HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-1-16, Page 1P'H
handsome calenh aubacrtber pay
in advance for The Signal
for rgo6.
Call and get one.
h1AT1trrn TRAA-Na tu7s
r -
at The -Signal's hat of clubbing
offers orr. page 6 of thta week's
issue, and select your reading
natter for tgo8. We tan sup-
ply .JI the leading publruttofts
at a saving to our subscribers.
VANAVrfat & 1toBE1tTS0N, Puauallags
you will experiuueu that happy feeling which coulee to those
who. know that their p osnewslous are hare, am it savings acoated
with tbie company is just ass recurc'ta (all itiveetUlent its (iuvern-
uient Bondi and yields a higher rate of income.
FOUR iwt• Dent. lutenist (wit on depusite dud wouey r.c, 111•
withdrawn at any time.
Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square.
C)py of change or running advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
u, issue of same week.
x'or Bale
rhe, and Retitle handier for *ode Erose .bk•►.
Neely l° 34I,11F I(Tt1iLL1 )1 111. further Particulate `1 +
Neal )state tor Bale.
1, ►:ISAL elute and po.Lod kU bueino'+' et-
telute 1 'ISIS store and r.s(de tier of
.Whim 11)41 cern•
C. P
. I
eight M avow . . ear
is -Mete to elwla:hF clad wheel. A1,ply to
MKS ,e)NNN, t'.rlow 1. U. 431f
1 rent. comfortable Aimee to rent. Mt dl ung
conr'reliant to *',IWIro. Hell rawu�e.
.ell to responsible piny who
.,lc Moderate rash 1411) went with balance to
e hey n,staltnrnle. ear pet Oculars apply at
I iiia OFFICE.
I 44.atermaolt I':, 33. 34.4 'thorn, 4Y1111prisi0l(
1111.,(4•111, 411 ,-l(1+r' d. These is a good. comfort -
.1i. trance deelh„g !muse scot. „*Iter ufdet•
'warne a gold feeme tornetad repaired and ea
leer t. with a .'event feund,rlou, hem. awl all
.tabled our. There is a targe young oeheed et
sham a bearing fruit tar.. 13 ell watered 1'y a
-enter reek end lwu wells. F'en•mi sad et err•
thew w goel re 3r. For term. watt reu-
;ar epee to NI I M. ALLIeN er JAS. MI' 1N.
\ F:1' oI by mei) to Mle Poet (!din•. Mein
'Messina, JAI,. 3111.
Fall wheat. per burp. new .. . pi nal to , 11)
seeing wheat, per keel*. new 0101 to 11 34)
!ape, per bu.11 a 61 to a I9
1►urkwheat. per bush0 Wt to 14 WI
1 1o. per bush.. new 44 11 (0 11
!'Ides• per bush ........ 0 7 a .; to 0 et
Barley, per bush0 et le 1 Wt
leeetwemrirlper ton ... _ 1r ((1 to 111 Ui
Flour. family, per cwt .. 2 Sal hr " 511
Flow, patent, percwt Y In to 3 110
Brom per ton yl n) to el IM)
Mbortm, per ton Ila in to et IMI
'fey. crew. pre los le unto 17 :at
33 om1. per cold 6 1111 to a 00
Rutter. per Ih....................0 1y to o el
('hems. peril) 13 to 4)32
Iffio. 1re.1e per dos y) to 0 2e
1'otaatewmp. new . .... . Ji to l) j1
()Attie, adh,'y to good. per cwt. W to
1'MMUc export, per cwt. 611 to
Flog., live %eight. per eel61 to
ft Ing !.rube en to
13 p, per cat JI) to
per Ib n Ill 10
per lb . 013 to
0 04 to
Hides. per OWL ....: I tat to
Sheepskins ... ' i k)
l'hlekens ... lu to
Turkeys.. .....
_ .. . Ix te
N rut...kI..In.rilsle oil wigs al
4 7.5
4 to
0 IS
0 Y)
0 03
( 911
LUT D, irotioe__
I' bo*.
r.huer• of Toledo Ohio. has evened
up berm.. .) the late 113. Itlrkbrdoe
.tend. epel attention will be paid to lawsle
end interfering hos..
l). lake road ease Colborm. town -
.4.1, t .0 mace from Goderich. 1:11 acres. goal
e'er loam. brick )w,u•e. Mini x 407, with
nn)n•nt .tartare. artomklu well, water h1 hulk,
nig• and .0,4,rg creek. 2 acme .trending timber
,rel toting attire. Apply to C. t'. 314 NIKIL.
I 4 Leri. 1 .O. 044
►:•rase arab, lioderkll. Ort.- Varna ard
'ewe p(Wserties langht. sob! and ezcbangedh
C Fel:TA13I) Wick homes overlooking the
had,0,; en n.,d0ro Oeairet0taat•.•e, 1n,h)dtng
hot ester heatu1r. Apply to YOUN" A 4306
KHTWON. Ooderieb.
I LENT land fur market weeder', web good
teddlrge sod femme; two tole. from lode•
neh, the eerie. In orchard of apples, pear-,
Plume cherrts., peache., temps.. and !wap.
1.301)". I'r.. and term. t. wsblu. Apply to
l.1'VG 6c K'HEK1MON. Oolericb.
f' ).0 .1)IKlrxa olrret, 13 dory house 011
Nneacr street. 14 story ben.° a) Rlgtn twi-
ne,. 1 etory houee on Victoria' ,dicer.
Two-story brick home on Neese arrest near the
lee.: erne roans. all *004.0n oerivcnisuces,
re. Incvfde deed ; nine road.. all it 'adore Car
.rtlienl•r.. FAnna for mare In any part 01
Huron county. YUCNO t 1ttellE1LTSON,
Dederick, Ont.
