HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-20, Page 2$ Tavawav, February 20, IIJOti } TILE SIGNAL : GODERICIL ONTARIO ���1�111i1i OODEItICH. (INTAltlu. PUBLiSHHED EVERY, 'I'HUHS1►AY ■Y IM1 ARATTKIt R ROBM TUON *swoons ('all No. 3:ri. Terme of Subscription . SUM per aunun, 111 ion%axle". Mx months, 9l".: three wonlh..:..•. 'fo t'ulted States subscribers, i1.50 r vert 1•trtetly to ads en.•el. Subecrllsrx who fall to receive Trig 14ON.tt regularly by null will confer a favor by Ac- q uainting us of the fact m as catly a date as po•wible. When a change of address is d...ared, loth the old and the now 'ddraw should be "Mei.. Ad.ai,sing mat..: Legal and other *iuular advettt.nuluta, Ins per line for find insertion and lc per line for e ach iubsoquent fn.uru . Mlessunst by r ,,onpandl swede. twelve toleto an inch. Business osrds of +ix lures and under. Si pet pest. Advertisement. of L..•., Fonnd. Soared. Mit nation.. V.utut. Situation. vantcd. !louse., fur Nall or to Itent• Farms tun Sale or to Iteut. Article. for Sale. rue.. ,lot exn•ating eight liner. ta each insertion ; H for nasi mom h. .Moe for each subsequent mord h. Larger .111. et tee. manta in proportion. Anpouneemeut in ordinal y reading 1)10 Ice cents per line. No not toe Iry 1 ban -I.e. Auy special police, the object of wi,ich i. 11.e pecuniary benefit of a.:y intik IJ owl a- n -.,r i atlas. to Le cauldend an ani el tk.rynud aid to Its ohatTe.t arcordhufIv. lista tor dispisy sea rnul pact eel. cite., meow rt- meow will be gtveu on applurattoo. Address W cemmunicauaa to VASA ITER & ItOIIERTSON. Tux SIUNal, i:r...r•rlek. out. OOUERICH. THURSDAY. FF.11.'ss. 11Na OUR POLITICAL LEADERS. Tho cowplaiut has frequently been Made that political leaders in Canada, more especially the members of the Dominion Cabinet, oars not heard often enough on platforms through- out the country. Immersed in their official duties, the Ministers tail to keep up that contact with the people which would be IK ocfllial loth to Ministers and to people. Men who are fitted fur public lite should be alrl to devote a considerable portion of their time to the public discussion (f national affairs, to the advocacy of milkier and the explanation of legis iative proposals -- not only on the floor of Parliament but throughout the country. Something more they leadership its party strategy is re quirpdr: there should be leadership its the educatio,, of the people and in the guidance and direction of the nation towaeslr better methods and ideals. Ott the ether baud, (herr in some- thing to be learned by the political leader' from rontaet with the rank nod file and from candid, open die- * torsion of public neatgmes at other times than just before an election, wheu party feeling rune high and prejudice eupplantw tea+on. its Great Britain Minieteiw of the Crown give much more of their time to the pnhik platform than Canadian political leaaderw de. 1t may be that the system of 'under secretaries re- lieves the members of the British l'al,inet of -h of the routine work of their department.. and this would ie the strongest argument for the Adoption of such it system in I i,nada. Resider allowing the Ministers re time for public diecu.wion. it would give a valuable training to younger wen who in time would naturally till the more responsible position.; if found to be fitted for thein. This suggestion hers been brought forward in Parliament by Senator G. W. Rose, but has not been received with a great deal of favor, there beim,( • objections to the additional expense and to the multiplication of (Miceli. However. AUL effort. alum:H 1e ,'lade (u discover some meson; of relieving the Ministers of routine duties to the ex. tent of allowing theta to give e time and attention to the dtis•Ilwl'ge of their larger respwnuIibilities as haulers of the people. IMO EDITORIAL NOTES. Tbere are very few rases of deist ilu- tion in Goderich this winter. Fur which we should le thankful rather than boastful. A Chinese statesman says tile United States is the only nation with a cnnacience. Perhaps because it has given it so little use. Ilia kind of wralher we have been getting may halve a tendency to revive the, old-time custom of inserting "D. V." in all announcetnents of cow- ing events. _ _ The death is ,umonneed of the man who originated the colored Sunday supplement. Pity he didn't take the product of his genius along with him to --wherever he haw gone. Emma Goldman ways guveinnlen( is a disease. The Laurier Guvetnnlent ie, and a very wasting one at that. - /Rail and Empire. 'What worries The Mail andEmpire is (hat in the case of the Iwurier Gov- ernment it is a very lingering one, too. Mr. Bryan in one of his addresses in Canada last creek declared that he would rather have the flag of hie country loved than featepl. Tu which The London Advertiser retort*, per- haps nit leery grariounly but with truth. that the flag nt Mr. Bryan's country is neither loved nor feared in (lmnada. Another n.'wlipap er man iv in the field for Parliament, 11. 