HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-1-23, Page 33n ile inter 11 ogths ut M' highest vile 0111. 1 wee,. a, baud. )n tIt' u 1 f?t • { THE SIGNAL : " CODERiCIU- ONTARIO Xews of the itrict. Lr. Toole lute ttwigned Ilia position ,tot medical health °Meer in Bromide. Ti.• residents' of %'Ingham have established r free bed in their hospital. wJae. Kinliter, of NVr.raeler, left brat eek for a wunih's visit to his Ma- ther 111 England. FA. Doll, of Wingham. ploughed a field near boutbainpLou on the last Saturday in Deceutlwr. Jt hew been decided to hold the * pram sinek show at Clinton on the first Thursday iu April. • Oa 'meshy, tint 11th hist.., Mia. Miley 4kres'nan, of Urywlale, gave her heart end hand to Maximo Meow. Ann Xene$e enc Mineral Water r1\Hls 1.4.)11i-:ltit'I1 MINERAL. '1'M:1: ru.. wuuufae•Iuutr. of "Metwate twig." aro prepared to M..11ver to may part of 11w town tItIta.t Uini1tter Ale h, •pinta ,iu1 quail.: also bilateral Water L•1 three aiaca 1)uubI peel* cud .w roil, .. ,u*,r Water and Trouble feel*. Thaw anion. ur u made from teetotal mineral water. and are therefore free bend 511 lap'lruim. 1•. I.. WAL'1'VN Mate ager. Thaw Pl. AMMO Ml"11l! CLASSES. - I AM i'Klr I'AItKD to receive pupil. for le.•uns 144 piano .uNt Ihewy,'a1eer fee I\\In1,11teh1 letilroat Llndntlt•utnu owl hod fur young 'term, and other latornatlal may be had at 'fhun.4un a IIIc&¢ store, liudcrlch. t..\l>(f A.A. .tNlq:kN A 110Y AI)AMIS 'ascus" ur PIANO (tu Hula (tank of Maltreat thick. Medical top, EMMEHSUN t TURNBULL. A. T. L$Mxaaort. M_,1). 11' 8, LINsotr. M. B. OHamiltonae fur. mer- amilton Street. Notch 'amid, Tboo 1)r. pt:mmer.un • resdenee. Oppoelte et. (Moore schurch, 'phone tea !X. Turnbull'. noidenee, Lop treal Ares* tontlover ot Public Library. 'Phone Mt 1 K. F. J. R. FORSTER-EYE. EAR 'Nene and Throat only. Stratford. Clot. Huu.r +u n New York ffehthalUlle and A oral In -Mute IWsu.. l'llule+d a'«htrnt lar. No -01110i Thrust Ka.pltal. Uoidel n.pwre. and Itorul London tlphlhalwlroite d t Fyi+-P lu*,plul. London. Isnot e'New ,t Stratford, ampteite n Win sorTolhotel. lours : WMa.m.. :it p. Legal CAMERON k KILIh)KAN: 11AK- R18TElut..uttettorw, notaries. Mr. ',Moe, ' nllltotl St., third door hymn d'ivare. t. slerirh, Ont. tt. U. CAMERON. K. l'. J. L. KIL 1.uItAN. Pli u11+oA v offta. tarie' piddle pr. • :ore In the Maritime It a Sdoor C. qa . Oahe, ...t ride Square, este fund• to kink at kr tat rater of Intero.t. W. PIt)UDFtIOT. K. C. It. C. ILAYtt. U. F 11.AIlt. TVCKINSON & (;AR1tt)W. BAR- • 1tINTKItB, attoraep', whereon. etc. (. Utlt'K1Nsei eyesol h.Mt(iAitb+KOW. LLB insurance, Loans. etc. VOFNli k ROBERTSON. REAL 1 Estate awl Insurance .'gents. heal re- tro* for sale or to let. Properties, handled In any ta+'1 of the town and county. Eire and fe Insurauee. money to loan etc. l,I1N W. lICAIIGIE, LIFE. FIRE tIand a,'eldent lnsuranrc. Agent for leading list nal mud *roc► r1re.ttt wnle0. 1n.Urellee in all Ila.. effected o tlon corner Weal Street r'eeet and tigUa it all dt nmran. loot et lowest ratea. v, Uoderlob. Ont. fele .hone SI 1(cKILL01' IILIITCAL FIRE IN - 'JL N F 11 A l (' K CO. --Farm and hoisted town property mowed. Talar of property in - sural up to Jan. IVA. over $3.Ixu.ost Officer. and director.': --J. R. Mclean. pros.: T. Fraser Floe.+ : Jae. l'onnouy. (1. Irak, Mr. Ches- ney. J. Watt. Jas. Evan., J. (carter.%J. Menne wets. director.: T. K. Hays. et.Ato tis, oneretary. Ireesnrer, Inspector.. aeareeet director to lass. .1, w'. 1 e'. Holmeseillr• agent for Wset Huron. Policy holders can {{ay .le,esamentw and get their e*rrla rennipted at Mr. ('nal.'. ileum, or at McLeau'Hkas.' Palace Clothing Store Uoderich _SR&Y1F(i PULOS. ,t11AVINl: ANI) HAIR-DRESMIN(i (7 rAnInR.. - The beet plies to town. Prompt earvb•1, everything clean and sant tart'. Hn• and call laythy. WM. DAVIS. British I:achaos., Hotel Itlork notoet'ex Lo Jas. PrP zlc$t. Marriage Licenses 1L1JALTEIt E. KELLY• 1 UUDERI('H. ((NT. Watchmaker, Jeweller awl t gakram. lather of Marriage Lieeseee. [ LANE. i'1SUER OF MARIN .