The Signal, 1908-1-16, Page 5Ida o1 r sold year, el ere estb. Ices. tt�.•ill t h' e TILE SIGNAL : GM:EIt1CH, ONTARIO '1'uumwar, Jauuary 16, I9US 5 THE NEW COUNCIL. A New li err cutretipou taut Hands to us the following extranet fr rue porta of the exodus flout the Coiled yitatee which began with the first gigue of the fivaabefal deli ersiuu some weeks ago. QUI eur•espuudeut makes Nome rummies o0 the enuatiun which nuditaate that he is not very sorry to tete the foreigners go : "The ('alelilla, of Lite Alll'hur lint•, which sailed for Mediterranean pude today. war a veritehle floating village of Italians. She tati•riad 1374 ttassee- ge i, and left *time un the pier le - retire her SAX lludatiuns were trued to the uLulwt. Actual figures show that mote than :3d,4J(** steerage peasru- gurs have taken their departure during the pteseut week alone and that will be a fait' average for the six weeks of the big rush. , luquiry tiluung exchange brokers and steamship agents develops the fact that au enuttuous amount of money is beiug taken away by threw people. Accotdiug to estimates mink from careful ultwrvations when pas - rt i t their •1 booking and tt afro art wok grog K K g motley average changed the K about 5•,1ogt ,apiece which they take with themea Assuuling then 1bat dur- ingtNxf per- sons n() Ir. than n N3 r six weekst 1, sons go $away, they will have carried to the other aide about $l:3,2Utat$K 1. '"These people are very thrifty.' said John. A. Sweeney, travelling passeolfer agent of the Anchor' line *and they have' leen steadily at work during 'the past year. A large ler. cettage of thrill. particularly the Italianr, we call "Flattens" That is, they come over here without any idea of becuuligg ciTilfr, sate every dol- lar aside from their actual living ex- hpenses, and then return to their omes to enjoy spending it. not re- turning until they come for the pur- pose of accumulating more.' "• •$olue of ocelli. tin. have (leen frightened out by the recent 11. nancial crisis. \Vhile 1 was in ttaazelton. Pa., recently an Italian women came to our (agent to get it ticket and have her money changed. She drew from somewhere in the recesses of her inner gartuenta a► roll of bilis which wait• tea greasy that they actually stuck together. \Vhile we were engaged in counting the filthy stuff it was necessary to send for it diainfec•Wnt. It turned out that •she rues in poesni•sion of 5:3.1011, which had been drawn frau the bank, some time 'adolt•, and had determined to go (tack to Italy because she feared omit she would be robbed in this:country."' INAUGURAL MUTING N NMELD MON. DAY Standing Committees Struck Ap- pointments Deterred to Friday teen:ng Treasurer Horton to Have Two Months' Leave of Absence Workingmen Ask to Hove Some Municipal Work Started. The statutory meeting3uf the Lottn council wan+ held 1111 Monday morning ,telth Alayue Mau•klin iu the chair. He expreseetl-his pleasure and his appre- ciation of the hoover contented upon hint in bis eIoctien to the office of Mayer, which, however, he raid he 'might not continue to hold fur long .treferrinii to the expected application t1 o l• fo • a recount It of ►t 1 two 1 1 1 from t e council pie duties of tb 1. Th the laalluts ut Mot, In. said, would Ix• scriuus 01111 the councillors ulurt be prepared fur hutwell. Their { welt fun would be mu sinecure. He expressed the supe that the cuu)cil 'largely a iiew hodyl would work (4tgether harmoniously and not divide hew cliques along pol- itical or any ()thee Tines, amt at the cud of the year be hoped they would he able to show at leattt es good a record as any previous council hlul. The matter of ettendiug to the transfer of insurance policies uu the Kensington furniture factory was left with the !gayer end clerk. Au spplicatiott (mut Mts. it(iuile 'for rent of house to K. ltubitta)tl dur- ing the lime he wan quarantined was flied. rhe ordering of the usual copies of The At '$pal %Voild for the council, clerk, woweeor