HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-01-02, Page 3z Son 1 Coats ,uu Departnent. Min dollars' worth we w 11 IUOTED-SO.GREAT' line skies. even and '.W to 1118,0i). 1. braid -trimmed and teflrend Mlnk, at 41i. - z Son Line," a story of ad - South Seas. Korali.' lutes a poem, "A Sca- ld White," end Unlit.. .y, "Hua Angel to His CAL NOTES. leen Imnulell for .t It), Ile Huron. to fill the by the death of i1. It, day will len lolling day .lanuas v . '1t'ctiun ire htaIIAleml, the mune dater. est Instalment. "I don't know what ittle I'atrey's mottle'. e letter t' Saucy ('laus autymobile, no lis,. ur•, we'll (1ao r it few ne it, it an' ill het he'll didn't git the rise 4t e the man who has a. - 1aot information tt lis t. sasssssss 1 '/ENDS APPY RTIN IER. 'l cRS )erous al Drug Store 10. System Te emits, 'tense the :TUAL CANADIAN ,toy, ealliter daily foe CH.h1N OF HIGH aur 4't oil ents "learn t•At ledger, hill awl Ir Wilt .Wires 4. teas., twig,.., nkat-. DO ACTUAL. id ting bet• to 4 )nlwt i.1: she r, r, rind highly r•'.'n' err u oh wo all 1 ala r ei ladies now strewing we trete, the Ions!. -- equipped. Koh 0a11 • t'4 .f operators 111141 disk' frn11 alums! ; malty filen MAni- srolc front the I'nitee' mg people than any excelled : w•(' in vile attend night ('lase•• UARY e. College It I I' I THE SIGNALrnrrrrtR1II. ()NT \ ill(, 'few of the Sistriet. Jas. l.etektidge, of WVinghaus, fell and Intetui•ed hie Ing last week. Mies Mabel McCall, of Morrie. war nperalsd upon fur appendicitis iu the NVerteru Hospital, Landon. last Werk. Ww Heel, of Cadillac, Mich.. formes• ly of Crsuibruok. was recently mar- ried to Mise Esther t?Ilio, of the United Statew town. Retail McCallum has lead his ex• ewllmut 11444M're farm. 1M1 lot 7 of the ilei euucesrion u( Grey. toOliver Hemiugway. of Cultivate, for the stun of $7,54). Mier Olive \V4•st"utt. daughter of J. T. \VertcuLt, .awihum, formerly Yenessuma )meso 'WttaT min GODKItICH MINERAL. WA - .1. TICIt t'O.. uuu,u(raurerw tit "Mene.e- lutg• are pre mrd to dohs e4. to ruy part of a the town Bell/ limign.•r Ale in pads _and quart.,. also NI . oral Water io three elm pllte, pint. and 41441.1,1.141011.14.44:r4. r Water 444 1h.uble nota. l'4e.e grid, are made from ✓ at noel minorrl w,nl4.r, .And are therefore free from 114 luamrltlu.. 1'. 1.. WALTON Slap &get. I'I,orw TII. mimic mic - M['SW CLASSES. I AM PKK- P.SRED to °solve pupils for lessons in piano and thou,)'. also the Ilurrougba musical kindergarten method for ',moor children. Terms and ether informpation may be had at Thon,sot . music .tore, Ouderich. P.MM 4. A. ANDIII' t% *. tf. A ROY ADAMS 1aTi.o oars or Pun. Studio 1,, hook of Montreal Illock. Radical 11R1S. KMMK1tSON k TURNBULL, 1 A. T. Kr issaisue. M.11. W. N. Ta.'tlaauu, M. IL• 1 IIIlr•e. Ifauditau Street. l'houe nu. Dr. Ku.neraus rs+4leure. North .tree!, uppo.lta Nt. George'. church. 'phone lea. Dr. Turnbull's reaidenoe. Montreal street. Southwest of Pubic Library. Phone LAI. lilt. F. J. K. FORSTER- EYE. EAR Nona and Throat only. Stratford. Ont. ,urpe..n New York Ophthalmic wed \ural In -tit lite, 141)4-44 t'llnkrl a.wi+Wut sur. Nome and 'Threat Hospital. 00ad.,,, Square. and Royal I.ondou Ophthalodc Woorekeld Myei Ilo.pltal. London, Karigg Onto¢ Albert street, Stratford. opposite Whndaor hotel. Hours: la Id a.m.: 1 p.m., i s Nm. Telephone -JUL Lest! LAMERON k KILIA)RAN, ItAR- )meront$ solicitors. notrnen, err. 11150e. iftoii NL. thirst door from hrluare, Undo nch, Mt. M. U. CAMERON. K.1'. J. L. K1L iA)JIAN. _ PD ROUFO(Yr. IIAI'S &HLAIR barrister-. .olrriton, notaries public pn • 'on In the Maritime !',turn, etc. i Sgte. erase eti'e Naar,. next door 1', A. 