The Signal, 1907-12-26, Page 1dr.;f➢fOkllik r"
Renewed Your wbsctapr00
16T!7 Signal for Iwo?
Now is the Time
to do It.
. F
( V
. at rhe Signal's list of Oublhnr
s ,♦ I :Refs on page a of thus week's
.' ` 1
a"at, and select your reading
I- 11- , ' j matter for 1908. We w wp-
f 4 ply all the leading publreafitns
0 A0 11 at a saying to our subscrillen.
IL_ 11
— _ -_ _------- , VANATTER R ROBCRTOON, Yas
cINTf rs TZAP-Ne. 311.) GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA: llECEMBER `?b, 1907 - __
_ale nn-tlis lie- HURON MODEL SCHOOLS.(' And bliss Orave, Lit Ihr ur+ao%oilty
Financial --- LOCAL
1 A 1 TOpj(eQ. (how trrfurr taking up their tesWOner united rmyyk-volLit tate People _ - to,. late Instiht:.• a,tll'. xtw home
_-- I LlJ Ane a a iW un the glrx,tu'» Earl, near Nile. That[ half. lira. Mather Hullgtfus0n. ry gr[
bride's tale trakrelling nail near Lit hrowu half. priest of Wt4d holey. Ont., who Inks, Successful Students at Goderich fur' l'O riat n►xp.
ext with Itev. Mather Me and Clinton t1 shirr li ILawLin-, of Iluum Uol-
eau will experience that happy feeling which comes W thow•
who know that their purrersiuus are rate, s a ,aviugs account
with,this company it just all secure s Rn investment ill Goveru-
ulent Bunds slid yields a higher rate of income.
YOUR per cent., interest paid till deposits and umuey can lie
withdrawn At Hoy Little-
- - _ --
Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square.
Royal Tem tan' (7Hiesrs.
Venetian cloth, with hat to IIEWClL WAS
The last wishes til a large number of liar,
+ns, proaenteel hint with n vet)'
The Iwai! of examiners for lbs
age,, hude to It VolI. Atng the vacation
at 61s bout• at or t Allw rl.
Eureka Council. No. lick, it. 'I', I)( T.,
frirud% are with thrid for A long lits nice
easy chair. The coruulunitr
Joseph, London, alto rent a ei err county
Lit liutrou rust in the public
Mies kala liuldthurp0• it Sours for
electW officers on Monday night, am
of unalloyed I)ApPiue's"•
for olive oil and vinegar, sch(xr
• Setit
the hulld„yr from Mayfield. where +he
follows: Select councillor, (;• lel
Elliott ; vice-coulicillor. Mrs. Chs.
The Mare &ocial Olub. stand
to the club life
_ __ the
el School ex t
work u[ the Model Kt hlrul sxamin•
The mission just closed is ex-
it engaged ill trnching school.
\lire I:utily Naflrl diechrrgrd the
Young; chaplain, Rev. J. A, Ander-
The Addition
u[ Lite : r the Marius l3oa ial Club,
— -peeled
W Ito the Iast1 therefor, there
large t
11; recurxling lrcretary,
Mitchell ; financial secretary, Miss
which 1. its inaugural tweeting Oil
Octt. ubefoti+\all, rlewrr.+ rid Feu uwU'nu n Schools.
At (:pxirrirei h thirty seven
h on (Yr islruasi DAY very ffici
Edith W' KRins ; treasurer, T. C. Nut•
tel herald, 1V. McCreath ; guard,
Saturday night last. The following ta.der
officers were elected : Pterid^tat and than
it will be Lo keep New Y.,'s rneolutiuris attended
when You w,rrju.t star old thing. the
the session and one. wrote wit
final who was. not, in attendance
Miss \\'iuuic [kill i" haute '(roar
; .1.
J. T. Newell ; senttuel, J. E. Walters,
treasurer, John Bodfotd : first vice
president, Patrick McCarthy ; second brrl,l
it there 1, auylhu,ir sarita ('fall. forcot to
h lthouN a+twltlku.traall, at
uui eltuudrY that
the class. At Clinton there well,
in attendance. The palwrn
Frank, Alta., tu. spend a few weeks
acith her plareutr, AI r. and Mee. H.
Home Circles Election.
Ei rc
vies-pprerideut, Murdoch Mcleod :
rdocRobinson : record- .election
from the many beautiful thitap, [her
were cowsidered fair. To pasa caudi-
W. ,,,, 1.
011e Circle, No. 11U, Canadian
of Home Circler, elected officers
nt+ttehall Edward sle.nowbur•pe
ing secretary, Allan McAuley : finan-
Now that Like chets. till I 11111110, I, nem. It. R. dater
to give You the treat total
hal W maks IM) r cent. u[ the
and 73 pur cent. for hunurs•
Milks Uoryt SLruHuu, of Melville.
Mich., t% spending Christmas week at
on Friday night last for the ensuing
cial secretary, Noruran McAuley : S
Ilotva loin a Position
wli.f"th"' Ill portrait wtat.
The puss mark was SS(1 +aild the honor
the bum^ Of her cousins. Mr. and Mrs,
year s follows : Leader, J. r:. Tom ;
vice -leader, J, H. \1'oltell : rrcrrtary,
side {tuxntaau, Aln,y Fisher ; outside
gguAraltan, Angus Murray. The club
We notice that Hugh Maw Math is a
for the board of control 'in
mark iK37. The Model cbabses this
year have Maintained the reputation
11'ufhrinill, FarKo, Dakota,
Worvellngton ; financial
Mrs. W. L.
hs secured txomr atx•ve The Signal candidate
He should {tet A K(x4t start (f
clic county M(xlul Schoaols tar g«01
ch clew of
tart 'family to
secretary. Mts. Warno(•k . treasurer,
office and painters and paperhangers Toronto.
the Haran Old Buys' vote and
work, A large number receivi"K
rrjoi his wife stud spttad
the w ith curial in Hotel Hed-
S. E. Hick ; marshal, airs Maggie
Jlnrray ; warden, .Mrs. Tutt ; chap•
have Ileeu busy transformiiiR the with
premiers int" tasty club (•00111 At influence,
Pridhaui has consented
honors. The results ere :
fold bh4k.
lain, Mrs. Mt.oddxrt, sr. ; guard, M.
present there are not quite a scure Of
but it (r expected it will to
Walter C.
for St •
run All public mill
Wionifixd Carlin Martha V. CAI.1-
Miss Elliott. daughter of Deputy
Iteve VIllutt, Piston street, ietuined
Carl ; sentinel, Alex. Clark ; trustees,
J H Worsell M. Carl and S. H. Hick.
crow to clove on half a hundred ere
place lit
Andrew's wart ill place of .I. \V. kir
W is seat it
g• Lura G. Currie. Lillian J. Ulxtk,
Friday Ixst from :a tau wreke' visit At
- -- Damages Reduced. rung• While the name of the club Craigie, who is Asia t W Jennie Scott Elliott, Mary E, Fear. Sandusky, Mich.
