HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-2-6, Page 1THE SIGNAL
has a handsome calendar
for each subscriber paying
in advance for The Signal
for tgo8.
Call and get on e
Sl][T1ICI'H YiAlt-No. xtsl
at The Signals hat of clubbing
offers on page 6 of t1w week's
issue, and select your reading
matter for Igo8. We can sup-
ply all the leading publications
at a saving to our subscribers.
VANATTXR * ROBiRTeoN. Peacetime
you will experience that happy feeling which coiner to tboot•
who knew that their possessiu04 are rare, as u saving* account
with this company is just an secure tar an invebtweut in Govel'n-
meet Bonds and yields a higher rate of income.
FOUR per cent. interest paid on deposits and money call he
withdrawn at any time.
Goderili Office, Corner North Street and Square.
Copy of change of running advertise-
ments must bt left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
Neal Notate tor bale.
1J heteble boles, for .ale, eon, milieu to
l quare. Bathroom, ear. Ibr particulars apply
to°NOM X BEAN. Bruce ,° not. .
Tac1roav, Feb. &b.
Fall wheat, per °wort, new. «i 9i W: it
Spring wheat, per bush. newa le to It id
Rye. per bumh 0 1S to 0 46
Buckwheat, ler bush 0 Nu to 4) Icy
nate, per boob., new a to to 11 ti
Pas., per bu..h 11 75 to 0 74
Harley. per buab 0 ar to 1 e1
Wrrxenn,g. per ton 1.411 to 1N tat
Flour, family, per ort : Kt W : 45
Flour, latent. per cwt :1 Y; W a /.i
Bran, per ton -'1 W W 24 00
Shorts, per lou di 110 to ria 41
Hay, new, per ton 1N 41 to 17 ,ill
Wood. ter cord 5 •U to N 40
Butter, per Ib ° In to u sat
n 15
n '.'J
s to
a r5
4 to
0 tilt
15 to 15
hese, per Ib 0 15 to
14a.. Ranh, pee der 0 sat tWo
Iblatoa. now ;,
1�101(SALE.--I101.16:ANI►LOTON ratAle.winter togas&percwt. atie to
e'amhridgn.troei. Uedurlck• Cuulfortab*e auk export per fart 1 :44 to
frou.e huure, Her mufti, to treed natio.. Magi,. lave wNlfht, per cwt ern 1.
epilog well and geed rl.tanr. Abu fee Pak -a Lambe ,.. :n W
ou41 pardon opal cook stove. A vpl • to VRZU, Sheep, per cwt ......... , . 3 .5' to
A HIt. ext the prend.0.• or Oadurkir P. U. Ilii Ram per 1b.i
•I. to
Hamm. per 141 1:. to
Lard. ler 1b
Tallow, per Ih
HWe.,per cwt
Sheepskins . ......
l:ItAr. .,arc and pr tudiee Moaner. at
4 arlota LAM. frame tun: mid n,ddr,w•e of
eight ,00uw. Nrrr l . 1'. It. matron and oua.
ScnNnt w thurehee and school. Apply to
Mits. JONIp, Carlow P. u. ;Fitt
('OOD 1101'141•: FOK SAI.E OK TO
1 tent. C'omdNtable house Wow. Mtdiuo
slur. 4 o4,.enieut 114 ••l1eaare. Hathro.ur. etc.
Would .elf to re.porytlW. party who eowld
make moderate r:..1b payment with balance in
monthly In-lahuent.. For particular,. api•lY at
'rHlri 0FFII'p;
1- • tunee-.Mn 1.1, ty p- ('ulborne. e»mpr4.ing
4b Acta... 4111 114 -41 -ad. note r- a good. comfort
able frame dwrniug home with .eller under.
neatn. a good frame horn, 114.1 repaired std en.
larrggool, with a cement foundation. dom. and alt
-tabled off. There 14 a Large young orchard of
ehon ve bearing trait lire.. w e11 watered by a
-4414011 creek and two well., Ventre* and every.
thing ut gond repair. For term. and 4artk•e
ler•.eol. to MILS. ALLEN or JAS. Mt 66 MN -
\k\ or toy mall to Nile Peed 1)444.',. :14:m
T bk.ek U. lake rued ea.?. , ',Iberia town.
•MN. t 4o nide.. ft -ow Uudenrh. 1,0 acs'.. ward
ley lean, brick home.. Ingo :s: x R. with
4.1110111 4t41d11gt. wrte.inn 441414 4 aIer in build
tees and ,tiring clock. 1 two.. .tandu( timing
eaui young orchard. Apply to C. 1 Ma `k14
1(00101' 1','I mtf
Estate Agent.. Uoderlch, Ont. - Fnrn, bud
loan prolrrtia bough4 void ami exchanged.
1.1011 SALE. -A LAltOE. CON! -
l' IORT ANLl; brick house overbidden the
L.rbor . ell m,dern ruin e,,h'noe-, 11,'4. 1$ng
hot .44(01 h•..tl,g. Apply to 1'Ol'NU K KOII-
EIITSON. Uudcrlch.
l'FUft SALE.
LkNT land for market garden. with good
LuIIdl,go mud fuute• , two mile. from ($ode
r lett , die nem. (0 orchard of etude.. pear•,
`lung, elwer)r.', peaches. gripe. e10 nun,
Nonce Price and term. favorable. Apply to
YOUNU & KUH).KTI4)N, Uoderlrh.
11 ou Anglo -ea street, II story house on
Nagler street. lj tory bowie on Elgin ave•
title, 1 tory hour• on Vk•Wrla .trent.
Two "tory belt k hour, or. Max .treet mar the
lake : ,dew mono.. all modern rvmvenlenca.
St. Ina, id ',greet . nine neon.. all modern con.
venie000., Yarm. for .sole 11env part 01
Huron1014.10. YOL'NO r ItOBiKIttTSON,
(Federici., Chit.