'a1rn'' grocery. Pn vat* fund. to lend at k,sl rales of Interest. W. 1'I1.4,1UIIFOOT. K. C. It C. (HAYS. U. l H.AIIt. DICKINSON & GARKOW, BAR- rRUITERIS, • attorneys. solfeltor., etc. b. DIMINOMUY 4=HARLEM t ed tat Iowan rates. LB insurance. Loans. etc. YOi'NI. R ROBERTSON, REAL F:.tale end Insurance Agents. Heal ea tate for ante rte to let Properties handled in any part of thr town and oxnlnty. Fie and fe bt.uranre, money' to 1(4.11 air. IOIIN W. (•ItAIOII.. LiFE, FIRE 111 and accident insurance. Await for leading ukutual and ..tock rnm rode+. Insurance in all (lues clreeted un host pans and at Lowe.( rales. tan at omp, corner Went Street and Square or address. J. \A'. t'1lAlult-. Oudertch. Ont. fele .hone Si McKl1.LOP MUTUAL FIRE IN - ..11 N CR A N 4' K t' O. -Farm and notated town property inured. Valeo of property In J Officers a▪ nd an. ►A4 over t and dineewn:-J. B. McLain,cLMcLain,, pres:; ..:: T. Fraser viempre+ ; Jam. Connolly, O. Dale, Mr. Ches- n ey.). 'hsney.J. Watt. Jae. kvu,n,J.O,Ortstis. J.Ilenne- wen, director.: T. It Hay.. rlowforth. secretary. Ireaaunr„; Inspectors. nearest director to lose J. W. 1a. Holm age dvlte 'ilt for Wast Runes ..44. neo r can pay assessment. Coats', o. te, and get !holt canto real:! pees at Mr. 1'uwlw', Clintonor at McLean Bre..' l'wla4 lothing Stare Sta(ieodertoh SHAVING PARLOR `1HAViN(i AND HAiR•DRES.SIN(i 11 PAltl.4)Kei. -- The best place In town. Prompt .erclrx ; e.'erythinr clean and sank Wary. 41o• and cold troth.. W N. DAMS, Ilrita.h Kaehatge Hotel Block 1.1.100434044 it to Jas. Frkweyl. grits¢ Lioeuaes WALTBI°• OUKKRIR(S, Y. Watchmaker. Jeweller and Optician. laser of Marriage Mecums). W• LANE, ISSUER OF MARRi • AO/ Itoosesn. tioderlck. 011. THOMAS GUNDKY, LiVE STOCK and general .11.1 loner. Oaken on South Sonet, where he will be found at all times when not Tying sales. 'Tenni reasonable and every effort, used to give you aamet Panne in. GEORGE BECKETT General Auctioneer. New System of Tickets and Catalogue. OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. P. 0. Box Ie3. 1 STOVES You will Iliian w • mill h tr- gains if you fail to see What i can do for you in one of 1huse Good Cheer ranges Good Cheer art heaters Penn Esther ranges Nothing jun! ate guilt) for the money ; every one guaranteed. 5 per cent. off for spot Cash Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Repairs Electric Wiring Fixtures. and GIVE US A CALL W. R. PINDER 'Phone 155. of Exeter. war married on %VOduer- day, the 1lith ult., to Oegrge Fuck, of the SAuw city. David Cottle, of the Thames road, last week petrels/seed front .Ilex. Mae - Donald, of Santa Roam.. Cal., for the rum of $2,150, hie 50 -acre farm ou the Thames 10+141. The inmate. of the house of refuge, Clinton, were favored with a delight- ful entertainment given them the Thursday before Ohrlstuhas by the local lodge of Oddfrllowr. Oe Saturday, the 21st ult., Rev, E. A. Fear, of Exeter, tied the nuptial knot between Siilae Staniake. Jr., of Stephen, and Miss Maria Merle Porter, of /lay, formerly of !Clinton. Herbert Henn, ulecltauieal superin- tendent of The tit. 'Phomas Times, and run of the late John Heeu, of Clint.rn, was married on 'Monday, the 14th ult., to Mier Kaithleen Hall, of'lbledo. Mies M. J. Ilaird, B. A. of Toronto (oht Junction, haw twee apped to sue - coed Mies F. B. Steele a4. master of modern languages and hintory in Sea - forth Collegiate lustitute, at a salary of $2X41. In the Methodist parlonaage, Ford- wich, on Tuesday, the 24th ult. Hey. 1/r. Hustler united in marriage ult., Alex. Huffman, of that place, and bliss Catheriue E. Riley, of Morrie township. 