The Signal, 1908-2-13, Page 1[TAKE A LOOK at The Signal's hat of clubbing offers on page 6 of this week's issue, and select your reading matter tor lgo8. We can sup- ply all the leading publicauoss ata saving to our subscribers. has a handsome calendar for each subscriber paying m advance for The Signal fir torah ffdITl,ItTN YIi4R-Na ilei GODBRIOH, ON TTAIUO. CANADA : FEBRUARY 13, 19018 ems -ATTER t ROfltli8TYUN, Puel.tsatts Financial A SAFE 4 PER CENT. INVESTMENT BY OPEN !NO AN ACCOUNT WITH THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY you will experience that; happy feeling which coulee to these who know that their pursessious arc wife, as is ravings recount with this company is just as secure as an inveetmuut in Slovene. went Bonds and yields a higher rate of income. FOUR iter cent. interest paid tau deposits and money can be withdrawn at any time. Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Squire. W. L. HORTON, MAMMA -R. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise• manta must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Heal Estate for bale. 11WELL! NU FOR SALE.• -CUM• LS totems house for flak• eoa.entent to Henan. Dethrone etc. Foe pertieeteee ■pry teUii)1WUF' B1IAN, Bruce street. pOR RALE.-11OUSX ANI) IAT ON 1'lusbridge slrert, Uuderleh. Comfortable 515 lour. weer. roan.. In goodr. l)prlsi.w'eu.aodgeed Mdern. Akio kw rw�lysal_a good parlor cool cook .torr. Apply to FR 1). TADS. m, I he MSIIIka, or Ooderia•h 1'. (1, 1 -in LiO1It SALE AT ONCE. --THE GEN F:1(A1, el•,r.' and powOlee Moines at t arlow. large frame Mont and nekton,. of eight mama. `oar C. 1'. It. melee. x114 roe .Meet 10 churches awl wheel. Apply le Mit13 JUN Fol. t ark% I'. U. 7a if O IOD HOUSE FOR 14ALE OK '1'0 IT rent • ('eanfeteblehour• u. rout. Mcdaum -fro. 1'wit entre, to Square. Bathroom. Nr. Would mll to rem ote:O de pant who could make moderate rw.l try meet w ,th haletee fu no,,thly lll.telment.. Fur larticuler, apply at 'r IIIc ties It E. L1AKMI FOK SALE. -BEING I.UTY, I' rvlura•."iou IY, w D. Colborne, comprising 10, arra~ all reseed. There is a sued. comfort, .dile frame dwelling hotter with roller redo, newt h. a goad frame ban,. )mel repaired and ee- lw.rrrgw.xl. with A'rmnun*. foundrlion. dour. and all .,..bled off. 'Il.ere 4 • terms youoe °rimed of choice bearing feet tree., %ell ...tweed by a -wing creek and t wo well,. Fenton end eveey- t hew lis good repair. Ibt tern. and f��t{1p�. Ian apply W MRS. AL1. EN or JAS. Mcaa'R[N- NKY or by mail to Nile Poet /glee. laces L"AHM FOlt SALE.-I'AKT (►p i' block I1. lake red est, /'olborne town. mate t wu mole. from,. 135 ace-•, good clay Mem. brick hotee. Iron 3e x 117, with cement stalling ertamen well. water In Millie lot, and .Prblqg reek. ! acre, .lauding timber and yyonntr umber,/. Apply in ... M. NEIL, 1emirs, l, 11 toff �'OUN(i A KOHEIITMON, REAi. Estate Agerde, teeter ich. (404.- Farm and town properties. bought. rood .ud exchanged. \Olt MAI.E.-A LAtU;E, COM- ▪ FORT.t11LE brick house o,rrlonktng the l.ertew ell ,,adorn convenience., including hot water heeling. Apply to 1'Ut' NO &ROB- ►:ItTiiON, Uudertch. L\Uli SALE. -a1 ACRES EX('KL- i' LENT land for market garden. with Food betiding. and fence.: two tulle. bore (lode- s tri ; Ove some In orchard of apple., peer., blune: cheerier, ptewhere grape. and map. errIea. Price and term favorable. Apply W ,IIUNU R ItOHEItTOON, tioderlch. Volt SALE. -- 1; STORY i[UUSE P es AuRk•'.na street. I} story hone on Nagle} Street, li mory booms on Elgin are - nue. 1 awry Arnow 011 Victoria street. Two -,tory brit k homes a, Hues street neer the lake . rine room.. all modern ,-onvententaw. et. David's street . nine room.. all moles eon sentence.. F'aro,' for sale in toryart of ', Heron errant y. IIUNC &. 1!oltEI'4TOON. Goderich, lint. AN EXCELLENT i'' A It M F O R S.U.).--dtna. rem In It est St awa„fah.two unto•, Poen .t nbo rn . 4011 a rimy Inure, about lei erne under 51110, mita, and 71 to 40 acre. thither. A well nod 1wo springer of welter, a new triune dwelling, a (f mel barn. ,.teble and driving hese Apply to Y0UNU & ROBERT- s1)N. Goderich. - _ VWit MALE OK TO RENT. ... A art clan, 301 erre term In tl'e,t %Vows rong11.e .i Int 'S, with 17:, Acre,. Inc god tato of ennui At well fenced, well watered. good orchard. large batik born, Rood bona•. 4 (444 004 v, bla'•kamll h shop and .tote a1 mrncr of farm. Consenieet to wheel and church. 31 mile. from c. P. It. acs at auburn. Tann. airy. W. A. IIAItRIe$UN. Luck now. -Vol. _ - �--_ -- -. _--- -- IIEOf THY. MALE. -' A NiNE F' loomed frame .1"weber. hnsing a gond 'Merlin,, on Keay. item. Scots foundation and -ummer kitchen. iciest eteblr. \till he ,oId resemably. Fur further patnrelets apply to MILS. WM. M. (Al'Ol1AN, 11 leo*. ave.. Tun onU/. Ael f FARM F'Olt HALE. -A CHOICE Wen foe rale, adapted for mixed tarming 0) last ton. v. arm. cleared, 10 /wren goal onh - eel.Itrierce goal timber. troll a Road black cloy loam. (loot frame honer. frame tern and Mabee., good die ;I,M abed. Lola :h and 34, 'm,ov.slon 1, Ooderlrh lownohip, Amity to eltota l►'1K)T, HAYS& IBLAiit ur to I HAS. J. WAL1.14 (beton. :oaf 1 '1 1I 1.1 STERLING BANK t)}�' l'ANADA 111(411 4110 Kit K A ry11IfILay CAr1'A4..