HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-01-02, Page 7THE SIGNAL: (IODEHICH. ONTARIO
't'tluiimakv', Jauttgry 2, 1908 .7
Auburn and Kintail Will Have Regular
Mectuigs January 1 jth and 4th.
The directors of the West. Huron
Farmers' Institute are preparing for
the auntie! eeriest of winter uteetiiga,
which will he held in January and
February. The regular meetings will
tw held at Auburn and Kintai1, oar
January 13th and 11t1i rrapeclivel)
The viaitiug delegates will be N'.
Kydd, of Siiue.w, and .1. Uardhousr,
of Highfield.
Thu Auburn meeting will be held
Monday. January 13th, in the Orange
Hall, Auburn, the program heti* ma
hollows :
A 4-11104N0x)N )I Bk r l so --2 ll'l'ItK'K.
1'tesideiit address -11. M. Young.
W. F. K rdd : Vcntilatiuu of Farm
.1. N. Keruiglrai.. tie iller : "Cu
operas among Farmers."
.1. liadholat' : "1' ire arid ."lavage.
Ment of the Hume."
l'i•oeident'e address..
.1. (iardhuuse : "How to Improve
Preseut 1",erua Conditional."
W. F. Kydd : "Drop Stitches."
The Kiribati meeting wilt be held in
Young's hall mi Tuesday, January
14th, with the program as follows :
a rrgRNex,N MKlrri'(. 2 lir'L(a's:.
1'resident'a address.
.1. liarlhouee : '•Hos.'-breeding fur
W. F. Kydd : "The [hairy Cow :
Her Summer Feed and W inlet• Care."
e:VININli MICI TINt. 7:11 teLock.
1'resideut's address.
W. F. Kydd : "Drop Stitches."
H. J. !Stunts. Loyal: Subject to
be chnern.
.1. Gard' se : "How to In-
ternist Young People in the Farm."
It is hoped there will Iw abuts' at-
tendance at these meetings and that
many of those who e • will take an
active part in the discussions follow-
ing the addresses. At each of the
eve ' g meeting*, a iul.ieal prugramn
a ill be giv(:n.
supplementary meetings trill 1w
held in February as follows
leoudevlxrri, lirowi'nhall, hebrnary
i3th : HulMr.ville, W'ilaon'e hall. Feb-
ruary 11th ; Ilemnillet, Foresters' hull.
February Lith : St. Augustine reboot.
February 1716: Dungannon, Elliott?*
(tall, February Inks : Mt. Helena,
Mechanics' Institute, February 111.
Meetings in East Huron.
A regular meeting of hast Huron
Farmers' luatitute will be held in.the
t,wli hall. Brueeels, oar January1Sth.
Outside speakers will he J. (iarlhuuse,
Highlleld, Ont., .and %V. F. Kydd, of
Si' .w. A alerting will be held at
Borrie on Ilse lith with the 'wane
speakers, Supplementary meetings
are dated as follows:- F'oriwich, Feb-
ruary :1: Hluevale, lebrtu►ry 1 ; James-
town. Frlrl'ual ' :o ; Muleawort h,
ruary •; ; Ethel. Feb' nary 7 : Walton,
February S: Harlock, February le:
Winthrop, Febnutry 11 : St. Cohan -
ban. February 12. !►elsgation ;
Navin Barbour. (:roes Hill: A.
Mekcnzic,. Fairview; Mi„ 1. [life,
A Word In Season.
Discussing ways in which rneb bairn
annoy others. Toronto Saturday
Night says :
••1t is with his voice that a4 snail
moat often and most unwarrantably
encroaches tipxmr the rights of others.
Men often declare that they have the
right to say what they like, yet they
do not .top to consider that they
cannot possess the right to force other
men to listen to what they do not
like. if a Matt swears with force and
fluency he cannot, on giving thought
to the subject, imagine that he pos-
sesses the right to du no in the pres-
ence of any except those who approve
rhe are known to tolerate his vier. If
n man loin v funny but indecent story
to relate. he can have no right to
% nice it within hearing of any except
those whom he knows to be ',ermine
who will desire to hear it. The voice
has been bullying the herring since
the world began. The talker is for-
ever encroaching on the tights of the
silent pet. ',i who cannot tail to over-
hear% Os' the streets, in railway
•coaches. and in n11 sorts of public
places those who hear -thwwe who are
helpless in the wetter and must heat -
1)ave their sensibilities outraged by
Muse peso talk, thus.- Whoar
without rhyme or Fenno'', use monody
volar epithets, or nivel, yarns that
make decent Para burn.
