HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-20, Page 11 1 1 THE SIGNAL ira a handsome Calendar for each subscriber paying in adv}act for The Signal for 1908. Call and get one . J 'X c SIXTIETH YEAR -Na IMO ion al GODERICH; ON'TARIO. CANADA FEBRUARY 20, 1908 TAKE A LOOK at The Signal's hat of clubbing offers on page 6'c1 this week's issue, and select your reading [natter for too8. We tau sup- ply all the loading publications at a saving to our subscribers. !sour '[ s k ROBIUtTsON, Pti.Laesotss Financial A SAFE 4 PER ('ENT. INVESTMENT BY OPENING AN ACCOUNT WITH flli-IE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY you will experience that, happy feeling which comes to those who know that their possessions are safe, as s savings account with this company is just as secure as au investment iu Govern. went Bonds acid yields is higher rats of income. FOUR per cent. Interest -paid on deposits and money can be withdrawn at any lime. Goderic t Office, Corner North Street and Square. W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. Notice. OTICE TO INVESTORS. -THE \ .aerutore of the estate of the Int. (Margo Acbe.on Ion decided to offer the *bole emote Inc sale. The property onuel.t4 of real ealats, debenture.. hood.. and stook.. Perth.. welting to invest In any of the above prMetUon ran get full part lc alaon applies thou to lbs e1Couwn.. Mae. Erma S. A. Remo, Kserutrt x. 1 1'. Baowre 111"k -uteri i t.11AM £CHaaoN ... tench. Ileo. 3th, IY,7. Public Notice t PPLiCATIONTO PARLIAMENT. ▪ Notice 4. hereby `elven that go applk*11su • x, flied. hy 1.b.: North M411.e4 Hallway pp..nuy lo thy Dogteethe Aseembly of the Ih ovinee of Ontario at the neat mooing reaalpa to. roof to an wet amending the Art f Iacer- p marun of Use aDplIeant. and extendlog the to.. for the eomrneocewent and completion of certain two. of the railway of the applicant. o' .et out In the mod Act as heretofore ...needed. T. R. LU4COMRE. Solicitor for Applicants. toted u hoodoo, Onto (his (44th day of Jaou ,•rt. A.1l. Itae. 714 •„)4,..... PPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. . b)Jce r hero.) 11uan that the Oalarlo w'ed shore Electric Hail stay (ompany wilt apply to she 1agb1.Uve Aneembly of the Prorlsce 0f ' 1ltlrlo at 11. next .ession fur e.n Act : 1. To empuwer the Company to extend its rruposed Ino of toil. oy from a point at or soar Orsini 14md m the townsblp of Stephen, 1n 4 b rounly of Heron. tbroagb the toww.klp of 1 .borne in the rid count thence In r .ou'hemtrOy dlrestlon through the towa.bip of Rlwn.l.ard. to the county of Lion b. ami the tow...hip of Ulddnlph. In the county of IIkidle. O '. ; tL.nre M,utherly sed wes(erI through ,hr teen.hlp of Wert tlebobrl In the minty 01 \hddlewx or Lnodnn to .,whip. amid . ounty. lis rind to the city of London In .ak4 Wanly. with mover to con.truct a bench line from • point to the townohip of U.boroe, 1n I hr cuuuty of Huron or the lowm.hip of bout .).rd. w use county M Penh. through the Id town.hlp of Inas-bud, im an climatlr d,rwtion tow point at or near the town of Kt. Marys in the comet)* of Penh, sal thane In sen 0.-lerly directions through the towneblp of Ia,*n4e. In tise oaentl of lett& to lire city of b,no toed, In the mid county, and In. t.., sad tI.omit. the memo( ineardiae, In the calmly of Brom. To extend the tune tor the payment of nfteeuercent a of the amount of tie plhal -tuck of saki eon Puny for one year (rum the Ilth day of May. (*4...d to extend the time for lite uowplct ion of the nwtlway of the . dlcant company until dA of *pp W 1 the q Illlt_ Approving and condoning bylaw number r, of the town of Uodcrlch, 1u the county of Huron. re..eoting certain aid to the applicant company by emu entering the bed. of for sold .onnan to the extent 1n the whole of the -nm of 016410. and the agreement or bytaw mule brtweeu the raid town wad railway .ou„auy, dated the day of Ise. whereby tht railway company k. oil en' the right to huild and operate It. railway on . .moth meet. of the girl tow. 4 Approving end confirming bylaw number Ot_ of the town of Ktnord,n, in the county of Bruce. re.pectL.g oer1 Glu aid to the .ppllcatt company by guaranteeing the bond. of the aid (*03(wn7 to the extent le the wile:. of the 'um 0f 4.I.en, and the sgeeem0nt or bylaw made let Aeon (he said town old railway company. dated the day of . 1001. where to the company N given the right to build end °perste It• railway on certain .tools, of the said town. Approving mid conerwl'r bylaw number r of the township of A.hneld. In the county of Moon, respecting certain aid to the applicant eutepony by guaranteeing the bond.' of the said r oanppwwny to the extent in the whole of the suis. of sitoone, and the agreement oe bylaw 1 mode between the mid town.hip and t' .railway company. dated the dry of . IWa, whereby the company U 8:0en the right to build And opeote Its Ur.e on certain of the highway. of the rid Iown.hlp. n- Approving and eondrming U}law number 27) of lbe lown.hlp of Huron. 1n the county a Hnae, mem ting certain aid to toe applicant' rornpnnY M guaranteeing the boccie of the .1 24 company to the extent In the whole of rho onto of ;73.000. and the agreement or bylww mode between oho rid township and the railway company dated the day of , la whereby the company eleven the tight to build and operate Ito softest on ser. tun of the highways of the said town.hip. 7. .1Dprering and confirmingbele.. or agrermrnt of the town.11p of Colorne, in the consty 0f Hmon, drool whereby the comport; Is given the right to build and operate ire r dlway on carting' of the highway, of the mid Iswnahlp. X For much other tights. powers and author or, sP toes, be bacldeatal to the above. .