'tee-keine a Greene, a superannuated minister of the Methodist church. who has fur the 'hart rix year's been an eeteewel resident of Clinton, cele - Mated hie seventy-fourth birthday on wodneeday, the Ilth ult. Two of \Vinghani'r popular )uuog people, in the persons of Wul. J. tllatchford and Mira Jeuette Mu -Me sun, daughter of %Yue. Aiteheson, of that town, embarked on the sea of matrimony on Wednesday, the 16th ult. Color -Sergeant Jamey Simpson, of Walton. Yats been awarded by the Dominion Ooveruwent a beautiful medal for "king.ervice and good con- duct" blithe acrd Regiment. of which he liar been it member fur over twen- ty years. Trinity church, Fordwicb, was the gene of all lutereltlng ulatrlwUnl*I ¢aeon un Christmas Day, when W. A. Gordon, of that place, became the Mahood of Miss S, E. Rothwell, of Newbridge. Rev. T. H. Farr per- formed the ceremony. Samuel Archibald Dickson, bar- rister, of Fort, Saskatchewan, only son of Pumtinanter and Mrs. Dickson, of /ireful -tie was married In Hamilton on Thu:sdes% the 19th ult.. to Miss Evelyn H. Warta, daughter of Mr. and Mn..•Alfred Ward, of that city. Andrew Archibald, son of MI-. and Mrs. Jame. A,chitrald, of Seaforth, ,and of the firm, uf Chesney A Archi- held, tit that town, was married in Toronto on Christmas Day to Miss Minnie Roberta, youngest daughter of Mrs. R. S, Roberts, of Sea(orth. A pretty wedding was celebrated at the hone of Mrs. T. N. Hayter. of Harpley, Stephen township, on 4Ved- nreday, the 14th ult., when her daughter, Miss Sadie, a stenographer in Hamilton, and Roy Brothers, of Winnipeg, hems* husband and wife. A quiet wedding war an event of in. ter•est at the home of Mrs. John Rob- inson, of. 4Viughaw, on . %ednesduy, the 2:511) ult., when her daughter, Mier Isabella Hall. became the life - partner of W. H. Hawkiug. of Ninga, Man. Rev. T. S. Boyle officiated at the ceremony. A happy event enlivened the home of A. Nichol, of Wingham, on Christ- mas Day, when Miss Julia Lioklater. youngest daughter uf Mts. Thus. Linkleter, of that town• wits ntaf•ri- msasielly united to Neil McNah, of Actcn. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. Pert -ie. An interesting hymeneal event took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston of Zurich on Mon- day. the :Ord ult.. when their eldest daughter., Misr Adeline, gave her heart :and hand to E. W. Stoskopt, V. S., abet of Zurich. Rev. J. C. C. Maas officiated at the ceremony. Jen. Mehaffy has disposed of his 100 - sem frena ou the 2nd concession of Stanley, to Charles Calton, who has Leen engaged for a number of years with Norman Carter, of Tuckerswith. The consideration was $5,1)111. Mr. Mahafy will probehly take up his residence in Egwondville. D. Johueton, of the 4th concession of Kinlen., has deserted the army of the bachelors. On Christman Day he took to himself a wife, in the person of Misr Mary Lockhert. s.ecohd daugh- ter of Mrs. W. Lockhart, of Kinloss The binding words were pronounced by Ilea'. D. Perrie, of wiugham. i.i,uac Langstroth, who has leen an enteemenl iwident of Seaforth for the t thirty years, left Inst week for Southampton. to take a position in the furniture factory recently pur- chased by Thos. Bell & Son, of Wing - hem. Mrs. Langstroth and family will remain in Seahorth for the present. At the home of the bride's father, on Wednesday. the 14th ult., Miss Dora Jane Harper, daughter of John Berber, of the nth concession of How - irk, was ed in wedlock G. Victor E. Foster, a prosperous young agricul- turist of the same locality. Rev. T H. Farr, H. A., erector of 'Trinity chinch, Forlwicb, was the officiating clergyman. Orange blossoms were interruingled with the holly festoons which adorned the home of Edmond 'Troyer of the Parr line, on Christmas Eve, when his daughter, Mies Christie Ann. lwc*nte the bride of William E. Jaron, prin- cipal of the. Brigden public school. Rev. John Hatt, pastor of t he Henson Methodist church. tied the nuptial a num- berin the presence .f A large of guests. Hotel Normandie Changed '!lands. The Hotel Normandie, Clinton, haw changed hands, the proprietor. C. W, Brown, having x0141 the furnishings and goodwill to A. 1.. Strome, of Her - lin. for INI,Of41, Mr. and Mrs. ifrpwtt leave shortly for Toronto. An Afflicted Family. Christman this year wee filled with sadness for Mr. and Mess. Thomas 1'. James, of Turnberry. The previous Manned*y their children cotnpl*ined of not feeling well, and it was thought that they were taking the mumps. 