The Signal, 1907-12-26, Page 61
P .
Dewmtler J6 1911;
(� t
Disease. A well-known
doctor ha. said, " 1 never
yet made a post-mortem ex-
amination inacase ot death
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ful for Heart Disease and
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the appetite.
And you
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delight in c"
one you ear.
Yon get perfection
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1 have ul,ened out ;a Meat MArket
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where 1 Alto prepared to `•uuply
Fresh and Cured Meats,
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All of the best rluahty Aud at I eason-
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Take a Personal Course at School.
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thousand dress -making, and guarantee 10
give five hundred dollars to anv one that
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school. This is the only experienced Ureas
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for particularts as we have cut our rate ono•
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sl grieet..•tratford,Out .1 anada
1VANTILII A 1 11\1 F: -% a hero J,•. Idrd to
isstriart alto A,npley n nurubtr „t •m ,1 tnung
Mies to ttarb ort enols in Irn•. ,•makl„R.
h4,1ric ono t,schwr for the ,1s ,owu• nen,YA1
-hone then ltye-ngr•'."ln:tl_ Th' -will, Inn,
worked at, ret—moiltlnr in who like drawtoa
i,n•fAr,wi. Plea.- d" -K n 1y elmyou eel
dc, oic your wkolc tout. A�II 'A"§" -Ids+. ,s
Tua 5,ati3L,
INN •� O'6dttai
Flava ere
BY 6Ek 1; \ RUNKLE.
Copyright by 'rhe Cnntl,ry ('P'
IMl11NN�N� >+�tNN+�sa •
Aomphow sephled that sometilM was
in the wind. They came flocking about You cannot think, monsieur, that 1
Still T stood like a hloce of wood.
its as 1 said: betrayed id no
":1 h, 1I. Constant! You know me, \•Igo edA^.othloR- His steady a>'ea
"Tell M. Gervals to remember me,"
Felix Brous of St. Quentin. I must se• never lett monsieur's face
he said, and opening the door passed
That was Vigo's way. The toughest
XI le Due." "Na" monsteur t+ Lucas.
in. i heard him lock and bolt it after
snarl untangled at his touch. He had
('unrlant's fxrr of surprise at m• ••1 ca:lnut think It." .and 111 \'ego he
t think I
him, and his footsteps hurr-•Ing down
changed to one of malice. DOw" At St. said: "I shall accuse )'uu when I I
the passageway.
other. he saw at once that I was In
Queutln he had suffered much from us case myself. slut -none knew this
Then i came to myself and sprang to
hasps, as a slow, peevish old dotard thing save our three selves." And
the door and beat upon it furlmlely.
tests were as so much wind. The title
had tnaill)hong a prank his gaze back to I'llie
Bot if he hoard he was afraid to rp-
does not make the man. Though Con -
d not would
i11n1, but 1 had not thought he would f -It to nut likely to ho he" 1 said.
IIll b
spond. After a futile mnment that
leverage himself at Itos time as thf9. impelled to he Just to him though 1
seemed an hour i nlshed nut of the
and Vigo only Equerry, yet Vigo ruled
His looked at In with a spiteful grin ,ild not like him, "for they meant it-
arch and around to the great rate.
every corner of the establishment and
andsaid to the men: kill him as well.'•
The gr lips were closed as before.
Pvpry man In it save entry monsieur,
"He )lea. I do not know him. I novelI.ucas started, then Lletantty recov
lout the sentry's face, luckily, was
who ruled him.
saw him.'ere_rt himself,
strange to me.
The verdict pronounced by every intelligent
"Nevar saw me, Felix Brous!" ••.L eompn•heustve plot, monsieur,'
reed, completely taken aback. hr raid with a smile.
"Open! open!" I aboleted, breathless.
person inour town(not under pecuniary influences),
P P y
maintained constant. "You rhen who was it"' cried monsieur
"1 must see At. le Duc!"
and backed by medical opinion that carries the
are an Impostor." to its tile. "You know. Speak." .
