The Signal, 1908-2-13, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONTARIO H.agCity 'i`ti 90g4`9i9444 .Ci ° Cfe916'G `'r 1t +Cie9iP• 4. ' p• .r, 94 P*°ir'i `' ,''i`P F' 4Cil`> 'i°S r /�r`i•'�iti7•, �Crr 44r*' Distrit.I The News of the `it 454444 ++444 4;4'44404446++4 ++***44+444444+444+444445: 44+83545V YI .I I SALTFORO. 'Pettsuay, Feb. I1th. John Walters, our postmaster, (s putting Iu his usual supply of ice. Ile u geLLiug it from the harbor and It looks clear and clean, I. snot.; Snlr•y,EN•r ser Ilii Ks. --\Vin. Maedul, of this village, rhiplred on \V eduewlay to a lien in Toronto a parcel ,If beef and hose hides number- ing over :tilt and weighing in the neigh- berhood of ten tons. PuKI %Kion rue •rllb: NEW Bltk:.\K- w.iTklc.---A large 'lumber of men and teams are now engaged in the quarry on the - Colborne ride of the river preparing the stone and delivering Owen to the duck fur the new breakwater. We uudetstaud 1.11141. l'ol. 1' g is the contractor and lie has to deliver 1.t»i cords. At pres- ent the 1111.1111 are driven over the ice on the river, where there is a capital road. SHEPPARDTON. TeK14u.ty. Feb. 11th. 11issJohnston. of Saskatoon, Sack., is visiting bee Gather, Win. 1)oagh- erly. \Vise. Mcl'uuuell, of L wleiow, has Isco renewing M•g11a1ntalee, in this neighborhood Mrs. Burrows is epeueling a couple ed weeks in (i.mlerirb with her daugh- ter, MI•s. J. !logit. The school was clued for three days Lel week, the children being unable to attend swing to the condition of 1 h rants. The teacher. Miss McLean. Msent a few dayN with her blend iss Burrows. The roads are now tieing broken after hating been be... led with snow fur ,lout it week. The stage hes not been making 1114 'eviler tips, but it is hoped the roasts will woo be in better euuditiun, so that we may get the mail retch day as usual. Ms, rn•:I, ('el.W'KIt r. On February 17th a emceed concert will lir given in Nile church under the auspice.. of the Epworth league. Rev. W. E. Millan. of Kingsville, a popular singer and reader, will furnish a large Wert of the Iengrain. lawel talent will assist. tefieshuients will lar Nerved in the basement at the close of the entertain- ment. Admiwion, 23 cents. Pro - 'veils are in aid of parsonage repair.. 1 ouiecrt begins at 8 p. ru. NILE. Zvi:uvksu.ty, hob. Jth. '1.11•• l.eagtee entertained Dungannon Leagnr• un \Ve.lneday evening, .1 an - miry :Nth. A goal progrnn, was' pro- m hied by the umembero of loth !.rogues. after which tefrewhiuentN were served and an eujoyahle social hour wax spent. M slims- of Se 11114.1. Ce ex V Ii'Ti..N. Ple firth annual convention of the Nile Sabbath School Association will l.• licki in Nile Methodist church on Friday, February 21st. There will le oder'. WW1' , al to a.m.. 2 p.m.. and 7;II p.m. Among those use the pro- gram are Rev. (l. N. Hawn, of liode- rich : Rev../. E. Forel, of Lurkuow : Rev. W. A. Smith. of Dungannon : Iter. A. E. Jones, of Auburn : InNpxr- tor T , ; d liolerich, !asides 104•x1 .pelakrn11)e officers of the MOW - are Rev. .1 C. Reid. honorary president ; .1 on e p h Hetherington, powident : Charlet. ('Irvin, vice-presi- dent : \%'illietw Bailie, laeentary ENTrairat VM)CYT Nttrr MUNI,.\v,-- A musical and literary entertain- ment and sreial evening will be held in Nile church Monday evening Fels emery 17th, when the pastor, 1'. Reid. It. A., Il. I)., will deliver his well-known address on "The Power of the Tongue." This lecture. while it has been given at a nnnnler of rheas, throughout the London con• ferrate with marked Nueva.., has not Igen given at Nile before, and the whole eon •ty women and girls, morn and Ivry.. are anxious to hear it. Iter. W. E. Willson. of Kingsville. who is one of the leauling singers among the miui'.Lev of the conference, will contribute of ire talents to boll' IIIe musical and literary features of the progt•I.I,,. The Nile choir and or- chestra and usher talent will elle Like tart. After the pmgrnnl a modal tea will Ile held in th.