1). Warren, ref The Georgetown Herald. having been nolninntd by the 1.ilerale of Halton as their candidate for the legislature. Iteany, their seeing+ to ha it generni awakening to the isles that when the people want m good all -spend sten the newspnprr office in the place to leek ter ....n. -- The Weil Huron Farmers' Institute aetam need it eerie* of meetings for the past week. And in' spite of inclement weatlier and lad roads retried nut ire program. In sympathy with such effort', put forth foe list' biles( It of the wetulels of the farming community. there should he a inure general and a more active interest among farmers its list. work of the Institute. Young tai-iuerr especially should schizo the beueflt of gettiug together to advance the Intel cite of their lalling along this liucs taken up by the Itint ilute. FArlulug is becoming re and more a science, demanding censtuat study of changing conditions, and the farm- er who wants l0 110 a success can get inspiration and perhaps Bowe helpful information at the meetings of the Institute. And in (hes days of co- op•ratiun the fanner elieuld nut he the last elan to see the benefit of united, action among .those whose vocation givts them a common in- t crest . -- - - - - - - Mother Magic. 111 d..'• of chl1dhoal, now' Iute,04$4swl mart Ain.. Intim 1 .nt wtlhiu at holy place 11'hcre myotic iso d aril solrue. rolling hytju Touched the tratsved soul- of wets to thoughts ur arra. Too -mall to comprehend. 1 rt 14apiry there 1 Iiugereol..rate 1* Id.' ape, Owe:wit deur, Sat the.wcet mother with her ripple) hair, Ile, . mita• of angels and ber color steer. And .be would hold oiy hand. end so emir+... In some dump way. the Wonder of the hour ; Out spirit. talked. by Intent lruderue.s, A. +welly as -flower nod. to Mower. Aud l0 11 1. day, alio to so l creep alone tutu ..enc veered corner. l i.t the choir. War some 'meat ortrsa a n.u.t melodious mutts Alai ..at. h the windows 114.14 daylight wilt, 1hv. riser we mice agalt. those tea 1,orie4 vi col . 1 an as Ina dream. and uodoratatid Ood'a meaning ; tor, acre* the year'. 1 feel The meek. sure mark of that .pirit•hamd. -Richard Burton. FROM OUR CONTEMPORAHIES. The Right Man in the Right Place. Hamilton npeetr tor. Ottawa,, Dickens club has a presi- dent whose name is '.Vol. Sykes. Talk about the eternal Mimes of things: The -Handy' Telephone. •hrllie !'skit. The .now blockade of the pest week' sliwuld help 1be farmer+tu math... the unefulnr.a and conveunoire of rural telephone.. A Winter Nights Dream. r. nclph NIurrnrc. It feel.. goods to think that we are speeding on towards the r hit 111 mock. the Ione -pipe, the lawn mower. and the itppl..-hbosntins. The Present Duty. Dim., l',d. 11 should teethe businese (t every guverniug Jody, yarticularly during the inui h talked -of stringency, to cur- tail expenditure. This is what Lite orlinery individual his to du and shank' be :t god example for 1- ripal and .vaulty councils stud the Pro- vincial 'r -vincial :and Ihnniuion 1'arlinlnelves. People ate often more genennls in heading out public mourys than they Are its dielntr%iug tlwir awn. Econ- omy will' rflciency is often the high- way to wealth. Automobiles on Country Roads. 11. 'Ifo,, T •. The youth Bruce farmers have no Ione for Ilia "devil naggoue." They are petitioning to have them excluded entirely from the country roads and rest rioted Lo inr'n pirates towns, cities and villages. It is to be regretted that,. the inconsiderate ctndt id some ant bilists has amused such strong feeling lig-tins( motor vehicle's: but their exrlueion fr thehighwsys can hardly he looked for. Stringent and well enforced regulations stay probably inert the requirements of (11e CBs,•. A Reasonable Claim. \I mtsoitml 'fhr'Huron count y council is prepar- ing to lith :a special eI4i111 for pnr- tib•ipal1ou in 1141' Itttllicy Toeing dietribr nted by the Got comment. wider the Highway Improvement Net. 1'be cnuul y Intik it rn:ulls Milli handed then( over to (lie local twin iripalitlase et • y ages, sand will now claim a ptnl5rt' front the Government t0 tasint thein in Cnn'trwcting permanent bridges where met'ILtry on the im- prove! rondo. 'the claim is a reesr.n- *Me one. that should le runaidered by the Governwont. (loin! bridges are as ementi,al as girl made. How About This, Gentlemen l Toronto Week!) nun. Mr. Downey of Smith \\'ellington and Mr. (shark of Centre Hence were juirticularly active in ;tumbling the Pet- typieci Bill in the Last aeseinn in which the Rose Government held power. life. Preston of East Dnrhnn and Mr. ('nl'we:glen of Lennox made the 4(1Irrtinn of equalizat'•n of tarp - tion prornineel in I he gen.•ri1 elections which followed. Nuns of throe gent le - men have, since Mt'. 