The Signal, 1908-2-27, Page 3I 1 THE SIGNAL : (;ODEIiICIf, ONT-SRib Xews of the EiMtrict. M1. Jotter, tortoni/ma of the \1'ingham chair factory, suffered a at tyke of par• ,tlyeir tut week. Noble Milne and family, (trteetued residents of label, knout moving to the \Vest shortly. The death of Charles Stewart, ala aged piuurer of the Isth coucewiou of Kiuknr, occurred at hie home in that Dienesetuns Mineral Water /lull': (iODKRICH MINERAL WA- 'I'Elt ((t., manufacturers of "Mons I ling." ore pomaded to deliver to any tout of the lows lielbot Uiuttrrur Ale no plata end quail., oleo Mineral \Teter la three t,es t.plll, Moots and quartet. tieltwr Water nod Isoublr nude. Thole goods are tiled., frusta n+t ural mineral water. and are therefore free Inn., allbn1'9J1lle.. Lt S%ALTON Man. niter •1'Ipee MUSIC CLASSES.-1� fur AM PRE - 1'A ooh pinewood theory, elro toe Harrow.. umsicoi in - pinewood method for Yonne elriktruu. Teruo and other Information may be had at Thu,uu, I n music store, Dodurich. EMM' A. ANDItI)WS A. BOY ADAMS TaacHKK or Piss° Studio in flank of Montreal Block. _ Medical Das. EMMEItSON it TURNBULL A. T. F'eMtivaty, M. It. W S. Tt'imut L, M. 11. ,111e. Hamilton Street, Phone 1,11. street. ip�ib St. George •rhurtb 'phone lea lir. 1 ooruhull'. rveldrnre, Montreal street. soot laest of Public Library. Phone 1911. Dit. W. F. 6ALLOW, M. 11. udi,'.. l unworn(- .trent. nest door to :Sever - ,goo lank. 'I'rluphomes - , Mlrx, 111 bonne. FtR 1'. J. It. FORSTRIt- EYE. FAR \s.t and Throat only, litrattord, Ont. Ilou+' .uqt."us New York Ophthalmic and \ural In -elute ION Id. Clinical as,d.tant Iter. Nuns' swot Throat Hospitnl. °widen tgtare. land IW)'ul 1.00lwt Ophthalmic IMooreatW Kyr) Ilo.pital. London. Kng Ot1Me Albert street, Mr..t ford. unps•np Windsor hotel. hours: 911 n. 1 . 1 1 p.m.. , e p.m. Telephone 9157. Legal 1IAMRRON & KILLU1EAN, BAK- ( ItItTYlts, solicitor.. notaries, etc. Omer, Ions ret, third door from Sq wire, llyderlch, tat, M. U. CAMICKUN, K. C. .1. L, KIL IANtAN• _ _ PROL'DFOOT, HAYS k HLAM, hamster.. solo -Rom uotarlo- public pr. • :olein rho /darrtiule ( court, etc. Unice. r.st ride Square. text door C. A. Sairn's arlorry, FM vale tads to lend at kw e.t rates of Internet. W. PK ED1000T, K. C. it C. HAYS. U. F (LAIR. DICKINSON R UARKOW, BAR. ItttT Inf, atterreya, edleltor., etc. eeie t,•h. 'Mawf te lend at lo rites. IC V nit KI\W►V. (("HAKLIL7S °AKNOW . LLB u . O. JoI1Nsros, BARKIS rER. elides. c .ftoknner. nAtvy pabltc, i)n1 e., 1(awUwa street, Uuderlcb. (Mt. Insurance. Loans. eta Vot'Ntl k ROBERTSON. HEAL 17.txtr and ln-urante Agents. Aral OA - !ate fur ...Iv or to lot . Properties handled In wry pat of the town and county. Fite and fc tuourrnce. money t0 Ion I OHN W. ('RAIGIE. LIFE, FIRE I/ awl accident Maumee.. Agent fur lea.hng mutat and stock centimetre.. luuaran,'e 1... all linoo, effected on be.t plan. and at ow est rote*, 1 all at omoe. corner Wert Street and Square or addnr. J. W. l'KAIUIE, Uaderich. Ont fele .hunt LI illvKll.LOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- S l' It A N (' k (' U. -Farm and Isolated (es 0 propertyinsured. Value of propertyIn• .t ntr.up to ar. ismever I utgon. (rten anddirectun: -J. K. McLain,nem.; T. Framer vice..m. ; Jas. ('onnolly, (1, gale. Mr. Ches- ney., 'hs nay.teat, Jaw, Evans, J. O. (lrlete, J. ((enne- wrt.. directors : T. E. Hays. Stator( tr. secretary. reaoin ecretary- rea.nnr ' (rupr•tors• nearest director to 1.011. J. \t, lam, Boln....vdM, agent for West Ilurwl. Polon holder. can pay amesementa and get their carets r.eulpiunl at Tooter A Moe n' -,Clinton. or et H. 11.('u(lnCtv0). king -tot, .tac( . l inderith. BRAVING PARLOR ��t11AVING AND HAIK-Di1ESSIN(i Il r.tltlentre -- The beat place in town, Poral.' .ervine; everything clean and sant t..n'. 111,• and cute huha Wll. DAVIS. mat eh Earbaage Hotel Bork Isnetess:,r to Jar. i r tile)'). Kaman Licenses ,>1'AI.TER F:. KELLY, /1 UODE1tI('fl, ON I'. \fat rhnaker„Inwrfet aryl Optician, 1. iia of Marriage Liven -re. LANE, 1HSUEIi OF MAIUR! TT .Aalt I/eenaea. Uodertch.Ont. Anetloneering THOMAH (:L'NDRY, LIVE STOCK and general east looser. 