HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-01-02, Page 4Tao 'curs 1, la neary ., 1st It AN lilt T f 1 W leer 44 1 Six mouth. Tu United I+1, 1. I1y hi r. ;ri,b.. rlher rrg''.Lnly In. tinalntlna tot pw•alhle. w'Mmatel. old and the aril per tie rue 1 nornleachubsoil ul l ars Business ea year. Ail son !sou Winos. Prow Male nr to 4) Armele.. Pot II„o., tic oriel f a• each en„ mints is pn.l Announcer Bent* per line Any special pecuniary be cellon. to b. ler be charred Eat. fur Menta will hoe, Addree. all P1 The Nominations Names of Those Who Are in the Field for Muni- cipal honors in tioderich and Surrounding Municipilities- Interesting Contests for Many Offices. There is tog (of distil light °min t4', ncglcct latter trate want clean circumstaue serious den, • lee cut short lug of the i stop doing t then hinted things. Bei means ; but this water t vise the rite Nu. 4i. The Signe favorably til 110 more nee 1f the vote 6 undoubtedly is very genu built up a s any nseist*ne titled to col wants to 11)x:. V111/111 and do works. (Ir. that if the tends to begi in the cunstr He is nlakir material uta; in al week. will have tw on the work. The elect also be cart brought for even except t ion--promis the progress grew I rich than dor tion of the 0. Gar Hai iv I s4, Code i, n h has ire the heathy will be a fair tern. There , Nu sinking ft why shout( any sinking that does not has to pay the borrow the sinking fund 1)d the town will guarantee. 7 road will ne hands of the ties at one -hal as the minima. the sum of fill lature has pito of the coupes between lied would cost, , • t $0110,000. The card ine, $30, - *73,001) ; Asbf Ing $150,4400 would be $4(MI large margin the road mut the IOet of cot ping the Fond be much grey t states objection to ti plying of pow light plant. ready 'mule t.1 law of Alli, en phP p1•eetut worse orany h te11lpbated ly t the goitrenlee Mirk hind Rivet guarantee of West, Shure 1 pans. Do not les or prejodi I..ni.idel'at ion light of the t want the e4p t, the trade of e 'should he eau tele MUNICIi It's nn ell! E:n inn's Ic14,4)1 An old sktezir4 known chararte "passed away. was coromilnila eutskder, • -even, ala "Is that, Plaint?" ao "Nu ry4e'1 ° 1 4 4 The Candidates in Gederich. Ing might *repine a desire to hear. the meeting on Friday night is also for The nominees actually' In the tleld the dis(-,Irrlon of the•! Hnauciel :state - usenet of the vomited and of the water and light c ir*iun and of the by, hoes. .1. E. 1' 'seconded Mr. Blaia's (motion, whirls WA. carried. Mayor Elliott referred to saute ex- reptiunel difficulties the council had had lu ronte1d with this year. the Mei of which won the stringency of the money ' market, 1411 atimuuot of which '$I3,e101 0( debentures which should hate lawn sold by last year'" council were not dispo.ed of early in the year and later they were .old at a lues, end in this connection he re- tenwf to what be described a. a "mite enable little slip" which had leen cir- culated about town. ••I would like' the author to he mane gh to LI/ the platform," he said, ••suet I'll mower 1 ' . • The debentures had been 4(41141 ata 11/$114. but the tlrun which are as tulluwr ; • For Mayor Dr. Clark, 11r. Macklin sod Rola. Thompph.wou, FOl Reeve- Robt, M,cLeao and ROM. Elliott, Fur Deputy Reeve. Chas. Reid and G. M. Elliott. For Councillors -Dr. Ballow, B. C. Mu gr, J. '1'. Goldthorpe, Chits. Humber. .1. C. Leithweite, il. \V. ?rotation, J. 11. Robertson, J. W. (:reigie and David Blown. . For School Trustee—The only con- test is in St. Andrew's ward. between Jas. Tait and W. C,-Pridhani. There was a very interesting time et the town hell on Monday night last. the occasion of the enuuel icipal innate ' . The hall was crowded to its utmost capacity and the audieuce hong together till within half ars hoar of midnight. *ben_ they lok their d4, peruser with one consent, en adj lied sweeting havini: been arranged fin- Friday night et4 a clock. tire listening w 4,M r \o 0110 seemed to pl b R speeches of the nowinee*,'end truth te tell there was enough excitement to keep everyone on the alert to see what WAS coming next. And ohne. Was enough fun to put almost every- one veryone in the best Of good nature. The list of noluinetipus was as fol- , lows: "'Ott MAYoU. ' \\'ijliam Fordyce Clark. veterinary surgeon, propo*ed by J. B. Hawkins, seconded by James S. Tait. Wllliarn Campbell, Insurance agent, proposed by Eli Armitage, ,seconded oy Godfrey Nicholson. Gets. Frederick Blair, barrister. pro- posed by A. C. Hunter. seconded by J. T. Goldthorpe. M. G. Cameron. leirrirter, proposed by A. I). Mrl.ran, seconded by 6.. F. Blair. RobertThompson, blacksmith, pro. posed by A. Smith. seconded by %Vm. Watson. John Elgin Torn, public school in- spector, prnpnred by 11. 