The Signal, 1907-12-26, Page 7Al
,1'111•: SIGNAL: GODERICH' WrAltlt I TUVILSI)AT, Laccm �,�
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%q*********-+**+***++* ++++*+++,+*,i,* ***,++� p� e w Years l i s
+, A Co y
The News of the District. , .it
I UUNUANNUN. it the town hall'oil Deve►►INq• '27th. The Palace Clothing Store
Median! �
AWURN. (R. U. ; 1. Hit omproel, 1 . C. ; Nu.15t
u l q',,a will he Nerv(Nl xt 7 (i cloel', fol- Ayer's Cherry Pecu. ral 1 a■�
Tu1CmDAY, Dec. Lith. I twuae of 1. Hit l.owur rams U. R. It A. NLSwTON, DENTIST, LUI,K• .�
:Diss Corn Bell Ne sopiss spend. U•;Chris.l.owery,P.C.;Nil.if,house 17f. teN'.--'lhou"overydayex„eplThul+ h/welby g:uu0r unij music. AJnlir• regular Cough medicine,
ing Christmas under the par otal of fiart Hicks, mole D. It. l). ; It. I toLr��, w, a eel y,ft r l ivwnu.ud'brth18olak- rloor 1.5 cent"• , strong medicine, A dvCt01 ' Our stock of latest novelties and newest
roof. Ril'hardsun, P. C. A unlnkrr of ac• eel. Ahu,,,,,rtn,,,f,Yw.Inun.blwak.binl. The [.aJir: Aid of St. AuJrrw'r notions for the holiday trade is the brightest
rl,unls wets paid, which will appear in N. It. YOKuru ,.Iway. bav« >uw suck mu,.1 chw'rh it giving a concert iu the town 1
medicine. Good for e a s .,
John F'''rgur,uu, who, has Ift"'ll iu financial rlateu►ent, 1'110 lN,xni u[ fetter dor" In u,e deet, UIO. ,rani t1me, hall un Chl istmax night I coughs, hard 'coughs, desper and best we have ever she rvn, and comprises
lite empptily uC Lhe l'. 11. R., :lssirtil1g hrnith ulrt nt 1 °'cluck. John l'o: ave better facilities for daar tile work, mmr+ uuw
;,, uuiWdpg w bridge ;,, Parry Souu K tultable fur the rauem. MKrHuru:r wNNn'¢luf.axv. Tile ace coughs. if your doctor y r' o; ,t desirable effects in
caner home tart week tom lend l:hruT A satisfactory report of him cervices in �TOTICE. --THE LOCAL ANUENCY Methodist church will bold a iniver- I
I u -ill ction with the Me(iuirr mmall 1� in hon unNon rerThuylrlull.altb■post racy services uU tinndxy. UecruYlN•r 4ndorses it for )'Orr CBSC, [Aka
mita with hi" fMI111Iy, pox case. ler. Sinith's hill u( $OYI was omc" ruin and stmtluney start - where •2pt11 Service will lip held bilth uuo•,,. Ir. If not, don't tape it. Never .
Nt. Kids all(1 Miss 4l latl•1', 11111' t'II• pl'r .tl 11 LPd to, (Ile IN label. fill. II1e111'AI urd.n will be oe,,i wl int d isalrlplin n., ad' 111 #tied evvilltlef. Rev, It. Mill 'alai,
I r teachers, left fur their hoares last attendance it, model *wall ox carr. verl6Uor and nt. w., k, the "allots will bel K ) go contrary to his advice.
rig p Rlveu for account. •rrlJ far the wale. u((i/#tIrricit. will prgich At dad h Nei NL ', �•
Friday. Mlen Sclater will return The board rlmiuo•d they I11ul no ``tLrN THE. LIST lIF' ('1.l'BBING Vice*. On Monday evening there will w. vl llsr .,,, r„r.vt.r
after the huliday. but A. F. Janus, authority t1 pity b11L thlall' agreed 11 utrrr. l., till.. wary. signal. Hund your holo, fowl sopper in the haspueent, of w. besuh.'..tilt I
late tit Porlrr's Hill, will take Mr. tit et It -Ifni A Ivics. The ?wJicit/u• .ul,,,cript,on to u,« lot -1 out ur, wMunsrter, ) fie.eur.ed-cull I�
Kar the cburcb, xl'trr which Rev. Jas.
K idd'r place in the ht•11im roolo. x rad with their action not. to ur send direct to THF: sI,;. . uuderlrh. eTS we "��o. ..... o ►
K pay 2 L{ellingrnll•, » eet ch pt -Ill. row of
Cut•non Nliws. The rongtwKit- amid hill, 14. hr coneide•el they were \VF;uNAsu.IY, Doe. ' lth. \Vellirigtuu street chure•b, Lo/nJ,,,, 1Ayaeaer rr5 '.j.
. I
tiuual Ill"Ling tit K11ov , hmrcle, held not liable. SA 11414111, RKe,Pool-Following is the will give ate interesting lecltiir i11 the . `�
last Hendry evroilig, Immotpotled a11v standing of thepupilsof Dullganuup t:,wn hall. A choice progr:at., ion• The -dose of Ayer's Pills ie small, only IHv,,IL,. chiefs , ` r.
