HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-27, Page 1THE SIGNAL has a handsome( calendar for each subscriber paying .n advance (or The Signal for 1908. Call and get on e SIXTY-FIRST IMAM -Ma full 9: GODEEtIOH, ON PAIUO+" CANADA : FEBRUARY '27, 1908 11, TAKE A LOOK at The Signal's halt of dubbing oferb on page 6 of this week s issue, and selett your teatime matter Ior 1908. We tan sup• ply all the leading publications at a saving to our subscribers. I(A.NATTER t ROBERTSON. PualimMtas • Financial A SAFE 4 PER CENT. INVESTMENT BY OPENING AN ACCOUNT WITH THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY you will experience that{ happy feeling which coulee to thaw who knew that their possessioue are safe, as a savings account with this cumpauy it Just as secure as an investment in Govern- ment Bonds and yisltls • higher rate of income. FOUR per cent. interest, paid on deposits and money can be withdrawn at any time. - Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square. W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. Notice• \?OTICE TO iNVEMTORS.--THF; 1 executors of the rotate of the late t:eorge Aehewn have decided to otter the whole aceta fur .ala. The property cooet.le of teal e.11te. debenture.. bond., and .took.. Parties. wlobing to Invent 40 moor the above properties can get full particulare on applied lien to the exe.:utors. Mar. EMMA S. Aunt airs. Executrix. J. P. BtawN 1 Kxecutora WrwawAcnie's Gudetich. Deo 5th, 1907. Public Notioe' APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. Notice ie herebyiven that an tiepUcataon ..111 be male by the North Mi4laud Beltway mutant. to the Legislative Assembly of the prof uutario at the neat emoting .e...on thereof for au act amending the Art of Ineet- '<oratior, of the applicants and extending the line for the rommeoement ad completive cl certain par:. of the railway of the applicant. set ort in the .old Act as heretofore, .,weeded. T. H, LeSCoMBE. Solicitor for Applicants. at Landon. Ont.. fhb. Inch day of Janis .,n. A.D. IWC 714.4 APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT, entice a herebyg1 ren that the Oatario Weal shore Elootrb Railway ('ampany w111 apply to 'b. Ire* .I*Ilre Aeombty of the Provoke of (Hom , at It. neat Pe..ton for an Act • , Toernpo*er the Comtany to ret,nd ite r,opsstd lino of railway from w point at or near (iron.' herd In the townub,p of Stephen, n the county of Huron. through the township of (..borne iu the ...kJ sootily, thence In • •o„hewarrlyy direction through the township .4 Blan.h*rl. 10 the CO101 yof Penh. end N,e ,onto*hu, of Hlddulph, in the county of Middle .re . thence southerly and westerly through hetown*hip of 51eet Nieaouri W the comity .4 \Ilddleae.. or Loudon toon*bip, in raid unary. in and to the city of I.o0dou nn sand • cavity:With power to ron.lrucl a branch line from • pant Iu the towOdd p of t'.boroe. 10 I he, ounty of Huron or the township of 11taa, .hanf. ,n the , malty of I'erth. through the /Aid tnwu01up of )Uau.•hard. 111 au' comely .hn rt la, to • point at or near the town of M. Lion*, In the .ounty of Penh. and theme in u, easterly direction through the Iuwnehin of e40. In the Man(• of Penh. to the city of 'oration', to Ib.- •ai ' &aunty). and M. to, ad •,-,'',gh the toweled Gnicerdiur. u, I IK . ounty To extend the tuna: hl the pat 10001 of .,. r.0 per cent. of the amount of the orlon./ ark of the said nen any for one year from 'he Ilth day of May. Ilia and to extend the , mit (or the completion of the railway of Use epphi*nt company until the day of 1912. .%).pros ing and coi1rmuIg bylaw number r' of the :awn of Uuderirh. in the county of Iluron, re-pecting certain aid to the applicant company hy • guaranteeing the bond. of the .aid company t., the extent in the whole of the -nun of 1130.11(1. and the agreement or bylaw made between the Bald town and railway company, dated the dal of 1141*5 %h.•reby the railway company O. viten the right to bulld end neuron: Its nulway as certain streeto of the enid town. 1. Approving and coum trn,`` bylaw number 43.T• of the toe', of Kincardine, 1n the county of Bruce. re.peetillg curtain aid to the appll'xr.t rnmpeer by guaranteeing the bold. of the and ...meet.. It the extent in the whole Of the awn d 7At,nn. and the agreement or bylaw made Ise( worm the said town and railway 1wmp,ny. 4,14.dlh,• day of . 1108. when. Iry the company le'go en the light to build and u4aratc us Iwo way int certain streets of the ,.old low n. Appros mg and cam (Irnn•1g bylaw number x M the township Of Asheeld. In the county of Hume. respecting certain aid to the applicant company by guarwnt:eind the bond. of the -PIM a„mppaan7 to the extent In the whole of the son of 1196,111141. and the agreement or bylaw ,wade between the said township and the railway totmpsany, dated the day of , IIa4, whereby the economy is glee', the right to build and olens:co 'feline on 41.114,,, of the highway., of the cold low,, -hip. 9 Approving nut confirming bylaw number 371 of 1110 township of Huron. In the county of Wove, respecting certain aid to the applicant "umpany by guaranteeing the bond. of the -.nut rnmpmny to the extent in the whole of the -wn of 7:.U1111, and the asnement or bylaw 1,4*de between the said tow ash U, and the tailwey run,pany dated the tiny of . 1910, whereby the cum4anyy Is given the tight to build and operate Ile railw,y on err- 1.110 cr1.110 of the hlgbwayn of the paid townahlp. 