HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-01-02, Page 10►• • 1 a e ri tl U O be to N w ett th ha leo sit th. gu ro Ila tie AS the tat of bet wo $01 car $,3 ing wul In rep the the pini be 1 arae Mae plyi Nigh rend I,1w he 111m± 11.1111 1 h Ml iit gnat pan) les roma light 1% ant the 1 allot! It's Elliot An o) know "pews was "1st plain 1,,�/'• row. 8 THURSDAY, Jsnaary :', 1908 • RAILWAY BYLAW. Ituatlonsd from wail the present bylaw to more than pay lift tyle $150.000 bunds and not cwt there our tent. But the town would still he liable for the guaranteed Isnuls all the save. You can easily understand u,iw why 1 hes bylaw 10 trying to be pusher) through on such short notice without time for proper dirctusiou or the pub lie to become atoquaiuted with the facts. 1 thick it would be a very re- grettable thing for the town to be tied up -so as not to be able Co teke ad- vantage of the latest developmlenta in cheap {ower. I am it strong believer in Inuuicipal ownership of publii• utilities. we ser All (ever the Province that municipal- ities are striving for cheap power. It seems to the all the tall of electric rads and making a city un short notice is only throwing dust in the else, of the electors to enable certain promoters to get hold ut our tower plant for their own ands, Holding 111e town up to x thirty-year contract t their exorbitant figure. is net euu- sistent with their professions. l think it WJlall be x geed investment fur the team to install artaluerr enaction gamengine, with ample melaae- ity to supply power to faetiiiex ur electric roads if required, and by haw- ing cheap power at our disposal be iu a position to ent•tillt•age teetoriem to locate here. Producer xots engines are being made and installed in the largest concerns in Atteileit, lout be- ing fully guaranteed 14, produce power at les. than one-quarter the cost of steam. 'If the promoters of thekoylaw mean good to the town let them withdraw the thirty-year eon - Intel clause. 1'o Olt truly. 11', U. Merril. '1'o the Elko:. it The Niam i. Sett,- The promoters of the railway a av it will cost $2S,I11$1 a resile to bulla and equip it. This means a cost le- tween Kincardine and Sartlia of *2„31lt,00I0, the distance Icing about 1,111 guiles. The interest on this at is per tout is $12.1,I1/xl annually, theu there is the running expense. insure once, lacegs' salaries. etc., etc., amounting to :Mother large sum. \Viol anyone believe that this road running along the lake shore. with a sparse opulation. no towns or vil- lages ofacv importance on. the way. will ever tee able W pay expenses? don't thing it will, and, electors, if this road shoo Idt1 o tt• , will you have t rorty the interest on the *IA. oat you are guaranteeing and at the end of thirty years the $150,018, Fellow -electors. I c a u n el t t u n strongly urge upon you the necessity of going to the polls and voting against the bylaw, and in giving you this advice 'I :ata out ashamed to .sign any name as the author of this communication. 1Ve. ('.SM tenth.. THE MAYORALTY CANDIDATES. To the Muer of The Signal Sift,- The writer was surprised nomination night. after hearing Clark's very full report on the tow husineis for the yeast- :and the Hmtn involved, at the mubempient stittem of Dr. Macklin that Dr. Clark h negItmled his duties as it ' otlncillor attending the meetings of the coati To seek au explanation 1 went the clerk's office and searched t minutes and found that there h been thirty-eight regular, eprelet a adjourned meetings of the council' 1907; of these Dr. 3lacklin attend thirty-two end wee absent from and Ur. Clark also ,attended shirt two and was al,sent front six. Hone are even. notwithstanding the sta menta of Ur. Macklin at the eneetin which now appear to me to be ve uncalled for and unkind. I much admire I)r. Clark's euerg and ability. He has worked long an faithfully