HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-6, Page 3THE SIGNAL : f,OI;EI;ic1H. ON's 1R1n
Tn r-:ovt. 1.1.1,1n try 6, 1908
ews of the Sistriet.
The Presbyterians bi Hrucelleld
have dteltltal to erect a new church.
'The handsome new building of the
Batik of t'oninwree, \Viugltrw, was
opened lout weak.
Sinrr.iarn, the Juan who poser es' n
divine healer, it creating a ren+atiuu
lu ('lilfeutl and Lttkelet at preasstit.
,Tltr death of Wu). Mitchell, a form-
er rtesident ol. 'rurols•rey, occurred at
his httol,r w %%e&(tle. N. f)., un Decent.
bier viii lost.
The death of Mies Mittli:th $udlh,
daughter of Mr. and air+. Wm. Smith.
of Suipkr, occurred to Victutia Hea.
Menesetuntf Mineral Water
TTill;i,Uu)KltI('H MINERAL SVA -
Tial t'•t., nt.tuufsetincr. of "licit e
.one pr„pored 1.. doh it•r .o .ttY Nei tel
Ila tkJ.,rt (.in ••.r \Ir lu plot. nd
Qwtrl., Arm Mt a:rtl Water lnthree rune
iNa•. . sod- u,,, s.lt.ter Water
1 4,-n a,ntt- try .u.ute; 11.4
aal t J u; nerd vete or. 'otd .tn• 1tturvfnnr fret
•m •el l,1t tt tltt'4. l'. L. WAL1'O: Slate
..t. Promo-Pl.
;1I Calc ULAesiES.-1 AN PRE
1'.\ gets to navel . • pupils for le..'.ns lu
pprawn no d.
(litany. also tis tiourrowe. itu,lcal
kuede•reartoi. method for young chlklrou.
T.rra' end Winn befunuath'n silty he hall at
needy +1411+, toderkh. EMMA A.
A NahtEtt d. tf.
Ri)V ADAMS _ -
1'sacuaa or Hugo Y
8tudte in Seita of Montreal Block.
its. E5IMEitti0N &TURNBULL
. \.'1. eate.:t t is
w 13 ats
f.'t':.4 1L,t
Ii.tu.'pun stmt. Clone Iter.
Ur. M:.u.u.•ro .us .w.t.lr.ei. \onh 611.00.trylsirirc et. l.,omta churtb.'phone 15.
nll'. ressidna,•.•. Montreal of rest.
rk'uthet' o: 1•ubhc L.b1ay. 'Theme Irl.
1 sit. F. J. 11. FURS'rER-EYE: EAR
l Nwu atat 1'hnwt testy. Stratford. (hot.
17uusc surgeon hew York Ointi loaf• aid
Nand b' -I irate. 1.03-0.1.Clinic* nest -toot Ear.
V..-e.tid 7 .rot,i H.t3itil, Ceti:len :+mare. and
ItoN.1 Iptdon 4 p1 1l aluJr .11.Ktrentld Kyel
Ito-pttol Loudon. &v. ,1Naw street.
Si ',stroll. n.,pn•he N'htdanr I...toI. Hours:
9116.W- 11 psis,. Fs non. T«I•pbnne 9fi,
1 1.11. ens, w:.dtnt t, notarh•-. rtes Ulncr,
11 ,:uih et) SA, t ninl t for (mm :equate, Under eh,
U.l'.1MEIWV'K. (C
.C. J. 1IL
L4NtA1. •
I l .errt-sir+. - e.1,1/01.T. I10110;1''' t' Ilt14e pr.
"Oh in t n, N141161161° ( spurt, Mc. 1)1'I.•. torsi ride
tl.et:tre. ",4t d•s.r C,'A. l'oo's grace y. Ih-t
vase foods to k•n'I at kw id rater of Interest.
W. 3t(i 3FWT. 1►. 1': 11. t. 11.tVai U. K
tl.-IIIL -
..., lets rfat :4. attorneys, solicitors. etc.
Oudrnch. Itoaty to ketol al lowo•I s'a'e.. It
b ituc Ns17v.1'HAKLEsoAltlt0W. LL.H
r d'ritor, cotnmis.loner. n it ser public.
uttl:e•. Hamilton street. Uodetiet.. Ont.
