HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-6, Page 4r 4 Tevusntr, February 7, L9($ W. PROUDFOOT, K. C. NOMINEE OF WEST HURON LIB- ERALS FOR PROVINCIAL HOUSE. —WNI•attended and Harmorjious Con. mention Held in Goderich on Fri day Places a Candidate in the Field for the Approaching Elec. tion- M. G. Cameron Retires. In spite of the heavy •ls'dsewhtch made travelliug on the country roads very difficult, then' was et large me- t'eodauce at the convention of West Huron Liberals held in the Temper. ante Hall, Goderich. on Friday after- noon. Aliuott every portion .•f the riding was represented. and although a few of the etalw 'tw were mussed it WAS * splendid athrring that ,as• tmublwi to mon 1st• it candidate in the liberal inter t for the approach- ing cltctioi tt the Provincial Legis• haute. Janes Vo ig, of Auburn, presidetit of the \Ve 111111111 Liberal Associa- tion,. chair, and Chas. tion,. on: led h Gamow, 1 Goderich, was at his post i w• f lex l as were try of the Ast.xiation. Atte the handing in of the cre•d- entia of tielegaIts, the secretary read a le et• (tun the lion. A. G. MacKay, le er of the Opposition in the Legit -- I ure, strongly urging the Adt•is- ility of placing a candidate in the /flcld at the earliest uppot•tugity, „o /that he alight become acquainted with the constituency ; this. of course, in view of Mr. ('ame•ou's aunuuoce- went of his withdrawal :ted the fact that the nominee of the convention would in all likelihood la• it new utall who haul never canvMaied the riding. A motion tear Tweeted that the con- vention proceed to a nomination, and three nrunei were then placed before the convention : those of M. G. Cam- eron, K. C., the present member: \Vnl. Proudfoot, K. ('., of Goderich, and John T. Currie, of East \V*wa- nosh, ex -%%*slat u( Huron county. Mr. J neron immediately root. and in brief speech stated that he would not be a candidate on this o caaion, a. be wished for a while to devote more attention to his business interests. He ezpreased his deep regret at the necessity for his taking this etep,t and his gratitude for the splendid and auc- cesstul efforts which his friends had made in his behalf in peat contests. At some other time he Wight be again called upon to carry the Manner, and if such a tine. should roto' he would be at the service of the Liberals of West Huron. He would always re- member with deep affection .oma of the men with whom he had been associated in political affairs in thin riding. Reviewing the situation in the Pro- vincial Parliameht, Mr. Cameron urged the necessity of a strong eon- structive policy for the Literals, and stated that two tonings which he thought should be advocated were the [eduction of the membership of the Legislature and the election of certain officials now appointed by the Gov- ernment. These two things. he thought should be advocated by the Liberal party. and he intruded to brim,( thew up at, the`approaching seseion oft the Legislature Mr. Currie and Mr. Prwdfoot ad- dressed the meeting, each promising to wurk hard for the nominee of the l'nnvention whtwvev hs• might he. Mr. Proudloot said that West Huron had heen well represented in the past, and either Mr. Currie ur himself would have to do very well to follow worthily in the footsteps of former members fur this riding. Mr. Proud - foot said he had for thirty year. been takiog a more or lees p►owinent part in the elections in \Vest Herod.. Scrutineers were aptpitted and It• ballot was taken. resulting in the twel- rction of Mr. 1'r Ifeot as the candi- date. Mr. Currie immediately moved that the nominal ion toe node unani- mous. Mr. Pmudftot was then called upon and WAS ieceiyed with wain' applause. as he thanked the convention for the honor bestowed upon him. Jacob Kellenlann. Deputy !reeve of Stephen township. whit is the. Literal nominee for the Legislature in South Huron. was called upon and made * brief but interesting speech. Robert Holmes. oft C'lictou, \Vest Iitiron•.t candidate -for the House of Commons, was the eomclmding speaker. and made 4 Vig Irons :Whitest, touching upon Sonne of the political issi