utul tit•asnrer was de- cided mi. A letter front the Wheel Bigg Cu., ,stating they would Ix• ready fur the heeding over of the mutecipia loan by February let and reeking the council to 'mike provision for it. wait referred to the finance committee. In response to a letter feting the Iluty Engine \Vorks Co., the bylaw granting them a. Iran of S:r,,iss1 was given its third reading. The appoint- ment of it Veluattr to Value the peen - cot dant was refentd to the public works cow ulittee to report at the regubu• meeting of the council un i''ri- any. petition, signed by fourteen air fifteen working men. asked the cuuu- cil to start some ntunicipel work, such a4 excavating, to relieve the present depress' . This was referred to the pubiic works committee. The usual bylaw to itittleirize the Iot•r owing of y for municipal purposes until the taxes conte in was pearled. The +uuount was lidrited to A ateteuseut trete the Bink of fontreal of the different town ac- t• tints ware aaa follows : William (' nplell, collector, bale nee at credit. yt r 1 ; town of (toderirh, current ac- cost talattcr at credit. *Keel ; liudellrb town. ravings bank uceount, beliance at credit. 71$3 ,3*. la ; W. 1.. Horton.. tleaaurer of water and light teenutiodam. overdrawn, 511,1:*u.4r.: under diet not on the tow n'e notes, on urr•nt at sol. *Basel ; under tile - 0111 1• tel ituprot,-meat account, *1 17.101.510, Ou motion if t►eputy Reese t , AI. Elliott and I)r. ($allow. the strikingg int -menet. was a111x11r)teal of the fol- lowing moat,' : The Mayor, the Reeve, 11 W. omeon, J. C. Leitb- waite 1 H. C. Mi sings. The stand - lug conmitteea fro the year nue as follows . Finance committee Deputy Reeve Elliott. Dr. (fallow, 1 W. '17 eon and Reeve Mta.ean. Public works relent tee J. C. I.aithwaise, B. C. Monet ge. J. W. ('raigic, Reeve McLean a 4 C. 11. Humber.. Cemetery and parks comutitee t'. 11. Homher, Deputy lteevc\Elliott .and .1. W. ('raigie. Market committee B. U. pun oda, Reeve Mclean, 111. Gallen and . C. I.aithwaite. Special, relief and reception et e. mitttee Dr. °allow. J. W. craigie 1I. W. TI run. Fire committee - 11. W. Thomson, B• 1'. Shaming* and C. 11. Humber. Water• and light t ittee- J. W. 1'raigie, (Deputy Iteere Elliott and 1)r. Willow. Conten of revision- deet. Mtsla•au. Deputy Reeve Elliott, 11. C. Munn. lefts. J. C. Laithwaite and 11. W. nouveau. It was decideel to hold the regu- lar meetings; of the irrluncil toll the brae /and third Fridays of the Month, las lie.etofole. The appointments to the beard of health, public li1,rary load and the 1 uelr,,fiat LastituU bmt.1 were de- ferred until the regular meeting on Friday uight. Aft application from Treasurer Ilor• Lola for a two months leave of absence It t grunted. the appointment of as treasurer dining his lalxeurr Irving left over for the regular meetingQ - Thr euggemtion is to appoint Clerk \I,'K1111. AI. O. Johnston's ieeignatiuu :IN en - n ginrrr• in connection with the tir - lithie sidewalks. etc., woes accepted. The tieing of the new clerk's eatery was left for the regular tureting on Ft•iday night. Only two members at the boaanl tee ropy the some mote its last year, Meter. M ;Lean and 13. C. Munniugs. Dr. Macklin hal ai centl ill the Mayurm throne, and his place is taken by An- other tt:preatentative of the Medical MARKET REPORTS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Unchangat(, Chicago Lower -Live Stock - The Latest Quotations. Monday Evening, Jen 11 I ire rivet wheat 1 W r•'e ,betel to -day unchanged to %d higher than Katurda"•,. uhd runt futorea led lower. At Chicago May wheal Mooed 1t40• !owe, than tiatuniay; May tuna unchanged. gar, May oats tee lower. Winnipeg Options. Following aro the closing Quotations on Winnipeg grain futut-'. to -day Wheal -$t Sala had, May $1u> hid Oats. Jan Md, May Sae 1>•d Toronto Grain Market. Gram-- \Vhesl, spring. hush w es to $.... Wheat, fall. bush 100 1 01 Wheat, gopee. bush 0 90 .... Wheat, red. bush 1 00 .... Ry4 bush •014 11 ... Peas, hush 0 . Buckwheat. Mean ........ OM 0 3 Barley. bush 0 00 e C Oats, Duet 063 .... Toronto Dairy M erket. n sat r Rutter, del Ib. role Stutter. tubs .. 0 i, 0 2$ flutter, creamery, Ib. rolls.. 0 29 0 30 Rutter, emery, bore. ... 0 '29 0* P:ggs. new -laid. dozen 0 L .... o22 . 1•' cold -storage. Omen igr. orsYe. e t .... t'teeesr treed., Ib 354 , , 'saes., twin, Ih0 13% • • • • Monty, extracted.Ib 0 13 0 13% New York Dairy Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 13. -Batter, firm; re- ceipts, tsar eraatoerr, specials. 31,4c, ex- tolls, 'Ir; third to first, 21e (0 'be; held, aer,•ml to sspeciala, 29r to 0%e:- elate cLvin, common to flat, >k to lOc; process rr.n)nen to special. Lir to Pic; western (artery, common to first, Ike to Me- cham., firm. ru- elpts, 132: state, full cream. small, colored Arid while, (Inc. do . large , 4ored, fine. 144.e; do , while. Mite: do., good to prime, 14e to Ire; A0 late October end early November make. lac In 13%e: A•,., winter. Ile to 12,•: do.. common to fair. ase to 11%ic; metres, lc to 11e. F.gya. Oran: receipts. 401: Witte. Pwnn- aylearda rind nearby fancy seterted.wntt••, Air to 3e: good to choir.•, 911• to 3e: brown and mixed fancy. 9,• to Mr: first. •?Mr: weltaro and apothem Trot, !7C.. or- conda, Mc to Mc, Huron's' Claim Supported. The Toronto World says ()f the Chalet which Huron county boa pre - 'tented to the Ontario Government in respect of the Provincial good toads fund : "Fifty years ago the then citizens of the county of Huron were pro- gressive enough and courageous enough to buy out their toll system and construct a complete toed sylteln a: a repaid cost of 11000,011). During that half century the burden of debt ban leen steadily lessened, hot some debent ,roe yet remain to be redeemed. Some years ago the legislature passed an act authorizing contributions to- ward establishing county road sys• trios to the extent of une-tltird of the needed outlay. The act is not retro- active. and thus imposes, in a reuse,' a penalty un the progressive and en- terprising spirit of earlier generations. "Huron county has to keep in re- pair, and from time to time replace, 111) bridges- -necessary links in their chain of roads. Debarred, gas the present ritlzene are, front obtaining a grant under the Road Act, they have sppeeled to the Giver nt for as- sistance in reepte3 of large :and im- 'met let e expenditure newnss'ry for bridge telt•airs and renewals. Thr case they present teems to The World to be worthy of favorable consideration. either by eptciel grant or toy extend- ing the scope of the act to cover rases where heavy pee•uniat•y engagements have been undertaken, (sr are now again net-esealy 111 a matter admitted to he partly of Provincial iiuput•tance." VALUE OF RIGHT BREATHING. Health Coates Pram Knowing How and What to Breathe. Dust laden with thw germs of con- enul tion et• other disraase is ihhaled by all who esu the elrrtet11, but disteiase le nut developed antras the germs find editions suitable for their lodgment growth. "Ith people hat ung e•atar-h there ideal vulture medium fol these as the irritated membrane and ed tissues alta a but -lett whew oat thrive and multiply until itune•It111i and active re catarrh, you should u11 simplest and .Ietickest t method of Hyomei, whist• won erful meedicatetl air is taken in wit the air von hteathe, directly follo 'u aand destroying alt Kerns that hay . been inhatteel, repair. ung any dam worked and so It the thetae as to germ infection no ti 'rise unusual Way is soil should dispel a curative properties, 11 eters to refund the pr whole it fails to benefit. •%'oil do not risk it rent in testing the waling vir- tues of this breath oI lit fat with every *1,est outfit .I:at. Wil n gives a o r renter)) 1 M u orelievea Y ort a Ilal a ode t K refunded. ('1 all is an genu 'weake germs t they are If you the eusies cure, the d CATTLE MAfikETS. Cables Steady -Hogs the Weak Fea- ture of U. 8. Markets. t.ON11a]N. Jan .: - London cables are Ormer, at Ile o, 13.