LAURIER. public school for the month of Decent, one st bedtime. Asa rule, laxame doses
Action leganling a trot-n,crting. lhving givemisting tit music, eta, will telmo lx•
ler, nKmrulu order of merit : St;niorare better than cathartic doses. Forcon- , r �' r � .
to the call to \Ir. Nichol helom r.• ITY.01(sAY, 1101•. filth. given. W,i,!,illt, Canes t
ferrel back b, the ccrngngrsttilm. lite Wishing you all A nlerr Chrimtu,ae V. --1 1101 ('tae, ('hs, Fowler. Jun- 1 otipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick -
Y for V. --sleet Wiggins. !,1101 Glenn, AN 1NTF;NKsreNu \\'Kuu1No. - A headaches, the cannot be excelled.
(-upgrxpgxliu11 decided to' r:e nlw•t- anJ x hippy Now Year. ('Iarx Stool, Vera Ihunip, 1(uy quiet but very pretty, wedding 14m,k Y Y ; 'llbrellas ' r
ing nest Torridity. (2uMe• . uwuher mttrn(lwl the core- I' rhlcr on \Vaduerdxy. 1)rt•rnela•r I It Ask our doctor about this.
- cert in Lothian And rlx,rt .i Medti, Pearl McNally, Maggie Uiehnr, i -us"
� „
gg Fane �'es' , ,, h
grand F,Iith Treleaven. l.emlle Pentland lit the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Join )
LANES. filar. NVhiddou, when their s0(uud dough- - _. I
Irene Oliver. I\'. -- O01r, l'lasr,
14ATURIPAN. Ile% List. Prof. litxnt is sprpdinK A few day" Mltmtyn Sands. Clarence Smiley, Law• tor, Miss Anna, was united in Iu»tri- •o ' autosera. Pajamas jamas
in Slrnthv .it,, eevious to leaving fur rence Smile Lorne Y oun Melville loolly to Ur. C. W. Brown, o[Clinlun.
A h number frons this neighl.,l- I K y. I• Chob-e picked tub• 31.7.'• to 3a: good log•. .
h(asJ LtrndtNlthemedHNlrxxminrti,,,,h 1'ortAllm•rl. Glenn, Coes Allen. Verna McNrll)„Iowa, Tito w':ts perrornrei 14 to $4.Lu; medlum. 1.s0 to H: cewa.'[i Fa 11 Cy and . .. s • 11.
at Belfast and the ninth w•homl, The rxnwiurliuo luau UbtisU„rim iIL---Riley Bradford. Laurie, Smith, xl high noon 6y illy: John McNeil, to i3.t;o; common. U to ranrrn, a0o .
taught byy Eralowt Sherwood and Pall• tree held in lmnrier w•houl Friday wits Mary McCou t, Fred Savage, Stephen the itrielal gaily standing under nn to ;1. mt.
nun Stutbe•r regAs•tively. All wpm- x grand success. StLota ,wale his Meld, Myrtle Allen, Oertie Begley, arch if eveigfrrnr a11d cArnxtiony, Veal Calves. Sweaters
iugly enjoyed thelimelves to the full. ruuuds. 1,otum Gibson. Number Un roll. LM ; 'lir• bride wore it very pretty crstullle Prices railed at tramp toe per cwt
of embroidered Bruserls net uvr,:� Makers and Springers IldlsierV
xverA r attendance, 1S. 11. R. I,oxo• I'rlox•s renlcd tit foss i3n to A7 each. 1 1
Walter 1. Hackett and hie umUlrr, \11n. Mc•Iliregur. teacher tit St. I white milk unit wore x wrdeling veil of t
Principal. Sheep and Lambs. p
\Iro. Jas. Hackett, ill of Belfast. Helens, And R(xl. Dlacl.rnnan, teacher JrNual ItINOM.-Senior 11. -- F.dit6 Brussels net and wreath of /,range Exlwrt ■l,crp wed „t 3�.7a t. 34: lambs Fur Caps
site 1fuetrta of she iurue•r'r aditus, AL Uluphwsmxd. xn• rbwudiug thrix heli Stottwr►, RAIp6 Uisher. Marv;,, blussouls. After the cereneouy had at N to r.,.w per ewes
Dur*. \V. J. iAIIV, on Saturdav last. days at their Litotes herr. totheDurni, Arthur Ila( D herH;LA. SG,lhrrns. , been performed lb. guests pArto ek of Hos El'
Walter is looking filer After Itis tern, I)unalh' MclCeuzir, ,Vito bar leen iuPentland.A dainty luncheon And their drove to prices unchanged. O t i3.ID for selects 1aC,,
in the Medical College- of Toronto. Lilian Howwald Ander- i
in it he• will enjoy him if To s I. Alberta, has returned home accon,.Clintlin, where the beide And glrxrpe and $3.35 for light tats j
{bsrer d ) mulied by two Ixel cousins, who in- son, Linfield Anderson, ('Iliyturl , t«pk the it fur their fature home i
t6r fulltst mnJ that success will ctr,wu d y Sands, Hazel Parr, Lauri Fowler. (Montreal Live Steck. Ni
tNllll mbN•Ileling snug• tier with their Pr,u'I IVPs, Jai -vis Anderson. Ftld ; in low•,. Only lire intiuute friends MONTREAL. l)ec. 3;1.--(Special.)-At the . -
itla [ritUle elnairr• Jllldr, Dun(!. McKenzie. yellt of the couple were- pre,rut. Mista Montreal Shirk Yields' Rest )dud Marl;et In fact everything new, neat 'r : ).
