HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-20, Page 31
THURSDAY, ?.denary :.Q, 1908 3
(ew3 of the fDiatrict.
The smallpox patients In Clothe
have i con tel. -ruled from quaranuue.
\Vingbaru iv dill daring the advi•
ability of establishing a canning
While rknt.ing last week Alia Vias ,
ble(''lurt, of Clinton. fell ou her bow
and fractured her 11'41•,
John Riley, wan of Benjamin Riley,
of (Aumbrance, last week received a
Xenesetuntc Mineral Water
11111K (111U1:ItICII MINE ItAi. \VA.
1. TICIt (1).. latuufwtease, of ' Mulww
Iulaf.'are lar penal 1.. dullver to tiny part of
eke town 1klfu•t (anger Ah• las plat. Ind
atop .1l mural 4. IL.r f'' 1 hss, .la.a
plit•, pint. and quartet. nullaut 1\ater and
Double Stela. Mew s.M01.. M1'.. InMA., from
ordure! mineral water, slut are therefore free
from all iwpw'it1 1'. 1. SIALTON Maw
ager Thum. 7'1. I
MI'Sll' l'I.ASSES•- I AM 1'I1K-
1'AltEtr to taunt yams fur Ie..•n'. In
Into and theory. alio 110 iIurruwu. 14.1
kIudortfaHur, method for young 'htWnru.
Torun Mild till,.-, Information 111.ay be had ,at
Thomson-+mato AVIV. Uuduricb. E.11 JI .1 A.
4 110Y ADAMS
ThAtnxll or Piano
Mediu to lank of Youtreaall$tui 1 .
• Medical
it1L`i. Is11MMEI*4UN & TUItNBULL.
1J A. T. Kttrraw,'. H.11.
to S, Tcru,isuLt.. M. IL
Og1:ea Il+milts, rias
Ur. Kwluer+wll.. n.,idenre, North +trent,
Uppu.11c iL lieorRe *chunk 'plume len.
Or. Turnbull's re,.tdeure, Montreal •1 tort.
Soulhwwt of Public Librarr•j, I'buuu 191.
`)H. W. P. UAj(.LOW, M: H.
oats•, l'ulbrew: street. taxi dour to Hover -
Men Hunk. Telephon:.-liter, r:l: hqw..
.•••1 IR. F. J. It. FOK.t1TEK -EYE. EAR
L/ No.e RANI Throat only. Stratford, 0nl.
.ingeon Nes" York ophthalmic Rud
Aural Inst Rote. Ilea -0,‘ tllnkal si .i.tant gar.
Nose. nod Throat N,.pftal, *.ulA,•n SWIMS, end
Royal London Ophthalmic 'Moorefield I.yel
fleapits', London. 1:nif. (MII'e Albert .beer
Stratford. emanate tt'indr,r Natl. hour :
Y11 :tml , 1 p.111.. 7 K pan. Trlaphune s1:.
/ HIMTKi s. ,.olieltore. uMsrle., ere: Office,
Hamilton ML. I bird door from Square. Uederteh,
f nt. M. U. l'AMP:ICON, K. U. J. L KIL
El /RAN.
L bwrrt.Mr, +.,licllnr. notaric. ublir pn •
'mole the %b u leash 1 'uteri, rte. a ti, era nuts
$queer•, nevi door l'. A. %alrn'. •cry. IM
rate fund. to lend at lc rt ra of Mowed.
( U. le
' Y (' IL .. �YlL
W. PItUI U► )UT. K.
,JJ ftI(4TElt4, attorney.. ..gleltur+. etc.
(lidctirh. atony to lend) at lowest lieu+. 1.
11. mole:dor. constuhw tact. to noisy public.
toffee.. II*un,ILull .1 root. Uuderlwl.Out.
insurance Loans, etc.
1 it -tato 1....1 Insurance Agent.. Read e.
late for sale or l0 ter I'ruperllr• handled in
any two of lite town And eeunty. Fero and
re In+nru,.•... money to loan ale.
and accident in -crane'. Agent fur leading
iota mil and Hawk memento.. 1 n.uren.•e In all
Intra effected on bi .l plan. weed of low•,..t rote.,
Fall at umee, tooter want Street and Mgunre
of wddre.+ .1. W. t'1tIIUIY liedericb, Unt.
rile .bone Si
N-Mt'it A N (' K C1.1. -Farm rind Isnl.tmd
loan inoperty IIaun.l. Value of property In-
sured up to Jan. IWO, over $11,1110.1/111. Macer*
and director+ :-J. IL McLean. pre.. ; T. Fr.aer
rloaKw.: Jae. ('arnolly. 0. Hale. Mr. Ch4..-
ner. J. Watt. JA.. Kvar1., L 0. Grlwve. J. Benne•
wet.. directors :T. Y. Hay., Seaforth.cecruWrr-
tm,e..urer;ln.p.+-tor., newre.t director to Lowe
.1, W. 1 ro. Holmawvtlle. agent fur W,.t
Il urum. I'umrr-boldus, ^gin p Fy a. ieFeMe illi
and get their card. re uiplal at Toter R
Itrown+. (Tinton. or at It. 11. Putt. grocery.
