HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-1-16, Page 44 Taoaiuer, Pitman I1+, VA S
IialN•oek lust, fur :t sufficient length of
time to establish the standiug nt each
,vw. Then the farmer should Mau a
first class purebred site, and keep
the heifer calves from the inset rows,
AUBURN AND KIN AIL HAVE beingcareful to exdue them when a
haveW.i Hell-chapp{xe•d udderayr old and mite. only
and perfeGlobe ct
teats. Caere ibould h* taken when
rearing the young heifer* out t, fetid
them too h fat-4mrxtueilag ural'.
but ``plenty of bulky nourishing Real,
to keep them growing and in at
he:dthy condition. in the ewes of
good-el/AM. well-developed heifer* the
st4aker thought it Was well to ars
range to have theta cotallHowe milk-
ing sou. after they were two )•cure
old, before the natural habit of form-
ing harsh had been itcquine. In a
few venr4.it would be fuurnl interest-
ing to watch fur and nuts• the iul•
pruvel1011t. a4 the result of retch stn•-
ees*ive cruse. There would he di, -
Addressee. by Practical Farmers on
St*Ojecls of As.ricultural Interest -
Many Suggestions for Improvement
in the Farmers Wing Meetings
Well Attended.
The meeting, of the West Huron
Farmers' Iustitote this week. at
Auburn on Monday and at Kinlail on
Tue4day, were well attended. 'Eke
visiting speakers were W. F. Kydd, of
Siwtwe, and A. Forster, of Markham.
lath 01 whom are practical.men( and
were heard with much interest.
At Auburn•
The evening meeting:lt Auburn wait
held in the 1'rwpermecesliall, which
WM fairly well tilled spy ladies and
Peesideut H. M. Vining in opening
the wetting said that their had not
been as large an :attendance at the
afteruaa11 meeting as he would have
wiehed tor. The farmers, eepecielly
the young tutu, did not tu•u out In as
large numbers as they should on •sueh
occasions. The gentlemen who were
detailed to address Meetings of the
Institute wears for the most tout
hard-working, practical turn. $otue-
tiwes sten were put forwurl who
were 110r11 grill .tSliver *post) in their
mouths, but it was not *44 its regard to
•those who had been sent this year.
Mr. Forster, of Matkhaml, i1, cull•
luencing his address. said he wits gt.ul
to note theca-, wt*lion of the ladies
in connection with the Institute work.
Their participation could not. (ail to
Ito helpful. Ile spoke at some length
on "Social Life on the Fano." The•ee
waif n varied idea of what social life
Meant. To the streaker it 'want the
enjoyment of the eoulpiuy of our
friends and neighbors in our house.
Fifty years ngo neighbors met peer -
hap* once a mnoulh, or at chum!) or at
a raising, or at as logging bee. The
next generation went to church re
frequently and had regular social and
literary gatherings. Then there were
paring beers, paying of forfeit's at
cherry -picking ;tallies. and such like
gatherings, all tending to make the
people Ilctter morally. physically end
intellectually. At the pre14nt time
there want hardly * home with t its
wusieal instrument, and 1rlcphonrw
in the rural sections were becoming
quite uunner0us in finny of our dis-
tricts, bringing boomers in closer
touch with each other. The proNp e,•t
of having 1•41rnl mail delivery in the
more populo114 districts in the near
future promises) to add still further to
the enjoyments and privileges of life
un the feria. Speaking of fetidly en-
joyment Mr. Forster citethe On-
tario Agricultural College and the buyer*, which 'night be called stand•
lfcllouxld institute (1,r wunir(t at I a"rl :articles : The draught Mese: the
liuelph. Much interest had been eart•iage horse, the road horse and the
(liken in the many hest pro.
saddle Mese. Amythiua
g else wets an
tided at these institutions. '1'ht• hest uffshoot of our of these types. The
talent ppt•a•urable was at Ile service
of wh*(coker had 1111 doubt the draught
all o would avail thenn,rlce9 of
npp burnt sennet s, but i1, the
soenket's experience for lifteelt years
it heed scldolIl occurred.
. 11r. Fie ster gave some figures from
netu.1 •eeute8 of holds in this l'ruv-
tiny should he kept within limits.
Free rural malt delivery would i1,•
vette ata enormous iulditi+tu to the ex.
penditure of the Federel (ktveruwrut,
*nil meth t• *over u( thio increase other
ex(wn4httr•es would creep i1, which
would not he for the benefit of the
fanner hut for which lie would Have
to Par, Almy critiei.ml of in're*sas)
expenditulr, would 1c )met by the
asse•t•ttta( that it, Wald the .welt tlf-
trlr+al mail delivery, and the farmer•'
111 the w„Ulel 1x• closet itgeinit any
objection to the emit of limning the
country. Hund mail delivery would
come in time, but the speaker thought
It was well to go slew i(4 the unitter.