N E\C'ELLEN't' F Alt M P0It
. 5' w w
i+iN.U,F _ uw.• 1 w'r t 5 wmi.h.t o
11,1144. from Auburn��dl a clay kali, about 14)'
were. under cunt, anon and at to Mr senor
timber. A will and two .piing. of water. a
new frame dwelling. 41 good Mrn, .table and
drrtoee.Iwd. Apply to 1'UUNU & KOBKKT
SON, Oadorlch.
drotclw.. d ferin In Wad M'awa
trio, r w Iacre.,Ina
h, , masa 11 4 L %
gund .tett r t at urn. well fenced,well
mrd. barge lank barn, good ,
cr, black.mith .hop and .tont'
watered. go
femme. N.
at rxrner of farm. Conyenieet to shoot and
ebarcb. at bitten from 4'. 1'. It station at
auburn. Term ea+y. w'. A. HARIt1d0N.
Luclinew. mt.
roomed frame dwelling.a foundgoadation
at eat ion. on Keay bort.
and .umutrr kitchen, good ratable. Will he.0)4
I' -e onahl Yoe further particular,apply to
‘VM . M.t'ACOHAN, 4l Dave.. are.,
Toronto. 4441
j(IAi(M P011 SALT:'. --A CHOICE
J11 farm for w.le, adapted for mlxrd farming
ur pa taro. SO Acre. rk.armt, 10 Arra gond oreh-
anl, 1..' Ares sand timber. 4o(1 n goal blwrk
elegyr loam. 0oor1 frame house, frame ban, and
Habit... gaol driving .hod. In1* yi and 34.
voimmaiol. 1. Ooderich lnwn..lp, Apply t
VILM (VT o1' ILA 111 & BLAIIt or to ('fItoAtl.
J. WALLIS Clinton. '.'Sof •
A('IIIOYriaU tAll T I, - S1,1110,4r1
TO 1t6CEt V ie Uta'OSiTS
Tu accommodate the Emmet
the have opened Branches in the
villages of
\Vo solicit the Patronage ,of the
PA 41NK1t.
opened by deposit of SEM
Interest at;(%compound-
ed quarterly.
A. (1. 0AMA3.4, Manager.
M W 0 (4
3 O ro Sb.
ryW al
e to 114
mesa market.. on vase i t to I I
Notice toICrediton.
1% Tier M..... 00. TIM ILInla( e' AVpltgw
)$Or1a. LATk OY 1la: Yonvve n• or Co,,
• 14Onxg. IN TUE000Sry' of Helton. UrNT-
LYMAN. Decasme.
Notice I. hereby tai. r,1 (n,r.uant 4011. b. U.
Lw, (.'bap1r(ler 1'A4. $ectlon 114, that ell person,
hal tog dale+ against the estate of the well
Andrew Bogor. who died on or about the "yah
.$,y of IMow„Irer. Par, „yr, required un or lyefore
the lith day of February. pre. to s0nd by
4prepaid or to deli, el 10 Mean,. 4 *mero1 &
Illonn. U.durich. 000.11o..o*clt'n. for toll,
ham Bogie, of the town -hip of Colborne.
fanner. and Iteu$eu tallow., of the town
of uoderb•h. photographer. executor+. of the
lone will and leatameut of the rad de.
e,a.ed. their name.., .ddremea and dwerlp
IIO,r. and a fell a:element of •rarticulane of
I boor •Tatrm and the nature of the Kelletts, df
any. to Id by them, duly certified : and that
after the said date the arid 41•x44(014 will pew
rad to dl.tnibute the ...w-ta of the donee. d
auroug the peril.... 41uled thereto, Imelda re
ward only to els' claim. of which they (Igen
hn.n outer.
U.t.r1 thi. :let day of lauaary, 111•4.
solicitor./ fur w'iII4on' Yogic
And Iteliber, fl.Unw.,
%Kit I:atrnloe.
Public lienee
Notloe 1. hereby given that nu ..ppal'al lou
.0111 NO made by the North Midland 1(nal.a)•
4 owlpsny to the logl,latirn Aurmbly of th.
Troy Ince of Ontario at the next unerring maim.
t'menet fur an wet amending the Art of b,eo. •
pornllua of the epplleente and extending the
time for the rnmmenrtumeot and completion
of tartrate tear:. of thu rwtlway of the applicants
u. .t out in the end Act as heretofore
n n,uuded.
'r. H. Ll'ew'OM81:.
Hon.:nor for A pollcants.
Dated at Lo,idou, Ont.. the. Ilkh day of Janu
nry. A.I4. 1114. 7140,
Notice 4, hereby risen t h..l the Ontario lt'e.t
Shore Electric (tallwey Company will apply to
that Lesidative Amembly of the Province of
44ntarlo at 1te next melon for ao Act
• I. To empower the ('owpany to exteud
plopnned lone of railway from a point at or
,oar Urand Bend In the town.hlp of Stephen,
In the county of ijroe'through the
e tow .
of 1".tsrn In the rdcounty. thence
In w
.ourhep.terlyy direction through the towpahlp
of Hla,.bant, ire the county of Perth, mid (bo
Wwn.hlp of 1(144 1ph, in the county of Middle.
sex ; thence ,arul.herly and 4.0.1011), 111400044h
the tow/whit/of Stat Ni.aourl In the county
of Middigmex, or London Ioa•nwhap. in add
county, Ib and W to city of Loudon In maid
count), s'1)1) 140144.440 er)n44rual, a branch line
from n point m the township of 1'oborne, In
Canadian Express Will Ship Goods
F. F. Lawrence announces that if
any persons in (halerich or vicinity
wish to wend may gouda to the relief of
the destitute in the city of Toronto
the Canadian Express Co. will for-
ward bitch goods to the city free of
Ladies' Evening Chorus.