• basement. Ad - 11160I011 2.5 cents. Pi -tweeds in aid of the parsonage fund. All are invited to 1'011.. - AUBURN. WanN)taa.vy, Feb. Lida .John Sturdy, ,jr., of Papery Sound, ss stx•u•ling thin week nt the Sturdy home. lr thee loo ler, who has been en- gaged iu Wieldiest'', arrived in the village last week. Rev. W. A. Smith, of Ihnlgaunon, will preach in the Methodist church nextS lay evening. Mrs. Walter Moore, of. (itmlericb, is at her parents' home here owing to the infirm' of her Cher. ,1. Ernest Robertson attends the Goxlerich district Epworth league convention at 1eefo•th thin week. Globe midst; are in tin• rear at present. No cnpiva of the paper are rived Leat week owing to the blockade on the C. P. It. The Presbyterian church hem has had no Nervirea the past two Sal, - baths. 'There will be service next Menthe at the usual hour. Geroge Ynongbhit. lond.d a car of cattle here n week ago last Saturday, unloaded them on Snnday and drove thele to Blyth !get Saturday and shipped ttrent by way of the Grand Trunk to Toronto. Mondry was n led -letter day along 1he('. 1'. R. Every person that could master a Above! meas •engaged on the railway. and with the assistance of the mnowplow (3otrrich was reaches on Monday evening. TIM Su k L,,,r. Yuveral people in the tillage are ill. in a couple of sasses s'rinusly so. ohs. Joe Lawson is in a rather dangerous condition, due to anemia. Mrs. S. Clark, who ham lived too a good lige, is very weak, owing rather to old age then to any )art.icti Lir ailment. The little arm nt (inn. needle, jr., has been having a hard pull -first pneumonia, then conviel- Mana--hut now there. i; stomp hope Moat the little fellow may pull i.hrough. Thom. Anderson, who ham Imam suffering fur some time pkat Willi veneer, im in is serious condition: Diss Tena Lnntenslayer, who for mere oral yenta worked In a London tailor- ing establishment, came home during November, and less almost ever since been rnnfin(d to her roost with con- reamptlon. Mr. Menthell is confined to the house with dropsy. Mrs, 11 in. King, sr„ vhn has had several attacks of heart failure, is now in a Nome - what precarloos popdition. UUNUANNUN. t A. NE\VTON, DENTIST, LUCK• xjr4*)- . Kew lume'dy fur .xLraen rx day except Itiumuo re I furmbiwtlur tban,,ttas. tureen and bridge work sla•. Alun,luuin .peateo tnoi-brNlkablel. N. fl. - You eau always baro your work meets bettor down lu the dental om.w - wore time. bettor facilities fur dealt the work. wore own. fwtable for the walnut. 'N - THE LOCAL AGENCY 1� h, huutrttannou fur The Klgoal twat the feet, limn,, hook end Ktatlwrery Store,� wbdrs olden.14111 be rtoaelvud for wub.,criptlon. ad- yertbina end job work, ►ad roes. let• will be revue (or amounts o.14 for the mune. \1'saesesteav, Feb3th. 11'ill Crawford is at present here on a buslne*4r trip. D. T. I.oug, of Calgary, Alta., visited his belittler bete last week. H. E. Willis left for SeaforLh yes- terday after spending ■ week in uurl village. \Ve are pleased to state that Rev. W. A. Smith is able to be out again after his recent illness. About thirty members of the Ep- worth League of the Methodist church rraid a visiL (o the Nile league un ednevday evening of last week. A pilgrim' was furnished by the Nile and Dungannon leagues, atter which refreshments were served and a 40.1441 lour spent. INK Fon: m. On accountof the snowstorm which raged from Friday night to Monday evening trent: in and out of Dungannon wail entirely suspended. The first mail arriving from (iode,ich since Friday came iu last night n1 it late hour. The ser- vices in all the churches were with- drawn un Sunday. A number frost' Use village and surrounding eotentry who were unfortunate en being away frau home lead to walk track. Among these unfortunates were Reeves Bailie and Stother', who had been attending the meeting of the county council in Golerieh. Hiner the storm outmoded large gangs of men have been out bre.tIing the roads, which are now in a possible condition. l'NroN He'uool. Iteaao T. -The fol- lowing is the report for the month u( January of U. S. S. No. 17, Ashfield and \Vent Wawau.wh. IL im NUMMI on general proficieney and good conduct. The rani% are in order of merit Senior V. claws -Stella Kirke. Junior V, class Floosy Elliott, Earle 1Vilson. Juiiur IV. clams- 'Charlie Nivin., Ella Slathers, Norman Kirke, Carrie Duhfleld. Calvin Bailie. Senior I11. class-•,fatne. McIntyre. Junior III. et eat- Oliver Kirke. Georgi Nixon, • ae•nnie' (irifllu. Senior I1. class-- •\\'illie Griffith •Ernest Meth -al -tem Part 1I. clam. •Marie Sproul. 