HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-20, Page 44 TsvlaDAy, lrehruary 3O, 19011
Annual Meeting Held on Monday Lyon -
inn -Old Ltoarc Re-elected--Atex-
andra Hospital Doing a Good
Work for the Community.
'11* first annual report of the board
of lexandra lummox' was held in the
library roue at the court house on
Monday evening. The attendance
was small, perhaps because it was not
thoroughly understood by the public
that a general attendance of the
people of the towu and district was
The meeting elected Judge Holt,
president of the hospital Ward. to the
chair. and after sone introductory re•
warke His Honor read the following.
the first annual report ut the board of
trustees, for the year ending Moven•
her9Uth, lttt)7:
To tee Members of the Hoepltal Third and to
the Citizen. of the Town or Uoderlch and
nelghboriog„CowI U0hty.
The board of, trusters in presenting
its first annual report is pleased to
mate that the hospital hen so far toren
an unqualified success and Iia given
practical expression to that charity
for which the whole Christian world
1he total number of patients treated
during the year alnouated to 11(1. The
total number of hospital days during
the year was 1,1011, an average or 11
Froin the above facts the public
will ser that the hospital boa proved
itself to be of the highest service to
the co ity and to 11e wide -reach-
ing in its beneficence, as revered of the
wimicipalitiri in the county have
sent in patients to 1* treated and
There wale rix deaths during the
year. Of thorn who died, two were
brought to the hospital in a Imprimis
condition and only lived for a short
time : of the others, two were far ad-
vanced in years and two who were
operated upon did out recover.
During the year an addition was
trade to the building. which has been
bricked in, and other improvements
made at considerable coast.
The an„out expended for mainten-
ance for the year is less than it will
probably be in the future, owing to
the feet thea at the opening many
generous donations were made by
our citizens of provisions and grocer•
itis sufficient tor two or three ths.
The board desires to place on record
its continued confidence in the Indy
superintendent, Miss Griffiths, and to
express its entire satisfaction with the
manner in which she has perforated
her onerous and nf(Pntimr. trying
duties. The board also recognizes with
tion the fidelity • and ,llkienc)'
with which the nurses have dis-
charged their duties,
rhe hoard wishes to convey its
thanks to the Jrieuds of the hospital
for the many kind and generous gifts
received during the past year, includ-
ing those front Mesar.. Craigia Bre,
and Mr. Robert Clark, who dont ed for
the year all the ice required at the
The thanks of the board are also
tendered the Ma or and council of the
town of Galerich for their generous
donation of SAM, ,and we express the
hope that each succeeding council
may in las wisdom ser tit to donate a
like or perhaps larger sum towards
this humane and important work.
The D*nghters of the Empire have.
in addition to the noble and .elfin.
m by then( in mania '.
firing wnkd 1)e
flc g
in soaking the hospital an n ac nln-
plished fact.. done very much i help-
ing the hoard to Maintain a hos-
pital ; in fact, without thei valuable
help the board would h e found it
next to inip taible to fl • nee the in-
stitution. VI e hone and may our
hope not be in visit . that notwith-
standing 'tar mendiscouragement'
they may have to ace they will con-
tinue in their g d work.
The bate Mr imrge Acheson, who
., r'w e nus one t the need
in his lif
puhlic•spir' (•d citizens of our town, by
his will . queathed the generous sunt
of 1M 1 to the hospital, and the
plane boa now desires to an' on leered
its ralefnl appreciation o1 the gen-
e ity that prompted the giving of
is legacy.
zzIt gives the Island great pie/twnn. In
inform the public that the count
council of Huron at the mesion last
month generously voted the 011111 of
g.gyi towanIN the maintenance of
the hospital, and we desire to extend
our most sincere thanks to the \Warden
and menders of the council for ibis
donation, evidencing as it dora their
sympathy in this charitable work.
The hlrud wish.* to remind the
public that hospitals unend.nv411 and
eharging such pow rater, ae are herr
charged cannot possibly be self•
sustaining and that in oiler to hate
sufficient 1 in to continue the work
donations must be. .sought 1 • the
benevolent nod those who have
charity in their hearts.
Appended to the (spurt will I,e
found s statement of the lleuipt. Rud
expenditures duri»$ the year ending
'10th November, 1104,, and also n e140..i.
fled list of the vanes treated during
the year.
Respectfully submitted.
PHht.n' Motor, President.
