Toronto and Ottawa. RAILWAY COMMISSION TO SE Membership to be Increased to Six Telephones and Telegraphs to te Placed Under Its (..lontrol Frenei Treaty Benefits Agricultural Imple- ment Industry- Uoings at Ottawa. Ottawa, Feb. 21.-Tha strengthen- ing id the Do lll i l lieu railway commis- sion ia t.eceiving the attention of the Minister of Medway. aud Genial.. ment a few years kip) has amply dem- onstreted its usefulness. and the amount tif litisiuems tending before it has increaeed ao greatly that the three t **neuters can hat•tily keep up with it. It is the inteution to in- ereane the jurisdiction of the commis- siou te include regulation of tele. nt pho m and telegraphs, and to extend its le were RH Chet il. may deal effec- tive!. with omit grievences es short- age of cites for railway shipmente, el which there has been much complaint. lam. Gee. P. Graheiti has given notice ,,r ,, measure to increaee the member- ship of the bii.trli from three to six members. With mix conuniseioners •wveral applications can be heard sine ultauegitialy in various parts of tbe country. if need be two commissioners being enebled to hear mid decide up. isin it CAAV. The mimeo of the new commissioners are not yet antioutictsl. Ineffective Criticism. The French Gritty was before the Hinine Ilea week. and was subjected to mune scattering criticism by the I 41 - position. One Conservative IlleIllber objected that it livened the door' too lively to importation. while another member of the same party complained of the rest icti llll of i report *don tinder the treaty to Canadian ports. As goods eould not be shipptel from lixlifax to Toronto in as quick time am trom New York to Toronto. The Opposition members were more succeonfid in get- ting together Whell they thacoveled, on the strength of a statement by t lie member from Wentworth. that. the treaty would be n 1.14AV Co the grape - grower., I.( the Niagara penitiatila. Good for Agricultural Implement In - 31r. Zimmerman (Hamilton) eoun- tered ou this by stating thet the he which employed 1.800 men et its Hamden' work% had practically de- cided that an a result of the treety the whole gif their export trade with a lllll Jolly, would be transferred to he Cnnadieti bnincli. This would probably eteult in the doubling of the eapacity of the works and of the staff in Hamilton. Mr Zimmerman stated from A prominent pork -packer that the treaty would place Cetiade in ir the Culled States as regards the canned meat triole, and that it w ts tra• de in this line would now be estab- lished in Canada. Desirable Immigration. In answer to the rgetiplaint that un- desirable immigrants art. ariving the country, it ia pointed out that for the last fiscal period, ending March 31 Ilea. i lllll ligratIon to Can - 170 over the %Klee period of 1905-6. The Owlet*. in F:nglish immigration Wee 37 per cent. anti in Scoteh hie MEMBERS UF LEGISLATURE SPEND A DAY AT GUELPH. Proviticial Agricultural College is Grow- . • the Appreciation ot the People Labor.Member trom Ham- ilton Does a Bly, Stunt Report on Highway Improvement. the imeisheta if! the Legisleture VAI led the melte 1/1 procee.liugs 1.y makilig Oil' to Outdid). it lieiv they speot the culling' Coll.'s... Pt t.sident tool the visitors in eliarge, 111111, Rilebbk- beg of the College stli.1 its Wiia, said that its atiowth was evitlenc.• ot the farming coin' lllllll ty. Last year i.1177 students. coming flout ever y continent in the worlii. were hi mt. during 11/41e4 something like 1,*,..01 tete dents would take retirees. Af c, Mac .his convict ion hat t apprepriation. for agricultural education weir 1101 sufficiently huge. famous ••oltiel mare- wile itiapected. maid of the was blind only one eye. bate on the address the Legielature 55 W. 1110,41e lby the tin Thursday 31 r. Studtiolme took the floor al. atniiit Wliebb ib'eloek *Fri Vet! he illiorolitml the Douse that lie liad pist got striated. :old toi reasse ling 01 the House at ti o'clock he cootiout•st,j.. Inlic tor three lenes ',diger. It is expeetts1 that, the' delete will close tomotrow it kit the speeches of the Premier Alel the leader of the thaseAt . New Bills Introduced. Govt.!' l bill which was intro- duced last weele-risiees the age limit for the, employment .4 cluithen iu .4114. 