HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-1-16, Page 2S Tat/await, jauuar) Ili, IWY
team/anal k ROBltltTt3ON
ffelopboae fall Na 3.1, 1'
Trolls or WNcriptlon • xi*
$1.411 per atm UM in aa' 433(4'.
six months, .'as• : t hove month•. za•.
'1'o United Stale. rub-crlher+. $I.at .1 year
t -a nctly In .dseller/
$uboerlben who fad lu n•twhe Toa Slant!.
re ruluiy by moll w III twofer a boor by re -
unstinting us of the fact at as early a date e+.
Pool isle.
when it change of addrea,.i•d.vtred. both the
old And the now address: .huukl be given.
Ativertivaa Retell:
Leval mud (ghee similar ods cot, •.•111011., toe
per hoe fes ret Inevrlluu anti Ir 1.131. line for
each .ula.eyuont insertion. Measured' by a
nwl(un•il Beale. ?Welt', line* 10 nil in.•A.
Business uatds of six linos sax' under. F% tier
�. dierliwrments of Iwt, round. Strayed. bit -
nations Vacant. Nllnatlwts Waisted. Hour*. for
tads or to iG•ut.' Fano. for Sale or lo 'tont,
Annie. fur Mede. etc.. not er.retlily eight
litres. :tic swath lumen ion : $t for tired (h. 31t
to esrh subsequent 'towel,. larger all serLc-
metds in proportion.
11•(nnounasatomis bo ortiney molar/ typo lea
emit. len• line. No tailor less then .L•.
any spoil nd.tt t. (hs 351(10.1 of whish . the
Lecuniery benefit of any I.tdi% tibial or ew+a•i•
sties.. to be, ounsiderod tot a.11 eel is uuttt A111
to be (-halved wmedityly.
!isles for tlt.play nod coinnrb•t adsVrtlnc•
104,15.• sit be given ou applioat lint. •
Address all eanutuuftattaus to •
YAN.A UI'kl: k RnHF.it1'Ni .
1'ne SImNAI-
. • - G.s,erkl.. the.
/i4)I) tlt'H. THURSDAY. JAN. 14 etas.
77rr electuw of Smith 1101-011 will
cl►ooie next 1Vednesrday, the 22nd
inbL, between M. Y. Mrla+ao, editor
of the Menforth Expositor. and Ilcury
Horton. of Tucketsrluith. as their rep-
re.entative in the Nettle of Cuuituons
for the remainder of the current Par-
liamentary term. If the Liberals of
the riding are short and Active, they
should be able to secure the election of
Mr. McLean. He is r. man of experi-
ence in public :affair's. and while by no
cleans a mtrrow partisan be nes given
is lifetime of service to the Liberal
party, and every Liberal vote in the
riding should be polled in his favor.
Mr. McLean's recognized ability in the
discussion or public merisure.. his fair-
ness and his devotion 111 the public
interest may also be counted upon to
Irring to him the voles of not a few
who do not class I.bemeelvesl w Lib -
Especially from the fanners /of the
riding Mr. McLean deserver hearty
support. His voice and hitt pen have
always been employed in protest
against attempts to impose unfair
conditions upon the agricultural in-
dustry, and be may be depended upon
to cast his influence strongly in Par-
liament on the side of fair play to the
It is dificult to see what the people.
of South Huron could hope for fton
the return of the Opposition candidate,
what reform they could thus expect to
advance, what improvement they
could thus hope to bring Alout. The.
complaint of governmental extrava-
gance, from a party which plunged
Canada into deficits and debt ; the
talk of scandal, floe a pally under
whose rule Canada was paraded he -
fore the world as :hr scene of mono -
mental Is,trlling and corruption in
high places --surely these will be
taken by the electa•s of South Huron
at their real value As stn touch election-
eering claptrap. The ties pie of ('an-
ada are not yet prepared W turn the
Liberal Government out and put in
its piece the remnant of the "nest of
traitors." For some years to
any reforms to be carried out in the
Conduct of Federal affairs will bre car-
ried out under the auspices of the
Liberal party and the people of South
Huron cannot do better than to send
to the council* of the Liberal party lit
Ottawa a ' tun of the reforming
spirit, such as Mr. McLean hes shown
himself to be.
Lt his inaugural address on Monday
Dlaytr Macklin teed.• the surprising
statiment that the ruling of the chair
on a point of order is final, The
council will no doubt convince Hie
Worship, b ifnc• i
a.as on arises
. that h '
F. e 1
laboring under n Illieapprehellsiell.
