The Signal, 1908-2-13, Page 4THURSDAY, February 1 3, 19011
cent. her 0110101) for three years'
deprecatiuu, leeving loldl valuation
es a going coneern. teii0,21e3.31.
C. A. Iteid'e valuation of the build
5 'no and lands gave the following
figurer: Office building, $1,7313 ;
vault:in office. SAG. ; office furnituro
end fitting*, $ :i ; shelving in oM ee
building, $110: l4iicksuuth *hu
$1121 ; erecting shop, $1,7,50; engin
and boiler shop, $7711 misehiuu 1.04101,
$2.I:its.;ii: foundry. $I,2.12.30; pattern
store -1 de, •$1.O612; foundry store-
house, $1+31.31) : barns and shade, $:Xl1 ;
laud, $:3,501.1 -- total for lands and
bulldiness, $17,778.7111.
The valuation shows property sev-
eral thousand dollars in excises of
what the tuw•u bylAw calls for *s the
security for payment by the town of
.he first $25,1100 of the baro.
The better of December 17th, re-
ferred to in Mr. Doty's letter, was one
II which he offered to enter into au
egreement with the town that the
own's loan should 1e iio d for no
.cher purpose than the erection of the
blew 'tient and that he would not ask
for the payment of the loan until the
Iew plant was erected. This letter.
n appears. dill not trach the council
old consequently no agreement was
-.meted into, but Mr. Dory's letter,
•bowing what was being dune in the
way of preparations for the erection
.f the new plant, and his oral ex
alienations were considered quite sat
bsfactory by the council, and a notion
w,as p1asNed 11 have a mortgage, to he
orrp*ted by Mr. Doty's aolicitor• sub•
nutted to the town solicitor.
The town solicitors wrote asking
• hethter the town intended to insist
an its eta ' of 115111.12 for taxes on the
Rivets Manufacturing Co.'s plaint, or
would claim only the school tax•
amounting to something over $hitt.
The solicitor thought the company
.hould pay the birgei 1, as they
had not lived up to the terms of the
bylaw granting them exemption, but
if the bylaw had not been repealed (as
he h*d advised sante time ago should
•w done; this might Iw an answer to
the town's claigI.
On motion of the Deputy Reeve and
Councillor °allow it was decided to
instruct the soMeitor l0 ;.olle:t the
school tax 4)111)-.
Deputy Reeve Elliott then gave
notice of motion to repeal the bylaws
granting exemption from taxation to
the National (lo'kk l' party and to
theRigers M. factoring Company.
A letter from the National Sani-
tarium Association asking the ap-
pointment of delegates to * conference
lyes fi:d, ,1101 0110 111 411 the Union of
Canadian Municipalities asking ap-
pointment of delegates to the next cou•
vention, to he held at Medicine Hat•
and the payment of membership fee,
also was tiled.
J. R. Kelly. secretary of the water
Ind light cosMuission, wrote, forward-
ing the following motion which was
parsed at the last meeting of the com-
miseihn: Moved by Mr. Megaw, sec-
onded by the Mayor. that in future no
Person be allowed to open or um the
fire hydrants foe any purpose except
the fire compass- for fleet or the
,waterworks employees.
The special and relief committee re-
ported that they bad taken no action
io let the outside world know
t ow t
the town vas free from smallpox
reported two e,owi.-of relief and elk -
.1 P
mm ndtd*aria \1'01
gr g the 'en's In -
et itute the us• of the council chamber
for their monthly nreetingll. provided
such did not interfere with its regular
us.'. The repeat was adopted.
The finance co'u01111 a reported
hating conferral with R. 1'. Hays
with reference to granolithic walks
esseeeuent and reduced the frontage
rammed against hint from 175 ft. to
125 ft.. and recommended laying over
E. Heaton's account for advertise-
ment in "('ouunen•ial Handbook of.
('iniad*" for further consideration and
that '1'. Pringle be Asked to look for
payment for grtxeiee supplied to
smallpox patients to the person who
ordered the goods. This report was
A number of by were given
their thiol reading, but it was decided
to ,.'fer the Ontario Wert Shore EIPc-
tt•i.• Railway Co.'s bylaw to the soli-
citor As to what resect the
pany's'application W Parliament for
extension of time wutlld have on it.
('..1. Harper was selected au * sac•
eeesar 111 Dr. Taylor on the board of
The matter of considle•*tion to
rl.!Nutlet htvAiteotime 4thr . Wm
Connell had lived with hint before be-
ing taken to the house Of refuge was
referred to the relief committee, Dr.
Gallow bringing the matter up.
C. J, Harper Selected to Fill Dr. Tay►
lora Place at Board of Health Pre-
parations for New Doty Factory
Mostly Routine Business at Friday's
Meeting of Council W. Campbell
at Clerk's Desk,
l'he regular meeting of the town
council WAS held on Friday night,
with all the members present. \Vat.
Camplwll, who was Acting as clerk
daring Mr. McKini n illness, read Ili.
