The Signal, 1908-1-23, Page 81 lr r i t ,r I' It Ii IV At kn SW ) Ii c. B ' TrWaaa % January 23, I it $ THE SIGNAL : GODERlUHI ONTAReti1 GODBRICH INDUSTRIAL FAIR. Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Stately Yesterday. The annual nreettng of the We. sumo Agricultural Society was held uu Wednesday afternoon intim lowu hall for the election of officers and' general burinesw, Dr. Clark war ugpnitscouely elected to the position of i1dent fur another year, C. A. =dent selected for the first vice- ptnridenry, and J. T. Goldthorpe was elected eetcond vice-president. The following were the directors tip- -pointed : Front Goderich lownrfiip-- Isaa• Salkeld. George laithwaiteand A. K Matheson. From (Aborts' township—John Clark. Cul. Yountrirt- and Jenne WMauue. F • Utah -tick "towu—J, H. Votsell, Malcolm Mc- Kay amid .1. L Aitken.. W. H. Ia,b- erteon aqd William ante west. al. - pointed auditors. The fixing of the dates of the au:• nue( show was lett in the hands of Ib• new board, the suggestion to have thy• Goderi,'It Industrial Exhibition follow after the London fair as closely as possible apparently meeting with gen- • ural favor. A communication was re• calved from the board of the Wing - hem fall fair announcing the dates , •( tiler exhibition as September 24th and 25th. It war decided to send the president, of the Society as a delegate to the annual meeting of the Fairs Associa• tion to be held on the 19th and 3.1t h u' Februa,'y at Turooto, ,end to pay his railway fare. A conununic,ttiuu from the Department of Agrieultule asking if the board would wish t•, employ judges provided by the D• - partnient, and stating the cost of the Bare, wa. Med. Another letter frons Vie Department was with reference to the holding of spring stallion and Ina r'luws or a spring reed show. '7'his aeso was flied. The treasurer's statement *showed c oh on hand of $501.47. with all habil. hies paid. 1)r. Clark explained that the prise list last year haul beets iu- emitted by over $'b11, that the Society had received $119 less in Uovei•nineul grant than in the previous year, in addition to the lose of the Govern- ment and county grant to the Hurt t cultural Society, which amounted to $Inti, and the payment lack to the Horticultural Society of $41 of urea- hership fees retained fro,n the previous year's prizewinners. Dr. Clark was in favov of increasing the live stock clashes and advance- ment along the lines of special attrae• timer also, and the secretary also pressed c - pressed himself as convinced that it required other attractiune besides the purely agricultural features to draw t he crowd and make the Iiliow a finan- cial success. It was stated that the town had paid the last of the deben- ture indebtedness on the Agricultural building.. Sonic of the luemrla•,+ thought that in place of increasing the prize list,the Society might spent( -...something on improving the budd- ing. The main building, it was stated, required k•onsiderahle repairs, the grand stand should be rebuilt, with a roof, and the sheds for the live stock also required attention. It was thought the town should contribute liberally to such expenditure, as the property belongs to the town, and no doubt the town council will be approached by the heard in due enure.. A suggestion from the presi- dent, which seemed a good one was that the board should appoint a titan - ager as was done in other places about the size of (itxderich, who would take eompletc charge of the show under instructions front the directors and be tespimsible for everything. hire all the men needed and certify to all accounts. The new board of directors met im- mediately after the meeting of the Society and re-elected M. 0. John. - ton secretary and F. F:. Bingham t eeas• urer, and February let was selected as the day for a meeting of the direc- tory to appoint committees and fix the dates for the fall show. From alw treasurer's statement we take the following figures : r:r. t 'wan., on hang d ". : and 14111d1'lla,.. " • t' parties. r, Vaustoue for plaintiff and Proud(uoa, Hays 'A. Weir for de- fendant. Fulton c. MtKny wets adroiit'neet:b.'