1. Strang, • •conded by Was. Acheson. Joseph Elliott. gentleman. proposed be W. T. Murney, seconded hy Hobert McLean. Alfred Hope Macklin, medical4,oc- br, proposed by James Mitchell, see- eoded by O. F. 111air. von ns:s:vP. RolertE.11iott, apple exporter. pro - tined by A. D. McLean. seconded by Richard Parsons. Robert McLean, cattle deader, yio- by A. Smith, seconded by F.. R. Yat.oe, rim (DEPUTY REEVE. Charles Reid, contractor, proposed by Epi Armitage, seconded by W. F. Clark. Robert Thompson, blarksutith. pro= posed by William Acheron, seconded ly ('bark., J. Harper. Geo. M. Elliott, merchant, prod .ed by H. 1. Strang, seconded by H. C. Yilsing.r. John Christopher Martin. gentle - mean. proposed by H. C'. Filsinger, sec - ended by E. R. Mwarte. eon tivsetLutita. William Forbes °allow, physician. proposed h l\' . F. ('lark sn ero led 1 y Y S. C. Hunter. David Brown, iron dealer. pro esed to, John Johnston, ',notelet' 4.) - Thomas Gledhill, and proposed by If C. Filringer, seconded by J. iI. flaw - kine. Benjamin Clement 31unning*, build- er. proposed by Stephen Stothers, seconded by J. B. Hawkins. .Tames H. Roberte,m, mechanic, ',w- onted by Joseph D. %Nilson, secondee] by Robert C. Black. .Tot Gr Joseph T. p Goldthorpe. merchant. rehunt. proposed by A. C. Hunter, 'seconded by V. F. Clark. James Laithwaite, gentleman, pm - posed by H. J. Acheson, seconded by J. Elgin Tom. Edward Francis Lynn, gentleman, proposed by M. Nicholson, seconded by Max Cl*inuount. John William lbnl L ' 1'al ie - i1)a ra11t u •P K broker, proposed by .John 9. Platt. seconded by A. U. McLean. /toward \\att Thomson, drugp•iat, proncieed by J. B. Hawkins, seconded by Wm. \Varno•k. Henry Burnell Beckett, undertaker, proposed posed by .lanes 31it•hell, seconded 4)7 \V. H. Robertson, Frederick C. Murnev , butcher. r pro- posed Hwang. D('Md by 'seconded by Adam Thompson: -Glearles Herbert Humber, jeweller, proposed by John Prang. seconded by George Green, and prop -era by St. Geo. Priee, seconded by H. ('. Fi1- sin er. -- Frederick e 4'k Jobu Pridhanl. merchant tailor, proposed by '.Tames fluchal*n, jr., seconded by 0. 1.. Study. Jame* C. i.iithwaile, gentleman, proposed by Charles A. Reid, sec- onded by A. M. Todd. A. M. Todd, editor. proposed by O. 1.. Sturdy, seconded by .1. H. Haw - kin,. T041 *1411*,!• T111'MTKP.e, S ). St. David's 11"Ard-- Allen Duncan McLean, nlerehent, prupoll 11 by 41. (,4 F'ilsiuger, second(11 by .1. 11, Hawkins, elected by acclamation. St. Patrick's Ward William Ache - mon. oter•hent, pro aoaexl by A. Mitlln• dors, seconded by Arthur Meath, mud end elected by acclamation. 8t. George's %'are! -- Alexander Saunders, manufacturer, pnlpos.'d by B. U. Mnnningm. meeondwl by Fileinger, and elected by acclamation. St. Andrew's Ward --,Tanen Tait, foreman, proposed by H. C. Filsinger, recoodell by . C. Mannings. %'illiam H. 'Jitney, (manufacturer, 1 proposed by Robert Hall Cult, ase• untied by G. F. Blair. Walter Cnlumhu* 1'ridhau, mer- chant, propped by William Camp. 1x11, Recuntlerl by Robert Elliott.. net 4,t .\TER AND 1.111 111" 1'n4NIM$I04. THE SIGNAL : (,ODKU1CH ONTARIO went roll. 'lite assessment bed leen An Indefensible Blunder. raieed $171.291 since 1Ql):L I'be. raising ,'l lorwalu ,wkir 1.,o. of the /1Mewurut was something Mr. 0110 of 4110 1'tlarel l., given f 11. the ab- lilrir Iual always wanted. as it wuu houtinion Ilowl,r the tax ratio uur taxesxuy but r.1 .IIPI r!