The Signal, 1908-2-13, Page 22 an111waT, February 13, 48 -.
:Telephone fall No. 3:s
Terms of alb crlylwn :
$I•IM per *x011111 111 advance.
flit Mont hl.:+s•: three moot h..
To United ,Inas subscribers. 111..+1 a )cal
1.11 icily in ode 01141
144rMlcrlhurw who f*il 10 1011.0 a '1'llt: 1,l10.0.
regularly >
rl h • mail14111 under w floor by
in -
etiolating iso of the Not at as arty s dale
When • change of address i. desired, both the
old and the new address should be (11'014
A Rates :
Legal and other similar a44-erli Anent.. Inn
per line for first insertion and lc per line for
each subsequent insertion. M"r.und by a
• \' line. t
• e twelve nonpareilsal .
end untie', . r
Business cards of .is lines �� 1
Advertiwtnentr of lost, Found. Strayed. Sit
uatlon.\'ammo. Sit nations 40 ,.n?cd. Huno'. for
Sate or to 'tent. Farms for (tale or to Rent.
Article. for hal. o
Salo. etc.. not exceeding eight
1 sollfou .11 for first uwulh, ilh�
m each
for nosh eulewslnenl tuwllh. Larger aals0rlir••
moots 111 (4oleorl ion.
Announcements 111 01(1)4)4)) reading tyle fes,
cents put hue. Vel oolitic les than'i4'.
4 b
ih iw
pecuniary benefit ofwu) individual or rwrf
scion, W •u,1sMcnd at, advertisement 1-n d
t 1 be chagrin' moanlfu(b'.
Rates for display and contract r.lverti•c•
mals will be given on application.
Address all communications to
THE L,wxa1..
t,.,erlch. out.
UUU);ItICH. Tell tts 11.v l'. VEIL 1.1. 41011. j
for reporting berm0ur nn Sunday.
1'o noke things fair all around, the
preacher) ought to be liable for de•
li►'ering the sermon..
The I'urtoHice Dcpartwent is cunt-
o its The arta a rail
iu l u sensor.
daily newspapers aeut to the l'
States, which was largely increased
about a year ago, has leen pulled
1� a' l l hoped that
, N 11 1111. 'J M h
,1 4(g Its t p
* Mailer Ule•as)11'l' u( relief vsil('ae11l ie
granted in respect to weekly mold
monthly )ublil•atiuus,
The movement for 11d•age pensions
would be received with a gout deal
more r: cur i •r could N any as -
w► a f there r r e
• c • u 1 an addi-
that It N'OUId I4( t e
tional burden teem the diligent and
riot idem members of the itmlwunity
f- 1 1
for e u r, indolent and the
t t netts of
t wasteful 01101. It is out likely the
Government will rush 11(41 the pro -
1 t
•cc ill a burr v.
The Grated Truitt: Pacific tea nage-
uleIt 1u,pe to have the new lne in
operation from Edmonton te fort
Arthur by next fall, in time for the
carrying of the mesal hervebt. the
building of branch lines for the slew
lailw,ay, along 00it14 the development
of the Canadian Pacific and the Cana-
di.ul Northern Railways, will keep u
host of inert busy in the \Vest for
s •rer,il year's to comer.
1l011. JAnle% Bryce, the British .1w -
MR. BRYAN IN CANADA. Inassadorto the i'nited Stales. ib �com-
ing 1 Ilto v
lug It ttawx this 111u11(h infer
\''illi:uu .I(nuings Bryan is one or' with [tie Dowiuiun Government re -
the meet wtiking petmitalities of gaoling certain Matters which have
worldwide note that this generation 'wen in dispute between Canada tied
has produced, and it is out strange tilt. United State. and concerning
that his visit t) ('an: d+) line been the which x treaty 6 in process of negotia•
occasion for a good deal of iutereet
among Canndiaus in the speeches
which he has given at Montreal and
Toronto. There is little doubt that
Mr. Bryan will be again, for the third
time, the nominee of the Democratic
party of the United States for the
Presidency. Ile oversluldowe all
other possible candidates in the Denr-
ocratic party. and allhmugh lie 1a4b
been twice defeated there is no one
else iu bight who combines 60 forcibly
the elenleuas in opiorition W the rule
of the Republican petty.
At Montreal Mr. Wyatt) wade the
statement that the great issue be-
tween the two parties at the next elec-
tion will be tariff reform, and the
leading plank in the Democratic plat•
form will be closer trade relations
with Canada. There are not wanting
Ages that the Republican managers
nee preparing to "triol" on the tariff
question, as the old implicit fritts in the
efficacy of high protection is ',reeking
down in the United States. Under a
bigh tariff the Stals during the last
few months has had a panic which
threatened the financial foundations
time. ('unade has had occasion in the
plant to c plain of neglectful treat
meta of her interests by British'
diplonuithe*. but Mr. Bryce evidently
6 desirous of avoiding the mistakes of
Die past.