Insurance. Loans. eta
iL A
• i'wtnto not Ireuranee Agents. Iteal s•
tate far mole or fit lei. Properties handled In
any tart of tar' town and osenty. itre and
fe matey 14 hoot etc. -
1l/I1N 11. ('R:111;1F., I.1FK, 1''IJtE
r and avr:dent insnrant". Agent fur leading
o• no) and estek companion. ]nsitrati,P to ail
- erfe, ^!d u•. be -t I• arts /1111.1 a. Ispww. tato..
.•.r at- odt,e, .nice N'n.t atrcet and n.)uare
Idre-s J. W. t'ILA11Nii, liodertch, Ont.
Y:W. ,huuu a
1' It A V 1' 1: (' tri, Farm and t.'dand
Wan i'mportyy tn-und. Vain., of proper.r Ins
i. td al, to Jae 11.4 orrr 110111.11100; oltte ors
and dincton:--i. It Mtl van, pew.; r. 1•raaer
•ice. e,.: Jai, Connolly. 11, Irale. Sir. ('hes-
ter), S tt-af t, Js•. grans, J. U, (it -Wye. J. limne-
w„is,,Ur."ttn•. ; T. X. ILtys, neaforth. secretary.
lreae.Intr ; inspector., nearest director to Iowa.
J. W. Yon. If,L•nesrItk, agent for We.t
Huron. IMlicy-holders can pny ate.•..meuts
and Kart their cards remitted at Toner t
!trona'. bottom or al It. 0 Patti grocry.
Kingston •iert, GMrrlch. -
11 1'.\ (11' Me, - The lot pine, In town.
1's'" tea-.•rt.t. • ; .•rerylhl.tg, doom and 441)1
t.n. Ito- nail (said beth. W11. DAVIS.
1.;‘,111,,V.1.1 11,101 Muck I.n.:cessar to
Marriage Licensee
1vJALT};It h.. KUopERIHi:Ci.LVO.
11 , NT.
Watchmaker, Jeweller and Uptielas.
ls-uer of 1larrhig'e Licensee.
1 • AUK tleenses, ltelnHcb, Ont. .
▪ and cowed otootionetsr. /Mee. on South
Street. alto , los to.11 be found at :all !Imo.
who.. non tying •rth+'. Terms rl.welable and
sem eft' nt ural 01 rive you eatlsfactlou
General Auctioneer.
New System of Tickets and Catalogue.
VOII Will MINS S01111. real bar-
cen do for yon in one of those
Goad Cheer ranges
tiood Cheer art heaters
Esther ranges
gi,n0 for the
money ; every one guaranteed.
5 per cent. off for spot
Tinsmithing and
Electric Wiring and
'Phone 133.
pital, London, on Sunday, the 26th
ult. Deceased was a bright and
lovable young wumteu in her twenty
,fourth year.
It is reported that a farmer who
supplied green peas to (be Exeter
et toK faetury lash year realised
over SW uu acre therefrom.
Saw lel J. Horton, •01 Bowman, N.
U., eldest son of N. B. Horton, of Sete
forth, war recently married to a pop-
uler yuuug lady ut Bowmen.
Thomas U.trwin. of Beefurth, whorl
hew entered peon hie ninety-ninth
year, was the ((Wert elector to poll his
;ate at the South Huruo election last
Thur. Hartle, cattle dealer, of Rip-
ley, Was tried et 1Vtelkertoo on the
charge to teetering money under false
pretences, uud was' honorably ac-
Mr. and ala. David Addie, of the
1 ith• r • •61.iun at Orr)•, celebrated
tveir golden wedding last week. Mrs'.
Addie is a daughter of John Ruddick,
t)t lit u►selr.
Julio Arwuur, et Wiughem, wilt)
fur the most thine Werke has muttered
intensely troll, a lrlon on nue of Ills
lingers, had the affected meatier
amputated lest week.
Robert Rel* a former esteewrd
rosdeut of the vicinity of Hrlgrave,
and six-couuctllur of East 1Vawan.wh,
died at his home in Neepawa, Mao„
tau .londav, the 20th ult.