for the town, ham bee chairman of really important cumuli teen of the council. and as president the \Vest Huron Agricultural Saciet be has succeeded in raising the (all e hibition from is stele of lethargy an bankruptcy to one of prosperity an activity, with a substantial balance o cash un hand. Mayy f solicit the votes of all pre gtessive citizen's for Dr. ('lark, who 1 an active, energetic and competen candidate? JI'MTI/'E. (ioderich, Jan. 1st, 1914[, T•, the Editor of The Signal. All right-thinking citizens every where will rejoice that Toronto ha shown her continued good judvnlen end self-respeet by electing as hr chief magistrate ,1 gentleman who i privately and publicly as credit to him self and to the citizens who honour( hint with their votes. When a citizer of integrity, ability and discretion i willing to sacrifice hie time and Id talents to promote the interests of hi fellow -citizens, it is a shorl•sightet ratepayer who will not sot.. for hint but who will supper ",nor of the ►ave,'. The cjtizeos of Odet•ich have How an opportunity (*placing at the head of their council for Ms one of the abl •mt men that ever consented to serve them. We have in Dr. Mau'klin s gentleman of ability. independence, clew judgment, a pleasinj(nail forcible speaker• a roan who will in every wsy I e an horror to the town of lltslerjeh. If he be given a substantial majority on January 0th, it will be an eneour•• figment to mite• capable citizens to offer themselves for election in future years. A wise selection firm" the list of can d, 't harem will give u, for 111e4 las strong a council em ever grab'rd the municipal lamtrd. Remember that the men elected will transact nm• business Mid Speed our money. 1t is now ftp to the electors to support men' to dm the town's business whom they would select front the matinees if it were'tr transact their own private business. Now is the time to consider these things, not after the election is over. H. I. $TRA",, J. Tot. G. C. 1. EXAMINATIONS. un Dr. n's ces rot lad in ell. to he ad nd ill eds y- ,rs te- g• rye d n t- ot x - d d f Resuhs of December Examinatioes et the Collegiate. The folltwitig oe•t•rentages were made by the c,indi.Iatel. in theditfet•- ent forms at the Collegiate in Decem- ber exxulinatluuu. rout I. .1. Sturdy, 81: E. Sands. 72: S, Speii•an, 71; A. ('lark, IM; 11. McKat•, IM; O. Stadiltit, 18; S. ileac ,18: N. Bu,wk, 10 ; (', 11'4.11ingtom 112 ; Hrlmiconlbe, IH : Il, Fox, Irl : Haechle•r, 511:oebel, 38: It, Stuthen,. 57 : H: DGoebel, .5a; P. Tlnint y, 55: W. Phelan, 54 ; M. thetherle net 40 1. Matheson, liP. Poulin. 44: le. Prang, q; A. McNevio, 3f1; kinntn, :lt. A Mae. tom* It. I. Pentland, RI: I. Barkley. 82 t H. Towill. 81 ; E. wehh 7p; 1''Fingland 78: 11. (Jere, 711; W. ('unningham, 75; 4 �Ilargitt, 72: 1i. Walter, on: X 1 Raine, Oi: H. Heekett, RI; J. Kann - dors, Ill►; 0. Clutton, OU; N, Lewitt, I t i THE, SIGNAL : GODEIZICH. ONTARIO H. llawiel. 81 : ; 1). kleDowell, .11; E. Colborne, 49; la 1•'ragau, 42. ('t )4)4 eclat. Foes. Senior chess. -H 'l'isdltle, 11i; tura lllair, all ; Jrs..iu Kerr, ill ; h:v a Me- Nee, 711: Uertit• \'anstrne, 79: Olive 511'1,140. 7+i ; Reggie I'ridhani. 77 ; Mary 1)rllUu, 7t1 ; Winnie Johnston, 73 ; Louie 11t'l'Iw,tlh, 73 ; Mabel Mem- Donald, 71 : Nellie Suuughan, 71 : 1lorma aSttndetw,u. 71 ; Viola .Inhn- stun. 70 ; Nellie Litopatt, tli ; Fred Peewits, U3 ; Eva 1 'iIsou, S9 : Reggie Dunlop. 