HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-1-23, Page 2,T1lUIu1lAT, jenemy 23, 1948
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]'Telephone fall No. S•.
Terms of Subscription :
) per osmium in volume.
months, Inc : 1142emoth •Lir',
Vented State..Idb.crlbes*, til.•4• a tear
44rifoe(ly In adv awe.. r'
Subscriber. w'bo fail to receive T111. S'..41.
reguierle by Mail will ourlfdr a favor by ac•
=ins u. of the fact .l w -early a date as
ebaulfe of address is desired, both the
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Advertising Rates:: •
legal {11,1 other w -Lir NN ern:einem., Ms.
per line for fine in*unlol( and lc petlice tie
each .ub.equellt insertion. Mlvsein by 0
Ileattrre•il ,rale. t wolre llne•. ,o an inch.
Business card. of six line. and under. SI 14*
Advertiwrueuts of to•;. Found. tanyed. ail
imams.Vacant. Situations %'ant d. Houws.fu:
staor to limit. Farm. tor Ogle or to Helot
Artiele,. kw Wale. rtenot elervilnur coheir
11(4+, «r rarh insertion : el for first sent h. A.
for each .utwvtueut mouth. iurgrr ad cello -
went. in proportion.
I4Annm,netmont. el ordinary ,wilingty1'e 1e,
Dent. per low. No twelve le.. Ulan G:•.
.\4)y special mol 'c. the 010n•, of ahfrh I. the
pn•uuiary benefit of any helitfdual or
anon. to bee ,rm.Idr,d an adv enl.eaueut are
to he charged urro'lingly.
Hato., for display and nut mel advent. •
*1.0144 will be given o, ■pplkal,�uu,
- 'Attire/appall rummuuleallan In.
VAN A ITEli t: ItOntAt't'nuN,
Tina Slua At. .
4r.,rrkh. 41111
O011EIIII'il, Till ItcfMY. JAN; ra
A LIBERAL VICTORY. Uf 1•0111bu the French Meaty is a
e! thin 1 th' I 1
harbor. i;'i1I the probable develop -
moot of lortbweet trade. thousands
of dnllaw will Ire restoired to t that
h,u hoe ip the shape it shut1:19-0-e, At
p10sent no lung boat cau•lie rip clouts
In 21101•« because of a curve in the pied•
that must be rtraightenadl out. This
el II rritiire thousands g,(„Jlullers, to
say nothing of other necerpry ex•
'there aro other heirloom, however,
dolt will need slime expenditure,
Cahada'a growth requires it to keep
%woe• with its transportation needs.
\'bile The sitar will ptolwlly justify
the expeu,1itnre of money in Gode-
rich, it will impose on general terms
expenditure elsewhere. In other
word.. the Government will Is•
charged with exlravagauee simply le-
erstoe it la trying; to keep pace with
the country's growth and nedn.”
Clinton oras the "itch; " 4,1a) our
It Wits as campaign of education in
South Huron. Iterult—tlle I.ibeoul
4'41)41141. P,Ioaperi1y Ie built upon a
sock. The collapse• of the Sovereign
Hank hardly dirturbe) it.
We are just re lung the loam
roomed) this week to keep it. eve on a
looney -two -mill tax rate.
'One thing Dicks didn't prophesy
w h ' 1• •
.as l e u ort )• %VIM 1'1 they hat a had
111 South Iluron the 1:1bt two weeks.
lunlh Hurm has been won Lark 11
Liberalism' an 111e result lot the cam-
paiglI which chided wit.' yesterday's
polling. The elect of the Littera:
candidate is siguificaut du several
After a sternly -fought euutest. iu
which the policies of the two great
parties were presented to the electors
in every quarter of the riding by lend.
ing mei of either side, and iu which
the record of the Liberal' (lover '4)l
was fiercely asawiled and as vigorously
defended. the riding returns to its
historic position in the Liberal ranks
after a sojourn on the Conservative
side. It does not look as if the Goy.
eminent were losing strength in this
pert of the country.
Another indication that is plea ging
to the Liberals of the ty is that
the dioeisions in the Littera) party in
the south riding, which enabled the
Cooservi*tives to win their recent
victories there, have apparently Ie'en
healed. and it is to be hoped that in
hlture contests the patty will con-
tinue to present a united front.