Honor Judge Doyle's report of the re.
count of the mayoralty Iwlhlts, and
Hobert Thompson then gate his in-
augural address, as follows :
"Gentlemen, - l am pleased to meet
you tonight in council and to cote
gratulate you on your success at the
polls. 1 believe you will all do the
best you can to promote the Crest in
wrest* of our town. 1 ou have heel
more fortunate than t towns in
having two Mayors in One month.
Had at not been for some Mistake
on the part of the deputy 4eturn•
Tog officers in two divisions f would
have been elected on the nth of Janu-
ary with a majority of the vote.
"1 Iwlieee this is going to Is. one of
the most important ,yeah in the
history of the town. There are
many bylaws to 1)• dealt with. 1'h•
council t be very careful and
know without a doubt that the bylaw -
are (wing complied with. I have
heard even at this early date that it
the council fails to do its duty in
this respe•t there will be injunctions
issued. I am sure that none of this
council warn to herniate persot*ply
responsible. There is another very
important matter this council will
have to deal with, and that is the
sewer question in the southern pie-
tism of the town. That will to the
duty of the public works committee,
to find out just what is 00141.1i00d, prob-
able Bost of construct ion and how th.
money is to be provided. There is
just one thought more, and that is 1
would like to see the several coin -
mittens keep within their estimates
and to report to the couin it quarterly
,us to the amounts spent.
"I do not think there is any use
toy taking up any more of your time
now. 1 believe that you, gentlemen,
who compose the council for the year
1110$, will do all that you can to ad
vance e town
n he twat interests;[ Ih
a cis l
and at the same Uwe to do credit to
yourselves, and at the end of the year
that we will 1e• able to give a good
account of our stewarlehip, and that
the electors tray still retain the same
confidence in us as they had on the
nth day of January."
The treasurer's report for i)ecerm-
ber and the auditors' report for Iasi
year were referred to the finance
The collector reported that during
the month of JAno*ry he had paid the
treasurer in tax collection(' /WI follows :
1917 taxes, $150,4!3 : BNltt taxes, $I;11 ;
1006 taxes, $10.95 -toll 11110140.43: also
balance due on collections up to Janu
ary 1st, $1,533.21. The collector also
reported that. :1s the finance r
wattee had come tots eettlrment with
R. L'. Hays with respect to his grano-
lithic walk rales, the collector's rolls
would now be closed up and returned
to the treasurer. He atsked the pass-
ing of a iesoluUon, instructing hint to
continue the collection of 111417 taxes,
which weal done, on motion of G. M.
Elliott and J. C. loithwaite, and his
re3rt Was sent t the 11111111101.m ro -
10111 (1 e•.
Wrn. Aldoue, sexton of M a i t -
land cemetery, wrote as follows : "As
it will be necessary to have fences re-
paired this coming spring. I advise ah
addition*l forty rotas of wire fence, at
rota of $I per rod. and the material of
the old fence taken to repair the rest,
at a cost of CO. 1 also ask permission
have shutters made for lhrrlling,
as it is like a fiery furnace in 'sundae•,
i would also respectfully ask that my
eatery be made tjti'e' from the 1st of
January. Mr. Aldous reported thir-
teen adults and two infante interred
J* est•. This wait referred
to the cemetery c 'tees
Tiros. Fitzsimons asked permission
to cut down two shade trees on Light -
home. street. This was sent to the
public works committee.
W..1. 'l'ower•,wy. market clerk. c
pleinld of the unsatisfxrtory condition
of the office at the market building,
owing the room toeing too large :mil
open in many places, ,allowing the
wind to blow through freely. He rec-
ommended that it be partitioned off.
This matter was referred to the mar-
ket committee with power to act.
A petition froua residents ou the
north side of Elgin -avenue fttnl King•
Ston street to Montreal street asked
for the constrwction of a cement side-
walk omteide the trees.
Dr. Taylor's resignation as member
of the board of health was accepted.
Doty Doty of the oty Engine
Works Co., Ltd., wrote as follows :•
To the Mayor mod ('ounrll,
Town of thoderleti
G6\Tr.KMEN,--At the tritest of as
member of your council, 1 *n1 enclos-
ing, herewith, ropy of :a letter sent to
the council on December 17th lest. it
teems that this letter did not 'teach
the council. and, therefore, 0)'action
wan Laken upon it. With reference to
this matter 1 can only say tIiAt it is
the intention of unr co11is,any to pro-
ceed immediately with the construe.
tion and equipment of the works, as
soon as the weather will permuit, and
to push them utl es rapidly as possible.
We have Imrchaa'l the bind front .1,
T. Goldthorpe, being the Ir•op•rt3' nn
the north side of Ransforl s salt block.
