HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-27, Page 21
2 TIMIDAT, February 27, 19011
,SiL nal
efT-1,t' •s• CsU No. 33.
Tercets et wbscreetNa
d, per ana1W in advane ,
x Inds, 30e:: three month.. &5e.
o Plated states subscribers. Ste) a roar
Wiens in advancet.
autworlbere who fall to moths Tint 810x441
eoa(tladr by 1ta11 w111 (+offer a favor by ao•
anal ti us of the cwt at a+ early a date a.
a change of address i. &wired. both the
ltd ped the new address should be gi'..o.
Advertising Rates :
Legal and other similar adveru..soseptr. We
per Hoe for dna insertion and to per line tot
each sube.quent In.ertion, Measured by e
taalareil rale twelve lines to au Inch.
Busloess oatfa of .fit line. and under. N per
pear. venhswente of Loot. Fnuud, Strayed, Sit•
nations Vacant. Aituattoos Wanted, House,fol
Rale or to Rent, Farm. for tale or to Rent
Article. for Seale, etc., not exceeding eight
hue., SW each Insertion : $1 for first month. Sot
1 -lit garb subsequent month. Looser advmils
moots In proportion.
Announementa in ordinary reading type ten
sent« per Ilse. No notice le.s than t3.•.
Any epeeist notice. the °Meet of which i. 1 M
pecuniary benefit of any Individual or as.enl
Mice, to be considered an advcrtba'meot ale
to be charged u000rdingt)•.
Rater ter display and contract advertise
meats will 1» given on application.
Address all oummutdoauow to
Tar 1.,erlcl. amt.
The county council is finding it a
difficult task to reconcile the claims
tut the various municipalities in rewire
ti the good rads fund. At the time
of writing it seems as if the difflcul
ties encountered might delay the
aloptioi of the scheme indefinitely
but we hope that the special sleeting
.1 the council this week will retell its
the approval of some plan for partici-
listing in the mjlliou-dollar fund
which the Province has stet aside fol
rend improvement by the crinoline
\\'e are incliued t,4 the belief that
the county council is waking its tasa
a more difficult one than need be. It
is not absolutely necessary that each
t,)wnslip muuicipalily should receive
an exact measure of direct benefit
from the fund. The matter should U;
considered as a county schen.,', and
there should be a considerable degree
of give and tale amoug the various
municipalities. \Voile they are sit-
ting in the couuly council the mem-
bers should consider themselves as
legislating for the interests of Ott
county. not ter the special and in-
dividual interests of the particular
municipality from which they come
The intetent of the town. the yin/wo-
illageor the township should be aubordire
*Led to tbe paramount interest of the
county. Keeping this in view it
should 1100 he a matter of impossibility
to device a !wheelie of road improve-
ment which would be of spleudid ad-
vaOLagr to tier whole county without
doing violence to the rights of any
particular locality.
The hoard of trustees of Alexandra
hospital have earned the gratitude of
the people of this town and district
for their services during (he first yea)
of the hospital's working existence
The difficulties in .tarting such an in-
stitution on its career ere many and
immensities vexatious, bu•, .o tar they
have been wet and ov'nrorne, and it fr
to be expected that the efforts which
the board have 80 surresbfully meth
during this initial yetir will render the
work of eueceeiing years n0mewht'
easier. We trust that the lint an
nual repent of the board published in
The Signal of last week has Iwen
widely read, and that the expressions
of thanks to the Daughters of the
Empire and to ut11441n who have
helped towards the maintenance of
the hospital knee found a Beady echo
in the hearts of a11.
It will 111 a matter of gratification
to well -w inhere of the hospital to know
that His Honor Judge Ilolt is elected
for another year _Mt preeidrnl of the
board of trustors. His 11 • has
given most generously of his tine to
the interests of the honpitid, and his
services have been of inestimable
value in the IIIAI)egelnMnt of Its /Mails.
The action of the 1'. 1'. R. in Inking
off one of its trains Iwtween bele and
Guelph is, we understand, solely on
account of the ,,ndili4)ms prevailing
this winter which hat 1, kept passen-
ger Genic mi the Idle at ea minimum.
It is to Is expected that with the
opening of 11n R
traffic will ince ea
largely and tial an employed Dein
service will then be put on.