Chair' i,1 Voting gave a recitation
which was received with hearty ape
tweetitt t n+ -.
Mr. Kydd gave the concluding ad -
diems of the evening, taking up n
variety of phases mt farts life
which iu•pruveun•nt 1111011 be tuade.
great deeiller.at fuer 111* success• is•
tet farmer was tnthttaiaatu, which
couplet with industry %vas bound 10
bring Nplendid 1rldults. Farmers
should keep • !stoke. with separate
are simply kidney disorders. The kidneys
lifter the blood --of all that shouldn't be
(biro. The blood pusses through the kid -
says every three minutes. If the kidneys
do their work no impurity or cause of
disorder can remain 111 the circulation
longer than that time. Therefore it your
blood is out of order your kidneys have
failed iaa their work. They aoa in need of
•timulenen. strengthening or doctoring.
One medicine still do all three, the sanest
and m1051- Imitated blood medicine there
ince, showing the greet increase in accounts ler different department* of
imotit from careful attention 11, the the farm, s1, that tet the cud of the
lines etetel. t' elusions front these whet* they haul been '''el "K or !twiny
".411%. i timer in (Ontario may by stable e%:ot1 ,buil Wes• t out un'noHtf-
'puilding op 111 the herds about the yt•ag they alight be able to discover
remsls were • money. They should dig out impel, • I tee's'•
eluvial! el tnegeitt•III 1,t Ilia herd able live stork. h:very fanner should
keen ten or twelve cure (without in-
terfering very much with the other
work 1,u the /*re, avid realize fr
gem to *OM per year out of their
products. 1 onsderiug -th.• price of
hogs Mc to 7c tier Ib. live weight'. and
that a (81114141 cam keep' two 1,r three
hogs fui• each eow without mnuch out-
lay for meal except to finish them.
ni.1 1het cheese hes leen increasing
in prier -in about. the same mown -
raise enough fruit for home con-
sumption. taking cat's iw plant illg
strawberries and the other fruits l0
secure go*! Varieties. Having the
fresh fruit would not only save ex -
petters for other foots, but it would
save doctor's bills and would relieve
the WIltIWll of the house of a good deal
of cooking. The speaker c pliui-
ented Huron county upon its exert -
lent (Replay of fruit et the recent
lion *s better. and with the nitro- Provincial fruit and flower show h-
41uetion o1 the silo and other tut- Toronto -Ale said it was the adluirt•
proved methods of feeding and caring lion of many visitors and brought
for the herd. and their plroduct1, Oto
Lurie is destined to he in the veer
talus• one of the greatest dairying
districts in the world."
Mr. Kydd'. subject was : ".kin 1
1•ai81rig the 'nog profitable horse :-
Huron county pronituently to the
front as a fIIIIL.raisiug dist" itt.
Another urgent nigtrilewenl among
(arses was, 01.01er:aion, ('4)11(•8' .
PartiruMrly in the apple•growing bus-
imew.r---in the caring for the orchards
lie started out by recalling the state- and in marketing their apples- would
Illent 'mule in tib report of the Ore cieoperation be profitable. Mr, Kydd
hurl, noise l'unuuiesion last Sem. to mentioned what waif boring dune' in
the effect that Ii,INNI wxrrsewrle leerother arta of the continentu' cul in the
to stallions with hereditary unsound- way of co operation among fruit -
nooses. 'Chis was a terrible state of growers. and said that in respect to
affairs in such a Province. as Ontario. these Watters the farmers of Ontario
The speaker..aaid it looked AS if the were in their infancy. Fern] hostel.
farmers made s practice t,1 selling should he made *1tractiy,. With at
their teat autres and keeping the 1,u- handsome lawn and 4 ornamental
animals at 1 • to raise trees about the hoot. tuost farm rota -
cults. 111 many instaneee. tea, where 41elIC4* ('(4141(1 1.4 greatly inyiroyed
they tuud the choice of gland 1,r (slur there was 1,u reason why the hn111r* of
sirens 1111• poor etre was 1tsede*•cniew the farmers should out. be Hr relined
of the small fere, losing sight of the as the limner of their cousins in the
most important tact that while they city. He gave stone goal advice W
steal a few dollars at the time oif the young people. urging thein t.1
se•rrice they would in many least•» get think seriously before leaving the
u hundred dollars 114)411 for the colt as tarot for the city. They 8110111(1, too,
,1 heir -year -,Id. It Nests a rase ,f endemvor to inlptoso themselves. by
"penny wise, ix,und foolish." The reading and thinking, so that they
spxeaket• felt quite sun: there %%as "eight take the place in the world
just (about as touch money in raising a I winch 44.11* open to them if they were
goat-clsvr�t' of horses as in any other competent to fill it.