Lew Doherty, of Clinton, has re-
signed hie ptwition as action -maker in
the urgertt tctory in that town. to be-
• •llstriet agent for the Excelsior
Life Jews -anent Co, at a good natal v.
alis, Bessie 1'rgtihart, daughter of
Kat.. D. Cr,.]uhert, of Kippen, has
Nem repented teacher of expression
and physical .cull tire in the London
irancn of the Toronto College of
Perry Couch. who has been in the
employ of liudgenr Brod., Clinton, for
✓ tine, and hie sister. Airs. Hare.
ere ops g up a drygotxls Wore in
Clinton in the. premises lately occur
pied by tlir 0hews Cantelon.
Go 1Vedneedaty, the 15th tilt., Rev.
Ilr. Musser, sit i'ot•dwich, tied thenii•
tiel knot between Miss Clara Florence
Laird, daughter of Sir. and Mrs. Ache
sun Laird. of "River Bend Fenn."
H,w.ck, and ?Sheldon Bricker• of the
sante township.
Miss Jean Sheffer, of Toronto. a
former well-known Hensall girl, who
for the past six months had teen per•
fur g with . the Kellar Bicycle
Troupe•, died in Ualesbuig, 111' •r,
bat week. Deceased trite in her
eighteenth year.
The death of Jar. Ching, of Ed•
on. Alta.. son Id the lee Thomas
Ching. of the Lake road. Hay, oc-
curred on friday. the 17th u11. De-
ce.eted, who was) uhuut fifty-six years
old, is survived by his widow. a
eleughter of the Tate Jas. Loadwan,
of Hay, uud two children.
Mrs. Switzer, who was sent up uy a
Kincardine magistrate on it charge of
bigttuy and of living with a man
knowing 1 • to he married, was
acquitted by Judge Barrett at Wslk-
erlou. In dismissing the case the
judge said that Mts. Switzer should
never have been prosecuted.
At the meeting of the Canadian
Racing Circuit Association held in
Stratford recently.iohn E. Swans, of
Winghau . owner of "Dailey Hal,"
who Inst year lowered the Michigan,
half -toile track record to 2:l111, was
presented with it silver loving cup
fr the Port Huron Driving Park
W. Bry(1one, of Clinton, has offered
it set of Weed's English poets as a
prize to the pupil of the fourth form
the Clinton Collegiate Institute
of lint g t
obtaining the highest marks in his-
tory and English during the present
term. Principal Oundry offers a
similar prize for the highest average
in mathematics and science in the
same fern).
Oh their arrival at their home in
Fort Saskatchewan, after their wed-
ding trip S, A. Dickson, son of Post-
master Dickson, of Seaforth, and his
bride acne tenderest it hearty wel-
t •. The whole town, including the
bend, met them at the station and
accumpknit d them to the home of one
of the prominent citizens• where a
lenquet awaittxl then.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Willetts, of Turnberry, was gay with
festivity on Wednetde , the 22nd tilt.,
the occtution Ming the marriage of
their eldest daughter. Charlotte A., to
John Fitch, of neer Helinore. The,
erre y was performed by Rev. A.
L Reinert!, of 1Vruxeter. Tltia is the
third tnerriage in 51,. Willett' family
in the last. (lice months.
Recent Washington papers speak
very highly of an old Ronan boy, T.
C. Connell, of Orend Forks, N. D..
who is Art intimate friend of President
R eesevelt. Mr. Connell is an uncle of
George and John Connell, of Ooderich
tnwnthip. and it brother of D. Connell,
of Clinton. He, nee panted by his
wife, is now visiting Clinton relatives
on itis way home from the Republican
George Spotton, nt Wingham, last
week purchased the Peterborough
Hieiness C tIiegr• which was for many
pears under the lmanagement of the
late %VIII. Pring., n ho died very sud-
denly a few weeks ego. This gives
Mr. Spotter one of the last chains of
colleges in the Province, as his schools
at (i.slerich, Clinton, Winghem.
Orangeville and Walkerton are doing
excellent work.