•'Thele are good stories which are
not suited to parlor nee, which do pot
got into point, yet which 'Raman no
genuine a wit that it would tae unfair
to succeeding generatic tin In fail to
pass then (m. Such were some ..t the
stories that tickled Abraham Lincoln,
although his name is yoked with some
witless yarns which never could have
amused that brain of his. Moet inen
like a witty story, even if it he some-
what off color. but altogether too
large a percentage of mien are in-
capable of tieing 111rn jndgtment iu thin
natter. When half a dozen then are
together, and one with an acute ap-
predation of humor relates tie woes•
dote for the ' •th it caries. the party
should break up at once, for there are
nearly always some present who will
respond with 'stories possessing not
half enough wit t, atone for their
grossness. Men unprotestingly put
up with a groat deal of thin kind of
thing. Nine men out of ton consider
it a nuisance that should be abated,
but eight of the nine give no sign of
disapproval lest they should he re-
garded as prude... A man should de-
fend his hearing, for it cannot defend
itself. A gond ,.tory is the spice of
life. but mien. by offering protests,
should snake it generally understood
that travellers in 'stroking compart-
ments' and persons in other public
places have a right to protect them-
selves' against offensive conversation.
Men submit too tamely in places of
this sort to the crass vulgarian. It
will be the opinion of many that e
etand should bei made In this .-natter."
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
Ityy• local irpllcationr ws they .-.ono( rears the
dl..•oo'd portion of the earThen is only nn.
way 1o,•nrn deafno... and that 1. b • ennd1i1-
tboot! reme,lle.. Denim•,.. In essueed by an in-
flamed an,d10on of the youa lining of the
tatataehlnn Tule. \yhen thi. tube 1a inflamed
s oil have a runbllna .mend fir hnperfeet hear
Ins. and when It ,r entirely rhwld denim... 1.
the result. and Hole« the I ntlau,nat iom ran be
taken nit and till. tithe rentorvl mita normal
e mdll ion hearing will be dent rayed forever :
nine ran,. nut Of ten aro Pau -ed l.y eatnrrh.
. hleh Ir nothing hen an Inflamed condition of
the 'nitrous 'outfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars fnr any
raw of deafn,r., Meowed by oaten m that can.
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur, Send for
( Itculars. free.
F. J. CHLNki' k CO.. Toledo, v.
Maid syr Druggist*, 73c.
Tato Hall's Vitally Ville for coortination.
For Wreck of Lurltne---Certt6cate Sus-
pended for Si: Months.
Toronto, Dec. 23.- :rhe Uuvernuieut
cruiser !airline was wrecked In Uod.-
rich harbor some months ago because
of the rareleeeuess of Captain .1. B.
Foert, aid his certificate hits been
cancelled for sit mouths.
This is the verdict d'Alene(' to the
Department of Public Work, today
by liounrander U. V. Slain, of
Ottawa, who held 'so iuvestigatiun a
few weeks ago. He was aasirtxl by
Captain W. A. Wiggins and Captain
In the evidence Captain Forest ad -
milted that he had entered the harbor
on the battle comma he had used fifteen
or twegty years ago. This the court
held was carelessness, in view of the
tact that up-to-date information was
readily available. The llomiuton
Government is not held responsible
fur the sunken cribwork upon which
the Lurliue ran, but, the court recom-
mends that the old ranges should be
immediately discontinued.
The !Airline. it will ax• remembered.
was staking its first trio fur the On-
tario Government after trip
purchased from the Hiram 1kalker
estate for CO,INII. It was a total
Provincial Good Roads Fund•
'4wfuru, bita,aitor.
The county council at its recent ses-
sion took the initiative action on a
question of very considerable im-
portanceto the people of this county.
