The Signal, 1908-01-02, Page 1HAVE .YOU r- Renewed your subscnpbon to The Signal for loos Now is the Time to do It. J Y1XTIBTB Y>eAR-Na st;e TEN PAGES GODERICH, ONTARIO, AN Ionat. A : JANUARY ►', 1908 TAKE A LOOK at The Signal's list of cluLAang offers on page tJ of this week's issue, and select your reading 'natter for (90. We can top- ply all the leading publications at a saving 10 our subscribers. meemememmerjj ,71 VANATTER & RUBYRTSON, PUsusasas Financial A SAFE 4 PER ('ENT. 1NVENTMENT BY OPENING AN A(OOI'NT \PITH THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY yuu will eapet:Miler that happy fueling which come. to those who know that their p,wse,ssiuns are safe, a.•+ 0 saving. account with this company is just ori sut'ur'e as an ittvestuleut 1)i Uoveru- meet }1onitIs and yields a higher rate of income. FOC It per cent. interest paid o1) depo,ite'and homey caul Is• withdrawn at any thee. Godetich Office, Corner North Street :0111 Square. W. 1.. } I ORTON, MANAGER. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of runnin4 advertise marts must be left at this office by Mo'aday noon to ensure insertion in issue Of same week. S'or title LUMBER. FOR SALE. HEMLOCK. elm and *sepia lumber for tele from .tack, or rtul be cut to oder. Vet further .articular. apply toRC/BERTIBERT Ii .LBPFr. Uodorich. tf *oat Mate tor Dale. GODERICH MARKETS. Taulm4.Ar, Ik•r. 'lab, Fall wheat. pet 4,40.41. low in R. to $ IM N`••tug 0111.1. per bu-h. nt s u It, to n obs (t Ye, per bit a 1.i to it 4:, liueke heal. per bah It At to a au ilea.. per bu.1,., arm • o ;w 10 o 01 Pear., per l rli it 7., to o 7s Dailey, pts bo -lo 11 :n to I a, Screening.. per toe Id MI to IA u, Flour, family. mer 040.1 ... Y .71 to _ ..0 Four, peaenl. per Ow l . Y ell to ora Ikon, per lots *las to :•, ID Starts,. est we X1 to to F a Ilea.tots M ,,,or I.. W.WI. net issel 3 (n to Nutter, per lb N 2% 10 4 hear. per In • I.i to Figs. Creel+. pro dor. • 2. to _ _ I'oltluw• urs a :.i l0 1'altle, ordlu y IOvoel. Per aw•t, 3 m In Wk BALK AT ONCE. -THE l: KN 1 tattle. export per cast I :o to �.RA� ��� shut, Ilse ...oh, pts awl r .$) to terbw. L.Yp frail.* retake wed o.,fdrurr o1 v . otos and a bu-wn.. of - . ' - e,ghl reealr. 'ear e'. 1'. H. KtaUuu and 4.044 •lereng Iwiu,. I ,l to ++tl�µ par cwt 11 10 to Mut tip rherehee and eisoel. ape') .le 1 per lb , is [n %ISM 2o40 ,('arlew P. Li. Witt I per Ile .. ,.. a 1.1 to lacer Ib I•. 11) f( (1 ( s• 1 (' OOD 1lUUSF. FORALI: 1{ rwllow T 1 , per Ili ... ,,. MIN to l i rent.--Cwnfortab.).ou.e to tent Mt diunn Hide., per cwt . ns .. t m to -ire 4 unul 4en1 to M• iv llrfh.4 l,u,. els, Niter m oe .ais. - .,. al le pp ‘S° lid .011 (o n.p000l,k. party who could I ha* one •,... ..... Ice 11) make mululier last, Payment with Wilma a ill Turkey. • .... ., 1.1 445 1 oath)yy ll..lalmeP(� 4 .r tette-situ. ape') .4 40P I.kle tnrrk4M"p.4I O(00i THI'. t)FF'ICF.. L1A KM VIM MALE. BEING IA)T D. I' awoee•ksi t:, W, 1)., upon.•. c.wnprhlua 1..1 aertr. *II ,,10»11,4. TT,14e 1. *good.. urufgqrt- :dn.* frame d welling louse w it ti n•Ilmr ander uw•u., a owl !risme bent. yu.a repaired and rn 1..tge.1. sot h m oruwnt found/o n... 0 41 ,. and all .•mb:et4 OIG- '1'bery b • lege Yount orchard of h,4 a bearing fruit ln+p. well w:.1' -r .d by a -.ring creek o1111101)well.. Fehr, r. And ervter)•• tong in good repair. �pa twir. Ftonand w-HIN- tan wool to M1U4. AU11( .1eN or JAP. N17Y wr lloy rasa to :sale east t)arr. Wane L'AKM FOR MAi.E. PART OF I' W'xk D. take rued met. 1'olbone town -hiptwo mile. hum Goderk•h. 4.01 acres, sed ler loam, hick home. tars 3) x 07, with • euvut Idleal. artaLn wall. water Is Iolld mg. and -twine • reek. 3 .o re. -tending 011ebs•1 and voting cbrd a, Apply t.. t t M. NKR. Dunlop .wI'. UUN(i & YtOHERTMON, REAI, F.date Agent.. Uu ereh. Ont. -Farm and 10004 ptopertle- boughtmild and exchanged. VOP SALE. A LA It:, CO\I- r Font t'AI(l.F brick limier mei-looking the ',arbor . all Modern con, sdenc-a, including hot water heating *PO) 40 VOI'NG A RUB 4.RTI.UN, Oederieh. FOR HALE. ACRES EX('F:l. ENT land for market ga0044 . with good hulld..,ge and feo...e.: two mile. from Gude rah , five acres in orchard of apple., peer-. htum.. 4perrle-. pooh'.. gram. and omni. erd.... Pray, and term. favorable. Apply to 1'l1'NU R ROBERTSON. Oolerach. 11'0K MALE. I MTOI4Y HOUSE • on Ar1tte'-ra .1 met. Il .tory homes 00 Napier ',tree'. li .tory house on Elgin ate nue, 1 story (muse on Victoria street. r wo .tar, 4,0,14 k hour on Eine.inn-et near the hake nine room.. an modem eon,.enientw. M.. Uartd'. .trees ; lune muni.. all melee.. con- Henlen,ee. Faros. for .ale n, env partof uron county. VG4'Nt k )'.ONF:1tTS1iN. Gnderlcb, Ont. Lt N EXCE1.L1:N't; F'ARNi FOR MALK -WO stereo le West tVawwmwh,two 0111. Dual Auburn ; .011 .,(.,y lama. about (•n acnes tinnier rulUv AIWA and 3) In m arms Utnbrr. A well And Iwo (ring" of water, a law fume dwelling.la a good re lwblu :1),d aril' Apply to YOUNU k It( HEKT- MONVOR SALE: OR TO RENT. - A l*Iw 11' Mut clWarm farm In West W awa- noeh, ounrrr,nm 5. lot •G, with 473 osier to a gaol -tate of cultivation. well fenced. well watered. good orchard. large bank barn. good home'. 