'John Sproul. fart 1. claws •Isabelle Stith - en, •Richard McIntyre. 'These whose name* are marked thus • missed 011e or more of the examina- tions. Many E. B.1KKIKv, Teacher. Wsaesasosv, Feb. 1211. Temple !'lark was called t4) Auburn on Monday last, swing to the serious illness of his mother. The Dungannon branch of the W. M. H. par is visit to the Nile !ranch of the sinew sus irly this evening. Mimi Donna Bice returned home yesterday after spending a month with friends in London and other places. \\•e are ,orry to Ntatc that Will Sproul is at present somewhat indis- posed. \\'e hope to bear of his speedy recovery. Itev. A. 1•:. Jones, of Auburn, will conduct educational services in the Methodist churches here and at Crewe on Sunday. February (lith. Rev. W. A. Smith- is recovering from his teceut illnvns. H. Waw pnr able to take his work on Sunday last,p' and as et remelt the pulpit in the Metho- dist church uu Sunday evening war occupied by Rev. C. Rutherford. Folsom.' INNTITI-TV..-Bills are out announcing meetings to lee held here on Tuesday next by the West Hairnet Farmers luatitute, in the afternoon at 2 o'clock and in the evening at :.all. The meetings will he held in Elliott's hall. In the afternoon there will be a separate meeting for the ladies, to be addressed by Miss Isobel Rife. of I1espeier. (iavin Barls.ur, of Crow, hill : 11. D. Cameron, of Ltuknow, and .1. N. Kernighan. of Itenmiller, are 00 the program for the day. The meet- ings should be interesting and ioNtruc- lire. 1•k ltoit, Itpl',R•r. following is the standing of Use pupils of Dungannon publie school for the th of Jan.' - wry, names •aro in older of merit : Senior department -Senior V.-•F:the! Case, ('has. Fowler. Junior V. Vera 1)urenn. Clara Sproul, Iron. 1 /liver, Patel McKenzie, F:dith Tre- leaven. Maggie Diener, Roy Medd, Pearl McNally. Leslie Pentland, Ethel !deet'. Alan laces. 1\•.- lino. ('ase. Mehill' Glenn. lora Allen, Lorne l•o.sg, Clarence Shlile}•, Verna Mr - dally• Mostyn Samos, Frett Pentland, Martha Begley. IAWren(e Nmilry. III. Riley Bradford, Myrtle. Allen, Mary Itiel:cairt, Laura Smith. 1,-eal Savage, (!eerie Bentley. Stephen Medd, Lotus Gibson. 1 I'er on roll. :11 : average attendance. 27. I1. R. 1APNo, Principal. Junior Room Senior 1I. ---Edith Stotherm, Arthur Roach, Howard An- derson, Ralph Disher, Marvin Durnin, Rae Swthers, Lillian .Pentland, Lorne McKenzie, Clayton Sands, Linnet(' Anders.', Flet! Errington, H,zol (`.are. 1lnward leers, Pearl Iters. Jarvis' Auderwu, Laura Fowler. Junior 11. --Ethel Brown. C. It Rob- inson, Marian Diaper• Scott McNally, Myrtle Oliver, Alex. Anderson, Victor Errington, Olive (.lens, Harold Sproul. Senior paerl. 1I. --Iva ('are Fred Fowler. Herold Rivers, Hazel ARgustiner Edith Anderson, Edith Mantis, Ruth Fowler. Junior part II. -Edgar Carr, Georgie Caldwell. AI• leert Brown, Margaret Meedd. .Judson Bell• Lew Elliott, Franklin Thomp- son. Frank (Henn. Senior I.- Harold Manning, Irene Carr. Deloss 1)imher. Relver•s Augustine. Junior I. -Sadie Moienbain, !ferry Stuart. Florence Dentin, Freida Sandra, Georgie Glenn, Gordon Glenn. Number on roll. 1,:f; average. 