\'we 'liart tit the postal n by- the tagreementlhreerto rece t• The nelson the collector's rob had 1141 wer I corroding between Canada and the been returned stnse j(4) wua that l oitwiStater, WAS that uodefthe mule t ass was N balance of $4..ti on l*u0• our pewter depart U10111. was e*rrylug at 11 41 walk rates out paid by U. to a 141411 a varl volume of United Matto nays and se ,4,44,11 as the 1.011 went nut publications eddteeit d to 44ube riben, of the collector's betide that 141110111)1 114 (anxda. This trarun would have would Ise boox)Ilel•table. Mr. Caupla•IIl rlwlug applied ill p, i , heIre thie e United cl denied the truth of what lie took a1. ..'rtes 'we" u pplied iu NII 4,4,1.01.. Brit au insinuation that 10 axe receiving what are the taco, ? It costa, under; cot Iseious from the Fairmont Coal ll►r reypuhati,or DOW 444 furore, two Co. uu Chu c,atl pput l 441, by the ernes per four ounces on publications town. ns went hack to b11i(i whru b1. sent Ir Buffalo tar St. Cathew'inea. was clerk of the town, and said he had saved the wed b� H1 ell the nodcargo while lbs saute Bulk ie carried from of coal that' war purchased fur the 1. I owuu, Kull', to Victoria, B. C., at water and light tuition ,end the same 04)4' cent' amount on the second cargo. A, to I'he1M can he lust one explanation of the act she 1 IMM U. 911 uxutae the bunds of tit 1lie Government. It the Maitland River lower Cu., Mr, is w defile -tete attempt to ware it Cenin{bell "Ned the .worst part of the difficult for tau people to obtain trade old'iaittend /liver Power Co. hylaw 1119 111al1414 f 14111' 104111.x4 land ('4144 war being 4.11. uitmely, the elate* re- quiring the town to take power Prow' in the i'.as• it the 4111144', 1111 Clot la, the Company x1 A prime that would violently t•xpivesrd, a■ That which wean 41'2,411) 111• 443,okn, while the multiple the Government til Russia to rxau1114' all papers 'seeking access to the Russian mails and w perk out anything appritriug in, the paper* e't which theauthnrities du. not approve. It is equivalent, to raying that Cau- 1ti11411 citizens require the guidance of the Canadian I'o.loftce I/eputwe,'t AS to whru lie) ."hell or shall not read. 1 014,1. of tie lest daily iiewspgers published' in the United Stats w The New York Sun. It is asaper whirl any intelligent ('a1) dao citizen would be the Tetter fol' -reading. The subscri o "er. •' r t price u N'ear u ttbe United State; : it was formerly let to ( *n*.Ii,ol treaders as well, but under the new postal Nrraugements the curt is $0, The Bre4'oJen,' (i*Ze11 to of Uhicegu, is undoubtedly the lest lite stock paper in Americo. It is tilled flow cover to cover with information 1)1 practical value to stockmen in All !arts of the continent. To the Aener- tcan reader. the cost 4s er2 year : to the Canadian, due again to the al.- togati1411 of the old portal-•.grr•eusen4 Ly our Government, it is $f. And what is true tie to comparison between cost and portage in thele cases is true also 148 r,plrrdsethe The New York Outlook, New York Plot, and hen - do de onedrrde of other •rxeellrut publications which hada large lir_•ulati0n in this cuu11t•y. and through which our people were toeing broadened and the cause of international brotherhood strengthened. Equally trengthener!- Equally uuforUmlate it is that a like reetriction is now flitter() on the cir violation of Comedian papers in the United States. Frnterh• Canadians living in the United States were en- abled to sterns+ their iIi4 home pryer at the same price which is eberged readers in Commie. Asa result of this privilege alw(est every local parer in Canada hod front scorns to huudrril* of reader* iwru,*s the border. These papers kept up iu the hearts of the "outdrew n t hr love for the old home. and were me 'well weekly messenger.. of r to thenew 1 in e ("lends nladr by these ex-laowlians tau the other side. Today the postage on Canadian) pub- lications sent to the United States a t* t(o halt the subscription pricy, and there has been a wholesale can- cellat" of aolalcriptiota in con• sequence. Orin of the most indefensible blunders til the Dineinton Government was in the abrog:uien of the pate metal invention with the United states -- a couvent' which tirade alike for the bcladtning of human k vledge and the uoitinteoauce of grail nelati.rns wiiU our neighbors. w A Spokesman of the West4 power could 1e produced for hallthat. He would like to err the elect t•ie rail- way and the power scheme Ko ahead, but not at the expense of the own.r. M}RAW cave next end gut after rMr. Campbell in guild style. He laughed at 1411. ('eniplell's st;te11eut that be was 11,11 saying anything fur motile the dent said they eould not be or against the candidates and asked, stud Low for what they then brought. was therei ever an elect' when he and 311r. Itumludl 01 :he Furniture did not do so. "Why, he's out Inlay Co. hod had to. take less fur the Putni• hotfoot behind one of the nl*yorelty