Mr. M. T. Mclean goes to Ottawa
a. the representative of A splendid
constituency. to which he will do
credit, and it will not be long before
Perli*noent will hear from him. That
he may be the forerunner of a solid
Liberal delegation from this county
after the next election is a hope that
the Liberals of Huron will indulge.
The Liberals of South Huron are to
lir congratulated upon their victory,
and the Government may be proud of
receiving the eadorsatlon of one of
the finest constituencies in Canada.
The new council has matte n had 14' -
ginning if it has Any intentiot of try-
ing to mule a reeorll fur reasonable
tcon(lmy. Thole members of the
council who are respmsible for the
raising of the n.lres.or's salary will
hare a good 11«411 of difficulty in justi-
fying -their action t(4 thu ratepayers.
While it may be true that the work of
assessing the town and ceNecting the
taxes h4l increased somewhat of r' -
cent year's, it is true also that. the
1Alary whieh Mr. Crunpls•ll WAS get-
ting wan quite adecpiate for Ow
alnOlo4it of lithe which 1* Ileees.A)7 ten-
th wort. As The Singnnl has stilted(
behave in disrt'Ming • •ipnl affair..
(he rtt9payels du not want the runt.
cit to Ire ligg%tdl; , but they do want
it to lie caref:II of the futids cntruste
Lin it and to expend them lu good i r•
pose : and in the.« days when no
Ieenchasent i, so manifestly in 'miler
the taxpayers are in lou 11100J0' 10 1114.
dome salary'iecr'esaen, hnweyer *mall,
unless,' they are very -plainly jn.titl•
Tore satiny of town tacit. lm, been
misted from /*INI to SOW 'There will
- 1a' no MUNI hat to this inrr•ase, 414* the
du's'k'.. %aku'1• is 11(11 jest 1.411411 to that
of the nesess.,r nue' eelleetor. If t be
1Atte'I' ''14111141 : -4)./.t 1.'41 well laid .d.
Jelin the rIei k light 1,, gel $1;0141, rum.
paring 1 • ,
the it
I, t the offices,
1 g tw1
Mr. (ia111p1fell 1,4 a fen Wool, e I' tent.
pitinstek)iiiii 4lflriel, whtua• meta i, en
the lult't4 im fortunate to have, And
personally Ire one oi11 begrudge hila
thc4ncnA1eio hd
is wnry: hot The
iii loll in !terror ' g public duty in
reminding the members of the eonncil
that the pith which the ratepayer* of
(Gudet'ich expect them to Mead lhi.4
year is along the strait And morrow
vat, of Fw'un;luy.
gra burg. 4 4)y ung t tat tents to
remove obstruct to trade it n
To 11. Either, M. 1'. 1'.. south
Huron Look out for a little Chap
named KellermannHe's after you,
or nil lie'( (anrerourl.
'1'4e C. 1'.+ it. is double -tracking its
linetrom \Viunipeg to Fort AVilliam.
Thin means business for the C. P. 11.
connec ' at llo,ierich.
The younger members of the town
runsu it ore showing the right spirit in
not pushing themselves tui much to
the front, but on the other hand they
should nut ,allow themselves to 1)e
1'llrhml into things which they do not
approve. 11'hen occasion arises they
ehnuld not 1.e afraid to express their
opinions and to stand by them(.
"A death from an overdrew of
cocaine." says The Toronto Globe, "in
another retuindl•r that temperance
r'fonnel • have .1 w ider field of thee -
Mines. than is found in contluing
their work to one class of injurious
at' tants.- The pasting of prohib-
itory eua,•tments does not eliminate
the human tendency .o go %% Tong.
This is the time of year when the
new'speper editor hears (run many of
lois result -try with whom he is not able
to get in touch at any other season.
Subscribers at n distance send in their
renewal.-, and ninny of then odd it
few words which are always interest-
ing :0 the editor at his desk. Moine-
times it is a wont of 4'nmuu'ndalinn
trotal4111 old subletiher, sometimes a
message from a pet•lslnal friend, some-
times 11.1114 of information about the
distrust logslity In which the wriu'r
lives: soinat noes n comment on event.
in ''the oold town," sometimes a com-
plaint tl):et the Paper does not COMP
as promptly as it should- but 'the
editor i.4 always pleases( to hear from
the readers of his paper.