711. Cont B. Itonett re, Asalstsnt. LOTHIAN. MoNnav, Fel). anl. Mrs. Donald Mclenn, of Lscknow. ii visiting Mrs. Alex. Mclean. The schools have a eery ,small at- tendance on account of the atorrn. Donald McLean made a Imminent,' trip to Uoderich one day last week. Mrs. Gilmore. who had been in- disposed for tome liens, Is around again. The reads are in serh a condition thatit is doubled whether the trail can get through. Mita Maggie Hogan reterned bane After spending a few weeks with her dater, Mn. Brady, near Stnithtoy. PORT ALBERT, 'PUItriDAS. Pub. 11th. Mier Gertrude Quaid, of I)uulop, is visiting at the house of her uuele, Jar., Quaid, Misr Leather Smale, of l: ode' eel'. ie spending a few days under the pave ental roof. Jas. Foley, of Kiugrleridgo. iwayrti lhmough this village on Monday with a I:u-ge herd of cattle'. Mr. and Mrs. 11,01.l. liuchauau, of 1•urkto,i Rask., are the guests of the Litter's brother, .las. Hayden, at in 416. ent. Eddie Sch.a•nhals entct'laiued a few of bio boy friends last Monday even- ing to a talky -pull, it being the aun(- )•entat•y of hi, birthday-. \Ve ate glad to see tine-. weather once more after a long siege of store's. \\•o lupe it. u,ntinuee. Hue, les the roads are now- getliug iu geeod thole fur traffic. CREWE, Te•genty, Feb. ITh. Breaking reads is the order of the day at pi -remit. James Pieter is on the rick dirt at present. \1'e hope won to heat• set his recovery. The roasts are badly blocked by the recent stormy weather. leaving Its without eh.• needs for the last few days. lama Sabbath there With use set vire at Crewe Methodist church on eu- count. of the lard 1414114 and stormy weather. Mr, and Mrs. 'Toner Pierre are vis- itors at the home of the latter', par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph Speen., near Belfast. ' LANES. Moats% y, Feb.:kd. Mrs. C. E. McDonagh is speuding a few days at the ferns of her mother. Mr.. A. M. Treleaven, of Ripley. is spending a few dans with her sister, Mrs, David Hacked. James Taylor and wife o 1 l . K. t l Webster, of the boundary. anal Iteulien Tiffin. of Lethbridge. Allier were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jan !sane last week. The storms of Saturday and Sun past have almost if not complete blocked the roads, especially the side- lines. This storm is the heaviest we, have had during the present winter. Farmer. will have :a lively t• • in a few days with their teams in roads mountains high. HI 111 101, Hr:rtrltT 1014 J.a'I SKr'. 'I'he following is the report for S. S. Nu. , n. fote oof ,Ian• nary111: V.Ines\\'(Iliamrh hermd. Seninth or 1\'. Ewart Jamieson. Nora \Veetiope. Junior I\•, -Das' Jamieson, \1•fltrid Famish. May laird. Nina Sherwood, Irene Smeltzer, Laura Johnstone, Eddie Dwyer. Senior:Il 1. -Allan Nel- son, Rachel Alton, Johnnie Scott. Charlie Srmellzer. Junior 111. --Charlie Sherwood, Leslie Alton. Senior 11. Freddie .Johnstone, Hallie Caird. Neil McAdam. Junior 1I. -Thomas LILUr, James Little, Lizzie Drennan. Part II.- -Elmer Parrish, Joa•ph Bowler, Part I.- Jeau Scott, Lorne Famish. W. B. S• erreious. Teacher. ST. HELENS. Ttateptt, Fele 11th. We web the fine weather, lifter the long siege of dote!. Rev. It. W. d'r'aw preaches his fun•- wrll sermon on Suuday. \\-e are pleased to learn that Chas. Taylor in still improving. K. Mts. 1\'. .1, Todd entertained as few friends on Monday evening. Our people have been busy 'working roads this week, and travelling to still far ft one good. A. Finsen accompwiel the Iawknow hockey club to Liecowel at.. drummer of the pipe band. Mrs. D. B. Itutheuiod received the mil intelligence today of the death of her father, Jos. Salkeld, of Stratford. Messrs. J. 13. Rutherford, D. B. Murray. George Webb and John Web- ster attended the Presbytery meeting at Winghas today W deal with the tran5latlon of )rev. Mr. ('raw from here to Fergus. Fttest rats' MKIertae es. The Far- mers Institute will hold luoetiuga to the Mechanics' Institute ball here next Wednesday. 111th inst., in the after- noon at'2 o'clock said in the evening at 7:11l. In the afternoon there will also be a meeting for Indies, to be addressed by the visiting lady dele- gate. At the evening meeting in addition to addresses there will Ise a musical program. WESTFIELD. Tt1sn.tY, Fen. IItb. 