sues of the. day .end r•viewifig the `oui- ttical sitnatim' in eti ith Do- minion affairs. He paid his respects to the Senate as useless lust itlltioti which should be wipsl oat. hint the trouble WAN to devise any 1111•.1114 of getting rid of it. Ile :ultras! the Lib- erals of this riding to get to work to ensure success at the coming alto- liotls. and. reftirring to the recent election in South plum,, he stated that the tabule hsd liven particularly j dewLaurier. to Sir Wilfrid ,urier. whoMaud tern grieved My die desertion of 1 Huron from the Liberal ranks at the last edee•titin. There were prospects. however. nt Metter things at the next OP, lion. -s'.1 1.116.1V111/11. 1'rovinre of Outerio el 141 do ).•iter Tor tit \Vit• I ft -id than it .lid in 1t5t1. Their ippon- entb :itteluptid to make gotund agaiuet the (ioeerteuttett by the toting-, lug of certain ehala•ges -,gainst is, but these charges fell to the ground when the whole truth was told. lir. Hultnes concluded 'MITA applause. and after cheers for the King, fol the leaders :,,td for the ran- didttes the convention dispersed. The presence of A hal of 1'un• .terw:ttiyes in the hall ittit the subject of some plea writs. and the strangers were heartily invited le for - alike their erring ways and eons in with the Liberate. FATHER BOUBAT'S JUBILEE. Former Parish Priest of Goderich and Kingsbridge Honored at Windsor. A sacerdotal .jubilee was held in St. AIpbunsus ehurrlt, Windsor, on Weltiesil ly morning. .lannany 211t1, in honor of Rev. Fntlte•r Hotlat, who has completed fifty years in the priesthood. Hirthop McEvoy was in xtt'ndatl.'c and there were also plea• ant alout forty priests. Iles. Father Hussey, of Went Lorne, was da,entt at the IIIhAA ; Itev. Father Knant. of iatstelette, was sub -deacon ; Rev, Father 1. Henn'ux, of Ilene Iti%er, was master of cet'tetllelllew. teed !ley. Father l.amleuerur was chancel (teat er. .1 laymen's adders, read by Fraicis l'leary,' was preaerited to Itev. Father Amin), who was else the recipient of an :• ..traded eaue. the preeutaUon t trig made by J. A. Smith. collector of coat ours. The Windsor Record of January 23th had the following reference to the approaching event of Father lion - bat's lubilee celebr tIon : Hating rounded tett fifty Tears in the priesthood, the ssca'tdMal jubilee of Rev. Father Boehm will Ie cele- brated in 8t. Alphour' church dust \Veluesday 'townie It is now a little over half v. cen ry since Fat her Mellon w au ordained, as be took holt' olden' at Sandwich un Deevinlber U. I$.7. when the late Bishop Plumose neanit was in charge of this dioeeee and ma,iptalned a palace at Sandwich, whiili war sometime% called "1.1144, 41. rattly.. fulIy," Father 'timbal celebrated his first class at Assumption College on Ik- cetulter Atb, two days fplluwiug his orelinatioi. His that' charge was Sl. Peter's chetah in Raleigh township. He was them transferred to Simeon., returned to Sandwich, revving *leu nt \1'indsur and Tee sth, was urxt i.saigut+d to Corinna, web tranaterrsl to Inger/toll, then in turn to 81. Mary's, liodericlt and Sarnia. after- wards returning to, hlger•soll,•where hr remained six years. !ie retvett for l the same period in Kingsbridge, in i the comity of Homo, and then spent some time at 1\'alkerville. His health.! began to fail and he took a vacation. (lu resumlilit the duties ut the priest. hood. Father BouMut teturtel tut Sieneoe. but his patitoratt• wont broken with ill•heilth. In spite of his ad- s ittciug year,, Ile regained his strength and took charge of St. Pat rick's church in Raleigh, going frau there to }Gagetown, where lir was last est attuned ielor• his retirement about it year ago. He has atnee re- sided in Windsor. titbet• Bottled was bort in Cler- mont Ferrcnd, France., and is now in TII1(: SIGNAL :, GODERICH• ONTARIO is to be trade pay this off In two I THE CANTIN ;CAS$ Charge Agaitfst St. Joseph Prowotet Diaausaed at Toronto. year,, The retiring managers. 