1',tr 111.1011(4', It in nothing new to
heir The signal spoken of ss "the
hest proper in the county," bol when a
marl puts it down in good black ink
as Lis unsolicited opinion. and mend4
along two new selmeriptions to black
it up, the editor is a little surer about
it titian be wits before.
Visitor British ('ulnlnbia conies ga
leper which saya'I'he Signal 'is like a
irrekly letter fr I ' to inc. 1 do
not know what I would do without it
It is always 4 welcome visitor." Yowl
Seskatcbewan codes :: subscription
with the message, "Am lost without
The Signal .knee I came West,- and
i • Alberta another ••1 don't want
to miss nny Signals tlui)' 411 1. like
lettere li11 haul(•,"
Ifere is our that *11101'. the cockles
rot the odilor'a heart. from a friend At
Pet.rnkey, Y4R•I), "1 mellow you
11101.9y (1)'(• for till' ,ub..eiplion to
y1)1,1' gu..l old IaP.•r. 1 .1111 enjoying
your new story 11'1') •11. 1hsti t
*lop 111y l'tIs•r Whale yet. yon do.''
`it • of 4411' I -tilted `slides sub•
mel ibn•1•,S 110411' the new Postal reglf•
hint ors requiring An eaten payment (11
fifty rents to rower a year's !meteor.
Alex. A. Ih,yd, ;1 )hn,l(IMlin (ton.
)111111., 11111000th thinks the Cronin -
mint wt, 4 bit "off' X414 we 1111, 111 01
whleu it 1111pn..d the new regulation's,
but he sends his 1111.,i, for The !Signal
for bort 411111 My) he "wouldn't Ile
without it 1 •r the esti.' 10(11-l0Iltl•."
!tee. .1, tire (Stewart, of 1tett-oil,
"Although 'of necessity the
rice l0' the haters lata been raised 1
sold not well get oolong will L it,
n• it contains 1111 •h news of I Ile
d town thitt I lis not hear ',the; Wise.
'liar paper i. 1111111 101111( 1•4cry ) 0111'
1111(11 tlr1*l that in the near future. as
the town inrl'4se•s in size, it may be
et en larger than et preemie-
evidentlym)no 1 «nbH'rihe') in Colifornh, w11n
ke,gxs Ira••k of ilial
affair. in his old town : "The 'Christ
mita 11,1uut'r 4.41.1 11119 std we n1s/1
enloyed the that bar of the new
year very 11 ted will he looking
forward to 'the next nunol.er to see
who i* elected, Oen to know' if they
bare established n now office of
director of the lown'n affairs. We
enjoy getting the news 1.f the doings
In the old town, hitt prefer the climate
not here."
1Y. C. Neaten, of Morningshle. Al.
litems, comment., 041 conditions there :
"Things in general fair; with a h,•aut(.
Referring to an nrtie;le in The Grkle- ,4
rich filar calling -for -torr immediate
carrying mut of the plan* for the im•
4 0vcment of the ti/oli'rirh la>fitofler•
Innilding, The ('Tinton New Irr,t say* :
"1Vhat The Star says aimed (nsl'-
rich terstolfler Do quit' trot'. And the
writer of tine has nllr,ldy reentio
mended that the --improvement* meg-
gested should he carries( out. Hut
what ie true of Godso 11111 i*.equally
true of scores of other places in the
Dominion. The demnnd* of growing
iwwlle have called for bicoloured red ex-
pyuditure on public holdings all ever
the r•,nutry—an expenditure that {*
isofeetly ju*tifeble; brut The Star
mod Other Opposition papers are con-
tinually denouncing lhefin\•ernment
f,.r Ism increased exp'nditure.
-Take another illnmtrntiop. Out-
utside of Toronto, polsihly, there is not
another harbor in Ontario that should
have as rooch money spent un it dur-
ing the nett few yea's* an Citadel {eh
• ' 1,11111 t" ,il
(ul winter : never 11a21 finer in gpy
comet r4)."