'I'h, literary debate whirls was to be held in the Donnybrook Epworth League has had to he postponed owing to the storm. --Phone from here who mttended the funeralpf Mrs. Taylor, of Bethel, hast week encountered much difficulty in getting thele. We are glaul to know Mims Mary Chimney is very ninth improved in health. We hope son to see her around again. Reeve I4a•km was stoniest:veil in Golerich for several day; daring the recent Moine. having gone to town to attend the county comcil. Ray menet Redmond ra 1110 home from his school for Hnndaty and WAN ,turmstaayed here for a week before he cont.] return to his school again. The clear, sunshiny days are a web• come sight after en many wormy one. and the roads will soon Ire in a pass- able condition again, although the banks of snow are nomethlmg tremeu- dobler. ernupnlaT (lnr14rn Ma1-rxRx.--At the a n*rterly ()Mein' hoard sleeting of the Auburn eircuit of the Methodist church held at Donnybrook on Mon• dry .fternnnn, a nnaninlmis incites tion wax extended to Ree. A. E. Jones to remain for the third year on the circuit. The coupon wiekly offering system Wet; char -teamed and arrange- ment, remade to introduce it on the circuit, and have everything in order to commence this system of giving by the beginning of the new conference year. • TMs: .I\N1;ARv Itsaaorr. -The fol- lowing is the ;tending of pupils in S. S. No. fl, East \Wawanomh, lased on examination; held during the month of hennas), : Sr. V. A --John Bnrhnn• an, Joe. McClinton. Sr. V. 1q --Dell McLarty, Russell Woods, Tommy Rodger, ('sell McLnrt7. Jr. \'.-Earle 1Vightnlan, Alva Mrfowell. IV.- Meggggi. Farrow, Frank Melaarty, Les- lie Buchanan, May Cook, Nclsou Rola ism'. Jennie Tenney talment). 111. - Colin Campbell. !,illy llibhitt, Ma 'Penney, Maggie Tenney. Hr. Ile Violet liuchau+ul, Gertrude Hiblent Junior 1t..- Roy Farrow, \Villi', !lib 1,111, Charlotte Tenney. Si. 1. -Aggie Howatt. .Ir. I. Norman Blackulase Average uuuud:ule a for the mouth, 11 Al. I. ('t..tlta, Teacher. ST. AUGUSTINE. 11.esilay, Fels loth. li. Brophy i, back Mule New On- tario. looking hale and hearty. TN, ',torn, 111(11 the roads in 1 his vicinity very bail for travelling owing to the wooden fences, and seine ul' the Triads Are not olx•uel yet, I '.Ve: are sorry- to hr:u that 1'. \Vi►Ish With very low the tit ter part ref Jasa- ney with heart 11,1111.1e. \V.• have heard Tater that. he is ,cunsyleraably better. Ile is well waited intoe, vs there ate two trained •ses a'tend- iug 1 • . F.u:Mtats' lawrii1 11. Merlin; s tinder the auspices of the 51 est Iuruu l•un14vN' Institute will he held ise We school house u11,1(1o11d,ty'next. 17th inst. ne the afternoon at 2 o'clock and in Ile eyeing at i::fl. 11, 14u - lour. ul (ll,owhill. and \lige (life. of Hrrpelc ite addition 1.. les al men will Like part in the program. FORDYCE. '1'r►sn4). Feb. Ilth. Taylor 14 still very leanly. I Itt•e• Dow be spirting a tier teasel of (rivets. Measles haus aluuost euulplelely dis- appeared. Min. Jelin Iti:Omit is suffering teem a s•vetve e•uld. 1:harles ItuA' i, ,pending a few day's :at \I r. Mr(il1'nq'N. A snowhhneing party haw laeu in this neighborhood. Flank Doyle intends moving to Ilia Garet near herr 110uq. John Webster made a business trip to \1'ingha m this week. . The roads in this neighborhood ere blocked and train.: is difficult. Owing to the coati 1' rind weather Iler attend: wee :at school has wen small. 7.1i.,. Elsie low is sp isding a few weeks at her home prior to her Lav- ing tor Toronto. Vias Ethel Barbour entertained it number of friends oie Friday last. 15rryouc reports a, IdcaN:rnt titre. LUCKNOW. S 51 I III) % N. Feb. lith. Miss Blake. of Geslerich, i, visiting her brother, I .1. Blake. Rev, Ileo. A. Iron. pastor of the Melh(xlist deur, a Grand !rapids. 