The Signal, 1907-12-26, Page 22 Tat'Itel,Ar, Ueoember :G, i907 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONTARIO s/ king, on Nriday evening. Tho" whu Is Ten I were there rei,or•t a Ruod lime. �7 The new choir which has then organiaeNt at the Methodist eburch Thousand wade its first appear^uce yesterday eased ct-ealed a good iwpresswu, help- iug materially Its the Service of song. Dollars Miss Mary Culbert is home frum Bjrd'a Creek Ha►tita coupkp)•, to spend the . Mr. utas holidays with Enough P her pxreutr, Mr. and orb. Jas. Uuh- 1 O Im•rl. title has been re-engaged tum the Nuns school for next year. 1 DUNLOP, i Have you con- TUItaUAY,Dec,:rltb. 'sidered the earning One of Iwq•&I's ttiwrals reteuttyshot A lynx. I pOWe r of money P Allmort Qo^id is hotue for C'hristtuas I Have you thought of from Detroit. Mrm. Robert M140 -Do old is enjoying the amount Of Prin- Uhrirtmas-tide to Detroit. eipal It requires to Mrs. Whitely, of lkstroit. isSleimling Christulms with her Resurgent.. Ur. and produce a given Mrs. R. M»cMluan. lit Loyal. i n c o m e P Invest Mr. and Urs. Jpohn LaMwm, of Hal, Moss, are it)spend Chl•Irttimot with ter $10,000 safely and 1Ntlrr'apnlwtal*near Bltiamelr. On the• What income Would wily huwrwatd they will visit lot Dunlop. Iyour Widow getP Reginald Haughton, it former terj- dent anarlg"t m., it down from church- !Perhaps $500 per ill. Si(twoe county, and is spending annum. IS that sufH- Christruam with his brother-Dtw, Char. MacNeil. I ciente Are you in- SHEPPAROTON. ' s u r e d for even Tri•.am%t, liar. ,file.` ! $10,000 P Merry C'hrialula" to NII and A happy &sed prawleroum New 1•eNr to tail seriously of !waders of rhe ilignal. I this. A man should Miss Annie Crawford. Of the Ottawa Ladies' College. im mpending the vau•a• . have enough i n s u r - tiou with relatives in title locality. ance to guarantee The nearly friends of Mies Maty the comfort Of those Gonion will iso pleased 'to leArn that She 1111% now quiterew•overedfromher depending on him. illness. Write to us asking Hector, the voungrat child of ee I for particulars Pe - veryJ11x Juba Tigwit(, has has n vett' ill for, it few days, is now reco%. I se ctin Our special eating uicrly. plpans o� Insuranoe. Many are flit, v- u,pliulentnry Ye - marks heard of the ('hristhuas num.ler W. ACHESON & SON Ladies' and Men's Fur Coats at Sacrifice Prue S We are greatly overstocked with Fur Coats and we would sett sacrifice prices at this season if conditions did not warrant it, %te•u+ He owls Wolusaa (loatsl, >d:+K (111, for ....................... #=.So Ve-u'r Haack Calf Posts, 8lfNlt(A tor. 400 Men's Black China !All, Coats, ret- uct skins and astrachan collar• m1�.1N1, fur........... 17.00 Men's ('non Coats, 1170.00. for..... , 60.0 I, ire _lu11 f, heavy, handeotue Tweed Uomets, $7.00 and SKI%!, for........ . .. ................ S-00 Ladies' Aetrowhan Lawb Coat►, regular VIM). M). fait• .......... : .. . 33,co Regular >t.l100. for ............. all -goo Ladies' Vur-IinedCoats,cablecollar, eat of finest English beaver, 11711.01, tar ... ................. S9,00 CHRISTMAS OLOVFS Men's finest Kid Gloves in taus 414,1 greys, 74' tuft. at ........... .$1.So .Alen'* silk -lineal Kid Moves 1 Perrin',,, 7; to ii, at ..................... ...$2.00 Men's Linen Hatadkerehief. of e,,1, style and initial at froul. each talc to Ioc \lea's Umbrellas, Splendid servict-mble• makes.......................$l to$Seach Men's Neckliev, Yew York g,..l.. select............ 35c to $1 z5 I T��L,� N\`\\\\ LADIES' GLOVES `\ Our tatele •tioM 6 unurnally Iarg,• _,I complete. complete. We carry every cotyle fnno .,11 MHJ w �,C0 the leading tasAkeY,. Prices...$i to $15o GMKl Adie i and Chiialrete's Handkrr, lura -, the choice cumprimer hundrYdm of dor..",, M • of dxitay, beautiful ,Lyles in curry pl It of TheSignal.kill crit Ines' a credit W. ACHESON SON the publishers. .Ai�UWDo1VIr. and Jima. Alex. Wellington and children. of Treherue. Manita tea, are I --- --- - —------- _ . Laid Mo :era. Ro rdoun's parel.ts. .Al r. and wore white Iuull over rink and McUerutid, uicre of the bride. 'I'll.. ?Laid Mex Jam. Gonluu• i I I curried ppink measle", Thea IiU N /lower RIYom's gift to the beide was a pN:u I The union UIlnsUuAs fret eutacert gill, Ffm•enct• 'Pentane, of BuR•alo, wishloue pill• to the hride•sulald held ju the Ihestlyreiian church (.it nitre u( the bride, looked like a little (earl pin with ^wethyst IetLiult ams Friday evening batt was touch enjoyeed I Insurance Company, fairy drewcPd its pale blue and white. to the groum►sluan a pearl Cur -low. by those who attended ;rum hen. Hector McLean. cuuaiu elf the groowl. The young couple have many friend London. Canada. was !MSL IIIAII. Uendelmb)hn's weal- wit,)wish th .Iii much joy &till It,. PORT ALBERT. I W. H. ROBINSON. General Agent. ding urare-h was plaved by Miss VmAsie leerily. � EE. THE LIST OF CLUBBINU -- s - - - soler rl plinutithe loi tem I 11-M see the.