HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-20, Page 7THE SIGNAL.: GOJ)E1t1CH, ON'T'ARIO
'Tuu14a0uv, February 20, 1008
SW444'4* 4044"41<s *+• 44 sic iv *914sti't49*** ► 4*+4* ig ctiI7 44419+4P l
The4. News of the District.
1=4444 *45 45441 + *44444 454s+4"454645444644 464445 44 '4 A4 -X 4544 45 4%.4'10it'-
'1 nest AY, Feb. Ihlh.
Relit. Fitzgerald haft di.purrtl of his
farm here to Johu Cook.
Mrs. Jet. W'ebeter, of Luckuow, is
the trued of MIx. Thos. Blake.
John alalluugh, of Uoderich, wise a
guild, at the home of Mrs. W. Blake
on Sunday.
AIr(1, Johurton and Mies Ilex •1 lett
'I'I1l'II UA Y, Feb. 13th.
Mien Mabel Bailie is away as a dele-
gate to the Simon h 1ataguu conven-
tion bei,i held tell Thursdey and Fri-
day of the' week at Seaford'. She is
to give an address on Junior League
GUINIe Tu Tul; Cot'NTY TOWN. -
Henry Burney has diepp000eacyd1 f bis
lost Wednesday on a trip to viet rein- o
f u m and it uupving foto dodrtirthis
lived in Stretford. week. We are very sorry to ere him
Ilarald Mellough, of (adere h, re-
turned to hie house last week after
spending a couple of wweke at the
house of Mess. W. Blake.
Touei'.ty, Fish. Pith.
heel Mclionald it working et•T. A.
JlcKeilh'n for Nome time.
'I'. A. McKellh ham started his wurk
ay:tereeeor. Ile will have bad toads
to 1-avel uvea'.
The grip gave Rel. Cartrplell 1
family a very dieagreuable diet. but
go. as he has been at faithful member
of the Methtxlist church here, being
a chase leader arid N . ntetuber of the
quarterly hutted nod for a mintier of
years leader of the choir. 171e good
wisher of the r 'ty accompany
him and hie wife in their new home.
i't•M;rtiAY, Feb. IOLI1.
The aunutl convention of Nile
Sabbath School Aesociatiorn takes
place on Friday urea.
A them Lt c-rrlte.-There was +a
gaud attendance at the lecture and
entertainment given in Nile cbun•h
last evening. Rev. J. C. JReld, pastor,
of the church, gave hie addteee on
all are anet again. "The Power of the Tongue," and
Thr shad attendance war very nnule a most interest Jug presentatiJn
much larger fur the past week. as the of the subject in his own able and
original mariner. The audience wean
delighted, tou, with the ringing of
Hrv. V. 1;. Millson, of Kingsville,'
who gave eeveril numbers. The Nile
',naivetes also contributed some et•
crlleul *elections
w r atber weir milder.
Mrs. Donald McLeen has returned
to her pulmo In Lucknow after spend -
mg a few week,' at A. McLeate..•
Mims Nellie Gilmore has resuunrd
her Ind ' g at Chatham htwpital
after ependiug a mouth here with her
\Veresicstetes Feb. 19th.
11'e regret to hear that Mr) Dough•
city, sr.. le seriously ill at present.
The Misses
kin, eater
\1'edneed ey
leu Su
,lructit e
attie and Aggle !faw-
ned a few friend's on
veiling iaet.
y lust Rev. J. l'. Reid
very intereetiug and in-
aertunll leu •'Mi.eiulaa iii
and on Monday '-'ening at
Nile he gave hie excellent lecture. on
"Thu 'ower of the. Tongue," which
wast ueb enjoyed by alt whir heard
itT THEIN LITTLE. GINi.. -A large
lel utter from here ',n Tut•eday ate
tided the fuuetal of the infant and
ucb beloved daughter of Mr. and
F'.UTHFL'1. \V,ortt lttltas,Ntzi o. --
On Wednesday evening of last week a
union tweetingef the Woman's Mis-I
sionary Society auxiliaries of Dun -
minium, Carlow and Nile wits held in
the church herr, about two hundred
iersnnN being present_ Sire. Chas.
