The Signal, 1907-12-26, Page 4�Yl'IUIUAY, 1)e,ewber _'li, 1907 ,MILES ALL ROUND ing and handing over of the dela•u- tur•awauth0riu+d. A cumplwint (turn Mr; P(wllethwailr teas plViet-nte'd fit rwlgh the Reeve• Mr. Connell lieu) taken op •hiA xlxxie MEETING OF THE GODERICH MUT.'with the rnruplainwut Held the latter UAL ADMIRATION SOCIETY. did uul Ihiuk Ile rhoufd Iw lit the ex- Iwnse of Leepiug hitu. The ulat tier ens I. with Ihr it", lel Are Mr. Connell and see it he would Im• N illing Marti Elliott Says Nice Things of tet go to the county huw.p of refuge. the Town Council, and MemtHn I Councillor Maeklin brought up the Return the Complement-Market,caneof Nlrm, (iinn, who limit t olein re- ceiving ehar il. front the rowel, and Scheme Recommeaded to Favor. this case Alsu was left with Councillor Able Consideration of Next Year's I Macklin an't tile- Reeve to ser her kind Council Other Business at Last Nee if 'mile would gel t, the Muse of Regular Meehna of the Council , refuge. rhe market euiumitlee trconl- for 1907. olended : That NVIm. Towe•rsey lW placed in charge as the market clerk -- at once under his tender, his terur to The meeting of the town council on "tart from lath of O,lutwr•. IVU7, hr Friday night was the lastregular fee pay pro ra!A tent, and that A. lureting of the council of ltN)i, Hnd ALL reagan•b ternn Iw considered at au the oonclusiun of the regular bel"iuems end ; that tfit Tower,. i puts our - the Mayur sok' oecamiou to colophon. I `I(urk lit rent t Advance K- Uel• town ent the uteuda•rs ou tbeir faithful at. clerk ret Darr ;that Ihr IxN,lr of the irndance at the meetino of the coon- Ilierket as kept by A. FengA) teerotue cit during the year and the way the the proprrby of the town, am well xN lJI durin of the town fi beet con- all ftiture ras•onlm of the market clerk ; ducted, Ire wished to express his Ihxt the clerk furnish his own N'riR6 doete(•txtiun C, thr interest the turul- tickets ; that the huitding and regula- ap had taken tri the erestithengo with- tion kita new Market be recommended out exception, though tate attendance to the . favorable til cinatdr secion of At comruittee uteetiugs haul not been torincil : y l the petition cit tr- mu go(xl, especially in the early part of wendevl by l.tmdun city council Ile the year. He, felt flattered wt the te- signed and forwarded to the Irgis. spec[ that had ever burn shown the IA tort,. chair and he telt that a great teener Thr repxn't was adopted:' The peli- utent hail been Made over the way the tion of the city council of Loudon was bueineee war carried 41n last year. for eo.opwralion in getting an The councillors hied not twin afraid of amendment, t to the Municipal coup Act• speaking out in open council on any prodding that uuuicilNd councils he matter that came up instead kit in given power lel rasa bylaws to prevent. committee. He felt that the council file• :ale um the ruarket of gtmals of had aeconomically. They hall short weight or mrxsurr. cted 1 yo thought he recu ell e - Thr . Ie r s u r n had to decal with some matters which past eonueile hues not had to deal elation oC the conuinark• that the with. Owing to the dry muutner it ( q deroodn a n my -&tied r ton• w+ta necessary to keep the town team udrte(1 [Hvur:ublr rallasl for some in the water wagon almost all the wcunn, bol Ihr yierk smilingly gave lime and it was not available for other the inrorwatiuu that the idea wits work as in other sexes. \VaReA were t11At the new council world Its in a high and fuer scarce and he w old twlfer )o'minion to tetke up the tuatter, have liked to see things dune which cem the Reeve is vieexplautsl that the were not done. He would have liked committee took this circa to account to bee more dune in the, way of sewer, oft,,(. sol a late y of the money relxr- moud he thought next year's council Let olted the Leteurss of the season. should devote attention to, this matter The tha conuhiuue• lies-ked especially nl the snuth of the town, the pe tine 