• week_ signal. Hand Valor r pc+ta,dcr, urn. dam,! tucTHE SIU\A1., further lime should Ix• lost. features - flues which lite the NEWS OF DIiSTRIC'1' . /�'(r Ql©,Ult l'Irail'luall of cUlu• animation hale pnnnitled in Rive to the _--_ �,yg/isk r4 animation Ix•ture el,otiuu day Rows to . LEEMURN. pUDF.RII'H. UNTARIO. Show flit- uevesall for the iumueii^lu y construction u[ the eouldug TeP.aUAY, slice. 'Nth. PUBLISHBD 1:�'KRY THURRDAY and the ralepayosi should Rive this a this llisr Mar Liuklrter is hove (row Strafford. ) a, AAATTKR a RUBF.hNoN water the careful attention that It dest,.ves. Miles Jvewie Linklaler it home fur ;; :Telephone C&U No. 1. __ chi islan&s vacation from her school at broideed tulle veil was eruwmwithu- It is easy to make out it Ruud raw Clow•ta Hrxd in Bruce comity, where Terms of tsubscristioe : fur the Doty bylaw, #tied the uldlcN• rhe Ir the principal. Leelor tar is, aanvanov. liMOe err that it will carry with x Mark Hortrm, who has been 1111 the rick list during ole Kahl, mmlunler, line it thee 3(hr ; three mouLhr. Yi4 'o nlled SUe;- suke-ribent, III..., a )ear good wxjorit)'. The lkrty ConlpAny retmntoil to O/xtericlL lunch inaproyel fat rice ly In advroce' tb►atcrlbarw who fish w rveeive Ties NIUVAI. hxr built up a Splendid business with• in health NMI it seeing Ielestivea Nod rearuLNf by seal! w'tU cNmder a fa,or by ac- melt, to flit- present tittle, askil)g flet' friends in the t'tlrul&r Toon well herr. wa.iaunr tiro; the fact en ae early a date ar porelble &ny assistance front the town, and our Students. Jean and Hume ('flit- w'lteurrbatere of addru,.+4dwU'ed. both the Iludel• tach 1•ilY'lllllmlx0l'Ntl slit- 1'�tlr- tun, of the G. C. L, nt•N Alumr for the old wad the sew adetr'erS should tee rtveat. pays-rs will have finite heritNucy ill holidays. \liar Reith Signals, a former — graining it the aid of a loan for &u Scholar, who later attended the Model Adio"aing Rateep: extensive addition to its plant. The iu Uoderiob, hall passed NS N teacher. L saw other touglea.r advuruwlIyyents, loo t for town is to lie Secured by a first null wt- understxud lama "ee•uivol a p.er see strut insertion aril to Look line for in.artlou. Alew.urdl Mortgage upon the whole of tilt Uueu- school in Shtic4as county fur• next smoot wb.e.p cent by r raonpardl .•ale twelre lises to an Inch. pa tiy'a property, and the loan Ir to he torso. Ba/m=. r_rd.. ufr,ir IIaeS sled under, 113 per LY'pr ld 111 NII IIUNI ine,tailllellla cuill- ._--.__-- CREWE. Re"P. tlreueeut« set la).;, Found. t•Itnye,l, wit. uaUolu. Pacant, Su,uuoc,Wn*tret. Houses fur citing with the town'" pays n•ute tau thm debentures, a:o that thee will ler i ( 'l'l'YNU.\v. Urc* 17111. Sale or to finis, Foraw for !isle or to Hent, no increase, of taxes lite MY -01111L fit the Mr. and .AIrle. Oen. Collinson, of Kin• Artlowt, for :tale, iv.. ,,or raceedinr eilfhl lines. Yee each irtsertlon t sl for nM ul."'al. , i, sou. The benefits ala, the low" q axil, visited l'rewe un Sunda)•. mor eacb.bb"4titct Mouth. lArrer rlvortae- through the doubling Ill the output Miss Gray, teacher at Nile, is speud- mestSiapropartion. Annosaoeuruntr to ordluary rerelu,r y-p,e ten and ill tile Payroll of this sulwtxnlial imdmSLry ueeti not lie pginttd Out. iug the valuation alt her home hent. utas per tine. No notice less than LL•. deet with6ai serious Iood .A1 r•. and Urs. T. S. Rrcwl, set Mx(r- ay specW toe, the tthe object of which la Elite Apooanlary !»seat of any, individual or,ousmi •— The'electrie railway project is nue king. Spent !lunday with fl'ieml. at adoa.toLt uo.iderad n wlrertialruwut andCrowe. to be charged arcuntio%gl). Mat"Ratfor Capitallywad "`1 \, 111ich [lots the hearty' "yislpatty of Mr. &tail Mls. Oro. Dmrltirh gave a nd,erdse- saestes will be aivell on applicatttoil. the ratro pq er" of li,ale ich, NS has party to their Lrlative. in honor of We will do it rlgbL winter terul times write for tleell'ShOW11 (-it inure' thew 0130 ,ec&- Robert Durnin, who is going out \Yrrt Address all coml�uulest►ou. to sues. TheKLxt:uttrr of slim leased• of shortly. VANAfTSR ft ROHEHTKON, Tax SwaA4 the railtlxy to the e%teut of 111VA1,1MM1, Jar. &sed Jets. T. Y. Reel. of Mafv- r1e:e orfeb.OnL ill lien of the similar gunrantee of the king, were visiting the latter's par• 1luithand River Powe• 1'11.'b bonds enfs, Ur. #anti Mr". Jas. Culbert, un UODEXICiI. THURSDAY. DkC. art, M. already` granted• will riot inevease