The management might find it N.•-
visable to put on a train leaving Glair -
rich at elate 2 e'clock and neeiving
at Toronto in time for supper. We
believe this would 11e et popular train.
and we have no doubt that the t 1'.
It. management is anxione to discover
and to nivel 1.14) far anis poe1ible the
desires of the people at thin and other
points along the line,
The publishing of the speeches of
members of the Bourse of t'o )Orme in
Hennaed c op t s f15.12 a column.
Tiley're not *milt the 11)001')' gentle.
Monclml, i. B., has a'aenalhpoz out-
break, with the added complication
that a P•'ntincial election campaign it
in pnogtess. Rn1allpez•,is quite evi-
dently nrespecter of tines and era -
eons. _
Tie United Stales (lrogrues,hau Ire•
furs It a proposal for the eatablishmeitt
of a steles. 0f pstomvn savings
hauls. Our cousins across the line
are a bit slow iu regard to some
A corrwpundeut at Chicago writes
"Caned* is oohing down off her
high horse regarding postage on
Yankee periodicals. Ooqd. ' The
people want what they want when
they want 1t."
The condemnation of General Stow.
eel to death for his surrender of Port
Arthur to the Japenelse ewe W he
a queer way of encouragi the Rua.
dee soldiery. But. lhaek b en, we
don't know much about ouch things
in Ceunda. __.--
During the last license year the
coluuitwe0lr for drunkenness in-
creased by titer Sato in ber over
the preceding year. Are the police
ra•:owing more strict, ,4r is this just
the working out 4)f the Whitney
method of dealing with the liquor
tannic I'
The 1Veekly Sun wants to know
why Hugh Clark, M. P. 1'., is not
pressing upon the Government the
measures which he .iipported while in
)pposrtlou. The trouble is that the
aiewlwr for Centre Bruce is too busy
acting the {art of flatterer in general
to the Whitney Government.
An Opposition that has nothing
better to do then to obstruct the busi-
ne•ar of Parliament, without any use-
ful purpose in view. deserves to ile
annihilated at the next election. Mr.
Borden is not adding much to his
.eputation by his leadership of the
Jpposition at the present sessinu,
A Brussels cor•rebpandeut, referring
to the visit of Robert Birlrtiughaw to
(hitt tomo as organizer for the Orange
Mice, remarks that "this is not the
Met time he has leen in Huron
couuty." Fell, we guess not. And
,t wasn't always the Orange Order
that was filet in his thoughts, either.
The cause of egri('ultoral education,
(s represented 11 ' the Ontario Agri'
'ultural College, will sueety- ix ad.
cannel by the visit of the 1Uen111a'rs of
the Legirlattre to the Guelph inslitu-
'ion last week. Every,4ne who spends
sn 01beer%ant day al the College Ioe-
,x)mes nn earnest advocate of its
.tarns fur generous public support.'
hem Si. {Swart, K. 1'., 0f Ottawa,
'Aye down a plan of tine roads from
which Canada may chute,! eta {cath of
destiny. First. uuiou n ith the United
States. Second. to become a republic
itaalf. Third. union with lh'itein.
Fourth, an independent monarchy,
.vith a Canadian king. Fifth, an in.
['pendent monarchy, with the same
sovereign as the United Kingdom.
Of course, we don't have to wake up
our neiods about it light off.
Echoes of the campaign preceding
the Presidential election in the 1'ni(ed
'Sates reach ns in the shape of vari-
ous pamphlets booming one of the
candidates for the Republic -en party
n(winA(ioo, \t'hfle '('hie Signal would
like to 'where that its political in-
fluence extends to the country over
the border, it is bound to confess that
it has all it can do to keep things run-
ning right on this side of the boun-
dary line. Anyway. if it had any sty
in United Staten affairs, it would not
he hoicking Any Republican candidate.
We notice that the cditor•in-chief
1 The Glob' lens been making it
speech at (Otlawe urging the treat-
ment of the 1hernial natioii in he
spirit (4f the "brotherhood of man,"
insletd ,.f the punted of a policy of
"selfish esehusion and aloofness."