The Halifax platform, produced by
Air. Borden with such a flourish r few
months ;I.go, seems to have leen Ihst
qu'I(•Whem. The tlpp otiitiun'tienllel•s
are putting in the time at Ottawa
will nttenlpts to discredit the Gov-
ernment by means of velem charges
and innuendoes -nut N very noble
tusk, and one in which they are get-
ting, from their own standpoint, cert'
Poor result*. They *11• giving the
Government supporters a great oppor-
tunity of showing up the cunditiuns
which prevailr(' ender l'on ery*tive
rule prior to 1!141. and the Literal
menrle►s are rubbing it in vigoroubly,
-Trouble ;n i.bc Balkans" less been
4 scare he. Jing in the daily news -
',ape's off and nn foe the pest twenty
yell's, and perhapps for a longer period.
When titers are (dull the enterprising
pass correspondent wt Vienna or
of the republic, and at the present Berlin or somewhere else can always
time thousands of then out of work to relied upon to get 'p a plausible -
afford a strange object lesson of the spending story about the war cloud
blessings Of protection.
that b about to
burst in
Interest in Mr. Bryan. however. is Il•:urnpe, and it 'mikes "good copy' for
not confined to hi. standing as a pole a few (lays mail the story IN•coines
tician. He is a cosmopolitan, a sociol-
ogist, a brood.beam's moral reformer,
end his speeches in Canada had h'
of the flavor of international goodwill.
Speaking at Montreal he laid eniph'si,
on the mutual benefit of nations work-
ing for one another by individual. in-
dependent and unfettered develop-
ment of each Along linen planned and
designed by itself. He decl,red that
the right of each eat. to do what it
liked in any line of national develop-
ment. so long as it did not interfere
with the rights (1f any other nation.
was an essential basis of all national
deVelopmeut. Ile drew fr this the
lessor that Canada and the States,
eachworking out its 00411 destiny
along ib. own line, of independent
actio'. )roust inevitably each IN•nrlit
by the other'. devel(1f •111
1{e• (oi11Led lis flu• :111 V11 1 44 1' waele in
matters educational all through the
world. Ile rite) the examples of
Japan, China and Russia. Ile .hewed
bow loth through public and priyato•
means educational progress WAS being
made everywhere. This intellectual'
advance, be argued. meant '01,1111.1 ng,
was a force that could not lie ignored.
He scorned the idea of the "yellow
peril." 1 declared that Macre wits fie
peril to great ,4(.s that .,f ignma11,0,
save iurwor:alley.
Feeler even Then the or
social developauenl of the race, moral
devd1I •tia War 4tl%arcing, mail the
ideal- of brothelu*wl and of link -retell
goodwill wean receiving wide accept-
ance. Mr. Bryan cloetel his address at
Montreal with an earnest utter:Once of a.rillia Parket.
thin s(•nti)1c•nt : Lac:. of interest land knowledge are
"1 alit glad to have haul 011,, oppor. the I,•tois of :h of the complaining
trinity of speaking with you, for 11 am and teelt-Anding one hear,,. The men
Much it:Revealed n1 these things. 1 ern that call the loudest for a clever
a citiren of Lite United States, hill ant preacher are tit.• leen who seldom go
WOO 11 .•iti,xn of the world, and rh.• l0 church. and would net know a
larger obligation rest upon ns all, good err f they 114.11111 it.
teaches us to ryj11ic0 unfe etwilly when
the whole world is •ing forward
and All the nations ate alloying with 1 algae) ncn,d.
it. )"or, however insignificant the in- home people ate never 1144ppy 11(114,1
dividual may regard this life as corn- they ,ro hutting into other twopl' N
pared with the greet in/twilit 6nn,an- hubinPas and trying to "((turns" thing..
icy, yet still he haw to petrels, ible in. Their latest schrmi' bs nn Agitation In
fluence in t'Nising or lowering the ale -Midi "Now i lay mor down to sleep"
average. One duiy s* to recognize on the at. d that the third line ie
this fact. mid then set cut to de our exlei10ted to inspire fear of death in
part for the betterment of the world. the child's mind. 'Thele is Alway. an
1 am doing my heel to raise 11)0 40rr- PIC114P for every "reform," no matter
age in my own country. and join with how prepo
you all here who ate owing your part
to raise the average in your own
towns and country, and though we
may be working in different parts of
the world. yet we know that we ate
working together."
threadbare or until soulethine thet
ie really new.. comes along to enable
the iewyrapera to give their readers
the daily thrill. Of t'ecent year.
there 11440 been NO many startlin(r de-
%elnpnner:ls in other parte of thr
world that there ha; ',wen little
occasion to make use of the old stand-
by ; lout a few cayli ago the dailies
again brought it out, in the shape of a
threatened cuneen between Turkey
and Russia. It is said that if wear
tweaks out :Austria and 1ennauy will
be en Turkey's side, and France and
Great Britain will aid Russia. That
would 1-s• a glorious scrap but there
will be no 44*4.