The ruling of the chair is Iliad milers
one member appeals 1.. the c dl
against such tail
r 1 1 and It may AR ti then
Ire upset by the declaim' id the major -
it of he conned. y e til I. It would never du
to give the chairman undisputed
authority as to the luethals of Imo
e dust U. be oho/tamed by the icily
over which he presides.
Another natter Whirl' was (lire
eitee sl' at the inaugural alerting w•As
the methal of takiug the vote of the
u/elnhetit on naolions before the emitt-
ed. The old way and the proper
way. we !wheat was that the Mayer
would ask the pleasure of the entomb
in regard to the motion, and if no
objection watt: taken the Mayor would
declare the motion carried. If aUy
tneu,her detnanded it. the "yeas and
nays" were taken. Fox -Mayer Elliult
introduced the method of holding up
bands for every vote, which made the
cutncil look like a tut of school Chil-
dren. The prevent enuneil will likely
return to the old method, which is
more dignified and mote expeditious.
Canada's marl odious record of
growth and expansion under the
present ,administration is cited by The
(,lobe in eupn)tt 111 the 1,11Ng a 1 randi-
dature in South Ifut it, and nouns
figures which 7'he (i1.14 gi'es .di sup-
port of its nrgums•nt sonnet readily
be explained away by Oppoaitirot
oratory. The Globe refers to the
peeled of stagnation And of Dove' n•
tnent'l deficits which rept-ailed in
Canada during the yew Preceding
the radveut of the Liberal Aduliuist•a-
tiuu. and continues :
1t hooked its if we would "ever agalu
estaL•lieh a lst1 ince between revenue
and expendittuc. Conservative Ad•
miotstretiohe were pr.sceesliug 01) a
wholly wrong tack, '!'hey were try-
ing to stand the pyramid of incluse"y
un its apex insoat) of its 1•aw•. No
young country can Iso in a healthy
cuudititon %whose law's anti whose fiscal
system do not recognize that "the
ftu•mer feeds us rtll.". A aystcul which
diseot•llges fanning i* u(wide down.
1t was Uu• recogytljjt�ton of this fact and
the bending of ea•ary effort to correct
errors that effected a revolution in
('anutlat. :t Ve•volutit':. which is di*:
clotted in the folluwiug significant
figures :
den itx17
lino?. ea .mal ',till .tp 1at.11:.3en $:)IIIKIJi
l in•ubation of lhw,tuluu
notes 1161:6,11: 4.11t15i1
tf shattered trot notes xl,:13,1tin .1•S11612
( Ii..rlttrsl bank ants iltlM.t3:1 toae,3It.2A,
. hollered ta.Ul I1Ahlllller nrl2r:..)N 7!11,117 tJn
Deposits In Iaank. .14
sat try banks I1Clul?.171 Ir,9,7t1.1111
•rho 116.41 year 1114(7 had hut nine
1ha in it, owing to it change of
the date for closing the Nee (n. In
the billowing table. therefore. the
preveme year, centainiog full twelve
months. is used for cuugoerieen pur-
het Roe
N,al 1 est cnut evaxil•311 etn.t:a..1e:
Total In*ir . :13,leu,lµ.
Animal positive export- :.t,t11$ ..1I diLtAl.1111111
.agricultural products ex.
hurl- .. . I:La111kei.
the• rale of the nine months ul
11617 the total trade of the Iktuiuiun
fur` twelve Months would have bees'
over $11_'u,U(111,0110/ 'lb what is this
1•ceirdvo( rahuundiug health and pros-
``writy due : '!'here is o reason. Mr.
McLe+tu is the standartebearer of ,a
Government, that has done and i14
doing thing's.
The t.t•u•ers of ('analrt have allowed
themsell es to he taxed right and left
for the sake of tariff Beneficiaries, but
when it comes to adding insult to the
burden ser long borne by the ,agricul-
total industi y The F'rarmer.% Advo-
cate 1hiuks it is time to call a halt.