1Vhitney came into power. lifted a voice. that ha* leen heard bey 1 the Innis of Ijnren's !'era, in e'pport of (loin newt important felony'. An explanation of the silence, or as tenewnl of pre- t•it1ll* activity, events to be due to the constituents whit accepted in good faith the pt•.ttat ations made roar years ago. Home Rule is the Bat Rule. Most ma Ittar. me 111i1i.h 1'arlia,nrnt•isask tel to prohibit smoking ley boys under six- teen. If the British police can mak such a law effective, they will 'do bet- ter Wan the Indira on thin continent. The best way to hringjrtlout M return in this 11) 1(ter is for the patents to Doke it in hand. Its the good old driya we hear apokeu of sosligh'ingly occa- sionally, boy* did not smokes it rule -where their fathers coul,,see them: nor slid they came with the null of the weer on the bent 11. The lathers had (sassel,a prohibitory law which theyy enforced with a •trap. A little. of the neons medicine 1,1 again needed. Thee.. are some thinwhich a parent rim doh wich the police can- not. do: and to make n boy behave is one uf thein. The Treaty with Japan. Hemmen secetnlnr If ('sundian p1.wlnrere and ut.vul- 1i(tlru•ls were ne quirk to take ad- vantage of the upiortmnitien the Jap- anese markets oiTcr as the Ileitis') lodumbians were to take objection to the Influx of Jap labor, the treaty agreement would gnickly demoted tete its value. Met far, l :anada a trade with Japan has leen ineignifieent as rorh- paled with that of her rive", the United States. The market In there• for the Anleriran is neeupying it. Hew be got there is an old story re. peat's'. He went after the burinet's, studied the field, and produced the goads dcmlandld. \Ve are too prone to wait for the business to emus to us: too ince' disposed to insist that the customer shall take the good* we rifler, and not the goods bp wants. Dime 1',itiadi stye` int her own lu couuectiou with this trade of the Kist there may Is• ,a revision of the lerul "yellow �reril:" it stay bee • "s el - low pearl to the Canedi.ut tuannfac• tamer. Bad Shooting. Ilttue. fibbers. Hunting is spent: los iuiri,le u a crime. \Viten ,t keen or cureless opo t.i11N11 111 the bush sues s,ouethhig that he things is n deer, he llree et i1, turd sul,eegtteuty albeit/Verb tIL,tt ho has killed u 111:11. If Ito lutd tern his tat geL properly he ttould luuw be- yond *.yon d doubt whether it WAS it dere or n luau. Nut geeing it properly, he is not lute which it lout he dell(r•r• ately taker the chance .4 killing +t utas rather than mia. rh(oting a deer. In otker words, he does not give the human being the benefit of the doubt, 11 he gave the 'leer the b meat of the doubt ,And it gut *way. be would low about tern dollar*' worth of venison. 11 hr gave the alas the benefit of the doubt, the life of a !suntan bring would b.• saved. Any hunter who will rout the risk of lilting as hewn,' bring rather Than risk losing ten dol• late' worth '1 venison deserve,. to be in the ('-uitesLiary. 'rltere'fore, '('rite l'itisen Think. Diet the (.111 Irwin, :d. 1'.. to amend the criminal code, .honld pass. OTTAWA NEWS. House flaking Slow Progress -- Mr. Bryce Arrives from Washiarton. Ottawa, Feb. 17. --- The days are passing without very much progress in the work of Parliament. The op- position lllrllllwrlt 100111 to 1.• deter- mined on a policy of obstruct' end while they carry m1 their tactic.; of delaying thediseusaim' er the serious busine'ie of the' House the Ministerial members can only trait unlit the ulr strurtionists get tired of their little game. Technical Education. Nle. Guthrie (`Mouth \Vellingtonl has a Inst' before the Home fur L14e ap(w)intturut of a c 'ssion 411 in quire to investigate the (10).415 of Can- ada ourrola in respect to technical education. In introdueiug the motion Mr. Guth- rie piinlsid out the existence of a national movement in favor of tech- nical evlulation, and said that, although it alight be argued that under the 11. N. A. Act the Federal Gova•ruweut had nu jurisdiction iu m- gard to education, he thought that the term al ural ion did not include in- dustrial training and instruction, which might well he taken in hand by the Federal Government. The Cana - die,' Manufacturers' Aswpri.ttiun btid obtained the views of the vnrines Par vineiel Premier., and with n -single ex- ception they had eteted that they would welcome an inquiry by the Du- mb liolt Government. Old -Age Annuities. Iron. Mr. Fielding ha+ given notice of u nwd111km providing fur for oat.tlr fishing of a syeteen of Gewernu'ent an- nuities. The resolution states that it be advisable to authorize the sale of 1;01e1•nment annuitie•r "to the end that habits 11f thrift Ile m tad, and hal thereby opporl y be given to the people of Canada to provide for ''1,1 age by means of tanuuhies of nut lean than liftyy dollar's nor more thin -ix bluebell dollar§ per '•rear, the an- imates to pr' pllrrhw.whle either by tiering a single s o• by the pwy• meal .