To February.
el M.,-1111,411)41,. Id nsterijrg ns 4410 Ito
Ahem lone giant work. Iran -forming all
The .•n,pr r nowt! lull, , gill 1,01114 11011,
,11(1 making lilac lane- and footpaths glow
A• hoot a• Inn, onset -t nhborn •u0w,-
Thongh c,try Erne.. stand forth a marbly'
04 411.
And windy hollow, drift to rucks tall,
There conic, a ninth. that ,,hall your 011)111
11.011 high yo' I white *fid clAulina 10114.x•..
strengthen )cull bridges. fortify your low
r. or m will, a 1.114 and n port (intuits lip .
.A 1st .tpril w i'L n nagnu'ntvuy berme,
.41,11 luelf a., oro of pont le, golden huutw;••
Sha;, It r•nc nn 11141' of your .tern work
Awn, ):Ibdw7•n W. thera14.
The Grumbler Sized Up.
The Latest Reform.
Three different Mayors within a
period of nix weeks is Oodericli s
record. Who can beat it ?
The ".ovincill Government en-
41ouu s a rPdistdlotion measure In
Its Parliamentary hill -of -fare for this
mission. Where will the revving
knife strike Heron p
Winnipeg newspaper men are teeing
pieseeluted uoder the [aid's Day Act
Common Sense
N'ood•tlok SenllncLlteelew. j l
Monte of the politicians ere demand- s'
ing why Caned* should import so I
much from the United States. We }
know of no , (5*, minim then that
Canadians w*fit the things they Illy 1
across the line. They prefer to buy c
American coal rather Than freeze or
Anew their f1'turbeo end (heir rail- 11
tray, to Ietteen idle. They need
American rotten for various laws, nfleeing renclud the stage of civiliza•
lion where elothon are considered rt' 1
necessity. They buy ninny' other'
things for Winner revision*. No doted h
they would he glad lel t along with.
out toying many of these thing..
Rome day they hope to be able to get n
*long without buying so much. 1
'When electricity from Niagara Fall. I
and other natural waterfalls through. m
olt the country cosi(* into) general JI
tire for the production of power, light
and heal, there should be a great 0444•
ing in the Canedien coal 0111: but for
the prevent Canadians, like
t take what they can gat
and where they can get it. The fa^t
that neatly :!01,1441 5o'uds of butter
u Ix in
were intimated into t
wu Imo 1
months will probably give some of the
politicians x teft'lllle 1111[x14; bol it
ww1n+ nothing 11)4)1x• 111,11 that l'au44-
di4ns aD• sufficiently civilized to hat e
a liliiij for hitter, and if they cannel•:
get all they want at h0ule• they wi11
go ellwehere for it.
The Distribution a Wealth.
Mu,t,t.,I tl lila-.•.
I0 Gu• an can be ilbrelt4iulrl tfu•
beuevtlllnit gift. by IIilliunaitee in the
M . e 1107
United tale Burin to vent
Thin i .111 [nee
e atad 1 d.t Y_ 1 thio l
t l
1 include the enol 411111/1010110.
n t
:lenge ill nu11)1)er, of 4011ich 1111 ne-
t wits kept. The 411111011 tut.11 44410,
s akin divided among
1pP K• ti
ealocatiunai institutions, which f,•-
ceived the largest 01),(10, neatly be0en-
(y-one million : retinue, art galleries
and libraries CA 111g next with a little
went ' lilliu 1 • religious instit-
utions ()ter
t 4 u 1 1
) K
solllewhat above vi11e 111111 :.
quarter million. Mr, John 1).
Rockefeller war the chief giver, will,
of1 1111:)141 be e . Al re.
a slit * 1 n fact'
Russell Sar ranks second with gifts
Hu b.1-• t i{t
amounting to *13,1:0),7101. Atulrrw
CarnegRie comes third. with 1RI3,1
77 •. The habt-uxmed, however, stands
first in the grand total of his gift.(,
which amount altogether to 0uc
huudied and beve•nty milliuu dollars.
This dispobition of nulnty by the
4xnoestiote 1.1 vast tiecuunllat' is
creditable to them 11.. philanthropist.
:mod will doubtlebs Imo of would benefit
to the public. but such enormous 14(,.•
scissions raise the el M'1• Itis•.•
tions concerning the testiibutiou til
wealth, cud have disturbed the - 410
of the 5)005)le geuernlly, who cannot
x' but that in 114)1110' way the 11)0(10)'
has leen stolen inset them. :old who
are indignant accordingly. 'These
gigantic f,n'tnnes hive here made pos-
sible by high protective tariffs and
suddenly -created eco ' • c litions
without pl•tx•eieut In huul*11 history.