Those who intend ringing iu "The
Magic \Nell" will please attend prac-
tice on Monday evening at (4 o'clock,
as Mr. Jordan is anxious to get the
parts tilled as stain at possible. The
work will be given route blue in
Marc It.
Joseph Gibson Coming.
Owing to the etoruay cuudition of the
weather the gospel temperance meet-
ing next Sunday will be withdrawn,
but the following Huntley it treat is
protnieel in an address by Joe. Gib-
toi, of 1.4(ertoll, president of the
Dominion Alliance. Besides aitdresn-
ing the temperance meeting Mr. (Mo-
ron will occupy on.: of the church
Farmers' Institute Meetings.
Supplementary meetings of the
West Unroll Farmers' Institute will
be held at the following Places :
Lnndreloro' (Hmwn'et hall) -Feb, Lids
Hohuesville (1Vilsoe'n halal- " 14th
lienmiller (Foresters' hall)-- •' 15111
St, Augustine (school hound- " 17th
Dun(auvon (EIliottb hall)- " Ieth
St. ilrlens(Mecharic.' Institute)
Feb. 19th
There will be two Neb*lone et each
place, one at 2 o'clock in the after-
noon and one at 7:10 in the evening.
There will also Ilea separate scission In
the afternoon at each place for Witt,.
In the evening the ladies will .join 111
the general meeting.
M. W. Howell in Business Agan.
Amalie* change in" the hardware
trade of Ooderich 44 taking effect this
week, the business of E. P. Paulin
having been purehastd by for Howell
Ilaedware Co. Mr. M. W. Howell is
well known ill connection with the
hardwire trade ill Ooxlerich, having
conducted a business hen; for a num-
ber of years in partnership with the
late H. W. McKenzie and later by
himself. He knows hardware thor-
bughh•, and having the confidence of
the c inanity he will no doubt soon
make the buwinees of the Howell
lis dwate Cu. n Luxe and successful
use. air. Paulin hart nut yet decided
AS to his plane for the Mute.
Appeal Dismissed.
In the cane, 141 Ede v. Canada. Foun-
dry Cu. end Lynn v. Canada Foundry
Co., judgment war given in the Lbw -
Winne! Court at Oogo od Hall on Sat-
urday on the nppt•at hy the plaintiffs
from the ,judgment of Chancellor
Boyd dismoising the actions. which
Were brought to mover damages for
the death, in one case, anal injury. in
the other. of ,nen employed by the
defendants in bridge construction
work on the G. & G. Railway line at
(lo derich. The appeal was dismissed
with coats, if costs are exacted.
Judge liritton dNeel) l,xl, thinkin);
there should be a env trial. 11 ,
Proudfoot, K. 4'., for pleintitfe. .1, A.
Paterson, K. C.. and I. F. Hellmutb,
K. C., fur defendants.
Local Courts. •
The only case tried at the February
sittings of the Division Court. which
were held on Monday, was that ,of
John Webb versus Isaac Salkeld, for
shooting a foxhound. The Occur-
rence took place about the middle of
November. The dug bad killed one
1)R. W. F. OALLOW, M. B.
/mice, C'ons:ensrat reet, next door to Bolen
elite Punk. Telepbout*.ones - 'Mee, 171 ; bout*.
Loot or Found!
at 7 0.14.. a white dog with red .Dole be
Mimingto A. 1). MoLI4AN. Pinder ,,lea.°
leave word at the store or residence oU Huron
7stb. on reed from thingae0o1 to Auburn,
a black sable rud. Reward offered free Its
recovery. Pinder will pima leave with HEV.
A. /: JONES, Auburn, or MK etONAL,
the county of Huron or the tuwn.hip of Blare (.ode.icb. Mat
,,hand. in the county of Perth. through the
.•.sold t etetl4.W of Hlaeahard. In en 1w.terly
direction Ina point at . r near the town of St.
Mary., In the county of Perth. and thence In
au la.terly direction through the lownehlp of
I'owuk.: le (hr lonely of Perth. to the city of
Stretford. hl nu -said ronntyT and be, to, and
)heough the town of Kincardine. lu the county
of Bruce.
Tnextuud the nim.' for Iho pn)moM of
fl ftreu percent. of the .mount of the eopltal
sloop of IInt sold company for one year from
the 11th day of May. ION, and to ellend the
lime for the completion of the railway of the
applicant company until the day of
Approving end confirming bylaw number
410 of the town of (:odelirh, W the county of
Huron, respecting certain aid to the applicant
company *17 wealwnleeine the bond. of the
.old c.mpwny W tiro latent in the whole of the
sum of 11400.1¢0., and the agreement or bylaw
made Ir'twoep the .old town end railway
cn(nrany, dated the day of
ere, whcrohyy eta rfilloAy eele3{any to gat ell
the right to hn11d and o Ionto it. railway or.
.0rtain eIre. to 04 the .old town.
1. Approvlug and confirming bylaw number
.147 of the town of Kincardine. in the .minty of
Benue. respecting rern.in aid to the applear.t
company y guaranteeing the bund. of the mid
nrmp.ny to the eatent In the whole of the r -um
of e.n0((, and torp agreement or bylaw made
I.otwern the .a(n tow, awl railway company%
dated the day of . 1!lb. where
4.y the romp.ny is given the right to build and
°penile 1t. railway or n:i fain alrcct. of Iho
Mid town.
Approving and confirming bylaw uun114er
N of the township of Ashfield, In the 1.04,17 of
Huron, mopretiug conch, aid to the appllesua
company by gearanlroing the bond. of the
coti/Pkily to the extent in the whet,' of the
awn. of 812xcert, and the egreem4nl or bylaw
Made between the said townehtp and the
railway company. doted the day of
, IPN. whereby the company t.
given rho right to hued and operate *online on
emulate of the highway. of the said towne.hip.