5io ; Mary St•ri,ugeour•, 31 : !'has.: MacArthur, 311. Junior class. • Edythe Misname, 73 ; Blanche Shaw, 03 ; Percy Hay- dn), Ut ; Allan Marshall. Ill ; Rola•i1 'lichen, li. Lillian Graham laud Dorothy Tau- eott have added lemon; in hemikkeee- ing. stenography and typewriting to their oiipho tis. )1101•1.1{ 11H01. Bement Long, 87 ; Elisabeth Miller, <I : Melville Anderson, til : De i t it ire Hill yard, 71; brae I'ridhatra 7:1; May Stoddart, 71 ; Archie Tom, 7U; !cilias MacViel r, 70; '1' Elliott, 114 ; (:eerie Sturdy, 117; Ina Welsh, 117: Jean l'lutlun, (41: Eleanor \\'Itlke,, 141; Daisy Ryan, 05 ; Edrie Tye. UI ; Nellie Graham, Ill :%dirk Elliott, (14: Maggie Bissett, 113 Flossie Ilarriwm, 40: Vet* Elliott, 412: Reggie Putt, (11 ; Tennison Rolertiem. :el: Huy \Nadler, 57: 'Annetta ittta Kirke, 57: Sadie McChaelme, 13; Florence Mclean, 72 : Jack Hulu•r1 s, 52 ; Value flick imago, t 52 : Viola \%orals, 51; Jack Midis, 51 : Ecu - 1v1 1lpduntld, 51 : Myrtle Riche'', 30: Amelia Barkley, 49; Henry Chis- holm. 10; Martie Folder, 441: Pearl McGillivray, 111 : Cecil Hautiltou, 15 : Albert Shackleton, 4:1; Lizzie Clark, 41 : Worthy Kilpatrick, all; 1't'I'Bll 11)1 )1. liutdun Wightuan, til: ; Jessie The Sovereign Bank' of Canada MEAD OFFICE TOROrtJO P.44 VV Caesars _ • aa.uoo.oeo. WAY M i IL CTeae Alun.toa fa•vn. Staq., r•oeFiat I&*XDOLP. MactxoMaLD, gt„qam k'etP.P.•E /-./ 4. A. ALLAH, Kaq., • r,./ Yet.-rro.Rwf 1305. D MCY[u.Ax, Lacs. Caal►a[LL. Reg 3t.r. A. 1, Dvuasi. ass., 1.r. Hoa. Pat.. MCLt.tD, w. C. MCHA:ou?, *sq.,15.? ALAI. lsCC., Raq.. Z.C. P.6 JarrsrT, - - - a Cau.L.. - • • A,al. Genera.' .•/.•..••••• • Savings Bank Department Is/uaN al heal . yteti faits pai`t wadi/ally. e; alurl. h 1Nnaicl, A. PORTER - • \ImnaAn. rad in •North street church in the i eve . The annual offerings to the e.luoethanol work of the Aletluxlist i church will be taken. Everyone ! mule wide.,:. ,. The Weak of Prayer. 7'he week of peeve'. will be (deserved by the Htptlsts. Methodists and 1'tws- uytcri:au- 111 town holding union Nei - elves. While each spe•tker Int+ the liberty of ch.oeing his awn subject. the program ea arrenge 1 by the Evan- gelical Alliance will be kept b -fore the people. The ser•icas will commence at ti o'clock. Monday. JAI'. 6, Thanksgiving and Huwiliation• Slwaker-Itev, Jas. A. Andetwou, in the Baptist church. Tuesday, Jan. 7, The Church ► crreal. Speket --Rev, G. N. Hazen, in Victoria street Methodist church, Wednesday, flan. 1, Regular prayer - SOME FACTS Ill':r'PF4('tfI\G THF4 ELEGEM(' RA 1 L\VAI The statement has been monde that- the Railway Company tray construct a .-heap t•adwey and that it is within its authority to do at,, and that no one can prevent it. This is not so. By section 162, sub -stet, 2, of "The (ttar iu Railway Act, itspa" it is provided that it shall be the duty of the engineer of "The Ontario Railway Allway anti Alunicipal eluant," who is appointed by the Board subject to the apurov,al of the Lieutenant -Glover • in Council, to inspect any railway in course• of :yustruction, to examine the atxtiuus rolling stock, rails road•badi,right of way, tracks, bridge.. trestles, • t +eructs, drains culvert .Mnilway en/smogs and jetneti.,u., highway end farm crossings, fences, gates and Cattle guards, telegraph, tele- phone or other lines of rbectr•icit•, and all other buildings, work.. structures, equipment, apparatus, and :appliances th•ieun, and to report tn11y in writing to the Board. Ser:. MI of "The Qiitario !Railway Act, 111146" prase ides that eau railway shall be opeued. jra1lc4urtil leave ham Tern obtained f the Board and before leave is givers the Board has in its {e,sneess' the report of the inspecting engineer that, in his opinion, the opening of the road for the carnage of traffic will be seasonably free (rent danger to the public using the saute. By thesame. section Isule-sere, 1r it is provided (haat if the inspecting engineer reports that in his opinion the opening of the road would be attended with danger to the public, by reason of the incompleteness of the [corks or permanent way, ur the insufficience of (he con- struction lir equipment, the Binned will not permit the railway to be operated. Lw ' It is further stated that before the bonds become payable the railway may he allowed to go into had repair, laud the security of the bondholder, and the town. may be urriooely injured. This. not so, for by sec, 1414 it is pnvided that if the Hoard is informed that the railway is not kept in repair. it may direct that it be put in proper repair and may order that until such repairs ate made the railway 1.