HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-1-16, Page 7THE SIGNAL, : (:01, ; Cie ONTARIO -a ar Tot iu1UAY, January le, i9QB 7 Offik****`> *****':f'**'i'* 'i'* *'i *, ***'A`'A`17 ft P'ii`7 `;i'****`i`*i'c*4''i"'i''i'+*4' 4KA i, .:The News of the District. 4. 4446446444:4546446H++4444+**++++44+4+4+44444444444.444V DUNLOP. TI'ItauAY, Jau. lith. Mrs. Shields Id *way this week Pelting friends et Sandwich, Wind - :qtr. ►t(aro)t and Pontiac. Fred Quaid WAS at Port Albert on MoodAy of last week attending the lettere' of the tate H. (Ever. A eleigh-Juan of our route folks took iu a (lancing 'lefty un Wednes- day night List at John Shields), in Ashfield. A printer's error iu our last week's item with refet•euee to the ekatiug p04de IL read near Mheppurhon in- stead of neat the schuul house. f'he young folk had A very enjoyable time skating mid playing hockey And in the evening the ice wee lighted with !en- tente. We had the pleasure tet Friday last of meeting CulIo1•ne's venerable )w,usau, John Huclennn, at the Dun- lop pxretofllee, as he wts returning home to Carlow alter a visit in Oode- rich. Ile aloe met Mr. Allen for a .hurt chat beton, the stage started tiff for Carlow. LEEOURN. TtliriD1Y, Jau. IIth. Mrs. Fothtriugham. yr . u( Bruce- fieW. and her deught'rr, Frances, are visiting at A. 11. Outlines. nes. The vote here in the late township election was very quiet. Eighty-five ballots were ma.ked with the choice of their candidates. Severel of our young wen were .at the gun club shtxn. at Saltfurd and et - tended the supper at, night in the hall on Friday of lent week. Quite x ler of our young folks have been down to Dunlop enjoying skating (et the revamp near the school- house in the pale moonlight, of la.t week. CREWE. MtiNlat 1, Jan. 1:3tI,. Wedding, belle are again riuging merrily et Mrs. iVni. I'ierce has been ill for the last few days. We wish her A 'speedy t•etvrvery. Mr. and Mrs.' Jas. Culbert and family were the guests of Me. au.1 Mira. lieu. Ihrroin yeetetdsay. A young visitor carne to tare 'ewe of Afr. and Mem. John Petrie last Monday. They intend to keep it, it i44 A boy. The Miwee Denise and Annie Sher- wood, of iJellied, are the guests of their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sherwood. of this place. Miss i'eearl McKenzie, ..f l)uogan• nun, accompanied by her aunt, Mn. J'atter'Ax1, and the Tatter's ern, of Wingless'''. were vixitot•s /it Crewe y. stet day. LEAI• YE 01 P.%H'illr..-1,ast year the young gentlemen of this place organized A aeries of parties. This year. (wing leap year, the young ladies take the tenet in 'directing the surprise parties to the home's of our young lachelurs. 'There is this ad- vantage in this year's method. that the ladies take it good supply of the choicest clrukery along. Bachelors, sweep up. and he ready. LOTHIAN. Moe u.ty, Jan. I.ILh. Weddiog bells can be heard riuging in our midst. Miss Annie Juhnstou is spending a few days In this viciuity. Mn. JAs. MacDonald. l'artunuuut, called on friends here last week. Mr. and Mn. JAr. McDonald called AO relatives in Kinloss last week. Rod. MacDonald has purchased a new cutter. Hew Are the Holds to the lith, Rod ? Miss Mary McDonald and Mite Annie Johnston paid a flying visit to friends in Kincardine one day last x week. .A nnmher of young people of this tetra took in the party at ('lover Valley est week and report having heel a good time. 8('HIMoo. RETORT. -- Part I . May Stein, Jennie .Johnston, Graham Mc- Nay, Edith Mcinnes. Part 1L- Olive McKeith, Tommy Coke, Finlay Agar, ('lerence ilenderson. • Eva Hogan. I1. --Ella Agar, Sadie Cooke, Kela0 McNay. Francis McInnis. Standing in history. spelling And arithmetic of thin!, fourth and fifth : Third - Ethel McKeith. Itob McKeith. tired* Campbell. .John McKeith, Janet Ritchie. Kenneth Henderson, Mabel McKeith, Russel Ritchie, Mag- gie McInnes. Fourth - SlurdenA Me• Kenzie, Gordon Ritchie. Murden.i Mc- Kenzie. Meuior Fourth - Hannah Hogan. Lena Henderson. Junior Fifth--Briegie Hogan: Lcita Agar. Senior Fifth -Alex. Hamby, Everett Henderrete. KINTAIL. 