HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-6, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO
TH1.11141u&T, Februery 6, 1908 6
Committee Submits Outlines of Plan
for County Road System -Dede-
rick, Wingham and Clinton Hos-
pitals Each Dot Grant of 5400 on
Certain Conditions-Jallor's Sal•
ary Increased -Reports of Various
13w_ county council concluded its
labors ou Friday night lard, adjourn-
ing to went again in Seulorth on the
25th of this month to adopt a eyrtem
pf county roads. to he improved un.
der Lbe Good Roads Act.
The Good Roads Proposal
The committee taking up the details
of a county good roads system Deb -
'flitted draft bylaws NOS, 1 and 2. ad-
opting 'such a system, leaving blanks
for the roads to be designated county
- toads in the various wuuicipalitiee.
• The columitttee's report wits as fullowe
We recommend that the draft by-
laws, Nos. 1 mud 2, placed in theq
kande of ulumbere. ha• received and
bald on the tahlu for further coneidera-
(ion at .a special meeting of the coon -
11 to he called by the Wardeu o0
Tuesday, the '2oLb day of February.
I(U, at Sealorth, at the hour of 2
o'clock : that the mileage of the pro-
ro•leer d county system be four huudred
and thirty mike. to be apportioned in
.and (1n the boundary lines of the
township' as follows : Ashfield, thirty
miles : Colborne. twenty luilee ;
rich, tweu'y•fla'e utiles : Gley, thirty-
two wiles : Hay. twenty -right utiles
Ilmvick, thirty-six miles ; Hallett,
thirty miles : McKillop. thirty miler :
Morris, twenty-eight mile,; Stanley,
twenty-five wiles : Stephen, thirty
wile, : '1'uckernnitb, twenty-eight
mikes : Turaherry, twenty utiles :
I'shorne. twenty -right wiles ; }:art
%'nwano.4i. twenty wiles ; %Vest Wit -
winos!). twenty mitre : tluat the fol -
laming roads form the (rank lines of
the pru(eoeed •* .gamy road system's
1. Lake shore road front Hayfield to
Inlierley. 12, northern gnat a •t road
f • Dunlop, via l;seine•, to Lou know.
it (741 IOW, via Jlanchestet•, to %Vbite-
eburch, ,11 1.onduti road fl the
sootha•rly twun*dary tit 1',b,rne.
northerly via Clinton. 1(1yth ;and
%•ingllaui to the 1*nluabsry 1in'• of
II 111E1111 viii Deuce ill the tow uship of
'1'urnbert•y, .'•1 north grater rind from
Seafortb to Wroxeter cold easterly
dun�• ,loncnieaion is apd •1. 1Iowbck,
to the ,•c,.t la,uttltal'v 1111• thereof,
11; Huron 1-11111 from (i,aleri:h to
1;1 tuwuahip Ia lady line
G• lilyth corporation eastward to
easterly boundary line of Mciiillup
anal that in the interval the Reeves of
the rssla•e•tive township+ runsider
the matter of designating spur lines
t.. (make out the balance of mileage in
their respective municipalities ; that
the representatives of the incorpor-
ated towns and villages consider
• the matter of designating the trading
.[rets therein. with a view of tilling
out that (earl of draft bedew No. 1,
.t. t►. hall, referring thereto.
Ilvlaw No. _ pruvide* 12) that the ex-
penditure on the c t)• roads system,
within each- luwnshidl, shall he as
'early as may be the ittununt that
shill be levied upon sileh unoni(•i-
x panty. stave Aird except all bridgg1e.