4. Approving and Irtndrnilng bylaW cumber
371 of the townshlp of Huron. In the .wanly of
Hina, r•eepeeting rennin aid In Inn 41411,11444,1)
.rwnlan7 be mierantechlg the IMrrda of the
..irl comnl)an y to the ex Weil 3,, the whole of the
.nn. of 8 te..,ron, and the egreemont 04 hy'lnw
mad° between the .aka loon/Min and the
voile ay company dotal the day of
. Bait, whereby the rim pent' 17 given the
right to buid and eremite Ite ratllwey o° cmc
twin of the highway. of the was toe foible.
7. Apple, hog aid rnnfIrnrinfatr byte. or
agreement of the townohlp of Colborne. In the
county of Huron, dated
whereby the company la Riven the right to
bolld and operate 1ta railway en certain of the
hlghwwym of the wild township.
P Poe Inch ether rights. pN,wrni and anther
1044 4. may be (neMentel to the &hove.
Dated shim 11111 day of Januar?. I111t1,
THK ONTARI) tVEST ..44(51141 411.416'
Tltlr: RAILtrAY ('OMI'ANV, by
( AMIClO)N It KII.L(4itA\.
Their Solicitor.
Situations vacant
!'1001) GiRL WANTED. -TO DO
lir general homework. Werra, 111: a Meath.
Apply to MIRE. DAVID BROWN, Angle.nn
Business Chanoe
general atom hurin000 for rale in goal
arming oenlrc In Huron could 4. Proprietor
hro goat re&mnn for «+l.n.K.-Yddtc..+ 110X 75,
SIGNAL. (lod/rich, le' :ft
Annual Meetings
1 Aleaandrw 11041 inn and general he..pltnl
1.111 he held et the court hm,-4, in the tone of
Uodortrh, m, )londr.y. Februwry the 1411,, at N
ocla'k p. tn.. for the purpose of electing
tem mut other bu-i,w.•. IL F:. 1101KI1.Ntl.
11 evocator+ of the uslata M the late
Beorjre Acbe.on have derided W oder the
whole r.tate for mle. The property cadela of
real .elate, debentures. fond, and ,lnek..
)'4Iile. wishing le Invo.11u any of the above
pprot•ert les ran gid f011 ;articular, on applies
inn' to the executers.
MIs. Emma S. Activis104.
Kxerut ri x.
J. 1'. Meows 1 Kxcculoi�'.
IV) q UAN 6411111P1N I
(ldedeh. Ibc. Sts. 1.07.
For gale
A7 HINATION la.k.rgf4 for Nate en reaeon-
eblr lernr.. Address AO[ 101. OederIct.. *VA
I. CK,
elm and maple lumber for rel, from Ntork,
or can be cut toening. Vol: farther n"t Icul44ro
apply (o HOBEIRT EL1.1OTT. Uelorieh. 1f
io a R^f441 time (octan. Newtown nnen%
0.4 lan. '1444. write for ratwhraue; nor
mndarwtr slaw rel ether advantage,.
will intoned yon.
Daman Ammo( 43 AI'a1N4M ('echo.
Vone., mai M"OIII M.., Tannem
of R. Andrew.' cheep and Mr. And-
rews acid 1L'. Salkeld traced the dog
by bin tracks ill the snow, shunting
hint in the bush. The jury brought
In a verdict for the defendant and Ilia
Honor dismissed the action.. C. Gar-
r -ow for the pleilitiff. W. Proudfoot
for the defendant.
The cane of these v. Pigott et al..
an action for injury 114 grain in mill at
Birth. has been further adjourned to
February 101 h. This is a caee in the
County Court.
Public School Matters.
The regular thio meeting of the
public reboot 1loard wile hehfon Moll.
day evening last, with the following
mrnlherepreseut: 11.11, Cnit, A. 1),
McLean. .1. $at111der1, J. Platt and
Jae. Tait. The tweet -tiny reported the•
payroll for January AN $4Su.:tri, and
submitted the following elatetnent of
receipts and exlletditm'ea for the yes*
1ec7 :
RK"EIIT:.! •
Town Klatit.... . ....... .. $4,275.111
Students' fees IIii.I$,
Legislative grunt... :r7i.lp
County grant . 1y4.4)i
1XPY.N I)ITI'R4 s.
Salaries - Tearhere ({5.213 21
Meerut , 05I. 17
Extra tu*cbeeeS• • • • 3)4.43
Fuel. .... ....... e...... ... 3...444
Blackatds 193' 27
Repairs and alteratiou1 Nuri N)
Printing and lidvertiaing.... :Lf 00
Painting and kalsowining • . i2N'.14)
Rent 111-:/t
Cement walks ....... _. 1441.414
Stationery, etc.... II7.52
Supplies... . Patti
Insuraooe .... 22,30
two townships which- had been r
eert•ed for shirr lila pie were lhru4v
144)411 for rrttlrnleu4 I+st year: 111'
Huehanen hag Iw'en urgently requested
by the people of the district to annul
ase candidate for the D ' ion I'ar-
hsnoett et the next election, and he
has the mailer- seriously under con
sidrration. \Ir. Buchanan is the 11011
,.f John Buchanan, of Carlow, and
Mee. Buebenar is a sister of the Mtwara.
Hoyden of Fort Albert auto Sheppertl-
nts -
Canon Dann's Lecture.
Considering the unfavorable condi-
tion of the weather on Monday night
the attendance at the lecture given by
lir v. Canon Dann, rector of St. Paul's
cathedral, London, in the court house,
was very satisfactory. The rev-
erend r, had been announced to
breath in Sl. Gtsa•ge's church at both
wni•ning and eSellina eery ice on How
(la y, 11(11. the lderckddod condition O/
the (eiles. service prevented his ar-
rival tits Saturday. the train being
stalled near Holu,eeville, Ilow'ever.