GODERICH MARKETS. seem% W place social amusement tar the town council. William Cox. of South, Dakota. and
NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS In the cast of Williarue v. Pigott, the primary object of the organiza- Major Shnmwu, of Lltnduu, nirltict Pen,rEthel M.dKulletrMro elteta Iheyn,
TRUmntAT, 11«. Y+kh. judgment was given thin week ill the lion, its aims are wider than that, last adjutant, wash Wwn le Friday olive I. Leish►uan, Ella M. Mahaffy, Amos Cox, of Chicago. are spending
of change of runnin advertise- Appeal Court on the appeal b de- embracing the idea of mutual A's IasCtw f (the Ciel the wheeled
R dent. Nettie M. Mitchell. Stella li. Me- ('hit°' with thrix mother anal
GupY 6 4 )au wn.•..1t. lacy rah. View p A. to • mg 1 ri%ter. Mr. Samuel and Miss Mary Cox
nano must be left at this office by xDri„% wlw+■t. Dor hush. 1,ew .. J V. w ^ a fendants from the judguurn6 of Jud Ke ante in various ways• ppuc uarrie. Mau 1, Mona Stella J.
Monday noon to ensure insertion KYe. I••r bush . , a Is w 114-1 Mxgre in favor of the plaintiff for L r Thirq••wie teama +annwrrl,d the roll (1 Y l'ox, Ht. Plata ick's su•ut•t.
Buckwbwl, per bush . % 0) to u a1 recover of q P'' :lir. and Alrs..l. Hol int, of Uhi • o,
.n nous of same week. slat., ia•r h'uh., urs ... s xa to oil y 313.:11x1 derna es for r-
Hockey Club Rtor aniAed. and wire puarearal u{x,u. Tile trxnepwrt Nether •, Edna L. Pout end, Ruth
Pal. per boa►, , t:. w n is moral injuriex. Judgment was varied The lioderich Hockey, held its are helectel every three ytwrs and next Hhrw, urnur H. Sp1arliug, Evelyn C. +urived ill u,wu Friday, night 4srt
-- - hese. per flesh s:n to (et I,a• rl,llnciog the damages W 3'L lMxl annual mteting for th%election of Offi- pear will Ix [lie year fur x new Ti IAIAie Fi n, Samuel Bean. Orlando #anti a,e spendioK At the ,
P1l bUc Notice mrre,•uing. rerun, ... 10 u1 w Ir In and. with thin variaation, the appeal errs on FriJay night. Decewbur lath, selection. home Lit the cur umr r •wools. Mr*
and r
Flour. f►mlly, per cwt •2 M to
_ . _ Flour. tateui. Der cwt •...... , Y tar to J NJ was lininiselri without cost%. \V. Hamlin . Writ. A. Mathes„u, Hxrr,ld J(xeph Hu,2uu, 'irttiu street.
- . >w un to sr AlPruudtad, K. l'.. and l:. E. A. Uu, the following officers being elected : An Phu 3:W) pr, w. Gr:ul(1 'Tt•unk train Dean. Gall. H. .lefferw,n, i ism Nts.l
Hewn. per ton Honorary prebident. Fled. Davi : ref• wsr bring made up tills afternlwu fire
``•ul'IUE TO INVF;tITQKS.-THE Snor4.larld. Yfln to >fl W Vernet, for defendants. M. (i. Caw V pp Sl, un, Nixon \Vebh, Thln;. li.- \t il• Mrs. Lewin I:Iliutp, of Iowa. and
N .u,utor. of the e..tale of the bate Hay, new, per col, ... . N (o to li .Y1 P Hwcn F dwards r man v,CeipreAiWig- car owintl to the pipes in the gsm olilie "Otl onto, left
Alts May o ti en C Tur-
t•aorrr A1'Leao, nate decided to '.ffor lM• wood. Der ford .... ........ S,n to a (u emit. K. U., tar laintiff. age )) R- R p ' LAss, onto, lett on Monday W %pend Christ-
„helo l'.tau for .ale. The rtY aun.Wa of Butter. per lb .. ............ 0 V. to n ins ; ,ecretarytrrarurer, F. J. But- 8 0”, hrinpf_- tipxwt by taw iwpact of I11s% weak in Port Hut•uu, the guests
Lb" ,.-tats, for
e.. t ane .trek•. ( h.esr,,er It, . u to to a Lt Presentation to Miss Parlee. lend ; executive committee. Murdoch coupling. The mWce wait in use and Id t Anurtroug, .leuuie Arwbtr" I of Mev. Sickles, dxughtrr othe
run• • w,.ld,4, 10 inveA u, any of Ilse ahem" 14M bean, per dos o Y. to s'l.i Un Friday afternoon Mies Parlee. q K K Jennie Carter. Alat•garet Uuwstd
ta,t•'rt m• .au art full rrrtkulvrs o, ■1441c, ,elomlr or'flu v to uoA.lw' I 0 W t' i W who liar t•eslRned her {tarmitiou Aa cum- I1lcl.elxl, Alex. McIver, U. Babb anti the asrjwe i nite(1. The fire brigade - torus,•.