7. Approving and continuing bylaw or 'igreemenit of the tnwn.hlp of Colborne, In the county M Huron, dated wbrreby the company 1. 05150 the right to build and operate Ile railway on certain of the highways of the raid townahlp. 1' For such other rights, puwen and author- ities uthoritfes as may be incidental to the shove. loafed the. lit h day M January. IeM. THE ONTARI' w'i•:ST r4H0RK kLF,C TRIC RAILWAY t'OMPANY, t:AMKiI,ON R KILi.ORAV, 79-41 . Their Solicitor,. P TIiB STERLINL BANK OF CANADA ifxan Olytca TolroNtu A,.Titomusgb canna), • 1/1,000.000 1 NCUItPORATkli lit *SPECIAL Al' T OF DOMINION PARLfAMENT To RE(: RI V Ie DEPOSITS To accommodate the Fanners we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIILi \Vo solicit the i'atronagn of the FARMER. SALK NOTKH IolMC'OU\TED, SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT (petted by deposit of ELM Interest at 3% compouud- ed quarterly. i /DUMB BRANCH A. (I. GAMBLE. Manager. a► • GODERICH MARKETS. Tarauoav Feb. 27t Fall wheat. per bush, new Ili M to 1 in 14 ring wheat. per bush. new..,, 11 M to to Itye. per bu..h 0 4.5 to 13 Buckwheat, per buns 0 1U to e0 Gats. per bush., news. 010 to it Pena, por bush 0 7.5 to 78 Barley, per bash 00) to (00 Scr enings, per lot, - 18 0b to 111 00 Flour, family, par eat Y 85 to 2 83 Flour, patent. per cwt 9 :3 to 9 25 itran, per ton ............ 21 00 to 21 00 Shorts. per ton a m to to 00 Hay. new. per ton . le 01 to 1 80 wood, per cord 5 m to 00 Hotter, per Ib o •,.. to 25 I 'here. e. Eggs. fresh, ( per dos h til to fit Potatoes, new n Yo to S I attle. ordl n'y to goal. pee cert. 3 M to ne e tittle, export, per eel... a Jt to 75 Hoge lit e wplght, per tort Styr to 00 Isunbegeese,1(' to Un 1 per cwt :t M to On Flim, per Ib n to to IS (taro,., per lb 0 13 to 011 Lard, per Ib * IS to 13 Tallow, per lb 04 to -. 0 0.5 Hide., per cwt 300 to .3 SO Sher Skins .55 10 • le Chic eon In to 10 Turkeys . .. .... .... 12t° 14 11IY4kle narketa On page 5.4 Seal Estate for .sale. [►ROPERT\- FOH SALE. HOUSE. `` barn and three lots. Nos. 1$7, filo Ill. also bouaehold furniture for sale. To be ..old pr,rately. or by auction early le April. I'rop arty at the foot of Mc Ronald street, east side exhibition grounds. For further particular • ppl7 0i the premiere. t DE81ItABLE FARM FOR SALE. .t .--1Yest half tut 7, 3th conce+aon. .50f. Mld, known as the Mc Emote farm, two mile.. from Dungannon. one ball mile from wheel. It i. well Mutated and ha. a pleasant ,tow pn erren good land for general farming. ell cleared. no waste land. all seeded down. 1e in a good state of .uhasatlon. le free from bad weed.. There are trim orchard.: ane of thee. ho. shout 1"n trees net beginning to bear. They are p0neroally all winter .pp4... Gerd lank tarn 40x)3•, with good .tabling and coat eat floors. dn.l allot !1x11_. with large loft above, which will store about fifteen tons of hay ; henhouse 13x24. '.tad frame house. 04x1,. with lase .umun•r kitchen .ted ,rood .het attached, stone cellar. roll sir, of hoeu.N.,, w 1111 cement floor. Huiee ,. being remodelled wit), metal'..'eethng,. vied many cher oro.emwna *Mot. aid:trwer(y to itm warmth. appearance and cones...ncw. Artesian well and windmill. which supplies water to hon., nod limn. l hese ie a gals .nand teak rod water trough at larn,7wldrh will hold 'noodle water to water a large stork fora number of demi. There is also a ...,'hlllrra wee en tier lack end of the farm. Tbie is a good laoaae fur someone. For further particulars apply to 51.31. ANDLR.SO'.. Dungannon. Q -R, DWELLING FOlt SALE. -COM - 4 ,rtabW house for sale, conrenlent to (.pian. Bathroom. etc For 'articular. apply to U►:URUF; BEAN, Ilruoe etnlet. L"OR NALI' AT ONCE. -THE GEN 12 ERAL stem and p.to*ce bushman at Carlow. Large -frame store and residence of eight monis. Near C. 1'. H. nation and con- rcnle0t to church... and Khoo!. Reply to 71RS. JONES, (:arklw 1'. 0.. elf 0OD HOUSE FOR SALE Oit TO II rent. --Comfortable house to rant. Midlom onvenient to Sgann tt•throom. etc, 1'0,114 .ell to responsible party who rould make moderate cash payment with balance in monthly Instalments. For particulars apply at THIS OFFICE. FARM FOR SALE. -BEING LOT U. mnrswlon 12. W. D. I •olborne. menu taint Macre, all cleared. There Is a good. romfori- able Mono dwelltog bowie with eviler ander oath, i good frame barmiest repaired and en larged, wlt.l, A Dement foundation. floors and all .t*ble4.etf. Then, is a largo young orchard of ehoiee bearing fruit tree., well watered by A spring creek and two At elle. Fence,. and every- thing verything in good repein For term. end Iipp.rticu- lar. apply to MIut. KId.KN or JAM, Mo WHIN. N KY or by mall to Nile Pont °Mee. 7112m DARN FOR SALE. --PART ()F i block U. lake rad mixt. Colborne town• ton mile, from Goderich. 1501 acre.. good Clay lath. brick home. tarn 71 x 47. with cement .tabling. arie.tan well, water In build Inge and mring creek. 2 acres standing tlmb:t and young orchard. Apply to ('. ('. Mc NEIL, Dunlop 1'. 0. 114-tt YOUNG k ROBERTSON, REAL Rotate Agent*.O(detlrh, Ont. -Farm and town properties bought sold .,,d exchanged, LiOit SALE. --A LARGE, COM - 11! F'ORTAHLI brick house overlooking the harbor l all modern movemieneeo. Including hot water heating. Apply to YOUNG a ROB. ERT8ON, Uoderich, plOR HALE. -20 A('itEM EXCEL- LENT land for market garden, with good ulldings and fences; two mile* from (%de - rich ; five *ono In orchard of apples, poem. plume, cheerio.. peaches, unfree and num barrios. Price and terns favorable. Apply to YOUNU & ROBERTSON, Ooderich. FOIL SALE. - 14 STORY 11018E on Anglesna street, 1i story house on Napier street, y .tory house on Elgin ave. nue. 1 story house on Victoria mtrc0). Two wt ery brit k house on F:.