H. E. Holstr.Ns, Mecretnt•y,
February 11111,, 111111.
The financial statement for the year
ending :filth Noyeinher, 11111, was as
follows :
'10, eters.
Welter Sault. •. !1 :•n
Mn. eir.4 tt•hitely. ,. a
It(mien . Austile ty Neonalrt church
INTI) 14)
Henry Morton ..n
Robot M.I..n 1.m
Mi.. Uritnths'fronl Steepest rrrelVt-
1 Mt ient nl ... ... .. ... . NiM
r, �. F:Ilnt
Ile, is
The 1'anedn 1'nmtwn)•
('ensal.n }kink .41 onnewree
Hslmtller Motholoo .•I,r/Ili ..
The Hank of Montreal
The tlterling1� 'took
TT he So ereien Hank
laughter. 1)I the i repire
Ker. J. Hamilton . .. ...
11. J. eperkinen, Eerier
('hl Idren'a Hamer t.nmueer (•o/Ueigeo.
The town of (inderlrh...... .. . . . .
1'. Krrinw Ilnlme. ..
ilumn. Lester. L (1. to. e
1'nllr.ilnn for coal fend
Here' vett from pst.Mts tie addllhm lo
tar.0hnve .. .
flans 1)
1 (0(1 warm l4:e.
('he.. Reid. neeourit hilekwork, ale 1
%hi for work on grnmld0
Inning. 17 Mmir.,
Mon account unto (lank of Mnntntil
'cid Interest .m note is hank of Mont •
TekpA "e *vat ape •)'.m'MA
etrteal flit ere. and 'wm'he. 1214
sy,r:f'M Ti-..; Al 11"11. alt IA el
>•s�Ns.�� e11Rmail i aeritmes
pe("tabes ..
where melt
turned eggs
r. bed and Mewl
mid ie(vtli e .
Ninny., end raker 'eg.iable*
(ir.%yHsr and pen' i.lmL..
fphhrrn,If. *Irl r.dMinn, .
Usuu.l sad snotial spellah(rs
Beer. wine and ..:rite Lea
Itroulnw. bru.bat mune, wap. ete 1, (7.47
:Salaries and wag..
112.1113 411
•ewe re.
nu0ding and contain.. valued at t10,/01.1O
Poe f.vue patient. entiwat.d at 1,1uo
Ifalanre due sad likely tw,l4w'Iable on
old ubo',ipliuo list to building
fund Satin
I.cg•W) slate late Ueo. Acheson t.ULLIl)
I IA 1111.1111(-1.
Nota in Ban( of Montreal . i 4110.01
Uodcrlch Planing Mill. Co . . ewe
The trustees of last year wee re•
elected. viz : Judge Doyle. Judge
Holt, C. Seager, D. McDonald. W. A.
McKim, H. K. Hodgen.. C. A. Nairn,
Jas. A. McIntosh .tud Robert Me -
Lean. Mayor Thompson is also •
n,Pnllwr of the board by virtue of his
A number of matters relating to the
hospital were discussed. and N vote of
thanks to the trustees for their ser•
vices of the part year was '.d b
Joseph Kidd. seconded by W. H.
ItolerU•on, and carried unanlmnusly.
H.lu,ce uo bawd
What the Abmeek Chapter of the
D. O. E. I.Aceomplishing.
The annual meeting of the Ahtueek
Chapter of the Daughters of the Em-
m-,ire was held at the court house un
Monday afternoou host. The attend
nuc.. was very good and the interest
in the work of the Chapter was never
The following report was sub-
mitted :
Regent and [.*dies, -'rhe seventh
annual meeting of this Chapter clones
a year that has leen not only an act-
ive one hut also one Rill of interest to
the members. Never before have
the meetings (leen so faithfully held
1)r an well attended. In all there were
twelve regular *monthly Mcetiugs and
four special ones.
During the year we held a rummage
wale and a euchre party, the former
particularly adding to the treasurer's
fund an unluokeildor amount. Three
benefit entertainments were given fur
the Alexandra Hospital, but the re•
hints frown these went to the treas-
urer of the t*ani of managers:
Our roll shows a membership of
forty-five. The attendance, however,
as 1 said before, hats been exceptionally
good even :n inclement weather, and
the enthusiasm and w'illingnese t)
undertake any work in connection
with. the Order and especially that
pertaining directly to the hoopital has
leen exceedingly gratifying.