King..ton .trout. Itu.h rfrh. J '
11 PARLORS. - The best Owl In Lawn.
I'rompt rry/ne ; everything deco and .Rol
tars. Ito and
eoiHotel tIiockvt u0001.a 1 W
British kxc
Jae. Friteleyl.
- Yardage L1(10111141111
Watchmaker. Jeweller and Optician.
Issuer of Marriage L ielow e,.
ACF. lloen.ce, Uoderlch, Ont.
and grnrnd auctioneer. tflice. nn (4011th
Street. where he wilI aro found at all time.
when not ^rying •ale.. 'Penn. noa.omablo and
every effort u.cd to give you .alafectloa
General Auctioneer.
New System of Tickets and Catalogue.
P. 0. Box 183.
1.(im trill itis. 0055(4' 1e:11 Intr.
gains if you hail to 5.4•e what i
ran do for yoit in one of those
Good Cheer ranges
Good Cheer art heaters
Penn Esther ranges
Nothing pint ars go's' for the
money: every 0111 guaranteed.
5 per cent. off for spot
Tinsmithing and
Electric Wiring and
'Phone 155.
kick ta'uru a hum which knocked 0111
tau of his teeth and alt) tlw:wred his
Mia Lily Midgetman. who b ISArlk
Ing at (Irwlitou, bar b1e'u engaged 111
Witch In Uslslrue, one mile east of 1
John Viral, lit Nunridgn. Out.. for-
u►eriy of Utaubr.a,k, died t'.:eutly at'
the Lewitt of lujuriur reoeived while
drawiug loge.
Mitt ERe:tbeth Illekewsn, a former
re.ideut of UruwwIs, parted away at
the home of a relative near lilelntllan,
Ont., recently.
Mr. and Meer. Witt. Kistler, of the
14th cuncessiun of It ty, mourn the
loss of their only d.w,lhte,•, a bright
child of four year,,
Thuile. Quigley has sold his hart awl
oboe repair .hop 'hi Setfurth to Mr.
Consigney ut 11141 town, and will
probably remove to California.
Mtwara Maxwell end Hill. tuerch-
afit tailors, Winghaori have dissolved
p,tt•tuerahip. The burlures will in
future he conducted by the former.
Joseph Itattenbury, of Clinton, has
dirpo.ed of his liquor store in that
town to Mr. Pew, of London. He ex.
pacts to occupy his new hotel
building shortly.
%Vhile proceeding along lite street
boa week Bev. W. 1,. Huwwm, of
\Vingbaus, was attacked by it akin r
collie dog which left Lite mark of its
teeth in hie anti. •
On Monday, the Iltth elite., Bev.
Father 1'. Corcoran. of Seaforth, tied
the nuptial knot between Mist Mary
Mulcahy, of that town, anti Joseph
Malady, of Hibbert.
Noble A. Milne, of Ethel, has leaved
hin tarty to Z Lek ML'C:allunt, of'the
saute locality. He will shortly re.
wove 10 Iislinural. Man., where h •
purprrses engaging in farming.
Peter Dudley, of Brussels. and Miss
Flossie Warders, of McKillop, formed
a matrimonial alliance on \Vednee-
dqy, the :7)th tilt. The ceremony was
pettormed al. E;nwndville manse by
I 14v. Neil Shaw.
A recent her of The Toronto
Dally Star contains it portrait of Hee.
%V. J. Wert, M. A., pastor of the
Presbyterian church at Bluevale, to-
gether with :t brief tribute to the
market! success of his pastoral labors.
Word has been received in Helgrave
of the death of Mrs. A. H. Jackson. of
C.lgary, a former pioneer resident of
Mast 1Vawantah. 1)e.'easrd, who was
in her seveuty•reeond year, is survived
b herhusband rev' children.
y b d and teal th der ,.
Heel, Moorehuuse, secretary ui
Premier Kuhliu, of Manitoba, who is
establishing an enviable name for film-
ed( as a writer of short etories, is a
son of the late Rev. Mr. Mootehouse,
formerly rector of St. Paul's church,
The death of Mies Mary Pollard,
eldest daughter of the late J. Pollard.
of McKillop, took place at her home
in Berlin, N. IS. on Monday. the*.:.7th
ult. Wm. and Joshua Pollard, of
McKillop, are brothers of the de-
Mrs. Freer, relict of the late Thomas
Freer, a (tiger well-known resident
of Clinton, departed this life at the
hone of her nephew. Bev. W. H.
Butt, of Centralia, on Friday. the 7th
incl. Deceased was in her eighty-
six th
ighty.sixth year.