` • AOL Ho"u"se. Uuder4eb. Out. Auet10neerifR- __ - c-- THOMAS (lUNDRY. LiVE STOCK sod general auctioneer. Officio' on South Street, where he will be found at all Omen whver? fforn not 't.l gu to ria you. wittPIAcUnable on rbonGEORGE BECKETT Cru'• Gassers' Auctioneer. New System of Tickets and Catalogue. OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. P. O. Bea las STOVES You will nines some r.•.il h.0 gains if you hail to see what I can do for yon in one of times, Good Cheer ranges Good Cheer art heaters Penn Esther ranges Nothing just an good foe' the IIn'ney; (very one gear:savel. 5 per cent. off for spot Cash Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Repairs l:iectric Wiring and Fixtures. GIVE US A CALI, W. R. PiNDER 1:• 'Phone 155. ,e of Mr.. August \hoar, of tit losepb. The osreuu'rly waw performed by Rev. i.1. A. Luiaelle, of the forw.r place, Wm. Grainger has void lila 1(10 -acre farm on the 1ltowick louodar•)( to Tyn- dall Ritchie, of Grey. for $.i..OII. Jas. Campbell, of $eaforth, "bee pur• chased from Jouathan Moore. of Guelph, his fano near \Vattou fur the sum of $1,tk0. Hugh McBurney. of Fest Wawa- nosh, has a tihre•year-old twin cow that for the third time has given birth to fins twin calves. J. S. Swards. of WinglWu, has dis- posed of hie livery business in that lliwh to Mr. Ramsay, of Urumqi., who is now In possession. Professor Glenn Campbell, of Clin- ton. who had 4ocovet'e4l wuuwhat from his lucent severe illness, is again confined to his nN)m. F. E. Karn, of London, forruerly of (Tinton, war married in \\'oodalock nn New Year's Day to Miss Florence E. Rubinson of that city. Mrs. Harnett and family, of Wing - haw. left IaaL week for Brandon, Man., to juin Mr., Barrett, who has a g.,()d position in the \\'eatern city. Richard Corley, a well-known stock - raiser of )'.art Wawanush, hat. sold his flue 2I0 -were farm in that township to A. 13radl'urn. of Cat•4wrigbt township. fur $13,tI E. Mr. and ware. Tlwsuas \Valker, who for the past forty -.even years have been eRteettied residents of Howick. celebrated their golden wadding on New Year's Day. Mies Mary Bentley, an -estimable young lady of Kest \Vawanusb, waw joined In wedlock on Wednesday, the 14th inst., to Taauwar Kernick, of the sante neighborhood. Val. Wells, vice-president of the Mount Forest Carriage Co., of Wing - ham, is one of the four successful travellers in the recent contest con- ducted by The Toronto Neivs to win it trip around the world. Wan. Laing has sold his 50 -acre farm, on lot 18 of the lith concession of Grey, at present occupied by 11'nt. Stevenson, to his ltrother-in-law. John Lament, for the sura of &.A111t. Mr. I,aiug will return to the West in the rpriug. Locomotive fireman Jatoea fAH4m. of %'inghanl. met with a very painful accident iu London last week. His kg was. fractured in 'several, places by bring caught between an engine and the atep'of a car 0t1 which he tow standing. A quiet wedding took place at the horse of Sits. Alex. Laird, of the 12th concession 141 Ilowick, on Tuesday. the 14th inat., When her daughter, Minerva. was united to lohmtliarud- too. of (3orrie, Rev. H. NV. McTavish officiated at the ceremony. The handsome new ('avert Preeby- teriau church. %VIIILhrop, was opened under most auspicious circumstances nn Sunday. the 1'2th inst. The ser- vice.. which were of a very interest- ing character, were conducted by Profeis,r J. I). Robertson. M. A., of Knox College, Toronto, and Rev. Neil Show, of Eglnondeille. The death of George Pocock, a for- mer respected resident of Turnberry and \Viughaul, occurred at his home in Toronto on Sunday, the 12th inst. Urceased. who war in his sixty-ninth year, is survived by his widow. five sone and one daughter. Toro of Lite sone, David and George, Gill resile in the vicinity of Winghftm. An interesting matrimonial event was consummated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Jeck.on. of the 10th con- cession of Howick. 