In leganl to patriotic work our en-
deavors lay 111 in the introduction of
patriotic themes suitable for ,publie
schools to be disclaimed or taught in
such schools un Fridity afternoons.
Asan the anccess of this effort 1 an
unable to retort. 121 toes( spring e
offered prizes for the two last ys
un -The E.npil.•." to bet compel for
,a. c ildlen n the
public 'c h 1 h
byu 11 1)c
west tiding of Huron. '1' essays
from the country schools were ex-
cellent, showing careful rainiug in
orthography. grammar ud composi-
tion, ax well a10 a pat*' tic spirit and
knowledge of the at eject. Our only
dIeIppointmeet 1.1 • -g1) the failure of
our own town p1) 1ls to respond. Of
the P.014)`A recti three bee so ex-
cellent that w - (decided to give three
instead of 11 prize.., eunsi►tog of
handsanel iN d volumes entitled,
"The En ire end the Centurv."
The 1.xendra General and Marine
!bap' :d, that institution for which
!hie hooter worker so strenuously,
It . closed a very successful year and
MS been recognized as a very decided
wnrflt tai the town and surrounding
This coming year having
the in-
terest and
goodwill of the Je lty
of the citizens of Goderich well.es-
tablishel in the hospital, we shall
hope and make it our endeavor Gr
have the interest increased in our
Order :and particularly in this Chapter.
rneb1ing u. thu011ot only to carry out
our plans in regard to the hospital
but to increase them and so facilitate
the good work which it is endeavoring
to fulfil. Respectfully submitted,
Sec. Ahmeek Chap., D. O. E.
E. H. Mi Dosaul, Regent.
Wilting Mir has not been exactly I
for Spiny, a 1• ,eperour winter for
the merchants of Gude-
rich. Al the opecning sf the winter
there was the smallpox scale, which,
while the townspeople refused 1t re•
gart it as vet ,s Orr' . and the etfect
of keeping w1111 • cuwlll'y people away
frill 1..00 it :anal depriving our uterch
ants of no email : t of ',t•w(1r'
which otherwise would have canoe (0
than. The Christmas trade 11111' fair-
ly go. 01, although the "tightness mf
motley" which has ptevldel through.
out the country IcubtrJly Lad
roue influence in keeping down the
volume. of buwinrwtl. 'There ib always
a lull niter Christ . wnJ thiugr
were just beginning 1.0 liven up again
when the worst storms we have had
In several wlnteis broke upon she
country *»d put eterythiug at a
standstill. The storms heft 1 be eomu-
t•y rad. in 14 pretty bout *tate, and
the sMrreding thaw tattle thrid
worst, and there wi11 not lie good
roads now until *piing Opens 11 p•
Fortunately the ulert'aull1' trade of
Goderich it mut'deprudent except in
minor degree upon the "Country{'
trade." Our factories employ a good-
ly number of men all the year alouud,
and tills keeps in circulation a Int go
amutlut of moue). paid in wages ; and
the factories work away re•garllrss of
the weather. On the whole• though,
lawn a trying sinter, and tie
ate all looking forward to spring.
When ,1 brisk revival in husi»eaes eo11-
dit0118 is confidently expected. The
1\'herl Rigs factory is getting ready
to employ :t large number of nenPle•
and other industrial establishment's,
notably the Doty works. are prepar-
ing to increase their staff+: and with
the renewal of trade between tow�
and country which will 114111e with ((4
breaking up of winter. and the
provement of financial curd'
throughout the IAmlinion of
N41111 Are not wanting. We 11
good re**on expect (,oderic
upon the moot prosperlu
its history. As the pill.: ipher says,
it does not III:ate( SO n ieh where we
are as where we ole going : and no
we in Goderich may ,ngratulate our-
selves upon the
which the ' edi
to 1)w.
l'he secretary, Mrs. M*eklin, in ex-
pressing the (egret that all the mem-
bers felt at the retirement front the
regency of \L1). McDonald. moved
the following resolution. which was
canild unanimously by a standing
Vote : "Iii view of the excellent work
our ex -regent has done in in inging to a
sn•erssful issue the pet scheme of thin
Chewer. namely, the establishment of
the hospital. 1rr unselfish and un-
daunted eHoltN in everything per -
mining to it in spite of the anally dire
agreeable and epparenlly inaurmnnpt-
able ole.t,u•ie, and her untiring zeal
in everything cmunrcted with the U.