Ferington. Junior I1.-Kthel Brown. i
Giant \\"I uil -The excellent - Marlon Disher, Scott McNally, C. i Whiaaun was one of the ncrht I"'p11• ill" eceipt ,it
� attic W-'Imeest ,
1lbriaUuas numhrr of The Signal was KINTAIL. -xr yuunK Lulio•+.,r amt hilus and attractive in Men's and a`♦ syr
H. Robinson.RubinsonMyrtle Oliver, Alex. «Ilii la ,bN, .".119 h„R� ,,ad 1711 salve,. Tha ` f��
gII►dly lyeeived by its hul,rcrilmirm ( Anaeeun, Harold S roul, Victl,t• leave, 11lany friends who wish (hent ""'I 1', cur noornh,g sur local cnnnuu pilon R
heli, and the hope that the. e(iitoiN S>1KP: 'lYll: LIS'C lIF' l%1.1' BBIYIi �' ret ha happiness in ears to come. p - .
I t ass, in the- week's Signal. Hand your Erringloo. Olive lu sun. lrPnlnl' every pl )" enn■Irted of 5W cattle, :.Ap sheep and Boys' Wear. We have still
relay Ire spared to distrilou Le Dia sly .ul,.r,ipt dun atht heal a of ur pcs.l,u aster. PArt IL Feel Fowler, Iva Carr. Har- A% IMPORT.\NT 1NIH7,t rtti. A large lambs, Ion hogs and 1:+ caleycs. The mar• �
1110". such. Yoor correspondent or heed dire•t ta`110,81UNAL. Utrlcrich. ket war cumpteraltvely qui tt. and the run a good assortment of a
Ire old Rivets. Hazel Augt�ustine. Ruth I(macern is tilt• BaYfleld cvapolatrn•. of cattle was small, which might ha•ie ,.. ll 1
wishem the editol's liked staff a happy lira \Vhitply, of F:huirr, is home fur Fowler, Edith Anderson, FAith It means thousands of dolLua to the I been "kiecoci after the active trade dur- }
anti prosperous new year. the holi(la)•h• 4NOJF. ,luriiir PHIL 1I. P:dglar.l �6rt', I rlllxPnh Ut BAVIiel11 mod r11I'Io1r11d10K ung the past week. There was some dc- Overcoats � �
PR1pACNTATION 'rya Se'roxu, '1VACH• ChAl-lie t)ah.m is u p trout Tomn6u Franklin Tho ib ern, (ieur a Cald- country. Jolie \Vhidduu dcsert•er maid from 1«rill b err tw esulc, but
1 P R the_e were no outside dealers on the mar-
F,w- (In Friday if last week Dlish fire. A few days. well, Frank Glenn. Junior 1. -- Al- credit fur the enterprise he has shown ket owing to the fart that they !;ad am-
Lieuetla Cumeinghane, teacher, of h, Inert Brower, Judmun Bell. Dhtrgaret all carrying on this large homier mob Ole supplies on hand to fill all requlre-
Arnohl l:owAll it h11tnn cribs 'cit- Call and see thein. They are Good fitters,
N, No. III, held n reading ronl.Nl in unto for the holid#tys. Medd. .1d cissa. - - Harold Manning, without even asking the village rut• » menti for r few day*. ?ne bulk o[ the
connection with the examination. A Uelush Dishe; Ireue Carr. A class. bullus, Tile Ilayfleld ev:tlxpratnr is .rock offered was of geed, choice quality,
Tisa Madill! Orifflu, of Detroit. is but, as there was not so Newell (-compete- good wearers and easy ill price.
large numix•r erre present :tied Florence ' Uoruiu. Freida Sands, the lu•gert in the count and, so fu• tion btlwacn buyer* fur the same as a
spending the holiday week under the
greatly enjoyed the rfto•rnlNne's nn• Georgie Glenn, Gladys Errington, is k11uw•n, the second :u"grsL ill the week ages prlrcm did net nun gulls so
-ltedings. JAftvr the proPaul 4litw Ionlicrilallimit. Sadie llountuin. '(ior'duu Glenn. Province• the largest loping near hlRh. cathc advice& front Liverpoo► on
e trade lit ca lee Plow
Cunningham watt rtew•utcr with the Dan DId Pnn, who has Npent the Number un roll, Ir ; ,.vet P littered Theti[urd. Thr dimension, ,if Mr. Saturday report t true t t
R 1 ril. veal• in lit NurthwrM, it p \ end no
no Improvement In piles,.