111',11., accompanie by hie aim. C. Al. (kllum, of South A lea, is visiting his Gather, John. Oe use, of town. 31 r. Odium lett 1ers kuuw thirty years ago. His sem ex •l. awn Ur return to Afriea, where le cuniwctel with the (lover •nl of Itleede-i:u. lir will visit Ottawa est route. COLBORNE. MtiN1.tt, Feb. loth. S. S. No 1 wan chests! during last week 011 account set the store!. Miss Mabel Moto -Mg, of Ileumiller, acne the guest of Miss \!Redel for as few days. 11'e regret to many that Henry ScliWal'z hags keen under 11145 weather fur a few days. The service t r, at the S Evangelical church ose g lay evening was well attended. Services will 1N• held ...aril ev..Hing of this week. Tru44n.ty, Fehr •y 11th. Iticiu*T or S. S. No. 3.--holluw-itig i'. the reporter( S. 11. No. a, Colborne, for January : 1V.- -Detrain McCann. fin ; Johnny Chisholm. 07 : Albite Watson. 0:.. 11'. Beetle Bogie, Alex. Waimea. Senior III. Harvey McCann. 77 ; ('para Cook, t. Junior 111. - Wiggle Me('ann, K:3 : Lorne Thus - low, 7 t ; remains, Chishulu,, 72 : NI inmate McDonald, (iv ; Anni. Thompson, ,'.I Senior 11.--.lndtr w Bogie. • enliut I I..- - Terence Hunter, Ernest Bogie, .I' v Thom lama Senior part 11. -Della 114•C. . Inti. for part 11.-- Beatrice Chisholm, Part I. - Mary (.lidd•'m.- The tollyQwing were •iheaul in the Nlx•11ing ;Mode : IV. Allan Watson. Senior 11I. Harvev McCain. Janiew III. 11ite- nette ifcUunalel�- - - GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Trp •u,►y, lel., Ilth. S 4 I.tl.. A sorinl in ronneefion Willi Bethel e•hgr•eb will IN• held on the evening .if Ilio IMO' at 11:. home of Mrs. Mcl'114111, eat lice. '1'r,1 rervcd atm o'clock. Admission 2,1•, Ntts•r MoNsty. The cantata. •:lune Conquering ('rosy," premised by I ha• 11 • 1\',11141.15 01 Cuion thenen, tv..s unavoidably postponed nod, weather permitting. will be giver' ire Monday evening, Fele-one y 17th. Spatce.%T. 11 K4I IN(L --A special elect- ing of the rotund! 141' Golerirh town- ship will he held at 1101,pesr9Tle un Monday next. 1isi ina�st I.515 n clock p, in , for the• enn•.ideratt lou of the proposed comity scheme of road improvement .ul,l the transaction of other business. Coughs of Children a Tuv uaY, February 1,1, 1)O8 ---S Especially night coughs, Na- ture needs a little 11,1p to quirt the irritation, control the in- flammation, check the progress of the disease. Our advice is -give the children Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your doctor if this is his advice also. He knows hest. 1)o as he says. W• publlar nor f•rmuiar web .,l•54 •Icohol ' from (:t *.t a,,,•• 17cergs you to o,•,rt your doctor t jers aemammma. If you think constipation is of trifling consequence, just ask your doctor. He will disabuse you of that notion in short order. "Correct its at once!" he will sty. TDen ask him about Ayer's Pills. A mild liver pill, all vegetable. aids b7 OM J. C. y.. Co.,• Lowell, stsIL. . tiENMILLER. Tr►a.ti, lel, 11t'h. htuMrac,' 1'_ -rot ar: 11 Li re,uk. The meetings 1,1 IN. hell bete on ` 11111 - day next. 1.-.U' its 1-, under 1be:u1 Irises of the \\•trot Huron Farmers' Institute should le Lirgrly attended. .\ Handier of g.N*l speakers au. on Ilio pit g►•au11 noel niters -sting b 5ld s may tie expecte!. The afternoon meeting win .• •ore aL •_' 1ielltrk 111111 till' evening Haeetieg at is:Pt., In the after - 110.a1 Meru will 1N• a separate oweli 155 for ladies. to b:• addressed Ly Miss Isobel 1111e, of 1le .p 'ler. CARLOW. • Tresuav, F.• IU,. „ Too NsI111• (015(111.. ('u rinr cluncil meet in the hall today •tl he ule•ff:b to .present. M' toes of meeting were read and adopted. - draught bylaw was received from the county re the good roads movement. :Unreel Ly 7.fr. Kernighan, srcutadel by Mr. lIeni , that the reader Is. left in 1lie baaudh of the Breve, Carried. The comae -ill at this Meeting desig- nated 11,.' toads which they desire to be placed under the ,•0u11y roiuls system, in the event of the county's adopting such system. The resigIi:e- tiou of .1. 