• Tomes n, 441,It►ta0 INCORPORATED )tY SI'E('IAI. A( f GY DOMINION )' ARIA AMENT TO ItECEI V N DEPOeITel To accommodate the harmers we have opened Branches in the villages of I)UNGANNON. AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFII;I eI). \Ve solicit the Patronage of the FARMER. a.ALK NlrrRs Drtx'Ut atTRD, SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT openedInterest at 3% compound- ed 1r1 ed quarterly. 11 oh11tiCH BRANCH A. U. GAMBLE, Menagrr. GODERICH MARKETS. THURSDAY. Fell. 15h. 4 all wb)47, per bush, new f,91 toe see $JWIIIg wheat, per heel', new. 'a 11 to 0 to \Lye. per bosh 11 Li to fl le Hurkwhe.at, per bush it N, to 0 et bats, per Mesh., new 11 4, to a 4., Peen, per bush 0 7.i to 0 7* Harley. pin Muth -- 0 a) to 1 al M emening. per tea' Ie Il, to Flour, family. per cwt 2 t; to Flour, patent, ler cwt 3 'hi to Hewn. per tun 21 Ill to Shore. per tun 1111 111 to Hey. new. per tote N en to Wail. per cord 6 M W Nutter, per lb 0 el to ('hoses, per lb 0 13 to Vw fresh. tier doe 077 to l'otat•oa4 new 0li 10 Cattle, ordirey locoed. pre t 311) to ('atla export, owe owt a 3l to Hogs, live weight. per cwt, 6 su to Iamb. ... .... ....... et to Sheep. per cwt - 3311to Hale, per Ib a 11 to Recoil. per Ib 9 13 to Lord, per Ib 13 to Tallow. perlb el to Heim, per cwt 3 M to Sheep 814 iso, to (•blckeiu. Irl to Turkey, 12 W II bindle Illarkete M Mee 3.1 IA a) 2 e3 345 21151 IN 41 17 30 5 01) 0 3s 1w eco 0 ei 4a f 73 3 to 510 1 Or (I U sn 13 0 IRI 3 31 w, to J1 !tor Sats _ L UMBER FOR SALE.- HEMLOCK, elm and maple lumber for isle from .terk, or ran be cul to order. For further part lrulr's apply to 1(1)BERT ELLI1 117. Uoderich. tf Notice oTICK T() iNVEMTOKM.-THE • � of the emelt. of the Isle hate decided to offer the lei estate for ads. The property temente of n'ea estate. debentorm. band. and .t..•k,. Pastiest wishing to Insert in any of the shoe.. ptopertle. MOW( full perticulere on applice lams to he exeeetor.. Mtn. ENNA S. At,o1ooe. Executrix. J. P. Ilium,' _ 1 Executor*. Witless ,UM AM), 1 asdgeieh. Dec. 5th, e3.7. Public Notice I'PI.ICATiON TO PARLIAMENT. !settee hi betehf given *het an apple -Atkin wl l be made by the North Midland Medway tout pony tothe Legkdatic n Asos)bly of Ike Prot ince of (hitario el the next enduing amnion thereof for an eel aruerd: ng the Art of Inoor pontoon of the apple -ante and rxtendine I',e time for the rnwmeocemeut and rom leUon of oertam per.. of the railway of the apptianta A4 eel oat tit the rid Act ar heretofore amended. T. H. LUlieOMB):. nollrltor for Appllraula, Dated at Laudon. Ont., this Ieth day of Janu ary, A.11. IVO. Ya APPLICATION To PARLIAMENT. Notice., hereby given that tbo Ontario %'est Shone Klectrto Railway Company will apply to the Lealelath'e Ar,embly of the Province of looters, at It+ next eea.lon for an Act : I. To empower the ('ompany to extend 14,4 propend line of r4llmey from a (pent *t or near Uraed Fiend. in the towunblp of Stephen, In the county of 'baron, through t he tow,,hlp of Ushnrne In t.w set county, thence it. n .ontlimeterly direction through the towmhte of Itletehard, in the respray of Perth. and the township of Brldnlph. In the mum). of Middle or : thence southerly and westerly through the township of tyemt Nlanlouri .n he county of Maldese.x, or loafer. township, .n raid county. in and to the city of Loudon in Said , wit h power to romitruct * branch Zine from a point in the lownmbip of l'+borne. In the county of Huron ur t he township of Hlen• , herd. In tyle courtly Of l'erth. through the wad township of Wansherd, 1,, an te.terly directin,, In n !went Mer neer the town of St. Niers., in the county of Perth, and thence In en meetly dire., ion through the towuehip of Townie. in the county of Porth, to the city of Stretford. in the AAAA county. and In. lx and through the town of Kince' dine. 111 the county of Hru.r. Torxtrnd the time rot the payment of fifteenpercent. of the amount of 4.w capital Tock of the sold ocimleny for one Aar men he 11th day of May, 1944. and to extend the lime for the ...motto ion of the leiiway of the . ppilea l conte n ' .1,111 the d1))' of 1312 A 1'prov trig and confirming bylaw timelier 1:) of the Limn of l:oderieh. le the count)' of Huron, respecting certain aid *0 the applleant company by Ku.rnnteeeng the betide of Ihr weld cotelwnp W the extent in the wboln of the sum of 11:24,11{(,, and the .gncnsenL or bylaw trade Mtwccu rho anal town and railway eomtany,AAtaflAn day of Iles, whereby h, -ratlw,.y comps.y la given the right to build end opt:rate Ile r.ilw*y to. certain erect. of the ..ed low n. 1. Approving And co1,Orm1ng bylaw cumber i1: of the town of Klneerdmr. In the county of Bruce. respect int( certain aid 10 the nppllcc, t company by 'teepee/eine the Mods of lbo paid company to he extent in the whole of the sum of &e rie and the agreement or bylaw made het were the mid town and railway lonnpan7. dread the day of . 1(1*. whom by the 1omlanyy I.. I l' en l he r,gbt lis build end operate es railwayon retrain otrrete of the said toe is. 5. Appro'Ingand ronfrmi'g bylaw !mother *4o(the township atA.IIM)M,inthe comity of Hurn, respecting certain ate to the applicant romp fly by guaranteeing the hond. of the tal.t company to the extent eta the whole of the tum of 112L'111', and oho agreement or bylaw merle between the mold township and the leeway roaa ugny, tinted the day of . Belk whereby the companygiven 4 certainlof the right to pit he said toener wnshlee oti ip. Approving d. Approving a ml confirming bylaw bet :r1 of the Iown.hdp of Hume, in the county of 1Rnre,rntpelth'g certain aid to the apple:aml ronn*lny by guaranteeing the bond. of the saki company W the extent In the whole of he sero 0( e7 t,10n. and the agreement or bylaw made between the told township end lone railwaythe day nf �1.4 khereby he companyIYgiven the right to build and operate its railway on Cer- tain er(aln of the highway. of the maid township. 