branch of agriculture. The market No music had been arranged for
demanded four distinct types id this meeting, nod the program 'was
cuuasrsaeutly not 81, attractive as it
might easily have twee made. KM -
tail has :alumdinre of talent along
this line, and we 'should like t, see
of it displayed om neessluus of
this kind.
After votes of thanks had been
tendered to the vieiti4g (eleg.1rs for
their able 4peechee Heil to the elixir -
Haan for his mutable prem**, the
meeting eonclu,el with the 1ingiug of
Clod Save the King.
A sertieof smppleuct,taiy meetings
will be held by ti," Institute in Felt•
these uppartunities. Then there was horse l.•:1. the "lust pr014►ble, aid he
1 a / sec;"
r r the stn burse, nd
Ixe 1 a0e
the annual fat stock show 1,t Guelph, 1 K
the Toronto exhiletiun mid nt1)det fur profit. 111" 1•,.x1401(" kn.phu.uig the
agricultural societies all over our draught !mime MA were : A draught
rouutry. 'Ile bronze medal had been
will earn his heel un_ Ll,. fxrnh
won three timer) nl Chicago by n (runt the time he is two and arhalf
team front the College at Guelph and y e:ua 1,1 age until he Call be 4014 as a
its student* are acquitting them selves lour -year-old. A light borer cannot
with ('belie everywhere. 'file home do tlli,. Mcvutdly, supprete a draught
inIueuc a was a large facto in sn9• horst Burr have some slight skin
taining and kreping (4111• young wen blemish, it would he a small *eyesore
and women filen Mmptatio,l. t hal would nut take «etch trout its
large tnr.jority of the people in O1,• troth valet.. (In the other hand, the
fano are farmers. M any who leave lighter burets alight I"• termer) rich
the firm trill be found at the sup in teen's perones, amt Horse wealthy
w' n • • :ase a { u
professions and busing sr i1, our eitir4 tmen 411 not t 1,t h l art with
and towns. The sturdy farmer hot-
ay 'floe smallest nlxrk that should not Ie
is far better off than thole 4.110 run there. AI.tlaeu• itu(*)rt:utt ten"" is
the selects of our towns x1141 cities. that the draught role rrtnir9* very
little tdurati)g and nto
reading trashy literature and wasting et touch Biting,
h valuable time. because all that can be dime with 1
Melville Tindall, accuiu.Naniel by his is to have him gentle in :111 kinds 1,t
In',ther Minot', rendered a sole. (strum work, *141 have bio Gu. The
I ed l•f
which was very much appnrinted. iRI1tsr breed tur(airM n graxta e al
Jas. Johnstuu, who has been a metreaeuentiun fuel l.per'itJ HUM)/ to make
her of long standing i1, the' Institute,him a finished 1,roduct for as ligh-r1411s
w•ae ca11od a xm 1ml spo7:u hrieHy.. nl'aiket. The fitting of h:u•neee
1 hewers, with the y}+el. o1 r0nuuhnding
N'w. Bathes Iain • calla) utas fur hi h pr•ire•*, had 40t gut U, Ise ehnret
h ,address said he �ilut just come out !;
of an election ramping," and did not science. The start ker then went over
feel in good humor for speaking, the poilt9 "1 :1 g.Nsl d1.4ught.1101.w•,
14he chairman • •'1 don't know why point tig out the . h,u,u.tenstcs Ile.
you ehouldn't:1 Mr. Bailie said that sited in the animal "pd gi""il ewts°"e
Institute labor" Was one of the 4•••place,the,•f'r. Ili•'showed a very intimate
I eknowledge of the aulatuuly of the
where thInstitutetitur were organized by
the then Minister of Agrieula.;te. the 11"11°.'„a"11 his •addrel.a wms hill of in.
late Hon. A. M. Roes. 11, early tears ferulafion which ronld out but Ire
it eras a hard task keeping the o••g1 1)- talunhle to bearer* :mal n4vnt•ie of
ization together. but it wasin horses.