(1. E., 1 leg to •r, not only n vote
of thanks, but that we unanimously
wake kits. McDonald the honorary
t. -gent of this Chapter."
The treasurer's et,aU'ment was sub-
mitted by Men.' W. 1.. Eliot, ansa
showed the Chanter to he in a very
(healthy state. The balance 00 hand
et the Iwginning of the previous year
WAN WC{ :18; receipts during the year.
$t:,; ,7 : expenditures, CCM 1) : bal-
ance nn hand. $122.13. The ex(endi
tures were al t entirely for inci•
denta1N in connection with the hos-
pital, and the nnlutint named above is
exclusive of 11e coal fun(1.
The election of with e1* resulted *0
.f1. ;IlwN : llonotary regent. Mre. Me•
Donald : regent, ilir.. I1),.! Macklin ;
srrrrtety, Mrs Vo'. E. Kelly ; treas-
urer, Mrs- %V, L. Eliot : viee•regento,
\Irs, ittr.1 'reylor, Mrs. NI. )lays and
Alta. Mortis.
A hearty vote of thanks was passed
to the following gentlemen : Meaner.
It. l'. Heys, C. A. Nairn, 1). Millar
and Joe. Kidd, for their kind assist-
ance in connection with the euchre
party, the net financial result of
which was S3.1.
didn't tall the whole story. though.
It is whispered around the corridor*
that he has declared his intention of
inaugurating 16 new eta when he gets
hack into his rejuvenated, quarter'.
Instead of letting people Some 111 is any
Toll, Uu'1 anal Unary '+ • style, and
everybody .11 Ling around 141111 spitting
in the wart* paper Kirke!, things are
going to be different. He 1 ' crit it
going to signalize the (.1.w .oder of
things by wearing in his mance 14 cos.
fume t•atlri.Iellt with (lie dignity of
his pteitiuu as the official representa-
tive of the county of Huron. His suit
it to be a black frock coat (vulgarly
known as a thine* Alpert). scarlet
waietc.at tulblez.oued with the c ty
coat-of-101.1us, and trousers to match
the burlap. When visitors conte in
they shall advance with becoming
modesty, and kotow three tinier be.•
fere addiessiug the clerk. Juba
%%yon and Jammer L Grhllt are to be
allowed In come in and sit on the I
plash a ambit et,/ once ,a week, but '
they will have to discard then worn•
out old' stories and get some urn
ones. And nobody id to take louger
Onto (ell II,Il1Uten to tell a entry, ex• li
cent the clerk himself. Yes, times
1)r• changin,r, rind things nowt be
kept •'4111-to•ditt'." but there is a sad
forrlaaliug in the minds of lir other
inhabitants of the court hutl0r that
with the ass unlleg of a new dignity
by the clerk thele will he a Iowa 1.1
some of that tweeters* and ,.Iulpllcity
that have mute 1 ' beloved lauaong
the county officials.
• • •
Cupid's filo olrervance of St.
Safnt Tay. Valentine's Day doer not
appear to be falling u1T;
indeed, judging f • the number of
valentines sold in the storey hast
111- week. 1 should think that the saint is
lens growing i» popular foal*. 1t is safe
hgch to say that ll ands of the missives
by with peculiar to the day were sold in Gash,
tm enter rich this year. 1',oeu those grotesque
sra..ou in caricatures; which one would have
thought would be altogether out of
date by this time. were sold in hun-
dreds On the whole, it is a good
thing that St. Valentine is rennin.
reefed prospects 1 beret' ml p•rlist4ntly. This is getting
to future holds out 1 to be :t terribly »older -1)f -fact age,
1 and any evidence of the survival of
• sentiment and affection should liering the last few years' welcome. if only to a sign that every -
the interior of the court I bb'dy it mut all the lieue engaged
hemse haul unitrrgone ,t9 i solely in trying to solve the !maddens
of How cru 1 going to get ahead in
almost complete renovation. True. it is I the world ? of emirs. sum* pelple
like putting new wine in old bottles.: will say this sending of valentne. 12
and 4,0(11e i.141) the Cnllelty will hestc tl, all NPIt.0 and femllellnPw+ - hilt
are the necessity of erecting a new , they would give' a good dray to be
ulding-but that is not what I' 3'ltlrlg and f,ollsil lhetuwlrs.