1 of the supplies r poked for P� y ht the tire cunipnu). The rrrwrt was He thought the idea of the Reeve We a(lopted right that (herr should tee u trunk Thr ceeoetery committee re•cnul- mower at the touth of the town. Secy ucnded that file w•xton IN•atllowed to ural progressive matsures had Ieen rocnre x team to In, �k Wads after ilk ley ow a cleaning 11 pp t egg the town. 1 h ex R P Incases snowatorrtls nod to procure the ands fixing up of the harbor lark was pmts file, tip -posts net north dr ive ; i and Chairman Beckett deserved rhalt the m-titnu Itslaid ft-YI for oik•- great credit in this connection. The ing north drive. Thi., was adopted. ce y eel n a ray [octet had been t o in r I- 1'hu finanrr cu - gg numitl •Ce ell theic by raising the price of lots, alit Mended the paymeut of t lie following the cemetery rules were kept. He telt ,te•counle : 1'. T. Dead. $10.66 ; U. C. Lha[ rile sidewalks which had leen Whitely. $15.06 ; It. Xing • V' ana' Laid weer listing walks, and he under. the contractors had out l,nox rrtade money on the joh. The walk Sweats. 1(17: Sigrenl. $iLll : ,I. .I, out to the railway cn,Aaing not only Turner k Sens, >) e : that no action benefitted the Reeve but the whole Ire itk'•n o the mxurr of P. le,, town. (This sally drew out the re- `easels' account re G. A G. rele11rx• (nark (rum the Reeve that the walk tion s wast. This was ndu,trtl. N Rwarte' had [well passed by Iaet year's councils, claim was that lin had provided for HisWorship telt, however, that the 1,7) Rues ts At rhe Guelph l Guderich matter of the buildinR� of sidewalks should now he left in Abeyance for a) RailNsy bany"ct trait haul been paid time and the sewers gone on wills only for loll, the nrrtiller' of guest" This year's council had put the build- there actually ern. , ing of sewers on the local innproce• The public works rnuuwdee trcuul• Ment plan, which he considered was m trended : That Mr. Grteunnrtl'd offer tern ' urld A VIII' N' I f cr drain e laid c v w 1 re- : tun Advance. g ere in ad au r. 'fbetl the re- that In file 11 IIINIIer K Jud Ucr lets Judge y v' p t vision of the hylawe which had been romplAint re central sidewalk ore :�t. undertaken the year was something Vincent street, Judge Doyle lee that should have been dune yepra ago, written that as sot at the wexthrr The clerk and he hail worked for days is favorable it iN the intention of the in them and the clew• had received nu es fav'wt1011 ti w, alter the (of til • a remuneration for this extra work• table ated drainage ft St. w-aCer f though he (the rroeaker felt he axe street As to remedy the illsronlplained f entitled to it. The Mayor eAmclyded of its w drainage, and that as to von - with thanking the councillors for the staurtiun the [atm rlxint has loern 1 tousineselike way in which they had 1 1 conducted the business of the town handeel to the insrwctor for report. I and he said he thought the town had Thim was adopted. made no mistake in sending them to Hylaw A. to convey the Johanna the board. �\ right luta to If. Puckwolud, was read t The MAyor's remarks were received three limes +end pxened. The lots were c('"veyed to the town in von- wlth loud applause ae he resumed hie sideratir"1 of the town's l akin a at, and Councillor Nlacklin n-reQte, Rafter s return the compliment on behalf of NIn. \\Tight, nod she fuer now lotewnir 1 the council. He thought the Mayor xis inutay a the house of trfuge. The outlay the town has Ifren nt ie to deserted w Rrrwt deal of c it for bite t ted le relxilied out of the price received thepconduct )f municipal affairs and said fro,tn Mr, Packwood. rile public did out understand the f Amount of work there was connected Hylaw No. 2. to appoint William Alexander McKiut clerk- in the roolo with the office. He referred specially r sled stend of Moinhall Or1H.lohnston, to the Mayor's work in connectiou i with the revision of the bylaws of the wAs read three times and passed. The que•stiou of the $311) or so doe the