the Joest condition in 1111144 •
h t.1 t}
1'nder the management of President
Young it had increased w Imitate
in interest and omelet11ess fleeing the
five years he had held 1 he ufR('e. 1 Me
of the great needs of the Institut.' was
members. large expenses were in-
curred ell holding mretngs, especially
the supplementary meetings; s A
email Government grant. an *nnw.tl
excursion nun ata great rick awl the
small membership fee emsetitluarl the
'entree/10f revenue, and it took a Int of
(mum( to II(Ike 11p the nelesser •
amulet At twenty -Her rents each. In
appealing for an inrl'tmse in the mem-
heirship at Autumn 'Ir. Bailie staled
that flfty) members had leen 11erure41
et the lamb meeting 1011 at Kintaj .
and urged lite hearers 11, oelver that
list. Thr repxnls 1111(1 other literature
furnished each member were woI I(
meaty times the membership fee:
J. A. Sutherland favored the meet-
ing with n solo.
Mr. Kydd. of Mistime. g14e nu ad-
dress on "Drug Stitches,' mentioning
a nun, her of midterm maul the peer-
age farm which were capable of im-
provement and the neglect of which
might be termed "drop stitches."
The Kintai! Meeting.
'own well -attended meetings %ere
held e1. 4(1111141/ nn Tuesday. (1, M.
Young again preside( in his cap 1114
manner, and Secretary Hxilie wits •4t
his poet.
Mr. Forster spoke ran the subject
"Building up the Dairy Herd." He
pointed obit the ever' increasing de-
mand for milk. (mutter and shrew ih
our own) cities and (Omni, out well H"
for the export (mile, and 4nneidering
the improved farilitie•s foe 'hipping,
and the high primes now obtainable
for theme prwlucts lin hence cares fifty
per cent. higher thou len or eleven
year ago), 'he thought it tram high
time to consider the best way to hn-
prove'dairy herds to n high Its mimed
of excellence and profitableness. The
quickest and most generally adopted
way wits to select and put chase er,ws
that have been tested and have a rep.
utation its first -else, lows, m' from it
reliable breed+. r. Such rows generelly
et -rine pretty high. hum $75 to el 2.5.
and in some caves touch more This
plan hod some advantages. but woe
ton expensive for nosey. The tither
method, which took wore bene and
required more patience and judgment
on the pert of the (mentor, wax for
the formes to tet4the cows he sl -
ready heti ni. hent), which in the est i -
million orf the speaker could lee tom,
fnetor9ly done only by the scales and
Woman's Toe • Saved by Zam-Dnk.
But for the timely arrival of a Is,x
of %nim -Hak; Miss E. F. Flinger. al
Myrt)e 11t•rt•t, St. '*homes, tlnt„
would hays lost her toe. She says :
tint most 1hank(til t diec0vrlel-the
existence of / tlo•Huk. Pot )4191,11. nine
ulontha I *)treed cruelly' limo 1 he
t'Ife•Isof•luwing a corn Minna -et' froIfl
nay little toe, for with its ,coeval :t
hole trllutine•d :and may toe wits in :a
terrible? state. For *months I arae
uneb1,• to wear :team(' and its the tae
showed no signs of healing :wd %vas in
such a *h.a'kiug uolditin1 the doctor
thought it ue•essery to amputate it.
Algot this bolo 1 received a minipill.
lax of %am-I(uk and began using it un
1,l)• toe. The Het. npplicatinn gave
Me tie greatest ease ft• pain :11141
enromragel rue 10 gist. 7rn-Htak :a
thorough . trial. Two 111s alter
co11llllencing %with %•nth -Hak there was
no sign 1,t a ludo, for the Heidi had
roan F:vt:.ne YF.k'rt�a, grown in very firmly and all seams**
end pains were wntirel}• banished.
1'rsidetlt Voting «peed the even, %:ant -Hak brought 1(111(11 this beefing
p, ng with n meeti L omen ks come
plimmrntiog the Ki11tail (1(0(11• upon
the iet•gr,t they elweya 14owe•d (n
(114 Farmers' Institute. They *.•rt• a
pt,igre.1,141' people, a leading and a
thinking (1.01111', and 1,41(11.11 114.n1,11 111•'
4*need :thong at particular line they
were :lwaye searching for further
knowledge. They euur4{ out but re-
eei'e benefit fruit Imaging the *d.
dte.aes of such nn n as 1140444' I het- hall
heart in the ;tile, noon, them who had
been *mm*.ful i1, their own tines of
'Si•tk Abid who %etre endeaVilrimg to
11,41ift the egl•Iemlttlritl o alliug.