1►moel. on South Street, ethers he will be found al all timer. when not "rytng sale.. Terms reaaosnble and crery effort used to rive you asUdaeUoe Piton it OEOROE BECKETT General Auctioneer. New System of Tickets and Catalogue. OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. P. O. Box 183. You will noire some real bar- gains 1f you fail to Ace Whitt 1 ran do for you in one of those Good Cheer ranges flood Cheer art heaters Penn Esther ranges Nothing jied ail good for the money ; every one guaranteed. 5 per cent. off for spot Cash Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Repairs s P Electric Wiring and Fixtures. GIVE US A CALL W. R. PiNDER 'Phone ISM. township on \Vuduursdry, the 12tb init. ,lob Klug, of Bluevalr, is mourning the death of his son, lawron, an es- timable young tuau of Mantueu yews. John Walker, of Teerwater, furm• erly of Brussels, is opening up a furn- iture and undertukiug businrrw in Sea - forth. Peter Kraft, of Dashwood, was struck by a frightened pig last week anti had hie leg broken lust above the ankle. ltutaert Currie, sr.. (of Wingbaul, was thrown trout his cattiiage last week and /an a result nue ut his shoulder'. WW1 dislocated. Robert Youpg, an aged resident of the 6th line of Morris, had the 'moor - tune to fall on the ice lust week and fracture his leg. Between $6,000 and $7,O110 have been subscribed teemed the establishment of a canning factory in Brussels, and more is expected. Winghem will vote on Murch 23rd on a bylaw placing the electric, light plant of the town m the Iwude of a cuntwwwteriun of three members. Mrs. Thomas Shipley, of Clinton, lest week received wurl of the death of her brother, Lawrence John Shaw, of Dakota, a former Clintonien. Mr. and Mn. %Ve. Fiudleter, of Morris, last week received the said newer of the death of their daughter, Margaret Ellen, in los Angrier, Cal. George Kaizenlueier, who formerly conducted a gentleman's furnishing buriaess in Zurich, died at his house near Rodney on Sunday, the 16th inst. Tho Crediton beauch of the Sov- ereign Bank, which was closed when the Mariners was taken over by the Bank of Commerce, has been re- opoucd. The death of Samuel Harris, a for- mer old and well-known resident of Sertorth and McKillop, occurred at his bootie in Brooklyn, Ont., on Sun• day. the Uth inst. Harry.MuArter, of Morris. has pur- ebartd the Walter Innes Iteleicre farm, un the Ith line of that township. at present occupied by Elijah Pease. fur the sow of $:f,(IOP. Hugh McIntosh, of near Winthrop. hoe wild his floe 150 -acro farm to his neighbor, Mr. Price, for the sum of $7.41111. Mr. McIntosh intends going \Vest in the spring. AL the advanced age of eighty-five years Mal. Henry Pile, .r., departed this lite at the Moine of her son Ben PHI'.. of the Hr,nson line. Hay. on !iaturloty, the lath inst. It is understood that the Clinton citizens who took action to upyet the waterworks bylaw of the town will appeal from the decision of Mr. Justice Britton refusing to quash the bylaw. Thr death of Mrs. Wm. Mont- gomery. sr., of Seaforth, occurred at the house of her woo, \Villiatn, of that town. on Thursday, the 13th inst. Deceased was in her eighty-fifth year. Miss Mabel Sparks. of Hensel', who mysteriously lost het voice to, few weeks ago. has almost recovered it and has returned to Rutherford to re- eume her duties as public school teacher. After a liogering illness of consump- tion, Mrs. Robert Elliott, of Tees - water. passed away on Monday, the 17th inst. Deceased. who was in her thirty-third year, was formerly Miss Lillie Collins, of Gorrle- The Molsone Bank bas taken over the Snvetei n, Batik business at Heneall and %.,rich. As the Milsons already has a branch at the former place the Sovereign branch will he closed, but the one at Zurich will be maintained. After a yeaejt battle with the rav- eget of the white plague. Miss Mary A. \Vaaman, of Clinton, passed peace- fully away 00 Wednesday, the itlto inst. Deceased, who Was but twenty years of age. was a most exemplary young woman and was beloved by many friends. Mrs. 1\-m. McQueen, a former resi- dent of Stanley, died at her home io Mooretown. Mich., on Monday, the 2nd inst., at the age of sixty-four years. A few days previous deceased ran it small sliver in'her thumb, which caused a severe attack of bluod•poison- ing, resulting in her death. ' W. W. Nimens, of Clinton, has re. reived the sad intelligence of the death in N innipeg of his Meter. Mrs. Wesley Wilton. Deceased, who was formerly Mies (tone Nitwit's, was n daughter of the bite