+N ExCELLI.N't 8'AIt Fult
tt MALE. -310aty In West Win wanewh. two
mites from Auburn t mil a cline beta. shout 1e(
mese under cultivation 'Reid i) to el niece
ember. A well end (wo s of 'ate), 111
new berme dwelling a bane stable mid
driong shed. Apo1y w OCN46 i ItOBILHT•
244 1S. tioderich.- -- --
sat -clam Ort -acre farm In West 'Wawa
hush. con•esslou 2,lel 27, with. 17.; area )0
good nate of cutivation. welt fenced. well
'at000d.wood orchard. large bank barn, goad
huu..e. 1'.w.telllce, blacksmith «hop and story
et renter of fanoe renverdept to reboot and
rhureh. 33 mike from 3'. P. 1t. ellelon a1
luburu. Terme easy. W. A. HARRIiy0Ni.
I.uckmow•. UM.
1e :tem frontage on we of the main thor
ane. Addlror. Doe Vfoe iek NIONALet tOFF'ICE Ina
ME YOlt MAi.F:. - A NINE
toon,ell frame dwelling. hating a 11ow1
emotion. on Keay.. Oroel. Mons foundation
and summer kitchen. good stable. Will be mold
remote Elyy.� For further- particulate apply to
Mite. W11. N1. CAl:UHAN, 11 Davie* are.,
Termite. 'eel!
council of the surpOtAlion of the county
of Huron will meet In the council chamber. he
the town of Orden. h. we 1ue.day, the '6th day
of Januar at 3 o'clock p. In.
All pare" Moine arroent. wain": the
county are meshed to pleas the mum *Kb
the clerk on or before the fah.
Dated January ►7t11. Ixul.
Children's Aid.
The annual meeting of the Uhil-
drrul Aid Society will be held in the
court; •hours 011 Monday aftcrnoou
next. January 'ylth. at 1 o'clock. for
receiving reports. electing officers for
IiO4 and transacting any other busi•
new to be brought (before it. All per-
sons at all interested iu protecting dud
bel 0hug neglected, or unfortunate
children are cordially invited to
Electric Railway and Power Scheme.
J. W. Moyes, C. E., was in town
during the week and the local leen in
Comte tion with !with the Ontario and
West Shore Electric Railway Co. and
the MaiUtuld River Power Co. have
transferred their rigida to him and
his Boston friends. He is expected
back its town in the course of a week
or so sod cru early start in cunne:liuu
with loth the electric railway and
the tower ache'''s is looked for. The
property and rights tranrfrrred le -
chide in the neighborhood of MJI'tercel
of land.
A Leap Year Promenade.
The Goderich Collegiate Institute
Literary Society bel urgauiitel fur the
present term with the following offs=
cent : President. H. Tindal*: first vice-
president. G. Robinson; second vice-
president, Miss L. ('lark : secretary.
B. Cane ; lt'ensalrera Miss M. Fraser :
editor, G. E. `\-igbtwan 7 assistant
editor, B. 3V. Long : pianist, Miss A.
Hamilton : councillors. H. Ruther-
ford. II. lease and A. Mcl.enuau. The
Society is opening the -term with a
leap year promenade totuonow (Fri-
day) evening.
The New bandmaster.
(3mrTeemesr --Heinle been melted to be a
woddale for director. i Lev. awt.ruted. 1
take thM oppoetuotty of thanker( you tor Hee
goal vote you gave me In INS and would bow
reek for a renewal of your confidence. If
elected 1 will e.ideavie to abeam the limit
interests of tie rompan)' Come ant on Jan•
uwr} fend ant hear all Matters In ronuectlou
witty the •teepee, die m...ed.
Wishing all a happy New Year 1 an, roe
.pecthdly your., J. A. MALLOUGH.
Dungannon, Jan. 3, lull,
form for sol.•. Adapted for mixed fanning
or t(a't ere, 9/ 6. -res eleered, 10 acres goat orch-
44n1, 1-, epees Komi timber. Sell a goal black
In' loan1. flood frame house, frame barn and
'en11l0', gond driving sped. IDLs el and 3/,
(1,11 1,11111)(1 1, Uotlerich townnbop, Area le
l'liel'I)Fl40T, HAYS R BLA1R lir to CAS.
J. WALLiS (Tinton. 1,:1f
11TAD Orrice
., .. i*10141xgn CAPITAL,
Tomes ro
• =eurtlen
TU Ri6cLIVE UktaseIT!t
To accommodate the F,uluers
we have opened Branches in the
villages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
opened by deposit of 1131.48)
interest at:1 . enmpoun4
ed quarterly.
4 11 fhfttlCB BRANCH
A. 0. GAMBLE. Marcher.
1 coulee owing to J. H. Worsen & eel roust
11e settled at ones. or ands will be Incurred. .1.
that the thirty Armed minted meeting of
the McKillop Mutest! Vire Insuranre Company
will le held at the town hell, Seaton h. un Fri.
day. January 173h. 11aw. et ( oclowk p, m.
�Huelne..- inviting the directors' auditors'
acrid ieseesnror• mewl., election of three
dlm•tors and such other ,nt*lne... wr 40*V flu
neee.ear for the goand welfare of the ( once
pony The good retiring director., aro Jamul ('on-
•. George Dale end John Watt, who are
eligible for reelection. JOHN B. Me LEAN.
Pn•sdent THOS. E. HAYM teecrelarv.
Mennen. ltev. lt, W. Millyard per-
formed the ceremony. Only the 311,•
mediate relatives were prereut, the
gathering numbering eliuut twenty.
After the ceremony crud the tendering
of congratulations the guests sat down
to an excellent welding supper and a
happy evening was spent in music and
Public School Board.
The statutory tuectiug of the public
school board wee held last evening.
A. D. McLean was reappointed chair -
nein of the hoard. Andrew Porter
Was appointed to the Collegiate [testi-
lute board, J. A. Fowler to the public
library toned and J. H. Tigest to the
high school exitininatiol board, and
the regular meeting night was fixed
for the first Monday in the mouth. as
heretofore, at M o'clock, The cow•
mitts(% were left the mime as last
veer. with the subetiLutiou of James
Tnit'r moue fur that of .1. W. l'naigie.
The committees a an follows : Con-
tingent -Messrs. 11. C'utt, 0. F.
Carey and J. S. Platt. Finance -
Meosrs. A. Maunders, 0, F. ('grey and
W. Acbebon. School maul-geuetnt
Messrs. H. H. Cott. James Tait nut!
It. E. Hodgens.
An Early Wedding.