with their It16ft. approaches include)
n, the county road *.stem, which at
the time of the arrnwpt1111 of such
....linty rued system Wtre eOlhllt)'
bridge.. 13, In the event 1'f any Intal
township lunnicipality in the cuuuty
not hiving expended during the year
upm that la.rtioll of the comity road
system situated within its I' ts, or
on 11.1• boundary lines tit said munici-
pality for said purpose, then, b' way
of compensation, r(1 its to malty the
benefit proportionate, a grant of a
specific sum .*hall be mate to such
township tnuuiciplitt, to he ex -
welded in the improve lllll nt of the
highways therein, a* when NO ex-
p•ndell will slake the plan equitable
to such icipality. 1U In the
event of the mul�jjenpal council of any
of the local IIUI)(cipalltie•s debiting to
have expended upon that ts,rtion of
the county road syslene situated in
s•uh nrlulicipality in any year an
amount greater than the amount +o to
be levied II III such hill palffy,
then such saltlitioncl 1* as such local
municipality may before the :11th day
of June nr no soon thereafter as may
be PAY into the county treasurer for
such purpose shall be expended upon
such works within the bunds of match
municipality so paying the game, and
neon the receipt' in each year, by the
county: treasurer, of Lb.' Provincial
rant hl lieu thereof, he shall remit
t N:uue to the treasurer of rnch torsi
u1u icipality. (51 Grants' shell be
Ola annually to the several incor-
porated tuwne and villages t� be ox•
trended within the limits of the
'bid teethe and villages upon the
streets and highways designated in
bylaw No 1. A. D. 11N1R, saaid,rants to
Ire equivalent to the sums levied upon
them teepecttvely according to the
provisions of the I*)'I•aw, and that the
said iulorporated towns and village*
be allowed to avail themselves of the
provision, 01 section 1 of this bylaw.
Education Committee's Report.
The edueatiol committee recom-
tended 1 Old M•
that Chet'(. should A
school and continuation claw gedua-
tion examination for the county, to
Ire held at the same time and places as
the high school entt•auee, the county
...anvil to pay the expenses of the ex
:univation, and the exa ,rs to con-
- xisl of the inspectors and two qualified
teachers to he elected by the Teachers'
Institutes of Eitel and Nest HHuron;
that the 1)aabwnod Inion M. Sbe
tuaule a high school entrance exa ha
t.iou centre Tor 11143, as re*pieeted in
the motion of Alesers. Kellernlnnti and
%'ebb : that J. H. Cameron, of Brier.
side, and 11..1. Fleming, of Exeter. Ise
:appointed county model school ex-
aminers for the year lust, in accor-
dance with their applications and the
motion of Messte. •Shearer and Hain -
stock ; that 1i. 14, Hays be appointed
trustee for Seaforth Collegiate Initi-
tute, .1. HYtl,forl for Clinton, W, F.
Vanstone for Wingham, and Judge
Holt for Uodericll, and that W. L.
Eliot be appointed in place of H. %V.
McKenzie (deceased) on the board of
(inderich-Cohe'iate Inatitine ; that the
following enlnnnts he paid the revere)
Inetitiite., lend the fetes collected from
county pupils : (loderieha $'2,111„i1 ;
Clinton, $2,f70.34 ; Seafnrth, FLAN,
;•0 : that Wingham receive a grant of
$1,0110, an additional grant to he given
et the June session after the Legisla-
tive grant has been -apportioned.
when the remnant for whicthe coun-
ty Is liable can he computed under the
Statute ; that $10.04, the claim of the
Stratford collegiate institute, for
pipits from this county attending the
institute, be /laid, but that those of
Barrister', lit. Marys and Listowel
high euhoots be not allowed, and their
statements returned to them for cor-
rection ; that the usual grants be
made to icboob doing continuation
class work. Thu report war adopted.
Repairs at Jail and Court House.
The county propertycommittee re-
ported everything eatlstactury .at the
jail, the heatiug ell that could be de-
sired and the entire holies comfortable,
with tittle imuates-ono fur insanity,
one for assault, three fur larceuy and
four for vagrancy. The committee
recommended that the outride wood-
work get a coat of paint and the
Inside a coat of whitewash, arrange-
ment* hat'iug been made fur the
Material to he supplied by Mr. Paulin,
and the work to be done by priwu
labor. Thu couuplttee recommended
that the clerks room be improved by
the painting of the woodwork and
putting on a hurlap skirting, peperiug
the walls and putting in a banging
lamp. the entire cult not to exceed
$100, and the work to be done under
Mr, Lane's .upervlsiou. Everything
wee ill good order at the registry
office. The report war adopted.
Comity Finances.
The county treasurer euhulitted the
usual etatemeutr of account's and
noted the following . There wens no
floating debt at the end of the year ;
there was cash on hand, $1,75$.47, end
county rates lenpaid, $16.301.117 ; there
was levied $6,441.711 more than was
expeuded-this amount will be used in
leaagning the rate this year.
Delaney from 101M. .. ..
founts rater..
land tat
!Registry osteo
Ite.tmuptiou account ..
Sterlingdebeuturu sinking funds.
teal -aloe 1 'Kurt jury fund . .. ..
Administration of justice......
(toad, uud bridge.
llldu.trlal horse .
(1111.'mythic .
(.t I'I 5Ilr1•ta;..