0.,.l d ce. blacksmith shop awl 4.100,* Rt nonef of farm. 4 ton elf r,l 10 .drool amt rhumb. 7. toilss front t'. 1'. H. station at nbunn. Tenn, espy. N A. HAHKINUN, I.nrknow. lint. L'OH MALE. F'IVI': ACRES ('LOSE • 4large on one of the main thor- unehlalixr%41il 4n. Addn)oItI. NIG A1. (14(E. HOUSE F'O}{ MALI':, A NiNE Warned frame dwelling.. having a good . h not ion. un Keay. .tnrL stone foundation 45,x1 ...newer kitchen. gond Kimble. Will he mold reasonably}. For furl.oer particulars apply to MILS. %V4. Mc(At 41HAN, 11 Davie. ave.. To ontonal( j ,tAKM FOR SA I.E. . A CHOICE harm fee wile, adapted for minted farndng 01 ``pasture, At acres cleared. (0 Wrens god orrh R01.15 aero• good timber. Noll a good black clay loam. flood flame hems, frame barn and slable,, gong driving shed. (mots SJ and 11. renewed* 1, Godcrlrh lowncohlp. Apply to P1tOt'DFOOT, H.1YS 0 I4LAllt or to (HAS, J. WALIde t' 1'llnto. 1' pi I': STERLING BANK OF CANADA 1I*&u Or►ick ToresTo Al rittneslte ('artist. • emotion IN((MIN/itATED HY SPFA:IALACf Or DOMINION PARLIAMENT TV ItrA M V F: DEI'UI/TM To lir,', m nondate the F'arn4us 1),u have ..petrol Hn111111ale in the t Mages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELI. Wi sollolt the i'atronege of the FARMKR. PALM NOT[• DINCOCNTKD• SAVINGS HANK ACCOUNT opened by deposit of *1.1,11 Interest at 3 " cur intery npound ed quarterly. 411)r,KtC.H BRANCH A. O. °AMnl.lt. Manager. 11 Tau 17 ,si am A4 In 19 Cards of Tbani i I,'ARD OF THANKS. --1 WISH TO thank the Gnlrrlrh mound -it of C. (F. C. F. for their l.l.n,ptltudv in tootling the claim of in ntehu.bnnd. Mitt). ANNE: 1)1 F E. lieeeeith. Jan I-0. ton. Boarding UOARDERM WA.N ED.-ACCOM- 1.1 M)DATION u, a aloe mitt bone for merest body boirs1-1.. Apply 4. MR8. JN - K I N. Atgk•.ea st res'. Lost or Found 1.L''OUND,--UN THE SQUARE, A ' watch. Apply al THE NIONA!.. TWO CALVES -A REI) AND A a ' roan Cann mi to the pr•muw of the undc,.4Rned about (kc 1st of Nosenits•r. 1>w flee rayl Mel' watts Oe1 Uros lug 54r,µ1 t and ,a)nt( rIp.n'r.. J')'tEl 11 R O'IA)l"UHLIN, fel I. ton. a. A.hflckl. _t Situations Vacant GIRL WANTED. -ONE ABLE TO renal hmerwork. Apply to MRS. H, F: ROIN:ENN. Llghtbou....1 est. 11001) GIRL WANTED. --TO 00 II general loud•*ori. Walter sit a month. Apply to MILS. DAVID BROWN, Awrlenca 81.09. Notice• OTICE. -- (111-iN(i TO 1'HF: IN- V• CREASE in n+c buena.., which requires 0y eaure personal et(enuun. end the Inabllily LS, devote the Item '1e0ro.®ly to properly attend 10 the _att., of the wider and light 1.0111mhiodo1.I hale decided to withdraw 11117 rwmini .. to, oerand light comtul.elunor. Yount truly, FRED W. WTI, TAKE NOTICE THAT ALL AC - 1 ovate, us log to J. H. w'or-ell & sun mmat ye.�ltt�d at nice, 0r Oeste 40.111 Lc Incurred. J. H 11'UR!(ELL k NoN. NOTICE IN HEREBY GIVEN that thethirty'-sensed.nmol meeting of the McKillop Mutual Fee In.uranee Company will be held at the town hall. !".04 forth. on FM - day. Jmamary rah, IUM, at 1 oelork p. m. Ihlldoess -, -,-,l Inc the directors' auditors' sad uew.nlrt s n•porte. election or three director and .1011 other bustles. an may be nec•sswrt for the good and welfare of the ( our pony. Ther cttri ng director. are Jame. Con- nolly. bmnollyy. George i4.4, and John Watt, who are eligible fur n•-ein•tion. JOHN H. MtLEA.N. President. THOS K. HAYS, Secretary. To tint ETV-FURNISHEI) HOUSE TO LI MI on the rimer of Bruer O rent and Cam• bra reed. Apply t0 0. S W ITZER. ail( Public Notice \ 11VOTICE TO iNVF.ITORM.--THE executor. of the estate of the tete George Acheson have decided In offer the whole elate for 'ale. Tla• property ton.ite of real ,,.tale. debentures. bonds and *took.. Pattie to ok.- Parties *1.114014 to invest In any of the *bore flo Tito Ie, ten•nser full particulars on applies. EMM* S. Acltg.us• k:ieoutrix. J. P. BKo* N 1 Executor+. IV!, IJMK £.Ith:•ON (lode' I lee..At h. 14107. Notice to Creditors. _ Vt)TICI: CO CREDITORS. IN THE M.1TTF:R OF DAViI) 4TODD..RT. INSOLVENT. Notice a. hereby Then that the above inKuly- ens. of the town 0,l (oderb•h. in the rom01.7 of Huron. 'arrylne o•n beam.., ns A harnemsmaker at maid towns, has anode an .owl7gtnentof his estate III ore fn, the Rrneral benefit of hl. creditor ander t he I try l,nl Mt atules of Ontario, erg, 4'hap. 447 Thr erettlitor, .,r, notified to meet at the IM -e of Iiu-Ine.- of 11)0 maid ()amid Mterld•n ml the town of Ualrrhdl 011 Saturday. e 11th .ley f .lannmry. A. ith o. 1Unk M t o'clock In the afternoon. fur the purpose of reeelving the stnicmmd of the Insolvent. emus., fur Iho 'i ocdntment of IMpe94a', ami the Ria ing of d;,eelkm. with reference to the d4pomal of the e.lal c. All persons chinning tole ,•nil led in rank one t he ..lets noel ale their Ola inks with m,• On 01' before the -aid ,late. After which date 1 w III 'bowed 10 db1ribute the aweto thereof. having regent In than' .alms only of which 1 Oen then have received notice Doted et Godrtich t M. 1BMi day of December, .l. Il, 1907. D'itOCUFOOT. NAPM etBLAIR. !lonelier, for TROMAM OUNDRY, Aaatriee. AFTER CHRISTMAS Is •Ind time %pinnrt. New teo n opens on Jan 2nd. Write for eetalmn. , net moderate raters and other adrastag•. *111 Uttered you. HAITIAN A Ngo ('AN (1114101C101('or.I.rua J 1 noes *nd *0(414) .Its.. To1Nncnsl Wootton Cards 1 THE SIGNAL WISHES ALL ITS READERS A HAPPY NEW YEAR. ►I1U THE FLE(YTORN OF IHE 1 TOWN 4)F 1110DL IICH 1 have been asked by 0401140101). Influential people of lhu tow,, to offer 01y.elf as A can dithmte andldwte for the mayoralty. I have decided to .. .