5.1 I.. dye years. At present this nate limit is ten yeais. The fie: - Levies all IR AAA babbler 01(1141 tegulatems under it hi,h girls and 45 oinen now emir .8 Neje., ble to buys from fourteets to eigiiteeil years of age. introciliCilig mat respecting tlie weekly sitting of the Iligh Court of Jupaice in Conduit. The intention is to provide that solicitots ieniding in the counties of Essex, Kent, Laud -i- tem Huron, aliddlesex. Elgin, Perth and Oxford may have their Nisi:new tretisacted at London iustead Of at Osgoode Toronto: provided chid 11,11 the solicitors concerned in the case reside iti the territory comprieing the g•ouuties tnent toned. Two Millions for Roads. liver $2.111111,1101/ year in money and statute labor is the cost of maintain - The stetement is made in the. twelfth ammal report on highway iiiipt.ove- ment, laid le•fote the Legislature hue week. The report poititsi out that the return horn thiP expenditure in the w. .4 irenetit conferred by good reeds is, however. practically ines.11- The report states the progress' being made highway improvement is sub- stantial :100 encouraging. The work is tif a c lad ve rat her than 0. yoke tionary nature, and testate Nom both educe, lye mid practical Illeabeleetl. Of migration SI per cent. Since 11E6-2 the latter the most prominent has ind-ti the milk performed under the the ratio of increaer in English int. high vay inipteveinent act, whereby migration. year by year, has beesi haloes : eollil y 10.141 systems. toward which one- bird of the vont id const met' ment, have now been established in is granted by the Provincial (low-rill- Sinieoe,. Lincoln, Oxford, Middlesex, 111115 tei • • Perth, Wellington, Balton. Peel, Edward +old Lennox and Addington. am follows : 14%.er forty per cent. of the Province 1902 ix{ 511113 41( llll Ai percent. II Canada Preferred. A furl her examination 01 the statis- tics twines beyond a doubt that Coin - Ada has the preference 1114 ta field for emio. lotion, mit excepting the United State.. lly far the greater ber of immigrant t 0 the Dominion hail from the ther 'semi:Ey. The objective point of British emigration is shifting to Canada., :is %VIII be seen by the fol. lowing figures : l 151,617 11,7:41 4.341 2,4.441 110111 :4.1,911 141 :Mti u,Ir24 3,11I0 Angither remarkable feature in thet the United States. acentaling to figures given by Mr. Uriali NVilson. .1 very proportion were British. (hit of the •11 smaller total of i llllll entering Canaila loot year, Six thiiiisand -e British 'subjects ramp to l'eteula than went to the United CATARRH YIELDS To Healing Air of Hyornei -Sold Un- der Guarantee by ,Jas. Wilson. Catarrh is the most 511VV 14 lent din - ninety per cent. of the people in this eternity miller At one time or another It is a Clete) disease and hence eau lie cured only by llllll • method that will reA4.11I Alia debit by I Ile germs. This is beet found in liy llll ei. which may he celled the direct method of treating 00 medication, taken in with the air 3011 breathe, goes directly to every air cell in the nose, throat. and hings ; kills all catarrhal membrane and vitalizen the Omura so :is to render catarrh no longer pos- The unique way in which II yomei is wild elintild dispel all doubt NM to itti cur:dive properties, for James' Wilson gives hin absolute guaratttee to refund the price to any ego at•rh tdifferer that Ilymeei•faila to beliefit. Yoe do mit risk a cent in tenting de heather 'Hoven,. 'What offer C1111 be 1110rO hair 4.1( poi than this. where a leading Iroggiet takes all the rink lif Ilyontei giving eatisfectien. and leaves you to be the judge ? to which the higlivvay improvement act is eppliceble ha. thits established and is g 'trot tattling improved systems 1-ading, roads. The total ex pendi• lure mi ...runty hystems has to Mate the Provincial Governinent has con. trileited $115,218.7 I. l'he systems established (Able prise 2.5:331 miles of road. (Vete county systems (estab- lished throughout the Province en the same ratio there Would be about 11,100) mil.... 1.. be permanently constructed. The counties operating uncle* this act have Abbeibliiied All a veruge of about 12 pet cent. of the total road mileage each eminty. These roads are being constructed in a permalient manlier, with dile lent ion to drainage, grail- ing. sa covering of broken stone Mel gravel. end the 111e of modern i•oad- modelle-, lock el -nein -es AIIII steton SHAKE IN A BOTTLE. Advice of Noted Authority Also Giyes a Simple Home Prescription. SAW 11 the time when the doctor gets