George Nimene, of Clinton. She is survived by her husband and an infant daughter. A Great Age. Word has been received of the death in Nesbitt, Mao.. of n former well- known resident of Turnherry, in the penton of Mn. Henry Argue. De- ceased. who had the unique experi- ence of living in three t•enturies, was in her IUIILh year. Though she had not left her bed since the smnmer of 111tH, she enjoyed remarkably good health and displayed great cheerful - nese. She is survived by one daugh- ter. who is eighty-one years of age. Dangerously 111 at Hensall. Mrs. Sellery, sr.,of Kincardine, who with her husband has been visiting her eon. 1)r. Sellery, of Honsall, Iles danger/ualy ill at the latter's home. On Monday morning of last week Mrs. Sellery went to the stable oar an errand end remaining away some time her husband became anxious and went to look for her. He found her lying in the back yard unconscious. The doctors say that her sudden ill- nee.swas owing to mune affection 111 the spine, which reacted nn the brain. Very little hope is felt of her recovery• Seaforth Board of Trade. The Seaforth Board of Trade hen elected officers for this year AA fol. lows : President, M. Broderick ; vice- president, W. T. Box ; secretary. W. .1. Moffat : treasurer, %V. D. McLean : council, K. Hell, W. Pickard, D. J. McCallum, 11. Stewart, John A. Stewart, A. 1Vinter, A, E. Colson and G. F. Parkes. Heard of arbitrn- tore, John M. 1Vilson, A. F. Cliff, Dr. F. J. Burrows, C. H. Andrews, Dr. Ht 11. Rosa, G. A. Sill*, G. L. Chesney, D. D. Wilson, W. it. Smith, John Finlayson, it. St Hays end \Vm. llartry. A Clinton industrial Proposition. A joint stock piny is being formed to take over the business of the W. Doherty Company At Clinton, the intention ireing to engage mote estenalvely in the manufacture of pianos as well as organs. The new compeny does not wiah to assume re- sponsibility far the loan of $25,(!i made to Mr. Doherty by the town of Clinton some years ago, and an arrangement haa been arrived at be- tween the company and the town council, which will be euhmitted to the ratepayers of the town for ap- proval, whereby Mr. Doherty it pay over to the town 113.1.100 to war and to awlgn to the town $1J,OU0 i stork and 910,1)1) inrurancr, titers, let ter to he held until the time expires for which the original loan Woo'. granted ; in couaideration of whic the town it to release the comma from all obligations in cdnneetiot with the loan of $. ,hitt The vote o the electors is to be taken on Monday March 16th. 1i WALKING BANKS. 0 All Mexicans Carry Large Sums of Money on Their Persons. h A back to the Mexicali la not to be thought of for tau haudllug of small amounts. Almost any Meilcuu loo pro [ tensional or business life curries ou Ws • persou auywhoru bettt'eru Ssuu unJ 98011 Eveu the pour ludiun loo hit blanket cau wore thou likely produce f more thap lnauy foreigners. , t Tho ordluary torcfguer loo Thesis,, - whether tourist or buslucss elan Ire o cated here, carries perhaps eau to alis. with him and uo more. if a tourist. t the foreigner will deposit any mousy over that amount he happens to hate • with hhn in the sato of the .hotel nt which he is registered; 1f a business man, he will carry no more than that amount on Itis person and will give u • check fur anything over that au:vunt. The Spaniard resident is A11.NIcu Is in. clined to carry much larger su111.1 (halt any other foreigner here. and he tt 1l1 often carry sums of wooey aggregat- ing nearly $1.000. Tho ordinary Mexican I'ofc»iou:t' man will he found to carry sows of money on his person that would sur- prise the ordinary traveler and eveu cause him worry stere be forced to carry It with him, yet the Mexican never even thinks of 1t. It was but n few day's ago that an instance of tole kind was brought t1, tlttoutlun. Oue Mesicao of the middle class asked nuotllet fu n casual way if he could change n thousand dollar bill. The other pulled out a wallet from bis inside pocket uud counted ont nearly 82.001. Time after time this has happened, and It seems no 'lucent - mon thing for a Mexican of the uhiddle t'less to carry between one and two thousand pesos ou his person. Ono Mexican, who Wilt belug its proved for this apparent carelessness and Imprudence, !spited: "We do not !laic any of your .tinert- eau holdups and highwaymen In