- du au mud ask your support 00 the .lreugth of 1)w chaeactor of sur, he 1 lave given you l.. )our council. 1 wish you all the wwppliwente of the aeaeon. 1)K. A. H. MACKLIN. p0 THE ELECTORS OF OUDE- 1 RICH. Lanni:. .454. G►h ruIMEN: Having toned 7014•. eououlllor fora number of years, during Which 1 have done whet 1 could to advance the welfare of our town *ltd 10 safeguard the interest. motioned to 40.0, 1 AID now *candidate for the urayorully fur 4100. and take lhi. moans of moll/Ming your support at the polio "melt Monday. 1 shall liot be able to call upon you all. bot a. I have lived among you ',early MI my Ilfe you know w record, *el if you tee Mt to place we in the Mayon. chair for next year 1 shall appreciate It a. the higlwe: honor yon could confer upon we. With the nompllweuls of the 481110I0 l0 all, 1 sot. yours faithfully, W. P. CLARK. LI LiCOTION CARD FOR THE P0441 • T1ON Or MAYOR. To Tut EL►.r-rs4wt or 1 nu Tows Or 0011Ehl, u. 1.1010: .N4. GEN r1.IcMRN:-i have been pre called upon by a large number of elector. to allow my moue to appear before you fur the ioeitlnn of Mayor for the year IURL 1 Imo u served the town two year. et Mayor. tieing un both ora -Ions returned by aooanuUou, minden molwunt of the 'natty year, 1 have reeved at the council land 1 beherr thud I nm In a better position to serve your interests (loin either of my o iga enm. They lath .at atthe council for (Ie year I11i7 »nd allowed inane), to he . pent m an unlawful etaeuer. They ought to 1401e aubnut(od a bylaw before They .pont the money. and 1 pledge I.0)•telt if elected t hat the .aloe slate of affair...hall not exist .o long as 1 hold office. My sin, will be .Dict economy of the town'. tnucey tit 4111 lino-., with an rye ever open to all matters tint may 001114 before the 4.0uw11 that 1 think *Al be to the best iutereet of the town al aige. %Visiting you AI the mm- phwcnlhof the aeaoi. 1 remain. your. tory Inn l), R0111.:10' '1'HOMI'SON. riio THY: ELECTORS (1)" (iODE- 1 RICH. 1..44.11* .441' Urrrlr.Mi:18 : 1 .1.11 to an mance shat 1 am In the Mehl again for Hee.e of the town for IUM, and denire your •nptarl of toy candidal are. Though 1 hate been a nwldeu( of the town fox over forty year. 1 hese nod o4 the row,, ,uumell for only about three year.. 1f 1 mu, elected. It will be my 401 des, or. a. it ha• been in (h', I0a-1, 10 wfegu:anl rhe mitered. of the town and to provide an ,ioniume and ethrleul adudni-!ratio, of the towns again.. The following i- from The Star of August 904,, In reporting a pedal meeting of the council to deal with the paying timer of the !augurs loan : "The disco.don lasted over an hour, the Mayor. Dep. Hoeve Elliott and Cuun. Goldthorpe my tug the company- propo.wle were fair std reasonable. and could safely be w•kt toan,Re401 . but Itee,o l .xpre.dng theu,wItr, r . 1111 not (1mo tall -.d, A tion by Poen- Heckel( and Reese Mclean wee: when the Rogers to, .how toy an independent in, e,, 0ty that they hese getout worth of property. the money will be advanced-' Wishing you all n pro.perouv A041 happy New Year. 4 remain, Yews:sincerely. RAST. McI.EAN. TO THE ELFxrORM OF THE TOWN Ole OOI)ERiCH. 1.1PIIIa cru GENTIa{MY.S : -Once ruomr. 1 beg to .014.1' your tote and Influence 1p my behalf ea Iters, of Utderich for Robs, Although 1 have leen nun.ualty busy during the pastroar• 1 have atteuded all meetins 0 of the council with but two except ion. and used my oice and in- flnencc In helmet( of the town'. bent (inmate. In cunuecton with my own private enter- prise'.I bat. expended in wage+ abort 110.00,. and for product. upwards of sl10.000. a large part of which comes to our town through it. roulmenee. Fully se an worth of building material has been supplied for building purposes. to our fac- tories and re.idences duringthe t � myyself. Paw year by If elected Reeve of our town for IUM. 1 will al,c unstinted attention to the affairs of the town, and will one toy best endeavors for 11.. advantetuent. Thanking you for peel support and *eliciting your rote mud influence un Monday. January tali, 1 remain, your,. faithfullyy. ItOBEIIT ELLIOTT. FOR DEE('TY_REEVE, Far.uiwa l 'ILEX/. :-H you 1 bink t hat electing ale to • place at the esounell board will be help- ful at this impotent [Uncle our 00*1,'s history. kindly iota for me and ask your friend. to du 1 he *me. Heartily wishing you • happy- New Year, I am, your sincerely. O. M. ELLIOTT. VOTE FOR C. A. REID A8 DEPUTY -REEVE FOR MS. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN Or GODISRiCH. 1.antrn .eon Ors-Meer:a : 1 am a candidate for a petition at your town t•ouncil board fur this year and roepecthilly nWldt your tote and influence In my behalf. 