busy, and the patent medicine lees. great, ease is taken 1 o dress, WArIll- ly keep the feet dry. This in the telt ice of on 01.1 eminent authority. ho sap. that rheitiontistii and kid- ney tronble is here. and oils°, tells who t to .10 vAse of all at tack. flout nny good prescription pharmacy one -bell (mitre fied.1 ex- tract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Km gen, three minces Compound hos in it bottle and take a teanteediful abet meals 1/P111611C. .11ii.t. lay thin ftimple home made mixture at the ittet sign of rhemna• tient, or if your bark achen or you (cid that. the kidneys are not acting f•ight. This in said to lie a nplen- tain remedy for all forms rheum:i- t km. which is femme! by in ic Arid in the hIcsel which the kidneytt reit to filter out. Anyone con easily prepare thin at and at tomall com. Drtiggiste hi hi“ linen and vicinity when shown the presetiption Mated they eau either eupply these ittwetli• colt*, 14.. one readers prefer, they will compound the wittier(' 111r thrill. the South A (riven riding's. is yntit tun the Karon gemtitry named fiarry menet mit. %Then he learned the qult, lie telegraphed to his people : The nnxions (ether loomed up his tom book and trod this eostiforting : "Morrow Pingitialied, labor wird, poised." 1 ming Mitrried Han- "'What would re men who are in a bed humor when H they get up in the morning, and non had language become, the hreakfaxt is hi' t 1101. for 0111 " et f MAKING A TIME TABLE A Peep Into the Chart Room of a Great Railway. WORKING OUT A SCHEDULE. Thread. end Pins That Enable the Offiei•le te so Pio.. Trains as te Avoid the Damper ef Cellisien and All Travelers who consult the ever ban- dy time tables to the arrival or de- parture of the particular train that Is to carry them probably never give a thought to the manner In which a mod- ern time table is made up. To the un- initiated it is a Chinese puzzle and ereu thaw well versed in iis mysteries often become confused. How are tame tables made? What is the procedure In determining the speed of a train and the exact tinie aud place It shall meet another tralu? Tbe answer to these questions Is to he found in tbe chart room. The chart. room ts usually In SOMA quiet corner of the general offices of a nativity company aud for weeks at a tinie is locked. But every now and then. the word goes forth that the schedule is to be shortened or leugth ened. new trains to lie put on or some change wade that dacessitates the re- vision of the time card. Then from distant points of the system the di- vision superintendents gather for a conference with the heads of the pas- senger and freight departments In or- der to learn the most th•nirable time for trains to arrive and depart from terminal.. With tbis information, they retire to the chartroom. It here there Is a separate chart for *nett distrlet The charts are vvhite boards about RIC feet wide and from two to eve feet high. The names of the stations, ge..- boards at the side, mid from tbe top of the board many colored strines dangle. more suggeative n eerier game than F lied for laying out the path of traffic "the euperintendeuts confer regard - big the thee At junction points on con- neeting trains and theu work ord the chirt of his division. igt rizen tally t he chart shoe 12 ou the left Aide, and there is a line extendina aertiss the game for ench live minutes from that time untIl Be. full tweirly•four hours ha ve been lie,. representing a !eland of fifteen minute., Is n deferent color. Superintendents are supplied with ctiri.dis colored silk thread. phis and tack hammer. lied is used to design:Ile a passenger train. green for a eecond china or freight trait). :Mil IIIIICk IS for a third claim or local freight train. When. ever st train In tint of a ter- minal et a certain hour piu IleiVerl at the intersection of the !dation line and hour line -this being the beginning --and such other times at various sta- tions as may be desired are determined by drawing the thrend over the board te meet tee intersection of the various stations and hour lines at the proper times. Where necessary tacke are day - en to keep the thread ou the prnper Westbound trains rue down and di- agonally to the right. Kastbonal trains Wart at the bottom. run upward. and diagonally to the right. Wher- ever thew threads crone. a meeting point is Inillented. end If this crossing of the threeds is ledween station lines 1t is then necessary to atom the tune on eaeh train, se that the meet ing point III be la the most enneenient ntatIon. This is tame by holfillig the lines croon- ed at station MI pin. (4f course ell double traeks these meeting points nre not necessary. After the chart has been strung n former .