\Ve have closed a contract with
George Shawl for (he -concrete work
on the building and contract with 1),
M.lwren for the limber and wood
wore and We aro getting mit the stt•e'I
work ie out own plant. We have.
iso ntract•d with George Ilisset.t• to Is'-
move :► pile of estr it that in on the lot.
and ns soon as thin is Liken away the
will draw in the gravel for the 'tows
Prete work. We have plans out for
Dur nosh' building end It will be 1311
feet long and 1.141 feet in width. In
add it' there will be x prayer house
4) ft, by Sit ft. it ie. our intention to
push ahead with this building as rap-
apIdly Ae pN«IiIIIP, ,as es- *11 *0 X 1)151.4 to
have it eomplete.l by July or August
in order to get ready for next *twee 11
' troller work- fours truly,
Tisk ihen. E,oa1r. Worths Co., LTi,
Fred. W. Doty, Mausger.
ltela•rt Hell, ,if Heaforth, aubtnittel
his valnatiorn of the inechinery and
tool., h, UM Uoty Engine (.'0,'s works,
a. ,..lows : Pattern shop, iRr81,-
lin ; machine shop (vise depertn.entl,
P11440.12 : maehine shop (nu,hine de•
pw,t lent,. 1111,719.310; machine 'shop
(meeting dermrtmenta 113,401; bleek•
smith shop, 171.31 ; foundry, $:J.1.3). -
ti$ ; plant, /111.371.23; miseellane•otl•,,
*4.24(1.11 : patterns and drawings,
$f4,111211: total, 11135.500. 1a, Hess u per a
You Will be Surprised to Learn How
Many There Are.
Did y rn ever feel stupid and dull
after eating 11 hearty dinner
When (411«1 is retained too long in
the stonnau-h, lwcaiuse of Monetch
weakness, the poison factory works
overtime and there is giddiness, con:
fusion of 11 ght, despondeney,
hoare-burn. slreplessnex., nervous
trouble and other forms of indigestion.
The gwnerAh 11111' of Mi-o•na Ntomaeh
1 s11r1s pat« within the tench of every-
one -a reliable and positive cure for all
st onrsell weak ewes. s :\l i-o-na quickly
enree the worst 1155. 1)1 indigestion,
and the pain and distress which is
often felt after m01114 will soots disap-
pear. such is the wonderful curative
power of thiN little tablet
Mi•o-na ante upon entirely different
principles from any of the other relate -
dies that 11nve been used in stomach
trouble. It is taken 11011111.1110/1111. and
has a spoil', strengthening action
upon the minder. 11 the stunt*els
inerraaing the flow of digestive inieee
and ranking the .tmentelt get to work
and digest vanity and naturally the
focal which is eaten,
Wilma lou•, 11111 so man) cures
made by Mi•o•ne that he gives a
goarenlee with ever)' ..''vent box that
the remedy costs nothing lintels; it
cures. , .
Dinkelspiei's Eppy Grams.
akeeles llnhart, i, Y Y.
I h•r nam dot refer in ekoe a kick is
pretty sure to get kicked himself
8e)111.1' or lateness.,
Der hest succeeder. in die torld is
dem dot deperwl on home-made melissa.
Der 4411441 11111 vas 111iven to drink
vould half valket dine Nnyvsy.
I)er bottom dollar is der lest dnllnr
if you h*f udder dollars to keep it at
der helloes
Wei ignnt'e1)1•)' 111a111tP1 y011 it vas
folly to M• sa tine guy.
Vun half der voila is *fraud it Till
never get der chance Au do der odder
Der mint popular motive power of
der day is der eau1 lot chollies udder
peoples along.
Monte people siert ouid to do right,
hut. Fate heeds dens a transfer.
A men manual enemies is der same
relation to die earth esta chelly-fish is
to are mean.
Rich peoples hof tronb les yich poor
people.. ran nefer enchoy.
Temptation alvaye antra rubber
hopes 110d 'peak tt iotil a '.11101,
how the Timber Limits Went.
A Striking Comparison of Couservative and Lib-
eral Administration of Western Timber Lands
Disclosures in the House of Commons.
Ottawa, Feb, 111. It time surely 11
desperation that the Opposition tin
dertook to attack the liberal Govern
meat's *dinkiest' /Ohm 113 Wester)
(ands. No comparison more dinar
Liana to the Conservative party could
have been invited, nor one more wel
coma to the Ministt of the Interior
The (Acts have only 10 be stated fol
the people to pass judgment upon
thew, anJ that judgment will un
doub(edly endorsethe policy of tit
Liberal i overmuent, and it caono
fail to carry also a severe condemns
tion of Conservative ,ultuit irta
The Conservative Government fo
eighteen years regarded the publi
domain, lauds and timber, as a per
quieite to be divided tuuong ('onsery
atter Senators, members of the House
defeated candidates, party worker
and pr0wilieut suppn•te•s of the par
ty generally throughout the counts,-
No regard whatever was given to the
public interest. no care exercised te
secure just compensation to the treas-
ury in exchange for valuable conces-
sions : the prevailing idea was to take
advantage of the fewer they had and
give generously to member" of the
How People Were Robbed.
