HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-12-26, Page 3TutissuAy, Denaboor 211, 1907 J THE `SIGNAL G0DERICH. ONTARIO, 114nesetunz Mineral Water THE SEPARATOR. ptqg (loo 1!19RA1, WA.Rate of Inflow Should oliscord With SS L ,O!�2 fiot . of "Monees- �1Cews of the ��$tr�ct. I Capacity of Machine• ed a dollire, 1. isair 11 of -0 is sor built its Uthe cut -fitting hu iva'n g1tt"., of AleI "t'n IF., ­ * I As— BlumPl. I.,; 1.0king of btill-ting'a, the house of lieu ad),%, W Illiallh sit I hu Every separator Is A Grood to.,Lol, ILIW itill"'n' Mier in throw I". ye. of a certain amount Of milk. It 111114 a lot.. otlei uUarw. st-Itmur W`&V�r &lid sling fact Ili Y. lith concession Of that township. I �.d Thelitt, g.-6 IV ho�"A`L. haw I I f I Wh1htailored , 6" r lut"re free 'b I'lillUtt fro"' I we "lld Thu Commercial hotel, Henvall, wass, VV4104-A, who was ow -two -two veers Of certain cap&(,IIY. Thit'vditheilie?" 0 1114) untsup it eight childr,al uNeruse bend Illucill'iL VJ:i trwstv be Lit I A) to 1.1011.) poulitio I)( milk Iter bour. 11. L NVALTUN Man opened &a a taluperunce noun 1, t jo,. .1,. survived I Lot 2. Jr., week. . Story, of McKillop, lossillif ; daughter, Wheik The machine it; forced beolkd its shite isold Ilia 50 -acre farou to his neighbor, is useurl tit SUit or George Lydo. of t.,undeblooro', has Wedding twits riots .1 the captivity the luilk hall it) pass 11trotigh house of Robert Kerriall Of � harm, the bowl so fast that It is not ell awed Mr. Ilitirlostrvice, for $3,M). ill& WoodutsoodAy, the lith in.t., 'when to the centrifugal forest 101149'ellbugh it) t-1-41(, CLASSES -I AM I'HF* While hkatititt on at creek lust week hist eldel,t daughter. Now Almeria, Wall effect it coluplett) sepurution, of the (Lit. 1) W receive Pull. for leeal. in R till Overcoat [:ARN Roy hillin, of th. halt the into As.." .10 theory. . a , th" I urkoughm musical fortune it) fall And Usicture Ilia Arm. united in Lite 1101146 of lautivilliOnY to) The more silk that is run through rho I.. VArtan methal',for irtsul,.g. Lhgd n� Frayne, of thou'lld Concession Of separator in excrilis of Its give" iu to u.ttion n r. ....... lite A in Mr. *lid Mrs. John Abrahani. tit Bel- t-.1,orne. at -on 'if JV. F"ItYlle, of that it), file greater lite loss (if fit Its tile. Made to. )tsur ut4i,-r front treat' loot . tote, tioderich. EMMA A. more, recently celebrated ill,- twenty. township. The coore'llil"Y W:!�, 1wr aNUItKW6. it, ' skiLa i0lk. it I+ therefore of luip,-r. est clothe ill im-.Bunt and light ------- fifth anniversary Of their 11141 rillge. forused Is)- lie%-. A. If. 6( ills. Of ti.tice that the operator know the (­ Vear Weights. ;-I A. ROY ADAMH ?-It*. 31eltolierts. lifeueritl agent, for Exottev. I upoicity of Ilia mai-hine :And thou TaticHNIA low I""'" the Deering Harvoin.sor Co., had moved Last week tilt' clli�wllki of Kippell a,* hie fLLIIIIIY frOIu�1#1ArrIbt()tl It) %Villg- Were Aillocked and .jtadslsrnod to hear of govern, the h4t accomiltigly. to)N I0 studio in thank of Muntroal toluelt, hate. the sudden death ill l,itxfurJ, Snook., of Cases In Point. an(I an' a' D P'S %%'[tile editing istrioliov least. week. Fred Mrs. Arthur Dignaln, formerly Miss Seventeen have recently Medical thividolon. of Whitechurch, had his Celia Meijilo, daught,vt tit Thomas Met- I.,,u perfurmed at the judialla e1joeri- UOTHINU LWORIUAl, hand caught ilk the carrier and Isadly Its, tit Killijoeil. lit 1'ehruary last the Ineut