K'l1Uau1 Juurr, of Hillyard, !Stale
of WaMhingtou, writes : "Pods is a
bury town, with electric errs to and
from Spokane ; to fact, it is une,tnwu.
the hinnies 1119 all nuulenn•r. ('he
Great Northern, sthith Jim Hill *t the
bead. has our of its principal works
herr for manufacturing cats and en-
gines and employs hmuh,dn of men."
These air example's of the letteo.
that reach the editor's deals, and 1)'444)•
rimielly there is • that 'strikes' w
d.'ep'r mule and recalls the +t tete of
nwp,u►iIility. Prom Hee. It. 11'. ('row,
of St. Helens, we have the following :
"Allow nut (4 Any I tat 'l1. 5i 1111
o f f 1 1 gl
is already a very, web'. a visitor at
our home. 1 .pp eciate very hooch
the clean,' upliltht, trmthfid tour of
your always intertwtiug paper. I11
thinly respells it 111'9,oeW. a 14.11•
plenaant sod striking cnutra'.t to most
of the teepees in British Colu11ibia,
Which (•,niNUanlly pander U, popular
prejudice ,and Passion. ' 1I'ishitg you
every 1ueuela*." .
11110 is worth a whole sermon.
Perhaps- those who disagree with
The Signal in *tine of its vIt'%%s and
expressman, Our toll kindly dirlsised
'lu exjlta•M+ their dissent. Indeed. it
vaunt he bo, its 4*04 eeldum dries the
editor taeeii•u any uressage of protest.
Hut the newspaper is fur all, and the
editor is always glad to receive and to
publish r ',:aliens frons its
traders un any aubjeeL, 1/1 general
intermit, whether the writers' upiniuns
are in Agtewmrat with the (e 11(11'41 fit
mot- We have always felt that, with
a very few exceptions. the people
sadly neglect this means of placing
their views before their fellow -citizens
and in this way helping to arrive at
the right „conclusion of thing(:.
11aw strangely gentile we ale
sr tics hare so short a white to stay"
We fear to doe but jonnier far •
For help to pa* our tint away :
he•ause the u,un1*nb1 drag we fret,
Vat dread the end to which we haste
\t'e view the last with keen reale%
And dill the pn'aiou4*'prowed west".
We ash at night fur day to (awn.
Though we may not r,. all our live-.
Drina bark a muu,e,t that is lone
Or keep an hour when 11 rails es : -:
)m1+Uenity vie watch en) wait
For rile:worts that shag briefly Lei.
Aud. leaving; won them. add the greet
Amor their coming toll* In -t.
%r ,44;1. (or114nll,ond stint lhr ovM)4
.tre oronec and long that stretch ahead.
.\101 sit l.'grrttieg wwtel day.
When relit h and youth's fold hope- arc fled:
Yet. etcn As we44uie.' tay;rrl
For thn.e2124 seasons, bodied (hroubh,
4)'e nurse ilopstienre and we (ret
Fur next 3 ear and for sonnet hied new.
(104 .t rsngeir prodigal we are
of that which we should des, ly prix'
%Vt. scheme mud plan and inurney for
To pa.. (hellion. that quickly rte. t4
\%'e Arend the silent end we know
That each of n• must rind somewhere.
4101 great and small and high and low ----
Through :d l our dao - ren puny theta.
The "Gallery" Politician.
Itrd kvilla Time..
The worst enemy the :14tisat or the
mechanic has is the 111x11 who tries to
poison his mind against the profes-
sional MAIL 011 the man who does not
work at manual labor.
A Useless Life.
rowelph Mercury.
There's one thing Thaw's counsel
seems unable to unearth. and that dm
the slightest evidence that Thaw eter
did cin honest day's work during this
whole of his selfish, worthless Animal
CO rest•.
The Mild Winter a Boon.
The Farming World.
Th. mild weather we am having
will help the farmer ort in litany
ways, to the West cattlemen knee
profited greatly thereby. Even 10 the
Fast, where feed is high in price.
farmers have found it easier to get
along because of the mild winter. A
winter like this with little snow gives
an opportunity to top -areas fall wheat
and meadows. This will +Ave Tabor in
the loosing and help to keep nlen and
teams employed during the black
A Mads a Man.
Montreal Witness.