Exeter Tinges: It is expected the
branch of the Sovereign Hank at
Crediton, which was closed when the
hank,' nt Exeter, Crediton. iMaliwond,
Zurich end Iiensel! wee taken over
by the Canadian Bank of Commerce,
will be opened by the llenk in the
comae of n few weeks with the old
OMH in charge. The hrnneh at Dash.
wooed. however, will continue closed.
while the one et Znrieh, although still
open, is likely to be Hosed in a short
time. As regards the Herman branch
nothing definite hes been decided
upon. Tho clerks at the local branch
have received lettere. giving them
three months in which to Innk for
other pnaitions, but es the branch
here will be continued by the Bank of
Commerce! it is quite possible the
same clerks will be reappointed.
Smothered to Death.
News has been received at Kincar-
dine of the death of Harry tang,
foungest son of the late Joseph Iesng.
ormerly editor of The Kinatrdine
Review. Mr. fang was chlef clerk
for the ('anedinn Northern Railway
et North Hettletnrd, Sask., and Was
, mothered to death in a fire which
took place there on the :'rind ult. The
young man was ablaut twenty-six
years of'age. His mother and two
.later* reside at Owen Sound.
Lost Her Voice.
MI64 Meted Sparks, of Herman, who
line been teaching school near (Mo.
tralla for Bowe time,,is the unhapp;
victim of a immunise misfortune. (int
evening about three weeka age. she re-
tired to led in her usual hoeitb. and
on awakening through the night
Lound to her divinity that rhe had al-
bmtost entirely lost the power of
speech. title continued teaching by
means t)f the blackboard until ramp
ply could be o iLiuned. Up to the
present Glue she hits been unable 4'
speak except iu the faintest whisper.
while In every other respect elm et)
joys her normal health. The doctors
are unable to recount for this strange
Death of Mrs. Wm. Geddes, Morris.
On Saturlay, the 23 hult.. Amalie'
of the esteemed pioneers -id Morris, in
the person of Man. 1Vut. (hides. wan
sismmuned to that learns rebettee nu
traveller returns'. Deceased. who war
in her eighty-second year, cane with
her llurb.ind over half a centery
ago to the farm on which she pattern
away. For several years she took the
place of a phy•i.•ian and tunny a tint
rhe travelled .miles at midnight 1•
deter lovingly to some neighbor it,
the W11l er Yss U eteK(hail
eletracterieties which endeared h«r 1,
all who knew herr. Seven children
mourn her lost. They are Willie..
and John. on the honte,ate*d : Dottie.
(leads% V. S.. of Lucknow ; Mra. ale
,ran, of %Viug nip• ; Mrs. tllerliug, u'
Melita, Man. ; Urs. Jubilation. 01
Hlarvale, and Miss Tena, at home.
OW Resident of Clinton Passes.
Robert Downs, sr., one of th(s highly
respected retidenlrof Ctinton,bree. he
his bast at the home of his son. Rieh
aril Downs, ee e•c.•, Mnud, th.
'27th alt. DasedBlyth, who was syh ern it)
Yorkshire. Eng., seventy-six year,
ago, came to Censd+ in his prim •.
After a short residence on the beer
line, Mullett, he removed to Ooderich
and subsequently to -Auburn, whene
he engaged in hie trade as a Week
smith. Tllirty years .ego he put-
chtts'd a business in Clinton and alit.
secured rt patent for his sawmill
logs. which were in great demand a
that time. About :t year stnco he was
seized with apoplexy and hovered be-
tween life and death for some time.
A man of integrity end wholehearted
nese, he htul hosts of friends. who
held him in high esteem. Ile leaves
to mourn hie demise one daughter.
Mrs. Joseph Lewion, of Auburn, and
there sone, 1ViII, of Toronto. Robert
A., of Clinton, and Richard. of Blyth.
and Others.
At the Kansas City show the Gallo -
ways and Angus in about equal num
bete monopolized half of the fifty-two
pear of tweuty-tive animals each that
conrtitutsd the carload class. The Gal
.loway display at this show was proba-
bly the best the breed has made this
season and s very good nue. While
the bull classes did nut present any•
thing of ultra good value, the cows -
yed, yearlings and two -year -olds -and
D. Millar Co.
'We have made larger preparations for the coating *regain
that, ever before.
For months hack we have been planning and arranging to
make the "Scotch Store" a mote popular shopping resort than
ever before.