litution it) demonstrate the lilt - W now lAireft, Il, %I% i.1- Ncerated. chiceabed " unitted to hot pouilairive Of 1111K "A" 11"lut. W 1; STREET. RN EMMHRsON & TURNBULL A11wrt Nott has sold hits luk)-acre bushaud "I'd went to) 'let' Western lives a large little"' WIO' used, his six o`t;" fArul, to,, the :,.old coll,e"liurl I)( Hill,,- holne with the loliKII116tit, PrOdovect- A. T. Ris rousnans, M. I I. Limit Inflow, laid lit the renuiluing L. M. IL file the The restrains were- brought to Kippen a w S. TuawlK'L ley, to hie hivther Frederick. five cases the Inflow ANas normal. IL )dire, IllalulliAl gttvvt, I 'I%OUU IV-. *lint of K(ol. for internient. 'In. case yf the large Inflow thl! 1!0-lt n.. Ku N - rt It street. On Wedneaday. the lith just., the 'Ishone Mi. The YUtlllg ladies of 1111ISSPIN are her vilas removed Iron the receiver Of the ,rurnhall'o reAdes-.2%toutmal .trout. Arl-sk"Kil fill- it leap Year Inall. to lie au el of death vellsoutivid Crow ter suf- l4eparutor, anti lht- 11111k wu,4 rail, Ur. - 'PbUM 191. hold Ili 14 town Thursday. form Mirm. J. Clark. of Whitechurch, and Staff Sahli, "L of Public lAbrety I (In is through an fast as the seloatratov could •War a It. F J it i.,oRsTKR-HYV,. EAR January 2nd. hall who for some Little 111"i been A victim In ends of the tonalL D. M I, of the fell disease consumption. De- take care of It. 0111Y, Stratford, Ont. U. A. Chesoul, A I)rudier of It. - ( If• inflow the separator was fed at the N,ye wad Throat Nos% york Oplithalutic and Chant, Of ClintAm, was rectiontly !uAde eased, who was a daughter o H.B.BECKETT ou'u Q WA, Cluslit-Al WellietAllt Fat. Rlsotoul. of Whiltochurch. bad man rutu of sibout two-thirds lilt- caloacity. """ "I 'to ULM. IgnosA ot A.I., Iss.. nuo-wiate professor of ast,ro-phy ics Lit friends by whom she w- INIU01 lie- The results snow that where the nix - I'd .1-hr"At Hospital. ouldess squat 0, &all , vity of Turonw. lAnalou UPI tile Univet bides [let- husband and in- -Isine was forced heyond Its rapacity V 14 B A L ME- R IthAlknie ritt"O"'Iff"i "'ye) loved. fie I, Iondou. slif. ows, Allstri -treet. Morn.' Norman MacLeod Fatit' And fruit child, [lei- lather, three ri'teito iteparation was if -Ins complete. and or Wet Huts": opol.blite % Ind We the AND into -­_ -m-- Te1sDh,H,sJ1T7- last), lit Clintoin, left Lull, ek to"' and three brother:' are left it) 1111.1"I'D I f fat in skim milk was fly" Lite loss 0 TIT lAwkport. N. 1'., where they will tier. times as great as where the inflow was Legal PrObiLbly spend the winter. After two year-*' iticeseant wAI-fAI'e normal. A decrease of the inBOW be - While hastening to catch tilt- train with the ravages tit tliv dread disease, separator dia Lawr's last week Georgo lliandcovk 14-11 at COullull, I)tit)u,,LAlie Bailey, youllgest. low the capacity of Lite CCUL lit NAR- V e e or ,A.,uVHo,N & KILLOICAN. the HoLel Norullilldie.. Clinton. fell -a. t 'Y 44 not materially reduce th tom notartioe. root. Offew n (of AlAir. and MI Forth Built inflow In I 'in milk' If I ItIMTKIts. 