1 COLBORNE. LJEE' THE LIST OF CI,L7BB1NU 1.3 utters hi (bu week's Signal. Hand your su,acriptk,nto the total agent ur puatmsaer, ur send direct to THF: SIUNAL, Uoderluh. '1'utasUAY, Jau. 1ILh,' Mier .Jennie ()HMI' bas lett on au extended visit to Chicago, Dan. McDonald, uI Haul( Ste. Marie, Mich., is visiting at the old boure. Miss Sadie McKay, of Goderich, is a visitor at the home tit J. T. Griffin. Bain' McDonald left last week to take au eu tutu in Stratford Hu'lnees College. Mr. and Mrs. David Taylur, of ile- troit, been returned after their Plain this neighborhood. The hone of Duncan McDonald was brightened by the Arrival of a little daughter this morning. Oro. L)reunau, tr., had the misfor- tune to hill on the lee and break nue of hie riot' nue day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frani. McIntosh, of Lucknow, ep eut the past two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mr.. lieu. Drennan. Mies Catharine Taylur has 'votive(' to her duties In Chicago after spend• ing the holidays very pletieantly at the house of her parents. A SAD LOA* -On Sunday. the 12th inst., the angel of death released from her Bufferings Winnifred, 'the oldest child td Mr. turd Mrs. John '1'. O'Reilly. She had never been it retested child, but, had been in her usual health until the fore part of the week. She was an unueually bright girl and will ler touch misod in the lame. The funeral this morning hoot Mt. ,Joseph's church wee largely attended. Much s)'mpwthy is ex- tended to the bereaved parent,. DUNUANNON. di A. NEWTON, DENTiMT, Ll'CK- `I, NOW. At b everydayrreepl Thur. - days. New tenledyfor extracting teeth 11onlno- formtbet ter than gn-. ('town and bridge work 1't,. Alonnnuw plata 'non treakablel N. H.- You ran always ha. a vour work murk hinter done 1s, tppe dental oMee -more time, better facilities to}* doing the work, afore coin Portable for the raatient. NOTICE. THE LOCAL AGENCY in Dungannon for The Signal kat the Post- omee Hook and Stationery Stone where Orden will be recelred for aubaeripllon .d- ymining and Job work, and reoelpla will be gu i,, !ur amount., mild for the same. `EE '1'111'; LIST (Ilel'LCBHiN(; 1 olrrr. In 11,1.• weeks Signal. (land your •uhr.riptiou to the local agent or pe'Imaater, or send direct to THE 81U I.. Uwlerteb. WEUNIcsu1 Y. Jan. lath. D. 0. Heckle made a business trip to our village yesterday. Rice. Reid, one of our drovers, shipped a carload of rattle to Toronto last week. J . 1'. Willett', son of the late Chas. N iluon, him been spending a few days with friends here. Mince Cora and Edith Roberts vieittxl friends in (iuderich on Satur- day and Sunday last. Chas. Elliott, Jacob McGee and Jim Elliott attended a rifle match held by the Saltford Rifle Club on E'riday last. A load of our young people paid a visit to Lncknow rink on Friday night last. All report a good evening's sport. M. J. Young has announced a Janu- ary clearing sale to commence on Saturday next. The hand -hills will give full particular,+. T. W. Little has disposed of his prop- erty here to Hubt. McKenzie. NN e have not as yet heard what Mr. Litt!e's intentions are fur the future. Rev. W. A. Smith will be absent on Sunday next conducting mission- ary services on the Bervie circuit. The minister from Bervie will take Mr. Smith's work here. Win. Allen, who for a number of years has been farming in North Dakota, has disposed of his interests there and is at present visiting his 'brother. '1'. 