"Who are you"' he demanded, star-
t to
"Impostor! Nonsense! I cried 0111 • Inert, to a spy' In the house --an �fCa e3 elj ,
CHAP' •t "r will tell you. But your M. Ger- „Constant, you know me as wall as you +
vats is stirring if he thinks I call be eavesdropper." 1 said, and thin paired. -WAS NOT SMALLPDX"
alighted and robbed of m>• lues. I know )ourself. I say 1 moat see the ••dreg" said monsieur, \\'hu?"
Nothing In life 1•• :wort as duke; his life Is to danger'" Now the answer to this was May',
know enough to make trouble fur him, g yet 1 flinched before It, for 1 knew well
freedgm after c'Ap•. + ' ' • asftrl Ce, hist was Vnylu off old scores
and I know where to take my' know) "nough what monsieur would do. lie WISHING YOU
danger. \\'hen 1 oeu street with illim set.
once more a � r+• open ell.
edge. Hu will not find It easy' to shut ••Au impostor, he yet'.pA ebr111y, "or [Pared no man and welted on no in
uo our w0'. p• 1'•' 'tg n s 1 my mouth afterward, except with good else a madman -or au assassin."
broad gold pieces." "That is the truth," raid some one, advice. And If he war a RnoA lout•,- THE COMPLIMENTS
euuld have . icicle hug he wan a Ruud haler. He would not tl-
Krd myrr' t "Enfln, are you telling me the hour?"
leas lu get- laying a heavy hand on my shoulder.
form the governor and await the lardy
I said Impatiently'. 1 was 111 at rase;
ting ono ,: for Ihr row. I turned: two wen of the guard had accomplish --nothing
of justice that would probably OF THE SEASON
bat 'I v .. •toy onl> doubt toy only wish was to get the rrranJ come up, my blend of jug now and
dune and be gone. accompllAh -nothing. Nor , would he
about ,he skulking Lucas He laid a hand o❑ my shoulder and my foe of the morning. It was the list- eouslder the troubled times and the
shout s good -wont enough ter who held me and said: danger of his position end ignore the
III, toe bend to him, but even thea
to R v M. Gen•uis. ]t was "This 1s the vary rascal who sprang uffalr, ur want' would have deemed
V, 1> wish that he should is
so low I could scarce catch the on monsieur's coach step 1n the morn- brat, lie would nut stop to think what GOdetiCh Ladies' �Wiear,
r.• 111 attempt unsc•atched. w'a'ds. tog. t l.ucaa threw him off, etre he the Sixteen might have to say to it. JOHN STEAD
+vent along and had more "They have flied Dosltiyely on to- might herr -tabbed monsieur. \\'• No, he would (,all out ills guards and '
ser the matter other doubts night. They will leave by this door and were fools enough to let him go free. slay the plotters In the Rue Coupjs-- '
mseIves into w) reluctant take the route I described last night to But this time he shall. not get off ro
Vii. Gervals. They will start as soon as "IT."
like wolves they were. a
air ws •--. .—_
It as I plrnxed, the ffaay.'• right he shoho liuld, but -I owed my life to •
I oo much of secrecy' to he the streets are quiet, some time be- "i am Inn", ent of all thought of Yeux-gris.
.0 ry. It wens curious, t0 say Ihr tween tell and Pleven. They must al- harm." I cried. "i am ill. le Dur's loyal "His name. mea, his name!" mon-
eat an honest encounter should low an hour to reach the gate, and the servant. 1 meant no harm this morning sfeur was crying. I I
so much plotting. Also, Lucas, 11inn goes off at twelve. In all before
and I mean none now. I am here to
g g "Do You know his name "' SHORT LINE
and rascal though he might hood they well not art out beton a save monsieur's life." "Yes, monsieur, I know his name. Commencing Nov. 25,'07
s moustvur's man, doing uuul quarter of eleven: M. It Duc does not "lie Is here to kill monsieur; he 1s but"—
(,aS to s, recognised." Mousleur looked at me to surprise NEW TO
- errand, and for me to nils my an assassin"' screamed Constant.