40ticil and faw.tured hN collar-loone. Brubawk, ita"Wil PeactIfUllY 86""HY all tat In the OL 0 11 N - J. L KIL The Mr.4. Patrick fill. -Phil' 8116till-d4y, tile lift, joist., Devealm 1. decreased bley l2d In I Hair Grower r1a111Jt On 07CAMEILLP I ILL* 0 a c 11 -known reeidelat of who was A nutchirlist by trade. %%Am separation takes pie in t e bowl, 't lips. A fiprinvr we Only Lw Though both the skins mi and the v •auk es- FOR Exeter, occurred At her I puty-MIX VINLrh0fdgt'- . -t A NEW DISCOVERY itoVDFOOT I HAYS & HLA London on Tue�lav, the 10th lost. Of It quiet and retiring dibPooit itan- he ape through the !Zrn milk o "to E iste,WLson eatienor, "garIggoosablu. Pn � RESTORING TH or+in We ourt Offitsti. e".1. ide U. F. Buchanan. bou of F. Buch- lied many -nds by whom he was Effect on the Cream. GROWTH OF HAIR a A aalrn',Igrucotory. dearly beloved. In deatilgle wore the _h one selnorator P frit A .a satin of WilIKI14111. war recently Ili I Forcing milk throug K_C. It. C. HAYS. U. I, lla.te� Ito I he inanageroillip to( it briusch white flower of &.1.1aniel"s life. In exress of its Capacity lend" to pro- lovArranted to elft-vt gond results in 1111 (if Lite liank tit Setitia, lit Oxford, Brussels EAectru; Light Plant. above cahes wbere the roottiare utotninatoliltelY I . air 'a 4 1' 21111. I.S. duce a thinner cream., Ili the I dandruff, stolls, % W .1. painter, ),A* purchustil, the exrwriments'the cream sit the large In dandt ICKINNON & GARROW, BAR- Word w,44 received in Creditun. bust vlvct�ic light. plant at Brubstel- and flow tegtedz; per cent less than that of fill- falling of hair 141141 brings it new A -)­ itolicituro. et'. growd ItIsTup &it week of Lite death ILL Mount I'lelisant, siOu (pit January tat. 110 1 ('11 hald heall.. D a" go lend at loolleitt "0410. F. gets poster" the normJinfloxv. The smaller the in- twiterich. (if Mob. John Mel-Aitc, wife I 'I 4:031ell front Northerti Ontario. The I 1)1(.Kl% .4. HARLiWil.I.LiltOW.LLII I el- j)r,)j)I-jtt,,r of the Itoyni flow, other things being equal,the BEEN TESTED hotel, council [tax cloned I& contract (01' tilt', O. F. HAS Million. renewed tit tile street lighting lit SIX) thicktir/the cream. -Ilrofemor 0 Insurance. Lam& etc. George A. ('looks,, Plole-1, hour 'If per solution for each Are IsLusi). Hunxiker in Kinatiall's-Dalry Fanner. witi, excellent results. I vit" �110w whi.I.L. it has restorod growth of hair Win. Crook., Of Was' Township Wedding. a int In Clothing Gift..- after almobt Iota{ r loaldneftq- Fasih ,VOt7NO & ItUBERTSON, RVAL married in i44rliia on Thlursdity the nuroo D into arid re Wily itilplivil. IL )741ate so.4 in-uran.v AgeollA. It -at 112th just.. tit Mitos Nellie Warnill�, I)( A pleassint, wadding took place lit In the giving of Christmas gifts there 'I ls� for dr.W or on let 1,1%,rertir. handled in the rehidence of Jalues U'AnlerOn, to so much difference In the appearance (npart of slow W. Anil "untF- Furs; &lid that . place, Huron township, oil Wednet-day even- a. o.tomilm. 0,04"y to loan et- George , Ifoolgints, of W:nn,1,ex. s6f the outside daintiness and the rdi. Warranted free from any formerly (If Exeter, wit. 11.4 rlet 411) December l4th, when hits eldest Italy wrapper• says the editor of NJ a - the lith just., to) %ji, Mitorgaret, A., ow" Unittid L41 harmful ingredients. IIN W. CHAIGIE. IAFF, FIRE a daughttor. Ill! * 1 -tit for lcsofillh 1*VPdnVs4lA). . . Alfred G. VotounerLon. solsto of Huro# dame. that I would suggest to my read - of accident japursonor. AT Jennie 4'. Stephenson, of the -Mali' ' wants tv r. ere that whenever possible clothe your Cive it a trial I *',),I will Ill- PIVA-wil -k runt lea. t,,wriodiij). The cert -11 lon Y I* -tit On rert-itil, of -t;t Will he W M"oon, is"I 1, n.and at loner -t tat, Lotus. raint.d. lit I y son "it.1t,trzt. -r as wt Su's-Lo"' foli-In" by Rev. Dr. Murray,Murrav gifts In a fancy covering. Dainty color All 1.1 0 F. I[. .11I-Kily. Losti011 Agent at W I per tied with baby ribbon pro t•. .1. . J. - W -m, R A 10 1 X. Goodonch. Oat. sad intal' cardiiie. ed tissue pa to Loon, (.,at %,,k received the e . Grey Township In contrasting and harmonizing colors, 50 CENTS A BOTTLE !igronce til.it his wife. who wA. visiting A with a apray of holly tucked in the -XIL1,0111 MITTUAL FIRE I%*- houlle4ville, lissal piwseii away After in Oil SuudAy. 