Mex - leo. I have kuowu my friends to have their pockets picked fur large amounts through their own carelessness as to where they carried their money. but 1 have never heard of nny one being hit over tho bead with a blackjack and his pockets rifled of their contents. That thing Is unknown In Mexico, nail ,so we have no fear iti 'carrying thew amounts." The check Iden WPM to have taken but small hold as yet upon the citizen,' of Mexico, especially when twnll amounts of less than 51,0110 are con- cerned. They consider It mach easier to pay spot cash than to given check - for amounts of Sal and $100, and they claim, with some amount of reason, that a business deal can ler put through with better advantage to themselves when the cash is loo sight. Eveu the Indians in the street carry amounts of cash that would Hever be supposed to bo loo their possession. They carry their wouey ID leather belts fas- tened nround their bodies Inside their trousers. These bolts nlve hollow and are (lieu at oue end. Into the 014'11 end the Indian slips lilt lessor or lee. until he bat the whole full. The belt then Is either taken off and hidden away or tbo bills are changed for lar- ger denominations and still carried around the body. But the Indian Is n stickler for "pesos duroy' and prefers them to any other class of money ex- cept gold. • Took His .Own Life. Frank Dtewe, of Winnipeg, eon U Mr. and Mr's. ,hes. Utewo. fortiierly o Bruuwels, c ' ed suicide by shoot tug himself tart week. Dectuwed, wh sur twenty four years of age, held r lucrative pewit' as insurance agen in the metropelirt Ile was a very pup ular young man, noted for his Utor ough uprightness, and was a well known athlete. The reason for hi rruh act is not known, but it is att'ih uted to ill -health, as he had been a victim of epilepsy for some time. Be Hides his parents his wife and one brother survive. A Close Call. George Mennen., of \Vingbam, nar- rowly *scatted n horrible death at Clinton st•atiou last week. Ile was n his way to attend the curling bonspiel et Seaford' and remained no the car chatting with a frieud. Just as the train was pulling out to allow the Goderich train to come in behind It he proceeded to alight, missed the platform and fell lack almost on the track. With marvellous quickness someone caught hint and held him close to the platform until the train passed. The crowd breathed a sigh of relief, for with the exception of a sore back he escaped uninjured. C. P. R. Wreck at Wingham. A railway wreck occurred at the C. P. K. station at \Vingham Saturday afternoon. As the passenger train from Toronto was nearing the station a freight was pulling off the main track to a siding. 1'ntbrtuuatrly the last car. a heavy steel coal car. did not pass the switch sufficiently. The en• gine caught the coal car and threw it off the tracks on LO the station plat. form and had it been carried a few feet further the car would have been Limeys'' into the telegraph office and wrecked the station. The engine was lewdly broken, the cylinder and steam chest on one side bring wrecked. The freight engine was coupled on to the passenger can and went on to Tees - water. The passenger engine will have to go to the repair shops. For- tunately no one was hurt. A. Rosa a was standing on the platform where the coal car landed. but be escaped. An Old Resident of Stanley. On Monday, the lith inst.. the Angel of Death summoned to her re- ward a former esteelued pioneer resi- dent of Stanley, in the person of Mrs. Wm. Graham. During their earlier yeart Mre. Graham and Mn. John Redmond, whose death was recorded last week, lived on adjoining farms on the Behvlon line and now within a fortnight of each other they are called to their long home. Deceased war breakfasting at the home of her grandson. John MeGavin. of Lead - bury, when she wee seized with ill- ness. A few hours afterwards her spirit winged its flight. Born in it.