+es street neer the Mkt, : nine ro ems, all modern ronvenienres. Flt. Dsvld''. street ; nine nem.. all modern con r'Menem. Ferns for sale 1n any part of Huron canny. YOUNG & R()BEtTIOON, Ooderlch, Ont. AN EXCELLENT FARM F O R P ALK. -200 acres )n Woe \V*w.neah. two mile. from Auburn ; wd1 0 day loam, wheat 140 acre. under culttvtlon and At to le acne thither. A well and two .rings of tester. a new Irame dwelling a barn, sable and delving shed. Apply w OUNU R ROBERT. SON, Oodorleb. 'volt RALE: OR TO RENT. -- A Are fleet 311n -acre farm in West Wawa nosh. conceeeloo 5, lot 27, with 17., "wreath a god elate of cultivation. well fenced, well watered good enchantlarge hank barn. good home. in•'o10ofIle*. blacknmlth shop and more . rturner of farm. ('anvenlentto shod and church, ;y m)lea front4', P. It. station at Auburn. Terms easy. W. A. HAItRlSON, Leek now, tell. HOt'NE FOR SALE. - A NiNE roomed fr.me dwelling, having • Real .11u.tion. nn //Mr/ •tree(. MOWN/ fnnndallon and summer kitchens ga.f et.ble. Will he soM reasonably. Yoe further ppeerticalerw apply to MRS. 15M. McCAUGHAN, ll iar•Iw ave.. Toronto. - 74.1 FARM FOR SALK --"$ CHOICE farm for aide. adapted for relied farming nr palter, en sores cleared, 10 arms good o •nh- w ed. 13 aero good t {mbar. Weil a genii Mack clay lam. Good frame boom. frame barn and stables. good drlvinn1g shed. irl. 33 and 34, eon on 1, (foM dOh townahlp. Apr to 1'1{011 IYN) (T, 14A VS a HI'LAiR or to AS. J. WALLIif ('untau. 2344 .v.,-r..a .a.Y. 1 LOCAL TOPICS. Trains Cut OR Two trains have been cit 044 the service on theta. A. G. Railway, the one due to arrive at 1.2:311 p. nm, and the one leaving at 4:50 p. til. The channel went into effect Monday, so that now there are only the morning train out and the night t.tain in met the (i. \ (i. Assizes Next Week. The jury sittings of the High Court for this county open next Tuesday be- fore Honorable Mr, Justice Mabee. Among the caws entered are two actious against M. A. Pigott J: Co. One of these is brought by Mr. Fiwber, who was hurt in the accident in which Fred Williams was so badly injured, by the overturuing of an engine and dump -car used in the construction of the Guelph k O(Mlerich Railway. The damages asked aro $horn. The other is the action of B. Bissett for damages NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Boarding L'N OR LADIES, OR LADY AL) i' gentleman, two elle.. wean treat rooms with board or lady roomer* near the G. T. R. station. Apply at THE (ZONAL 0soe. 142 -ani Business Chance DUSINES8 CHANCE. -- HARD- ') WARE..tores. furolwre, etc., on Hama - too street, nand stand. low tent. a snap to the right party if told at once. Stork sheet mar seen with full particu..as. Apply to GEUIWK BECK ETT. ror Sale 1)U LL FOR SALE. -A FINE PURE.- ") BREi) ehoethorn buil, eighteen menthe old. dark red color, from first -els, to ,0tered stock. Term. to .alt parcheser. ROBE15T M,ALLiITF-R. at. Augustine. ./ 71 BOAT P014 SALE:. - GASOLINE I.uneb.25 ft long with 1 h p. engine, in Bret.claw rendition fa rale rhea'. Speed' miles per Mur. W111 carry ten p4*'n oger* semfort.ble. Addrer Box hot. Goderich. _ l ( G(N)D CHANCE. -- MRS. P1lID- :1 HAM hes vacated her room. over Dun- lop. drug .ton. Thin le the chance of • life- time to .erose for two of congenial companion ship olee, eomfertahle qoarten. with erery- t hint necessary to start housekeeping. Furn• lohlegs will he sold at a bargain to clear oat at once. Apply to F. J. PRIDHAM. T MER FOR SALE.-11EMI.00K, 11UBelm and maple lumber for rale from stock. or an be cot to order. F'or further particular. apply to ROBERT ELLIOTT. Uoderich. tt General Meeting. `'UT!CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT si a general wrotlmg of the shareholder of toe Ontario Wert Shoreutie Railway (w,m- p.any will he held at the nof Meows. Cam semi et Killoran, barr..tner. eV'.a Uodcrich, l Interim on the nisi day of March. 41*14. at We hour of twelre noon, for the purpon of clotting director. of the ooneany and for the pnrpo.e of giving authority to the di/nett/TIP of the cornryny to n»ene Dodd., debenture. or °the, seeuritee to the extent of 713.01 per mile oA Magic track of the railway and eaten.ion and branches,. and to reaun• the mane by mortgage deed, pnrenant to the statute in that Behalf, and for the puree.. of transacting such other businos. as may property to transacted at the said meeting. 11xe mid meeting via en far SA It le to deal with the tome of betide, debenture* or 'securities of this company to be a special in=of the rotundity. Uated this 1111.11 day 01 February. PONT .Ltd. )Iy order of the PROVISIONAL DIRECTOR41 Auction Sales C• LEARING AUCTION BALE `' or FARM ST0S'li, IMPLEMENTS AND Pt. RE BRED ItY)G1*TIRED SHORTHORN CATTLE. \\"m. A. ( hleholm will sell by public auction at Ica to, row -mem 9. W. D. Colborne 41-2 wile earl of lwsbernt. on MONDAY. MARCH 9TH. comnuneing at 1 o'clock : one heavy -draft Clyde mare. ie foal: 1 heat y-dre ft filly, riming one year old: 1 good hee(y dotter, six years old; I he ry.drringht gelding, rising three years old: I mw. due to calve May 1/4th, etc yew-. old ; I row, due to alas Ino of April, live years old ; 1 farrow now, five years old ; 1 farrow row. Palen years old :2 teem. Meng two year. old: 1 heifer, rising