(ifrvih, preride*t of the Nile auxil-
iary. presided, and an exorllent muni -
cal and literary program was given by
the visiting auxiliaries. A feature of .
the evening w.ta the presentation lo'
Hobert Mel Iwain of se liandswse fur
overcoat and v Persian lamb cap• in
recognition of hie invaluable servicer
for Many years in connection with
Nile church and Sablsatb school. For
eighteen years Mr. Mcllwein has been
secretary treasurer of the Sabbath
school, anti for many years he has
Igen a steward in the cburch. The
presentation tt•ae mute by John
hollow, while the following addrwes'
Mr.. AGordon.n. of Port Albert, was real by \Vflliatt Bailie :
The mud heartfelt svntpal by of this To Mr Hobert]Icllwufu :
community is extender{ to the ruriesw. D,.iw itiuru IRR - We, the members
ins eel dives and !riendr in their •►ndradhere'nlr of Nile Sabbath seined.
affliction. In such occasions. we are have met tonight for the purpose of
lenundedyf Longhair et words .
01. not 1s. creslty. Riot In wrath
The Kenpsr caps Real day.
1 wa. fie said ,bated lbs earth.
.te1 tad* taus flower away
(. REWE-
MuNUAY, Feb. 1711i.
p n• 1 Metjlynn lett Isere on Fraley
last to work in Detroit.
Andrew Culbert has gone on a buri-
ns -1w trip to Lucknow today.
Your correspondent is informed
that Crewe would be a good place for
1 bar her shop.
\lees. Tins. Culbert, fir.. it siek at
presort. We are all hoping to hear
••1 her improvement shortly.
\\'e rue pleased to we rim pastor,
Nev. W. A. Smith, able to resume his
+a ie- her: after hie recent illnees.
All. and apes. Sherwood were vid-
1 1. Al t1).• 1(5(11,4• of Air. and Mrs. Nat.
!eremites, of Mafekiiig, 01 Sunday.
11'111 fierce and his beet girl were
s +.tors let the h of Mr. and Mrs.
.Ia.. Saunders. of MNfeking, un !fun•.
he \li•v* Maud fierce and Mary
.Lure Shaekleton were the guest. rt
Mr-. lienkoillti Nckaherry bast Toes-
\Irr. Refill Finnigan's, mother, Mrs.
Plunkett. is 'seriously ill with pneu-
iirocia. We hope to hear of her re-
envrry 10011. ,
Sr•nt t'. DEATH. - The call of death
sane eauldenly on Thurwlay lest to
Timmer Medley. whir was engaged by
.;{tors. Henry to help with the chores.
\fSer partaking of dinner on that rimy
he sat down inn reeking chair end to
out hiss -pipe at weird to prepare tar as
smoke, :end expired in a few 'nitrites.
lleart lr,uile ie supposed to be the
ermine. Deceased was *son of the Lite
Nicholas Medley. of Lucknow. Hie
relttives from iwscknow removed his
r'rnntins for build in Kinloss ceme-
Trs:tn.ty. February lath.
alts. MamieJoynt is visiting friends
in Ilene/ill.
Mrs. Ted Elliott, of Winghan., is
the guest of Miss Millie Murchison.
llarnld DJewton left today to take a
position in McKendrick'a drug store,
Miaow Ikeda and Etta Thompson
have ;clowned after spending two
weeks in Palmerston.
Mine Mary. Anderson has been ap-
pointed organist for the LItcknow
Methodist cburch, dullest to com-
mence next Sunday.
The !best meeting of the Ministerial
Association of f.nrkuow district. was
well attended, and Rev. Alex. Miller
pave an excellent addremia which was
followed by an interesting dis•uesion.
Tire next meeting Will be held nn
Monday, March 1ltb.
A branch nI the Wnmen'r Institute
haft been organized here, with the 1.4
lowing officers : President, Mrs. Mary
13. Irwin'; vice-president, Mrs. .laules
Alton ; secretary -treasurer, Mies Mc-
1►iarmid ; directors, Mn. W. E. Mc-
Garr -dal, Mies Mae Heid, Mrs. Siam.
\\'easter and Mrs. It. 13. Cameron.
The employees of the Inrcknow
evaporator, to the 'medlar let about
sixty, were the guests of their em-
ployer, John ioynts one evening re-
rentiy at a banquet at the Royal
Hotel. After the excellent menu had
keen fully attended to an fntOryetng
prognun of eiwech and song was
carried out, along with selections by
the leicknow pipe band.
Moseo.ty, Feb. lithe
ii trvey !McDowell haul an attack of
appendicitis last. week.