- leod in the year lt.N. deceoteed carne to Canada at the age of sixteen, and settled in Dundee rummy, where she was mgrried to her now deceased partner. Shortly after their union they moved to Goderieh and subse- quently to Stanle} where they re- sided in nniteal felicity until severed by the death of Mr. Graham ten years ago. A woman of a beautiful Chris- tian character, deceased was dearly heloved by a large circle of acquain- tances. She leaves seven children to mourn her demise. They are Wil- liam, of, Marlette, Mich. : John, of Ooderich ; Reuben, of Clinton ; Mrs. 1Vm. McGavin, of McKillop : Mrs. Henry McGavin, of Tuckersmitb Mrs. John Itathwell, of Stanley and Mrs. Alex. Robinson, of Hayfield. n REMOVE THE CAUSE. How to Remedy Much of the Suffering in Goderich. There is, hardly a family in (io derich where there are not one or wore mem- bers who sutler at times front the effects of A weak stomach. It, may be that this occurs only after eating Nome food that dues not agree, or because of d supper late at night : or it may be that the stomach is so weak that scarcely any food can be eaten without pain and distress. The only way to treat a condition of Ibis kind successfully is with Mio-na. It removes the cause of indigestion, weakness of the muscles of the stomach and bowels,, and restores the whole digestive system to health and strength so that it takes care of all the food that is eaten. Get well and strong by using Mi-o- na tablets. Take the remedy at the Hist symptom of indigestion, when you can be. cured easily with a few doses, however, no case of stomach trouble its too severe or chronic for Mi-o-na to overcome. ,las. Willson sells it under alt ahe(r lute guarantee to refund the money unless it cures. A :t0 -cent hox lasts Air n couple of weeks. and will do more real good then a dozen boxes of the ordinary digestive tablets. Upper Lake Levels. The Toronto News Ripe : Heed should be taken of Dr..1. \\ , Spencer's warning that the upper lake levels are in danger of being lowered by the power company developments along the Niagara River. The shipping in- terests on these inland waters aro of such large extent that they ten fairly demand protection. Cheap power might Ix dear if it were obtained at the expense of sate navigation. Another Railway Proposition. Brussels Post : A proposition is on foot for the extension of the C. P. H. line from Port Burwell via Exetn- and Heeforth to Brussels and north to W'roseter. Correspondence is being carried on with the company in refer - race to it. This line would provide a short north line now required and world tapthe C. P. It lines east and tvcttt at alton and \Vrocetsr. A delegation :from the municipalities interested may wait upon the C. I'. R. The road is surveyed as far ne Exeter - C. P. R. Hotel for Guelph. Guelph. Feb.' 21. -1f the present contemplations of the (.unadian Pacific Railway are carried out Guelph will soon have another fine hotel. it was learned this morning on excellent authority that the C. P. R. was considering building in Guelph a tine new hostelry. such an the com- pany is building in different cities of the Dominion. The hotel will he built aM noon as praeticahle after the station is completed. The company has:its eye on an excellent site for the Rotel near the head of Wyndham street, in clown proximity to the two - potted rotation site. Toe Much at Stake. - The question for discussion before the debating society that had met in the little schoolhouse belonging to dis- trict No. 13 w'as this: "Resolved, That the works published tinder the nnwe of 'William Shakespeare were really written by Lord Bacon." The debate w'ns fierce nod prolonged. lout, as frequently happens lu such rases, the disputants on one side had Informed themseltcs thoroughly, w'hlle the others. relying npon their hating the popular side of the controversy. depended solely on their oratory; hence the Bacontans, having learned all that could be said 1n favor of their con- tention, made realty a very plausible case and haul decidedly much the bet- ter of the argument. At the close of the discussion the three Judges w'ho bad been selected held a brief con<ut• taUon and decided in favor of the neg- ative. "Why did you decide against use" subsequently nsketl one of the dispu- tants. "You know we presented good arguments, It bile the other fellows didn't show any" "That's all right," answered the Judge to whom this question was n(1 - dressed, "but tato of us hall Just bought expensive copies of 'The Works of Militant Shakespeare' thnt cost us 915. Lo you suppose we were going to acknowledge that Shakespeare didn't write 'em" - An Ode to His Washerwoman. h:vers in the fare of financial ember- rnssmcut the Ynle studeut refuses to he downcast, for