011 New Year's evening, when their second &lighter, Mary Frances, was united to Samuel jtohert Bennett, of . Wolsey, Sask. Rev. 1'. H. Farr. D.A., of Gerrie, was the officiating clergyman. At the Ethel mu -sonar. on Tuesday. the 11th inst., Rev..). Henderson re- nounced the words which made Minn Hannah J. Mills, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hills, of the lith concession of Gree. the wife of George W. Elliott, of Molesworth. Mr. and hero. Elliott" leave shortly fur Pilot Mound, Man., where the grooms is eu• gaged in terming. SVui. Rea, M. A., principal of Ed- monton high school, has leen to -en- gaged for 1010 at salary of $I,f011, an increase of $110 on last year's salary. John Kea has very successfully' passed his examination as eostolna officer and has secured a good position in F.dmon- tTn at an initial eatery of $73 per month. Both are suns of John Rea; of Walton. :\ pretty wedding was an event of inten•.t at the home of Mrs. Christian Stade. of Dliohwocd. on Tuesday, the 7th inst., when her yoengeet dangh. ter, Emmis, was matrimonially united to Herman .1. Eidt, youngest eon of Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph Eidt, of Dash- wood. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 0. Than, pastor of the Luth- eran church. twice married, her tlret huelatnd being a kir, Sherp. Forty years 'ago she carne id Goderich townwhip with Mr. Plewes anti Nettled on the property knowu by his name, cm the Hayfield road. After the death of her "wound partner the deceased disposed of the farm and took up her residence in Clinton. Here her oxeutplary Chris- tian life and lovable diapporsiiion won for her many friend.. She was on a brief visit to her eon when she was Seised with an attack of bronchitis which remedied in her detttder. Four "tela by her that marriage earvivc. A Disturbance at Wingham. The Wingham Times of Iast week says : Four young men from the neighborhood cif Whitechurch drove in- to tow(' moot 2 O'clock on \Ved,ie*day morning and 1•airud a row st the south end of ,fuat•phine street. Nightwatteh- ►ran Lewis and Provincial Constable Vannorman were notified of the die turlasnce and soot' had the four wen wider omit. They appeared before Police Magistrate Morten at 10 o'clock on Wednesday worniug, charged with disorderly conduct, and were each fined $15 and costs of $0.:l:). to be paid forthwith ur twenty-one days in jail at hard labor. It is raid that nue of the young men used a revolver and that a further charge will he laid. This is a pretty dear lesson and should serve a gond purpose lu keeping the town tree from midnight rows. Death of John Andrew, Usborne. After* lingering illness. John An- drew, one of U.lorne's hest -known residents. departed this Gfe at the home of hie daughter, Mop Albert Mitchell, of Biddulph, on Thursday, the Uth Met. Deeesoed, who was born In Devonshire, Eng., sixty-nine years ago, came to Canada with her patents in early childhood. After a few years' residence iu Centralia the family moved to the (kh concession of Us borne. where the deceased had since fought life's battles. Forty-five years ago he was united to Mias 'Sarah Ano Spicer, who made hien an able help- meet. Though quiet and unostenta- tious the deceased had many friends by whom he waw held in high regard. lie leaves to his departure hie widow, - n: u , two war Ira, me haut, of Urauton, and Sidney, on the home• stead --and three daughters -Mrs. 1). Hodgson. of Whalen ; Mrs. D. Itow- cliffe, of Exeter, and Mrs. A. Mitchell, Biddulph. DANGER OF CATARRH. '` One of these happy ciente which ever create et ripple of excitement oe- cnrred at the 1401118 of Mi'. and Mrs. Charles Routledge, ofTuekerswith. on New tear's Day, when their daugh- ter. Agnes Carnochan, became the bride of Charles .1. Dulmage, a popu- lar and progressive young agrieultur• 1st, of the 4th concession of