town. The shier they had teen to cenieut contractor's on their contract I to can. ryas a standing dtsRtwcr ire the (+true up next. ins c town. In the Npoewkrr'n 41pioion there 1 $]erne old I had been less q-Isrelling, Ia•Ar disorder plet"d a r. xlout BUNT would rrnu• d and hetter-runductPol mtrtinRh thioe Pletr Ihr contract And Brute of the year than he had seen anywhere in coal opelued in favor of raying the re difference of yrlsl. Cohnci?lot li<t ('kilt him municipal experience, though his diffeobjeenc Hr said lheroci tors lend t said he did Plot know Anything about s hall a6rundance of fist• Ire complete last wear's methal ref buaineNa herr. U their rintr:u t Iwforr the snow came Councillor Bee;kelr was the next t meuther of the council to Ilse Lu him if thev lend waillesl Io. The clet•k misi feet. He thnught the Mayor hind bwr" e'xpte+,sesl him.rl( :u not sntimfieel anti to a model mayor. Hi" own Aseetwiolt ions 1 said till- contraclors limit Iw en paid right N in the council had been pleAsatt, with ' 111r to the hvldle as the work pro- d one or two exceptions• and he halt Igo'"+ed and bP Ihunght they mhoidd 1, eo'oved the work elf the e;uenncil. ''onrtilete the work Iwfurc nuy,hing �( uncillor ('lark also hold sunlethin t In41rr was paid. Finally a nwdeon axm d to say end n.marked that be did nut Passed Aolhoftting the payment ref , $l:elf to the,• -int reirlors, on in41timl of think theret was a unentler of the u council hoot hell done the Iwst let• rhe ncillo Hndckett lhr (;oldIt..?only A could he the interests of the town. oe,lln(ir a Beckett Im•fog the only I Several of the councillors wile to iteruler of the IoArd to vote NRxinrt F the front. with w motion of thanks to 11 the Mayor, which the Reeve put. The I u reAnhetmn was carried by all the The Law Concerning Vaccination. 1nternliery of the loans standing kip ltmid,lhe seplause of the "pectatorti. F n'ne Th,• Toronto lleil An 1 knwirc. and this pleasant little episode was S. A. 4'.. Ooderich.--l4u. Can n Itrateght fn n conclusion by the lucid humid of health compel the Mayor's Accept ing the vote of .thanks, lwople within it., jnris(lirtion to Its in NuitAhle words. vavcinat I :' ('lis Una children who The regular business lefore file have nit IN -ell vac(•imrtr�m• prevented council was As follows : from going to s•hool 7 The Hrmt matter wAm the PxLenrioln Ante. The regulations if the 1'roy- of the tirnr for itic•elving tAxe" with• itnriAl Helmet if Helltfl, wl,Pll ap- out the addition of ,i per cent, until !'roved by the Lirnrennnl-Guvrn•n,n•- the end of the year•• and the extPnAlnil Iu•('omlrii, luewe fill. .Iol.0 forry xs of the collector's time for snaking statutory eultet keotr. There reury he collections until the loot of Februnry. souse such r,•guittliml• in force. 1.011 The Mayor thought this was a xt.Nl ;xii get it tainted ropy of the regola- move on Acattent of the husiness dr- tions if til,• 1'royinvial Hoard of pression there had )wen and thought Health by wiifiogto, tilt• secretary, at It would result in the getting in it a the I'nrlintelrot Ifuildings, '1'irouto. Ial-Bee amount of taxes earlier than In N came in New HIonswica, where it otherwise. Councillor Heid reuintked person was convicted for refusing to that it would he breaking the council's attend to Ire vaccinated, the court, set own hylaw, lam he supposed if the "side the conviction. Rex v. Ritchie. council had power to make a hy1xN ai N. B. Rep., 5*41. 