•1 41 at if (hit'd +11111 periolieally at fixed snit definite p eri,el, : the Gov- ernor in Council by regulation to f1x the rale orf interest to be allowed in ronlpntntinn of va111(•5 (n the folder wlli.h :ue I hoe hw.ie of such purchases: sled' Anmui,n ., In he payable after the annuitant lois reached the age 44 Hcty. become Year* or has beome dts:tldrd : shout,( he die before the annuities are 'flyable. I he ,Honeys timid in by an ;an• suit ant In It.• re•yny,able 10 his heirs, with holt•e per emit. a p and 'Inter est. The prnler'y and interest of an *01)11(1(101 to be 11lutssitin,tblc and to Ir• 4•x1.111 pt. (1..111 Irgn I p,l'rer•es, except vont met be entered into end cnu.lder align tbniefor paid, with intent to delay. hinder or defraud creditors, who. steal seat intent being natnh. lishel, x111111 bete the right to ie- rrit. the present worth of the-itn• malty. Mr. Bryce Arnves. The British Alulrswtdoi• 114 the i-ndtrl States, Hight Iron. Janine' Il-•, c :an., Mrs. Bryce t.1 rived in IAra w•a tAda y from \Va,hingion. Mr. Ibyce will have an int imatedial•uesiun with the ('anadinn Government upon (petit ionsending between the Unit,.! titates and Canada which hate la•('n the anbject of negotiations by letter. They i•tclu le waterway.; end fishery questions. THE. LEUISLATURE, Former Minister 'of Education Advo - cat es Technical Education. Toronto, Feb. I . - Hon. Mcleod !hurtle! 1, 1 L former 11niatet• of B.lu- 'alioe, scammed the debate in the 1.'gi"Tal a, a• on I he address in reply to the speech f1, nn the throne. ile wade tl .11 amg p ea for Ierhoicml rincntion. drrhu ing 1 hat a ole sialism whish were proviuiug imins(l lel training for their grgealati weu.' forging ahem' of lbo.r uationd 'uhich neglected it. 5,11brrlul,I gave nn example of 1114116ra s14ccess along This line, Its Reboot life being related to every trade in the runny. A Uerinan deputa- tion which clot t (sited the United Stales sat the time of the 1St. Loris F.xpotaytt(inn had repo, ted that Ger- 11„Inyll:ut mulling Io fear from the United Staten in hotline' l e peti Don. The ream,' given wax that !here was in the United Mtatee en entire absence of Nysteulati4 ineliuvtion in crnfl.nuansllip. Minerals ani Timber for the Settler. The Minister of Lairds and Mittel 11as Announced ,t change in the Govern - merit's policy in regard In the' right* of set tiers in minerals. end timber. The .hnnge means practically the adoption of the policy advocated by the ()I,p,ei• tion, and hereafter Iona fide soother ,along with the hands for which they have mveived pet ents will receive the rights to Minerals ,and partial rights to the timber on their bands. The announcement of the Uutv'r•n• ine'trlb tack -down lel to n lively aecne between T. H. Preston IMunth IAen(1 and the Premier. About a year n when nn O pneition uicmlw•r 111tH dural a resolution along the line no taken by the Government, Mr. \VMt- n0y Applied to it 1 he tern, "Ldderdash." Mr. Preston reminded hint of thie, and also of the further feet that the name policy had been favored hy the I'rovin• clap Conservative convention. Mr. Whitney does' not. take kindly to twigging and ahrtvld his annoyance at the "rubbing upthe wrong way" which l-0 reeeivsd at the hand* of the newwpeper men from Brantford. The !Abend member.' 'njtyetl the little set•tu ilumenmity. Mr. I'rea(on Also pressed for the re• peal of the three-fifths vute clause of Trier in the Way of employment, bu-I lbs local option IAw, and Asked if the creme•+ the cost of civic goveroweut, Government intended to steal this and in the country produces aripersely plank of the Opposition platform aa it settled district depriviug farmers of had rtulr,l others. The Government the Advantages of neighbors and utak- refused, however, to delete 11,w1t 111,1111g it mow diftivell and expensive for this question. 1 theism to have 1.111001S mei other public services. Idle land owned by sun-ter- ideuts lu the ueighlaerh.ad1 01 11, well - tilled farms is a moisture acs every L1 mar knows. prrndueiug 406.111 mud iuewaeing the rest of nlad 111aintvl- Members Have a Laugh. The House has been having s (uu over;( story Auld by Ur. Smith IM:ult tile. Mario al. the rxplcoats of tis•' 3111)idter of Agriculture. The once with lel +1 ptvPorliuttatu luctrOS' Hon. Ae1su,' Monteith hes shown ut the r r. sue. The vacant tut' much tap:ability in the management to',ether in city (r country is a null" - of his Delutrtment, lout 11x. limit encu wtdrh should 1.