No sooner did the Conservatives
gain power in 1871*, than the processes
looting a •ed. Wit each
year the raid on the timber continued
until the year 181)1, when the very
acme of -cupidity' W411 reached, and a
veritable scramble oceurted, for dur-
ing that year ('ousercative politicians
divided among themselves no lest than
10,:t11 square miles of Bobber limits,
covering 8,)111(114(1 acres of land, the
properly of the taxpayers of Canada.
These men secured the vast tract
Mentioned above absolutely free of
cost. Not & cent was exacted--the
unfaithful men in charge of public af-
fairs divided the property of the peo-
ple among themselves at the rate of
rsi0r a
• 5011 acres day for three hundred
working days.
The q pimento is who got the
linriu ? The ((Moving are a few of
the men who grabbed the timber of
the Dominion, and who gut it fer
Some of the Timber Grabbers.
11. A. \1 nr! 50 wiles.
Conservative member for Etat 1)ur•
F. Paterson -50 nliles.
l'unrct'.*tive politician, North On-
.I fholnaa Hirkett - 50 miles.
Fouler (a)neel'vative member for
• Otiaws.
1 . These ate exalllpl.r, show ing a few
only out of the 212 who secured five
e neither hobos froth the1'onrervalive
( Government in the year ISM alone'.
The Gtllotving'showe hove the rare-
a pac-
rityof'1'urypolitleiausgttey. and h01v
c the shanlelr.N Armando of their sup-
- porters wets- satisfied.
Dl 1181 twenty -Uric tim+lcr limits
were granted : area 111,1 &guars miles.
• lu 18hY ninety-eight Linilwr Bruits
- weer granted : 141r11 1,013 square utiles.
, In Itiv:l the Conservative Govern-
ment grants 1 no less than :'X10 timber
, limits : SIVA 111,:f t/) malars initis*. free.
In eighteen years, from 1878 until
the Conservatives were driven from
office iu 15WM1, they gave away do less
thin _'It,22 .quern miles of thither
1101(114, :rl area equal to lleiti0,os11
rAcree, Of this 23,1187 square utiles,
equal to 15,:431,0'141 acre., were dia-
. posed of without our cent of equival-
ent going to the treasury.
A Vivid Contrast.
Bolder Looting F.acb Year.
Shields. Ilaggait and McLaren- Ilk)
The ilagg:u•t Mentioned here is
Hon. John liaggart, furnter Minister
of Railways in the Conservative Gov-
ernment• and u present member of
the House Mr. .IcLauen was a Con-
n ervative Seuetor.
J. G. H. Bergeron --50 utiles.
Mr. Bergeron is a member of the
House .111(1 Was attached to Mr. H. L.
Borden's party
on the recentWestern
political tour, in the cap,ecity of ex.
pounder of Conservative purity.
Hon. D. Tisdale -32 miles.
Formerly Minister of Militia in the
Conservative Government, and a
member of the House now.
Geo. H. Perley-:AI utilise.
Conseryative member of the House
Hon. W. E. Sanford -30 miles.
Conservative Senator from Hamii-
Nicholas Flood Davin -,ill tulles,
Former Conservative member for
West Aaainilons. Mr. Davin sold
this limit for BIM cash, and never
paid a cent of bonus ur dues to the
Hiram Robinson -511 miles.
Conservative candidate for city of
Ottawa iSMM.
Charles Magee -50 miles. •
Prominent Ottawa 1'onservative.
D. E. Sprague --30 miles.
Conservative (lludidate in Winni-
Thomas 3Iarks--30 miles.
Conservative politic i a n, Port
T. W. Currier- 50 miles.
Prominent Conservative politician.
Ur. It. G.
Brett --50 miles.
Former Premier Northwest 'Terri-
111011. Senator W. Muincead--:1e'
Dr. \W. 11. llontaague-.30 miles.
Former Minister of Agriculture- in
Conservative Government.
M. W. Monk -50 miles,
Former Conservative M. P. J'..
- Adam Brown --311 miles.
Formerly Conservative member for
Hon. Senator R. Harlisty--:1) utiles.
G. H. Bradbury --de miles.
Conservative politician, Selkirk.
Armen Roe -,its miles.
Former proprietor Winnipeg Times;
Afterwards collector of customs at Ca1-
James A. Gouin--:11 miles.
Conservative politielan, :afterwards
po'tn*ster at Ottawa.
Moore ,and 3icUowall :1) miles.
McDowell was formerly Conserva-
tive mender for Saakatchetvun,
Mcleod Ntew*rt--:11 miles.
Conservative politician, Ottawa.
Shields. 11 eggart, McLaren and
Niehol-51 miles.
John Rochester --IS miles,
Former Conservative member for
.('arleton county.
M. K. Dickinson -5e miles.
Former Conservative member for
Joseph Kavanagh- :Al miles.
I'ron•'uent Conservative politician.
Lrr:atl .A miles.
Conservative politician, Ottawa.
F. J. Clark -:11 intics.
eleerrtary ('onservetive Assoeiati.n,
1). W. Cut unillpps :AI miles.