0. Allen of our village. 1eet'.11. MtawrINn. - The annual meeting tit the West Wawana,h Mut- ual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Agricultural Hall, Dun- gannon, on ♦t ednesdity, Januar 22, to receive the auditors'. directorsand tr'easurer's reports, elect director's, ete. A good attendance of the policy- holders le requested. LOCHALSH. Trttepee...Ian. 14th. Den Rube spent Saturday in Kin- cardine. Welding bells are 0111 ringing in l,00chalah. The Lo chaleli bey, are on til• teeter wagon for liege. J. J. O'Reilly. of Kintail, visited friends hen' un Saturday. Donald J. Mclennan made i.a envie newt trip to Berrie Saturday. 1)unally (Jain McKenzie uta.. in G.xlerirl. Monday on pritfrwxional Imaine,s. Miss Tena Mt -110'011d nand Miss AHnie Murray vleitd Aire. 1). Me- rwnnfut Iaat week. Prier hlct'arrou, of I'a tieedale, Mich., is visiting hie uncle. Dan R. McKenzie, for a few days. A number of Young folks, attended the party given in Laurier 1481 Thurs- day and rrpoet n tint -class time. 1,ocheleh girls, wake up ! i Ailp year, and Burnt' angivet•euary only two week.' away. The boys are waiting nn you. James Ointment and i)oneld It. Mc- Kenzie intend to open a first-class 'thee -shilling shop as 44.)0(4 As the snow (eaves the ground. Wood bees ,vitt aeon 1s, the order of the day, it number of young men hav- ing bought wood at Abner Arm- strong's sale Friday. This icing leap year the boys }Igoe on tieing a lot of extra woad. She -"Do you think it brings had lock if one is married nn a Friday ?" He -el don't. think It makes any dlf- ferenee whether It is Friday or 'ult.!" Mary - "Did she melte A gond match r Ann --''Splendid! Lots of money, good gerbil pewftion and all that! In fart the only drawback Is e hu*bltnd." 1.. LUCKNOW. MONDAY, Jan. lath. The Amoral meeting of the Lucknow Agricultural Society will be heW in the town hall on Friday. January 17th, at :J p. to. THE Lary. Eon 11 IJow)CR. - - t►u Tuesday, 7th inst., the temalne of the late Enoch Bower were interred in Greenhill cernetery. The deceered was It highly respected resident of Aehfleld tnwnehip. His death oc- curred on Sunday. Jth )net„ as the tesult of A 'paralytic ',treks. Mr. Bower was in his seventieth year and he leaves it widow. two suns and three daughters : George Bower. of Tor- onto: Win. .1. .1. Bower. of Melita, Mau. ; Mrs, W, H. Treleaven, of Luck - now :.Mrs. W. Burns, of Toronto, and Mrs,. A. McDonald, of Owen 8,1,nd. l'Hteert A nt)--Waeisos.-Or t'hrist- tuas Day the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Watson, West Wewanlmh, was the scene of a very pretty event. being tin u,arriAge of their 'laughter Attlee br Wei. J. Pritchard. of Hump, town- ship. The ceremony was perforuexl by Rev. I). L. McKerroll, in the prem- ence of only the inrinedielc telntivee A the bridal patty, et 531 leelock. The bride was elven away by her father and was handsomely dressed in crcaul silk twffetn, trimmed with silk embroidered net and applique. The bridesmaid, Mies •Joannettn Pritchard, sister of the gleam, wore a becoming gown of white mull over pink. Hugh Watson was best men. On Friday evening, l)ecember 27, the young couple were tendered A reception, when about eighty guests were present turd a joyous time was spent. 0nneetaarwte i NST.\r.L.