Mrs. John Kincaid, who for the past
thirty three years had been a re-
spected resident of Winghsrn, palmed
away at the h of her daughter,
Mrs. Benjamin Leary, of that town,
on Wednesday, the 5th in.t. De-
ceased had attained to the age of
eighty-two years.
While curling lust week -U. E.
Parkes, manager of the Bank of Coru•
unerce, Seaforth, slipped and fell,
striking his knee ou a *tone and then
on the ice. Souse years ago the cap
of this knee war broken and the re-
ocent fall irritated the old trouble no
much that Mr. Parkes hats since been
coullneel to his bed.
An interesting ceremony was per-
formed at the home of Mn. J's. Mc-
Clenagban, of Whitechurch, on Wed.
ncaday, the 6th inst.. when her
deu,'hter, Addie, became the life -part-
ner of John Kos,,. it prosperous fanner
of near Carievalc. Sank., son of the
late John R ossa of Kinloss. Hey. W.
A. Finlay, of Whitechurch. officiated.
A pleasant event enlivened the
home of .Mr. and Mrs. James McCal-
lum, of the McKillop trouudery, on
1Vydneeday, the5th inst.. the occasion
luiffik the ntarria.e of their third
daughter. Mary. to Harry Clark. s
prosperous young agriculturist of Lhe
Mit concession of Orgy. The cere-
mony was performed by itev. A. Me -
Nab, M. A., of Walton.
The death of Mrs. Joint Redmond.
A former esteemed resident of Stanley,
occurred • at the house of her son iu
Marlette, Mich., on Friday, the :I1.t
ult. Ti gh in her ninety-fourth
year. she retained all her faculties to
the last and move) ahbut the house
.with cuuridesithle agilityto within a
few days of her death. Frank Keys,
of Varna, in a grandson of the de-
A Frost -proof Robin.
On it cold horning in the last
week of January a robin was seen
picking at a tree in front o[ it rein-
itiate.. in Fordwich. The thermome-
ter regiatered ten below acro.
Ministerial Rib Cracked.
Rev. 11. M. fang -Ford• rector of SL
.lnhn'v Episcopal church, Brussels.
last week had the misfortune to frac-
11111. one of his ribs. Ile wee chang-
ing the position of the shafts on his
cutter when his horse started and the
corner of the dashboard struck his
side. The same rib wall injured a few
years ago.
Not Sorry to Lose Them.
ltsl►ieAs r .v own As
ufiq�a (
left fur the rorty of the micident in
order to render every aa.iatstiee 11"o. Glover Russ by Which Two Ceps
mole to the injn'ed. Dete,trel, el►o Were "Dens" In J,Itsrta.
war fifty year. of age. war a du'IgilI Many ingenious ways of defeating
ter so 1t,')ttsten [Panwln, i vo lou. sloe - the rohibition regulations have bean
sides her j►u+lend and two sous she P g
leave* line daughter. Loretta. who
by thirsty individuals alms.
1105 lies prosti'ted with ilineos.
Wath of Clinton' Citiasa.
Clinton has lost it groat citiz•'u in
the demi.* of John Hru•tly, who al. the
age of Canvas,' years entered iuim Ills
reel o➢ SattttdaY. the 81 h inst. Mien
in Yorkslthr, Eng.. decea+wl d-(Ine to
this eoout•v iu 1851 and bellied at
Whitby. After living thyro for wear
time he removed to $us,ss111wrhi1l and
rnlaNaluruty purel,ivwst the John
Archer faros on the beam line of Hol•
lett. Fear year's moo Ito retired from
active life and toot up hie rrwnlrucr
in Clinton in miler that he might
enjoy the fruits of Isis -labors'. Au up-
right. kind hearted, indurtLini►s man.
wu.hout show Or dtfel:txlbtrr, 11111
proud of his humble station in life,
the deceased was indeed it worthy
knight ot labor. Besides his aged
partner who shared hie joy. and wsr-
rows for over half it century. he leaver
to mourn his tranatatiuu from this life
two sons. Thomas, of Mullett, and
Milian), of Tucknrvuiith• and one
daughter. Mrs. A. Neal. of Mullett.
Dealt of John S1tiels, Grey.
On Wednesday of Last week the
Captai11'r call came to another stal-
wart soldier of the evert' ' g line
of worthy pioneers of our couuty,
who, argued with .teat ptupele and
strong hearts, hate won for ns thin
goodly heritage. John Shirts first
s:uv the light of day in l.anarkrhire.
Scotland, eighty-two yeile ago. In
early manhood he left his Monte
to pursue fortune in a new laud.