Ile got through for the lecture ou
Monday eve oiog and wits in tine form.
notwithstanding bis tt'elve hirers fast
on the train. The lectins was given
under the auspices of St. George's
branch of the A. Y. 1'. A.. and the
chairman of the evening. Hie Honor
.fudge fault, made a few 1•txuarks nn
the growth of that society. yl:tree-d
ooh' 4 few y411 1> ago, the Ameociittiun
had nolo in Canada, motto -NM braucite,•,
he said. ('anon Daum took for bis
••text" the Irish coat -of -arms. with its
wolf -hound, ire round tower. its harp,
and the whole sut-mended with a
wreath of .hanmvck. Under the lays
lion of ilia address devoted tea the first
of theme, the lecturer went into the
religious and elucetionnl hiotory of
117.917.10 Ireland, taking taww wolf -hound ilk the
r' Thti "Old fashioned Winter" Is Here --
Trak Tied Up.
The stormy weather of the peat week
hes 1411111>et put a stop to travel iu this
• part of the country. A tremendous
fall of snow on Friday night, accom-
panied ,by strong winds. trade the
aspect of things on Saturday very
much like that of the .severe winters
of three and four years ago: and
nearly every day since has added to
the drifts which make travel on the
country roads x1(1)4444. impossible and
have almost paralyzed the railways.
lhe(7, P. R. has twee tied up since
Saturday. A party' of 150 oleo, with
it snow plow, is now working un the
line in the vicinity of 'Blytb, coming
thio way, and if there are nu more
storms an early resumption of traffic
, lye Yokel for. ,
The Orhnd 'Trunk also has Ineeu
mn1c11 hampered by the .torw. On
. haturday the train usually leaving at
"2.'5(l in the afternoon was cancelled
and all the other traits were late.
Die early evening train in did not
arrive until Sunday night, and Satur-
day nigher Into train came in during
Monday morphia. 'Things were get-
ting site/tightened out on the line
when 1Vednesda7•'s storm came along
and made conditions worse tban ever.
The trail/ which should have arrived
yesterday at noon is held up al Sea-
ford'. where Conductor Autebnuk
and hie parsengets are no doubt hav-
ing a gay time teeing the sights of the
town. There has leen no train out
since yesterday •nirig.
The .nage nuaile have also been very
irregular. The Kim airline mail got
in yesterday- the fltwt time since Fri•
day -and left this (Thursday) morn-
ing. The Lncknow range got in 'Nem -
day and left again \7'e'dnesday and
hasn't been Well *ince. The lieninilier
mail has made fairly good connec-
tions. The Signal's district corres-
lpondence pale Ilan a rather vacant
ook this week : t)0 di ibt a large
amount of interesting "copy" i*. -
w'hee in the snowdrifts between here
sod yonder.
Kev. Canoe Dann was to have
preached in Sl. George's church on
`Sunday. but his train was Snowed ill
near Ilohnes •ills. E. P. Stewart, of
London, was to occupy the pulpit in
the Baptist church and adde'e'.... the
gospel temperance Meeting in the
lateen() en on Huntley, but failed to
reach town. The temperance me•t-
iug wee withdrawn. The attendance
at ,all the church ser4i4ts was slim.
The lowest temperature recorded
hell. during the week was during
Tuesday night, wh'u four degrees be-
low zero Was registered.
Reports from untride'show. that the
storm has extended over the whole
The pfiecipalb report showed the per-
centage of attendance for the mouth
of Jenuar 5'4, the umhcr of
pupils on tbeas n
rolls being 2:14 Ion) 0 end
241 girls. and the average attendance
being '21I boys and 2211 girls. ' The
following accounts were ordered paid :
J. F. Hates, ilii: Temperence Hall
trustees, *40; (inderich Planing Mills,
11,.12: George Porter, $,7.401; C. 2'.
l.et',l3c.: J. II. 1Vursell a Son, .71,,.:
Thom. Swart., g':. School offieers
were appointed for the year 1111h ms
follows : H. W. hall. secretary, et a
oalxry of *1444); 11. Haile, caretaker tit.
David's wand school. salary *SII: J.
F. Bates. caretaker Central school,
salary $1441; John Marquis, ,atetaker
St. Andrew's ward eehoa.1, salary Wei,
duties too continence Anril let.
G. C. 1. Literary Society.
Those who braved the Lost in
order to attend the meeting of the
Collegiate Institute' Literary Society
last Friday evening \Vete well re-
warded. The president, Henry Tis-
dale, acquitted himself very cred-
ibility in bis introductory . speech and
the executive are congratulating
themselves on enjoying the benefit of
him experience. The Neeond number
on the program was a violin solo well
executed by Miss brute Seeger.
M,uch wan expected of the editor.
Gurdon \Vightnrao. and certainly no
one was dieepdointed, for The Journal
was :ant exceptionally tine one. The
burst of *4)ppleuse which greeted De
Lennie. Millyanl'r brilliant lustre -
mental amply evinced the fact that G.
C. 1. :students appreciate good meek.
The leading fentutea of the evening's
entertotiuuteut were the interesting
declawatiuns given by Norman
Lewis and T. Orton.. Durnin, on "The
Union Jack'' and "The Need nl'ni-
.form Population in the Nortllw " re-
s covet •. Though1v was t1
n a int•
til:ally their lint public ap{x'alauce
both gentlemen dealt skilfully
with their subjects and showed con-
siderable oratorical powers. -School
Days," rendered with character-
istic enthusiasm by the glee club,
roused fowl ' lneulorire in every
heart. At the conclusion of the pro-
gram the honorary president. ih•.