Land tat
Itcgletry Who. .
ltrdewidieu account
Sterling debenture.. '.....
•'Omens')• debci.tum. .
1)1s1Alon Court jury food
Adutinl.t rat lou of PLdk'
Jail ,acro.mt
School n.asumement
Schools . . ..
\1 lint gut croment
Stationery. rte
Niwerii.utcou- .
l , uuty pro peaty
hois& and t,ndin•..
1ndu.t rhal hums
Hitt. I•sy.tle ..
I4,,lanne t0 1:.(i
County Bridges.
1►. Patterson. road and bridge cunt.
nlir,.ioner, reported thathe had lel
the contrast of driving films armind
the pier and abutments at Hayfield
I.1•tll ge and the C011ti•,U:ML war at
work. He advised that dunle ar-
rangement be uvula: with the town of
Winghanl to lower the water in the
daub while the bridge in being erected
there if it is potsibie to du N(1. The
amount of orders issued since last Nes.
Mon of the council WAS $s,l;7li.tsl,
The road vol badge e.,umittee
recommended : 'Pleat the tender of 1).
%etherepa,n, Ailsa Craig, Ile au:
repted for the concrete work for the
three bridges, viz.. Watren'* bridge,
Hensel! 'concrete abutments and sup-
errtriteturer, Hall's bridge. one utile
north of Rayfield 'cement arelil,
%Vingliaul bridge, north of the town
fur concrete abut mental, and ILO top
for Warren's bridge, for the .11111 of
$..,1y.)fl : that the tender of A. 11i11 le
1'0.. of Mitchell. .Ire accepted for
t\ iugham bridge for superstructure
for the "'Um of $tl.5.s5. The committer
reported that in examining the
tenders they found that an arch cul-
vert 1.. IllUeh Cheaper for Hall's bridge
and therefore will u 141114 ft super.
slrwetur•. He yn,tiom' of Messes.
Harris and Bailie re Wroxeter bridge
the committee recommended that the
matter should be considered ennc
tinge in the near future. but owing to
Lhe very Targe expenditure on bridges
this season that no action be taken et
present. iTbia was amended to the that
effect Messrs. Envier. Musgrove and
the engineer report in June.) Regard•
ing the upper damming of the Wiwg-
hanl bridge the cuounitt•e recom-
mended that the matter lea left in the
hands of the engineer to deal with the
%'ingham council to the best Adran•
tnge he can : regarding the Holnles-
21110, bridge that the road and bridge
committee examine the locality before
the .Inns session and report to the
council at the June session ; that Hill
k Co.. Mitchell, have the use of the
old wooden bridge et Wingham for
the purpose of erecting the new sup-
erstructure : that the engineer see
that the necessary agreements are
sighed both by the cement and sup-
eretructure contractors and that the
deposit cheques be retained until the
contracts are completed to the satis-
faction of the engineer.
Cooditiom at. the House of Ref&ge.
in Dr. Bruce Smith's report of his
inspection of the county house of
refuge, he says :
'There are leveret nuticeablo im-
provements in the equipment and con-
ditions of title house of refuge. The
inmates appear to' be well eared for,
although there in apparent need of
more help being employed to bring
this Mouse of refuge up to the stand-
aud of some other counties. More help
should le employed. it is neither safe
nor right to depend so Hutch on the
inmates to do the work. Competent
ei'rt'nnts should he employed AS :at
other bnusoe of refugeto Nu Pervice
the work and keep tho place in enter.
There should he a hired man kept for
the whole year to work on the farm
end asdiet in raring for the inmates.
Some anangewent4.11ould Ire made to
provide the supetinteudent end matron
with a dining -tome for their own use.
Sumo provision should be male for
ininats' clothing in proper compart-
ments,. It in unaanitu•y to permit
clothing to hang eked the Atoms
revered with dust from year to year.
The furnishings are p111. and sub-
stantial. Some rooms al's re com-
fortable than others. The conditions
in which the rooms were found were
More satisfactory than on the occasion
of my last visit.'
The conditions of met, features of
the institution were reported as satis-
County Auditors. •
The following were the applicant,.
for the pns(tem of county &editor:
M. Geiger, of Heiman : F. S. McKen-
zie, A.hfleld: L. Mre'aul, 1eaforlh:
Peter Cantelon, Clinton ; 1t. S. Mel.
den, Exeter : J. hlnvento'k, fieaforth ;
A. M,nillie, Tuekerslnith : W.J. Mof-
fatt, Seaforth : N. Robson, Clinton :
J. E. Stoneman, Henealt ; W. A. Mc-
Kercher, Wroxeter: %V. Mc Quillen,
%Vest Wawanueh. Messrs. McQuillan
and McKereher were appointed.