7. Approving and rnnlnniul hylew Or Agreement of the Inwnehip of Colborne. In the comity of It nein. doled whereby the estopafy In given the right to build and .(..rats its railway on outsets of the h e hi.r.aMtwn.p highway. y tF la tot S.right., ,wen and author ie ForIt I relt p iter. w• may ire IncMnn al to the Above. Lrtewl the. 11th day of Jannlarr. 1!044. rHF: o11'AKl') WEST SIf01t►; ELK('- Tttl RAILWAY COMPANY, by CAMERON k K L1.ORAN. 1egl, Fbetr Solicitor, RTAKT ANY TIME. (letour training In the .'hrolthat is realto glee you the hest that can it h1,1. Thr IMtloh AmcrlO*n 011110 ar ,i,‘ College. V M. C. A. fFdMins. Toronto. tern e for en.alea'ur. •rY LOCAL TOPICS. Died at Belleville. The follow lug ennoufceiueot in Fri- day's lilohe w,w Mad with sympathy here, as the des/teed lady was a daughter of a former pastor of North street Methodist church: At Belle- ville,. \Vedneada •, Februar' 5th, Mary E Howell, daughter of the late Rev. J. E. Rowell and wife of F. S. Deacon. Tomorrow Night's Attraction, The progressive euchre party which is to be held in the town hall on the evening of St. • Valentine's Day, Fri. day, February 1(th, i1, aid of the hos- pital funds, under the auspices of the Daughters of the Empire, proudeett to be 411 interesting evening for all who will 4.. present. flaying will l.cgin promptly at H o'clock. It Pays All Right. McLean ilr•os., of the I'xl.u'e Cloth- ing Store. staled to The Signal today that they have been well pleased with the results that have been arrived through their adverti*iug in The Sig- nal, especially during the past six weeks. Though seine of the suer•- chantr. have found things rather dull, the Mesers. ,lcl.ean state that the large number of people enquiring for gexxls they hiave leant advertising bee been vet•y noticeable. A bright store, a well -kept stock ,and attractive adver- tising are a trio that it is hard to heat. Died st Owen Sound. Mt.. James Caton, whose death oc- curred et her house in Owen Sound on Tuesday morning, was a sister of Mrs. Strome. of town. and is eurvived by two other sisters and two brothers : Mrs. Masson, of T•pnroto : 111rs. Mc- Pbersen, of Kincardine : Judge Mor- rison, of Piston, and John Morrison. of Brantford. Resides her husband, who is h1 the customs depal•tnent at Owen Sound, Mrs. Calm leaves a Lost or Found OST. ---ON TUESDAY. JANUARY / 'Alb. ea road from Dungannon to Artburr,, •. black sable cul/. Reward offered (1)r 1, s emovsry. Finder will Weser loser with it F. t'. A. r J0)4K4. Auburn. or rim sieN.%I., ' .u4r, icl,. N.:* Situations Vacant 4 PPRENTICES W•ANTIED. -- TO Nara dro«making. A y to MRS. W. 1'KLWW. Apgl.sc* •tre•1. td t(. ,1VANTED. - 011ie 011 WOMAN lis do gcreral liuuerwurk 1* snuff 61n- ily. Hiy he.t wage. pall. Apply to MKS. 11 31. UOATM, Ncl+u,. au -cc*. UTANTE0,--i1ES1'ONSI BLE /1 )arty to act a..oIe agent for patented at tick of merit. Exeln.lye territory to recta tarty. Adan.+ W. L. 1'.. Pe Clark Ste ot. Portland. Mile. O OO GIRL\VANTEI).--TO DOk1 genera houerwark. Wyle. 112 a month. Apply to MRS. DAVID BKGWS. Angie -m*, dreel. Boarding F011 LADIES, OK LADY ANO gentleman. two nice. warn, front rooms with boatel, or holy tsa.merw, ne.r Ihr 0. T. teatime Apply of THE SIONALIMN*. /film • Annual Meetings t LBXA(NDRA MARINE AND OEN- 31, Eitel. HOSPiTAL ADJQURNED MELTING. The entreat meeting of the Alexeirdra Marine end General Hospital ban been *d Monied W Monday evening MIL, February 17th. et 5 oclork p.111., in the court house. Gatencl'. The report of the past yew • work will he promoted At the meeting, and trn0teee Meier! fnr nett year. The pubder aro ear. Melly tuv iced to he present. J1' DUE HOLT. ll. 1. 11141'UEN!. I'r'esident_ evert tat 7. • Auction Wes t t(F1ON RALE tar • FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. Mr. ltobrrt A. Roherton will sell_ by public auction et lot ^-7. conxswlon I, %r4 %ise'a- nosh. file fern, north of Aubut is. on WKDNESUAV. FEBRUARY 21:('11. commencing at 1 oclock: (hie heavy black gelding. sired by 1,4.01.. tieing 7 yarn old : I art, Mg mare, rlalag 1 ycor, old ; good draft 0111ee, resin./ 2 years o1A : 3 good cows, due 10 calve in May: 2 tMM. tieing 2 yarn nM : I steer, ridog 1 71111.11 • 3...elver. 1 brood tow. dor to farrow April 11th: 1 Pattemon hinder. 1 MneeyHarrii mower, A foot cut ; I Oram lion wet al foot Mossy -Herrin • : Mossy -Herrin ('orb*n barrow. 1 new .sed drill. Iahue : 1 seueler. 1 Fleury plow, No. 24 I -lend ✓k %ooA Ie in plow, I trot iron Marrow., 1 wheelbarrow. 1 gra, el hos, 1 hay rake 1 comhinetlon stork nevi hay reek, I fanning mill. 1 pe ler. 1 pie .rale. 1 heavy waggon, 1 romped buggy. set heat y elolgh, 1 set light nlclghm. 1 stock water tuh, I net of Ming rupee, I set of double harness, 2 water harrcls, pined 50 mein,* : I ladder : 1 crean, leek and .i ars, I crow lar, 1 tore plaffler, wt,I fletrece. ne. kyokes, fork., .hovels, scythes, chain. and nnmernn0 othen,rllclra. Everything must be diotesed of. as proprietor has mid the farm. Terns : -All sums of $10 and under, caoh: over (het amount. 