1t proved, however, to he diphtheria. and early Sunday morning 1.onis, aged two vele.. 114 "ed away. Before night Lillie. their eight-year-old daughter, also auction bed to the dread dime*... Two other members of the family are now ill. A Clam Seltle3. The claim of Bruce Bnatlenberry, of Hrurefield, against the county of Huron, for injuries sustained by his horse at St. Jinaeph bridge, on the like shore, which, at the last session of the county conned. was referred t Messrs. Lamont ra nd reeves of flay andua Hewett. for theiger, r Ilea talon, has I(een amicably settled. At a conference of the uuere'rtel 'metiers, held in Hewlett recently, it WAS agreed to pay the plaintiff $122, in full of Ilia cl.hu, mud thio offer was ( 'tempted. Death of Tuckersmith Fanner. '1 he death of Robert Brock, of the Mill roast, Tuckeremith, which oc- curred un Saturday. the 14th ult., re- moves en old and respected resident of that lownrhlp. Fur three weeks he had suffered intensely from au Abec ser behind the ear, which finally affected hie brain, so that death canto as a happy release. Deceased, who WAS burn iu Quebec .illy -rix years ago, came to the tow milli p of his Adoption in 1874, purchasing (runt the late Donald McKay the demo upon which he had since resided. Though he wan quint and unustentatious, hie high charac- ter and geniality woo fur the deceased the Valmont of all with whom he ¢rine in c.,tttact.. He lived a life of single blersednese, but is survived by his bristlier. on the homestead, who glade hie a worthy helpmeet. Death of Popular Clinton Young Man. A gloom war emit over the Gown of Clinton un Saktulday, the 21.1 tilt., when it was learned Lhst num of Its mood popular young wen, in the per- son of Walter Gregg Stewart, second sou of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Stewart, of that town, had died in Toronto. 1)e - ceased had suffered from pains -in the head for sump mouths and a new weeks ago he went to Toronto Hos- pital, where it waw found that a tumor was growing on the base of the brain, which caused the loss of bis eyesight and partial puralysie. As a Iasi resort the tumor was removed. The operation was suceeseful and hopes were cherished for his ultimate recovery, but on Thursday it blood vessel buret and he immune uncon- scious, passing peacefully away on Saturday evening. Deceased, who wits in him twentieth year, war a young wan of parts. and a great favorite with hie friends. "whom the gods love die young." Committed Suicide at London. Thenews of the death of John Strong. of Kippers, which took place in Loudon !sloe week, war learned with h regret by the rewiduntr of Tuck- erswith. Deceased was born iu the township in which he parsed the greater part of hie life. An iodustVi- oiu, well -doing young nisei, he enjoyed the esteem of all who knew him. About. a year ago a heavy cloud gathered *round hint. His wife and two children were turn from him by the hand of death. This be- reavement, together with ill -health. was conn' than he could bear nod his mind gave way under Lhe strain. He went to the London asylum last spring in the hope that he might re- gain hie health under the scientific treatment received there. This hope, however, wits never realized. ass be gredually grew worse and on Friday, the Leith ult., he put an end to his un- happy life by jumping into the reser- voir of the institution- His