Ina recent i.sue of The Farmer's Ad'
vacate is this significant utterance,
under the heading. "The More They
Uct, the More They 11'wtt : "
"Mr, Edward Gurney, of •Hamans
Gallows' notoriety, bas again plunged
into the limelight of unenviable pub-
licity. by a speech at the annual 'lan-
geutof the 1'otttttt lTravellers' As-
sociation of Canada, when in reply to a
toast of 'Our Manufacturers,' be Ad-
vises' the commercial travellers to
look at the tariff from :a pe•aswoual
twist of view,' arging that the tariff
of Canada should tweet that of the
United States, and t+emarking that if
this is to he purely a farmers country,
and not it country of manufacturing
and paining, then an hr it. but we
should know it now.' This is the kind
of gratitude meted nit to the farmers
and motinctire workers of this
country, who. Yoe the wake of supreme
national rename, have foregone their
own direct interests and home the
burden of fiscal protection in order to
build op a diversified industry ill Can-
ada. It is not enough that we should
tax ourselves twenty. twenty-five,
thirty or forty per cent. to assist our
struggling manufacturing industries,
Ins we a1.• berated because we do not
imitate the fnlwuub example of the
United States. Now. we give Mr.
Gurney credit for all sincerity, ltttt
his trouble is that of all other faeur-
ita•s and beneficiaries. He comes to re-
gard privilege as right, anatin looking
narrowly :and greedily at his rodeo nod
his fellow u,autifa•turrli+ interests he
forgets the interests of the farmer and
la►sn'er, who ate the bulwark of the
nation, the foundation of its prosper-
ity. sod by fur its most important
classes. Ile thinks of the farmers and
laborers as he would of the horses or
cattle in the country, that is as *o
Many more consumers for himself and
his friends to exploit.
"No. Canada is not to be purely a
farmer„ country, hut neither is it to
be overridden Ity as few overreaching
manufacturers, and the sooner that
men of the Gnrney'stawp find this out
the Metter for themselves and for the
interests they profess to serve. Ca-
'a•nrul,is tariff henceforth must be
levelled down, 1101 up,"
The /Newt of the Provincial Itegis-
trnr-(,,nerd's 1 *partment, Just famed.
main the vital .Lalisti a of the Fret
ince bears mit U,r claim fu1 the general
healthfulness of this,•uunty. For the
period mf ten years rovet'((I by the
rrprt the death tate per 1,1111 of
population in the t:arioels enmities of
the Province t'enged ir)rtl Iii.J t(1 10.3.
Huron and:UnfTetin c flee had the
lowest figure Nh,
It rle. • .'i
1 1 new to (iudelich people to
notice the• priuineuce given ti,' the
town in the Grand Trunk Railway'*
advertising. The (ieslrrich service on
the 6,T. H
hI s r a• • '
1 ad trtlrtrl'in the Ter
runtu rape., in 11. 1•
i I ,
I I K trees iul hill de-
tails, and nit11 all the distinction ac
corded to the big cities, The Grund
Trunk has unque•stimurabh 1.a spitntlid
service between '1'nt.mlu and (itale•
t•ich, mei it is gaol husine,s for the
pally l0 1.t the people know it.
.lontotah.ui in Onta'it has suffered
to dinttmct lends in the recent death rsf
.Icahn Itolrear ffuetelu, editor-in-chief
of The Hamilton elpertatol•, Mr.
(.ie.teron wart one of the brightest
newspaper writers in Canada, and he
made the editorial page of The Spec-
talorrfauuu. fee Its crisp. clever and
humorous erticit•s. Many lir. editorial
tilt The Signal has hod with the tnan
of The Spectator. and 11 was a teen
pkasutr to thrust end pity with
such an nutngenisl. The Spectator
will not seeln the same now tent the
brilliant ohlchief has goom.
Youth and Age.
11, , et • r soma howl, took
In Dight- gone hr hi- hoy 1.h ho sd
eu Oiled with eager droner be took
Theme Itis bin) to his bed.
Thlhptendid+trill). the rush of Wo,
The truu,p of (awe. In.phIng strung.
111. beset so .lured he et *rrely heard
li is :cot Ler. ,linter a,ng.
Ile, now filo glowing book of life
Is falling front bus nen-clear h:an,
tope aro the splendors of the et. tie.
That conquering Lola•. - e Janna hand .
No planditn pierce those aged woo.
No trump M fame, though loud and strong,
He estl V bears acro,, the yours
He 1••tbere ditiodw•r wine.
-k'lbets )o tl'etbt rsld.