0 month. credit will be given an furnishing approved Join, nolo-. A dlsrouut of P per cent. straight allowed for rash on credit &meltut.. HORT. A. ROBERTON, Tl1(.$. GU'NDltY, Proprietor. A net tomer. Auburn 1'. O. 1 family of three elms : ,lamer, at Vau• I001vel•. and John uud William, of Brantford. The Festival of the Lilies. Thu date of the production of ''The Fest text of the Lilies" ie announced am Easter Monday. April :Atilt, and Mr. Jordan requests munition' of the chorus attend practice after 1ial.'h 2nd, atilt arks parent% l0 bee that their children (1(1' 111 attendance if their rumen are enrolled in this chorus, las be has given his valuable time to the training of the children and wants to make this success. The reason for announcing the date now is to give the production a clear Held and pre- vent conflict with other cuneert11. Hospital Fund Increased. ' The hoepitol fund was iltcisturual, by 14:111 as the Iseult of the benefit. ente'r- tainlneut et the Opera Ilrlure the ether evening. This was the night of the worst storm of the year, but Mato ager Holituan has kindly offered to give a benefit a little later in the season, and those having bought tickets who were unable to Ilse thevu can de so un the next occasion. The following /ontribulioue have Iseen received for the coal fund: From half owardf St., (111ever1.1)1.e's ward. 111'41.81111'41.81; St. An• drew's wand, £E:1.)I2: St. P,ltl'iek'r + I TiON SAIF: A or A CARLOAD 111 LKIVINO. UI(At'OIIT, AND GENERA►. PI'HI'lo$E HOltel ti at. the Colborne Hotel. (lodcrich, on SATURDAY. FEHRUAItV 22ND, commencing at 1 ()clock oberpp, One pair general p,rloee Kelding.,', years old : 1 lair general purpme man n, a years 011 : 4 pair heavy geldings. good worker: 4 pair ,renernl purpten e011o, 2 para old : 1 genera ppuree... mare and foal : 2 useful males. 1n And 12 year+ old t I extra goal, clanlegged R hors•, rteing 7 years of ,could make A goaA n nt horse: 1 Ir of 'm.tvhed era department pair r n risen / std year. old. aro Mark welllM., R 7 both bred and eery wl>I1wh end shell make a allow tam : 3-rrviesthh•, emend. work hareem in fair condition : 0 goat little faintly mere, rising ft yovr. old, la palet in every way, end a gond driver. Alm limier lndr,Mion a from 1•rondf0ot. Hay fi Blair, to close out en mast.: , TWO .rte of driving heelless; 2 enter•: 1 i 1 we -crated colter : I ceuotly top mikado : 1 radaM nn. .(145(1). meal: 1 now covered hoaryv. 1 new robber fired presto,' Alto A vomiter of new blanket., only need on thin tot of hrw.no. The hnlww will all be guaranteed a4 lefire- a•e1et nn Arty of isle T,R44*: Alt elm. of 4410 end ender, (sorb: over *hat *menet. 4 month. credit will be given on f,rnl.hese romene0A Joint noire. A diuomnt M the rate of 11 per cool. allow/at fa 0510 01) Credit nnmint.. TItUMAB ULNDKV, AscUosser. The Outside Breakwater. - ('el. Young has the contract for Lost curds of stone for the outside breakwater and hag had teams draw- ing every day from the. Colborne quarry. The stone ie being piled iu the Warne place as last year. A. heavy frame work was started un the inner end of the north pier to form a gravel pit. 1rum which 111 load 111) to sews. The strut•tute has yet to be built tie some r:isLauce. Old wow's arta being overhauled and new ones built on the harbor island, so that we may expect to see the work started as soon as the weather permits. Death of Robt. P. Elliott. The death occurred. on Tuesday of last week of Robert 1'. Elliott. at the ,age of linty -two years, the funeral taking place on Sundry afternoon to Morland cemetery. Ret•. to. N. Hazen, pastor of North suet Metho- diet cherub, conducted the olrseo uiea and the pall-he,u•ems were John Graham, John Niten4, Robert John- ston, Wm. Johnston, James Mc- Cluskey and .lames \1ila4op, dor, Elliott. Wai never ulan•iel. lie was x former n'sident of liode•riclt township, hut a number of years ago ed to Oexlerich. His mother died since they came. to Goderich and Mr. Elliott and his sister, Miss Jane Elliott, had been living together tau South street next the 1►iasciple church. J. P. Elliott. West street. its n brother of the deceased. • Music Demonstration, Mise Andrewe, who is leaching music to ,i clans of children by the Rur•owes kindergarten method, gave *demonstration of the method last Friday afternoon et her studio over Thonllon'r ulu►ic store. The n,I,t.hoes of the pupils and a n Ler of others were present. A very interestiug pro• grate was carried out, showing how the pupils, by songs. blarkhoard ex- ercises and other means by which children 01111 be iradily instructed. are given a thorough knowledge of the rudiments of music and interested in the pursuit -of the study. The chil- dren showed much cleverness in their exercises and reflected "'credit upon their tracker, who evidently takes great pities in giving the boys and girls their first acquaintance with the technique of music. How Good Is Your Memory :' "flow many changes do you suppose there have been in the hardware business in Lown during the past fifteen years: ' was a question 000 of the gentlemen in that line of busine.s asked a Migrial representative on Mon- day last. "Oh. about Dine or ten. i suppose," was the off -hand reply, but the hardware man hn'l done some close figuring and produced the fol. lowing list of individuals and thins who have hung out their shingle in that period. There are just thirty- one on the diet. Here it is: James ates, C. C. ('rab,h, .1. itelplr, 0. N. Davis, Saunders & Melntoeh, Maun- ders & Wors'll. McIntosh, Harper & \Vorsell. Mclutosh le Harper, K. W. McKenzie, McKenzie ,l• How- ell, McIntosh k Lee. Lee & Harper. twee & Shepherd, C. C'. late, R. Wilkinson, A. H. Davison, N. 1). Rnugvie, J. .11. l taawk ins, E. 1'. NAM, the Hewell Hardware 1'o„ O. Allan, Allan & Meteor, Alban & Cu„ Cattle Bros. F'ilsingen & RobinsonJ. 