1 mom to the town in MO. 1 have been a poor marc, but the town of Underich has given me the beat .how for making money. 1 have .pent money In the town and have bought property hem and 1 like the town fleet roto. 1 want now to do the best 1 an for Goderk•h and to tee whatever ability I have .hown myself po'o.esort of In making money f04 myself, l0 the town'. Interests. 1IA VII) B1ROM N. YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE arc respectfully solicited for W. E. GAL LOW ami candidate for councillor for era. Your Subscription Have you renewed your sub. ncriptinu for The Signal for 1008? The cost of publishing a news- paper, like everything else, greatly increased during the lash two or three years : but we are not asking more than the old price, $MINI •a year. for The Sigual. We would ask our nu1,- s,'riIwrs, however, to make re- newals se early as p oesible, mod we return our thanks to those who have already paid i1) Ad- vance for RM. Subscribers i1) the 1 'lilted States will please take notice that, on account of the postal regulations relleiring one crud pohtaage 040 each copy of the paper sent to the 1'nittrl St;atee. the price to outlet:libels in That country is $1.511, .Lrietly in ,ol- valeCe. MANI* MIIWaare LOCAL TOPICS. The Passion Play. An opportuuity of which everyote should take lulvantaage is afforded at Wonderland this week. The Passion Play. depicting the life of Christ. as perforated at Ober • •rgalt, Ger- many. is given in beautifully hand - colored moving pictures, and thoee who have read of this production art it 1s given by the };:was ion petwanta will to eager to vee these pictures. The rJlo THE ELECTORS. Land}m Vat 01511.744x1 : -1 ad. soar vote and Influence In my behalf a* candidate for councillor for 138. Yoram* seeptccttnlll�yy, J. T. (IULDTH6Ri'E. VOTE FOlt 11. I -I 1_11I 13cER Ft )11 COUNCILLOR 401(1 for the Interests of`the Town Election Cards 0(10 '1'141': 1' LE('I' 41(S 1)l' MO4 /E- 1 RICH. . I, 'tom ..x11 GE.xtl.r.5404 \'unr fur 2. ( LATTHWAITE for uundllor fur 1791. lust opportunity to witness this lin' ressive'sacred play in Uoderich will be on Saturday next, when three per- forwauce. will be giv.u, at 1:791, 734 and 9 o'clock. A full hour -and -a -half entertainment is given. Admission uluite 15c.: children Ilk. The Orangemen's Officers. 1., O. 1.. Nu. 143 held its regular iueetiug on Friday. The meeting was largely attended and the follow- ing office's were elected for the year !tint : Worshipful Master, Bro. 'Thus, I Burrow*: Deputy Miteter, Bro. .nus. McNevin ,, chaplain. Bro. ,J. S. Mc - Niel ; recording secretary, Bro. James Wells ; financial seerdtaty, Bro. A. i1lcNet'iu : treasurer. Hr,. W. It. Pinder ; C., Bro. Thos. Tich- I borne : lecturer. Bro. 14ap4. M. McI)on- ' ale' : couuuittek, Bra. R. Sharman, .1. S. McMath. M. Todd ,and .1. C. Martin : inside trier. Hro. Thos. 'rich- ' borne ; outside tvler, Bro. W. Irwin : I trustees, Bro.. ']'hos;. Burrows, Jo.. \Martin and .las. Wel 910 THE ELECTORS OF G0I)E. 1 RICH 1...1011:. 15. Urxn.rM*1.: .\I lhu ,ulirit:t- 11011 of a number of n)y friend., 1 have do idol to le a nominee for the position of town 104111- cillor for the coming yew.. l have nerved you on the public .ehuol timed for four year., and trn.t that 1 have no ,.clod as to monk your ,oulldenoe in use. If elected n.a councillor. I will do my Twat i., Um Intervals of the lawn. Wishingalla Kapp .New Year, 1 x111, our. re.i.ectfully. JOHN W. l'tt A101 E. TO THE ELEGCTOKN OF THE TOWN OF UODRRicR. LAMP *40 (1ttortsytx•: Ravine born aatad by w number of rota•ayer. M alio* my *elf to he paned In nomination ** A rnnn,•Illor of the town of (nMerieh for the year SUM. 1 have derided 00 PIA..' myerlf In .our hand., sod 1 tombs' solicit lour 11440(x404 n, lb. pnUs, 1 mei sineerrlll, iL W. TV0MIWN• 710 THE ELECTORS. 1.41.14' 5511 Ub.I, 1.MY•N H.,. Ing been Lento nominated for the 1'odu04. of .ounclllor I w111 ask your support at the polo on Monday next. 1 hens,e that the caper 0404, which 1 have gained during the peel )'ear w111 enable me to eerie you with Adventism during the year to coin'•. nod of elected I will endeas or to du all In m)' power towards the honest and econontiesl management of the town'' *Rales With the compliments of the semou. I am, Yours faithfully, li. l'. M('NN1NG". TO THE ELECTORS i0/0 M'1'. AN- DItEw's WARD. 1.41144:. 440 Ges names : Basins Well nominated as scbool Iruetue fee R. Andrew's ward for the emoting term, 1 beg to solicit our toteand influence In Ayeh behalf. 1 have beeu vote. ..and a coutinuou. resident of our wand for upwards of thirty year. and am well known 01) you all. If you think 1 can sorra your Inler- esl.on the board. 1 will, if elected. give the °dice the attention it demands. and will do my utmost to further the hest interest. of otr 00011 in mope'' 10 WI ..chop) management. lyiahing You ."11 the compliment. of the .Otanu, 1 remain, your.' faithfully, - -- --- JA MK'TAIT. TO THE ELECTORS OF O CL- HORNK TOWNSHIP. 