Cure ('u. debentures than he had paid candidates." (Mr. Campbell-- •.4bsol- for them. r •, utd • 11114,1.01..")Continuing, Mr. Bleir Another exceptional demand wade said, "1'd be proud to tether that slip upon the town was that front the if l needed to" (referring to the slip water end light cummissiuu for which Mr. Campbell led 1**en excep- lar'geamutmt for capital expenditure, tion toi.. "Who associated the Fair - including the eat of the new arc .1)001 ('04(4 Co. *4111 Mr. (llnIpImII7' Sir. systems fought Inst year and for ex- Blair asked. "Mi'. (' plell himself. trusion 40 the water mains, etc. The Is it a ease of stricken conscience?" Iwlaw .4,u raiser the Amount of the debt Mr. Blair then proceeded to draw pito thue incurred by way of debenture, tures of Mr. Campbell's sun-irelyw in the Mayor said, should he supported, the Mayor's chair and 31r. Caw hell end he also favut' d the bylaw to pro- dancing up and down the back of the vide the rust of a sedimentation basin, council chamber Its 4.11114. as a sheet and 'referred to some trouble the en• tot fear the F,ientont ('mal Co. would gineer hid experiene d the p'e31004 net get some coal contract, end of his M.tuolay (owing to the sand coming interference in uolnicipel electors, into the pumps. Answering a goes- and he said, ••\1'he11 a p*id official of Gun mi the slip Already referred to. the town undertakes to interfere in Mr. Elliott wlisl the basin was to be town elections end you permit' it. you placed just the other side of the plover have nut r very clear concept' of hods•, at a cost of $7,010, according to duty." the plans of J. G. MacGregor, end Ar to the debentures which Mayor would cost nothing to operate, end we Elliott said should have leen sold hut year, Mr. Blair said they brad duns t.heir best 'to Haat the debentures hut Ile matter had nut leen in a 'sonnet to close up, and he drew attention to the feet that Mayor Elliott 1 ' sell had been uu the financeru1111uittee last year and asked what be hal done lu es4irt in 11at•1,1g the 'litter crawl up. 31r. 114*4,' (41(4* *11.111 14411 to the feet that the MAyor had nut answered the question as to whet the cowl for the town would have 1.11111 111141(41' the Holmes lender and what it did .0st under the Fairmont bolder. Mr. Elliott mid, ••Will "a \ 111 you give /tie time 4'l1 answer." The choir ' ,'however, ruled that Mr. Blair should proceed. Thelatter said be had taken a gored deal of credit for the intnatuct' of the water awl light commission, but he could not say he was proud of his work. The r ' ' had out jluli• fled its existence. Ile hail hepar' the accnuols of the water and light de- partments would be entirely separ- ated frnlu the town 'Mein,'but this bad not hent dune. As to the sedimental" basin he thought the Jlityor had not giant any information such es intelligeut electors would requite before voting for the bylaw. He hod never hood of a sedimentation titin that could Ie 4, ere s 4,r 1 for nothing. . K •'If you are wise amen. . 11 the town tit (iusiericb," Mr. Blair con. eluded, "yin) will employ *good dent of time looking into. the Meister,* 111 the town," u endr ', h extvow u *sublet tremendous Applause. Robert Thompson annon,r.rl hia in- tention 111 standing for eitbCl' mayor (sr deputy terve, having Leen nom- inated for both positions.. He referred to his twenty-nine years' experience at the cu until•tiae nl, nue year is deputy reeve and two years as ineyor, and he slid. • ( believe r 1l letter 1 can 1'1111 the affair* of the town swccesafulIy for an- other year." It was plain he had been of *some service to the town or be could 4,•o 1 notv1' been en Mo often elected MAO often asked to stand fur re-elec- tion again this year. He did not be- lieve in all this giraheal talk. He was going to O4 4K) . the electric rail- way hylaw for all that he w•;w worth. The Doty proposition was one he run- sidered worthy of ell consideritiun, as it would give employment for high- priced men.. AS to the other bylaw, he' would Leve to consider, ll answer to 1)r. String's question, Mt, Ti p• sun said bo did not understand the sedimentation basin. "fro don't t f eliry r inI 1.l those things .r that the Mayor says afoul the c - ell," concluded Mr. Thompson, amp then reading- the !mullein! in 'Phe Signal's account of the last meeting of the ods! council : "Smiles all round- Meetingo f the to ( ilcri Mutual u 1 1 u/al Ad- miration Society," he 'laid. '•1 went you to place me at the hold of the polls, 1 would pike to juin that S.