Corneae/o'er lrlrlbtIrian, Hirtle, Mao.
('. ('- (Sully -a0 Hiles,
Former meu1lx•r Conservative M-
(1111) i4t144 111(1).
Iron. Senator Peter McLaren ---50
Hon. Senator G. W. Howban -:1)
T. H. Jones :AI 11)111.14.
l'nt►eet•v*tivp lxrllticiaul, ht. John,
N. B:
John C. Smolt It• --:1) miles.
Conservative politician, Winnipeg.
Wm. Elliott --,i.) index.
Finalise Conservative member for
Peel. Ont,
D. H. McDowell :Al mitre.
F o r to e r Conserv/dive nlenler,
Flask n tehewn u.
W. B. hearth --d1 miles.
Former Conservative member for
H. Rohillarl-50 miles.
Former Conservative member for
Of taws.
Win, Richardson -n0 miles.
Former Conservative M. 1'. P.,
Walter Bratty -410 miles.
Former ('IMeerveti'e member,
('runpare the above with the record
of the Liberal Government. 1 u
eleven yea's, since 1!818, whet/ the
1)1101 abs came into power, they hese
Alienated only 13,150 square miles, or
1,141,840 aures, and for (hie they have
received the etIm of $.134,s78,ta1, or an
average of eal.a2 Isar square mile. in
addition to this the ground rent
amounts to tr31),)1N) per annum, nod
there is also a Ntu110015' 1111110801.1 o1
51 cents a thousand feet.
I in other worsts, the C'onser'atives
gave away for nothing in one year,
18143, to Gnawed Yes, to Seuntur, poll -
Helens, contractors and party friends,
3,87.4 more square utiles of timber
than the Liberal Government has
granted allogrlher saucy it aasuruetl
office in ISM.
in one year the l'oneervalives gave
, away for nothing Ir, square miles
Iof timber 1' ' e, and the Liberal Gov-
rrnunent, since- they came to power,
have granted only 0,1511 square alike.
of timber, and for this they received
Foster in It. Too.
The Conservatives in the House. led
by (Teo. 1;. Foster, are now engaged
in challenging the policy of the Lila
era! Government t tnne•ut tt•Ilb respect to the
'sd111it1 intra( ion of initial. 1 .1 n d 11.
Among other things, it 15 eaggested
ifo• e
t th 'o
l.e oltr .v 1•
t au e•s neverp r-
mit their Luctics to trach the dignity
of a (111011 charges that limits were
improperly granted to friend* of the
Government. Would the ;tropic of
('*nada lesurpt•ised to learn that Geo.
E. Foster, the adv.sute of puritysin
himself applied fur fifty utiles
of a timber 1- ' , but when he found
there were other competitors be calmly
withdrew bis application :• l'biscun-
siderate politician declined to enter into
e petition for the limit ; so long as he
could get it few nothing, all was well,
hot when he f 1 he might helve to
pay s riling the limit ceased to in-
terest 1 ' This is the gentleman
who says the ((overllIrleta has acted
improvidently by giving away limits
for less that. they went worth. He
applied to get one free.
Mr. Perley, a► 1ainnervatli'C uleullsr
in the Huum•, ritel :an instance .1 A
certain limit whch had herrn slie•neted
by the Government for IR5,144 and lase
limit was now, he raid. worth $500,0en.
Strange to «ay, Mr, Perky wits once
the nes
this very limit
paving $2.701 for one year's rent he
allowed it to revert to the Govern-
ment upon the ground that it was
Retort a Great Surprise.
'When the debate ,m the timla r
policy of the l.ils'r:el Gooey/,) eat
to •nceel, the men who precipitated
it, Messrs. Lake and Arnett, being new
members of the (louse, did not *n(ici•
pate that they were bringing down a
hornet's nest upon their party. To
understand the ludicrous cher:seter of
the incident, it roust be remembered
Gist these two gentlemen clearly in-
dented that the. aadminisLnttion of the
Liberal (iinvernment with I'gard to
timber had hien so (01111407 to the
interests of the people that the only
remedy was to l,lrn out the Govern-
unenL and install the Conservatives. in
power, and they would deal honestly
and justly.
\Viler. Mr. Terrill gave to the
Howie the startling revelations of
ehsrneful trafficking In timber limits
which hied characterized the Consery
alive administration, how that the
limits had been given free to Senators,
politician's defeated Conservative
candidates and party workers, , the
Coneervativen were at once put on the
defensive. %hen Dlr. 'rurliff read
from A long list in hie hand name
after name of Conservatives who were
then members of the House, same of
them ex-Mini,te,N of the Crown, who
had received between then) thousands
of liqueur miles of timber for nothing•
consternation seized the Tories, and
they jumped up one after :Mother
Asserting nervously that they had
never paid lent and had not kept the
limit. Rut the climax tests mooched
when the honorable gentleman All-
nouneed that the ' :urate, honest
elide. Geo. K. Footer, had applied for
a free slice of the Itroplc s
property. Air. ioorden wan visibly
pram bed at this additional instance
of the hypwrrisy of hie chief lieuten•
ant. Mr. Foster made no denial, he
could not, but eller Mr. Terrill' had
taunted 1 ' with declining to pro-
ceed with an nitrification for a
when lie Grund he could not get it for
nothing. ,and had then enoceedea in
putting in an application for another
roan who gut the limit, Mt•, foster
treated Lhe matter as n joke. and
said, '•1 must look the up." Mr.