tier Wednesday. (ow'll'. habilily, asset if it will favilit N(e (Ilion ^till Orville Durnin, Edwin _. - - the finnnring sed the whellot, old bring Killketrick, Victor Ckarritn and Albert MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. More- ytlickly to rt-xlizatiole the pro- fShackletou, who have been attrtaeding --- jts•t tan• Nlect•ic railway developtatoll t school At Goderich err home for the For a few brief days interest will with Goi(telich ar a cettre, the new• vacation. - now Ire centred upon the management proposition Should meet with a willing Ura. W. H. Maize conducted it total -- of of the town's affairs and the chao"inR �\ °umba•r of ritizeta" are uerntioneJ of from ('rear to the if p1r. nd Jar. Jhz:. lhess. Of n council for the cowing year. As ns likely aspirants for stoats at the xud . Blake, 11f Hate - Ma s - has already been remarked in these council fur nest year, and the nonlim• — --� columns, it is uufortlmate that the &time meeting alt the town hal next of Japanese• iurwigialiou, which haat municipal elections conic just at this \lo id^y Pveung will'doubtless bring been alreadv de ecriled as the u,ost holiday season, when everybody is 11ut N full field of candidates. momentous Since it is our of the far• rh�ore of !rata preoccupied and the . thest•rPrchinR of the luaten which Il�hirs of the town cannot receive the 'rhe public Schad trustees whose have engaged the attention of Pa•lia• attention they should receive front Life ratepayers. If the elections were tense" Atte Pxpiring air A. D..AIclw•an. talent Since confederation. The Op. psitiun condemns the lcevernnient for held in tee fall, or, perhaps better still, William Acheson, Alex. Saunders and hating entered into a treat), with about the 1st of Febniary, the result J.. W. C'r&igie. These' are All. of Japan without Sulostantial assurance could not but he Beneficial. Some course-, eligible for rot-electlun• that Life promise of restriction of such change is being urged upon the - Japanese insenigralion would lie kept. Provincial lovernmett ff from many it be legible- THE OTTAWA LETTER The Goverumeut un the other hand quarters• and way that tion will tie forthcoming in Lite not Seems so be confident that when Mr. Iso-mielix tetlirus from Japan it will distant future along this line. - be able to announce at s(duticn which will be acceptable even to Of Oue year's ruunc•il we du taut PARLIAMENT ADJOURNED OVER British Columbia. intend to bay ,,,,,ch. The members THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY.- the debate in Lite House an Appear to be very well satisfied. with .1 il"'Ortant dispatch flolle Mr. Joseph themrelyrs and with Lite reaulls tit('hawberlaiu, _ then Secretary of Slate the l'nlN Sir \t ilfrit their year's work, and it would ler a The Insurance Bill As it Affects Fra- Lal sea a Lulrirr in 1»lei was read. Pact of it pity to jar their happy serenity. of ternal Insurance- Companies Must wit% as follows : ••1 have to reeptest course, they hate done thinva they- ­ Not Use New Business to Carry that you will iU)P[VeR ulna your Min - ought. not to have done, And they the Old --Speculation as to the Intern that restrictive legialatims of have left undone things they should have done batt it be Money Stringency - Parliament the type of which the legislation in to Ire is ; would an unfeel. iug heart that would wish them to be Making Fair Progress. question appeals extremely repaagnnut tO the Sentiments of the lemiudtd of thea shin so soon after fes e leu de and Government , 1 { r Iulent f Japan, His Worship's happy speech at the ant you shuttled nut fail to im- {asteouncil wetting. Anyway it is Ji.a.1oiw ul,,. 4 oricamiudcw., press upaon them the importance• if more important that the electors Ottawa, [fee.. %I. The Hollae of there is lily real Prospect set x large should eroncemtratt, their xltentiun Coos goe ll'tri the Christmas hull- 01111101111111011bupon influxof JApanese lalnreta into Can. the chooning of next year's council than that they should indulge d&y with x very tesliertable showing ada, at dealing with it by Iegiblestion of the Dominion 1'arliawent un the irl any harsh criticisms of the council in the way set' ground breaking in the neas. l s to be flew of sessional bu"idi line.; 11t the areunlpwuviug \ata! Ace that is w soon to pare away. M)nee in mined .that the- battle u( which to tlkely to to gans:dly adopted in AuSU•ulia." if there is one thing more tbau an. parties began le}othe ersrjnn opened. The haute• Off the opposition. When Is the Money., either to which the incoming council from the inception of his leadership. The money st.ringeeivy in Catmda should earnestly attend, it is life has