- per Ib., dreamed weight, refrigerator brier is Quoted at Vie ter Ib. Toronto Junction Lite Stock. TORONTO JUNCTION. Jan. 11. - Receipts of hve stock at the Juno- lien Market were fit) carloads of setae, trey. lambs and (-elves, and 50 horsed. Exporters. F:aprtevs sold at 14.:3 to 14.16. and a few pe t1 *1 steers brought $5.1254: export bums old at IST. to $4.50 per cwt. Butchers t•hedtc placed lots sold et fen to 0; 01,40 elft good. sere to $4.10: medllmn, $4 t•s fa::.. 'common, test to iib, cows. 83 to $4: oionicis. $1 In Feeders and Stockers. e they may beer ling and vitalizing, •rider catar'b and igen poteilsjjtt. which Ilyoulei doubt et to ilea • .I,yi. W\'ilson it to anyone None nil of fair weft, MII waken • MO each. . but $mod oualtty stews is are In demand. rs and Springers. springers sold at $30 to 1 Calves. Veal calves sold at 11 1 . 80.50 per cwt. Sheep end Lambs. ptpnrt ewe', tit to 94.34. yearling ewes and writers, Si. 2 to 14.30. Iambs. 075 to 11a rrel. H Setae( a were nuotedal C,.'•' and lights 010 on fed end water d bouts,, and $6. 75 f o.b. ears, at r•ountry Vointr Montreal Live\Stock. MONTREAL. Jan. 13.--ISpeelal.)-At the Montreal Stork Yards W End Market the receipts of live stock for the week e. BSI sheep How to Secure Farm Hein. During the pant folic yeare the tim- e, tion Army has succeeded in bkir,g- iug to Canada a got,Jd clai of farm latalrere and demesne rcrvalnte. {{profession, Ur. ()allow. tr. M. ' I• Nothwitlutending the protest merle liott r cupies the Deputy _Reeve's 1)i some sections of the ruuntry, that eclat to the right of the Mayor. l', 11. Humber take the end of the table \vhrre Mr. GuhlLh:Heir formerly sat and ef. %V. Thorneon has Dr. ('lark's old meet opposite. J. W. ('raigie fllis If. 13. Beckett* seat, and J. C. L►ithwaite holds down Ex -aldermen Reid's old chair. FELT YOUNG AGAIN. Wonderful Work Dodd's Kidney Pius Did for Mr. G. J. Worden. \Vickham, N. 13., .len. 1:Ith.--(Mpe•- rieli.--Mr. G. J. \Vor?en. the- old and reverted e tttttt nietioner or Wickham civil cou*rtl, is one of the veteran Canadian. who can Nav, "Dodd's' Kid- • ney Pille made. me Leel lilt it young luau." Mr. Warden given the follow• ing experience. i was afflicted with kidney trouble fur over twenty-five years. t antlered \vith pains in the beck and loins. and it was with great difficulty 1 could urinate. Doctors failed to help me, and an operation brought me no permanent relief. "An ndvertfreulent 1e11 Inc to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, and I firmly be- lieve by the grace of God they have donee all for me that f, chained for them, for it seemed to me 1 wax a new end young man made out of an old one. Adair minted one of the luxuries of life. Iles couldn't laugh in his sleeve. there fel a surplus ()f leiter, the Atnmy officials lied there is still a great de- mand for agricultural laborers, rind they have found it necesxtry to char- ter several ocean liners to supply the need. The call for fern) latorer•s cohuiet from all pens of the Dominion. and now that the Ontario Govern- ment has decided not to continue stun - plying farm help, and as it is likely that immigration to ('anadee►ilI not commence until late in April, the de - mend for settlers reining out under the Army auspices will he very great. The lirst chartered Chip will be the "Kensington." sailing from Liverpool. February 'pith, for British l'olumMa points, followed by the 'Southwark," on March :ale tor Ontario point the •'Ionian," from (iltugnw, and the "Kensington," from Liverpool, on March pith. Farmer., who have net Inede appli- cation for help for the coming season are advised to write for application forme and filrther particulars to Lieut. -Colonel Howell, 3) Albert Street, Toronto, Ont. The class of immigrants supplied by the Army has given gout satisfaction throughout the country, and the experience the have had in the past Sears in Ibis direction will evidently qualify then for selecting suitable farm help this season. ending Jan. 11 were 4304 es and lambs. 