Footer wan a Ilnerhlel• of.1.'utiarnent
when he applied for these limits.
Conservative Attack a Boomerang.
The Con.t'rvntives this time have
takpn hold of /1111110t fling so pmt that it
slicks ; they cannot hot go of it. The
position would not be no serione for
them were itnot, that they expected
to gain prestige in the country by ex•
poising lack of attention to the
people's 1,51ereit, instead of which
hey have pt'Pcipiteted nn exposure of
heir own political perfidy and admin-
i*trat ive crokednesa whirl] id amp.
then) me utterly unfit to conduct the
affairs of Government.
What Will Electors Think?
11h:at will the ,lector.', say of men
who divided among theulselv'es, when'
they had the power. 10,Seel squared
utiles of timber in one yeer, withhout. ;
haying a cent fur it, in(1 criticize a
Government that never sold one mile I
of timber since they 0*1111' Tutu power 1
excepting by open competition to the
highest bidder There is one thins i
the electors certainly will riot say, and i
that is, Good and faithful servants,
enter into the joys of anotbeu season
of ower. Politicians who fell over
eacl►,othe•t' in their indecent scramble
to secure limits which were of little
value in ISM could not Iw trusted to
resist the temptation to avail them-
selves of their greater opportunities if
given the chance to acquire eitnilxr
property with it* increamewt value of
Liberal Administration is Honest.
How can the l'oneervatives justly
lase a criticism of the Liberal Govern-
ment for granting 0, 4'0 wquara miles
of timber in eleven years, et a time
when settlement in the Kest has
reached bitterest: proportions, and
there is a rued,,- demand for huller?
1\'ith this additional fart in view. that
every acts was put up for public cons -
Petition end in every case went to the
highest bidder ?
Liberal Aelnliuistrolion 111 timber
lauds has leen honest, and in addition
has produced a large revenue for the
[aspic and has retlmc,d the necessity
fur taxation to that exteut. ('on-
ve•vativ'e ;adwioistral' of limber
lands was a public scandal and a
national disgrace. Their policy added
to the wealth o ful nd'
e h 1 v' h
t h 1 a alrt
Pa 7
%Yorker, a' increased 1 1 1
easexl this r r h.Cauce of
the party supporter, but it worked a
great injustice to the people at large.
ConservativeMinister, of the Crown.
Senators. speculators and defeated
Tory candidates made money, but the
people paid the price, because the ro-
sourc s of the country were impov-
erished that these lieu should Ireculle
The next Lime Conservatives chal•
lenge comparison between, their ad-
Ininistrestion and that of Sir \Vilfrid
1.metier's Government they should he
cerefil to hook up the doings of the
tern who were naris in office and who
suffered defeat at the hands of the
people Tor thew misdeeds. and i 1 the un-
fortunate but scandalous transactions
cot prominent wen in the party would
not experience such disgraceful ex-
posure as that to which they had to
submit last week.
is Rheumatism of the back.
The cause is Uric Acid
ill the blood. if the kid-
neys did their work there
would be no Uric Acid and
no Lumbago. Make the
kidneys do their work. The
sure, positive and only
cure for Lumbago is
You have heard of hisctits-and
read ofbiscu its- and eaten biscuits -
but you don't know biscuits -until
you try Mooney's Perfection Cream
Sodas. They are everything that
the ideal biscuits should be.
The air - tight, moisture - proof
package brings them to you fresh,
crisp, inviting.
Practically every grorer in Canada
nu MOONEi 'S. Yours will get
them if you ask. In &) Ib. pkgs.
Io o IEY�
(4441 "b"": Sodas
KOOKY btltlllf a CsNO* C:
sra*vrsee (541(05
The 100 Year Old Cough Cure
1f the throat is "raw ,"--ebur retro -bad cough
-and you ache "a11 over" -Cal•
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balsam
Pest 1h rt,.; you ever IoM. It eaves the throat -bola the :unr,-hrelks up • told -
and cu, es a r,•uah to nn Use.
Prep„ rel Iry the tarxest wholesale drag hove- in the ,.:. tl . 110)0 0,,fo4naala n,
ave for ,�var a e.atury I) tail(),, ate, At Maggots •a
NATIONAL 01100 a CMEYIC*L CO.. l.w.rrn 101100)0, Oa,
Sold is Gedevich by H. ( Danlup.