'Topre are to ler it had power to break it. The cul• f mind remarks upon the aitme sulijoect lector thought he could ptet at leabf in the came of Greene v. Marr. 10. \\'. VM11110 of the remainiOff e-1 f") of fax Pa It., :,tel l'l) The school tnNtPPNfile the in ley Lisp end of the yeWr it the exten- ( proper p^I•s,nei to say whether rhil- sion weir given. dren 0114111111 Its rxr•Itldpel frim file Petitions to flee council asking the bch(ols or not. The Imnttd ret health town u1 rent the Attrill fAru for the lens no jnritalietion over the mcheole. purpWe (or a ulilitmi v camp the cook. The trimtrem lnay elpom• lilt- w -hoed if Ing Year tend also t, provide [water there is any conlagiouN or infectious and light feel- the ,:amp Were pme• disease arennng the pupilm. it if there NPnted, signed by practically all the is n denRrl' that lhcre IIIAy IN, nn iut- I Noetnetea urn Around the fie uan•, as break of any start) dis•Aec. will olA Ponle• who weir not in lousitlrt'A I \\'. If. It., Goderich• 4411, The The Mnyor remarked that Ihr• petition IN,wrll if health loam iaanesl notices that itheld M w g,ad thing to hwv, whru every locit m nu1b1 lee ymecimnted two - it rxmP to liking up •t subsrripliot fair It certain dAIr : amt thitl lhoser toward" rhe rose, if the expenses it neglecting will Its proaeereted. HaN •unnrc•tion with haying the cautp rhe firm III power to cot IIpel people lel here. Iw vaccinated :' 'CIM repeat of James Buchanan, Jr•., Ane. -The Public Health Act Poo - the valuator appxdnted in cunnectlmt Owers the Provincial Board if with Cho loan to the Kt-ndngtin fur- �ealtli to imaur ,w'h "regulations" its Dilute factory, gmeP file following the be-all do -cm. mcosexary for the reowpitolwtion : Insnde, onthuildingN prevention. N" tar No, possible, oI h r and stwhle•s, $(,1111+1: IoildingP, dryiuR the mitigation ofdieoase. And among kilns. Pmnkestack, steerage buildings, other tbinlre for preteenting kit• miti. etc.. 1ib1.R17; power plant, sheffing, gating epidemic, e•ndPnlic, or -in- tnxchine".lips, ing�yNlPill, phemhing. tapionie isensee in Aurh rllennet nA dynamrse. i171ee oat'•, Plc.- Xil."' the- tloand deems expedient. 1'hiN tlrhwl, Mkirl�. On motion if the power would ,ecru ire include thel r(MfP am, ('u,errcillnr NlOnnings the'' power to make :t rnfpillmliou Ihet v&ILOU00 waA rteceptasi awl the' sign• people shall be vaccinaIvW whew THE SIGNAL: GODERICS -ONTARJO New Years Slippers IN MAKING YOUR •('lil(INTMAS PCH• CHASF8. place great stens buyiuR Your fuutwen . here. IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO SO. Koch n irtx,lution will insane you against buying pxor shoed And Me He divappointulenta of every kind. Out- title of Slipper., is lite hilt -at Yrort- nleut you eau find anywhere, as well am lbs tll(Wt tea.)n1►ble III price. If evrr)•Iw,Jy in this vicinity dors nut get n pair of Chniatluas Nlipix•ts it won't Ile our raoit. Siwcixl values in Lltdies• nod Childteu'x fine felt, fur•triruuleel Joliefs in all the Ilttesl eulut•N. QUEEN QUALITY SOLE AGENTS W A s +oE0 V E R FOR WOMEN FOR FOR MEN Downing & M acVicar \utth .Side of S(luare I �tuie rirll nuallpeix i+ prevalent. Hut thete in, lof f,uthi: For curly- and °life [onto. tended over whru Ac,n•in-law, who PAtrie \ntnli't. and, no special clause Irl file Act empowei - ing the li oud li compel va ceinatimi where regulations have• Iwen imide Canadian and approvisl of by the Government they have ell the force I)( rlatutor, law." There is a ore vision in the Act Pocket Diaries which saym it .hall he the duty of the Provincial Homr,i of Health t, see that for 190,5 a supply of profwt vacctne matter 1 ubtaillANP at all tiutrm, etc. 1-x•al FROM /5e TO $1.00 lNNtid% of heal[ It tit 'e_retloirtd to enforce - tile n•guhtlions or lite Provincial Board of Health, :and to pnxrcut• Canadian feel' fit,- wilful vi;,Iatloll ot• llegllct'd illi)• ell' those regetl+ttionb. SecGort INI a� hrtr.eull.or,x,ere'Hitlever. diphthercr, (•hnlerx,uce'thrt'cuntxgiou•, Office Diaries dibwasr•,,, dangerous to the pubh, health, is found to exist in ant for 1908 unonicilality. the henith of icer. '-t II+clal IxNrtd Of health sltdl lisle all IN,.- FROM 35c TO $1.00 Bible etreto prevent the slirumbng of the infection )1• contagion, etc. \',-.i 11 cyan write a the Bechtelh. ell the 1'n- afucixl Belied of Health, { Nt'hNllleir The Canadian Almanac Buildings, 'Toronto, fur a printed copy the regulations now til force. If fJr IW you are dismxthtiod Willi ur uhject t.. with the Frenmb Treaty and lite the enforcement of any or the unlri, ur regulation+ 41f the b„anf you caul Canadian Tariff. apply to the courts for am injunction, 50 CENTS or surd other redness :tA you relay Ite Advised that you Hie entitled lel claim. See Muulreal %. Gauen. 