• ,list•• ,rngr(l. i confessed that his confidence its the The well-tllltd term and the well built lllnialer had lately been shaken. Mr, house are both desirable tbiugs of \luiteith Mut purchased it Immo for which We ran hardly have (•o wan)'. the Guelph Agricultural (10(14ege, 14(41 liiet**ti n1 •Imerinlivating at,(aiusl 1 sling las high Ns $L,5(%4 for it, and wheu 1 ells hrid well -tilled 1* -tits We s11,+uhl Lite +wig+tl was taken, ut Guelph it rU'OU PNg 1' thrix plotluctluu nod we was f 1 t041/1461k. le• LIiuJ in loth ryes should dis•nur*ge the keeping of Istel The Minite• denier the truth of the idly for sgrc,'lat . How is this t•' story, and at*les that the hnrwl' in ie donr1 The answer 1r simple -- quest iuy will be o11 Met es:that wheu +dudish the tax es improve/mem ,' and the ureullelw take a trip to the ('ull.•ge levy all taxes un (Anti value. eo that a which is being arranged) for. and that sorrubit.,r haring a It'imlrrd a'rn'+ til they will find the animal iu full pose vacant laud would have to paw As erasion of its sight. - •h taxes as Thr °weer of an adjoin- ing hundred serer which were tenet There les hew) a guu,p drub of talk and drained and upon which a good ablest the schew of 11 number of Con.alk house and (Arun bad been hill(: irnd aervative members of the legislature the usher of ;t vacant lot its the cit y in "Ioycotting' the "state dinner" owned have to pay its much hi the givett by ltdn Houot• the Lictiteumit• owner of tetsinte r tut ‘114011 which e Governor Ior.utw• H. H. Gamey. the 1101164, was erected nr MI if be erected e member for Menituuliu, is never in - do on the tut him (1 1 Of course to yite4l to three (stow' For relwmr du this lot once) would bra very Nutt - hen known to himself. but which may den change, and while it would b e IK• g11P.,'rl'li by the public, Itis Honor finite just and would product batiste', nut carr to have Mr• Gamey at getythewLegislatit ure It make d he (such la his table, and of course if other nl np- irrlical oto a all t.1 once. It should, bels. of the House wish to show their however, be possible to get the l egir- disappts,v.tl of His honor's discrimin. tattles: to amend the Wislssment act se, alias against the man from 1[ u,i- aseti penult improvements to land to Austin they have a perfect right to du to taxed at n lower late on the dollar au. Su far thele is no indication that the I,ieuta•u;ant-Governor is at all die - lambed by the actwi of the member* who have stayed amty from the slate dinner. Want Earlier Elections. The executive of the Ontario Muni- cipal Association waited upon Hon. J. W. Hanna. Provincial Secretary, last week in regard to it number of recom- mendations respecting the municipal act. The members of lie culninittee proposed that the Legislature fix dates of wuni"ip al elections tut a time so as not to interfere with Christmas and other festivities. A uniform weight for leave, of bleiul i+ asked. Provi- s' for the taxing of county prop. erty for I.x'.d improvements in alto staked.- Another Peter Ryan Story. 'Toronto tiaturd..y aerie. Although since he has held the pos. inion of .egistrat• of dents lie has etrietly and ceneci.•ntiawsly obeyed the Garruw tesedutiun, time WW1 when Cher.• w'as no more picturesque figure on the patty 4411110,ll platform than \h•: Peter 1(yan. A hard hitter and n kern. t,•suureefel delude, he was it pal y The Canadian Single Taxer. than the land itself. This t•cfurw would hardly be uppwed by anyone, as it is universally admitted that Tend values not the product of indivi- dual effort,and iutprovewente are. It is generally conceded that land values are the result of the growth of population and iucrease with every improvement of the public service and are therefore peculiarly appropriate Al a subject for taxation, and it it (pretty generally acknowledged that improvements should not be taxed as heavily 1511 land values. It only re- quites a little agitation to secure this amendment to the assessment act and ollCe that Is dour every mwlici`patity eau proceed to encourage industry end thrift And'dirruurtge the spevula- tor, by steadily lowering the rale of taxeldon on improvements and melt- ing up the deficiency by increasing the rate on laud values. this plan has the further merit that it is lit au exemptiou, end therefore it not open to the objections that an exemption. usually excites. It dogs tint alter the +tascaretl value of the property, and therefore will not effect the right to vote. it allow,' the change to le intro- , duces as gradually or as rapidlyj' A+ each wuuiei lit rc sires it.- role formidable opponent. though, ler'atlse' he fought (all• and neves- hit below the spelt. lie never lu.,t a fu iced nor wade au en.•iny. 1'agee might lie 611e'd with anecdotes, well worth the telling, of his cuupaign exietiences. Isere is A s:unple During the ruute'st in CetUr Toron- to in his'(, when the late IL.d.ett slay au' the late Sir J. D. E 14 ar were the candidates. the colored vote in -the ward'- WAS an impotteut but mnoe- what duilh1fol factor. tine Sunday a number of `pro -nt Literal workers celled on Mr. Ryan and urge) twist to attend a colored potpie's seating. which wet,' to 1*' held -Out night: 1'I h he did not hanker for the job. Mr. Ryan eon -tented nn condition'thet they o uuM nut ask 1 ' to 'peek. Hut man propose-, el e. Hardly haul Mr. Rya"' And hie friend beeh seated when, the 'adored chem •ncc having beet -woe e>.1otu.4(441, the chairman relied 11(511 Alderman Ryan, the w:/+ it city fel her then i. There watt nothing else for it, mud the Alderman b ad to go for arirsl. First, he exp.. easel his Weimir.