• trial to Frida ', January 24th. tel 11::Y1 a. m. H. J. D. Cooke for plaintiff. J. M. Host for defendant. THE HIGH COURT Sir Williai• Mulbck's First Official Visit a Brief One. The non-pm•y sittings of the nigh Court were held on Muuday end were very brief. The cdurt ogwuel at a o'clock and concluded in an hour, the caret being either pxstpoui'd, nettled or referred to the local master. This was Sir William Muluek's hest visit to lioderich iu this capacity. The cases were as follows : Grainger vs. Hruaford.—An action far (haulages to real crude by salt per- colation. \11u. I'soudfuot, K. C., for plaintiff. E. 1.. Dickinson, K. C., for defeu dant. Hy consent trial -part• • pored to next court. McIntosh vs. Nobler. --Au action itt reference to sale of stock iu a canning couipan '. Wm. Proudfoot, K. C., for plaintiff. Messrs. Madman & Stan• bmy for defendants. • Settled-1'Yparties, The Hank of Montreal vs, the (lode - rich Engine & Bicycle Co. e(, ale—An action on a bond given for the secur- ing of the payment of promissory notes made by the defendant c - patly. 1Vni. I r)udfo.it, K. C., for plaintiff. U. C. Gibbons, K. C., fur the executors of the late George Ache- son. M. U. Cameron. K. X., for de- fendant E. S'Sylrs. E. L. Dickinson, K. l'„ for defendant the Toronto Gen - end Trusts Corporation. .6, F. Blair for defendant Saunders. Hy consent of counsel His Lordship declared the defendants, the Goderch Engine & Bicycle Co. to be indebted to the plaintiffs in the guns ut $52,:$$M.3) and re(errnl all other better.. between all -or any of the parties to the local nclsler at liuderich, the said Master to have all powers of the trial judge in respect of all matters thus referred to hint,rhe particulars 'of the plaint ire claim included a number of notes nude by the late George Acheson. the bate James ('lark and James Wilson in favor At the Utaherich Engine & Bi- cycle ('u- and endorsed by the said C puny to the plaintiff. notes made by the company payable to the late George Acheson and the late James ('lark and endorsed by theta to the plaintiff, and an overdraft at the Musk—the whole aggregating twill. interest 1 the Soul 11f $.,t,:i,',i.ltt, The defendants are the liteleri,Is Engine & Bicycle Co., Intl.: J. P. Brown, Wm. Achewm and E. A. Acheson, e'xe'utot•s and exetruil-ix of the hast a ill and testament of the late George Al hc,otr : the Toronto General Trusts Corporation. executor of- the last will end testament of (lie late Jamesl'Iau•:: E. Downing. J. A. Mc- Intosh and James 1Vilson: Helen M. Hendctson, eveentrix of the last will awl Iestaul:at of D. S. Hen- derson, anti E. Sayles, The defendants, other than the Company. either are or were directors of the company, or are the executors of duceasel directors- The defendant Sayles re•sigii 1 ft the directorate June. 5th. Islet, his plate taring taken by the defendant McIntosh, Clerk vs. ('lark.- An action arising out of a dispute as to amount due un- der a chattel mortgage executed by plaintiff in favor of defendant. The plaintiff is William Clark of Goie- rich township, and. the defendant Hola'rt ('lark, of town. I'roietf(ot, Hays & Blair for plaintiff. Dick- inson il' (bert-ow for defenditot. By consent this cavae was referred to the' jnnior judge of the county of nurun to try the issue be- twten the earths., ascertain damages and deternmie rights of parties, with power to Ilrake injunction I preventing s,lliofgoods xrizelunder the armee) perpetual if he all determines, same to continue in meantime, he to deal with the question •of costs and all other 'halter, iectweeu the parties in qua:,tion in This action. • Doyle Vs, Johnston and Kt-acliug vs. Slel'linlou were settled out of court. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. (lent•, 1.i•y[i.lati Mentbe•r• dt, hr+ 'halation+ itetee ) eel ahoy fee. for Inc \dmteeetrai teal Item fur grounds, stalls, rte. \d.erns-utast. In eri.• 11+1 tlt&&Ilnmou+ , 1-11 .1 a' l'ritt 1-•t Sp vial at t turf tons ►'wine no of hutiMini. and to,, ....- Secretnry Tnesurer Hort knelt oral rioeiety uerruls•r•I 11 het. yytee to FAIN .1.,e'seen t.un, ' al 11.04.1/1, rie..r 1,71 ptat ", .• Il'orklog erl.•aese s s- r:.In'.rl Dolma* Oil hand .0:1.111 •11.111,I1 mut or lull/t.•. Number of entries. 1.01.7. Amount otfen-d in price,.. ', pwl,:e):.itl Amount paid. al!r,1.110 COUNTY COURT. His Honor Judge Doyle Holds Court for Full Week. The Comity Court capered on 'Tues- day afternoon et last week and was nit concluded until Monday afternoon of this week. Leiper v. Stray. ---An action for the price of building eenlent ei'1111 and Hoot• of ae harts. 1Vm, Ih•osidfue't. K. C., (-mimed for plaintiff. .1. M. Itest r I for Oefend,ult,- Trial of this act' 'commenced at 2 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon and was not con- r•Iuded until 1:15 iicl,ck p. iu, ill Thursday. The jury dispense( with. Argument in this ease has not yet been heanl. McPherson v. ilyan et al. ---Action for wages an feremnm of it member of 1 'women. .I. M. Hest counsel for plslntiff, F. H. TI plaits i• mIffie1 for defendants. The jimmy returned a verdict for the plaintiff for $l') and His Lordship directed went to Is. entered for the plaintiff for that amount. Item. v. Pigott et al. Action fur in. jury t, plaintiff's grain in a mill et Blyth by Swing Hooded with venter, G. P. Blair counsel furrlefendant. Mr. Drew• toimmsel for the Oueh,h rl' Uoderirh Itallw'uy Co. Ills Ilonm- Struck out the jury notice and trial wax pwltetponed until (hr and of Febru- ary at 2 o'clock, Heys v. Vodden.—Action fur fraud in watering cattle inipoperly imroedi• ately before weighting them. W. I'roudltxit, K. C., cumaa'l fur plabl• e—Tt1F E. L. Uickinaeufl ronnac•l for de• fondant. The jury returned at verdict for the defendant. and His Honor directed judgment ,to lei entered dismissing the action with costs. Galbraith v. Ilse-kwell. Ass action Ie, avower the sun, of *Mt alleged to have Is -en paid by menepr.'arnht- ibe,' ,end &evil, A. B. Macdonald c.. seed for plaintiff. E. L. Dickinson counsel for defendant. The jury betas-ned a verdict for Gm plaintiff ler the sum of $I09, judgment be. ing .entered for that amount, with merits. ' 'Here were two ntm•]'uryy reel-;. antes' d (4,r trial. Nie h0lson V. Cooper wee !wiliest bet worn thelia Itunk- o„ar ee nu• and bank.+ may go, tint Pratt.,,. the rotor ketose aiming turning out clothe, for the lewd-dre-sed men In Goderlch. Us cruontings sod sunnier+ in the latest and best ems', 1:.•t the advle•• of an expert in meant to your hone: furniture N'uni.r Smith Ma ao es• pe. toles of years In this line and can give labial& pointers to fsrnitnro buyers. 14411 net roe hi. special hues. I. you are not b,,,y these day, roil on H. iL hallow, the I'hot.srrapher and gun him an eager for a tine',, of those elegant photos he is tui mit. lour friend• will ,e prexlate yon• photo olmert D. much n. a rill from you. A fire escape is iwitlg put up at the pi's t office, Alexander Se:rimge ur puswwtl away this trrtrriling at the age of eighty - list et, yearn and tel muni Its. Don't forget the meeting for men in the roma house next itunday after- no,Rt 4:15. ,to be adder/wed by Ari hi1N (il Cullens. The timb rich branch of the 1Voloet's Ilrstitne itt holding it a an mid oyster 1 ssa•r and entertainment at the Oddfe own Hall this 17hnrs- dnylevening. Every then in lexletich' should at- tend the **ors' lees lert'lll rig,, after•n.Ntll and eveuine next , nelay m courser, tine with Y. M. C. A. work. 