[rated thin l 4th dal of January. Itt01. ' IHRONTARIO WEST 1illORK KLEC TRIC RAILWAY COMPANY, by 'eel ('A1GiEWN TheirUSolicitors. THE STERLING BANK ' OF CANADA Hese Orrice Tonoino 01 rneatzeo c4rrr5L• $1.0110000 INCORPORATED BY SPK( iAL AC r OF DOMINION PARLIAMENT TO RECEIVE DEPOSITS Tu accommodate the Farmers the have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and I3AYFIELD. we e eoliCil Ile } ahroomage of U1n FARMER. ('AL1 NOTES IIW'Ot'NTED. tiAViN(3H BANK ACCOUNT opened by deposit of $1.(V interest at 3% compound- ed quarterly. 4 1Ub,1tiCH BRANCH A. 0. GAMBLE, Mensger. 1 GODERICH MARKETS. Tacaeoar, rob. kith. rail weep:, per bu.h, new eel li toe 10 ((acing wheat, per bush. new J rte to n to nye,_per boob .0 1.1 to 066 buckwheat. per bush v 0 ta, to 0 M Otos, per bush., now 0 l0 to 0 OS fess. per blah 0 75 to 070 Harley. per Muth 0 (al to t lip Arreenings, per too - 1e to to DI On Flour, faintly. per cwt 2 03 to Y 11.3 flour. patent, par cwt 3 2.3 to k 15 Bran, Shoo., per ton slit W tto3624 onaa Rio, sew. per toe le M to 11 y, Wood. per cad 3'0 to it 00 Butter. per Ib. e W le 023 Chews, per lb o I3 10 0 15 freer per des 027 to 0 'l.2 '0'aloes. new.. 0 y, to 0 Sal ('*tile, ordtny to new. Uweni. 200 to 1 flu .Itis, ex port, per ewt / .n to 15 '5 Ilse weight, ser cwt..-. 3 IMI Io 300 b. .. ... A. to 6 (q lateep. per ow 230 to 4 On Seer Ile 0 14 to u t0 Bacon. per lb 0 IS to 0 '34 Lard. per 113 IS to 15 Twllow, per lb01 to o a) Kids., per fib.r).eklon 2 1n In 3 00 ('hrckeun 10 to 10 Turkeys .. ....... I(Sel.44. mark.te 1 page 6,1 to I t Beal ::state tor bale, A DESIRABLE: FARM FOR SALE. 1 -West half lot 7, Oh conceaaWn. A.b• 11eW. known u the Sdclienrle farm. two tulle. from Dungannon. one half mile from irb,ol. It 1. well situated and hoe a pleasant view. Ise acre., gond hand fur general farming. all cleaan& no wort. land. all needed down. O. lis a good state of cultivation, in free from lad weed& There are Iwo or•hard. ; one of the.. 12*. .[tout ISI, tree. )u.( beotnn,ng to bear. Theare priooliall all winter apple.. Hood n, Iaok 12.Moet. witf goal etabling and cem- ent fluor.. driving stud 213x/2, with large loft obese, which will .tore about Mown tons of hay . henbane I.r_s. Good frame home. 70.J4. with large summer kitchen and wood - eked sttactred, .tone ,Alar, full .tzr of house, with content floor. House 1. being remodelled with metallicodling•. wh,ch adds greatly to Ith warmth. spp.arw0ee and eonvedeece. Artenwn well seal windmill, whichupl.Ilea water to house and barn. Titers Y a when lied tank and water trough at born. which w IU bold enough water to water a large stork for a Lumbo[ of days. There V ale a never foil Mg veil oo the back wider the Mom. Th,+ k a good home for someone.. ler farther par - IMulan apply to W lt. AIiDOt0ON, t)ungaw nun WA. DWELLING FOR SALT.-COM- txtable house for sale. e000Sn Ent u liquor*. Elothrootio etc. For particulars apply! to OECORUE HF:AN, Devoe rtrwrt. i41OK SALE AT ONCE. -THE GEN r KIRAL store and pontoons business at (*[low. Largo frame owe and resid.oce of eight rooms. \ear l.. e. R. glwtloo and con. ,onlent. to chunheo and school. Apply to 141 K8. 21 96410. (Oriole P. 0.• 74 'COD HOUSE FOR BALE OH TO 1f rent.-CorufortncbNhesae to_ rent. Mtdium c W, r n C n e e. e h Sass. a e foul to tlrlu r F t room, ct . Would sell to reernslbte pony who ooald make moderate os6is payment with balance In monthly Irrstalutentw. For particulars apply .t THIS OF'F'ICE. L1ARM FOR SALE. -BEING IA)T11, t' c.tcealoo Il. w• 0.1 olborne. comprieing inn acre.., all clamed. There b a good. comfort- able from, dwelling house with cellar under math. a gond frame barn, net repaired and en lamed, with a element foundation. floor* and all stabled ofe. Theme a large young ort•hard of choice bearing fruit tree., 11 ell watered by a prong crook and two wells. Vence. and every thing In good repair. For tenor and Wortley Ion .pol), 10 MR.S..tLLEN or JAR. Mc HIN• N gY or by mall to Nile feet (Jon•. 76hn bAKM FOR HALE. -PART OF block IS lake rood oast, Colborne town - Ip. two 0,11ew from Uoderleb, (.0) acre., gond clay lam. brick house. barn 34 z M. with Dement stablingarteelsn weU, water In bulk) Inge midvowingcreek. t .ere..twrdlnit timber Dem)on P, orrhud. Apply to C. ('. M lf IL, YOUNG & ROBERTSON. HEAL I1Aate Agent*, Ooden-h, Ont.- Farm and town properties bought fold .rd exchanged, FOR SALE. --A LARGE, COM - FORTABLK brick hou.e overlooking the harbor; all modern oo.venlenc-.1. Including bot water heating- Apply to YOUNG t ROLL E ItTSON, Ooderloh. \OR SALE. -LU ACRES EXCEL- LENT land for market garden. with g o.400rd( nildingt and fens. ; two mile. from Qode- rlch ; ore worse In orrbwrd of ripple*, pear., plume. oherrie., peaches, grape. and • r. Price and terve favorable. Appy YOUNO k ROBERTSON, Ooderlok. POR SALE. - 1; STORY HOUSE ✓ at Angleeea street. 14 .fury house on Napier street, It glory house on rlgin aro nue. 1 story hm„e on Victoria street. Two etnry hock hou.e on game .( reef near the bike ; ,tine room., all modern convenience., Rt. David'. 