111 Nrllle way they npn•s•nt national
natural resources ...inverted Mao
p•iO4ae property. and the excessive
profits taken from the people by
means of the tariff and by the differ-
ence between the cost of working
those• resources and the charges wade
for the product. The cunditiuns
which primitive such 'uuaatur*l results
cannot be pernllnent. lis P1•unlnlit•s,
as in the material world. things tend
constantly' to equilibrium. 3 willow
large fortunes Have rendenv pubsible
gnat enlerpri.es__
Government Has important Measure of
Law Reform in View.
Toronto, Feb. loth.- The opo' ' g of
the Provincial LegiSrislature took place
on Wednesday, when the speech fowl
the throne wee rend by the Lieutenant -
Governor. On Thursday the debate
on the Address in reply wits conlnlencl•11
and two speeches were heard - from C.
R. McKeown, 'needier for l)nlferin,
and A. E. Donovan, member for
Brockville, both new members. The
debate will be res d t rrow.
Law Reform.
An important n1PNau4e of law re-
form is (ureehedowel in a resolution
which is being illtrndllced by (he
Attorney General, Hon. J. J. Foy. In
the main it follows the cuur0e which
lean leen advocated by the Hon. A. 0.
ALIcK*y, the Opposition leader, in his
speeches in varmint portions of the
Province. Its principal purpose is to
establish a single court, of appeal and
thereby prevent the prolongation of
litigation which so fte4nently occurs
under the existing system. A t present
a 11x)44 can be atppenlel to 11 Divisional
Court, thence carried to the Court of
Appeal, and in certain cases to the
Supreme Court and the Privy Council.
Another proposal of eonsidereble im-
portance et that the jurisbietiln of the
('aunty Courts he inrlr,asel, and the
p10bsure on the High Court thereby
New Election Act. -
A new election act has been sub-
mitted by elle Altorncy-General, the
chief object being to make the Provin-
cial Law correspond with lite Ihltlaiuinn
el• Ilion act. T'be 1)11)111111011 ballot is
to be :uloptol and in other respects
the same machinery for elections will
he provided as is employed in Domin-
ion elections. thus preventing liability
to confusion 1oetwlrn the two laws,
The Local Option Law. i
Among the petitions handed,iu are
a number abking for the repeal a the
three-fifths vote clause of the local
option law.
M. G. Cameron Interviewed.
Toronto, Feb. Ilth. -"1 believe Llint
the representation in the Provincial
Iregislah11'e• .Mould be rut iu t wen, and
the Prov ince saved nn unnecessary
expense of *1(10,tllrl a year," said N. O.
Cameron. Al. 1'. P. for W'e•et Boom.
when seen ,t1 1he Wiesen House this
morning by ,a newspaper reporter,
"1 ion not smoking for 1he Liberal
party," he :u'd-•d, "b 14 T hat is my own
personal opinion. The work 114 the
10asinn i. redly done by N . pars
tively small nntn1er of the nlenJwt4.
On some ofIbe committees there are
half the memlwr. of the House, but
the work is prnetically dope by four
or five members."
Mr. Cameron intimated that he
ought hying Ute mauler to the atten-
tion of Ale. I.ogi,l tit a due ing the
prr.cnt s.•s.inu, k
"Are y.11u lea 0l ng Prot ire
wit11 a view of eut,•ling the IAmlitlion
11••1(1 : he was asked io ennnectinu
with his declining t" accept the Liberal
04)1111nalioll for the cnnitng' elections
for 111P 1/1•10.141.111P.
.'No: I ale going to devote myself
for the present. entirely to my legal
practice," he replied.
"Your tet're111Pnt Is not pet•-
manent y"
"That is ter the future to tell," he
said with x motile.
Had His Foot Frozen.
SeA/orlh, PeltIthh.--A rather me
f0r1 unnte fatalenrcnrred here 111 Sat -
inlay night by which Grant Flaaer,
m of Nev. John McNeil, of Hayfield,
ney pnwaihly lose pert of his foot.
'citing McNeil hots been attending the
:111leghate Institute here, and on Set -
inlay evening in company wish other '
otllrani(na omit. o111 bnuwwhnping.
le wore a pair of lien running shoes,
nd wan not *were of any pain until
IP cans In after his journey. Shortly'
her coning h his feet began to
Frain eol siderably, and on exanlina.
ion one of his feet wan found to
hb very badly frozen. Nearly two
mire weir. spent in trying to re.
tote the elrcul*tion, but even then It
w*a not perfect. itis feared that he
lay here to hale eon* of his toes.
It takee s women graciously to per
It a man to epnlogise for some In•
try she has done him.
Government's Policy and Administra-
tion Ably Vindicated by the es.