Memoirs. Bailie and Lane were ap-
pointed auditors of criminal justice
A petition Mont the county of
Middlesex asked the signing of
a • memorial to the Lieutenant -
Governor -in -Council to amend fag-
ot* 0Y$ of the Yoaloipal Act lin te-
$ 1.797 74
71,7.)1 til
lag 47
1.4,1 Si
2.01 S11
1:,,632 21
2i 9!
2,111 1.5
:e51 lr
I!a4 0e.
11.1197 'LD
1.026 71
1,113 150
,Saul tit
1172,1sa; ei
$172.9(6 10
gent to liability of municipalities for
damages thruhgh accideuta on the
highways) mu that it will Out impose so
heavy a burden as at present ou mun-
cipal corporations, and a Memorial
from the united counties of Northuw.
berland and Durkee asked the sign-
ing of a petition to the Legislative
Assembly to amend the"Act to
Auteuil the t4upplemeutary Revenue
Act, 111111," so that no portion of the
amounts collected from railway com-
panies shall be deducted, but',het the
full a nt received shall be divided,
as provided in the said act, auluugst
the several minor municipalities with-
in the Province of Ontario. The spe-
cial committee's report id favor of
signing both petition* was adopted.
Grants to Hospitals and Various So-
The executive committee recom-
mended :
lie motion of Messrs. Taylor and
Harris for grant of $ill each to all the
AArtcultural and Horticultural Sonde -
ties bolding fairs In the county, that
same he granted.
Re motion of Messrs. Irwin and
Musgrove, that the clerk ie instructed
to have 500 copier. of the consolidated
bylaws of the county of Huron
printed and distributed antongrt the
several municipalities ill the county,
that the request be greeted. the publi-
cation to include all bylaws up to date.
That each wester of the council Ile
supplied with a copy of the consoli-
dated statutes of Ontario, in accord-
ance with motion of Meioses. Witter -
mid and McMillan.
That each ceutral \Vuwuu'e lust$e
tote in the county be granted $10, in
accordance with.0.otlon of Mesrre.
McMillan and Bailie.
That the Teachers' Institutes of the
county each receive a graut of 1123, in
accordance with motion of Ur. Irwin
and H. L. Salkeld.
That $'J) he granted to the Sick
Children'. Hospital.
That uo action he takeu with refer-
ence to appointment of delegates to
attend a conference to be held by the
National Sanitarium( Association in
Toronto March 1th, but that $:10 be
granted to the consumptive sanitar-
iuln at Gravenburt. (Thin clause was
*truck out.)
That no action be taken ill appoint-
ing delegates to the Good Roads
That *25 11e..granted each of the
Farmers Institutes, in accordance
with notion of Mowry. Smith and
Ite applications of Golerich and
Wmghaen hospitals for a grant of
$4421 each and 1)r. Gunn'r hospital at.
Clinton for $:.d4l, we teconuuend that
the sum of $4410 be granted to each of
the above hospitals. provided that be-
fore the grant in plaid the managers
or owners of each institution enter
into an agreement that they are pub-
lic hospitals and subject to Govern-
ment inspection, :uud * hat on account
of the grants recommended they all
agree to provide accommodation
equivalent to thirty-five weeks for one
patient during the year 11014 free of
charge for such patients as have no
means to pity for board or attendance
which the municipalities in the county
of Huron may send in to either of the
ahove-named hospitals (emu tilue to
time, and when the necessities of the
ease requite immediate occupation for
a bed or it cot it shall be no provided,
and that the certificate of the Reeve
of any municipality where the patient
resides together with that of the at-
tending physician shall be sufficient
authority for the acceptance of any
Re motion of G. M. Elliott and H.
J. A. MCEwa* for a grant of $1:, to
purchase flowers for the Court Hauge
Square, that the usual grant of $10 be
Re motion of Messrs. Uusgrove and
Irwin, asking fora grant of a county
pedlau'r license, free of charge, to
Walter Carruthers of the township of
Turnherry, owing 'to his being,aa
cripple, that 110 action he taken.