• not used. and ,f after this order the Company Opel -Mea the seaway it forfeits the 1111111 of 8.7x1 fur rash day the under ie disobeyed. .1u estimate of the coat of the railway- per mile WAS strutted from an indrpa•ndeut sentare- from at engineer not in the employment. of the Hail way Company-- and the cost witsut byhitt et frons $111 31,41 to $-'11,i4s) per toile. This is exchsil•e of rollingst ck. The town will not he exiled upon for its guarantee until the road is cotupletesl and trouly for op erati The morlgege is to Iw given upon x completed road sec. 4t of "The Ontario Railway Art, 11541,•' provides for the making of the mortgage. It is maid by some that a sinking feud should be provided it this came and that the bvinv is objectionable because of its omission. There im no vermin (o• it here, as the mortgage provider for 11 he securing of the bonds that the town gumrantees. %Vher•e the bonds are seemed by a mortgage a ,inking fund is never provided and there is nei railway eompuly iu ('anxda that provides a sinking fund for the of bonds must ave art of fix 1'ts bonds. investment for a tern ufrveers, oto etrw tithe lands could not he economically and successfully floated. Rehire the town cin be called upon to guxrante' the railway loads the Railway Company must secmr tlae release of the tuwn from the $1311,11., guarantee given by it to the Power Company. if tine release he not headed Orel' to the town the bylaw will never go into etTe t. This bylaw miiply cleans at change from the Power ('urnpuany to the Railway Limn Ity 1,1 the guar,ultee for which the triwn is now responsible, amino increase of liability whatever. Hee per, 1 ut the I•ybtw. Some discussion ham mewl' because a certain stiaten''on1 is being eireid ter! hilthongh this has really nothing to de with the Railway bylaw 1 that the Maitland (River Power ('nulnany by reason of a former bylaw ipassed last year obtained the right to operate the electric light and waterworks syst^urs of this town, Now the statement above mentioned is quite ,•outrary to the facie rand Heerefete unfair, and it'ls, rant right that the Hallway l'„Itparly''i bylaw sltittlld be prejudiced by these 0r1Jtlsti11*Ide aemettlone. ever should do shore than supply th�tewn wilthrthelpowet necessaryatd tat the Mower tony the electric light and waterworks planta Thi• town was to operate. hewn utilities. .UI that wee intended or was in taut at gaeeyl upon was that the town was to use water -developed instead of steam- _ Je•trtt.pad power %raater poste instead of coal leaver. ICTlam toe•en stated that the I'nwer Clammily rp ty obtain its supply f (mower 1,,' the town from ,Nese other smn•ce then the Maitland River and yet the Lown he held to the *7,11111 contract, Thi, ie not Ibr fr. t. Thr power mixt Ire obtained fount the 11Aitlantl River and «•feral Iniiel d thousand dollars will le spent upon theenterprise, 51 n, ng, (42: Benson Case, a2: Ihmal l 1'Isrk, s41; Di idle hl,rniu, i0; Augusta \lelw011,75: Itonwrll Huthet•ford, 7.1 ; Dinah! Finlayson, 71 : Wm. Steven- son. 71; Rhea Stirling, 711; 0, - tun Utero ,, 017: Lottie Rollin. son, 1t1: Rhoda McKenzie, 01: Flo lhacdoun1.1, 112: Alberta 1)urnin, IA, , CHURCH NOTES. In Sunday morning the New Year's fellowship meeting will be held in Kurth strr+t Mu•thnelist chureh at 1n o'clock. IRev. A. E. Alli,, lut'cnpics! the pul- pit of North street Meth,alirt' church on Sunday morning 40.1 preached an excellent sermon. The collect km token in Mirth start Meth.xlixt Sabbath seined in the nuter- e•Sls of the !hospital for Sick Children amounted to the suhsttutinl snot of •ivvr $111. It