'Jtessrr. Tow, Strang and D. $texddert, Jr.. were re-elected, and ,(,nuts Tait ■ud H. J. A. Mel?warn were tlearn to f111 lw'o t•ac:ncies created on the board. IOpposed to Bonuses. The 1 illiming resolution Inas been adopted by 11e tittelph littera of 'Nude : ••\Vhereas the grautiig of t*tttt1►ea, Titans and special (swore- to facto, Ws and iodustrirs has hetet tergely abused. pitttimg cities and towns lulu c tel it' with other cities and towns W .secure imlualt'it a, in u one riM• our Pity or town securing In Indust t y from *nether, and al or principally all, in the interests only of the bran bunters, and at a very Iatge exp'..t w the titiea turd luwus of the Prutinee, t',thing ',Heil in causing the establishing of industries unsuitable its oharaetcr or unwisely hv•ated, or without proper capital for business, 11 ae1 Ihet.• have itt many cases efterwar•1. procrd financial fail- ures : therrfurr. IN' it resolved that this ilual.l of Trade earnestly request the forthcoming sessinu of the la'gis- laturt'e1 the Province id Ontario to „ 'b' i n future the pass r 1 ht nen 1 pa e.w act ( g granting of bonuses. t;i.lug of lands, gumauateeing of lands, *tracks or (Ahernise, for industries t'1' pt'lspe•c- tive• industries, or the selling of water power, gut, ur other srywres less than cost for their use. Furthermore. that a copy of this resolution be mailed to . 4• .' WILLIAM PROUDFOOT, K. CI, The i:; -tine of the Liberals of West Huron for the Pro- - nuclei Legislature. hie sixty-sixth ye*r. He is ponvibly in latter health now than he has been for many years and NI •a little sign of feebleness, while his mental facul- ties are as alert as ever. ANNUAL MEETING OF KNOX CHURCH. Church Organizations in Healthy State - To Wipe Off Debt in Two Years. 'nee annual meeting of Knox church was hell tit the lectutr room of the church \\ eduesdaay evening of last week, and was presided over by the pastor. Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, U. A. !h'. Strang acted its secretary. Reports were read f -the differ- ent ot'ganizittious of the congregation. That from the session was read by the pester. Set t•Ilty-two new names welt. added to elle cuutuunion loll. twenty - 11111r en plIdession. and turty•three by certificate; slxty-tnn were removed tr be roll, twelve by death, thitty- tive by eta titivate -and fifteen 'without cel tlhralr, leaving at ',resent ' 72t on the toll. (*1Ittr registrations were t•u malt lags.-, 'lint teen bapthiuts and thirty -nue burials. The report stated that the session had re'•eivel a re - gut -tit from the ladies Aid Society ►o be allowed the privilege of ilutrating an individual cunuuunion ,.tf t service to the .•unglegnt iuu. 'fur 1111 Iter• ih being balloted on by the members and I.allots will be received till next Sun- day. .1. Elgin Tutu, 1. P. S., as superb). tendert, itiesetitc.1 the report of the Smnday suteed. tip•cial reference was mode to the increasing interest to the sera ice of praise in the school and , the importance ut p,uentxl term .;ght in the regular atteudaune of the sem ohos. All the• t•untriIto ions nt the ,''holts go to Inisstun.►ry and i t,tttolcnt _purposes. Thr t•ongt•ega- tion made a giant .t( *1 II ler the rim - num exteusr•' of I h' -rheal. l(t teiptn uuu t•'t,t•ndttutr, welt. trAio. Jliss Kate Barr pieseuttd the re- port of ,the Y. P. S. C. E. This sou itty has t uunu1. tsbip of fifty-six, thn'Iy two *retie.• :cup twenty -rune .t•-sta'uate nte•naes s. The object of till' S•s't.'ty is not no lunch to t•.us' tuuucy as to develop the gifts of int tnt•wlieis through the iv.nk of its several colo• rite's, sof which there Ar' eight. The auw el !tai wits rtceitel .u1.1 dis- bursed. 'I'Itr Ladies' Aid Society reported through its secretary, Mrs. Coats,. It began the year wall a 1ledanr id * ti alld at the eln•e ad relate. '1 he disbut•tevnent .