Boon after arriving ,in Canada be
wedded hie way to tete bush lot on the
14th concession of Otey which by dint
of his indomitable induetry lie soon
transformed into the comfortable
hone which he left only to go to hie
long real. Over half a century ago
be was united in marriage to Miss
Janet McNair, who made hien it
worthy helpmeet. Deceased's exem-
plary character and' lovable dislari-
1' endeared I ' all his acaluaint-
antra. Besides his aged partner Niven
children mourn big deuni.e, They are
Tlwutts, in Saskatchewan : Janne,
John and Robert, of Grey : Will
of British' Columbia, and Misses Jane
and Annie, at borne. '
Mr." Chau. Nolte, of :37 Colonial
Avenue, Montreal, the assistant chief
operator of the O. N. %V. Telegraph
Co., and several of his family have
been cued of e(zeou,a by %tin•Buk,
the great herbal Istlm. He state. the
Tecta as follower : "The disease started
in the Iwck of toy hands in the form
of small soles and eruptions. These
were very irritating and when rubbed
and scratched turned into very pain-
ful sorer. 1 tried waters. lotions and
salv'es', but the disease continual to
sprawl and SO 1 consulted a doctor.
He treated me for ;t t iwe, hot still the
disrobe spread and 1 gut no relief.
Then to uiy alarm the eczema spread
to several of the children. The fain
and irrita ' in all odr canes% was
very great. and we were very much
(lidieartened, as all we tried proved
unavailing. %aur -Bask was recom-
mended and 1 obtained a supply. I
tried it first on a small patch of
eczetua, and this showed so Much
improvement that 1 was convinced
Zeus-Buk would do good if perecvered
with, and therefore obtained it supply.
Each application greatly relieved the
etching, pain and w,r•eness. and it was
not long before the eruptions Hind
norms dried up and disappeared. in a
few weeks from commencing with
Z un Birk every spot. wits removed."
•• The children who had al -en taken
this disease were treated in the wume
way and have each been cured. !Un-
like all other preparations used, %sir
Bilk seemed to swarth to the roots of
the evil and it was really surprising
how quickly the .ores Were healed.
in my mase and that of my children
the cure wan most effectual and per-
manent, as it isnow some month.
since we were cured. and there has
been no sign of any eruptions or sores
Of all druggists and stores. (ellc. box,
or postpaid from the Zam-Ilk Co..
Toronto. Nu home should be without
Zion -But.
H- umorous Raven.
An account is given of the ttpluarent-
ly intentional humor expressed b y an
intelligent raven. The bind belonged
to a river keeper. and invariably ac-
companied his waster when he :w-
aisted its explorers in catching a
baeket of trout. He ,00u learned that
the object of the men was to get
things to eat out of the stream : that,
hecause he SAW it, and, secondly, be-
cause a small trout wits often given to
' . That learned, the ingenious bird
went fishing on his -own a cconnt and
succeeded in raising n drowned kitten.
In great glee he carried 1110 prize to
the basket and poked it -in the hole at
the top, where the fishes were Always
pert ie.
The Ashcroft family, husband, wife,
and four children, who sinew their Im-
migration under the auspices of the
salvation Army a year ago have lived
at the expense of the residents of ('lin-
ton, left Inst week for some point east
of Toronto. As their chief character-
istic was lazinees, their deploaarture is
much appreciated by the citizens.
Exeter Lady Killed.
The citizens of Exeter last week re -
craved the appalling intelligence flf an
Resident which occurred in Fort
\Vayne. Ind., on Sunday. the Irth
t r
inst., when Mr
•e .Purr h G uuIn .N,k an
esteemed resident of Exeter, was in-
stantly killed and her huslulnd, two
tlyrrilnjud ed. Mr.daughter-in-lawand Mrs. Lam -
brook left Exeter it week previous to
visit their sou in the United States.
They were driving with a team of
horse. when the animals, frightened
by an automobile, ran away, throw-
ing the'S•eupanta out of the carriage.
Nor. iamhnw,k was hurled against s
telegraph pole with Hoch force that
death ensued alniwlt. instantly. The
other members of the party were
picket up unconscious and taken to
Mt tau bien east in a droughty laud.
One of the moth original schemes on
record, however, conies from a small
Alberta township.
alto anti -liquor regulations were be-
ing enforced with all the rigor of the
law in that particular town,' The Ie,-
ert of Sahara was not to dry., Conse-
quently, when one day a largo keg
111 whisky wee discharged on the plat-
form of tho station by a passings*
freight train. the curiosity of the til.,
local ooustsblea was aroused. They
scented ,a CabC and made immediate
investigation. There wua no name on
the keg, so the constables sat them-
selves down in the shade of the
freight shed and waited developments.
Nothing happened, heweve•r. No
rine celled to get the wl,ieky, The
freight clerk knew nothing about it.
1t sat solidly on the platform, a blut
on the prohibition landscape.