Reeve Perks and J. N. Campbell are
ole the sick fist this week.
Roy Hhtckhnu*e is Laid up with the
ineasten in Winghant, where he is at-
tending high school.
Henry Arnett ming returned home
lest Tassel* after N lengthy visit to
Mende at North Bay.
.Dnwln� In a u,rtemru our est arm fur
you and our sincere appreciation of
your untiring c *forte to make the
Sablwth velem! end chinch suer -earful.
For it number of yran you have acted
in the capacity of secretary of our
Sabbath *chose. all your work being
charatterized by Ila • accuracy and
neatues& and eventually having greet
influents nn the financial standing of
our rcbus,l. Nor has your work leen
coabned to this office, but in other
departmeuts of our church work Islet
thus Influence heels felt. Your kind-
ness in resisting with all the social
functions in connection with our
church bis added largely to their
suceers, though that assistance no
doubt lament is anorttt o of Dine
and comfort. All this work. :tl•
though pserfnruied in a quiet, im-
am* g niuuiner, has not leen un-
noticed ire theta cent -erred. We do
not expect to be able to reward you
for all your services, but there is a
time coming when ouch deeds r f
yours shall receive their reward. As
a entail torment• of our Appreciation
we wish you to accept this coat and
rap with our IWIL wishes three )'leu and
yours may teceive the richest Negating
which our Father has in store for you.
and that each Art m1Ay IS. but a link
binding you into ecu t ice for the
''r Ilse In deed•, nut )tela .a thought., net
it to. Ilei g-. nal u, O. n,e. nn a dial.
We 'honk' count 111ne by heart-throb.: h.
a1o10 lis.'.
n hu think. masa, i.e!, I1, nohltst, all• the
'signed III It'11:11( of the s'111o11.
Jerrie 1►tsTot,
\Vu. If 1n.uE.,
Nile, Out., Feb. 12111.
Mr. Mcllwalt WAS taken a orupletely
by surprises hot mole a ser y fitting
response in acknowledgment of the
presentation. After the conclusion of
the funnel program refreshments
were s•rs d in the lowemnent and e
pls,stnt social time was spent.
itetnember• girls, the ssasnn for
hlishend hunting Is open all this year.
Jokes patience wesn't so great. His
next door neighbor didn't own a
UUNUANNUN. was to Tuve preached iducalerted
sermons on thn'ltuburu circuit. )•enter•
;day, huh owing to 1he•e.111ditinn of tb1
roads he did 101 get up.
/-1 A. NK%VT0N, 1)ENTI`3T, LACK•
els NUw••_.'.t ltouieererydiy except Thune
days. New tensed), for es emoting tenth ,&HOMO.
total. bettor than a�wa,et frown and brld;,ro work
eta. Aluuunum plater Inun-breakablul.
N. It. --You eau always, hats, your work much
bolter down In tho dental office- inure dole,
bettor faullltiue fur doing the wurk, more cow.
fortablu for the patient.
11 In Uuntrauuun for The nigual 1. at the fort•
union Ituu,[ and e•tattuuery Stora wbete
orders will bo received fur ubserlptlon., est•
yertieing rod Job work, and receipts will Le
alt leu tor amount.. •,rid for the spun,
Alias \Vhite epeal Sunday at her
N. F. \Vhyard left on Monday on a
trip to Elmira, \Vat•rluo and other
W. Sproul hat r•ecoveiu,l from his
recent indisposition.
Mrs. Itoach rand Burton 'spent Sun-
day in tioderich.
J. A. Killough was the delegate
from the Methtxlitl i;iuudey school and
Epworth League to the convention
held at Seatorth bast week,
7'CKen.tl•, !etch. teeth.
alias Pearl rialto. 1)14(1 *seen viuiting
her rimer, Mee. Older, of the Abut -
Res'. C. 11, 11 iuutnt attended the
tiederich district Louv,•mtinn lit 111 lis
Stmhoth un 1rehruaty lath aunt l It h.
Quarterly mervl:r. will Ie lie4d In
the les angelical church next Srudmy.
Both eervila•s will be condoned by the
presiding elder.
Teo meeting of 1Le Fermisst Ind i-
ttte wile 111411 iu the Ft l•eatery Hall,
11.uutiller. lin Satu'duty evening. Al-
though the weedier wits hill favot•-
:tble, the meeting was well attended.