It is not it little curious that the
:anti•Japaneae faction in the .Hrlti.1
Culutld,i# Legit:dation% calls itself
Medalist, It is generally supposed
that s(xialisnl is ls,u.ed 9n the theory
Ora every man lass an equal right to
the great things of this life. The
sovietism of Midst' Col hie moons to
he like the democracy of the United
Shoes in limiting men to ,teu of ,,
eel 14011 11.11.'' ( Ixnllph•xiop, varying
from the. blonde of the Norsemen to
tis• sallow of the 11re•ek, 11441:0, ;r
ay I inn bit(h, but exclusive of the sal.
how of 11,e orient or the darker hut's
of 'the M•upirs, limits' song. '•A mai1'14
Pt man fol .1' that. "11,4,11111," Isad Hurn*
11 Veil a 'Morley 1.11e1'. have leen '•.\
Elivi I.•nn in it 110141. 6111 fur All Ih4at 14
Joysaoese is 1101 .1 matt." These oleo
that arc 111911 14)x4 g ••1144 I; itnpsach
111,' got 1st tot of their l'rnvitl(.'to for
All hut t1 gh throe we'tw ;whet
011'0 In the 14;11,1 besides (hus,• whip
rlililllI,IIm1at1 pri%ilegcs in his Prov-
ince t awl 11,ali4111). (01, WI wU are
('heist i.uts :ue I 1 to love and :a
41, jti+ll .ul.j,ets 14, rebp•rl.
A Query from Wingham,
Mail ,4).l Lorene ' 1111(1 4'0l41u4n.
11. W. S. (Vingh4lsl. If after the
et pity of the month my tenant Wends
roe the re'lt for the preceding month
snot the keys of the bootee which hr
l)0otpird. And 1 refuse to tike the
keys, ren 1 e owl hint to Prey An-
other month's vett :'
Ans. A rre)nth's motive by either
party given during 0119 1110411 11 and
ending with the nest nume.rding
/m111111 it tlef•t')M.ry In t't'nin,1te n
t,onthly ts•neney. ' As your tenant
give. yon 1111 11110•11 motive. ruin there
WAS 410 WA leer of the'snrnr by )•Dip, he
is liable to you torA mm�4hi'.'n•n1.
State of 1110o, Pity of Toledo, i
Lnrms 1'nnuly. 1 -'
Frank .9 rheney make. (Alb thml he b
*rotor (sinner M the firm of F. J. ('homey k
('0., dMng bonne* In the CID. of Toledo.
comity n.4 Stat('afnrrr214. and the! 4414 firm
will (sty the "un 4)l t),,, ll unmet Dollar. for
each and "'refs reared Pala, rh Chet esnnot he
cured by the ore of !1411'• Catarrh ('err.
N Nary I'11DIM.
Hall. rotasrh ('ore I. taken int.•rnallY, and
and so Htoml In m
Sworn to before me � r
preso•i,A. W. mLAHUre, this Ix.""m rfith d*y of 11, 1/411t4 I tng,•s '4t' firm names" etmeg00 of
! A.
Four et Them, without Count.ny, the
New Member for South Huron -
Tl.e Session Promises to he a
Lively One Both Parke. in Fight-
ing Trim...!
414011, our wait t'urrvsllultdent.)
Ottawa, Jan. Vim. -Alan intuited in
1'.u•li1 lot 11ave teem (recopying the
111.It'1.1t,iul the ,NIeeeap11ndolIt* du1-
iug these uttetesling rosya of bye -elec-
t. ..tint .the question which will
us th,• $Yle(disisev 11.4* c.ul1eel 4(111(11
laluily 1 Wilily. t1 nil the arrival of
Ur. 1'. 1). elswn the 11 m•leens are ih
the kali. '('herr .up now four who
uw•t 111Pugilulet, 10 the r.. • 111KIaud
v44'lutiti as the lei ll Kalil
Moroeru. - The Hobbes, 11,114)11,4 en
hotshots conte text. with three twat
bele won..
1\'. 1•'. Mowleaue4u
, of 1lh 1•'11. the
proprietor of The 'Toronto 11'urld, is,
111 1 se. Lou' Ilebt I: •u of the fa►1,•
ily of th*4 Ilk. Ile Mite lou 11111 Cut
eeruati a side, but is rather a fr_
lance, ,and N' the troth We
yl '1 it,tur 1.