• FROM OUR CONTEMPORAHIEB. to the value of over two million dol-
lars. in the case of live rattle the
advantage is thirty per tent. paid tbs
1'renuh imports over two .ta if(on dlol-
lees. 1)n fresh and cured iodate the
advantage over the geueral tariff rate
Is fount thirty to fifty lea cent., and
Use imports of France for the year
totalled over right willlua dollatti
worth,' (1n eggs the advautsge is
forty per trent., and the French hie
torts over seven tuillion dollars, 0 t
cured c.al Melt the advantage is
twenty per cent.. turd the Wrench hip
1101114 almiatt Si; nailliuu dulled
worth. (111 p141(10l fish the /elven-
bore is IhIt r per cent., and the French
imports over leu tuillion elr,llarai
f woo 11.. (hl wheat, 11 • 41te1 gl•sius
Cluitos Says So, Too.
eatatw, New ii:r.t.
Me. Ibrhl. McLwln, of Ge,4lerkh.
will lie 11'aiden of the eotutty tide
year, and will wake a popular ufllerr.
A Palpable Hit.
Jnta)'s Chtsee. .
1f we recollect- wield/ this is the
first occasion oat which The Loudon
'Timer has been wild Aiwa. the IHgott
Yellow Journalism. _.
London Ad, ertror,
The 1Vjnnilwg Telegram sleeks
the Jape as "Laurier 's yellow .1
A journal which uses such la.guage l*
a yellow pest.
Ever Notice Tbia T
1:u01ph Nlereuty.
mould WI election* rumba
this fact wit but few excepts
The matt who is elected for the
time usually head. the poll, and each
succeeding year his maturity usually
grows *mallet.
Mistakes Will Happen.-t,":+a
l.wvtun .ad. et tis.m.
e• It lista always *twined an accident
that !helm 'snotty, it stronghold sit
Lihrt•mlisma in the past. ' should have
elected three Conservative members
in 116.11. Fur many years it sent. a
*did Liberal tv,ntingeul to the House
of Coutsuoink
the - 1. tench 1,.' p l m.ahiat• tariff gives
no Nd vantage, but if there is one n
tinder the coming revision of the
Fe 'Itch tu•ilf ('ausd.a will have the
benefit of it. Ou limber and lumber
there it an advents ;e of farm twenty.
five G• thirty•tbl'ee t e • rent.., and of
Hr►t this France imported to 11tH forty
until/in dollar: worth. (hi word
pulp, sit which Fr:tw'e• tnllwn•teed wren
million dollars worth, the tul('aautuge
is twenty ler cent. for chemical pulp
and thirty-three per rent. for mech.
r ' :al pulp. On iron :and steel, of
Which 1- • •e imports considerable,
the :taloned Ake runs up G. twenty per
cent. 1)D lead the advantage is Nlswt
!fifteen per cent. lin leper the advan-
tage is twruty-(brave per lent. Ou
hides the advantage is fifty two cent..
mod t he Fre o c it importations
atuefluted to live millions. lett lawuts
:eel sh.s•14 of w
ht1.Frans* imported
ewe Million efollo s' worth. the ndvnn-
tag.• 1•y the treaty is twenty per cent.
t)ir u.griculturtal implement14, of which
France imported seven ulilliuu dell urs'
worth in It5V, the treaty +advantage is
forty per cent. Altogether Prance in
the year 1114).1 imported goods dealt
with i11 the treaty to the value of
three hundred millions, to the mar-
ket i. Ftrite 1 tile opportunities
great for the eaten-- . Canadtta
sales to Fran/ e ' ler the treaty.
,Isk Whoa,..
Was This r ,
ahp•htll Ad .Orale
A 101'eigu0', no ' tell blit de-
feated for councillor in the town of
tioderich, aveurasked, it elected, what
stand he would bike tow*t•db local
option. Ilia reply was, "1 don't
know : 1 never tort he twat and don't
know where he liven."
A Town Afloat
(xt awn CH tacit.
It has Igen custontary tar liken the
big Atla brie liner to a Hunting hotel,
but tbe me.. recent depnrtuteindicates
that the ambition of at least Otte • -
pany is to make their ser uuships
floating towns. They are to have
whops, a theatee, greenhouses, restaur-
ants, gy111nrW' ands ' ' g laths.
We pre/mute the reataurw*W will 1*
ua the European plan, which will af-
fect a cunsidentble saving fur some
Two Ezaasples of Journalist'.
Ottawa ►'roe Pies,
Antrum'. Tory corm As come down.
Mr. Robert Held, • of the el
stoners sit the National Transcontin-
ental Railway, last week entered suit
for libel against The London Free
Press. On Saturday that paper /*poke
gized in capital letter., two col
wide, just so that uob.ody couldsdoubt
the sincerity of He apology. Coinpare
that with the manner in which TI
Toronto Globe accepted 13rxttic Nee
bite's libel actions. A Liberal new
paper generally waked sure that, it
right before it'stalwart etatemcnt, an
wtryheit,n it is made is peeparetl to sti
The Ideal Way.