This was amended to grant the
Re motion of Mixers. Goveuloek and
Harter, asking that $1111 be paid to
County Engineer Patterson in addi-
tion to his regular salary, for special
work during the year 11517, that the
same be granted : and as to the pro-
posal for an increase of salary to
$1.14111, we recommend that it be laid
over till the June meeting of the coun-
cil, when it will be known whether the
proposed good roads scheme will be
carried out or not.
Ile application of Jailer Griffin fur
an increase of salary of $150, we rec-
ommend that no action is taken.
'This' was amended to give the jailer
an increase of $1(5).)
The report was amended to the
effect that all persons or organiza-
tions who receive any grant for any
purpose from the county submit a
financial statement to the county.
Directions to Prepare Simple, Yet Re-
markable Holme Mixture.
A well-known authority on rheuma-
tism gives the readers of a large New
York daily paper the following valua-
ble, yet simple and harmless, prescrip-
tion, which anyone can easily prepare
at home :
Fluid extract dandelion, one-half
ounce; compound Kergou, one ounce ;
compound syrup earsparilla, three
Mix by shaking well in as bottle, and
take a toespoonfitl after each meal and
RL l,edtltne.
Ile states that the ingredients can
be obtained from any good prescrip-
tion pharmacy at small cost, and,
being of vegetable extraction, aro
bar flees to take.
This pleasant mixture, if taken reg-
ularly fur a few days. is said to over.
come almost any lease of rhemnatianl.
The pain and swelling, if any, dimin.
idles with each dose, until permanent
result* are obtained, and without
injuring the stomach. %'kite there
are Many so-called rheumatism reulc-
dies, patent medicines, etc., some of
which do give relief, few really give
pet•nianent results, and the above will,
no doubt, be greatly appreciated by
many.ulferera here at this time.
Inquiry at the drug stere. of this
neighborhood elicits the information
that these drugs are harmle.s and ran
be bought separately, or the druggists
hero will mix the proscription for our
readers It risked to.
Cruel Osar 1
Shortly after the Crimean 'War,
two of0eers who were quartered in
Dublin drove on an outside Car from
the barracks to the North Wall Quay,
A distance of about four miles, and on
their arrival presented their Jebel
with a shilling. Pat fixed his eye at-
tentively on the coin and ejaculated
viciously : "Bad luck to the Czar of
Itonsbia !"
One of the o®cen asked, "What do
you say ? "
"Pat repeated in a louder tone,
"Bad lock to the Csar of Roosbla !"
"Why P"asked lbs officer.
"Beene, boded, he has kilt all the
gioflemin that used to he in the
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
Close Higher -Live Stock -
Latest Quotations.
Holiday t:veubla, Erb.
Idverpoul wheat futures eluded w•d's,•
SNI to rind higher than on Saturday, and
corn futures unehangtd to ',4d higher.
At Chicago. May wheat closed %c high-
er than on Saturday. May vorn Sic Maher.
uud May oats Sic higher
Winnipeg Optima
Following are the closing quotallol,s uu
Winnipeg ``rain futures loads}
WheaWun. MOS% bid. May 81•O1i IAd.
Oats -Jan. 4$c bid. May Mao
Toronto Grain ilg8arket.
Wheat. spring. bush $0 a+ to e•.••
Wheat. fall, bush 0 51 0 94
Wheat. goose, bush 0 93
Wheat. red, bush 1 m .-
Rye, bush. Oce
Peas, lush. 0 a7 •...
Buckwheat, busts. 0 61 t G
Harley, bush. 0 70
Oats, bushel 0 Si 060
Toronto Oairy Market.
Rutter, dairy, Ib. rolls 0:2
Rutter, tubs n 23
Rutter. creamery. Ih. rollsa 20
1•:gg., new -laid, dozen 0:1n
)eggs, cold -storage, doses0 21
Cheese, large. lb 0 1351
(hese, twin, Ib 0134,
Iloney, extracted, Ih 0 13
Now York Dairy Market.
e 74
.4 5)
NEN' YORK. Vett. 3 --Ruiter--1trone.
recelpts, 4316: c•ream.•r)'. specials. ;t;•,, ,
extras, sac; third to first, 21c to arc; held.
•.erond to specials. 24e In 3a;; (tate ileitis',
common to falrlJllc to ^1,r•; proems, c.nn-
tonn to special, to fir: western imi-
tation creamery. first. 2.4e to ac; west-, n
factory, coMmon (o first. leas. to T- . .'n.,
held. 14c to 21',4c.