1.14,4:40 ANY/ Gy'T1.IM/.'t . I x111 A c,ualldate for the petition of Reeve of 0111 town.hip for IPA, and take 'hie loran. of soliciting your yore and Influence in my behalf.' 1 have had norm experience. M you know. in municipal affair.. turd would appreciate the honor of being ouue more elected •4 chairman of your township council and 9011r representative at Iia county council. Your. faithfully. ALEX. YUt'NO. Military School. The provisional eel I of 11111110.4' inet(Uctiuu is o lie u lied, in the gyumasiwu of the Ouderic Collegiate Institute on the 741► Inst. It is ex - 1' w" be 1 •i • dance o ex- pected there 111 a t 1)a, du [ about M. Lieutenants may, qualify byy- attendant. at the school Irene. and officer' who desire to quality f't,lr the rank of captain or tleld officer• to v re- ceiv. 4nstt•uctinn here, but certitc U'e above the rank of subaltern will 01 Ire granted at this school. 'Theis, fitters (those who wish 1.0 qualify fo' the rank of captain or field ,Meer) must attend for at Iasi it week at a hoot 41 instruction _before they can write at 1111 exam intake' for cet•tiUcaalcs to yuglify them for the higher .auks. 'Phot is, taking the coarse herr will sav0 brut the necessity of taking ,a three 'truths' COLIMA. at Wolseley or Stanley larrneks. 1110 THE ELECTORS OF THE 1 TOWNBH[P OF oaLBORNC 1.1DIEa Celt f:1NT1.r:MsN : -After serving In the township coun.11 for the peat few year.. I have been nominated for the position of lteevc, and If my ,.,nice,, heretofore have been ouch an to meet with your spinosal. and if the caper. Mom I have thus gained In town.hip affair. w141 be of any cable to you. 1 shall. If elected, be happy indeed to put forth toy very beat effort. h1 looking after the bush,ew of the (own-hlp and In *draining It. interests i1, every we Thanking You for your ell mart and good will in the ped..1),d sasuriOg you of every good wish for the future welfare of our towl.'hlp, 1 am, Yount .incerel)'' 111. .1.• A. MAMAS. 1110 THE ELECTORS OF COL- I_ HORNF: TOWNSHIP. ',MAYA AND Ub'.'lIEyI Y.N : 1 A1,1 a ea,ldId,,te for the position of eoutnclllor of our town.hip for IAM, and I resp rtfully ask Your support al the poll. on Moes:ey next. I 40.1.11 10 deity In the roost emphatic manner the report I. hat 1. being cir*nlated to the effect thwt 1 home bergaln0l for the autumn of the Elertrlc Rail wny people There i absolutely no fonndntlon for *itch a report. which Is circulated only to Injure me In the eyes of the crafters. • T-oor. elneetely. , JACOB MOSEIt. TO THE ELRUTORS OF THE TOWNSRIP Or COLBAItNE, 4)1101444 1>n OEN1-LSM7•N : Being unable to personally canvas yet all 1 would n011rit you' vole and Witmer. for the ttmeltM, of .•num•il. In., and should 1 he cl,•,tn.i will rndea' ,,r to murk for the best Inlets:de of our toe noble J. N. KERNIOHAN. To THE ELECTORS OF THE 1 TOWNSHIP 0r ('OLBURD111, 1,11/1101A54/61071.80(0: At lie solicit of a large number of r*tepm7er. of the lien .1.1(,, 1 am a ,•mlwlldmle fo. Ile petition ,,f tvat,rillor for ' ee yiwr 191M. 1 011.411 1101 he able t0 w,n you all personally lieforr milling dna, RIO (Ake t.hi. n..,,n of Raking fnr 900. 40pp,rt, 1 hate been 40 rrrktent of 1'ollarne for parr forty veer", my Interest. ore all in Ine town -hip, and if elected In wirer . on on Iho ,uunell t will give my Net and "M. •0I vial attention 10 the intercede of the int uHins.Ili. y. With the nmtplluaul..4 11111 .racoon, t am. (vent respectfully, NVId. F Yui'\U. Send You Children. Starting l e Hest week in Jaunnary, free bight -taw "ng Classes in music will be held in Kno church school row - The class will in t o(4 Monday, Jan. nary 11th, at 1:15 p. 15 p. SI.. and there- after every week r three the. All children are wiled. whether members of Knox Sa •bath school or of other churches. , .lotdaur is holding these classes for a advance- ment of music in our now and they will affnnl an excellent or )(salinity for children ; to receive nista. •tion in singing. Thome :atteudiug the. eight - leading classes will have the 4 put*. Utility of singing in -The F'estiv of the LIIIIW ' at baster, the lint ti he for (hie to be given ,in Oo det•ich ate en occasion prized liy every child. 1'or the choral singers of the town Mr. Jordan ann.....)... 'The !‘l'ar'k Well." a beautiful 'Initiate, practices 1,n' which will he held every Monday Al 1.4 o'clock iii Knox school room. This will be a fine draftee to learn a Kited work. This is for ladies voices ,Ill!'