Talmo, N.atunlay Nigh.
11. P. JlcMahon.of Woodstock, is
a candidate for the lural board of edu
cation. On tnlllinatien day bit ex
plainer' his views on *rhos,( matters
and in very plain words informed th
electors that he Mars allowing his natty
to stand leae*.Ise he felt this to be
duty as .a citizen, but he was not ge
Ing to make the lean effort to secure
election. If the people wanted 1 '
to serve he would du so, but he con
'tittered that he conferred a great,
favor `on the people by serving then
than they conferred on hue by elect•
ing laical, On those terms be WAS a
candidate. The Sentinel -Review says
that. untested all 1t WAS ten hear a can-
didatespeak in that way. the electors
heartily applauded. On pilling da,
Mr. McMahon w'Rs elected. It seem
to show that it isn't really nice.Nar
to give the voters guff.
The Postal Depactmeot's Blunder.
Windsor i:eoarl.
ID its last issue The Fermer't Sun
tleyotes pomp attention to the ahrogn
tion last May of the poste( convention
between (hie country and the United
States, de.eribing that act as au ••i
defensible blunder.' The Record
never doubled the blonder and bas
never minced words in a reference to
the department's ort, depriving Can-
adians as it. dues front access to the
best and chesapent periodical literature
in the world. The chief reason sal
.vatced for the change was the hear
burden borne by the ptrstt'Mce eta
tloyees in distrilsltion of United
States puhlieatiots, but the postn(Hce
exists for the t:onvenirnee of the
people, who rend what they wall and
want what they desire to read. Usn•
attiring heed tie ptotettien front t tht•um-
selas as to their trading Walter, and
to nall1'p such a futctinn is pure pre•
wimp, iott sutd :a distinct obstruction of
the perp se of the postal system, not
only inshutting nut the hest piddle •
tints with the poor one*, but AS prac-
tical) extinguishing
l IC C''IY9 r '
Y1 dl o
of 1ltnadian newsap9•s entente hu
multitude of 1'tuyadbine in the Ceded
States. As The Snn'says in closing,
the late psmlil convention "was alike
tor the lrtwdening of hnmuu knowl-
eJ r and d ..IIs
K ul. n •
ti tananc • o .
urhti.nls with elm' neigbla,re... R
Concessloos 10 Franc..
Tile:u•ticles 011 which C.tled.t gives
F'nnc, special treatment latter than
the intermediate tariff pros ides ere :
Vegetables. except tomatoes.. and in•
eluding baked leans in cane, whirl)
come in at the prefer•ytrll rate of a
erne, while the intcrutediate is at quar-
ter of a rent higher : anchovies and
sardieee conte in lit the preferential
.1 two cents, which i*,a cent less
than the inteuuediate ; nines to
twenty per cent. slreugth cootie in At
fifteen cents, while the preferential
and intermediate rotas Alp twenty-five
cents : wines to twenty-three twr
rent. coeur in at twenty rents, while
the preferential and intermediate
rates are tweuty•11(•e cents : Snake itel
the prefetrt:tial nate of fifteen per.
cent. for fiction and live per cent. for
periodicals. ; while the intermediate
rate is twenty-t1!vu_ and a half per
1e cent. and Ion per cent. : dhows are to
cntuc in at twentyHre per tent. while
111e preferential emu ' Illtergiediate
Jrates are fifty per rent.: olive nil gets
ck rent e ha gainst the interu►cd wteretatial emu of *M'atn e .1r
twenty per cent. ; velvets and silks
get a nor cif twenty per cent., while
the pndrtamtittl rate 1s seventeen an
s A halt and the intermediate ra,t�
- twenty-seven and rt half per cent
- manufacturers of silk pay as tate of
thirty-two and a half per cent„ while
e the prefonentiaal rate is thirty And the
e intermediate rate thirty-five per cent.
banking and business.
Tilenle etas, ..