was n splrndi,1 ell„rt. The Presbytery of Ilmmn meet in Knox church, uu Friday, 1h -ember an.lr, to coriander the call extended to Rev. F. O. Nichol, of Cargill. by the Auburn and Smith's Hill congn-ga• tions, The meeting leas :Winne/Hsi to Der•e,ttls•t•'S'ith, when the Pr•Iehytery declined to sustain the call. The services in Toth 1feihsli.t churches In town will be of special in- terest next Standar. it being the an - 0 Citi t'lucational clay Gentlemen of prominence in the educational w-otk of the Province will give add,wse.. Itrv, It. I. \Varner, D. It.. principal of Atrium Ladie,: College, St. Thomas, will speak ht the morning in North street rhumb and in the evening in Victoria street church. ,John 6. Rob. erten, 11. A.. Insifesfam of Greek Angnage and philosophy In Victoria nllegr, 'Toronto, will Perak in Vir• I uric stt•tr t chluyh in Ulu morning, meeting in all the churches. 'rhurtapdiy .Ian. N, Foreign NIissions. Speaker iter, H. W. \Vright, in North street Methodist ehureh. Friday, .tau. 111, Fnrnilirs, Educa- tional lfstahlimhuleutre and the Young, Speaker --Rev. H. W. Millyarl in K max church. Your Dollar Never was as bbr for berg,it" getting as now, at Meta lib's made. \'ou k he t gine up. ' The whole 'Nock 1s fur sale. No reserve, Only_.Hfteen days in tt hieh to sell. 1 tains Ili. choice ; today- the Hest day_ 11. A. McKim, ats:k st I,e sold in Hllccn dray.. Never in the inemor y of the oldest inhabitant have prices been exit duan as they are new. ,1 Ift'sn S.ALK. :Melt he's big slit,k must let heated in 41ftern days. Mell- ing began hila))'. Marking dumb and laying out stock has been in progress, since 1''rkley last. Ale KuM's MAt.I•..will Last only Ilf- teen .lays. TadAy lm the first day venue in And sec for yourself the money -saving prices. 'fake your lisle : look nrnnnrl. Stile prices in - !d ein figurer. and in red. . ' NOTICE to Water Takers. A11 water rates are now due. fakers paying for tooR during the month of Jan- uary well be allowed TO per cent. discount. All persons in arrears for loon mist pay W once or water will be honed off. W. L. HORTON. Cotlector. 11 AT' TNI.' ('LOSE figf this our first year in this big, bright, new stare we think it a Jilting time /o heartily thank the many customers who haremade 1907 by long odds the best and bi{rge,t years h1siness3we have ever had. !'or 1908 there are plans, the nature o/which will be announced from time to time, there will more and more ,«plictsi e this store's leadc'rsltip—!teat will make it a baler all-rotnd shopping plate -- that will more t/lair ever make i/'what we are aiming to have it a credit to the town c f (,oderich. dire WA— •• .. tremendous irresytsft,.ht e aizwary a &le a rance! • IT'S JANUARY. The Bargain Month of the winter season. This year itwill be more NOW so than ever at this big store. Plans we have for the comingyear make the material reduction of present stocks imperative. Several thousand dollars' worth of Dry Goods must be turned into money before we take stock, the 31st day of January, 1908. There is .no 11 if possible " about this. It MUST be done. We are in no mood to mince :natters. The goods are here and we are going to sell them. So watch the papers each week for money -saving prices. It will pay you and pay you well. January Sale Starts Saturday, January 4th, 1908 Splendid Underwear Bargains RAnhui{ good bargains in Ladies' Underwear for Januar sale. Stocks too heavy, must be reduced. Here is the way we are going:to do ,t. fry Vests and Drawers, 9c Ladies' 11 t 1 1 ed )'eats and I1rawen,, genal heavy winter weight, manual color•,., soft lin ish. special for January 19C sale, per garmetlt. 1. a d i es' Underwear, 39c Ladies' IV1t, .t (:01111 Vests and Urawerm, gess) weight and Huish, properly snetwel, will gi' • exeelle"t wear, :alk: is ligular pries. J A 11 r y Sale price. is, tier garment .... 