'The Clinton News -It emit :sported last week that three ea of small• pox had devehoped in that own, Pre, caution...tie being taken t prevent he :plead of the disease. Tomorrow• the hockey buy go tm 'Mann for nn 0. II, A. nate and 1Vwint slay of next week She ' t- irone•d game between New Ilan it std the locals will be played here, Have yon get your Signal calend u• for itsM A mousiest. handed in their tioseript ban berme the supply of cal• 'edam turiceed : if these would, call at he ufltee now they will re•eive A lutrnlennui'eoucln has leen pre. elitist to the Sleneoetung Came. Club rV F: N. Lea is. M. P. The gift r• +e n very emu,: timely, as the ('lilt has ween t-eful ni+hint. the rummue at i•nnsid reale expense. 7'he annual meeting ..f7-the_I'hil• rim-. Aid 'tle.ciw y i i.hh.s(1 fur Jlonilay fterninin tuna only clhuly attended, n see t of other Imeeliwgs, and nm aminase was tenneaet.e . the meeting eeinga(djouruel indetln$-trh' . A ernlpliinentlry balgimet will a: iVeett pry the (11111d10111yluiddehll Vheat Cu., 7'"tvnto, in the Oddie'. uses' hall. ender the atomises of the eldua' Akl nfothc Kim 1st chinch,, on 'huredny evening. F'.•lnunry nth. Matti►gel' 11(11111Sn of ` him ial Opera mere will give an evenings (werforlu- nce for the Im•nein of Apex Ira Met, del tun Friday. January asst, A wwl prugr tis %sill lie arranged, and here should be a large nttendanee, Manager t;raigie' ea rt grand ateiulerado e•arnival for next Tuesday ght at the 1Vest street rink. Atlee nn Is called to rel "nor in the 1411. Ladle's or gent's' entitle emotion," uuid 11.1111 "1ndii' or girth cotrde stone.. Mise Skiusiugs presented Jot beauti- ful piece of hand painted china as a prize for, the pupil of the (ioderieh public echoed obtaining (lie highest mark In grammar at the eutratire ex- aminations of 11110r- .hiss 'Oral Stud' dart is tI.., WIlistet' and the pride has been presented to bee.. N. M. Cantin a was in town' this ming and chatted with The Signal pleasantly on various matters. It was said he scat ler arrest tinder instructions frau theebiel of police et Toronto, lint an eventful life oil the scale of that of the wizard of St. Joseph lyes to have its ups and downs. A letter from J. Grant MacGregor written from Louisville., Ky., iu which he 'states he will 11/3 back in UdUerieb shortly. Nlo before the water e► l light commission at Oa meeting n Monday night 'Lest. Mr. Mar(irrgot•,j is the engineer, who prvpau-el the I Maus for the sedimentation hasim pro- posed to be built here, and the eiul• mission decide) to await his return' before having specification, prepared. Memla•re of the ell Te•uiuseh bodies. club ate e ' g to the, front, '('here is Ge+orceStratton, who is play- ing with the Midgets of Stratford in the junior series, 0. II. A.: Bert Mv- Creath has signed math the hockey team of the Pau Wale Canute Climb, and Harry Belcher, who is playing opt Gude -ich's intermediate to , is au old Tecumseh. The old Ih,lbtr-eighty tram are well rcpre+.'nted iu Uotle• rich's intermediate O. 11. A. team this year. all the players with the excep- tion of A. Mc an and H. Belcher be- ing former members of that club. There was it goal atlendanee int lie' parlor conceit given by I he L udies' Aid of North street Methodist chinch last Thuredav evening at the parsonage. Au excellent pr..graut lied Obit ar- ranged for the Occasion. Ileo. W. N. Hazen acted its chairman, and there were vocal *idols by Miss Cousins, Miss 'frown, Alfeel Cook and Jawed F. Thomson. ' readings by (1. F. Blair. S. E. Hick and Gurdon \Vighturan, a piano solo by A. Ruyt Adams, nod rev - oral setectiuus by lite Schumann quar- tette (Misses Brown stud ('lark and Messrs. Jordan and'l'houtson). H. L, Salkeld, Breve of Uolerich township, wax present and Wats called upon for e speechauld rospanldel with a short adi dress. PERSONAL MENTION. .lu-rpt Ileal. left est Tuesday mi a t Leh to 1 t 1 ,u, n • The .11 Agate ant Nr uu I: tui are Inane front 'furors -to o • holt for dry.. Rohe.tial..