- 1Vi111 the paaesing of the season of
r panic acre* the litre. and with it the
danger of a1 Lull all any 1'anatdiau
lank, the IsolieY of extreme conser-
vatism that has hampered Cayndien
trade and industry 11, uo lunger Pali-
. Heel. The !auks have felt impelled to
s reduce advances and strengthen re-
' serves at a time when mune wits
most urgently needed. This policy
has been defended nn the grounds of
Hnanciat dranger and the ditty of'sink-
ers to their shareholders. Hut Neo fat-
' aA it has Iseetl promoted by rivalry
and needless timidity, the' duly of
- 'hankers to the genetul public should
Ian n deter ulining eonsideratioi. Ac-
cording to the November statement,
the specie end Ili ' tun notes held
by the chattered lsinks aggregated
E7o1,l ,3x$., ms compared with only
ti70.fe't.0.i held in the same month
year ago, . A year ago the total
' hal.ilitit's were S77,4.7 17.10116. ea MM.
piled With only $7:threw ,:,;,1 in No -
yr miter, III(/7. While the total liabili-
ties have been reduced by twenty-
tw,, millions during the year. the
holdings of specic•end Dominion notes
have been increased by abut six
mitten's. Of course the hanks have
abundance of other Assets to sleet
their I' 1 'nl
Ites but ttho specie cfe and
notes are held igniust sud-
den demands.
In titles of pt•usperity the bunks
lend (lively tool let theft• reserves run
Ines t Ili encouraging eve
Y line or
enterprise. \
comes they eau sustain their earnings
by reduced leans at higher rates.
Thi. ',intuits the strengthening of re-
serves tlg.aiust the danger of a panicky I
d.•msrid, and is in veto way saalisfae-
tory from a banking 'standpoint.
F'ruut (Ile standpoint of the holiness
+ ity there are e10111('t mf C0111 -
p 1 n i u t, . Ace ,dation becomes
retest r'strieted when it ie most fn de -
mond. l'hc enterprises encouraged
by freta advances during limes of pros-
perity are t'Ioesdd up by the refusal, of
advance/v. The pyhl(e Mud ebundence
of money when it is least in demand,
and an aggravated stringency when
thedeutand is most urgent, instead
of exerting a regulating inHurnce, the
IPndenr'v of the (Nanking policy i$ to
help a plcthoraa and accentuate A
stringency. The tenet% en now being
nectimi dajt•rl lire no longer justified by
any tenantable fens of a panic. They
serge to tie tip funds t•e.plitrtl in com-
merce nod industry. Stich extreme
caution is all the less instilled un ac-
count of , the policy of the Finance
Minister In affording relief and pro-
tection. Bone banks have Made at
eerie,* effort to meet the needs of
their customer' by ignoring woe/bible
eritklam of their diminished 1 esti ver.
Mt a should be appreciated by tht-
public; and followed as an example by •
he loading ('Anadion bank, -1.s. As
be time of danger is past, the istnks
can give greater attention to the needs
( the public and less to rho• strength.
Favorable Tariff For Canadian Cattle,
Horses, Fish a'nd Other Products.
(1;taws. Jou. 6. 1'tel•r•slondenct• rc-
latiug to the negntiatItm of the new
French (laualdian • treaty has beery
pri'GNI in blur Ie ef. furca, :mil will Is.
pr•senlerl to the Hoose when it meets
on Wedst'selai next. There is also
included a schedule showing the
torment ml g. sols dealt w•it1. )nyder the
treaty alocil Prance impolite anti
which Canada produce* for exporta-
tion. The return gin Ls the French
general tariff And the French i ijti•
inunt tariff. thus clearly %bowing the
lidventaweir Canada will feceia•e by the
.application of the latter tariff to Ceti.
,elian exports to France. There is al.
so shown the vein.. of Ije gavels under
each trent which F •c imported in
11J),1. In atWition there Is a schedule
nf,tbe ('nnrulhan duties on articles in-
cluded in the treaty showing the Can-
adian general tariff, the British prefer.
entiit tariff, the Canadian intertned1-
tariff which is generally given In
nch products, anti showing al*I,
special duties which in a few cases
were given to France ata lower taus
than the intermediate rate. In a few
Instances France has been given a
tariff rate lover than the Hritlsh pref.
enure. Irowever, when the budget
speech is made it will be announced ,
that in all of these cases the rate to
Greet Britain wil! Lt• reJut:d to lbs
Fret).6 tariff rate. I
What Canada Secures.
The ar•hr•rinlrs show that the ndi11n-it
loge of fhe F'twnrh minimum tariff
which (' mple °Natnn is from twente-
lit•e to thtrt.y per cent. in the rase of o
A Fantastic Proposition Outlined by
Winghann Advance.