'treat : nine room., all modem con - venlencee, Forme Inc Pale to any part of Huron oonnty. YOUNU & ROBERTSON, tlodortch, Out. AN EXCELLENT FA KM 1'0R tt HALF. -20n acres lis'V1..( w'awa.oh. tee mlloa from Auhuro ; roll a cls ler., about. len erne ander cultivation and 31 t0 10 sere. limber. A well and two +rings of water, A nowTtamedwelling, w barn, etwh1, end driving shed. Apply to OUNU & ROBERT - 110N_ Uo4eelok. L'OR HALE Oft TO ItENT. -- A I' d,02 -"l. flnecro fern 1n W.at Wawa- nnsh. ronenedon S. let. 17. with 17; wreath good *tale of cultivation, well fenced, well watered Food orchard. loops bank barn, good houen. t adomnr, blacksmith .hop and store at cursor of farm. ('nnsonlept to wheel and church, 31 nailed from 1 P. R. statism at Auburn. Tenn. eery. W. A. HARRISON, Lucknow. .1I01'ME FOR dBALLS. -h A NINE i mrmon lane ettenon/i having a Rood d,tul Inn. on Kew Ys .10001. Store totmdallon and slimmer kllehen.and Mehl.. Will be fold w. tennwlrll] For fnnEe(( p*rtIcnlaa apply to Mita. AVM, M/CACO1IAN, 11 i3atlen ate., Tomtit., zit f L'AItM 1"O1t HALE. --A (7110iCE 1 (Arm Inc wile, adapted for mixed fanning or len, et acre. cleared. Ifl serno good oreh wrd, l:, acm god timber. SMI w gold t.I.ek clay Ian. Onod frame house, fame Morn and etabies. grid driving.1201. frame 33 and 3/, eoncr..40n 1, ttod0 ich township. Apply In PROUD (oT RAYS k BLAIN or to CHAS. J. WALLI8 Clinton. 26111 START ANY TiME. Get pro trOning In the mini (Mt In Oallenrl to give you the beet that. Can be had. The IM(.Iel. Amortises Andre*. Collette., Y M. l'. A. BolMing. Toronto. Write Inc ealalrtgere. LOCAL TOPICS. The Twelfth of July. The North Huron Couuty Orange Lodge held Its annual meeting this week but did not decide where It NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure Insertion In Issue of same week. Card of Thanks TO THE OFFICER» AND MEM- sensor Undeelcb Circ., of the Order of Candles Homo Clr•ler. 1 hereby acknowledge with somas than►s the prompt payment of beoeaoLry enlaced., Inoar order fore:ACUbe1d by my late husband, John R. l'reigte. 1 afro choirs to thank the 10npreite onfe'e.• and the ummere of Ualeru-h Chole. No. M. for titer kltduee and amheauee in the preparation of the claim paper.. IS1gnedt 1111u4. ELIZABETH (:RAtMIE. Goderfch, F'ebruery 13th. le14. Situations Vacant WANTED. -A GOOD GIRL FOR ``Neral homework. Apply to MRS. GALT, !tel,.on street. IUANTED.-A COMPETENT GEN- 11RA1, cream. ♦DDIi lis \IRB. C. PI'RENTICES 1V.AN1'ED. -- TO learn dreemaklug• Apply to 1111* W. PELLOw, Angleton .true(. a'tl. `VAt.N. I) - (i1HL 011 WteeN to do gerenl lweaework fn smallOMAai- ity Highest wanes paid. Apply to AIR•9. 11 M. ( OATS. Nelson etrece. ,\,'ANTED.--RFSPON»IDLF: 1' party tc act as sole agent fox ry0.i( I article of mere.. F:aciuglve territory to right tart Add.. ,. W L. H•. Is l lark Wiest.Cortland. Maine. ('loop GIRL WANTED. --TO 00 NS getter -al housework. wage. 112 a month Apply to MRS. DAVID BROWN, Anglewa e t net _Boarding won LADIES. OK LADY AND gentleman. two stow waren hoot room. with board. or lady room e*, ne a0 the 0. T. H. staUou. Apply et THE SIGN ALOmca. 112.1., tor Sale IIOAT FOR HALF. - GASOLINE 11111111C11. 2S f( long with 1 h.p. .gene, In Ona elar coodllla for tale clomp. booed A miles per boor. trill carry leo p.see.,ger. comfortably. Address.. Box 141. Uadench. 2.1 GOOD CHANCE. - MRS. PRI 13- :1 Ilan ha. [nested her roman over Dun- lop • drug 4.'rr. 7 hl. Is the ammo of a lite time to secure foe 1 we M 0oage*Ial co.npantan. . hip ore. comfortable . u.rter. with every - pike mocat.ry to wart hourekeeptng. Earn - asking. will be mkt at w bargain to clear oat at o nce. Apply to F. J. PRI DR A63 T UMBER. FOR SALE.. -HEMLOCK, L min and maple lumber for war from stock. W wire.be out to wire. For feline particular.Eppy to ROBERT KLW(Tr. Oodericb. tf General Meeting. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT to a treneral meeting of the ebareholdcn of ow Ontario Wed Shore Electric Railway Como pony will be hekl at (IN of0ce of Meer.. t'aw- erou t KlUorxn, larr4tun., err., Goderieh. Ontario, at the 'art' dry of March. R'OO at the hour of t woke noun. for the purpose of electing director* of the company and for the perpo,e of arising athority to the director. of the company to 1'.ue bund.. debenturt u1 other eecurit.•. to Ike extent of 113,100 per mile of Oriole track of the .Uway and extension and hr.nober. and to eocur° flat we by n, deed puu.nt to the statute lis UNL be 0. and deed, or the puree,e of trammeling moth other bu.lness w, may_properly be t rwn.acted at the food meeting,f TA{e maid mectinrt I. ,., far a. It i. to deal w Ith the Wm of food. debenture. mo or rurille. of this company to le it epeclsl meting of the company. [l•ted tblot lath day 00 61.bruary, 19tk 03 1.4 By order of the PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE or rams STOCK AND iMPL12 MENTO. Mr. Robert A. Roberton will sell b7 public auction at lot 27, 1.o nwenlnn 1. 'Wert Iynwa. nosh, nest farm north of Auburn, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 34TH, commencing et 1 o clock One bevy black g lding. mind by Llueola, tieing( 7 year» old ; 1 driving more. [lobe 1 Year* old ; 2 good (Inn dills., r4alno Y /etre old ; 3 good town, due to salve In May : 2 steers, tieing 2 lean. old ; 1 Woof. Hoing ( year old : S calves. I brood mow, due to farrow April IIth: 1 PaU.rron binder, 1 MaesayRarria mower, afoot cut ; I Brampton mower. 