urged the reform of the election and ice effect is beginning to eases"• m keeping of the tax rate at the lowest law". Kebrrut of the electon laws was little uneuuiness at Ottawa. The fail - risible figure. The practice of econ- { g P prenuisewl by the GovPrullient last ures reported throughout the Domlin- session : is promised this erosion. OR ,on art, incratAsinR enormously and owy is not it particularly attractive and on fur some years bills fur the show a large wititber Meares than least duty, but it is a auost important one, purpose have gone to Special Coni- year. It is therefore evident that &fed the most useful member of the mittees, let have have nut reached the money is scarce. Mixt disturbing lot council of next year will be the one stage of ematenetl• all is the November StAtemetil .is to who will act as it monitor to give In his Halifax Platform Ur. Borden doings of Canadian hanks. It RL•uws warning that two and two wake fuser, made an emphatic declaration for x decrease of 111,11M.1MM1 on the mouth and that the result of waking want' purity in elections. Mr. Pugsley waw it.. call tend duet loans in Catnala ,and expenditures without due cuusidera- no sonnet• made Minister air Public �B iltl,4MM1 on call tend short Iwaps tion will be A high tAx-rate or a deficit Works than he charged Mr. Borden abroead. In October about fifteen mil. al, the end of the year. Ooderich does with I yPpx0rrisy un the aassumpton limns were called in un loan•e aBos tad. not want A chee•Netearing council ; but that Ur. Horden limit been inferential. Current loans in Csuntla welt .hurt - it wants a council that will spend ly at least A heneficiar•y under a cam- sued by nearly -nine millions. ('ser• wisely and well and with an eye to the paign fund of half a million which rent telling; abroad were decreased by gran total of the year's outlay. The Ur, Pugsley says wits mpent in the ill- one millionand three-quarters. The man who goes to the council with big LPresls Of [he Conservative party in total li"biIilies .how it net decrease of schemes in hie head is not the one the Maritiuup PrOvincew ill the Ken- 11'A1,11DH,11U11. Deposits un detu^ud whose record is likely to be of the eral elections of 1101. show a decre,tse of *11,904,100, ,trial say. greatest service to the town. The No Stoner had ParliatmAnt opened ings depsits a shrinkage of $7,8M,(M0I. first duty of the town council is to than the Opppilion made an eKort to There in a shrinkage of 410,848.000 to attend to the maintenance of peace get Jar. Pugsley to repent Ilia ehnrges total assess. and order In the community and GI on the floorof for Huuse• but the Thele is thus assert seventeen sim- the general cowtort elf the citizens Minibter-o( 1, ubllc \\corks will have lions less on deposit in Canadian the keeping of the streets in repair, none of it until it suits him. This is hanks. Where im that money? Is it the plovidinR of public perks• the the stage aur. are aft in the- personal Ili the country ? efficient conduct of the municipal services, such as the fire department. fight between the parties. The Balance of Trade Theory. Rod such affairs which perhaps do not The insurance Bill. A week or two aqo tile" was rut bulk largely in 'the public eye lout We are now beginning (I) get at ill- academic debate in Parliament on the which in the aggregate mean ,a great right Intel the Iegialoation which the 1 question of the• balance of trade. At deal to the happjne", ad welfare ill Government props! et to enea t thin I pt•exent our impo un vastly exreel color the citizenm. I or instannce, & payor sesmion. One of the most iulpr4iit is exports. and it wits argiml by Borne 'things. who sera that the Street cromstngm are flit- Insurative 11111. which Mr. Fielding that this wall ilia e"if state of cleared promptly after a snowntoran is iiaroaluced the other day. Until its On the other hand, the Hon. Sydney showing 11 livelier RPnsm of hi. duty tertlb are thoroughly thrtwhed outr in Fishes that modet a INrlilical than If be wpl'ePlanning N whenle fff Pat it 1, dha•Illt see) detel.loille econnitll"tb agreed that this "howeed that would involve the expenditure of dollar. These "utdin. the exact difference tetwern it and prosp•rity, that it was It bolt State of things when im- thousands of the 1114! not, tilt as itspropus&1s,,re exp)rtit exerefet Ary" aRail'S Cnnmtitute. we say, the somewhat abase I,- atm n•ga rda fraternal ports, The reasons advanced aur, 11f first dolly elf the cotlnchl anal if they 111mllrostlee, eel([ as this appealm lel as Cis, I"gel obvious, lint the old argument, ate well attent el tie the Ineulhers will tory barge proportion of out- popul&• that if iuiprtS