body was found fifteen minutes later. A num- ber of young children are thus sadly bereaved. AS OTHERS THINK. Everyone in Goderich Hasa Right to His Own Opinion. While everyone has a right to his own opinion yet it is wise to always consider what others think and profit by tbeir experience. Nothing maker) life 114) miserable, or interferem so widely with the useful- ness, of the average American, as indi- gestion, and it is well for um to Rive fair consideration to what others think about this remarkable affliction. Jas. Wilson is positive that in Mi-o- na stomach tablets helots an absolute cure for indigestion and the many dinagrreable symptoms that follow u ,u 'n disease ouch distress after this elating. coated tongue, had taste in the mouth, dizziness, flatulence, nervous• nees and debility. His action in selling Mi-o•na on a guarantee to refund the money unless* it cubes shows plainly his belief in the value of this remedy. He taker all the risk, and there will be no charge whatever for Meson* unless you sire satisfied th*t it has relieved you of indigestion. ' Random Philosophy. Hate ie often unconscious fascina- tion. The ocean roars only where it ie shallow. Titania was not the last woman to love it donkey. Reform ie a plant that grows ell In the sunlight of publicity. if friends are regarded as only. we will soon spend then!. Hod tate in the handege that k a mummified institution together. The gossip deserves credit for choos- ing aline one more interesting than himself to nal k about.-lieorge Llewellyn Bees in January Lippin- cott's. INVITE A TEST. -- Jas. Wilson Asks Catarrh Sufferers to Try Hyomei on His Guarantee. Jas. Wilson invites x11 who suffer from *ny form of catarrhal troubles, to gets Hyomei outfit from hien with his absolute guarantee that If it does not giise perfect satisfaction the money will be refunded upon request. There is no other t,-eetment for catarrh (het in any way resembles Hyomei, none that. gives such Buick curative results and lasting e.atlef*c- tinn, no medicine that can take its place, none that can be Aoki on si gu*ranteis like this, to refund the money tiniest it cures. Catarrh is a germ disease end can toe cured only by breathing Hyotltci, so that the most remote air cell.; in the nose, throat and lungs sire reached by its antiseptictic heeling powers. In this way all catarrhal germs ere killed, the irritated nnrcons noemhra11e is heaped and catarrh is driven frurn the system. This wonderful medicated air treat- mentdocs not drug and derange tie stomach. but is breathed through a little pocket inhaler that goes with every dollar outfit. The IlnnM't I way in which ,las. Wil- son sells Hyomei attests his confi- dence in the retuetly. A Lucky Miss. Two Englishmen hound West nn a tour stopped over a few hours lel Chicago recently, end during the in- terval droppped into one of the vaude- ville theat,e*. Shortly after they en- tered. a knife -throwing team hegmn its torn. the man sticking knitted in decorative hurdler Around the heed and miens of hlsieminlne partner. After a few minntee' unrsainewa one of the Englishmen turned to the other and said : "(kane, let's get out of this belly hole." "Cahn't yon wait loose It through 'r' "Cahn't i wait P I should sye not, 'r. 