Apr. Forstergave4111 interesting ad.
dress 1111 'Asocial Life on the Pat in,"
ate{ wHn followed by
11. .1. Morris, of Iuya1, who made s
brief a.lths'r9N 4)11 the sliltje('t 11f "l.4)81
Oppx,gtumitiee." In looking INc'k over
the last plat, could they sere any a41-
yameenient they had made anything
they hail done to improve themselves
1 t• 10 help :Ahern :' 'irked the ep raker•.
three teen., opportunities can never IN.
regained : they moll be seize) as they
item. The fleet place for improve-
ment is in the 1 e: and the first
thing needed in theh0tne is kindness,
Tit, unkind word, (etre 'Token, foul -
pot I.' needled. %l1,, ,lorri* pro-
eeeih•d to steak of the greet proems,
niade by the Nimieri•' In9tittll,
in Ontirio. T' here wele nm•
eighty electoral district 1119,1(144(0.1,
with fest branches and 14•(4yve"+ I1,(141f1
and 12,1114( melebeis. He lens glad to
have bed a mIething to do with start-
ing the N' en's 11144tit11e in 1Yetit
1luron, and hr urged thee the wo11hen
of Kintail shomhl ha4e a good. live
W. 11. llolN,tsun, of Go erieh, pre.
faced his oubliette by expressing the
eon4ielion OitL 111 )fere should ,assert
themerel•e8 1110r• strongly. in the
national life of the country *nil claim
the shore of 111Huence to which they
were entitled by virtue of their ltunh-
hers end the importlnce of their In-
dustry. Mt. Gurney, x wealthy men•
ufmctu•er of 'Toronto. hell recently
seen fit to Apeek slightingly of the
when x11 other retmelie9 failed. %Ye
find Zun-Huk wt valuable that wr
would net lie without a box in the
7, tut -link !wale cuts, brtisee. 4,111
roltld:4, fi11111 ilio sores, lt•zetlla, ulcers,
lathes eruptions, 8'ap seer". 114'11,
piles, chapped halide, burns,' 114,114114,
and ail skin disease4. 5111•, it boy, all
druggist :and stores, or 'G011 Bilk Co.,
Porno!.. a 'mixes $1.2...
Fads in Deese from Paris.
"1'*sir has Nt reek a 111W 1101o111 144147•
rh'y this year in the hat pies it. loan, -
playing," %mites the noted aulbority,
Grace Margaret Goudd, in the W
se's Hume Commune,. "They give
the French 14,11.•1. 111+111., n tiume. W a
hitt which would int be noticed w•i11•
out 11tem. Surely they are Odd
enough t, :1111111 ,theme' . One of
the newest is :a little par/414d to*de 01
china and chau-iningly colored. Yon
can buy it, in fact, in many %Idols. If
pun hitppcn to hare a purple hat, you
%vi11 hive 1,u trouble nl all to select a
parasol lint pin to blend with it, or
they mere shown in fenny variations 1,1
the violet end purple shales. The pin
is gilt. and s1, APP (Ire tilt., Ur the pare -
eel. I.i paint 1,r site the la1hion able
hat pin grows and grows, :and one
would he 44 :a lung and hard search i11
Paris if elle were leaking for a small
hat pits such ms we nll used u few
yenr9 ago.
"Many of the high novelly
in the foram of x targe gilt
ball have ,a nirpe isingly novel
li leer
They ate known as the perfume hat
pins. T'he tipper part of the ball is
1perforated. and through the 111114
o1e8 one detects'''. perfume.
"Simplicity 11 'lair dressing it .1111
of ditto. Podia and then more puffs is
the rule, and, to top it ell, the t
el*1Nlrete of hair orna)tentN fire used.
If theyare eboeen with wisdomy *n
that tey are sure to he becoming.
they t•eelly add very touch to one's,
"Hunches of glad grapes are used in
formers, but some figures Which the 'noticing ('re's' (4rU) hexa! dresrwn•
sIwaker quoted finial omci*l statistics Oftentimes the %ited band on which
s owed Gist agriculture was %'*14117
more important t, Canada than the
l(*nmfacturing Interests. Referring
to the (puesUgn of free rural 11(1(11
delivery, the 11penker questioned the
hvisd,*n, from the rennet's etnndp oint,
111 pressing for this 81 the present
time. The farmer wee the great t:ax-
payer of the country and it wee to his
lutenist tbat We national irkpeodi-
they are mounted is covered with n
twist of tulle exactly felting the
gown in color. Or the band ,nmv be
gold braided or plsin with en ephr0i-
dered design "-(irked upon it, At the
sides the grtpe.t nee taught with
one bunch always fastened toward the
back. Omen grH(ter with x silvery
tinge are alae, nerd, and a very smart
stud unusual head dress t.) wear witk
a purple• or . ir.IeL gown is 11mtal4
hr.tialret 1141111 of geld curl :and purple
velem, with* the gimes lhetneeles
THERE'S nothing like a good soup to
psve the way fora good dinner. And
• Ihere's nothing like Armour's Extract
of Beef to give that indescribable relish and
savour tower,.