This. question affects the pocket and
thatis,irually at very vital spot with
its all.\Ve refer to the motion
adopted appointing a delegation com-
posed of the county warden, the
county treasurer and the county rep-
resentatives in the Legislature to
iuterview the Onutrt.e-- - iovernutent
with the view of making such arrange-
ments as will permit the county of
Huron to participate in the Provincial
good roads fond, especially to the ex-
tent of receiving aid from that fund
aur the construction of permanent
bridges Iter the jurisdiction of the
As our traders already know, the
Provincial lergie lattre has set apart a
fund of one million dollars for the sn•
coiltageirent of the construction of
meal roads in the Province. The eon•
ditions of the law making this appro-
priation are that the Government will
give ()tie dollar for every two dollar,
spent by any county in staking per-
manent roadways, these toads to be
under the supervision of the counties,
and u, be approved of by the Govern-
ment. The comity 'most pais a bylaw
setting aside a eel tail anemia for this
{purpose and designating the roads to
be improved. The county must also
snake the improvements, and assume
control of the improved roads for at
Ieast three years. The appropriation
may further be used for the purpose
of purchasing toll roads. These con-
ditions tuay he All right for counties
who, up to the present time, have
been using toll roads or who have'
Bern used to travel on mud roads.
But they do nut suit counties like
Muton, that have been more enter-
prising. Forty yearn or wore ago the
county of Huron borrowed a large
suer of money, and with it con-
structed a nyat•tu of gravel roads
intersecting every portion of the
eouuty. For many years these reals
were Idled and maintained by the
county. Several years ago the tolls
on the county roads were abolished,
and toll roads that did not belong to
the county were purchased by the
county. and all the roads were made
free. At the sauce time, all these
roads that were built and bought by
the county were handed over n the
municipalities to be maintained, and
have since leen. and ate still being
maintained by them. This arrange-
ment ham proven eminently satisfac-
tory to all parties and the enenty is
averse Lo going lack to the old sys-
tem of comity roads, even to the ex-
tent of enabling it t, participate in
the gond toads f(itld. Now, the fact
that this county has built its own
toads with its own pey should not
surely preclude it -from participating
in the Provincial fund. Calder the
law as it now (stands, the county of
Hurn will be punished or penalized
for that cnterptiwe of former years.
Having built it.a own roads at its own
exnenste, and a portion of the. debt
incurred tor that porp oee is still
unpaid. it is now herng forced
to armlet less enterprising g
sin counties to
construct their loathe, ea we are
all forced to fay our proportion
of the i'rovincial trillion dollar
fund. This ie neither just nor fair.
If the Condit' wars fully and fail•ly
placed 1le•fore the Government, we are
mute that they will see the force of
Huron's r,ntention and devise or
agree to a remedy. What Huron now
desires and what the d.•putation
above referred to will endeavor to
secure, if possible, is the consent of
the G, rernnre't t, smlestitute perma-
nent bridges instead of permanent
mauls. The letter 'are, surely. as
gential to the public inteteate as the
former. Huron has been spending tn
an average 11:01,0011 a vear f.,r several
years in the conerructior• of perma-
nent bridges. The burden hon been a
heavy one for the people to hear, but
there was no avoiding it. The
Midge's vete required and they had to
be built. As shown by the abatement
of the engineer there will still have to
he built, within the next two or three
years fit the outiide, bridges that will
.tv,at in the/ neighb orh 1 of COMM.'Thin will impose an ormohS addi•
tional tax en the people. 11 the Gov•
eminent will treat this county as an
exception and permit it to participate
in the good made appropriation for
the conet•uetion of these bridges, or
,.,rend the !serpent law to Ihnt, effect.,
the work team he Parried 'out. Huron.
and [perhaps oilier counties as well,
will be placed in their jsi.t position
and the burden will be very materially
li htened._
The Father: What 10 that book
roe at r reading, my eon Y' The Son :
It's a story of a than who invested his
money In a \Veetern gold urine and
lost every cent of it." "1t, that's all
light, to?• boy. 1 was ofritid you'd
got hold of a work of Qctluu !"-
online Statesman.
A National Di•
Toronto \toekly Sun.