Following addross, which in ilself 1wan flit 5e ance. • « UoRA B. Itoomri s, Assist- Vhiddon'. (-talNo it r :uv : \Lair C d, n beeves here sold as 511 to GSic; ga.d
home last week. = at 4%c to Ole; fair at 4c to .4c; common BROS*
record of the fiithful way in which not. -- - --- -- --- - at Ilio to sleac; inferior at L' 4c to ae per Ib.,
,he has iwrforued her duties milli of Mrs. Itohillsin, tit 1 ur`tic l:t•uve, is end cannery at 70c to :ass per 10) lbs. Hup-
Ihe high rsteem in which she is livid: visiting at tilt. huuee-14 her brother, EAST WAWANOSH. MARKET REPORT, . pleas of sheep Noted Iambs were very Prua11. HEADQUARTERS POR COMF'OHT-
1)t•;%k TKA( rikN.-\Ve, tit.' pupils ,it nimcAll Mrlwod. Mommy. Der. Yfrd• for which the demYod Was fairly good
S. S. No. lel, rwgreL very such your Mars ;11a1 mlct('hu•l, twu:her'atNu, The F'ur•.mleres of Donnybrook, -have• Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures an•t priers ruled flrti vat te„• advance ` ABLE AND STYLISH CLOTHING.
do turn from our ontist. aurin B late) lead five applications plications for mem• noted a week ago. C lcc lambs sold at
f'u K a „chum, is spelling the holidays at Y I I Close Lower -Live Stock- ar; gnthd at !t%C to 53ac, and conmloo at -
your lervr hire you have endeavored her hiss AL til, H -lens. heirship, which goes ,(° show that this ,H• to we,v per Ill. F,x,Nrrt alartoo brought
lot du your hest fur us in advancing u» Court is In a peoe►xaons And flour"fi ■ Latest Quotations. 4.: good butchers' stock. 3%c to 33ac, slid
Mics Catherine Taylor, o[ ChicitKu,
in IhP line u( sIp117LUx1 litingh as well ing condition. I Monday Evening. 1•^c. _ culls at ae to 3%e far Ib. ■
arrived, estctday Lu spend m few Altho cable Clive",$ 'rain Liverpool and
n, U•rgmttrl. \\ r real LhuL if we have Y I'et AN UN vLIVIE11 Suli-cF;ag --That l,lverPonl wheat futures closed to -day
W," with her ,rents Isere � Brest oil Canadian Dacus were weaker
not advxncetl 14, we should have it is i , l"A to _esi lower. cern !fel hewer.
the S. S. Noe 7 con vert. oil Friday' At ('itis, Roc L ••emM r wheat clnaed e . at Sa *daY and noted a delline of b to
do fault of yours, for you have hopper Wo rare gl:u, to reloort that MIs. U. ,ti ht last was a decided success, was ^m per awl.• its compared with the prey- Q
K day las, lower. Uncem her corn unchanged Does it Pay
energetic and' sincere in one work. r4• Dlcl>,tuxld, situ has Is•.n iodic- lora week, this fact sur had no Influence
K Y !tin[ ply prlVed h. the Nlxe u( the nod• and December Dara •yc lower. whatever upon the local hog situation, a&
\1'r• now ask o11 Gr accept lhi, Bible brosasl the luau week, is xldu to. be icnce and the inLeutte iutrresL uerpi•
)' I Winnipeg Options. tits conditions of the market are st ronq
meld enter of SI, not forita mere intrin. nro11ud;tgltlll. tea" thr ughunt the long pre ram. F,algw{n, are flan rleslnR qn.t�flocs ore cud Prlres have rcerrd N furl l:rr advance r
sir valor but els x reminder of your - rhe chair wax ably tilled by WilliAn1 Winnipeg grain r„t„res to -day : of .,r-. to Tac per 100 lbs. since this day to 1)fly it Stovo or Range because the first Cost
d«xr pupil herr. We hula• that in ST. AUGUSTINE. Atrnmtrung, tine if ChP 11•usl,eN, who \Vheat-Dec. 11.011; asked. May 11. Z7 w'tek which eN attributed to the small
UYts-De:. 43r bid, May 51%o bid. supit�es caufug forward and the sun- iS `Gude, l)
your new sphere yon o ►oat' have the �- called the w0elinK to osier About Stall ,.nue( good d•+n:md for the same frern
11rst of wex,•eus, wnd not onlythat, but \1'F;mra+n.ty, 1)ec, tall• oclock, And for the. next three hours Toronto Grain Market.
\lit. lk-ninge•. of Riversill . t" t'i"- packer, sled dealers. and
active frees Wad
wr with jou a happppy 1'hrisUuxP +u4a the audience was pleasingly enter- r_;,.- done title morning. and ■Yet■ of selected
ninny of thrill. 41Knel i11 Ir bat( of {ling her hon Michael at present• lots were made at 33.35 to SL50 per Iuee the..
txintnu The loud burets of Appo tile' vVheer. fall, b hush.. ...d0 9; to i.... Will It be Pofit a b le
Oil• pupils of Y. S. No, lel by Patrick NI{iuire had a very Nmrcemn. wclithed oft cars.
1 and 11uueeruua ruoore" Le+Liflwl to the shear, fall, Dn.h........... o ?; Jlln%STUNF;. fill last• cutting wood last Thutsaay. fact that the several exceedingly well- Wheat. goosr, Wish ......... o s7 .... East Buffalo Cattle Market.