We would suggestlust the editor-iu•
chief might one hie. influence in con-
verting his own paper to his views on
this question. During the critical
period of the diacuseion of the Jap-
anese ienmigratinn question The
Globe was certainly not an influence
for the /ululation and application of
the brotherly opirit,
l'be construction and maintenance
of goal roads is 1 subject worthy of
,all the attent' that is toeing be-
stowed Kenn it: but it is to be re-
gretted that it greater shtre of r•onsid-
eietiun is no4 given to our winter
mettle Winter is a long season in
this try. and it would Ile it loom
of InC111Ctllable ta111P to have the evade.
in fairly gond lition throughout
the seem, in place of the stale of
Necked.* that Nouo'1i111411 exists for
w'eeka at a Cur'. IL should not Ile
impossible to deviser And rally out
elute scheme for the improvement of
present conditions on our highways
(Irving the winter tcrut.
\V bile it ,s no doubt true tient Many
good wlrtueu w(Kl(1 like to have the
fratichiee. a greet enemy,. and proh-
aldy the large majority, 'reefer inlet
the men continue to Manage the af-
fair. of the state. So we have found
in direussing the question with wo-
men, and a Sheffield, Eng.. pewee
piper which tins taken ia plebiscite of
the women of Sheffield on the WIMP
tionhas discovered a very large ma-
jority against women s suffrage.
Thele is 00 very logical reason why
women should not vote if they want
to, but SO long as the mnjority of
thele do not desire the franchise* the
elfotts of the women's suffragists are
in vain. _ The London London Free Pr44w stye.:
"Iluron l,ibetals, in their ,1044111 id
peal, passed resolutions of runfldenre
in a dopes el nlin's!cr, but thus Gtr Air
Wilfrid !Antler ham not /Peru fit In 114'
establish him in the Government."
This is presumably an attempt to Ire
facet' 1, st the espen.eof the Liberals
of West Hum% but it Is Larkin. bot{)
In wit and in serum. The LIlWrals of
1't• est Huron did not mimesis confidence
in "it deposed minister"- -In fact the
resolution to which The Free Prase
alludes was not so much en expression
of confidence in anybody -that was
Unuetesaary-as at , was a prote.t
&gait et the dirty tactics of cowardly
organs like The Free Passe in blender-
ing public men. The Liberals ut \fest
Huron bevy nothing W be ashamed of
iu having lifted their voices against
the campaign of wbnlesrle slander.
A favorite method of courting popu-
larity. touch in vogue among email -
fry politicians, he to Juni') on the rail.
way cowpauiel. The latest fool pro-
posal. iutlooduced in the house of
Commons ley A Cheehw• member. is
that the Iwilwaye be hail) under a
penalty of 113 a minute for loll pas-
senger trains behind t except
whew physical impossibility au h•
pnj4,4x1. The railw*vs are probably
Juntas anxious l,4 have,a heir Uw(uh
ramping on time as is the Sl. 1'. from.
Quebec, and they would doubtless
reward him generaesly if he would
devise some schema for the ayuidenc4•
of delays h' this. that and the other
rause. \Chat a picnic 1helr would be
for the lawyers in the litigation that
would result frena disputes 1as to
whether late elites were due 10
preventable causes 4)c 11,41 ! ,
The l'euuulau trade returns for
January show a deers•:tet• 411 fulp erle
and an increase of export... rhir 44.111
gladden -,the {People who Iwlieve that
large eaprle spell prmp•rily :end
large impotts the reverie. ; nod yet
they would likely be puzzled it asked
to point out nay sulwtantinl evidence
that Last month wets an unusually
prosperous one i11 Carvell'. I'ussihly
on reflection they might sue that
imports decreaeel Ilctetuse the people
could riot purchase tool freely as they
had been doing. As a matter of fact
the "balance of triele" figures are
about as poor an index of relative
prosperity ,as coiled well lie imagined.
it is only the Iwr•tlrn with the protec-
tionist twist in his mental apparatus
that tales any stock in the theory
that we t beer el "f vortble bal-
ance of tr:ule" if we are to exist,
v' t
lite Globe veils 41lteutioli to the
failure of parents in many tattles to
umlaut• up te the height of their
res poneibilities in the matte r 114 the
education of their cLildrrn. •'In this
country eleineul:u•y educetiuu i' tree
and is acs Il to he ohligntory : as a
matter of foci. a considerable propor-
tion of children will never make more
than . meets. of attending Ne•heol rel
all, and iti the case of many others the
parents can always be counted uu to
withdraw their children for the most
trilling rause•. Then. is needed a
stronger sense of the duty of the,
parent in the premise*. and unless
public education is to become more
and re ineffective, so far as the
great majority of child, en are con -
cermet. some ')yeamietlic effort will
hale. 10 be wade to create among
parents a mon'. general interest in the
education of their children."