uwi to tar e><,. -fact fu o.ule, Orport. per cwt.. t W to t is A. Graham. Inst year's president• was c,►Ileat uuL and the fit.• awn+ run- Olive E. Clulf, Alice A. DaJ Wn, Lil- Ther. wall A family •xlhel at the
Naa ►,,1aA K. At berm, .. umrcial teacher It the Collegiate In- \Vatter Krll made A donation to the Jived to the kitchen o[ the car. lieu M. Ueyell, Erma A. Diehl, Al+u• Y b
Karx:utriv. Hop. lite „eight, per cwt .. S:o 10 3101 lit! wan ,terenLtxl b the ile Y. re"idence of Mr. said Mrs. T. ties
J. P. Blu.w s n Efceutor,. "g Iwn,l.. .... f :n to ,, m 1 Y Pt,P club of 1x2,,, which enables it to start Printer and Publisher. 'I'uro 1 (: ion Fr&wi-. Vet•a .IAne lilenn, Innrx
J. 1. flw acoa,tux 1 Sr oeD, I,rr cwt .... x.%r w l m with a haudsurne mantel clock. aarom- the season with x clean sheet Moan- ou l%ht•isUnas Day. n. to( ting of Mr,
vilHam. ins n, u u 10 "Is pa►►ted by an address giving exptl,e- Thr Signal, of l;tderich. 61st• iratupxl a (iriftln. Lizzie Hetheriugtnl, Ua,ny H. and Alt%• 1. A. U.illxr, of Brurefaeld
1:11, ekh, 11«. alb. tall. Haiti. o ,t 1 It, . 401% to t' 3a culla. very uutewurthy ChriAnuas number lt(dgson, Jean lohu-Loll, Mayne •I.
Incl.. I. Ili - L. to 13 miuu to the emteew and gaxld wl%heli Lit (}aiderich is in gr( ll of the inter• of [ourteru prxges inside, with a beau- Keys, Jlionir I'. Laidlaw, Kna Alt:• Mr. and Mm. A. -Monteith. of Kippeu.
ISSULt.TIONUFPAltl'NEIISIIIP. Tallow. per Ito . . . 044 to o ti Lhe students for her. The Address mediate series this )•ear, It was tlful colored Santa (.'Taus covet•, Bt- Pherson, Jessie E. I inns, Myrtle 1 • Clinton.Alt:' aDtl Aar%• J. Hsntilpun. of
1 - 1I Id-. fort Cwt _. . I lu 1. I w was read by HenryTisdale, and !►lin" found ezpaxiirnt to split the gmap rides the cover, the number i, feat, Phillips. Mary Polley, Mary E. Scott, C li_
I•, .UI \a'hsa, It NrY l -wren, -. She'•` Skins, ..-.... . ... '- 1
Sherrill, Chas. IAsI toturueal Gr town last
I,►r nulkr that the lairtner.1'`, at pt,sc. l ohickeu.........._......._. Io to n Grecs Vivian a the •tendo"' into two sections, putting p Gar mbar, tired with Much into( Stonq rl,,ulinr Lydia S Stili Ll, Mtnnar E. Y
, , -nug brtwron Ire., J. Hen -m- thileb' a Te,k.). _... . _.. ..... .... IL to tt \Vr understand Miss Parlee intends to 1 Clinton, kieaforth and New Hamburg tttattcr. A uuullx•r of eWrire :►ppexr ylxggir Shtilk, \Nelda 1. Steven*. Thursday, having completed the sppwr-
at F oallow. ruder the tarn. Time.. Of ]or-. a. ur.We ssarketres .so &-, devote some ti,ur W studying an int" one division, to he known a Edna V. Taylor. Gertrude M. Thuu1• eix course be was Laking at the H
U nn, Ir a wallow, will on Irercmh.r 31.t, era;• ill it. which. (raft appxaruncee, ,untie y l
Vs. tit, l lied by mutual 1 n I)mr• _ _- remain ill town for the present. division A, rod Preston, ilespeler and the publication nue of extraordinary non, 'Tillie %dower, Chester F. Barker, liolt Husinese College.
'To)rontu, He
Arp1 further ,eke twtltx• that ■11 aoroaab Election Cards New Boat Line for Goderich. Ayr into another, W Im• designated as tnt•rest. Will. Get,. Breen, Rubt. E. Bt•yaus, was accompanied b lits sister, Miss
„,nr u,e "ad Arm oust 1.0 %World by cash or __ _ - diiision B. The winucrs of the divi• An xucliuu ►Ixiw h+ty (seen opened Ata hie AI. i xwplxll, Victor Curta9. Mabel, who in epending x three we^k+'
,„il e, ,mi m beform the above dale, w atter that = - - The 1•epx)rt. ie current that the
lime tar Im4,►• wW Ire placed in other hands ►j1U THF. ELM'nJRS OF 1 HF: tlltlual Transit Co.'s vessels will run tions are W play home and home at tiro corner of the hquare and Melvin tt. JeAs, into. A. Elliott. Woo. vacation :at Lime.-_ -.-
fol rhoImre. l 7Yrav ' Lit' uuU►:Itla'H : renes on January :Nth and:flst, The Montreal street. the store formerly S. Elliott, hwlariu Kilpxttrick. F:mntau-
J. BKNtiuN aA'HITF:LI', - W Goderich the coming reason. 'There R occupied by 11. T. Uean. A large (lel Lyon, Knox Mair. Ito), H. Mammon, Railway Reduces Rates.
W. F. UAI.I.Ow'. t hall' tarns ►x11 by rmmerou- ito^uouual are thirteen vermels un the line and follow acs for the two divisions are s
r.•wlcrlt•h. Nov. l.t, tar,. penDb,.( the town to offer utY.'elf a, w ^aa• their resent nm is trout Giadetune, follows : stock of - hardware, furniler l Woos. At. McKe, Ross H. McKoy.
date fey the marotrally. I Aare decided to P Division A. stoves, fancy goods and general \Vw. K1,bt. Atc(Cen•ric, \V"l. U. Aloe- On account of New Year's excursion
do•o Lid A-► )our •upia,rt on the-tmnwth a Lake Michigan part W Windww. 31--( lihton)it NewHa,uburBh nmrc6andine will IS, di%awed "f•
jYpi jl6stats for anile. of the rhooni, ter of .err ice 1 have Oven )ou i.. They carry export Hour And feed the 1 row, Willirn, Oliver. Alfred 1... i. the Grand Trunk Railway System will
)owl frosted. t wl.n fou all the '.auPunrepu line. C. Mu 6 of the C'. 1'. •Ian. 1. 8eaforthat Goderich. First sale will be held Saturday Ziff. Bailie W. 'Anthers• \V n1. J. aril return tickets at the following re -
_ _ oath...-r.u^. lilt A. H. MA11:1.IN. rD y' .Ian.7--Clinton at Godefich. New evening at i d) o'clock : ahoy Monday Swy th. \Vm. l.. Trirbner. tVul. \\'il_ dut:tal tater Sick to
fare-good going
. a;\KM FUK SALE. PART Uh' R., London. was in town on Sat"rday Ueeeullmr• valet, 19;7, and January tat,
fn U THF: ELECTORS OF GOM.- and was understmo d W may the C. P. Homburg at Seaforth. and Tnepent evening" sol solicited.
next week. trod Weir, Hwrcry;l'ounK.