'.V.. buy all goods for cash and are therefore able to lay. it)
all the hest kens and get the closest prices and sire therefore
able to give our customers the beet IK)ssil•lo vahtu for their
1Ve have already received a large shipment of White Lawn
1Vaiate: e.e have some exceptionelly tempting linea nt 81.01,
$1.50, 81.73, $2.01. 82.311, 11110), $3.5o up to $;, ;ill
Only a few left and every one must
be sold regardless of cast.
A Good -fitting
Well -tailored
Suit or
Mede to your order from new-
est cloths In medium anti light-
weight" at
Stubborn Case Healed by Zam-Buk.
The most troublesome and obetinete
of all scalp trouble.. is ringworm. 51.•3
H. Oirdleetone of 1011 ti(awlnn street,
Brantford. Ont , says : "My laugh
ser led ringworm very bad. so bed
that 1 was r• pelted to hater her hair
cut off. 1 obtained a preparation
from the droggint o paint the sores,
hot, instead of curing, the riulworlu
developed into nasty tn•os matter
sating and smelling badly. 1 saw
?.am-Buk advertised in the news-
paper and immediately sent for a hex.
Attar several applict•
e 1 could see
a great improvement, and as L kept
up the Zan) -Bak treatment daily the
diocese was soon checked. The nasty
sores were thoroughly cleaned and
healed and all trace of ringworm ban-
ishe•il from the child's scalp in a few
weeks after
commencing with Zti-
Bok. J cannot recommend Zein -Bak
toe highly."
Zim-Bnk cares cuts, burns, chapped
hands, cold sores, itch, ulcers, eczema'.
running sores. catarrh, piles, bad lege,
rheumatism, neuralgia, /sciatica, ale
seesaw and all diseases of the skin.
Of all druggists and stores, ;Ak., or
pont-lurid upon receipt of price, from
'Zam-Bug Co., Toronto. 0 boxes $2,50.
Why Some Towns Are "Slow."
A writer in Printer's ink makes an
interesting diagnosis of the reason
why tonne towns are "slow." He
says: "Anybody who has had experi
ence travelling among the small cities
and towns of this country knows that
wide dilTereocre are seen between
places of the same population, and it.
much the same locality. and enjoying
what would seem to be equal tapper
Vanities for trade. One place of 10,
OM people. for instance, will In. thor-
oughly alive, 115 shops (Bright, its
people brisk, and prosperity nppar
entry on every hand. Another per
he1>w but twent ••five utiles away
will be thoroughly dead, its stores
deserted, dull, dusty, its people
given to the habit of cracker -box
conversation. In Dere town it is
a pleasure to step off a train and
look for business, while in the
second an experieneed travelling man
has no sooner alighted than he wants
to know the time of the next train
The diagnosis is rebelliously simple.
in one, the newspapers encourage live
advertising by charging a rate which
include,' setting up new ads. as often
as the merchant cares to change. In
the other, an antiquated rate system
is in vogue. reeking a low chetge (in-
s pact• and an extra chatge for every
change of advertisement. It's jos.
worth while considering what good.
live advertising by the-tnerehnuts
dons for a town and its trade. -From
The Canadian Grocer.
Hyomei's Aromatic Air is Guaranteed
to Cure Catarrh or Cost Nothing.
When using the Hyomei treatment.
theeir you breathe is like that on the
the pi se w co fill the ai wit h emitter it
healing that gives health and strength
t hose !suffering frem diseases of the
respiretory organs. Breathed through
the neat! pocket inhaler that comes
with every outfit, the healiog balsams
of Hymnei reach the most remote nit
cells of the throat, nose and lungs, de-
stroying all cetarrhal germs and giv-
ing quick relief and cure.
klysmiei has performed almost mit
!milieus cures of catarrh, often rester
ing health in chronic cases that haul
given up all hope of recovery. Its
hest faction ie at the mart of the die -
PAW'. when the breath is becomiog
offensive Anti when discharges from
the nose, droppings in the throat end
frequent sneezing or +spasmodic cough•
ing hegin make life a burden. A.
nee Hvomei and see boW quickly you
get relief and mire.
The complete outfit coma lint etre)
and is sold by inc. Wilson. under
guarantee to refund the money if it
does not give satisfaction.
During a politicel campaign in Mite
eiesippi, the Ilion. Jeff Truly was one
of the mistiecestsful aepiranUi for
the suffrage of hie fellow -citizens.