'lie l,.-A%r 7u....twh. bow, will speak of the sender's inter- Voirno bad Wit Angel of Death liaossed 0 t/ u_ SJ'RANCK I to her sAL AZain large envelopes of flowered Vallne 111 44 brief illness. Niamiriti-oir(o anti .uppi top t., -04. Isom no er "11111-.1110t. 409-r. .101111 IN14-Millan. tit Itoolloor"', IIAS chip Or Greyand kunatuot)6d, r. Fr -r U1.1171141,01 "(1lulwilud." the beautiful reward -one "of its- 11108V elteporsed crape paper or Japanese napkins tied ..A dirlortforto - J. IL I et resiolvatio, in the person of with tinsel cord and a spray of mistle- J. F. LAWR J_ 0. -,i.. Mi. Ch- I rale.,teall flu -Ill If the ULU' JUIIII 0 1 1 Is. J;.ZXo-. Ifullenteack. Decenised first toe Is a novel de%-i(:c for seudirs,- gif Tonsorial Parlor, Bedford Block, '-:-T V: A.y. lhckorns. of McKillol), Paying for it I-%. John . . S.; I o. if,. (FL:)'2_-RAL CIRECTOR t vet. o J. B RUiii.01"i SON -btu: i.I:At)l it to or Funeral Directors % Directors sts' t , 11 N Funeral Embalmers Orden Orden carfully atto, ad to at all bean. 0ght or day 'PHONE 15 ()F? 24 ( 'A,,, rh­­ I Co. acre' COAL .ri trecto LOWIIK p you shonju uo tilts to t e otne g roar, tilt- sumof 1115'-pon. saw tile light iol Ill L GODERICH, ONT. ir,.Pv y J. r alp-nt for w -I 1. ..., 11014,. Holum -Insiont. 'Nil" Minnie Penhaie, of Stanley, Of Smith. )Ilgh- silly- its well as to tbotio which ,90 to outside will, distinction "evell Y" bile wit@ friend& It would also be nice to In - re Pet X h�d ro,'eipl� -Y I partner A L L KINDS OP COAL e"E'l, M 11~. I -,,J. I I Io. 1, Ing college. get (heir " recently gAdu,.t,d unitest to her now,' deceased Was)% or t Idruw close a Christmas card or send with the a' dorkh' Ix -or rent. -,f the II1,tXj_ An immediately/after settled with c o personal ALWAYS 0 N H A N D obtaining 1(r) It�It !25 k !t,lconces-rion of gift some appropriate and pers 1i - tier litiall examinations. hit" 1111 �sy�_ Imod bince resided. ,notation. it expresses a special greet- ..unn mark, in Grey, where 9TAII I uitl weighell oil the snarket, oralaol, WAV00 FAZWR The Robinson f4rill. on the Huron rbree tortus Are It -ft, it) mourn her in-. A Newspaper Bargain %vhcrc you get lb-. for on. has loeen roasol'itist west of Clinton. demise. His 'Preference. Vil 1 N G 'If that WM. LEE. SIHAVING AND HA]tt.DH& purchased by fal PAio-IeY- , Now. patsy. if it should come ton I mo,RIAPILS. The beet 141w.2 on w -t-: Wilson, for lKV01. The PI -Percy its a Death of Clinton Resident. reni Issue which Would you rather ]Olte. I.,unuo lloeroir,: ,e hkt ints: vieiln &not itions. 'it. -ell newlectmi of we.-, the death of THE SIGNAL Onlrr" l4t Al I'. I . 1,FES Hardware Store ... W%f. is A Vis good one, lint it 11 IN flectilinorly sad wir money Or vour Iffel"' "L -idoo Sol aar'. i.romotiv attended to. iw #Ind " -1, - - ""I lo. orhangto Itoto,l lstw,k t-sect,ii-ir to, tat--. el- Ker. of ClintAin, which !I ()I*m itavin' me larill�hk •%je 1)pgorrs. Star $1050 J- ►rit -health of Mrs. A. It. �,rchoor her house in that Lown on Owing to tile ill the - weeks for me ould age."