%Tit rim, -- At the regular meeting of Lucknow Lodge. No. 112, 1.o. 0. E'., held Friday evening, 3rd Inst., the following offi- cers for this term were installed by I). D. G. M. Bro. Funaton, of Olamis 1. P. G., R. R. MicLend ; N. G., W. S. McCrostie : V. G., W. J. MacUreg- or ; R. seeretiery, R. V. McKeozle ; F. secretary, U. Matlough ; treasurer. A. Koss ; chaplain, D Patterson coon.. D. N. Lawrence : ward., J. 13. Agnew ; 1. G. A ilnyd : O. 0., J. Hahick ; R. 8. N. G., W. p'. Burton ; 1. 8. N. (3., W. W. Smith; R. M. V. O., W. J. Karla ; L. M. V. O ; W. J. i)sylson ; K. 8. le., Art Cook ; L. S. 8., E. Whit((} The brethren apprecia- ted the e'Mflent manner in which the 1). 1). (I. M. performed hie duties. The lodge is in a flourishing condition butb as to uretnbet'.bip and Ammer. TUESDAY. Jan. 14th. We are pleased to see that ,Jesse, Snyder is able to lie around again. Special evangelietir erl•V'CPA cunt -I unsure et Bethel uu 'Tuesday et ening of tine week. W'e hope that the in- termit Ili these services fumy be kept up while they cunt' and that very t► gond may le aocomplishetl. On Sunday the services at the Evangelical ebutcli were held morn- ing and ev ' g. In the morning Rev. J. M. Burl preached from the text, "fakea the foxes,, the little foxes that epee! the vine." He re- ferred tit a number of the so-called. small sins, such as deceit, evil -speak - Ing, etc., any of which, though LIIey may tonicity trivial, will tend to mar' the noblest character. elected : Knight compauiuu in 1. 11- waud, D. C. Galbraith ; pant cOntpauion in cowwaud, l'. Foster ; excellent compauioe in t:omtttand, H. Darrow ; compilation scribe, T. H. Brownlee ; chapbaiu. John Pollock ; 1 coutpanioq treasurer, tiro. lleelty • herald at /11'111., %Vm. EIhoIL ; 1st lecturer, H. McMurray ; 2nd lecturer, 1'. Palmer ; let conductor, A. Stiowo ; i'2ud conductor, L. Clark. Merkel' UH.tauk: Lowe.-- A num- ber trout here attended the district lodge tit U.wugemert at Varna uu Tuesday. The following officer, were elected for Iles : District 'nester, John Pollock, Hayfield, L. 0. l„ 21 ; part diatrict master. Chas. Fester, `'area, I.. O. L. 1W. ; district deputyy master, George Beatty, Varna, L. 0. letti; chaplain, Rev. W. Hinde. Hay- field, I. 0. 14. 21 ; rioording secretary, D. C. Galbraith, Hayfield, L. 0. L. 21 : financial secretary. L. Beatty, Varna, 1,. O. 1. IIXti ; treasurer, J. ltcid, Varna, 1.. 0. L. 1033 ; lecturer. '1'. 11. Brownlee. Hayslekl, 1. 0. 1. 24 ; i). of l'.,'1'. Palmer; Hensel!, 1.. O. L. 7'(1. BENMILLER. Mamie le .lam. 1 ltlr, J. Schtvaoz has engaged Samuel Lee for a tew months to cut wood. Rev. J. 8, Burn spent :a few days in Alsfeldt and vicinity last week. Mr. Foster has rngeged'4V. Lee for the summer. 'there is no place like 'V' xxdlawn• hese C. 11 Durrant i.. hohliug re- vival services at Bethel appointment alt prompt. We are glad to say that Miss K(4r- schenski has t'ecovei d after being ill for a few weeks. Hobert Dick, from near Heusall, war the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Melt - ring last Sunday, WESTFIELD. Moxu.tt, Jan. 1:3t11. A number of pet -eons are suffering with revere eold, at present. John Young, of Kansa., is 'pending v few eat-' with his cousin, Archie Ituhisou. Charlie Blackman has moved his family from Jatues Howitt's house on the+Auburn gravel to John Mc('lin- ton's house on the homestead, having eugageel to work for Penry Densmore. Alex Oso Jones returned to Bad Axe, MichiRln, today after a monde s visit with friends here. Her mother, Mre. itanuey, ars, accompanied her, having spent the past several months with her sun, David. We are pleased w stele that Miss Mary Chantrey