HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-1-23, Page 1e n tais t
ry air
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d dors
Ind be-
d, this+
has • handsome calendar
for each subscriber paying
w advance for The Signal
for Igoe.
Call and =et one.
8I1T11CTU YnAtt-Na sin
Yocirt gf,Tr'� r^
at The Signal's hat of clubbing
offers on page 6 of tlua week's
issue, and select your reading
natter for 1908. We can sup-
ply all the leading publications
at a saving to our
you will experieuor that happy feeling which comes to those
who know that their possession" are safe, as .a savings account
with thi»eumpauy is just its secure aa au investment in Uovrrtl-
'tient Bonds and yields it higher lute of income.
FOUR per cent. interest paid on deposits and mouey cru be
withdrawn at any time.
' Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square.
Copy of change ot running advert.se-
mants must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
roe Sale
elm and maple lumber for wale tram attack.
or eau be cut to order. Fur further parl3e)1larw
apple to ROBERT CLWOTT. Usdarloh. 11
Heal Iretate tor bale._
C T.RAL More and taalolMro bn.lnnw al
l'adow. Limp. Moue, store and r.,ade,.te of
eightrrwala ear 1 I'. IL school
M1114. JUNKS. Cerlew P. U alt
T iron. -Contrail able house to rent. !Nahum
doe. Centenlrnl to Square- Hathrn.lal. et..
Would rill to reepa,.lide ta,tY The could
ma a moderate cash payment with balance in
rhea Mr Instalment • For (0rt.eulan app4 .1
TRIO o11.11 -E
toMorealnll I2 W. 1). 1'olt,eroe. enmpra,io g
eft arrow. alt ear .rod. Thera 1.. gad. comfort
..hk (rase dweUfug bows with cense u,de,
"each, a wind frame sorts lost repaired and eh
Tnra.,or, Jae. •Lard.
1 nl1 %Met. per bush. new pi :al to, A:
0pr,ng wheat. per bush. new .. ) I) to 1) ;r:
per bn.h a IS 1
0 o 4
Duck wheat, per bush 11 n, to n e)
1 •,tla, per bush.. mew• ° 111 to 11 ti
I'• s.. leer bush
Barky. per bush
Screening.. per too
►foul, f.wil) ser owl
Flom, potent, for cwt .. . d1 to
titan, per ton....y, 01 to
*bort., per toff .. .... ... Y( 1Y) to
'lay new. per ten • le OD to
N'm.f, per tont
Hatter, per lb
Ches... per lb
Elora fresh. per dos
o1,1147."; b Ss
l0to ( 4)
1N ne to 14 IMI
Y .'r to 3 lo
:n a
Y1 pppp
1: 30
u 15
0 y1
4 75
S 43
1 an
n U
b Qy
u .1 to
n lS to
Oil to
Potatoes, new m .1; to
tattle, melte'y to goad. pm Owl. 3 00 to
t .ttle export. per eat 1 in to
H 111e weight, per eatb N: to
.1prile IwmM .... .......:4 311 to
llheep, pat eM t .. 3 50 t0
am. per Ib - *^M N U to
Hata.. per lb " 01.. to
Iarel. per 11, air lid •y, l.i to
Tallow, per Ib'esw,l«°atli•tx1 n IM to
Hideo per eat .FL-^-tR'(z ,�a� gi- 1 M to
Sheep *Ow .. iiu.;r'Je. - .1 to
1 I,Wkene ,... 1u to 10
Turkeys. .. I: to 1:
it W t. rile market. on nage ,.1
1.med with n cement b.en..m i. Oars r..1 all .FIRST.. LAOS :%'URK 1)IrNls .tT
-tabled Mf. There I. a lame young orchard of
cholerbearlug fruit tone, tt ell eateied by 1)0MIN I ON. CA RRIA(:E
piing creek srw tau ..
1 well.. e
Fe -. and ei art
tants " good revels. Rs. Vol
toms endl>p'NM 1 WI MKS
Ian apply to MRS. ALLEN a J.t Mt CHIN
', KY u, hy melt to Nile Post I1M.•r. 71 2..,
•L'AKM FOK S.t1.E.--l'AKT OF
Meek Ir. lake rood east, Colborne low»•
Ip. two mile. from (ioder•Ir'h. ISI acr.w send
flay loam, brick house. barn 3; s T. will*
.•.meat stalkingsweeten well. wooer is, l.nlld
lug. awl -wrin1gg reek. t arn•. Mad,ng rotator
red young orchard. Apply to l'. C. M. NEIL.
Dual* P.O. wr r (
•sow. Ageet.. Ouderich. Uui.-- Farm end
Iowa prv(erlk•- taan0ht silo ■tel ,xrliang.l.
F7)I:T.tlI* I. hick houeo of rrlunk. mg Ow►
harbor : .11 modern a•onrrntenr.s..w-I idtnt
het water hesU..ar .teply 'u YUl'NU k 114,11-
ki1TSON, U.drnrh.
/Olt SA LL:. :!I .U'RNS EX ala.
LCNT lanldmr market gerdrn, with good
huildlnt■ and fence.. two mil., from (lode-
s -kb ; the scree In arrebanl of APPY. fear.
plain., eherrtes. peaches, grape. and rasp
harass. )'r4•e awl moo. fat arable. Apply to
YOCNU & 11,,m.KTnt11N. Uud.eirb.
on Angie•.% start. 11 glory• Immo 111
Nattier .tree). l; slimy honer On ►:tgin at 0 -
nue. 1 dory house on l'Mmrt.. .1tnr1.