-• ite of the time card with pen enitink Is. brought Into use. rind the eupetlutendent begins at original ter- minal. looks at the station IMO. and train CeVIReS this station line he notes the time ns 'Mown on the proof of the time card. One train at time Is read from Wart to finish, and after they hate all been eheckssi they are re- checked to see that all meeting points are prnperly made end noted on proof, after which the time table is ready for tbe printer. To make a successful' time card It superiutendeut must he perfectly fa- miliar with the grade and track condi- tions and when stringing the thread wed allow more time for unferorable grade, railroad crossing and other un- usual Mops, so that the running tinle of the train will be nalform. When- evec It is desirable to make a wee atop a pin Is put In at the proper sta. lion ;Ind the strlug run horizontally to the line until the required number of minute lines hare been passed, when it fa agnin taken down the board at the proper degree of speed. By mak- ing the taring more Vertical the speed Is Increased. ns there are fewer nil - mite lines crosaed. Ily swinging thread to the right the speed in decreased, and by the eSe of pins thls can be ar- ranged between each station to sult Dispesing ef Her Rivals. "The president of our club is an aw- fully elexer woman." "Whet did she do?" "DIspesed of her rivals for office by putting them on the nominating com- Deuble Surprise. The Friend -Your marriage to Alapee head was mete a surprise to me. The Et -Widow -Well. I gneiss wu more of a surprise to bbn.-.Batos The Honest Chinamen. You soon learn In China that you can trust a Chinaman to carry through anything he agrees to do for you. When I reached 'Pal ruaniu I banded my Interpreter a Chinese draft tor $300 him to go to tbe bank and bring back imexlcant, pa,yable to bearer, and told the maul. I bad known John a little over a week, yei any ens who knows China will understand that I was run- ning no appreciatde risk. The indivki- family, the family is part ot ne4h- borhood, the neighborhood is part of a village or district, and eo on. If 'John had disappeared with sty money after cashing the draft and bad afterward been caught, punishment would bare been swift and severe. Vary likely be would have lost his head. If the au- thorities had been unable to And John. they would have punished his family. Punishment would surely have fallen on somebody.-Esinuel Merwin In Bug - mail Magazine. . What a Knot Is. Probetbly there le Ito nautical term more frequently used than the word "knot" Tbe word Is synonyumus with the nautical mile. or 6.060 27 feet. while. all every otic knows. lb. giro - wo• uld make the knnt septet to 1.15 of genpraphical intim and therefore. In order to compare the speed of a boat expressed in knots with a rail MO Irvin. It le neeeseary tn multiply the speed hi knee. by II .tmeher point to be rernemhetril ts that speed inentin a ilIntniiee traveled In unit time. so when one speake of a host baring er peeper te add per hour. as the word it.elf flee emplaced tis n unit of Peed aignifie. nautical miles per hour. A emitter that make. 21 knots travel. 21 15 geographies' miles per bout "I had been euffewag for OVer two months with an ehstinete rough, as bail mr little girl. We tried several remedies romnion In anv drug store without obtaining any appareut relief, in feet we mere growing worse. I got • bottle of Coltatoote Expeetorant from toy druggist and inside of twn 'lava the rough was stopped. and the result,' so permanent nod raind that w.• derided Ceitsfoote Expectorant 111 .1 the werld a+ the hest pr.:seriph.... Pl'PT used hv the mediral profession for Fought.. Coale croup, Bronchitis ;00 Tightness et the "Wilt. Chtl,irru like it. T.. introduce it este et•erv home o•• will %end a (rye nample to every person ;wading their name and addrefie te T. .1. Sliseem. Limitiel. Toronto. std.' Ise ail upto date druggett. at 2.5e. Sind for Free SainPle To -day. McLean's Meat Market • Wielder Simmine. will elucidate. If you says black white. dat am 1 hie n If late fists dot am oratory, nii some :motile will betters.