1714 hogs and 113 supply offered for local con pion ted" morning consorted of 11100 raft 500 sheep and lambs. ISO bogs and 60 raPves Altho the supper of rattle war fully ell) head larger than a week ago. the uadlertone 111 the market for good to cheers stock was stronger, and prices show an aadiMnre of I.., per Ib-. which la due to the. soasrtty of these grades thrinut the country apd the high pricer demanded for the sante ht farmers. one of the nldert dealers til thr trade slated this morning that he drove for four days thru the country last Week and could Hct enure sufOctent 19,00' cst- 1). to make op a eeriest'. for Which tit- hed to pal' the farmer* lee per Ib. f* some of these cattle, which weighed fron 1311, 10 1500 Ihaeach. and mold them hers this morntnt: for Mee per lb. The otter- Inga of common to fair stock were snare. to fill all reoufrementa and vslues for thew show little change Conal 0 ring the heavy snowstorm ell day yesterday end last night, the condi- tion of the market round not have been better. and, as there was a large atten- dance of both local and outafdo buyers. an oeuve trade was dose and a good c learanoe were made. Choice beeves sold at fn- to Pae, gonad at Pec to OW. fair at ,',eke to 4'4c, common at ALL 10 3414c and Interior at Mc to 31 per lb. Owing to the continued -snail receipts of sheep, it. Rym- er feeling has developed In the market. and prime are about tjc per lb. blgher. The local and outside demand for lamb. 1a fairly good! sad an active trade was don. at firm prtrre Choler Mork ro4o at a, good at Parc to bitr, and common at S- in 1n wtc per Ib. A weak feeling deveoped ib the market for hogs, and Pelee. de - rimed Sr to 40c per cwt. This was ■t- triMned rarity to the large tna'asoe 1n recemta. there bdtta over 7000 head r he •a 1111111111111111111r.111/111111111111111111111111rrIO eelved aloe. Saturday, which were target, 1i. roc+aa of local rettuirement& and, as . ape .dvMrn on 4'anadian bacon have hero anything but encouraging, parker" el owed little dtmpaakioe to operate freely• on Saturday sales of 'tweeted lots sere made at SAO per 100 Ma. weighed off rare., but the heel hid holders could obtain to -day was 51.S. which many of them r"f,aNrd to areent• as they had paid all the way from 05 to 1011 per 100 lbs. for hemi. f ab. ears, et country notate, erte- sequently the indications w.:ro that a number would be carried over for later market. When a man's wife goes away on a lengthy visit the chances ars that be enjoys it al pouch as sbb docs. 1 Genuine 1 � January Clearing Sale 1 1 1 1 1 East Buffalo Ganite . t.Ater R1.'P-FAL.O. Jan. 13 -(Milk= --Re- ,eirts, Aro head; setter; best steer., strong to weedy: others, steady; prime aeere. 16.00 to It:86. shipping. 76 to 030; hutrherie, $4.3 to 36.16'. heifers, i3.50 to Li. rows, !r to $(b• bulls. le to 100: etoek- era and feeders. WA to 14.40; stock be4f- era,Y.-b" to ta' fr•wn rows and springers. aeady. 711 to �t64. Veale-Reodpta 1110 heed: active and steady, tF to MS. 'logs-Reteipte. ."4,1100 Amid: artier, and tar lower: haat y. m to $4.40: r oc oaXh. 3t 71 to 1190 Plea 84.11 stags. Lto $150: dated.., t4,25 In 84.40. %chewy and 1,amb*-Reee{pta, "$,OHO head. sheep. emir• and steady; lambs, stow and I:w• lower larnbe. IR to retie year- lings. $( to $4.5,: veethers, 30.30 to 0t, ewes, i. to 14.50. 'Moro. mixed, *2 to Shin. Chicago Live SW*. t'HN'A(;O, Jan. 11_eattse-Rerelpta rs- tlmatedd at about 40.000 Mead: market ar- I1Ne bat leveler: •teen, $4.26 to Illi; cows, 322.76 to $4-10. heifers, 12.50 to M3: hall., wig to $t.3; (Alyce, 1.t to MM. stockers and feeders. Oso to $4.0. )togs-Reeetplr estimated at shoat 00.4100: market lee to tie •Ilower; eholc• 84.0 heavy to . pptng. 14.10 In 1(46: $4 15. choice light. 