54 foot cut ; 1 Marry -Harris ('orban harrow' 1 new seed drill, 10•hee - 1 muffler. 1 fleury plow. No. 2) ; 1 Front & \Obeid twin plow, 1 .et Iron harrow.. ( wheelbarrow, 1 gems el box, ( hay rake 1 combination .tock and hay rack. 1 fwnnlne mill. I pulper. I ('44 orale. 1 heavy waggon, 1 revered buggy. 1 set heavy sleighs I eel light .Isiah., 1 stork ester tab. 1 sot of e sling ropes, 1 set of double hareem. ^ water barrel... M end 70) pilon. ; 1 balder : 1 Bram tank and .1 cane, 1 crow her, 1 mot planta. wh400.40 ee. neck yokem.. fork., ;hovels. scythe., chaine and anmemo. other.rtlelcs Everyt hon` wu.t he di.posrd of, se proprlrlor hail sold the farm. Terms if10 .d dtoer+at amontmonth' credit given on turnlehing wpprovod )nine notes A dlacruet of .; per cont. straight allowed for rash oe credit amocnt.. ROH?. A. ROA4ItTON. THOS. OUNDI(Y. Proprietor, Auctiounrr, Auburn P. 0. C1+ UGTiON SALE 0l A C.AR1.0A1) 1'V DRIVING DRAUGHT. AND GENEIRAI. PURPOSE HO114E8 .t the Colborne Hotel, (lodorlcb, on SAIVRDAY. F'EBRCAHY 2rifr, powwowing at 1 e Clock .harp One pair general mimeo gelding*,, year old . 1 pair general putout° m*res, I1 yeas d I 1 lair heavy geldings. food worker.; I lair g eneral marmot roll.., 2 yawn old ; 1 general purpose mare and foal : 2 metol mare., M end 42 Teary old ; t min good, cleanl sged grey hone, rising 7 year. old would t,.Fkc a good Rio department hone: 1 pair of moored black geldltere rising 1 end yeah 04. are Moth well bred bred and ver stylish and .hnnl4 make a 1.100.•1.100.•tenni : 10ni.eahl,, sound, work horse. to foe ,ondllion: n good little w e family noire, 1.l+ing year. old, is qu1M lis every way. and a good delver. Alm under In,trurtlone from Pmudfo O, Hay. k Blair. to rim m ort 0° r5*te Two smut of drlt Mg barna. : 2 critters.: e two...no l cutter; 1 canopy top mikado, road wagon. .candle meat - 1 new envered Morel • 1 new ribber tired phaeton. Also w bu rnlu'rrwof new blanket.. only used on this ion. Tbe hnssa *111 all he gnarnleed M retire - mentos on day of sate. Thaws: All ow* of eM and ander, molt: over that Amount .l month.' credit *111 be given on fnrnl.htng mperoved Joint none. A dh0epet et the rate of s Iwo eon.. allowed for etty M1 d'ed1(n , to e. TNV tA41 l HD1IT. AuallSeet. would celebrate the 12th of July. The committee 111 charge of the prepara- tions for a demonstration here expect that toe North Huron lodge will join with Mouth Huron in celebrating at (joderich. Uniform Promotion Examinations, The uniform promotion examin- ations for the county ut Huron will he held uu Thursday and Friday. April nth and 10th, IPA, Examination paler* wifl,ta, orwpared for the junior and senior divisions of IL ;Uid 111. classes and junior IV. class. A poet - card, stating the number of papers required for each class, should be sent to the nubile school Inspector before March 10th, Tried to Take His Life. On Ftidayevening, Charles Collett, an elderly 111+111 who has held (he posi- tion of c11et at several of the 11.1101.. In Loon, amongst their. the Bedford and Helen, was found in It half -choked condition in the lavatory at the King Edward hotel. lie had taken a roller towel and fastened it ;d.put his neck, attached it to some Ila1111* in the [Wont and three hiu,erl( backward. He was [too brought back to catn- .CitosI.•a.. It is ptub;al.le Howl he did not, fully realize what be was doing at the time. Gospel Temperance Meeting. There watra splendid attendance at the meeting in the Tomo -ranee (fall on Sut.lay afternoon las!. Rev. 11. \\ Wright delivered n stirring ad- dre.s, wed Key. W. E. Milleon, of Kingsville, who was in town iu ron- uection with the Sunday school anni- versary services at North street Methodist church, gave a solo which was Much enjoyed and aleo spoke briefly. Tho young men's choir made a splendid lead for the ringing. Next Sunday the meeting will he addressed by [tee. B. Clement, Death of Donald Matheson. Donald \lath.-o:nn passed ,Tway at his home on \\'i11h.m street yesterday morning el the al(e of seventy-nine years, alter an illness of 11 little over a week, Mr. Matheson hi sniveler(' by one 0011. George, and 1/114, dr•ughter, Mies Ada, of Delimit, and they wore with I during his lost illne4e. Some righter." pears ago lie lost three of his erns with their fishing lasat, and a few years later his wife died. Mr. Matheson Was a veteran of the Aiuerican war and vain< originally from the Maritime 1','..clures, The Recount in Howick. The recount of the ballots iu the re- cent local option election in the town- ship of Howick wee held at Gorric mel Tuesday. before Judge Doyle, and still the vote remains an ft wile, four votes over the rrgnired thrredlfthe for the bylaw. The temperance people had G. F. Blair. fun inter, oiGoderich, while it. Vomit/me, barrister, of Wingh:un, sea• nt for the antis. Hrni.tto ll, Mens., of Wiugliaiu, sea -..baso present iu Ibr lotea'eet of the township. The recotrmt wax asked for by Alex ler Orr, a hote4kt. Mer at (iorrir, and four hotels are affected. two fo Gerrie. one at Hclinott and one at fe'unlwlclr. At Osgoode Hall. Judge Magee gate judgment last week in the steam of the tewu.dtip of McKillop Venus Pidgeon and Foley. Thin woo at faction to recover $1,1.