Pxecel Pxpn•ta luore riot find very much time to originate tion• it ulaay IN. useflll to Iefe• 14, that money wast Kc) out of lite country "hill" [hinge• Geneatly theme "big' pertiom lit slim hill for a unnnelll, than co►nem into it, would on the "ur- thing", when the time is oliportime. Mr. Fielding Said in the Hoose : filer twelu to explain why the hanks will be hrought to thr atLentnn Mf the I-Experienve shows that the fraternal have less money just now than usual ; council from outside, from the. Board insurance oNantyntions atartel, ail. the people have less Marney to deposit. of Trade and floen other moterceat. NAYS ill Kemalfallh, VPI'y Ofte•11 by mem ()tie (if the. local hankers told your or. Therefore, as we set out to deue'n- with littleknnw•lelge lit the principles reepiodent thnt ready cash wt-• •trate, the man who brings forward of insurance, do not flourish fill. a Soa•ceand there wits no getting ie - nn imposing lint of the things hr in- very long timr. For It little while yond the fact. This in nota political tends to do when he gets into the they are able to give the vheap in. quemtion, of coarse. Nnd the dehate on council is genet -ally the estate who Allratncr which they are elitesbliahed to tile o e "bject, which is sear*. to crop up nereis to learn the lesson of humility give -.but, las the years roll and deaths immediately after the House meets by being left At home. aecur frepyet)tly, it is diaeoverel that agaai i will he enlightening. -tile- rates of premium to the form of Itamigratial Figures. The foregoiuv reulaMs Are grueral as,essulents are not suAicient to pay Hou.. Frank Oliver informed the in their application and are memit tie PP the death losses in flap[. House leer other day flint since Oc• Ilestaken fat etch, but before leaving Must Keep Accounts Separate. Gah-r. iIIIMI, Canadians had teturned this Subject of the personnel of the "The experience eat morue ,,I theme front the VSilted Wates to the number council we wish to make a particular companies boos Im•en such that the dilectorR, recognizing the weallnemn of of 5,II617, in view of the attention which is referrnee. We are sore to lexsn flint their pieitiou• have been glnd to being de %%ted to J&PAnPae imnd uham announced Beckett annonced hi" aMlopt other conditions. There is now ties^ at prPment the following statistics intention of dropping out of the what in known n" the National Free- may intereatiug : - council. We have not been able to ' femmes UonRn•as foible of mortality, ,e There have entenwl Hritish Columbia e e •e a w' M • Beckett %.e ) to eye with I. Bee, Inw•hirh is esupinyeol by actnariee its a since .Ixnury 15 of thin year: Chinese•• name of hi" a3funs NS cotanrillor, and fnir hxsis flit- lhatclatsetof bueinees. in 1,8.13, Of w'ahulu 1,152 remained Ise Brit- we iaelieve he has earned the aepnta• the clime of business of that character iota Cohi ubta : Japanese, i,:17A of Lion Mf living it little bit 'emnky : " already existing we do not distnrh it. whom 7,:kia reinalned he Hritish Col - but he has "flown the courage of his (�ompanire heaving pnllcnte of that lien N ; HindenS. Y.IIIfi, 11f whorl $1165 convictions from first to last and he has sent ho"ll afraid to show that tine charas -Ler ontatandinh aunt carry remained in British t'olmobia. Eos the twelve mnnthm ending J,an- honesty which impels n man to may these), hat we rt,yuire that they should ktxpp the Accounts of each bnsineSs Pre. sea y 1:,, 1017i: ChI esP, 5", lit whom what he thinks nu Inattet- wet., the tiro y separate from !home of lhP new +ba remained in British 04orithiN: , ;Hills nRainst him. The eo incil would I,meino-sm which tht,v may do. .falr&nese. 3,ULI• of whom •!•1441 re - IM dPClded[y pN/trr wlth011t MITI• And -rhe new business must IN! "re-inol aoain4wI in Hritimh Colo IIs Hinder, , we hope he will reconsider him deCe•r• on according to this standard to •2.!W, of whom '1,:Mrt,mlaldnrd in iliit- minntbnl and give- the rAtelrayers Nn which 1 lint(- It-fere-twl Lite National ills (kolumi,ia. opprtunity to show their al)Vrecia• Fraternal CotaxirRn table of morudity : For the twelve mointhm pestling IAn- tion ,if the honest, east fill work le ham :arid aR aeS((iePcIn the old Imsinesm the, isary Li. 11IM1 : Chhte•w•• In, of whorl deror fora them during the paint yCNI'. rn11 I^Wtn)• aholdd IN' nllnw•ed to Murk a Its tenh"inel in British (ndun►Iria: rhe bylaw to protide ffii,(M1t1 for the cul ale Fest ihev can, fits they must not take premium+ derivPcl from the lap+anese• is;, o1' whom 770 remained in Hritish Columbia: Hintioeos, 1 tR, of construction of a sedimentation basin neve business to pay losses 11rlsiug show 1:30 remained in