Two story brick house or, Loewe .treat moo the
l.bc ; nine ruo.a'. all modern conveniences.
Mt. Div Id', .t met : nine room.. all m.dern cwt
♦eniencee. Earns. for lade 111 any part of
Heron Iowa). YOU NA; et NO1M; 1T1ri1N,
Uodcrich. Out.
t1. MALY--On scree in'Woo Wawano..h. two
MOP* from Anbun. ; soil a 1 M koala. about Ill
germr anter eolith otl.m and 31 1u 41 acrd
Umber. A well end Iwo .phage of water. a
Mw fleas dgetling. a goal h.rn. stable and
driving had. Apley to 1'UCNU k IWBFItT-
SON.Oodotiab. _
1: ant elle.. nrr-.ere term In West Wawa-
rra.h, rnm-wr•io,.., lot 17. with 1-.: a•tewIn a
good elate of cultivation. well fanneds well
watered. gond no -herd. large bank tarn. good
house I't..loM,w. blacksmith shop and Nm+
at corner of Linn. 1'onvenkct so ..'heel and
eburrh. 31 tulle. from (. P. IL tatter at
Auburn. Terra. easy. W. A. HARRISON.
Lucknow, Out.
roomed frame dwelling. having • good
situation. on ):ray+ stmt. Stone foundation
and summer kitchen. good dwble, Will he.okl
reeeonehly. For further particulars apply to
41J1a, M. Mc(ACOAAN. (1 Davin. alt.,
FAKM FUI1 1iA1.1.. - - A CHOICE
farm for rale. adapted for mixed farming
or posture.in acres clewnd. In acres good orch-
ard. 13 were. Roel timh*r. rt011 a good ),lark
clay loom. (load frame how.c, creme barn and
Mable.. torsi dewing stied. lots 31 and 34.
concession 1, Goderich township. Apply to
J. WALLie Vuitton.
Haan Orrice Tomato
TO Ri7C'CIVK i,ii4191TM
To accommodate the Manners
we have opened Branches in the
VAItNA and
We solicit the Patronage of the
upnled by In terest at`:i11c,II pa, uisit of V
ed quint.erly. ,
A. O. tIAMII.F:. Mannsct.
/formerly J. A. w'1Ufer'.i.
Three years .xperweeei• rnrrtagt palatine
with Mr. walker, and .s1Uef ietery work
guaranteed • PEIIC'Y SPEIRAN.
alr•Ultl;l' COl'SiNS, PHA ICA!.
If huewhoer. of Toledo. Utalo, kms o`.ated
tip burin.. in IM late Mr. Kl kbeld. aAold
Special opecattention will be POR to me
.tat totertrr4ug horse,
1(1 s Illrllnrmmmlo4nier. alar) *boo,
(One.... 11401.11,wt -11,-01, Oud,•ri. h. 1)nl.
.fft't)1'NTV tot-stlt.
he council of the eor(roi Mtla. al the 'wont Y
of Ninon w111 meet in else ,'oun-,I clu.nd,er. in
the town et Uoderl.-h. ie. 1 ne.dn y. the Altar say
of .penoy(y_ tl 3 u,•lo'k p. m.
All Lara o. h..'ing .cruenl: ag.in.lthe
nouuty ere regnir'.d to place the seine with
the clerk ou or before Inc 7th.
tc. LANE.
( lett.
Dated January 141. 1110..
Public Notloe
Notice is he eby.glven theten epplfeatton
will I* made by the North Midland Medway
I ornpanis tolhe legislative Assembly of the
Prot -Mee ul Ontario at the next e,l.nItur wwMn
thereof for an act .Mending the Art ut Ince,
pommel of /he applicants and extending the
time ler the ronnreencement and c,n.pletfon
of certain par:e d the railway of the a :liar: ll.
a. ..t net by the send Act a. heretofore
amerdnl. '
T. H. LL'8t'UMHF„
Solicitor. for Applicant..
Dated .it London, Ont., tkts let day of Jano
any. A 1). Erre. :05
C� 11r
Teed'?" will be received by *wiener up to
M''.Tt KDAY, JANUARY 14Th. l2a
for the purchase of the stack all look me-
rounts *10101 ging to tete ..tate of David feud -
dart Uodrtich. 0a per invealory :
Meek. .$1,010 an
Knot serviette ...
$I..4 W
cowls .1.eet and at rutin*. may tae colonised
at the premises. Hamilton Ore.!. lietderdch.
Ts lima ' Twenty per cent. of purr haw price
to he Paid to Welter* on .050(0.09- of tender,
balane In three ami dx months. secured by
seen, a1 joint nae.. boating intoned et 7 per
centper annum until 141. •
1'roudfoot. Hay k MAO.
fieldod blah.
LETr, 1N THE col'NTY uF Hi ltoN.
JOHK1'H OOYIKit rr Al..