McKillop. Rev. E. 11. Hewers, of Hrucefield, tied the knot. Robert -1. ShftrySherrie, Crystal City, Man., is renewing old acqusinLancee in Ethel. Since leaving that place nineteen yenre ergo he bas been emin- ently t,lceessful. For some time he was manager of Hou. 11 as -Green- way's big Germ operations, lett for the bast eight year'. he has been doing usiness ou hie own so -count. He owns 4511 acres of excellent land a wile out of Crystal City. M. W. Morton. manager of the Hank of Hamilton in Melford. Sask., erns on visit to his parents, Mr. and Mre. J. A. Morton. of Wingham, last week. It is only a few years since he entered the service of the Hank an junior clerk in Winghsun, huthis progress Imo been steady and rapid. After rising to the position of cashier in the local breach office he was transferred to the heed office in Hamilton and was for a time on the inspection staff. Another of the worthy pioneers of the Huron tenet, in the person of Mat. William Bubo's, formerly of Tueker- smith, entered into her test on Mon Since a Inst. the death of day, the 1 th encs her life partner eet-enteen years ago. the deceased had resided with her only daughter, Mrs. dames Iifslop, now of Toronto. Though to her eighty-ninth year. she had enjoyed excellent health until el'n•et a week previous to her death. 'Phe retnolns were laid at heat in Egwond'llle cemetery. Clinton Loses an Esteemed Resident. Mrs. John Plow.' , an esteemed resi- dent of Ullnton, pawed away at the hrnne of her *on in \Vatfnnl on Tors - day, the lith Inst. Demoted, who was aawtyeew'eo years old, mai UeI..I Properly Treated with Hyomei, Becomes Serious. Catarrhal troubles are far more dan- gerous than thejp seen, at first thought. If yon have catarrh. there is an irritated state of the. Mucous mem- brane and weakened tissues which afford an ideal lodgement and culture luelitlm for disease germs, especially those of consumption. You .lwuld get (aired as quickly ne possible before any dangerous germs that you linty breathe lodge on the diseased tissue and work destruction in the Lln•tat.and lungs. The easiest, simplest, quickest, sur- est and cheapest way to cure catarrh ie by the direct method, breathing Hyowei. Thin wonderful medicated air treatment does not drug and do range the sumach, but ie breathed in, directly following and destroying all -diaetee germs that may have been inhaled. The unusual way in which Hyomei is sold by Ju. Wilson iv tbe best evidence of his confidence in the treat- ment and should dispel all doubt its to its curative properties. He agrees to refund the purchase price to anyone whom Hyomei fails u, benefit. and you do not tisk a cent in testing its healing virtues. A complete outfit coats but $1 if it helps you. not a cent if it does not do all that is chimed for it, • His Soul's Revelation, "Do you know." said the Sunday school teacher. addressing u new hpupil in the infaut class, "that you ave a soul ?" . "Course i du," replied tiro little fel- low, placing his hand over his heart. ••1 can hear it tick." .ve-e MAN AND WIFE. Id! Both, Found Relief from Their Kidney Troubles in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Port Arthur, Ont.. .ian. 311h. -(Spe- cial.) -That Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the ills of men and women alike is shown in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Lick Souvey, a farmer and his wife living about seven milts from here. 111x. Souvey says : "My wife and myself had le grippe for two winters, and were exposed to touch frost and cold. Our sleep was brokeo three or four times each night to satisfy the demands of mine. We had pains in the kidneys and disagree- able taste in the mouth. We have each taken six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and have recovered our health. We are very grateful to Dodd's Kidney Pills." The Better Part o4 Valor. Two •Irishman were on bad terms with each other. The friends of one claimed that he had been insulted and urged hint to vindicate his honor. But he prudently objected. "Look at the size of hits. The man's a giant" "Very well," responded his dis- gusted friend, "then all the people will nay you art a toward." "Well, 1 dunoo," he replied placidly. "At any rate, I'd rayther have thin saying that the day afther totnorn'w than exclainfin'. 