Salvation Army Praise ,
"1 feel it my duty to testify to the
benefit 1 hate nreited from the use of
Psychine. While travelling in N.'w Oa
Iarin rondnetiug special meetings I eau-
Iractwl a very had cold. Which gradual -
It develsp-1 into Bronchitis of the
want form. 1 w•a, ado wd to Iry
Psychine, whirl, t did, and after using
bill a fro hot lits 1 Was rnmplrfrly re
stored to health. 1 rerummeml this
wonderful rrtnetl • to w11R from
Benne hitin nod nthrr troubles."
Later: •' 1 wish to add that n y voice.
since tieing Psyching. no stronger and
has murk more earrsing power than it
b la n e 1
ad f r 1
had oronrhi '. r
Us. and th
tre'aI clients .1n not tire with speaking.'
P. TILLER. )'apt. 8x11 'n. Arm.
.Inn 1+t., Termite, an. 13, 11907.
Throat, lung and Ntnmarh trnublee
rur.'.1 Iso Psychine: a1so insipient rnn-
Mlmptiun. All dnlggiars, 11,' and CIAO.
.or J)r, T. A. bloeum, Limited, Toronto.
Meat Market
1 as_
1 h:r0 opened is new Meat Mutkct
the stand on
t9 A11.,
• ,
OMAN &Bit,
Nee 25 els. plrldlt
Man +or. L,c1*0,7,-i'9q
H •nladc 1 ls*i,lat,•., • 'dk• per Ib.
H.,w0-mein)' Nut 'rattles, mixed,
Ile, ler Ib.
:.� Oysters
1411 ,baru,a, - xhon hoer mal neatly, the Town Halt.
The store is fitted up in modern style
for the handling of meats in the most
approval way, and 1 intend to serve'
my ctletomets with the lest to be had
in my line.
Finest Selects in bulk
or served In any style.
Mimi.: Ilea 1
PI' Mem s.
Lowes EACH
Neat, Lunches, Hot Drinks, 1. r
Creams, rt . at all hours.
W. E. McLEAN Olympia Cafe
1 Your Printing
POOR Office Stationery inch, Ates sloven
lmess Tasty, well printed Stationery
bespeaks system and carefulness.
The Signal
Job Printing
Supplies only the better kind won't pay us
to turn out any other. Skilled workmen
only are employed because they should do
and do better work than inexperienced
We will convince you of this if you
will trust us with your next ordcr.
Early Spring Goods
We are getting ready for Spring now,
shelves than ever before
Prints Light and dark coloring, Irk. and
121 cents, fast colors. 'rite'rite121 cent
lines are the salve as last year loth in weight end
fineness. Blues air all Indigo dyes And absolutely
(.int. Mivall ,,pot, polka dot 114111 111111111 h{{/1.1g flat-
teras. The nicest ess111'((s10111 we ever offered and
extra value fur this year.
Delaines Spilt. stripe, check and 6(.1,311fancy .prig pattens. L
sod duck colorings and won't fads in the wash or
by exposure to the light, and (1111 pt'1ce is only I3e•.
ig shipment of
Embroideries A big.
F:ugbruideriee here
already And a fine lot they are, and prices never s'
IOW for the quality offered.
cents to 73 cents, and loth patterns and )vol k Lhe
hest to be found anywhere for the prices Asked.
J. Colborne
and have more spring lines on our
at so early a date. In
Laces \Wa want you 10 know that we
excel iii Laces. They coupe direct
1' the Makers to ur. which 00abl0S us- to be et
Ibedt-ock for prices. Hundred!' of pieces to selact
LEFT -OVERS. ---All our left over hove ate mi a
table in the frtyt of the stare, marked down to
about dais -half ►rKnlar prices.
Ginghams and Chambrays
()ur new stock 111 tllesi, goods M all here.
large and small chocks and plain chambray,.
osiery We bought a manufacture&'e full
set of samples and what was left
over after the year's selling At a great surrifice,
They air all purr wool amd worsted And you ran
gel big bargains in them. but they won't lest long
at the rate they are going.
15c. The 190e Spring Stock just3in.
l,l,lll'I(Il II
who divided among theulselv'es, when'
they had the power. 10,Seel squared
utiles of timber in one yeer, withhout. ;
haying a cent fur it, in(1 criticize a
Government that never sold one mile I
of timber since they 0*1111' Tutu power 1
excepting by open competition to the
highest bidder There is one thins i
the electors certainly will riot say, and i
that is, Good and faithful servants,
enter into the joys of anotbeu season
of ower. Politicians who fell over
eacl►,othe•t' in their indecent scramble
to secure limits which were of little
value in ISM could not Iw trusted to
resist the temptation to avail them-
selves of their greater opportunities if
given the chance to acquire eitnilxr
property with it* increamewt value of
Liberal Administration is Honest.
How can the l'oneervatives justly
lase a criticism of the Liberal Govern-
ment for granting 0, 4'0 wquara miles
of timber in eleven years, et a time
when settlement in the Kest has
reached bitterest: proportions, and
there is a rued,,- demand for huller?
1\'ith this additional fart in view. that
every acts was put up for public cons -
Petition end in every case went to the
highest bidder ?