There wet he offered for +ale s.th the ales
pp0eOoT0l of the Local Master at Borten. rot the
CMborns House, In the town ofiY3oderlrh, at
1 o'clock In the afterneaet, on
ARY, Rett
A11 and singnla- that certain patrol or (.art
of land and premia.,. sitn*b'. 14*114 awl being
Its the township of 1141*.)), in the enmity o
Huron and Province of Ontario, being ran
',need M the eouthcrlY one handrnl sew' of
Int number forty-one in the Phirteroth 10040.-
.I0t1 of the said town.elp of Dollen. On the
property there is a house. harp and a frame
stable, afro shout len or t wall • acre. 441.4,27
gond Minh. The soli I. a clay loam. There I.
.leeit no nem of good oralerd. It 1. `entered
by n runnlat rpHntagg There are slant nesrnty-
(1 "e arena fitfor col l i vMlon.
Tb. property I..Ituate 10 n gaol ferning
di .tele* end is shin. el.t *n trill, from Oode-
rtrh. awl two and one-half mild from Auburn.
where there is. C. I'. It. station. School 11It h.
In nos half mile.
The property will he offered for ale .ahllct
10 rteerved ltd which has heel* need by the
. id Mester. The mire/moo win pay ten per
rent. of the Dunbar• mons)' u, the Uwe of the
wale In the vendor* or their .nllcuon .04 the
balance thetmf shall be paid at the et pixel fon
of thinks day. niter *loch .ale together with
intemet thereon at the rate of ria per rent. per
The ventlers will only be frgndrr.' to tarnish
ren;lstr*r's sdeare-( of title and to pt-ednee
.nth dated. or roper. thereof( or etWAenrr of
p�1.e0t the terns.. w r1 norh er. of nate now-olon. In all Mh 11 be
t he standing coedit Ion. of the High I runt Of
JOM4,r. applying
urthe.artier.,*r tomy had ender*' Solicitor, PHerl
to Millet.✓m Mims.
Oat. otPi.nMM
A, plays & glair. SoUelton.
Dated a, Hsrl1n, llerem110r 3M h, Mr
J J A.Wir1(,
ioral Metter at Heflin
TIFMMell C). K,wr Analiereer,
tMifetirh. Ontario.
There Will be a Recount. '
Hubert Thompson on Monday last
applied to the county judge for re-
count of the ballots cast at the recent
municipal elections iu the mayoralty
contest. and His honor Judge
Doyle has appointed Thursday, Janu-
ary 30th. at 9 o'clock in the morning
for the opeulug of ballot boxes. Mr.
Thompson was just fire voles behind
Dr. Macklin, who is alt weight occupy-
ing the Mayor's chair.
Chute of Thames
A. ('uldesire, to tender her most 'Inc.,,'.,
t for the many expteeauns of sympathy
nae bated by her 0)1111,100s friend, during
bee recent affliction aced berutrmrOt.
Sl*tuations Ttoaut
1' rant. blood be good wok and have good
reference... Apply to 311H0 GRIFFITH,
Alexara Heepb
11001) (HILL WANTED.- -TO DO
7f general how.•work. Wage* 112 • mach.
Apply to 11118. DAVID DROWN. Anad..ca
it eerraat. Small tame. )41M. YIY.IJI.
corner Lighthouse a0d \a ellingtou stmt,. It
the dicy. Three year.' experience.
ORAC'ICLINFIY..LD. residence of Miss AIUn,
Trafalgar street.
(ea sod time '0.14,1. Newterm open.
on Jin :nd. Witte for catalogue : our
moderate rates and other advantages
will inters -4 you
HR1iIYM AMiRICAM Itemises. ('OLLzolt
longe and McU1I1 st.. Tososto
++lei a UR A NC IC (' O.- Farm and iodated
Wan property moored. Yale. 111 propert 1n-
sureet ep 1e Jan. wpb, over 103'.'P t n
and director,.: -J. R. McLear, ; T.' teener,
rive- ran. ; Jas. t't»aoly. O. 1010. Mr. Cheea-
oey J Watt, Jae. Keane. J. ti. dere, J. Hence•
wets, directors : T. Y (tars, McOfnr1Js,,nerelary•
' rua.nrlir : Iospertore, naresdirector to Ina..
3. W. Y'no, Helmeeeille. agent for West
Huron. Policy -holders can 50 .mente
and get their rant. renuiptelfwse.w
at Timer &
grown'. Clinton. or at R. 11. Cott. grorry.
K htgr.los etreet. Ooderich.
executors of thei iodate of the lade
emerge Acheron- have deri4od to offer the
whole .stet. for M.M. Ther,ro1salty tno.iste of
reel arta,. debentures. heeds and stocks.
('enie. wishing to inre.t in any of :he oho%e
prnpertiew ewe get full particular. on .ppnca-
tloe ae the esceutorn.
Maw. Emma M. At nr,o..
►.seams x.
1. P. Roo.. 1 Esseuto11
tdodericb. Iv, :oh. 1.41:.
THI. t0CNTY 05 Hi ltoN.
1>- Tea M :: .-a no rine Forearm or Asoligw
&r.11. LA7a Or Tilt Tow./ Yir 011 (.01.
/wta'a. 17 Tint OW NTT OF strums, user -
is tots. Decuttert,.
Note.. 1. hereby ghee pursuant to 11. el. O.