Thin country in suffering from a
national disease. The disease is lean
virulent. hot more contagious than
smallpox. It is not checked by win-
ter'scold nor melted away in the heat
of n,nnmer. It exits in the low-lying
Iambi of Kent and Essex. as well as
in the highlands of Northern Ontario,
the eity of Ottawa being 'subjected to
periodic outbreaks of peculiar violence.
Wherever men ate gathered together
you will find sonie..ne muttering from
it at (rant thane within hearing suf-
fer. That is one of the peciliaritiee
of the trouble ---the chief suffering is
borne by those who, whether afflicted
or not, give no visible. evidence foil
the moment of their affliction. The
evil shows itself at times, even at the
Winter Fair and the Farmers' In-
stitutes, tent is more strikingly mani-
fested at presentations and public
dinners. and in Parliament and the
Legislature it attacks everybody in
night. it exhibits Itself in a Niagara
of wools. ()bemiring a 1)uflln'a Creek
volume of ideas.
1)r. Mills, when head of the t)ntarid
AgtieulWral Co1141ge, ouch gave this
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Fligh•
er, Chicago Lower -Liv. Stock
-The Latest Quotations.
Monday Fvening.,l,er. J.
I.Iverpool wheat futures closed to -day
lid up. Corn lid up.
At Chicago Lec••mb,•r wheat tinned aloe'
lowtr, Loc. corn .1%c lower and Dee ,ate
talc lower.
Winnipeg Options.
Pollowfng are the Piscine unolationa
on Winnipeg grate 1utoires to -day
What-Dee.::.%4'a Md, May 01 Irk bid
Oats -Dec. 44: bid, May 6.114- bid
Toronto Grain Market.
Grain -
Wheat, spring. bush 10 96 to 1...,
Wheal, fall. bush' 0 97 ....
\:heat, goose, bush J Irl ....
Wheat. red, bush 0 97
Rye, bush 0 61 ...
Penn. bush 0 M .
Bucicwhea:• bush 0 14 0 66
Barley. bush ....10 75 ....
Oats, bush 0 tl 0 67
Toronto Dalry Market
Rutter, dairy, tb. roils 0 zr 0 1111
Better, tuba 0 3, 0 4
Rutter, creamery, Ib. rolls0 19 0 30
flutter, creamery, boxes • •• 01 0 3e
new -laid, down 0 30 ....
Nags, oold-storage, dozen 0 C ....
Cheese, large. Ib 0 k54 •..-
Cheese, twin, Ib 013Yy .
Boner. extracted, Ib 0 013',1
Liverpool Grain and Produce.
LIVERPOOL. Dee. M. -Wheat -Spot.
firm; No. ! red western winter, Ts slid:
futures, quiet: March, 7s laud; May, 7a
10..4. Con,, spot firm; prime'mtxed Am-
erlcun new, la 6d: prime mixed American.
old, is *Kai: futures, tlrm; Jan., gr 44sd.
New York Dairy Market.
"fl- W YORK:. Dee. 30. -Rutter, :heady:
roeelpts, 3510; creamery specials, :Ar: ex
tree. Mc to 'Ellie; third to first, .1e to
784: held, second to specials, 3:c to 31c.
sante dairy, common to ftn(at, 30c to Mc:
process, common to special, 134' to Mc.
wester, factory, ermmnn to first, lice 1"
?a•; imitation creamery. firsts, 30c to
Cheese, quiet: receipt", 1212. state, full
cream, small colored and white. one,
Ittii• . do., large colored, flee, 13%c; do.,
white, ISi4..: do., good •o prime, 144fic to
lee; do., late made, best, 11%o to 13c; dn.,
common to fair, *54c to 114ic; skims, lc
to llc.
Minot firmer; rere4Dts, UM: state, Penn-
ay-Ivania and nearby fancy .elected white.
0c to 14.. orur1 to chole, 11.7c to Ione:
brown and mixes] fanry, 27c to 21e: Drina.
36c to Mr: weatsrn firsts, 3e; seconds.
344e to 7444.-.
Cables Firmer --American Market;
Aro Quoted Steady.