Ti t est v, Feb. 18 :11.
W. If. Robertson, of The Signal, and Sion. Uurnin spent Sunday fu Fer-
Jes. F. Thomson, of Goderich, were gum.
callers in our village yesterday. 1 A her of our boy. lona, in the
A number fiouui here attended the hockey uixteth at Lucknew o❑ Monday
eutertrinweut at Nile on Monda)' night.
evening Itet. IMiss Patterson ha, returbed to her
Mr. Augwlioe, of Goelerich, it at sister, \I r•. .las. .I'uunic'sou, after
present ependittg a few days with hie spending venue time in jleickuuw.
sou, U. E. Augustine.
Our icemen are at present busy put- Mlsy Alfnufe Itauuage iueue she un
Lin Ile a su o I of ice for urxt sea- been attending
fnding 1 business
w i:ull oho Lu•
K I P Y been ntlrndiug a busiuuss culls} e.
soa veryI hey poate ur
the ice this year i, Mr. and Mee. D. 1), Rutherford and
of a pour quality. I MITI. It. K. athirst. attcudtd the t esti
Rev. \V. A. Smith will deliver let the late Jur. Salkeld. of Stratford,
missionary sermons leu Merck circuitt it
Suuday next. Hie work here willbe ltrY. It. W. surd Mrs. Craw and
taken by Rev. 111 r. Burgess, of 13ervie.!family, accompanied by the Misses
S49000-11ThS49000-11 Expositor says of 41 Merauret Rutherford end Clara Craig,
young roan wellk nown here: "Roy left on M lay for their nets house at
Willis goer next week to Winnipeg. Forguas
where be has secured a good situation.] r
Roy be a bright. well -doing young tnau I Rev. Chas. Rutherford, of Dungan -
end just the kind to 'succeed iu Chu non, has been Tainted moderator of
great Western country." l%aloin church ehn•iug the vacancy,
Does Not
Color Hair
Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now
madefrom our new improved
formula, does not slain or color
the hair even to the slightest
dwee. Gray hair, white hair,
blonde hair is not made a
shade darker. But it certainly'
does stop falling hair. No
question about that.
lbs, ger/ I &mite the color a the hao.
triton w.1h ooh bowie
' showao lo, 1t to your
/Ws ham ,:.out it.
,p th.n lee ea 1)..q•
indeed, wee heliei ail will stop every csse
of falling heir unless there is some very
unusual cot plication, something greatly
affecting the general health. - Then you
should consultyour hysician. Also ask
hire remit the new Ayer's hair Vigor.
- nob se the J. C.+.7 r co., Low W.a[ass.-.a.
Former Clerk of Ontario Legislature
Gives Interesting Reminiacences-
Cherries ■t Twenty -Five Cents a
Tree -Venison Four Cents a Pound
Farm Stock of 1844 Was Inferior
-.-Simple (toms Life.
Mr. Charlet Clarke, late clerk of the
Ontario Legislature, has issued a very
readable historical work entitled
"Sixty Tears in Upper Canada." It
was iu Juno of 1844 that Mr. Clarke
and will prescll the pulpit vacant 1411 arrived at Port Robinson. on the Wel.
Suud,o . land canal, .and very interesting ale
GODERICH TOWNSHIP. '� his remiuisoeuccs of thoao pioneer
TrgsDAY. Feb. dtth. OUR TIMBER SUPPLY. days.
Mrs, Chas. Johnston, of Sarkat on, "Fwd,'; he secs, "partook trot a Saab.. is visiting relatives in the Need For Proteetlon and Proper plieity blinder to Brut of dres.. belt
Mer. Jae. Af'Brien and two chaste( ii Treatment el Canadian Forests. meat, eggs and potatoes were the
left this week fur their house in Frauco is one of the greatest timber staple edibles alter breath. }reel'
Crystal City, Man.im sting countries of Europe. Over meat, in country parts, teat at enure
seasons n comparative luxury. Veal
11 R. Bell, of the 3rd coneesiun, 00.00000 were paid in 1906 by Ottewas obtainable in spring, mutton in
who his been visiting reteivee in country for wood brought in from nett- summer, and beef er {pork in the fall
Windsor, returned home last week. er couutriee. American and European. and winter month;, while poultry wag
the i (101100,000 worth
The Unionri P ,
that was to cy pine) used for build- given in s of wood (mostl ncludes over ld- generally marketed as soots as possible
t rerbytrrian church on after the fattening stubble' were ex -
Mende evening hast has been pus: fug {furposee, and $500,0props
tor mireshawked.