The two constables united until
nightfall. Then one of thein went
home, leaving tho other to keep watch
and ward during the night. The Ione
constable waited till morning. but
nothing happened. Watch i'as chin -
,, 1. One constable went house to get
his much-needed sleep. leaving the
other in his coign of vantage, watch•
ing the keg with eagle eye. All day
long be watched, but still nothing
Evening ewe: "'1'o -night, for sure,"
thought the ennstable. Watch was
changed, but the keg remained un-
molested tfll That night,
Next morning the constables bold
d consultation. They decided to re-
move the keg to One of their houses.
Even though they could not arrest
elan offenders they could at least con-
fiscate the contraband.
They approached the -keg gingerly,
for the brooding barrel had n-aunled
a sinister appearance in their eye,.
They took hold of it. 1t moved with
wondrous ease. They lifted it up•
11 was empty.
Clean through the boards of the
platform up through the bottom of
the rn.k, was a neat augur baja.
While they had united 011,1 watched
the barrel had been tapped from be-
o-neath the platform -the whisky lak-
e' aw-sy and the keg lett for them to
look at.
So Many Persons Here Can Be Made
Happy Again by Using This.
There is so much rheumatism litre
in our neighborhood now that the fol-
lowing advice 1,.y an eiii iumit author-
ity who writes for readers of a large
Kast.orn daily paper will tie highly
appreciate' by those who sutler :
Pet from any good rhatmsacy one -
halt ounce fluid extract dnnde'lion, nne-
halt • Compri I Kargon. three
ounces of compound syrup of attempt.
rills. Shake these well in n Weal le and
take in teaspoonful domes after each
meal and at bedtime : also drink
plenty of good water.
itis claimed that there are few vie•
time of this dread and torturous din-
e/ow who will fail to find reltdy relief
in this simple home -,mule mixture,
and in most cases it permanent cure is
the result.
Thin miurpk' rkipe is said to
strengthen and draftee the elimina-
tive Osumi of the kidneys so that they
cnn filter 1 Amin from the blood
and system the rw,isons, arida and
waste matter. ,which cause not only
rheumatism, but numerous other Abe
mace, Every man or woman here
who feels that [.heir kidneys are not
healthy e th and active or who
suffer from
any urinary amusia whatever. should
not hesitate to make up thio mixture,
en it is certain to do much good, and
may nate you from much misery and
suffering after a while.
Our home druggists say they will
either nappply the ingredients or mix
the ptsa eription ready to take if nor
readers sak them.
A Superstition That Lives Among the
French Canadians.
"The northern light. tire Very beau-
tiful to -night," 1 told the graidrnele
when I came in. "You should wee
"The eclairon'" she gulped, :oil,
jumping up, went out on to the gal-
eric. I followed and found her statim
blankly at the sky, her bands clasped
over her breast.
"Sacro bleu, it is bnrl-too had,''
she repeated, and went ill as ab-
ruptly aa she came out. 1 staved to
enjoy the glory. Tho sky grew much
brighter. The vapory shafts of deli-
cate violet and rose now -hot tar
dawn the southern sky. and the aure-
ola had reached the zenith.
Tho music ceased inside. The
habitants canto out, and as they
leaked heavenwnrd n silence fell on
them. it grew profnued, then in-
tense. I could- hear some one's watch
No rine spoke or moved until the'
grnndmere, stretching her withered
hand skyward. began a low monot-
onous chant. 1t was weird end eerie,
My scalp seemed to tnove. The word.
were so indistinctly spoken I could
not catch their meaning. Tho others
joined her. and the song swelled
through the village aid re-echoed
from the distant sombre mountains.
One by one the villagers began to
leave, and the snag gradually died
away. Some, however,, still sang 0.4
they went down the read. The dance
was over. As I turned into the horse
with Philippe, I asked him what the
song meant.
The country is very dry, the rn'siclr
kntnvs," be answered. securing the
door with a heavy wooden bolt. "We
have a drought in the count')-, and if
the eelairon i1 very brieht during
a drought it that there will be only
little of harvest -via'. It i1 teen lad.
Sia we prayed to -night thnt it may
not core true this autumn. It, 1s a
superstition of the oldest. Some be-
have it not. I hope that is not tree.
but 1 don't know," he added shrug-
ging his shoulders.
Kill time and Hine will end by kill-
ing you.
Somehow the ttonion with gond
teeth Meaty', has it quick worse of
Test Bureau For Canada.
There is a movement among the
electrical supply men and the insure
once men to have established in con-
nection with the Canadian Fire 1'n-
derw•riterr' Association a bureau for
the purpose of testing electrical op-
At present every invention or im-
proved appliance has 1., be Petit to the
National Board of Fire Underwriters
of the United States at Chiesgu for
approval before it can be accepted ns
a standard. A fee which runs from
110 to $100 is charged for this work.