-Bobomian. The Family Herald and Weekly St her dAug fee. Thu Way, I, e 12th just. Fol Inctuey Manning. of Clilatonn, r I•or -cased hnol ministered once"- jLxrrlW Licen"s ,I onto Edna. 4 valued luetnt'el. Of the til - deceased ill this locid terri- I Air to( clinton lite *01(ml, ioly to her daughter, Lottie, who It 11 better to Am unborn they list- Tit- Signal will furnish you with ever) filing of in" Leaching tit I)IIij I- resignat- I its ill of typhoid fever, und in her taught, for Ignorance Is thlr root of tory. Fvery house in this district should receive the I -will paper. GUNDRY DRU S. J%'Aurlitt I-:. KELLY. has been forced too bend in.he (li.giKlUcH. UHT. Lion. overworked condition' o,he herself soon gallsfiartulw.-risow The I.,itraily Ilemitt And Weekiy Star of Montresil is tilt- alcknov%ledgk-d Ilebt I joweltror and Oillicia- fell it prey to) the sante disease; w'stchroaker. till WedpeilalAv. tilt- Ith in4t. 'lie - Coulplic^tjoilus aroose and U41101%. And inrin paler in Carn"k. Ills inagnifleqnt, news service: its 1111111erolvol, l.uer of IIII&I'lit-41V -if the Out Xull des all 11114 'or se of 'a' ile"' of "Ar .n,,,, to In so urn Ise.. r JIRi_ ;lt)hll 1141-t " so I qwvi�l -partinentA -sting likagazino features its great serials tit. tit vAM &lid ledicAl A d could it( its intert knot liet'W"n Wool. liont, of C that Io% j)OpUla r Short, stori". inake it the. 91-cAtRilt, dollAr's worth tit lit! had. -w weaker until Wit LANE, 198urK or MARK' ugh. do she gradually grt d Livery, Hack AUZ tioloseloolk. Godeticloo. Oct. 11111-11t, And %Its" Maud Urintell. herspititwitagediLotlight. Decealsed. Mea and Women of 002001 The combination ofThe Signal and The Family Herald o"11.1 W (.1.1y StA .1-IfIble new" A N D ter ill •Truvinan Brintell, of e name waw Inas Writ in Bayfleld fifty-two provides the gren,11VI-1, 116111013111t; of wholetoolue falitily reading lid 11 place.t plurts of the world. Aucuoneenng I trick Ahrens, of that place. Her Olivet- Turnbull. of the tit con""s- Mr,'eago, was it daughter of Incthe late Send your subl,crilition if) o"'. _ got lovable dispositioli ;in#) consistent, lar uululwr trion of Grey, %v4 APPEAL y from I'Bus Stables 1110MAS GUNI)KY. LIVV "ATOCK oo I This ou THE SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont. 4 offirtet on South prizes for Ilito eldlibi _%1fJ leiCester hristian walk And mnsiversation ell - re oinoi cnerool veLits"oer. relat r fair at street. w er, he will be found at all tim• cheep at the eut winter Neared her to #411 with wittion she (-nine hie and list of is for when not -ryiiw -I-. Jolmo resio011ft suelph. standing On is e in untaci. Heptues her husband an ....... ...... eery etrart used to give you =factloro willne'roo. daughter, three stone, Fred. Harry and a ' -_ - The Ad now'i lit, ri-eived its 0-411- Will, Are left it$ 1110111'" thrix 1008- I. death of M". Mesdames H. Darrow and John David- The Great Provincial Charity, The OEORGE BECKETT, 111alls"I'lli, e (of the ell -known sun, of Baytield. and Mrs. It. B. Ker. General Auctioneer. Joseph Kni it. a former ` Hospital for Sick Children, New System of Ticket, and Catalogue. r"'ident I that place, who a le- of Clinton are iiistersof the dvoutrijuseol. Is Farmina Your Business ? months go had gone to reside with Bequest to Free Presbyterian Church. Calls On You For Aid. ort'"s I r do' HAMILTON ST. Farmers Business OFFICE, her