a, ted out 'to say. While the other;1'. �. -Did vow qct un.:' I dad.
mime in the building one after another • • • •
were being panelled, and dndoad, and I •
tinted, clod what not, the dingy 1)1d : The Part- If you :are in the habit
county clerk's office (those two amt office 'Doors. of gain; to the pMt-
t e office not to the,
eadirrN refer tolie ntfice for till::
ho ant lyeven-
county clerk) was deft in its.dingineus'. ing myail. uu h e1. oritice.l the nt.ani
and the ennui clerk w9" 1(51 gond-, P -
natured and lung-sulfrrIng to say a ulatiun of the entrance doors - how
word about it. However, somehow,
on some nights only the east door is
or other the cuuuty council took a open and on *sale' nights only the
motion to have the room "fixed •tip)' west door. If you go every night
and the decorators are now in posses- yolk will diacuver the .ystem-the east
whin. Having waited so long, Mr. 41..11 ie open every evening excerpt
Lane is going to see that his office Saturday, and .4u that evening the
when finished shall he a beauty. Nod west door is open. There may 1e
he in bringing to tear upon the opera- some good reason for this. blit i don't
titins that fine taste which places hitt know what it i.: while I do know
facile prineepe or something like that it is a confounded nuisance on
that - young the denizens of the -many Ia'c:asiuns. Some people don't
county building, in matters of Julia- know the Ny11Ct11. and others have
tic appreciation. "This burlap here," something ala' to think *151111 than 4e
he informed the writer, "as to go to w•luch of th.we dans i1' nfng t 1*
along the bottom of the wall- -.tont en of,cmnrse you cxn uglwNys fin1d
flee feet wide- and will Ice painted ouopt b:y going 11' the wrung door first,
a nice sky-hlue. Above that. the If the s • door were open every
willhefinished in * I rli. a r ccrnin • i» the week.
1'a IIs 1 t ,.
ar p
ti1.f one door
1 r
maroon, with polka dots of bright wel.4-41 set elI•ry evenin theek
yellow. !sot hing on1111 iry for aur. and loh doors on 6.11,iiIg,,1 u) .*cuewing.
4t the to, 1 have 1r*'1 a hraa4 hl- or• if !soli 11101114 were open every
Jug put in. Tudor style. and the roil- eventtlg, it would .ter time and eon•
ing-'well, Monro. up there painting siderable nMMyuncc and nccasiuonl
it now. and I don't jest know what cuss words.
he's going to make of it." Mr. LaneAN ONLOOKER.
o4 Time o/
With Dodd's Kidney Pills Made Rich-
ard Quirk a New Man.
Forlone Harbor, Nfld., Feb. 17. --
iMpechd.l - A g the saorea in this
t eigbboi-hond who are living pr.ofx
that D.wh1'm Kidney fills will core
kidney di,w•nne of 1197 stage in Mr.
Richard Qnirk, who gives the follow-
ing experience : -
"After ten or twelve )'Pal'a of does
tor'. treatment 1 had made op 1)•y
mind that my lumbago and kidney
dlaeane wan incurable. Titin 1
thought 1 would try once more with
Dodd's Kidney fills and to my groat
surprise 1 had not taken more than
half ,a box when 1 found relief : eight
Nixes made me n new man."
• That Strange Ladder.
"Someone 11'a e
old "remarked the
moralizer, PI zrr, "Ilial the ladder of AtnM•
tion ham no top rung."
''1 guest' that'.. riphf," reinined the
demoraltter. "end very often it has
nothing to lean against."
Alleged in Motion to Quash Waterworks
Bylaw--Jsdge Dismisses Appltahon. .
Toronto, Feb. rt. -A most extraord-
xtraaord-ina y let•elat' of ballot nlanipula-•
ting Ivy a deputy returning officer of
the town of Clinton. on the occasion
of the sol 'begin 111 the p,blic vole
of a bylaw to expwnd $ir:l.(*K) on waler-
umks improvements in that town,
was made lefnre Mr, Justice Britton
in Single Court at Osg,(de Ilall to -
A motion to gm'rh the bylaw Ire- I
c:al.e of theta• irregularities wea0 trade 1
mgainsl the town 1•y F. L. Dickinson,
G(derich, on belt/114,f four ratepayers
of Clinton, Oliver Johnson, George
Graham. Thomas Jaekson and Alex-
ander McKenzie. The bylaw was
voted on September 110th last,' and
carried by a vote of 210 for and I:3)
against. On October, 7th it passed
the (-outwit.