DriLish Culum- in connection with the watmr service fnem the old." hilt. Is one which, sbotdd Ise heartily step. The idea is that if the old fund is There ore no records of Asiatic im- tit titan to JAnu#arv, 10M. pleaded. SomcthinR moat ,done for wP.ak ,and cannot carry the olicy holders, that cannot lie helpedp. but prior eat ooe tittle It b,nko4j as if very the improvement of the writer supply+ ttlry most not take, the ramipy elf new lite It! progress would be hinde with the and the ronatrnction set a twdlmenta• peaple to carry the interests (it the estiulmtes lae•fnle Christmas, in tAe-t Linn habin I. proposed ley the wrt.et olrl Inlievh,ldo.". there WAN Ion ilea that they might not and light commiatlion un the advice (If Wait for Mr. Lemietux's Return. groom be toxo -heal At all hest fair pm . an independent. PnRineer. It may nil WAR limlo. And I? file sante YpNaed is m,lve the whulc problem ; the intake I Amtmg flit, mRttees which were msintatinel after Lite rote -ems there will Inter have to In- extPnd(,d iurntionel dating the )abt few doyen not fru much to eowplaiu ab.)ul. CLway L a start Woolf, Le wade WWI nn ,.,tomthe Cbristiums redeem %vas flint J. -Ni. s/ king, on Nriday evening. Tho" whu Is Ten I were there rei,or•t a Ruod lime. �7 The new choir which has then organiaeNt at the Methodist eburch Thousand wade its first appear^uce yesterday eased ct-ealed a good iwpresswu, help- iug materially Its the Service of song. Dollars Miss Mary Culbert is home frum Bjrd'a Creek Ha►tita coupkp)•, to spend the . Mr. utas holidays with Enough P her pxreutr, Mr. and orb. Jas. Uuh- 1 O Im•rl. title has been re-engaged tum the Nuns school for next year. 1 DUNLOP, i Have you con- TUItaUAY,Dec,:rltb. 'sidered the earning One of Iwq•&I's ttiwrals reteuttyshot A lynx. I pOWe r of money P Allmort Qo^id is hotue for C'hristtuas I Have you thought of from Detroit. Mrm. Robert M140 -Do old is enjoying the amount Of Prin- Uhrirtmas-tide to Detroit. eipal It requires to Mrs. Whitely, of lkstroit. isSleimling Christulms with her Resurgent.. Ur. and produce a given Mrs. R. M»cMluan. lit Loyal. i n c o m e P Invest Mr. and Urs. Jpohn LaMwm, of Hal, Moss, are it)spend Chl•Irttimot with ter $10,000 safely and 1Ntlrr'apnlwtal*near Bltiamelr. On the• What income Would wily huwrwatd they will visit lot Dunlop. Iyour Widow getP Reginald Haughton, it former terj- dent anarlg"t m., it down from church- !Perhaps $500 per ill. Si(twoe county, and is spending annum. IS that sufH- Christruam with his brother-Dtw, Char. MacNeil. I ciente Are you in- SHEPPAROTON. ' s u r e d for even Tri•.am%t, liar. ,file.` ! $10,000 P Merry C'hrialula" to NII and A happy &sed prawleroum New 1•eNr to tail seriously of !waders of rhe ilignal. I this. A man should Miss Annie Crawford. Of the Ottawa Ladies' College. im mpending the vau•a• . have enough i n s u r - tiou with relatives in title locality. ance to guarantee The nearly friends of Mies Maty the comfort Of those Gonion will iso pleased 'to leArn that She 1111% now quiterew•overedfromher depending on him. illness. Write to us asking Hector, the voungrat child of ee I for particulars Pe - veryJ11x Juba Tigwit(, has has n vett' ill for, it few days, is now reco%. I se ctin Our special eating uicrly. plpans o� Insuranoe. Many are flit, v- u,pliulentnry Ye - marks heard of the ('hristhuas num.ler W. ACHESON & SON Ladies' and Men's Fur Coats at Sacrifice Prue S We are greatly overstocked with Fur Coats and we would sett sacrifice prices at this season if conditions did not warrant it, %te•u+ He owls Wolusaa (loatsl, >d:+K (111, for ....................... #=.So Ve-u'r Haack Calf Posts, 8lfNlt(A tor. 400 Men's Black China !All, Coats, ret- uct skins and astrachan collar• m1�.1N1, fur........... 17.00 Men's ('non Coats, 1170.00. for..... , 60.0 I, ire _lu11 f, heavy, handeotue Tweed Uomets, $7.00 and SKI%!, for........ . .. ................ S-00 Ladies' Aetrowhan Lawb Coat►, regular VIM). M). fait• .......... : .. . 33,co Regular >t.l100. for ............. all -goo Ladies' Vur-IinedCoats,cablecollar, eat of finest English beaver, 11711.01, tar ... ................. S9,00 CHRISTMAS OLOVFS Men's finest Kid Gloves in taus 414,1 greys, 74' tuft. at ........... .$1.So .Alen'* silk -lineal Kid Moves 1 Perrin',,, 7; to ii, at ..................... ...$2.00 Men's Linen Hatadkerehief. of e,,1, style and initial at froul. each talc to Ioc \lea's Umbrellas, Splendid servict-mble• makes.......................$l to$Seach Men's Neckliev, Yew York g,..l.. select............ 35c to $1 z5 I T��L,� N\`\\\\ LADIES' GLOVES `\ Our tatele •tioM 6 unurnally Iarg,• _,I complete. complete. We carry every cotyle fnno .,11 MHJ w �,C0 the leading tasAkeY,. Prices...