!in they planned t0 kill luras at
.p In a plot agxivat hew wens "Flog hint, men; he will own the truth and frowning Impatience. Quickly Lu t ' NIGHT ! MUSKOKA
eei), lu keeping with my vaunted uumsirur'a side? Yetis -gels had not then"' cas struck 1n:
,alty to the house of St Que ill,
\ty dared to tell tuc that. Hut he tied look- A ant no alssasal, I shouted, etre Mnnaleur, 1 hots grave doubts of
eland l:rn'ais'a Quarrel might ben' jun'; rd mP straight 111 the face and sworn gling In their grasp. "ext me go, v1 - the boy's honesty." SERVICE AND
manner anner of proerdure, even, might on the cross no harm was meant to Wns, let me go! I tell you monsieur's SERVICE
be just, and yet I have no right to take M, iP Duc. Natheless, the thing looked life Is at stake-monsleur's very iife. I ITo rat: (uSTJKUKD.I �PARRY SOUND
part In it. uy- ugly. Mheart leaped up at the next tell you",
And yet nwasleur had signified Diaiu• They paid me no heed Not one of
Also Vigo will go.' _ _._._-- _ _ TORONTO OTTAWA WIN TI ►t 'TIMI:
I> enough that he was no longer my „%'Igo,,, them -save that lying knave Constant and
ration. For my Idrth's sake I might' -knew me as other than the shabby I I"''r'"' f+I•,n,i. •n 1.. r.:
"Not so loud! s ' a
nacre work against hew, but 1 was free "Nld! Ywill have the fellow who had acted auspiciously 111 t
to do whatever else l chose. Monsieur guard on us' Yes, he is to go. At first the morning. They were dragging me DAILY I NORTHBOUND 1 N
himself had made it neeess:a•y for me monsieur did not ten even him, he de to the door in spite of my shouts and ru l;l ly 1
1(I take anothcr master. and assuredly PIrPA (O keel) this visit to the king s^ at ruKRlrs, when suddenly a ringing I.s T„ronl"I,tl,p.l". I.s. Ila,)wa In.l:•p.111 \1 A411 AI:11 1
1'ow'ed something to Yeux-grin. I had secret. But this morning he took \•Igo voice spoke from above: New Year S '1 r. ItntwwNv'7m„.i I 1 i.Toront'n', li i��u. 1'Altlt\'tiu l'XU Lp, em
reason to feel ronfldenoe in his honor; into his confidence, anti nnthiug would "What 1s tilts rumpus'. Who talks of I SOUTHBOUND
,u rely i might reckon that hr w'nuhl spn'r the man but
to Ru. He scotches monsieur's ilfe”' 1 fle.2 No t
nn• his In the affair unless it were Aon.
mor monsteur IIkb a hen over t chick." The guards batted dead and I cried Excursion
S THROUGH COACHES and pAClt\' sl ll'NIr f utn an,
,srsLucas was Ilkp enough a scoundrel "TDP" 1t will be three Irl there." T cfully: PALACE SLEEPERS TVFtV\711 1.._, 400I'mn
nf w'hont wnnsieur w•nild he well rid said. r thought of Gervais, Yeux-grls
oat jo-
and Pontou, for of course I would take Y igo! Between all stations r Har o I.
:\ud lastly and finally and above all I "Yes, i am \'lRo." the big man an also to Detroit and Port Hum", Observation•Uining Parlor Cars nc-
w•as sworn, so there was no u:+e worry- no part to 1t, swered, striding down the stairs. "\\'hn 'I hlough lickets issued, 111.1 hains tween Toronto and Parr bound,
R Mich., Buffalo, Hltrk Kock, .
ill; about It. 1 had taken oath and "Three tri two: Lucas will not Tall lineal connect U, and 11•ou1 paints se►vin meals a la Carte.
are you?" \ fr Ana F A11s and Suspension g
fight." !t I in Ilutariu south, west rout north of
cello not draw• bast:. 1 wanted to shout, "Felix Brous. HriJge, N. Y. U".Iv e.rtri Sundsy.
I hurried alongIn the rendezvous. , I,ncas must be a poltroon, indeed' Tnroulo.
.. monMeur'a page," but a sort of night
only pausing one moment at the street "Bot Vigo and monsieur --I be- Offices: All Stations, also Cor. Kin and
D mare dread came over me leaf \'Igo Full Informal fro," g
,no-ner to bin, >ausa,".PA hot fn'nm the �° trio should disclaim me, and my voice SINGLE FARE Jrw. Klan. T,ckct Airm. I:aleri,h Toronto Sts. and Union Station, Toroat ,.