The tion sets forth •
"That 'one Charles Hillyer, who1
acted es deputy returning officer at
pilling sob -division No. :t, when the
said bylaw was submitted lo the elec..
lois on the :41.1) day of 'September,
11)117. did, whip. s1) acting, and dining
the Lours 01 polling, break and open'.
the ballot Is,x " at the said pulling'
101n(11, and lake ant 'and deit'uy n
her of ballots of 4.014.714 who hid
cast their votes thereat, and did mark
an equal Iier of ballot 'parent in
favor of the Paid bylaw, and place,
them in the said ballot box in lien of
those taken mut and destroyed. which
said ballot paper. no nuhstituted were
counted in favor of the bylaw at the
said election."
The following aI1i,Is t by the
Mayor, H. \Pitt.., is filed :
"Chatles Hlllyer,w'IIOmeted aadepuly
returning officer at the taking of the
vote o» the waterworks bylaw, con-
ferred t., me that he delltroyrd 11 nun*
Ler of (allot, ,narked by voters. tinct
himself market other halloos, and de-
posited them in the ballot hox, and
that he marked all of the said ballots
for the bylaw."
Ir in further stated that one of the
deputy returning officers, N. Robson,
was absent limn his post for it few
»anute0, and left no one in charge.
Against this point affidavit/1 are filed
by lt. Boners and 1". R. Hodgen*, 1,0
the effect that they were the only
persons nein the loxes during this time
and that the 140004 were untouched
by thele.
It was also charged that the pro-
moters of the bylaw engaged hacks to
work dining the polling. This is con-
tradicted by Dr. Shaw, the chairman
nI 1IIe committee.
,lodge Britton retuned to quash the
bylaw. %titling that the alleged ir-
regularities did not affect the re..opt.
111 connection with the above The
Slgnnl ie infnrmed that the cln!nnl-
statl(Pt in thin case were not an mart. -
ling iLs *night. Iwo inferred from the
above at/dements. The deputy re-
turning officer, it Is %tateel. ac-
cidentally dropped his pencil -in the
ballot bon :and, opening the lox to ex-
tract it. he upset a bottle of ink nvei
:a few of Ihr b:dlots. In a► state of
nP('nu*m• 04 over thin Mishap, he
sIulntttitid other ballot, for the ink -
soiled ones, acid marked them all for
the bylaw. 'chinking it over ,at night
be could not .ieep for the pains of
conscience, and di -tided to wake Ow
circunstan(es know», which he did.
The C. P. R. Not Ready to Take Up
the Construction at Present.
ilamilton, Feb. ILL - The Hamilton
A Guelph Junction It:uilwey w111 trot
Ile built for la year 11r two )et, on 1•-
('.41,1,1 of money mai kat enridit' ns,
Mayor Stewart hits Made pu to N
Ice ter he received fru• General Mnn•
ager McNichol. of the C. P. saying
that although the char fot the
maul Wast out to expire he C. P. It.
was not ready for the nloulent to
build the line. The )etter suggested
the at
h c1) ,
cul au)• holding the chert.*
apply for N renewal at this sessionsef
the Pontoons SO that the• road (1411141w
built as soon as the C. P. It. waw
The letter to Myr Stewart did net
0Ny mm i
worms, but the
tenor of it Indicated that the'(', P. It.
wisher to postpme the building of the
lino until money market condition's
imprmwfl. M. D. itiggar, K. C., who
wn,i the Haan lehiud the gun in the
scheme, hem received A letter al.n,
urging 1lie c puny to fret the
charter renewer, The (1. P. 1t, is not
Ii dropping the ichetne by any means.
Salute Your Bride.