+u ntwl. a Irlli to Twouat du i. 'the week with a uarloat ut cattle. Mr. and Mn,. H. ',owning aro visiting their daughter. errs. W. It toy,. at tA•anulaguat. Mi.. ttey nuts. l.tt blas mi a visit IV it lin H. whete sbe will iw Ute guest of Mr. Newell hate 'eVIll Elliott. of The forma.. Now,, li it, 100 rt fora couple of week, attending the tirovt,iuurl military school - Marry t'stff leen wt to. return to Toronto its Saturday and l.00uanl Calf also left last woe"; on lies return to lhi %Vesl. .1. Mcl'he. left IMs un,•:: for a vi,il to to elute. Ann ,\steer and'1'okdo awl exprt•t. 4, tae assay a tnortth or .i)stn•►s,' w'r wish Itui a plcaant tris'• - 11`u style pleased to aacc a call ate day !rectal), train !toy, Il•nj. Nett and to Seo tial our esteemed friend had recovered to el `neat exjrnt from ills sery-erlous illness of ha.( year. tl'e holetyr he will , unt Blue to iulprovr m.tp hc'reauit/t Id• fie Ike s Iger,. Jautw Irustwl, priwa•tcr of tleuitoti, Mau., wits in town fur a fe•sr days the f.'s: w.nrt visiting hi, •Ister-ht-law, Meet It. H. Month. Mr. Huotat aurin Ontario un loudness In ion- ue-tiou with lite lode:wildent Order of i"or- s-sIc-:'.. ,,f is Isis -h ti. I. -hut'S officer in Inc 1'r.,%• use,- of tlanholl...- y, LAST WAWANOBH, TUINUAY, Jan. :std. 11r1it xg.tI.. -- A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. J. Bentley on Wednesday, Janis - 'try 5th, when her youngest daughter, Mary, was united lu marriage to T. H. Kernick, a prosperous farmer uf this township. The celewouy was per- formed by 'tee. A. E. Janes, of Auloro. - At S o'clock the bride rue trout the parlor atxvompaniet by her brother. George, to the strains of the wedding march played by Mre. Hack- ney, sister• of the groom, and took her place Reside the groom, anchor an evergreen arch decorated with. wed• dung belle. The bride war beeutitully attired itt a dress Of brown silk with white toitu 1 ulnK s and a wreath of White Huw•es its her hair. After rye'-, taking of is sumptuous wedding din- ner the evening was spent with music I and games. Thu happy couple left the next day to visit friends in lien - sell, Exeter, St. Marys and Farquhar. Their many friends join in wishing thea[ many years of happiness and prosperity, _—_ • Grand Bend Wants Improvements. Forest, Jan. iii. - A petition was circulated at Grand Bend last week. which will be pe'esent+d tat the lk lou Goverittlleat, with ,t view -to hav- ing another pier built south of the pr' e'nt wharf, as a meats of better protection for fishermen's boats, etc. At present the cut is almost complete- ly shut off Gout the lake by the stand bar which has Steen drifted in by the lake storms. if the Government can be induced to take the matter up, it will no doubt facilitate matters at the Bend. EASY TO MIX T IS. Prepare It at Hems By Shaking In- gredients Well in a Bottle. what will appear cues• interesting to marry people here is the article taken front a New York daily paper, giving a simple prescription, am fort-- ulated by a tooted authority, who claims that he has found it positive remedy to cure almost any cane of backache or kidney or bladder de- rangelnunt, in the following simple prescription, If taken before the stage of Height's disease : Fluid lixttaot Dandelion, one-half ounce ; C pound Kargou. one ounce ; Comp, d Syrup Satsapar ilia, ounce•tai threeShake well in it tele and take iurow es sifter tuts` nful dor each meal and again at bedtime, ' A well-known druggist Here at hotme, when asked t•egetding this pre- scription, stated that the ingredients are all harmless, and can be obtained at a small amt frosts any good prescrip- tion pharusacy, or the mixture would he put tip if asked to do s.,- Ile further stated that while this pre- scription re- sription is often prescribed in Oleo. uratic