A quiet welding took place 40)
Wednesday ,corning at St. George's
church ata o'clock, the privici3retM toe-
ing Robert Raymond \'otter, of
Detroit, and A Gertrude, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles
\Vella, Bayfield road. The ceremony
was prrfot rued by the rector of the
church. Rev. 111. Turnbull, and the
bride and groom were unattended.
The bride wee attired in a grey travel-
ling suit and wore a large grey
hat trimmed with white wings.
She was giveu away by her father.
Mr. and Mro. Vetter left on the 7:15
it, ua. train for a 0,3sit to Toledo. the
grooms former haute, before making
their home in Detroit, where the
groom holds the position of foreman in
one of the departtnentr of the Packard
automobile works. The bride was
Following the rerigtlatlnn of frank
Smith n e w {x
f ) the position of conductor
of the Goderich Musical Society's end
:gird Regiment hand. a new grand-
master hos been appointed, in the per-
son of J. Mchade. late of the •Lith Reg-
iment and Sylvester latnd, Lindsay,
Ont. Mr. &(:bade :arrived Ultima Last
night to take charge of the band. Ile
is a native art Germany and by travel-
led considerably in connection with
bands and orchestras and has had an
extensive experience :along these lines.
Before coming to Canada he spent
'twelve year* in England.
Coming Events.
The annual sleeting of the (lode -
rich Horticultural Society will he held
in the office of the secretary. William
Lane. on Saturday evening, lath inst..
at M o'clock.
The West Hanoi Agriculture'
Society will have its annual meeting
on 'W.dnesdey afternoon next. Jan-
uary t*fnd, at 1 o'clock, in the town
The January *essinu of the county
council opens on Tuesday, Jauuary
The non -jury riLtings of the High
Court open on Tuesday next, January
21st. '
Women's Institute.
There was a pleasant gathering of
the members of the Goderich branch
of the Women's Institute at the
home of Mee. Warnock on Thursday
afternoon of last week. Mn. Jenkins,
district president, and Mee. Watts.
district secretary, paid this branch en
attend visit, lath addressing the
meeting in a pleasing manner. Ar-
rangements were made for the an-
nual oy*tee supper, of which notice is
given in this paper. All ntemheva of this
branch will be admitted to supper
without ticketo. Members are re-
gneoted to meet at the Oddfellowi
hall on Thursday nfter000n. January
Public Notice
Tenders will be received by aaiguee up to
noon on
for the purchase of the stork and hook ac•
tounla belonging to the.: -tate of David Stud
dart Ooderioh.,aa per hetm oterl
Hook n1y,N/unta 61,(01 Iii
4611 134
Stock sheet and accounts may be examined
at the pewlees. Hamilton curse eloderch.
Tette.: Twenty per cent. of purchase price
to be paid to aedgnee on .ceeptenee of tender.
"whence In three and .Ix months. secured by
S prated moor note". hearing interest at 7 per
cent. per engemnuUl� paid. ' •
l'roudtoot. W. ye t Blair.
'Then'. ell) he offered for tale with the me
twgyel of leo Loud Marler et Heflin. at the
CoIbotn1 Honse, lis the town ofeeiodedch. at
1 o'clock In theafternoon, nn
SATt-itU.a Y. THE 2.3T'H DAL' of J.AN1 -
AI:Y, 110)3
►. J. 1'* tfuw cats fill your wart* iu tailoring.
whether On a bu.lue+e hull y.11 wast ora nue
moonilg.vU. and no matter what your deelm,
bas make 1. eusranteed to wit.
Timm 1. n* much difference !wet wed; one
photograph and smellier a. the notedly fell
copilot' of the Mittal old the OAretut attention
to the neechauka1 details of has work permit.
Oo to sallow+ fur the le.t wurk.
Pietwv framing ie Made en nil al 3V linter
i(ullh-o. 110 ker{r nu ((111141 a lance a..oAment
of I* i Dual ulouldiu,{. 0u1l&We fur .11 et le. of
p1rklurr". He keep.a lame emitter, of rnate
111I {lee's*', tau. If yell want a new well
'durouwr t wall acid .°e.
Judge Holt will hold Division Court
,b fullowr : Gort'ie, January '22 •
Brussel*, January g3 : - 1Viughtuu,
January 'l1; Seafortli, .laniary
Clinton, January an.
W. A. McKim has1asumel lair new
duties as cheek of the fowl 1 1 it clos-
ing up his dry goods burinPsa 011 Sat-
urday. Get some of the big bergnilr
the next cert'ple of days.
The gospel temperance lueetingr
will be res •d next Routley after-
noon in• -the 'L'etniwra»ce Hall. rum-
uarncing at 4;15. The meetings will
bet contilnled during the winter.
A load of rlxtl.(tn young people had
a merry drive to Clinton on Saturday
night. After skating at the rick they
had a pleasant social Mae and re-
turned to tuwu its the early morning
Iuhnatuu severed hie cuunec-
tiou with the town 4144 municipal
clerk yertenlay. ale has (opened up
a legal ufllee in the old staid on
1l»nlilton street, where his client* can
Hud hitt lie of yon'. .
J. T. Goldthorpe has sold six Lola be-
tween the Chemical Mall \Yorks and the
Wheel Rigs I.i.u's factory to the Doty
Eugine Co. for a sum in (he neighbor-
lifroll of $2•0110 end the Doty Co. will
start avnrk un their new factory t ight
One of the best starlet told in con-
vieaiau with the recent municipal
elections is al t nn enfranchised lady
who went to the pulls' rind wee smite -
always active in church work in con- what lorwilderel by the aurae of
nectioo With St. Georites mid was uxnuet on the !pallor for councillors.
organist of the A. Y. P. A. Her "Mo," she said. "I anted for the whole
tn:auy friends join i0 extending best nine of thew, to wake ter of it."
wishes for bright and happy future. A sailor who had footed it from
Cwitted t oth 'L11 Goderich leas c
The Marine Club's Social Evenln
R• witted to the count}- jtil during the
There were doings at the Marine week an a vagrant, beiug given a two
Social Club last night, when ,t Large mouths' term. A flue of 114 was iu-
nutnber of guests partook of the ham- plrreri oil another member of the
pitality of the Club, the gathering nautical profession this tvl'ek for
numbering about 110. The first part arrault.
of the program was progressive
The Maple Leat' Flout Mills ('cr.'s
euchre, in which Mel. I3edfunl took immense barrel still and pocking
the lady'e prize and Neil Mc vorh,)l the house lit Kenitra were destroyed on
gentleu)an s prier. Itrf which nt.