Prohibition doctrines figured in the
struggle and (seemed very important.
"Brother Truly, said a ininieter. '•I
went to oak von question. Do you
ever take is cirink of whiekey ?"
"Fief& I 'mower that," responded
the wary candidate. "I want to know
whether it is an inquiry or an in-
vitation." -Short Stories.
also the heifer calces were in splendid
A common origin has been claimed
by some for the Calloways and Annus
because of their stmllar color. but 11
such there he its effect has long becu
lost owing to differences In climate,
management and standards of breed-
Galloway' runt: with the Angus In
size. In form the beef rectangle pre-
sents Itself -broad. deep and symmet-
rical. Possessed of ample bone, very
hardy and an Meal hustler, the Gallo-
way has endeared himself to cattle
raisers In rigorous climates and high
altitudes. Ells coat Is specially charar-
teristte, with a thick hide and a mossy
coat of long. wavy hair -in fact, n sort
of double coat, a close mat of. short
hair being found under the long one.
Black tluged with brown la the pre•
vnitl:::, color.
Lilt the .Angus. Galloway bulky ::r,:
good dehorners at.d• strongly prcroteut,
from To per cent to 1r(3 per cent of their
calves from hornet] cows being without
horns. On the rouge and In the feed
tett Gulloweys are of great value, and
their hides are made Into robes of
great beauty.
The Galloways, both the bulls and
the females, met with a good demand
and averaged very satisfactorily to
prices At the public wales” lu connec-
tion with the scow at Kansas City.
The accompanying cut, original In the
Bleeders Gazette, Chicago, shows a
prize winning "shaggy coat."
Clinking Good Young
In the two-year-old Shorthorns at the
American Royal sane of the tw'nnatlons
of the year was uncovered in the
clinker Lord Champion, according to
the Breeders Gazette, Chicago, which
further says:
"Of beautiful conformation, thick
and smooth iu his fleet), remarkably
short of leg, well arched In rib and
clothed in a rich coat of red glossy
hair, .this Is one of the most eatlefac-
Getting at the Root.
While visiting the Small, recently,
a traveller chancel upon :a resident of
a sleepy hamlet in Alabama. ••Atte
you a native of This town Y' wardthe traveller. "Am I a what?" lm.
guidly asked the one add, ew,ed. "Are
you a native of the town :'•' '•What's
that "1 asked you whether you
were 0 native of this place?" At this
juncture there appeared tit the open
•halt of thecabin the maul's wife, tall,
sallow, and gaunt. After a careful
survey of the questioner, site said
"Ain't you got no sense. Hill1' Hu
weans war y(i twin' heath when yott
was barn, or was yo' horn before yo
begun Britt' heath. Now answer hint."
His Unhappy Marriage.
wands Buffalo, anti that in the co
of some two hundred thousand years
they world have worn lack to Erie.
Pennsylvania, anis that town would
be left high and dry.
"Suddenly one of the girls in my
clues began to sob convulsively. @ri.
"'1Vhat its the matter: " ;i' ked the r..1.11111
teacher, in Aerie.. =3,131118211=133:1111191
•• •Uh,' wailed the girl, 'my sister
lives in Eris'.'"' J. BROPHEY & SON
i urniture nod ('ndertakin;rwaretooste,
1\-e16t ride Square.
I'I1V\F«Y: ~'^row• Oalerrlah
X41ht cells: At residence, ear. Cambria
..Yi ' road and Nelson Street.
r. in (:ernes, the Luuous p,y-
h....;:in' tri 1L'tt't.at•d,..4.eit1 rt a e:luucr
sit it06101: .
-An ted eV often '.•;radii t•, ue a
childhood sone. A vuiee brinks back
t)trtUori'.'X their We had thought hurried
torevet•. As we regard wane strange
landscape, it often seems to us the
we have been just here beftne. The
eklesat, the meet momentous ussteia-
tions oftentimes snarl themselves to
the most trifling things:.
is a a r a vin slimier
"Till at Th i Ik t t
that I once attended, the hostess braid
to a seer -facet) then on her lett•:
'May I help you to some of the
boiled rice, Mr. Stnithl: '
-Rive.i No. thank you : at) rice for
ere.' Smith answered. 'ehe•mrntt'v.