three yearn old : 1 spring calf, riming oils year old ; 1 pig. four months ofd ; ai good Inti. eater ewes; 3 good young oxford awe.: ),ay -loader. good ea new; I nIdedelivcry rake, gond as new; 1 din. harrow; 1 lumber wagon T lop buggy, good m* new; l good open buggy 1 Portland cutter : 1 set light bob -sleighs ; eixirot Daring binder and sheaf -cagier: 1 Font It wood mower; 1 lay rake : I Fleury ploys : 1 grindstone; 1 *et plat form wales : 1 new bay rack : 1 wheelbarrow : I gravel box ; 1 pig rack ; 1 ant double harness and collars ; 1 .et .Ingle banter., robber -mounted ; 1 Ladder, twenty -raven feet long: t shun ladder; vie hen.; 3 whitey hen.: 1 Daley rl,,,ni : 1 Wood looking *cove: 1 wool heating stove. u.wd very little ; 1 kitchen table ; 1 new 0110ns10,, table; I buffalo robe: forks. +hovels, whittle tram, neckyokee and other artiviea lm limner ons to mention. Also at the mime time and plate wilt Ie sold the following pure-bred stock, owned by Janne.. Chisholm : Daniel a dark roan bull, valved October lath, 1104,, aloe, Fancy . Y'ncoHlc, -_,5C@' ; dam, ioahurn Ledy. One hull airs eight mouths old, mired by Fanny s Favorite : dam. Elvis 1'iCtor,a• 725111, hy Royal Mariner. -155)3 Leaman Lawdo 12",43, man now, calved May Inch, 1104. Mired 1, Lord o the Grange 4,013m 1da, 1 slr. ._14.77#. Due to calve September 1st. Elle Victoria 72.,10 . red. calved September eh. 1001. elm, Ftny..l Morino -3)4'4 dr!th. Klam, ebs 11378 . Due to aM hs arch Ett►of Dunlop ;".•M. tmon nn heifer calved Feb. roar 20d, 1903, .ad n by Aaron Bac dam, eh elide \'letorla 7:.510. by Royal Mariner __ l30Bi _, hoe to matt February 2.5411. Alberta of Dunlop - 72519 , sire. imp. Veter- e, aer- 11, --y0114S.- 0011101: dam, F,I.), - _14.378 Ute to calve Meech 2.5th. Thl. ie a gond thick roan heifer, valved 1'cbranry (rah, 19e4. Victoria's Favorite 7711), n dark Soon heifer, ...dyed April :ah, 101, sire, Fancy m Y'arorfto ; dam. Kl.ie Victoria, All the thorr'nghbr d heifers and rows have been price -winners at the fairs, aro in good breeding condition. and we consider then, ., well bred a lot ae ewe, be found an the collet ry. Tie term* for the above wilt b. 11.,' v,m, ♦s terms for Wm. A Ch1*holm's male. TYPO... -A1) none of !lo aid under. "PIPIT; over that *movie?, eight months reedit will In glren 011 tytrnlshing apprornd joint notes. .5 rdlrouut al the rate of ., per rent. *llowed for rub on credit amount, There will he no reserve, An Mr. ( hi.hofe, ha+mold the farm. In caws of neigh weather the sale will he held undercover, I'lenly of gond ervmnunw4e.• thin provided for bones. WM. A. tt.HTSHOl.M. T. Gt'NMt\'. rroprietor. 5 ucUnneer. START ANY TiME. Get yJo0ur training in the 'wheel that I. qualt1W to give you (Ile beet that. r..n he h.d. The British Anorican hnotn.w. (College. Y M. C. A. Building, Toronto. Write Mr eatel0gne. I' uwitig to feeceo tiring left down. Ait- other action is that of George Greve against the Pamela Mail Order Co., a concern in which alts Green iv vested but which failed .tart bueinese. Hockey Ou tiatuvday afternoon an Ottertail. Mg hockey match was played between two teams of'girle front the Collegiate Institute, The {wore was 44 to 11. 40. Saturday. evening as match was played between a Goderich township tenor And the Goderich bakers, at the opeteair rink. The score at full time was Udl, but in an late* leu minutes' play the Goderich Luwnnhip Leant got, out goal. Macdonald- Gannett A quiet mudding took place yester- day morning. at 11 o'clock, at, the home of Mrs. F. A. McLennan, Nelson street, her eldest daughter. Mts. IAar- IaraCannell, being united to 1). A. Macdonald, of Athtield. Rev. Jas. A. Anderson. pastor of Knox church. perforated the ceremony, eu1y a few immediate twla(ive's )xeiug present. Mr. and Mrs. alau,doneld left for a trip of as few days and on their return will bake up residence on the gloom's ftn•u, wt Lochalsh. Fellows -Farr. A quiet wedding took place at '31. Peters church at .. o'clock ou Tuew dal, morning, when Sergeant-Major William Fellows, eon of our towns. man Joseph Fellows, and Miss Mary. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jetties Farr, Britannia roast, became hus- band sod wife. NPV. Father McRae conducting the ceremony. The bride was attend ed by her sister. Mies i izzie, end the groom by his brother, Jo*eph. Mr. And Mrs. fellows left on the B a.w, traiu ft t• their future loom in Toronto. Libel Suit Threatened. The London Free Press of Mnuday had the following ; "Jame% Dwyer, of Richmond street. Saturday in- etructed hie solicitor, W. R. Mere- dith, to institute proceedings against The Goderieh Star because of a state- o.eut published in their issue of this week. Ile mention's $.,)eel •t the amoma. 111r. Dwyer states that he holds aue uptiuu of a patent of John 1'. Conway is, who reeidcs iu (4odc. rich. He low the patent papers in his ponsosaiuu, and Ito claims that, the newspep•r stated that he was wrung - fully bolding them." A Sudden Death. The death of William l). 