. .. In H:s Ninety-third Year. The funeral took place this uftet•- noun of one of Ooderieh'. oldest reel - Arnie ; the bale Thotu,us Graham, to whom we refer, being in his ninety- third year. Mr. Graham was born in Belfast. Ireland, in I815, and carte to this country in 1841. He married .lane Kirkpatrick in 1817. the event taking place in the old St. Opurge's church. performed IT Rev. Mr. ('awpbell. A few year's later Mr. and Mrs. ()reheat' moved to Ashfield tuw•n- ehlp, where they continued to reside until twenty-five years ago, when Mr. Or*ham retired and came lo Ulxierich to live. He is survived by two brot.hety and one sister and leaves a family of six : Wm. I3., James and (ieore, •of town ; the Misses Mary and Matilda, of New York. mud Mrs. :Judge:.lohnson, of Sault tete. SMarie. Mee. ()rebate died a year and eight months ago. The services this after- noon were conducted by Rev. 0. N. Hazen, pastor of North street Metho- .list church, and the pull-beaarere were Edward Acheson, J. H. Colborne, E. Downing, Robert Mclean, .1. (7, Laithwaite end It. Thompson. Mr. Orate, 111 had been able to be about un- til within 1a very few days of hie death, which was due to his advanced yea's rather than to a01)• particular ail- ment. Isere were heartily appreciated by the Poo*. _ LOCAL TOPIC'S IN BRIEF. Now (haat the holiday .lett 1..lxout titer yen eau .pare the time to i•avr the silting for Roo Photograph whluh you have prond:ad to 7040 friend.. K. H. 'sallow. wUl do the work tn, Pm 1n impeller style. Pri'hau, Ow Tailor I. 1101 n ' outdid45tr tui wunllpul honor, Ihi. yuan : but Ito, I. 04 roudi date for Oiler pL.r„ in the r-tiulal iuu of th'>., who like to wear well -Minor, eellot,a11e clothe.. Give him a roll. Ouly +. limited numbs., eau .4,rure 41454. at I Ito town council, ho ut Wilmer Smith.. thele :tie tine nphol.tared .0044, for all who "have the price.' If you are 4401 be., next week call in 0,40,1 sr, M1011, he cult du fur you in the line of furniture The \Viugb:anl Business College and its branches, at Godericit, Clinton, Walkerton and Orangeville, will re- open for the winter term o1) ,lativary 4th, The Canadian Mercbtuadise hale Co.. of Toronto, lagan today selling ott W. A. McKin,'4 stock. Must Ire cleared in Hfteen-efa)•s. Ureal chance to make looney. 'Ile Hest hockey match of the aeeueun 111 Goxlerieh wee played o11 New fear's night between Seaforth and the home team. Seaton -tit won with the scute of :1 to 2. There is :a fine list of election coeds in Tho Signal thio week. Read them ever and see what it fail.' like to be a bee and iudepeudailit elect4l1' w'I114 dozen wen atter your vote. The monthly meeting of the Gale - rich branch of the W •u. IOstit(1U' Will 145: hell at the house of Mee. \Van)oek 040 Thio du)'. .lenwary ikh. A full latte•ndnnce Ia requested to crake arrangements for the *tumid oyster supper. Husiiiewi l01 41.1114. sharp at :1 o'clock. A' pietist. in F. Umpire%'s show window has attt•nct1d •h utten- ti and ref " al . 11 i, a► likcuese of ('apt. A. Lawson in his well-known Mailing craft The North Pier. photographer haw caught the ('at►n) e0 is w (KO THE ELECTOH-M O) THE To.o NnR11' OF' ('OLBORNE. MAYA 14011 (,F4TI•11wr0:-Ao i have hoots ImminatedAcne, for connate? for tit'. town. 'hip. and n. a largo number of you were not at the nomination, t take til. opportunity of lettleg you know that 1 am In the Meld s• A candidate for 00nnd11or. as 1 do not expert to be able to 001 yen 011 paremally 1f win Pry fit to rive m4 your' U,grt anal am elected 1 will endra.or to loot after the 1nt41e4A of the fawnehlp to the bast of my MOW Thanking rml for Om large .nppmt )m1 gasme last yea.►. 1 now N. t.el e11 the neppllements of OM 'sawn. 1 sm. your.. JOHN 1144TOW. very picUtres,luu pow•. harking t' inch the sailor, rid the picture I worth et111Iy A7 as Work (f art. Pro re gave 1 rimes Wean( The IWO beautiful Ileirie, pones. *n.1 donkeys which show ka high degree 4,1 intelli- gence and training, ant the audience was delighted with the matey clover things which they olid. A report is i1) 0r4'culal" that Chew. A. Reid, who is *candidate for the deputy r•ev'eship, hire a contract. with the town in connection with the re- modelling of the townled!. Mr. Heid states that the report le entirely in- correct. \Vatter Shanuat is'the ton- tracton and Mr. 'Reid haemo connec- tion wbatevrr with th.�\ contract. F'ur'ther, Mt•. Reid points out that the payment to hint appearing in the statutory Ilnancial report wpm for work done in IMO. whet' he riter\out a valor- of the council. du aU l ('Ixeckr 's r: 'tl , r horses pique and interesting perform t \'ietori:a 11pa•t^t 'louse y and Thursday eyeUiUge. or has a culletaion of An Echo of the Christmas Season. Never before was the l'hrietteao spirit so much in evidence atoned the Square lam it was during the recent holiday season. The window-dressers in nearly all the sores put forth their Meet efforts, and emus. very hluidrumpp• effects were the remelt. Sugg4wtiofls of the festive season were to he set 11 on all sides t of Nome of the windows were exceptionally pretty and attrac- tive. A trip around the Sllwue and down , of the other besinese streets g,eve the sightseer it pan - ()Annie exhibition of Iseaulfll geode and bright window di.plays which it was woe .,h canting miles to see, One of Hodgen, Brost.' windows was s- pecially attractive. the design was a pot•ticus with the word Christmas prominently displayed, and ,1)i Angel of Peace calmly presiding over the ecetre. (In either aide WAN .a 041.411' brilliantly illuminated. The brick. ground wan of yellow, on which paint y white handkerehiefsand Lits of holly made A very artistic effect. \\'. K. Kelly's window had a dainty ('hrist• new ttr'.' watched over by Santa Cline, C. (1. !Ates had two windows that attracted n great deal of ,attent: In one was to flying nreehini, con• structpd of it ranKe holler end other h,nlwale goods, the propellors unr at each end being worked by it email water -motor. 