% elan bin delight. at. bciug prese•tt, with his colored ft lends, • espe'i• ally sin^0 hi. "r tee" and theirs h e1 h its common. Binh had aiff,•ral grievously at the hands of the soup.• Hasse torch n, p, e:t'ur. 11 WAS the 1144x110 she hail ismpplaull.d negro 1Ltvery in North Americas: it was he Maxon who had trampled imam the Ills -Mies of hello'. "But, my ',doted fellow til iz,•n•," he went ua, '•a your rare and aline have plod dark 4113.+ its our hiotn1ly, we hove had 4)111 bright ones es well - You sups ave have written many rodeo lid gin tines pag n. in the histol y of the w'urld. \\-h.•,' England moot. *trig sling lu 111.4inr:tin her prx'51ige en the continent of 1 tr•"•wt., who did more for the glory u( E .gland's arms, who ahieved greater valor and heroism, than E.IitartlThe Ire ek Ps ince 14reat of pl:nia'(' . \Viten Scotland wan struggling for her lih'rtiee agtir et the t vrant, Edwatil, oho it) ab:y seconded tis • Ernie effort, of Hruer, who was no het:Meally in the bite of 1 he forefront. 'f the Tecate, :t,, the Black Irmals itreae•ndouy cheers and shouts of GoryIt? " • clot their way frr.111 the meeting one of 11r. Ryan's friends, a Sereehnran, said to hum: "1 .I,ot, Meister Ryan, ye were a nit ntT In yrs history the nicht, 1'us no *toe ;Overt (ht' Bleck Prince, for I'm no well posted In Eng- lish history. He (nicht hats been a uie•ger, for si 1 ken, But lin sure the 1JINck Douglas Wt.+ DR a neeger : he WA' n (icotrb mine" How to Abolish Land Speculation. (Inc of the most striking fact-+ of modern rivifizatbon is the Incgnnlily in the distribution of wealth. On 1h.• tn( hand we have sc4or•r and hun- dreds of persons who reckon their w-ekllh by hundreds of lhon.ande, end et'rnmillions, of'1,llal•, and nn the other hand there arc millions who are never able (0144.11 even ehe louse they live in or indeed keep Int of debt.. This inepialit7 in the prssessiou of wealth cantle in an age when the pro- duction of at•eehh is greeter than ever in the history of the world and when the i,dividnsl power to produce is fr Ian to fifty limes what it *Al a century ago. ''this difference in the amiomit of the poreeselins of individ• hale is not caused hy difference in nhillty either to produce or to Alive, 11111 in wholly du,• to lege' c onions under which wealth is made and by which it is distributed. thief among three lege' eouditions is our system of i taxation, which by taxing innprove- mint• and useful labor p enaliget the Ifanent nod Industrious to and lays n , sohien the chief burden of main - 1 t icing government and providing for the.. nere•asitles of the community. iI.js still blether aggravated by the 'i fact Dint, tl h vnraltt land Is taxed, 1 yet It le na+rseed tit a much lower rebel than Adjoining land which ie termed or built Ilton. In this way the practice of keeping land idle, In the hopes that sante day r.nuenne will pay w high priee for the privilege of putting it to, some useful purpose, le eneonreged.I This di•criminntinn in fent* of want ath pend not only enables the epee- nIator to gam watalth he bas had no hand its prdurIng. Telt it puts* bar- A Revival .n the Swine Industry. \\'biro list• swinr-taising industry has been its w)rue (narters resting on its ,won and in others showing posi- tive IeLr•guesei , Lite live stock bran+b of the Department nt Agri- culture at Ottawa has been gelling out a reel ' of bulletin Na. 10. "The Posh:, 11on of Ijacun for Ibr Brit bed Market." This booklet 1,1 its first edition Iwo.-iwed wurb w all that it Seven teen - Teachers of wide experlea..a:. bond .clolar.lap and untiring energy. employed by u.. have built np a currk;minn, uu,urpwnl in 1'avoid* for thonnarl...es., •y.luni and act a.,l hnnlne.s pew.al are. 1nnla: 1'urerlrw Trhyrratdy. Slew ozrephy, 1111111. •rci.:l. Enter any tinge. h.Jit ideal iustrn'_ loon. linv!'wles ao.i.ted to p, -It. lo','. No s mono,,. Hai! ('purr, its Innzu 4r".. Bo ,kc keeping. Short:1.1 n . Penmanship. etc. Send a postal far inform ills, about Ceases', Ure.l.et Chigoe ef High grade Rearseee Colleges GODERICII BUSINESS COLLEGE G l-0. S1.011 1)S,1.1./ ,N•NN e• •• N .AN•NAN1? • INVESTIGATE t Int . (be merit.. of : CENTRAL aTRATIrORO. ONT. 11 1. 1),,' 0,0.1 .sere«hd b1,.lncv 1n,luintr wheel 1n WsnL.rn °Marin. Our Commercial, nhurtinend tied Telegraphic ihepartments are In the change of able Instructor. of riper Moor. All onr roommate thorough• np tn.lalc end practical. 