- cicMrty." , Ton1's speech was in criticism of the nneneiel statementtof the oil and of the water and light cut0ulis- Rion, more especially the latter, which he said it tuns mimosa impossible to understand. Mr. 'Tool In/jilted out mo11.co4 the items which he could out understated, end 7f•. 540,,!ey offered to explain them. No doubt his extol*. nut' will be given on Friday night. Dr. Macklin said Ire hail been 'thtpe years in the town end one year in the councifund As was his habit whenever anything new presented itself 11e made a study of it. If he knew of anyone st4perior to himself running for mayor he would not have entered the contest, but his experience of Dr. Clerk erns that, he was not A worker and wile never Act a c itte•e meet- ing when there new anything difficult to consider. He did not ',minister that he was possessed of Colossal cheek, uw ill' had leant it put, In offering him- self for the mayoralty, am he paid higher taxes than Cho nyerege, 41. expressed himself in favor of a new kel. As to the not 1)f the mino.H• pox scare he said all the bilk were not In yet, but compared with other places the expense here h*d leen rerhark*hIy light : it would not 11 exceed $1,1A11)1, a to Mr. (rimpheli, the IMrtorsaid he considered hien by all odds the cleverest roan in the (own, but if he beat a mayor. he said, "1 assure yon Mr. L nphell wall not he allowed to speak in the council meeting without petenisel n." He ;ilumorousty pi -A- ponte' the Patal.lishing of a new office to be known as "(44404 4nr of town atl'lra" end the Appointment 01 Mr. Campbell to the office at a good salary and pettingR biro run the whole thing. 11e wee io taunt of the Doty bylaw And join •d with M1. Torn in criticising the financial statement. 1111 thought • 11 nein and de Pers a) would get clean water. The drought which had kept the watrrrert team busy the whole aunt - mer instead et having it free for other work had leen anuthpr adverse eirc lance which the euuncil had had. Owing to not getting tete hylaw piecing the sewer shan't 1411 the local impoovenient plan frulu the solicitor as own as they el Id have, 1114 sewer had been game on with ,this year. 7 he Meyer expressed his belief in the tweeWsity for the construction of a trunk sewer in the mouth end of the town. Mr. Elliott then passed on w A sum- mary of some of the things the e ell of the past veer hail dune in which he lied had A hailing part. The dog tags hail leen introduced and the result had leen the killing of many urelee. cursand Au increase in the receipts from • dog lice neete The billiard li- cense had been raised fain (tail to 611)) by his efforts. The Help 'l'slepbone Co. was now paying $11'.% a year for the use of the streets, whereas before it had paid nothing. The settle- ment with the C. P. H. for 8701 for the streets at the harbor which hod been eloped up he considered a good stroke of busineese. The Mayor also took a good Ileal of credit for the in• stitutingp(,,of the new rules of onler.Jor the guidance of the council, and for thel'PV111100 of the town bylaws, on which he heel spent three mouths together with the town clerk. In answer 10 the question, '14117 were the taxesisPa 1.A 1 this year.:- ear' . Ir. Elliott pointed nut that about S1n,tOP that last year's conned had haul to apxnd did not come filen the taxes at ell and $2,1.111 led been put down es cash on hand at the end of the year whish Ives nut cash thew and WWI not cash new. Ile referred to the cheque from the Organ C'u. in payment it the annual installment on their loan. and launched into 1 vigorous criti- c4eli) of the "flippant" way the mana- ger of the organ Co. heti treated the town, which, he said, had treater) the company so genenmel•. Mr. 11:11lott tcceihed hearty ap- plause tie he sat down. Dr. Clerk expressed his appreviatirn of his election •Cel 11 last•r pear r x sal his Bonnier of being placed at the head of the poll, and then went into 11gurca of the town Muineen dur- ing the year, explaining smolt mittens about which he haul been asked. He gave the tioua lat.the different fac- tories were paying in taxes as follows: Jackson Manufacturing Co., $11.3:5: F. U.t 1 . 