There loos printed in The Ladies'
/limit. Journal for Frbl•uary a page of
amusing incidents 411 wedding,. ('hr
following was taken ft' that page
and actually .xxnrred in Clinton, ways
'rhe New Erin. The ceremony wax
performed in the Ontatio street
Methodist parsonage by the late Rev.
i,Ioseph Edge, nod the article Wax puh-
I fished in The New Era at the time :-
I was * mater at the time in One of
the Canedusn towns, and they CAMP
the rtal di.eri,41. of the0nnle
Province, They wanted to lie mar-
ried in the parsning,. and 1 had asked
A few frieneleas witnesses. The lady
wee *pulienlly *lout twentythief,
year* of age, fairly (ntnely and self
pleaessed, and the pruxpeetive groom
was about twenty-one, though he
looked mire pike xeventern. The
ceremony went off without incident,
the vows find been exchanged and
the meth..•rabb i pr•Onnun1Prnent had
leen Made. Their remained but that
they should meal their union with the
ruslotnary kiss. 1 therefore said in
low torte, intended exclusively for the
couple, -Salute lour bride." Thee
stared at o e in Mingled astonishment
1 p 'o i e
and foie** of 1 r . 1 triad again and
stopping toward tham, 1 mind in con-
toner*, "Salute Tone by hie."
They evidently grasped mymeaning
now, god determined 1hit,11they were
a little slow at comprehending me.,
Early SpringGoods
We are getting ready for Spring now, and have more spring lilies on our
shelves than ever before at so early a date. In
Prints Light and dark (',,loumg. sad
1'li cents, fast corals. The .:d cent
.are 111* bailie 4e 1401 year Well in weight Hod
liueua•ew. Blues ale. 1411 1 111140 dyer and absolitteIv
fast. Small stmt. polka dot anti small sprig pat-
terns. The »Iceet:awurlmeta 0011 eter ()fres'' Mel
extra value for this yawl'.
DelainesM oo1. stripe: Aleck and .wall
fancy sprig Wal term*. Light
and dark colorings and woo t fatly ue the wash or
by exposure to the light. and the prier it Only 13t.
•111.1411)' 81111 a line lot 4),, :u c, .mall pt ices never Yu
low for the qunlit y uttered.
rents& to 7.1 (yenta, and bot It ('•heroe std work the
best to be found ,uI)•where tar the priers asked.
STANDARD PATTERNS, roc land rsc, The Igog Spring Stock jrat in.
Laces\1 want you know' that We
excel in 1_11' 0. 1•,...)• come dira, t
from tht• m ai:era to us. w'hi. 1, . !I ,L!e:: ut 111 111• at
bedrock. for ta'ICea. 11. 01011, 1. . .., 1...,•lacca
LEFTOVERS. -All our lett : I. • 111' ou :o
((4111• to Ihr front of law awl , n, 1 11,11i a it/
3110111 half regldah' pais '.
Ginghams 1u141,Chalrl1Drays
11, Mese g.,,.!. I1' 1)11 ilt•It•.
1.41 41)41 small ,'peeks ,and plain . l:.uul,tq)s.
Hosiery �Aa%•1t. 1h11 oNu1((W1111erlau,'tinlu\Lt ltrihl lr05,114.1
carr lifter the rear's welling at N gnat .aeriflee•.
The • a1e 4411 111111) wool end worsted ,old you ('4111
get big bargains in then. but they w'on't last long
at the rate they a1.' going.
J. H. Colborne
'1111, 4"t4l .1::1.
regigNORIINSIglairimew *.leer
they would show me they were quick
to obey. They turned their faces to-
ward each other. lacking away 1)t the 1
s:un4 tittle with a gnnu'rful low, and'
receding with rhythmical step and
elastic 'etl1Pllt characteristic of 1
the qu*drill*. Forward they None
again before l grasped the situation,
adv:ulciug with the same springy.
dancing movement, and were just
reaching out their acus to "swing
each other when i rushed to the
rescue of the reputation of toy home.
C. P. R. Engineers Laid Off.
Listowel Harmer : On account of
the weather construction work on the
C. 1'. R. in town has been discon-
tinued for the winter, and the staff of
enginelera located here have Iwen
transferred ut' laid off. There is but
a email amount of conrtrurtiou work
left to be done, and this has beet)
taken over by the stag of engineer
ou maintenance of way under chsrgo
of Mr. r.
Acti a wog '
k will notlikely derattie. who will c esumelete d
until spring sets iu. The road ought
W he ready for regular service nut
later than' May.
Thee is a change not lnerely in the
style of writing store news, but in the
geoerrl estimation of the advertiser
h value news a *dver ieb
a tut e of
Ppm' (,
ing. The aulvertieer of t.aiev is mut
content merely to saw ilia Hutt's name
in the Vatter : he Must sic results,
and that speedily. Ile is realizing as
that his ad'erti•els-mu crust 1.e
(sacked up by god faith ; he must
I ' wdf "Make goad(" to his customers.