is on the way to re- euvery, having taken a change fur the Netter on Saturday after a week's, serious illness. Peritonitis watt the trouble and Miss Wightntan, nurse. of Clinton, is nursing her. ST. HELENS. TUESDAY, Jan. 14th. Jar, Agar it teaming maple logs to Lucknow. Miss Elizabeth Miller returned to Go derich un (Saturday. Robert Brooks, of Wingharn, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Jas. Ram - age. Mr. Attd Mrs..las. Durnio and fam- ily'spent it few days last week visiting friends in Winghatu, The annual meeting of the Presby• teriatt church was held un Tuesday afternoon. Particular' later. The emend meeting Id the share- holders of the Hall will be held in the Hall next Monday night, January 20tii, at 8 o'clock. A11 the ,hnareholrl- ere err requested to be present. ANNUAL PI•Ill-n- Linn.tK\- MI;KrlNu, --The annual meeting of the public library was held at the (tome of Peter Clark on Monday evening. The fol- lowing officers were chosen for HIM : President, Peter Clark : vice-presi- dent. W. 1. Miller : secretary, T. B. Taylor ; treasurer, W. h Gordon : executive, Mrs. W. E. Gordon. Mimes J. C. McDonald, Mary Murray. Christie Miller and D. 11. Murray. Miss Jean Clank was ap- pointed librarian. The library is well stocked and we hope the public will lake advantage of this oppor. )unity to secure good reading at the very treasonable fee of SOc. per toemt- ber, 111.00 A family. EAST WAWANOSH. Motnav, Jan. 130). \Ve are pleased to hear that Miss Mary (:heniney, who has been very low, has bad a change for the better. A nutnher of youug folks spent an enjoyable evening at .lames Purdon's last week. All report hating a good time. The 17th annual union Sunday school convention will be held in Knox church. Auburn, on the 15th of January. TowNAntr FietNrts. - Finlay An- dersoo, township treasurer. by his financial statement issued recently. shows that the total receipts up to December Iflth were $ Of this $8,817.21 was taxes reflected for 1M)7, and $3,1321.el, hal*nee from Met year. The expenditure coven+ the netted township needs, .00rnag which the following are the chief items: 8alerier, ete.. ef130„4); omits And bridges. $l,837.:r2; county roles, $2 aR8.114: bonus Guelph k Goderieb Railway, teeisll); school taxes, $3,i138,- 07. 'There remained a balance on hand of 111,170.7x. The assets of the township are *1,431.11 ,and the Habib - tie, $3,2110.11, leaving a balance in favor of the township of 1111,K 'S ISAYFIELU. 'VBUNIt4Isay, ,tan. lath. .1. Pollock and H. Darrow were at Hills Green on Monday on lxreintem. We are pleased to learn that Amy McNeil, eldest daughter of Rey. John McNeil, is iwpr oviag nicely. Gordon Johnson left on Monday for Seaforth. where he intends working at his trade ot blackemithing. We are short y to learn that H. Little, stage -driver, was compelled to take a few days' holidays, being laid up with inflammation of the kidneys. The annual meeting of SL Andrew's congregation was held on Tuewbty evening. *hen they elected their churcb'ofciale. The event was fol- lowed by a luoch. CovyciL MeeTt.-The new council met on Mouday and appointed the following officials for the year : Clerk, H. W. Erwln ; assessor. C. Tippet : treasurer and collector. J. W. WbId• don ; constable, R. M. Murray : truant officer, T. W. Cameron : auditors, .T. 13uine and J. Falconer. The council is to he eongratulAted on ire wise choice et nfRlciels. ROYAL SCARLET Cif err R. -At the annnal meeting of the Royal Scarlet Chapter of Stanley district Orange- men held in V4rea 044 Tmrwbay even. lug, the following oflleer. were PORTER'S HILL Muau.ty, .tau. 13th. Mowatt McDougall sports a fine bird dog. IJerL Clox hoe gout• to the mitten in Lhe nurtb country. lteid Torrance is taking carr of the Lindsay homestead now. James Cox and his brother Julie aru on the sick list these days. Wesley Van Horn isalteeding the business college in Clinton. Robert Beaten/a has sold his Hue hay driver for a handsome figure. itoy McDougall has gene to the lumber woods for the winter. Hobert Marshall in Luny cutting wood on the sixth concession. Mr. arid MIT.. 