1'. Goldthorpe as Measurer of the township was received and is by the Reeve. Moved by \Ir. Keruightu, st•cunele.l, ley 111. Dummy, that still resigmtiui be accepted al the next regular meeting. ('anise!. Moved by \1r. Kernighau, wee 1,d by Mr. Stvusghan. that the Reeve be empowered to receive the :u,d it.ur', Tv. poll and. if f d satisfactory, to have a Isar printed. ';arrie'l. The Star °!lice was paid K7 fen- printing ballots. '!'Ire necesau•y miteib •r of pNathulasters and `ruunelke.•elw'r, were appointed and will Ge notified. The emend! adjourned t.. meet again on the :ted of Motets•:at 2 o'clock p. sea. F. Ale Dos .Se tier k. Six Weeks would bu a long time to have such weather as prevailed' last week so thought the weather Mall, and he has or- dered a more moderato variety for this wrok at least, azul We hope it will continue 111415 :111.1 l winglike teeth 11•1w ult. We arae ready with Semi -Ready and a complete i,torl, of New Cloths fur tilt+ coming Spring season. The Bast of Everything for Men and Boys. I«l McLEAN BROS: 1AYF IELu. \Yl: • i-.-o.t,, 1e1. J111. (suite a let• are iu bed sick with la grippe, • Mi.. 1. Falconer '1a•111. .1 few day. in Golerich haat week. Mrs. E. Elliott Mill sunt' '., very ill. Iler sun, (lumeds, has arrived holm.. The last mail on SutItrday'did not arrive until \lunday, owing 10 the Ind roads, 1'her. wet, no eomcil neve; Mg un Monday. as the Reeve ion! nue ,04111• either were: ( le'• l \V. \Venni'', S. Moore and tieevp Smith were%ietained in Goderiel fruit Friday until 'Tuesday un sae'cnuut td the storm. - Rotel. Fermat!', has purchased a line draulght horse (rpm :a Tern' near Tor- onto. Ile disposed of lis other lots. to the w • firms. Owing to the stormy weather there were no church serrice, use Sundry except en Trinity church, where abort twenty -live Were present, It. McMnrray and D. t'. Galbraith attended the comely Orange loll;.' at. Exeter on 1'ru•slay. The e4/1,4 dna•, not freeze tile I)r;inge blood. \\'n have to thank our worthy con- stable., IL McMurray, for hi., kindness tei the pu11k,111 keeping the streets open with Iris suutcplow. \1•e lrliet;e he does it teratis. S/ 111 101. Rtsrol:T. Tilt; !.11r.11 itig is the report of ICayliell1 , iobeli'• s, had for lice uintth ef-lameary, 1.14ed un :attend e . delne:ul,1r nn11 g.nera1 proficiency : V. Furl King, St•nim• IV. Maggie 1`. rke•r, Wheelie 11e - Neil, Rely \1 0 ,.1-, .Junior IW. Evelyn Pollock, Flo. • Jnllnsou, Cora Turner. Sensor 1.11. Maggfe Me• Lees!, Andy Sturgeon, ('.rid Jlcee•nd, Junior I11. 1.:,iti King}�, lees I:nm5, Lilian King, lir.! -leper..: 1'. -luted King x. Menke I V. - Maggie Parker, x, Junior IV, \5.4111.1) Erwin. Se ' - I I I. - Maggie 'McLeod x, .lunio, I11. Lulu King x. 'Those mau•k.d x were perfect. Number un roll, :11; average. •L t. 1'. H. HRuw•Nt.1ce;, Principal, KIPPEN. • 1Vr:1)NF:s1)a1', Feb :,, 1. St 111 4114 i,,IIT. - The .541111141y monthly report of S.S. N. 11. Stin'ey, 1. as follow.. mune- in ou!ee of Iuerit: Fifth -\I. 31. 1•'ish.,, 1.. 1 tephen 004448440000404444044*0S ,4 8 Don't neglect your cough. Statistics show that in New York City alone over 200 people die every week from consumption. And moat of these consumptives might be living now if they had not neglected the warning cough. You know how quickly Scott's Errtul.rion enables you to throw off a cough or cold. ALL DRUGGISTS; (or. AND 31 nn 0.444:041100.0000000.034 Art Tailors, Clothiers and M=n's Outfitters. THE PALACE CLOTHING STORE. s ei, N. fl.:leu. luur(11- .1. 11. June N, Ooln I.li::tlh, A. Petrie. ,lute er Fourth I litish 1)insdale, Sawa- Mathes!!. 'l'i)ird 11. A. Fisher, I1. C. Kehl, lis A. .bones. Senior tieennd- nna Hoed, I4:a. Rothwell, \V, 0. \ Heath. Junior Second A. 11.•11(ertrie, I. N. 1104x1, L. 11. 1Vas- titan, Sean 1 Patel Anna Fisher. The boa x!x•11 sin Ile monthly spell - lug 'natty',,, ere: Fifth Altai -ay Fisher. F'uurth retold Pettit. Third Allam lishe•'. , t'slur Se(' 1 Ida 1ilnc. II. .1 India. •stunt I.aw'Y.'la.' \1':ea,1ale. W. 1I. J., Ns• roti, Teacher. 