p,nesi lndeflnitelt. props alone. The great amount of Tea Dollar a Pound. '
wood used for paper pulp and a few i
Much sympathy is felt among the srrlinor purposes brings the total up . "Fancy groceries were actual lei -
people let this township for the rat- t- to the thirty million dollars. urian. I havo seen currftnts sold nt
titres of rible Ic hent, who was killed On this timber another $10,000,fOl) three yorkers (371-2 cents) a pound,
in the terrible *vedette on Lite Oland waa paid in freight -mostly to other and raisins, of a poorer quality than
Trunk Railway bid Satiuduty, countries, for the French flag is flown we now see. often commanded n
Len yen, son of John yen, who bas by only about ten per ccut. of the 'quarter.' Tea was dear, although
been employed in the Wee, in con- ships in which this wood is carried. duties wero low, and frequently
nectiou with the Uanitdiau Northern And import duties claim another suns brought a dollar, aridcoffee, cheaper
Railway, for three or four years, is of 86,000.000, 1 in proportion, was more freely used.
home fora vt. ile exper•s to go The quantity of wood exported from " 'ativo fruits were cheap. Peaehe;
back in Aprtl. France, on the other hand, in 1906,
were bought off tho trbn In the Nia-
did not amount to more than 516; gara district for twenty-five cents per
1 AN OLD 11g.-n,EeT OoNF.. -owe of 400000. bushel; apples had little commercial
the oldest residents of the lith concis- Yet the forests of Franco are by un value, and cherries could be had in
siost, in the person of Win. H. Sw411, means email. They cover an area of the rural localities in the'Niagaradis--
passed away on 'I'ursrlav, F'eesuery over 23,500.000 acres. Of this a little trict at twenty -Aleft (tents 'a tree, the
lith, at the tips, age of eighty-eight over a ninth (2707(100 acres) is in the. purchaser irking off the fruit.
hands t1) Ftate and Is ensu care- "Aho an beer were
yeasts. Ile euITered paralysis snore of oI d obtainable, of
time ,Igo and brut hen in poor health (billy managed. Over n seventh of drinkable quality, in town, but little
of either reached country parte. Ciller
was often used, the most desirable
being 'frozen,' AO that the watery
element tyua largely eliminated and
a very potent intoxicant produced.
Whiskey, the common drink of the
country, could Its had at any of the
numerous distilleries by tato barrel,
at sixteen or twenty eeut the gallon.
and there wero few 'bees,' 'logging:,'
nr 'raisings' et which it was not mote
freely dispensed then water. and there
was, a prevalent manlier that it wits
much morn wholesome.
"Venison, now a luxury, was n
(mamma Article of food in many, see -
Gone, end obtainable at tire's or fore
cents per pound. Mnple sugar and
molasses were fie common Au article
for trading transactions in country
stores art home-made straw hats, but-
ter, tallow, dried apples, timothy seed,
woolen socks, whittled butter ladles.
bowls and axe -helves."
Many a Morgrel Breed.
Mr. Clarke discourses entertainingly
of 11,0 farm Hoek of these days.
"If cows were 'mixed; swine, the
park factors, wero net ugly as that
famous possessor of them who drove
them pell-mell into the sen, and were
manta as do the will boars of the
German forest. Sheep were of a de-
generate Merino bred, small in size
and of little value for mutton, end
the selling Price, minus the /skin, woe
often as lav as one dollar the carcase.
Cottle were sometimes large wluen at
four or five yenra of agge, they reach-
ed maturity, but even then were bony,
coarse and more of activo than adi-
pose tendencies."
