HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-12-26, Page 8, w ,T, llsosmber 96, 1807 The Sovereign Bank of Canada Na" OFFIOa—Tonomyo. 80AW M asaacT*U: /M►u06 1•avU, top-, - ArrY� ypaorra Maa Wx•t.0.l q. a+( V.c►Aaef�f a, a. a„ax, tN-. . . oaf Yh&A-Owl" aaa. D atCMiLl.ax. aaca. Cal,riaLL, tq jA, J Y.t. a. i. U.raxr, dao., lox. 11,9792, MCl•aaax, W. lt. Yottacost, tp. Y.f. ALMA. uvea, taq. K.C. F. G. IatMan. . . . Ga.e.,.LM.ptape 1. C.wau. A+(( (.0 e,61-Nsaatfar • SavWs Moult Uepartnied Inas at 6" 4WTw t Ira. pad PaSuay- , U .dereyu linench Christmas Fantasy. Softly agleam was the ruistletoc Where wee stood front the rest apart \tad clung together in mold embrace, ltegandlea+e of people or tiute or p14ce, And wowed that we neer would pat I. Ah, the stud, glad riot that through Its fait ' Iletied the reblrainingart Of comb and brush, for wee• w•el•e for pair That stood for lhr last of all Old he hair - We would have been band to part —Harvey Peale in UW klollatoial'. POLITIt;AL NOTEW • 1 Exeter Times; The ywirti • , +- lihetber there will he a Er South 'iuron is one wbV „ 1, eonsi &My discussed d, i:. :Ie • t 'week. \lany have rx. opinion that the ridir saved this unneceoear' , turmoil, especi t I,hat the poli• p portunity ' sur• nig' 1N, ' n yh•. , IXvI IW(,I, 11ctober As ,• , •: i, ,, Ilia oppy n' I. , '� n• , :n and it was (ti, late Mr. Guno the chute, of the rr convention. O t h e r 117It, .. le openly talaed of. Now 1 will have to be wade xui4 og these and wade quickly if an election is to he held. Bot the , igge Lion hits been made by not a few' thaL the l:un- servwlives would do well not to oppose Mr. McLean in A bye -election. lie is :w old wear hone who has received A me hard knacks (tont his opponents and yet, today his straightforward manner and independent honest% hale made hist[ lespectcd by the runic and ale df both parties. There are in- deed many Conservatives who would like to we M. Y. McLean hale it seat in Pwrliament and would. he de- lighted if the party leaders would make his election now unanimous. 1n this way a graceful thing would lie done and the riding saved ouch ex- pense and disturbance. Both sides would then save up their strength for the general election,. The Christmas Farmer's Advocate. Attention will naturally he arrested un opening the page -.'of toe maguilT- cent Christmas nuust.er just, issued by the Farmer's Advocate and Howe Mawazine, of IAlndon, Ont., with the article Oil -Electrical Development in Ontario- by Prof. W. H. Day, of the Ontario Agricultural College, who ha., given an exhaustive And illuminating study of this vital subject which con- cerns farmers as well all captains if industry in the towns. Besides this there are articles on the National Live -Stock Hewunls, by Jas. B. Spen- cer,the English Dairy Shorthorn, by Prot. H. S. Arkell, U. S. A.: the course of tadr in ('anadian dairy products, by tier.. H. BatT: the reviews Of Caiui liar live -stock and fartu industries : Maritime types, by A. F.. Butke: the beautification of rural houses and highways, by .1. It. I L. Forster; and the official report and awards in the split -log drag competi- tion, for which (early In the year two rete of cashppt•izer s wee• offered by The Farmer's Advocate. The hupervision of this unique contest wits assumed be a the Public Works Department of On- tario. W. A. McLean. ('. E., of tbt- highw•ays branch, writes it couspre- bensive report. includirpf the awards of the competition[, which will give the cause Of road iutproveulenl A tremendou, impetus. Thete are• masterly articles un every branch of agriculture, h'uut Iasi horse," and fruit transpottation to a *taking" lottenl by ,;The Khan." The number is well I ho-t•ated, several of the views tieing front Mallows ph4otogr"phs. AS OTHERS THINK. Everyone in Goderich Has a Right to His Own Opinion. While everyone has a right IO his awn opinion, yet it is wise to alwav, consider what others think and prallt by their experience. Nothing ninke, life sl) miserable, or interferes so widely with the useful• 11"to of lite averNge American, its indi- f"tion. Anil it. Ts well for us to Rdvr fait• consideration to what others think About this wi nu•ka"le affliction. ,las. Wilson is positive. that in Mi -o• Ila etotnach tablets be hats an ntos(dutc cure fill- indigestion and the many disAgrerable symptout" that follow this disease, such us distebs after