I•loek W lake read east. VdImme town. 1 RICR, R. had made arrangements with. this Jan• 1U-Goderieh at New Hsm- (0n%i n rota a o I i c i t l d. G. W. The following xlr under ,tqc end ilrlli fetuming on Lir before O e-thir .January
1,,,, ,womanta/serauoderh•h, Let aeras saOd bn1 Seaforth at Clintou. Ilam herr, Manager And Auctioneer. will not receive their certificates till :'•tad• 19t1i3 k'it'e and menti -third -
1,t lo.n.. brlrk ftolo•e. Iatrn a 10. wiW ,,Anrg" .stn G"rn.eatr.v : I wish w an- line t) transfer their package trtiight J$D. i I-I;oderich at Seaf ll-th, New _ they are eighteen : 0041 going 1)eexlmller :Nth, 1901, to
rrr,,,.r,, •raWin,:. mrte*tata will, wirer In buildtimber
noul" that 1 am in the meld a"In for Hattie business (tom W indstrr to (i(derich' Iir.mburg at Clinton•
we• a..l •reins Bret, ter..- -landing umber CHURCH NOTES. Lillian M. I)ryrll, dice A. Uaho,,, +anuary pat. ifxx4, returning on Lit• l,e-
,.si .,.I; orchard. ADdY l,.1 l'. far\►:I l., of the towahr M,a, slid desire Your AutKa,rt This would mean " great increase in _ _ Mary E. Fear. Pearl. E. Henderson, fore JxtluAl), :aid, fix xi, For further
t......u. Hata of ail 1 udldalure. Thou.•h 1 hate I.x.. a &ctivity at the harbor the coming Jan. it Seaforth fit New HamSher--
ra.Wentdthetow%fwu,ertudyyear-lhaie season, burg. Next Sunday C. L. Tim{ra"y, H.A., Euuus)IyrtltPhilli Lydiall.aggie Trunk tick apply to any fill -and
verved on the town council for only about Jan.'_I- new• Hamburst at Gode- will teach at Lite Baptist church rift• Ethel M. Kellerman. Maggie Trunk ticket -agent.
`•OUNG k ROBEKT`ION. REAL three year,, if I am el.end. It will be an) en New Market Oats Win Again. inu n g and evening. Pa, --
1 ►:otal.r Ag.nls. tiodi rich, amt_- Farm and deavor, A. it has Jaen In clic• pelota top safeguard 6 rich, ClinWo at Seatotth. fir. Tim tap Smith• Emt McPherelm. Ba•elyn C.
tow„ prq,ernc-bowghr. .old sld eschangel, ti,. inmerWsdoe tiwl kind •io•,iimlitition s liar On Wednesdav of last week David pan.'l1-(ioderirh at Clinton. bas Ines accepted by the foreign mis- Tiplady. Edna d.. Pentland. Jean Educational.
[,M )II SALE.- -A LAIt(i E, l'UM- town • .flits, Proust• A werubrr o[ for UoGu•io Seed pteterees A. :iclMor, t}odetich : cion hoard of the }iaptiet churches W Tuw, RArss K. NcKay, Chester linker, We direct the attention of our
1' ,'VKTABLF: brick banes overlooluing Ili, Wilshing •ou an a ,.rr,perolaw and trppy Orowers' Association, received word 1. McKensie. Seatrrrlh : Ale:. Hahn, proceed to India next year to work Harold Swann.tip
harbor; aB t ahe read e rs k hisame rt.•. Itivi dao \''w year. remain. that his exhibit u[ New Market oras New HamM:rg : A. Croulu. Clinton' there under their direction. As :11x. Thr following have not (a•rnttxl nun- renders Elliottthe Advertisement o[ the
not eat; Oadarleh Apply ke y"., a Ruta° %'oum'brer`Ilf which he sent to the Guelph Winter Division 1). Tim au ha% hall the u Wr'tunity in pmfetisiunal standing: popular Elopening
Business College, rater
RO1tT•. Mi 1.KAN. P P Y P
FItTSO. , Fakir had taken first prize again, thin Jan, :1 -_Ayr At Preston. the post few year%;of cowing clisely Victor Curran. Olive h:. C'luff, Lizzie unto. curd o J nK Lit the winter
,tilt SALE.- SI A('Hh:S EXCEL f all THE ELEC'T'ORS OF THE tieing the fourth year in succession. Jan, 11 -Preston at Hespeler• into touch with the great student vol• A. HetheringWu, MAyuu• .1. Keys, largeterm cecuts on January ^ilia alis:be
I.KNT land for market ",den. wick nrw ' ,TOWN, OF UOf1KRICH. The exhibit consisted of a sheaf of not Jan. 14-Henl,rler at Ayr. unteer movement, he will are in w p(rsi- Marion Eraser, Emmanuel Lyon, enrol number t; new students will very
lndid,ng. owl fenow :tan utile. from tfoda• L,n1r.+ A 1, lir\r1.a4r:\ - H.1\khan t.rrn less thin flvr, hundred broths, a bushel Jan. 17-Hr%peke at Preston. timl Io •perk rrgxtdiug the Preernt Laura Griffin. .I. F:vrlyn McMaynr, enrolled. Thiy school is under very
n,h :tat. Ircr.a in orchard of arplak;d n+. a ked M' a numbrl of mtepasvr. to .ab,„ bay And a half of "general cmp eyed," and .tan. '2l-Prestoo at Ayr. .,Itort being urged upon the churches .lean .Johnston. Minnie E. Sherrllt, able management, and hs a con-
f'lum.. ' nervi«, Daniel,• • rr+i pw,•++ D .alt to I e plrnd m nnminaum, Rs x (:undo^r x half•busliel of " ,Ill ved need• ,tan. '21-- Ayr at Hespeler. for A great Advance ailing the lines of Mary Polley, W tu. NVilfred Weir. stantly increasing rftrot and is
,mala,,. Ili lee and l.ertna hr's al.k•. ADDS' ,O ,f 11N tows, of ',,dutch for the leer IW+, 1
YOl'NU i roma" temr lla I .. The first prize was $1x Mr Prouee Referees -Ayr, \V. lL illison, Jar. the world's e,rngeliralion, The following wrote on the final for training liuudredu o[ students each
_ h,1.r it"ideA to pla.r it.) lit )our hand.. yrant• for business Poeltiona. The cul-
,l)K SALE. 1 i Sf(jKY HUCSF; "cod I hemi,) .,,hon our supivai at the Iloilo.. has sold several pounds of his "general Fraser ; Preston. A. Kinder. L A. _ renewals and will obtain one year and lege has An excellent repot,atiou for
'oun.incerel crop "red" to C. R. Gies. of feidel- Bernhardt ; Hespeler. W. Craig. W. Crocker's Educated Horses. a half: -- _
on Angl„•er atrv,et, Il .wry souse on H. ta.'&OMyuN. burg• at 25 cents a and. Mt, McKet I. Hartleib, Carrie Milligan, Elsie first-class work.