when the' florist threatens suit 1f his bill to not paid or when in walking through the city streets the student Peen his newest shirt adorning the grinning face of. his washerwoman's young unhopeful It is not hie nature to spill n bottle of look on a dissertation on the subcon- scious rolatlonsbip of poverty- 10 vice. More likely he will go whistling back to the campus and put to the time some such verses as eppenred In the Yale Record of years ego under the title "Owed to My Washerwoman:" I Dromlee thee thatanme dna t will mime In answer to thy oft repeated dun, And In thy eager hands I then will lav The dotlara ten I'vn need for many w dao. I will not censure then for ripe rued tear.. For e'en the socks that now thy husband wears. Tee, some day In the dim futurity I'II pay 1t all, I promise thee. And so he will Pet the whale campus laughing, if not to paying their hllla.- M. It. Rmbrce In Ilohemlan. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured Wllh local noplicatt nn ... - 110' ,•00001 .mach the seatof t.h, dl.ua..• 1 at.,, , h i. n b)exd nt cowl tuitional dl.ens,. end in order to corer It you mast take Internal (,�n,Adlel. Usti. Catarrh t- nn• 1. taken Inry pally, and arty dimity on lit, blood and 1n tco,u, .nrfaccs. Hall'. Catarrh Are 1. not 11 .,utak medicine IL sum. pet -seethed by .,n, of t he Ind phydcbtn. In Ihl. tumidry or year. And is n regular pe ecrIMien. It 1. cnmpn-rd of the boo tont, known, rmnbinrl with th,. Led blood partner- acting directly on the mucous 'arise,- Th, perfecteombinat.ou of the 1 wo Ingredient. L what emitters .nch wsmdrrfnl rnsutta b, . lir Int catarrh. Prod for testimonial.. free. F .1. ('HEN EY A -.'0., Toledo, 0. Sold hi lrttggists: price -3t, Talc Halls Family Pill.. for ray.t(pat ion. Everybody expects everlxldy t;lse to sett good examples. 'Phone 56 DMillar. Co.56 'Phone �I Spring Shipments have Arrived at The Scotch Store %Ve h.ty(- uuw' p.as,e,l,utlo kiwi. 0 Itis, I.:t;:,' .t •utt•tmtul of spring :.pd $ e Wt*th Misteriale urd ,•.n-.1,wiug lhi. setuun IS 011 0 marl: larger Scale 11101 .,tet bunt.. PRINTS IN ENDLESS VARIETY The old reliable Qualities at the old pt ices, toe , tz'c. and 15c. \-ictua'ia Lawn.. India Linens, Persian Luau lh•gtttnh,., ' ' its and Mulls it' loc. per yd. SW1Sb SPOT MUSLINS Ste:Ir al litre in Swiss'[ot \lut,lius in a huge variety of Slots tory special, 15c. per yd. LINEN SUITINOS I LINEN SUITINOS I Linen Stritings are promising to he the leading novelty for *Unlet Spring Suits; we are showin • saute retry suu'ft effects in Popline(es, Fusones and Euubruit1ered Linens from,. 35E. per yd. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY \Vt• have ;lust opete d tap :1 case• Int of 1.:ulies' 11011410 111141 MIP•lin A1,lun. al.', ( t i lt,at', Holland azul es, MILLAR'S SCOTCH 'P3Ei 1hone STORE p56 An'metrtant Industry. People who have nut Ranked into the (-dining factory industry ill (Miami° have very (thhs idea of he extent and vital import •e t.,. teeth 101 111 .uul rural luuiicipalities. '['here are about sevcuty factories in operation in this Prtvint•e, employing about 7.11e, hands and 1.1 pas; yielding the farmers fur crops cultivated for factory purpiistei over es SIAM. The help employed in the facttu'ies was sub -divided as fol- lows : Fondles. s, 1,2(.1, nude,. • l,:,hl, throe Hgut., not including onicial etalT of (ittut•ies. There is it marked and manifest interest a Wit kened in the emitting busincst and Brussels and sur- Ettttt Wings Mhnitltl not be tail-*nder, in the procession. In cotttmelbas with the proposed factory here litre,' ie only subscribed ran n required capital' of $2.1,1001. Shares are only IS -4.1 each, to that any and every business .,tan. or i•atepnyet• for that twitter, might easily and profitably invest if they de• sire to pee the lest interest:; of the town promoted.-- Dotterels Post. Ice -breaker at'Port Arthur. Pert Arthur. fel,. 2 . -- The peat week the ice -brother .)aures 1ti hale) has ht'ru doing great work in the hitt.