Strati g, made a few remarks which
were li'steiel to with evident pleas-
ure by all ptt'aer.t. The Mode ty feele
deeply grateful to him fur another
tangible evidenceof his
neve - 'l'
interest in its welfare. He very
kindly offered a 112.514 'Watervliet'
fountain pen or books n( repeal value
to the member giving the best detail,
nation during the remainder of the
term, allowance to he made for youth
and inexperience. Others are et Ili
city to follow big example. William
Finglend ably discharged the duties
of ceitic. The meeting closed with thee
singing of Goal Save the King. The
Militate) Donogli and Agree Hamilton
acted as accompanists during the
evening. ,
An Interesting Visitor,
Mr. and Mr.. Robert Buchanan. of
Buchanan, Sask., have been visiting
friends in town daring the past week.
and the writer had the privilege of
spending an interesting evening with
thein. 11r. Buchanan lute for Ms
neighbors in Saskatchewan those;
much-dis4(5sfel peoplethe Douklurleirs,
and, although he in much too modest
to make any such clai:n, he is probable
the hest -informed man in Canada upon
muatter1 'pertaining to these people.
He tells a fascinating tale of their
origin in 1tus.in, and et their peculiar
history in' that country until their
coming to Canada about ten yearn
ago. Fur many India of Abe Ilmukhu-
Ior he has a great respect, and alter
their arrival in the Canadian Went he
hefrieoded then and helped thele in
many ways to realize that they wire
in a land of , freedom. Since the
advent of Peter \'engin, however,
Mr. Buchatun'o attitude tawat& the
newcomers has been considerably
altered. \eregin le the leader. t inert
the gt.l, of the lhmkhohotai, and. ac-
cording to Mr. Buchaanan', view of the
matter, he is keeping th',nl in a Mate
of ignorance and wupeestition which
affonls little prospect of their
0 er becoming intelligent Camelia!'
citizens, A mintier of titan rcfnse to
acknowledge aen'giii a authority, but
the larger proportion obey hint im-
plicitly, 384rll to the .ulv:u.4tge, of .
course, of their astute leader. who is
mid to he getting fabulously rich. 1'o I
prevent Yemeni N im inupon the
rights of those of the otkhOlorn
du not follow him, as well as of the i
other settlers in that part of the
country, is an object to which Mr.
Buchanan has given a great deal of
Hine and thought. He how (wire been
et Ottawa in conference with the
authorities of the Department of the
'Interior regardingg the (Neat trey of
treating the I)rinkholors, and i1 was
RN a result of him represeltMbms Diet
emblem of the agencies used torid 'the
country, tipiritlially and.iutellectually,
of what would rur►setwanl with
wulvrs aid such destructive animals
in the physical world. The story of
St. Patricks ridding Ireland nt snakes
and Wads he took as referring to his
work in christianizing the 'people.
whereby they were rid of spiritual
snakes and toads. Hr gave 4401114 me-
cnuntof the work of St. Patrick in Ire-
land and toad of 1 he v,r'itiUti colleges of
the country, the University of Dublin,
Trinity Co Boge, the Cat bele College
and the Royal College. and inter-
spersed his remarks wkb a number of
very arousing Ntnries. The round
tower in the Irish coat -of -anion, he
Nail, was apparently of religions
origin. but whether {pagan or Chris-
tian could not be told. Quite pride
ably these mind towers. might have
heap usei in the Uroielie,a1 worship
evil the teacher* of Christianity had
followed the "Ian of building Chris-
tian churches in the vicinity of these
towers,, which were held in yenera-
tiurramlmt; the people. Speaking of
the harp the lecturer referred to biome
of the fa 'poets mail uutsicianN
whorl the (Wren bole claimed as its
Nona. and to the sic -loving charac-
ter of the 'Rerple as n whole. The
shamrock suggested the story uf.51..
Patrick's using it to illustrate the idem
of the Trinity. Mut there were other'
I riuitier besides the ixersions of the
Deity. mud the concluding portion of
the 'speaker's remarks were on what
he look as the three t marked
characteristics of the Irih people,
love, veto,. anal wit. He paid a high
11411(te to the (mist:Ivey of the Irish
in their love and to the very small
smuunt -of illegitimacy and divorce.
Almost all the men who had done
anything in the Beer war, he 14aii1,
were la 1 It ( ' w'' el
( Ir hue and the at f the
Irish Wats proverbial. The carton ex-
pressed his dislike of the caricature
of the Irishman Well was usually
given, with bettered het, clay pipe in
its -brim, cutaway coat awl knee
breeches. nose the growl tight accuse
the face and ntouth still wider, and
theidea o stupidity t was usually
dot hat t u udl
� I
assigned to him. This, he staid, was p
type for which you 'night look in vain
in Ireland aqqd wan a cet'icactUre which
even a sea row would be ashamed
of. The objeectionehle charade, is-
tient of the Irish were hems/alit a1
thing-4of the past. The superstition
that existed in Ireland in his own boy•
hotxl's days, lite bigotry than used to
mark the feeling between Rowan
Catholic and Orangeman. the old
drinking habits. etc., were ceasing to
be characteristics of the Irish. Canon
Dann told many h,anloryms enecdntee
and Telnet a Is r of very kine
poeliral seleeti111'. in the comae of his
adder -tie, and the expansive /411110 that
spread over his face end the :sparkle
that lit tip him eye nr well ars the
ge111dity of his whole manner were of
themselves n treat and nt Olive pro -
debited the speaker as unquestionably
of the face whose praiser. he was
sounding. At the conclusion of the
Address, a vete 11f thanks w4,4 msovrd
by Richard Radcliffe and 1(ev. M.
Turnbull, and tendered to the canon
by the char naan. 'rhe melting broke
up with the singing of the National
Anthem. _
1'rdllam oho tailor snake. m ctwin I. for the
roughrrt day a. well *a for the ,dldosr. and
they all have that al yl.. 41,1,1 141 for which 111.
twl,bllrhmept 1, noted.
The r4411way. mal be blocked lout the way to
amitiesphotograph gallery 1. Always ore,..
Oct )'our photo taken to .rud to your liv.1
fumed next FYidny. 411- Valentine', 1MF.