11. Worse!), 11. C. F'ilsio er. C..1.. Harper. W. B. i'iofde•, J. Nicholson, Worsell & Moo. Will Be in Operation Shortly. The \\'heel Rig11 factory Is nexu•ing the etago of completion,w•hen it may be said "there's something .doing." In fact, one of the departments is al- ready in operation and uthors will be started as fast al the machineuti an•it'eto ,and le put in position. Teti Signal, accompanied by Mr. Lloyd who with his family haw just 00110 to town from Watford, took a etmtl through the works one day tike week, and found the work of piecing the machinery advancing as rapidly as poesihle. Some delay has been caused by the st0rule of hurt week in getting prompt arrival, but it is expected that the machinery will come along Retra• fartorily now. With few cxceptionl the machines and tools are Ruing specially made from patterns and de• signs which are the iuveution and property of the Wheel !figs people, and it in a greater task equipping a plant of this kind, when only individ- ual machines are mamas, than it would otherwlse be. Most of the castings aro remade at Menominee, Mich., where the patterns are stored, and shipped to T'urmto in the rough ,and there lin- ishell and forw,anled to 6,*lerich. 11) addition to the largee timelier Or power machines there will he name mtae hand cols, and these will occupy fully •NMI lineal feet of bench room. The'mach- inery is being run almost every dry for the perp))• of getting eterythieg moving tot nm.*Itb1y es possible. A /%deed of steel hole arrived and the time when the fect0ry will be turning not completed g,*sds 111 not. far distant . The company's representative on the road. Mr. Dietrich. has met, with al- most *nlnoked•for tweets thus far, in- dicating that, the prnd,*ets of the 1O1a10rileh \V heelltigs will not have any difficulty in finding a market. F41111 )ler 011(1 1hI1,.gr,aph1 of 4(144x15 made at Melotuinee, Mich., are being orad until s' 'let products maim pro. du vett here. One of the Pioneers. 'Phe death occurt'ed in the liver of 1►owuiw, near Stratford, 1111 Tuesday last of Joseph Salkeld, ht•nther of 11)1144 Salkeld, of the Rayfield road. '1'he deceased was righty -two years. of age and had livid in the Bete of Downie for fifty years, bring one of the olden told newt respected residents of the comity of Perth. Mr*. Salkeld survives, oust) lite 110115 and five daughters. The eons are Iotslph. 01 Mttgatforl : Charles. of Itocanvlllu, Mask.: John. of Dongo(a. Sask.: Wittman, of Gore o[ Downie, and Frank, at home l'he (heighten+ : Mts. M. Haggett. New York : Mts. \\'hit., of Leadburv, Ont.: 'tors. Allau Dune - mote, of Gore of 1►utt•uir : Mrs: John LOW. of Millwioxl, flan„ Sail Mrs. l). Kuther•ford, of Belfast, Ont. The Jemmied ,wit h hie iiarents calve fr Cumberland. Englend, to thin country when a I:u1 of eletel yeiatt tat age, and settled first in ..oderich. Ile wax twice married, his Hest wife. Liza Seigmiller, dying tome thirty years ago. His *eco11d wife, M*rgatet Waugh, survives him. Mr. Salkeld was rl0M)1y cunuected with the mind - oiled affairs of Perth county and wee a Imo It pr tet' Ill the Perth Mutual Fite Insurance Company. He Was a member 0f the Anglican church. The fnuers1 takes place at Stratford today and several relatives front (hide - rich ere in aLteudauce. Public Library. The annual meeting of the Outle- t -kb. public library hu*td was held e11 satin -day night. Frim the annual etalement to be forwan)ed to the Edoc:U' Department we tuiie the following statement of reeelpts and ex{yendttnrt : w:r Km's-. kdeurc un baud•..... i 21'd 73 heiti.).0 ire Kraut 1441 .2 Municipal grad (4*.i to Fu,eo. s,1- :(1111 1� RI Rent of l,•. lire ra,n, lis 111 Inn•rott w1 Im11k della-iia...-. ... 4 ., Total 441,145 90 Kx sal4174' Rba. 1.,'�•ht and M•Atinlg .......... .. +:dark•- ........ Iaok.In,* 111•(1010...- Itoul,lactlwu .. ..... Maga/tire-, new.papere... D,•uswn.a: ...... ...... I'rfntiug . -. 3\':1(1-1' rate ..... .. Snndri,•. lt1!m'ree w1 11411441.. 44.2416: ar u. 111, Ill ,ti :, 7. 31 :14 12,0 IS :t 4!) w, 3s :rl 211 RI Tetrl . .. ..... ... ..... The book:,purchesed during the year coin/aided of the following: 11ie- tory, :t5: biography..4: voyage toad travel, le: *ciente :and art, 10: gen• eral Literature, 1'l: religious literature. 44; fiction. M. works of reference. 1. Tota, 153. Thele were six daily newspaper.., eight weekly newspapers and twenty-nine magazines and peri- odicals provided for thin reading room. It was* decided to 1101(1 an auction eau of 0111 peppers and maga- zines on Saturday. the 13th inst.. at ;( o'clock, in the haeenteot. J. K T expressing a desire to retire from the chairmanship of the hoard, J. 11. Tiget•t was appointed chairman for IMMita, ,ind .1. Kernighan was re-ap• painted treasurer and 1). J. Nafte' secretay. The following are the standing committee,. for the year : Book committee -- 1)r. Strang and Messrs. Plunkett, Fowler, Kernighan, 'l' and Kidd. Roam committee - Messrs. Fowler, Ton► and Robertson. F'i'tants coInta) \tee -Messer. Plunk- ett, Tiger\ and the Mayor. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Salinepictures aro to I* found La teeny of the hest homes on the continent. If you are ',stylus; new pee nm• for your house thin resent call end hero •tame of hi. elegant 7(50'4. The sudden thaw L a reminder of the conains -wing. III- 11,11 a bit. ta/ early 10 attend to )•ear spring rlothiwt. Ito to I'rldhntn the tether end leave your order for light oyurnwl and a eyeing suit. Ari and !rnry work awoke. in great ta11ut>)' at Wilmer Smith's. Ertl rt met. Thi+ is heed. leaders fur thus. good. In Uatorir'h, and A long acquaintance with the trade enables the keeph,g on hand of 1 he Rotel' tmdare wanted here. loll end .eco. \V. A. McKim isagain attending to itis duties as town clerk, after Ilia re- cent illness. Fishing through the ice with line and hook is much iii vogue at present, with fair m,.u1ts, The 0158 of Ik•:w' t'. Pigott in the County Court hits again been ad- journed, thin time to Monday, retitle rat), 211h. Wetter C. Goode writes briefly from Victoria. KC.. stating that he. will send a letter for publication sown. Our readers will watch for it. Thc 1Vinghamlout (iolkrich h,wkey teams tried eonchteions art the West street rink on Tuesday night, the vi*i• tots winning by a a1 -01,1I01 71 to 2. ' The Inlprlven)entd hi County Clerk Lane's office decided on at the recent meeting of the county cnlmcil are being procecded'w'ith this week. The lowest temperature of the winter in Geodetical was recorded on Huntley morning, when It degrees be. low'zero Iun0fllcial)•waa registered. The !hew. Journal. (Tfimntol puny be secured by eubserihee, to The Sig• nal at the reduced tate of :D rents fur Lhe• year. by applying at this office. The Annual meeting of rho Alexan- dra. hospital Pomo ed for Monday night was not held owing to leek of attendance. it will bre meld ,Monday evening next. (io(Icrich people have sent quite 0 number of packages to the relief of the "Shnektowt" sufferers. The Can. :N1ia11 Express Co. give* thein free tranaportttion. Amongst those who were successful at the A'l'eut Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations were Ella Palmer tpiano) end Mabel Young tvhllini, pupile of Mien 1► gh. Owing to the .t)1nly weather of kis! week the shredded wheel., banquet under he mus icer of the l.aeliele i t Ad r of the IAtptint church We. postponed. Another date will be announelell later. Be surf. to nee (1114 '•Se01,04o11 drill•' at North street Methtxlio* church Mon- day night : alnr, the flag exeleIM' by eevcnty scholars ; 1'hilm ole the Old Block ; quartette, "A ma .l'rush,i s Cat." The death aeon -net 0t W uatun on Monday, F'ebruary:1rd, of Alfred M. Burchill, 0. A., principal of the \Vea- ton public school, The dec41s'd wan formerly n resident of Clinton, and his wife, who with one syn survives him, Niue Miss Jeau Struthers, formerly of l;(xierich. Mies Doherty, of the-(Jol- legiale staff, is u remail uf,lho de- cea*od. ' Lawrence Ilaau•ke. whom, house Hear New Liskeard w•as tanned .duwi, and his wife and six children bunted to death Olt Suudav morning last, is a lyupltew of Wn1. Hwtukr, of lioderich tiilwnship. • The mantel niceties; of the Daugh- ters of the Empire will be held iu the court house on 1lunday next, Febris• my nth, at 1 o'clock. All who are interested in the work of theft U. E. are invited to be invent. Remember the ILtW of Taube & Son's yirit to llode'rieb and if there is anything Whatever wrong with your eyesight do not fail to consult theist at Dunlops drug store. un Tbutwday and Friday, February 2ialt and 21st. The provisional 0411(101 of military instrnetidD. which hoe been in prat(. tress here for 111(7 iltast, five weeks. *111 clues- tae t week. Lite t, (1ibsous.. of the Royal rich.' of Infantry, Loudon, 11 expected hen• to ronduel examina- tions on Monday. Tuesday and \Val- oreday uexL Mom -row It 31ut•gau's delivery horse made a lively dash 011 Monday morn- ing. The horse and trig nelson North street and something started the animal and it tore down North street and at d the Square. Turning down' Kingston street towards the more the horse fell and was caught. The hind bob and lox were left on North street, the horse making orf wit It only the front bub. The ice harvest c•umIdenced last week. when l'roigie Brothers (10111' ulencel tattling in the lake beneath the light) be. The('taigie Brothers are supplying up -town k•.; houses in addition to their own supply. Hob- ert Clark a •ned cutting in the harbor opposite his iee house on Mon- day. The iee this year is of is good quality and leaf thickness, owing to Use cold weather we were having. Owing to illness Joseph liitRrm, of I ngereoll, will be imotble to 1111 his en- gagement to address the temp era tie. meeting here next Sunday, lout it in expected that ho will be here later its the season to., give one of hie stirring addres5us. In his absence Iles.. H. \1'. Wright will .uldres the meeting text Souday ,afternoon, and x vuung men's clo:i. tinder the leadership of Alfred' Cook, will lead the siIlKisg, Bev. W. 1:. Millson also is expel -tea to ring. CHURCH NOTES. The (iudurich district Epworth l.4-Igtle and 0011(1ay s:11ou1 convention is being held at Seafelrth today and to. norow. A number of delegates from li,xlerich are 111 attend/intl.. At the meeting of the A. Y. P. A. 01 SL. (leorgc's church on Tuesday night. the rector, Rev. M. Turnbull, gave a splendid address on the Binhup of London's recent visit to Canada. • At \'ictorie street Metliodtst church epecial tea -vines will be conducted on Sunday by the pastor. At the morning Service at 11 e. m. his subject will be "Certainties in Religion" end iu the evening the subject will be for young 'tropic. 