HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-1-23, Page 5•
ft overs in
ill be very
gs is brie
ire etcep-
I'inl. urxt
3811,.•+ and
pe before
ak t0 ere
An Eye
In buying golds from our soot
you buy with your ryes open
Ulla. block it kei,l-np-tar-date 4111,1
s1 ylislL
Invest Your
I u our of our golsl. serviceable
!catty -made suits,tr. the kleI
1.11riuIees wear. or any work
litters you want to rave good
$5 to $I2
These suits axe g •
cora, because we are going out
of thin line to make room (to
her guilds.
Watch Our Ad. for the
latest thing in Goderich
Reg. Black
ai tt 441 '1114': n1.I1' %14K
Special for Saturday
11 -made t•hexrotate, and
1'reamsy210is per Ile.
Claes flat et. and Creams, nl'xed,
2 liar. for _Sc.
lioutteneade Nut Taatltlee,4mixed.
:1 Iles. for 25a•.
Finest Selects en bulk
or served in any style.
11 i -s,
Mese i. Mea;;
lir %INS'S
Meals, Lunches,
Creams, etc ,
Hot Drinks. Ice
at all hours.
Olympia Cafe
Phone 149
The Pantry,
The Kitchen .
The Diningroom
are requisites in every
well -ordered household ;
They would be
adjuncts to the home
without being supplied
Good Things
that are fresh and pure,
PIM* or. ... Prompt .
Figures of the Voting in Recent Contests
Throughout Ontario.
The Piowirr of fart week }lave the
following sunientry of the voting on
local option bylaws at the January
election*: ,
With five tuwusbipe yet to hear
from, ‘V4ilIflret, Tilbury Wert, Sid-
ney, Kennebec and Brigbtou, local
option wa4 carried in the campaign
just domed in thirty municipalities,
defeated by the th I•ee-H f I he requirement
In twenty-eight and defeated by a
majority in twenty -tour.
la addition W these new couteats
the liquor traffic attempted repast of
the Ioc*l uptiou bylaw in seven umni-
elpalities, with the result that in six
the Majority fur the bylaw was
largely increased over the Majority
by which it was carried three or more
years ago, and in one the bylaw was
repealed by a very narrow margin.
Out of eighty -throe cantpalgps to
carry local option the teimprepence
people • were successful' ill thirty
places. Out of seven campaigns to
repeal lural option, the temperance
people were successful in six.
Computed ill lar -rooms the results
of the ei.mpetig, thus -tar are : Bar -
rosined prohibited 02, bar -wools held
by the three-flftha ciau+e 91, bar-
rooms held by a straight liquor ma-
jority 141*, The liquor traffic there-
fore must sur•irnder 92 distributing
centres', It resists, by the three-fifths
clause, attempts to remove 01 others,
and by a straight majority attempts
of remove 11$ others.
In the eighty-three e•aoItetigns to
carry local option, the total vote for
the hyla. was 21.127. the total vote
against it 18,1415, showing au aggre-
gate majority for the bylaw over all
the municipalities of 5,31.2.-
7,1412,Thr statement of resulte follows: --
Muni.ipalily For Agit. Maj.
Aucetater..,.,. k,,,. 579 :til Zee
Asphodel .. . i....:.41 1171 ,( 142
14rvJerley . . R ;.. , lilt ' Vat. :f21
•H, 114 ,9.11 '' , ... 815 . IMI lt'3
Odense 270 I 11 158
•('Il•r 1*•..
•D11rhatu.. et�i..
Eldol ..
Erin , ,..,•.
HHMuiltun. 4.,v ,.
liarveyy ; ..., .
Mch:elktr .. '..,,. .
5Iedonte .
Elul r 4 t';•
Mntrev. . ....
• N o•wo s al .. e.. r'y. •
•Norwich .y .
•th'i11is ,,, .
Saltfleet . µ..fol...
•Scbrieber ,•'.,1. •
Seymour .:.. • .
Somerville .y.,.
•8llug . ,..
• w1iroodvillc ,....:.
:17'2 an 1:31
21 over 01 per cent,
...1'91 - .a.1 M4
7 U8
14817 170
t1N1 '9a.
. ,.73
• 211* 1211
52,a 181
7n 37
27:; •271
IC! 120
Mil :x15
Its* :w1
02 117
1'..a..' 05
33 42
:tial" 103
174 1111
:1•a.' 104
:1i 27
1117 111
137 IMI
1111 03
':14 :i
5,01:1 1,727
11141.. M�
014 lat.