\wpirr .treat• ti torr heuaeron F.Igu^ tate. _ pn K• The Quebec Chronicle u[ October
nue, I arty houw. on \ irtoriw .trc.t. Prowse, who has belonged W the Ass°- q ht schedule gives Goderich two , fld says "Prof. Crockrr's clever none liowxr/f,'Mildtell Martie, Elsie
Two story brlak house oo F.rrr .test near the T THE ELF;I'1'UKS OF CODE- Prou a for (heves years, finds it to her homy gsmem he[ore the learn hs to tom an of tforwerm exhibited M. Clark, Cort White. t), Se Parsons. INVITE A TEST.
Iml, : nine rooeris, nilf modern fonv,•rarroetio- ttB'H. great benefit W him t" follow its rules lay away from here. the Rtst game 1 Y 1'e' Glop. B.Atttu, Hecretat•p.-
'. IraviA'..treet :nine moan, all modern foo in the rosin of l0ats. p their yuan)• startling qualities as en-
o,eu,ew, ►'afar. for sale in stay ppawn of I,owvr 0v;, At the .oUcita- B 6 being un New Year's evening be- terta,inerm last evening. Prof. Jail. Wilson Asks Catarrh Sufferers to
Hmm county. YOUNG K Pt1RV 1,T9(1\, tion „f a nnmherof my frieepl-.I hale derided A Unique Christmas Box. T H OIDN On HisGuarantee.
u,dertrn, (mt, to a a Tiomilax torahs 1'rtlam of awn Dano- (ween Goderich and Heaforth, and Crreker, however, neexltl no Intrdue- PERSONAL MENTION. 7 1
,illor for the fon.ioit )rar. 1 has. .crvM %oe the second on the 7tii tat January Jas. Wilson invitee all who suffer
N EXUELLENT FARM F' 11 K ,,.I Inc punli, w•hwi I. -rd for four years, and Robert McGaw, Lit the \Vrstrru betw•een'Clinton and Coderich. tion r a family
Quebec, audience. \\'ith his V 1 from any form of catarrhal troubles to
(mitt ,bat I I,a,, ,I .rtr't a- to merit poo' Canada Flour Mills Co.,Ltd., is it clever farnily of eyuinerl he has loon UarfrrC Dunlop spent Christtuam in
r.\LK.–YUP screw In ta'e.t \A'" , fidena• u, me. If ela•trd at c"uncilbr. 1 gets Hyou,ei outfit from bink with his
make, ham Arburn : woo S I& km g- gib^ , .ill do ,,,r brei to the int.est• of 1h. ww^• receipt of a unique Christman hoax in Rev. Father Menai s Silver Jubilee. enjo here hrfore• and no nue who hal ToronW.
a r.t under eulUc■tion A\ l do allo n„py h el, terve I ■n,. thea opts of a miniature brsr•rel of flour Friday, the :10th in%trot, was the enj°yed the really Marvellous exhibi• J. East Jordan spent i larisuuas in Absolute gttarant is that it it doer not
tn— A wall and two • new d wm,rr. " g ,'wr• re.v«•t.ruu7 from the most northerly mill in North tion Ep(wen I him highly trained Toronto. Rive perfect satisfaction the money
new fumedweliitr , a barn. .table and JURN aA,cltAIl3IF twenty-fifth Anniversary of the or animals mhn111 need any urging WIngersollwNl Ire refunded upon request.
drt„ aped, Appy w UVNu & 4;OHKRT America. 'The larrel is sent out as a dination of Rev. Father McK'►e, parish Frank Foster was tap from po 1
m„N iederleh. - souvenir ley The Manitoba Free Press. ,nest n[ (ilxlerich, and un entertain• again wituess one of the must wonde-der- There is no other treatment for
p,l)R SALE Oft TO RENT. -- A LOlet or Found it is 4! inches high and :a inch" in ment was given an him honor by the tut exhibitions of the remarkable and yesterday' }cert RulrerLson was home from Oril. ' xtntle that in any way such
F n SAI xx.,c.r,, harm an aa'est wawa I diameter, inside of native oak, and tete Separate sch(w,l children in the after• grax' to. which his horses, Ixrniee end Hyottiei, uonr that, gives each quick
L,•h.,•rxwr•.'loo o, la fa with it t1•rea Ina UHT. - TtH)A\' (THURSDAY 1, A b0rps are of native willow. The Hour noon n at Lhe schaol ►claim. during which donkepn have been trwineJ. It is fix yesterday. curative results and lasting sattstac-
%nod -tat' of Amlot !7. well fence.^. well F'Indeouldill•' plea, cl .in hnie land while. comes from the Vermillion mills, a they presented him with a cruet et•aod safe to Oxy Ito burse show ever Frank Doty in home [rum Troy for tion, no medicine that can (rte Its
a,.nel, _'Or
IArrr Hank bar . g Hudson Bay post on the Peace River, entfa silver pickle dish. On Sunday eupplirai more enjoyment xud pleasure tbr, holiday week. palace, cone that can Ire (oW on a
none. rtomlx.,I sop ■mi -trier t LAttK'+. list 41111 miles south of the Arctic than ,Prof.I7rrcker'e Animals have p•, Edward was a from Chatham uarantee like thin. W refund the
at rornerof.(men,. ('mo%eniept In-ctwa,l Awl 1 hut, immediately atter high mar%, in P R
,hci h :p mihc, (rout C P. It. at.tlo, at Wo CALVFH- A RED AND A circle.. &ill miles went from Hudson the presence of the congregation, the done. They ale, litde from their ill- for Christmas Uay. money unless it cures.