- you." Oodd's Kidney Pills are die only medicine that will cure Dia- betes. Like Bright's Dis• ease this dice ease was in - c arable until '&2 Kidney Pills cured Pt. Doctors themselves confess that without Dedd's Kidney Pills they are powerless against Dia - Pills are the first medicine that ever cured Diabetes. 1 mita tions --box. name and pill, are advertised to do so but the medicine that dm; Care Diabetes 1 in.„i3ciod:Tr:: !C liGadeZeli lair da rl si di I have opvueu a, new Meat Market ill the eland EAST STREET next bluiriesse :Thor stoic .0.1 IIC/1117 opeonite thn Two. 1141.. The store is fitted up mode' atyle for the handling of clients in tht• introit eppreved way, and I intend 411 serve Iny cuntoinern with the best to he had in my line. BUSINESS STRICTLY CASH PRICES RIGHT 100 Cords of Wood IN EXCHANUE For the best Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves and Heaters Worsells CHEAP HARDWARE and STOVE STORE GODERICH CANDIES -mad, N git Tallies, noses!. Pie, per 11. Oysters Finest Selects in or served in any W. E. McLEAN fete A tree I PIES vi Cit EA vi 15 CENTS EACH Meals, Lunches. Hot Drinks, ice Creants, etc., at all hours. Olympia Cafe Phone tee 1 Your Printing I SHOULD BE AN INDLX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! A hues. Tasty, well printed Statiectery INespeaks system and carefulness. (1444 Sodas The Signal Job Printing The perpetual charm of freshness and crispness --of daintiness and deli- ciousness - is ,in every box of Department Supplies only the better kind won't pay us to turn out any other. Skilled workmen only are employed because they should do and do- better work than inexperienced How Do You Know? A noted clergyman was in kit atudy writing when his Ave -year-old daughter walked in and naked, "'What are yeti writing, papa ?" alit writing a sermon, daughter.** ••11nw do you knew what to write, papa?" 'God tells me what, to write. hither for a few tnintitns, the little girl said, "Pepe, if Goal tell. y what, to write. why do you scratch /tome of it out r When is a tradesman above Ws Inteineile ? When be lives over hi. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas -- held captive by the air -tight, moisture -proof packages. There is a t In everything. In Biscuits, it's Moony's. We will convince you of this if you will trust us with your next order. THE SIGNAL OB DEPARTMENT UMW SPRING IMPORTATIONS COME AND SEE SOME OF THE NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS - soc. 7Sc. Si.00 and Bi.35. Sorge& Broadcloths. Panama, Voiles. Batistes -,-.:. - , and Lustre, Prints Thirty-two webs here already. in navy. brown. green. garnet and black. 1 Light and dark is:doting, luc itud 1:4 roods, feet cetera The 12' g•iiiit tine: ar., tee .mom, p,„ last yeer, both In weight and Iluenese. - Blue's me all leder. dye:, .iiiii .iltsolulaily Lod. Sionil son!. pulke dot anti *Melt sprig tattletale. The Monett tuviortutent we ever offered and extra Clam. Delain„., Split. stripe, cheek and mean fancy sprig lett tet us. Light tied iliirk eoloringe am! won't a••• We in tin, watch or by exisietire to the bald. and Ille price is oply Lie. Oisr new eeek in theme.: moods Is all here. Laces We. waist you to know taut we eves' la Leer.. They c iiiii ti direct front the masker* to Illu which enables, us to be art. bedrock for priee.. Htiudreals ell piece. to select from. LEFTOVERS. All our left -over laces age on a table in the front of the etere, mucked due ii le Lawns Victoria Limns, Linen Lewite and Poiroian lowen. host' 'Pc to IAIW,..:::::::.::7'.44.....:1-; '7(1.,Mti:.: i ,,, Hosiery liming of pliant Cashmere Hose for $1 bbr :Mk 14 single pen.. el. or 35t• a pair. Tliese storkiosts are special value, just M. STANDARD PATTERNS! icor and :sc. A full Spring Stock _here now. DESIGNER, lot - ', THE SQVAIIE Sii. J. 11. Colborne ....,,... The Honest Chinamen. You soon learn In China that you can trust a Chinaman to carry through anything he agrees to do for you. When I reached 'Pal ruaniu I banded my Interpreter a Chinese draft tor $300 him to go to tbe bank and bring back imexlcant, pa,yable to bearer, and told the maul. I bad known John a little over a week, yei any ens who knows China will understand that I was run- ning no appreciatde risk. The indivki- family, the family is part ot ne4h- borhood, the neighborhood is part of a village or district, and eo on. If 'John had disappeared with sty money after cashing the draft and bad afterward been caught, punishment would bare been swift and severe. Vary likely be would have lost his head. If the au- thorities had been unable to And John. they would have punished his family. Punishment would surely have fallen on somebody.