►waits the Jeri -dun or the :elution r'g.n'dieg the intro- duction of the individual tunmuotion cup. In the .014C111.1'. ,1 the presider; and w•rtetlt•y, 1►r. St,t.g read the eepxn't ul the fielief Society, which Mnsies itself in looking up needy curses in the congregation And 'wiping thein to lest• their Itnnlens. Miss Tillie Stirling presented the repoet of the Women's Foreign Mis- sionary Society. It, nn•ulletship i. forty and its ave Age attendance was 1,44.111y -few. The receipts and ex- px'nditnrrd were $171), including a Fat tale of clothing for the Sort ha est, The (It( illitr,ev Mission Band tee port. was read by alias Grace Dyke. It showed a tu'tnlatt•ihip of eighty, with an average attendance of tarty. A lox of rlothmg wire haul to India, veined tit $'la. .cud another to the Not•tt'Iweet, t•,litlel :11 $:s1, itl addition $.i4was tnntt•ibuttd, snaking a total of $111. The financial statement of the con- gregation was presented Ity the church treasurer, .i. E. T , and was e'.nsiderel gratifying, ilia/slouch as after meeting all demands the hoard of manageluent. h,ut $3a8 of a Mance in the general f 1 with which to be- gin the next earThe aunt of rain was paid on the tg*ge debt. For all purposes the congregation raised daring the year $5,977, including $1,174 for miwaionary And benevolent ppurplmetr. The t1e1K on the chitrch Milling is now $'l,iilp, ail an eftot t the Hon. J. P. Whitney. Premier, and %1r. J. P. Downey, our local member, and Meter ilitatda of Trade throughout the Province of Ont ria_" IN FIGHTING TRIM. Ontario Liberal Party in Splendid Shape, Says Hon. A. G. MacKay. Toronto, Februavv :f. -A flying visit wars 'laid to Toronto last week -end by the Hon. A. O. Markey. who at the opening of the Provincial Legislature next Wednesday will for the Heat time take his official place., in the house as the Irtufer of the Opposition. For ruse time past Mr. MacKay has (leen eugsg••d in visiting vat' parts of the Pr .vince. and attending the conventions celled for the purpose of HON A. G MACKAY, M. P. P , Who this week takes his place in the Leg- islature as leader of the Opposition. selecting the candidates whi, are lo la. the stun.l.ard•h.'*tt-ts, of the }Abend party at the next Dominion and Pr.t- ivinriad elections. I)iscussieg his lour, Mr. MacKay on (Saturday expressed the greatest satin- faetinn with regard to the spirit which he found eutinmating Liberals through. out I lie Piot i11ce. In places Wheel. he had 11,4'11 told that the people did not. usually 1.‘10'1t i their feelings with any grc it degree of wern'th, he had been ter •:a ed it all the greatest ant hunias s and cordiality. Never, in fact, had the leader, of the p:tt'Ly such gotxl waren as at present toter! encouraged as to the future. for never was the petty in bolter lighting trim. \Vitt legated. to the appoal'hing session Mr. Jl:u•Kny indicated that it wee likely to be nue of considerable s1 it t." A WORLD OF GOAD. That's What Mrs. Kinsella Says Dodd's Kidney Pills Did for Her. Sl. ifalat•hie. (joie., Feb, 3.-ISp'- rial.l \Vmm'n who Heti\ t• will be interested in the story of Mise. Janes Kinsella, of this place. '•1 lied a psis in City right hip." jays Mrs. Klu,telle, "and in the small of the ttnek, and was swollen all down ithe right side of the abdomen. 1 as elligcd to pass water every fifteen minutes in a looming, itching -sort of way. 1 t•utAd nut sleep, bat WAS nlillgrd- if/ oil in a chair for two retool/ha'l't.' -Then i started to use DAWN Kid. 'Rey Pills, and after the first hex felt h better. i eontinited to us• them, and tow 1 can go to bed amp sleep ail other people de. They diel toe i wo•kl of got d In other ways toll.' Mrs. Knieker-"Women's drew. have"'nn poeketa," Knicker - "And eater'they are paid for there is noth• ittg In a clan's. --New York Bun Toronto, Jan, Jl. --Huron county ors repr•aaeuted in the wiWteaa lox at the police court this morning by its sheriff, registrar and county tt•eas- utrr, all of wl were yelled to slow that the hotel Balmoral at St. Joseph. the property of the St. Jewett!' Land ('owitnuy, of At Welt the defendant Narcissi+ M. Cautiu was the retr• aeutatite., had a series of executions against it, amounting in all to 1$42, - tato with *erred interest. C,uuin is charged with obtaining a i loan of g2,a01 on the property from Mr'Lits' tiallagber, of this city, by 1 r'pts•srululg it to be entirely uneu• t brr'd. Mr. tallaglit'r told his tale of the 111411114,114011% lu 14141041.1114.Dentuon. After hat lug advanced the money iti .lout', 11551. on the repteseutations tale, he said he allowed the intertat o,ux lute, satisfied that be could settiru his money out of the building at any time. jte:entl), (however, he acquired possession of the title, to Iliad executions against it for the .tout mooed, t t t t and preferred a cburgc of Paletpretences against lsiten. Cowin claiutr the' building to be was t It $IOl1,o5i.. The care was further adjourned till Tietday. Action Dian used. Toronto, February 1. - Magistrate Denison hits dismissal the actin for obtaining IIIo!cy limier (alt.