- bor. Ice extended Ger is distance ut ten miles outside of the cape. and the Whale., hos been busily engaged in breaking ittup. On Saturday it clhan- nt'1 was cut through the Held. and the wind blowing off shore trs,k the ice. Held nut into the lily. The Whales. thea set to work to tut out it lergr porti of the ice inside of the rape A v -shaped rheum' was cot front the race in past \Vele a lsbuuts, and the \\'onto., wit& the assistance of tits wind, u0tved tits field out into the Lake. Olen water now extends in About three miles t side of the \Vel. enures, It is now believed that the worst of the work is over. Ice during the past too itll ha. hired forming very rapidly. and the Ixrtt. has had kr(wUr'k cut out fur it to keep the glen' cleaclearedtry it is: Next wont when the winds c • the'tVlnlen will ant other ch. •Is in the hnt'hot', amt it will only take a short (in,e loo clear the baj' of all ice. Hobbies fur Old Men. Elderly persons who giv.• up ha-i- tiess and prufessiou.tl melt w'hu lay aside 1ls•i: vocations it idiom having other interests lir pursuits loo which to turn, are in many Ciats•s plunged into despondency or hurriet into prcuue lune dotage. It is difficult to imagine any surer way of inducing perm. uu•n4 ' mental 'levity than for •a elan of , Active billets to retire and ,It, nothing when just past the zenith of life, and. oil the other hand. there is nu surer way of enjoying a green old age than to keep um working until the close. . Witty Jerrold. One uuirning Douglas Jerivid and Campton. proceeded together to view the pietist -es in the Gallery of Illustra- tion. 11n enit't•ing the ante -room they fusntd tlteuiselv,'. opposite to 0 Mer nt fling mirrors. ••Ltok at that pietist.," wird ('ompton, pointing to his own tel)-ctiou, "Very fine " said' .ierrold, regattling it intently ' "1(,Uus hangiug,though.' A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY Do you Apprertatr too• .- orlon .% , f Armour's Solid Extract of Beef ? Do you know that it makes meats last - iet--enables you to use •'Leftovers"- impi•oves soups and saw -ea -and } tea- spoonful is all you need for a sup of delicious beef tear Our new enol brink , 'iffy 1 ae,rtte Recipes,' tells how to uw Atmour'a Extract of Beef the right way. Sent free receipt of a metal rap from ejar of this extr.iet P.11,r ,. c W ... ARMOUR LIMITED TORONTO Psychine Missionaries ) n r fn f. Slocum Rem dt . friend of I wfit ee: "Send n bottle of Peychine to Mrs. \Y... They have 0 daughter in decline, and i hrliel it would )help her. I have tnentinnr.l your remedies to the family, and also cited Some of the miraelntl• tarsi urrom !dished inside the last , 1s, )'rata, of which I have knowledge." T. r. IRWiN, Little )tritttin, tent. Pan down rmtditions free' lung, Atom ar•h or other eonstitntinnal 1rnnblt• ear eel by PAychtne. .\t all druggists, Mb: And $a.mt, or Dr. T. stereo. I,td, Toronto LEARN DRESS -MAKING BY MAIL 1n1. our Spars Time at Home Onc,n•t stir r 111 give, dtru,1 , the pub; . 0o01r10 in, dn•..me;mg, Tailor Sts lam ter ..h, dvwt, r• � A tlw're aira largenu,ni.r ,4 �. ial vnss dtnakr p r 1t rayou ea..1 wx• rill :.end ,;v/r•tn end hent b-- trnchrs h.,w t., make u 01.rfre• t!!• . 1vgi.Itrrd t• an)' 4t10'rw pr (httar. err Nalkard vin ran Irtltn. ,.'Ird rill 1 ,rrnrd ltd) roans of Ir .,,n. Po ,•,t '.•r,d mole,- '''u ., 1.11 t., 11.:,1 , tt„ t'r• ane v .ten' ant'„t•..• alit."' to give 5701', Th:-,' le-..nt. tea, It 1•,ttet1r,. env game,. t' • ratnt tis '1•. the 111. 1 rktl.,rat• d„ ... Ilt',may.,.try in (';.nada that th. wile I. rnr barn b.• .'^,,• ns, mbt'r Iakinr, t h:u'' 11,11 i.1 l.l•Ittt'.o, lo►ten rear . I,.• .,),r 'deet ar 111141r, 14 imitati,m 111v1. l.vn. i,nn WI" t.t sir•• our AVIV:. : ' , ,• • tainted ah^n• they nen- not ;mown t1. 1.0' Slo- tnvcnt„r of Ihn o.•nr-r, N,. adv, i, r, nuinr r ith.•nt tont 1tIe) Cel Wats It., port', "tar ,\n.t ' SANDERS' DRESS-CVTTING SCIIOt.I 41 I:. 'nt, SUrlf..tJ. 0.0.11. PPI CQTFS MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FANsuLv LIBRARY The Best Currant Literature 12 Cove, ETC NOVEL. YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER veaP; 25 CTs. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES EYCRY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF '1'uuiu uLY, ht I curry 2T, 1908 Itt- 1 Ir. N4s1C Jt!' inicht(- E -t Atfir. bice 25 ets. lank RD'S LINiMENTCO. - LIMITED - tsoxs 10 C C R'.CNAP(SLtt 0 TH, .S• THE OQIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE IIEWAIE IMITATIINS SOLI) UN THE MEiRTTs OF MINARD'S LINIMENT SEE THE New Cutters 1 111 1 I. meat of 1bt'se fine ('utter, and invite anyone interested to '..111 andsee thele. PRICES RIGHT MillIMIIIMIN 1 WM. KNOX 1 at Knox's Iia :flat:, Lt• 1h,• rt'It l t.lt,.1 McLaughlin Company "Only One Grade. and That 7 he Best. sin have jest receited ,( ship 101. A,•wgnt, ..n,l ILuntlt,nl sit1., 1. • GODERICH H. B. BECKETT EMBALMER AND iFUNERAL DIRECTOR 1 urnituse and 1'Mel taking watt -rooms. \Veert side Ngnnre. PHONICS: Stelaeaem Uodcrlcb Iloe, !7M iutht call.: At re.blrnee. rnr. ('nmbrta r.,ad amt Nelson Street. J.BROPIEY&SON I111'. 