LONDON, thee. 30 -London cables aro
Berner at Itic to l.fc per Ib . dreamed
weight; refrigerator beef 1s quoted at
9'nr. per pound.
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
TORONTO JtUNCriON. Dec. 30.-
Reeeipt, of live stock at the Union
Stock Yards were 13 carloads, com-
posed of 24:1 rattl(•, 32 hogs, 306 sheep
and 2 calves.
Nona on rade. .seepting a few export
bulb, atilt h sold from 43.50 to 1.
Peat butchers'. S4 60 to 16; medium,
to 14.3; cnnunon, 13.:0. to 1; canners,
to 41.:0 per cwt.
. Feeders.
None nn sale.
Milkers and Springers.
Fred Rowntree hoeght three at 140 each
Veal Calves.
Pricer nem at 24 to 4F per ewt. .
Sheep and Lambs.
Export sheep mold at H per cwt.;1a*tba
e,.IJ at 15 to 45.60 for cwt.
R.lecta were (nwt04 at I.M, fed en4
wsler.4, and 11110, f.o b. urs, at cOlatry
Montreal Live Stock.
MONTREAL. Dec. 30.-(4paelal.)-At the
Montreal Stork Yards West Y,nd Market,
the receipts of live ,tock Inc the week
ending Der. 91 were ;ASIC Pallor, I3K4 wheep
and lambs. 3144 begs and 117 sleep. The
offerings thin morning fnr local rofl.mnp-
tion ron.dated of (100 rattle, 10) sheep and
lambs. 1100 hogs and .'t, eaters. There wan
m. Important change In the remdltlon fnr
enols, prices !wing Bern on account of
.mall .upplr offered. The weather was
n nmewhnt stormy, hot this did not Inter-
fere with Meyer, attending the market,
and, a, (hear all wanted eons. bear, the
demand was fairly good and a moderate-
ly active trade was dose. gables from
Liverpool on Aaturde0 reported trade In
rattle stow and noted nn Improvement in
,rill Par. geed geed at 4e beeves '. this market old
*e to
y(e'4•' 141, fair at
4r to 444n common at Per In 3%.-. Inferior
at 344(' to 3c per lb., and canners at The
to Sae per 100 lhtr.
The market for .hear and lambs was
very firm. Awing to the limited offerings
and the fair demand for the name, het
Prieto, 'thawed nn change from a week
ago. Choice lambs sold at Sr. good at 1'4c
to hair, and common at Ile to Mic per Ib.
F,xport sheep brought 4e. Rand hotrhrr.'
e melt 414x' to Vie. and culls L• to 334c per
Ib. Tn .pats of the further wrakners 1n
( h
and snot markets for anadlan bacon
and another decline to rrtres 04 la to ^..,
whlrh mateil a net drop of 7. to 44 daring
the past two wocka. a firm feeling rnn-
rInuas to prevail In tn. lrx-al hog situa-
tion on at•rnunt of the anal! Mtlppr.s mts-
Ing forward. in,. demand fro.-, Peckers
and dealers was gond, and an settee
trade was done. with Melee of sefeeted
lets at 11.10 per 100 Its . weighed off raiz.
East Buftsle Cattle Market.
RAST A[.PT'ALO. Dee. w0-f'atlk`-re-
ceipt.. 2wl Mad; Mow and 'steady to 1*.'
higher: prime steers, 16.26 to 45 S0. ship
( ing. 14.75 to Ir+•1: hatchery', 1413 to rr, In:
h. ifera. 13.3 to 14.24; rows, :1's to 113;
hell.. 43 to 44-60: stocker'. and terriers,
1::P to 14.14: stack heifers, 315 to 11'
fresh rows and springers. steady to 13
Maher, 115 to 154.
]togs- Rereirdl. 1A700 /read; artly. and
.among: rin.tng RIMY; hMvy and nstrol.
14.90 to 84.>4; yorkers. 54 -SO to 841n: pigs.
1.71 to 1-1e: rno t.a, 14.3 to *4.110; stags.
V.24 to 13.75: I.lrt-., 14.11 In 1.w.
Sheep and 1aimhs--keeeh•ta. 10.00* head.
settee and higher: Lambs. 46 to V.C: yesr-
46.76 to 11.50: wet)wra, 14.75 b Woo;
ewe.. 14.3 to 14.7s; .twee, nixed, 177 to
1 75.