1 rill , �' . $ s2 .. N. Dietrich & !inn. 4:w.hi Goderich Organ *Cm: Glelel•irh Flevntnr Ito„ $7;31; Western Canada Flour Mills to., 41,. tett . This teas given in *newer to the ltmtement he maid had been made to hint that the f ra.4, 1 n ,Ira ere 1.w no tu In p Y R anything thio in g tnxeR. Another matter he had been esker! Weed wits the Brenta/ (Cres paid by the hotels. 11. said the eight hotels in town and the .unr ahem paid each year $3.3) license each, making a total of $•7.150, of whish the town gout 41,317.50, the (iovernrn)Pnt $I,317,Fe0 and the balance of $51.6 went to the inspector for the exphloem of inspection and other charges. The surface sewer that lied been put in this year had cost $2,4(10.- 21. The looney *pent on grannlithic walks Chi, year wan $7.311 aa'Ageinat $111,13: lied year. Of this a the towel paid about a half and the prop- erty - owners the other half. The Guelph K Gud.rich opening celebra- tion bad coat the town $217.89. The amount 440 fes paid on account of the amallpix nerve had I.ePII $7$, includ- ing $2t)l Worth of vaccine, and flan to Dr. Browning. Surae things the Doc. tar maid he wan in tevor of were it new market, the new -fire hall, n new sulr- fn,•e drain from the eoulhwpst of the town to Huron road end the 01(40- %4011 of the intake pipe farther out in- �lrl)rPClark said be wait not it public speaker, lett was it worker from the word, "Go;" and naked the etipp0rt of the electors. •• William Crimpled! °petted his ad- Fnilrriek W. Ikofy. manta/vernier. ohne! with the statement that he had proposed by Harry D. aria. seconded cn.P to defend himself. It appeared. by.1. B. ILnwkin44. he said, there timid be n0 nominationRobert Janet McGaw, miller, pro• meeting in Inc town .d O'aierieh poser! by J. Elgin 'Cann, seconded hy unless an nitwit was made on him. George Thomson. _ Ile was debarred gon eccuont of his ire or '1. 0. iohnaton its eeleeteed chair. ' idest the ren4idatesan,(MegBlair— mart for the public 'uniting following "Except down in your Wilco") As a the nominations. 111 view 4 the long remelt of this little sally of Mr. Blairs, list of nominee*, 0. F. Indite'-ppngxrasd Mr. Cannphell warmed up a little mote that en a d jnnrntd meeting ahnuld he and got reedy to bindle his old.elme held on Friday night et 8 .i doick ; i entsg0nlst. He nand that Mr. that only the present nlenloet* of the Bleir had hounded hila in very council and nominee,' forma 01., news 'shape and forth, and, hulling i • the and deputy reeve ahnuld be hevlyd that ebeet of questions which hod bee • cir- night (Monday), erld that the .peel!• ciliated, he asid, •'1 weeder wild ing on r attalidatea 1 tell h inldthe limited be M 6.4.1 end I M . Campbell wiBlair father ld Asset'. wee t op - out Is other speakers *0 the mei& pawl to the puloli4Iing of the se - 4,t Inn!1,1.K Free • I.ru The Ottawa l• 4,l w1) ortr•sperndeut of 4,h,• Tumid o News characterizes t he' Freer h et Dr. McIt,ty,4', the repnseatalire in I'an li:rnen4 of the const 41 ae11ry of Si, t , IIall.. 1)a. 1111 sur i n mail delivery, 1)a •'a ',articulately important deliver. ince." Dr. JlcfntyIe, who is Iapidly attaining it well-dr.eretd p1 ' once in Perli;tloeet tie a men of clear -head - Panne. and (mire, s stip. 0)111 bristly rebut he prises- 4h ew .1 the Toronto ' res re1r indent, "the most cogent Algoma -sit yet brnugI ii ( 1'w el 1.l against g t furl• moral delivery." Continuing, the. News .'.it pond- ent says : "Condensed, IA•. McIntyre's lu•gu111ent is this. The \Ve*t' is tear thinly.e tldta , dl,rd li 1N1 roll ff 1 ere rural rel 111:111 delivery. 'fhelefute, the Wiest will not toletete its being given 0 the ..'•.'tut. Sint ed so !mildly• there ie a Wood deal of ;u•rognnre in such at at - (nude : f 11. . McIntyre tit Prr e' lid not state it ao baldly-. but then' -is a trate of blunt - new 411 the wliy he expressed the teeter.. veto. The simples in a meagre a euri ttt a statement for e Liberal to nuke—and if it 144 used up in giving round delivery fur the F..ut, there will be no y left for the neeeasnry extensibns in the West. There lsc n ed for new foewf11rPa n1• q' service., new routes in the West : .w A Westerner he protested against any such thing. It was tnie that the stealer porton _of the revenue came from the Mast, but the Wt•sterners q1. n n r olio RW•o pt and, mon for real!, 111111.4. more letters that Kaant.