>tl liquidated damages up to the i5eme of the het it ;Uhl $,i per day subsequent thereto aganst both deft -edam's for alleged breach of n contract to du drainage wink fur plaintiff 'awl a muudatery injunction anal N3weak per- formance ,cgeint Ilendant i'idgrn.,, the contractor, defend' TR -Foley being bis surety. Held, that the cuotra.t was not binding. Actien dismissed with coots. W. Pronditot, K. C.. for plalntiffa. J. C. Makin.. [Stratford for defendants. Died in Hancock. 1'he death took place on Thurslny last in Ilenc'rck, Mich., of Malcolm McLean. sun of lira. John McLean, William street. Mr. McLean was fortyseveneats of Ale and was un- married. He was a brother of Mrs. George Johnston, of Tezaa; John McLean and Mrs. 13.1n McKay, of town: Sunman McLeau, of Marquette. Mich., and William McLenn, of White Fish Point. 1'110 funeral took place on Monday afternoon, ibo interment being made in \iailhand cemrlery. Rev. Jaynes A. Anderson c Iucted the oleeeluies and the pall•beerers were Captain John )IlDun,tld, Capt. Murdoch McDonald, ('apt, Mnleoltm McDonald, C;ipt. Win. Sutherland, R. King, and David Marwick. Among the floral tributes Walla beauti- ful wreath from lh„ fishermen of Marquette, \lick. Call to Rev. Alex, McMillan. Thr following newspaper doepaich from froMimic°. dated February 1741, re- fers to a former pastor pf the Smith's Hill Presbyterian cheer.%: ••1'he con- gregation of the Slimier' Presbyterian church at ;t mooting tonight unanl- mouslt• decide I t.. extend .t call to Rev. Alexander McMillan of 'furunto, to succeed Her, \\ illiwm Murrin an pastor. The invitation to Mr. Mc\lil»- Ian was cordially supported by all those present, and the congregation is very hopeful of securing his accept.- ^nce. Mr..JlcMillau wap minister of Ht. Enoch', church. Toronto, for 111any years, but latterly spent some time in Scotland. Ile hits preached here time, oral tinges during the past few week's, and his sermons have given much sat- ipfact.lon. The call it ill come before the Presbytery of Toronto at ire meet- ing on March .S." The D. 0. E. Euchre Party. Notwithstanding this unfavorable weather on St. Valentine's night, the attendance at the progressive euchre party given by the l).aughtere of the Empire,,_ in the town boll was very good, then, being over n hundred pere(mr present, and the Altair was thoroughly enjoyed. The hall wan decuraU.l tor the trer•akfun with flags atilt 1111111 1111C. JON. Kidd was insister of senheo and all' pounced s' the Lllowiug winners Ladies • First, Mrs. J. F. Andrews; 1040(11,4, Mr.. J. L Moore : consolation, Miss liaise. Gentlemen - First, \V, .1. Devi.: second, R. C. lhtya; n"wsnla- tion, D. McMinald. Mrs. Andrews and Mee. Moore were tie., but the cut- ting of the Bards gave (11.,1 pl:lrw to the former, and the ^wording of Iho first and second prizet to the gentle- men wow determined in the same way. There were three ties for the spook. men's c0nNoletion prise, 1). McDonald, F. J. Bottom' and 1'. Hermes, Aft r the playing reftr.hmerte were nerved and the llathering•hroke up shortly before midnight. The pleasure sisal convenieuce of thu.4e who attended was wall provided for and an excellent arrangement was the pr>vlaton for the checking of one's wraps for the small fee of Se. Another Social Eysning. The Marine. Social Club had another ae'sembly on'I'ueaday evening. when a large number of friends of the club wore entertained. A portion of the evening WAS devoted to pprogreselve euchre, iu which Alia Mollie Neville *on the lady's prise, Malcolm Mc- Donald, jr., the gentleman's prize. and Capt. R en. McCarthy the "booby." The murices' program included solute hy Mrs. Wen. McCarthy, Mr. Stein, of Loudon, end Herold Blackstone, a violin solo by G. J. Shaw. and pi;wln selectious by Mrs. -McCarthy, Speeches were given by G. A. Rebertsun, B. A. 01111 Wee. ('anlpbdl, Jr., the latter acting as chairman of the gathering. After the serving of refreshments the flour wen cleared and (lancing was in- dulged in. Moot 1:1i person's were include1 iu tis -gathering, whirl[ was voted it ;prat 10uc0e.s. Promoted to Guelph. Cbeeler 1:•'J1•row, (0 110 for the past three years or over has been the eine- lent and courteous operator and ticket agent at the Grand Trunk station, ha.. received a promotion in the Company's service to the Position of day operator and ticket a4eent at Guelph, and left on Motiday morning to wasnntt' bis 1100f duties. On Saturday cv'eIinl( he wee pi -moo ed elilt a suitcase and travel. ling noII)4nluiou by the railway cul• pFloye••s, the prereinntiou taking place In the ticket odlce at the .t..tinn. .1. .1. McLlouaid, formerly yardmaster at Uudericliand at prarrutsupplying in the same petition here, 'mule the present- ation, nod Cheater reel i.' I in happy style. H s many' founds will wi.h him' the best of good Turtune in his new location. Win. Dore succeeds Mr. Farrow Ile operator end ticket agent here and Mr. Dor' . former position is taken by }coward Godfrey, of Preston. Chelan Friends Entertain. The Temperance Hall was the .seer of featit ides last evening, when the members of liuderirh Council, No. 157, Cena4uau Order of Chown Friends, ."alert• ainod a pully gathering. From ti to 8 o'clock supper watt lwrved, and most bountiful 'provision Was made for this, oysters and other good thing,' beim; eert•ad in a style that Inflected great credit upon the Gulick of the Council. Afterwards an enjoyablie program rens carried out, J,ttnes Mitchell lv'ting as chairmen. The pnlgranl included instruurut,tl sel- ections by Miss Skiving. aril Miss Dorothy