:14i 28G' •21
1014 42il :5*
210 5
451 749 :t
157 34Hai4 42
1141, '26
2..7 11:.
111 112
374 9i*
2417 14
1'24 34
193 12
215 54
07 1f
173 7f.
Ili :k
248 11:
124 26
till ,3 $
:117 9
:3* 172
17'2 473
8.34*2 1,010
Agar. Jlaj.
'111 1115
I 49 21
377 111
ill 7
Hill 11*3
147 23
.r2517 bun
IA1, 7
.10i 34
2111412 133
14,7 40
Mteuicipality Yoe
Aldlorough . . 3005
•Isarrie... 771
Bastard and South
flurgtw.... 427
Bexley ..,.. 111
'Beaverton ...:- r . 1341
I3oa.tno4{net ....... 3e.
•Ilraceln•idge . , . , ... 251
Brock. •. .. 32:1
•Buck's Malls.... .. 113
Camden p:..... 51*
Clue !Tee 340+
•Enut Toronto 111
Elizabethtown 510
I•'dani ori E.'f1.4
I•'lamhoro' W. 31111
Floe 101
Uwillimhury N: 251
• N age* r +life 137
•Huntsville.... 214 -
Loughborough ;SMI
Metcalfe...,. 254
• Paisley . « .i, • • 1:11
I'lyinpton . .';'.. 341
Scarborts .. , •r .. • . 41V
Tay... .... .a t> • . :►'Cl
Tot unto... . + .. .. 373
Walpole. . e . • • 371
IN (Morel i. r... 245
Totals " 10,212
Municipality For
Crosby S ,.... 174*
•Cnnningtua .... 133
Culross .. • . 2910
*Fain .. .. ,.. -s.• Irl
Etolrictike ..... . :All -
Foley 81
•Gt•avenhur'st...: *7*)
•Ha,t-iato n 102
*Mount Fin•rst
•Palmerston y . '.1:, SGr 10
'Parry Sound.. , .. 277 2114 82
Perry .... .. ... . 1111. 15e 49
*Port D.8lotirie.... 77 1111 140
IG,xtss%n.ugh 1511 4111 10
'South River 19 IMI 211
•RLteeteville ....,l.,• • Ili Irl 18
Stephenson ly.a.. tr2 1511 117
'Mutton 75 104 23
•Thadfox1 r:.. 71 ill 12
Thorold ,.. 2113 2104 73
• \Wroxeter - 4)4 11:1 15
'rotes x./,175 5,1411 1.015
IIEPEAi. ['l►�"I EST.
For .Ag -1, MOO. :11,#.1.
heel It 111 Are't For
Camden ‘Vast ... • ,115
•l:aldinal 77
Fe -melon 1111 l iti :115
Hallett 111 1311 1104
'North Toronto311 1::5 111
"rhunt•st•ille 9
Yarmouth :715
•incorporated towns and vtllllges.
Mount Clemens, Mleh:gan.
Mount (lletue0s is famous through-
out Aluerica as an all-year
health moors. and thousentie of people
hear testimony to the benefits derived
from its mineral waters in ca.ea of
rheumatism and kindred chemises.
For hilioua and liver troubles,
nervous disorders, general debility,
etc., the efficacy of its waters i* won-
derful. Seventy-flve per cent. of
rhe tnn*tics etre cured and ninety per
cent. benefitted. Write J. 0. McDon-
ald. District Passenger Agent. Toronto,
for handsome booklet telling all about
An old lady was telling her grand-
children About some trouble in Scot-
land. in the course of which the chief
of bet. clan was beheaded. "it was
nae great thing of a bead, bairns. to
he sure," said the old lady. "but it
was a sad loss to him."
"I'm tired of heing penned up in
this prairie dog bole," said the young
specimen of the rtotaluu hnrrktus.
"Can't I go nut and play 'r" "No, you
t!nn't," responded the mother snnke.
"You stay right here and play with
_`•Our rattle."
T Nc,-u do any worrying today that
,can be put oft till tomorrow.
LIvslposi Wheat Futures Close Lower,
Chicago Higher -Live Stock
-Latest Quotations.
1ionday Evening, Jan W.
Liverpool wheat futures closed to -day
14ad Ionto than Saturday, and torn tar•
tures lid to •id lower.