1, tier, whlrh i crammed intra 111', "lye, they ArP quick enough with stuck In my throat, ur-runt. H.VOOTsa:.1).11.A-C.1'.IL.Twonto PhocWMam5179.
mouth as i ran .int after all there was their swords. Ynsr aide must be qulek- Glx,d going Drcpntl,rr ::Ise.
\\'hopver you are you will be taught - -
uo need of haste: the little arch, when er, heir word,,..
Cs all. if you are sudden ennugh ifs17, hl January list. Illi Ks, re- ---- ------------- - ----- --
con rat: easily 1,111 the duke before h„ not to make a racket in JI. le Ducts nirninsr on or before Januar
1 I, o be a to h, was all deserted. hall. By the saints! It's the boy Fe-
u better place fora tryst ron1,1 eau draw'." 2nd, 114 IS.
hnve been found in the hent of bus'' Talk of words like thunderbolts' .UI 11x!'
y At the friendliness 111 his voice the r�
Parts. Only the one dour ol,high Inro the thunder of heaven could not have guards dropped ald. hands from me. FARE and ONE-THIRD The Signal's
the aIle+'; M. Ap Pnrtreasp's high gar- ' whelrneA me IIkP those words. Yeux- .•\f. Vigo," i Bald. "1 sane news ins
den wall, forming the other side of the grits and his oaths' It was the dike, monsieurofthe Bravest moment. I am (%'+tnl RuinK Lh•c. 9a h, I!Illi, In
pass:IRr, was nnbrnken by a gate. and Iair"r nll' romp on a matter of life and death. January 1st, lifiS,returningon
no rarl0is ryes front Ihr house could I i r nt d' not speak, i looked i know And i am stopped to the hall by lack- I•r l,efure Janu:uv 3rd, iINK
look into the deep arrh and see the not how. But it was dusky to the arrh. es -s„ List
nannw, nailstuddei door at the back re oanon a t; Sou" he went on. "ButHelooked at me sternly. Clubbing
''here I awaited the rat -fared Martin. ,three of y'nn as yon err, you w111 have "This 1s not one of your fooleries
I srnrtd thpr- long, first on one font trouble with Vigo. That is all. I have Felix?" /all information may Le obtained fmm
told y'ou all. I must ger back before i
Hurl then ml she• other, frartnl Precut "No, DI. Vigo."
am missed. Good luck to the enter- 1-. F. LAWRENCE,
moment IPsr romp one of monaleur'a "Come with me." -
tens man -ill"" come Along to de.
The Signal antl Montreal Family Herald and
marl my' buoolness. No one appeared.
Still T stood like a hloce of wood.
either foe rir friend, ter so Ion R that i
"Tell M. Gervals to remember me,"
,The Signal anti Toronto Daily Star
began to think YPu;-grla had trlrked
he said, and opening the door passed
That was Vigo's way. The toughest
in. and sent me hpre on a fool's pr,
in. i heard him lock and bolt it after
snarl untangled at his touch. He had
rard, when, all at onre, a !raw voice
him, and his footsteps hurr-•Ing down
more sense and fewer airs then any
ealri close to my Par:
the passageway.
other. he saw at once that I was In
"`Phar seek inn hPrP"'
Then i came to myself and sprang to
earnest; and Constant's voluble pro
1 jumped nn finding at my side a iit-
the door and beat upon it furlmlely.
tests were as so much wind. The title
tle. pale, sharp -faced niAn--the man of
Bot if he hoard he was afraid to rp-
does not make the man. Though Con -
the vision. Hp had slipped through the
spond. After a futile mnment that
stant was the Master of the Household
door so suddenly and qulptly that I
seemed an hour i nlshed nut of the
and Vigo only Equerry, yet Vigo ruled
wits once more tempted to take still
arch and around to the great rate.
every corner of the establishment and
for ;1 ghost. He Pved me for a bare sec-
The gr lips were closed as before.
Pvpry man In it save entry monsieur,
ond: then his eyes dropped before
lout the sentry's face, luckily, was
who ruled him.
strange to me.