The'1111us of Victoria, 11. ('., prob-
ably voices the holier tense of British
Col 1.ia when it says :
"Thr Leerier Government. has
adopted the btatehenanlike course in
he clatter of Japanese iIIIrnieratiot.
te course has been endorsed by the
press of Great Britain and of the
United States. and by the stateetrnan
of Great Britain. 11. would have Iwen
a0 easy thing, A simple tiling. and a
temporarily wonder thing within ea
prole ively 1)141.1ow circle. t*) have
detemneel the 1teat y with .tape0, and
to have adopted et Natal met. But
such n policy would hate been onies-
tioiable in its effect, :and it might
have lame lr abut nlischietuos coin-
;Meat1•:ve1y reahinab1e-plind.d
men will agree (bat the scope course
has been taken. If the restrictions
imposed by .Japan ere not satisfactory.
the way will still be open (.or action,
But the general belief is that the
policy of the Japanese se (.))vernment
will he Natisfactory, *11d it is '► firm
conviction in the minds of Conserv-
atives that it will ice /satisfactory
which is et the root of the unreason-
able agitation noted."
The Montreal Star (C,niervel.ivel
characterizes the criticisms of the
French treaty by i)ppositiou ulemI,eIN
as -pin-pricking," and. cella for a
"ntata•atuenlike review of the whole
instrument" inste,ul of the trifling
objection,. dictated by sectional in'
tenets. It says :
"Th.vpneslion before the Bonne is
not whether the treaty should Ire
amended, but whether t hl Id Ice
accepted er rejected. The \linisters
sat down ih Paris to, strike a bargain
And nee to draw up a st*trumnt of the
number of concessions they would like
France lo give us. It is to be pre-
sumed that they struck the 1a -et 1•ar-
gain they could. No one imaginer
that any ('nnadinn ',Minister think• so
much of n foreign country that he
would gratify it at the expellee of cur-
tailing the petaled kudos 11e alight
gain for himself by getting a better
treaty for 1'emm.uL,. 11,41(110141 t are
seldom so mew -aisle as Lina. pint, the
Minister. hating made the beet
her -
gain they can. it is noww for Parlia-
n It-ment
to way 'yet' .t • 1 • 1 ,
y o n o to 1 hr p netelinn
of its we..•pran(e. That it would bre
erase le. paoint. )1ut Relies which might
be improved ('0111(1 have leen taken
for grented before the treaty was p.m -
Hashed ,t all. Either side can usually
improve a I tent )• if I hey are given 14
free hand. Hut this snort of criticism
does not lead yen far, unless It is to
wind rep wit* et pr)preal !Mt the
treaty Ile rejected altogether."
Toronto had ea visit the other day
from *teal, live eine rchiat Ihefamous,
some might say (bo notorious, ' m
Goldman. Anarchy In popidarly as-
sociated with bomb -throwing, assass-
ination and general red eyed devilry
hat some of theme who saw and heard
the slightly-Inrilt, fair•conplea' 'd.
mild looking lilllc w•uwau in To ruuiLo
last weak rnsy have had to revise' their
preconceived notions. The anatehlsL
(using the terra to describe the philos-
opher not the man of v potent deedsi is
one who believes that anarchy (the
absence of human government) is the
Ideal state of society ; and he hlttrr11a-
ea his belief with arguments that ere
not easily controverted. A em blem-
('40*4'yquotes pertinently an extract
front one of Eme renes essays :
" We live l0 a very low state of the
world, mud 'sty uuwilliug tribute to
governuawut. founded un (etre, There
j is uot, ens ug the nowt eeligiten and
instructed roam of the most religious
and civil 11aliuns, a reliance un the
el stentimeut. and a.Umu1ent belief
in the unity of things. to persuade
thew that society can Ice mualnlafned
will t artifices! reetrainls, as well as
Ibis wrier spate,' ; or that the private
citizen might lee ream II and etgouat
'wieldier. without the hint of yl jail,. or
a (l1UII$4lati
The River -
why hnrrv, tette river.
4a'1ey hurry to the .eu !