At Chicago, May wheat cloned 14c high-
er than Yaturday. May corn 540 higher.
and May oats 510 higher.
'Winnipeg Options.
Poliewing are the donut qyuotatlol's ea
Winnipeg grain futures to -da
Wheat -Jan. OM. bid. May 41
14..1yi bid.
Oats -Jan. 138 bid, May 4445. hid.
Gra' whipa-
w atT, wnootsebaOrate*MMM.is1'7.b,uabkiah
WRyehest. b
, rad,wh. bush
lauckkwhet. 111.1.' 4 M
bush..b 0 43
Toronto Dairy Market.
Rutter, dairy, 1b. rolls 0 •M • 20
Ratter, tuba 0 34 0 25
Rutter, creamery. Ib. rolls.,0 30 0 10
nutter. creamery. boxes 029 0 31
Maggs. new -laid, down a 30 .
Eggs. cold -storage, dos 0 21 0.22
Cheese, large. lb • 11ii14{{,, ,...
Cheese, twin, Ib 01M1
Itonee, extracted. Ib 0 M. 0.13%
• New York Dairy Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 20. -Ruiter -1 teadv.
reretpts, 4600: creamery, specials, 3114r;
extras", 31c; third In fleet, 21e, to 310e; held,
e e4•ond to special, 23c to 304; state dairy,
common to finest. 194 to Me; process", com-
mon to special. 15c to 2*50c: western fac-
tory. common to drat. lac to 20r.
Cheese -Firm; re.Mole, 107; state. full
ream, small. colored and white, (Inc.
11'c; do.. large, colored. fine. *5%s": dn.•
white. 13*0e' d,., good to prime, 14c to 16e:
de.. late October and early November
make, 3214c to holo; do.. winter make. Ile
fn ltc; do., common to fair, /54c to 111/2c.
skims, 1s" to Ile.
Eggs -Weak; receipts, 1117: elate, Penn-
avivanla and nearby, fanccyy setectele
white, 31.. to Xe; good to choice. 227c to
*0c: brown and mated. fancy, 26c to 27e;
nret, 24,4c to 2... western and southern,
tam. 24c; second. 2Ic to Mike.
Cables Steady -U. S. Markets Steady
for Hogs and Cattle.
LONDON. Jan. 20.-Lond., ruble. sou
firmer. at 114 to 13c'per pound. dressed
wvlght; refrigerator beef 1s quoted at
055c to 9*4e per pound.
T•rents Junction Live Stock.
Receipts of Live stock at the Union
Stock Yards were 68 carloads, tom -
posed of 1906 cattle, 169 sheep, 8
calves and over 100 horses.
Prices ranged at from 34.76 to 33.25 per
cwt.bulb.for steers, and 33.71 1.0 14:5 tier
choice picked Iota Geld at 14.75 to 35 per
cwt.; loads of good. 34.30 to $4.46. medium,
14.10 to $4.21; common. 33.60 to 3143; cows.
to 44; canners, 31 to Siper cwt.
Veal Calves.
Trade MAI for veal calves. at $4.40 to
26.Z per eat.
Milkers and Springers. •
Only a Ilmlte.l number were on sale
e nd none of extra quality. Prices rented
a1 front $Z t., M.: per cwt.
Sheep and Lambs.
ttN'elpu of sheep and loathe les. than
NO; sold readily as follow.: 1Lgport
ewes, f4.23 per cwt.: lamb., M to. 41.E per
cwt.; picked. ewes and winhers. M.3 to
$t.:A per cwt.
neater. quoted selects. led and watered.
31.50; light. and fats, 45.26. Prices were
Mon quoted by these same dealers at
X4.5 to drovers at country 'polnte, f.o.b.
care. Many of the drovers @tatted that
they would not be able tp get hogs at
thew prices.
Montreal Live Stock.
MONTREAL. Jan.:0.-,special.)-At the
Montreal Stock Yards West Lnd Market
the receipts of lice stock for the week
ending Jan. It were 4362 cattle, ON sheep
and lambs, 2431 110g1 and 114 calces. The
offerings to -day for the local trade were
Hee cattle, 400 sheep and lambs• gds hogs
and 100 calves.