'S) S. (. Hex v. Ritchie. ai N. B.. --XI : IiVard v. 7 ti. 1 O. W. It., :�'. PORTER S THE LATE J. 1. TARTS. BOOK STORE '- - )'hoar tun The Square Death of the Former Brilliant Minister of Public Works. ��-.� NI a ') 1( - uu•r•rl. l rc. I Ho"..lers Joseph h Is- 1 _----r mel Tarte diel{ At. the horde of Inc *In- n -law. Ile•. Martigny, on Nherlorooke ',,Any Years a comepicuoue And some• I ret•[• this afUTrI41Jn at 2:11- ei clack. what picture lue perst nality in ( •an+t. scour time Mr. Tarte haul been dian political life• but itecAllse of his offering from a fatal vo.d ulv. ,tied his retirement from the Laurier HiniaUy andly and friends knew th:d hie davr in Illtrl he haus hero since that time were numbered. The Pod came peace- VVIT touch (Hit of the public view, ully. After neveral dory" of rntirring. This has loosen owing. ire {art, lel ieditd murruunded by all the mint- chronic involdidibnl, taritd by Acute `diseaNe• wt's of his family. Hie Grace Arch. atrackoo of ley which hie lift, ,ishop- Hrurhe"i was present from hail been several timer put in extlrrele morning until the end came, peri{, administered the past rite,. For Nlr. Tart• wits born .l.tiwiry 1{, he past year Mr. Tarte had not. lwrn IMA. and was file hon of the hate fo attend steadily to his journal- I J"aePll rade, a fxrinei of some etamd- elic duties• lout stwilt luost 41t the. ing• w•ho had leen a director of the firing And stnumer let him country Wrthier• Agricultural Society nod at Boucher•ille. He h,ul in• who distil when Joseph Ibrael wua still to spend the. winter thete, Nnd a lad. Nle-. Tart, 'to opportunities at (took his library (roil his town house the otethtu t were very limited, ,old :i month ago. The" Hrwt. change Ehat he ever hec.unr :1 inantof pn,ntin. or the eivot•I•e value nine davr a n R ecce tvah ott'inK largely to hie own he fell unconscious in his lit, indomitable rnrtgy and hard work. Nry.:tied on recovery vault inoul�- I i•nung Tarte, learnt whatever he ately to Montreal t, flue hunts of'his could at Lhe`villaKe scht,I Iuld le- Ile-. Francois Marti{(ny. 1 tween times missisteil in her work him )1•. Nl*rt tgo saw At Qnvr thprl ilia 1 widowed mother, who was it devoted rendition "v"" ver )• sefiou", and in. Ind painstaking woman. It was part orined him that Its had bot 1e, few live. of his work when it l,ul t, actontpltny tree Inother• to Sorel Avs to the late Hon. Mr. TArte was twice Inarket At lel Hell tile pt'•,dilet of rhe farm or of bar own IArritsl, his sele•,rnd wife; whom he handiwork. In this Gast Mr. Tarte narr•ierl the*.- years mpfi and who 1 illyenrm took particular pride urvives hire• lwli-g Mrs. 'I'aItCUI[e�arullhPwri.riufthismketchataw,tnd ,later les• Lvirrovellel. One child wear heau(I hint in n pie -lice meeting at he, issnc of this lajrrt iagr. a girl. I Sorel. surrounded by No IIIof his col - will Ire two • yc+us old ill a le,tgocm in the Cabinet, point lel the •ty d eve. N: x ,tire • chi d N.11 mut.• n e spit ern lhv ae,mtre where he had a killoll It,. Totrle• three mrinm +and three (alongside his devotYsl pother. Atghte•rI. 'rhe✓ sons are J'i eph, Niro,. Tarre,l thro igjn her hnnl work resident and gPne,al ounn,tger• elf IM and economy• pbtcwl' her toy at the OotgpanN : Fugene, vire--pre"I- College at 1: Assomptiun, where he, rot of 1.,1 'PNlrie Company, itnd graduate(l :dung with Sir Wilfri)1 lu+tannger u( the Joh depart- f.:uIcler. On leaving rollegt. he tent of Im Patric. The dnughter•s thought 1,11,11, he wAs Htteed fur the re- Amelia. wife of Joseph E. R)hil-. notarial ptoresdon, and mo hecaur a urerr•hltnt : Mary. wife of 1)r, strdent and clerk in the OM,e rat mp hor ntnroir de Martigny. at II hi u 1: Amwrmptiu:+ of the late) Hon. Louis Ir. Tarte died, aid Annette%