'there 1. 1101 1111111 there to do
not to .ink into the blur
-Ami all ;all fulaouen be
Tbn14 i+ nothing on 11,,1 share
not the tide. fore% cr more.
And rhe hole and:tar oaf boo
\\ hew the w111/1. aero.,' I 1,4' brut'
1'n1V set, ct er ruse
And never dud a hue)•.
Wt. hue), little sit a r.
1141) 1110 uwunlaf0. wed 1,.'4444.141.
W111211/ 17110 4: luerul elm. 44(4' ping
.cod the quiet rattle trvrl 1
The levity( shadow. is. d,
Tho e.1. p and 'Artful pool.
•.111.1 ct cry trebntr .t14:)u
WIMP. it., Awn ..%sea woallaod dream
of the might- woods that ah0p
Where 11w six11. of earth are de•p,
,.411.1 the .ilent ..lie. lu)l down
es, the ctrl etre muuntatn. Gvw-u.
Ili, 11444(414, butt' rite,,
Your twuk, are all w fair.
k u•h nwr,du4; 0 a hymn A( pts'..
Each evening is a prayer.
All.1d)' the .nn).c.uns gll+L;r
(h1 your 114.411011), anal )'our 110 .
And at nicht the dear Uel .due you
'lith the music of the star..
-Fivdrricl Ueorge Scutt.
A Bad Sign.
It is doubtful whether ('.11ve is
really a gueat singer : she prunnuneed
11e1' words so 11,411•.
Smash It.
Ter..;, Teieerani.
Amillid t is the one process of
Seraate reformIh41, can conpmend It•
tell 1.,, the good retie* of till, afflicted
couuu v.
Profawty under the Han.
11.111.14011 Tun.•
1:ngdovres of the 1'. 1'. 11. have
le.•ie instructed to ironic drum 4144(01
profane Luy(114ge and ,also to are that
p1.s4'llgers Jo out use smell language.
I;usl tor Ilse 1'. 1', It, .
Potattes from Pare,.
Lo„dou A4 ..,.-, ,.
Our 1 il/p..ition luenilrr ('h - that
Caoada *ill be deing.',I with French
ve; etablrs unfit•. 111e 1'u.•r.ch treaty.
Th" treat v inn.* 1s• ;all rig:,l w hen its
critics 41llva,4ee sorb puerile argu-
Jumped at Conclusions.
Tor lulu lilul N•.
Nihon says he followed, Io) far
rue trtnlwr lir.uta %vele concerto.(, the
my -rem in vogue with his pi edeeeial l•+,
Awl the 1'uns.'r%ative nee stripers iw-
wrdiately 111,11 I.. the eonclusiou that
it was bad. Not complimentary to
the (*.mho, Atli e leader•§ 14 lLb•'I•
An Eye to the Futu:e.
\lam n,0 Herald
The fn. t 11111 1111(4 toe about 111
to 111 .I (p:.nes(. and ( hieese in the
schools of \'a mem ver. with an eve or
the future (7 clad travel' n: in
the Orient., may he gratefully se.
liesip ted as a sign that not all Vanruu-
re. Ors have 171st their heads to the
yrauw peril.
A Chalnpion of Municipal Rights.
\\ .sol-+�N•.:•lent lust -Rot dew.
The executi•:; of the I -uion of Catta-
df:.n.lnni.ipaliti,•' apparently knew
what they mete doing when they
(p,walesl to the lion. Mr. Graham,
11i(1istet. of 1(ait:var., ler,ts.ia.anr4 its
•ernri11g 1111 •ndenent t,4 the Itail-
wNy Art making it ahy„Intely clear
that no railway operated by elee-
tri•:ity should have the right to run on
the highway of ,any tt(It nicipel icy lea va
by the consent of (het monieipelity.
51r (ir,aham. We are told, expressed
full hvmtpathy with the request and
promised to being in au amend went
on the lines indicated. In the On•
ta, i, Legislature, and particularly as
leader of the Oppoaitior in Ontario,
Mr. Graham acquired a Mina/4(101i as
a ,'hampion 11f nnlpicipel rights and
es(wcially of the rights of mnuirip,ali•
tie. 01) 1•)1410.4)1 their 11%n highway*
apparently his policy in this respect
has not, changed with his change of
Germany Next.
Toronto Star.