[ 141144' 111 ono of the cold and '(44+44(4 a pica-nnt
belt hewn ln.tkl„K (14141' the b•an144114(411
fancy and ani good. at Wilmer Ynrlth.. They
take plea -ore In .hewing 4 ell the many Maul I,
101 thing, t licy belt•. wnot her votl want to buy
er nvt.i
Thry %%14 tau 11uU he
statutory sleeting "f t e (1. C. 1.
1)0x1-11 ycyl4nlay.
Judge holt will hold 1)11 i.i)1) Court
at Dungannon February 11th and at
Hayfield February I fat.
Thr Hlaekstnni orchestra slpplicd
the Inutile for at leap year dance list
Friday night at Henoch.
The Signal and the titer bl'Ck1 triol
eonr'hasinu44 at a game of 11' (key on
Monday night. The Signal fellows
downed the other chaps to the tune of
Town Clerk McKim has been laid
t4) since last Thursday and is al. the
()spite e is son'
reported to b9' o -
what improved and his many 1,ien,ln
will hop9, 4+ ser him about again in the
*fear rut err.
A prngreswi'.4 encM4 party will be
Riven by the Daughters 'nf the Em• -
pin' in the town hill on the• evening
of ait4t. %dentinn's Day Friday,
Fellituery 11th. Dont. will 11' open at
7::)4 o'clock.
The meeting of the llin7tora of the
West. Minns Agricullnrul Society call-
ed for Si.tnrMay Last failed of it quorum.
The 64waerich Horticultural Society
Khoo failed to hold a meeting, owing to
the stormy weather.
An interesting limelight service will
he givrtl in the Salvation Aruyy hall
on Friday. February 7th. entitled
"Rhoda. or the Gipsy Girl'. Mis•
*ion of Love." The service will bre
conducted by Captain Metier.
Aro your glamors right i Virion
changes as all things 'do. Consult
Taube14& Son at Dunlops drug store
on 'Thursday and Friday, February
'lith and 2isl, and get the benefit of
over thirty .seven yearn' experience,
Drs. 1 '
i 1 hltrly and Gnllnw nor this
week giving up their offices on North
street. having dissolved partnership.
Dr. Whitely los opened all office next
to It. Harrison's bakery. and Dr. (tal-
low cin be found in future at the
former Jordan residence just la bind
the S -elan Hank.
.1a 11. ugh has sold his residen-
tial ,
01 the Hayfield
cul to
Peter McLachlan, of Hibbert town.
ship, who will 1110v0 to town shortly
with his family. The purchase price
was somewhat over *2,1(NI. Mt•. Mc-
lmchd,tn has secure) a nice place end
wr welt
• hila W town,
Kincardine. Review : Chief McGaw
has on Lhc stocks in courser of comple•
tion an addition to the (Thing fleet
sailing from this {ort. The boat, is
forty -floc feet over all, Len feet beam,
and aimed five feel draft. it will
carry the usual tore and aft canvas,
1 will also° be equipped with an
auxiliary gasoline engine.
For the annual Franklin dinner.
held by the Typ.thetae of Buffalo on
January 2lst, as hnndsonle and unique
menu and program card was is.ut'd.
with a photogravure of the -•statue of
Franklin in Philadelphia. The
speaker of the evening, we notice,
wan 'l'1a°nuas McGillicuddy, of Toron-
to, well known to readers of The Sig.
nal. and the have no doubt in such cir.
rtlmet/W(0M the dinner Wan ,t par
flounced bue'cess.
A very interesting gamy of hockey
took place on Wednesday evening at
the West street rink, between the
"All Howls" of Hodgen•' Mork, and the
"Itougn I(ider," of I..s' N block, which
resulted in a swore of Ii t In favor of
the former. The line-up wan :as ful-
loww :-
J. Prratdfod. gird (.', Bleck
II. 11'aahingtoo point W. Abel
Is'. I)en,, r. point
C. Belie rover 1. t'hirhohn
V. Ib•en centre .1.l'aait
.1. 11'urst•I1 r. wing 1. Guile
l'. 1V"rtwdl I. wing R, Uraigle
itererce Guidon McDonald,
It was at clean game except for a
little large talk from the latter Luaus.
"I'he All Stars" will challenge any
block Lea 1115 in the town of (iodericfl
for a clean game of hockey, and the
winners will play thtk Skid,oti,.
114.4 . 11. 1t. !form., It. .1.,
EL. 11., general seereLNty of the
Upper Canada Tract 44N•it•ty, will call.
elre744 Iho 'nngregali",; of 6'i.11,n114
Nl10(1 1 4.01,91151. rims+:h next Sunda
ono ' g, end that of Knox church
the MIMIC rvcuing.
The quarterly "4rviees in North
street ,ielhodiwt church, which were
to . have been held iadt Sunday, were
postponer) on account of Iho storm.
fhcy will be held next SOndny mom -
log, the love remit at 10 a. m.. preach-
ing at I1 a. nl.. after which the sacra-
ment of the Loot's Supper will he - -
To Toronto and Itetu ru-- I'. Y. IA% reoee, . Page
The Finest Hormel- V. E. Lawrence 1
Single rare to Toronto - Jos, Kidd
Reader. -C, P. It 1
The Advent of Spring -D. Millar l u �.• , .1
Barg fan Ualore--John Mead ... '
Heroine Independent --Elliott 80.40. s COI
lege. Toronto s
Witch Hazel ('ream -b. K, ph'k..............
Dwelling for bale - Geo. Heap - 1
Seventeen Teachem---Ooderich Hu.4neer 4.eI-
1eg4., . ....
The Beer Ides: Its shadow -Mermen Broe
More Bergales un (h, Kloadyko Table.. -
!lotions Bros.. , a
itesdere- Tenbe & Sou. y
I4og Lost -A, I). 24eLr.n
Medleal f'ar. 1,- )r. (Sallow... , . t
diet church will be held Sunday and'
Alondaay. February IOt1) and 17111,
Services on Sunday will be held at
1I a. ,n. and 7 p. tn. Rev. W. E.