Cheese-Elrm; receipt. Tae: full cream.
spectate, 16c; state. full cream. squall. col-
ored and white, tang)•. -1774. d0., large.
colored, fey15L,
nc, r, do., white, 135;,e: do
good to pFFllme, 14e t0 17x:, do.. late 0,1441, ,
and early November made, 13140 to nee..
do., winter made, 21c t.. 1:r: do . common
to fair. Vic to 1154•: skims. le to lie.
E.g.-Firm: receipts, 3700: state. Penn-
sylvania and nearby. fencv, selected.
white. 30c to 37'; gond to choice, 27c to 211'
brown and mixed, fancy. 27.' to 715r; first.
!4e to 151,4.'; western and southern. flea,
:6c; second. 24c to :Sc.
Cables Are Steady -Hogs Ara Much
Firmer at Buffalo Market.
L•)N1ON. Feb. 3 -London cables
steady •t Ilc to 12%c per pound. dressed
weight; refrigerator bort 1s quoted at 1'k
per pound.
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
TORONTO JUN('Til)N. Feb :1 --
Receipt"' of live stock at the Union
Stock Verde 1 were 43 earloa.i,, rem -
posed of 730 cattle. 342 hogs, 30 street)
and one calf, Re well a. 70 horse..
}'rices ranged at front $4.90 to 8:..40, hot
only one load at latter price, which a..
sold by Maybe.. %'IIson A /fall, who top-
ped the, market fur 'lona steers• export
bulls, $4 to $4.50 per cwt.
choice picked lots tit touchers'. 84.75 to
M.le; loads of wood. $1 to MM. tncdlun,.
113.90 to 54.15; common. 8::.647 to 17 90: tows,
871.75 to 84.
Feeders and Stockers.
None offered. but there I. a fair de-
mand for steer., sae to tato Ile. each.
Milken and Springers.
Prices were quoted at 130 to E.:, each.
Veal Calves.
Prices unchanged, :,t H to 8,50 per east
Sheep and Lambs.
Export ewes, $4 to $4:+,: taints $5.71) to
86.60 per cwt.
Gonne, Limited, quoted selects et 8:, 1
fed and watered lit the market, and 8190
to drovers, f.o.b. cars at country points.
Montreal Live Stock.
MONTREAL. Feb. 3.-INpecial.)-Al the
Montreal Stock Yards West End Market
the receipts of live stock for the week
ending Feb. 1 were 1340 cattle, 33'1 sheep
and lambs, 1167 hogs and 1:4 calves. while
the offerings to -day for the local trade
were 1070 cattle, 100 sheep and lamb., len
hogs nod :3 calves. On aceounl of the
very stormy weather which prevailed dur-
Ing tho latter part of last week. rellway
traffic was Interrupted considerably, and
1n consequence fully 15 per cent. of the
1070 head of cattle did not arrive here
until thfs morning. and, as a number of
them had been on the road since last
Thursday, holders would not offer them,
The attendance of local buyers was
large, and, as they all wanted some beef,
a fairly active trade was done." Choice
beeves sold at 5'yc to 5;4.'; good at 41,4c
to Gr; fair at Vic to 44c; common at 3';c
10 354•'. and Inferior at 244c to 3c per Ib.
Cable advices frau Liverpool on :aaturday
reported trade In rattle slow and prices
easier. American steers being quoted at
'.c per lb. lower, at 11%. 10 1:41, and
Canadian bulls tic lower, at 10.' but Cana-
dian steers were unchanged, at llti,, to
on account of small eupplie..
There was no Important change In the
rnndhlon of the market for sheep and
lamb,. Receipts have fallen away to al-
most nothing owing to the sever.* cold
weather of late. consequently trade Is
very quiet. but the undertone to the mar-
ket 1s firm. and any Iota coming forward
meet with a ready gale at full prices.
Choice lamb"' were quoted at 6',,s' to laic;
good at 54ie to 6c, and common at Vie
In 5S4c per Ib. A few choice sheep sold at.
4.' to Pic: good rpt 314c to 34tc. and culla
at 3r• to No per lh. in apite of the con-
tinued weak and discouraging cable ad -
virile from all the leading fnrelwn mar-
kets on Canadian bacon last week, which
noted a further decline In prices of Is to
7e per cwt.. a much firmer feeling devel-
oped In the local market for hogs to-dav
on acc•ntlnt of the limited supply, and en
advance In price. of 20e per 110 lbs. egg
Paid In soma instances for selected hogs.