Sales cm Saturday of choice steers.
weighing 1400 lbs., were made at 245c lar
.'.c per 110.. and there were purchases
made this morning at 15kc to 514.., but the
@ tock wan not so heavy. There were no
changes In prices for other grades of cat-
tle, as supplies were ample to fin ail re-
quirements. but the tone of the market
was firm, and, as the demand was good
from loth loc.) and outside buyers. an
active trade was done and it clearance
was made early. Cable advices trona
Liverpool on Saturday were stronger and
toted an advance In prices for Canadian
cattle and ranchers of 140 to 1,4.. per lb.,
e nd bull. were quoted at lc per ;t:. higher.
In this market choice deers sold to -day
at Pro. to 15ic• good cattle at yic to Se;
fah' at Vac to 413c; common at 31,4c to $sic
and inferior at 2444; to 20 per lb...trong
er feeling has developed In the mark @•
for Iambi. and prices have advanced 1,41,to Se' per IA This is duos to the small
supplies coming forward at present and
the good local demand. Rales of choice
ewes wen lined* at 614c to siic: good at
41.0 to Oc, and common at 414•= to 6460 per
Ib. The market for sheep was flrm and
unchanged. Receipts are light, for which
there la a steady demand for expert ac-
count. Choice stock .old at 40 be 414c;
gong,. at 3A0 to 314e. and calls a. le to
ekaa per Ib. The market tor hop was
weak .asln this morning, and prices de-
clined 2.e to lOc per 100 lbs. viae. last
Wednesday. Receipts were much smaller.
but as the demand was also very Ibntted
from packers and dealers. .. they were
fairly well stocked up. supplies were more
than ample. as some were left over. A
few small sales of selected stock were
made early at KM to P.M. but later the
beat bid was 41. watch was for same
round lot., but at this flga*'e drown loft
money, as they paid more In the rounery
for them. Some holders would not ac -
rept the last price named and carried
their stock over, with the expectation
that few will come In for Rhe balance of
thin week and next, as farmers will re-
fuses to sell at lower prices then they have
been getting of late. which w111 probably
firm up the local market Cable advice.
on Saturday from IAverpool on Canada
heron were r►eak and sated a deefne 1.1
prices of 2s 10 M per ewe.. as compared
with a week ago.
Eut Buffalo Cattle Market.
EAST Rt;FFALO, Jan. 30..-Cattle--Ra-
relpts, 6000 head; slow and 100 lower:
pprime 'leers. 43.644 to M: *hipping, 4s le
$4.40; butchers', Kau to 3{.2*; heifers, Wee
to $6; row., $2.75 to $4.0' hulls, 83 tii4.30;
Rockers and feeder@. IS to $4.36; lock
heffert, X.r to $3; fresh tows .nd spring-
er. steady, 320 t0 333.
)tog.--Reeelpts, 23,100 head; sctIve. and
lee higher: heavy, $4.46 to 14.66; mixed,
$4.144 to 34.37; yorkere. 14.11: to 4411; pig.,
44.* t.. 34.70; rough.. $3.73 to $4, stags.
43 14. 33.F.0; dairies. $4.0 to $4.00.
Sheen and Lambe--Reeelpte. 211 WO head,
active; sheep Ready; lambs and yesr-
tIngs (33c 1.4 he,'; lambs, 45 to $7.45; year-
15np, 4• to 16.30; wether., 31.13 to 4s: ewes,
*3 to 46.10; sheep. mixed, 32 to $5.60.
Chicago Live Stock.
CHICAGO, Jul. 244.-Cattle_R0dpts es-
timated at about AMC market lower:
steers, $4.26 to $$.23; cowl, *3.410 to M.P.
heifers. $2.60 to *3.21: bulls. MO to P.M;
calves. 4$ to KZ; stockers and feeder.,
$2.41 to $4.10,
Hogs-Recelpte estimated at about 41.-
410; market etron;R to 6e: butter; choir%
heavy shipping, $4.46 to $4.10: butcher' .
44.40 to 44.40; tight mixed, $4•30 to M.0,
choice light mixed, $4.30 to 41.16; choice
light, 04.0 to 44.43: packer@, 84 to 44.46:
Mee. $4131 t0 44*; bulk of sales, 41$1 to
"Life in Every Dose"
'L cannot speak too highly of Pip%
titlark ler it is the groateet medicine 7
ever used. 1 was just about 'all in'
when I hegas the treatment. and in 3
months 1 was as well as ever. Tt is a
great Mate for weak and tun down peo-
ple. There is new life in every dose."
Ridgetnwn, Oat., Doc. 141, One.
it is a fie ant to toil emir del friends
.hone taire wonderful prescription.