Auburn. Tena. m -Y, N'. A. HARRISON. T roan ante tat to the permhpw of the pay land i,six) nlilen northwest fr(rM following address was retail by Judge lin". xl talents ih their different Rev.J. 1 -re Stewart is up frotn De• Catarrh n la y b disease and can
Lncknow.Ont. andeniVied about the tat of November. Winnipeg. M The "till wits Milt to R hisses, a handsome collection Lit I,e cm•e(i only by breathing Hyowei,
------- I
Uwnertan have earne atplorins.plopertf mad 4 R' Doyle, who was accompanied Lit the Anil"+als, And x visit nits 1 t" nee the fruit over Chrietms.
LnOR SALE. FIX Al'KF;S 1%WSF. pa )'Ing•. J sliA H Ft U WI.UF(LIN, supply the local demand aurong the "net railing by the subscribers th that one most remote air cells in
F in ;Lege fE.- F oa one of the win thor lot I, ,— S. Ashfield• - Indians and the wheat front this s►ddTems ; freedom And eAtlr with which they John Sharman was up fmm \Vend the ruse, throat and lunge :Lie reached
to the
over Chritltmam.
onghfarew,piped for tike w ,..r- ^tae bolldinr ion Conk first prize at the \\i/rldb (dorm their numerousyfeats will be eLlrc o by its ay all
herrhall gerins I e
•,! .ad * I no Liu, 5113\.A I, oFF'I('Y i OST. --A BLACK SEAL \VA1.LhT t, in Chicago in 1HiKi. in the [ant few days welhar+rtd of the (t,ltnd n real plesasnre by everyone. E. N. Lewis, M. Y., is lack from this avxy all cstarrhul germs tire
LJ mann of mouev Inst -orae g Th s lendid animals reach the ocine Ot(rws for Uhrietms.
killed the irritated nuucou%membrane
roomed frame dwelling. having A noel
.ituation, a, Kesan .'tract. Stons foundation
vrnl «ummer kltehen. food stable. ,VIII he .Wd
re,a+nnmblyy F'or tur•t(,er Dart Mutat, apply ,ok
MR.•(. wllf. A(cCtAUUHAN, It Phar ieaa Awl.,
Toronto. _
11' farm for alb. adapted for mixed farming
o pp&s.!Ore. IRI screw cleaned, 10 acres good or:h-
aM, 1, arrea aeoel timber. SOLI a Rood block
, IAr IaRa n. Uotrd fame hour•. fnaroe bean "tad
srabhs, good dMrlrsrr mired. Lots x a,{y -
wmxo,don 1 Uederlch town"hl p• A-('l1AS,
1'Rol'OF'(lusl, RAYS t BLA1R Or' to :,lr
J. wA1.I.IS Clinton.
11xaD urveca TosorlTO
IN('ORta1HATKt) By nPK('AI.ACr
TO Imc til v K I t k:l'a►a IT!i
To accomm(dale the Farutre
we bave'opened Branches in thr
villages of
We solicit the 1'xtrona(le of
opened by deposit of $1.141
interest at 3'; compound-
ed quarterly.
A. O. GAtulll•k. Manager
eolntainieg w e P
vapea• A 1'bersl reward i- olfvr«I fur its A Christmas Wadding. approach of the twenty-fifth anntvers-
Mum toTfl1, HII•NAL, MIT ar of our ordination. But brief as of per.tectiva of tr:tiniuK, and their Clotrence Graham in home trout To- is healed and catarrh in driven from
_ At noon on Christmas Day a pretty Y Y work is altogether %onllerf ll. They
S1t11atf0II3 aeaIIL house wedding took place At the re0ii- wee the time afforded us we could do an endless number of remarkable ronW for the vacation. the system.
dente of A. E. Allin, Trafalgar street, not Allow the occasion to pare with. things, and even +%,pear to be Mise Muriel Tweedie was up fru:, ento wonderful g and d air treat,
_ out eIt win our appreciation of your messed of teaennin x,wrts.'. Th •0 Toronto for Christulas• morn dohs not drug and derange the
TO 11U his mister Annie S. being united W P { stomach, but is breathed through a
fidelity and devotion to the metered clever aniluale will Rpp,r- in the Ur. ltAcklin, wife anti family spent
gtinend houm-work, a,'mgc $,s R month. John P. Linfield, r prosperous former and im{{xwrrr'tant duties confided W your little pocket inhaler that goes with
Apply to MRS. IrAv1D BROAa , Anlrlesca of near Nile. The ceremony was per. care• F'or a , barter of R century you Goderich Opera House for two nights lJhriatmns in SCrxUurl. evgry dollar outfit.
atrtet. formed by Rev. G. N, Hazen, pastor 1 and two matinees, Wednesday and Heart McCreath wax home front 'Tu- The uouAoal way in which ,las. \Val•
of North sleet Methodist church. am- have been x diligent laborer in God's T'hur•eda .January 1st and '2nd. ronto for Christmas Ds -v.
UY WANTED TO MAKE HIM- misted b Rev. J. C. Keit, Wr at vineyard, and, although you have Y' non oellr }lyomei attests his confl•
SKLF nerdy u-cful. Apply wt THF } pass Prices : evening, 'LnC., 'iuc. and rft.: Mr. and Mrx. Ofield, of Dundas, are dente in the remedy.