1V.. have barroom one or the largest.bu+l,e,. treflltig shoo,!. In the Province. Get our free ratalagruc end I.se.n whet we are doing. ('omnwr:Iel school. a. well re hoeine,e. men 001 posey our grad notes.11A1dent+ane rntering cute h woes. FNTEIt Nliw'. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, • IMncOwl.. 1010 NN•NA., %.•RNN•R 1 BECOME INDEPENDENT by taking a courxe In the famous ELLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. .t school that ha.n first vino:. regatta 1 Ann for superior work. Our cofirste hoe. naw the greeted nnt•ndnnee In Its hi. Ivry. All hudnese rollegea are not alike. When getting an education GET THA: 1lL14T, It always pay., writ', for our hnnd.ame enlningne. Collett.: open n11 1 Kir. Now I. ,t good lime to enter. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ('or, 1'ouge and Alexander yrs. ass.� NOW OPEN ENTER ANY DAY w inter Tel Ill in 011 depart nmnl 4 of the Central pin.tnc,s college. Torun to, ofi•r..plendiA chance. for .ptn1• Ing a few Months pleasantly and,, profitably. Twenty. fire teachers. t'atwingoe free. Wella for It. W. H. SHAW, Principal, E. R. SHAW, Secretary, ,'ONGE and OKItltAl(OA,.5 Tnraalo. 1111111Nams INNS The Ladies -Wear Corsets are nil the noted Crompton wake, which for all-round satisfaction aro unequalled. :!lotto;13 to suit ail figures always in stock. Per pair, .,Oc. tw-:' )n JOHN STEAD ONO WEST Sr. very large entice became exlietisted call for coPles during the lute wine Wee 11.1141 atitmuu mouths fell away to twine eat en 1, but the renewal of inter- est and hope in the bacon industry is showing itself very strongly in a re- quest from many iinartere of the llll inion for min° information 'Mori the question of ewinereisiug. kor- tunatt•ly the 41eW edition is elf the The bulletin in ita revised form will sea reel y recognized. In addit ion to an almost complete new set of illus- tration.. which are notch bettsr ar. rimed than the (sinner 'slate. much new matter hail been added. Careful treatment has been given the vital quest ion of lemming and in this cam- ber of plans of modern a ppm% ed piggeriee are illustrated and deectibed. The economical tiLiii sat ion of dairy by•pro bona-. th at margin OHM upon which profit in the intitistr) •h depend* is treated au new tuat-, toy• The very strong revivel t>1 the ewitie-raising inditotry which must .11 ing stoe that took place during the past autumn has already commenced to show itself. I t safe lar predict that With Ile. teturti Yining. *gob its pluaurage and renewal uf supply 1.1 dairy by-pasiducts, together with th.• shortage of mutate' stockyt demati.1 for swine greater than has been let many veers will be experiene041. sired at 11111e11/0 time bulletin ,Nesdit, reviwx1 edition. luss been prepared. Copien may be secured free by snaking application to the Lire Stockg (' • %Ve don't blame sonie men fur ic- felting to take tht•ir own advice. Cold Cures are Many! of them very tlIWCI 1411 11 \ 1. 1.1N111 alga lista stood the test of time and proved witnitt-r ErlitleTIVIC 1.1 .1111101A every cam. is HICK'S LAXATIVE -CURE7A-COLD TABLETS Put up in :lreg liuxec . If any cough acconipanies Hie cold. try a 2.k bottle uf oiir SYRUP OF TAR AND WILD CHERRY S. E. HICK, _ Central Drug Store GODERIC ONTARIO. Where Quality is Apparent YOU find it in everything we szll you. FRANK H. MARTIN THE TAILOR AND FURNISHER. Touches the Heart Sad Story of a Mother of Four Children laid low with Consumption What are Canadians doing o Combat this Disease? We are shocked at the tragedies that the newspapers record aluiriet daily, through railway accidents. explosions, falling bundle" and other causes. Each incident must surely draw upon °lir sympathies. But sad and lamentable as these are. the results are insignificant compared with the loss of life and prolonged suffering that. comes to thonsanilm the Dominion strieken wit 11 t hat dread disease Consumption. 3,000 die annually in the province of Ontario front this disea.e ; probably double that number, taking the Dom- inion throughout. We have on our desk little booklet, isaued by the National SaliitAritilli Association, by whom was established in tom the Id uskeka Free HospitAl for published a few of the lettere that, ate being conatently received from appli- cants seeking admission to this Mum - 'rota home for Consumptives. Let us refer to one simply to empha- size the purpom thug art iele. The story is of • resident in t he village of Liman --a ther. The friend writing on her behalf empty that few months ago this person, a Mrs. Carroll, buried her husband from Con• sumption. Ile was an oil Mon. Ile peddled oil around the country iii his waggon. There are four renal' childrei Now this mother has been taken ill and her physician diagnosee the rate con- sumption -the infection doubtless ob. tained In nursing the Imighniel. The Muskoka Free ilospital for Con- sumptives are being asked to admit thiti patient. It is plettaure for the management of this instif talon to