FAO, a recitation by Mine Hattie heichvr, so violin solo byy• .Ire. Shaw. vougr by Harald Blnckstone and 8. Botcher. a tinct, "David and Golub," by Misses Powery and lief• cher, and an intet•.wliug address by J. E. Tien. public ..Chad inspertue. ileo, \V. B!w•kef t also rtmtributed 1. monism of excellent selections with his phono- graph. Death of Miss Sands. The death °f Miss Jonuie M., eldest daughter of John Sonde, chief of the local 140330(1, which took place on Thursday lyes, came ar a happy ett. lease. The young lady haul beim ill for the past couple of years. thumgh *he was not confined to bel fur shore than a few weeks. The funnel took place on Saturday afternoon to Colborne ewuetoryhe wervicee being con.' ducted by Rev. Jarmo' A. Anderson, pastor of Knox church, and the pall- bearers being six of the deceased's fernier schoolmates in 'uoltfurd3 Peter •iliswett, Roy McLean, I.on. Morris, Richard Walter., Harry \\-ells and Lou. M**kell. The deceased was the eldept in the family, being in het. twenty-feu:oh ye;tr, and is survived by two brothers and a sinter. Archie, at Sp. kerne, Wnsbingtnn, and Wilby and Edna at home. She was of ex- emplary character. While in 8*Itfurl she was a member of the Hnnday school conducted by Jatllea \filch• ell and since the family moved to town she hail been in Mr. Anderson's Bible class al. Knox church.. She based the ch.frch shout flte years Ago. Military School Closed. The provisional teal tiny ec11rol which has been held in Gotha -Jell for the past six weeks [,lied yesterday, rata tion[ firing conducted on M lay. Tuesday and Wednesday of this week by Lieut. Gibson, of Wolse• Icy Barrack,, London. Seven officers and Live uuu•cummissiuncd officers took the examinations, which in- cluded practical examinations 111 squid drill, skirmishing, truant mount- ing, arm drill and winner's, drill, and written examinations un four papers military • law, interior economy, duties, and drills iced exercises. -' Last evening the member, of the class joined in a supJWr at Hlackslune'e, with their instructor, Sergi. Web- ster, of Wolseley Barracks, Its the, guest of the ea nim•. A program of speech and song feii{owed the mol and, along with ninny cxpr a„ions of e*teenn, Sergt. Webster was presented with a set Of military bnirdim as a srnitenir of hir stay in (isle' ich. The members of the (-lass .Ire enthuainstet in their praiies of the instructor, who, menialse knowing Ilii work Lberoughly, proved himself a mode, of geniality and patientotdl-nature. 'Ilia results of the examinations will be esu al in roililla orders in die course. New Science Muter. The statutory meeting °f lbs Col- legiate institute board was held oti Monday afternoon, with all the 'memo Iters in attendance. Dr. Taylor was' appointed chairman, on motion of Judge Holt, seconded hy Sheriff iteyn• old., and the following standing committees were appointed : Supply Supp I et Dee - ialRn Doyle. Judge 1f,It and Sheriff Reynolds. Property cum- mIttee-J. 11. Colborne. W. L. Eliot.I and Dr. Nichol.un. It was deckled to bold the regular meetings 4d the bots) on the first Thursday in each month at 4 e; Clock In the court house, as here• tofere. lin motion of Sheriff Kiern- ohls and Ilr. Nieholsem, the applies• lion of A. H. Baker, H. A., for the poaltlon of science masher iA sneers - shin to (I, A. Hobert mon, who Is leav- ing, A pril 1st, wee ecrept'd, the .slay teeing fixed at 51.1(1) per } ear. Mr. Baker is et present taking a poet- greduale comae. The following no• counts were ynlerelmid : W. Intake, repairs, $ I . fl ; C. 1'. 14. 'I'clegrtph ('o„ • 2741'; Jasper Nichol -on. sundries, $100: The $3; f4heanluwl e 1 Cheep Trip 10 Toronto -O T H Pees Bros., locket tt:411, $I.b); C. C. Lee gleam. $l ; locntary, portage. 54.84) Nail and FM ire tidy rrtialog, ado, The Globe. ad.vertlrlig, 1e. A relkat4 of helf-lernl'it fen, t':. was given Mics F. N aftel un account of sieknese. Caught Red-handed, The Exeter Advoeate•Iart week had the following: "Gordon Brown, a young 1.1;111 Whnale 11ot11e la et Fee- quber, was brought before Magl.- trsles Kay and Farmer here (11 Tues• day last t.. *uaw'er.tu a charge of housebreaking. Me.are. Beavers Bros., merebauta of Farquher, have been miming tao1M•y and erode from their store, hut. to capture the culprit seemed a dB/I.-lilt twitter. tbo thefts (wing committed der leg their alr.cnee froom home and a„r illy on $hnday. Determined to aitch t lie dull' v party they engwged the aro vil,,s. of Constable Hiowu, of Exeter. .Ind Moseley Mr, Dirsett wont out to lbs-a'etl:. of the thefts and beet -aril 1.,i1.e:f iu the more while the folks of the store drore .sway. It was not long before Browu took advantage of the situation and breaking open the back dour proceed- ed to the flout of the store, where he was captured ted -handed. Their Wor- ships committed the- young man for trial and tie wee taken to Uudericb Tuesday morning." Drumm was tried on Thursday last un one charge and found guilty and remanded until t(Jday for sentence. The young man was before Judge Doyle flies afternoon, and was beuteuced to four mouths at hard labor in the county jail. L. H. Dickson appeared for the prisoner. Killed on the Railway. A dletreaeiug accisleet sea., thmt which occurred last Saturday after - Moon, resulting in the death of Charles Ross, the eldest con of James Ross, of the third couceesien of (lode - rich towitshfpp Charles Roys and his blather. L'ddie, in company with Ernest Johnston, set tut to walk to WWII, and the r/adw being hall they decided to go by the railway track, which war a shorter route than the :awl. A violent ma -1 hwtwt wind was blowing, ac00UIp$uied fry a fall of snow, and the boys did not hear the Bain appeu+u:bing behind then'. until it was slowest upon them. 