eating, et ated tongue. bad totsle in the tuouth, dizziness, flatulence. ner- vousness -tud debility. His action in wvIlfnit Nli-o•na on a guarantee to refund lily worry unless it cure,, shows plainly his Relief if] the value of thin remedy. He takes all the risk, And there will he no charge whatever for Mi-o-na unlet. you are satisfied that it has relieved you of indigestion. Where Men Live the Longest. \Ithough the scientists n,rme tar Butt there I% no 1 ychol( ical reason why the average healthy nlnn tar woman should not live to lie tale centenprinns are so rare that most people have never seen one, A fier- man statistician recently compilers figures showing tbat of the 38,11IM1,fool people•, or thereabouts, who inhabit the Kaiser's empire. fewer than 10M+ are mare than 101) years old.,,The some authority reports 1111 rentenar- inns in F.ngland, 21:1 in France, and 110 in Spain. It would seem that where life is less strenuous longevity increases. The most a.toni,hing fig - In" come from that Iroublesome and turbulent region I*e Balkan penin• aula, where it might have leen ,nIi- pto,ed that lif" is lesseei scure then ne- wher" in Europe. Ser%ia repx.rts Sia Vuple will, are I'llyearx old or more .- Rumania, 1,(04 : stood ttuigaiin no fewer than '1,"). In other w• ,Ids. AtilgAria ho"114 one re•ntenarian to every 1,1111 of itpt {x.lnrlation.-lAnulutr Cit -Bits. -- Possibly ""'IT wren MnuM w•JpaL to Moke if it war against the law, ®Ml -w � 4114111.3111111110'" Wsa sO tlAl-"- -: RICE ladies' coats � ?,.,rgain days at o'; • 'Alf -price. About Itt r,y of them left still to sell. Blacks and ltceeds. all new this sea - ,)it. Your c}toice of any '-oargain days for EXACTLY HALF-PRICE Three Great Big Silk Bargains Three lines of black silk bought away below their real value gain we got ourselves and n pass along to you. Each of them will be, worth coming after. Peau-de-soi Silk, 53c .11 or lot yard, god quality blucl Peau -de -sed sill, white edge, gad weight And quality, would Make sta plendid waists r full dr-A— Spxcirl for bargain day, al 53c Iter yard. ...... $t.00 Taffeta Silk, 68c 1 end 0111y. aloint 311 yards, heavy I(eilrht black taffeta silk. A splen- did rill for any purpose you can ,Joe taffeta silk fur. Hegufar hta n- dald 1111.1.1110 value. special for C Q C bargain day's per yard.. C1� One Yard Wide Taffeta Silk, $1.o5 Bal q ouality black ttlfela sill. fall yard wide, heavy weight, guar- Auteed, just the thing for suit., coats or skirts. Regular )!V.701. Bargain days. special �� .05 per yard ............... Sash Curtain Muslins IOC piece- Only, fancy curtain nms- linfor-ashord(orcnrtAins. t'Irar- ing bargain days At per 10e yard. ............. ..... Bath Towels, 25C IS pairs extra gnalily ilnlxrrled bath towels, plain gr and with reel And whitestripes. Hrgullel• :tic. Sial bargain days 25c cIN...... ............... L Cream Flannelette, 1oc Extra heavy quality English flannelette. Cream only. soft fin- ish, regular• Ile, special for 10c Ihugaoa days pet• yattd..... lE t glish Shirting Flan- nelette 12;,c F uglieh shirting flannelette. ,plendidaterial for winter went. ("'d wee ht. ,Oft finish. dart colorings, s ilxd• regular Ince for bargain day. ,penial per 12I end .. Sample Quilts S tar ll) tavellers' sAloPIP' White guilts. ThVlle are slightly soiled Trim handling, wind will be sold on bargnul days all one-quarter to out -- third less thin t•Pg,llal• price. More Grey Blankets Another lot of I hose e x t ra g ualit y grey blankets. Jlade fl'onl fine Nutt wads. regular $5 30, fur �� . Qt� 5 I,atg,iin days per Twit•... 75C Vests and Drawers, 53c IAldiv, line tibla•d winter vers and drawer,, Gond quality. soft finish. Regular 7:x vest or drawers Per garment bargain 53C days.... .. .. .......... A Lace Clearance at 5c "Ix, yotids valencienne,, torchnn, and fancy Incept. A cleaan-up of Ilk sl) lac Ii ries. Ilhoice bargain 5c days per yard .. ............ THE SIGNAL: GODERIC'H, ONTARIO COME AND SEE HOW WE HAND OUT THE BARGAINS 01,11111111 December Bargain Days Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, December 28, 30 and 31. XTRA BIG INDUCEMENTS for the last Bargain Days of 1907. Prices cut LJ► deep to make the selling of every line advertised an absolute certainty. There are dozens and dozens of broken lines and odd lots scattered all over this big store that ought to be sold right away quick. We won't hum and haggle over prices to be asked for them, but will gather all together and put on the bargain tables for the last three business days of 1907, marked at prices that simply must sell them. Here are some sample prices to show you how we are going to do it. 75c Pillow Shams, 48C Pillow shunts and dres er scarfs, extra tin,• Anality Swiss pillow shauw and dresser scitifs, 9oOd patterns and line qualities, regular ,g QC 7kc, special for Iargain days each `�(7 Soc Pillow Shams, 35c Pillow ,huts and dresser scarfs, tine quality Swiss polow shams and dresser scarfs, good pat- terns and flue qualities, regular ZAve, 35c ,pedal for bargain days each............ Great Dress Goods Bargains •Viii bier bargains from the dress goods counter. Dozens of lines and qualities at prices that it Itiu realize how great the reductions are, we are bomid to have the biggest dress },roods selling Ave have ei cr known. 85c to $1.00 Dress Goods, Bargain Days, 55c Ikazems of gualilit's, hundreds of yards, htylish and serviceable dress goods selling at pretty nearly half their real worth. Ju -t a hint of what they, are • Venetianx, pain a itb, tweeds, fancy bliocl satin cloths. Black and colored drbt goods of all kinds. Fier% shale in the lot. Hegodar fixe, IMM and $1.1141 qualitir. All new. correct and htylish Materials. choice of the lug bougain 55c tiny" per yard .......... ..................... . .......... CLOTH CAPES, $11.914 I only cloth calks. Mack and dark colors. Splendid thing for di i%ing sold rough wear. 'Special for bons -gain .. days $1.98 each... .............................I.......... FUR CAPE, $5.00 " only ladivs! Marl fur rapes. Collar of black Aublralian opalssuul. fast dvr, well'tuafe, warns, comfortable ,etas .jrJ�W a•tviceahle. Itegular $Iu.11tl, bargain days each........ Vl! 60c and bic Dress Goods, 3. c NU vardb of drew goods worth topic, 75c and in souse rases 114k per yard. Blacls and polars. !Nose are lengths with only enough in for a drtms or skirt. Of other -La enough to wake three or four divases. A clean-up of the entire dress gads stxk all gathered It. gether and marked at a price that will ruake the selling sure. No matter they sold for, nor what they are worth, lair- 35e gain day-, yuu can buy them at pier card ....... .......... 3 PAPERS TOILET PINS FOR I0e 1:.3 papers toilet pins, ",sorted sizes, legular:o•, bargain days :l pxpeiN for . .... 10c . ....... ....... .. 0C PINS, 3 PAPERS FOR SII: (;oat quality English pins, 2114) pin+ leer dal"•r, ,}s cinl for 5c Imi-gain days J papers for .................. ............ I0e RUCHING, 5e lilacs, crmil wool white ruchlux tur dt*oa lrialitiug. C„ colh►rs, etc. Regular Ilk'. IrtfgaiN dor 5C per yard............. Extra Specidl Children's Coats HALF-PRICE Half-price for chil- dren's coats too, natty, stylish garments. This season's direct import- atigns. Dark and light colboRtigs, good quality. Ani' one of them bar - brain days for toEXACTLY HALF-PRICE Clearing The Fur Coats Not many fur coats left to sell. Each garment thoroughly Qsod ouallty. Each garment an undoubted bargain. Five Coats, A37.5o :a out) astrachan and near seal jackets, plain ur with sable collar and revers, stylish and handsome armeuts.Regular *311.1141 and for I,11 A). 1i M -Ial 11 days each........ $37.50 Six Coats at $33.5o si only ladiex "Li•achau and near ,eal jackets, plata tar with sabh' collar and revers. Splendid gat- ments that you can depend on without a doubt. IttwOlar st30111 anda c.dal. $33.50 dace eachh... .. ... . . 1 Fur jacket, $8,00 1 only laditl: black Astrachan jacket made (roll) goal guahty %kills that will giveexcellent µPAI'. 1largain days you can $8.00 liar it for. ... .... .1717 35c Hose, 25C N'e have :501wain+ ribbed acaasb- Mere base with double kner. 'Ilry are an extra god quality Aral oeu hpecial price has been perlair a . sizes sit to, Ul and 111. . turday morning these 311 lair go Un th,- bargain table inrrked ate]5c your choice per pair....... L Children's sizes in the 5C wuir hose ................. 65c Aprons, 45C White IArwn aprons, nicejuablo" with hill, neatly trinnl)ed with @-in broidery. Regular ClZic, 45c baignin &tvv each........ $1.5o Gowns, 98c Ladies' flannelette nightplowm. inside front $ad quality Englisb flannelette, pink or white, very full skirt, choice bargain days each ...................... 