It.:, Chapter 1".u. ouct.on 3e. that at1 persons
having clam., .slain,( the es,wte of the sad
tudrew 14.gM% who (Hort on or shoat the .1.fh
Aayof December. log, ore required osier oaten
:bo. Mil, day of Febnrary. rel% to told by post
ptelrM or t, drip er to Messrs. Canero., &
Killoram tiedench. i ntetio..ollcftor. for We-
ilin, Hugh, of the township of Colborne.
tanner. seal Itspphen Sallow-, of the town
of tamers*. photographer. exrelators of the
I*.( will and Irae:nem of the ...id de.
cca.cd, their mune.'
addrosse. and d.is.'tip
on -
tl. and n 11,11 lalenlent ,f perusals'. of
their rlalms and the uatore of the secant., 1,1
any. Lend by them. duly a,nllbd ; and that,
after the said .1.1., this void rx'a;ntor. will (u1.
ce.o1 to distribute the nasal. of the deorsad
1)11,0)10 the lollies cunt 1..4 theretn, having re-
gent only to 11e claim. of *tuck they then
hale hot M'.
l.*twl ibis 314 day nrJan nary. 1951.
*AMK11041 4 h11.1.URAN.
:Mrlicltore (or vv Mums illogic
and Reuben ?vetoers.
71:31 F:terwlor,.
, 1'I'Lll'ATiONT*sI'AR1.1AA! ENT.
settee in tic rhy given that the Ontario 11'e,t
Shore Electric 'Wilsey 1 pony will apply to
the Iartislativc Aseeu.bly of the Pio, loot of
t lntano at I*, nre1 session for an Ace'
1. To empower the l'OW1 any to attend Its
p,op'.o* line of railway from a pm,.l a1 or
war (land bend, in the township of Stephen.
In the Aunt) of Huron. througu the tuwu.hq.
of U.Ixorne In the laid county, thence In s
.outhesstrrly direction throng', the t.twtrnktp
of Hlan.haM• In the 00111115 of fart h. end the
township of Hiddulph..n enc counts u( Mddk•
sec : thence southerly and westerly through
the towiwhip of %vest Ni.wttrl In the oounC1•
of Middlesex. or London 10.n.Mp. in ,awl
eunnl). in and to the city of London in said
county. 11 nth (ow.•r le construct a branch nine
frau a glint In the township of Osborne. 111
the county of Huron ot 111c township at Htan-
sh.rd, In the county of Perth, through the,
said township of /Ilan hard, .n an easttny.
direction to . print at • r near the (own of nt.
Mary.. In the county of Perth. and thence in
an oaatcrly direction through *3.e 1owronlp of
°ow:de, In the county of Perth, 10 *1,.. city of
at/aafad, In the said °minty. std in, to, and
through the town of 14ilwanl.ne, iii MC vainly
Of Bruen.
1'O extend the time bar the payment of
Aftceh percent. uf the amount of the capital
stark of the said contently fur one year trans
Lae lith day of Met-. IoM, end to extend the
Uwe fur the completion of the railway of the
appneant congony with the day of
E. L Dickinson:i( C.
The Ontario Government has aitr- t
pointed E. L. Dickinson, of Godericb 1
a Klug'a Counsel. The selection of
Mr. Dickinson :ter this honoris a most i
sultuble ono, and the new K. C. will 1
wear the bilk with hecowir.g dignity
and credit. Other barris(ei's In this
countywho have received the same
distlnctiou are Dudley Holmes, of
\Vingbain. and F. Huhusted, ut Sea -
Strang, who were appointed to audit
he hooks, reported the burnt: as care.
tally and currently kept. The next
westing of the Presbytery will he held.
n Clinton Liu Tuesday, March Arts, at
Bon Voyage.
W. L Horton, town treailurer, and
Man. Horton left this ,afternoon on a
trip to Europe, intending to lie away
until about the fret of April. They
Nail from New York fur Giln•altar and
will visit Naples, home, Monte Carlo,
Perim, Berlin and other Continental
ciliae and will also spend some time in
Ghat Britain. The Signal wishes
thew a good voyage, a pleasant tour
and a safe return.
eft. Valentine's -Entertainment.
The D. 0. P. purpose holding alp
entertainwena on behalf of the hos.
pita! on St. Valentine's night, Fele
emery 11th, and it. is to be desired that
as neatly ea possible will keep this
evening free. Fuller particulars will
be given next weak. The following
donations have Igen received for the
hospital : Mho M. J. (lundry, *a:
Aliso M. M. McKay, Termite, air bean
A. Friend, Colborne. apples ; A Friend,
fruit : D. F. Harnliok, fwd bar elo of
apples: Itobel•L Tait, 810 worth of
work and electrical fixture.'.
The Old Boys Thank Miss Warnings.
Miss Skiming@ has rmlei -ed the
tollowinil acknowledgment from the
secretary of the Huron Old Boys' As.
sociation of Toronto :
"Dear Mini Skiruings :-On behalf
of -the Huron Old Boys' Aoaociatiun of
Toronto, 1 !reg to acknowledge receipt
of your beautiful book of poems and
to thank you for your kindness and
LbougblfuloNN.. We appreciate your
poems. the subjects of many of which
ere old friends and relative'.. 1V.
will leertainly keep )'our look in
front of us OH the time and treasure it
up as tine of our beet pieces of fitera•
Y. M. C. A. Sunday.
Next Suuday, J./unary anti, will be
Y. M. C. A. Sunday in Goderich. Ad-
dresses will he given in the cburches
as follows : In the morning -In the
Presbyterial church, .lohn It. R.oi1-
man. county work secretary of the in-
ternational conlnlRice. New York :
In North street Methodist church.