1':very hsad y welcune. Seats 1(.44-. The congregation of Knox church 0(1 Sunday evening haul the pleasure of hearing It Sulu, "The Endless 1)av," by Seott !lays, of Seaforth. Mr. Hays has a clear, sweet and strung tenor, and sings in a very pleasing manner. lie is the youngest soon of Thomas E. Hays, Mayor of Meaforth, and is temporarily on the stall of the Bank of Commerce here. The Sunday school anniversary in cuuuertiuu with North street Metho- dist church will be held next Munday and Monday. Rev. W. E. Millon, of Kingsville, will preach at troth morn- ing and evening services and will els) sing, and in the afternoon, aat:[o'clock, he will give an addre,' and will also take part in the music t. be tendered, The scholars arc doing specially te•aimed for the singing at the • ' g Service. A concert will be given on Monday evening, for which Mie. Amy 1.. Doty. of London, has charge of the training. 'I'lle pr.grturn`will consist of c1101104er, NOlos, uwn•hes, drills. etc.. and the admission is 25e, cllildren•l3c. it pleasant 'gathering took place on \hominy et -ening at the home of Mr. and MIs. Williaul Acbesti, the MCA - Sion being another• parlor concert under the,aospices of the 1,ndi, Aid Society of North *feet Methodist chinch. Thew waw a gooel atten• dance, and an excellent program was presented, including select by the lill•kstune Orchestra, ,a piano duet by .1. East .1ordan and Mist Motto Clark, a Dian() snln by Mr. :Ionian, vocal solos by Dr. Macklin, Scutt Ilays, Mrs. Johnston and Mist Gnats 'Martin, a reading by W. H. HuI*.11- 141111, an address and a recital,' by Rev. Joseph Elliott- end a recitation by lilies Doty. of London. A. Roy Adams, Airs. dfartin and Mies Mitch. *'Il were the ttcroldj)nnists of the even- ing. Rei'. O. N,' Hawn presided. Rev. H. R. Horni s Visit. 'Rev. 11. R. Horne, fit 'l'urouyl, gena real secretary of the Upper Canada Ueligi.ou* Tract and Hook Society, visited (ieslerich this week ;I.nd occu- pied the pulpit of Victoria street Melhodiet church on R ley nun/ling and Lhetof Knox church in the es -en- ing. His addressee drew Attention to the work which the Society is doing a g sailors, lumbermen, miner., railway cenitrudion men and in other directions. by meal, of the circulation of religion' keret etre and personal contact of the Mociet s mis- sionaries with men out of reach of the ordinary religious iplluencrs. For In- atome, the Society has five men en• gager! in work among sailors, at the W.'lie.nd ('anal and at other fevorahle points, xn'l it is hoped that funds will be available t0 support an aulditionet nliastonary to gallon+ nn the tipper taken. TI,ii wt,(t Mr. 1l rne's first s' of It a (• to (i 1l t i h x1) the fY res. ntat, ve o 1 r elle Socie • he ell pe Society cl;e(rl the tate G! y a lice. I)r. Moffatt, who wag so well known In that capacity. The "loan (ibrnr " Oen, is fine of the ways by whlrh the Society Keehn to nupply liteijitture to Patton', lumber- men, etc. The 55108 of le Doe of t*ok• known a.. a "loran library" in flee dol. lars. Th...tent. of the box.. ere ,elected with aura, and dtiplkates in different boxes are avoided, en that when they air, changed from vessel to vessel. for from camp to canal, which i+ 4M4•11rf the plan. the Woke may all ►a: fresh to those • leeedviog them. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Feb. 13th Peas Start Any Tints 1114(411 Awerle(tn Bu,Inuo. 1 UWee 'tomti(o. Blank look. and INanr,--lira►• Ihrt.l' „ s Reduced --F. F. Immense.. 7. 44 Roeder It Apprentice. %Vented -my*. W. T. iWlsw.... 1 3:11, Century Brand-- Walter 1', I'ridl ss's.....t Lally Spring (Muds J. 11. l'olbernc .. , 1 nutting keen to Ilu.iuc*,-Iloneli !lard - ware Made of Mi exino. Public Library. .. a1gk'r1 K; Fare toorunto-J, Kidd, C. 1'.It, Agent . ,Ascent %'auted•as1. H.. I'urtlnnd; Mc . 1 Uri runt %'andel-Ma:.. a tuts. .. I Ore' Itatee -J. Kidd, C. 1' It. Agee, . u Roomer. of Ik)anler. '.Wanted -The Signal (Moet ...... ... 1 Suite anti tit eremite tar Mit see he Tnilora Fele Notice -ti. W. Ila:kett..... . 1 Safe fur Iodic. ',hay- U. W, Bs:kett...... 1 r+i', %Vete. Would Ilea Leaf Tittle-Xi:Um, luxe ldjourmsl Meeting - H. E. Hodgsam, ' .cies lary Alexa,111,a Ila iue mod Oenenll Il.rl,ilal .. . 1 E1(71) box contains 11 ropy of the 'little and 11 uuu•ke1 Testament. The boxer. theulselves are strongly made. with hinged lid, lir, that the books ere well protected and may be eerily trans- ported front place to place, and ea(:h lox bears its own number, by umeans of which he movements ere kept track of in u register for the purpose. lis. dividuxlx tar schools desiring boxes of their own may have them. and will be given full information with regard to them from time to time. It is the experience of the Society that no other plan will get good books into the hands of So many men with s0 little ctxaL It is ver • much appreci• rated by sailors, 1 burner and miners. One luudrel and seventy libraries have already i*een issued. PERSONAL MENTION. 11. 4)oulue ns w Tulvnlulhi. week. 1 J. Harper ea.. in Turoutortbi+ week. ale 1 Niro. lame are v4llblg in Toroolo- Ire Iloinrn c kited the lluoeu 1 icy'this week. I tee. 11. clement went to Termite on 'ru.