'l'om Morgan 'petit u few days with friends in the. vicinity. John Stirling. one of our beat nen- rode, shot a very large lyn>r beat week. A number from ar•uund here at- tended the social hop given by Miss Elliott. Everything is pretty quiet eiuee the elections are over. Harry wasn't o, young as some of the wise (11d Leads thought. EASY TO MIX THIS. Prepare it at Hoene Hy Shaking In- gredients o-gredients Well in a Bottle. What will a`ikeu• coy interesting to many people here is the article taken Lout a New fork daily paper, giving a simple -prescription, as form - 'slated by 41 noted authority, who elaima that he has found a pxxtitive remedy to cure almost any ('14444' of backache or kidney or Madder de- rangement, in the following simple prercriptiun, if Laken below the stage of Bright's disease : Fluid Extract Dandelion, ane -half ounce : Compruud Kargon. (Inc oupee ; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ouncep. Shake well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and again at bedtime. A well-known druggist here at home, when riled t'egat'ding this pre- scription stated that the ingredient« are all harmless, and can be ebtained at a srnall cost from any good prescrip- tion rescri - tion pharmacy, or the mixture wuuld be put up if sulked to do 'w. He further staled that while this pre- scription is often prescribed in rheu- matic afflictions with .splendid results. he could see no reason why it would not he a splendid remedy for kidney and urinary troubles and backache, es it has a peculiar action upon the kidney structure, cleansing these most important organs and helping them to sift and filter from the blood the foul acids and waste matter which cause sickness And suffering. Those of our readers who suffer cru make uo mietake in giving it a trial. POLITICAL NOTES. The Provincial Legislatote will meet on Wednesday, February 5th. E. Ie. Lewis, M. P. for West Huron, has given notice of a resolution in favor of the taking of a plebiscite at the next Dominion general elections op these questions1. Shall the Senators of Caoada be abolished - 2. Shall the method of appointment of Senate., lee altered 7 Mr. Lewis has oleo given notice of a bill to amend the Immigration Act by waking more stringent regulations to prevent Hew arrivals in this county 41111 carrying dengetems weapons. He will Mao seek an amendment to the criminal (side placing knives and stilettos in the same category as revolvers and slingsbot'. An ;tar bs;ve campaign is being wag(d in South Huron, where the hp-electir n to the House of Commons takes place on Wednesday next. Among the speakers on the Liberal aide, in addition to the candidate, M. Y. McLean, of Seafoyrfd', are H. H. Millen Al. P.. r.t Small they : F. F. Pardee, M. 1'.. 