Tuesday night b fire, the her n�gre-
were than served, after which there
wen songs from Miles ukituingy(s, Mrs. gating about half a million. This in
Win. McCarthy. Caul. Tweedy nud the cuocern of which Wm. McNevin,
Mira Tema McDonald. and opeeche* formerly of town, ens recently vile
from James Tait, JohnMcKinnon and pointed brad miller.
P. D. McCarthy. The hi2pipes were J. W. Moyes, of Toronto, was in
elan much in evidilnce during the town fur a few days fast week, lie is
evening. and Highland dancing by actively engaged in plans fair the
Mr. Matheson, of Duluth ; Neil .1c' commencement of work on the Ontario
Callum, ot Ripley. and Ernenteraigie, Went Shore Ele•'tric Hallway, and
of town, was a part of the program intends w spend a good deal of lime
which was especially :appreciated. here in future attending to matter:: in
After the conclusion of this part of connection with the ra31wny.
the proceedings the flour was cleared At the meeting of the water and
and dancing was indulged in until the light 4:I111111i0aiO11 on Monda7 night
gun' hours were commencing to grow it wile decided to continue Engineer
hig. The members of the club are to Kelly as secretary of the C0111 Inissiou
be congrnwlate.11--dip' the success'uf for the quarter, carter which it is
their Nest social veutnre. likely the town clerk will be np-
Y. M. C. A. Work in Huron County. pointed secretary. The inspector
A county convention of the Poling appointed to wake en inspection of
Men's Christian Association has been leaky taps was asked also to make a
called by the Provincial committee of ceneue of water -Lal ere and the service
Ontario and Quebec to consider the Lilly have, an wan done n few yeers
county plan ot work and to 0rgn1147.44 lag°'
Muton county. The convention will CHURCH NOTES.
he held at Clinton nn Thursday :and _ _
Friday. ,lanu.ary Gird and '24th. and Jas. A. Anderson will conduct
the progrenl' will Ito as follows: Rev.
Thursday afternoon :. 1:31 p. in., De- anniversary services at Hills Green
votionel exerciser, conducted by C. 11. next Huntley. The esrviceo its Ken:
Keenleyeide, London, leader of the church will be its charge of Rev. 0.
Layman's Missionary Movement in W. S. Urquhart. B. A., of Kippen.
Landoll : "Huron County and Its 'tee. G. N. Hazen will preach wis-
Needs." A. Cullens, Provincial county sinners, sermons at Westminster,
work secretary. iwinduu : "The County Middlesex aunty, next Sunday, and
Work Plan," J. R. Boardman. county the pulpit of North street Metholist
work secretary of the international church will be occupied by ltea'. G. C.
committee, New 1 ork : business ties- Gifford, of Lambeth.
tion; 8:174. banquet. Thursday even- On Sunday evening iiev. G. N.
ing :-7:174, service of praise and Haien preached as sermon to young
prayer: address, "Magnitude of the people in North street Ntethodiot
Y. M. C. A. Work," C. M. Copeland. church, A Rgxcial choir. composted secretary for (Interim and solely of young men, was arranged
Quebec; addrres, "County Work in for the occasion by the organist, A.
dangerous to come in contact with.
The teams lined up as follows :'
oarlt.E.4,,, 100004 12
H. Car lei gumnl It. Rutherford
It. lour right g 1 F. MrNa'ght
1'. l'unwu centre union !turner
Orypre Dentin 1. forward A. Mclonuen
11. Nwa,m 1'. fortvanl IL Walters
Referee -Preston Strang
Judge of play -Donald Strang.
Chief tooter -11. Aitkens.
Goderich is the Lead.
'The week of the hockey matches on
Tuesday right puts Goderich its the
lead for this( district, the standing of
the teams at pre -vent Irving ea follows' :
11 on Lost To play
Oudet•ich :1 1 'L „
Seaforth 2 _ 2
Clinton 2 2
New Hamburg I a
Uoderich player •New hamburg herr
next Tuesday and the following Friday
good ta, Clinton.
The game at lieaforlh 1111 Tuesday.
night war a good gauge, with lots of
close checking. At Italia' the
)a0utr 514)0(1 throe Lo 11110 111 favor of
Seaforth anal at um. time the score
wits four to one for Seaforth, but by
the. time the hell rang Goderich had
evened up and the scuta was four to
four. Ten minutes' extra ay was
allowed and Goderich scute twice in
that time, defeating Seaforth six to
four. The line-up was RN fullowr
Uo,lcrich • !carom h
1). Melvin gust A. Wesl,o(t
.1. McLean poen! 1. 1McKeoz's
H. 11.Tnct* nitre poet; ('. belle
D. 31eDouahl lett wing T. Kennedy
John Wiggles centre • U. Reeve.
A. etcher tight wklg . A. Mchur
A. Mclean user P., Smith
Referee. E. 3 etbi lfer, Ik-slim.
The same uv0niug Clinton defeated
New Hamburg at Clinton eastern to
three. Thi. ice was good and the pity
fast. Referee, Crooks. of Clinton.
Drennan -Clark.
A Christmas Day wedding took
plate at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Mex. Clark. Mt. David's ward, at 1
o'clock its the Afternoon. when their
daughter. Miss herd. became the Midis
of Tennant Drennan, son of James
Drennan, Lanes. The bride was at-
tended by bee sister, Miss Peat•! Clark.
and the gram by hie brother, (ieorge
.111 seri sin4ol11* that ...cretin p reel r teect
of lend and nremiwm situate, lying and heIeC
In Ute low4sbip cit Mullett. in the county of
Huron end Province of IJnterla belug dim
posed of the southerly one hundred ecru. of
�A number forty -ono In the 'Mtete. mh amine.•
p,r000ppp rt�� thne ere ltownship
a hones. born land a0n the
seahle, elao atom ten ur tw.3 o aero. of fairly
geed bu.l, The soil to a clay law'. There 1e
about an acre of good orchard. 11 M watered
by a running sp ria( TLcro Me about weevil y -
tive acres fit for cult lvat la,.