Throat, hmg and *tmeseh trouble*, and
*11 run down ,•omditinne gnieb*v cured
by its use. 0t. all Anlge epi, •7'4 and
4.1•00, or Dr. T. A. Blurs, 14td., Toronto
Tnuaa*Av, Jauui6ry 23, IOOQ'
04111111 41111111111111M 1111111111111 1111111111/811/1/110 1111111111111O1111 ONI/Nita
Clearing Sale
General Merchandise
Commencing Saturday, January 18th
WE WOULD AGAIN REMIND OUR MANY CUSTOMERS and the public in general that
we have planned for one more clearing sale and will endeavor to make this one the largest
and best sale we have ever held. In order that this can be -accomplished we are MARKING goods
at such BARGAIN PRICES that the shrewdest buyer cannot but recognize the truthfulness of our
statements. If you are in want of any goods for present or future use, we feel satisfied it will be to
your advantage to call and see the bargains we are offering. Below will be found some of the lines.
Come early and often.
Dress. Goods
Wo aro placing our Entire 'Stock at Bargain
Prices, containing about 1,000 to 1,200 yards of new
and up-to-date goods, being last fall's purchases,
comprising Venetians, Oniber Cheeks; Chiffon
Broadcloths,' French Worsted Suitiugs, Tartans,
Cashmeres, Ser;,es, etc. Listed as follows :
Lot 1, regular Aye, 4oe and 454, sale pl,ce. 25,
+• Lot 2, regular sac, hoe, and 754, sale price, 39.
Lot 3. regular 75c, 85c, and 9oc, sale price, 55c
Lot 4. regular et and $1.25. consisting of French worsteds, Ven-
etians, chiffons, broadcloths and silk mohaus, sale price, 791.
Large and varied assortment of black dress suitings in 7 yard
lengths. Regular $1.00 and 81.25, sale price. 79c
2000 yards of Print
to sell
About 34.41 'anle of good, heavy
l'anadian print, regular 10c. sale,
About 'a )are} N Putter's
Ile. A sit I J) U•t•y
). iiiNh print. regularIvlc
'Ile above is gounew pattern',
but utast be clearedoat for
spring,arrivall. Don't raise see-
ing thea? goods.
Flannelette, 6;c
411) yards of good, heavy Uau-
edu►11 flannelette, in assot•tel
fancy stripes, 21) inches �/w1
wide. choice 62c
Wrapperette and Em-
pire Twills
:111' yams choice wrappetette
pattrrne, in Iduc, pink. navy.
cardinal and dark g r e y.
regular 14.. and 12',c, 10c
201) yank. empire twills, dainty
patterns. legul.l• 13c, 12c
Small assortuieut.uf dark rel
r•evetsible wrapperettes, regular
Irk and 121,c, sale.
Ladies ' Waist Lengths
25 waist lengths, comprising
delaines, poplins. nuncloths,
nil31k and gcoxlt1k new
regulapatternsr,sale, , 35c
Ladies' Waists
,lust a small assortment to
clear, in color*,, black. pale blur,
and cream. Neatly and fashion -
sillily made from good nun's
cloth. - Regular, $1.95
53,111, sale v7
Ladies' and Children's
Knitted Underwear
A large and varied ns ortu*cnt
Iar select fromat,priers that yuu
cai*not *fiord to 'Mims Below
are some lines we are ofreeing :
L.adicsi heavy knitted vests
and draiwere. natured 1('c
(minim, regular 21c, sale �v77
Ladies' extra heavy knitted
vests and drawer., eoloi'c white
and natural, rrgulxr 25c
:Ric. -telt
ladies' white' knitted v1.
gond heavy weight, reg -
tiler Mc. sale...... . . 29c
drL.'ei wextrood a knittwigood vests and
quxlil y. regular 311'. sale 394
Lidice* extra heavy tie ce-
lined corset covers, t•e'g. 32
uI*r 45c, sale
Many other lines at reduced
Ladies' Fancy Collars
\1'e have a tulle ussol'tns•nt. sit
these goods to offer, and helot;
all bought for the
1. hriatmets
trade, they c5m tire someof
the newest and most dainty de•
signs ever offered.