This is some of Mr. fYntire's enrby
history.'HTe would mohair •'env bier.
since. ole was horn in C,tutbridge, the area (5,472,000 acres) is under tho
Eng.. came over to A,ne:ira and control of the departments and con-
NetUed in Ilse Visited Statee but after niunes and is not so carefully looked
'R few Years ranee to Canada stow Olty after. The rest is in private liars le
veer. ago. For over freely yeah. be and eaten large tracts are sold to
hied been a resident of this tnwa.hip. spxeculator. and recklessly cut, every -
Ile IrNvt•N his Need partner and a Maw tiling of value being taken off them.
ill of four daughters and th1 c e sons : This state of affairs demonstrates
Mrs. alined, And Mira. Able, of Went -the wisdom of the course pursued its
foul ; Mrs. Alf. Barge and Atrs almost the whole of Canada, namely,
. Abbott, of Clinton ; (iecuugs, of Luck keeping the ownership of the roseate
now ; Charles, iu Sarhal,chewan ; in the hands of the crown, so that
Joseph. at (owe. the Dominion and the different Pro.
- vincial (Governments may havo the
EAST WAWANOSH. • power to make regulations for the
I;ttu:n.tvF.. Feb. lith. cutting, with the molt that practical-
Can•etlL MF.gTINti. -- Council met 1y all of the forests may bo so treat -
today purraant to+tdjournment, mels,- ed as to give continuous crops of
Ie•r, all present. Minutes of the last vsood and become a r,errnancut asset
meeting read and passed, on motion of the people.
Ott and (iillrupie, Ap• Canada et present is one of the sew
plications for the office or aseeseot ',countries in the world that can export
were received from the followying : timber, having a surplus over thnt
\V w. \Vigbttttat, Root. Buchao,tm required for its own use. Such a sur-
1 and J. N. Campbell. Moved by Mr, plus is a most valuable asset, stud
Cumin& seconded by Mr. Burchill, Promises -far /rem decreasing in value
that Win. Robinson be re -appointed -to tncreaee rapidly and greatly-
ssesses ,, at his former eatery of $tt3• Years to comeowing to the grow•irtg
Yens-1'suiing, Burchill and Gillespie ; scarcity of wood.
nay Scott. Moved by Mr. Gillet- It is for this country, therefore, to
pie, seconded by Mr. Burchill, that It. exercise great caro both in protecting
Vanstone, barrister, of \Vfughaan. he the timber it has and in providing
reappointed solicitor for the township for future supplies from the same -
for 1908. Carried. On motion of Mi. ground. This will require the em -
Scott. eecondcd by Mr. Burchill, 183 ployment of a large number of meq
was granted in aid of the public Iib- many of them possessing a high de-
nary at Auburn. The auditorsreport ereo of technical and ecientiflc train-
and the treasurer's abstract for 1007 ing. It is gratifying to note that al-
wero received and read. Moved by ready some stere have been taken to
Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Gillespie, care for our timber and provide it
that the ttame be adopted and that the staff of trained men to look after it.
auditors be lurid $A each for Ch1 it Much more remains to be Bone, end
services. Carried. Bylaw No. A, 11818 it is for the people of Canada to sea
ratifying the appointment of nssessor, that arrangements are made for the
and bylaw No. 4, 118e1, disposing of proper care of one of her most vslu-
the tax levied nn dogs and bitches, able resources.
were loth duly toad and pursed. The
clerk was instrocled to prepare a by• I The girl whn begins by declaring
law for next meeting of the council that she wouldtt't marry any man live
authorizing the issue of debentltree I ing generally ends by marrying it
udder the Municipal drainage Act. ode") one."
The Reeve gave a report of the pre- I One let the really great mysteries of
ceedtngs of the hurt county council is wily life y the trete that luoktd re )•-
meeting and pieced Ief Ire the council li•h last season doesn't look stylish.
for their eonsuler,4 ion wheel I. known (bit 9emom.
as the good roads bylaw which the
county corn it will endeavor to have
passed in the Local Letrisl eture this i
eeweinn. Debentures were tamed for
the payment of the following ars'counla : Theo. (fall, \Viughem, luau- 1
awe of printing contrast, 1817, $21.2.i ;
Alex. Porterfield. express.' and tele-
phone chargee, $1.211 ; Finlay Auderx,
son, salary Na township treasurer and
postage, >1 ; Lewin Bolton, Listowel,
services as township engineer, 1007,
public library hoard, Auburn,
g i ; Jas. W. Hone, auditor, tl(A ; Jess
McColl , jr., auditor, $8 ; John H.
McClinton, •balance of eatery as col-
leetor and primate", $'11. The conned
then adjourned 1.o meet again on Mon-
day, Meech 23rd next, when path -
musters, pound -keepers rand fence -
viewers will be appointed for the prey
ent year. Anse. Pon•reuseetre
We ,sere pleased to hear that alis*
Mary ('hasrney i* improving.