The property M .delete In a good farming
Metric end la about eleven miles front U,xte-
rich. and two and,moebwl? miles from Auburn.
where )hero M a C. 1•. It. salts). School whh.
In one -belt mile.
The property will be altered for cele stihie*t
toresort erl Md which hal been fixer) by the
.cid Muster. The pnn•h.wer will try ten flet
'tud.. of t hiennroheminoney et the lime M the
.air t.. the tendors 0r their anl1Mtnh 61111 the
hnlan0' 1hen•nf ohan he mid Ito' erp(Mli011
of thirty day. After such +de. together with
interem !hereon al the rote of sit per rent. per
The vendors will ally 1e required to fumed;
a,cbrtrar'eah.u+it of title and to {emitter,
arch deede or coyotes thereof or evidence of
tele a.nee intheir 1,0014 14on• In Allotherre-
mt{ww•N, W the term. And condition. Of male win be
thsstandhistMelltime of the 1(Igh (effort of
Jodie's. Replying
FM(fl* parricide` em h. 1414 Sollei10 , Berlin
In Millet L MImA.
GUn it or
loutdfooe 1111” & Blair. Solicitors.
Laled et Dertln, December •46th, teb .
J.1. A. %vitlyt,
1,o,•ul MA*ter at Berlin
r/OH6g OL'K rocs 13Uedlyatatio.
"dirtier. canmlwdoner, notary public.
U. • Hemlltob street. Ouderkh• (mt.
Situations Vacant
11 rant. Most he good conk aMl have road
reference*. Apply to MISS UHIFF(TH,
Alexandra Hospital.
1001) (.IKi, WANTED. -TO iK)
T general homework. W 111 a month.
deed. to 311t8. DA1.11) DROWN. Angleeta
_ - _---
day. Throe year. experience.
GRACE L t YIELI/, reeidetic° of Miss Allen.
1 I'ANTON erre housekeeper with aced
lady. Addraa: 11007 tai, Oode'r1eh. thrl.
cxoeuo(•e of 11,e retro.. of the iete
Acheson have deeded to offer the
A Ye
real a4w re ,1clw•ehnli'. 1.md Hurd .l.e'k+f
Parties wiohing to invest in any of the alp%e
tweee ries can get full part 'tutees on applica-
tion la these ex(rU(ore.
Mite. FNMA S. Aulrw)v,
Kseoutl Ix.
J. P. !Moire 3 Executors.
11'11.61se At11M4UR F
Uotorkei. Dec. 9th, ter.
JL++/l--a-A-•av -
AVI'LrK Cliltl[iTMt�3
3-* good time tore art. New Ienn opens
nn Jen cid. Write fun eatalug'te; our
,,lateral. rates and other ndvanlage,l
wall interest you.
TlRITI,If AN4Rteee I$,.l Venn CIILIJ'nr
Vomit end WWI 0(0., T0100114
Mi.. .lenderson. dater of Mn. H. Park.
leaves a t to )akol*.
ate. Lada un K I
Lorne ('hryel*l has returned to town aIle,
Wending three year. In the %viol.
I'apt. Alex. ('ruelpt(lo and wife and mother left
for l let timid ort 3Vcdueeday morning.
Meet hig "if (0..". 4 .'nn• 1 w . 1.sup. Clerk. 1
Tile World 3.a Ing 1'; u e F:nluu Resew'
('once.. T.Ina,in
Lowest Rates .14e. keel. 1 I'. le .tg04(4-•.-6
10l tet ate tent lel 'testd.t',Allere,N1ral-
funf '
}trader.-- FAunlv Ilel.,fd rind 11'a•kly Star.. . s
Now tope's- 1 red fel embu'.. ('0uses. Tera)•
10 .. .J
Ureal MI000 0, 2r ( Int., l . Lae ... 1
Flake 1311 .1 al Yule -%Vetoer 1 . l'ridhau, 1
( ear neck Ntwe .1. 11. 1 ulhor n., , 1
1'4'1006cl44 Notre., ►111. Deems; !wrier.... ., r
Annual Sate 'out limed -33'. ,1nc�.uu A'Von 2
Assigme s Male Thee. (i and,�-„ Amiauee - . 1
lila Clear -mit. Yak• -John Mt•.eI ... , .. a
1)ressteakiul; N1i.. 1,11,11,141 . ... 1 .
Hurso elestilur---Ude 1 uu.ucs ... 1
Annual Milk Week Hudacn. llros .... .... A
Januar)' ('kering reale-S..1. YOUIUc, 1)Un
,01416011 •.. .... a..
4,0(,-43 ( 11111 -NI. 1), Je1111.101, .. ..... . .. d
1'ba.vr•. N"e Hut,'3'kru, W. F. that . . 11 _
Mn. Ida Wetmore. of Erie, 1'a.. Is the guc.t
of her nephew, F:. Forllav"rlh, of SalUonl.
Mie. Jennie South. of lisle ie maklug
two weeks visit with Mars Alma Goldthorpe.
O. T. Dean left for Tidbury. One, 1:d.1 See
day, to take charge of a wheel in that loadity.
11'In. ('lalgic, of Scotland. has been v1e11ng
Els emit, Mr. Alex. Creigie, end other
H. Si. Lamhortus is home from Winnipeg on
a t(dt d a few days to hie tither. 3hli'topher
Kloeardlur Review : Mb* May lime. 111
Manchester, ie the guest of her .!stir. Mrs. A.
Evans, North Line.
Mewl Mu1d 0611, of 81. Thowae, wa. visiting
her coueiu. Mee tepee May Beattie , of the.
Hayfield road, the past week.
.7 J. Thompson, Manager of 3Vondcrla*d,
made a blue('*e top to Owen round last
Thurday, rota, n(ng un Friday.
Mew Aggle Nauru ant Master Charles Nairn
have returned 10 (own after a lengthy %tee
with relaUt es 3' Detroit. Windsor and \1 alk-
Salle. Emit k:etly IRA un Stuuday aftcrnouu
for (Welter,. wher0 she will vi.11 )ler .3.te•r.