- ,
-7 (
The Time !mgrs.
f Acheson & Son
The Tett
To companies as
well as to individuals A uungtihrtut lot of Clothe. Napkins, 1)oyliyr. utc.,
there con 'ias a day of ,lust ,oilexl, ileal dog at uurethh•1 lose thuli regular priest..
test, when they grow
Continue their Annual Sale
or shrink in the esti-
mation of the public,
according as they RIM
,' able to meet it.
The test of the
l 1
1« told hi
heart seems to lie on the Go r.'13IIIIen
side, bis tt•;tlty to Sir Wiltrul I.uatie
being welt known. ili..tdvoe•.tcy
public ewh41ship of public utilities a
Oi�Tr o
toy co1uler u
H 1'slimmer ow Este; of bilks, Uruss Closets lin1 t4uititgp(s in lengths
6ou1 one to six yard., all now Marked fund tic1etud for fast (leering out Al
YH.t(TIIN OF IIHIuINAI. !nick.They are 0(111 Infer and rude of our higher -t-
rial's b,'
s n14 g.$)ds litid out for rhir ,lauuary Ilacrifeu, bale 414)11 we Unite (4444•.
curtouu1s I 41vail thellir1lSes hurl)•.
Ladies' 4111,1 )Mu'r Isir Cutts ,nu4' moviug will. Bead last overs •
taper for list of cut pries•% at which we aro letting our big aback g.. ,.lot
Ladies.' heat )•''acts' Anil 1Se41tC
el Clout u -(.s, seven -eighths length, h:unl-
sound, trilunlcd ,;,d Hoc's 1.•gul.u• *10 and g12 for$ti:
Men's Fur Costa, Eai.00, selling at $ao_eo,
, Insurance Company,
London, Canada,
' ance Commission's
(4r came with the Inoue- W
W411 As Ile md
t11s UI t11r11rinniitliun '
one (4f' the features of our /nosiest
politic,' life.
A. 1. Maclean-ef, f.utrubuig, N. 5,
sits on the Literal side. tic is
yulmg member hot hoe been men
Lionel( tempiently' for a Cabinet pot-
luhm. Ile will probably gat it el
long. kte or tau. of hi. speeches
Montt tout Its :uuung.t the ea
efforts of the premeut Parliament, and
in !articular his delusive of the North
Atlantic 'Trading Company deal %then
the mature. (4f its bu,iue..s WAS din•
eluaetl by the Opposition easily
ranked as by far the basso speech Matte
during that notoriuu. debate.
Angus A. McLaren, of Queen's, P. E.
1., is a w;olein favorite. Hu Is A
staunch Tory of the hes( type, but his
upp.pente 011 the other bide of politics
bear him 110 grudge. Ile io well likedby the t'ul'r•epJ(Idents, whi1•b is per-
haps 1(444 great a compliment us any
that can he bestowed(. Of Or. 1'. I.
Melman, the hero of the Center Turk
bye -election, we have had 101 time to
learn much vet.
Public Documents.
Ther' wasa warm dtIuttt• in the
Howie over the question or public
documents and %%bother tiro opposi-
tion eritIcs have tan t•igllt to ser the
originate. The 31imlter of the Inter-
ior Home time ago laid it down ail a
rule of his Lepartw'yt that only
copies of documents should he +trail -
able for the use oaf members -of the
Huube of ('olunuone, It was stated
by Sir. H. H. Antes, of Montreal, that
in order to (obtain information which
\va:I tecessery loo hien be • had to beethe originals. However, the Premier
and Mr. Oliver cold' not ,pc it that
way, and it is not u new rule of the
Governnlett that public documents
ran i.' viewed only by members of
the Government. The reason given
is to obviate the risk of Inti., or 1 ila-
n investigation. The
result of it was that
broadcast through- r
- out Canada this
. Company's name was
printed as typifying
all that is honorable,
safe and fair in life
assurance. Correct
methods, able flnan-
�T. Acheson & Son
A. Stirring Session.
An foreshadowed stole time noF1,
the present session is going to )oe 11
.tiering one. (:hristl,nm was no
sooner over than the war horses, were
prancing. and •11 noise began to be
made. 1'he (1414(49 between the Parties
i+ now on in stnted, and the excite-
ment around the House is growing.