F:DDIK Uw Inti. \lies .lrasie Dlclkonrld, of St. Helens, Wheat. ,ed, bash........... 0 *t .... VAST nurrALO. Dec. ?3.-Cattle--Itt -
rendered numdoen were duly appreci• It e, bush . .................. 0 M cetpts, 2M head; fairly active and steady
vieitad at \\ln. MrAllisu•r's htmt week. aLeo1. The proceeds auwuntrd to Pt•a;, burn . . .... ........... 0 av to Ib• IdghrrYprlmt steers. 311.5 (0 3x.75, Ill lull' Illtlr 1'1111 lel I,IIV a l'11Ea111'1' Fall"( LII;l1I lull+
GODERICH TOWNSHIP. "P.btl, which is to Ise used in pur•chas- ruckwbrat. bush........... 064 o i1 shipping. 34.75 to Ill butchers'. $1 to P. }
Several of the oda( folks Attended tlarle
TvICIr1/AY, I►Pc.'.11h• bite conerrL AL Dur. rtwl"ick's school ing a library for
The >'. bash . ............... a14 075 heifers, 1.35 to tAs.; cows. 3330 to 31. Z: I
teacher, Mr. Graseick-, and All those uatz, bush... u W bulls, 33 to $4.51: stockers and feeders,
IletlrerL Orr, of Altterta, arched ran Friday evening. X 32.50 to f4.10; sl�c k heifers, 3_.S, wte; fr,ii,
home last seri. who iter ably rsmiatel, tits to Ix• sun• Toronto Dairy Market. cows and ■prlflaerr. i3 to 33 lower, its to
Mike Heniuger, oor genial Aure- gratulated m the successful uutcuene (:utter, dairy, Ib. rolls....... 0 =7 O -_3 =
Anstin Sturdy, of Berlin, then L Rutter,. tubs ..... ... .... 0 _.: 0 :% lfogs-Recelpts, u.oeoo hexa: active; Sri,I
keepPl', is all Nlnilcr, at ptterrnL the of their efforts. Rutter, creamer Ib. roll■... o a 0:70
Cheistmxs at his haute, 7th coneesion• uccA.ioll lA in lite nrricxl u[ :a young . y• to 2&• higher; yorkerr and pigs• 3G to 113.,x•:
R I HKNKNT,t•r PX TO Met. NAl'trllr,-- stutter. creamrry, boxes..... 0:"e 11:70 roughs, $4.40 to 114.x1; stags, 1150 to $4, •
Miss Sadie Carter. tit Auburn, vii• ;►lits Bellinger. At the close of x nhurt program on )'gas, new -Said. dosen........ 0 30 ....
iled At the home of Mos. R. Bell, :I'd F:RRa, cold-rtoraare. dozer... 0 dairies. and
to 35.
concession, durlpg last seri. Miss Pheue Di(•Allisler, steel %Vm vis• Friday afternoon Ixnl Lire poplin of Cheer, large, Ib...doze.... 0 l:pf Sheep ana Lam DP-iacdpla, iD.000 Head:
iting friends in .laun•atown Arid Brus- the Helgrave school presented their Chow• twin. Ib ............... 01814 Iamb; ehrtP ,tritely; lambs 30c yearlings.
Atootin Chisholm, of Fletcher. tint., hvnha, i5 ; 3e.�: „few, 30.75:
eels rot• x couple of weeks, itis re- t0al'her, A. A. Nrylur, who his heal Honey, extracted. Ib.......... O 13 01351 fv far 35. :,; wet iter,. 11.75 to 35: ewes, iu
is speriling bis Christmas v,u:aLiun At turned huu,e, r•hAI•gr of the erh(wl mince Lite new Liverpool Grain and Produrw. to $4.25; sheep• mixed• i2 to 14Z; Canada 'I'�It' firepot linings are made of the (Jest 11
6i■ hurue on the :diel conrrraiun. section was formed in February last LIVERPOOL. Dec. 21 -Wheat-Spin[ '"rube' $6. -
Mo'eDAY, Dec. ZW. Tile (_:Ilrirtul;i, trite at Uunuykrrwk and is le•tving Gr take A'course d ft""; No. i red western winter. 7s 9*1. Chicago Live stock. • east iroilk and Wear for years. Take tline to
\Vglp urNO. - The residence u[ Mr,
church was a 11iarkcd aueerse: `The telegraphy anti railmmlinK at Toronto F'urures dun; D c. nominal. March 7s
cantata, which was a very instructive After New Year's• with :t silk trill- n,.d• May 7s 115{1• cHICAao. Istr. . Vie t tie-Rsrgher; BXaRllne UI1C Ranges ,duel II8at8r8 ; W8 call (811
»nd Mie. Muaup Stirling, 7th concert- was well Acted- Corn -Spot firm; prime mixed. Amerl. xteer; market rues, lac l0 2fn higher;
Nion• was tit. sono of g very haippy part of LhP pr°RI's"'' brrllx iuld » collar button Net with a can, new, i■ 4%d; prime mlzetl, American, setter• f$2.r to less . coca, 3373 3 . gl; yUl1 s01118t1Jtug yOU.UUsht t0 know.
and interesting Pvrnt on lVednesday The funeral of the late JlntN„ stone. The add resm write is follows: old, 5a &f. Futures quiet; Dec. nominal, hNfer., 12.60 to t'.75; calves, 1 to i7;
g stockers mild fted.•rs. $3.40 to 11/.50.
evening of last week, when Mrs. 4tir• (yLK,,ghlin brok plmre Utl Sat11r4ay To Mr. A. A. No yl.r. I Jan. 5s 3%d.