1'h,' other window hod a very cleverly de.ignerl "takendll" nn the recent smallpox Penmation. .\u isolation hospital. with cuts for patients, occupied A prominent pari• Gots, and at ane gide were the town offices, with various cunt % hitting off the situation. Another suggest Inn of ''the late unpleasant!lents-wast.. he 0(Pn nt (:. .T. Hat p.r''.where half -a• dozen white Kansan. err. snugly settled in the windrow, and the motto declared, ••Thi', l" chiekonp.)x, not smallp,x," May °there of the %ore - keep ers had taking displays, ,1md 110• effort* w hteh they pot forth to add fn ICu hiigbtnese of Wu Christmas sow HYMENEAL. United States . Subscribers. uwiug to 11re fact that 4411.• el'llt poster:4. ie new demanded 1)u erect' ropy of a Cldiait new4Opl lrh,40.1. 11,ai1.r1 10 l be 1'uited States,. we air• ohligeel to make Ute price of The Signal to Coiled States subudrilers $1.60 a year, payable ill *dv*11ce. 1Vn are e1 aa. loge (•xIWnae ''sell week for postage. cud our sub. tvrili,rs hi the - United States will st•e the ueceesi4y of our In- sisting upon advance payment of sulrseripti,,n' under this eir. rutted:thee. We hope thab our friends lw•ress the line will take notice of- this 11 a it remit promptly. hats! left 4,n I lm .':.144 l' 111. train from the Grand'I'runk state,(, fora trip to. Buffalo and ,.tier pointsand eft their return will make their h on fat, David's street. The hride'a travellingg DU it wam 401 bruwn'Venetian cloth, with white silk waist end a sill• vehet hat to m:rl* 11. and I'rrwia Iamb fun. The Signal ,juium with uaauy friends in tendering goal wlshe Motrin AcI uoa, ,\ e(-eut which ha+ n.1,1Nd l)talelleb of one of its brightest y g ladies sok plat* 11 14,,' 114,11154 of \Ito, John Acheson. ('44(11441i.a Is .0 New Year's Day. wheel her daughter Ethel was married t, Ituterrt Norris Merritt. H. A.. of i'eterlotsi , Ont. The wed- ding was a very quiet , those present tieing ui,enleis of the families of the- bride And groom. The ceremony, which took place at noon. was pert. nned by Itev. W. S. Jamieson, of Durham, and Rev, . F. W. Hullinrakc, of Hamilton, brothers-in-law of the bride. I h•cora- t' of ground -pine roping said Christina* rsl ribbon were effectively arranged, and in it pretty (lower the bride And groom stood to plight their troth. The bride, wile wee given away h)' her Ilts,ther, Joliet T. Ache - stn, looked lovely in a gown of white lilletty aatie, in semi -empire style, en trail]. The trimmings were of rose point lace, and a bridal veil and na- tural orange blossoms completed it charm ing cost The bride car- ried a large shower bouquet e,f bride's roses and Maidenhair fern. The bridesmaid was her sister. Miss Jrene, who was gowned in pale blue embroidered mull, with largo picture brat to match, and carried crimson ''uses. W. Merritt. M. 1)., of Whit,- ney, Ont.. brother of the groom, was lest . A. Roy Adams presided at the piano. 'Tile wedding breakfast Wet Nerved o1) a table prettily decor- ated with tulle and s uilax, over which hung a bridal 4*11 of green and ret!. -\1 1 he conclusion of the repaint a toast to the bride was fittingly honored and was 1011ov-ell by similar honors to the bridesmaid, the groom's mother ant( the bride's mother, A n ler of tel. - grams frau distant friends received during the breakfast :added to the festivities'. Mr. and Mrs. Mer- ritt left o1) the :1150 0. T. H. train to 'spend A few days en route to their new home et Peterhoro'. where ()legroom is o11 the Collegiate Institute • staff. The bride trayelled 11) n brown tailor -wade suit, with mink fern and A brown hat touched with gold, The groom presented the bride with a beautiful pearl and diamond pendant and the bridesmaid with a pearl pin. Among the Wed- ding presents wars a handsome gift from the groom's fellow-tenchere of the Poterloni Collegiate Institute. Mr. Merritt was formerly mathemati- cal'nestel• in the. (ioderich Collegiate Institute and during him residence here he earned the confidence and es- te.m of those conneeteal with the wcheol And of the citizens generally. The bride in a universal favorite, a.- coMpli*hed and charming, and will be greatly misted in her native town, and a very host of friends wish the young couple the fu (lest measure of happiness. Those present at the wed- ding f1ou1 out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Merritt, of Mmithville, and Mine Merritt. of Toronto, parents and ein- em. of the 41(001 l; Dr. W. Merritt, of Whitney : Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Ache - 1404), of :`('bleu, Man. ; Mr. and Mrs. \\', S. Jamieson, 'of Durham, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. liollinrake, of Hamilton. Davis - Jameson. At Pit test, Oakville, the residence of Thonew AMhlalrv, uncle of the bride. on Thureday, December :1111i. A wedding wsolemnis d by Dean Davis. of Ism ill, 814aisterl by Canon Davis, of Sarni uncle of the bride - grown.. schen ItMu•gucrita, SLalrrl, daughter of lir. and Mts. Robert Eitel Jameoou, became the bride of John !:vans Davis, Hudters Mess. The bride wore a beautiful gown of white satin, embroidered with penrlm, and a bridal veil of Limerick lace. She was attended by Miss Mand Davis, Wing - leant, a hisser of the bridepr.oni. wbilbt the latter wits supported by Dr. Agnew, \\'ingha11l. The wedding ceremony was performed under an arch of evergreenve and white roses. After the wedding supper the happy couple left amid showers 1)t confetti and rice, for their future home in Bos- ton. The groom was formerly A resi- dent of (loderich, tarrying on business as a druggist. Fox Bain. A very pretty wedding was cele- brated in 1Viarton, at West Lawn, the home of the bride's sister, Mrs, .1. G. Simpson, at high noon on Christmas Day, when Mary Donella, daughter of John Rain. formerly of Ooderieh, waw united in marriage to \V!I- linm Charles Fox, of the Penin- sula Tug 1 Towing Co., of that town. The bride was unattended. and wore a travelling gown of navy blue chiffon broadcloth with a hat to snatch in an Alice blue shade, trimmed with uncurled ostrich plumes, and carried it shower bouquet of Crean) cernatious. A g the useful and valljgble gifts which the bride re- Cei4etl was Al very fine Persian lamb jacket, the gift of the groom, and :a substantial cheque from her father and brother, .L. It. plain, AL the con- clusion of a dainty wedding breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Fox left for a fortnight's trip to Detroit and Jackson, and upon their .,''note will 14,041.10 111 \Vlartun, where the bride's other two minters are living. Mrs, 14. E. Trout and (i. t impootl. ' Shephard- Webster. '1'h.' nuptials of Frederick Charles Shepilald, for the !tet season urate of the steamer 1'. Hecker, one of the (lil- ehriwt ioats, and Lillie May, daughter of Mn.. Webster, Newgate stare(. took php'c at high teem 1 1) NEW 1'enr', Ilay at the rel,idence of the hunk's mother. The ren y was performed by Rev. James A. Anderson. The bride wore white milk grenadine, tri 1 with silk applique, over white" 4 )u.l.t'1,e matin, and carried white bridal rime.. She Wats attended by Mims Retell Shep- herd, sister of the groom, who wont pale 111ne bate•t+i and cerrild pink to WPM. to lora' WAS Mr. I'ralick, ,f Milwaukee.. The welding nlarrb .45,01 Lplayed by Mims Orrice Martin. ,and Mins ila Murray, of Detroit. gave t. vocal selection very ',mealy. The ott•of- towtl p(11enl.ve were Mr. and Mrs. Middle- ton, of Clinton; Mr, hurl Mrs. .Iamr. Johnston, of Cleveland: Mia Murray, of Detroit: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel (i'• - ran. of \Vinghaw, and Mr. and Mrs. lh'nnelly Johnston. of Preston. The bride wam given away by her brother. S. Curran. The hollow t.,',ra4 Wore at smilax, rarnAttns- and terms. Aftt•r the ceremony about thirty-five gnemta oat down t.0 a 'splendid dinner, and hnth Her. Mr. Anderson ,.,1.l Rev, NI, Tar•nlmll made :.pprn4.I,.l. /tool happy PlpoveIlem in 4)4'1,1x)8 i 111(• Into II it of 110. ynnng .people, to whirl, the pfruuw rettpiollded, Mr. and Mts. :ihep- PERSONAL MENTION. Thr Mi..'.e-:Vire and Ida Rate. were hone from Toronto for a few days the pen. week, Mee. Orme mud Ethel_ Hoqgfgarth are a' present visiting friend. at ulasall s,d •'root tut y. Micows Drlphhlu acid Ludo Finery, sof 1'redl Ion, .pent New Year's in town,hems the guest, Of Mimes i elphtuc and Adelaide Nairn. Mie iwura Jcckcll, who wit. on the leaching dsffof the(oderlrh Model School for the fall Icr,u, 11. spending the holiday. nt her home Lear Exeter She has loco ens.%re 1 to teach this year In the Cxbrbiste high school. Wm. Rogers, a eludeol of G(derich Collet/ late Institute some years ago and a ton of ite, . D Rogers, of tieaforth, ems In town tido week and called .m revue of hi friends here. Mr Rogers has graduMtd from queen . 1',nrerslt y and 'tow engaged In the Ontario Bureau of Mince In engineering work_ • This Interests You. McKim's sale should interest every- one. His whole stock must be 'old : only fifteen days Co do it in. 'Goods masked without regard to n.at-ty- day the first day of Nile. Come ill mut take your time : look around, Pikes in plain figures and in red. AMNOUNCEMENTS. The hu,d twill be at the mimesis skating ''ink on Monday and ('huts - liar. - -_. _ -- AUCTION SALES. 11'►.4rY utr. Jan. Nth. Malo of effectat re 'hleime of J,,i,, nlonchenete,1toimennnn, con, - mewing at . 1::N ,o fleck. room. Ut vent, e ie •t Ionlrr. MARRIED. sHi.eitAItlt-tvEti-TLK• - tr them.idcnce of thebtlde' motto*,. \rowg(atte One,. fie New roses Da) be Rei J*a. A. Ander, ,s. H. A. Fre.1*OrickIEO. .., 1 bat000 of Csl. telt' A. NI. end NIT. Shephard, to L117.r MR) daughter of Wtlltaw R. aro) Mrs. AI! AVetler er. l OitAIIA\1 11) O'Merlrh, on TO" 7. ire. comb. 1. 141.... Onh•m. 'b ills \IT'\ItO. - In Anhnrn. nn \VMnea tor)• 11 11 .1. .1 r 1). 41. M„nn. Aged Aa 11111 Ont I 81;1.1 -11' tl."krn h. om 1rt,, h. 14' Y:').. Jen. tl-a•I3, .40'1.4 o4 4ho ••Ire M Irv11, aac.1 M. yr el. •art 1 0,014,'., iuu aid for. It ed /Roll met J .0,54+9 oder