'al ten Marilee*. *4M1 'e's hissed 'e4. every Uwe." - Jaime;y l.ipplu• cott w AMERICA'S MOUNTAINS. Grander and Greater In Variety Than the Old World's. North America has suffered shame- fully from Alpine ■rrogauce. Its mas- ters have looked upon glaclerlese l'01,1- rado, the rWgrs bulging faintly above the continental plateau; upon I'opo- i•atapetl and his slater Stars reaching lathwusward, upon the snowy dead craters of the Cascades, and pitted us Americans that our lands offered mountain sport for none but women and old men. Volcanoes? An inferior sort of mountain. The Appalachians! Molehills. But ou their cootlnent are fields for cllmbtng greater lu variety. wider In appeal to every sort of mountaineer. Alpinist Included. than on any other of the world's six areas and among the summits physically attainable proba- bly the hardest in the world. The Himalayas, with greater real eleva- tion, have bases of attack dlscounting- ly high, and the accepted Idea that thin air prevents climbing above 23.000 feet bars their tiptop'. If South Amer- ica offers greater height and heroic weather, Alaska requires training In a sport quite new, a subarctic Alpfning for which you must persist and endure likeea polar traveler, Bork ac and rope, cordel or pack cantos across tundra. Its ten or more summlta be- tween 10,000 and 20,300 feet present the greatest effective height, the lon- gest snow and Ice slopes, In the world. All but Mount 8t. Elias and Mount MCHinle?. 20,300 feet, the highest on the continent, are virgin. Mount Lo- gan, 19.500 feet, is the world's remain- ing Alpine problem. Swiss training alone will not win It. (limbers have avoided Alaska, oftener accepting chal- lenges from Asia and the Andes. Al - Online must succeed In this ultimate field or come to Judgment for their condescension. Alaska lacks only that prohibitive elevation for which you may .5 well train in a laboratory vac- vnm.-Robert Dunn in Outing Maga- rine. A Comb In the Claw. Many birds poorness a useful comb in the claw of the middle toe of the foot. This has been noticed In owls, night- jars, herons, bttterns, cormorants, gan- nets, etc. It has been explained as a means of holding the prey securely. The comb is sometimes replaced by a curved blade with teeth. which run along the inner side of the claw. Such a blade is found In razorbills, wild docks, gulls. starlings and many other birds. Where a comb 1s required the inner edge of this blade becomes di- vided into teeth. Young nightjars or goetsockers have only the blade, but old goes have a well developed comb. Autos For Russ Army. 8t. Petersburg. Dec. 24. -The Rus- sian War Department has ordered the formation of a military automobile corps to be based on the German model. A SI:Rht Jolt. Grabbing her pug, in haste she *rote And rained upon the creature's note A perfect storm of kisses sweet, And the dude reclining at her feet Remarked as he at her looked up : "Ah, 1 wish that I'd heel) born a pup." Then spike the maid in an icy tone : "Why, Algy. were you torn full grown P" Go to the ant. thou sluggard ; al- though she doesn'tmake any noise in the world, she isn't buried at the ex- pense of the county. Men and women of °stark This APPEAL is fore Yoa The Great Provincial Charity, 'iia Hospital for Sick Children, Cate 0■ You For Aids. Remember that ibis Hospitsl is net • local inslitutioa, but Provincial. It carer for every sick child in the Provisos of Ont- ario whose parents cannot afford to pay for treatment. Busy dollars are better than idle tears. The sym- pathy that Weeps is goad, hot the Hospital has to have the sympathy than Works. Last year there were 1093 patients ad. mitred. Of these 379 came from 254 places outside of Toronto --all were children of poor people who could not afford to pry for treatment of their little ones. Each child wan in the Hospital 474 days at n cost of 91.:11 each ppeerr day, or 15.2.22 f a r the47jdays 1tny. if your dollar could @trotghten the feet of a little boy Hawser or girl with club feet, you would gladly give it, and your dollar will do that. There were 79 eases of club Met treated las• en-runtta- rte'r 1_ 11111 ai -•e'er`"`, FEE atyeRa.. •rrSR. Inst year. Out of the 79, about 50 were from the eountry. if you know of any child in your county who is sick nr haa club feet, and whose parents can not