;Manufacturers of electrical apparatus
express tho opinion that it is unfor-
tunate khat, n country the size of Cnn-
ada should mot have standards of her
own, and point ter the fact that many
of the good ttlOyey made by the Cana-
dian Fire Underwriters' Association
of Canada have been adopted by the
National Association of the United
-Officers of the Canadian Underwrit-
ers' Association agree that while such
a bureau would bo a capital thing
it would cost too muck to establish
155 an elaborate scale. The practienl
testing of insulation to ascertain it.*
durability is ,one fore' of the work
whine the Canadian Bureau could n
lake up. It‘ is estimated that n bu-
reau anything like the National Bu-
reau sl Chicago would not cost leas
than 8100.000 per year to run. Gov-
ernment,ttssistance may be sought.
The Honest of 1t.
Ile claims he made his money
Rry honest toil Mime.
That's truly 0n, NA then, you know.
The toll was,noi his own.
-_ Y
ii Stoves
D. 4i11ar
i; Ranges
atIII at
, . Prices . . .
Spring Shipments have Arrived
• The Scotch Store - t.
%Vt. 1.45.• 5,4,50 11,004+41 hill,. 0(441 Lit tiny latyn aster1(,,, 1 1, of
Spripg 4.1141 Nuuuu'•r 1Vnsh Materials undo our showing Chi.
1.14511111 1. tau .1 ung L Leti;et sc:'1r Hutu rv4I' 14•1a1e.
The old reliable•tloalilie. althe old primp. tot., 1J.I('. and 15:,
Vieturia Ius, Indio Limen", 1'er,iuu Lawn., Urgrteldaes,
D11101 w am.l aJul10 1ru111• roc. per yd.
,..11ee•4:'1 lint' in iitti-s Spot alu0lnr In a large variety of Sputa
lei y splci!(I, . tsc. per yd.
Linen Suttlugs are promising bio Le the leading not elty for -
smart Spring tbuitn;.wc are showing 0011141 very smart elfeets 411
Pont! net tes, Fussoes aid Itmbrmidesed Linen, from,. 35c. per yd.
We have'luwl tmetietl tap a ca.eIo1 of 1.:011_., Hnllaud :unl
Nln.li•• .\ ,inn, :d.a Clei litre, Holland and Nln !111 I'I n.it„te-,
'Phtu e STORE
A Huron Old Cloy.
l :uwd.a'.4 l 0411'11'
.111.:\. Kueobtel has been appointed
inspector trf forest 15.serve.- in 1115. I)c-
lwrtoeut of the Interim.. A more
suitable luau fur this pi whim' would
1w haul to d:'utl, a1 r. Kuechtel was
horn in the woods. 1'[1 ill 'IMAM
••"nasty. Ontario, he helped to clear his
father's 1cunt in the days when the
tonin business of life WAS to get trees
ddtve that wheat might grow up.
Bring ambition., he went to high
indeed and afterwards taught :droll
Inas in l'anluba /01111114. 1',41.-'1 State*.
Over in 31iehigau fit the Agricuhural
College thele he took a four years
course in mien( die Int iii ing :mrd got
the degree of Bachelor of Science.
Afterwods itt t',n,sell 1.'nicerwity he
ref•eived the degree of 1,urest Engiurrt
f • the New York State College 01
Forestry. In all these years of tea. l
ing and studentbewwl, Mr. Ii' Bice
spent his vacations up in the JI'tskok.,
woods not iishirig but running his
1)5(11 saw•r55i11, After complain:it hos
(-flora• 111 ryas Iitnt employed by the
I:tilt'1 St:U.t•o Bureau ill Forestry in
making a study of the natural tr'grn
twat ion of the commercial tire's of the
Adirondacks, Since that tome be has
been the forester for 11:e west. Fis1'1
and Maul. /' '0,ien for New York
'>;tate, under direction of which he
made a elns.ilicetinn of the foreal
lands of the State, e.Inhlislied forest
nw•*l•rie*. b111w•r•i blelltted the pl:uttin
mf 2.510%010 1141NI Ott the Adirondniks
nr•ganized the wok of collecting hostel
tree weeds and took elusive of the air'
protective set viee. In 110;1 he matte e
four Month, tour of Europe, studyilµ
and • pbot'.gtaphieg forests, air.
earth linea. oore
With 1,•511ly,plir:mirmi , a. 1hr% 1..0100 reach
Irl or
war of for di.clw•. robot -it rrh i. i meet
the n
mn.UhiUmml dlw•iw •, and 11, ,,,,int' 111 it
you mart out, intermit iemedle.. 11,11.
Catarrh (lire i. taken Internally. and M•1n,
direct' on the bland and nt'trrm, .nrfate.,
Hall '.5 *lnrrh ('tire 1s nus 1 quark medicine.
It wn• preecrllwat by one of the 15.1 ph .14lan-
in Ihl. count. y for year. and a regular Tree
acrtptton. It le cnn,o.ed of lite lett Ionic..
known, combined with the be.t Iliad purlth.r'
meting directly on the mimeo. .nrfnrc... The
perfect ,ombinetio, of tM, two ingradienl • le
whet produce...151h wnnderf,il resutb In •sr -
Ing catarrh, Send for two Oriental. tree.