The (iovernlueut is nn its Mettle, and
is yielding tithing to the Opposition.
using Mr big majority on every avail-
able on.'CAtlnll with telling effect. The
Conservative*, on the other hand, are
I)7 no Cleans the di,locert'ued party'
they were a year or two ago. and ore
fighting «0944) inch of the way. They
we a small body 1,f !bud workers mid
they roe 114 the throat of the Guyette.
111e11 like a flash at every opp tionity.
Sir Wilfrid 1.otII•ier A1111 II. 1.. Borden
rue er-c11 watching cirri• e' of the
other to seek 41II advantage. bowler
is the Most astute 'solitdcion in (;a -
nada, blunter ie the aide,,t rrtlic at t he
111plsal of the Coln .ervatite piety.
They fur 1120t1 men of ups ighwt'ss,
gond in this the Uottinien is fortunate,
but it i, ' fort mate still forthe
vomits that the Opposition is gr.sw•
ing ill 11.4•fllhrl'rm• 3114 nMeuigLb. 1',e
gt•andent legibla111'11 -Iyer• the dray A of
\\'luta'«' 4141,1 {'itt. 114)1, 110141 Ire ought
about by a sarong (hives omen( rant
'tanlly hnmmete. by 4s strung t)p-
The French Treaty.
The new Meaty with -France has
given (pc/Aston for the posomme einem)
111 the trade principles of ('111 polies.
En'h 14 enuenvurhni( to crake it eletr•
Valuable Samples Free
" 1 ha' a us"d 71191 4 .1121ooto Expec-a
terse mud find it aatisfarlory in cases
of ern,lp. Colds or crough4*. I have user{
it ever sine.' I got a trial bottle. and
have r.erriti fended it to, everyone in
nerd of it. i"n11 may use m'le name and
nddrees for testimonials if you wish.
lloping•.it will benefit "theta as it has
done my children. 1 remain,
MRS. .1i: N ES a Tat 141•:R.
1(10 Fiance. at.. Land"n, Oat.
t'eltsfrmt,. Expectorant is th" great•
eft rough and throat cure -in the world.
It is the preseripl ion of a renowned
seecialiet. In order that every family
may prove its unparalleled merits we
will send a wimple bottle free to every•
one who I,'nds 1111 their name and ad
(Irene and mention, this pnp"r. 1.2n he
had at 211 druggists A• •'.h. :sere( your
name to -dry In (r. T. •• Slocum, Ltd.,
Seed fon Fres Sample Today. a
New Telephone Directory
Bell Telephone Cc mpany
a ti nit 11, publish a new ism
of the
f,.r 1 he
Ui*ariet of \t ester, Ontario), including
X• *leer addn•sa.,, or ord,rm fnr
seta directly on the bloat and mistook *offer,. •x( x t rtrier shunt' le handed in r
of the.y.tern. Rend for test ins inlal! free.
F .1. 4 ffl;XF:\' k I.4) Trona", n (IF:O. PORTER,
MAO ball Lr„e4NM, 7s•,
Take hull'. Fnmfl) 1.1114 for constipation 1e4.I1Manage'.
White Pine and Tar
The best Cough Remedy
cing, honest repre- II Sold by
sent ations—these
are features which
have helped build up
so splendid a repute- BEDFORD
tion - - which make
ciesas"GoodasGold." - _
W. H. ROBINSON. General Agent.
Iv' 'enamel that ire object is to in-
crease the trade of the DI ' ' in
the interests of the Canadian people.
It ior still evident that the Conserv-
atives are ronunitted to the policy of
protection. and the Lib/erialr to the
policy of freer trade, with a tariff for
revenue purposes.
To Avoid Infringement.
"Yee. sir:" said the-p0mntious in-
dividual with the twiny tie, -1 and a
eclf-nide mean."
'•1.1111 ought to take out a p:denl
011 yourself," rejoined the ordivary
'•Why qurrie(1 the (abet .
"T.s prevent the plw'ibility of there
being another like you." answered
the n. 4)1., with An opera -faced smile.
lynx • ,nanyreuwnt trent. oars
Ronkkee,pet , Stonsionplter. and
Telegrapher. than alit other an
%Vetter,, Ilntana No extra charge
far INV ('0111.4'...