• pre- tences brought I$' %tort Gallagher, a Totoeito lawyer, against Narciaae M. 1'a1Itin, the ptomotee of the bit. Joseph land Improvement Company. This tau ' g 1. W. Curry. K. cross-ex;tulined 1lr. Gallagher. ' "The first you had to flu with Mr. Canon was wbeu you endeavored to obtain $1,(3k1 for biro from a client of yours?" asked Mr. Curry. "Yes," said Mr. Gallagher. "1)111 you examine the abstract which you obtained?" •'1'attially, yes. Later 1 had it con- tinued at MI'. C'autilt's suggeatiun. ' •'lluw long did you hare the ab- stract in your plurseeviufi?" 1 can't say exactly. Thlre• or four days.' •\Viol yeti ,west you did uot ex- amine it :•" -Not thoroughly. 1 just looked at the hack and glanced inside it." -And you will rweac you did not look to her bow the talk. was at "Altsulutt•ly." '•How lung was it before your client refused to make the advance to Mr. Canon?" "About four or live tLtys I rhuuld judge.'' "tout you thought at 'hie time that the , y motile Is' advauwetI ?" "Yrs; at bast uu the Mit of Jolty ! thought so." too Per Cent. Interest./ "And, :accenting to the agreement. •ou wete to he paid 1.111 per cent.Yoth hers ore and anter maturity ?" "Did yeti get 111111 per cents':" asked the magistrate. "No, of course 1 didn't.," said Mr. (Iathosher. "A the agreement call; for it," said Mt. (itt u y. "Well !re it you didn't ,,.•t it. Subsequcutly you agreed til loan hint the money your- self'c' "'(herr was nu agreement." you atyanged to advance the alone). Please don't Irl tie fiate any bb 1 quibbling. 1•uusu taeapucully agreed to advance curl ' wu.o•)'s under an agrrt•u,t•nt with Nn, litdlagber?" "Yes." "And you received an option held by JIr. Alw 1)rpteu, of Toronto, on the Lwds, and drew thee 'agreement, whet t by Jlro. Gldla;;het rntEitt mete an agreement with ,.le. learnt for the re- sale of the lands?“ • "And you were ill t&'et-it.' the uun:ey iia ten days?" "hes. Hut Lill* agIetrttlent wits, made out in m t•iot% for tarty days... He was to pity ne II,iskt for the ten days' ttw• of the nitnl•y." ••What wits the u t of the loan Asked the Court. •'It was this %%ay. Your \Vorthil•,•' exphiifitd Mr. Cutty. '•1ie took up Jar. Ot pen's apt ion et $1,1150 and wade an itdvtnt•r of ',Alba. which he was to get $I,losl, and her w'hirh Its stile eespmt'nt ly drut:uade,1 tI ,,riN1," •'loos• could he get $1,1, si iule•rest or Imams III' whntt•ter you call it for an advance of horst ler (cu dt t ? 1)o you meats th.it lou roods' intake an advance of *Millie. ten days owl get IMLtsx) in• teres( er hint, at the end sof that time ? What. mete yet thinking of? i neva i I,t,t'd of, such ,t transaction. A morn should come into court with clean baud,," said the muigietrate. "Did you offer to tike your money back without int creel :'" asked J1r. Cut 1t.)•, "Yes, after lbs fai ty days hetet' up." Charging for the Risk. "It looks to me a. 'though you had been t•lucr,(ing ter 1 he risk you teak," cowut..oteJ lilt 1Vurahip. -And it is tine that yet had the abstract in your hands fur four or flt'e (lays feftlt't• you III.t(le• Ille nd• e'allt•e }' "Well, wouldn't it show you how the title wets?' -•1 Ihutight the s'rtirity with germ." -How timid you think the secnt•ity was goal at 4131 pet cent?" "It leaser L Jlei per cent." "Well. at 1131 per cent. IL wits a 1,ttn without'ettiiity and why then do you complain of false. pretences ? You expected to get 41,155) for ton days' use of $1,1351, advanced on prop- erty the atsttrnrt of w'hieli you held ? Dos you think any jury would Ilnd for you in such a ease, end en y - uwtl evidence, ,Mt. (itllaigh'r "I certainly do. Ile swore that the title -b*" L". another matter. lie• is charg- ed witlt tweittty." "Do you wish me to ern on with wy edeas-txarninat ion asked Nit-. Curry. "Yes," tavid the 1'4 turt. "Did you rely on the loans in older to snake that advatne•e?" "Oh, no." -Arad yam offered to take your money back withuitt interest?" "Yes," we've not hint in your hand• writing to p ni v' that." Mr. blurry said Mr. Conlin bard Already told JIr. Gallagher $2,7110. This the fel ter engds►1 belly denied, "The teal Lrrnsaction would havr been the ptyment'nf Herrero to delay the Josue of the tt'arrout for Conlin's arrest. Talk .leant a inadm coming intocalmtWith clean hands! Why. the that part of this ease in the clean. eat," said Mr. furry, wlto thereepon naked that the magistrate dletuiss the :action for false preteuceee. This was thereupon done. The action for perjury was withdrawn, as Mr. Corley did not wleh to recall the wltnemem from Oodericb. All the cases will go down on the grand jury. •'i lost all my money during the re- cent petite.""Yet you seem quite eheerful." "Yea ; Christmas would have trimmed tic anyhow'," -Ea, • AN UNCONQUERED PEAK. Lizard Head on Mount Wilson Has De- fied the Climbers. The mountains and peaks of the San Juan in northwestern 'Colorado pre- sent a different appearance trom any of tato northern Rockies. They are grander, more precipitous, with sharper pinnacles and More jag- ged In outline. In height Mounts Mass- ive, asa1ve, Elbert and Blanca slightly out- rank those of the San Juan. brit no where else can be found whole groups of mountains rearing their heads` to and above 14,000 feet Mount Wilson-14,?b0 teat -the dom-\ inant peak, is one of the most massive 1n the entire Rocky mountain rang. Just east of this mountain Is the f's markable tsachyte obelisk called Liz- ard head. The vlvk1 imagination of as early pioneer who bad been "seeing things" is Bald to be responsible for the name. The summit is 14,160 feet above the sea. From a poode;otts base the pin- nacle rifles ^.A0 feet, with a diameter at the toot of only about alzty feet, grad- ually tapering to lees than halt that at the top. Lizard head has defied all attempts of mountain climbers to roach Its sum- mit. The foot of the pinnacle 1s scally accomplished. bat thus far the steep sides of the WO foot shaft have proved insurmountable. No doubt the time well come when the venturesome mountain climber will find a way, but many a failure is the record of the past. Trains circle this mountain fes' miles on the way tram Telluride to Rica Waste 01 Energy. The Merinos and their grades on se• count of their dense Aeecoo stand expo - sero to rains and storms better than the n(ten fieeed coarse wool sheep. and yet it, pays better to house any kind of sheep during storms than to take the chances at catching cold and being bothered with snuffles all winter. It re- quires a waste of energy 10 withstand the disagreeable conditions that are mire to follow exposure to storms. - National Stockman. \Voman's bleakness A woman's reproductive org4ns are in the most in- tense and continuous sym- pathy with her kidneys. The light est disorderin the kidneys brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive Dodd's Kidney Files storing the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to woman. rale young girls, worn-out mothers, suffering wives and women entering upon the Change of Life, your best friends Dodd's Kidney Pills A Ssrprbe is Misadb Every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas you open—you will find a new delight in these dainty biscuits. When you want to surprise yoanelf. give your appetite a treat wick !hooey's r Perfection Crean Sodas r When Children Cough gin them that old reliable remedy that never fai s to cure BOLE'S PREPARATION OF Friar's Cough Balsam It stops coughs -breaks up colds -and heals intanuna tio■ in throat and bronchial tubes. Abeelntely pure and safe for clultlrent. L'a• it bottle. At druggists et fre .t NATIONAL Niue a CNtntCAI, CO. Ligase - LONDON, O.,1 3• Sold'm Goderich by H. C. Dunlop. The Famous Pedestrian Gentlemen: - "1 Was a martyr 10 ratarrll of the head, tb?ltat and stomach. 