Now York Live Stock.
I(1SW' TORT:. Ike. 10.-Reeene-Rr-
(rtpta, :400; steers steady. neaten dull;
hulls, steady to 15e higher: cow.. 114 to
lie higher; bologna rows, tic In 10c high-
er; .leers. 4215 to e..46, fat nom 14.14;
cull., 41 to ilei; rows, 4140 to 14. New
extra fat dn., 14.13 to MM. Exports to-
morrow. .a0 rattle. 1090 sheep and 3400
quarters of beef.
('alves--Rocelpts. 1037. Veal.. steady. to
.trona; tromp Males, 25c higher, barnyard
calves, firm for gent stocker.. N-esteen
rehires. higher, quality considered.
16 to 41.50; tope. 11:5: cath. 14 to 1440•
barnyard calves. :3 to 13.5e. western
calves. $4.1 to *4.S.
Sheep and Tsmb.--RorWpt.. 1041; sheep.
steady; Iamb., ser htgber; some galea, Mc
blither; sheer.:'. s0 to 110, ,elected do .
WS to 14: calls, 41.50 tn =A0: lambs,
11g7r. to 17:.4; few rhnle'. and extra Iota.
17.10 to 17.80; culls, 14 to 15
Dhkage Live Stock.
CHIC'A(1(1. Der. 30.--rattle-Rov4put
3.000; market strong to 10e higher; .leers,
X4.00 to 1*.1: coma, V.711 to 1.00: heaters.
1210 to 16.3; hulls, $'-el to 14.36; sateen,
13 to 17; stockers and feeders, tL- 40 to
Iloga--Rrcr+,DG. MAO; market 10, to 15o
blither; choice, heavy .hipping, 14.75 to
Mi; butchers', 14.74 to MS; light [nixed.
pi4Me of Mlvics to the building orators
in one of the college (leases :
When railed upon to .pealp he -
gin to say something NS soon as
you get on your feet. As soon as
you art done saying it sit down.
The agonies inseparable from
human exlstenes would be vastly
lessened if all these who feel the im-
pulse to make a few remarks would
paste this piece of advice in their
An Utterly Useless Institution.
at alkerton Triretop.It.lhen.u.
Two more of the faithful have rot
Weir reward at litat. Thele ate Arcb.
McKIM'S $12,000 STOCK
Great Slaughter Sale of
Dress Goods
Many Tots, 25c to 4oc, for 1 5c per yard
Many lots, 5oc to 6oc, for 25c per yard
Great choice of 75C to $1.:5 goods
for 39c and 50c per yard
• Wash Dress Goody, Lawns, .Muslins, Cham -
brays, Silks,' at reckless prices.
Housekeepers, Hotelkeepers and
Boardinghouse Keepers
should replenish their stock of household linens
and bedding at. this sale.'
Blankets, Lace Curtains, Comforters, Table
Linens, Towels, Sheety'gs and Pillow Cottons
all being sacrificed for speedy sale. No heed
to cost. Just sell, sell, sell.
Men and Boys, Visit This Sale
Overcoats, Suits,. Underwear,-. Separate- Pants,
Top Shirts, Braces, I l:n1,1kL -chiefs,. Collars,
Umbrellas from t)nt-yuartt-r 11) one-half on
regular -prices.
Ladies' Ready-to-wear Goods
Waist's, IVhite\vear, Skirts, Underskirts, Corsets,
Jackets, Rain Cloaks, Millinery away helot%
anything you have ,thought of being able
to buy.
you will understand why this is an opportunity to buy for present and future at prices
not likely to come your way. again in many years. We have 20 salespeople and will
serve you promptly. Sale prices in plain figures are marked in red.
Canadian Merchandise Sale Co.
W. A. McKim's Store, Goderich
Campbell, of Centre York. and N. A.
Belcourt. of Ottawa, both of whom
hare been elevated to the Senate.
'rhe Senate is an ideal institution for
taking care of worn-out political
hacks. We do not know h about.