The new French treaty is an object.
lessen its the extent to which Dade
may be promoted by the re 'al of
tariff restriction•. Under the agree-
ment recently entered into between
Candle and France reductions are
InAde in the duties 1111 certain French
co,umodities entering Caenula, and in
return there ore like concessions in
favor of specifleJ lines of Canadian
pr xlucts euterilg the French market,
One of the more important con,essimin
obtained by Can,ulet is in the material
lowering of the duty on agricultural
implement's expir•tell • from thin
country 10 F'r,mce, Heretofore, while
the h'rench duty w•an the sane on iul-
plenlenth imported from the United
States as 11) the case of Cannd,a• the
bulk of the ba,i11Pba of supplying
France with imported 111411 emellts
wass' u
n 1 he hands )1f t11e United States.
Now that Canada hes 1Pc11rel A re-
duction in Which the United States
dors not stilus', it is announced that
ell the implements put Op by the in-
ternational Harvet,er 'frust for ex-
port, to France will be meek in Canada
instead of Illinois, and Ihat, the result
will he t1) a(id two million dollars e
year to the valuta of the output of the
c patty's plant i/) the city of Hamil-
tonThe remelts pr)Inised under the
arrangement recently entered into
with h'rence should encourage the
(love 'ul to enter 44(900 044golfa-
tinns with (Germany with a view to
extending 11,14141 ill that direction also.
1►r, Chepp, M.. 1'. 1'.. presented a
petition in the l*gisleture from the
darner•ne of ifr•ant tow,iship paying
that legislation may be passed pnohib-
iting automobiles from running on
country roads. The !petition ie said to
have (leen eight feet in length.
It is reported from Ottawa that
Hon, (1. H. kmmereon, formerly Min-
ister of it41ilwa)•. and Camels, w111
likely be appointed a member of the
Dominion railway cumula.ion when
the* hill for the Weer/gum in the mem-
bership of that board is paused.
7'he IdheQwlm of Centre ilruce had to
postpone their noninaUng convention
on account of the tlortny weather and
had toad., and now they aro iuclinsd
to wait until they ilud out whether
there will be Ceutre Bruce ridingor
not after the expected redistribution.
It 11 reported that W. It. Mac-
donald, Reeve of Ifuroon townsblp,
may enWr tbe •'field as au le-
depeadeut. Iie is a popular youoss
fernier, well versed in munici-
pal mildest and a sou of Jubu S. )I.c•
duoaid, formerly Patron iuswlwr fur
the relit: g.
Mansfield R.fermat.ry May Servs as
Pattern to Ontari..
One of the important matters whieh
is to come before the Ontario Legir-
laturs at the next 10140101) is that of
prison reform and prison labor re-
form. Last session a committee, com-
prising the following members:.. B.
Downey (chairman). George Pattin-
son. J. R. Dargavel and Finlay G.
Macdiarmid, was gppointesd to inquire
into the queened", and their report
will bet presented shortly after the ses-
sion )pane. Among other place.' visit•
ed by this committee in the search
for information was the Mansfield
Reformatory in Ohio, and it is thought
that this penal institution will serve
as something of a pattern for Ontario
it haa already been announced that
in all probability a prison farm will
be established, and the contract sys-
tem of prison Labor abolished. Both
these things have been done at Mans-
field. but there the length of imprison.
ment depends entirely' upon the be-
havior of the prisoner himself- Every
sentence imposed ie • general one
with no fixed limit or duration. With
this goes • parole system, though this
doe. not take effect until the pr(a-
oner has served one year. At Mans-
field a system of marks is in vogue,
which are awarded for personal de-
meanor, diligence in labor or study
and the results attained. If a man's
record is good for one year employ-
ment is secured for him and he is re-
stored to full citizenship. in ten
rears at Mansfield 2,150 men have
been turned out, and it is said that
at least three quarters of this number
have been restored to society. The
net coat per capita is about Shy/ a
The prisgtter. are employed in
erecting Igew prison buildings. in mak-
ing shoes for themselves and Other
pnsonere, and in the manufsetur4 of
brooms, harness and tinware to a lim-
ited extent. The men are allowed a
portion ed their earnings up to 9n per
rent. In connection with the prison
is • farm of 250 scree• from which
there was it net profit of 510.000 in
1906. Men were put to work all over
thee farm without immediate truants.
and out of 100 men employed in this
way in 1906 only five attempted to
escape. It is claimed that such free
dem tends to develop self-rretraint
and character.