Armour's Extract of Beef gives the rich,
tasty, app etiziug flavor of roast beef to all
meat dt1hc.. -
•• NIy Favorite Reei .." telte of man! way*
In which Armours Kxtraet of Beer ,nay be
lewd. s,•nt (ne on receipt of an.' metal cap
from a jar of Armour's kxtract of rarer.
AAdrew, .Armour Limited. Toronto.
Armour's Solid
Extract of Beef
.-ser• ,ter
%Evf1: Q2A
to MAN
2s cts. h k
C etocua-
otmi, 4.s.
Meat Marke:
VV4*4 1‘44
' Walter C. Pridham
-411•11111111111 OMNI • 4111111111MM
Annual Sale
Men's Furnishings
and Fur Coats.
Once a year w,t have a genuine clearing sale of all our stock :
this year we are determined to eclipse all our previous efforts.
Our stock is by far too Targe, and, besides, we need the money.
Prices will be smashed to smithereens in order to get rid of the
goods and get the cash. We must have the cash. Everything
in the store goes at slaughter prices.
No need of a lot of talk about it, our prices tell the tale. We
can give only a few items; it would take too much space to
quote all.
Men's Overcoats •
Every one to Rn at A ridiculously low prier.
is h.lsl *nd $10,141 Overcoats for. . ..B 6.90
12.1) 1 111 11.tal Overeoate for, 8 76
1:),i» to 17 111) Overcoat)) for, 11.75
Men's Suits
Our stock of Men's Suite is far toxo large
hence these prices.
$14.1 it Suit fur, E 5 o
11.11' Suit for - 7 00
1.11) Suit for - 0 50
15.(11) Suit for. 11 50
Men's Trousers .
About 3110 pairs of men's odd pail-.
111.73 Pants for 01.26
2.41) Yams for 1.46
2.410 Tanta for 1.86
3.111 Pants for 2.26
:L:4) Pants for .. 2 75
Quarter ell' Ieguler pr ire.
Boys' Clothing
A11 rrdneed in smite proportion..
5 dna'. Chief Enitineer Overalls. extra
rlen's Furnishings
Men'. fine Shirts
isl 2:. mud 41.30 regular. fur.. 6.`,c
31,•. l'ciliates for,...... 1bc
13e. t •.,Ilion for. 10c
2:x•. lilaek t%orstel Soo 20c
'k. lfl:erk ('eslimere stoat . ,..... .... 20e
special line at,. t2ig
$1.2.5 Kid and •.11o•Iia litotes for . 90c
Leetstilk-lined Kld Gloves for. .. 1111.16
Lest Silk -lineal Mtoeha filo %es for1.86
Night Sh its
'1' n s ;:e• Fl.ulnelet1., Shirt t r. bOt:
Boys' Woolle Gloves
' 44 Faure Ringwood Gloves for IOe
Boys' Stockings
Fives dozen pain Hoye' black worsted. all wool
stockings at, . . 22c
Go,a1 heavy wool fleece Underwear, tiergar-
ments 46c
Heat ribl'e(1 wool ('nderwinirer garment 46c
INK *educt' in Stanfie•ld's 1'n•hrinka1l'
I "nderwear.
Remember everything in store is reduced. ('ome expecting big bargains -and
y'au'lI get them. Open evenings during sale.
Sale lasts from Saturday, January 18th, to Saturday, January 2$th
dee{>.in cub..
•'!`told mews roque advantage in the hair. It's x
fetching little had 11, late the girdle
of one's evening gown tautened at the
hack with n gold ro*n and a drooping
bud or two, and then to wear in the
heir :a brand of either gold mr Wall
velvet with a► gold rose and a few
leaves caught at each side.
"Every women le cat•rying x beg
these days. A French novelty ix
known ne tlac frog bag. It is made of
gray suede with a frogskin Applied to
at. The akin is most t•ealietic-leaking
and in in a shady use * tint lighter
than 11e suede towel for the hag.
l "liege of colored leather. PaMic-
ularly in `purple. green and pink, are
%erre h the fashion bath in I'aris
end London."
•tic --tet I ;1,r elm need t/ pictur ammemseirI
1 hate evened :t new Meat )tau ket in
the stand on
...%1 Sharman PI Shot. Store and nearly
oppueitc the Town tial..