Me., Foley. 011 her return rhe 0111 VOW fr,
Detroit Kcal Loudon.
I it on
John T. Newell received r ms+sugr
11 .,tu,eday milling hint to Naar MW. Merir,
:Witch., on e000n11 of the serious. einem of hot
sister, Nur,' 31'm. Hurtu0.
MM. C. S. Andmow. and dsughter, Meteorite
returned to Seafurth last week dile, spending
two weeks with her parent... Mr. lied Mr..
Joseph Driver. Hann. road.
U. A. itobA-t.on, 1p. A., has reeeivlml :111 offer
from the Brentford ( olloginte Inetilute barn(
and has derided to swept. He severs his con-
nection with the U re 1. Murch Id.
L a." J. R. Boardman.
Gonad, C. 11. Keenleyslde ; •The iner and a due Molo C.
Forth Aweri Roy Adams, and they led the singing
Friday forenoon :-33:3o a: w.. Dime int a spirited
warner. A auto 1'y C.
H )lt L Y
County ‘
fork or Working the I'Lto Leau and May wet contributed to
Lal Social and edntetionel features, A. rho musical service.
E. ltobertr, international county 1'he annual holiday festival in cons
work Secretary, New York ; (hl Re• Y
creative, Stanley Brent, lundun, n'ction with the Sunday rch(oI of tit.
physical director : lei )religion's, A. E. (ioorgd a church took place un Thaws -
Roberta ; die ussiun, 'M 1ounly (' clay evening of least week its the school
mittee and County Secretory." J. R. rum. All excellent pregraut was
Boardman : ieisineso, hunch. Fri• given, atter which • ' Salta Claw,
day afterntron: -1:311 p. 111•, ikvu• and the di'.lribul' .d gift, flow n
tional, C. 33. Keen3eyeid0 3 :addnb+, Christmas tree. The ptogtluu was its
**The (lortrspending Jlentber," A. follows: Carol, by the children ; in -
Cullens; address, "County \\'ot•k a st'uwental duct,' by Miose6 lleattire
n for Service,"A, I:. \Velli nnd Olive 'fie311w4urne 7 M'1►)3,
Training School 1•'Lullaby." Miss Eva Heck; pantie
Roberts. All t ennui of the colleen -
mints, •'Mnowwhite 7 " 3nsUtuueutal,
tion except the Thursday rrrnh held
46138.0 I►otvoLhy ?An: sung, ley illy
ses'Wo11 and the Iranaucl 'will Ire, held Hayti (Reillyviulitl nolo, 'Miss Grace
3(1 'Wesley church, and these will ►111 Siemer: stremcntal duel, the
held at the I'resbyteerian church. All Jleta, s iA rnanl acrd 1►enu Hevney
men in II
uron county iob•reatei in lecitativ11, Master Willi'. Stdrdy :
the life of trend chi,
and [20,73 id vocal duet, NI news ('ire mei K+athar-
FISMT.t' .met WMIK Dolt .3T
Iformcrly J. A. 'Walker.'.
Three years' experience In carriage printing
with Mr. walker. and iatleferto-y work
guaranteed. `
pout to attend is coupes) ors en( ins Hays: inatrumeutlal. Miss Alma
active Christina workers. pastors end wormy : su ,n 311 character.. 44 2311 a
eepeeig' welted r(lpetltltetldt'nfN aro thorns" by `time \Vriheed and bee
eellcinlly 3nt'3teN. will be a of dered two nieces, J1iMNCM Flora and I•'n11ny
geleg. s mud es RI,be rl,or9. 313 Smith : irritation, Minn Alma Slimly;
cud all other visitors. ,1y song, little Eleanor Hayti., "Irun'L Cry
who it*Id 1,, ellen,. ml Id notify 1,ittte Girl, Dunt tete : " re,•itatio,,
Arehpheld l'ulrenr, 1'. JI. l'. A., leen- 1113ss Dreier Ha: N.
don, nut later than January ZIRh,
stating whether they wish entertain-
ment over night ur 4403..
Sunday, .ienunry 20tb', will le.
Young Men's Sunday in Goderich. In
the different churches a representative
of the Young Men's Christian Ans(w'ia•
ton will (occupy the pulpit, morn-
ing and evening(. and its the court
house in the after etti n masa meet-
ing will be held for viten Only, to
which every man in I.,derich ' end
vicinity i 4 invited. The meeting will
ellen et J•4irhlck after the 110101 Nes-
%inn of the Muhday ach(R010. and threw
who ere expected to be here from mit-
lide to address the meeting ar' John
It. Boardman, coanty work seetrtnry
of the international committee, New
York ; Albert E. Rotrrrla, lrcently of
the State committee of M,Nsaehusette,
now international county wurk were.
tnry, New York, end Archibald (evil.
tenet, Provincial county work setae -
Lary, London.
The County Court opened on rites -
day before His Honor Judge iyavie,
Fart et poem tndny the first Ca:40 lead
Oa yet boc0 diaputiod of,
Mre H. F..Sherte returned to Toronto on
Tuesday, after a nenth'. vlell at the family
reeideuce. Church elect. !She was :M,utll•
penial by Mev, elny "Metuchen. B. A.
Mies, Mabel 1Mty hW rot urned to her studio+
at tomer Acedettly, Toronto. She was
a000tapinled by Mies Ila Atico, wive la cuter -
Ing epee scours at the+awe wheel,
Inert Meredith returned Io Toronto on Mon•
lay to els vine his work ue asat.tent to the
editor of The Monetary Time., after an en-
forced holiday owing to Indisposition.
Clinton New Fax: Mr. and N1r,. ('laude
F'hber, of tierinii,peege.� 'pert a day or two here
the. week Mr Fisher report 600tnu.s an im-
proving and looks forward to a 'rood year.
L. Campbell. of the Sparc , re,tauraol. Ml rat •
ford. and elver of Campbell te Atha•, town, we,
In Uododch a couple of daym this week on
budne,s lu demi-4 ton with the Olympia. cafe.
rieafurth Now.: 311s.. Fred Davie end little
daughter, of Ouderlch, have been spending the
weee visiting the formers 1,0 .00, Mr. and
Mee. 1100. Daytime Mr. Lav- was here
from Godrrtel, for over Sunday.