-Esinuel Merwin In Bug - mail Magazine. . What a Knot Is. Probetbly there le Ito nautical term more frequently used than the word "knot" Tbe word Is synonyumus with the nautical mile. or 6.060 27 feet. while. all every otic knows. lb. giro - wo• uld make the knnt septet to 1.15 of genpraphical intim and therefore. In order to compare the speed of a boat expressed in knots with a rail MO Irvin. It le neeeseary tn multiply the speed hi knee. by II .tmeher point to be rernemhetril ts that speed inentin a ilIntniiee traveled In unit time. so when one speake of a host baring er peeper te add per hour. as the word it.elf flee emplaced tis n unit of Peed aignifie. nautical miles per hour. A emitter that make. 21 knots travel. 21 15 geographies' miles per bout "I had been euffewag for OVer two months with an ehstinete rough, as bail mr little girl. We tried several remedies romnion In anv drug store without obtaining any appareut relief, in feet we mere growing worse. I got • bottle of Coltatoote Expeetorant from toy druggist and inside of twn 'lava the rough was stopped. and the result,' so permanent nod raind that w.• derided Ceitsfoote Expectorant 111 .1 the werld a+ the hest pr.:seriph.... Pl'PT used hv the mediral profession for Fought.. Coale croup, Bronchitis ;00 Tightness et the "Wilt. Chtl,irru like it. T.. introduce it este et•erv home o•• will %end a (rye nample to every person ;wading their name and addrefie te T. .1. Sliseem. Limitiel. Toronto. std.' Ise ail upto date druggett. at 2.5e. Sind for Free SainPle To -day. McLean's Meat Market • Wielder Simmine. will elucidate. If you says black white. dat am 1 hie n If late fists dot am oratory, nii some :motile will betters.- you." Oodd's Kidney Pills are die only medicine that will cure Dia- betes. Like Bright's Dis• ease this dice ease was in - c arable until '&2 Kidney Pills cured Pt. Doctors themselves confess that without Dedd's Kidney Pills they are powerless against Dia - Pills are the first medicine that ever cured Diabetes. 1 mita tions --box. name and pill, are advertised to do so but the medicine that dm; Care Diabetes 1 in.„i3ciod:Tr:: !C liGadeZeli lair da rl si di I have opvueu a, new Meat Market ill the eland EAST STREET next bluiriesse :Thor stoic .0.1 IIC/1117 opeonite thn Two. 1141.. The store is fitted up mode' atyle for the handling of clients in tht• introit eppreved way, and I intend 411 serve Iny cuntoinern with the best to he had in my line. BUSINESS STRICTLY CASH PRICES RIGHT 100 Cords of Wood IN EXCHANUE For the best Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves and Heaters Worsells CHEAP HARDWARE and STOVE STORE GODERICH CANDIES -mad, N git Tallies, noses!. Pie, per 11. Oysters Finest Selects in or served in any W. E. McLEAN fete A tree I PIES vi Cit EA vi 15 CENTS EACH Meals, Lunches. Hot Drinks, ice Creants, etc., at all hours. Olympia Cafe Phone tee 1 Your Printing I SHOULD BE AN INDLX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! A hues. Tasty, well printed Statiectery INespeaks system and carefulness. (1444 Sodas The Signal Job Printing The perpetual charm of freshness and crispness --of daintiness and deli- ciousness - is ,in every box of Department Supplies only the better kind won't pay us to turn out any other. Skilled workmen only are employed because they should do and do- better work than inexperienced How Do You Know? A noted clergyman was in kit atudy writing when his Ave -year-old daughter walked in and naked, "'What are yeti writing, papa ?" alit writing a sermon, daughter.** ••11nw do you knew what to write, papa?" 'God tells me what, to write. hither for a few tnintitns, the little girl said, "Pepe, if Goal tell. y what, to write. why do you scratch /tome of it out r When is a tradesman above Ws Inteineile ? When be lives over hi. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas -- held captive by the air -tight, moisture -proof packages. There is a t In everything. In Biscuits, it's Moony's. We will convince you of this if you will trust us with your next order. THE SIGNAL OB DEPARTMENT