There wail a Rood demand from local
dealers, and sales were made at $6 to $4.+Jt
Per IM Iblf,, weighed off cars. A certain
local dealer who was short of stock at the
latter end of last weak advised a leseal:
Toronto packer to ship him a sing!. deck
of light selects, and, althn prices In that
market the day previous' were quoted he
this packing enneern at 8;1.40 Per 100 lbs..
the local dealer received a reply to his
above massage that they wnuld ship him
one 'tingle deck load at $6 per 1M Ib..,
1.0.1,., which wan refused.
East Buffalo Cattle Market,
I A8T RT'FFALO. F.b.l.-Cattle--lta-
relpte, :000 head; active; 1Octo 12c higher:
prime steers, 15.73 to $4; 'hipping, 54 to
85.65: butchers', $4.40 10 $4.61, heifers, *40
1n 877.33; cow's, $2.03 to $4.65; bona. 83 to
8.00; stocker, and feeders. $2 to 84 50.
smirk !lettere. 82.50 to 8.15; fresh cows and
wringers steady, 5311 to 556,
teals-Reeeffst0_ 700 head; active; Ito
Maher, 4.2 to 87.773.
IInws-Reeolpts, 1:•00a; active; 15e lo 1'.•
higher; heavy, 8.60 to 54.14, mixed, 84.in
,n $/.5; Yorkers, 54.8 to $4.50: pigs, $4.e0
to $4.75;• roughs, $4 to $4.2.2, stags, 17 to
$7.5o; dairy. 84.00 to 54.75.
Sheep and Lamb*-Rerelpts, 11.000: at -
ttve; ewes and mixed sheep ',toad)•, others
higher; Iambs. In to 87.10. yearlings, 56.23
to 14.75: mothers. 1'40 t0 84: ewes, t7,.2 to
$7.50; sheep, .nixed, IM to $3.20.
Chicago Live Stack.
1'H ICA(1), Feb. 3. -Cattle -Receipt.,
'4.0lO market 10e to//16s• higher, steers.
8.•n to 86.2.5: rows, ,13 to $1.73, h.trei s.
8:•.14 to 14.71-5; bulla, $3 to 114.5e. salves, $:
to $7: *torkers mod feeders, $2.01 to gar
I1'.ga-Iteeelpts, 44.M0; market 77. blither;
choice heave .hipping, $4.40 to 8.46; but-
chers', 84.E to 11.4',. light nixed, $4.15 In
choice light, 1411 to 54.:22: parklnw.
N to $4.35; pigs. $.1.90 to 84.15, bulk of
.ales, 8.30 to $1.40.
Sheep and Lomhw--Receipt., :.2,441; mar-
ket steady to 10e higher; sheep. 8.a to
15.11: lambs. 86.::1 to 87.25; yearlings, 8750
o, a5.^.1.
Burning Ashes in New York.
New York, Jan. 31.--- By moistening
coal /when with a wllnti,,n '1 oxalic
acid. IYN'k sett shill tt'iiLet, the hinted of
education ie heating all the public
•.lalool biildinge with fires mule from
ashes, and saving $,i0,Ig•111 a year by it,
aeenrding to a report nnrde by Pat-
rick Jones. superintendent of school
suppliers. Some emit, but. very little,
is used, and the j.►nit)10 are engaged
in a contest to see who ran nee the
least coal And 1 he most ashes. '
instead of putting waste emit and
Ashes In the ash cans both *re 'now
toted as far as poesihlc. C'ommitte'e
chairmen aid aelpervieuro of janitors
have .ent nut re teller to the jimiter%
GODERICH, ONT., Feb. 5th, 1908.
From M. W. HOWELL.
This week is marked by a change in
hardware circles in Goderioh, MR. E. P.
PAULIN having disposed of his hardware
business to the HOWELL HARDWARE CO.
It is now almost two years since I
sold my former hardware business in town,
and during that time it'has afforded me a
great deal of pleasure and satisfaction to
have had so many enquiries as to my con-
tinuing to make my home here, coupled as
they have been with a so -often -expressed
desire to see me again selling hardware.
While out of business I have been
privileged to do a great deal of travelling
in a commercial way, and I have always kept
my eyes open to hardware experience, and in
that time I have been insidle a great many
hardware stores between Montreal and
Vancouver. I have also kept in touch with
the markets through both Canadian and
American sources.
I will be pleased to shake hands with
all my old Customers andjfaleo those of Mr.