•+ day. D. F', Ilondlnk Inde a Trip to Turonto this murk. reeMounta aAlku Addison 1. t *'lung relative,. in F. F'. lawrclwe mad,: 41 trip to Buffalo during the week. It. S lows tool the excuroun to reroute Miss Cuulle b. making a holiday viet to her home at -Waterless. ' Mee N.1.. Ibungi I. mrc of the tl.lto le Termite lila week It. McLean wee among the e'ieursiontet., to the queen lefty the week Mr,. Fletcher, of Tomato, is the Kunst of her .yler, Mrs. Ii)r.1 L' mmer*on. )Ilea Mr.tlerr, of han4usky. Ohio, i. the gine( of Mrs. It. Melee at present. Mia. Minnie M.Vlulu and MI.. Ethel Far rue aro visiting in Toronto h4 week. lel Hap- f- 111. fair twat' to recovery hweeker ,.laeel, sing been .cry 111 fur the peseven u Frederlek T. F Quer was up from Brantford Inrin}e the week calling on ht., Uoderich Idella.. 1l. w'. Thon.nu left 3'r'terdey for Tfl+on berg to attend the funeral of a rel*U, a of 311., Th,un,on, Urutfro)• 11edt, M, A. Ice nn Monday on hle return to Toronto to rrtmmr his duties at Trim Icy l'ullegw, Mos. Wm. Smith, of Rluosrle, Out . 1. ed prreenlvisiting her brother, Asher Farren, Waterlo, mead. Air. and Mrs. P. Livinf(.fou, (.Iron(.. of 1111). 11. SlodAart, of Morden. Aran., 1510 %letlug Mr 1,11,1 Mop, U. S, Utaldart. East street. 1 humor Comelier, of et. Auguetlne. wise lis town fora week vieltingQ 64 brother and 54,12,. Martin Pennine and Mns. Ede. }Leyte. Mei. George Acheron end her niers, MIA. Hornell. ton for 7'oronto un Tneeday. Mfrs Itrowncll will make an extended Miry In Use Ali.. Vern Willa)} left on Monday ala ♦1541 I(1n B11(0,ettie Creek. Mice >(ho will elm vete friends et Lansing. hllch. , and ('Iovelrod, M,-.. ',owning ..r,ii ed on Friday night fro,,, Lotmingmn, the mousey Inking three day, oe mooted of the leotkedod confit ion of Ihr mile •s Mime. Inn.ra a I Item erbc.on are visiting h. Toronto rhe* eek. Ali.. Irene will ♦ t her Meter,Mrs aarrt1, w( 1etcrboio' before returning home. \In•. Strang end her daughter, M4. year - Mire'. loft un i'ureday morning for Owen SOO lid lis .cc he former or slider. Mr, t'atoe, ebo wan .orM.w,ly UL They were 100 late to ',x: ler .Ilse, las sic leered away that morning. The Um 1ph Merenry Ilan the following ref creme to .Nle Who w.. formerly ronneeted with the iridin ars bele in Itolerich : •'Knyvelt Neftel (resvellrr fur the !kind Hardware Co.. ban tr.lfgr1red 14. one ltlou and will take a re >Lnsn.iilr• ponitbn with lout. lisle„ hardware merchant. i,, Mumtrlal.' The Stratford Ilesron of Munday regi ' "sit...Itoown. of (ioderIch, slave 41 delightful vi,-uI ..elect Ion a1 Knox church lent night. 11.3 t'nes 14' 41 eopr5nn of One carrying ,ower and rich tune, and the expreeak4 which she d4played lis the rendering of"The Old, Old Story' 'made Ile Smelled meet charming. A Isle from W. 11. Elford,of the Macdonald (allege, Ste. Amro de Belevue. Que., stale., that hi. oldest eon, ledieete, bee been In bel with typhoid fever err Iwo months, Al time of writing he was holding he.. own pretty well. Hos time, MIs, A, 1. weir, of Oolrrlch, his h ,•u Inking cane of him. We bupe the patient till soot be well. AUCTION SALES. • ►'It11/A1', SATO:R.,,r, .\fosn.a.' and TI r.*II t F:,►:�I�r,, F'ebru.ry I1. 1.,, 17.i d 18.-Ily public mullion mime, eel c0 h.rb*e (dctnrea. Orbitals pale. tapestry rm'talu., linen., towel., cu1alut ret (rill. blend, Ion' were, deities, neat I rein.,, for,•., I incl. -i l.dlr,' leeket,, etc. All new gnats. \o reserve. Soot Moriow• s butcher .hop, Sultan*. 0. %". HRrkarT, suet 'Nicer. 1,r' fon* MAI.►: ►'ll* L.11,1 Ye Ira 1.1'. - %IoOAry .Oernunn at 3 oclock, -:3) in the eet.nlnM. Feel rear)' 17th. Carpets. r Item, plc, Ort., .4 *he+, runt l room. 1 in ware, clock, tabic,, rh.er, e*. 'flys w1uerc. No re.er, c. Terns cash, G. %', Ila':h►:rl', auctioneer. H,1 I 111,1%. Feb, 22nd. Austia1 ..ale of a melon.' of deft leg. draught end general pier. law * .0.1., row harnrs. loigglw, eu0en, rte., of Cotherne hotel. cot ming et 1 o'clock ,hnrp. 'fres. (it vino', auctioneer. 'ft RanA v, Yell. 'Lt, - auction war of titan and linen lmplenienta, rte., belonging to oyster, (if lute John Spr,u,g, at. lot 2. MAllland block, Mullett. Ties.. UI Nnht, anctleneer. Vegrie en., v, Frbrnrn yy Doh.- Anel fon este of farm 1tea•k nod Inplencents, property of Imbert A. Itoberton. lot 27, come..ion 4, West Wawan*S.h, neer Ashore. Eorrythiog to tet dl,pmeel of. s L, ren Ins, been .old. 'Inc,,.l. fit 0114(), tact lu5mcr. Tit rIt'nl7.1ebnlary27h. Anetinn wale of form sleek end hnplemrnto, pmpert v of Mt. 1.ind.ay. Iluron m.AA, Oalerieh town.hlp, t. r1Mw wit of Clinton. Everything .o 110 .o1(1, M (mvtwlMnr f. levering the fern.. neo•. (.l' 1) , )t NOUS, 1 1 . ,e1r 11 1)r •1' ' ►'He,, a). FOhr.olr,y 23 h. .\union .Air of • Gnu snook noel lmplementa, proper") of Dave) M,•Uratten, 'onxednm 2, cunt 5.Caw Atwell Time As0'''cref l, auetlonee9'. F nor, v. Men'l, felt. r1.•.ring snctim, sale of Ih,n-rt.-• f.rm mink, Implement., els.. pro pertuf M.•Lral 44,0.., Iluron mart, (hMerloh LOWnehlp. The M.41101ferin este ee.41101atw* e, ery hong well Iwr .old. 'trios. (1(•144)x4 • 111I7r:• 41010,1- - Meech 17th.` Morden ole of 31 10,4%y dreft end rola4,ter Mimes and role end le heed of cattle, property of A. M Tolley, et Me burnt, 7 mile. from Uaarrk•h. Trane. 1lI"'(11 f, MlrtlamTT It i* all very well t► betel the twig, taut look out that you don't deform the tree.