I' J tiff:N►:Y R .'0., Toledo. 0
Sold hY elrog tat• : pries -:e•,
Take Hall • Slimily 1'1Iir for eon.'ipnlfon.
KverVh-wly expecte evetdsody rhe to
set Rotel exatnplt's.
Not a Mirade
, But Medical Science
Lr. T. A. Slocum. Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Gentlemen: -
time ago 1 began las 1010 feak
and tailed every day until 1 bad to
quit A•nrk. Nphysician., and all my
friends said i had ront nutted ennaump•
Hen. L !'ailed frken 101•5 pnuudv down
to 119. I. w'at Wit ivied tt gn In the
1lofkiea or 10 the roast. 1 went In both
places' tinder heavy expense. 1 con-
tinued in fait and was advised by the
doctors to come home to nothing more
coulee be done for rite. Hope seemed
to have Left me.
"1 tried Paycb1lte and since seating
its use 1 hate ; inc.!ratram l 19 to 111
pounds. 1 have mad tan.(NI worth of
the medicine. 1 amu well mini ntml f
cannot say too mune in praise of Pay -
chine. The strongest, revounnendation
would he weak in tiew of the Net that:
I believe it hal eared ,nty life. It is
without dont", the Leat rru!r.ls• for
run-down ennditiona and weak hinge.
I sinrrrely hope ;til fres:. thief 1•1111
will cnntiuuc your gnabownrk of cutting
nun down people 31,41 1-nnnmIIljrtf41' front
the grave. \\'lolling inn amt Psychine
continued am•ers1, 1 rein:tin. mle et'
Psychlno's best t'riends. "
.\ L t:X. Mr it.% t:.
Sault Ste, Nitric, (Int.
Almoet every mail briuw- 11. letter+
like the atter,. Psycbine 1. ilt repent
this record in 40 en rase. It iv 'h
greatest medicine known. At all arm;
gists, 50e and $1.110. of Dr.. T. A. ;If
aur. Limited, Toruuty.
Kuechtel has Inlhlislted a number of
bulletins and a1,1iclet, 1111 forestry sub•
.i"cts. Suite of the re important
see: ''Thu CulthatedForests ut
Europe," "Methods of l:.timutting
and Me aching Standing Timber.- and
'•alakisg a► \1'ooitllut fr Seed."
It i-;tbtotishing how the once slight
knowledge of scientific forestry it be-
ing multiplied in the minds of the
public. Nearly every citizen ie will-
ing to listen to as discourse ot• -maul a
des.sertalion,on ohne to preserve our
forst wealth." The change in the
public attitude is significant.
In the game of life a goal deal de -
'tends upon a goal deal.
t{. it fly a.V
Iles All .f Tia! Tat r
With Ncae et Tie Waste"
7 - hat'. Armon r. Kxtraet ot
Reef. All of that r.•1, .neon.
Mato of prime n0aa•1 beef. with
11004' 0f 1114• 1.w.1e incident to
ft. nreparatinn.
We be.r rept ural) the note -
the taste rata lire . on.
On, neonate honk - •' yty raven..
Reeve,- sent (ort r -n rennet .1
ono metal rap twin„ Jared Armour's
t:xlrset 1(M.'.
Amu.. !,mind, Tenon .
Solid Extract
of Beef
New Cutters 1
at Kn ox's
Made by t he celebrated
"Only One Grade.
' and That The Best. '
1 have jest Ire•itel 11 ahgp-
meu( of these line !'totter• end
invite anyone inleIi'wt.st to call
and see theta.
Cot-. Newgate
and Hamilton streets
1 urnitnre and t'INlei't.k l lift w Jo -crow n..
stt\Pe.t .Ido Sq 1111 re.
: Holm, Uatcrich
Night oath: Al residemee. tor. ('irnbtia
rand and NcIs,u Ml reel.
i -1 HE EVADING --
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
kr.% Ea)'
� r �a
1' M,- , 1 Ordersccartel'',attrooad to .tall
1 ■ hours. '.Ight a day
Tfia Best Ial Curfent Literature
:2 Co'Ptcrc NO•:ELS YEARLY
52.50 PER YEA 25 CTU. A COPY
11,1 m.. 1411'1
`. u c Lad.
Tad r a) rel
A, far,t
UM.. 4111, c, t.. 1 A 1.�,I
1.+ ...:I I ,�•1 ,I t,,..
an l
411? I •
not... ..r
34, air • .
Thr I ,1
Y.C'•liter :,,,•
wn,•1 ( 1•. 1 '.at r
the amts' r.r 4' t .' la liana '1•
to barn le -,o1.• u'n
, y'b
lin rt' iv n in 1 tnr.aI.+r
'4T1 -4x)1 "1I -war.+ ..f n•ute:,- , .. n..
have poen I. nave 1.: r,,,re '.lir adv. an.t
rtam1.4 . •. 11.,- .0114 lint 1.40.101) 1.. 1
in114Th r ,.� 1.rehi, •.,o• r '' adv i, re
w•ith,ne .aur S'la'm a-.i.,,.uin c.
r • for IRS L
a1 l;la Shat. to alL.id.'t/u• ,:: -- t.xu;1•L.