- erner*, as they 11r11a1Iy were separated from their fanilies ; moreover, the Government which induced' instill; grates to entre• the country had a 'special responsibility towards then!. This ihi a► formidable political a•gd- wPnt against free neral mail delivery.'. 1)r. McIntyre presented the plain cot lnlon mem* of the 'natter. The estlahliahllent of rut -al mail deliveries would have to proceed 114,0,1 the prin- ciple of density of, population, 44,4 in the eerie of city deliveries: and the not of such derive"ies in the old and Thickly settled portions of Eaaterl Calnda would soon turn the postof ice surplus into a huge deficit. The fig - twee .t the not of neral mail deliveries in the United States, cited by the Free Preen a few week* ago, from the re- port which led Met irlsen issued, of Fourth Asei*taut Postreaster•(irntlral De Grew. who in et the head of the rural meltdelivery system in the neighboring country, are enlightening on this point. The inevitable result would be. as 1h'. 'McIntyre edit, no matter what Government w1)* In power, that while an ennno-ls adds• dein would be made to the Location of the whole Dominion, the ne ids .1 the pined service in the Nest would go unsupplitil. Until Cao,uta is a little nearer the position the United States wee in when the Wenhingt i, Govern- ment estanlished rowel bail deliveries, the provision of neceoutry extensions of the postal service in the West, of new p/atn(licen. new aervicen. new routes', will, es Ur. McIntyre declared, continue to he of erecter importance than the esl*h!ishme0t of rowel free deliveries anywhere In the Dominion, end a prior obligation upon the Gov- ernment. It Pays to Advertise. A newspaper has 10,t11p riadens for 2,0)) suhserthers, A merchant who puts nut 1,414)) handbills {rel. possibly dA t° NO people to rend them the' 1.1, if the bny,who is trusted 10.11s4,41,. UMM 664$ trot ohm them under • 1111111111.1111. OUR JANUAR SALE 1 • la�a� Our Two Weeks' January Sale 1 Commence . '£• on Saturday, January 4th, an ontinue r • until Saturday, . J y t DURING these fifteen days our whole stock wil at sale prices. Our stock is a good deal too large for this season o year and! mush be - • greatly reduced for stocktaking. We want the k to move quickly and to accomplish this we are cutting deep into pr' Go carefully over the following items and note some of the great red ens we are m:.:t:ing. Dress (!mods. • Six pieces 54 loch dress tweeds, flue, green, grey cud broom. lei:tures. Some 65e and some 73 cents. Your choice of the lot for 43c Omber Checks and Stripes Ten pieces, 40 lir it inches wide, all woad, all new de- signs and rotors- Every piece new thin fall. We have toxo many of then!. 300, Gic, tine and 63c, your choice for .. 39c Poplins ins Nine pieces, It to 12 inches q'ide, all wool. Colorer black, given, brown, blue, dark car- din,ls. Regular pu•ice 6Us•, 1,1 le price 49c Broadcloths and Venetians 144 to .i2 inches wide, all wool. Black, flue, brown, green, ggrey, dark reeds. $1.15 and $1.23. your choice for 87 to Choice tuakee ueW this fall. Clan Tartans Seven peers, lit inches wide. Regular price .irk.. your choice. 11ew 390 All Wool Cheviots I n black only. 75c, 81.0), 81.23, your choice just one- quarter off their prices. Beret to wear. Satin Royals A few pieces in black and colors, Iak• for 40c ; lido for 66c 111.411 for 86c : $1.23 for 96c $1.50 for $l.26.. A11 choice (-loth. Furs Just a few prices to show whet weary doing in this line. $)) for $13 $Io for •7.60 11 for 7.60 9.30 for 6.00 8 for 6.60 5.73 for 3.76 3.50 for 2.96 41.34) for 4.26 83.00 for 51.96 The above ereostolle collars, throw scarfs anlffs, Dress Skirts Sixteen onl • la lies', in Week, navy and tweeds, and you can get one at just half= prier. Sixteen ere all we have and they t go at not mole then half-price. Prints A lot of the pert l2i rent English prints in dark oavtes, ',lack and whites and it nice lot of light .fancy patterns, • fast colors. You can get your choice for. roc Ladies' Coats . The following are WI lung, loose makes, all of them this season's purchases. Note the reductions. $14.00 for $9.00 ellen for $e,60 12.00 for 7.50 14(60 for 6.76 8.50 for 6.00 7.314 for 4.60 (loud styles and tailorsusde. ses' Coats ter 53.75 $1.440 to, 62.95 $2.75 for $1.96 here ere .Inst nine coals list Int and nu old truck ng rheum. pperettes and ire Twills od colors and neat smell rns. This lot will show reductions. Nee went to go quick. h rye Gloves a itts ;14 ru g - lot to select from cry article reduced sale. yr r Lin 4111t r linens are ,'eidul•wi fur „ale. Bleached tot1.