$i to $15o GMKl Adie i and Chiialrete's Handkrr, lura -, the choice cumprimer hundrYdm of dor..",, M • of dxitay, beautiful ,Lyles in curry pl It of TheSignal.kill crit Ines' a credit W. ACHESON SON the publishers. .Ai�UWDo1VIr. and Jima. Alex. Wellington and children. of Treherue. Manita tea, are I --- --- - —------- _ . Laid Mo :era. Ro rdoun's parel.ts. .Al r. and wore white Iuull over rink and McUerutid, uicre of the bride. 'I'll.. ?Laid Mex Jam. Gonluu• i I I curried ppink measle", Thea IiU N /lower RIYom's gift to the beide was a pN:u I The union UIlnsUuAs fret eutacert gill, Ffm•enct• 'Pentane, of BuR•alo, wishloue pill• to the hride•sulald held ju the Ihestlyreiian church (.it nitre u( the bride, looked like a little (earl pin with ^wethyst IetLiult ams Friday evening batt was touch enjoyeed I Insurance Company, fairy drewcPd its pale blue and white. to the groum►sluan a pearl Cur -low. by those who attended ;rum hen. Hector McLean. cuuaiu elf the groowl. The young couple have many friend London. Canada. was !MSL IIIAII. Uendelmb)hn's weal- wit,)wish th .Iii much joy &till It,. PORT ALBERT. I W. H. ROBINSON. General Agent. ding urare-h was plaved by Miss VmAsie leerily. � EE. THE LIST OF CLUBBINU -- s - - - soler rl plinutithe loi tem I 11-M see the.• week_ signal. Hand Valor r pc+ta,dcr, urn. dam,! tucTHE SIU\A1., scene tit x Very pretty' welding un liodrrich. I Wednesday evening, ilia- loth lust., Trr.%aI%v, Dee•. Seth. wheal their youngest daughter. Misr •.lobo fellow is visiting under flit Annie Chribtena, wase married ►u parental rout• Charles 11. Boyd, of Amlm•rlev. The Jars. Mumlanl called .,it friends in ceremony was perforinert ley Rev. A. this vicinity last Week. Miller in the plese•nce of ^built 113 The ChristuAs tee last Fridaz guests. The bride, who was given evening passel Ott very huecebbfuUy. away by her father. woom attired in at Hot -rt Cnnninghuu. (if Toronto. is beautiful gown elf white silk, with lace a n eld and insertion. Her I n g s spending Christ nits at bib Irtloe )let-*-.. broideed tulle veil was eruwmwithu- Mire Annie Craw•fonl, of NeepNawa, urxnge hlob.omm and mile carried a Man - ;sat present the gust of her Rhovorr of white Iume?. Her rollsin. relatives jt theme parlm• Miss Minnie McLean. wait bridesmaid Miss Malwl Qumid left Monday for I London, where she intends spending i - -__ _ __. _-_____ enter t ,ev with her friend, Miss blot. enter a+terenson. Alma College Awing the teacher" who an- home s on their vacatioti ^n, the Misses •ren^A Leading College for F. Hawkins, of Leauhitgto". Lieuettr Ifi.n that ari.en by any whe,r una.r i•.liomtion it. Ontario. ser batr lm,emi„• Cunningham, of Iwanes : !;lila. Me. Girls and Young Ladies." Millan, of London Normrt Mch1l: -••6.x01. ire 4......I.- onr greeAuatr, .r,• need Greace crawford, of Tormalu Ilimb School Uhl,me,. Normal College. Junior Departmew toil 1'ublieschanl _ _ Steadiest. MAFEKINU. (tuestic &-fence, `Fit,-otime, I'll MvrNDAt, Dec. 1`.ird. Culture. Mia Item (teed, of IAocknow, is For year look write• visiting in our hutg at preeett. PRINCIPAL WARNEP., Lloyd Alton, of t`ucknow, is sp>,•nd• St. Thomas, On: Inghis vacatiuu altong relatives here. Reopens after Holidays. Jan. 6. igo8. \hisses Minnie apt Jlprgalet .\brain, of HOWick, Are visiting relAtivrN in -----------___ — this community. Misner! Ida \B'elA(txr and U&wie NNe�Nw40N�NN�M� "I ltrid, tit Lucknow, were the guests of I THE LEADING SCHOOL Mrs. Thus. Blake over Sunday. _-__ • .Ali•eorm Flex. and Daisy Backwell, ,f4;; L ►.uchalsh, topetit Thursday its Ku"t." of their aunt, MI•N. Wait. Stnthers. George Treleaven, of Wingham, is . renrwinl� anluaint umcem among his ONT. young friends of this. %icinity at. pres- s ent. Its all, ilia a ta•Itrr cour.e of uai,.n. Worthy Kilpatrick, of the G. l'.1., Ifi.n that ari.en by any whe,r una.r i•.liomtion it. Ontario. ser batr lm,emi„• asset B.Liliestolhet•s, of the I;. U. 5., nue ,of the leadirer bn.merbe training are loth "pending their vacation -••6.x01. ire 4......I.- onr greeAuatr, .r,• under the p,itental roofs.in demand a+ Office to-kiant_ .sed bn.i le•- ,Yinege te•14•hem over Pour-. • The xntual school examination eat owing the tK+l. n„n ” gultam te+ .umY1. • S. S. tin, l wan held last Thursday. It Llteee.tesl lei yonrown welfare. write now for our rwtabstne : it i. tree, we It PASM41 off gtiielly, every prr'me have three• deparnnent., (uminen•fal, i netting life tistial am tont of welcome Shorthand and Telegraphi, an well as unwrltntne preaente. %% int,•r trr,n npeu. January •;. Quite a number from here took in 2 ELLIOTT a McLACHLAN, • I the School exanin&tions held at Brl- so 0 fast on Wednwlay and at banes On 1•ip.l. �ANNN**�*aN,- 11, Friday and the concert,given eat Lothian m Friditr They N�e0 N evendn . all texitt having half pleasant tirnPR. ---__-__-- - _ NILW YP.ANs RIP'I.tt MAT! tf. The tnetnim•r•s of [.Anes Rifle Club are ill - -BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE" v-ited to take part in 11 rifle nlntch and "EVERLASTING PUSH " with Dungannon Clnh On New Year's anetwo e.Mlhlimin tn,,I' ,'.