Albert E. Roberts, recently of State
committee of Massachusetts, uow in-
telrnatiunal county work secretary,
New York : in Victoria street Methu-
diet church: E. 1'. Stewart. ofn-
, la,
dun ; in the Baptist church. Archibald
Culkne, Provincial counts- work secre-
tary, lomdou. The apealters for the
evening will be announced, at the
morning servile -c•. In the court house
at 1:15 p. tn. a meeting, for sten only,
will be 'addrt,-sped by Archibald Cul.
lens, and music will be given by a
tusk chorus nod quartette.
Editor and Farmer.
A. N. Foster. proprietor of The (lait-
villc Star, i, ale° the owner of a farm
and has a fondness for good live stock.
He is.starting a herd of Aleerdeen An-
gus cattle and his first purchase is
frotn L4. -Col, Varroe, ot Colborne
township. from whorl he has bought
Hee thoroughbred animals, one bull
x Approving and congruoing bylaw number
to of the town of shirk:rich. Pi the contitygof
Harm, respecting certein aid to the applicant
ownivey ffiwtentecing the betide of the
crimpeoly to the extent in the what. of 11/11
wade bet.wit the said [Own and rattitay
yomipany. olsted the day of
whereby the railway oumpany i. given
the right to MOM and operete it. royilwny
Certain street.. of the said town.
I. Approving and cenverming bylaw noiniber
33! of the town et Mealtime. 111 the count y of
(*nee. respecting certain aid to the applhaTt
outopenr by gnaranieeing the bond. of too said
rompany to the est en* if. the emote of the sum
11.501,1110. And the liffreanient or bylaw made
between the wile town And meetly etaiii.any.
toy the company limier, the tight in build and
Operate Its retie oy 011 certain street• of he
swirl LOW n.
•. Approving fool meteor:log bylaw numbs,
of /he tow:id:op of to the roanty of
Phnom moment& rt•rlain Ald 10 111C applicant
cempany by friamotoeiner the bond.. of 110. -
staid eompally to the ("item( in the • hole t ht.
sum of 1112:.01111. end the agreement or bylaw
mode het ween the said 111W114111, and the
141111W1111. muttony. dotted the ti..t.
11110. w hereby the eompsny
Oran 1 he right 10 1•14111 anti Opara.f. Its line On
certain of the highway% of the said township,
f* Approving mind contirming bylaw numher
371 of the township of Heron. in he 'vent y of
company he gnarenteeing the howl. of the
odd ioerepony to the extent in the whole of the
,aini et and the agreement ..r
Mode bet *ern *11C mild toe ofshie and the
railway otallpany dated the day of
. e. herehy the contemn, t.gtven the:
7. A mem* fost and confirming hy law or
conot y of Huron. detest
whereby the compoey is given the tight to
build anti openyte its railway oil certain el the
highways of the saki township.
D. rOt mach other rights. eultewSlal oath*.
Mei as May Oa incidental to the shore.
nix, toile ) W LOT r140104 ELVA'
Their Benetton.
tt::Mi a. tn.
Mr. Crawford Renominated.
The following iefercnce to t► (otter
limonite, a brother of Jostles Craw-
ford, of Putt Albert, is from The Wiu-
taipeg Free Press :
"John Crawford, M. I'.. who has
been renominated by the 1.ilM'rd, of
Portage 1.a Prairie, has been n resi-
dent of this Province since its early
days. He carne here a young and
ambitious wan and he has mown op
'end prospered with rhe country. Ile
has been vugaged in both farming and
business on an extensive Neale, and is
no uOriae to the political world. For
several terms he represented Healed.
tul Plains (which ie a portii,n of his
present tidier/ l in the Mlanituba Logis-
Inture. Ile has proven himself loth
in politics and in Municipal matters
tin which he has had extensive prac-
tical experiences to he a safe man, and
one in whose bandy the interest.; of
the people can safely be intrusted.
Mr. Crawford'* n uatiun four years
ago /against the veterau N. le Boyd
was regarded l.y many ,as a forlorn
hope : and his large majority showed
that bib political strength io the eon-
etituency haul treen wlderawtiruatea.
He should have little - diftkulty in
holding the seat in the forthcoming
Death of Mrs. Davidson.
Tho death occurred un Monday
morning last uf oue of Goderich tuwu-
sbip's old tesidente and one of the old-
est Members of Union Presbyterian
church, in the person of Mrs. Hugh
Davidson. She had been' confined to
the house for a utiwber of years with
rheumatism and was in her tie enty-
fourtlt year. tier huslhtnd died
a number of vest" sago. She wits
formerly Mlisc Elisabeth Joboeton and
she is survived by live brothers and
threesietera. as follows: ThomasJolnt-
eton, of 'town; Heury and George
Keunedy Johnston, of "tne Bayfield
road; Robert .lohnsluu, of the tth
concession : Alex. Juhneton. - near
Port Huron : Mfrs. Robert. Wileman.
uf De !'ere. %Vis.; Mrs. Nixon, of Luck-
uow, and Miss .Annie. Goderich town-
ship. She leaves a. faintly of eight
children : lingla Davidson, principal of
Neweneth' high salmi!: Dt'. fav id
Davidson. of Cartwright, Mae.: Mars.