14.30 to $4.30: light mix- ed. 14.11 to $4.31. packers. V.90 to $4.25. pigs• SILO to 34.18; bulk of sales. $4.:70 to 34.16. sheep and farness Rerelpte eatianted at about MOM, market 70r to lsc higher: sheep. 34 to 16.$0; lamb,, $4.75 to 30.40; yeartlaaa. 14 to M.M. i Keen Curling. At a Border curls nit Klatch two old cronies were playing on different sides. There were only two stones to finish the game. lams, with due de- liberatiou, threw hie stone and laid a pot•lid for his rink. John inlmteli• ately followed with hie Ant, and threw the :Anne so well that it n•• moved the other end ley at the side of the ter, thus winning the match. Jinnping into the air in his joy J shn enure down. and breaking the ice plunged into the water. When he rose• to the perfects he cried. "flu, led, eve won, Nn' if 1 donna get uot 0' hero pit tea state oe the grave." OF General Merchandise FOR FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY Commencing Saturday, January 18th WE WOULD AGAIN REMIND OUR MANY CUSTOMERS and the. public in general that we havelanned for one more clearingsale and will endeavor to make this one the largest P and best sale we have ever held. In order that this can be accomplished we am MARKING goods at such BARGAIN PRICES that the shrewdest buyer cannot but recognize the truthfulness of our statements. If you are in want of any goods for present or future use, we feel satisfied it will be to your advantage to call and see the bargains we are offering. Below will be found some of the lines. Come early and often. Dress Goods We are placing our Entire Stock at kargaitt Prices, containing about 1,000 to 1,200 yards of new and up-to-date goods, being last fall's purchases, comprising 'Venetians, Oulber Cheeks, Chiffon Broadcloths, French Worsted Suitings, Tartans, Cashmeres, Sordes, etc. f Listed as follows : Lot t, regular 35c, 4oc -and 45c, sale price,' 25c !ar riot and t sale rice Lot 2�.eEgu 5oc, 75 P • 39c Lot 3, regular 751. 85c, and roc, sale price, 55c Lot 4, regular $t and 711.25, consisting of French worsteds.. Ven- etians, chiffons, broadcloths and silk mohaus, sale price, 79c Large Ind varied assortment of black dress sugings in 7 yard ,lengths. Regular $t.00 and et. 25, sale price. 79c 't3 Ladies' Fancy Collars 2000 yards of Print to sell Alttct��tri :1111 vatdi of good, licit 1 r Canadian print. regular buts stale, 7;c. About 1,:101 yards Putter's English print, regtilar 12',c, lilt. The above is good. new patterns but most Ise rlertred tut for spring ur•ivuls, Don't Miss .-en- ing these goods. Flannelette, 6.'.c • 4119 yards of gond. heavy ('an - (Wien flannelette, fn assorted fancy stripes, 21) `inches 1�'e wide. choice VOL Wrapperette and Em- pire 'twills :3W yards choice wrapitelette patterns, in blur, pink, navy, cardinal :and dark K re y. regular Ilc and 1'21ja:, 10C sale (J ^J3) yard, a wp ttoo twins, dainty luell.erns, lega1 e, 12C sale Ntnall assortment of dank rd reversible wraappe'rettes, regnlat• U1c and Lex, salte......... QC Ladies' Waist Lengths .Si whist lengths, comprising deleines, poplins, nun cloths, ell gteel new patterns. 35C 3 le and 48)c regular. sale. Ladies' Waists. .turn a small at,4,l•tlllel)t to clear, in color's. black, pale blue, and treats. Neatly and fashion• ably Mede from ,food 116N cloth. ItegIulae, $1.95 $3 t0(, snake Ladies' and Children's Knitted Underwear A barge and varied nt t 1.1.u:rut to select from nt privets that you •.at,)11ut afford to Wier. Below a tt • lines we aur uttering : atelier( heavy knitted vests drawers. natural 19C rte, regular 2s', Nide 1. ies' extra heavy kllntrd veal» tel dratwere. rodeo• white and anneal, regular 25C :tr', lel e Lathe .' whit' kuittetl vests, good heavy weight, reg- 29C tiler Ink•, : e...... .. Induce ool knitted vests and deawera, .etre good 39c qual.lity. regi I:tr:0k•, siale iadies' ex •a heavy •Herne• lined corset et veto, rev - tiler Vie, wale.. ,.. Many other nes tit colored \\ r Lace a large assort ieut of these guilds to utter, and being all fought fee the Christmas trade, they t•ompt•iss twine tit the ueweet anal gannet dainty de- signs ever offered. 