'How natural Flah- erty looks t " Ought to Know. A young farm lthoi'er called one mar- ket day at the registrar s nice to rec- ord his father's death. The registrar asked the (bate of death. "Weil, tauter ain't dead yet." was the reply, "but be will he dead before morning, and 1 thought it world save me another ljourney if you would put It down naw. "Oh, that senu't do at all," said the registrar. "Why, your faller nifty take a turn before morning and re- cover." "Ah, no, he won't," said the young laborer. "Doctor says he won't: and he knows what he's given father."- Llverponl Mercury. The Real Need. Brown -There are•dent v of books telling how to salve life while waiting for the doctor. Smith -Yes. What we need is one telling the young doctor how to entre' his lite while waiting for the patient. Toot ! Toot ! A JAPANESE TOILET. Demur. Brown Maiden In les. Mobdsy Attire. The Japanese college girl entertained Um fudge party with oriental and - "On every holiday," she ea1d, "the Japanese maiden must rise and bars hut toast finished before the sun looks over Pujiyama, our sacred mountain. •And what a toilet! The long, coarse Mack tresses are waabed. combed and o"w"ed till the head shines like a knob of polished black marble. The. cheeks are rouged a Ono pink. the throat, neck and bottom are powdered, best at the nape of the neck there are- kit relit three lines of the original brown skin, to soca:dance witlC.the rules of Japaaess cosmetic art. "Wlah charcoal she rounds and lengthens ber eyebrows. She reddens her lips with cherry paste adding a gilt diamond to the center of tbe pout- ing lower tip. She puts on eight fresh garments, and she ties her obi. or great sash, in a symbolical knot. Her socks she doesn't weer etoekingn-are veryp white and pure, and her clogs are lacquered till they shine lite a silk hat. "Now she la ready to set out. She 811" ber silk tobacco pooch. thrusts her pipe in her girdle, puts isle paper hanit- kerchi s of up her wide sleeve and sal- lies forth, turning her toes in and tcev- Ing her fan with a demure grace." A ROYAL DENTIST. "t" " The $tery.ef a Teeth Pulling by Peter the Gnat. r Peter the Great particularly detlght- ed In drawing teeth, and he strictly enjoined his servant, to send for him when anything of that sort was to be done. One day his favorite valet de chambro seemed very melancholy. The tsar asked him what was the matter. "Oh, your majesty," saki the wan, "my wife is suffering the greatest ng ony from toothache, and she obstinate- ly refuses to have the tooth taken out." "If that L all," said Peter, "we will soon cure it. Take me to her at once." When they arrived the woman de - 'tiered that she was not suffering at all; there was nothing the matter with her. "That 11 the way she talk!, your majesty," said the valet. "She le suf- fering tortures." "Hold her head and hands," said the czar. "I will have It out 1n a minute." And he instantly pulled out the indi- cated tooth with gest dexterity, amid profuse thanks 'Yom the Husband. What was Peter's indignation to dis- cover a little later that bis valet had used him as an executioner to punish his wife, who had never had an un- sound tooth in her bead. -Argonaut. Bridge Whist. At least GO per cent of the game of bridge lies in the make. A poor player loves tricAa and often the game and rubber by his plgv, but 80 many hands occur In which there is really no play that suet) losses are comparatively un- important compared with the havoc wrought by an fnJodlcioos maker, for constantly his decision is Invoked when the safety of the game or its success Iles in Ilia jtxigrnent