He said no word to me as we climbed
"i am come to learn the hour," said
"Open! open!" I aboleted, breathless.
the broad stair; neither reproved me
"1 must see At. le Duc!"
for the fracas nor questioned me about
"Uld you not hear the chimes ring
"Who are you"' he demanded, star-
my coming. He would not yn foto
fit e...
monsieur's business, and save as I
"Oh. nu need for disguise. i am
-My name is Bronx. I have news for
concerned monsieur he had no inter
come from the two in the Rue (`oupp.
M. ie Duc. i et me in. It is A matter
est In me whatsoever. He led the way'
garret.. Theev bade nip ask the hoar."
of llfp and death."
straight into an antechamber, where a
Ile favord uw with another of his
"Why. I suppose, then, i must let
pare )sprang up to bar our passage.
ahiftp glances.
you lit." that good fellow answered.
"No one may enter. Ai. Vigo. not
"What hour meant thew?"
drawing Ines the holts. "But you
even yon. M. le Dur has ordered It.
i said bluntly 1n a louder tons:
must wait bele till"—
Why, Felix' You to Parts!"
"The hour. when St. Lucas sets out '
The gate was open. I took base ad-
I "i enter," said Vigo; and sweeping
on his secret mission."
vantage of him by eliding under hi:
\larrel aside he knocked loudly
"Hush!" he Pried. "Hush! Don't say
arm and ahooting across the court un
"I came last night," i found time to
names aloud -hey or the other's.'
the steps to the house. The door stood
say' under my breath to my old com-
"tVrll," I Bald crosaly. "yon have
"pen, and a couple of lackeys lounge l
rade before the door was opened
kr: rt one wafting nlready more time
an a bench In the hall.
The handsome speretary whom 1
than 1 carp t, Inse. How much longer
"M. le Duc!" I cried. "i must see
had taken for The count stood In the
before N(Lu will tell me what I came to
doorway looking askance at us. He
They jumped up, the picture of be
knew me at once and wondered.
IIP looked at me sharply for another
I "You cannot enter, Vigo. M. le Dur
brief Jntaut before his eves slunk
Who are y'on'. flow- rame you
is occupied."
away mine.
here"' cried the quicker -tongued of
I He made to shut the door, but Vlgo's
"You should have a + asword."
the two.
foot was over the sill.
I Natheless. 1
"'I'hPy gacP, meanone. They told me
sentry opened fpr me. R'herP
moat enter," he an-
to sac I ramt� from the shuttered
am I to find hi. le Duc? 1 must apo
swered unabashed, and pushed his way
house In the Rue Coupejarrets, and
him' I have news"' -
into the room.
that 011ld he enou�1"
iP Duc sees no one to-tiay'," tho'
"Then you must answer for It," re -
"How ramp ymt Into this business "'
second lackey announced pompously.
turned the secretary with a prowl that
"By :1 bark window."
"Blit i t4urt see him. I tell %on I re-
1 rat Ill on his (fell(, tp face.
Ile Kave um another suspicious
pealed. a had completely lost what
"\'011 shall answer for 1t it it tarns
glance, but making nothing by ft he
rattle head f ever had; it seemed to mr
out a mare's nest," said Vigo 1n a low,
thnt If 1 could not see Ji, le Duc on.
•meaning voice to one. But I hardly
"Fh Iden. i trust yowl will tell you."
the instant I should find hint wPlterinR
heard him. I passed him and Luce.;
He clutched my arm and drewme to
in his gore. "i must see him," i cried,
slid flew down the long room to mom
for bark of the arch, where Ihr after•
c1, ills "Iced,
parrot -like. "It 1s a matter of )lip and'
(if et were already
i \i. le Due was seated before a table
"What have you far me'." he de-
"From whom do you come?'
heaped with papery. lip had been
"That's my affair. Enough that i
watching the scene at the door 111 sur
"NuthlnR. What should I have?"
come with news of the highest mo-
prise and anger. He looked at ToP wlth
merit. You will be sorry 1f you do not
' rharp frown, while the deer hound at
get me quickly to 11. iP DUs."
his lost rose on Its haunches growling
"He promised nip tau platoleA to
They looked at each other, some-
! "Roland'" i said. The dog sprang
day'. HP did not glue them you?"
what Impresaod.
up and came to me.