1.ut 1 comprises blacks, black and white, blur. pick, white. pink and white, and bine and white. Regular'2.ic and 19c sale .7 Lot 2, assorted rulers and designs, reg. 5(k, salts 391 last a, asrlrrtetlcolors and designs, reg. 7:s:, sale, 55e Lot 4, assorted colors :old designs, reg. 51, sale, 75c l ut 14, assorted culot" :1 „'t designs: *1.'2:sand 51.:11. 95c ........ .. ... Ladies' Coats Black and Fancy Tweed Coats These goods will not be carried over and for quick selling we are marking theta at prices le- galdless of cost.. Lather.' black leaver coals, with velvet and silk braid tt;10- • g,. regular $12. $Qv sale •50 Ladies' dark Oxford grey cravenette, regular $7.50 $10, sale Lidice' heavy wool, tweed coats, neatly wad' and goat titters. regular $*) $5.50 and $10, sale t;� Hosiery We hast' a► large quantity a,f Iadigai, children's and lays' wool hese to offer and the Nllnl' will .haw 13113 11E41)rc'1'11)Ni I1 1 Anil to we three Winds am! lute prices. Comforters and Wool Blankets .lust a shoal{ eltInl)til)' itf the,c weds to offer. No. 1, wind blanket.. Puritan 3', onl, large size', $3.55 regular $1.:01, lade No. 2. wool blankets, King Edward heated, *size $2.95 13x71, reg. $3.!01, sale No. 2, Alexandra brand, •.ire '0rx7S, regular $5.410, $3.75 ,adr. Ready-made Clothing Men's Overcoats We bitee jaunt- a --limited num- ber of coatis to sell. 1f you are requiring one, come early and secuw a good bargain. (ituta' black Iieltvt•1• overcoats, lined tt'ith gocxl Garunell' antis, well made. Regular e4 (15 50.:11 and $7.11, sale, `i �7 Oen t4 dark grey 11' 1 .� r.1 .•leets, ne 8111141- 11•-• $375 and 7113 Gentli extra heavy. f.uu v tweed coats. regular $7.25 51(1.:11 .. Melt's extra Ilea t r 1,•el tet-. regular $3.111. ,ale. $3 75 Men's Pants Men's Halifax tweet* 1, 01.. Jegatlar�$ 1.1)11 a n d $f.;:1, sale $1.15 Aden's extra heavy tn'ctl Istnts, reguhu $..:1t, $2 15 stale f Non's fancy tweed pants. tegn►tan• $1.75 anti $1..25 $J,.tkl, sale IS pair extra limey cotton tweed pants, regular til. 79c endo :311 pair extra heavy black duck patina. regulnt' S179c ale s 30 pair black duck pants with 'tib, regular Vic, 59c ,$alt• 21 pair striped liluu duck pants, regular tc, 59c ode 48 p+air,,etriped bloc smocks tit match. regular 75c. 59c sale All other lines of clothing will be sold at big reductions. rlen's Mitts Lot. 1, mems lined It•tathet• mite,. regular :1M, 39c 111110. Lot 2, men'e lintel leather tit 1 t 1 s,regular 15x', 55e ale Lot :3, teen's lined leather mitts, regular *1, 7('C sale x77 Lot 4, uu•n's Tined leather Mitts, reit tiler $l.'d, 85 stile These geode de are :111 this Mire echaewe. They are well Math*.1u•lun't fail to err thrill. 'They :art genuine snaps. (lents' Ties A gond i ls.uflinert ill string old f •-in•hatd tier, new go el,, choir.. lint b•r11s, 19C e:dc Men's Fall and Winter Caps tient of caps, loetl' and heavy weight, gu sit 111;)10 r• egula Ink•. fillet, :old 71er, 'alre 25C .lutt ante her instance of gen• nine bargain., Men's ($loves Lot. 1, gent's I:iJ glovet+.55c 1'e•afulaal• 'Lie. sale . .. . last '3. gent.'' saw 55e gluvrt, trgular 1.x ens• Lot, :1, gent's kid gloves, regular 81, w11r 79C lo1, nmorsQ glue'ts, regugelarts $1, s do:, 79c Men's Medium a n d Heavy Wool Hose 1 1 1 \\-r eau .butt )-tn1 some slatt- Iitlg values in these good.. A good large assortment to select drool, (lents' Underwear 10 dozen men's extra heavy lleecr-lingo abut$ auto drawer, assort'! •siz(•*, regular 41 c 11k! each, sale 11 dozen' Pett nuan's 1-nahrink• able, heavy ribbed, shirts and drawers. regular Vic and 59c fixe each, wale :3 dozen Peuulan's extra heavy ribbed shirts and draw- e•s, regular $I, sale79C 11 dm.ett Ineii's heavy striped wool shirts and drawut•s63c Woe, sale.... . J { dozcu" oleo's drawer., ns- sortel Melee, regular :0k•, Ole, Tex and S:e, sale 39c Melly ether liars will