afford to pay, send the name to the Hospital Serrstary. The stock books are open. Won't you 1.1 the Hospital write your name down for a few Owe in Hedvea's own 471, r k of healing little ehildren A great mimeo( Mere, - the melee stock that steer pays dividends is bought. w,th the money that helps The Hospital for Sick Chiklnn to ex• erect the Gold of Life from the Quartz of D.at h, Plea¢ send eowtriBstioes so J. Hass ltehrrseen, Outman. nr to T\nag11N David sen, Rac -Tree& , of the !implied far Sidi Qinghai. i. O.II.g. /Week Theses TSVPID,If, January 2, 190•, D. MiUar Co. 11 Third Annual Stocktaking Sale On Saturday _ w%il` start our 'Third Annual Stocktakii ' ll.e, v, h .m all goods of passing fashion will Qs, 1.►tered at prices that will be sure to mike :a spe..'y clearance. We may state th it si'lc2 commencing business in Goderich ii. ha. .tp . ays been oulOrule to hold only on.• safe In the year, and that in January just Mort.. ci mpletiu stocktaking. ONLY A FEW MANTI.ES The few that remain will he oitt'reJ at almost Half-price. We will not give .it:tills, but you will be sure of saving moi'c•t hen you visit THE SCOTCH STORE DURING MILLARS' SCOTC, 'Phone 56 STORE 'Ph.,1/4 ., sd Wise iso the man who knows whatir not 1. }4, y, and reurrusloel•s not to say i4.. Oh, Say ! "Tills Il - St. George's Baking Powder -the baking powder that makes the best Bread -the whitest Biscuits -the lightest Cake and I'astry- you ever saw" "Order a can NOR' --so von will be sure to have ST. GEORGE'S for your next baking." ll'1 ee jet f, n* ropy of ow r mese Clot -Rook. National Drug Ps Chemical Co of Canada Limited Montreal. in i 4 A Good -fitting We/%tailored Suit or Overcoat Made to your order from new- est clothe in lucdituu and light- weights,. nl DUNLOP'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM, WEST STREET. 156 H. B. BECKETT E-M3ALMER AVD (FUNERAL DIRECTOR Did you see the dandy CUTTERS at Bob Wilson's warerooms on Hamilton street. He ban the (test collection of ('utters that ever came to town. No to*ticr what style you waant. ' tit• what price, they :tie there. 11e Data them from $5.00 up to $5o.o6 Call and Have a Look anyway. 14.1, is always glad to see you. It you don't want ,any- thing in his line. 4ul*yll yon have friends who do. He is mule agent for McCORMICK MACHINES, GRAY CUTTERS. BUGGIES, FLEURYandPERRIN PLOWS ROBERT WILSON GODERICH, ONT. A Newspaper Bargain THE SIGNAL -AND-- The Family Herald and Weekly Star. ei OP MONTREAL$1.50 The Signal will furnish you with everything of interest, in this local tea 1i tory. Every home in this district should receive the local peeper. '1'hei oddly Herald and Weekly Stat of Montreal is the nrkuualedge(' best family and faros paper in Canada. Its magnificent newt service: its nnit0rnx1s special departments ; its interesting magazine features' ; its grunt serials x16,1 popular short rtoriea krit the greatest dollars wnrth to lw had. The combination of The Signal and Tim Family Herald and Weekly Stas provides the greatest amount of wholesome family reading and reliable news hunt all parts of the world. Send your subscription to THE SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont. • • Is Farming Your Business ? 1( so, THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper, will each weekof Special Interest to you. If THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business be of interest to you. 'Subscrihe NOW for The WEEKLY S to ls Jan., 1909, U Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN to 1st Jan., 1909, Ito COrat$ATION wtTlt THE SIGNAL Only $1.70. Address : VANATTER & ROBERTSON, THE SIGNAL, GODERiCH, ONT. READ THIS SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFER The WESTERN HOME MONTHLY WINNIPEG THE SIGNAL THE TW0 4FOR ONE. YEAR FOR VTR eases. TIlr 1tr.T' RN HOMI M4)N1111.1 hat Inns (,.ea-ewns.n;d IV the ,+,ems 411 enn101 home m.a.n,r i,d.l,lwd on Canada. and a rend by ore. 35.000 loathe. every 4,.ewh we.kh nl Ir..hnc Ian.., Anises.!, I,•, non .n( s ,4.arn, .1.1. 