Albert Stein is busy cutting the
wood for the Rebore anti the church.
Trw.t.tV. Felt. 18th.
w . T. Riddell (1M received a treat, Int of alto
writing paper, In tahlni.. gull and roe.
We have a few of phi- .weton.. robes and
blankets left and will gi pi {te. ,11 -Count of 1.5 raft
tt•1111 tilos, Mein e*whim Ino1 he le per cent. dl. -
'01101. H. p: KxoA, Auburn
The 'allege hotel propelty is to be
"told in Marl•h.
The infant rem of George Ile elle.
jr., died Inst Thursday.
W. T. Riddell is expecting a car of
wheat from the Northwest.
R. J. Muton has ronunenced to
draw brick for his new house.
Rev. Mr. Hare. from Kent county,
preached in the Presbyterian church
hurt Sabbath.
Miss Ianet Dobie, of Superior,
arrived here last week, on a visit to
her mother, wlto is on the sick list a:
'rhe prospect of a dire.' road to the
%tattoo is getting better, Two C. P.
ft. surveyors were in the village last
week, but as vet nothing definite has
been accomplished.
Robert Roberton will have a stale of
his effects in it abort time and Jas.
Hnithhy ales has come tothe conrlu•
siun to d omeric of his et eek and farut
implements nt an early date.
The storm has been a blessing in dire
Kith's to the village, for everyone that
could handle a shovel hitt been on the
reed neeisling in snaking a way for
the Craine through the drifts.
Themes Anderson. one of our oldest.
villagers. hire !Olen on the sick list for
a while rind is not improving as well
at hit friends could wish etre. Jos.
Lawon is improving. }tors. Dobie
is improving, though very slowly,
lost Monday one of the students of
the Go derich Colleginte Institute hal
quite ,t problem to wave. It you are
three minutes behind at the station,
what *peel will he nsceseery to over•
take the train ? Wait for the nest,
wet the solution, or next time Mart
earlier. _ -___-
Keep in Debt.
Keep in debt to ynor appetite an.l
every meal will seem a banquet.
-.Baltimore American.
A man ie foolish to borrow trouble
if he ran find another men foolish
enough to lend bim money.
George B. Naylor hoot the mildew -
tune to lose a valuable cow one duty
last week.
Irvine Raines intends reltaming to
MAnitoha in a week nr s). Smith
Stein is going with hien.
Mine ('lera Craig has been visiting
at home a few days. She intends
!raving Inc F'ergna twiny.
Rev. \V. A. 14mlth,t•of U'ngnnnomr
nes ort eelor er born, tore+, Rheensiism, Spain,,
Oru,.e, and larxc g 404 , app;icdhy rilblring. at -al.
lilac Store.., Zoe.
Is your baby thin, weak, fretful?
Make him a Scott'•1 Emul.siorn
Scott' .4 Emul.rion is Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites prepared so that it is
easily digested by little folks.
Consequently the baby that is fed on
Scott'.l Emul.i ion is a sturdy, rosy-
cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor.
ALL DRUGGISTS: 51)c. AND 81.00.
Six Weeks
would to, n loud time
to have such weather
as prevailed Bast week :
so thought the weather
Iuall, and loo has or-
dered a iuore moderate
variety tele' 'lids week
at least, and
We hope it will
her. and IIIinglii (•
11'1)111 Itl/11' till
'e are ready
Ivith Semi -Ready
and a complete stook of
New Cloths
Fur the coming :Spring
season. •
The Bzst o` Everything for M,n and Bays.
Art Tailors, Clothiers and Men's Outfitters.
that it is'of solo. titan 11,.•
review of politic..' ccnle wilier ful-
luw+. That may l..• ,o, for many a
reminiscence of Leer -dative halls has
been gathered aithin the pages of
Ili; book. But the rccor•le of the
simple home life 'nt 3. p,Hc da. •
11 ail never lack for listenorr, and
tai,, writer teas ;read 1h••u,1 Lebec
0 e public very ent1rtaiuiugly.
"Swap" National Relics.
A "soap" in national robe : is sor
essie•3 by Mr. \)'. 1V. Ft c . I .