Million, of Kingsville, will preach at.
both nerviere and will also slog. The
mwruber + of the school will take pact
In the singing et the morning service,
for which they are Eyeing especially
trained. Miss :Amy 1. Doty, of 1.[0 -
don, Who gave such a successful
enLurLainmept bust year, has charge of
the training for the concert which
will be held on the following Monday
e4cning. The training of the a holars
is already well under way and consists
of choru.es, solos, m u'1:her, etc. Ad-
mission. 23c.
Lett Sabbath was "young people's
day" at Knox church, in accordance
with the plans of the General Aewew-
bly. The stormy weather prevented
large congregatima, but at the even-
ing service 1.11et'.' was a fairly good at-
tendance. The locator, Rev. J. A. An-
derson directed hie sermon to the
young men particularly, and urged
the nece00ity of constant watchfulnetw,
and of remembering tbemeelvos tut al-
ways in the sight of the Master, in
order to ,avoid the pins which would
blight their manhood. The slinging
Wan lead by a choir of young men.
and u quartette--Jeamee F. Thomson.
J. E. Jordan, 1►onald (.'lark and !nod.
McLennan- gave a tendering of the
well-known hymn, "Abide With Mr,"
in a new setting.
Whose Business Is This
If a girl ?oyes, thaCs her business.
If at eau loves, that's hie lu1iness.
But if they marry and want good
uiness. and herdwan., then it's our
See CHHAN. C. 1414'e advertisement
on page .i.
Great sale now Riding 411.
Th. Finest Horses
in Outario will be seen at the Ontario
Horse Breeders' Exhibition to be held
in Toronto February 12th to 14th.
The Grand Trunk Railway System
wink W annutince that they will sell
return tickets at single Ilret-,lass tare
VIxxl going February llth uud 12Th.
alid returning until February lfith,
Secure tickets from Grand Trunk
agent. --Town agent, F. F. Lawrence.
The average merchant usually gives
advertiriig too h or too little
credit. 11 the stare management and
service are had--ifthe stock is poor
( and the soler force inefficient and
cuurteou's - he is likely to have it poor
opinion of the efficacy of advertising.
for advertising can do very little for a
store of
that wet.
On the other hand, the merchant.
who has a fine store with a good
stock of merchandise and excellent
service is apt to think that it is not
necessary to advertise. He thinks he
lcan get along without it on the
presumption that the store will ad-
vertise iter
That's where hals w n he in
wrong. The lwtter the store is the
more thin fact 'Mould he aolvertiNed.-
From Hardware and Metal.
Are you going on the C. P. R. ea-
I n to
Toronto nt on February 11th
and 12th ? Single fare, 13.90, from
Tuesday till Saturday. Buy your
tickets at the np-town office and avoid
the rush and jam at the depot.
Remember the date of Ta11be &
Sun's yid& to Uoderich and if there is
anything whatever wrong with your
eyewight do not fail to consult them at.
Dunlop's drug store, on Thursday ami
Friday, February 30th and 2Ist.
A parlor concert under the auspices
of the Ledies' Aid of North street
Mcthodi.t i Lurch will b(, held on
-Monday evening, February 10th, at
the 1 ..rf 116•.•. 6Vui. Acheson. An
excellent masicall and literary` pro-
gram will he given and a epeeist
ltuatur.. will be recitation* hy Mien
ikoty, of London. Make a note of the
date and 11e on hand. Everybody
M)4"RTH1411'• (7AT21.1i Ii.t1.K.-L111a.rll
Reid, the proprietor of Clover Lea
Shorthorn Stock farm, Pine River,
annomnee. a sale of purebred short-
horn bulls and heifere to lake place tm
the lith February. The ominoals peat
up will p1rotssitively be sold without re-
serve. This 'sale will doubt les, Ming
together many of the leading 'short-
horn breeders and cattlemen of On-
tario. as Mr. Iteid's .stock hav1• a Pro-
vincial repuh.ti,nl. His fine farm and
buildings are the beat -equipped in thi'.
watt of the Province and are well
worth a1 visit fr(,m our prOgreasive
fat ilea S. 14. -21.
-Jenkins "You may ire AIM that
there fr111 never in our time he a
European war. Just reflect, nearly
every one of the royal families in
related to the others, Henpecked
'•'linale why I think there will tae a
Catarrh Cannot Se Cured
6(4111.w:ea, gd.cnllon.••e, f1ro7 r[weh
the NV •.1 of Il1r dM'Iwc. , ('Alatr3 .•song'sN4s b4 d .N-
4eu.111utieuwl Jrvu44.,'. and 141 nrdr1.'11 n rum .t
you nets! a.im luttrnal . oorsta •-, itw111
nNnrr4 arm M taken luturnally, oink 14x14
the Ire 14 std m1,•mt. •01444.0•,
flail . pat eeerrh 'ore i+ not ■ gnwck nrodidr. ,
It we. pn•.rrtbnI 11y arc of tan,' b.•.t rhy.4rlane
ht IM.,mueeyfow Veal, nod is n regular pre
seriphon. U 1. rsrm`'uwd n( the lo -a tmt14.
Aeon n, ',„rerlelnrd w et le Ibe beet blood perIllis,
rrUn14Meerely 4a, 1 h 111114.11, oerfarra, The
(.eefe't remit. Melo,. of the Iwo ingrr.IMnt•, 1a
what romance. such wonderful essolea in ear•
Ing catarrh. 7n1 htt resell rnn4h free
. J. 4' pries t .p., Tetede, o.
bold }1 ll • 4 insl ; pries 730,
Telt, Ilan .)'amlq Pine for cerlwgpstlw,
ad nlinlstet Isl.
The S4nd4ly se'hml anniversary i❑ slid 1' InOt.lerMhlown.hA14. JMetiett
collllrrli"I, swill) North ...levet Melba- i Gma.en, . hw•'Ilhan, n. lallml, wg411 71 rya"'
amt roswy-, �