39C $1.50 Gowns, 98c I.ulirs' FlatineleLt• N i P h [- gowns, made frau greed 'virility English Flannelette, pink or white, very full skirt, (11QC .IAun:uy Ante price ... J((JJ Children's Vests . and Drawers, I5c 1 hildren x Vests and Dratv,•rs, 14,414.11.1 VII nit.•s, regular ?s•, 2.5r, 1Ik, Out they gu Satnld•et• at gar m(ry salt prices, {n i 1 5 garment C FUR COATS For the January Clearing " SAVING PIt,I('ES" are January prices All Ladies' Fur Coats, fur -lined or all fur. There are a dozen or more to sell. Each and every one is a iJal'gain. Pried 0n each for January sale. Ilene are some of them ' Five Coats, $37.50 5 only astrachan and near seal jackets. plait •i collar reef revery, stylish and handsome to garments. Regula• $.30.1011 mid $.:,,Iso, for Jaumary Sale, each 37.50 Six Coats at 533.50 fi only l:adiea aa(,ut i,au and near seal jackets,dale, or with Sable collar and reveres. Splendid germeuls that too .,ul. depend on without x doubt. Regular $l5.I8 toed e 417.50. January sale, each ...... $33.50 One Fur Jacket, 58.00 1 only !Julien' black astem:hen jacket made(room iciest Qv llll finality Aloe that will give excellent wear. .1:cry $ 00 sale, you can have it for 560 Fur -lined Coat, 548 2 only ladies' fur-lin,'d ru,tt•. Outside go sl 41,1.4!,t, navy heaver cloth, w itli 1 ullnthia .alb• collet and Eit-a quality henstea• lining. Regular flair,. spss•ial Gra January sole, each . 570 Fur -lined Coat, 555 - One only ladies fur -lined coat, 4 tilinulne .11.1.• • idle Ind' virev,le,r,aprciaExtrla quality nit at lining. Jaine.rv,--855 Fur -lined Coat, 529 Two only black beaver cloth fur -lit -able, warm, comfortable rind Idyl Special for January ,ale t. -a•. $48 coats, full,, f11n garnleut. $29 Three January Dress Three bargain lots of Dress (.dards fur January shoppers. 1inrnk'ed Nieces or more divided into three lots for January Clearing. Yon undoubtedly safe on every yard of 1)I''ess Goods buying here ill January. These are the three Tuts : 85c to 51 Dress Goods, 55c Dozens of qualities. hun l,eJ5 of yards, ,tlinh and s-rice*►d,, elves, goods, a1-lltog al pretty nearly half their real worth, ,fust at hint of what they nee: \ enetiane, panaina,, tweeds, fancy Wrack satin cloths. Week' and colored dress goods of all kinds. Eerily Shade in the lot. Htgular lSc, Aa: xt.d $1 qualities, All new, eor'reet andi� stylish materials, choir. of the'lot for January sale, pet- yard StJC Table Linen 20c. Good ynnlity table damask. half bleached 111 to UW" wide. splendid thing for nrlinary every ,lay nae Special for .1wittry sale per pied, ZOC J patterns. Flannelette, 61,,c :0111 yards greed. heavy weight, 4'4nxdian Flannelette, Assorted fancy stript, pinks. blues, grays, etc., 211 in. wide. Extrw special, for t .1 a u an a ah Y Per r 'n r 1 r 1 ... y 6=c 65c Aprons, 45c \Vhite lawn Aprons, nice qualities. with bib, neatly tRreguli na ar nl c d with .I tui t erymbroidery. 1ti.•, sale p1 -ice..... 45IL 35c Nose, 25c \1'e have 21101 pairs rilllu l 1';Ishinere Hume with double knee. They ate an extra good anality, and out• special price hats leen per t pair, :Air,[ sizes 11, 11k and 10. Satuj'day morning [!new 2110;ri it go on the bargain table, marked At, vette' nett lit ice, per pair.. V1 A Straight Quarter -off .k straight qua' ter -nes is the January way of emptying the Fur tables. \'ou know the kind of furs this store sells. They are the good kind, and qualities that give satis- faction •when wearing time comes. These aro the kind you can buy at the sale at one-quarter oft. S (ble, \lick, Isabella Fox, Isabella ()p'ts- seII, 111arubet, Grey ,Squirrel, etc, Alofis, 1tuK, Se.u'fs, Throws. All going the sante way. $6.00 Furs will coat you $4.50 in January.8 oo Furs will cost you 6.00 inJanuary .to.00 Furs will cost you 7.54) in smeary. ao.0o Furs will cost you 25.00 in smeary. 