44.4.... 4a.hne 'ehren.. whole r...m- .Leen «r m•or rlepin4nnl. m.Ier ,pry al sword Is -Mop. so .rere.i,g .nd Mold 10 the mernlr„ in err.', lean . II( L I hisdwrw ,wnrnlo, own every mnml1 ; hematite! 611 n... ,4,rtrresr 4 LOT, rwh. ,syn 4406,0 4411,mssry rnr.. mode Irma Plea." taken by nor awn ,dhr..l pMhg.p4.r, god*. pruro.e, 442 M.mtnh.,5•.tr,.hew.,, /111.teba aid Nish CnM'b,a ewfleturi44sn"e.pl la 4a4 a4v..tyo el (1,. Ss1CIAL 01111 PSV. 60 Pages and up. 60. r.treit ure ton,I Ctr1catMklett 4arer4wna.. \\'rat Hae 1"q,tn1r•, t•;e: it1- U.rlerfch t.u.o.ITa .. '..11.: .V r'v.id'•nc.•, tor. t*unbrfa 4...l nn l Nelson *th.e(• J. BRU1211 y ' .--1 BP. 1.134/01 funeral Directl.l . and Embalmer.. Orders carfutly •tleno,-d to at all hours, Ight or dry 'PHONE 15 off 24 N h. -n ynn want warehouse` t'c r. Went and Yards l (.tree( and) at Dock/ Squar. COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS O N HAND glr.(2l (bat weighed on the market scale.• where you get .((4( Ib.. for a lou. WM. LEE. Osler., left at. l'. 1', LEE'S Hardware Store e:wt side Square, ',roundly attended to. ¶UNDRY BROS. Livery, tlack II A N o - - 'Bus Stables GOOD HORSES CARRIAGES PHA ETONS -ST('.. AT- RKA8ONAHEX RS- -- Well-appoi n ted Backe and reli- able drivers in charge of the 'Buses, which will meet all train and steam ho ate l AI.L CALLS ATTENDED TO 11 PROMPTLY FROM HOTELS AND PRIVATE:HOUHCS GUNDKY BROS. 4tsUTII STIt4ET THUNK 11(•'TV ■ SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. .111y rveo ,nunhood meet Ion of Dominion heel, lu 14*044Olit. timkalchewsn and Albert,, except ing a and ell not re,urv,d, luny Irl bomc• tended by Any 48411.011 who is 11101.01C 44141.1 of n family, °rimy male over IR years of Ago; to 11.,, extent of one-quarter rection of Iran actio, mora or les.. o , ire nn A 1 11 for cat t 1mast he male 244 peony by f he agen. Ant at n [Mar district. In lands Agency or Sub agency for 11,0 allele,. which the land 1s sl,uale. Pantry by proxy may, however, be insole : t on Agency n, crrl*11 conditions b► Ow lather, mother. .nn. daughter, brother of slope of an Intending homesteader. The boniest en f. required to perform lion homestead duo under one of We followi. g plane: 11) At leas( sic months' residence upmn and cultivation of the land In each yews for three ye*Po th A ho,nrdcadcr rnnp, If hr so dc*Ires, Mt. form the req a ind aerldcnce dnUA. 1,7 luring , n farming laud owned solely by him, not tem than •ihhty WO) Aert•s,111 extent. Iu the %!tinny of bis homestead, Join ownership in land will not most this requitement. Ch If the father Hr mother, If the father Ind. rawsedi of a hornealewder has trrmaner4 n•.i drone on fanning land owned solely by hits. not Ire. than eighty Oen were44 in extent, ba tbo r ipinity of the h •st'at. or 1141111 w hni.ahr."I rancord for by him In the Arial?Y. su.h hon.. -I,ad,r only perform his own residence duties by IIHng with the father for nnnh,, it, The 1., 1,, sI.-ti)Iy'Inthe two protean pnrxgrapi' f. nchnnl ns nreei.Inrpgg not mar inn nine miles In *direct hne, exd,ui lvetit 1 h0 width of nod *Iloe'nncow crne.,4 n lbs measurem• nl. 161 4. hnmentrndrr Intrnding to perform Mo ne-,drop.• duel,-+ in sce'nlan.e will tho• airs v,o while th.ing 4v lth par'„'. or on fanning lane ownsl by hltn.4•If woo not sty the *gent for (1, fits/V..1n(bd cnlfon. onth .',,0(11444 in w'1lhyt nn1s1 6.111t14.-,, In the tnmmledoner of Dominion lands al. Ottawa of Intentk'm to appty for potent Deputy of the Mlnlder of the Inler'nr, N.B.--Un.nthorined publication of UM W - r. #M.s.Nt will sot be peed hr.