The Wiughau. Advance of lase
week had the following :
A mutter of our exchanges have
outlined the twasible changes iu the
complexion of the three Iluron rid•
intro, as at presented constituted for
the Ontario Cegislatutc. The Ad.
vette.) has not, till now, given itny
outline, because it has nu authority Is.
speak on the •object, our du we knew
what the itoreytions of the Govern-
ment luny be ink he natter.
1t Is said. Ituw•ver, that Premier
Whitney bas vxppteus•d hilure•If as op-
iou'd to the t(ivisiJu of the ttutier
{wlitie., end sit peweut two township'•
In Huron are divided, via.. Buffett and
liuderidr (tuwvehily. If suunieired.
hien Alt' not, to be divided some
change will be necessity.
The ftd'uwing is one of the outlines
suggested :
WEST HI'RON -Composed of Wing•
Am, Tut•uherry, Hawick, \Vroz•
etre, Morris. Ilr•ussrls. Myth, East
end West 11'awanosh and Aehfleld,
EAST Hl'HON Composed of the
town of .Gt.dcrirh, Unlhut•tar, Hal-
lett, Gley, MtKillup, 'ruckersnlilh,
$t aforth and Clintons
140I'TH HURON---t'riorne, ?Stephen,
11 t;•, Stanley, (aederich township.
Exeter, Meisel' Roti Bayfield.
Now, be it clearly untierrloe,4d that
The Advemw is not advoeating thin
divisitrrl nor do we know that it will
1 0
the one chosen,
for .
v P
have nu
mitten ity to speakon that. Zine. The
niwvr is only one of the Neverul out-
lines suggested, lit its favor, it is
claimed That the populations are
(yearly equal. Also that• pnlitil•alty 1
it would not ivaterielly utter the
comity. The West riding would be
good fighting ground : the East would
he Worm!. all it is at present. and the
oothproeBm(. would be Csinser:atiee ad At
Ilowever, other suggest' may be
land have beeel made. It is easy to
draw plane, that may be cast ill-
tu the waste -basket when those who
control the situation say of what
nuluicipalities the new ridings shall
It is. huwevcr. Gal nitwit to expert
Gm any division can ha Made that
will be altogether satisfactory to all
M •
edam Nordica
Tells 0a•d w
s Mow to Make a
In, the \Voluan'* done Colima tiott
Madame Lillian Natalil•a writ./., i
regard to the leaking of a progrnul :
"In making a program, the Hot
thing of importance to be cousi lewd,
after n careful selection of the num-
hers, is the securing of contrast end
variety in the order of their arrange-
ment. The grave, the gay, the
serious, the joyous, should always be
placed in contrast, forcontinuity mf
wood in expression mars or deatroye
the effect of even the hest songs,
"Fur Man lire, one or two quieter
songs should be followed by brighter
and more Joyous onlst, incidentally ex-
ertions* a:tee that seventh numhcre in
the some tiliyr--two four or three-
four, ea the eat* ltwv bit -Jo not fol-
low each other, for that leads only to
monotony, the very flying we desires
to ovoid.' 1t is well to Isegin it recital
with inu,wthing (Jong simple Hees,
and of n ehnracter general in its
.1pi*.iI. Thr ta'ngrnut as a whale
should gradually increase in 'brilliancy
as It prop,-l•ssrs, introducing the more,
effective numbers toward the close.
To follow any other course weniki pro-
duce an anti -climax,"
Our uu.n.uenlent trams oboe.
Bookkeeper-. Stenographers and
Telegrapher. than any other In
aa't.•torn (Intarlu No extra r halve
fur two 0mrsw.
Moat etpinemll)' gn.Ain.al Iostroei
Of.. undo rtes assisted to goal
Positions- tether colleges regale
our gond site- M teacher.
1 ltd i e {dual 1,411.111011011.
)MAIL ('oURAgCS in Nalri.'ula
tion, ('1,11 .errtce. l'ennlanahip.
Shorthand. fluokkeetang, etc.
aboutd Cso rIt '.(;ka'mere i'HAyro
Huaw•nli.lox BPst,trw l'i1.LrAnto.
int .Ile merit. of• •
horses, ,Lich F•'raust imported in IPA
eking of their owu defences.
11 is the most tac..canful buslue.. •
!reining school Im Western Ontario.
Our ('nrnuorvfal Shorthand and
Tulra.aphie ih•partmentn are lit the
charge of Able in-tructo- of °sorer.
nee. Allu
o r 0011
txs are thorough.
u . .da
D le and
practical. w"
c have
ette este of Ihr brce.t busines.