'fhb :.tune is fitted up i1, mrolerustyle
fur the !welling of meats in the most
approved way, and I intend to serve
111y clfltOtuers with the (rest to tie had
in cry lbw.
as B
Renovates the entire system.
1•• palatable and can be easily assimilated.
Cod liver oil is nauseous —
Hnocks out the stomach, •
So that very few persons can take it.
Take a dose of " Brick's Tasteless"
And note how pleasant it is —
Starts you eating at once — relieves
That tired feeling which
Every one speaks of from time to time, and the
Languid feeling disappears immediately.
Every bottle taken is guaranteed to show improvement ;
So why should you hesitate to take it
See your druggist today about "Brick's Tasteless."
Two Sizes — 8 mote bottle 50c ; 20 outtu. bottle 11.00
We require our floor space for summer
goods and are offering the balance of our
big line of stoves at cost.
Below is a list of those we have to
offer and the prices.
3 No. 35 Art Garland with oven 111(,00 '$40.00
1 Ideal .Jewel with oven 414.00 40.00
1 No. 14 Empire Garland with oven :19.00 :32.00
-1 No. 14 Empire Garland . 36.00 29.00
1 No. 1 Buck's Prize 26.50 20.00
1 No. 26 Croton I3rilliant *x9.00 :30.00
1 No. 16 Volcano 16.00 12.00
1 No. - 17 Oak Heater 20.00 15.:10
2 No. 15 Oak neater.; 17.00 12,50
1 No. 13 Oak Heater 14,00 10.2:1
:1 Dangly Heaters 12.00 )4.75
2 Telephone ('ity 12.00 `11.90
in hinges we havra large number at equally as low prices me
if you will need a new stove within the next yetis 0r two. von
will he '*king a profitable investment by buying now. If it
were not that the stove selling mention ie shout over, we could not
in justice to outselves quote the above low prices, but they must.
go to metro room for other goods.
SMITH1N(4 given special attention. and Ail work fully guaran.
Store 'Phone 22
House 'Phone 112
Our Sale will continue just one week more,
BY THAT TIME all that we %%ant to sell at sacrificed prices will I 1 off oilt shelves and in the hands of
our cu8t1mers, The stale (lab hero a Mewl nuceeas in every depxtr•tiaietat. smite Imes completely sold
,eon Still we babe lots of gaud bargains y. 1, parti','larly in •
Dress Goods, Clan Tartans, Uinghams, Prints, Linens,
White Cottons, •i'ovtellings, Ladies' Coats, Ladies' Furs,
F=lannelette Wrapperettes, Ladies'. Men's, Girls' and Boys' Underwear,
Ladies' and Children's Hosiery,
*111) s'0res of ulher 111144 111,1 room here to mention. 1'01(14' and ip-t I,,,eled up with evetyt11iug you are
likely to need for now mid early spring. Sale will po41lively , lose at 1.1 p.tu. on Saturday, .ianuary 5th.
A Large Import Shipment of Laces, Embroideries,
Lace Curtains and Trimming Laces.
Hawing bought very fumy 111 these goods we are able to gl.,• wxet•pl,ouad value. It will I•,• t.. 4 - 41
advantage to Kee three lin.,. before making your purchases.
A 4111a11 lot of tiowns, Skirt* *nd Corset Covers at a big drop i1, 1 egular ',nem. Ask to nee thecal.
They arc real snaps..
11. . JC1tri1e
0 4,1,1 'E1tIt 11
Meat Marke:
VV4*4 1‘44
' Walter C. Pridham
-411•11111111111 OMNI • 4111111111MM
Annual Sale
Men's Furnishings
and Fur Coats.
Once a year w,t have a genuine clearing sale of all our stock :
this year we are determined to eclipse all our previous efforts.
Our stock is by far too Targe, and, besides, we need the money.
Prices will be smashed to smithereens in order to get rid of the
goods and get the cash. We must have the cash. Everything
in the store goes at slaughter prices.
No need of a lot of talk about it, our prices tell the tale. We
can give only a few items; it would take too much space to
quote all.
Men's Overcoats •
Every one to Rn at A ridiculously low prier.
is h.lsl *nd $10,141 Overcoats for. . ..B 6.90
12.1) 1 111 11.tal Overeoate for, 8 76
1:),i» to 17 111) Overcoat)) for, 11.75
Men's Suits
Our stock of Men's Suite is far toxo large
hence these prices.
$14.1 it Suit fur, E 5 o
11.11' Suit for - 7 00
1.11) Suit for - 0 50
15.(11) Suit for. 11 50
Men's Trousers .