411 Wet taunt/ton : H. 11. Dewrrt, K. C.. of Toronto : Dr. W. McIntyre, M. P., ot Stratheona A, K.:11 telean, M. P., of (Alnenhtirg.IN. M, : Dr. Peter Macdonald. of Wingh Valentine Matz, M. P. of North Mid' (Mime ; Hugh Guthrie. M. 1'., of South Wellington : 1'. H. McKenzie, The Cough of Consumption Your doctor will tell you that fresh air and good food are the real cures for consumption. But often the cough is very hard. Hence, we suggest that you ask your doctor about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It controls the tick- ling, quiets the cough. Aw. publish .u, ror.aa.. W• s.n,es el.es.1 from our reed.otnw we ,.rge sou to on ,n e ., nor t vers dotter One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause an increased flow of bile, and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following. ormula on each box. Show it to your doctor. He will understand at a glance. Dose, one pill aj bedtime. omm Mime bylaw]. C. Ayer Co.. Lew.l1, Ma«A-_ 11. 1'., of South Bruce. and I. 1. Ki1- kwitn, td Seaford'. Meetings will Ix• held Friday eve • g Zurich And Bvurel,kl ; Saturday evening at Leedbury : Mouday ,at Exeter, and Tuesday .at Seaford'. Hon. tt'ur,' Paat- erslnl, Minister of ('use . will speak at Zurich, /11141 lion. (i. 1'. Graham, Minister et ltailw•ays and l'ane's, at Exeter and Seaford'. On the it'uneer- vative side meetings are being ail - dreamed by Richard Blain, M. 1'.. of Peel; Joseph Anusttong, M. 1'.. of i.uubto, : (', 1. (wet,. Al. 1'.. of East \urtltumalx•rlaud : '4Vw, Wright, 31. 1'„ of Muskoka : I1. S. Clements, M. 1'., of,Kent, and local speakers. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. '1't-melte v, Jan. Illi. lateeMhIIS, At a special meeting of the shareholders of the Holmesvillet Cheese and Mutter Co. the majority were in favor of accepting Sir. Johns - tan's offer for the purchase of the fac- tory. it Ieiug understood that Lite in- tend un is Lo continue to run et either as a eteauta•ry or 1 I1t se factory. The price es stated at mlout S1.iJiu. Cetera He. The (tenth of David 8. Carter, of near Holntesville, occurred on the 14th lost.. atter an operation for appendicitis. The (terets(d was in his tlftielh yeer end was a native of Haltom a•ounty. When twenty years of Age he ramie to Colborne township, but for many yearn he was empluy(vl at the Stepleion atilt work44, re MK bitterly to a farm near Hohntsville. Hr is emvived by his wife and six children, ilia mother. Mrs. Isaac Carter, of Clinton, and biz brothers and two sister's ale) survive him. Whet Harry Runs tor Reeve. t'uuuc,llur, t ox and salk,ld They both did Nm fur reeve Of our old Uoderiub tow nahip. A. you old all perceive. ' t'in, he went around In .nth A ranting wily 1 os, almost had to Ie-omi-c 1 Before he'd go away. lint then you t intik of Hero V. Who al the nomination Made .ueh n grand old .Iw..•h. 'With such nu explanation. Iiarty. he s an Ione.: lad. Ile know., 1U,.( 1s flat to to). .10.1 if Sou didn t rote fur I 1'waee't hi- fault. anyway The "little wonder,` to, lies called. will now alt down to work .\rat sec if he curt straighten thing- • That have so long been-hlrked. t her town.hip 1, in deb.. Hut perhaps it won t be long : Your taxes may be a bit higher. Hut Harry won do things w,vnu. $o the new' .11-pell'att ter! 1yc all with toy receive. when Johnny leo is e:ounrillu, And Harry Salkeld resets. By the Wing of a Swallow. "The late Francis 'I'hontpstite the English poet," said a magazine editor, "had a great love of birds. He once told me a pretty story about A swal- low. - - ('atching, one day in the early aututnu, a swallow that nested in leis garden, lie fastened to its wing a piecy of oiled paper inet•riled with the words : "'Swallow. little swallow, 1 winder where you paw the winter !' "''The next spring the ,wallow re; turned to its neat at the usual Stns,. Attached to iia fait ass another piece of oiled paper with the inscription : "'E7ulence, at the house of tweel- lar). ('lltdiAl greediest to the friend in Lhe Noret."