UK.tH Tr,A('r1KR.-\\'e, the pupilm of Itaron-4'umberland cut quiet, Us: Phort lioR■-deec,•Ipt■•- 23.000; market toe to Ibc
lirlg's Molter. Miles top hie C. Mudie, morning to St. Aignsline cemetery• rib dull. 41s: short clear back., le to 20 Idgher; chole. heavy shipping. $4.80 to
lAc,ame the bride of Robert B. l'olr. this halt stern the Nfth uiptnlrI of the S. S. No. 17, wish to express our groat $4,n; b1eche,rs•, i4.b1 le IIell light noxed,
xppteciAtion of you a8 our teacher.�'b"., easy, fee; clear bellies quiet, 53N;
,ocond mon of .i. P. Cale, B"Yfleld family that has died in the last four ■houlders qulet, 34s ed. 11LF- to t .1:: chulre It t. $4.36 to u.. . International Stock Food
line. The ceremony wail; performeel nod a half yrxrs. we extend our Although )oil have been in charge of parking, H to N. P,R■. 33 S to IH.C;
nor sch(.I only a short time, you New York Dairy Market. balk tit sales. $1.60 to N.7n. Dmf �t
by Rev. Nr. Snowden :uul wAs wit• deepest Sympathy Lt, Miss Mittnir' have won one #tIfectiuus ana have NF.W YORE. Dec. ef.-flutter-Strong: BhceO ind Iamb■-Rectlpte. 1 lyq; mar. r earOld Roofing
11emNwd by only ininiediale IclativeF. wit° is Lhe unly mrmlwr of the fautily been FN/ tient with its at out- Iese(ns receipt"' 3128; creamery, specials. 3oc; eto stet active; 1sc to 25r tilg ye Pheep. Ts to
The bridesmaid wits Miss Flossir Cole, left. patient s, trait, 23c to :95fc; thlyda to, etc to {150: lamtm, 35 to K ytarulrg H t„
while Harte Hudir su rtrd lits -----'- --' ., that we Are very sorry you are lex, Me; held, seconds to Ppeclal., Y::,: I. .Ac; H.4n.
p in Before ria in ;good -b a we wish I state dairy, common to flnestl W�- to 23t:;
yy KIPPEN. R• )' R Y '
grain. The h+ppy topple ave Gaken you to accept the accompanying imitation creamery, burst, 3Rf to to; pro _-- - --- - --
e p hooselkeeping on the groom h farm. 'I ri.;.sUAY, Dec. 'Sild. Cess, common to special. lie to 23C; west -
Iia •Meld line. `\'e wish Mr. mod Mr•+. memento its a small token of onr ea- ern fartory, common to first, lac to docs
3 \L, .. Idiot Jones anti Entries Almir teens, and we All iris in wishinguu c hPese-Farm; receipts, 1810; state,
Cole x happy +tied suecranful journey j Y cream• ama71. colored and Wilkie, fine,SHILOWS
through life. Veto or friends iu l.(md�pn during hits prosperity and succ5am in tit. year's IS%c; do., Nage,, colored, fine. 15,%C; white. Ea P. Paulin
Christman vacation. that relay follow. 15%c; do., good to prime, 14%c to 15e; do.,
P,tK"KNT.%TlON'.-- On F'ridAy of last Signed on behalf of the u H•,
week s nunlirr of the ex- spied of CtIN1..TNvs F:N'rF:NT.\IN)IKN'r. -- On K r p P lata made, treat, 11%0 to 1 c; do.. common Quick case for lite worst cough --quick
FF TuOsol rt' eveniriK the Methodist I I)NA 4( ANURwrr, to fair• fMfc to lt%c; skims, 1c to Ile. relief to the heaviest cold -and SAFE PHONES
S. S. No. '2 met Ar. the "drool ind Boll FKxuuw)%, magre-t:a;y; receipt;, 43,0; state. Ptnn-
,brent lite a[Lerntxrn with the teacher ('ht-i`stillas tee entertatin11ent wait .ylvanla and nearby fancy, .,,feted, to take, even Gm a child. Store, 57 Residence, 177
held And wits A splendid success. The 1,Ar.RA (71.ANRR, white• 42C to 45c; good to choke, Sec to That is ShilOhb Cure. CUre3
and pupils. At elle shite of t11P BZIA.A W1r1ITMAN' 330; brawn and mixed, fancy, else; titre- Sold under a Kuarantre Ciou hs L . - - �
Afternoon they presented their te•xcher choir su gpliad the grrntii part of the to cure cold% and cough,
with a hahJs(nne silver itletter-elish mucic. \'. I mart, iamsimLcsl by his Belg(ave. . -Although
1SR)7. rage but, 3k: to SEs; ora t, extra first-
Dl r. Na tor, xllhou h cum 10101 ere to 7c western first, i0c to dtc: rsc-
g. R onols, 270 to 2ec. quicker than any other
y Colds
,and cake-tNasket And ir;ul the following mister,. slap stn H- inel sand recite lift his uti his feet." ate he hill If ei medicine -or your money back. 34 -years -- - -' -- - -- - --- ---- -
;addre+ts : scions acro Ricin by mentN•rm of the pressed, it made a suitable reply• of success commend Shiloh's Cure 23c., buildin 42 ft. b 01 It. , fur11Aeo, And PAch),if white evaporated apples, he