Canada's Future.
r)r. W. 1. Dawson, evangelist. who
has spent !nine years in the United
State's. and has also visited ('anada,
in a letter to The Christian World of
London. En land, tells the people of
the old land that there is not even
a whisper of political union with the
American republic in the Dominion
Among ether things he said of Can-
ada: "Her sons belteve in her. Among
all the young men f have met from
England, no one wishes to go hack
It is the land of opportunity- and they
know •it. Here there is abundant
work for all who are not too fastidious
-high stages and the certainty of
success for ability ami indnstry. The
immense resources of Canada are only
just beginning to be understood
What is wantedd--eo everyone sage- -
for her development. is capital. But
her chief want is men. Kipling's re -
mut invitation to England to pour
in English emigrants, touches the
heart of the problem. It is the sous
of Great Britain who are most needed,
men of sturdy strength and high Aar
meter. and for such Canada offers a
warns welesens."
Tr.l.on /mem Ilyl -"Tela, 1 met Miss
Gi1n,a1 in Sete, 11141, andshe asked lee
for rut portent." Nelson l,wldlyI--
"Yes. I beard her say elle was collect-
ing pictures of all the curious objects
that she Came arrow iu that country."
of wide ctp.riener-. timid .rholar.hip
anduntiring energy, employed ��by_ us,
have built 0114 curriculum unsurpassed
in Canada for thoroalghue..,.y.tem and
.Icluai bourses. procedure.
Tmau.r (,seen -Telegraphy, 8ton-
ngrapby, and ('ounuerelal.
Enter any time. Indlvklnel In,true.
tion. Urwduate asd.+tad to positions.
No vacation.
Mall Course. 1n Lrn4uages, 1lo.rk-
keeping, Shorthand, Penni.m.hlp, ear.
Send a postal for inform 44tun about.
Ceaada'.Oresteet grain sl fllgM-grade
0.ul..a. Colleges
UEO. SL'OTTON,:I'rincip(I.
Winter Term in all departments of
the Centmeltu 4ness College. Toron-
to, offers splendid chances for.lmad-
Ing a few months pleasantly and
profitably. Twenty -fit -e teacher..
Catalogue free. Write ford.
W. H. SHAW, Principal,
E. R. SHAW, Secretary.
cos.() r. and (IEItitARD eta., Toronto.
••••••••••••• NN•Nt►N1
fret, the uterita or
11 1• the nrn.t eiio'essfnl budnr
lotio ug.rhoa' in Wrdern lnttarlo.
Our Commercial. Shorthand and
Telegraphic ilepartment. an, lu the
"lens 01 chi. Ind reeler. 4f super.
Mom. All our course. ate 1holmish.
ep teedate 94 pr'4 eel. We have
become one of the passel hese)...
training mho in (ha Praline.
Girt mar free catalogue ane learn
what we are doing. ('omleerolal
Nehsels as well old h..ineem men ear
ploy oar gradnetwa A udents are
entering web wawa. INTER NOW.
Th Ladies -Wear
are all the nutud Urulupt1111 Blake,
which fur all-round aatialactiou are
unequalled. Modula to suit all
figures :always its stuck.
l'er lair, • OC. to it2.30,
Does Your Husband Look Seedy? 1
1 __
Put him inside one of our $1.25 or it.5o Negligee
Shuts, collar him with a "High Turn Dowa." tae hum
with a stylish Four -in hand, and crown 'aim with
93.50 King Hat. Then he'll look like a hover again. •
The Right Place for Men's Clothing and Furnishings.
Cold Cures are Many !
Solite of thew very Ilrlcer'tain, but oar- kl\1' th.*t hum II
ht.sed the test of time and proved entimry and 411.1E1'ro4 4: its
Kimura. every case is
(Put up its ..lac !loxes.,
If any cough accuwpaniee the cold. try a '.N tied. of ...ur
Central Drug Store
All the Newest Designs in
including the swell Tan and Brown shades
Hats We have all the latest
shades and shapes
Touches the Heart ; Men and Wollf,en of Ontario
Sad Story of a Mother of Four
Children laid low with
t Consumption
What are Canadians doing to
Combat this Disease?