da ter in I imois. wile Of it forialer AlexanileiMairlietizie. of Lucknow. If so, THE WEEKLY SUN, the Fa P. O. Box fSJ \I H. Gordon. n I Witigharn. passed (lied i M6. leaving the residue of his Remember that thip floonpital is Pit per, will each week be of Special Interest to you agent ;it - estate. amounting ill about $3.00U. to decal ini,titution. but Provincial. -my at her lionie in j,,)udon (tit Tues in :'e'a Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN day, the I-Ith illA- Dectiallited. *1310 -,the Free PI-esloyteiian rlitirch It coreii for in her tortv-11ortit, veat. its survived cationlit in eonnection with the Free nick chiki in the TO CONSUMPTIVES oll -a of Ont- ta 1st Jan., 1009, by her lilt liun�l and one daughter- Presbyterian ehorch in Scotland." Provinc "fl "'A" There twing soave doubt In the mind* ario whose larent-. The underongli-i 1','% 1119 lx•cl 1414 J. Lewis Thumps. lit civil of the executors of the OmAte As to cannot afford to IN COMBINATION WITH I for ill, t,,wri-ibips tit Stephen whether tur not such a religious IwAy 11401441 LAP health IlY l'ill'P 0 Me& engineer I or 1,; for treatment toulTering for me Llf 14 oev- and HAY, is onourning the 1-8 0 l;usy dollars are It. tile As that named existed in Can a. they to err long affec 1. dreest "It 11 141141 the plans it applied too the courts to give An jute- hotter that, idle T H E S q,e'r,ol T t in,ottlan't ) I G N A L diwww C42sompti". 1% t I make. I AshwoOd Evatogoli ca I 4 L . talion of the will on thil, point tears. The sym- ALL �'ALLH ATTENDED TO which soyere lost or stolen pathy that Weeps PROMPTLY FROM H0T9LR GI his fellow ' 'Alffer"Im the r' Only $1.70. AND PRIVATE :HOU SES known !-h.r`e`toed Tht!niaotterhasloeen seforetherovirto lucanit of cure* 1-0 it e whol de the frolu his sleivit near St. John',, in Toronto for over it year. but it final III goal, but alae it, lie will cheerful bend (free Of While prucemling along a public decision v!am liven a few days ArO.by I Hospital be- to have I charge) a Copy I the presecriptioll street, in SeAfOrth one evening I;tst Mr. Justice ue.etzel, who orderet' that the i,visnploothy that Address: VANATTER & ROBERTSON, GUNDRY BROS. used, which they Ill flood It mure "I"'• week. it citiXell Of that 'W" 110-141 the executu," pay in the trustees hf I Loris ricirciltirm -.�--_Works. THE. �iIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. for Cossicis Astbo&. CAtsifk Sisca* , by two 111011 who dentlittaded 0(in the alcoves-runed denominottion the lAt-qt ye.,r there were 1093 patients ad, 4WTII STREET' PHONIC FiVrY cloltis And All hist And lung if" ill joire. lie valve thews $10 and anicnintolue tinder the will. Usifore mitred. QI thoo.- a7tivarno from 25 plaor ­ 1-4) in I He hope" "offerers will ts� ' was allowed it, rehiline Ili, w;tlk. The Judgment wits given All interesting citstroide of Toronto- -all were children of i4 Remedy, it in invaluable, rhT,�lse in peni-vit (if tl­ highwity- dialogue tOok plaice an to the lueaning pmeription, 'hil-lo will police .r poor penlylso who could not afford to pay for depirin e ulen, of the term **the Free Pivabyterinit trerstment of their little ones. to ansulao in connection with i Each et was in the Hospital 4' cost, t nothing, and IDAY prove A At the hon"' Of the bride's father. chin - ch in C READ THIS ill will please Address; the l8th inst.', Misti, the Free Presbyterian church in Scot. I 9 On Wednew.114Y, 4L" -What does thAt nitionn ?" asked at to cost 41 (leytrude Ieiur, olef-Int daughter uitzel, whereupon Featherston r. EDWARD A. WILSON. Brooki11{Lal each Foluoind Leoir, Of . fill. vi rinity of JudgeTt SYNOPSIS OF Illvlh, aunts united in ma,-tiage to Ab- Aviewworthexplained that the Scot- T22 for Rev. y of Morel. 