LiIONAL oi(F'ICE Nile. The bridal gown was of cream not been constantly with its durirR matinee, children ifk., adultk 'Dh. holiday visitors in town. --
eolieune, with chiffon all
lace and all the time, we are thotvughlyy aware
Applique, land the bouquet of cream of your zeal and ""swervingAlegiance COLBORNE. Mr, and Mra. Harry Cuff, of 'Cur- Deafness Cannot Be Cured
Boardllng - neem. Misit Olivant, daughter of Rev. to the interests of religion, and of MuNu.av, Dec. ttkh. Vito, spent Chriattuae in town. By local applications as they cannot leach the
_. -.-----------_ ___- our univermal benevolence as a citi-
OARDI WANTED. (: U O D r • Ulivant, Appin, Ont., was brides- Y Fred Munro, of Toronto, is xnwng di.eaaed portion Lit t e ear. There u Dols one
maid, and title carried ink roses. The zeta• \Ve rncall with much pleasure CohN/'II. AiKsrrNu. -The rtatut/r L'hrlstm+as visitors in town• WILY to 1`11119 deafnetra, and that le by contralto
B home for barer, on St, Andrew•'- attest. _ the fact that thio 1arieh war clic scene meeting of Uullgrne council watl bel tions[ rc iditio. f he in o tau Ibfof ill"
y so If,
one block k from the $V& rc u{op,%lie Coll.orue TIVOLI). av i.itPosttle Lulu R orbs:( of yunr earliest xtxrrs, Rnd it meema nn Aleve date, all the Menklx•re pts- Mrs. (%arlrtun is splendid clic boli- F"ui, ichofwn Tuheof ,the
hen thO1: i rDslU fn^aried
Howe• Apply at TalISIIjN om .. A
_ - Clinton, made a Charming Hower girl, HttinR that it eheuld wow (rear treti- est. The minut•m of the last wrelinq day week with her eon in 'lintrn• ),,,, linos „ rumblWg .num[ or Imperfect bear
--_ -_ Clinton in made
it bilk and (:+►r er git a many W the abuunxnt fulfilment of were read and Adopted. Moved hY Miss Maud Watmon is home from Ing. Rnd when it I. eutirat closed deafness is
OtiOs• the htlithd ntiMiaes of your youth. Mr. Kernighaan, seconded by dl r. Ale• Torontrr to spend the holidit term. ,he r'vmh, ar4t mdeetr thein^an,marl m rata h
_ _._._ fmasget of flows',. The bridal couple I I y t.k,•n owl slid Ihim rube r«tored In ill normal
ICE THAI ALL AC- stood Irenewth a bell of tverplree"m ax YOurw will ,,lost Assuredly ht the rich Manum, that the usual hyla %r Ire passed GeoRfey liult. of Toronto, is at the ,00duion henrins will be de.tro ed forever .
AKB NOT har,est cif clic faithful nmlmandman, to hold the nomination on MoudnY' pxtl,ntal residence for the vacation. whichisnotthhin bunaareo^ ,acAused brnodlf concOf
Tfount owtetg to J. H. avOrte n a non taro. the ceremony was {rrrturnu,a. The (htr earnest u"d united prayer is that the :loth day Lit December, the hour pian• W. .1. MAI%, of Toronto, is the swoon. wur ar.s.
he settled lit Once or ^a•b• -111 he incurred. J. guestm included friends from Luck -
be mtled KLL s SarN. now, Clinton, Nile and other px,int al, your unselfish and valurir o life may til' 1 o'clock p. w., and if Rn election i" visiting her mother. Mrm. J. C. Mil- w^ NIII Rlrc one burw:rnd dottRn for R .v
ion artspared to Kuidu prone sou m nel;e"mary the mime la, held lac the fol- R rasa of deAfneam arantrce by mtwrrnn that rwu
OT IS HEKF;BI' OiVF;N well ae fmm Wwn, and the gxtheting Rlin n. not b, cured by Hali'a Coarrh Cure. Acrid for
numbe ed vkhout thirty. Mr. and t" eternal happiness by your fatherly lowing pints : No. 1, Beemiller, Tem• ufttnlan. tea+.
N teat Ins thtntr aeem^4 Antolini TisedJnor } tree Le and exxntple. 1Ve beg you retanre HRII, A. Heddle, 1). it. O. t No. HerrtA llaym -arrived home last F.J. (tRF:NEY ik c0. Toledo,
the ptleat theloll Mutual Flew In.ulwnr, ('omDany Mem• l.infleld left un the o o'clock an p P Salttutd, Temperance Hall, 1. '1'. week After "pending the season un the. wM b Or r/ma.:x.
ant tte heldatthe town' - rir.,ferlh, nn Frl- to visit friends at Clinton and Luck- service as a slight tile accompanying
f out esteem. Goldthorpe. U. K. O, ; No. 'i, Town. lakes. 1',ko l wll ,ast Rmllr t'tlb for cuuMpmuon.
day. Ja"sary Lth. Ilrrt ., 1 orlork `,. m. s i hall, Carlow ; No. 1, Iaeeburn, Miss Jluu,a Kidd is bows ttronl \-ilia ---
ieu.iiiom--ret•elr,eg the de tilers o dttl r io -- - On behalf of the congregation, • P AUCTION SALES.
And tree"„ref, roprwts. B. L. DoyLtt, emperauct Hall. R. B. Williuns. DlariA convent, Alontresl, for the
dnd tre-anA .ern other tro-ins+ m. fully be ts„I. PLUNKITI'. D. It. U. F. W. MCDONAOM Clerk. holidays.
n'Na-err for t be gooA sled wslhro tat the t'an-
pRnr ry for tlrler0M &I'd ”' Are "we" the CeTi• T. A. Mr1NToeu, \\-ill Prouditxot returned 1st week SA rt MDvuAv t.o flog. -IL Y :, c.
oolly Oeorre lisle And John Watt, who are 1'OTiCE TO CUZWOHB. W. T. Youvo, LOTHIAN. turn, Ibcemi v",f, :Ytt soodld.-Hardware.
eto ,bac for rsrolcctloo. JOHN B. McLSAti, 1 from Trinity College, Tumour, for the meri-hnre, e.In ti hncy on
and general
F:. HAYS, Scctotarri .1, J. Mamm al, TvIS9UA V, Dec. 24th, vacation. men,hAudl.o. In the ,d wd on ilio Sgaare torn,
President. 'CHt}y. iN TRF. MATTER OF DAA -LD BTODDART, 1LMKrH King), Ewart Mc Keith is spwndiug his vacs- erty Ixxupied by P. T. [)man. ,:Jn oclock sect,
INSOLVKNT. U. P. Afa[ anruY• ti("t at homy. Fred Shephard retorned to town creaking• a. W. HscaliTT,auctioneer.