4xblmath echoed. CATTLE MARKETS. So $1
To MSV, S. J. Hen: 316 dry Inow e, 110 ft+)rt by '21d rt. ; packing aide" sevrnt)• lona of chop iwwwEe
DR.tR TEAcHK,I : As we learn with }1ooll%v VIs1T(/lut.- Aulung those HOLMEbVILLE. Cables Are Stead American Markets reNun. 'll tri by :Mt ft. 'citric air six Mr.. \'hielol'm paid Out for wages
regret that you all xtkwt to. sever will, have s pent mor(, or lees of the MONDAY. Dec. :Med- Are Generally Firmer. Y urnaces, seven g
yeller connection its teacher from our Christmastide with ila the following (s. A. Tehbutt, teacher iu (limit. im U I C K L A i f ixrlip mar Imlimi m 0001, f for »pour." 70), f for boxes
slicer And chopping machinPN, IoenidrN SSHUII, for Lemming III,
school we fetal we cannot allow this have been noticed: Mism 1dA [)load 11 e, home for the holidays. LONDON, Dec. 23. -London cables are
R i�* for weighin3
opportunity to pass without acknotvl- elrno rwphet, (,nodus ; Melvin AIAir, ) firmer, at ,le to 12%c per Ib., dressed large bins tot• receiving the npplrs. $all, (resides the expense of repairs U,
K Miss n. A. Ilolrnes is still in Uoar• weight; refrigerator beet Is ruoted at 0%,j The evaloO ator opened this venr or; I machines and furnaces. As most of
odgipgg in some degree our• apprecia•' .perldrot. Forest city Hominess Collewe, rich assisting her hinter, Mrs. \It - per pound.Srptemlx+r pith :old elompd un 11eCmr- this money (;onlps f om outside (nark•
tion of the valuable services you have Lernaoo ; lierlmtrr \\'hiteinan, drug Kenzie. Toronto Junction Live Stock. f y IN•r 11111. It employ" thirty-fonr ! sty And is dist•ihnted xenong the fill
rendered to its (Incl the lung term gilq• Inmden; Freeborn Johnston, Miss Amanda Holland, who ham I TORONTO, Dec. V31 -Receipts of PATER V � S Ilan Is daily, collsumel !1111 tons of coal Pre of the community #trill the citizens
toil have been our teacher. tion stod.lit, Vict°ria College, To"n'to ; been tailoring in London, Arrived live stock at the Union Stock al and roke #trill forty cords of curdw(NNl ! of .the village it im is great beopfit.tu
ilAve labored honestly and fAithfrdly Mimmes yttfa Jarrott, Maggie Mellis, home for Chrlstinah' were 12 carloads, composed of 19.9 car.V-��
COUGH DRO PS and turned out .I,tlf)11 cases t:dl Ib." our village and murrsonding country.
I, advance our intereects. and have Mary Johnmton. Nellie Dlcoregor and lAet week gam a very quiet week in
been patient with tie in urn• many Cox hiss,. noel Albert Johnston and the village, tui 9:ulist every person ale, 35 hots, 2x/5 sheep and lambs. r ..tNsd -, amall a-Mgrs"iter, _--___
Nhortwmings, and therefore we ns'.. «„e ler,,.- .su .a ,.rat,s.
GordonGiun sod Hxrtey(iauld,All oetndetits wits e1�tip with theetfectsof vaccina and 9 calves. ,.o til. --l.
)'uu to Accrpt thio silver b11Lter`di"h in Lhr Colin Isle Ipstitute, 4eaforth. Exporters. rim. ,icor rocs ruse. rrrnmu. a ' ��4���N41�4�����
p R tion, but this wreck everyone -eerie@ in Not many were on sale. Prices ranged " era f"r ah. tor.-. aborad Instill.
and cake-f,arket iib A slight token of „ y at tram t13i to sten.% u..r fuel Broca boa l
the high esteem in which ht hold 'you S,'IHN'I• Ity,41aT.---The foilowin is his unnal he»Ith reft(i fur the Christ- H I T WILL C UY I I
As w teacher and friend, 1\'r hope lhP I>td enlx•r monthly ►spoil of Fl. 4, mita dinner. _ Holiday Goods
titatyoutlifPrriay be long mbutlyd up No. 11. 4tanlefy, 114111ee in oiler (of On 1'^e"dx) night Rev. F:. Phillips __--__-__-____-
enjoy the fruits of your labor. And we merit : %,.-.%I. Jf. F'i.hrr, G. E. 4tPph- will Kive limelight views on the, lite of
trust that, wit year'm roll by, Voll and Pnmon, Menu- Mf-Ro tit. Senior 1\ . ChrlNt And also lame ,'{ewe of Lundin•
ourselves will look (rack with'pleasure ,1. to, and It. Jolles eyl(id, (his P:ng., After which S.anla l'Iups will ,
and profit t, the nlxny happy days we Mewsith. Janet i.Ogao, .luniir IV.- proceed to unload lite ChrisUuwe Oj'jZ jIOLIDA Y BOX has arrived {111(1 we have '
and profit o t as nan) teacher and scholars I{annab Dinedale, yAtnll flat )well. tree, A good time is expected.
in the old achuOl-house orethe Huron NI. McBeAtl iaharkr'iio I1,'IAI a W.