4. An- ti4i institution mferred to nuointitineil thl-471days tsxlunl I to tial L iiiisission in Canada. *,What I" re- Canadian Northwest j,jW,n" of Hlyth, tied the nuptial I stay - MAI ked his lordthip fit surprise. "Art, If your Homestead Regulations. Inst. church at 1'l-eshyterlans in 8coLland still mending (101jareculd SPECIAL Tile new prelibyterian . ionaries to Cansidn'i" -Yes. Ili), Wan 01)�Iled under Illobt 1010" - I "frosioten illurvali jorrj.­ witq the c moniel's reply. "One lhor feet of %,wr,rvvn rontroberecl vert Inn of Donstnioil on `%lIndAY, CLUBBING IA'l if rililoonitollIG."attloatchewars and Alloeria, cOluelt Out here oncesin, year, for little boy MA"AUKexec not ri-crIed. ainyho horne- �he Z1,nd in.4t. On Monday Vvt'lllng " I niontlim." In view if thin in- or girl with club feet, you WnUld gladly %eab giVrIl it, the revel family, toy any per -on - ho i,o the �k I -end of,,. lelightful 11)"119"A oil life lordship Flanteil the I - -j, lid our dolloir will do that. OFFER family, no any inaloover 111),en" of airr,lo the leading feature of which fornifttion lVe I . a Y extent at one-quzirter -eciturs of Ilia acie,,, mor.o' I Were were 79 rootlets of club feet treated or In-. his" It till re, , .8 by .11141ge Order for InsYsIlent to t it was an inter -Ling -111 Forrest, Of Hrueelleld. Dooniel A 4-limlion, for entry malls he made in lorratin rhorooke, oloilleloVe. (4"" F Thc toy rho mpillivoint at a 111taninion LA 11414 Agetocir Clarke. of Egninvulville. And John Most; rl"Ol In 4,36.ngrnt-i f,ar LIPP t1wriet, in which the I^n;l I (of 1 1. Aitnate. Cutry by Inoxy may, however. he the beAulifill holitt If t -y an certain counditiona toy jilItchillan". of Mhe an ,Ili BluevAIII kitty. I and '%Vm. Matheson, 4 township of A41itleld. atiodt, it AM the Go Is � . "), . soon. daughter. brother or of HAr at'n r It Mr. Frederick Deck, er iston, fortnerly of AVinghfun, vo," ill(' BRIGHT'S DISEASE AGAIN. *AMA WESTERN HOME ��ONTHLYI-irr of ;in interwling hrom-if ader. r 'It ,to& 1.,i requiird to LeWornis the scene Of ,,,,fly wedding on Thom", Tho hoint WINNIPEG Is"non-Acall dull under one of the fullowhar day, the, 12tbilist.. when their daugh MI,. Margaret Flizabooth. loecam, Another Caw of Most Advanced stage "grolt". ArT=t plan.: ter, Councillor John.l. IAV- of Kidney Disease Yields to Doold'a ho.t. year. Out of As 79, about 50 were Ill At, least mix inanths'remidence upon oind the ,lid(. of . J. Atkin- Kidney Pills. eulll� ation of the land in each year for three Of Iliti-ritoton. Rev. T from shot country. roam ery, I child in your county 420 A Invar-N,nier Twoor, if toe Po d"irft, per. w" the Officiating minister. Sit. liu)dges. Ont.. Der. Ztrtl. -- I Its 11 yn,, know of any , I an THE SIGNAL floor.. son. refon ilod reAdmice If ul I" by IIT., Tong ell At thl'o, advanced Age of seventy-nine (SIVe6oll.) Mr. liolosirt Bond, a well- who is %irk or loss club feet d whooge f1froning faint owned -leii, by him, not lem then Alex. Hislop, 1111 "Ill And re- parents can not afford to rightyllmn I nt extent. hi 11hevivintlyInflosin known reltidt-trit of this place. does wit THE TWO FOR ONE YEAR FOR 77� Joint owner li in land will not yeovirs. y, send the name to the holn- c 1. 