1 I O d M nsall R ( e elide t Deaf 1 IIrn4,lt, lel. 1'lth. '1'51 r (heel in 1bensall on Saturday, 1,•br -try 14th, at the ,t;;• of •ty y.lt4 sed six 1v..11urray, 1,111. of e r old- 1 est re.i•leots, w•ho l,t- :,•sidrJ i11 Ism sail for a nun1114•r of years, .tut '11)4 !pre tarn n fano in flay town -deft a few miles from •Iten-all. 11r. Muria has been :141 :inherent (51' t lie 1letholi.t •lurch ,ince Moving to town and was highly- respected by Itis friends and neighbors. Former Exeter Man Killed. Loudon. Feb, litl.- --1V, P. Abbott .4 this city was killed at Len Angeles vrstetday in we auto accident, Mr. Ahlolt Wath a n1li5e of Exeter, (hit.. and rutile to London twelve years ago, engaging in the Inokerage A year and a teal( ago Mr. .lblott went to Los Angels lu morels n brokerage• ruueern fur a Neal/ York tiro,, lk•sidrN his wife, lee is survived by two brothers., Chas. -lblott, of bunches, . J 1 and I. •NN bI A ell .4 ' Mom iota, Mall.. 11)11 oevrt•n1 sister.. Dr. Grenfebl'a Experiment. An imp.' volt e,;.r•linte•nt is being 'mule nti 1k.• Labrador lona► t. Dr. Greet...II has succeed.1 ntoo h strum in landing a herd of there 1.,, T dreel inlander le Nuri. ay .t Ht. U .\11th rey. some people alight 111(1iue• C K L Y I that this briiigin" of reindeer W LAI, IAdor lam! Nort'err Newfoundland, where the dog hes reigned supreme as le least of burden) is an t ecessat y work err the Isnot of the great lnielsioh- 44ry. slut those who live close at bane) and know what the nerds are take a different view. The literal*, o(,lohn'., Newfoundland, after describing tie IandingOsoes on to Iwint out the at'. 1-autIgeq of using reindeer in the place of dugs. It Nays that if the adapts ability of the reir.det•r to Lrthr:ul,,lcon• ditiuus Caul 1m• demonstrated it tlou:e4 solve it p5411lew which nus ,been im- possible of solution .hitherto. A sub- stitute must be found for the dug, which is -admitted to Ire a lost, but which, chiefly b(rauxe of sentimental reasns, has been allowed to ntt•an$1r , the business of sheep and c ittleraismg which would otherwise baa great industry. The herald congratulates Dr.lireulelt on the success of his ex- periment so far, and says that while there 1111 *4(5111(5 who predict that nothing can be :t sucerss in Newfound - red this deem not deter earnest men le in working along the lines of prog- ues:. and development It adds that if ri •nde•r ren supplant dugs, then their it•(xluction will lee considered one of C ne greatest hlessi5Igs ever co' • fern d on that country., ,, Quick 01110 (or the worst cough -quick relict to the heaviest old -and SAFI, 1, lake, even fora child. That i. Shduh', Cure. Cures S 'L . t u ndrra guarantee art ser 1 ee U o h s to cure cold, and rough, quicker than any other C Colds ,uedii itte-or your merry back 11.4 of susses, commend Shiloh's Cure. 15. 1114' , 51 ae, sleds of 1M• eplend,d nes Timate ■:veP w•.',, ire• SEEDS FREE \1. lart.innlc III I..I n1 is.1.hn 1,114 to waste let our New 1908 Catalogue, N1101 is one of the need .,m,plete se.l (ata:..gne4 nrbllsh,d. Tu cacti inquirer we will Inalu.�e sb•olutely Ire', a p.1, kage of s• al of elle splendid now touate. "Canada's Pride," or if prcderrcd a package of our mowlerfeel "Comedian Com" Turnip or "• Sent:, 16,1" l'nppi. 11 rite 1, . nl name y.ner choice, Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd. London, Ont. READ THIS SPLCIAL CLUBBING OEI-LI{ The WESTERN HOME MONTIILY WINNIPEG THE SIGNAL 'THE-TWO,FOR OMF. YEAR FOR • Tilt'. wrSTr.nK Do\fl.'4017111 Y -Fa( t -ss 6,, oor.wl 1, the er.•F. ,Inn.,,,, $ home *ev.nm IvM .),rt) m Canada, ars! n .rea•1 by over ) 'LIMO taro' -, r. try mash - k rmtn,n. a te.ld, •4I -.,,m; h.15, -.rt e,hs.i•letr men and iomrn, able """I's ,,,, I a,lme v,LF, n., ,$,I, • •., river, ^t one rkWan►ne.. laser y.. nl a•.wl..4 Irekng•. em *.'.tams anJ Ir?.44 N. eheritrmbrn ,n ere•r, 11.-..'?. 1114, I- *r d• , ,.Ln . ,r. err') month . M.v,.,lnl 1 11e.ne ,Ih•n•avm. .d:••r , .,,11. • 0, .n.1 .,,,won., -•w. .wk from Mten 1'nm n .e. M1 r•I••+•'t 4'I.01 e,11n inolmter of Mamnba.S,d4.le...01 \Meas amt 14,1,4, l.nh*'h•.. hr $sham,„ see wile. a. 1.1i asw•t1(e.4 use.:s{thlt'aflN pet 60 Pages and up. 60. •