(inrdott• of Boiwsvv:aiu. Man. t
George Edgar IP.avidsotl, of Victoria,
B. ('.: Robert Davidson. of the Hay-
field road: and Bertram an.l the
Misses Sarah and Adelaide, at home.
e al ak ics yesterl
.ThdU annefuneral 1 . Mteaitland epcenbrtery, thaye•
services being conducted by Rev.
Janie, Hamilton. rector 111 Cuion
Piee byterian church, and the p1a11-
Irearers lacing four brothers and two
sons of the dlreamed, George, Henry,
Th ,as :and Kol.e,t Johnston, acid
Robert and Hugh Davidson.
Horticultural Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Goderich
Horticultural Society was held uu
Saturday evening last in Wm. Lane's
office in the court House. The fallow-
ing were the officers elected : Presi-
dent, .fames Mitchell : vice• weeident,
Williani Coats; second victepr.sident,
J. W. Salkeld : sa'cretury-treasurer.
William !.:ane ; aiditer. it. G. Rey-
nolds : director.. F. 1:. Bingham. ft.
1'. Plays, C. A. Wella. G. 1'. Blair. G.
Laithv.aite, 1 Janes l.sitlaw.►ite, I1.
Reed. J. E. Tutu and A. E. Mlatbesou.
A committee watt appointed. contest-
ing of Messrs. ('oats, Wells and Bing.
hent, ti, select bullet a. soap as possible
for members of 11KY and' give direc-
tions where the lsilbs shall be pur-
chased. It was decided tint each
Member should receive a copy of'I'he
Camelia?' Horticulturist for Past. It
was agreed that any member should
get bullet at wholetuale prices provident
each member hands in his order in
time to the proper committee. The
treasurer's financial .tatenlont, as
follow.. was approved :
Government grantaleu.. . . f(tfS t> 1
County grant T'JI Iwl
ulcer, fens ..:.'. (l IMI
Total ill 1(1 Ile
• Y.XPti.:IiLTI'ittt+.alintite bookPostage. tic 1 9:iFifty-three ropier I liinisdhulDeputation Ontario florticed-' 21 ::11Hortieultunet. et linitolurid Exhibit innBrattier on baudThe Society ineettilegain next SiLlititk.?
Presbytery ot Huron.
The Presbytery of Huron met in
Clinton on Jentiary alst. The follow.
ing members) were preeent : Rev, le.
A. Carrier's moderator,and Dr. Mr -
ream clerk : Dr. Suswert, Messes. C.
Larkin. ft A.. Neil Shaw, rt. :v. min-
Eleoet. 3.1 t% Little/ay, Oases,
I The records a sessions were examined
and attested, the eieurnissitme of
eklere were presented and i he roll for
!the year nettle np. Applications on
Goon were mede as listed, except in
the raw cif Varna And Blake. which,
th • Preehytery was pleased to hoer,
ere now eelesionaining. Mr. Sheer.
port, anti Munisi. Andel -lent OW
Death of Mrs. Holmes
vANATTelt k ROBCRT8ON, Pcssinume'
Id Syracuse, N. Y., AU adopted
daughter of the 11%Jc We. Dulliths
a sister of Mr. Mimes. Mr. and Mrs.
Vankleek. Mr. and ales. Aikens and
their daughters awl three Messni.
Aikens from a distance.
1:iberal Convention January 31st.
A convention of the Liberals. id
West Huron will be held in the
day, January :ilia. att (o'clock p.
tor the putonse of selecting A emelt-
date for the next election to Prey -
A very pretty wedding tuuk place
Moutlay morning le St. Joeeph's
church. Kiusrebridge. when Miss
Minnie, youngest diti.ghter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jewett Griffin, was United in the
bonds of niattimony to William J.
Clare.' of Crewe. Tbe bride was at.
tended by her taster. Miss Annie Grif-
fin, and the groom lo:r his cousin, .lack
Lannon, rot Godenclt. The bride's
dress was brown lady's cloth with hat
to match. The cereinotiv WA'S per-
formed by Rev. Mather *McCormick.
The youog couple drove to the home
of the bride's parents. when's,. after
partaking of a sumptuous dinner, they
drove to tioderieh and left on the 4:30
train for a honeymoon trip to Toronto
and Niagara. Their many friends
juin in wiabing them long life and
Sovereign Bank Absorbed.
Following the absorption of the
Sovereign Bank by the east:whited
Banks of Canada, tbe business of tn.
branch hero bait been taken over by
the Canadian Bank of. Commerce.
The receipt of a telegraph message
Mat Saturday morning eunouncing
this change caused considerable sur-
prise ht. town. but as the money of
depositors was fouud lo perfectly
sate and the other interests of the 01111 -
minors of the Bank 111 good hands
there wag ornate -ally no excitement or
alarm. There were several beam:les
of the Sovereign Bank in tilis county.
The Walton twaniat lies been taken
over by the Standard Bank : those al
Clinton acid litueelield by the Ruyol
Bank, and -the brancheit at Excite.,
Dashwood, 1. million. Ilene:ill and
addition to the Goderieb
District Orange Lodge.
The annual meeting of the Gimlet ich
Distriet 4 /range lodge was held at the
Orange Hall in tioderich ori Tumidity
of I Asa week. The meeting was web
attended and was one of the 'tow! MN-,
cessful mi record. Bro. Robert G.