Minister Select Committee to
quire Regarding Old -age Pinion
Scheme -Physicians In the House
Suggest Establishment of National
Health Bureau.
Ottawa. Feb. bIt11. 'I'je question of
old -age N' a del . 44 i'4l
!Wiled ulas JI, uaswl to the
l w•
e 1 l'11hal eek
(11(1 14)11 11,4(1-14, of the.
t\eaar•tous utew'
hers who took part in lite dleb*te
oweb 14 re Ir •a(110110.10011 lis erect
II ! 1 I
he .ti('ct 4s nue deserving f careful
1 N e
vat sympathetic c(n.i,er*[tons The
House ag10e' to the tippoiutuenl u(
u select cuur11iltei• of 1)11)4' Us iuqublr
into a .ch(uu• r b stale aid 111 uther-
N'o LN•, for Illaklll E a provision 1si11 fu l the
aged. This step was iaken mu 111uli1111
of 31,'. Tringle. who nmnie :an able
Iu 1* utali11u of lite .0.1 for old -age
pensions. Sir %Valle' Laurier ex-
pr•ssel his hearty 071111141 h with the
movement, but pointed out that then
was ample r fol 4iffertnce of
opinion as to the particular system
which should he 'wlopled• Though
not 'impaled to commit itself to any
de liuile scheme the (rover • I1 was
willing that a colln11ilt.x• should be
appointed 1.. 1 11 11.a1111 iulurw:aliyyu.
Sar. holder doubted whether lhih•,•
was any urgent nets' iu 1' nada for it
state -aldol p•usinu .ch.Iue, and Mr.
Fielding shoe 6 1 that on the basil, of
tit.• last census, :old figuring uu n pen•
skin of XI a weak to emit person
*love the age of sixty-fh'r, it would
cost the country over *111,11101,1444 (u
carry out a 41144%cm:11 pension scheme.
Doctors Advocate a Health Bureau.
The (bettors in the House- and them
are .suite 44 11)1lllber of them --had x
field day on \1',dnesd)), when 1►r.
Blt•k, the ulemllwr for Hants, N. M
',relight in tion for the establish-
ment of is national huteau of public
health. (haring the discussion some
startling 'horse were gi►'ten :as to the
ravages Of preventible --rtisgu'es in
(,Hada. lit. !flack estiul41d that
the low o,e*4ion d to (',11111114 every
year by! yphoid revel :lu111. was five*nd
one-half tlilli,i dollars, and that :rosin
,114x114.0 1,1111 Jibe':tees in each year
wets. pue4entile. Nearly one-half
of the deaths from preventible
dis•,,M•s recurred ler toe age of
Ave Years, and write attributed
to the use of impure milk and 1,401.
The evidence of sanitary science went
(.o .how• that the average death rate
could be reduced 1.y nue-third, and
the irlf fit. taley by one-half.
()thin members dealt with various
phases of the question of cnulwltilg
disease, :and lite need of 1111 educe-
tional �pai In along sanitary and
hygienic . Nati pointed out.
Mr. Sifton's Speech.
true of the rare occasions upon
which 1ion. l'litfo)d Siftnn, formerly
Mini -ter of the Interior, :ulirt'.sses the
11.4110e canoe about labt week in the
debate upon the Government's admin-
istration (if \1'estern timber lands.
It was dining his petite' of office that
the transactions took place around
which the Opposition is endeavoring
to throw suspicion, and his answer to
the t)pp sitlall'. feeble attempt at
se,a1A,11-buildin¢ WA* complete. Front
the oH{cin1 record, Ile showed that
since 1,141 the Liberals had followsd
the poliey in retool. to timber limits
which had been nolo )tell by the pre-
ceding G. wet :after a discussion
and •eu.sideration extending over
sea real years with the difference
that in the application of the policy
the present hover 'fit has scored a
signal success where the 4 0nservn-
tioes 1111,1 Iii.111e• a 1141 failure. The
latter haul in period of three years
alienated "1•,1441 square wiles for the
purpose of satisfying the demands of
a population of 1011144, while in eleven
years of Liberal role only 6,041 square
wiles 11.1(1 leen disposed of to satisfy
14( 51,1 4011 1 44 1 11,1, 1,1
1441,14(11, He I1a/1 Ili ruts
self when the Con.e•rvl►li4es wrlr in
power pod eel ed the set 1 11411 who W01 11
111'10.0011 tell h1'' 1110 (1''e rangers for
tilting from th • bullet seeds 4.51(11 It
IM•ntssl to simply their needs. In
other words, the situation in those
days was 'JOU, ',Wale Miler for the
'speculative, and the police costs bli-
orthe .elder Ill Wanted thew[ td.