'Ernest Juh1L'Wu slew the train and called to , the otter lacy[, but before they got off the track it chuck the elder of the lion[ boys, who was walking in 111.4 centro, throwing 1' about thirty fret. \awn the other boys picked him up he gave a groan and died almost iustwt fly. Oise leg wa broken, the ok 11 was fractured d be wlae badly bruised about the head and neck. It wen sue of the inc. ntiug Ovine which killed rho young mon, lresunlably the after'noou express. I.t t the train crew were numware of the atcideut until they reached town. The young man was only twenty-two years of age and the sympathy of the a•mntunity• le extended to the ber- eaved relat'yea lalhejr end affliction. The tundra' Mor place on Tneeday afternoou. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Feb, 20th 11 - Special Meetings of the Council. Special meeting.' of the Whin coin cil were held on Friday and Monday evenings. The meeting Ln Friday was for the purpose of giving the third reeding to the bylaw of the Ou- tnrlo West Shore Electric Railway C pang and the meeting on Monday night vas W poor bvhtw No. K of the present year, amending bylaw iu. 11 00 ISIS as amended by bylaw No. 6 Of 1W4n. The bylaws of 181111 and MO were the bylaws giving the Grand Trunk Itahlway the right of running their lines of rail over eet'trim streets at the dock. These bylaws gave the railway company pormiosiof to run to the water's edge, Mit the Grand Trunk have not so far extended their track that fnr and the amendments parsed on Mondry night limit the per - omission to the distance the Grand Trunk have already built. The rights git'en in the bylaws of tau years ago were not exclnrive, out the council thought it world he easier to deal with the matter nl giving the C. P. R. 4or the C. P. R. end 0. T. R. jointly) rights for the remaining distance if the bylaw were amended in this way. it woe decided to send a letter to the Grand Trunk and also one W the C. P. R. explaining what the council had duns and also to invite the C. P. R. to send up an engineer, as intimated hy Superintendent Oborue would be done, we boon as possible to look into the g0ewton of a location for the sheds which would be regeired by the C. P. I(. in connection with the pro. proal to make Urslerich a point of transhipment for flour c*rriel on the lake.[ by the Mutual Transit Com- pany's boats. A Good Program. Exceptionally enjoyable Waw the nicotine of the Collegiate Literary Society hell in the assembly hall of too school butt1 'rids ' y eve .. i .. The program opened with an in.tr'rnleettl solo rendered by A. Roy Adam, iu his wined brilliant style. fn response to n spontaneous Imes( tf npplaunu he graciously gave an 0110,11,'. in loin thrilling recitation -Whispering Bill." \\'illi^m P'ingi,wwl diaplaywl elor-u• Biometry prwetis which were at once surprietng and deligligful to the audi- ence. The event of the evening wee the long•oxprvlel debate. "Herolved, that Money hats hail more h,ttueure to th,1 'hraruuer.'' '1'. 0. tun Ihlrn- in and rutin F'inglend upheld the affirmative. while Donald Finlayson supported Alex. McLervnan in his de• fence of character. Both sides upheld their trnsitn with marked ability, the supporter of the negative es- peeially diaUnguishinhimself in spite of his youth and the tact that this tett. his first appearance 011 1)134• platter's' I)r. Strang and Miaw'a Iklnl*ge and Doherty of the teaching bluff a.'1.• I es judges and gave their 'deci ' in favor of 111e negative. Meet Lillis,, Clark baulk "My sweet Ain Folk" in swt. voice and with gall expression. 1'br JuurIal ...vol by Gordon 'Wight Mall was our well worthy of its editor's. This illustrious periodical new rano tains 1lneost all the features which b characterise a first-class Inaglr7•Inl' ul• newspaper, and ft Is expected that a eerie) atnry will be inaugurated in a1i early lane. Familiarity with Sam Weller of l'iekwickinn fame dor:trtel not a particle trent the thnrongh enjoyment of his ever -memorable "yakntinc.' which was reed by Mins Meri(m Fraser, fir. Strang answered Ore imparter. in the Question Do ;twee D, the gratification of all. The Oleo Saturday Hale of lion) Blanket.and Robes Howel; Nasi..,,,, t S.rrant trained -31r,. Galt 1 yard of Thanks- Mns. Ellr..hetb Cr.lglo.. . 1 A nn0unoetosut -A, J. Caper , 1 Uouenl Sleeting-Onrarlo %vest ramie Stec Iris Hallway Cumpeuy .. ,,.... 1 Anctlon Ale. T. Uundry - . 1 Superior H..rne,,.- II. 1.. Knox, AublAra.. ... S Reader -I/. B. linos, Auburn . F'rrncla Greene I u. - Vloto,a Opera HoW,e.. a Tower ( ennuis ODed Clothing Co . ., 7 Low Rale. to P..rldc 4'01,4 -Joseph Kidd.... 7 CteWon Top., [ac-Ilodgeu. Bro.. g Kelpto(t. Hoot for Mole -Box 101, Uolericb 8prtug Shipment. neve Arrtt'ed-Jr. Millar Co 2 Pick Them lhtt-ltug• Bock. The Leal..•. weer Comte -Jobb 001 tbor:t rete l'o't bleed twn.d- lt. If. Pine .n Ricer. .. I ('old Cure, Ate Many -S. E. Hick. . Servant '.PaMed-Mrs. C (Jarrow y lit.Irable Fenn for Bale-- 14' Anderson. 001 cannon . . .. 