98 98c Children's Vests and Drawers, 15C Children'" vests and drawei Awa1)rted sixes, mitfulai'J' M, ':'k, 3tr, out they go on Satasrlay At 5c your choice lar yaril . Laces, 1oc I.%1 )Judy in this lot. PAt IAce•, ,d val'lllu9 kinds. Short ends sol ,old leogths. Froin Iseto 2:,' gualitiew. choice of them 1(k its tgain days at Ter yAtd /l Children's Gloves, 15c Children's woollen glo%ere, plain Arid fancy pattern-. regular 15c Sic, boargain days per lair.. Heavy Shawls Dark stray ntixtllr•r 111• ;,[all, "lack. Regular $1.191, $2.95 Iargaain days........... a7 Heavy Scotch Shawls Dark and n_n•diutu gray usixtuie,. liV da s l.'S,, flet' 11111"- $2,�5 gottaill days. Dress Trimmings, 1c ' Hundreds and hundreds of yards fancy dress trimmings. Clean-up of oor en Lire stock. Many kinds iu rhe lot, choice of them at per 1C %and ..... ..... 1 Extra -Special $60 Fur -lined Coat, $48 ' only Indies' tin -lineal coat,. llutnide go -d ,duality tiny,' beaver cloth. with (,olund,i,e rathlo collar slid revers. Exti,, te uallty hemster lining. Hg oula, Ii n, special for bargain $,g Q , to each ..... tib $70 Fur -lined Coat. $33 1 only ladiew' fur -lined coal. COlUtlhiat Stable COII"r and It- vrt•x. E.tra quality umakrlu linin)f Bargain days $55 aplecial................. Fur -lined Coats. $29 _' only black heaver cloth fill lined coats, collar of Ohio sable. warm. comfortable and stylish garmen6... ........... 2x7t. Bargain days $(] 4.44. GREAT REMNANT SELLING FOR BARGAIN DAYS Stich selling as we have had since this last month couldn't help but -leave lots of remnants. There are whole piles of them here now accumulated from a month's extra big business. All must be send ten bargain days. Prices cut in two to make the clearing absolutely sure. Remnants of all kinds : Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Flannelette, Prints, Cottons, Sheetings, Carpets, etc., etc. All cin the remnant table at BIG BARGAIN PRICES - Some Linen Bargains Cleaning -up Bargains from the linen counter that you can't afford to hiss. NAPKINS, 95e it dozen only pure linen table napkins, med- ium size, all good qualities, imported by our- selves direct, special, bargain days, per dozen 95c BE TM LINE. $11.05 Better napkins, 12 dozen of them, good weight, qualities that will stand a lot of wear. Clearing them special for bargain clays at per 1.05 ' dozen................................ $ L A SILK COAT, $29.00 1 only ladies' black silk coat, a Very hand- some garment, new this season, beautifull\ trimmed, wadded lining, regular $45, for bargain days .................. $29 FLANNELETTE ENDS. 33c .s -yard lengths good quality Flannel- ette, Canadian slake, medium and dark col- ored stripes, fast colors, S yards in each end. Special for bargain days, per end ................................. 33c TOWULING, 61c t.iC- Good quality crash towelling, colored borders, would make a splendid drying towel. Extra special value for Saturday, Nlon- day and Tuesday, at per yard ........ 6�� UNBLEACHED DAMASK, 24c Good quality unbleached table damask. Splen- did qualities (or ordinary use. It will give excel- ent wear and sawn bleach. Special bargain dal% s per yard ............................ 24c 60c DAMASK. 39C I end only, heavy quality halt -bleached table damask. Extra width and weight, pure linen. Bargain days special at per yard ............ 39c 35C CORSET COVER EMBROIDERY, 23c 3o yards only corset cover embroidery, a good collection of patterns. Good quality cloth, regular 35c, special for bargain days per yard ...................... 25c SAMPLE RUGS to or IS English sample rugs or dtwr mats, assorted colors, sizes and qualities, clearing all on bargain days at one-quarter less than regular price. 25e HANDKERCHIEFS, 12;r. Men's pure linen handkerchiefs, very fine cambric finished hems and woven edges. Extra good Irish make. Regular 25c. I'cn dozen to sell Saturday, Monday and Tuesday at 2 for .................. 25c HODGENS BROS `Direct Importers, Goderich, o,,r. Extra Special TWO BIG RIBBON BARGAINS Pure silk taffeta ribbon selling away below the real value. I21c Ribbon. 7;c 31141 yards pure bilk taffeta I Ildlon, '1 to'S' inches wide, .111 light and drtr( xhades, including black. Itegular Vx. sneci+al for Iargaln daysper yard 1 5c 8c- or two yards for..... Taffeta Hair Ribbon. 12c Pure silk talrrta hair ribl,m, good weight and quality, regO Jar balr riblxrn wldt.b, black. light, sky, creatul, pink, cardinal and navy. An extra speci►1 fol t,arg&in days, per 12C 1a b