--WVashington Star. AILOH'S Quick ease for the worst cough -qui, k relief to the heaviest cold --and SAFE to fake, even for a child. That is Shiloh'', Cure. urea Sold under a guarantee oughs to cure colds and rough. t81 Caldor quicker than any .other medicine -or your money hack 34, eats of success commend Shilob'a Cure. 25. . 60c., it 31l; QUICKLY1 4000 Rapid changes of temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind -know the difficulty of avoiding cold. Scott'.( £mul.tion strengthens the body so that it can better withstand the danger of cold from changes of temperature. It will help you to avoid taking cold. ALL DRUGGISTS; GOc. AND SI 00. 0.4)414004+34.00.400.400 r Half -Price Sale OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING • • WHAT DOES 1T MEAN I t. cleans that you can suitof clothes for A. $5.00 Overcoat for Men's *and Boys' Caps LIi,tt sold for froth 50ctosI.50for Fotr linen Collar's for . . . etc., ete., etc., etc. ;1 $111.1)11 5.0 $ U $2.50 25c. $25c. Never ' 1 wondering haw it 1 , •111 1,111 do IL Of mala tit• ('oulel not if w(w•ere to Lay down a .:a.t•iruu rode ant to yell goods away below cost. We %caul to clear theu, out. The wimple has been n ne0d ane thus Lir, coneet11rntly they have not ed as quielly ar they would ulhurw'i.u- have 11nnt•. ,. Our Loss will be Your Gain. Move Quickly, We have Everything for Merl and Boys. L McLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Clothiers and Men's Outfitters. THE PALACE CLOTHING STORE. Saved from Torture Many men and Wontca thought they were doomed to suffer all their lives. Their kidneys wcrc badly affected -excruciating; pains in the back and hips - terrible Rheumatism and Sciatica every winter. They knew it was kid:icy disease, that caused all the trouble. But they could. find nothing , to do them any real, lasting gocd until they tried GIN PILLS Immediately they improved. The pain stopped -the urine cleared -the backs, grew stronger -their general health ioic'eerl up -and before they realized it. they were well. (:IN PILLS cured them - just as, dick will cure N'Ot'. Take them on our guarantee that they must cure or money refunded. 5 'c. a box --e for $2.50. 104 /11016 IMMO CO., 1MIs1NVtw, r.a. e 25c to Cure Your Cough Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam comes in sncb a big bottle -and the prescnptlon from which it is made is such an excelient one -that oue bottle cures most cough.. Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam cost. only 2,1' a bottle. Your dealer has it or can easily get it for you• See that he does. It is BOLE'S PREPARATION you want -Abe cough cure that cures coughs. 37 NATIONAL DRUG A CHEMICAL CO. Or CANADA IIYrT(D, 1.415505, Ctrl. Se./s of th . beautiful " Sesta Row" Poppy .r• given •b.olutely free Seeds Free large g„m.rr of pr,ple. .43-0- OUT ' *arta ROW' ie an exceptionally fine mix - r, of thirtey I% 1pira• by to. the best we h,•.•.re,, " We Hill tire etr.nlutely frees p.o-k.gr of thew PHA-. to every person'rho w A7 wend for roll new handsomely tlaawabel 1501 Cetalanre. If you prefers yeas, may !,:ere • package of our CeeadW Geta Turnip ,.r Canada's Pride Tomato seed le place of the poppies. Write today nod name your choice. Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd. London, Ont. White Pine and Tar -IWITH WILD C,HLDRYI - The best Cough Remedy - - - 25c a Bottle Sold by BE.DI.ORU 11111 GODLRICH, L BLOCK - ONTARIO r BARGAINS 11 A FEW Ranges and Heaters LEFT. MUST BE SOLO THIS MONTH. 10 to 25 per cent. off to clear The cheapest Horse Blankets and Mitts at Worsell's Hardware- .11