About 3110 pairs of men's odd pail-.
111.73 Pants for 01.26
2.41) Yams for 1.46
2.410 Tanta for 1.86
3.111 Pants for 2.26
:L:4) Pants for .. 2 75
Quarter ell' Ieguler pr ire.
Boys' Clothing
A11 rrdneed in smite proportion..
5 dna'. Chief Enitineer Overalls. extra
rlen's Furnishings
Men'. fine Shirts
isl 2:. mud 41.30 regular. fur.. 6.`,c
31,•. l'ciliates for,...... 1bc
13e. t •.,Ilion for. 10c
2:x•. lilaek t%orstel Soo 20c
'k. lfl:erk ('eslimere stoat . ,..... .... 20e
special line at,. t2ig
$1.2.5 Kid and •.11o•Iia litotes for . 90c
Leetstilk-lined Kld Gloves for. .. 1111.16
Lest Silk -lineal Mtoeha filo %es for1.86
Night Sh its
'1' n s ;:e• Fl.ulnelet1., Shirt t r. bOt:
Boys' Woolle Gloves
' 44 Faure Ringwood Gloves for IOe
Boys' Stockings
Fives dozen pain Hoye' black worsted. all wool
stockings at, . . 22c
Go,a1 heavy wool fleece Underwear, tiergar-
ments 46c
Heat ribl'e(1 wool ('nderwinirer garment 46c
INK *educt' in Stanfie•ld's 1'n•hrinka1l'
I "nderwear.
Remember everything in store is reduced. ('ome expecting big bargains -and
y'au'lI get them. Open evenings during sale.
Sale lasts from Saturday, January 18th, to Saturday, January 2$th
dee{>.in cub..
•'!`told mews roque advantage in the hair. It's x
fetching little had 11, late the girdle
of one's evening gown tautened at the
hack with n gold ro*n and a drooping
bud or two, and then to wear in the
heir :a brand of either gold mr Wall
velvet with a► gold rose and a few
leaves caught at each side.
"Every women le cat•rying x beg
these days. A French novelty ix
known ne tlac frog bag. It is made of
gray suede with a frogskin Applied to
at. The akin is most t•ealietic-leaking
and in in a shady use * tint lighter
than 11e suede towel for the hag.
l "liege of colored leather. PaMic-
ularly in `purple. green and pink, are
%erre h the fashion bath in I'aris
end London."
•tic --tet I ;1,r elm need t/ pictur ammemseirI
1 hate evened :t new Meat )tau ket in
the stand on
...%1 Sharman PI Shot. Store and nearly
oppueitc the Town tial..
'fhb :.tune is fitted up i1, mrolerustyle
fur the !welling of meats in the most
approved way, and I intend to serve
111y clfltOtuers with the (rest to tie had
in cry lbw.
as B
Renovates the entire system.
1•• palatable and can be easily assimilated.
Cod liver oil is nauseous —
Hnocks out the stomach, •
So that very few persons can take it.
Take a dose of " Brick's Tasteless"
And note how pleasant it is —
Starts you eating at once — relieves
That tired feeling which
Every one speaks of from time to time, and the
Languid feeling disappears immediately.
Every bottle taken is guaranteed to show improvement ;
So why should you hesitate to take it
See your druggist today about "Brick's Tasteless."
Two Sizes — 8 mote bottle 50c ; 20 outtu. bottle 11.00
We require our floor space for summer
goods and are offering the balance of our
big line of stoves at cost.
Below is a list of those we have to
offer and the prices.
3 No. 35 Art Garland with oven 111(,00 '$40.00
1 Ideal .Jewel with oven 414.00 40.00
1 No. 14 Empire Garland with oven :19.00 :32.00
-1 No. 14 Empire Garland . 36.00 29.00
1 No. 1 Buck's Prize 26.50 20.00
1 No. 26 Croton I3rilliant *x9.00 :30.00
1 No. 16 Volcano 16.00 12.00
1 No. - 17 Oak Heater 20.00 15.:10
2 No. 15 Oak neater.; 17.00 12,50
1 No. 13 Oak Heater 14,00 10.2:1
:1 Dangly Heaters 12.00 )4.75
2 Telephone ('ity 12.00 `11.90
in hinges we havra large number at equally as low prices me
if you will need a new stove within the next yetis 0r two. von
will he '*king a profitable investment by buying now. If it
were not that the stove selling mention ie shout over, we could not
in justice to outselves quote the above low prices, but they must.
go to metro room for other goods.
SMITH1N(4 given special attention. and Ail work fully guaran.
Store 'Phone 22
House 'Phone 112