'I'ichborne. of the :oh concession of Goderich township, on Sunday, was it vet y-snd- den one. He was .t man that was never sick, but some urunLits ago be became subject to heart double. Ile wan found dead in lett on Monday morning and must have pawed awnv during the night from heart failure. He was a native of Goderich township and wan living on the old homestead. was n' -o a years o t He a Ixt n at f age, and Y Y 13 . had been worried about twenty• one yea's. 1le leaves beanies olds widow, who is a daughter of French: Hillock, a fitfully of seven children. Mts. Nicholson. of (iaxlerich township Mrs. Win. McCaughan. formerly of Goderich. now of Toronto : Mrs. Sullivan, of Manitoba, :and-iliumxs and Harry Tichlw.rne, of town. ate misters and brothern of the deceased. Bcese v. Pigott. The action of B-'eot v. Pigott et' al. was tried on Monday and Tuesday o! this week by His Honor Judge Doyle. W. Proudloot, K. C-, for plaintiff. F.. L. Dickinson, K. C., for defendants M. A. l'igott it Co. J. J. Drew, of Guelph, for third party, the Guelph et Goderich Railway Co. The netinu wad for damages to plaintiffs mill at Blyth and contents owing to water in the river rising un account of partial blocking up Gf the river, las alleged, iu conue.•tion with the construct' of the Guelph It Goderich Rail- way. The evidence in the case between the printery parties was all l: by (i o'clock on Tuesday, when en adjournment was made until next Monday for argument. His Hionor de- ciding to dispose of the case between the plaintiff and thedefendent Pigott before taking evidence as to liability of the railway rompaoy to the e011 - tractor. G. T. R. Officials' Visit. G. T. It. Superintendent 1'. E. Gil- len and Resident Engineer Cousins. of Toronto, were in town on Tuesday. coining up in the private ear St. I.awreilee on Monday night and- leav- ing Tuesday afternoon at 2:51;. One of the matters which brought thea) here was the situation at the herbs, the town council having emended the hylaws giving the G. T. it. the privi- lege of running their tracks to the water's edge by limiting the privilege to the distance the tritely; are xlrendy Iaid, in older to have a free hand in dealing with loth C. 1'. It. and G. 1'. R. as tr any further extensions. In view of the building of the Grand Trunk Pacific and the probable plac- ing of is line of boats un the Great Lakes by the Grand Trunk, the com- pany does not look with favor on what it regards am a curtailment of its privileges at the harbor. Probably the council will 1a• rndimunicatctl with. Public Library. The members present at the regultr monthly meeting of the public library hoard Taut Saturday night were Mews. Tiger( end Plunkett, lir. Strang and Mayor Thompson. A let- ter Wan real from Mr. Kereighan re- signing the poshtkrn of treaeorer to which he was recently reappointed, after a faithful service of severe' yearn. The resignation was regret- fully accepted, Dr. Strang agreeing to art. as treasurer until an appoint- ment is made. Tho following ac- counts were paneled : indiitl,rinl Can- ada, $1: Clinton News•Recor(1 for 1448, $1 : 0. F. '('ar't'e,-renewal 'of in- surance on books end furnishings for the next three years, $12. Th*• librarian'a report, for twittery showed i11(1 books and nutgar.ines tweed, 14,1 of fiction ani1 i:h1 other elasses, and re- ceipts of A11,:11, The matter of getting out a eupplPtuent to the catalogue of Iwoke wan left with the took commit- tee. W. C, T. U. Notes. The W. C. T. U, held their reefer. tire meeting on Monday, F*hrury 24th. Fourteen members were pres- ent., end the president wan in ,the chair. The Bible tension was taken by Mrw. Hazen, who gave a very in• terming lenient from different parts of the Bible, anawetiog the vscuscs we are so prone to mola when asked to engage In any good work that te r) - ulres, ninny self-denial on our pail. The whittles of East meeting were read and approved, also the; Ureas• titer':, reyelrt. It wars moved and Iv (aided that ' president he sent as :( delegate to the,uuv'eutiou to be held in Toronto uu Wednesday MIA'l'hui"e dos' of this week. The Wm:saUone' half-hour was taken up it1 a hearty diecussiou on the franchise fur women in our tuwu, with the r'e'sult that ,it any decided that many more voters of righLeould be placed uti the list :and thus give us their influence at our *text tolls. --Coy. Get Ready for bummer. A letter from E. 11. • ltydr, of the \Vhite Star Line. Detroit. regarding the annual June trip to Detroit, ie like the first robin, a harbinger of spring. Mr. Ayer intimates that this ypear the Greyhound trip will give .l:rsleeieh people it Sunday in Detroit. The boat will leave Detroit for Gude:Sett on Fri- day, June Itkh, and will take the Goderich exciind 1It In Detroit, the net day, Saturday, returning u. Gude. rich on 'Monday. The fate for the round Gip will le $_. 1t has hitherto Levu a $1 trip, but the msnagefuent feel Found to dirlcontinue this ex- tremely low rate. Special trains will be run over the (7,'1'. 1(. and C. P. It. from Stratford and Guelph. On the evening of Friday, the 1111,11, the metal moonlight trip will be given under the auspices mf the Goderich Musical Society, and -lir. Ayer, after consulta- tion with the meteorological office, promises real ualuulight for the occasion. A Clever Elocutionist. The town of Maple ('reek. San- katchcwau, follows Goderich in two of its prominens textures. IL has it Signal which weekly throwit ice light over the community, nod it has just recently estahli,he.l :m huepital tot the relief of suffering humanity. Thu formal opening 4.1 the horpital took place on the .,th of this month, and was quite it pt p {lar affair, The Made ('reek Signal cu i 1 ides its re- port of the pin reeding+ in the (Ante- ing terns, and the reference to !Rites 1) tvis011, delight t'duitr fornrertowns- titan A. H. Day's 111, will remind Goth. - rich re eters of successful elocutionary elTorts by this young lady in our town before her removal to the \fest :, '•lu the evening the beet entertain- ment that Maple Creek .has ever wit• nessed was presented to the Teeple of Maplellret•k. \hiss Davison and Mise Ethel Uixnu were encottd again and again. hi the reading til :Sally Anne',, Experience Diss 1►aavism) proved that she was an elocutionist of no mean ability. We hope the \\'oumiatl . Hospital Aid will sett their way clear to give tis a repetition.