"It is associated with the wood. lids
take of my life." -Rochester Herald.
•'1 wonder how it is that men sic•
teed who mind Only their awn Mad-
ness." "Because there is so little
competition.': --New Yorker.
Disaster Ahead.
'•in ntv school -trips," 'acid a story
teller who was trying to illustrate the
-absurdity and futility of unfounded
fear's, "we used to have a lecture
every 1'ridey afternoon. One dry the
lecturer Ives a geologist, and chose
Niagara' Falls for ilii topic.
"He told 'its about the geological
formation of the falls, described the
different periods to -be traced in the°
gorge. and then went no to say that
the falls were slowly wearing hack to.
es, •••••etewa vet
*UIZRTA'a 0001M,
[Grand Champion bull at American Royal,
show. -Iowa ltomestead.]
tory tshowyard propositions seen' this
year. It ase hard Inck that he miss-
ed the grand championship. Popular
rote would have carried Mtn to it. a
"In senior bull c$Ives, numbering
sixteen contestants, the grand cbate-
pion of the show was discovered. lite
berta's Goods Is Ills name. He came
from a Nebraska farm and from not-
ed ancestry. 11c resetnbles his grand -
sire more closely than his vire. He is
a growthy chap, and more fat would
give him a symmetry that would fill
the eye. As he Istnntl, he wan not so
smooth over the bips and about the
tall bead as more tlesh would make
hitn. Rnte'rta't Coals has made a
big hit ns n calf, hut be looks like a
stronger propoeition for next year."
Spent Eighteen Dollars
"(7entlemen,—I have pleasure in
stating that ] lint a used *13.00 worth of
Psychine, and as a result was cured of
vers• serious throat and lung trouble.
My case was a most difficult one, and
the (ketone had practically said that 1
could not get well. 1 tried Psychine,
and it did me so much gond that 1 con
tinned it. use until T had taken ele.00
worth. with the result that I am now
a new man physically. I have gained
thirty-five pounds.
"1t is with the greatest canfidenco.
that 1 recommend Peychlne to all who
are afflicted with throe or lung trouble.
Yours truly, (", A. PINKHAM,
Stntatown, Que., Sept.. '07.
This mnn ep"aks from experien'c.
Psychine mires all throat. chest, lung
and stomach troubles and gives renewed
strength and vitality to run-down peo-
ple. At all tlrnggista, 50c and 111.00, or
Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited. Toronto.
a q
The Lest a Cuuat literature
$2.50 PEN TEA': 25 CTS. A COPY
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carlutly •ttenuwl to at •11
hours, ;.fight or da)
15 OR 24
t, 3-hu':.e ([r. Woe
You wan, (..nd \13,1.) s. remand
TIiEIHE.,:r I u. s quare
tin• SEE THE
New Cutters
Iat Kn3x's
\lade by the celebrate,:
trail Coal weighed on the mai kat scale.,
where sou get awe Ion.. for a ton.
Order left at 1'. ('. I.KK'a Hardware liter
east side O mar°. proatonv attended to.
Only One Grade.
and That 'rhe Best.:.
1 have just received It ship-
ment of three tine Cutters and
invite anyone interested to call
and her 1111.111.
( err. Newgaelp
and H:ktnilton streets
Livery, hack
'Bus Stables
—BTC.. A T—
Ilaekn and reli-
able drivers in
chnrge of the
Ruses, which will
niteet alt train
and stenntbnatm
Oh, S
Did you - e the dandy
CUT ' ERS at Bob
Wil : on's warerooms
on Hamilton street.
The Way This Marvel of Mechanism
Was Constructed.
A German clockmaker living In the
little village of Gommer. nest Magde-
burg, built n clock In a bottle. The
flanker, II. Basin, secured a strong
tuovenient with a cylinder escapement
measuring forty-five millimeters and
began by fuming the plate into halves.
The opening In the neck of the bottle
measures fifteen mIllitneters. and in
order to get these halves Into the bot-
tle he cut another segment off each of
the halves of the plate. Ile built a Fort
of tripod as a resting place for the
movement. This tripod was assembled
after he had introduced its parte into
the bottle separately. The tripod IS SO
constructed that it cannot turn when
the movement is being wound. The
four pieces of the plate wore faxtened
side by Milo by means of serews to
the platform attached to the tripod,
long screwdriver and other tools eepe-
constructed for the perpoec hay.