%lie recently vi4utld New .I• Ir
Fox has discovered nn old , errnen,
8311,1 wild once the prof...Hy at the
British forces, and ha• had alt"pether
an a,hventnroup career I.,fore it found
a restore. place in Elizal•,tb,' N •1. For
rear. Putted $!ntc' temista Airdtiu'
the Citadel at Quehee halve cay'•t ett-
1 ions e)C3 on an old cannon which
is kept there 814 a oche. avid tihich
b.•�r. 1lin inscription:. "raptured by
I3,• Critisll army at Ranker Hill, June
17.1775." It seem t1. have been nue
i rho bur cannon uhie l constituted
t3•; whole train of 11.3.1 artillery piss -
:coed by the colonies at 11),• eerie,
u ey eemctt et the war in 1775.
7'11• gun at Elizelreth, N.J., was CAO
iJl Si rus_burg in 175e, and wn.s bent
1 : l;ruir, XV , Kin; of Fiamc1, to
('toad, for rho defence of Quebee.
Cyon the sorreider of tintlace in
the following year the run fell into
the hands of the British. in April,
1760. the French -recaptured 0, and
in May the Rritish retook it. In the
roll of 1775 it tided in the- repulse of
the continental force,* under Gen.
Richard Montgomery, elle was mor-
tally oundid: while nttenl3,ting to
reeephare it. in Jugs'. 1779. 13r Henry
Clinton captured Stony i'oint, and a
month lutes Mien. Anthony Wayne re-
took it., lindiug this run among the
trophies. Gen. Wn-hingtnu presented
the picao to troops trom Elizabeth
who had acted 113 a reserve, an.( it
weirs taken to Elizabeth soon after.
Nowadays uohnd} he,113 :anything
of the Merrlutnt Prince ; he semis to
belie lust•u Iles,,-solrntly Ahs,rbed by
the X:Ipoteon of Finance,
'I he w;u;ee of sin have not hetes
,uie.•.I either, in spite of the fact that
ptkom .'mi...11y have gone rm.-Mem-
:IT. ler •uuue r ctrl Appeal.
hiloh' ('o duorsh'st Cure -
Cure ilieshtrpest cun►;1,
and Colds
---try it on agtur•
.intoe of your
money back if 1t
doesn't actually,
CURE uickkeei•
than anyt'bat you
ever tried. Safe to
take. -nothing in
It to hurt even a
baby. 34 years of
success commend
Shiloh's (ace -
23c., SOr SI. 114
afforded by a
'stn e•►fs
Clean - Light
r; :r,,•r•.,iurt• our N••ac Swcel' Turnip, the "Catll,lie,i
," we will giic to every inquirer for our New 1908
Ca a package of lhsee seeds ebsoluttly free. The
;r, , turnip growing district near l:ut•iph shipped 400 cars
of thew trrnips In lbs 1'nitwl litotes last season. " Canso
.lia❑ t', i ' lever grows long or narrow-, is free from aide
shoots, and iu of upset -passed quality.
If you irobr, we vain semi a package, of our
k'r a " poppy or '' Cen el.; l'ri,le " tomato in.tesl of the
t•irnin e•cr.l. Writ, 1.11 3' cont name t•nmr eh, /jet%
S..a.'fth,. 11'4.v, Sw.tle Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont.
1 wain I'r•••
TI Ir. wrvTr-RN HOM1. MONTHLY tarlear5 iere-reeefst%d
A, Ib. argon Amaral hem, n1•ai,11. 1„b111,ed w Lanais, sed a reel by
n.rr 15.oOO(mot .• r,r,y ns.el,
N . melee, , er,,NI..a k.•ima (.Inas a•deui.ls la tows sed wasps. 41.1e
0,1,11'. n. 1.4,nt; • ler., I ...1,1 0. mgr. 11,1•1", mer ,Lpaenowls. owlet
yes e.1 aasbr4 twa.ings, an out nbleq art Mt ft1,i r. ides R1.Albeo w [eery
h .mk.
/Il,nda.me 1,•.,,,11. *Ove/ ate•y als+d. 1w40451 14 ten. 1le•irebe
7 larm. nal,. ,e,. Inn n awl !MOW' o.u'. mod' bran lessee tikes be a„
w n rale nil flinCiea,eheet st the pre.swn d 111011 11111611. NIA*.he. an, Abetla
owl It,•. 1, Laken!•i,
M Itilao ors am urged se Isis sltgndi at Nn IMAM 8118* MM.
60 Pap, mid up. 60.