• ling f blotched from :ilk• to 73 inches w ids. 'flr.rm 4)k• to $2.30 a 'owns nod towel - et at aisle pt ices. •*o, 1'p doze ling* Flan (ire aide. grey. dark ends a There will be :t large assortment of other goods not in th wbi9ll we cannot name here, and all will be offered at This is a genuine clearing sale, and no reserved, before No goods charged at sale prices. reduced for this k. sky hloP. white. ilnwolulr,ligbt and r and some mill 11, at sale pricey. bore list e prices. :ktaking. J.H.Co1bor'jI'Il. I USEFUL FURNITJRE THERE is NOTHING MORE ACCEPTABLE OR U.EFUL - for a ' f ui t than a nice piece of ,� furniture. iter e. I We have a very fine assortment this season of PARLOR CHAIRS IurOoask taarnedd M1 n o gka naynd Silk Plush. PARLOR CABINETS, MUSIC CABINETS, BI PARLOR TABL •tigest variety COMBINATION DESKS and LADIES' IESKS ISin Oak and Mahogany. I OAK and MAHOGANY O GAN Y ROCKERS KE UPHOLSTERED LEATHER CHAII ---- and MORRIS C I -A I R S. A fine assortment of PICTURES at cut rate prices. Children's TOY SETS, 111011 C1IAIRS and ROCKERS in Oak arnWicker 1'v BECKETT • B.1 FUNERAL ERA L DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER PHUNK : M'ruMK, i)a. WEST SIDE: OF SQUARE. 'I'HONE :. itKsllt'4K, eIn. 1 1 -1MIN/M. • 1 the sidewalk. The handbills cost as much an a quarter-colm,A, advertise- ment in the home paper. All the lemon' and -girls wad half )hr men and boys reed the advertisement& Result: The merchant who uses the newspaper has 3,300 readers to each 1,(l)) of the paper's subscriber". There is no estimating es to the amount of business that advertising does bring to a merchant, hill it it safe to say that each dollar invested in advertising brings to the investor somewhere from $3) to $100 worth of Imainess. Perhaps the best way to ' make money out of stock. is to have noth- ing to do with them, AreYou Makin Monei `� WbqeCswal.dl .e yon Mons and Valuable Prises For each Subscription secured, Non. of 11,e pr.res ate competitive. Y011 ran hod OW how you can do 111 , by a nt•ng 40 Ow METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE for particular§ concerning in greet Subscription Campaign and the inducements which are being offered to Representative,. Equally interesting to old and young. Addy,. The METROPOLITAN MiAGA7.INE 3 West Twoutr-*1016 Street new York (:Ihr GET THE BEST 6 i;G.4RAMD PRIZE. Hottest Award P,AI �•�• s' Loni •W tit EBkTE:SFRR We teach the " Greg " System of Shorthand because we know itis the lest. it is written in one straight line and based on the movement required to write ordinary longhand. It re- quiree no shadings, back slants or vertical stmkes I-hich are " hard to remember " and require "slackening up " to make correctly. The -Gregg is thus easier to learn. write and read. A speedy, accurate: stenographer is the result. The Principal of Dur Shorthand School ool'graGgraduated }}under the author r two assistants are graduate., of the m, and `Busi- ness Educators' Association. You are assured of the very best tuition herr More information in our large illustrated catalogue, hich wwould 4' like to mail you free First lesson on Gregg sent free on application. A greater demand for our grade- ates than I.4' can supply. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 't„ Mm's sIllasiesnie gde'ws' J. W. wt*TLRVLLY, Prinked. Sondes. Recent!) Enlargn1 WITH 25,000 New Wirds Now Gasotteer of tho orld wit!i more tbno 21,00 lltke, boot on tbo latest Celts return*. Now Biographical Dlctljnary containing Cho neme44 of over 144,($$ note,) persons, date of birth, death, etc. iWU l United eateCoby tv. mwaoucat InluintIon. 2380 Quarto Pages Vs.. Mesa t,lt0 lilaar►,.,,,, 11.4, nn4lnrs. Needed -in Every Home Alam w'cb$t.r's 4 1111 atatc :icthooary 1114 M', ,,, nail IllsanlMaa Reviler *dltlna : ■ lost'( Ire.. 1l -,4.q.. D. Luse 1441ion 1,svhst•; in. 146....4 hes a a.np10,04 AIM, ,..frt. 1....,t1901.1, II,"PRsa, 'Dioi,segw,st.e.•• macs -.e.4 G. O C. MERRiAM CQP•. • `PublI.h.rs, •srl•eflald. Maes. ��3 1 4,v seri fol ma n is loot •sys( * 111 stmt cold In s feel pain do t out drug (pro' tulle Sp( 11:71 -44.fo Ti thew of le rih 1'c any l ✓ down eolt� .valid 4,h. r yorlt) year: s1 II a�iee�ei pts r sale t mono -1 I wand Pin drag Sub' "I works think adapt Baton 1 31 n V Lon " On • lain 4nv'i and