R in the
Pro s1 e
tan our tree catalogue ince.
shat we nor dolour. owunekirnfel
schools es well es husinetw men stn
play our graduate,. Student• ars
ntering each coca. 1.;NTKK Now.
Principals, •
eeell •N••••�ON ••wee♦
'1'11IY \VOIILI, IS A 1316 1'I,AL'F;
•11111 lin. Oroiy of ram. and Ihm,wutd,
of °pond nn(tio.• for those whet are
worthy and prepared. You ,sake
yourself worthy sad the
III WWII() yo1. l lm,o 11051 sod Rite
ns An oplort tatty of show env you hot.
ii�•pr Iwo' Yonne mon and woolen for
.d m"•f tln.s.. 4 her r twing,tc
1.'L es (all latrtlruln,,. Write for woe.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
('or. Yonge and Alexander Sta.
Winter Tcrna In all departments of
the a eetr.l B ushte.t f oUean, T,son
35.of! r:,t!endidc a set for spxd
u:g a few months pleasantly aril
Dwoatably. Twent ya'•e tea:bora
catalogue free. Write for It.
W. H. SHAW, Principal,
E. R. SHAW, Secretary,
t\1: F: n.. .I ulrttlt,lltn en• T,tr"io
W. Acheson & Son
Continue their Annual Sale
.,...F., TABLE LINENS�e�s....,,
A magnificent lut of Cloths. Napkins, Doylies, ate.. tlsuatly eouu(et' u
dust roiled. cleat utg at out--thil(1 les* than regular price. •
Hl'NDRISDO or Esvps of Silks, Drew! (karts toad Nailing, iu lengths of "
from one to ma yards, all now marked and ticketed for fast clenruag out sr t
VRAUTIUN sir iKl(IINAI. rN,Cfr. They are odd lines soil cods of our highest
class and hent gads laid out for this January sacrifice sale mud Wel invite out
ciatotnel•s W avail, them/bet Yes tarty,
Larne. mid Meu'■ Fur ('oats are now moving well. Head lust week s
raper for list of cut prices at which we Etre letting our big stuck go out.
JmRliee heavy Tweed and Beaver C'luth Coats, seaen-eighths Icuglh, hand -
trimmed and Iiued, t•egular $11) And $1E fur Eli. '
ea r Meds Fur Costs, Sat.00. selling at $3o_oo.
•t', 1.l., t.A•:, -- - ---- -
W. Acheson & Son
Anybody who has the "detenuina-
tion' caan. heeotne a good penman if
he or she will intelligently follow
our instructions and practice an hour
or so a day fora few months.
Penmanship is of far greater im-
portance than most young people
We know from intimate acquaint-
ance with business men that there
Isn't anything that creates a more
fllemberp el Maoism Eaeceaera'
favorable impression on an employer
than the neatness and legibility of
an applicant's handwriting.
\\'nte for our large. illustrated free
catalogue. It explains our $urines;
and Shorthand Courses in detail.
Shotes the value of an education in
a school which is a member of the
Business Itlucators' Association.
The demand for graduates is
greater than we can supply.
Prisciosl Landes.
Fine Tailored Garments
a�a r71814111.1.1111.1114 /d/
! Our EMULSION of COD LIVER (7IL is so prepared that people
with the most delicate sto(nachs can take at. it is on ! or the best remedies
for the cure and prevention W toughs and colds. Who n needing a cough or
cold cure try our Etonlaioo.
1L•The Store that Pleases. '° '• GODERICH
sterelesn aims amen sen1011MISi tlesegee )
What do
they read?
The children in, you' • family as they
grow up ? Are they becoming post-
ed on the th.ngs th at every good
citizen and every goo d human being
ought to know ? Do they read the
happenings of their tov ,n ? Are they
in touch with the grey t movements
of the great men who are making
history not only for Ol it continent,
but for the world ?
If not, then two thing s should be
found in your home : A tt opy of The
Signa every week atoll, a copy of
McCure's Magazine eve ry month.
These two periodicalis. give well-
rounded reading matter for every
home in this community,and they
can be had together for $.4 o a year,
while separately they v. 'ol.'ld cost
$3'00a The Signal for one year, gt .00
McClure's for one year, 1. Ao
$3. 00
The two together for $2., $o to any
address in Canada.
The above pace includes prepa>g( postage ea A!e:Cliares.!
The Signal, Go derich.