Mg been lifted for this operation. When
the plate was pet together, the clock -
soaker proreeded to put all the parts
of the moeement In tht•ir origin
Wares with the motion wbeels for ie
hands. A ring of white metal
piaced around the 'leek nt the
and neon this • 'ng wax so .ered e
round plate, Um- 1 IASklig
On this cover stern fasten In tin ei
dined position the ernes white rem
as n support for the di .
The dial M made oV griund glass
plate. which has a diemeter of twenty
centimeters. Tbe black number( on the
dint are cut skeleton fnelalcm nnd ee-
mented to the gime. At night nne ran
tett tbr 11100 by placing a light behind
the dIaL-Tilehnieel World.
BY MAIL ilikrar; =
olnaritr Ihrt, ant Indio, e. Ivory doeoled
Taihr f•- r wholesale pro e.
As there are a loner number s,f vssoidis,
imps diem:maker. rAy canto .1 Vivo is • It
registere1 to any arldree in (hours. .• ner
1.rward full It ”Irli Otto . rt.
yr are • stir, tins •ow can tear ti t , • ••,- •
'lilt,. less ma mach too,: ent fo •.
...am in Conari that lir hol.
Kee horn 11
inventor thi•
Write for
31 Lail;
f Maw
r.sur,s adv. genuine
00. gistrant
DUI' 011ie Sr -CUTTING 11C11601.
tact, Stratford, Qatari,. Canada.
brie the best collection of
C tete that ever moue to,town.
o Mat fer what ntyle you want
or what price, they are there.
He has them inn])
Call.and Have a Look
.. flyway. liob is always glad to
501.. you. II you (Iona want my -
thing in his lino. neivhs• yf,11
have friends who do. He is sole
agent tor
Newspaper Bargai n
*ale. eThe Family Herald and We kly Star
-, tory. F:vet home this dist: iet Atonal receive the local paper. •
rpt•cia! deieventerits ; interesting magazine features.i.; its greet mobile and
pepular nhort. glories, ritith.0 it the ;orate- t doller's worth to Ise halt '
The combine' inn of The skins! :ma .1 he Fetidly Hereld anti Weekly Star
from All piertn of t worEl. y reeding and reelable news
Pend your subscription to
THE SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
.troy even nnnibe-'red—seetion of Dominion
lattinitoba. Haskatehewan and Alberta.
..xcepting S and not reserved. now he home-
.tratteri by any person who Is the sole bend of a
family, or any male err r 1:1 years of sisfit tO the
extent of ono -quarter section a ISO &ewe, Mon
0rAlvepplient ion for entry rated he mode In penmen
by the mullein'? at Dominion lAtels Agency
et. sub ngemb for t he d Het in which t he land
is situate. F.orry by proxy may. however, he
mode 1U 1111 eertittn conditions he
the father mother. tem, tinughter. brother Or
sistct of no intending honmetervier.
The homesten 16 refrains! to perform the
hrtmestead dull under one of the tonowirg
cultivation of the land in ertch year for three
ell A hono,tearier mar, if he so &wire*, per
form the required IIIMIII1`111.0 dune,. hy itring on
farming Wad owned anlety hy him, not lees then
isopte.terstt. Joint ownership in land will not
nic4etot lifhtiZe"faqtuttir"ernm7int.ot her, if t he hit her lode
ceased) of a limnestettrier hoe permanent nun
donee on farming bind owned stolely hy him.
entered for by him In the vicinity. such hones
stesider may perform his own reeidencts dal lea
by Ilving with the father for mothert
pornstsiolis to nen ned as meaning not. mot
thrift nine miles In a direct line, eireineis sof the
width t,f rued 161/0/0111(1,1 crossed in the
residence ditties In neeontnnee with the abov.1
district of roach Intention.
aph11:14,111,10n1Itlah.a. .16:0 11,6,4,011
Ottawa of intention tr. apply for Intent.
ati„1,thdisti.ertiroofut hoe lintsrioeme 14:
vertkomest will not 111 paid tor.