13elcowt, but Archie Campbell is :,
garrulous old woman. He was very
anxious to get into the Cabinet, bur
ear identlr in the opinion of Sir Wilfrid
Laurier be was not a big enough slam
for the job, and for the t • being
was turned down. Now he has gut
something far better. He is sure of a
$'43011 job for doing nothing fur the
remainder of his natural Ilfe, and we
caunut see very well what more lie
could ask for. The Tories say that
the Liberal party have broken every
promisee they made while in Disposi-
tion. This is slut true. All the aa►uc.
they have certainly g • back on
their promisee in regard to refurtuing
the Senate. The Serrate is the aanie
old refuge for worn -mit political stifle
that it has always been. But reform
of the Senate is a phrase without a1
meaning, the simple reason being that
neither party when in power wants to
reform it. it is a convenient lumber
room where importunate supporters
can be stored awa)•, and just how any
Government void(' get on without it is
not clearly visible. All the Paine, in
the inteteati of the mutiny, it ought
to be reformed and the only satisfac-
tory reform is annihilation. The Sen-
ate is an appendage of our Parliamen-
tary system that is now. always has
beets, and always will he, utterly use-
less, and it will be n grafi-send to, the
country when it is wiped out ofexist-
'rhe two you...; ladies on the pnni-
entule of a seaside resort had been
watching the veasele pass, through a
teleMcraw lent thein an "ancient
mariner." On handing the glass back
one ..f thein non irked flint it was 1.
We Guarantee
to cure your cough or cold
No "ifs" or "buts" -just a
straight statement-Shiloh's
Cure will cure your cough
or cold and do it quicker
than anything you
ever tried, or your druggist
will return the purchase
price. Get a bottle to -day,
and cure that cough or cold.
Shiloh's cand cs ougha
Shiloh's Cure is a safe and suer
cough and cold medicine for
children. it has been effecting
cures for 34 year.. X11 drug
gists -15C., 5Ou , and Sion.
"Brick's Tasteless
Rt(d)liRt 1)
f is an extract of fresh cod livers, containing'all the virtues of
I fresh cod liver oil without the nauseous' rcase, the compound
syrup of hypophosphites, nutritious extract of 111.411 and the
fluid extract of wild cherry bark.
purifies the blood.
makes the weak strong.
is a specific in sore throat and lung diseases.
is so prepared that it can be assimilated without the least
digestive effort.
is sold under the positive guarantee that a decided improve•
ment.will he felt after taking one bottle, or your moncy\will
be refunded by the druggist from whom you purchased r.
Can we be fairer''
Two Sizes --8 ounce. bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle 111.00
Seeds M 1 .4..elas.td wpme Te,wale
Alonissmsmimmoss sv b.
We want everybody intere-ted in garden
ing to write for our New 11106 Catalogue,
which is cue of the most complete aced
catalogue. published. To each inquirer we
will include absolutely free a pirkage of
seed Af our splendid new tomato, "Canada's
Pride," or if preferred a package of our
wonderful "Canadian Gun " Turnip or
ynuta Rosa" Poppies.
Write to.tlay and name emir choice.
Darch it Hunter Seed Co., Ltd.
London, Ont.
very good one. "Yes. miss,- said t be dead nearly it hundred years.' "Well,
old tar: "that 'ere telescope waw' I'm slowed," remarked the salty one,
given ore by Lout Nelson." 'Yiuud , n nils ugalsa•hed ; "'ow the time do
Rrsdot's! , 'Why, Nelson has, been 1 toy !"-Judge's Library.
To take tho place of the 'ere•)1t Door fur
Summer we have a line of
Storm Doors for Winter
in. if 'uu aro putting up shed, it save,
you t e time of making a flour and cutur�
this fall have been largertl [usual, but -
still keep g tint; thele in, and atpres-
ent we,:have an assortlnent of over fifty
on our Noor for yo to choose from. This
Inay seem a largo Humber to you, lout if'
you doubt it come iii,and countthein for
\V(1 also have ft number of
in good repair.
fully guaranteed.
glees special attention and all work
Store Phone 1,
House 'Phone 111
A Few Genuine Bargains
Ranges and Heaters
1:"t ono befute they go.
Worsell & Son