1EApt'n Funeral Directors and Embalmers orders urlully atrr.,n:d to at an h01011. right or day 'PHONE 15 OR 24 I 11Arcito,t-n 1 er. \1 est) Win'u Yeo ).nal \ and Yards 1 atreed. and THEIII'.hr nt. Uoek ngunre COAL A L L Oh, Say ! Did you see the dandy CUTTERS at Bob Wilson's warerooms on Hamilton street. Ile has the best collcetinn of ('utters thaw. ever ('ame to town. No matter what style you went or what prier, they are there. Ile has them fl'o01 $5.00 up to $5o.00 Cail and Have a Look oty'w-ay. Bob is alw'ay's glad to „rt• Soft. 11 you don't want ;O;y- thing in his line. mnylx' yeti Wive friends w'ho do. He is agent for McCORMICK MACHINES, GRAY CUTTERS, BUGGIES, FLEURY and PERRiN PLOWS ROBERT WILSON Gom Ri( li, ON I A KINDS OF COAL 'ALWAYS ON HAND g'rAll 1'o t weighed mo the market reales, where you art ,era) Its, for n ton. WM. LEE. Onlcr. left Al 1', 4', LFI, t, )hardw;an. thorn cart side $utwnte, promptly attended to. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. -- Any even minden-CM WTI inn 01 1)oudntnn [nods in Afannobe, t4wknbhnwnnnnd Albert,, excep{ting ' sued t+(, 1104 reM.r. tot. mst- lin hnmc- -1,adeA by nn)' mous. who Is the .ale bract of n family or any molen.er Ie yogic. of ago, to the extent of one-quarter section of Del &tree, mon or loot. Application for entry nous!. he marls Meer/Don by the epplle•Ant nt a Dominion Lands Agency or 511111011.10-1, for the dlstrietto. which the land 1..111,nte. Imuv by prosy may. however. Me Made el an .tg, Icy in, certain renditions by the 41011.1, 11i01111•1. .on, daughter, brother or start id an intruding houu•aeetde•r. The h1,rlrt«Ices I+ required to ',won', the homestead (luta under ono of the following plane: 111 At least six months' rearidesee neon and cultivation of the land In each year for three Sean, els A hornoelcedrf 1110Y. if he •.o dc -Ir•., {Rr. farm the required residence dal it' by living on • farming la tel o•.vn,tt .olrly by him nnl less than Ne eighty ter., No r,- nr extern. In the vletnity of hl. �p per Bar ham. -trod .lodnwnar-hlpl,( land will not meet thl. rrvl ltln•nlrmt. iu de w- a gain ,...:,..„,„,0,...m.„„,.....,ltrther..if the lid her permanent nest _- dentes nn tanning Lind owned .elely by him - not lees than nighty hers nen. in rxn•n;. In rho THE SIGNAL The Family Her aid aef ' Weekly YStar $1.50 IIF MONTH I•;.\1, The Signal will foolish you with everything of interest in this local (elite tory. Every home in this dinut•irtshould receive the iut.ti paper. The Family Ilera(d ,nod Weekly Sine of Montreal is the aeknnwledged Treat family told farm paper in ( ;annda, Itn magnificent neer; service ; ill monotone •peeial de•partment..; its interesting tuttgazine feature'; its great serials and )xtplant• short stories, make it. (.he greatest dollar's worth to be had. The combination of The Signet and The Family Nereid And Weekly Star .provides the weirdest antonnt of whirlr.omo fetidly reeding and reliable news rom all parts'of the world. Bend your subscription to THE SIGNAL, Godericha Ont. . tell 1 f ,, n ,o 1 h n •• r of Ir:yl o t u,lrtrl 1nr 111. hem r r tpon w fowl b nn,' a r bpy ,thenal 11 11, o11,10 0w.l d1.unrrn151Ina" 1t5tlfather h dhnomllern for fnl her tor east hr,t. UI The Iron ".t1.ndl y'' Irr Ihn Iwo pnwdln i.114.1 1:1141. 1• 111•11111•11 A. 0010111111 111,1 mat h.n',ins 11111,- In a d hsv1 Inge, ex'1,,., venf 1hn width of marl nllowwnr,, c rts.rd In Ilia Rwasun-mmd. (:d A herrrtr.tender intending to perform ht resident, dwlr. In nrrnrdnnrr with the aha, whlh• lit Inaq s tl h part,tnr on farming tan own. d Ly 1,1i, .tI1 nnrd notify the Agent for Ili disl,i' 1 ill :n,.h Intention. pit month.' 'Infirm In writing moist hwgiven to til 1•nenmjeI,t,er of IMentelrm lands at Ottawa et inlentioal to apply tot patent. %v. W. ('0111 Velour of the Mh11arr of the Interior. N,11,-UMnlhnrtom, puhtlrattoo of this ed• YeftlsemN/ w111 not fro pall for.