Ile hi not chary of ".face," especially
where he is after big )results. The
prier of the paper is savei many times
(reel' ever)' week 1•y the judicious
housewife whin rends the store new,
with the 14.4(4)e avidity as front. page
neays ui the 141('.1 COlUnino.--Mt. Cally
arine. $landart.
Keep It In The Hous•
Coughs ...t ce14!. ,level Lkr wi11 a:e. At Maki
Clete way be • .•ev.r.•- a .:'.;la t...!inq 1). the Wass,
Nest moralise -a t1'.: •1.! A. : ,r ,..e . nn,akt
Bole's Prcr-:.ration of
Friar's Cough Balsam
It breaks up rotas -atom the enmesh-hes'4
ekroalc beouc1414. 1,.reesl .ad test r) cont-
for weeta
r e years.. Prepared. ,eoomwtuded so: dr- .
Sold In Goderich by H. C
1., t
Valuable Samples Free
i h :v.• user( your ('oltafnote Ergot -
ory in raises
nfrrrat oup ugha.
'collds or cot filld it aet I have used
it ever Mere I got a trial bottle. an•I
hate reenrnmrnd.sl It (0 everyone U.
need of it. You may use my 014 010,40
address for testimonials if you wish.
Hoping it will benefit others as it has
dose my children, 1 remain.
1069 Frances St., London, Ont.
('1)l afoot. is 1.r t -
t ant the r
rat tough and throat rite in the wcrld
It is the pr aeription of a renowned
serialist. in order that ew•ry ('anti',
may prove itx unparalleled merits w
will send • sample butt?' fro: to ee,•r,'
nOe who fiends us their name and 5.1
dress and mentions this paper. ran be
had at all druggists at
. S. -nil *0114.
name today to In. 'r 1.Mecum, Ltd.,
Send for Free Sample To -day.
Sure 01 Ground. I Meat Marked-
: "Jane.
e, i saw the milk-
man kiss you at the gate this morn-
In the Futuro
will take the
milk in." 1
Jane : "Twnuldn't be no use, men.
He's promised never to kiss anybody
but me." -Illustrated Bits.
Naturally a young mina best girl is
k11 the world to 1' -which explains
why all Ibe world loves a love*.
is Uric Acid in the blood.
Unhealthy kidneys are the
cause of the acid being
there. if the kidneysacted
as they should they would
strain the Uric Acid out
of the system and rheuma-
limm wouldn't occur. Rheu-
matism is a Kidney
ease. Dodd's Kidney Pills
have made a great part of
their reputation curing
Rheumatism. So get at
the rause of those fearful
shooting pains and stiff,
aching Joints. There is
but one we way-
"�1:190aNlEY S
When "sweets"
lose their sweetness --
and " suhstantials,"
their charm -there are
always MOONEY'S
coax back
the appetite.
know how
good they
are i? ,a
1 have opcneu a new Meat Market in
the ,laud on
nest 4114111111n Shoe Store end nearly
opposite the Town }tali.
The store is fitted up in mrelern style
for the handling of meats, in the most
'approved way. and 1 intend to serve
my customers with the beat to be trail
in my line.
1 10 curt
1., Cnn.A•
1), use
4 '1 1
;i AND
Dice 25 tits. j: .
ZS uta;,.,. ;
. hERIT�
�110Jtli 11NIMENT
gZsYa.•� 1
alleaueennerilsrs•r• wk--
llottie road.- 1 i „ '.15c per 111.
11 -111.1•1e \ul 1 ,t.,, nuxel,
has, per lb.
Finest Selects in balk
or served in any style.
Ape! i
('I:,.'. i f5 CENTS
1,1,au • EAC.'.
Meals, Lunules. Hot D:, .. 1.
• .]r:.'., rt at A
Oi m ut Cafe
W. E. McLEAN y
Your Prin.ting
POOR Office detahonery indicates stoves::
lineal. Tasty, well printed tat:or, _r
bespeaks system and care(etnras.
The Signal
Job Printing
Depari:rrttt t
Supplies only the better kind --won't ivy us
to turn out any other. i:! r:•1.,.:, .r'•
only are employed bcc,'')s' they ^u:1 61,
• and do better work than in^;:;Icricr.cc1:
help. r
We will convince you of this if you
will trust us with your next order.