The 4lpposition criticism, of the pres-
ent (roo1ru110 (11'.. psolicy of dealing
with the.)' Land, tint a answered mit
of the speaker's intimate knowledge
of and clo*e experi1nee with the situ -
at ion in the \Vest ; :and it Wan shown
that the (ruvernoo.•11t had w•r11 car -
east ort its r(, In the
mai ter. The 4114pressitm 4 h Op-
pn.iti11rl were 11)11,41 to eonv.•y, with
the nuppnrl or Ih,ir pies., that thel
(i,vern,,,ent hail ;W1.11.111w1 the w'hote
area 111 tit.• No1111W •.,, web
01,0% 11 fn 1N• 1111e•riy aliened 114 0 ,,l1,-
Latiou of fi4ure. that could not be
gainsaid. Al the rate of alienation
11,11 ing toe past eleven yearn it would
take te.-te yearn to alienate the a)ea 11f
"uierchautNhlt• timber" still held by
the Crown, ,xcl'si41' of the trt't•itoly
of :111'x,(401 sgro are (Hiles of forest wren,
whereon welt. immense quantities of
gpr114e available for pulpwood. Mr.
tiiflon abet. spoke of the ule.la4.res be
had ),.ken while in charge of the De-
e•p rtment to seems the permanent
1 inset -station of forest growth.
Government Majority of 56,
The (11 vision following this ,h hate
resulted in the defeat of the (•1{I i•
(ion Amendment by a Tote of 1111 to
M Y. McLean Takes His Seat.
M. 1'. \Icl..•Nn, the new inemIN'r fur
South Huron, monn in1nN1u('el ill (he
Nouse today by Sit \Vilfrid'ier
and Hun. 6(•0. 1'. Irnhnm, the Gov-
ernment members greeting him with
keel applause.
The (i,ivernment is )making arrange-
ments to supply seed grain to the
fanners in the %Vl,4(*rn Provinces
whose crops were deet toyed by frost
last ye (1
M1. le•wis(\Vest. il)ron) has intr.,•
dueel n Lill 10 make homicide while
limiting an indictable offence, punish-
able by two yea140' imprisonment, pro-
vide1 that the hunter believed the
object he was aiming at WAS A Wild
Mr,slBastedo Receives Appointraetlt.
M. T. 111.1111•,, formerly eo Is -
'boner of 11.hei le: for Onterin, has been
epfe)intel by the redeye! Government
to act Nm a special commissioner to
conduct. negotiations with the various
Provinces look her to a permanent ad-
justment of the respee►Ive Provincial
and Federal jnreidirtione in regard to
the coated of the fisheries. The huh
ciao committee of the Privy Council,g den,ded that the 'Provinees
pili esti their original 'property right*
In the fl,herlee, which they possessed
prior to ennfedpration, then' 1l.*
arisen a ronllirt of jurisdiction, chiefly
as regards the administration of the
Inrhure 'Whelks tin the sea coast, and
as to the Illterunlioial water's lu the
I'ruviucer of Ontario and (Quebec. So
far there has leen no actual clashing
of interests, but_the Federal Goveru-
went, believing that a full and frank
conference with the Provinces way
result iu a ul•dub viveudi, his decided
to appoint a euwmis.funcr to nego-
tiate with thProvincial Clove
Huron 01d Boys of Toronto Hold An-
other Successful Affair.
The eighth annual at houie e u the
11ip (
Iluron Ul41 Buys Association of Tor-
onto took place at the Teeple Build-
ing on ('ridgy night last, when nearly
three hundred were present. Atter
an eujoyable musical
w In
wbich Ais,, GordoeMIa dliea,
Coleman. Mie, Jeckaro, and Mr, W.
J. 1Vhite ell co 1
ntri noted
deleting went o11 until the we
hotter, In the hall mom, which was
decorated with the Huron . tat-of-
,u'eer ro11 Hagw, 'I'be guest. or. 1'e•
'v h
tel tel Ic
retlide51l '\' E.
Groves and
, Mn,. Grovels, m es the latter
wearing pule blue taffeta and lace,
rod turquoise ornalnents.
Mrs. T. (1. h•
Mott wore striped 1-1 blue
and white silk with violets.
Mrs. 1t. A. \Talker, eoft crown vel-
vet cud lace.
Mia, Stewart Bruce, white satin,
with :1n overlre.s of lace, cod Panels
of pink satin,
Alts. Young, pale blue bilk, with lrce
MIs.ingLeitch, MI(t grey crepes de
Ales. Bell was also iu grey. with
lu'e and pearl orlutruenls.
:116i. 11yleeis le:sek silk, with pearl
and diamond oruatnrnt0.
Aliss Jncksou, white crepe de chene.
Mrs. Moody, black bath), veiled
with pointe d'esprit and jet.
Misb Floridly, pink ,organdie,
Mrs. Lyon, grey bilk Mand lace,
Alive Evauron, malleo *ilk and
Mn.'V'bitely IGoderichl, black, set
with jet garniture, and Riehuond
1,1410 i.