afflictions with splendid results. he could see no reason why it would not be a splendid temedy fur kidney and urinary trouble's and hack/wise. melt has a peculiar action upon the kidney structure, cleansing thee. most important organs Nutt helping t5em to sift and filter from the blood tine foul acids ani wrest.' matter which cause sickness and suffering. Those of our traders who suffer can make no mistake in giving it a trial. Tnn►orrowe never acmes—mtless you haven note to meej. WEST STREET RINK .QODSRic H GRAND MASQUERADE CARNIVAL •AND RACES TUESDAY. JANUARY 28th This i, the first tlraud Masquerade 5 etunal ... the ,.ee.ou. mid this prizes are lite best offered to Uuiurlch. . PRIZES FOR COSTU)j1ES : I.udlu or 1;111•1 F'ruri terns rllcur 'ream and Sugar Sot, calve Si I.aadIe. col (ilii. C'„utle ('u,tuu,o Nand tainted tilrrot, value $J is 5j,uut stir tilts Fwwyt. rwtua s llutela. v , 1 alp. e1 Gents' or Ileys t'nrnth' t'wlutuo Sweater, value $5.M RACES: Ibutle Shiro (lady and Uentletnrue lady'stain.. 01St Ilednnn, 1 •lock, value ti•', : wan a prise. Yield (bases. value a, C'(iarntaCaehip Mlle hats for the l'euoty Illoy. under 1,i yuaiwl N'uu:h rob. value e1..4 (*stack (tare (Mires' Itae»1 hold Scurf Phi, value lily' Terson• iu cwtun,u:o present Card, vials then acute, and character 5 ttrenuuled, :to Ile: doorkerlter. It Urrinval, three to compete or nu urian•, lu leaser- Ilcv to enter, three to start. or au prize. Costume Skaters to hese the ice from 7:t,5 to S.C.. Judging to eumtuencu at s ne-tlx► sharp. Pekes on exhibition ut l' Si Itumber- Jewel. !cry Shur. BAND IN ATTENDANCE DOORS OPEN AT 7.15 ADMISSION - - ' : z5 cents Ladies and Children, tsc r;\ EXTRA Great JANUARY LEARANCE SALE G re at JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE i Ir XT RA CreUt- JANUARY LEARANCE SALE. EXTRA /EXTRA G rettt GreaA— JANUARY' JANUARY CI,EARANC' 4LEARANCE SALE SALE EXTRA Great- JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE EXTRA - .. G retn.t JANUARY CLEARANC[ SALE 1 ExTRA r EXTRA Gey at JAN UA I2'Y CLEARANCE .v\LL Great JANUARY CLEARANCE :TACE January Bargain Days Saturday and Monday, January 25th and 27th EXTRA BIG BARGAINS for the last business days of our business year and the last days of this big January sale. Friday the 31st of the month, we enter stock and wind up our business for a year. February 1st is anew year for us as far as business records go. We want to start it with a clean sheet in all departments. The stock has been gone over from end to end. Wherever we found anything we should not have on February 1st, the price has been cut without any regard as to cost or value. What the goods will bring, not what they cost, is how we are going at the marking. Saturday and Monday are the days we will take to sell them. Here is the list. Read it carefully. Every item a money saver. — ,1-,1,w € .'%•4.F75•: '. Lk '.r".:-v, *ell-1)-s.e"'i't l tF'; le l 1`t~ri...l,a# 'r'11,: `•;: Ladies: straight luunl linen eollux, all siker. bar- gain days, each tc Ladies' hose silpporters, hook un or with ,laud, regular 25c, bargain' days sic iAdiee woollen neck fliers, half a dozen odd ,ales, regular $1, bargain days each Belt ends of silk and veivet,sperial, each, INirgain days to Ladies' knitted woollen gloves. Mail Cash •i1', rel, black. etc., clearing up the entire stork. Regu- lar 2:x and :kk, choice toe ladies' black and rolurd cashmere knitted and ruigwoxl gloves, regular 51k,.larvai,, slays. sp•eial - per pair . Children's knitted woollen gloves, regular :ss - and 25e, special bargain days per Mair Chiffon veils, navy and bs'own, lander on ends and lattena.