1 was an bad the dont rs feared consumption. 1 tried mss pbnirlans stud melieimet. A friend grates) Psyeklne. 1 tried it and it wa the only thing carr did me any good. am now perfectly well. It is the gins est remedy the world has ever known. 1 eau not neer! it fur my health nnw ut 1 est• t' strengthener for m, walking matches. 1 owe meth of my pI1; 'cal endurance to Psyckine. " .IAMI'S il}:1'Nt)1.D.S. I' rt Hope. Ont. Pgehtne is the great t corefor catarrh of the bad, throat or stomach is the world. 1t is a wend fun trate and strengthener of run dow system, artisg directly on all the vital -.sans, giving youthful vigor anal steer k to the system. At all druggists :.tk. a.. el. or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toro McLean's Meat Marke': i have opened a ne•w Meat Market in the stand on EAST STREET nett eIttar,Ital. M Shoe stoic Masi Ieltly opposite the Towel Mali. The store is fitted up in modern style for the handling of meats in the most approved way, and 1 intend to serve my customers with the best to be had in my line. BUSINESS STRICTLY CASH PRICES RIGHT W. E. McLEAN MAN 8C B tits? trice 25 et& Mil lifrS UNMEi T - LINIT6D noes TO C r. a,pt,1rt17 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITATIONS SOLD ON TRE MERITS OF MINARD'S LINIMENT Stoves and Ranges at Manufacturers' ... Prices .. . Second-hand HEATERS AT YOUR OWN PRICE at W orsell's 1 Hardware Your Printing SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! POOR Office Stationery indicates sloven - !Mess. Tasty, well printed Stationery bespeaks system and carefulness. The Signal Job Printing Department Supplies only the better kind -won't pay as to turn out any other. Skilled workmen only are employed because they should do -and do -better work than inexperienced help. We will convince you of this if you will trust us with your next order. THE SIGNAL JOB DEPARTMENT IT A Fresh Start Our Great January Sale is Closed We aro now starting up in the regular way with two largo shipillents of spring imports in Prints, Just-as-1)elaines, Ginghauls, Uhalnbraytl, White Lawns and Muslim, 'l'owellings, Longcloths, hosiery, and one a 25 -piece lot of early spring DRESS (GOODS. Our Print Offerings 1 Laces and Embroideries are completely new, tut out' yard of old. dark We carry a large new etyck iia there geode 'prints on our 'shelves. Clothe etual to last year I 'ted you will Lind our price* right for the quid - and prices the rause, 10c *ad 12.1e, color guarau• I it)• of the goals °detect, teed in every piece, both Tight and dark. Atk tit ' Left -over Laces be shown our Juat-at'-Iklalnes, cream ground" A lot of left -over Lacer, about halt- ra • in and dainty bled, a rig and stripe patterie, ctth'ueiennrrand totcbome, gond patioi e, both colors fart They look Just like Wool De- udgiuge and ins ert.luar. L•tiuet and tho price nut one-half. s. Dress Goods I Kid Gloves MIacks and browny, all Perritt' snake need It is early to ray stew Drew liotdrs.but just guaranteed. drop in anithave a look at the tint showing.I Standard Patter's* forrpriug On talc. Design- Dla'r NtTI .v N w 1 • 11^a 11 iii... Nobetter reel a t' 9 std* t t m thew the to rd. pa t'Phonr . THE SQUARE mt.• H. ColborneSQUARE IiuDKtt1('11- a AN UNCONQUERED PEAK. Lizard Head on Mount Wilson Has De- fied the Climbers. The mountains and peaks of the San Juan in northwestern 'Colorado pre- sent a different appearance trom any of tato northern Rockies. They are grander, more precipitous, with sharper pinnacles and More jag- ged In outline. In height Mounts Mass- ive, asa1ve, Elbert and Blanca slightly out- rank those of the San Juan. brit no where else can be found whole groups of mountains rearing their heads` to and above 14,000 feet Mount Wilson-14,?b0 teat -the dom-\ inant peak, is one of the most massive 1n the entire Rocky mountain rang. Just east of this mountain Is the f's markable tsachyte obelisk called Liz- ard head. The vlvk1 imagination of as early pioneer who bad been "seeing things" is Bald to be responsible for the name. The summit