Liberal Aelnliuistrolion 111 timber
lauds has leen honest, and in addition
has produced a large revenue for the
[aspic and has retlmc,d the necessity
fur taxation to that exteut. ('on-
ve•vativ'e ;adwioistral' of limber
lands was a public scandal and a
national disgrace. Their policy added
to the wealth o ful nd'
e h 1 v' h
t h 1 a alrt
Pa 7
%Yorker, a' increased 1 1 1
easexl this r r h.Cauce of
the party supporter, but it worked a
great injustice to the people at large.
ConservativeMinister, of the Crown.
Senators. speculators and defeated
Tory candidates made money, but the
people paid the price, because the ro-
sourc s of the country were impov-
erished that these lieu should Ireculle
The next Lime Conservatives chal•
lenge comparison between, their ad-
Ininistrestion and that of Sir \Vilfrid
1.metier's Government they should he
cerefil to hook up the doings of the
tern who were naris in office and who
suffered defeat at the hands of the
people Tor thew misdeeds. and i 1 the un-
fortunate but scandalous transactions
cot prominent wen in the party would
not experience such disgraceful ex-
posure as that to which they had to
submit last week.
is Rheumatism of the back.
The cause is Uric Acid
ill the blood. if the kid-
neys did their work there
would be no Uric Acid and
no Lumbago. Make the
kidneys do their work. The
sure, positive and only
cure for Lumbago is
You have heard of hisctits-and
read ofbiscu its- and eaten biscuits -
but you don't know biscuits -until
you try Mooney's Perfection Cream
Sodas. They are everything that
the ideal biscuits should be.
The air - tight, moisture - proof
package brings them to you fresh,
crisp, inviting.
Practically every grorer in Canada
nu MOONEi 'S. Yours will get
them if you ask. In &) Ib. pkgs.
Io o IEY�
(4441 "b"": Sodas
KOOKY btltlllf a CsNO* C:
sra*vrsee (541(05
The 100 Year Old Cough Cure
1f the throat is "raw ,"--ebur retro -bad cough
-and you ache "a11 over" -Cal•
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balsam
Pest 1h rt,.; you ever IoM. It eaves the throat -bola the :unr,-hrelks up • told -
and cu, es a r,•uah to nn Use.
Prep„ rel Iry the tarxest wholesale drag hove- in the ,.:. tl . 110)0 0,,fo4naala n,
ave for ,�var a e.atury I) tail(),, ate, At Maggots •a
NATIONAL 01100 a CMEYIC*L CO.. l.w.rrn 101100)0, Oa,
Sold is Gedevich by H. ( Danlup.
Salvation Army Praise ,
"1 feel it my duty to testify to the
benefit 1 hate nreited from the use of
Psychine. While travelling in N.'w Oa
Iarin rondnetiug special meetings I eau-
Iractwl a very had cold. Which gradual -
It develsp-1 into Bronchitis of the
want form. 1 w•a, ado wd to Iry
Psychine, whirl, t did, and after using
bill a fro hot lits 1 Was rnmplrfrly re
stored to health. 1 rerummeml this
wonderful rrtnetl • to w11R from
Benne hitin nod nthrr troubles."
Later: •' 1 wish to add that n y voice.
since tieing Psyching. no stronger and
has murk more earrsing power than it
b la n e 1
ad f r 1
had oronrhi '. r
Us. and th
tre'aI clients .1n not tire with speaking.'
P. TILLER. )'apt. 8x11 'n. Arm.
.Inn 1+t., Termite, an. 13, 11907.
Throat, lung and Ntnmarh trnublee
rur.'.1 Iso Psychine: a1so insipient rnn-
Mlmptiun. All dnlggiars, 11,' and CIAO.
.or J)r, T. A. bloeum, Limited, Toronto.
Meat Market
1 as_
1 h:r0 opened is new Meat Mutkct
the stand on
t9 A11.,
• ,
OMAN &Bit,
Nee 25 els. plrldlt
Man +or. L,c1*0,7,-i'9q
H •nladc 1 ls*i,lat,•., • 'dk• per Ib.
H.,w0-mein)' Nut 'rattles, mixed,
Ile, ler Ib.
:.� Oysters
1411 ,baru,a, - xhon hoer mal neatly, the Town Halt.
The store is fitted up in modern style
for the handling of meats in the most
approval way, and 1 intend to serve'
my ctletomets with the lest to be had
in my line.
Finest Selects in bulk
or served In any style.
Mimi.: Ilea 1
PI' Mem s.
Lowes EACH
Neat, Lunches, Hot Drinks, 1. r
Creams, rt . at all hours.
W. E. McLEAN Olympia Cafe
1 Your Printing
POOR Office Stationery inch, Ates sloven
lmess Tasty, well printed Stationery
bespeaks system and carefulness.
The Signal
Job Printing
Supplies only the better kind won't pay us
to turn out any other. Skilled workmen
only are employed because they should do
and do better work than inexperienced
We will convince you of this if you
will trust us with your next ordcr.