` Emes - McDonald. The marl iage n{ Joseph Emes, of Brantford, to Miss Mary McDonald. daughter of .John McDonald of t wuitwokdu•v at St. Peter's r hl s•h nn Al Lep morning at 11 ti ('lock. The bride wore her travelling suit of fawn cloth with en ittvieible (brown cheek, with brown chenili., Logue to rematch, and her sister, Miss Annie. who was bridesmaid, were a navy blue Eton suit with white hat. groomsman Wal. J. J. McDonald, of Hmafttfurd, brother of the bride. 1s the bridal party etitetvrl 1 he church the wedding march was played by Miss Griffin, and at the altar the bride was given avev by her father and Rev. bather McRae oflieiated. Miss Jessie McDonald wit. 1 from lerndon for her sisters marriage and ?Tisa Flor- ence McDonald, the bride's youngest sister. sang at the church service. Mr. and 51re. Emes left en the rnorn- ing train for a :)rip to Toronto and other eastern )M.ints, before taking tilt their resident' in Brantford. 1'he beide was the reeipieut of many pres- ents, showing the esteem in.which .he is held by her many friends To the bridesmaid the groont's gift was a gold bracelet. Married on the Stage. The church wedding and lbs hue+e Wedding are well-recognized forme of the popular custom of getting( mar- ried; but a wedding on the stage. at first thought. strikes nnc ill ferhaapv a trifle out of plater. However.' w!cn the marriage is between persons who make the stage their hotue six nights out of the seven the case ie perhaps different. AL MI evenly the stage at the Opera 1louse in G(wlei'i,h was the scene of a matrimonial alliance on Tuesday night that was none of Lhe make-believe affairs one expects to sec on the stage. The 'event Woks placebefore the performance til the evening. and when the curtain was Ht•at rung up two of the cmurp1Ony stolid before the iaslor of Kttnx rhurch ready to plight their troth. Tbc team] 51/lenuIities were duly ob• .tarred and Arthur' Hulwet Greene and Elizabeth Mary Hemingway were declared Iliad and wife by Rev. .1. A. Anderson, who performed the tete• nm(ny. At the emnr•lu,,ion• the other mem bent of the• commits. adv(Ince(1 to offer pone' atulgli and the cerrtein fell as tits happy bride warn receiving their kisses. "All the world loves :a lover," and perhaps this was net the least appreciated palet of the evening. program. The Y. M. C. A. in Uoderich. The (io dct•ich branch of the County Y. M. C. A. which is being organized in iluron ie proving setae an nctive end healthy organization. \1'eekly meet- ings have leen held. usually on Men- de), evenings. at the Collegiate 1notit- lite, the regular meetinga no far rennin - ting of a heir -hour. Bible study, fol. Iowed frequently by physical exercise or a gator of Iwanket.-hall in the gym- nasium. last week's nmeeting was held on Thursday evening and was Rome - whet of a special natio.... Arehihald ('ellen.. of London, county work sec- retary, wait prolene and hes genial per• sonality added h to the interest of the evening. The executive work, which has hitherto been diweharged by the e,eentive committee. hes now been apportioned among several separ- ate c mittem., and the modal commits tee on Thursday night provided an interetling frantic in the way of refreshments consisting of cake, coffee and sandwiches. Over the coffee cupe the member,, diotiwied the signing of a petition to the Legislature asking for the repeal of the three-flfthe theme in the Act with reference to Ince! option. Opinions were freely express- ed both fnr'and against the three-fifths clan.*' and when the vote was taken is wan very close, but as there mesa email Majority 1 1 fvur of the n'egenl of the clause the petit was .igued and duly lurwar!*wl. The president of the club, Dr. Hayden, who fur the past six weeks had been unable 0, attend the meetings owing to being engage(' at the military school, was again with the boys and hs rtappx•arance was warmly applauded. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. I or photograph'. esu, Is 11. It Se Ulla has a 00liftecIllal repuLllion Doe't let ante het wee& go by without editing for that photo you prouneml your friend. lung Attu. Ib It now, Fenny -work eupplie- in great vmerle el . Wilmer Smith, East .tree ea , Tide to head .ops rterycuatl y. w tar therood• : el.., for.11 good. of All kinds. Pictures and p)aturemouliling. • ep Another weak tourer +p,ine and the time when you will 1*. mrudt,g lhwt unw suit of 0*0,10 t Call',0*' and 0..a the ula'ganl Kuud. w Melt P,idham, the Tailor I.'