Lot 1 c •isca blacks, bhack
Mild white, blue. pink, white.
pink and white, anti blue end
while, Regular 2#k: arid 1(l,c
35c, be X77
Lot assorted colons
and designs; reg. 50e, sale, 39C
Lot :i. assorted colo,-.
and designs. reg. 751:. stile, 55C
Lot 4, :assorted color*
and designs, reg. $1, axle, 75c
Lot 5, ataeorted color's a u d
designs, $1.25 and '$1.31),g,
Ladies' Coats
Black and Fancy Tweed Coats
These goods will not be carried
over and for quick selling we
'are marking tbent at prices le-
gatdless 01 cost.
Ladies' black beaver coats,
with velvet and silk braid trite -
regular $12, �Q�Q•�-(k
sale ♦♦IIVV
Ladies* dark Oxford grey'
ernvenette, regular $•IJ,SU
$10, sale J
Ladies' betvy wool. tweed
coats. neatly made anti good
titters. regular .;1) $5.50
and $10, sale Jll
Hosiery. •
AVe have a large quantity of
ladies*, children's and boys' wool
hoer to offer and the %ante will
show Bit) 14EDI'CT1ONS.
Dont fail to ,we these ghouls and
note prices.
Comforters and Wool'
.rust n small quantity of these
goods to offer.
No. 1, wool blankets. Puritan
bland, large -cher, $355
regular 51,:41, sale
No. 2, wool hlnnketn, King
Edward brand, size $.2•(1]5
511:74, reg. 54.44), palea7
No,. 2, Alexiinrlrn 1.r*nd, Size
litlx7li, regular $.3.01, $3.75
Ready-made Clothing
Men's Overcoats
Vo have just a limited
her of coats to Nell. If you are
requiring torr come early And
secure a good bxrgaiu.
Gent.' black i eaves• overcoats.
Illlld wltll go ).t fa,-uie1's' `;affil,
welh made. ltegul:u• $ A .95
$8.541 and *7,344 .14444, ' F
(lento' dark gt•ey 4)x ford
chat,'. re.gnlnt' S5 $375
:rod $1t
(cutsextra Iiw 'an
twe.•el ea't., trgula*r $7v, f,25cy
Men's extra 114N4')' Iee(r1*,
lc14ttlar 53.Slr,'sak•, $3.75
Mens Pants
Men's lli li(ax
1 d1ul5ts,
pl.ic5. Nate
14f1m.7c3y afnderm$i
5.2.41,, 5x14;
ly pair extras heavy crrtt,n
tweed pant*, regular 51. 79c
sale x77
:141 lair extra heavy hlae-k
duck pants. regular $1, 79c
:i1* pair black duck pants,
with hit,, regular d:'e' go
5+41.• J.7
2i fair striped blue duck
pant s, regular 75c, 59
24 pair Ntriped bloc suuxk%
to match, iegular 7'X3 59c
All other lines of clothing will
be sold at big reductions.
I'len's Mitts
tut 1, wens lined leather
nrltts, regular :Ak, 39c
Lot 2, men's Iinel leather
luitt N, regular ;&• 55c
Lot 3, men'. lined leather
mitts, regular 81, _ 79c
Lot. 4, sten'.+ linwl leather
miff.., regular $1.'25. Q.5C
sale C7J
These good. etre all this fall's
purchase. They are well nleule.
Don't fail to see them. They,
are genuine snaps.
Gents' Ties'
A good nxsortt11eut of siting
and • four-in-hand ties, new
goods, choice patterns: 194
.ale v7
Men's Fall and Winter
A large, assortment of caps,
melittin "tied heavy weight.
KOMI quality, •regublr
•111(', i.k, *1111l 75e, Sade 25c
Just another inetanre of gen
nine hargstin%.
Men's (*loves
ler} 1, Keul's kid Khrves, 554
gl1n4e,2,r9'gguelantt's7:m, eaJe. 3
:t, gent's kill (�
gloves, regular 51, sate• 79c
tut 1.. Kettt,s ntudta 9
gloves, reg.dau• 51, latae• 79C
Mean's Medium a n d
Heavy Wool Hose
1Ve can show jun a • "(111
ling valises in these guteln. A
good large naso, -►hent to relent
(1 *u.
(lents' Underwear
11) 114,14111 men's extra heavy
Ilee.•llnehirts and dlnwers,
assorte-tid NIzdsr', regular 41 c
like each. sale
:t dozen Periman•s 1'nehrink-
ably. heavy riblsd, shirts and
dr*wers. regular 75e and 59c .