• Itegimlar 75c and tike, largniu'lira each 1Vhite net aeilfmgs, louder, regular 25:• bargain days per yard Baby ribbons, plain taffeta, moire it waists, all colors, regular :k•, bargain days. :t yards tot• - ... - ...... sc Ladies' fancy collars, blacks end assorted colors, 'miler ilk, ilk, bargain days each , 50c 55C 50c inc Dress Goods and Dress Suitings rat Axw}rtell styles and Mittel ns, Ali colors, regular alk•, INP and 9:se, bargain days per yard . •„ 35c Tweed spiting., and fancy dress goods, blacks and colors. regular tax-, $1, $1.15, bargain days .tri yard. - ..5Sc Extra line gimnlity black 'w'aver, suitable for ladles' roars, rich Hnich, regular $2.511, lat•gnin &ye per yard $1.75`. Edney flannels and fancy wnistings, patterns suitable for waists or dlrssingp, sncques, regular thoi,.'•hitr;atiit days per yawl 25C Fancy wrapprn'Ites in spits, pbtids, also bears cloths, regular L'te, bargain days per yard roc Kimbell white cotton, viisd wide, good weight and finish, bargain dnyc per yard 71t Very tine quality Fnglieh cotton, put up in 5•ynrl lengths, special lw'r emu,.....,. . . .. ., sec 255, culla allover lace and fancy trimming laces, short lengths and odd endo gathered together. We want to ricer them all out before stocktaking, clear- ing bargain days at per yard ......... . .... ... Half price Ladies' hemstitched initial luusdket•ehlefs, all initials, special bargain days each ' 'xl-ineh good quality Canadian flannelette. fancy .Uip.rs, sprint• 6,c "plop dozen tnncy drew.buttons. blocks and eoliru, n ripen -ftp of the entire stock, special Isargtin days dozen for 3C :est dozen rotten, gicwi pearl button.. alwworled sl s, regular 12',e to 21C, Margate d,lvs INT dozen. -- - - - - .7C 111 hest quality English print., dark and li;glet lett s, a clean up of the stock before the new ones eerier, . pr'rial bargain days • roc :AI y ells mantle t•lotlts, real pieces of sheet lengths. a wing then, out largaiii days per yard d1S travellers quill samples, lost, rneasnt•i' about S x 12 or I.i in\hrs, (rut together slake a capital quilt for ordinary wall r, special bargain days each - 1c Astrachan ge valets, gray or black, ladle's' eke, ' regular $1, barge' each - So 5c Sc Pei yards Iwe•t. quality- ,ltueyican table'olldlib, I i yards wide, special per yat•d , s . tee ' 25 tulles' fancy roneb., various kinds, regular ;Lie and ::Ale,bargain stttay.. each ,,,, ,,,,rr5c Good quality linen erasls towelling, 17 inoses NI 1111'. fancy stripe, spelled per vigil Etc `u” COURT HOUSE SQUARE If ywi hod y1,i00,00 ince ted is Furor, Fur Coats and Fur -lined Coats, if it were about the end Qfygru •/a!idatiary and you wanted the money, what would 7hal's jos/ sur /y0.yiliafr, lee harm •11, °u"al (I wor!/i of Finer. 1/ i•e nearly the end o/• .January and we want the• money. That's why a'e hare rut priers so torr for lar- . pain days. ,1/•ade thole lower than we have erer sold !poor/ furs /;,r before% J iuldn'/ yon do the same /hill/ ifmoi 'erre in our *arc; I only Muskrat Sluff, regular $9.'a', lutrgusiu d:ay. $015 I only 72-i'Ich Throw t„ match, trotter $11.51e, lutrgain clays. $9 50 1 only natural Muskrat Coat, beautifully marked. register $55, largain slay. $44 I only genuine Alaska Sable Muff. flat •shape, regular largain day.. - $to.5o I only genuine Alaska Sable Scarf. vet's thick miller, flat front, eight tails, regular .lei, bargain (laL'. $ti75 I only- Ohio Sable Stole, long front and wide shoulders, regular jet, now $16.50 I only Alaska Sable l(nfl, Si inches long, regular $Ire, largain days $13.50 I only Japanese Mink ThtZw, regular SS. flew $6 I only natural Muskrat Stole, very stylish, regular $173, bargain drys $13,50 I ?ply las-ge Pillow Muff to, match, regular $14.00, bargain days $6.75 1 only ,lapaneae Mink Stole, •wide sbouklers, regular $Y3, bargain days $16.50 1 only Isabella Fox Scarf, regular $'213, now $tt I only.naturtl Alaska Salle Rid?, regular $lhiJtO, lie,%V.,r. .... .. $t 2.39 1 only natural Canadian Mink Scarf, very choide skins, regular $ail, now $40 I only extra large Alaska SabI$ Huff, extra choice fur, regular Ileal, now... , $24 I only Black Astrachan Stole,-- regular $I), now —.4s° I :ally dark Marten Throw, 72 inch long. regular $5, plow $3.75 1 only dark MartenThrow, 30 incites long, regular *t.75.1 :t, 75. now 1 only Rock Marten Throw, regular $7.50, now $5.62 I only Isabella Opoeaum Stole, regular $14 now spas° I only dark Martnet Scarf, regulate $Ile til, now ....