+ In stock tot Your 'rletUem. Next Wednesday i, Ash \Vednet day. Laster this year toads on April 111th, * An interestinglettertrout \Vallee C. Goode is published un mit-fifth page this week. The people of Crewe, Ashfield town- ship, are waking au effort to secure it daily wail service. '1' ow night is leap -year night at the rink, and Manager' Craigia an- nounces a grand carnival for a week front tomorrow might, \\'e hive received a copy of the prise list of the Huron county spring stock show to be held at Clinton on April 2nd. It will b• published next wreck, R.R. Sallows,has en intereetingseries of photograph,. in his window showing Craigie Bros. ice harvest from the start with the plow to the storiug of the material in the 0 • house. The sheriff's, sale of N. M. Cantin's and Josephine Cantin's .property et St. Joseph, advertised for Tuesday last. did not result in tiny transfer, an Oleic were no put chasers. The hoard of Alexandra General and Marine Hospital met on Monday aft* -noon and re-elected the old officers, as follows: I'resulent, Judge Holt : vice• president, sludge Doyle : beeretary, H. E. Hrxigens : treasurer, C. A. Nairn. Andrew Porter wits called away from town by the death of his lints, \1r.. Myatt, of Brampton. which oc- cuuod at Guelph hospital inn Satur- day last, Cancer was the aux' of death. \1.74. li 'aft had been •uarrietl I four (h., Joseph H. Mused., proprietor of the Morgan House. Kin.•arline, has wade applicat' for the transfer of the license of that hostelry to John .1. Kelly, of (i,alerich. Mr. Kelly 0. ex- pected to Lake ftos.t•ssiot ou or about th.• second day of March. hi the report of the annual meet- ing of the Daughters of the Empire in Iasi week's Signal the name 04 Hector Hays should have been given instead of le C. itays as one of the gentlemen who were given route of thanks for assistance in the 1). to P..'. recent 'en- tertainment. The 1)',ts' Engine Works Co. has received a contract (tum the ihpmin- ioll Government fur a maxitle engine, boiler and outfit for 41 steamer fur Lake %Vinnipeg. This makes the third contract the Company baas loaf ttthe Dominion GUV0rtltllellt dur- ing the past year. The regular monthly meeting of the tauds•rieh ht•anch of the \Vowen's Institute will lie held at the I of 31.•s. Entine E,tw'atd, Britannia road, en Thursday,Mereh •ith, at :3oclock. The pt•ogruu is taring prepared by 31r e U. Iteid, \Its. (leek, Mrs ..I. ,f, Edward and Mrs. W. T. . We are pleased to notice that dlios alargaret flue Jamieson, of Kintail, is the winner el a prize given by the I'etrie Mtg. Co.. of Hatyilton, in a letter -writing e petition conducted by that companyMiss .laamieson'» prize was It handsome penknife. We congratulate her on her sweetie. The gospel temperance meeting next Sunday will be addressed either by Hee, lien. N. Hazen, pastor of Nen; h street Methodist behnreh, ur J. H. McComb•, evangelist It is ex- pected that u report of the delibera- tions of the recent temperance con- vention held at Toronto will be given on the following Sunday. The sale of horses by Auctioneer Thames Gundry tie the Colborne hotel on Saturday afternoon attracted a large number of farmers and others interested in horse -fleets. On account of the storm some draught horses that were to he wild did not nrrIre. Twelve animals were di.pose.I of at prices that ranged rather low. 'l'he Francis Greene C pane played at the 4)porta House On -Mon- day, Tuesday sued \Vednesday -nights to fair houses. 'rhe a111)011ncewent w'as nmade ou Ttlesdey night that the eolopany would return to • Goderich for an entertainment oti the evening of jelly 13th to assist in the Orange celebration.' '111e eotupany (provides a gond evenings amusement. Readers of The Signal who hove enjoyed the special article» whirl) Mr. .1. .1. 'Wright ha... writ len for this paper (tone time to time will regret to learn that our genial and t•rrsatile tnwntmal9 has been bevil,g a severe wrestle with an attack of bronchitis, which has left hint very weak. Mr. 'Wright will havlhput in tIvre*'•,nartr•rn of a (Priory on this old erart4* on the 2e1lh of Marsh next, end h.• feels that he G not et1 young as he used to be. although in (-privet-Ration with him the ether evening the writer found hien bright and alert and hull of interesting rerninineence about the old days in Goderich, 'We hope to see hit) almnt soon with a glomi mcasuhe of his old- time vigor, ANNOUNCEMENTS.• (:ORF FnH SALK.--Car of American feed cora for sale. Other groins taken in exchange. Call at the warchOtlw'. a1, .1, cotteF.R, Hamilton street. •,1, Strehler, piano tuner for lleint.• Inas, and others, hen arrived in town. Orders left with F. J. Holland, drug- gist, Jordon's stork, will receive prompt attention. Telephone le, Remeinher the ehreddr(d wheat b*nqq'let in the Oddfsllows' Hall on \Vetineedey March 4th, tinder the auspice, of the Indies) of the Baptist church. The menu will he the prime as previously announced. Banquet at 14.31) p. m. A good ?musical and lit• urary prtglrent will be Octal, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Feb. 27th --- Paaa tical Way l uloid.( 1;c,•uoiva. --1 . 1 . 1,J n, (1. T. 14. Iterates Fe le lowresce..'. i When Von Get a blood Thiry( Koep It --1'• h. Hut:anti , • Property for Sado Near exhibition Urueade. 1 `:print; Impern.tlons-J. 11. Colborne 1 1)a•s Your Htainted look Surely f 11-allor ( Ihldhau . J 1 100 Hundnl' fords of %V ud \Vantod-t,1'or• xn. Hardware and Stoic Store. ... 1 Hull fu, Sole Ih,bt. McAllister. St. A*telka' Inv . 1 Plumbing. Heating and Metal Work -How- ell Hatdwato l'u ... .i Spring Belting*, -Frank 11. Martin •' Reduced Priem.. Feuelog--(•sex C. Les 5 Piaui Tuning A stn•hler.....,, 1 * 717.1.5 to British Columbia A'. 1'. It' .. 