1 Club's 'selection, "Ileal \Pings,' wan reudered in splendid .tyle. "God Saye the King' Concluded the pro- gram. De Lt,ume 31illyar4 pleyeer the *ccutupafiInefLe during Cite evening. Farmers' Institute Meeting. of the Wertries tflu onoFan i errs' Institute was commenced at Londeohol'o' on Thutroday last and concluded yester- day at SL Helene. The visiting dele- gates were Gnvirn Barbour, of Cross - hill, and Mier Isobel ltd., of Hespeler. Mr. Harbour's subjects were "Ilra.tght }lone. and How to Raise Them,." "The' Beefsteak Steer," "Cultivation anti Manure," and "Partnere and Their Mons." Mies Rife in the after - /item, addressed separate meeting's of Lulie+., encouraging the formation of branches of the Women's' Institute and L•tlki,il; uu subjects of epode! In- 0-potinM on palm to ANNOUNCEMENTS, he II Journal lsecureed by subscript• 10) The Sig{ be Sig- nal at, the reduced rate of :;:1 center for the year, by applying at this office. Coes; fon 8.tLx,--(',U' of Amertatn feed corn for sale. Other grain* taken in exchange. Call at the warehouse, A. J. 6000ER. Hamilton street. IIEI1; a SII011T110ON NALI'• 1'ua7'- I'IINxD.-Owing W lull roads it, 11. Reid. Pine River, postponed hie sale of purebred shorthorn cattle until \\'eduunday, February dol, 06(kl, at 'L p. tu. Teems will meet trains wt Ripley ate previously announced. t'0311N11 NEXT WHEN. -Tho Feaucir Greene Company will he at Victoria' Opera Houma on Motlday. Tuesday and Wsdu.sday of nest week with a high- cl:tas vaudeville program. Fine brass hood. Good, clews, up-to-date I.how. Popular prices -25c, .15c and Sok. Tickets now on sale at the Imperial Itestfrurall t, Commencing February )th. and osntinuing daily until ApPr•il:OIth. in- clusive„ one-way colonist tickets will le, on' sale to the following points : Van- couver, Victoria, Seattle, Portland, 'Tacoma, Spokane. Ban Prancisco, I.os Angeles, San Diego and Mexico City. Full information may be obtained from F. F. Lawrence. fowl Agent U. T. It., Glderich, or write to J. D. Me. Douald, I). 1'. A., Toronto, -e• AUCTION SALES. carload of driving. db. rought and genes or ral parr pew, boson.. Also bwrn... uggle., cutler., etc at Colborne hotel, oomu,oncing at 1 o'clock ,harp fors. UCND14r. auctions[, Tt xsnar, Feb. 2.'-AuclIon role of far,.n and term implement., etc„ belonging to iodate M late John Setting, at lot :. Maitland block, Hallett. Tuns. 0(1pat•. anrt inflect. 1VensgruAr, Vcbruer Oath. -Auction sale of tarn .tock and Implement., pr .pen of Hobert A. Roberton, O7, Woo, , concession 1, 'wets near Auburn. Everything to be d4pr.ed of, a. form hoe boon Poll. TRoe. GI•N Dar..Ilct louver TnuRAnar, Febrnaty 274 h. -Anil ton el. 0( Aleut stock and iu,plemenl., timperty of Mr. Lindero,. Huron rod, Oedorlch town.bip Il miles ,Ped of Clinton. Everythingto be .end, am proprietor 14 10vlug the frm. Tao.. 0cxDRY, suet keen. Faft.A5. February :70th. - Auction Salo of form stock and Implement+, at lot 1, concemlou 2. Wo.t w awe nosh comment. Ing wt (' o'clock sbup. Doom M -ua.m' AND At.kx. 'nrxvztu, proprietors. TROP. UeNDar, a,lct looser. FRIDAY. March &h. -Clearing nuctlon Nolo of fin:-chi.r fano stock, Implement... etc. pro pU putty MlLood Aron, Huron road. of.04'), (own.hlp, oneemlle from Holmeevlll..)*Urn The fano htt poen mold And everything will lo sold. Title. GUMS., auctioneer. f bun. tockL.,t 1 Imp.tre.oloth ., propert3'ction sauf le oJame- Mng to ol sio d of,..lrut b.0 biro n sold. Tirmms-. 411-xnm. Auctioneer, Vsivs', Mat eh 1411,.- ( ivaring null len owl• of tar: stock and Implo.nnt'., belonging to Jame. it.l}}hby, tut 2. cone elm. 1, Wert, 1'. wanvth T1100A. 01.10er. auctioneer. MONDAY. Muco. lath.- Abctionhale of Ore.: ea.. farm .10,•k sad Implenlpnt -. Including 11010 of the best M.A- of 'hefpp lis the aunty. the property of Althorn Chlnholtn, conce'd'e, 1t Colima -tie. Th.; 1.rn, I- add and then, .111 1., h..,:.•.enc. '1' . titsnw,. enrtloneer. Trtt*nat, 11^irb 17111. Auction talo of 2.4 heavy -di aft and noel -ter horse...al colt. sad L- howl of cattle, Promo v of .34. 11 tblley, Al hl. fern', 2 silks from Owe. lett re(m, t.(xur,r wudlttWcr. - BORN. •, N F:I1., -1., I:,rh•ri, h. iso 31 ley, F'clruart lin It, 10 11.. nm d Mt.. John (a NO, • 1(1' 1'1.41141 K- It Nil.. on l'ums.dny. Fchnury 11.1.. (n Mr. noel Mr.. lle,rrge 1[u1 In[nle..i '00. 11'1T,- Ili Uoderich, 011 J4i100i7 3oeh. to \Ir. n od Mr It H. ('sett. a tun. SA1.F:. lis (indnrlrle, un Tui'.db•, February PO.. to Mr. ,led Mrr l'harle. Sale. a ,on. U1111100. -Ill Utxlerlrh townehlp, un i'rbru.i•y Yne,to Mr. and Mr.. Itcubcn l)rlge. is ern MARRIED. J')SIN'T(J\ L4JVETT. on IVclnonIo, Frl. n na.y 114 e1 the resldeu.o "f e1,. rt• l (.meIO lt,. 1 . of 1ioderl.hl (00 iolitp. 1n Ilule'rt (lenient .In4. , '. . 0f Eons w raw. u0.h. DIED. Nw'A\. - In thrill h toeno14()'. en 5,41.1.) F'dbr.ray' 111h, one. 11. A., e, til ray tree, W111IN)2( hi A.Idlrld, on ,4at'°dw), F Attu {k("0 h. Joni, 31.•Fn/'. daughter of 31r and Mtn Alum. ll.,rduo, aged :[ n,o,th. n,,,4 7 dry •. MATRIG(l,N, In Ualorle4, "n 1%etil.,410V morning, February Itch. Dooahi IiI.Ihewn. 10.342(13~. • In (ie.terMh. tm Thnrwdny. Sebfunry 144 h, Jennie )4. bolo, M'I»ght0r of John l4.nel+. Ikon Mwy 5412. IN.1 licit Y,--ia Rwncrk• Mich.. on Th arwlay FOM nary 13th, Mwlnolm McKay aged 17 3'0*r., R01610. -1n Goiters h town -10p. a1 Satnrlat r.bnr.ry 101, Soso,. 1 1.040- Iters., .no ..l 1 J,4101,1 NM 00(0.111 )c.IM1 mol ta10144hs, •