Jobe Young who hes been attendh•g As-
aumptlon College during the prise year. he.
hewn ,'pending his vacat ton At the home of bl.,
extents. Loyal. els returned Saturday !limn-
ing lest to Punic Ids studies sit 4andwleh.
The death occurred at. Teterboro' on Sunday
Inez- of Nin.. Kobt. J. Kidd. slaughter et yUs.
Coe and sister of N1re. dir.) lemmoreon. of
town. Mho. Kidd *pont a enniher of week* in
Uoderich last .ummer, and her health *Domed
to be improved by her stn here. Mo.. Coe
and Jr-. F:ulmor,,00 have been at Teterboro
lnccthef,'etalheyearattendingneon Ihtlr
re tae h"e.
Mien Melee, late of the oUogiato Institute
-tale Ira3e- til. week for St. T homes. where.
,tw *111 be engaged in renncction with Alma
college. elanyfriends InOoderlch regret Err
departure from this Wwn, and she will be
erectile mixed, 10 clic .•irclee In whir(( eh,.
'loved. The land*y ':hoot of North strew
3!e, hosted church prn.rnted her tide week w It h
r lmwd-om0 [earl ring es a metered° of the
school, )4 wh3,•1, she look an active inlere.6
during bee re.eidcnce here.
David Ilell. lirit,mnia twirl hail es Ide enc+t.
over Sunday hi. father .and liar brother's end
their wires, T310*. were Thomas IM11. of the
Ik.y11,•Id road 431r. Bellefathert ; Mr. and 3h••.
George 1011 of i,owellle! Ont, : Nur. and Mrs.
'caviar Bell, of Nelenn, H, l', ; \Villi+ }tell, of
Dungannon : Mr. nod NIrs, Willis 1111 f
Porter'. HI11. and Mr. and 81,.. 'Phomas Ik•11,
of the Riveted teed. A grime {{photo was
' taken clueing their stn) in town. The (littera!
M a relallee at ('lint,, we* the mission o' the
Jamey gatherhig.
Orville' vs. Otter's.
bast Monday evenitig a rely inter-
esting game of basket -fall (vita played
in the gyutnas' of the Collegiate
Destitute Iwetwe'ft the 4)rvilletnnd the
0rtnno, repeatitlg in fever of the /h --
villas. by a more of 1:3-1::. For the
winn,er% Swann :and leapt. (((title
Durnhl pley101 very well, !wpron
throwing ensue very polity goals.
Ow, the younger, player' very well
for a tyro and hide fsir to ,lake
name for himself in lsasket•ball.
Long as usual played hie st•edy,' eon-
nistent genic. For the to sena Capt.
Oreton Ihlrnin and JlcLennan were in
prime torero, the latter using his
hetgbt to gotel effect. Rutherford
:and McNaught played very well, but
the combination of the other ride wax
too much for them. "Walter* and
Curren were not of Mitch use to their
t.m.me. confusing pugillatn, wrestling,
ruglly and Ire•ket-ball into it mixture
that was latighahle to watt:lt but
Your Subscription
11.11, Nett ),•tt,vlel your *11.-
.rrilli.nn for 'rhe Sigted for
Thi" cu.t of publishing a new+ -
paper. 13ke et'•ryl11i11g else, has
((111411V 111) 11•itN'1 doting UIl•
Last two nr 111rts. et are : but we
are nal asking a than the
old price, al.tr1 77. year, for The
signal \Vt. wnuld Ask otic sub-
eerils'I•.. lout 1'3441, 111 Make rt'-
newals Its e;uJy ,(e poeslick, nud
w'4 return 11111' thanks t'4 those
who have elrcady' odd - int ad-
vance for 11as:. -
Mulwcrilw'rs its the ('niter!
Stauis will please take notice
that, on ;echos of the postal
regulations retteiriug one cent
0 o) of the
1 e c
os u n each
copy I 4f
haler *slit to the. t *13tv1 Stales.
the price to subset -Rime in that
(try is Ill.rsi, strictly in ad-
Twenty Thousand Added.
.lust think what an x1111)' 01 twenty
thousand leen would mean. Yet
that is the number of new subscribers
added to the mailing lists of that
great paper. The Family Herald cud
Weekly Star. of Montreal. dui mg the
month of Decewbet:' 'rhe publishers
have :an enormous staff day and night
and must keep right to the mark or
the euol•uu,us vol of new subscrip-
t! would swamp them. 01(1 Nub -
scribers tui being constantly warner
to renew early. The wonderful value
of The F' 'ly herald and Weekly
Star is becoming known all over the
world. Few Uenudiau hooves will be
found without it. It certainly is the
lwwt dollar's worth to be had today.
What About This ?
I(eterring to a recent paragraph on
thin page. concerning the disappear-
ance of old landmark., Dr. \V. D. Fer-
ris, of Edmonton, writes to way :, "But
the Canadian beech is immune to the
lightning shaft. This I have heard re-
marked for ninny years, and i have
wutrhel closely, but in vain, to learn
if a beech tree had been reported
struck by lightning." We have Been
blasted elms. and riven oaks, but like
our correspondent we have not seen a
beech that btu' been shivered by light-
ning. Does any reader know of such
n case t ---Toronto Saturday Night.
The somal oyster supper and enter-
tainment of the Goderich branch of
the West Huron Women's Institute
will be held in the Odtlfellowri Hall on
the evening of Thursday, January'23ird.
slipper entvtd trout 13 to N o'clock p.w.
Tickets 3o cents.
DON'T HIss 1T. --Headers Of The
Signal will find an interesting an-
nouncement on page •3 of this week's
issue. S. ,1. Young. Dungannon's en•
terprising general merchant, is hav-
ing* fifteen days' clearing sale, and
announces *ome great bargains.