of the value of hie hand. To moose between hearts or diamonds and no trumps, to select clubs rather than spades, to know when a five card snit is safe and when one of four cards ebould be chosen, abovo all to keep an onrelnx- Ing attention upon the state of the score, with its shifting demands -all these are the sterling qualities of a good maker. Once sensible that ynn are lacking 1n any such respect c en will find your game appreciably strengthened by attention and study. - "Good Bridge " •L' g.bylThere goes a fellow who whOltles e4 danger. Perkshv-Ah, he must be very him VP. Who is he? Ziggshy _ A late -motive driver. Mist Kate Mit grr'ger, of Luckn e,v a %rot. a few drys at her home bete tttla weak. The Victorian English. The England which spoke the lan- guage which was already dying In the elgbteen-stxtlea was before all things a world of the country. The sights anti sounds of nature pinyeel a far greater part In tbe liven of the mass of the people than they do today. This is re- flected, for lnatance, in the v"") 111 which bird. and animals erre spoken of and the names given them. 1 hare myself once or twice heard old people in the country speak of the hen as "Dame Tartlet." One is familiar with the phrase from hooks, of course -It fs rhaueer'. •'Pertnlette"-hat once or teede° as a chill 1 actually heard it. 1 suppose it would be impso*sible to hear 1t anywhere now. --London OgUook. The Way to Draw an Elephant. Llttlo Gladys -Granny. tin down on your handl and knees a ,minute, please. Fond Grandmother-Whnt nm 1 to do that for, my pet? Gladys -'Cause 1 want to draw an elephant Love of money fs the disease which renders us most pitiful and groveling. - Longinus. True bleswtneea eoiel.teth In a good ttfe and a harpy death. -Solon. Not a Miracle 1.45 But Medical Science Dr. T. A. shalom, Limited, Toronto, flat. Gentlemen: "Same time wgn 1 !organ. In lose flesh and (Ailed every day 'until i had to quit work. Adv phyeieians and all my friends said • had contracted consump- tion. - 1 failed from lei poueds down to 119. 1 war advised to go to the Rockies or to the comet. 1 went to both place,' under 5eavy queens'. i con- tinued to fail, and was advised by the doctors to conte brute as nothing more could bo done for aro. 'lope seemed to have left, me. "1 tried PsyehAte and since starting Hill use 1 have g.rised from 119 to 141 pesnde. 1 have used $I0.0O worth of the medicine. 1 am a won men and T cannot say too much in praise of Pay- cbine. The strongrat renommeendntion would he weak in view of the fact that I believe it has saved my Life. it is without doubt the hest r(pledy for rue -down conditions and weak ioogs. "1 sioecrely hope wed tree that von will continue your good work of saving eno down people and eoneum)yve front t the grave. Wishing ynn soft 3syckins eontinned mucres. ft remain., one of Psy'ektae's beat frig»1e." A1.EX. Me DAC, Sault Rte. lfnd r, Oat. Almmtt every mail brings IR letters like the Otero. tantalite w'11 'Repeat hthis record in every cot •. .rt. is the greatest math' tee %Imam Alf will drat let. 54te and ALM', or Ur. 'L .\. hlo• VAC LillitlAd, Lovett,. , • '17 4„l TIIUaenAY, January 13, 19J8 'Phs one 'Phone, D..Mi11ar Co. 56 alma". 4 '' . 4tilt4 LAST WEEK OF ; 4.,.: Stocktaking S a 1 e II On January 3tst our books close for the year. The last few days Nr. Millar has been busy laying out many Tines that it is not our • intedtlon to take into stock. The only reason is that in some lines we find our stock rather heavy and it is these lines that we mean to reduce. ,..,+! IN THE MANTLE SECTION • I':tery Shuttle utust he add. NO REASONABLE OFFER 1 WILL BE REFUSED. First cowers wil1,11aye the islet choice. its thete• iu'o.11 L many Santee" left, DRESS GOODS. DRESS GOODS. `ftk Lost week of the :0i. and Ikke Iliees Tweed., tar :Cit. A few spxciat suit lengths, this N1415011\ puyetties: w•ei•e 51.5I. for $1.111 pet' yard Also 11 few .11,81 were $1.151 for Toe t yard. In ,our black