"I tell yon, nn."
"i will go for \i. Constant," said the
Brous'" monsieur exclaimed
You are n thief! You have them!'
one who ha -1 spoken flrxt.
w'Ith Ills quirk, worm amI1P•-a smile
lip stepped im'wnrd menarluhe so
CrIiistant was Master of the )tongs
no man In Frnnrp rnuld match for ra
dbd 1. )Ip then fell hack as abruptly
hold; W le Dir had Inherlted him with
"Nay, It west A jPst; i know you Are.
the estate And kept him in his place
I i had no thought of kneeling, of
hrinPAt. Rnt hP promised me ten plq.
for old time's sake. Hp was old, fussy
making obelsance, of wafting permits
self Important, and wItha1 no
Ion to speak.
"Hp did not glee them to mP," i
frlpnd to me.
•I had rather you fetched V1gn," i
P ell ll A t cried, holt c .
Bald. he was not on ronrtn
!'there 1s s plot -a clln plot to murder
Pl urge
red of my honesty. He will douhtlrss
"Oh \'Ign will not romp. Hp Is with
pay ynu Afterward."
monsieur if 1 setoff M. Crinsfant 1t 1�
::Where. At St. Quentin."
he retnrtpd to A high
the best i can do for you."
No, monsieur. Here In Paris. in the
key. "Hy nue Lady, he shall pay me nf-
i hisd recovered myself Aifflclently
streets to -night when you go to Ills,
terwaid' The gutters will nm gold
rhen, will they' Parrlieu' r will see
by this time to remember the nature
Monsieur sprang tel his feet, ills
that s y
Knot stream flay m way: But
M lackpys, slid Rave thn messenger
sena on his sword. urned
nor cannot pier tn-tiey with tomer•
the 1Ast iere of Fllver 1 had in tho
white. Vega sonic. Monstleur cried
rnw's coin. He %old I sheould have ten
w'^rld. He rpgnrelr•d it roiltemptn"usl y,
"How, in God'a namor, know yang
Ill Atoles when I let hint knew the
Nit prlckpted It and departed In Irl-
sorely fashion ip the stairs.
"You hare been betnsvll•d; monsieur.
" i cannot mend that. it )fee between
The ether was riot ton grand to
Your plan 1s knnwn. Vn; leave the
yon and him. i have not seen or heard
crnooa-Psamtle me.
.'What sort of tori•« have you'. 1),
horse to -night npnr a quarter of 11 to
of any money."
romp from the king?" he asked in
R" In secret to the kttg. You leave by
cAe to the Astor
Martin edged ripb
the 11itle door In the srlpy'---
of rolrest and waxp4 defiant.
it lowered voice.
"Mahle"' hreathed ViRco.
"Then all 1 have to may is, he may gra
' ::No
From Ji. de Valpie?"
They set on you oil your wkv--
whistle for his news"
three of them---tn run you through be
Now, had I but thought of It, here
"Then who the devil are ynti "
fore you ran draw."
wAs an sasv road mit Of a had bial-
"Felts Rrmu of St. Qoentln."
.ventre bleu' 'Monslpur In no!
nest if Martin would not tell the hour
of rendesvnus Luess was saved, mAll.
"Ah, 9t. Quentin," he Bald, as If h0
No; he walks brivieen you and M
afeur'9 interests not PnAanRatrod, !M at
found that rather tame. "You brings
the same time i wan not forsworn. But
news from there'"
"No• i do not. Think you I shall tell
Not one of them 'spoke They stared
touch pitch and hot defiled. You csanot
This to for monsieur."
at me as it 1 wore tnmetbtJyr unesony
Rn band snA glove wtih vlUatns and ro-
)•ni?" news
I, a taw country toy. dlarkminR a per
mnln An honest man r retureAd direct-
It won't reach monsteur unless you
feet knowledge ret their TntRt intimVp
It ;
learn politeness toward tho gAntlisme!l
As .-on rhnrssc But M. Gervals cAr•
of his household," be retorted.