1 1 �h apecte1 re-ident of Tornloerry. ela- hesitate to SAY he Olv('" hie lift' tA) I I; Serreb,,). 30 elect t in will. introtetCd his nest on Friday, tile Vith Kidney Pills. R.iIa1.I^ek booliq are M Ito , f, irr"forinotIn-r. if the father lade )epl%,,cd had Im,pst, Ailing for W.'sivinn PIRO 1 Was in the 1;%At $1 rottil srlme (11LY prior to his I V. Won't you let Linle and 11 few "loges I HPight'll ditill-111,1014' And there .1en- (n, Im ... ii4c loorvi o-inA by him. letill ITered a 4troke Of rNariollybim I . Hospital write yostor lk� ,I le- thous right), is i -r- Ili exto,ni, in tho, death It, - - . rallied. one. "" rill hope foo- trip.*' Mr. IIe.nd PtAtpp. name down for a few TI if wrSTERN 1 1()N11. Nl()*\:! 1'rN b" qp i V11611.3 not the Inton-t.,ml."or ul-son a hommoostead (film %, hich lit' IIVvtV' I -,I then counuenced timing Doold's t f,.r lvs- film in Ihn vivioniv, inch hownso. "On an -eral (jAugt,.trr9 mourn his Kidne. Pill" strul on ) Other retneoly. 1,&&,! in Heaves's own A. t6 6- ­11tol- iv,lp Coo.sals. and F"d hy lotm,ifter nov icrilsonot hi, own re�lvnce dutio. work of boosting little 3 '0 100 1-1 1 ­nt� by I i % lot; ot I I h t Ila fat ln� r 4 or mother). i Paten removal fronts their "llil"t- I I~T In hit ILIXII:t twenty IXWXM children! V.i"4 f,,t, .14P I li� Iv rin intillot two Pope in T pronounced tile ill In'!4,to,fonsionoinjor not ones On ,droe-41"T, tile Irish inst.. One whet, iny doctor A great mins Of Morey -eturn if tit 'si,�arso-ev crov" in the julat well I have hill] too I mining Atock that %%loillh of rnonl hit of lien li'm lllllqt POP -ON if 't-, I owlind i-i'vIv. W rot -4.6 sn'l 1.10"I to, the I I In ,the retort Of )Iipm .14111" trouble since." always polvit dividends -- I III ',Id ' 1, daughter Of the lAt"L" tmrk Intending to t�rfnrru hl" Is 11111 I)odd's Kidney Pills illwayot cure Is bought vill 104th the money I I'MI � 1" �ow 'Im "ers, R.W.h. boom" 4%, or, In swelrolance " it h t li,� hol, -1 note, of that,-illooge, enleted 1[j, ight's dissrrAtr: Any other forn, tot that helps The Hospital while It% Wit %tth pareptA oi- on fiLl Minor !Rn. Is "Ihr. , - '111 happy hride- kidney disease is easy for them. of I.M. f -s', 1". 10-1 4"Witt. vnlrs�paj plate. the hat I for gick Children to pit- 0.0alli the owillood by hint -elf Insists ii-tifir the anent for th ul Ivillinrin' Henry. elf 4t. •tracts the Gold of Life Losell DNA C4.6.. dlot rit t of lowh Intention. Mary S. Tht ceremony W" Poor- A soft itintrover IJAA turned many A from the Quartz of are Cuna, litist rnnnth�'nosltv'ln writing noiw he Vitro f rr by Rev. S. L. T-:11, pastor (It Toung man's thoughts toward the � Death. ow bow~ In .9 A I of #64 mat wm pw., to ,so c,muld""looroer ,, 11 .. nuArm In mat. led (Lit"loa of intention I'a apply fax roor'"t. arm ur"I it, re jonotAlMent hOIIW!-. I tb H@nsAjj MethOdist, ch IrCh. IMPAPA "and "OletriblIH0111411 tA J. Ro'le" W. W. Collity. 0 ne M.111 who arelts Office for 1,110 Itabert.", Mairmtoi, nor t� ProssiflaA Thrid- 60 Pages and up. 60. On Wednepdliy. the,lith intit., 11110. 1 t-Onooklor hien."If an", clI.,, or Iluib •X.11. Unnuthnileed of this 411111 Fr,knci,l lipillIpp• de n olit and epterrall"ll 9twool is 'tilt if Trillion , of I hot 111notritall I public &fit, t (of (jMq, departed this I& at 'jibe entire r he lands, Mildrece LWIfte Struck Tismilost ioutiounnout will wA bool000l for. Itaiden a