Dress. Goode scctiou we have thinly special liner to offer. Not au old or suilwl piece au.ong'L the kit, but all Jit thoroughly tap -to -date. ..Our stuck is tai •large, hence the seductioua. THE REMNANTS MUST ALL BE CLEARED. MILLAR'S SCOTCH 'Phone al )t* STORE ref. , ,«; 'Phone ®0IKIA94 PERF E C N ¶AM i'L.. ! Sada MOONEY BISCUIT & CANDY CO ITNAIIORD CA*ADA The perpetual charm of freshness and crispness -of daintiness and deli- ciousness - is in every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas - held captive by the air -tight, moisture -proof packages. There is a hest in everything. In Biscuits, it'll MOONEY S. tae tl!Ifllt .a/ • X11 i 99.90% Pure St. George's Baking Powder so satisfactory. It ie the purest Cream of Tartar Raking Powder that Science can make. Send for our free Cook -nook full of choice new recipe.. lestiensl Mtn. R 011rwirsl Cs. 11 of Canada, Limited Wilton I LEARN MESS -MAKING BY MAIL in your Spare time athome, or Take a Personal Course at School. 1'11 enable all to learn we teach ee cash or instalment plan. We also teach ., personal class at school hales A month. Class commencing last Tuesday- of eak h mouth. These lessons teaches how to. nt, fit and put together any garment from the plainest shirtwaist suit, to the most elabor- ate dress. The whole family can learn from one course. We have taught over seven thousand dress -making, and gearalmce to give fee hundred donate to any one that cannot learn between the age of 14 and 40. You cannot (earn dress -making us thorough as this 'course teaches if you work in shops forycars. Beware of imita- tions ifs we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Preys Cutting School in Canada and exteiled by none in any other country. Write at 0nte for particulars, ar we have cut our rate one• third for a short time. Add' est SAMESS OSE% -CUTTING SCHOOL, al LTM8L.IIrsUoni3Ont •Canada WaNT'EO) AT ONCE. _W.. have drrldrd In to0truct and employ n In•r. e1 • ) g ladies to teach out rout'' In Brow making, having one mealier for the s1x town- urare.t where 'hey ll -,'.g,' 24In1.. Moot who bars worked et dressmaking to who like (Inning preferred. Please do not e r dll y mikes you can devote your whole time. Address Tint Mammy. Unuttered Thoughts. \Vindlg-Say, i understood you told Knox theft 1.wasa liar. . ' Minim •-- Ton have been 'Mein - formed, old than. That is one of any thoughts 1 have 'neve•r pot into words. A woman a euruosly 11 exceeded only by that of a man who says he hasn't nay. It's as easy to make motley as it ia to unmake yuursell while making it. LIPPI N COTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best In Current Literature 12 COMPLETC NOVELS YEARty MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS 52.150 PER Yaws'; 25 cis. a co.v 'NO CONTINUED STORIES tstAr retNae(0 COMPLETE CN ITSELr j SEE THE .11141 1 New Cutters at Kax's \Inde Ly the p elehrotteol Apr McLaughlin Company ,: 1 "Only One Grade. and 1 hat The Hest. :a imiliss>• 1 Irate pea received a ship- ment of these fine Cutlets and invite anyone interested to call nod see, them. , PRICES RIGHT WM. KNOX 1 ''i. Newgate and }lawillou ttrrets GODERICII mt>_■111111•1rlgmglr11100 1 Oh, Say Did you see the dandy CUTTERS at Bob Wilson's, warerooms on Hamilton street. Be has the best collect' of ('OLIC!n that ever came Ln town. No matter what Nt yle you Want oe tenet price, they arc there. lie hoe thein from) . $5.00 up to $50.00 Call .and Have a Look 1(11'N•I1'.. HO/ is always gbui to see )-011. 