8 Clearing Auction Sale --Wm. A Chisholm. Dunlop P. o, .. ,. TO UNSEAT MAYOR THOMPSON. Proceedings Being Taken to Upset His Election. Notice of motion was today served on Hobert Thompson in "quo war- ranto" proceedings which are being taken to upeot hie election to the posi- tion of Mayor. Dr. Macklin, as will be remembered. woe declared elected by the return ingofficer and the subsequent recount before the county judge re- sulted in the declaration that Mr. Thompson was elected. The grounds. As stated in the notice of motion, on which it is asked to have it declared Nett Ur. :Macklin wa1 elected are as folluwe : "Firot, that the slid Robert Thomp- eon was nut duly or legally elected or returned at the said election in this that at the said electiou a majority of the V0tee cast :at the said election was cast in favor of the said Alfred Hope Macklin, and he was accordingly de- clared elected. that on the day of polling or between that day end the . $Lb day of January Inst when a recount was held that sown permolr or persons obtained access to the ballot oxes containing the ballots cast at said election. which ballot Minot were negligently kept by the clerk in his office, to which various persons had keys, unseilel find with the key attaches1 to the NUM, and up)0110(1 said boxes, broke open the sealed parcels containing the whew Italica* and the rejected and spoiled ballots and se marked, crossed, changed and other- wise altered thee' is to affect the result of the cote 80 taken Oil the dill day of January ,and wake it appear that a wajority of votes had been cast for the said Itolwrt Thompson itpetead of for the said relator. "That the said Robert Thompson is (nether disqualified from holding the office of Mayor in that at the date of ouch election ht• wee interested ink one or more contracts with the *aid town of Goderich, contrary to sec. of the Revim'd Municipal Act of 18)13. "Further, that at the said election ere 0t• more of ihr returuiug offtcer'n snoght to influence, intimidate and otherwise unlawfully obtain the votes of electors whit were unable t0 mark their ballots themselves, to cast their votes in favor of the defendant and actually did induce one tn. more votes to be so cast." The evidence to Ise produced, as stated in the notice of motion, are the aflldeyits of Hobert Tait and G. F. Blair and the exhibits therein referred to, the recognizance of A. H. Macklin and hie sureties, end tae depleilions of J. W. 4'r0igle, \Vol. Craigie, Frank Bingham, nervy \Nelson, M. 0. John- ston, E. C. ilelcher, Joseph Brophey, John Sends, Con. Murphy, Mrs. Alex. Kirkbride and the poll clerk and ecrt- Lineers, at polling subdivision Nu. 1. AUCTION SALES. Pmiat, February -- Auctien sale of farm .tack rind Implements, at lot 4, eouceseion 2 Wee: 11 aw.neeb consumer-- 10g et 1 o'clock .harp• DAVID Mr•GMATr1M ANn AL.ra. Dragktn, proprietors. Twee. Ur stair, euctiuneer. FH11Av. Meech nth. clearing auction nate of grit-rlru. farm .took, Implements, etc, We p,rty of M-1..•od Hca.. Huron road, OodMoh -township. one mile from NoIme.Vllle elation. The Cann ban been add and everything will be sold. Taos. Gcwnnl, anclloueer. 7'c4.+piv. Meech lath. -Auction sale of term (e•k rind implem entc. property of Jana Mahnffy, r •eseion 2, tlatdey. Everything W be dispo.od of, ns farm has been sold. Trow*. O r s PH.-, a at• 1 tel lee1, Fnm.v. March tell.- ('tearing action elle of fau•un tock and implement+, belonging In Janie+ Itutbby, la 2. concession 1, iVeet We- wanonh. Tno'A. Orman, auctioneer. MoNDA.. Meech 9th. Auction sale M ern els.fern...tock and Implement-. Including one of the Mol Ilook• of shoepp in the county, the property of w'tlliem ('hi*holtn, eo,cessloa e, olborne. The form is sold ed there will h, no reserve. Tuosi on Ge0DHI, auctioneer. TIp,nnt. March 171h. -Auction sale of t' hmarydratt and rnedst.r horses and mlti and I* load of cattle, property of A. M. Poltof et hl. farm 2 mile. from Goderich. Ties, (A's mi r, auctioneer. \1'r;nkcenir, 31t rch {511,.-.Aurtluu mole or farm '.t.41 and ilio lenient., property of Jees- Snyder, half mile from II.•nmlller. There will be nothing meert.'d. Its farm has been sold. T. GI:emit . auelloner,-. Other people have their weak .pot. and perhaps you may have a small one. Alien Klereh 'Sonne Authorities be- lieve that. the )n•acttce of singing w111 keep a person from getting conewmp- tinu." Mr. Knox -'Yes, batt sheaf authorities believe in 'the greatest gond to the greatest number.' " Wee Jimmy Green via,, on his way !mine from the titbit' when he hearl w than with a larrole *beet. "ice cream. - "What div ye sell r" sitid Jimmy. "Ic(- ereenl," said the men, "Olt," retorted ,Ii,ui.y. "We all know ye scream, loot what div ye sell BORN. SOW ERRY.-in (Inderlch township. on Pehre ary 11th, to Mr. and 0,w. William Sowerbs_. a dangh'er. MARRIED. MITA:NE. H1MIN115'. A9' --fn the Vietoria Open. Ilona, on Tnedoy. F ebrlery nth. br Rev. Jule, A. Anderson. 11. A., .1rtha: ItnlwrL Greene, late of IYPtermantabure. South Africa. to Elizabeth Maly Hem • Ingwav, Istc of Portland. Mater, SteIk,N.1L11 ('ANNRLIs -Al the boon, of the bride+ m'ehc r. (Andel. -mt, re, Wed ne.dwy, tel.rnwry e1.1 h, b) (1... ga. A Anderent. H..1., [Mont.! M, Iso„on, o1 A.ht1eM Inwnsl'i V. lo 14th tar„ a Armen, II 'I0lttel of tot Ise" Finlay 31, I en,uln. DIED. 1lC'RRnRNIt.- In (l derl.•h (ownokiy , n,, hon- esty, Febru*ry 23rd. William I) Tlchborne, aged Al year.. WHITTRN.- in London. nn Ireboinry 11th, J.ma Whitten, formerly of IM*A.kl aged M /ears. ('OUSINS. -In Gn,lerlrh. en Tneeley. P.hvu sr/ 21h, Mary Hrek, helm nl wife of Thanas ('o,01,., aged 87 year-. , month+ and .5I des s. The Marva w1111.kc Mae* comm, tie(• remit. 1 rrsldence. Rorer o)nc t, no F mini. 8,hn.o v "IA, al 'J ,.duck 4. s1., to t,tlh me cem(atn y, .r