8.eeach, Nale.,
:4 dozen i'enmati . extheavy
ribbed 'shirt, and draw-
$1, salera 794
:4 dozen men's heavy striped
wool shirts and drawers 63Qac
regular :tale
3 dozen men's drawee, as-
sorted makes, regular 9
Zinc, Ir85c,, k-, 73c an85c, sale 39c
Many ether lines will show
140041 reduction.
Men's Top Shirts
Meir , fancy striped duck
shirts, ameorte•d pad 39c
terns, regular :elk•, as e.
Men's extra heavy fancy duck
alr41 t14. ass;,rted pat-
terns, regular 75c. sale503 C
Men's fancy wool knitted
skirts, nasor•tel colon. 599
de llur 76c, wale 559
patpAdenyrn'ssfa,(n1111cysized, wool shhirts,eavy tweed
weight, regular $1, side 75c
31eu's fancy wood shirts.
tweed patterns, extra heavy,
well nude and full sized, a good
working -man's winter 9
shirt, regular 51.23, sale 954
Gents' Negligee and
Regatta Shirts
N'e are putting our full a.-
eurtulent of these goods to-
gether. They contain many
gland patterns, regular
7:w:, 51, and $1.'25, sale.. 49C
Women's Felt Shoes and Slippers
We have ae quantity of the alovr goods to offer and for quick
and sure selling are putting prices away down below actual valise.
Wouwn-s felt gaiters, line(
with doirgola foxing. regular
price $1.23 and 81.3.5, $1
sale............... .....
Women's feltla t,,.orals, wool
lined, with dungola foxing,
regular 1$1.223 and $1.35; $1
:11 pair woolen r fancy clot')
slippers, assorted sizes, 25c
regular :13.., sale
Wttnen's fancy slippers with
fur trimming. aeso•ted dolor*,
regular 75e rind Irk59c
♦Vuluen's fancy slippers, with
fur tritnrning, aasortel colors,
extra quality, regular
51.25, saes $1
Many other lines in bootie xud
shoes will show *pedal priers.
Ladies Fur Goods
I leavy Fall purchases and the extremely mild winter wee ther that we have experienced, have left our stock
far too largo for this season of the dear. • We do not avant to carry these goods over for the reason
that they run into money Very first, and also it has always been ourainl to show our customers and the public
generally fresh new goods every season, hence it is that we have decided to clear this stock out regardless of
profit and in Many cases far below csu:,t. If.you are wanting anything in the fur line it will more than pay you to
sec our stock before purchasing, or if you had almost decided to put oft buying until next year we would say that
you will earn big looney by purchasing at o111 sale: Remember that you have a lung time yet to wear furs.
Our assortment consists of, Sahle ruffs and scarfs, ,Minks, Marten Scarfs and Bulls, clink, ',gannet, Isabella,
Opossutn, Blended Opossum and many tither lineS, ranging in price from 61.50 to $lr.:►11.
1111 viler that buying and selecting nosy be mads t ,tsy. wr• .114` dividing tsr chine,t•are sale into three lits at. prices lite. 2111e and :.,''. not.
to Ito able to appreciate these bargains, that we hare 111 .tort hell' )'oft, IC *111 lits lu•reesany for you to take a look through fur yontaelf ns ear h Int
will contain many ameba article! marked eit wacrifice prices.
lot 1 contains fancy _hnvul
anti cake plate., cup,' amt. win
esrs,' told MOS. 'Mt terdiehe .
breed and milk srtx, nurunkxd,•
dish with tray, cclesv trays,
salad dish, salt and peppers.
water jugs soul many uth1'.)in,- .
Regular 254., :4 k' sastl:iit•, 1QL
info - �ZZ
Lot 2 mailable fancy bi4:nit
are. einem jowl, tela (Hrt3 lfetneyl.
axlkiniere, fancy Japanese. cake
plate,. salads, ianl•y 1mra11
plater. regular :Aka and
Irk, sale -,' JUL
'Lot :1 vont ain. honey Japanese
send lh•rmmn china, 'hhead and
butter plates, ' dozen IOL*, rich-
ly dgctivtteel salads of as%carted
Iinls, l•pit'ce china tea sets,
dozen (aennau flint golelete.
and Many other lines wilt lie on
sale. !legatee 73e, l4.k 55c
stud 1111.', bide
In conclusion let me remind you that the above lit t is only part of the many lines of goods you will find
marked at bargain prices. Positively no goods soh} at sale prices before Saturday, 11th. Trusting you will
avail )ourself of this opportunity to purchase honest gtyrlds at Invest prices.
Your tahedient servant