Mrs. Bothwell was also in black.
with violets.
Mrs. Wright, white satin, t•eiled j
with black chantilly lace. Aliso
Aliss Ileamish, white lace frilly
frock. -
Myles, block silk end lace,
pearl and diamond ornaments.,
Mies Lena Anderson, soft satin,
with lace, and pale pink carnations.
Misr \Nilson, white chiffon and lace,
pale green ribbon threaded through
her hair.
M' Mitchell, Dresden *ilk, with
wrath of foliage.
Min E. Hunt, cream crepe de chene,
with pale blue velvet Bandl,.
Miss Davey, handsome black.
Alien ()illies, white crepe de ,-hone,
with painted border of mauve Hewers.
Aliso Leitch• pale blue silk and-isce.
Miss 1Vhite, white satin• with an
oa•erdtese of'Alyce sequinned net.
Miss Ballentyne, pale blue silk, with
velvet trimmings, end mercury wings
in her heir.
Mr.. Crocket, starlet silk, with
white pace bertha.
Others noticed. were Dr. and Mn.
Stanbury, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. B. Dun-
can, Mr, and Mrs. K. Mcl.eurl, 101r.
end Mrs. H. Clncas, G. Moody
W. W'. Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Crocker,
W. 0. McTaggart. Mr. end Mrs.
\V, 1'. 1'ridhxnl• Alr. and Mrs. Ir. S.
of wide r. (a•rien14' broad scholarship
*nil untiring energy. clnploysi Ly u!,
have both up r currlrnlum un.urps..yod
in l'al.wln for Ilwroaghnrv.-y.teul 4(,d
actual hostile.- puncta) tires.
T11N1..: 1'.,1 ,,.p:, T'ekgrapll)', Sten.
„gr*pby,0al I'm real,•1 any 41111,-. Indic kluel In4rNe•-
111,11. Grrdu.11c, a. -Intal to 4 ,-itiuu..
No, acid lo,.
Mall 1".terse. in•.. Book•
keeping. 1.111orth*od, 1•e 111ilaa.hirl, ell'.
Sand .a 10.•1a1 for information *4.1,41
Cas.4.'s Orestes[ Chain el Mlpb grade
Duelees• Celestes
G h•) :•I'OTTON, 5'ruu'i lett.
hoe Inc merit- of
11 i• the toed •u4m.,ful bu.inr
training school in 1ye.l^rel .Int „r1.,
Ver I'In nn.nreial. Short band and
T rlcgrnplde• 1 kpsrin.oulw are in the
•hag,. of wblc Ind rncnN•. or narr•-
iener. All our cotters. art thorough.
11)1 lo -date and practical. N'e• hose
boons( one of the lamest bn.l•les.
training who ,In in the I'm vince.
Get one free r*twloque and learn
what we are doing. Commercial
orhelol• an wool *s busin,su men env
Pine our graduates. !Student-, are
entering each woek, ENTER NOW.
N 44*** 114 •AN•Hog
by taking a course in the famous
A .shad that, ha • * 111-1 clan. nahnt1-
lion for superior wort. 0 1r0111e00 has
now the greatest attend/ma in Ice kir
tory. All badness co'I.tea are not *ilkw.
When yc4)ing ►n Morello, '1KT TRK
hitST. Rlhwa)s ray, mor 11 for oar
bands • estates'rc- College open 4111
year. Now is a yowl time Wooton.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,
Cor. 1'onge and Alexander lits.
IIt� Its Qitl�
Whiter Terns In all department, .:
the 4'entre I Rn.lne,* 1', Tonna
le, offers seleudl4 ubrnce,. fotepend
Ing a haw months elenasntty ecd
eseet*My. Twenty-M'e 1009bor4.
( )Oehler* free. Write for II- ,
W. H. SHAW, Principal,
E. R. SHAW, Secretary,
ii:oV\OY, and O Kl(ItAltit Ht.., Toronto.
Bargains Galore
We want to slake you acquainted with the
store as well as these Bargains,
W'oolen's black salami waists, worth double, sale
-\Vowefb white Lawn waists, nicely trituweel, wale
pt tcc, 5 C.
W'oollen's while lawn and muslin waists, that were
priced �rl. Ijs
Sulu price 9c.
1Vuule 1' t (Jerk tweededible all at sale rico(
fi r blank and d 1
\Volume's and childral's long Ovate uud all • Maxie of
line furs now :at lean (haul hull -price.
China Bargains in our Basement.
Lir -
Ooderich Ladies' Wear. West Street
ONO 111111111111111111110 4.1111111111111111 • 11111111111111111111111 in •
Hick, Mr. and Mrs, 11. L. Anderson,
AL'. end Mrs. E. H. Davie, Mt•. mail
Mr:. J. M. )Larks, Mr, 141141 31 n. W. 11.