25.00 Furs will cost you 18.75 in smeary. January Fur buying is here. y g good buying if done R COURT HOUSE SQUARE C These Ribbons are Cheap These ribbons are ecr- tainly very much nuclei - priced. We haw a lot to sell in January. and prices like this ought hi (10 the work surely. Dresden Ribbons, 15& (Teat log out w lot of Dresden Hablsrus at 1.1e. At Gla: the} would he rattling genal value. Not a great Int of thern now 4o sett, Anil January priers, 15c 1.er yard, will In• 12;c Ribbon, 71c :I I, part. Aute sulk taluta, rihton, _ to _ anchor. wide, .\11 light and dark shades, 'Deluding Mark. Regular '.:,e; arterial dot January Isle, per yen! 15c -.•, or two yards tut. Taffeta Nair Ribbon, 12c Pure silk taITeta hair 'ribbon. good aright and gl►ality, ergo - Lar hair 1ildon width, black. I ight, sty, crown, pini. cardinal old navy. Asa -extra special lot January sale., per 12c yard. Goods Bargains. 60c and 65c Dres 1141 Ards of Ines. rims yard. Wart and relit.. Sum•. ,hoary or .kirt. Of other. ensu Aran -up of the entire dress gem 11i (t' (] at it prim. that will make they sold for, nor what they ate ave for January sale, at. per yang Goods, 356 worth ,411, 7:M• and ill mune cases 1115• lwr ie length, with only enough in tar a to 'mike Herr• r or font drew,rm. A xts•k all withered together and • selling sure, No "natter what h, rut -can Indy them ?5e 51 to 51.25 Dress Goods, 79c 1Ir-...,Guests that „•11 11) 111,• tegnlu• gray 1'ananlas, voiles, fano• weaves, plain rinthM. f makes. All pure woollen *aids. e • hated. eluded in this let. )flacks, r.•,1.. nat•ie•M, grown., it lot or our high -elms. uta ss Basals for January yam Towelling 61c :Jet yards genal yuaJilt u lull towelling. colonel Ixndets, firm, strong tt•rave, ilk• would be as fair price for it, and what yon woud pay for it in stent stfm .. January sale price, Ira a yard • 6'L Black Fingering Yarn, i Skeins for lot IRtae: k Fingering 1'nan, Iona sly, serial forJnnnary 10c sale, :t skeins for, . . Silk Waists for • Januar Sale Two splendid Silk Waist liargaiu,, (-aloes you won't easily duplicate. We must have it thot•ougb clout -up elf the waist stuck and are going to sell '•very garment we have, And J,nurM•y prices like these will do it. Silk Waists $1.75. 'allies' milk waist, white or cream, !deur .fspene•se• silk with box plalts, and tucks, or pailettt silk with lavetrinnnings. Regular $';,o, and C.50, for January sale s 175 $4M0 and $4.5(1 Silk Waists $2,75. $2.75 for milk:,vaist. that ought to ,Yell at *1.141 and $1.501, 'Three or four (lid- fetent style•m in black or white. Made front gest quality taffeta milk. mpeciel for January male 'each ..................... $2,75 at $1. *1.15 and *1.25 hiunable and peeped:t tweet) suiting, in• ort n.. etc. ['tearing male itr• "Pr 79c Lace Curtain Bargains % o $3.06 and 3.2s Lace Curtain, .75 $1,7: instead o1Sall/ and lkR._.. is (1,' .Umtata.- way for -redline lace l'trteine that we have ton many of. They were altlllllg (telt Imat ulesliItlll prte ed pines. Have hut ton In de eche", are• tluule frmii %e't). Hue ntt•uug u'-ts. Pat WS n are gpsnl, lett there are more of then) than we ought to have at t h ' ,s time of the Scar'Li or :au pairs to sell and instead of VA" :and Ig44o,1heJanuar 3 • price is � • 75 per pair Mantles "Just Half." Just half prioe for any mantle in stock. This is the quick Jan1131' way of turning the balance of ladies' and chiltlrena ,jackets into really cash. Not one but is new this season. Black, beavers, tweeds, friezes, ladies' of children', garments. All exactly half-priLe. That 1nc11118 $8.So Jackets cost you $4.25 in January. lo.00 Jackets cost you 5.00 in January, iS.00 Jackets cost•yoth 7.5o in January. 18.00 Jackets cost you ono in January, Moo Jackets cost you to.00 in January. It isn't hard to figure up your saying at that rate. and early buyers get the best chance. _ ��• PHONE NO. mesesnosimsamsmommissagmesimiaimmimime JO] as. 60OLRICM.