_ TO Mnt Notice N hereby riven that the ahova inmofe- last week after the seRron's work or
rit, a the Lown of Undoeb:h. in the county of The tea "t,rvire was a very hand. Misses Mary McDonald and Annie ilio Iwkl,t. BORN.
•EW FFUKNIH H N IT Wunm,.,,..onbnslbcaa.alrrne--Aker some ons of themcmt,n'aletndeign JohastunereLurnrdfr mTorooWSat- Athol McQuarrie, of tilt• ?Signal M1fARTIN.--On Sunda>Dearowlror md.toMu.
let on the Born at ,aid town. has made an aaalomenl of him and on the rental- of the tray is the urday. "l:iff, m tent Christmas lac hi. huuw ill and lata. ilamiltut Martin. A"glo-o.,
brlaroad. ApplIFLOM s IT61t. hitt a incl, to ec for lna acaorol (aeenr of now following inAcript.ion : "Prosented to ScUtRrL CuxcKeT a SCCA Kra. -The i .,I a",a.on.
cr'dltor.u,ldertbeltevtoedstatutesofOntarto, Rev. Father McRae on his Silver Jubi. cnucerL held in S. H. No. 7 was a splen- cmuhrook. • 6TUDI)AICT.-Iii F'ullou. .ala o0 NOTOrttber
DAR. Chao. 11;.
The creAn,rr. err r,ol^cd to meet aG the ire by hill Cam regation. Otdertch." did success. The erhool was filled with .luseph 11"x1,: iv rmorq aha; holiday 'soli. to laa:r. w, W. awl r.. Stoddart. a
f_ 1rOZ is _ place of bu.ines. of the rad DAvid Stoddart at in his reply to the address, which was ent w Il, : and appreciative audience. 6ume•enmern. He has just returotn daughter.
UMBER FOR, ALE. HEMLO( K, tbo tows of /iedorN h oe natordsy. the Into {1, y tiro h, Luckoow, Tile alas h Alie%rr I.Aif.TOV-Mc)fANI'it, - At tat. Oeorga,• -
m tad maple Ino pAle lien, "tack. Aar of January. A. I)• Has, at Y o'Mnfk In sgiven tyle, inhis
t `Icaltae t "poke eotluthe oc c air was . filled 10 J Y , Man • irrB,rucce n Anderruu. Lit the Bank of fhurch, tioAcrlch, by lter. lllark Turnbull
out te,rd•r• FFtar tort lin tnnlcular. the aftotnaoe,. for Ute DurDa'a :f rer.lvfor the
to gLL10Tf uuderlah. If .Iwtwnamit of the isaolvonlp afhin, far ani at affection Ice format for Gad:• Mut ray Rod McLean and relePentl by (ommerre rfailf At Dundas, wan hums r.ttur sjr,k v Maulon. of Mari ut 1) . ru
or me apPOl^tenon( of Inapeotorw Aad the Carl of Rre g 1 liver Uhristwan URv. \IM l)or M11cMann., daugLUt Lit Ir 1t
dlrefUlnw w Iib referooty w the dlvltopal o ilia lith when as x curate W ReV. Father the trio, Consist ill of Alie%et Penta#an' , Ireniaori, Iota of H.tbwell, tau! .lacer ..f
__ eeLAW I Watters bet here began hip duties as a McLean and Bell, of Uungaunon, were MI. and Afrp. \Vnrnork Rlld fNllllly M1fr• ebb Mourn.
,A,, /• •• All I`^f„^n0rlaiming to be entitled to rank rm est ; and ho xlimllred this cOngfPga- well rendered and were heartily en- farmed px►rt Lir is Cbristw"s family DIED.
A FT'lSR CHRiriTMAS the emtwta moat. ^M their rlvtonv vrhd Int „" ,or cotwtl. The tuuehf by the InuThe
the opt 0 1.1,111rV Ah.r ou, gvi%v data I Will tion that. his aNro,.ion forthie rich, galherinK:at Kirkt.on. 1paitF.. In oolbnnc towta.ntp, on wi tIs••
p{uuna nrrhemtrx was ileo a r reriatood. 'Chs day Ir,.,mro1•r SN h. ,'Rpt. Andrew lMgle,
t a pmt tlnr.,oalnri. Newtarin ntx•n• I,roeeeA to Al•I rlbot. the " t. which navlag hill Halt Isar•. had stat diminitrhe0l by I P ('R L. Alex. 1'rai a a"d trill. of
mga" 1a thea. rlAiun, nnly 1d which 1 •salt ,him lona lah0"nee, bat had increanrll chto user, drilla inn pastmnlmeR by the Y attach .x gran , It10lltha and Mtlare
,mJso ml. aVrll,Mr wtatWI10, n"r Cle,'eland. Ale mpae•rd le 1 Usouth with •rkr ;:4y,l "all trka plmo /rar„ h1.4 lair
medowvlo calm and Other adeantage• then ►arerI *1,colOotice i.
wall imIe (. y^e. imatart at Wdrrkbillion h dai of Ihrrmbwl.' mine." has retmet to err 1 o great i town. letter great
or were well ren atxrl R I. the firrn"•r'm hlo her hrt•r. ,e.rAcnwv: IA." r(boew road. lbulb,rrvr. ,torr
V I trfSr:M 1'Ol.l.kna A. lA met He ml+to ptinphAmized t h" Kraal impt(n (. reHert great ort slit on Mime Uutni n" for r'hepparllnn, In F rids>•. IM eml.r ZiY.. al '{:.:
Ha1TrmR Asr.Rh,A R t'HOUDFt)uT. HA1`1 A HLAIIt, I Rn1'r n( harmony brtwe.•n Imal.o• stall flat, palom oche dark in ir•x,ring tyl•W• Mils ttran ,If the Ution,41ty klrh tj,tw•kl,.,,t.,t„I 1,IWame rewetctf- tf"riktt at
1 slap anA aiHll mt.. TtrMm n, k1 let,
i for TtUIIAB OUNLRY. >lr,i Iw I p1efia^ and ,"Ingested the earnest and 'Che prut:ceda staiuuutsal to fluLK). ra haxol anal[, , ire llvlcu, of Nuw 1 Lir , how.« at : u 01'. ►.
a,.e....r. Y- ( `