Calwell WAS the installing officer end
the officers elected were as fellows. :
George N'anderhurgh. al.. Nil; .1.
S. ale:dads. Chaplain. Pat: George
Laithwaite, It. S., 11.1.: Joint Sturdy,
F. s., Pea.... B. IL Elliott. Treas.. ism;
'Y. Cox, Lecturer. 115; George A.
be sent to the widows of the late
to Wm. erooks ou the death of hie
wife. Luttch was eerved 1,, 0.
term Will Ile Made a life member of
the Orange Grand Lodge of British
Ainetico. cottilaiol the chair, and
there were five initial iOns. The
C. in Comitiaitil. Jaime, Cox : Ex•
comp. Command. Robert Johnston :
Ion Comp. Scribe, Comp. 11. If. 'dew
Crimp, Treas., Comp. T. %Y. Bell : ear
Herald Knight et Arms. Comp.
Thomas Johnston : iseettliree, p. J.
• Mcalath ; 2nd Lecturer. Comp. R.
Y. Cox : 1st Conductor, Comp. James
Tichbourne : Inward Herald.
Comp. al. McDonald • Outward Her-
ald. Comp, Deo. McMillan. The next.
annual meeting will IN. held in the
sion. Gmlerich township.
The Leaumtitton New., of .1 ery
lath records the death of the wife tif
1'). Holtnee. formerly G. T. IL conduc-
tor at Gide" refei ring to the
ten year. ago ittel in time took tip
their resideme. en Erie St. eagle
where Mee. Holmes pained awriv, on
Friday morning. Jatitiary loth, -1210/4.
She had become well end favorably
know tr.in this place, tieing held in
high esteem by a large circle of
friend:a AIM It respected by iai
with her. See wets a titemiwt. of the
sell with It (if RN most important
...oak. bliss was tin enthusiastic. mem-
ber of the Woman's alinsionary Socie-
ty and frtint the first of the organiza-
tion of the Lemnington Auxiliary'con.
tribute", al to RN efficiency and
*meccas. !The way, also a worker in the
the societe wrJa then called.
Mee. Holmes Wati known for her
buoyant rheerfulness; which of sus al-
ways helped to others, and for her
kindliness. ef spirit, which brought
rays of sunlight to !wetter the gloom
of many it heart end life. As a
Christi She was sincere and mermen
though not loud in her profension.
Fur the huit two or three Trale•
had Nit heart weakness mill %vas not
strong. Abseil. wi•ek before her
death Llik efiltultintsol in what the
doctor', call "Angina. pectoris, an ex-
ceedingly 'silent ailment of the heart,
Ivrea. The funeral wile attended hy
gOndlY ttnifilser from the town mei
Immediate relatives and friends.
Tbere were present Mr. Holmes' son,
H. 0.. elation agent ti. T. 11.,_ Acton,
Leap Year Promenade.
Two bye -elections to. the House
Common'. aerie held .yesterday, in
Hurun anti ritanatead. Owe.
In South Huron AL Y. McLean, Lib-
eeal, was elected by a majority 1,1134
over Henry !forum. Conservative.
hy 13. B. Burin. Conservative.
In etenstead Charles Lovell, 'Lib-
eral, wit: elected by a majority et 2Td.
defeating Moore. Conservative. Mr.
Lovell sucaeeds Isis lather, the late
Henry Lovell. also a Lib's's!.
conducted egrecery business and sub -
end Perrin firms. It wait in connec-
tion with the hartiware business. how-
ever, that he was best known. In
litiO be went into partnership in this
ine with Mr. Ket r. the firm name
being Kerr k McKenzie. 411ftee five
ir six years Mr. Kerr dropped out and
Mr. Mclienzie continued in the beta-
netis NI mud slime that, time. with
the exceptitin of an interval IA 44 few
yeArs. it portion of which he spent in
feeewater, he nenained in the hard-
ware trade until Ilia retirement about
four yeah' :wit. Fur the pest rode
yeors of his listeinese activity he had
as hi* partiter hie nephew. AL W.
!towel!. Mr. McKenzie served on the
town cuuuci: for a teitutter of yews,
and at the time of hie death was a
member of the truetee board of the
Collegiate bunittite. Ile wee actively
connected with the work of North
street Methodist church. being on
hotel tbe quarterly official board and
the tient...v. board. and was cloaely
identified with the Sunday sebool
work of thia church, baying been sup-
erintendent of the school for a number
of years. In politics he was a Liberal,
end be was recognized as one of the
feeding temperance men of Goderich. •
Besides hia wife, Mr. McKenzie he
iiiirvived by two brothers, George. of
Wanghani. and Mark, of ['bleep°. and
hy nue eon, Robert, of (srumlin.
Among those who were bete for the
funeral weic his son (with his wife
iind two daughters), and his brother
Matthew McKenzie, of Cruudho
Mrs. (1)r.1 Alex. McKenzie. of Monk -
ton Mrs. Howell, of Brantford; Mins
Rudd, of Clinton ; Dr. John Odium. of
Woodstock, and Dudley Holmes. of
The funeral tnok place on Tuesday
efterti000. iservice !wing held at the
North street Idethodist church. Bon
'ale, the pard.Or ef the church. Rev.