We are busy stocktaking but hope ta
be open for business by SATURDAY, FEBRUARY
Watch for further announcement next
We thank you in anticipation for your
trade and trust we will serve you to your
entire satisfaction.
The business will
formerly, as a Hardware
Metal -working business
stand, Jordan's block.
be carried on, as
, Stove, Plumbing and
in the E. P. Paulin a1
, M
1! I :4 in
in which rules for mixing the ',admen'
are givers as hallows :
"}got watt.' t be used in dissolv-
ing the acid and rock wilt. To every
gallon of water necessary add two
ululces of oxalic acid and one pound
of ruck salt."
The ashes may be "treated" and.
shoveled back into the furnau•e.
Where pea coal is used it can be
mixed with the Rehm in the propor-
tion of two parts of ashes to one of
coal. The ashes may be re -used by
moistening again. file committee
estimates that the saving should not
iood Overcoats
Small Prices
�r j
Now is just the time
tobuy an Overcoat. Sup-
posing it is a little oil ili
the season, there is plenty
of tilne yet to wear one,
and then think of 1111e
dollars you are saavinh.
Here is our argument
why you should !my a
tine tailored 20th Century
Brand Overcoat.
$I2 Overcoats. $ 8.ro
$17 " $12
$22 1/ $15
Only a few left, so
come early.
Walter C. II
"It's simsly astonishing t1.' wsv
St. George's
Baking Powder
has taken hold of mer o ust(Mner' "
They ate it makes lighter,
tattier, finer -rained Biscuits and
Cakes than any other they ever
used ! o
Rend for cots new
Cook -Book- free.
lfit{naat time (Mtnlral M -
te of Canada, 1,Iplled, Montreal
10' lee, than '2.; and may be as high at.
711 tier cent.
'tae committee had made exla'r-
nn•tits for a 'year in school No. 21,
Mlanhattcut. Of lilhl rep.',•ts sent in
more than 70percent. show a saving
of coal ('owmet•cial oxalic acid costs
111 cents it pound and rook salt 10 emits
a hundredweight.
•'Pal., "Yea, my bon." ••A Maur
that manages a balloon assail aeronaut
"Yes, my boy." "Anil a Man win
rune un automobile is a rhaalTeur }"
"Yes, my troy.' "%'ell, what would
you call a matt who runs a phono-
graph, pop : ' '•Oh --aft le-arableoitircn, u1y' alnl !' Yunker, titate.
AreYou Makin
We will pve you
Money ? b4 Cull Comma -
lions and Valuable
}'rite. (or each Sub.cription secured. Nose
of the pores ate competitive. You ran rind
out how you can do this by writing to the
be particulars concerning ib wit Subscription
Campaign and the induceaeots which ale
being offered to Representatives. Equally
interesting to old and young. Address
ll Wed Twenty-alalh Street 4,5
New Yeah CITY
We require our floor space for summer
goods and are offering the balance of our
bi line of stoves at cost.
Below is a list of those we have to
offer and the prices.
:: No, :15 Art Garland with oven $48.00
1 Ideal eiewel with oven 4+.00
1 No. 14 Empire Garland with oven 39.00
1 No. 1.4 Empire Garland :M 00
1 No. 1 Buck's Prize 26.5(
No. 2K Crown Brilliant :10.00
1 No. III Volcano 16.00
1 No. 17 Oak Heater 20.00
2 No. 15 Oak ileaters, 17.00
1 No. 1:1 Oak Beater 14,0(1
:t Dandy Heaters 12.00
2 Telephone City 1'2.00
111 1•i111g03 we Ilat,•., large 11111111,. * :at t•.tuailly a., low pikes els
If you will need it new' dove lv,thin the neat :year or two, you
will be making a profitable investment b. buying now•, bot
wet'. lieit. that the stove .ell1,' ' seam'', i* •lboot. (amor we could
in ,lustict. 1' ntirselves
g, to make re51111 fun's
S11IT111N(i given epee
Store 'Phone 22
11ousr 'Phone 172
ryootc t he above low- inlet*, but they nmol
her {((10x1..
1'I N6, 1:LI{('TIt14' V1(4ING and 'I'IN-
itI at1(1,14 11 ,old .111 tvorl. 11.11) gnnrnr1
Is Farming Your Business ?
IC so, THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business
Paper, will each week be of Special Interest to yep.
11111rSubscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN
to 1st Jan., 1909,
Only $1.70.