The Vallee, (('all Mut Mug Ne.. Tres :1 rein,
suer Inn sewed et rut tt tech narked the vom-
iter of age of Millon lull. son of Dat id IME. of
town. Milton left 1,0nnr at the early *iv of
*1x11:4314 I/v1 M prh Elk 8 gown 11. r0111t1 of hire
elf in the donthcrn Std°. Tho Nee, 04)'.:
til Friday evening lest n .,0,111}}rorty of friends
gathered nt the hone of Mee. Scott, an
t 401111 street, the occasion toning the twent y-
nr•1. Methd,ty of Weiself Milton 11.11. The
r. onlnr we* very .•nim'nhly were In singing,
dancing and':yfSm.-, an,, enter, 8 --um011011,
repast w -a, served. liming the cm)rec of 1110
ewmina Ibe ho.( ton, pnwnu•d with .. c.•ry'
Pretty gold watch fob. -
1T,0(11 townsker, of lurk46 the week. 'laving run 1 p
loin Toronto to erten,' the fnneml of the late
,lame. %Volt., an old friend of hie, While In
'own he, lofted hl* mother. Mr. arker we,
.. former well'known resident of town, Ino
sired lea* lug hero spent len yeah et Durbum
end for the trot ten dor., La* Leen In the
'femts,w.dng d4.1,'lrt, where be hes is far ti of
;rel erne. 'I' h• railway 'tntia'. ((twit met
,•hureli rare on the tern) end part of 141• prep
, it LaN 1(44,.0 hurv,•y..l into town let.. (1e ie
termed dt mile. from New felsokeard by nein
.nnd e1I.M•n mile. north of Cobalt. R.• Is vile
.vR'p)«t (14 a 43% 11(114, whirl, will be read - 40
Inst opera) trine In nlwlut Iwo *0005+, anti he
ee. Nee emerge b)- ace•lan,nt ton es lteesraf
!teemed leen-44in lot U,. third 44.11° 351,31,
he wee le town nary old friends were neweed
to ening him.
State of Olen, 1 It)' of Toledo, 1
Luce" (ounly.
Frank .1. Cheney make. oath that he le
senior partner of the firm of 1r. J. Cheney R
('o., doing budne.N In the City of Toledo",
( minty and Peale *forewlld, and that .std firm
w111 lay the enm of One )Tundrd Dollars for
eech and perry case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hallo Catarrh cora
Sworn to before me and subscribed In m
pre.pnce,(h1snth 'ley of 1)ocenlher A. 1). 1
N Merry rnhltc.
11.11'.( Maori, ( urs 3s taken internally, mid
sete directly on the bled and mucous muffed,
°f I he "yeleu.. Mend fur testimonial tree.
le .1. 1IFeNEY A C"U.. Toledo, u.
Sold by all Druggists. 7.W.
'fake 11x11'. enmity PIU, forconstipalbn
Ste-epy fittest --"hallo ! is it seven
O c1.wk 7 i declare ('1u .40 sleepy that
I can't open my eyes." !lend Waiter
(who has kno. ke(L at the d(w1rl l'II
bring in your hill, sir, if you like."
.1 3,'',1141 17th, Pith mid loth - -Friday even.
Mg et 7:31. 3atll lday afterfo.nl at 1 o'clock, in
the eveningItt:at 7,111: 'Monday evening at el,',
}{o.c blanket.. robes, Ings, hors. 0114, Irrd•
nerve, fnrtltluw..locke, wetel,ce, etc. Neel
Morrow'.; butcher shop, 16. S•maro. l3. Wi'.
IleckltI T, sucllomnr- _
IIOfNiY.NI+, Its Unclench. on timidity, .Ianuary
"lti, to Mr. and 31r.. el. E. Hudirene. *
('EYRIE:_411 Aoheeld, .n 31o(w3 43. Jennie
x1Mr. he r. and Mr,. Jelin 3'Amen per, le,
II non,
se/titsSIAN- SALKELD. .1) lame 'there.
Sack. ,.Pit Nip* fears ile). at t lie home of
the 1'e11.. by the Iter. J. D. M,Kocbnlr,
Perry Sparkman. 11t Rec .111., to ina Wil
.on M,lk, ld. !!angled- of 1Vtl.ml Ma1keM.
NFtcr0N-lc1r'TON. -At the %erne. mai
emulate ain. un Mn
e), Jaary fro.
hj Itev. V. J. Jollier, H. 0, L„ ElideNewton, o1 !eel roilMich., to Niles Mabel
E. triton, of Bayfield.
('ItAIUIE.- lu leeterfrh. or; i'hund'y, Jun)
ary3Nh. John Ritchie entente aged Sr, years.
1,1'147'Ot1'. In (i.*Ierleh, nu Friday. 'Immure'
1111((, Jane, etre of Janet, Ihlatuw, *460..1.11
rear. And 11 moral he,
53 ELI A. in oisierlch, on Friday. Jeanne.-
eanntyVerb, Jane•- hi. 35. -Il., teed v.1 yeere, .1
month., fi days.
N1'-cl.1'!4341:1',- Ie 13aler3. It eowidltie, m
Friday, January will, Helen McDonald. br
loved wife of Jireph Me(' hakcy, aged fel
year, and 4 month..
CUFF. In Underfelton Monday, Jenn,ry
12th, WillieA. Ii. Coe Horn In Ten.
Tent, F:oelawd, Mane(( lead, Isla.
C'RADIele'K. in (3ol,Aeh, 011 N'tutder, Jnr.
miry Iltb. Maggie Jeer'. wife of Smarts
rad/ort, /lied !1 yeare merle days.
ELids.--111 Hamilton. on It'o4IneedoY,Jernestr
FebMary EOM, da'ighter .3 the h'6
David Kilts. of Nile.
The fbenl will take 3131100 from tbs reds
("mew of Oentg'. Stewart, Ream atteile
(1.lwterll'h, en Fret,?.•tenuary 17th, at tore felt
p, m. In Colborne .)"Watery
CA17T1(R -10 (linter, on Jeeuity 8th, Dav(�
Ss (fettle. of 1k.terlcb tow•pshh3P 1,ge.1
yean bed 1 mocha.
The road tee suceem* Ain't aline an
the greet highway; sometimes it
takes a abort cut through the little
lane clot by where yew live. The
trouble. with annul people is they are
allus luukiog; fur macadam en' cabs