!V. Hazen. Rev. IL Nat. of town.
and Rev. J. Greene. of Clinton, were
ott the platform. Rev. 3111.. Nutt lead•
10gInlir.17.1.7ienig% to the removal of Mr.
3IeKeitzie, Mr. Haven paid i4 high
tribute to the. goodnees and sterling
character of the departed. Ile re.
called how the decetuied had COMM 1.0
during the pastorate of the late Rev.
Johu S. Evans, how he hacl been
evangelistic meetings held shortly
after in One odd frame church which
stood where the present hand-
some edilha is now. how ha: had early
become identified with church work,
* one of the local vie:whet.... assert -
(nig Mr. Evans in the several other
stations at that ttnie connected with
tioderich and having for a time at -
with the idea of fitting himself for thc,
ministry. The early Krupa° (his
,father having died when Ise wail a
mere child and his mother being poor)
heti developed itt hitu qualities of self-
reliance. and the discipline he then re-
ceived had developed the well-balanced
chat -meet hich he showed its hater life.
Mr. Hazen pointed mit that goodness
was tht• only true grmatnem. There
were varioue forme of what was called
grt•atnese, hut of those who achieved
greatnees of this sort the ones we re-
membered best and longest were those
whon. hem. possessed the greatneas of
greatneen of the departed. Mr. Mc -
gentle 1,445 It man of few words, but
when he spike there OILS always it
great deal of weight in what he said.
Several approprirste hyttins were
ming during the 'service and the pas -
vete of Scripture read was from the
tifteenth chapter of I. Corinthians.
After the gervice a number of those
who had gathered in the chitilch to
Day their last tribute of respect, took A
bast look on the face of the departed
and the body was twine from the
church t.. the strains of the Dead
March. The pall -bearers were Jaineti
'Wm. Acheson, E. Downing, 8. Stokes.
Win. Holland and J. -I'. Brawn.
Among many beautiful floral token",
of esteem and sympathy were a cross
and "Rause ajar.' from the quarterly
board and 0.- trustee board of North
stre.et t.h unit, a wreath from the Sun-
day !school and a 'Tray from the de-
ce eted's Sunday 'wheel claw.
The G. C. I. Literary Society held
ite first meeting for the term in the
assembly hall tin Friday eyenieg.
The 'weal promenade for the opening
ineeting WAN varied this year accord-
ing to 'leap yeat"..custone the young
ledies of the institution being ex-
pected to perform the ditties which
ordinarily are left to the gentlemen.
However. fair exchiange ie rule
bet y'' does not seem to be the motto
of the young ladies judging by the.
events of the evening, for t•vidently
the departure front the orthodox
methods not 'only robbed the goalies -
ing of a third of its usual attendance
and the piling hulks of their wonted
blushing and bashful gallant of 'ewers!
promenailes and forced him to watch
from hie meet in painful diffidence the
enjoyment of hie more fortunate com-
panions with their fair escorts. In
spite of the fact ot a small attendance
a most enjoyable evening was spent -
at tiny rate by those who had the
good fort • to find fovor in the eyer
of the young ladies present. We Calls
not vouch, however, for the complett.
sitaisfaction of the foirer we. as
✓ umors are now said to lw curt ent in
G. C. I. varies that leap year id a
stupid thing anyway, and mote. un-
necessary. One result, at least, of
Friday evt•ning's affair should be
helpful to bashful youth's since the
to what it copes te make 'melt Nimple
advances On IOC necessary at an or-
dinitre promenade must hereafter call
forth their deepest. sympathy for the
boys in the w seriatim affair.. into
which Cupid drawn them.
Oesth of R. W. IdtKensie.
Another of (external'', best citizens
has been called aWSay. iu the person of
Hobert IA% McKenzie, who .passeu to
his reUrard on Saturtlay last aftt.r an
of several months. The de.
ceased had long conneetion ith the
Meitner...life of the town ;old was 11111*
14 tile 14163111 44 North street Metho.
dist chortle mid in every cirele
whirls he his intittenis. W,11 felt
en that of *ntan tit' stet lifig charticter
It'..6111.1ne'li"ltonPzuirelsw71... ie his eiztv•nintit
yenr. was born in the tiore
in his teens. For some Om • be wow
engAged in cabinetonisking, his older
brother John at time time being in
th*I, line onlmeinees here. Later he
Suicide in Howick.
%%Ingham. Jan. lit-- Adam Faust.
whe resided un the 2nd concession
• Howiek. committed suicide by
jumping into it well. He was about
sixty-ffve Tenn. of rage, and had been
in a deepontient state for some weeks.
Ravages ot Diphtheria.
Thin. James. who reside in Tornherry
township, one mile from Winghtun.
have been called for the fourth thee
itt three weeks to mourn the death of
tint- of, their children. About Christ-
mas trine three tA the little oties fell
vietims to diphtheria. and now tbe
fourth. a boy fourteen years of age.
has succumhed to the rotate malady.
M1ON KR. - At Windsor. Oet.. on Tamest,
• f,f lif ..n.1 Mr•. kited' Tann, a daughter.
nail lath, Retrial W. Mehl:title. in frs erth
MI II 11.ENS In Godern h. en .1.yetinry 171.h.
I der-lannary .: SA. Iklitalnelh, relict of the
meet h
IIII year. anti le mono len