be able to say t hat at no time mince the doorA were opened -over five years ago-hea a single ap- plicant been retuned edniirwhin becatine of his or her inability to pity. This meant; a heavy strain financial', on the Trustees, who yenr in and year out have gone on with lu• work, wk. Mg further extetionons and plowing their hope in the good will and gener- osity of the Cantidien e do not. know a more deservieg eharity in Canada. The rotutinnidive fonnd everywhere. end we gladly append to this article the snggeation of the booklet, that our renders( help ite far its they een to maintain Past, 8101 pet ientA aa the poor mot her of 'mean. Contributions ere learn may be sent to Mir Wm. 11. Meredith, Kt., Vice- Presiden Osienorie Hall, Toronto -4anitari Amociation, 347 King Ma 51. -en and Women of On tar -Flo This APPEAL is for You The Great Provincial Charity, The Hospital for Sick Children, Calls On Yon For Aid. Iteinember that this Hospital is sot • local institution. hes Provinctal. It cares for every sick child in Ow Province of ent cannot afford to pav for treatment. Burly dollen are bet ter than idle tears. The !yin lathy that Weeps 0 peel, hut Om Ilmmitalhaatehses I lee sympathy that Works. Last year thereNwere 1093 patients ad mitred. Of these 3711 f rem 23 1 outside of Toronto -all were children of r.00r ea. Id. effnrrl to pay for }:sch child was in Hospital 174 day. ay a cost of si.:o each the 474 days 11 your dollar eeuld oar:op:lit en the feet o f a little boy 4,1 girl with club feet, vou would gladly give it, and your dollar w.11 do that. There wetr't 7.9 rases of elnh 4.-ot treated IRA year. Out of the 79, about 50 were from the country. 11700 know of any child in your county litho is sick or has club feet, knd shoes parenta can not. afford to pay, sold the name to the Hospital Secretary. The stock books are open. Won't you I et the Hospital writs your same down for a few %bars in Heaven's own w` -rt k of healing little A great mine of Mercy --Alm mining stock that always pays dividends - la bought with the money that helps The Heepital for Riek Children to or• hrset tht. Gold of Life from the Quarts of MIR h. MOWN send oentrihntione tio J. R414.1 Robertson, Chairresn, or to Donglas David. Reo. -Troia , of the Hospital for Sick Ohildrea. Oelkir• Sem* Toronto. an (Immo. ,fews The smallpox patients In have heel) element how quota Wisighant is considering th While skating last week Id and frectured her is sea John Riley, ni111 Renjeitil of 1.:011161 Ullett, last week re 1. That ilk. truinufnet num. uf lung." are prepared t.. denier let ul thu tuuit lb Ifoo4 Monter Ale las :wart*, oleo .11 mend Water Po 11 (..111.1, plot 46 tout outirtar. Kenner t Iktublit 1,44. 1.11041 1(.1.1. 4410 to natutal lututtrul water, alai am thee 21011110 CSIC CLASSES.- I ASI vaittar t•o rowel pantie for piano mod theory. Aldo the JitirruW1 kindurgartoi. method for youog Mammon • outwit; Atom Oudorieb. .A. BOY ADAMS Teatime. LW Piass. Sleds.. In Bank of blioritres1/111 • Medical DRS. 1•313fEILSON & Tut 4 ogee. Hamilton Street. 1)r. Turnbull'. roraidenee. Doetreal,o, southeast of Public Library.1, • sign Huta.. 'rcieittiote-, ▪ Nose and .1 111.0%1 Way. ntrat Botha. su.gron New 1.-ock. Aural In, Mote Pail 40".. 1140A1 Lofoten /01 haltooir 151 wits lamdon. Eng °thee All Stratford. 0111104•111, %%.11141.4w holt Legal lianultoe t dime from square Komi% next Auer A. rate Nods to lend at kw ist re 11.810. BISTItattl. attorney.. wile tioderich. Money to tend at loww, L. Int K1N8014.1'HARLES GARK JOHNSTON. HAlt1 II solicitor tunnel. r vta Bawdier' st met. E..tato a/.4 levet-once Atente telie for sale or to let Poupertlea I any part of the toes. and county. u awl accident insuraoce. Agent mutual and stock pomponlos. luau hews effected on be -t 'dans and at le or address J. w. ood, Woos At MUTUAL Fl toe it property insured. Value of eured up lo Jan. mei,_over 93.10.111] and directors :-J. IL McLean. pros. vice -pro, : Jas. Vitteielly. ti. Dale. treasurer ; 1144)4410r, neereit dime .1. W. Y041. lioinseeville. agent and get their cord. rorseipted Brown s. clinton. or at IL II. Cut Kingston street. IlueltlitrIt. kjitiAVING AND 11 Allt-DH Protupt service ; everything Hen 1111U1.11 Komange Habil Block 1.1 Jae. Vritalcr. Marriage LIMN WALTER E. KELLY. 00DERIC ff. ONT. Watchmaker. Jeweller and or Ismer of Marriage Limp. uT LANE, ISSUER OF Tv • AUK beetles, Ouderich. Anetioneennit THOMAS GUNDHY. Lir Awl general a net icemen I 'SP Street. where n he found a when not ^rytng wile.. Terms row every effort used to give you GEORGE BECK General Auctioneer New System of Tickets and OFFICE, HAMILTON STOVES Y1711 Will 11110% some ta• **Me if you tail to Wit can do for you in one o Good Cheer rang( Good Cheer art he Penn Esther rani Nothitig just its good ' money ; every une guar 5 per cent. off for Cash Repairs Electric Wiring 1. GIVE US A CA 'Phone 155.