Most eudm•ntly qualified Mstrnet
ere Ursdu .te.• asst./eel 114 4;,14.1
7.r.il ion.. Oilier ,oll.•g,•• r•ngaap•
1/111 Arefluatet a. 4"It' I0•l,
111415 11111411 ia.tri..•l1un.
11A1L ('Ul-RrtF:1 .in M,.tr•ula.
Linn, 1
rill tiers um.. IYuu..n.hip,
Shot thorn,. Ikx,k koeMug, etc.
)lend n postal for information
stoat(' t'.''1'-111t*ATIL r 1'111IY of
lilc114:ft u.r 111 '11114. 4.0/.14).. s.
111'O. St^UT1'u\, 1•sflwi:.,l
A♦N♦♦N•N•♦♦ ••••••♦••• ••/
1,44,, '6-,,,.,44- of •
itraining0cbof In st Nster,' /ninon.
('onl„ien•inl. Shnrl heel and
Trlegrel,hi. IN•Isu4nleul• are f4, 110•
cla,g,'r of Able iu,(roctor. of caput-
. il•a•r. ,U) oar ,•o„rs;' arc th(Iintgh.
11)1udair and pn,c(ical. \\r bm,r
1144.01114' one of lb, largest busing..'
training school. in Ibc F'mvb,rr,
.font our !me raiaingue mud Icor,
what wr are cluing. ( 141uncivial
w•hnd. n.. Null a. I .1.1,,,'11. men ern
ploy our grndentc.. Student., an.
coloring "44,11 week. F:N'l'F:H N(IW.
♦•NNN • ♦ •••N♦•• • ♦♦♦♦��j
1'11 IS 11'OR1,U I4 A BIG PLACE
.ion has eterev of ram, nod thousand.
of °opentunhlr' fnr (haw who arc
worthy and prepared. Yon make
yourself Worthy and the
��� /LLIOTT/ 1
14(i TORONTO. ONT..,-
ran min Iffy (011. ('noun 11114•:end 144411
s. an optnrl unity of ',bowing you tem
w'•' prelate young town and women for
lire. of ur•fuhn•w. One r*talogar
gt4,•s 11121 piticianr.. Write for one
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Cow. Yung' 1(11(1 Alexander Stn.
it"inter Term In all dolor rtmenta of
the ('mit reI fin. i.,",.•('nIl"gr, Tonm-
In. offer. splendid 1l mace„ forspanf
I r:g m few month. ploa.'ently nal
profitably. Twenty-five teachers.
1 atnlogn, free write for It,
W. H. SHAW, Principal,
E. R. SHAW, Secretary,
1n\ul: an1tlrl(iIA.111sl-.T,4onto.
25c a Bottle
Fine Tailored Garments
111111•1111•11•••• On11MillaMMIasigni
That the' Fttkimo uses HOT WATER BOTTLES. but he
would d we were running a Drug Store i:, Greenland.
1 because we would call his nttentlmr to our complete line of •
• these goods at $1 oo to Sz.so.
We are liable to have some Arctic weather this mint«,.
told enough to make pee7le think they are or. an iceberg
It is a good time now to think of n•ir HOT WATER
Tile Stere that Pleases.
.b..l_.1_ OM. ,I• a)
Nothing Li e Rubber !
t%e Isaac ev'erylhing tf' RUBBERGOODS
.1.4044144,44 U1 unr
N11'I'L104 BABY li(NYi'HP:11•ti 47
El NG hat -CM'S ETC. j
4.044, 14(11(401 4110 140011 4 .t i.1 . •
'(11.41' 1., 1.1'14 +4,11lG 1'1 uro44-'
S. E. HICK, "Is? Central Drug Store
[North Side of Square E (ioderi(•li
Fit and
111• Ihur 51.1) important
features 111 a shot. They *eV
404111 11'4 thatevery alien. in our
itn11e1199 Atfa;k 11111441. lt1I .109,,
I104M4". I':tety lis„ is +sele ted
with there eels in view. ,and he
fort being ulTcreel for sale 'very
Marie is t'alrfully examined, thus
ensuring perfect ynality.
in Rubbers and Uvel•ahuck we
have the kind that will stand
the severest Wet. of wear and
Downing & MacVicar