"How know you thle?" uronsleur d^ -
rise a loo srwrwA "
WA were getting into a lively qusr
msnAed of me. But he wall not 1cxlklnR
H- started lit ,hoot and maM -nn in-
rol when Constant appeared on the
Af rite. His keen Alanen went first to
sunt repld, ooerming to he halaneln
atAtraay-( onetant and the lackey
I luras, thnn to \'jrn, the two then who
considerations. Then he garb bis dee
w in,) had fetched him stud two morn
lackaxa all of VAM Gill
toad sharnd his coulldvnre. ,Tbo secre-
dmL- ... -
sad a uAaa-
fyty aril Put, ... -
Tnwn Agent
I IflIce hour,-flJu a.m, t" r p.m.
Depot ticket Arent.
J. U. Mellonald, Dlatrtrt Talo. Agent-
' Vnlnn-taUon. Tarn'to.
New Year's
all -tallness ntv on sale at
G.".1 K"ing I)"," 31 and Lal 1
retnrit limit .Lal. _.
Gr„•I Kuirlg Dec. '!}I, •may, 31, ;sl and
Jan. 1, n•Llrt•u limit Jan. :i.
Ticket, and
fall lnfnrmatlor rr„n,
Jot. f(Im "Ir11tI Ase il. GM—
ft- orrito
Men•r-rite C. A. kusTla. I' •' A..t Y. a..
Christmas and
New Years
between all stations tit Canada, Detroit
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sion Bridge, N.Y.
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returning until DEC. 26th, t9o7,
also going
Dec. 31,'07 and Jan. 1, '08
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returiong until JAN. 3rd, Igo$,
A F40.41Lv LIoRAnY
1 i)s Owl, ,.f Ci!':. -4 Welaiwe
} 12 Co-Afott-t No•ttu Yt1nLV
$2.80 PER VEA , 28 CTs. A CO/V
1 avasty NUM9en COM►LETE tar Into
for z9oti.
•Che Signal anti Toronto Weekly Globe • $1 30
The Si'n:al and Toronto Daily Globe . . .
4 50
The Signal antl Montreal Family Herald and
Weekly Star . . . , . . . . . .
1 50
The Signal and Weekly Sun 1'I't+rtynit+)
1 70
,The Signal anti Toronto Daily Star
2 30
The Signal and Toronto Daily World
2 75
The Signal anti Toronto Daily News
2 35
The Signal anti Toronto Weeky Mail and
Empire . . . . . . . . . .
1 70
1••mufum picture. "Go1."1 ba. 1uall V.A,I) -tib-,-i IIA 1- t.," —1,I) Moil ."d
I.n. pin
•Che Signal and Farmer's Advocate . . . .
2 35
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The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press
1 E0
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2 35
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1 60
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�IOI'Illllg I;lhUtyll
3 50
1;\CI11fig E'diltltll) . . .
2 90
The Signal and London Weekly Free Press
1 85
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3 50
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1 85
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2 25
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I 30
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2 25
The Signal and Westminster . . . . . .
2 25
-The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster .
3 25
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2 35
The Signal and McClure's Magazine . • ,
2 40
Ilncludinlr 1-foyre ou Mcl'Ime, it, I an Nino.rldw-).
The Signal anti Lippincott's Magazine
3 50
lincludlllrr IA,-tM:, til 1,frrbn`"tt'w til l Alnl•11,11, ,,ddre,o
I hese prices are for addresses Ill Canada lir great
The above publications may be obtained by
nal subscribers In any combination, the price for ani
publication being the figure given above less $i.00 rep-
resenting the price of The Signal. For instance
The Signal and The Weekly Globe . . . . . . $t 3D
The Farmer's Advocate ($2.35 less $t.00) . . . . 13S
making the price for the three papers $2.65.
The signal and The Weekly Sun . . . . . $1 70
The Toronto Daily Star 1$2. -IC less $1.00) . . . . t 30
The Weekly Globe ($i.3o leis $i.00) . . . . . . 30
the four papers for $3.3o.
if the publication you want is not in above
let us know. We can supply almost any well-known
Canadian publication.
Send subscriptions through local agent or
postoffice or express order to
Vanatter & Robertson,
The Signal, Goderich,