•. \Rents Day. Will those interested try and itT.T. get mnane practice- and go down and OTT help the brays i / A \u Atrlusv r.- --John l,osenb - deet with6ai serious Iood t I . Henry's.Tuer- day while Hawing wcxxl at \\-. H LOsoNTO Owes. iW . j�j He was Ironing over the waw woes pre petro for neat-ria+r bu.lue.spa.itiot.+I � when the wind blew his coat on to the « .urh aare open to ourstudevit, Hnnd"A. saw, which pilled his arm in and he cut ( of our student, ang. te ,ing into grpea or -ed t tion. eonry year. Ir -t u• train mu for sena I ata artery and Several large veins, He , We will do it rlgbL winter terul times write for in now unable to work Net we hope iJanuaryAt6, cntrc all,u,said ale for Ilia speedy recovery. I where ltow•eexcrlordinnrybtLeine«euller.•., _ t.«atlou of college WEST WAWANOSH ( ('or. Yonge and Alexander Sts. Mo%wtt, December, enrol. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. .Ahem n•.%t. M.%rreRx.-We under- stand that the mendsers of the present township cuuncil will all Stand for re- - ___ elhtion for i161408. It is rumored that .l Joh McLean. o[ Uungr►nnoni, will rI "� __ again measure swords with Reeve - ,,the present Reeve has CENTRAL been dosing mplendid work foe- the township there is no greater reason BUSINESS COLLEGE for displacing him than on previolia occasions w -hen hP wool opposed try the However, of Tnrnntn lin. ,tart eYl Wou.and• of of T1�i .r•1. Ned ,:omen meth,• Cue way �A4 Shine candidate. the Pler- tors will give ail relurera a fait. Heid, In 6Nferwndentn .rd smeemae, it. Si,e you the right demos. write for cat send the mon[ flea If1eM'ier' ,Jolene and plan to .!"end the nest ds month, with us. Ensor any time. Add.oe.: LOCHALSH. W. H. SHAW, Principal, Moatl,%v, Ire•. 'Lf, Ver%it MtKv%zlu. -- The hump of Voyage and Gerrard Sts., Toronto Mr. and Mrs. A. McKenzie wan she ��tlt I ------------------- - - I WISHING ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND EVERYBODY ELSE A Happy and Prosperous New Year S. E. HICKCentral Drug Store GOD&CH, , - ONTARIO. W. A. McKim Our Last Sale We are positively going out of business. E"""'111"' :11UST BE SOLI Will tell you Al about it 80011. We are g�ttinh really for the biggest, greatest sale ever held in Gotleriell. $12,000 Worth of Ihy Goods, Clothing and Millinery 1 -lou know the stuck- and every dollar's worth will I is lou sale. (;et ready to draw out that stocking you bave bidden awlty. You call save ntuuey by slwndiiig It at tile, GREAT SELLING OUT SALE at McKIM'S (BUSY STORE L__ __ Loose Leaf Ledger System Th'. only t .nllowl al 1-11-1 %%..at. ,.f Torv.ntu n.bima; 11..' nrNrve• MODERN OFFICE WORK -OF ACTUAL CANADIAN ''� BUSINESS PROCEDURE. Wh,l.•.al.• hou,em rolling dRily I'M I plrrulomeb ter CANADA'S GREATEST CHAiN OF HIGH GRADE BUSINESS COLLEGES, bec.tiese•otit stmdentm -,legal- I-, dO by doing." Each student has tuost- leaf ledger, bill and 0111119c system. earl system. hank INN)k : fills out %cotes of motes, drnfts drpanir, blips, ehPtp en, statements, nl a Irx nes,mor tR f" receipts, shipping hills, etc., etc. Our aludents DO ACTUAL BUSINESS from the first they. Gregg Shorthand k and II Tc uch Typewriting tmtaght, by the most widely exp ricnce-d lPnt-het• In Ontario: mile is Ills, a graduate of John R. Gregg, the author, tend highly reconr/ mended lay hills Last year oto• Nlenogroophet•a were all plan w;Ml1 in ten days of graduation. .Arany of theyoungse oung ladies now drawpg $ in *MX IPI• year, It is freely admitted flint we train the lodloot rapid mud accurate. Our Telegraphy Department i. well el,llipp,ed. Railroad, ,ir short of eager^lcrs, eased sIllarit-s sere xdcxnring rapidly. Wide Attendance Htude,Am aelelding near, chnin fruit' Altn(net pvrrv_ county in Ontar{o; many from Mani• t.,Ix%, Hm•kntchcwmn, Alla•1•t•toand Hritish 1'olum a; sotlefroutlliel�nite.l `Hates, Engla id and Nceltlaud. Wo, train tnor young IN•orple than Italy other manatg(•M1Pnl in Wo-eitPrn irntariu. Ap•txgP snuntion taken by our g1 tr&Gnl i%nlrt rxtellel: we iuvitc comparisoM. Individual tnstrmettlm. ay sttrdente attend night clms%e m free, tend may take all of the Abr,ve ogees. W/NTLR TtRM 'B`O/N8 JANUARY 6. TwI SVU VATAUXIVF. Goderich Business College qxo. Spoto N' . 1114INCIINAL