'PHONE 15 °R 24
N -,,'rho, -.• I cr. Ke•.'
When )11,1 w..at ( end Verde ) (.t reet and 1
Fill' ItF. 1 .al Durk Square/
Did you see the dandy
Wilson's warerooms
on Hamilton street.
Ile has the best collection of
Cutters 1hatt ever came to town.
Ni matter what style you want
or what in•ie, they arc Ilime.
lir has their ft'
$5.00 up to $50.00
Call and Have a Look
allyway. 11,h is always glad to
se's X011.. If you don't want rally -
thing in hie line', maybe 'you
have fi•iendn who .In. He is side
agent fur
(,01M- PH 11, ()N T.
A Newspaper Bargain
^l,:w,ra THE SIGNAL
The Family Herald and Weekly
The Signal will fume -h you with everything of intere•I in this local terri-
tory. Every home in thio district sl 111 receive the teal paper.
The Family iierall and Weekly Star of Montreal h the acknowledged hese
family and farm i•'tpe•rIn Canada. its magnificent news eervit e : it. 11,50*
Porde! departno•nta; its interesting magazine featuree: it* great se'rinla and
popular short Stories, smoke it the greatest dollar's worth to IP' had,
'rhe a Wooten of The Signal and The Family Herald and Week!).
plitrm•'dem the give 1est amptint of wholesome fancily reading and reliable we
II•,nl all part of the world. - I
Send your *ulisct•iption to 1
THE SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont.
2.9 'It1 1'15.1 sr ghrd on the market .. Ie,, r
44 hr re you gel 1,15)1 Ile. far a ton.
• /del • left. 111 (', 4', i.B6'e !fordo at'' stole
o eat able tktuare, prutuotOr altond .1 10.
Canadian . Northwest
,Homestead Regulations.
1,1 4.11 Immin•el! .ort inn of I ,ou'ininn
1anr1- 111 Nanll,.l, . *.knb.hewnn and Alberto.
exec d ing sand :B, tint re.ert401. may IM honer
..l,lid by any pet -011 who frlt'n.ole brad of es
fnrllily, for any emir over Ill year., of lige. to the
extent of ono -quarter auctlotrof las, acres. taor3
or ass. •
Applientioafoa et.lryy nro.t he mn.le to person •
by the spritrnnt at n Ilixnblior. 19.1.4•- Agency
or Snh•agenr, for the di.txtet In which the land
5, .i1 emir. Entry by pros,,' now. however, ho
node lit nn AL:,•ury 011 rennin neelltlon. by
the 10115-r, b. 1, -on, do nghl.•r, brother or
meter of :m, htCmh"u hoane.tendrr.
The hnrne.tea I. required to I'crforrrt Ore
'mine -trod dull tinder ono of the fullow(ng
111 At tweet .h n'onth• re.hlente Hahn and
••ultivatimi of the Lind las each year ger thros
11 A horne.l ender may if he -u 4, -i, r., pr.r-
loom the regnln,l tr•fdenor'15,1404 by 11 ing on
fnnning land u1. nM .edgily by h it. net Iwo then
eight; ,'r":•'•n,- In extent, In r ►{lolly of Ids
heti'.-.', ...I. .loud ownersh In butt will net
mcetthl.. a.'. uttcmrnl.
la If the hillier torm cr,111hefather Wile
rwaethnf a hotnestcm r 0Rw permanent teat
dewy, on farming la owned windy he him
me kw, than eighty an acre. in .'alarm. In the
. irlMt v of t he he e•lead. or upon a homewtrsd
,et at 1.w S. I. r1nl ase 1 jetfoil y. curb
rndlr may farm Ide own n*1denee tlutew
by living wit the fatter for runt fieri.
111 Tho to ",'handy' to the two peered in
Immo/int 1', eennM as mennina trot mot
than nl n'ilr. In it A i root line, wiriest ye of the
width.• e/ rend allowance. rroorwel In the
me,.plin unlit.
A hrrmeslewder Intending to perform 111„
'Iden -r ,iulea In ner•tx,tanrc w11h the ahovd
h11e living with parent• or on tinning Ina,
maned by himself nrlt.t notlfr the agent for 1h
dint net of auch Intention.
Sit month.' not bee In writing 01,1.1 he given
to the I'emembe'inner of IMminlrm land. at
Ottawa tit Intention to apply for patent.
W, W.1 Olt V.
1repot y of the Mint:lrr of the Interim,
14,11, • Unantkorivea publlrsllnu of this ad.
'transient will not be paid for.