$4.8a I gray Marten Scarf, regular $15, now $11.25 I only Sable and Meal Caperine, regular $17. now. Au 2 only Black Astrachan Jackets, extra quality, regular $:/1, now $44 i only Electric Seal Jacket. Ohio sable collar and revers, regular $:Li, bargain days pied 1 only, French Seal jacket. Ohio sable Niter and t•t•veil, regular. $17.511, largnin days .. ...... .. ...$40.00 I only long Astrachan Jacket, regular $541, now. ,$34,50 1: only Fur -lined twat, black shell, tat lining, Obio sable collar, was $155, now $45 1 only Fur -line) Cont, black shell, rat lining, full length. Ohio cable collar and revers. regular $70, now ..,. ... $ I only Fur -lined Ctstt,•black shell, Alaska sable collar, grey and, whitesquirtel lining, was $16, how ,,..$47 I only Fur -lined (Allot, Flue l'mttdclnth, teamster s lining, (Minn -able collar and revers, vias $11,1, now • . • • $42 1 only Fur -lined Coat, black shell, Ohio sable enlist* anti revere, grey and white squirrel, regular $50, now $39.50 2 only men's Canatliul;Ulton Usa1e, thick, close fur, regttle. $43, now $52.50 2 only dye( 1Vornbat Clans, dyed wotnhatcolllrs, r'gnlar ,Ki i, now, e•amh $27 Good quality linen reale Dauwtak, half bleu -heal.. , sac *period bargain days per yard.. F:itrit heavy pure• Linen 'iable I)atatask, good padtetus, regular 51c, bargain day, per yard• .. . Good quality erash Towelling, lie iucbee w'd'•, e ik•odid dryer, very special at per yard Berlin Wont*, odd shades., small Hots, etc. rhoi- of a hid basketful at per ounce....., :1 ends only all wool carpet. full yard wide', lege- lar (Idle, spe'iel for bargain day. • . . Coat Bargains 19c All the Coats to go n.)t1, just .1 it"1% left. ,Very little prices on them to 1n;tkc the selling sure. 1 only Milk ('oat, wadded inter(' g, silk lined. ~braid trimuyeal, regular $1:1, bargain days $31 1 black Silk Velvet Coat. hamlemisely to .....'il, regular $45, bargain days special - . .. ,y $35.50 4 only Carroual Coats, regular $13.73 and *17, • very stylish. now• ..... . .. . .... . .8$•50 1 only extra largo Black Kelsey Cea►Leuita Ile fpr a very stout lady, regular $215, now $14.50 I only black Heaver Coat, braid trimmed, regular $10.50, tam ...... $6.25 ii only ladies' Tweed Coats, regular $13 to $bu, choice now *7.50 D) only ladies' Tweed I'oat N, assorted styles, leg• alar$$55ito$1.2511,choice caeh .... -,,..$4.25 1 only Opera Cloak, rich wine xl:e' le, regular tl fu, now ... , $15 I only lawn Opera Cloak, lee.- trerusuel, fur collnr, regular V35, now $19.50 15 truly ladies' Tweed Skirts, se • childYcn'a Skirts in the lot, choice of all1.• $1.25 !Ginty ladies' Costumes, tailor made, $141 to $25 wall price of then, el ' e now. - - noon „ • • $ to 10 only('icilian and,Lustte Skirts,na\ y all el crennt, regular $,i and $11, bargain days $3.95 lo pair, regnlat• alk; Corset., ext! bargain days 15 to 211 pair regular 73c and $1 Corsset.., odd sixes. bargain days hnonrlygalu in shdays rm anephiack Sateen Wtiats, Regular S only black and cream fancy Silk Waistsbar sin ,lays 45' each:, better Silk Waists, lace trimmed, burg sin days 55r Soc 90( $1 S only (Team Jnpanlsic Milk \Vitiate, rugsliatr $22,'11, bargain elnys each... .... only serene taffeta Milk \\'ales, lace trilnhicd, regular $11.75, bargain flays omit $3.50 x only Shaker Flannel snel Gowns, small ladies' sire. special 10 sample \Vrapp,•rs, good quality wrapperette, feat colors. .,.... .... 35' 75' I:. it'ly Mo. prawn Almon-, all Isauuplr•-. bargain days at Il -.s than iv holes. Jo prices, o - en8 al SII C FM O y . —•--ata ss 'PNONkI NO, eS r