M. himalaNtuit wlNttrh off (tined is echi kennt , sNClll'ell a sort of-sub-agency•fr0111 that 89t1n1-
r,al is your baby thin, weak, fretful? able gentleu►au Wh10 (loos the biggest hnsilless in the
41 sed in Imbalf if the pupils of S. H(Nxl, I f. 11. N. H�� NV - O- WAF Winn. minlb>Rrthefwlchickens. Hud netialllr
8. luntr IL t
RUTIt TnoXI-lN, Ther"b"t spellers in the monthly ;pPll nhibgNsi front thirty-five to alive
elm CUI11ltCy UII the 111F,IIt I)CturO t�)11'IstlnaY.
N,Nt�VALTENM, ing Infliction were: V,--ARgi11(4Pm• week. H0 bought them alive fu"' Make him a Scott' -r Emul.riorj
JAN % F. 1.1'11.1.• moll• IV. Janet iib ,in. 111. -Allan tire, farmers, fattened them, kills{ Thera aro lots of'people 1t1 fulls VlClulty Whf) W111
leel HH'x, Fisher. Senior -If.- Anna M. Horntl. them and than nhippel Lhrw to baby. ;lpl)reciate a presedt more highly if it is some of ol►r
NKI.mic HK* -:I ll%, .Illnhw ll. IANr'tirie WmNlonll. �1'MAY fluv Tull lit--rervII F% -r -o tY.
BKc dorm WIIITK. A S.v, f1kRFtt'NMKN•1'. Tito- whole Itobt. Jdhnaton is at ppresent visiting PERFUMES TOILET CASES
(Itederich township. Dec. :00. 111117• cumnnrnit• was shorkwl when the ,it Fred luonnilNo. fr..Johnston is
iNtiNn.tY, Opc. gond. news canes last •TuPPday, tire' '7th here also on lowliness. As he in think• Scott' -r Emulsion is Cod liver Oil EBONY GOODS MANICURE SETS
Cot Nrtr. MF:gTINII, (�xmcil most inst., that Mrs. ilignail, formerly Ming
ing •Pricnody of slaking an uffrr on
p CillsrI .l a.irrl. nuuent, meml,rls 1'eli+t \i,•Ilis. had died "' 4,ukst• tile• butter fartory. Atthe rmpethlg of and Hypophosph►tes prepared so that it is GENT'S TRAVELLING CASES
All preernt. Minutes of Ia"I toppling chrwan all(• a#ty Melon•. nixruL 1P1 the stockholders it was derided to SHAVING MIRRORS PIPES, ETG-
trail if they could get A guo.l price fin easily digested by little folks.
orad and pawed. The usual 11ndion months ago the }}•Dung 3mlit 'were tilt: factory. if Mr. Johnston should or usher hxodNlnue ana useful nuvaliw which we have procured for
.mel 11y Ixw wAN `rxNmed for the nonlluA• near led in the bhNrm es yoglhs and
tion of reeve amt four eouucllldrs, to Ips 1PIt Mere with lite kindliest wishes Of a buy the factory lie says he Will plot it
the, man ement of s s r* 1 the occasion. We cnn't Aoune prices. Yon, will hst'le to tarn th0
held at Holmseville, on Monday. Xtb large circle of friends tend acquit n• ag
{net., at 1'2 o'clock to 1 o'clonk. la case ta►nees. The Into Dir,,. Dignan as a hate erglakCO►laCUCntl er and that be will he in a Consequently the baby that is fed On goods to Judge whether prices And quality ore Light. Wo are Nu
d an election the polling plates All girl wax beloved toy ail' She wlas one poilition to give the pittrorts a cent w
deputy returning ofH/xrs and fill of Th°rasa Mdlie's elaughtets, and he pe/uaJ mute than they could get uudet SCO><t'J Emutilon is a sturdy, rosy- sure both nr• right that wt; invite you to compare them.
clerks will lite Am follows: Ni. 11 and his family have the ripcer• s go- the premeot inattagement. -s- _ _
Orange Hall. 4th conceneiin, Chris• pushy of Arrived
,i community a tyAYFIELU cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor.
Johnston, i). ft. O. ; (ieorRP ralciltev, remains wrrivIN on DMe6. F', ascan r Fa J. BUTLAI�D1
1'. C. ; No. 2, booae of J. S. Holmes, pwniPd b)` Mr- Dignan, Me 6. Forest And 1VKDfsNDAY, UPc. IRth.
lath (xpn4essiO•, John etordy. D. R. the little tero•wo-rk"•old Italy. The tnhms Muata.rd, of Brucefield, vis -
O.; Di,1, l4turly. 1' 1'.; No. .4, h(mI"e fnnrrml on Christmas flay was very {ted in Lown Nundxy' ALL DPUGGISTS: nor. AND $I 00. DRUGGIST.
of T. Harrison. 4th r:onresafoo, ante, ,ArrggP11, ^tt rdtho iii uJrshowiesiniu fbir ely Theta' will Ih• A wwial anden. r Ilse The Store that Pkaaes. GOULRICN
n. It. U.: fie• fiwrrdann, P. C.: No. /, ,sthY auspiurr u[ We Tr'iuity church GtuW I
bourne of H. W. KIBuLt, Jobn CIuQ, D. led b ef,wveu"L 0"O""664 ��■��lotltM4a� al.alsr�e;
1r I