is 14,160 feet above the sea. From a poode;otts base the pin- nacle rifles ^.A0 feet, with a diameter at the toot of only about alzty feet, grad- ually tapering to lees than halt that at the top. Lizard head has defied all attempts of mountain climbers to roach Its sum- mit. The foot of the pinnacle 1s scally accomplished. bat thus far the steep sides of the WO foot shaft have proved insurmountable. No doubt the time well come when the venturesome mountain climber will find a way, but many a failure is the record of the past. Trains circle this mountain fes' miles on the way tram Telluride to Rica Waste 01 Energy. The Merinos and their grades on se• count of their dense Aeecoo stand expo - sero to rains and storms better than the n(ten fieeed coarse wool sheep. and yet it, pays better to house any kind of sheep during storms than to take the chances at catching cold and being bothered with snuffles all winter. It re- quires a waste of energy 10 withstand the disagreeable conditions that are mire to follow exposure to storms. - National Stockman. \Voman's bleakness A woman's reproductive org4ns are in the most in- tense and continuous sym- pathy with her kidneys. The light est disorderin the kidneys brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive Dodd's Kidney Files storing the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to woman. rale young girls, worn-out mothers, suffering wives and women entering upon the Change of Life, your best friends Dodd's Kidney Pills A Ssrprbe is Misadb Every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas you open—you will find a new delight in these dainty biscuits. When you want to surprise yoanelf. give your appetite a treat wick !hooey's r Perfection Crean Sodas r When Children Cough gin them that old reliable remedy that never fai s to cure BOLE'S PREPARATION OF Friar's Cough Balsam It stops coughs -breaks up colds -and heals intanuna tio■ in throat and bronchial tubes. Abeelntely pure and safe for clultlrent. L'a• it bottle. At druggists et fre .t NATIONAL Niue a CNtntCAI, CO. Ligase - LONDON, O.,1 3• Sold'm Goderich by H. C. Dunlop. The Famous Pedestrian Gentlemen: - "1 Was a martyr 10 ratarrll of the head, tb?ltat and stomach. 1 was an bad the dont rs feared consumption. 1 tried mss pbnirlans stud melieimet. A friend grates) Psyeklne. 1 tried it and it wa the only thing carr did me any good. am now perfectly well. It is the gins est remedy the world has ever known. 1 eau not neer! it fur my health nnw ut 1 est• t' strengthener for m, walking matches. 1 owe meth of my pI1; 'cal endurance to Psyckine. " .IAMI'S il}:1'Nt)1.D.S. I' rt Hope. Ont. Pgehtne is the great t corefor catarrh of the bad, throat or stomach is the world. 1t is a wend fun trate and strengthener of run dow system, artisg directly on all the vital -.sans, giving youthful vigor anal steer k to the system. At all druggists :.tk. a.. el. or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toro McLean's Meat Marke': i have opened a ne•w Meat Market in the stand on EAST STREET nett eIttar,Ital. M Shoe stoic Masi Ieltly opposite the Towel Mali. The store is fitted up in modern style for the handling of meats in the most approved way, and 1 intend to serve my customers with the best to be had in my line. BUSINESS STRICTLY CASH PRICES RIGHT W. E. McLEAN MAN 8C B tits? trice 25 et& Mil lifrS UNMEi T - LINIT6D noes TO C r. a,pt,1rt17 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITATIONS SOLD ON TRE MERITS OF MINARD'S LINIMENT Stoves and Ranges at Manufacturers' ... Prices .. . Second-hand HEATERS AT YOUR OWN PRICE at W orsell's 1 Hardware Your Printing SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! POOR Office Stationery indicates sloven - !Mess. Tasty, well printed Stationery bespeaks system and carefulness. The Signal Job Printing Department Supplies only the better kind -won't pay as to turn out any other. Skilled workmen only are employed because they should do -and do -better work than inexperienced help. We will convince you of this if you will trust us with your next order. THE SIGNAL JOB DEPARTMENT IT