show good tetiuctim)s. Men's Top Shirts Jlcn'N [ancy striped Iuel shirts, nisurtt•(t ►t' 39c (.crus, regular :lk . stale Atm$ N extra heavy fancy ,lurk shirt., uuis,)r(ed tat- 59c terns.. regular 73e, sale, Men's fancy wool knitted skirt, assorted colors, 59c regular 7:.e, sale... Men'ei fa11ry wool shirts, t weed patterns, full shed. heavy/5c weight, regular $I, rale / Men's tancy tenon shirts, tweed patterns, extra hraty. well Made 1111d full sired, a a7good rtireurwinter 5C . shirt, gla*I.2.o Gents' Negligee and Regatta Shirts \\'e are putting our full iw- .t,ut•turnt of those geode tat - welter. They centem many good patterns, regular i:x•, $1. and $1.2.1, male.. 49C. Women's Felt Shoes and Slippers \\'e hila. ;1..111;00,0y of the aatrovr good, to rater and fat• quick :lad sure selling are putting prices away down leluw actual valor. \Vole -We fell gaiters, lined with d(ngela foxing, trgular •price $I.'2J end $1,T', $1 sal• \V(111'n's felt Iral nnen 4, wool lintel, with Ming mlut fox ilia; ,regular $1.and $1.:1. , sale . '2., $1 :0i pair women s fancy r.lulu .Tippers, assorted sires, 25c rogilltl' :t:s•, Mille. G Women's fancy dippers with fur trimming. assorted colors. regular 7:ie and 10k;, 59c Sale %Vomcie's fancy alipiets, with for trimming, assorted colors, e r cogen quality, r K ti1a$1 KI.«), Nal(• Slimly et het linen in bolts and shoes will show Nloecinl prices. lleavy Fall pt fat too large fon' t that they' run into in generally fresh new , profit and in many case see our stock before par you will earn big motley Our assortInelit consists Opossum, Blended Opossun Ladies' Fur Coods rchases and the extremely mild winter weather that we have enpereime(1, havo left our stock is season of the year. We 410 not- want to carry these goods over for the reason ney very fast. and also it has always been ouraitp to show. our customers and the public ods every season, hence it -is that we have decided to clear this • stol;k out regardless of far below coat. If you are wanting anything in the fur line it will more than pay you to basing, or if yon had almost decided to glut off buying until next year we would say that purchasing at our sale. Remember that you have a long time yet to wear furs. o Sable mil's and scarfs, Minks, Marten Scarfs and Mutts, Mink, Marnlet, Isabella, and manyother line;, ranging in price front $1.:p0 to $15.50. CRQC In order that Inning and selecting' tit to Ire able toltppreciate there 'entrant. that will contain many useful articles ()narked at s ERY ,AND FANCY CHINAWARE y h:' Mad" easy, we are dividing aur chinaware sale into three lots at I*•icem tile, :ilk: and :r:s•. lint yr hove in eine for you, it will Ix• necessary for you to take a look through for yourself ass each lot criflce prices. - Lot 1 contains fancy breed and cake plates, time and emu - errs. timeline] pots, 'cater dishes, !,read and milk seta.. tlatenalade dish with . fray-, tele! y trays, salad tliah, salt enol peppers• teeter ju Itegullr 2 male and teeny other 1inP' , ;3lc end :tic 1 Lot 2 cunt 'es fancy bi are, cocoa Jugs teat pots IGT Iavdiniett•, Alts, .htpnnetr rake 9c acuit Hcy). plata *, .glade, fancy bread iy det;o•,tttel salads of iaseurtell plate., regular :Ale And 39c tints, 1 -piece china teesets, .Oleo, Kele 4. .. 1 nfuren German flint goblets, IA)t :1 runtaih, 1' 11ty J ip+tnt'M. afld 1)a)ly other linen will Is• 1111 and (lernutn ehimt, hrwul aand sale. ltegldar 7:x•, $, c 5c butter plates, '. dozen lots, Hell- Atld 10M, wilt' J In conclusion let Ble ret»,inll 3 ou that th a above list is only part of the many lines of goods you will find marked at bargain prices. Positively no got sold at sale prices before Sat'nrday, 1 Iib. Trusting you will avail yourself of tibis opportunity to purchase It test goods at hduest prices. TERMS: CASH OR PRODUCE Your obedient servant, S. J. YOUNG 9 Dungannon 1111111111111 4.1.11111. 11111111111111111111111.1111111111111110 111111111101. 1111111111111119 VINO i