Scott, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McKinnon,
Mr• and Mr:. F. W. McLear
The entertainment c 'tile wits
as follows : Major Heel. E. J. If.
Duncan, K. :McLeod, H. ('lovas, W.
W. Sloan, .1. A. Mclar•eu,' It. S.
Crocker, F. M. slick, W'. U. McTag-
gart, H. A. \Volker, \V T. l'ridliiuu,
H. S. %udtau,u. 1.. H. Marks. V. 11.
Scutt 1 ti ••K and F. \1'.
A man seldulu °vet tools an (1)1)14)1•
(ity to'takt• hiu)sel1 the hero 1111)i.
ounwn 8(04)'.
The titan who compliments nine
00111011 on their looks and the truth
un her clever ne.s wakes but nue tuis-
am Buk
Keep Zam-Buk Handy!
Accidents will happan to the
b est regilated families, and
th , necessity of keen ng handy
a box of Zam-Buk--the valu-
able '• first-aid" cannot be too Zulu-Btilc's Wondlu'ful Way.
strongly insisted upon. - -
\I. 1'. L1- rt..rr, 51,, seigneur. &' ret.
Montreal, .:y.: "11orday As 1 was lilting;
a ran of w.lrrr ..If the .over, m)' 0.1 Eddie
1,n 1.011.1 11 me awl knocked the (1-•n 115
%SrJ.. The w'alr' 4111 ,,.er 1.1, fir. k
•calde.l 1,1.1, 0r.y 1, , ly 1• 4, a rely awl
ward 1.'o ' on r ton ", L -r 1 a plaster and
ism eral'Mleg. ehrl, w- tiled oohs 1, Vii•._•
Lire relief. 11 .• 1tvn apphed Xan Kul
taxi, h mor 'tad u•1-.! ..1ne one before hr a
Lam But. is absolutely unique in its
r..mpnsit,on, and must no( be confused with
cheap ointments containing rancid animal
fat which the .kin cansot absorb, and
which consequently instead of cleansing
the parrs clogs thew up. '
lam Kul has rev"luli,1nired (siding
melt, At of I:.aling cuts, brew., hums,
scald., chapped hand., cold saes, chafing,
and treats' in a new, 1, iend(0 and effective
way the worst case of erre---, piles, ulcers,
i1-.! , r. n,) l .:,,:cldel's head, had legs, blood innsomn(;, festering, punt
and ,h.. surd her a charm. mew away Ike I eIo I ..r 1 r .,'Id "I' hart ,,,,,,Lira, sores •,n the lar', and all these
bored 1,m ILL *u ,1naluai.le 11 ,,e,t. inflamed, burning, irritable and diseased
SfiN3iCa ip(E SAM/LE "ins of the human .l in that localisc,-
», r, ,,, ,1,;, tate and 1011 life their thousand slchms.
1^,n•'• .. �.s stet s 140'1 .l• sgti.t• .•N1 st•,. sr • hos., r. post
.0- /..' 1.,l �e'•.••1�, r.,. ..nn; . a „.)- p.m (r., n, /s".1: t ,, 1 went,0N, .wipe
,n. ISI, d prre. . ,,,...
1 - ) 1404*, scurf, nngwnrm. anddrtn . 04444.
Where Quality
is Apparent
find it in everything we sell you.
From W. J. Gage, Esq., Toronto
A Problem of National Importance
Dear Friend t- '
A bright young lawyer at the Muskoka Sanatorium for Consump-
tives some weeks ago, speaking of the burden placed upon him by having
consumption, said:
"One has to lead a life of concealment If I go away from this place
people are afraid of me."
This is the sad lot of those who suffer from this dread diatom.
On behalf of the thousands who are sick and will not be received by
other hospitals, I tusks this appeal for the Muskoka Free Hospital for
Nearly 10,000 people from every part of Canada aided In this good
work last year, sending tut $241,000.
The Trustees have faith that a still larger number will help.
The Physician's offices, throat rooms, etc„ up to the present have
nwcupied rooms in the hospital that rightly belong to patients.
To make better provision for the work. and furnish more accommo.
dation, a new administration building is now under way. A cottage for
the Physician and his young wife had also to be built..
To provide for this outlay, and to Cate for patients far the coming
year, we must secure at least $60,000.
The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives never refused a
(patient because of his or her inability to pay. It cares for those whom
other hospitals refuse. It cares for those whom other people are
afraid of. i
" i was sick and ye visited me," was Christ's commendation.
Should not a richer benediction be yours if from s loving heart your
dollar makes a golden visit to this hospital, bringing health and ioy hr
those whom other people fear, and whom, in'siany' cases, nobody wants.
WIII you have the luxury of giving t
Faithfully yours.
TeaM% 11104.