We are shocked at the tragedies that
the newspapers record almost daily.
through railway accidents, explosions,
falling buildings, and other causes.
Each incident roust surely draw upon
our sympathies.
But sad and lamentable a1 these ere,
the results are insignifieant compared
witle the loss of life and prolonged
suffering that comes to thousands in
the Dominion stricken with that dread
disease Consumption.
3,000 die annually in the province of
Ontario from this disease; probably
double that number, taking the Dum-
iuion throughout.
We have on our desk a little booklet,
issued by the National Sanitarium
Association, by whom was established
in 1902 the Mwakoka 1''ree Hospital for
Consumptives. in there pages are
published a few of the lettere that '0,'.
being constantly received f appli-
cants seeking adnlisnion to thin Mus-
koka home for (ton ptiven.
Let un refer W one /imply (0 empha-
size the purpose of this article.
The story is of a residentin the
village of !mean-amother. The
ftiered writing
on her
shelf Nays that
• few months ago thin person. as alas.
Carroll, buried her husband from Con.
s;mpption. Ho wan an oil matt. Ile
peddlt'd oil around the country in Ids
waggon. There are four small ehildren.
Now the mother has been taken ill end
her physician < ieggnnones the clue c4)11.
gumption -the infection d(nbtless ob.
tained in nursing the lends •d.
The Muskoka Free If spita. for (`on.
aumptives are being asked to admit
this patient.
It is a pleasure for the management
of this inntitest Ion to be able to any 1 hat
at no time nine*• the dlsa•. Were nrtelud
--over five yearn ago -hes a single rep.
plirant lo44eu refosp(1 ndllli+ab,rr I$'ea111W
of hen or her inability In per.
This means a heavy ntraftr financially
on the Trustees, who year in and year
out have gone on with Ih.' urea, mak-
ing further extension. ,.n.1 placing
their hope in the gree) wilt and genet,
unity of the Caned inn pnhlir.
WA do not knew a •e deserting
charity in Canada. The eons.nndive
in found everywhere, and we gladly
append to thin Article the saiggestion
of the hnnklet, that our trader, help as
far 4111 they can to melntain just such
patients, as the poor Mother of lateen.
Onntrlhutions we learn may he sent
to tlir Win. 1R. Meredith. Kt., \'ice-
I'reaident a Hall, Toonnto
W. 1. Oaggs, Req., AI Rpadina Ave.
'trN, nbert.ol,See.-Treag. Nsttens!
4ani,ttneiRAssociation, NT King
Street W., Tnrmtn, (hot.
is for.
The Great Provit cial Charity, Tim
Hospital for Sick Chilirea,
Calls a You For Aid.
'Remember that this Hospital is set a
local imatt lnon, but Provincial.
It cans for every
sick child in the
Province of Ont
are; whose parents
cannot afford to
pay for treatment
Rosy dollars are
better than idle
tears. The sym-
pathy that. Weeps
1+ good, but the
114p/tat has to have
,he 'vmpathythat
Last yen. Ihero worn 1093 patients ad
witted. of those Sin came from 254 plares
outside of Toronto-ali were children of
poor people whn could not Afford to pay for
trent men. "r c.,•i• I.',!..
Each child was in the hospital die days
et r colt of
51.31 each
per dry, nr
962. •.S fur
the l7ldas
t you r
dollar could
the feat ni
a little bot 1111.al,x
or girl with club feet, vnu would gladly
``are N, and your dollar will do that.
Tl4.r. were 79 creme of elnh feet treated
" I Lien 441Crl7wxa'
alvoaa. a17114
last year. Ont of the 79, sheet S0 were
from the country.
If you keow of say child in your oesaty
who is .ink or her chili foot, and whose
'artists can not afford to
pay, send tie name to tb.
Hoap. col Secretary.
TM stock books ars
erns Won't you i.s
tee Ha/phal write your
same down for a few
in Heaven's owe
r k .f healing 11111.
ekildree f
A great anise of Morey
--the Aistag pock that
always pays dividend. -
be besghl with the money
that help The Hsspital
fee SiePCkildren to ex•
lease the Gold .1 Life
from 111e Quart! of
Pisan send e.atrib,tione M 1. Ram
B.baMnn, Chairmen, nr en Dangles 11,1444.
55., isa 'T..... of the Haspteal far Slab
tea• St.est, Tana
117111 gas