11 yrm4lon't wentally- thing in his line, maybe you have friends who do. He is vole agent for MCCORMICK MACHINES, GRAY CUTTERS. BUGGIES, FLEURY andPERRIN PLOWS ROBERT WILSON GODERiCII, ON f . A Newspaper Bargain II A Good -fitting Well -tailored Suit or ..ILb,br Overcoat IBde (eo 70ur /IA) 1 from new- est cloths n1)111,1 .44441 Iig)iL•_e weights, 8t DUNLOP'S CLOTNI\G -EMPORIUM', WEST STREET. • i iln'Sllrte,144, THE SIGNAL ••r , The Family Herald and Weekly Star j DtuNTRYAL e The signal will furnish you with everything of interest In Chit loco! testi- tory. Every home in this di.trkt should receive the local paper. The Family Hct•,:Id and \Veekly Star of Montreal is the acknow!edged nest family and farm paper in Canada. its magnificent news service : ite numerous special departments ; its interesting magazine features ; ion greet s'rlals and popular short mtnrieem; maks i1. the gre,ueNI dollar r worth in be had. The combination of The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star provider; the greatest amount of wholeiiome family reading Anel leliahlc news Mtn all parts of the world. Send TOW suMcription 4' THE SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont. H. B. BECKETT Ia EMBALMER1„I ANO (FUNERAL DIRECTOR: Euro ore 1(4411 1'ndertakiug war•NNaua, '4Vr.t side Square. ' 1'111N i:a1: 7I rue 1"lGs li.Nlerh•li 71;7:atilt Night ('4114: Al r•*idnn,e, nor. 1'ambrla 410g1 1.11111 an.l \nls,m '.,,• J. BROPIIEY & SON t 7 -1 MP LEAUINO -e %. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden carlutty .tteno.4 to a1 a0 Yours, ,Igbt et day ■ PHONE 15 OR 24 W,U'Ohouse ('cr. tte-t 1)lu:u you want 1 artd Yatdn/ 1 so-ett art , TUE HEST at hook \SV caro COA ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS O N HAND t?AII t u.l Weighed on the market .tales, where you get t.uln ler. tar a tun. WM. LEE. order. tern ,.1 (-. 1 . L):hT+ iianlw.ro MAWS stet side Square. vrumuny attended to. • GUNDRY BROS. Livery, back AN 'Bus Stables GOOD HORSES CARRIAGES PHAETONS -It RC., AT - REASONABLE, -R A. EES - .r L Well -appointee Hacks and reli- able drivers in chnrgo of*the 'Buses, which will meet all train r and lite awhoats ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO I'RD.MPTLY FROM HOTELS AND i'RIVATEXOUSEs GUNDRY BROS. SUUTtt STREET ('HUNK FIFTY SYNOPSIS Op. Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any et en anrnbrtwl *rrtlrm of Dominion land. ha Manitoba Smakatrheaen and Alberta, ever1"imp a end At not reserved. nay he hone• t r eel by any pe•rom who to bo .et. head Oa fatally, or any male over IR year+ of ape to the extent of ono -garner suction of PM acres, more 04 loot. Application for entry must be made In portion by 1M!wpl'II,',. t rit lhamlnorn Land. Ammer or Sph-ageu(y for the district in which the land la alt44ate. Entry by proxy may, however, be made at an Agency np certain conditions by the father. mother, sou, daughter, brother or .i.ter of an Mending homeeteador. The homeema 1. required to perform the hmno•tead dull under one of the following plans: 111 At least six month.' residence upon and eultt"stlon of the land in each year fur three year.. 181 A hnmesh'ader limy, If he to dealers, per- form the required m.1Arn'r duties by Ilving m farming inletowned solely by him, not nee than right y trimmers In extent. ih the vicinity of his hmne+lead. Joint ownership In land will not meet this requirement. Oa lithe father for met her, If the father lode ceased, of a homesteader hem permanent rest' deuce on fanning land owned ankle by him, not less. than eighty tom acre+ in extent, In the 1 trinity rJ the hmnesteed. or upon a homestead mitered for by him 1n the vicinity, such bome- eteader may perform Ma own rwjdence dut leo by Iry Ing s ltb the tether rot mother. pp 'the term "vlri1f047' to the two peenedln porngtwpbs 1. evened ea mMninngR nouroer then nine miles Ina Miser line. exelu.i) r of the width of rend atbwau•es eroi.M to the meuur.ment. IP A homesteader Iatal1Alng to perform M„ rcetdenlraiittre le Accordion. w 4th th.• aimed while II ng with parent. or on farming I.n own.sl by blm.elf nodal rrotify the spent for the dMlriet of 'tech intention. Sit month.' notice In writing must be Oren ``n the ('nmmtselnner of ttanintow Loads at Mises of Intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY. Drpnty of the 3linioer of't1N lsierlo. N.k - 1 ea.rhodgel euhllehtfoo of tide ad• wtrUeearent will not he peed tor. i